HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-03-09 - TB mil TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 91", 1999 PRESENT: Supervisor Douglas Austic; Councilpeople Carolyn Duddleston, Andrew Hillman, Sue Poelvoorde, and Robert Weatherby; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ; Highway Superintendent James Meeker; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia . Others Present: County Representative Peter Penniman ; Planning Board Chairman Peter Demjanec; Planning Board Member Paula Horrigan and Krys Cail; Thomas Reitz, Free Press Reporter Ann Brewer; Catherine Stover, Stan Koskinen, Scott Sears, Debra Austic, and Mathew Kaproth and Father Mike. Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 PM and led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Supervisor Austic entertained the approval of the minutes of the Regular Town Board Meeting of February 9th, 1999 and the Public Hearing of March 1st, 1999 . Corrections that were heard on the February 9th meeting are as follows : Page 3 it should read State DEC and not DOT Page 4 it should be the and not he Page 6 should read 20% of what in place of would Page 7 should be 1999 not 19998 Page 9 should be add not ad . Hearing no other changes or corrections Mrs. Duddleston moved seconded by Mr. Hillman to approve the minutes of the Regular Town Board Meeting of 2/9/99 and the Public Hearing of 3/1/99 . Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Mr. Hillman aye Miss Poelvoorde aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted . APPROVAL OF MONTHLY CLAIMS Mr. Austic entertained a motion to approve claim # 's 65 through 111 in the amount of $35,965 .80, previously examined by the Board . Mr. Hillman moves seconded by Mrs. Duddleston . Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Mr. Hillman aye Miss Poelvoorde aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted . REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES County Representative Peter Penniman will be heard later in the meeting . Trumansbura Fire Department Representative absents from meeting . Scott Sears will also be heard later in the meeting . Chairman of the Ulysses Manning Board Peter Demianec stated that he came here this evening with a mission for the Planning Board . As everyone is a where the Planning Board is somewhat overwhelmed at this time just finishing their many, many months and hours of working on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Site Plan Review process. The task before them now is the re- writing of the Zoning Ordinance. They would like to be provided with some sort of assistance or some professional input on the tasks that the Planning Board needs to accomplish . Mr. Demjanec stated that he knows that Supervisor Austic has been thinking of ways to maybe make that happen . Mr. Demjanec introduced Planning Board Member Paula Horrigan who has some thoughts on this. Planning Board Member Paula Horrigan handed out a print out of "Planning Assistance in Town of Ulysses" and "Scenarios". Paula reviewed these. Basically she stated that if the Planning Board does it themselves they would need assistance. They can not do it themselves in the time frame that is Town of Ulysses \\40\° 2 Regular Board Meeting 3/9/99 required to do it. Paula went on to state she feels that what they need to do to achieve a Zoning Plan and Ordinance is the following : 1 ) develop a spatial plan for the districts based on the Comprehensive Plan goals 2) develop a development program for the district areas ( how much square footage do we want on the sites over 30 year projected period 3 ) write district regulations 4) delineate the districts with a map and descriptions 5) Undertake Environmental Assessment. Paula went through her scenarios from : 1 ) Planning Board does it themselves with consultant assistance coming up with a rough cost of $30,000 . 2) Hire a Town Planner at $30,000 + fringe and benefits. 3) Contract Planning services from another Town such as the Town of Ithaca 4) Hire a consultant for around $30,000 to $40,000, which would be around 700-1000 hours. A consultant would have experience working with rural communities . 5) Some combination of the above with hired , contracted and County Planning assistance, intern in the planning office. Paula highlighted what hiring a planner could do. In most municipalities the planner's writes the ordinance and the attorney reviews it. The job of a planner is to know state zoning laws and interpret it in the creation of a plan . Planner would do tasks related to the zoning plan and ordinance and could do other things as well including for example: Hamlet of Jacksonville plan Town -wide Open Space Plan Technical assistance to potential developers and owners Site Plan Review Write grants and secure funds Community liaison and organizing Cayuga Watershed planning Coordination with Village of Trumansburg Environmental Assessment What a planner means in terms of money and time value could be : 1 ) Undertake Zoning Plan et at: take about 1250 hours of staff time ($ 19,218) 2) Undertake Park, Recreation and open Space Plan : takes about 1 ,000 hours of staff time ($ 15, 375) 3) Write Grants : take about 200 hours ($3,075 ) 4) Hamlet of Jacksonville Plan : take about 600 hours ($9,225) Paula feels that it would be a great benefit and save money to hire a Planner on staff for the Town of Ulysses . Peter went over the different tasks that the Planning Board needs to undertake . Mr. Hillman stated that no where has it been mentioned about the possibility of using a newly hired County Circuit Rider from County Planning . Mr. Austic explained that Alex Rachun has been in contact with New York Planning Federation and has a whole list of consultants. Secondly Mr. Austic has contacted the County Planning Board and they will allot us time, up to $6000 and after that we would be charged a fee. This would be with any planner that they have . The zoning map is a legal description of where things are up and down the roads and Mr. Austic has someone who will do that and they are TG Miller Assoc. Mr. Austic stated that to hire someone at this point is not feasible since the budget is done for the year and there is no money for this . We do have money in the planning budget for some allotted planning 'projects . Mr. Demjanec said that at this time the planning board neither has the motivation or the will . He is having a hard time getting them all to attend . The board needs time to re-group . Mr. Austic stated they need not worry about the moratorium . Try working along with a County Planner. Mr. Demjanec stated that the time pressure needs to be taken off the planning board and get us assistance through the County Planning . Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Board Meeting 3/9/99 Mr. Koskinen in the audience asked the Planning Board Members how many years they have lived in Ulysses? He stated that he has lived here over seventy years and in all those years the Town has gotten along fine without hiring a planner — "don't need a full time planner". Mr. Austic stated that the bottom line is that there is no way we could even consider hiring a full time person . Mr. Weatherby asked about the moratorium and what is purposed for that? Mr. Austic says the attorney feels there maybe a couple of options. He stated that we could, if we are working on the plans, extend the moratorium . Mr. Demjanec recalled that the attorney had determined that it would be the Boards right to offer existing zoning if existing zoning is in conformance with the comprehensive plan . And if that was the course of action than all of the time pressure basically goes away. Mrs. Stover stated that she would not like to see a hired planner doing the zoning ordinance. She would rather see a circuit rider planner from the County working along with the board because you need local input Mr. Austic will attend the next Planning Board meeting and talk to the members about what they feel they have to have and work out some of the money management. Scott Sears and Debra Austic have come tonight to enlighten the Board as to what has been going on with Community Youth/Links, specifically in relation to getting a community center going . The group has been working several months now moving towards having a community center to be used for possibly pre-school, seniors, and youth . They have been developing a survey to be distributed in the schools and throughout the community. The questions on the surveys are things like "what you as a resident or a student would like to see in a community center". They gave this up-date. They also understand that there has been some effort by Mr. Austic to put together a grant application to see the feasibility of using the old post office, a new building or some other existing building for a center. What the Community Links group needs to know is what would the Board like to see from this group in order for the Board to take the next step? Mr. Austic stated that if we were to acquire something or somehow find space for this and the town maybe able to do that, however after such point than this community center would have to become self- supportive, somehow. You would need a plan on where the money is going to come from to run a center. We have already applied for this grant to see if we can get some money to come up with a design on how the old post office may be used or if a new building would have to be built or use some other building. The community nursery school at the church is being eliminated and they are also looking for space. The thought was to do something that would fit every need . The grant is for $20,000 to see if you good get a planner to design a new building or renovate or see if it would be possible to even acquire anything . After that point we would have to have a plan from whoever is going to use it on what they might take care of in means of such things as heat, electric, etc. etc. to see if it would be even possible to run a place. The whole idea is for everyone to say what they would want, a broad base community support. Mr. Austic needs a plan , what you need and how much it will cost. First how much space you will need, who will be included . Mrs. Duddleston stated that she knows of a local businessperson investigating a possibility of a recreation center. She will mention this to him . Debra Austic stated that she would like to talk to him because there maybe something of value she could add to the survey that could be useful to someone like this. Mr. Austic said that he feels the biggest thing is to combine as many different activities or different ages and groups that we can in this and than it could be more fully used . Some of the aspects may have funding of their own to use. Mr. Sears says he feels that he knows the direction the Board would like them to go. Hopefully the survey will be distributed in April . Tompkins County Representative Peter Penniman arrived and reported that he had very little to report. He stated that they are staffing to work on the 2000 budget process . He feels that it maybe a difficult situation because they have already contracted for pay- increases, so there may not be enough money to cover programs. Departments will be putting in requests. One budget will be for what they know they will have money for and than they will be putting in additional requests. Mr. Austic asked what the County could provide for in planning services. Town of Ulysses 4 Regular Board Meeting 3/9/99 Mr. Penniman thought that the County Planning Board would provide up to $ 10,000 in planning services. Mrs. Georgia reminded the Board that back in 1989 the Zoning Ordinance was re-written with the assistance of a County Planner. Mrs . Duddleston verified this and so did Mrs. Stover. They both worked on this revision and than the Town Board never reviewed it. Mr. Rachun also worked on this. Mr. Austic stated they might want to get that out and re-look at it. Mrs. Georgia did provide the Planning Board with a copy. Mr. Hillman asked Mr. Penniman what the County pay increases were they had agreed to. Mr. Penniman stated that it is 23/4 % to 3 . 25%. TOWN REPORTS Highway Superintendent James Meeker reported for the month they were very busy plowing and salting the roads and trying to keep the equipment going . Cut some trees on Cold Springs Road and Seneca Road installed a culvert pipe on Houghton Road for a new home going in and are hauling stone for the springtime. Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun reported no building permits for the month, one ZBA hearing on an area variance down on Lake Property for a boathouse. He is in the process of putting a grant application together through Tompkins County Commercial Revitalization Program . The grant would be to finish out back of the Town Hall to do the parking lot, sidewalks, and some green space. Grant total is $7500. Town Clerk Marsha L. Georgia collected a total of $2767. 55 for the month of February and $2,621 . 30 was turned over to the Supervisor with her monthly report. Of that fee $2048. 55 were the franchise fees from Time Warner Cable. The penalties collected for February on the late payment of taxes was $ 141 .41 also tuned over to the Supervisor with her report. Mrs. Georgia reported that she has been looking into a new copier. It may be time to make a change. She has some prices on a couple of copiers that are on State Contract. She reported that over the last couple of months they have had to do a lot of out-of-house coping at a cost of over $500. Looking into the future of what is on the agenda for the Planning Board and Town Board there will be a lot of extra copies and it would be beneficial to do those here. She will get some more prices and report back to the board . Also the Ulysses Historical Society is looking for a copier and they would be willing to let the Town donate the old copier in exchange for the $700 that is in the budget this year. This would be far better than any resale or trade-in . Board Members Councilwomen Carolyn Duddleston reported she had attended the Tompkins County Youth funding up-date. She handed out the proposals for cuts in youth services from the State. One of the surprises to her was the total phase out of BOES in State funding and also phase out funding of pre- school programs and make cuts from grades one through three . Councilman Andrew Hillman had attended the Youth Commission Meeting . Upcoming event is the first open -mike to be held at Little Venice on March 27th . Another is an Arbor Day event to sell trees and plant them for residents. The family forestry program had a very good turn out of over 100 people. They will be having a Green Team that will train kids in landscaping and lawn maintenance. Councilman Weatherby was asked if he had contacted anyone at the Fair Assoc. to see about a meeting . Mr. Weatherby stated tie had talked with Mr. Reynolds and that they would be agreeable to meet. Mr. Rustic will call and set meeting . He will contact Peg Hopper of South Street and Christine Wallace on Cold Springs Road the two individuals that asked to be involved . Supervisors Financial Report Mr. Austic distributed the financial report and reviewed . He explained the new format and asked the Board which one they preferred . They stated they would like him to continue providing the explanation of the budget with the totals and percentages of what has been spent and what is left to be spent. • Town of Ulysses 5 , q Regular Board Meeting 3/9/99 OLD BUSINESS Mr. Reitz asked if there were any results to the gas drilling on Waterburg Road and Halseyville Road? Mr. Austic answered that the Gas Company will not tell what their results are. Mr. Austic said that Tom had brought up that Jacksonville had been working with the Village on the application for the TEA Grant for sidewalks. It was found that it would not be a liable situation for the Town to be involved at this time for Jacksonville but maybe would be involved to the point of putting a sidewalk down by the fairgrounds . Mr. Austic has gotten in touch with Joan Jurkowitc of Tompkins County Planning and she will, under the Revitalization, design a plan for the community of Jacksonville in the spring . The people in Jacksonville will have to get together and decide what they would like to do. Than Joan will help them write a plan on what they would like to do. Than Jacksonville would be eligible to apply for funds or the Town will apply for Jacksonville under the TEA Program next year. Mr. Austic had sent a letter to DOT suggesting that the white lines be painted down along the highway in Jacksonville or asking why they were not re-done. Mr. Meeker has spoke to someone about this and was told that the reason why they did not put the lines back is because it is narrow to actually have a parking lane on each side of the road . Mr. Reitz said that he is thinking about putting no parking in front of the sidewalk that goes into the post office . Mr. Rachun asked if anyone has contacted Mobil/Exxon for a contact person . NEW BUSINESS Employment Policy (insurance reimbursement) Mrs. Duddleston and Mr. Hillman have been working on updating the personal policy under reimbursement to full-time employees and part-time when they choose not to take health insurance from the Town and go on their spouses insurance. Mrs. Duddleston read what they have come up with as follows : Class A & B employees who wish to waive Town provided health insurance would be eligible to receive 50% of the Town's share of this coverage for the period January 1 December 31 in their paycheck on the last payroll in December, as a modification to wages (subject to taxes). This compensation would be prorated over a year when an employee is hired or terminated or requires the immediate reinstitution of coverage. Any employee desiring to waive this coverage will be required to notify the Town Supervisor by December 1s` of the preceding year (each year). To be reinstated the employee must notify Town Supervisor at least one ( 1) month in advance. The consensus of the Board was to review this and discuss at the next meeting . Mrs. Duddleston also feels that the definitions of class "B" and class "C" employees could be made more clearly for someone working 20 hours. Maybe just adding at least 20 hours would make it clearer. Discussion of Public Hearing Mr. Austic stated that the Town Board held the public hearing on March 1st and he gave the public until March 25th to submit any comments on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . A date of Wednesday March 31st, 1999 at 7 : 00 PM was set for the Special Board Meeting on the "Comprehensive Land Use Plan". Cayuga Nature Center Grant Proposal Mr. Austic has been approach by the Cayuga Nature Center asking for the endorsement of a project they are requesting funding for under the TEA Program . The project is known as "The All People's Link Between the Black Diamond Trail and State Route 89". .� o Town of Ulysses Regular Board Meeting 6 3/9/99 Mr. Austic entertained a motion moved by Mr. Hillman and seconded by Mrs. Duddleston as follows : WHEREAS, the Cayuga Nature Center, Inc. as sponsored by Tompkins County, is applying for funding through the Transportation Enhancement Programs (TEP), a component of the federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21a Century (TEA-21), for a project to be located at 1420 Taughannock Boulevard, Ithaca, NY, a site located within the territorial jurisdiction of this Board . WHEREAS, as a requirement under the rules of these programs said not-for-profit corporation requests an endorsement of the governing body of the municipality in which the project will be located; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by this august body that the Board of the Town of Ulysses hereby does endorse the application of the Cayuga Nature Center for said grant under TEP for a project known as "The All People's Link Between the Black Diamond Trail and State Route 89" and located within this community. SPECIFICALLY, the Board of the Town of Ulysses does endorse said project for these reasons: 1) the project is appropriate to the Ulysses draft Comprehensive Plan; 2) the Town of Ulysses supports projects to comply with the American Disabilities Act, especially within its jurisdiction; 3) the project promotes recreation for citizens within the jurisdiction; and 4) the project serves the tourism goals of the Town of Ulysses. FURTHERMORE, the Board of the Town of Ulysses enthusiastically approves the project's sponsorship by Tompkins County. Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Mr. Hillman aye Miss Poelvoorde abstained Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted . Water Study Mr. Austic presented the proposal from Barton & Loguidice, P. C. for a study on providing water to Jacksonville. The estimate from them is $11 ,700. Mr. Austic has asked them to provide four different avenues to acquire water. He is still waiting for three other proposals for this study. Mr. Austic has also contacted Assemblyman Luster and Senator Kuhl requesting monies to pay for this study. HEARING FROM GROUPS AND/OR INDIVIDUALS No one wished to be heard . CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Austic has received a request from Cayuga Medical Center for a representative from the Town to attend their annual meeting . Last year Roger Rector was appointed . The Board felt that if Roger would like to continue it would be okay with them. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business Mr. Hillman moved seconded by Mrs. Duddleston to adjourn the meeting . Hearing no objection the meeting adjourned at 9 : 30 PM . Respectfully submitted, Marsha L. Georgia Ulysses Town Clerk MLG : mg