HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-03-10-TB-FINAL-minutesTOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses March 10, 2020 Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.ny.us. The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the Town’s website and Clerk’s board. ATTENDANCE: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Supervisor- Nancy Zahler (sworn in at 8:48pm) Board members- Richard Goldman, Michael Boggs, Katelin Olson Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato Second Deputy Supervisor- Michelle Wright Highway Superintendent- Scott Stewart Highway Employee- Steve Manciocchi Attorney for the Town- Khandikile Mvunga Sokoni OTHERS PRESENT: Terry Carroll, Lou Vogel, Anne Koreman, Ben Sandberg ATTENDANCE: The Town Clerk did a roll-call: Ms. Olson- here Mr. Goldman-here Mr. Boggs- here The clerk noted that a quorum (3 board members) was established. APPOINTMENT OF MEETING CHAIR: Ms. Olson made a motion to appoint Mr. Goldman as the meeting chair. This was seconded Mr. Boggs and passed unanimously. CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Goldman called meeting to order at 7:02pm. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA RESOLUTION 2020-70: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for March 10, 2020 with the addition of an executive session for the advice of counsel and the appointment of a particular person; and moving up the zoning amendment. Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson Ms. Olson aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-0 Date Adopted: 3/10/2020 PRESENTATION: NYStretch Code Mr. Vogel presented on stretch code, a model energy code to help NYS meet its climate goals for reduction of greenhouse gases. He noted that it helps save energy and money, and only applies only to new construction by making improvements in the building envelope, lighting/electrical and more. NYSERDA would prefer municipalities to adopt this code now but it will become part of the NYS building code in 3 years. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Mr. Sandberg is the Tompkins County History Center Director. He shared information regarding a “Why do You Vote” campaign in support of the anniversary of women’s suffrage . NEW BUSINESS: Town Clerk Carissa Parlato noted for the record that she received a resignation from Town Board member Ms. Zahler today, March 10, 2020, with an effective time of 6pm. RESOLUTION 2020-71: APPOINTMENT TO FILL VACANCY IN OFFICE OF TOWN SUPERVISOR WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the office of Town Supervisor in the Town of Ulysses, New York, because of the resignation of Town Supervisor, Elizabeth Thomas which written resignation was dated January 28th, 2020 and submitted to the Town Clerk in on January 29th, 2020 with an effective resignation date of February 21,2020 and WHEREAS, Supervisor Thomas also fulfilled and was compensated for the extra duties of Budget Officer including responsibility for preparation of the budget and oversight of Town fiscal policies and spending, NOW THEREFORE, in pursuance of the power vested in us pursuant to Town Law section 64(5), Nancy Zahler, a duly qualified resident of the Town, is hereby appointed to the office Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses to fill the vacancy existing in such office of Supervisor, which includes some of the extra duties of Budget Officer. Such appointment is effective immediately and said Nancy Zahler shall hold such office until December 31, 2020, or such later time that the results of the General Election to fill the unexpired term in the office of Ulysses Town Supervisor are certified by the Election Commissioners of Tompkins County, and Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson Discussion: Mr. Boggs questioned the budget officer funding line and whether it should be part of the supervisor’s line. He expressed further concern of funding the position. Board members discused. Mr. Goldman made a motion to table the resolution. This was seconded by Ms. Olson and passed unanimously. AUTHORIZING THE HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT TO PURCHASE 2020 FORD F-350 Mr. Stewart shared information on a new truck- it will provide room for all of the highway crew to carpool to training and can be used for plowing so that the superintendent doesn’t have to change vehicles. RESOLUTION 2020-72: AUTHORIZING THE HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT TO PURCHASE 2020 FORD F-350 WHEREAS, a total of $215,000 was budgeted into the appropriation line DA5130.2 Machinery EQ in the 2020 budget, WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has received a quote, dated 2/21/2020 with quote number 30549, for the replacement vehicle for the Highway Superintendent truck T-1 (2014 VIN# 1FTNF1EF8EKG34854), which is a planned purchase per the Highway Capital Equipment Plan, WHEREAS, the purchase of this vehicle will increase the usability of the truck it is replacing by increasing the seating capacity and allowing for a plow to be attached, and WHEREAS, the source for these purchases and quotes is a vendor who has been awarded a Contract with Onondaga County (contract # 7974), per the Town’s Procurement Policy and General Municipal Law §103(3), purchases made using County or State contracts are exceptions to competitive bidding requirements, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor and Highway Superintendent to proceed with the purchase of the replacement vehicles from the Onondaga County contract not to exceed $50,000, under materially the same terms and conditions as this vendor contracted with Onondaga County. Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Olson aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-0 Date Adopted: 3/10 /2020 AUTHORIZING THE HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT TO PURCHASE 2020 FORD F-550 RESOLUTION 2020-73: AUTHORIZING THE HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT TO PURCHASE 2020 FORD F-550 WHEREAS, a total of $215,000 was budgeted into the appropriation line DA5130.2 Machinery EQ in the 2020 budget, WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has received a quote, dated 2/18/2020 with quote number 30548, for the replacement vehicle for the 1-ton winter plowing T-5 truck (2015 VIN# 1FDRF3H65FEC16014), which is a planned purchase per the Highway Capital Equipment Plan, and WHEREAS, the purchase of this vehicle will increase the usability of the truck it is replacing to multi-use and all-season use, and WHEREAS, the source for these purchases and quotes is a vendor who has been awarded a Contract with Onondaga County, per the Town’s Procurement Policy and General Municipal Law §103(3), purchases made using County or State contracts are exceptions to competitive bidding requirements, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor and Highway Superintendent to proceed with the purchase of the replacement vehicles from Onondaga County contract not to exceed $65,,000, under materially the same terms and conditions as this vendor contracted with Onondaga County. Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Zahler aye Ms. Olson aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-0 Date Adopted: 3/10 /2020 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mr. Goldman moved to go into executive session for the purpose of a particular person at 8:03pm, seconded by Ms. Olson and passed unanimously. Ms. Olson made a motion to end Executive Session at 8:05pm. This was passed unanimously. ACCEPTANCE OF BID TO RENOVATE HVAC SYSTEM AND INSTALL HEAT PUMP AT ULYSSES TOWN HALL RESOLUTION 2020-74 ACCEPTANCE OF BID TO RENOVATE HVAC SYSTEM AND INSTALL HEAT PUMP AT ULYSSES TOWN HALL WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses received a $100,000 NYSERDA grant to design and install an energy efficient heat pump system, new duct work and electrical upgrades to heat and cool the Town Hall and WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses conducted a competitive bidding process for construction and received one quote, and WHEREAS, the design engineers at Taitem have recommended accepting this bid based on a review of the company, along with checking project references for the bidder, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board accepts the bid received on February 21st, 2020 for the Ulysses Town Hall HVAC Replacement project for $103,418.20 submitted by Interstate Heating and Cooling and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to sign the contract with Interstate Heating and Cooling in the form to be approved by the Town Attorney. Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Boggs Discussion: Mr. Boggs gave an overview of the process and project. Ms. Olson aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-0 Date Adopted: 3/10/2020 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mr. Goldman made a motion to go into Executive Session at 8:11pm. This was seconded by Ms. Olson and passed unanimously. The board returned from Executive Session at 8:44pm. NEW BUSINESS: Town Clerk Carissa Parlato noted for the record that she received a resignation today, March 10, 2020, from Ms. Zahler, Town Board member, with an effective time of 6pm today. RESOLUTION 2020-71: APPOINTMENT TO FILL VACANCY IN OFFICE OF TOWN SUPERVISOR WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the office of Town Supervisor in the Town of Ulysses, New York, because of the resignation of Town Supervisor, Elizabeth Thomas which written resignation was dated January 28th, 2020 and submitted to the Town Clerk in on January 29th, 2020 with an effective resignation date of February 21,2020 and WHEREAS, Supervisor Thomas also fulfilled and was compensated for the extra duties of Budget Officer including responsibility for preparation of the budget and oversight of Town fiscal policies and spending, NOW THEREFORE, in pursuance of the power vested in us pursuant to Town Law section 64(5), Nancy Zahler, a duly qualified resident of the Town, is hereby appointed to the office Town Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses to fill the vacancy existing in such office of Supervisor, which includes some of the extra duties of Budget Officer. Such appointment is effective immediately and said Nancy Zahler shall hold such office until December 31, 2020, or such later time that the results of the General Election to fill the unexpired term in the office of Ulysses Town Supervisor are certified by the Election Commissioners of Tompkins County, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that as Town Supervisor, Nancy Zahler shall be compensated $25,000 as follows based on the salary lines approved by the Town Board, on January 6, 2020 at its duly convened organizational meeting in Resolution Number 2020 #15: $16,051.12, the balance of the Supervisor line and $8580 from the Budget Officer line for the additional duties and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that by working an average of 30 hours/week, Supervisor Zahler will be entitled to benefits of a Class B employee as outlined in the Town of Ulysses Personnel Policy. Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Olson Ms. Olson aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 3-0 Date Adopted: 3/10/2020 The clerk administered the Oath of Office for the position of Town Supervisor to Ms. Zahler at this time (8:48pm). Mr. Boggs made a motion to transfer leadership of the meeting to newly- appointed Town Supervisor Zahler. This was seconded by Mr. Goldman and passed unanimously. Ms. Zahler noted that she has chosen to appoint Ms. Olson as Deputy Supervisor. REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES & COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Ms. Koreman shared the following updates from the Tompkins County Legislature: • For the first time, a woman of color is chair of the legislature. • NYS AIM funding to towns is being carved from the county’s share of internet sales. • A new bus facility will be built near the airport. Procurement of electric buses is delayed. • A plastic bag ban went into effect on March 1. Retailers are expected to use up stock by April 1. A $0.05 fee will be charged for paper bags. 2 or 3% will go back to county. • A county tourism grant for about $6000 will be awarded to TCFA. • The Ag Summit is this month • Discussions are taking place around Coronavirus- public safety and economic consequences: o Businesses and municipalities should think about work-at-home policies, contingency plans, and more frequent cleaning o Quarantine areas and how to free up hospital space o Identifying the most vulnerable pops o Gauging economic impact  Federal loans & grants to small businesses TOWN REPORTS: (See Appendix) OLD BUSINESS: CORRECTION OF RESOLUTION TO APPOINT PART-TIME RECREATION DIRECTOR RESOLUTION 2020-75: CORRECTION OF RESOLUTION TO APPOINT PART-TIME RECREATION DIRECTOR WHEREAS, on February 11, 2020, the Ulysses Town Board appointed William Glennon as Recreation Director at an hourly rate $20.00/hour for an average of 20 hours/ week effective February 17, 2020 with pro-rated benefits to which a Class B employee is entitled according to the Town’s Personnel Policy and WHEREAS, the hourly rate was inadvertently miscalculated and the Town wishes to correct the record to align with the annual total salary included in the 2020 Approved Town of Ulysses budget, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the hourly rate of pay for the Recreation Director is corrected to $23.12/hour for an average of 20 hours/ week effective February 17, 2020 for an estimated annual salary of $23,000, with pro-rated benefits to which a Class B employee is entitled according to the Town’s Personnel Policy and further RESOLVED, that the Town Board establishes the probationary period at 52 weeks from the date of appointment, in conformance with the Town’s Personnel Policy and further RESOLVED, that the Bookkeeper shall notify Tompkins County Human Resources of the appointment. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Zahler aye Ms. Olson aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 3/10/2020 DISCUSSION OF INVENTORY POLICY DRAFT (no action or discussion on this topic) DISCUSSION OF 2020 WORK PLAN PRIORITIES (no action or discussion on this topic) NEW BUSINESS (cont’d): OTHER ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS: Coronavirus updates Youth program updates PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: (none) MONTHLY BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES RESOLUTION 2020-76: APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF 1/24/20, 2/10/20, AND 2/11/20 RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves minutes from 1/24, 2/10, and 2/11. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Zahler aye Ms. Olson aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 3/10/2020 APPROVAL OF BUDGET MODIFICATIONS- RESOLUTION 2020-77: APPROVAL OF 2019 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the following budget modifications for 2019: A FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS A1220.11 Bookkeeper PS DECREASE $2,809.26 Bookkeeper transition created a balance in this PS line. A 1220.14 Supervisor Project Assistant PS INCREASE $49.25 To cover Michelle’s salary. A1220.11 Bookkeeper PS DECREASE $49.25 Bookkeeper transition created a balance in this PS line. A1410.11 Town Clerk Deputy PS INCREASE $4,856.50 Hourly rate increased during 2019 year without a corresponding budget modification at the time of the increase. A1420.4 Attorney CE DECREASE $4,856.50 At the end of 2019 the unencumbered balance in this line was $13,035.80, new balance post budget modification = $8,179.30 A1460.4 Records Management CE INCREASE $425.28 Unbudgeted expense pertaining to General Code costs for updating new laws into eCode. A1420.4 Attorney CE DECREASE $425.28 At the end of 2019 the unencumbered balance in this line was $8,179.30, new balance post budget modification = $7,754.02 SW3 FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS SW3-8320.4 Water Purchases CE INCREASE $12,559.95 Water bill from Town of Ithaca. To balance out this line in order to close out the 2019 financial year, which is an expense the Clerk’s bill out and get reimbursed, except for the cost of water loss, we will use funds from the following lines that have the available balance. Approximately $3278 of this overage is due to a November water main break. Year after year trend analysis (for water loss and the difference between what was paid to Town of Ithaca and billed out to WD3 users) is part of the Clerks’ Office 2020 work plan. SW3-8310.4 Water Admin PS DECREASE $1094.00 Balance from this line available at the close of the financial year. SW3-8330.4 Water Purification CE DECREASE $2330.37 Balance from this line available at the close of the financial year. SW3-8340.1 Water Trans. & Dist. PS DECREASE $1909.14 Balance from this line available at the close of the financial year. SW3-8340.2 Water Trans. & Dist. EQ DECREASE $4000.00 Balance from this line available at the close of the financial year. SW3-8340.4 Water Trans. & Dist. CE DECREASE $3226.44 Balance from this line available at the close of the financial year. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Zahler aye Ms. Olson aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 3/10/2020 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS RESOLUTION 2020-78: APPROVAL OF CLAIMS RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed and approves of payment of claims for HA (WD3 Aerator Capital Fund) fund vouchers #12-13 in the amount of $7033.80; and HB (Cemetery Bridge Capital Fund) fund vouchers #2 in the amount of $26,151.11; and for all other funds vouchers #90-144 in the amount of $95,963.69. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Zahler aye Ms. Olson aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 3/10/2020 ADJOURN: Mr. Goldman moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:54pm. This was seconded by Mr. Boggs and passed unanimously. APPENDIX I: TOWN REPORTS: BOOKKEEPER- Submitted by Ms. Cassetti 2019 Fiscal Year End Close • The month of February was spent making adjustments to close the year and coordinate with the Williamson Software team to complete all aspects of the close. The 2019 Fiscal Year is set to be closed on Thursday March 13, 2020. December Financial Reports will be sent to the board as soon as the close takes place. • The 2020 Budget was entered. 2019 AUD Upload Progress • The AUD extension was filed with the State. The new filing deadline is May 1, 2020. Our goal is to have the AUD completed by March 20, 2020. February 2020 Monthly Tasks • Onboard of new Rec Director • Order and Received new manual checks for the HA, HB and TA funds. • Completed December close. • Monthly Vouchers • Bi Weekly Payroll processed and allocated. • Continue to improve Time Sheets with Highway Supervisor • Daily Bank Deposits and Bi-weekly transfers. • Troubleshoot a handful of accounting software glitches which delayed the month and year end closings. • Upload Monthly NYSLRS reports. • Budget Modifications with MEW • Reserve Funding adjustments with MEW • Continue to refine filing system Ongoing Projects and Goals • Board Financial Dashboard • Departmental Dashboard • Budget vs. Actual Quick Glance by Fund • Streamline Payroll Recon Report • Streamline Month End Process • Shop for a new Accounting System • Explore online time sheet reporting with Paychex PLANNING/ZONING- Submitted by Mr. Zepko Planning Board  18 Feb meeting  Per Town Board resolution dated 11 Feb 2020, the Planning Board has been discussing recommendations to amend the maximum allowed square footage of the building footprint in the Lakeshore and Conservation zones. Board of Zoning Appeals • No meeting Planner Activity • 11 Feb – Attended Town Board meeting • 19 Feb – Met with Highway Superintendent to discuss highway right-of-way and driveway permits. Researched and discussed path to adoption with Town Attorney, reported findings back to Scott Stewart • 20 Feb – Attended staff Emergency Preparation Meeting • Completed Boundary and Annexation Survey for US Census Zoning Enforcement • Reviewed 5 building permits for zoning compliance • Issued one (1) Notice of Apparent Violation for more than one unregistered vehicle present on a property. Property owner is working toward resolution Municipal Permitting Software Town staff has met with three companies, BAS, Dude Solutions, and Williamson Law Book, to receive software demonstrations. Staff has evaluated the functionality of the software packages and implementation/maintenance quotes. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT- Submitted by Mr. Stewart Snow We had a total of 7 events from Feb 12 - March 10th Resulting in: 47 hours of OT 191 Tons of De-Icer 330 Gallons of Diesel Repairs Air Dryer in T10 Maintenance on John Deere 5420 Tractor Maintenance on Case Loader Road work Fixed numerous Mailboxes Filled Pot Holes on Various Roads Added new delineators on Maplewood, Glenwood roads Fixed Leaning signs on various roads Widen Parking along Gorge Road next to the trail head / This will allow vehicles to park fully Off the road. TOWN CLERK: Submitted by Ms. Parlato LICENSES/PERMITS issued: # Sporting licenses 4 Disabled parking permits 22 Dog licenses and renewals 55 Marriage licenses 1 Plumbing permits 0 Address assignments 0 Notarizations 15 FOIL requests-received 0 FOIL requests-completed 0 CLERK’s OFFICE TASKS: • Routine tasks: o notarizations, ordered supplies, retrieved, sorted, vouchered mail, answered inquiries on various topics, attended town board meetings and took minutes, kept website current, sent FINANCIAL REPORT: $910.50 TOTAL Collected for fees & licenses $768.32 stays in the town $142.18 goes to the state listserv messages to residents (~2/month) , mailed and posted dog licenses; issued tickets as needed, scheduling of various meetings • Other tasks this month: o get quotes for new internet/phone service, take town car in for servicing, schedule interviews for Recreation Director, coordinate phone service upstairs for new employees, coordinate oaths of office for new town appointments, work with Michelle on grants and bids TAX COLLECTION: • Collected $4,425,419.95 in January. Paid off town levy of $1,464,098.52 on 1/23/2020. • Added 36 new residents to e-newsletter HEALTH INSURANCE: • Create 2020 information packet and distributed to staff SALO HABITAT COMMITTEE: • (no new activities) ASSET MANAGEMENT: • Work with Michelle and Drew in creating custom asset mgmt. program WATER DISTRICT TASKS: • Collect and post bills • Worked on reconciling accounts with Bookkeeper RECORDS MANAGEMENT TASKS: • Begin purging of old records that have surpassed their retention period SAFETY COMMITTEE: • Work with Michelle on all-staff initial emergency planning meeting COMMITTEES/ASSOCIATIONS: o No meeting in January o Expressed interest in Ulysses participation in Blue4U preventative testing program CODE REPORT- Submitted by Mr. Myers Building Permits issued 5 Plan Reviews 4 Certificate of Occupancy issued 3 Certificate of Compliance issued 8 Complaints Received 1 Complaints Resolved 0 Inspections (Footers, Foundations, Plumbing, Insulation, roofing, Pools, Etc.) 43 New Site Inspections 6 Building Review Consultations (pre-plan meetings, Future Building/Remodeling) 7 Fire Safety Inspections Code Training Seminars 2 County Assessment, Town, DOS Reports 3 Open property in violation cases 5 Property violations resolved 0 Value of Permits issued: $114,500 Building Permit fees collected for month: $699 SECOND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR- Submitted by Ms. Wright Financial Update • Soft close of 2019: review and request for corrections • Report out of reserve balances as of the end of 2019 • 2019 EOY: Fund balance analysis (projected versus actual) work, to be reported to Board asap Active Grant Updates • NYSERDA Heat Pump Grant o Internal Activities: addendums issued, competitive bid due date, bid received, public bid opening, communications with project committee, bid result budgeting o Engineer Update: recommendation out of bidding process. o Timeline update: hoping to remain on schedule for construction. • Cemetery Road Bridge over Trumansburg Creek (NYSDOT funded with FHWA money, Barton & Loguidice Engineers) o Internal Activities: organization and promotion related activities for PIM (Public Information Meeting), coordination of communications between residents, Village, and engineers. Submission for reimbursement #1 to NYSDOT, related communications with DOT and B&L. o Engineer Update: Responses to residents’ feedback. o Revised Project Timeline: When What Status September 2018 Project Awarded Bridge NY Funding Complete October 2018 Project Added to STIP/TIP Complete January 2019 State-Local Agreement Executed Complete January 2019 Design Consultant Contract Executed Complete January 2020 Design sent to NYSDOT for review Complete March 2, 2020 Public Meeting Meeting held 3/2 January 2021 ROW Acquisition Completed January 2021 PS&E Approved by County & State February 2021 Project Letting June 2021 Begin Construction October 2021 Complete Construction • WD #3 WIIA Grant (EFC funded, MRB Engineers) o Internal activities: meetings, contract verbiage communication regarding insurance coverage during construction o Engineer Update: o Revised Project Timeline: construction hopefully to start in spring Other Work Water • Continued admin support work regarding WD1 • WD3: use and billing review with Carissa, problem solving, analysis of current billing system, identification of possible reasons for discrepancy between billing and use, water loss analysis, etc. Curry Road Structure Replacement No specific activities related to this funding need during this period of work. The plan is to leave this item on here as a place marker until we find funding and get the structure replaced. Bookkeeper Transition Activities Continued general training; review of cash receipts prior to entry; review of 2019 financials and requests for corrections, adjustments and budget modifications; AUD extension request; AUD software: initial inquiries for password, etc. from OSC; assistance and support with Williamson data malfunction; assistance with identifying and communication on wrap up of income and billing for 2019; end of year journal entry training work; upkeep of special journal for reserves; new year transition: budget data double check; Bank Agreement & 12-Month CD Investment of Select Reserves • Creation of document for use in future for journal entries for February 2020 and interest distribution upon CD closing Capital Asset GAAP Compliance & Multi-year Financial Planning • Draft inventory policy development • Asset database: SSL certificate purchase, webhosting purchase, continued work with contractor regarding data Budget Work • Started work on 2021 budget as it pertains to 2019 and 2020 financial years ToU Recreation Department • Internal meeting regarding action items for development of a new ToU department • Meeting with new Rec Director to discuss budget lines and other logistics Emergency Preparedness Plan & Related • Held internal meeting with staff on 2/20/2020, subsequent plan development • Continued development of plan within the context of COVID-19 o Pandemic flu internal plan draft development • Internal and external communications re: COVID-19 • Phone tree update Miscellaneous • Development of draft 2020 work plan: see draft included with this report. • Weekly meeting phone call with Khandi • Agenda and resolution development work for 3/10/20 meeting • Land parcel title communications and handling: titles should be held at Attorney’s office, delivered to Khandi’s office. • Audit scheduling: communications with Insero: scheduled for 6/15/20-6/19/20 • Town paving plan to ITCTC Report on Meetings, Training, Conferences, Workshops or other Professional Development Attended this Month 1) What: Association of Towns Annual Meeting Where: NYC When: 2/15/20 – 2/19/20 Action Items: see attached report Summary: see attached report 2) What: TCCOG Where: Ithaca When: 2/27/20 Action Items: report back to Nancy Points of Note: • TCAT and Gadabout trial program in Dryden for rides not on bus line • Report from TC Recycling • Report from TC DOH Upcoming • AUD submission: support 14 • BAN-ing/Bonding for WD3 aerator • Reestablishment of reserves • Out of Town: 3/22/20 – 4/5/20 SUPERVISOR- Shared by Ms. Zahler: • Code officer is leaving to work full-time for the village • Zoning grant- will get $4K once final documents are submitted • The census will be sent out soon • The report from the Rec Director was distributed MS. OLSON shared the following: • The tree grant was awarded and the first payment was already received • Participated in TC Health Dept conference call regarding the Coronavirus yesterday • She knows of someone interested in being a Planning Board alternate MR. BOGGS gave the following updates: • Attended AOT • Attended the Planning Board meeting where the max square footage for residential buildings was discussed • Transition in the fire chief position Respectfully Submitted by Carissa Parlato, 4/13/2020