HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-08-07 - MP 3 ):6 TOWN OF ULYSSES JOINT MASTER PLAN / / TOWN BOARD MEETING AUGUST 7 , 1997 PRESENT : Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Councilwoman Catherine Stover ; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ; Master Plan Member Ruth Kahn ; Marsha L . Georgia , Town Clerk . Mr . Austic called the meeting to order . Mr . Rachun presented the following introduction and executive summary to those who were present as follows ; INTRODUCTION With the passing of time since the 1978 adoption of the present Ulysses Zoning Ordinance , it has become increasingly clear that the law is incomplete and becoming archaic . Complications with the old law which make it difficult to apply t oday , stem in part from antiquated standards and concepts for commercial enterprises . Also , emerging residential options have added new demands on the zoning ordinance . Changes in state zoning regulations , as well as court decisions involving zoning cases further evidenced the need for a Comprehensive Plan . Several years ago ( almost ten now ) , the Town Board , Planning Board , and a group of highly motivated and concerned Ulysses residents embarked on a path which would eventually lead to the needed plan . In order to facilitate the process , several surveys were conducted to sample public opinion , the business community , t ransportation needs , and the possibility of other public service needs in the future , such as municipal water and sewer . Responses to the questionnaires were large in numbers and from t hem came a statistically significant data base with which to work . This information along with input from other sources such as Tompkins County Planning , New York State Department of Transportation and concerned residents has been complied into the Comprehensive Plan you see before you . Many thanks go out to the group of people who have worked long hours compiling data , doing research , and meeting to discuss the future of our town . With the Plan completed , we feel that the path which we will follow into the next century is well marked and based on sound data and judgment . This path will allow the Town of Ulysses to remain a great place to live and raise a family in the future . The Comprehensive Plan will now be turned over to the P lanning Board to be used as a guide for the development of an updated zoning ordinance . I think that all concerned with this e ffort , both present and in the past , can feel secure in the fact t hat they have contributed to an effort which will allow future generations to flourish in our town , THE TOWN OF ULYSSES . Executive Summary , Town of Ulysses Comprehensive Plan 1997 The Town of Ulysses is one of the first towns in Tompkins County to incorporate land use as Town Law . The first zoning document , a trailer park ordinance , became town law in 1968 . This was soon followed by a general zoning ordinance in 1972 , which in turn was last revised in 1978 . With the addition of some new development districts and of relatively minor additions and adjustments , the 1978 Ulysses Zoning Ordinance is present town law . The current zoning ordinance has served the Township well in many areas but has fallen short in others . The shortfalls in our zoning ordinance may be directly attributed to the fact that the zoning ordinance was created without first creating and adopting a comprehensive plan . By present standards , our ordinance is simplistic , ( one residential zone and two business zones ) . Joint MP / / TB 2 8 - 08 - 97 There is no industrial zone , yet within the residential zone are allowable uses that could dramatically alter the character of the township . Much of the presently designated business zone would be able to reasonably accommodate a business today . With theses shortfalls in mind , in January of 1991 , the Town of Ulysses Board issued a directive to the Town of Ulysses Planning Board to create a comprehensive plan that could be used as the basis for a new zoning ordinance . The planning board in turn created a comprehensive planning committee made up entirely of volunteers . This committee , after six years of meetings , surveys , writing , and rewriting , has created the 1997 comprehensive plan for the Town of Ulysses . The comprehensive plan incorporates the following recommendations that present a basis and pattern for future development within the Town of Ulysses . Theses recommendations are not a fixed document but one must at times be reviewed in order to adequately reflect the changes facing the Town . Issues Principal concerns expressed by residents in the 1994 , townwide zoning survey . 1 . Most important resources of the town are its natural beauty , with its falls , gorges , lakeside setting , woodland and open spaces . A rural and uncongested lifestyle make the town of Ulysses an ideal place for residents and visitors alike . 2 . The most important aspects of the town are the school , ( Trumansburg Central School , well defined zoning and planning , the village of Trumansburg , local churches , agricultural land and open space , and sense of community . 4 . Outdoor recreation and parks should be encouraged . 5 . Historic structures and the town ' s diverse architecture should be highlighted . 6 . More local employment opportunities that offer career opportunities are needed . 7 . Little need is felt for major shopping center , although small commercial and professional services may be encouraged . 8 . Tourism should be the major industry for the town . Natural resources such as Taughannock Falls State Park and Cayuga Lake should be promoted . Special recreational events such as art and music festivals , should be encouraged . Tourist destinations / accommodations need to be provided . 9 . The town ' s two trailer parks offer adequate affordable and high density housing . A development of low cost senior housing may be encouraged . 10 . Preservation for watershed and unique natural areas should be encouraged . Open space should be maintained and farming should be encouraged as a way to maintain open space . 11 . Existing zoning regulations for single and two family houses are adequate . Other current allowable uses in the residence zone should be reviewed for special permit application . Goals and Objectives 330 Joint MP / / TB 3 8 - 08 - 97 Endowed with scenic landscapes , excellent lake access , clean uncongested roadways , the Town of Ulysses is a destination for tourists the world over . Although the town is impacted by a high tourist rate during the summer months , little effort has been made to capitalize on the tourist trade . The town should maintain the existing quality of life for its residents and provide better services when possible . The town preserve and promote those aspects of the community that appeal to tourists , and encourage destination accommodations not now available . The town should look forward towards balancing the preservation of the rural way of life with the need for economic stability and employment ® opportunities within the community . The Town should encourage and help find creative solutions to maintain the agricultural base that so defines the Town of Ulysses . AGRICULTURE Goal : Promote the viability of the agricultural industry . Objective : Encourage a diversified agricultural sector keeping agricultural lands in production through tax relief and other incentives . AESTHETIC ASPECTS GOAL : To maintain the natural and man - made aesthetic aspects of the community . Objective : Ensure the continuing aesthetic desirability of the town by promoting the towns architectural heritage and supporting zoning designations for appropriate land lir uses . HOU ING AND RESIDENTIAL LAND USES Goal : To encourage and maintain the availability of various types of housing and compatible residential land uses . Objective : Encourage the upkeep and preservation of existing architecturally and historically significant structures . Encourage those ideas and programs that help enable people to live in their community throughout their lives . COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Goal : To encourage commerce that provides necessary goods , services , and employment for the residents of the town while maintaining the small - town atmosphere valued by existing ® businesses , residents , and visitors . Objectives : 1 . Support activities that strengthen the Village of Trumansburg ' s existing commercial base . 2 . Encourage the development of commercial uses in clusters and discourage strip development . 3 . Support activities that strengthen the Village of Trumansburg as the activity " hub " of the Town . INDUSTRIAL r:/)\ Joint MP / / TB 4 8 - 08 - 97 Goal : To promote the expansion and development of industrial enterprises while maintaining the small - town atmosphere and environmental integrity of the Town . Objectives : 1 . Plan for areas where industry could locate thus providing local employment opportunities and property tax revenues . 2 . Encourage the development of an industrial park and set standards for locating and developing the park so as not to adversely affect surrounding residential neighborhoods and the environment . TOURISM INDUSTRY Goal : To promote business activities that capitalize on the historic , cultural , and natural assets of the town and surrounding region . Objectives : 1 . Increase the number and diversity of businesses that provide goods and services for tourists . 2 . Encourage expanded use of community - based resources such as the Trumansburg fairgrounds , the Trumansburg Conservatory , Chamber of Commerce , school and parklands . 3 . Foster recreational activities in the Town to encourage tourists to remain in the area . TRANSPORTATION Goal : To maintain a safe , efficient , and environmentally sensitive transportation system . Objective : Work with other governmental entities to develop a diversified transportation system to encourage and support various travel options including public transit , pedestrian , and bicycle modes . ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES Goal : To maintain a clean , healthy , viable natural environment . Objective : Encourage community stewardship of the natural and managed resources of the Town of Ulysses through the • recognition and acceptance of appropriate planning and management practices that preserve and protect the air , land , water , and energy , and living resources . The Introduction was discussed and reviewed first and the only change that was made was in the third paragraph - - remove and replace with to . Should read as follows The Comprehensive Plan will now be turned over to the Planning Board to be used - . The following changes in the Executive Summary were made ; use current and currently in place of present and presently in the first four paragraphs . Under ISSUES combine the first statement 67.:a Joint MP / / TB 5 8 - 08 - 97 and items one and two into one statement . Than start numbering at the statement of Outdoor recreation - - . Under number 8 change should to could and under number nine capitalize Town . The map was discussed and Mr . Austic will ask the Tompkins County Planning to provide a map of the Town of Ulysses showing all of the individual tax parcels . I It was decided to not hold a meeting next week so that it would give the County extra time to furnish the map . The next meeting was set for August 21 , 1997 at 7 : 30 PM . IHearing no further discussion the meeting was adjourned . Respectfully submitted , Marsha L . Georgia Ulysses Town Clerk i 111