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FEBRUARY 91.11, 1999
PRESENT: Supervisor Douglas Austic; Councilpeople Carolyn Duddleston ,
Andrew Hillman and Robert Weatherby; Sue Poelvoorde Absent; Code
Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ; Highway Superintendent James Meeker; Town
Clerk Marsha Georgia .
Others Present : TC Representative Peter Penniman, Thomas Reitz, Ithaca
Journal Reporter Missy, Free Press Reporter Ann Brewer, Peter Demjanec, Susan
Madar, Ann Stover, George Kennedy, Mark Croft.
Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 PM and led those
assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of
America .
Mr. Austic entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Town
Board Meeting of January 12th, 1999 and asked for any corrections or changes .
Mrs . Duddleston and Mr. Hillman pointed out that on page 3 2"d paragraph
should be may and not way . Also the resolution, on re-appointing Bruce Wilson
as Town Attorney and the resolution re-appointing David Tyler to the Planning
Board, should have a nay vote for Councilman Hillman .
Hearing no other corrections or changes Mr. Hillman moved seconded by Mrs .
Duddleston to approve the corrected minutes of January 12th, 1999 .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Hillman aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Adopted .
Mr. Weatherby moved seconded by Mr. Hillman to approve the previously
examined voucher number 17 through 64 in the amount of $48, 702 . 14 .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr . Hillman aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Adopted .
Tompkins County Board of Representative Peter Penniman reported that
the County is still working on the Public Safety Building and looking for options
for housing more prisoners or additional alternatives to incarceration . What they
are hearing so far although is that they are pretty satisfied with the alternatives
to incarceration . This should be coming to a conclusion in the next few weeks
and be coming to some resolution and recommendation
Town of Ulysses 2
Regular Board Meeting
Peter handed out a couple of handouts one on the Commercial Center
Revitalization Grant Program from the County and also an announcement of a
State meeting on Youth Needs and Issues .
Peter also reported that he met with the gentleman that is working on the Town
of Ulysses Web Page and he feels that he is making progress but he has not
seen anything change on the page . Thomas Reitz stated that the minutes still
have not been updated .
Trumansburq Fire Department
No one in attendance this evening to give a report.
Peter Demianec Representative of the Ulysses Comprehensive Plan
reported that the committee completed the Draft Comprehensive Plan and he is
here to turn it over to the Town Board . He reviewed the executive summary and
explained the map . The Town Board will now hold a Public Hearing .
Highway Superintendent James Meeker reported that they plowed and
salted as needed had a busy month . They are hauling some sand for de-icing
and are starting to haul stone for summer projects . Have repaired equipment as
needed . A guardrail on the Seneca Road Bridge had to be repaired .
Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun reported that three (3) permits have
been issued for new starts . Had two chimney fires . Had a busy month in
zoning .
Mrs . Duddleston asked if there was anything on the Cornell Water System . Are
they going to be building do they need a permit?
Alex stated that it would be no more than getting a special permit on building a
road . It is in the Town of Ulysses' right away .
Mrs . Duddleston second question is on the drilling on Halseyville Road — does
that require a permit or anything ?
Mr. Rachun stated that the drilling is Columbia Gas looking for natural gas . The
company is working under a NYS DEC permit . Mr. Rachun has received calls on
the noise and if the Zoning Ordinance has an ordinance on noise . He has been
advised that the Town's Ordinance is not strong on this and would be next to
impossible to enforce . The Town's ordinance would come after the rules of the
State DOT. He has talked with the representative of Columbia Gas and he has
advised Alex that they would be finished in a very short time .
Mr. Reitz asked if any thought has been given to ask to not fill in the gas well
and maybe it would be a potential water source well . Mr. Austic said that he
could check with them .
Town Clerk Marsha L. Georgia reported that for the month of January a total
of $925 . 50 was collected and of that $714 . 68 was turned over to the Supervisor
along with the month report. The busy area is the collection of taxes and to-
date a total of $ 1 , 365, 147 . 97 has been collected . The Town has been paid in
full . Mrs . Georgia will be turning over the 1St Installments to the County
budget/ Finance tomorrow and at that time will make her first payment on the
1999 warrant .
Town of Ulysses 3 k
Regular Board Meeting
Board Members and Committees
Councilwoman Duddleston reported that on January 27th the Recreation
Partnership had a meeting with the County, Towns, City of Ithaca and from that
meeting a smaller group will be picked to see if they can come up with a plan for
the year 2000 . Mrs . Duddleston handed out copies of the minutes of the
meeting . She feels that the Town of Ulysses will not get by another year on
1 what they have been paying . The Town is paying less than the Town of Enfield
and has more participants in the programs . The next meeting will be 2/ 14/99 at
the Human Services Building .
Councilman Hillman reported that he attended the Ulysses Youth Meeting last
Tuesday. There has been a lot going on . A fencing workshop took place at the
Trumansburg Conservatory that was well attended . The Family Forestry
Workshop will be coming up this Saturday at the Jacksonville Park. That's filling
up fast so if anyone is interested get your registration in soon . The Committee is
having a meeting for parents to alert them of dangers on the Internet .
The Jacksonville Community Association met recently and it was decided that
they are interested in getting • some sidewalks put in through the grant being
written by the Village .
Mr. Hillman stated that the audit meeting that the Board had on January 23rd
was boycotted by him because he believed it was not legally posted and not in
compliance with the "Open Meetings Law". Mr. Hillman notified the Supervisor
of this that morning . He researched this with Bob Freemons' office the Director
of the Committee Open Government and it confirms what he thought. Merely
posting a draft copy of he minutes on the bulletin board does not constitute a
conspicuous posting . It was not posted so therefore it was not a legal meeting
Mr. Austic does not agree with Mr. Hillman . He feels it was posted, the paper
was notified and the Board Members were notified .
Supervisor Austic reviewed the Financial Report. It is not completed due to
the fact the books are not completely closed . On the Cash Flow he asked the
Board to notice that he has opened two CD accounts for a $ 100, 000 each paying
4 . 75% the regular savings is only paying 2 . 8% .
Mr. Austic is working on a new program now for the books . The Annual Audit is
fairly close to completion and should be filed soon .
Cayuga Nature Center Light
It has been brought up before that the NYSEG installed a streetlight in front of
the Cayuga Nature Center that they felt the Town of Ulysses had approved it.
The NYSEG can not bill Cayuga Nature Center they can only bill a municipality for
a street light. If the Town does not agree to pay for it and get the
reimbursement from the Nature Center NYSEG will have to remove it .
Also Mr. Austic stated he checked with DOT about the request for lights on Rt.
96 and Perry City Road and they say they would not allow us to put one light at
anyone location . The Town could put a series of lights . He does not understand
how the light was installed for Cayuga Nature Center. A NYSDOT permit was
never requested before this installation was done . The general consensus of the
Board is to apply to DOT for a permit for the light at Cayuga Nature Center and
than go from there .
Town of Ulysses 4
Regular Board Meeting
Employment Policy (Insurance Reimbursement)
At budget time it was discussed about increasing the amount to be reimbursed
to an employee if they choose to go on to their spouse's health insurance instead
of taking the health insurance offered by the Town . Mr. Austic asked who of the
Board Members would like to look into this and write up an up-date for the
personnel policy . It is now at a reimbursement up to a $ 1000 . Mrs . Duddleston
and Mr . Hillman said they would work on this .
Receipt of Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Committee
This was previously presented at the start of the meeting .
Date for Public Hearing for Comprehensive Land Use Plan
The Board discussed a date for a public hearing . The hearing was set for
MARCH 1sT, 1999 at the Trumansburg Fire Hall on Main Street, at 7 : 30 PM .
Legal notices and publication will be done .
The Board will hold the Public Hearing, review the document and possibly pass it
at the next meeting .
Grant Proposal Discussion
Mr . Austic stated that he has been working with Paula Horrigan , Peter Demjanec,
Kris Cail, Thomas Reitz and Alan Vogel on this grant proposal that has been in
the paper. There is a meeting on February 22nd to firm up what they will be
asking for . Most of the money would be spent in the Village to upgrade their
sidewalks and that kind of thing . They were talking about a plan maybe going
from the edge of the Village to the trailer park or to the fair grounds and beyond .
In the Town they may not be real sidewalks but walking paths . In Jacksonville
they were talking about concrete in certain places .
Mr. Hillman stated than this has already been talked about with the possibility of
Jacksonville .
Mr . Reitz stated that they talked about doing sidewalks from Swamp College
Road to Colegrove Rd .
Mr . Austic thinks that it is in the plan .
Mr . Hillman asked if they would be hooked to the park in anyway .
Mr. Reitz said that he has to understand it has to be transportation related . It
has to go along a main road .
Mr. Hillman feels that it can be connected to recreation from a main road .
Mr. Austic says that it can be worked out .
The deal is with the grant is that it is an 80% funding . The Town would have to
come up with 20% of would is in the Town . No way have they gotten into
paying for what is in the Village . The funding of the 80% is funded by pay back.
You pay up front and than get reimbursed . The deadline is April ft and the idea
is get this proposal together by March 15tH
Town of Ulysses T)i
Regular Board Meeting 5
Mr. Meeker stated that this may not be the time for this but the Jacksonville
Assoc . may want to contact NYS DOT and request that the white lines are
painted back on Route 96 in Jacksonville . That way people walking could see
where the walking lane is much better.
Meeting with Robert Miller
Mr. Austic met this week with Robert Miller who is the grant writer from Buffalo
and he wasn 't impressed to get many grants for the Town because of the
population . He did state that there is a good possibility of getting grants for
aging, youth and recreation . The first thing that he suggested is getting a plan
for the water and cost. He did push Mr. Austic in the direction of asking for
funding from Marty Luster and Randy Kuhl under their member items to do a
study of the best possibility of getting water. The Town also has some sales-tax
money that could be used . Mr. Austic is meeting with an engineer tomorrow to
talk about getting an estimate for this study.
1998 Budget Modifications Year-end
Mr. Austic entertained a motion to make the following year-end 19998 budget
modifications :
A 1010 . 4 $ 1547 . 33 1110 . 12 2829 . 50
A1110 . 14 1433 . 86 $
A1110 . 15 1110 . 13 1436 .44
2300 . 38 1110 . 14 699 . 50
A1220 . 4 32 .41 1410 . 11 468 . 00
A1420 . 4 5313 . 71 1450 . 4 289 . 06
A1620 . 2 2703 . 68 1910 . 4 1206 . 04
A1620 . 4 4807 . 91 1920 . 4 60 . 00
A1670 . 4 2185 . 94 1990 . 4 5000 . 00
A7310 . 1 572 . 12 5010 . 4 405 . 00
A7310 . 4 3247 . 80 5132 . 4 399 . 36
A8810 . 4 200 . 00 5182 . 4 128 . 95
A9055 . 8 34 . 75 9010 . 8 1216 . 93
9030 . 8 113 . 59
Total increase $ 24370 . 89 9040 . 8 2136 . 78
9060 . 8 5204 . 37
9950 . 9 2786 . 37
Total decrease $24379 . 89
Increase Decrease
63620 . 1 . 08 1990 . 4 $ 1395 . 13
B8010 . 1 . 06
68010 . 11 58 . 72
68010 . 4 407 . 83
B9060 . 8 928 . 44
Total Increase $ 1395 . 13
Increase Decrease
Town of Ulysses 6
Regular Board Meeting
DA5130 . 1 8135 . 51 5130 . 4 11446 .44
DA5140 . 1 3310 . 93
Total Increase $ 11446 . 44
Increase Decrease
D B5110 . 1 8510 . 48 5110 . 4 13042 . 02
DB5112 . 2 3427 . 44
D B9030 . 8 614 . 10
D B9060 . 8 490 . 00
Total Increase $ 13042 . 02
Mrs . Duddleston moved seconded by Mr . Weatherby the foregoing modifications .
Mr . Austic aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr . Hillman aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Adopted .
Mr. Austic stated that he has transferred the $5000 to the Building Fund and the
$ 15, 000 to DA Equipment Reserve . There is a sizeable amount of money in the
DA Fund due to less snow at the end of 1998, around $70, 000 . Mr. Meeker has
been talking about adding on the Town Barns for storage of the smaller
equipment. Mr. Austic got a ballpark estimate on the cost for this and he states
that there would be enough money for that plus put more money in the
Equipment Reserve Account. Mr. Austic recommends that $40, 000 be put in the
Building Reserve and ad another $25, 000 to the Machinery Reserve .
Mr . Hillman moved seconded by Mrs . Duddleston the following ;
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses transfer $40, 000
into Building Reserve and $ 25, 000 into Machinery Reserve from the DA's
unexpended fund balance .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr . Hillman aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Adopted .
The Village of Trumansburg sent a letter stating that they felt that the Town of
Ulysses should be participating in the Veterans Exemption . They feel at this
time, the Town of Ulysses does not participate at all . Mrs . Georgia does not
know how this actually works and how the Veterans qualify. Mrs . Georgia will
check with Tompkins County Assessment Department and get some information
on this .
Mr. Hillman asked if the Highway Superintendent was aware of the damage to
the Halseyville Road when the equipment was moved from one gas-drilling site
to another. He asked if this was a Town road or a County?
Town of Ulysses
Regular Board Meeting
Mr. Meeker stated that he talked to the Forman of the Gas Company on the day
they moved it and he would take a look at it and take care of it.
Hearing from Groups and Individuals
Mr. Austic asked if any one is attendance that wishes to speak? Hearing none
Mr. Austic moved on .
Mr . Austic has received several things from Assemblyman Luster's office on
different grants that are available . Mr. Austic will look into these . He also has
received a letter from the NYS Retirement System stating that they no longer will
be charging for the administration of retirement system . He has heard from the
County on the purchasing of electric under different companies . They can
purchase it slightly lower than we are paying now by one to one and a half
cents .
Mr. Weatherby suggested that Mr. Austic pull out the other studies on the cost of
doing water and maybe they can be just up dated .
Hearing no further business Mr. Hillman moved seconded by Mr. Weatherby to
adjourn the meeting . Hearing no objection the meeting was adjourned at 8 : 59
PM .
Respectfully submitted ,
Marsha L. Georgia
Ulysses Town Clerk
MLG : mg .