HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-10-04 - MP page 3 Joint MP/PB 10 - 4 - 95 process would be joint committee review followed by final changes before public review . Mr . Rachun requested a projected time line . Ruth Kahn indicated yesterday ; Ms . Poelvoorde indicated a couple of months ; Ms . Cail noted that Christmas is a famous construction deadline . Ms . Poelvoorde reviewed the process : the framework is underway , a plan synthesis is required ; the work with the survey must be completed ; and other topics remain to be written . Mr . Rachun stated he understood the proposal to mean the draft Master Plan would pass from the subcommittee to the Planning Board and then to the Town Board , and thus he was confused about the role t o the Master Plan Committee . Ms . Poelvoorde noted that only Ms . Stover was on the Master Plan Committee but not on the subcommittee . Mr . Tyler noted that the draft Comprehensive Plan was no longer for the Planning Board to adopt . Mr . Reitz stated t hat he understood that adoption by the Planning Board was required ; Mr . Tyler noted that a 1993 change in the law made that unnecessary . Ms . Call noted that while it may not be a legal requirement , it may be prudent to have the Planning Board adopt the draft Comprehensive Plan . Mr . Tyler agreed . Ms . Stover noted that the Town Board had appointed her to be Board representative to the Master Plan Committee , but she was not on the draft writing subcommittee . She asked if that was acceptable to Town Supervisor Douglas Austic ? Mr . Austic noted that Ms . Stover is still on the Master Plan Committee , and that he understood she does not want to write . Ms . Stover indicated that she might want to , although she did not profess to be an excellent writer . Mr . Tyler observed that time is of the essence , and it would be advisable to confine the writing to those with proficiency - get people with talent at writing , and after the draft is completed , then punch holes in it . Ms . Stover asked if a list of subjects had been developed ; Ms . Poelvoorde responded that a list had been started a while ago , but that the writing committee might divide them differently , and combine some to get broader categories . Ms . Stover inquired if transportation was one subject , Ms . Poelvoorde said yes . Ms . Cail indicated that the first task would be to confirm that all topics were covered . Mr . Austic asked how many members were on the Master Plan Committee ; Ms . Poelvoorde responded five . Mr . Austic suggested t here should be one meeting of the writing subcommittee ; Mr . Tyler indicated that that has been done . Ms . Call asked what the status of meeting minutes was ? David tyler said we all have the minutes , but that with Roxanne no longer serving , the Board must get another secretary . Mr . Austic indicated that he had a copy of the last meeting minutes ; Mr . Reitz indicated he has both June 28th and May 8th minutes . Ms . Stover asked if any one had any suggestions for secretary ; Mr . Tyler said no , the Board must advertise . Ms . Poelvoorde noted that she has a t ape recorder , and that she would use it to make a tape which the page 4 Joint MP / PB (k\4 10 - 4 - 95 future secretary could transcribe into minutes . Mr . Tyler stated that as a committee member , he would move to proceed as outlined . Mr . Austic asked if Roxanne erased tapes ? Mr . Rachun said no , and noted that with a Zoning Board meeting coming up , a secretary was n eeded soon . MR . Austic noted that the Town would not need a big t ime hiring scheme , and asked that if anyone knows of a person willing to be secretary , to give him the name . Ms . McGuire noted t hat the last minutes were of great detail , was this customary ? Ms . Cail responded no , but given the volatile nature of . the last meeting , Roxanne felt a verbatim transcript was advisable . Mr . Rachun observed that there would not be another meeting until the d raft was completed , in approximately 2 months . Mr . Tyler suggested hiring someone from Manpower , he noted that Roxanne has kept the Board organized and did a good job , and asked that the B oard ' s gratitude for her service be noted in the minutes . Ms . Cail asked what the qualifications and pay were ? Mr . Austic suggested using Kelly Girls , but Mr . Tyler noted that that was pricey and the skill level would be low . Mr . Reitz noted that the Town has the tape recorder : Mr . Tyler asked if Marsha and Paula could pull the minutes together ; Mr . Reitz noted that Fran McGuire might be interested ; Ms . McGuire declined , but noted that she was surprised that the Board could not find a sitting member willing to act as secretary , and noted that she has served as secretary on two boards . Mr . Rachun asked if Ms . McGuire was volunteering her services ; and Ms . Mcguire responded she ' d be happy to help if she could . Mr . Rachun noted that a new up- to - date computer for the P lanning Board ' s use would be available soon . Mr . Reitz noted that t he Board was at a point in the process where 20 years from the Town will need to know what happened , he observed that at the morning Chamber breakfast , a recurring concern was the direction t he Town was going , and the compatibility between the Town and Village and with adjacent Towns . Ms . Poelvoorde stated that is all were comfortable with the proposal , the subcommittee could get started . Mr . Tyler noted that 2 months would be early December ; before Christmas . Mr . Tyler ✓ equested a motion to adjourn . Ms . Stover requested setting the December meeting date ; after discussion ; the date was set as the week of Nov 27th . Mr . Rachun stated that Wordperfect 6 . 0 and e ither D -base or 123 would be available on the new computer , Ms . Kahn showed the committee her portable low- tech disposable word processor ( pencil ) . Ms . Kahn asked if the subcommittee was O . K . w ith Ms . Stover ; Ms . Stover responded no , but she would have the opportunity to tear it apart later . The meeting adjourned , except that members of the draft writing subcommittee remained to receive their assignments . 93 TOWN OF ULYSSES JOINT MASTER PLAN / PLANNING BOARD MEETING 4 OCTOBER 95 VILLAGE MEETING ROOM PRESENT : CHAIRPERSON : SUE POELVOORDE ; MEMBERS : RUTH KAHN , CATHERINE STOVER ; GREGG HOFFMIRE ; BUD STOVER ; KRYS GAIL ; JOANNE MOLINO ; PETER DEMJANEC ; DAVID TYLER ; BLDG / ZONING OFFICER : ALEX RACHUN ; TOWN SUPERVISOR DOUGLAS AUSTIC ; TOWN BOARD MEMBER THOMAS REITZ ; VILLAGE BOARD MEMBER FRAN II/ MCGUIRE • The meeting came to order shortly after 7 : 30 PM . Planning Board Chairperson David Tyler noted that secretary Roxanne Smith had resigned , and requested that Peter Demjanec t ake minutes of the meeting . Sue Poelvoorde presented a concept for completing the work of t he Master Plan Committee : not to rehash the discussion of the last meeting , which focused on areas of disagreement , but to move forward in a positive way to complete the work of the Master Plan Committee and pass it on the Planning Board to allow the Planning B oard to complete its task of reviewing the town zoning , and allow t he Planning Board to deal with the issues such as economic concerns . Ms . Poelvoorde noted that some time during the summer had been spent on identifying the remaining tasks of the Master P lan Committee , i . e . , the portions of the draft Master Plan which remain to be written . In addition , a number of Master Plan Committee members who have had the time to attend meetings regularly have indicated that they have time to devote to writing portions of the draft Master Plan . Ms . Poelvoorde therefore proposed : that the Master Plan Committee dispense with regular meetings during the writing of the draft Master Plan ; that the draft Master Plan be written by a subcommittee of the Master Plan Committee ; that the draft be submitted to the Planning Board for ' review and comment ; that the draft be revised in accordance with t he review of the Planning Board ; and that the draft Master Plan t hen be submitted to the Town Board . David Tyler noted that a lot of issues have been reviewed and aired over the past two years , and that a lot of good ground work had been compiled , including the County mapping , the County report , t he 1988 survey , the recent survey , etc . Mr . Tyler noted that all the needed raw material was in place , and has been since last spring , that all that is needed now is a synthesis drawing all that material together into a 20 to 30 page " not legalese " document . Now is the time to write the document . Sue Poelvoorde observed that the document should take all views into consideration . She listed five members of the Master P lan Committee who are available to write portions of the draft Master Plan : Ruth Kahn , Joanne Molino , Krys Cail , Gregg Hoffmire , and Sue Poelvoorde . Barbara Page has volunteered to be Village page 2 Joint MP / PB 10- 4 - 95 (�1' Liaison . David Tyler observed that throughout the Master Plan process , not much input has been received from the Village , and that what t he Town does will have a significant impact on the Village . Krys Cail requested reactions from Planning Board members to t he three part proposal put forth by Ms . Poelvoorde . Ms . Call identified the three parts as 1 ) the establishing of a subcommittee t o write the draft Master Plan , 2 ) the individuals appointed to the subcommittee , and 3 ) the inclusion of a Village liaison . Mr . Tyler noted that the proposal is in response to the letter sent by Town Supervisor Douglas Austic to the Planning Board d irecting the Board to proceed with the Master Plan . Ms . Call concurred , but requested that the Board move forward with agreement . Mr . Tyler noted that the Board had been at the point of putting it ( the Master Plan ) together when " we stubbed our toe " . Catherine Stover requested to hear again the list of people in t he draft writing subcommittee . Ms . Call reiterated the three parts of the proposal and again requested Board reaction . She noted she is in agreement with the proposal , though she would prefer a single individual to write the d raft Master Plan , but no single individual can devote the time required . Mr . Tyler observed that the group selected was a small but d iverse group , with Mr . Hoffmire representing agricultural interest ; Ms . Cail representing development and the south end of t he Town ; that the group has the intimate knowledge of the process to date that will allow them to synthesize the information . Ms . Cail asked if any Board Member objected to the concept of a draft writing subcommittee . There were no objections . Ms . Poelvoorde reiterated that the named group would put the plan together , review it with the Planning Board and Town Board , and make modifications based on those reviews before the final step of public notice for the comprehensive plan . Alex Rachun asked if this process meant that the Master Plan Committee no longer had Town Board representation . Mr . Tyler indicated yes , the Master Plan Committee is intact and still has Town Board Representation . Ms . Cail requested a clarification to " get the mechanics straight " - the draft Master Plan would be reviewed by a joint meeting ? Mr . Tyler said yes , Ms . Poelvoorde repeated that the