HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1973-05-07sc TOWN OP tTHACA REGULAR BOARD MEETING M^y 7, 1973 At a Regular Meeting of the Town iboard of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, held |at the Town of Ithaca Offices at 108 East Green| Street, Ithaca,, New York, on the 7th day of May, 1973, at 5:00 p.ta., there were PRESENT: Walter J. Schwan, Supervisor Andrew W, 'McElwee, Councilman Noel Desch, Councilman Victor Del Rosdo, Councilman ABSENT: Robert N, Powers, Councilman ALSO PRESENT: John C. k^ne^. Attorney Mrs. Barbara Holcomb, Chairman, Plsuining ! Board, Kenneth kfoohs. Town Engineer-Planner David W. Cowan, Zoning Officer ^ynolds jMetz, Assistant Zoning Officer Mcurion Mofey, Highway Superintendent ifr?. i evefly Livesay Nerbei^t Maht SAih Petef Rohald S• Rcnsvalle I Radib^ TV, and Presd The meeting was cilled to order at 5:15 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by CouncilmcUi Del Rosso, RESOLVED, that the minutes of April 2, 9, 16, and 23, 1973 be approved, as presented. Unanimously carried. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION - SAt4 PETER'S TV AND APPLIANCE STORE Zoning Officer Cowan reported that the Planning Board at their meeting on May 1, 1973 had recommended that Mr. Peter's request for the extension of his TV and Appliance Store on the Danby Road be approved. Mr. Peter intends an extension of cdsout 3,000 square feet. The land is all zoned commercial and suiy extension in a com mercial zone requires Town Board approval. The Town Board had no objection to the requested extension. Therefore, Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman McElwee, RESOLVED, that based upon the recommendation of the Planning Board and cin examination of Mr. Peter's expansion plans, the Ithaca Town Board hereby approves the issuance of a building permit to Mr. Peter for the extension of his TV and Appliance Store to the extent of some 3,000 additional square feet. Unanimously carried. WATER PROBLEM - CODDINGTON ROAD Mr. Ronald S. Ronsvalle, 628 Coddington Road, appeared before the Board to explain his water problem. His wells are inadequate and he has had to run his roof leaders to his swimming pool to store water. There are about eight other houses in the area where there is considerable sulphur in the water. It did not appear that the Town Board could help Mr. Ronsvalle at this time without going through all the procedures required for an extension of water — public hearing, permissive referendvim, and the like. The sense of the Board was to include Mr. Ronsvalle's house and others in the - 2 - May 7, 1973 area in a "package" with other areas in the Town in need of water and put it out to bid, perhaps next spring, with the hope of having water there in the summer. Supervisor Schwan, however, said he would talk with the people in Albany to see if there is anything that can be done prior to next year to water this area. SUMMER HOURS -^ 1973 TOWN OF ITHACA OFFICES Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Coimcilman McElwee, RESOLVED, that summer office hours of the Town Office, beginning June 1^ 1973 and ending September 3, 1973, shall be 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Unanimously carried. HIRING OF CONSULTANTS FOR DRAINAGE PROJECTS Supervisor Schwan Reported that it would seem advisable to be able to hire consultants with expertise in the field of drainage from time to time as drainage projects come before the Board. He reques ted an authorization to hire a consultant for up to $500.00 for each drainage project which might be submitted to the Town Board by a developer whenever the Town-Engiheer-Planner felt that additional drainage expertise is required. The Board had no quarrel with the general idea, but they felt that each project should be presented to the Board by the Town-Engineer Planner rather than pass a blanket resolution to cover such hiring without Board consideration. Since it did not appear that time delays would be a large fUctor, it was ^ agreed that Mr. Kroohs could come before the Board from time to time request authorization to hire a consultant when he considered it I necessary. STORM AND SANITARY SEWERS DESIGN COURSE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Supervisor Schwan reported that he felt it would be useful if Ken Kroohs, Town Engineer-Planner, could attend a short Course presented by the Department of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, a five-day program on the basic fundamentals of designing storm and sanitary sewers, at an expense not to exceed $500.00 which would cover enrollment fee, air fare,lodging, meals, and ground trans portation. The program will run from June 25, 1973 through June 29, 1973. Motion by Supervisor Schwsin: seconded by Councilmem Del Rosso, RiiSJOLVED, that Town Engineer-Planner, Kenneth Kroohs, be authorized tc artend the five—day short course presented by the Department of . Eng-.neering at the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, Wisconsin, Jur-e 25-29, 1973, on the basic fundsimentals of designing storm and sanitary sewers, including problem and shop sessions, at an expendi ture of not to exceed $500.00. Unanimously carried. REPORTS OF TOW OFFICIALS Mrs. Barbara Holcomb, Chaimaan, Planning Board, reported that the Monkeroeyers whose site plan for a proposed subdivision on King Road was approved by the Town Board on February 14, 1972, want to move more slowly and now want to build one bed-room units in the first stage, rather than the mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bed-room apartments originally contemplated. In view of the fact that the Town Board considered this a sxibstantive change, Mrs. Holcomb was instructed to advise the Monkemeyers that the land had been rezoned on the basis of the site plan originally submitted and also on the distri bution of the imits submitted, and that they, therefore, must come in with a new plan for all of the land and not just a part of it and get Town Board approval. iHej ' I I I r-— ^ if - 3 - May 7, 1973 Mrs, Holcomb reported that the Planning Board looks favorably on the Groff Associates plans for 100 units of housing for the elderly, although they have recommended several changes. She requested that the Tov/n Board schedule a public hearing for June 11, 1973 at which time the Planning Board will have some definite recommendations to make to the Town Board. She reported also that the Senior Citizens are still concerned about transportation to the Groff Associates site on Ellis Hollow Road, but that Pred Morris, Chairman of the Senior Citizens Housing Committee, will be working with the City of Ithaca to look into possible extension of the City bus route to include the Groff Associates development. Motion by Councilman Desch; seconded by Councilman McElwee, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca schedule a pub lic hearing to be held on June 11, 1973 at 5:15 p.m. to consider approval of Groff Associates site plans for 100 units of housing for the elderly on Ellis Hollow Road. Unanimously carried. Mrs. Holcomb reported that the Planning Board had reviewed the preliminary drainage plans for Beacon Hills on May 1, 1973, and will hold a special meeting on the 15th of May, 1973, to look at the site plan for Stage 1 of Phase 1 of the Beacon Hills development on Troy Road which includes 60 dwelling units clustered in 21 build ings and a 1-3/4 acre pond. (This will be a public hearing.) The Town Board will hold a special meeting on May 21^ 1973 to hear rec ommendations from the Planning Board on these matters. Zoning Officer Cowan reported that he and Mr. Metz had run into a number of minor violations such as collapsed buildings, open founda tions, junked cars, trash piles, etc. — and wanted the Board to con sider the idea of the Zoning Officer getting some back-up from the Zoning Board of Appeals on some of these matters rather than coming to the Town Board. He suggested the Board of Zoning Appeals might write letters, setting time limits, ultimatums, etc. The Town Attorney and Town Board generally felt the Zoning Board of Appeals should not be involved and the Zoning Officer should proceed as in the past, with uncorrected violations to come before the Justice Court. The Town Attorney could help the Zoning Officer with inter pretations of the Zoning Ordinance when necessary. The Town Attorney felt the power of the Justice Court to levy fines would furnish con siderable incentive toward compliance. Highway Superintendent Morey reported that he had been looking for a good second-hand gradall and had seen several which might be suit able. He requested authorization to advertise for bids. M;>tion by Counci.lmijxi Desch; seconded by Councilman Del Rosso, lUilSOLVE}), that th-i Highway Superintendent be authorized to advertise for bids on a second-hand gradall. Uncuiimously carried. Kenneth Kroohs presented the final detailed drainage plan for the Eastwood Commons development and advised the Board that he approved of it. Based on the resolution contained in the minutes of April 16, 1973 and the fact that Mr. Kroohs is the person designated to approve the design to carry into effect the drainage concept which was approved by the Town Board, it would appear this constitutes approval of the drainage plan which is Map 384 of the Town of Ithaca Map File in the Town of Ithaca office. '1 - 4 - May 1, 1973 PERSONS TO BE HEARD Herbert Mahr, 103 Judd Palls Road, asked the Tovm Board to look into the matter of speed limit si^s on Judd Falls Road* It was suggested that the sign should be placed uphill from the jug—handle or right on the jug-handle. The Town Clerk was instructed to call the County Highway Superintendent to look into this matter. Mr. Mahr inquired about the status of the sewering of Forest Home. Supe^isor Schwan said he hoped tlie Town would be able to hold a public hearing on this in September. The Town has done a post-card survey of the west side, Trumansburg Road, Bundy Road, West Haven Road, Elm Street, Valley View, Glenside, Coddington Road, Slaterville Road to determine what the people want, looking toward preparing a package' proposal for water and sewer to be considered at a piiblic hearing in September. Mr. Mahr suggested that the Town might consider having regular office hours for the tPown Officials so that the citizens cCuld be certain to consult with them at specific times when necessary. It was indicated that appointments cam be made to see Town Officials when necessairy. Mr. Mahr noted that quite often there are added items on the agenda for Town Board meetings that he doss not know cd>out, and so does not know whether to remain in attendance at the meetings until they come up for discussion. It was indicated that he could call the Town Clerk to learn what the added items are for each meeting. EASTWOOD. COMMONS LIGHTING DISTRICT Supervisor Schwam reported that I4r. Schickel had requested that the i Board hold a public hearing to consider the formation of a lighting j district for Eastwood Commons. There was some question from the Board members and Attorney Barney as to why the Town had to be in volved and whether Mr. Schickel or the Eastwood Commons home owners association could not deal directly with the N. Y. State Electric & Gas Corporation. It appeared, however, that the N. Y. State Electric & Gas Corporation will not make contracts with individuals but only with municipalities. Since the Board is reluctant to continue to form individual lighting districts, the Supervisor and Attorney Barney will investigate further to see if this can be done in any other way. In the event, however, that it becomes necessary to form a lighting district in the usual manner, the Board will hold a piablic hearing on July 9, 1973. Motion by Councilman McElwee; seconded by Supervisor Schwan, R3S0LVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca schedule a piiilic hearing to be held on July 9, 1973 at 5:30 p.m. to consider tho establishment of a lighting district for the Eastwood Commons development. Unanimously carried. WATER LINE - ST. CATHERINE CIRCLE WEST Supervisor Schwan reported that Arthur Prince has not as yet taken ^ any action with regard to installing a water line on St. Catherine n Circle West, nor the installation of hydremt. Attorney John Barney is going to look into this matter to see what pressure can be brought C to bear on Mr. Prince. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS Motion by Councilman Desch; seconded by Councilman McElwee, RESOLVED, that the Warrants dated May 7, 1973, in the following amounts, be approved: General Fund $ 74,515.02 Highway Fund 6,698.06 Water and Sewer Fund 3,592.69 Unanimously carried. - 5 - May 7, 1973 FREDERICK ROLFE REZONING RESOLUTION RESCINDED Mrs, Barbara Holcoinb read the following resolution from the Town Board minutes of July 19, 1971: RESOLVED, that the proposed re-zoning of the Frederick j Rolfe property from R-9 to Multiple, as presented at Public Hearing before the Town Board, be approved, with the provision that the developer, Mr. Rolfe, will furnish the Town Board with two cloth and two paper draw ings showing exactly how it is to be built, together with the proper approvals of the Health Department, Planning Board and Town Board. Unanimously carried. Mrs. Holcomb suggested that since Messrs. Haag & White are now the developers of this prot>erty and since Mr. Rolfe has never coir^lied with the conditions of the foregoing resolution, the resolution be rescinded. Motion by CounciImam Del Rosso; seconded by Councilman Desch, RESOLVED, that the Towh Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby rescinds the foregoing resolution based on the fact that on April 23, 1973 the site on Five Mle Drive and Fidler Road was rezoned from R-9 and R-30 to Multiple Residence for Messrs. Haag & White and on the furth er fact that the conditions of the resolution of July 19, 1971 were never complied with by Mr. Frederick Rolfe. Unauiimously carried. TOWN OF ITHACA EXCESS LIABILITY INSURANCE Supervisor Schwan read to the Board a letter from the Robert S. Boothroyd Agency, Inc., dated May 3, 1973, indicating that the Continental Insurance Company is unwilling to provide coverage for any suits arising out of the ownership, use, or maintenance of Town roads under the Town of Ithaca's $5,000,000 excess licODility policy unless this classification is added to the Town's basic liability policy. The basic liability coverage is provided by the Firemen's Fund Insurance Company. In order to include the classification "Roads, Streets, Walks" the annual premium would be $1,400.00. Mr. Boothroyd in his letter wanted to be advised whether the Board w&nted the basic policy endorsed for this coverage. The Board >vbled the matter until May 21, 1973 at which time Mr. Boothroyd I'.l appear before the Board to explain the matter in more detail. liSTERMtl-UCIPAL COOPERATION - TOWN OF ITHACA, CITY OF ITHACA, VILLAGE OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS Supervisor Schwan read a letter dated March 9, 1973 from Glen H. Schmidt, Chairman, Executive Committee, of the City of Ithaca, cit ing a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Ithaca on March 6, 1973 that the services provided by the three municipali- n ties are similar or will be with future growth in the Town of Ithaca,[ I that there might be a saving of money and an improvement of services ^ by consolidating some of the services of the three municipalities and recommending that the three municipalities participate in an investigation of the possibility of intermunicipal cooperation in the provision of services, including the possibility of consolida tion of all governmental functions and reorganization of the exist ing units of government. It was the sense of the Board that the Supervisor should write a letter to Mr. Schmidt advising him that the Town of Ithaca is ready to discuss this matter with the City of Ithaca and the Village of Cayuga Heights as soon as a meeting of the. representatives of the three municipalities can be arranged. - 6 - May 7, 1973 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. to May 21, 1973 at 5:00 p.m. ■1^ /} Town Clerk