HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-12-13 - PH TOWN OF ULYSSES PUBLIC HEARING December 13 , 1994 P resent : Supervisor Doug Rustic ; Councilpeople Catherine Stover , Tom Reitz , Robert Weatherby ; CEO Alex Rachun ; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia ; Newfield News reporter Amy P arker . P urpose : To consider a request by William Holtkamp of removing P UD # 14 and revert property to Residential Designation . Supervisor Rustic opened the Public Hearing at 6 : 30pm . The legal ad was read as published November 30 . 1994 in the Free Press and Ithaca 5ournal . N o public was present . Mr . Reitz asked if neighbors were notified and Mr . Austic responded that the residents attended the Planning Board Meeting on November 21st and were informed of this public hearing . H earing no comments Mrs . Stover moved the public hearing be closed , seconded by Mr . Weatherby . Unanimously approved , the h earing closed at 7 : 10pm . Respectfully submitted . Marsha L . Georgia Town Clerk Pm 'iti TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING December 13 , 1994 Present : Supervisor Doug Austic ; Councilpeople Catherine Stover , Tom Reitz , Robert Weatherby , Ben Curtis ; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ; Highway Superintendent James Meeker ; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia , Others Present : Amy Parker , Reporter . Supervisor Austic called the Regular Town Board Meeting of the Town of Ulysses to order at 7 : 30PM and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America , Minutes Mr . Curtis called attention to page 4 the resolution regarding County taxes . . . pointed out that it is also repeated on page 9 . Mrs . Georgia explained that it had been pre - typed and probably hadn ' t been deleted . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of November 1 , 1944 with the above change , Unanimously approved . Mrs . Stover moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz approval of the minutes of the Public Hearing / Budget of November 1 , 1994 . unanimously approved . Claims Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover approval of Claims # 352 - 418 in the amount of $ 106 , 131 . 10 . Mr . Rustic said Claims 389 and 398 were removed because they are 1995 expenses . ( not in total ) Mr . Rustic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs , Stover Aye Mr . Cut- tin Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Adopted . Mr . Rustic said there are two claims here which are 1995 . . . the County Youth Board told their agencies to submit claims this year for items in the 1995 budget . Told them they would he paid the first of the year , or if we want to approve these two claims ; one is for Trumansburg After School $ 750 . 00 and the other for the Ulysses Library for $ 250 . 00 . can do so . Mr . Rustic entertained a motion , moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mrs . Stover that the two claims , as presented , be pre - paid in January 1995 . Mr . Rustic Aye IMr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis he Mr . Weatherby Aye Adopted . d1/4-311 Town of Ulysses 2 Regular Town Board Meeting D ecember 13 , 1994 Mr . Rustic asked if anyone noticed that the Village Water Bill h ad a $ 71 . 00 late charge ? He spoke with the Village Board and asked that it be waived , which they did . Mrs . Georgia said the total of the claims should be amended to deduct out the service charge . Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz that the total o f the claims be amended to reflect deduction of the water bill service charge . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Adopted . Report : Trumansburq Fire Department - none Report : Representative Peter Meskill county budget was passed , just under a 4 % increase in taxes . Also , from Solid Waste , probably be closing down recycling centers in June and July . Will allocate small amount of money for townships for illegal dumping so town highway departments have a way of getting rid of trash without paying for it . Only the center in Ithaca will remain open . Mr . Rustic said that Towns , who wish to incur the expense of the recycling center can keep it open . The County will get further information to Mr . Rustic . Short discussion took place . Mr . Reitz said the Town of Ithaca is reviewing their road names prior to getting into the 911 system . Know there are similar ✓ oad names in Ulysses and other Towns in Tompkins County . . . should this be a coordinated effort between Towns ? Mr . Meskill said that eventually , Yes , but not right now . The Fire Coordinator is fairly confident that as long as it is either within Townships and / or phone exchanges , there won ' t be any effect on service . Mrs . Georgia said Harry Mascerien has contacted her several times to check on and confirm names of roads . Mr . Meskill said later o n this may be addressed . REPORTS Town Clerk Marsha Georgia reported $ 2 , 301 . 00 collected for the month of N ovember of which $ 867 . 00 was turned over to the Supervisor . H ave been working day and night getting the records ready for the grant . Tomorrow about 20 boxes of materials will he picked up for microfilming . Have quotes / prices _ on printer / readers . H ighway Superintendent James Meeker reported that they paved the inside of the Salt Shed , sprayed inside of plywood where salt will be stored , and h ave salt in it as of today . Doing shoulders along roads , new tires on salt truck , trucks and plows are ready for use and cleaned out the old salt shed and are using it for storage of e quipment . Mr . Rustic said he heard that you might he asking for e State bid on a pick - up . . . are you going to do that ? Mr . meeker said he got the copy on the bid specs for the pick - up , roughly , the same thing I ' m looking for says " award pending " no called them and was told to call next week . Mr . Rustic said from what I see they are asking around $ 20 , 000 . 00 depending on which one you g et . Town of Ulysses Regular Town Board Meeting D ecember 13 , 1994 Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun reported seven permits in November including three w ood stoves , three garages , one new single family . Had two chimney fire inspections . Finally issued a temporary CO for Special Children ' s Center . There are problems but the building is complete ; hope to issue final CO at the end of January . Board Members II Mr . Reitz said we should take some action to give direction to the building committee regarding the SARA grant . Set up a date for a building committee meeting and decide what is needed . Need to make the building handicapped accessible , consider addition , e tc . Mrs . Georgia said that if you use the area mentioned e arlier for a records retention room and the grant pays for it , seems you will have to do an addition . Suggested the building committee meet and draw up a plan and present it to the Board . D eadline for the grant is February 1 , 1995 . Mr . Rustic asked if the Board wishes to pursue this issue within the budget that we have ? The Board agreed to pursue . A meeting will be set up for the building committee . Mrs . Stover , said the Master Plan has received 500 responses to the survey , or 25 % . Has been divided up to tally . Supervisor Mr . Austic explained his financial statement . Part "frown Outside ✓ illage Reserve ( established in 1988 ) , according to auditors , is n ot a legitimate fund . Need to remove monies from that fund and put it back into General Part Town Outside Village funds . Mr . Austic entertained a motion to remove $ 23 , 553 . 32 from Part Town Reserve and appropriate it to Part Town B Fund B8020 . 01 and B 8020 , 04 , , , I would suggest one - half to each fund . Moved by Mr . Curtis and seconded by Mr . Weatherby . Brief discussion ensued . Mr , Reitz said this money was o riginally to do surveys and use it for water district ; Mr . Austic said if we do that , put it into B Part Town Funds , into P lanning , that ' s what it will be used for . . . can move it anywhere w e want . . . in twenty days it will be a Fund Balance . These funds are now considered unrestricted monies , they are not reserve funds + Mr . Rustic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Adopted . Mr . Rustic reported on the meeting he attended at Cornell on ✓ ural development . Interesting meeting , some good things may came from the meeting . Will also be attending a Rural Affairs Initiative meeting at Cooperative Extension next week , OLD BUS / NESS Water District Mr . Rustic said we have requested the Village to do the water . Won ' t have the final report from HUNT until February . In Town of Ulysses 4 a3L Regular Town Board Meeting D ecember 13 , 1994 ✓ esponse to the motion presented at the Village Board Meeting in O ctober to establish a joint committee to discuss this . Set up a meeting for last Thursday night , met and discussed what is h appening . Decided , if it ' s OK with the Town Board , that this committee will meet every Thursday night from now until we get it d one . So if there is no problem we will go with it . If there ' s a problem , let ' s discuss it now . Mr . Reitz asked about legal ✓ amifications . Mr . Rustic said there are none . If you are ✓ eally going to get down to economic development and figure out where and what should be done then you should eliminate political boundaries ; it ' s a community effort , not to say that it will ever happen , but the best approach to it would be get all the municipalities involved together , sit down „ we both have a master plan , perhaps it fits the same district . Just discuss the problems and come up with a solution . It would allow them then to give us the water without us changing our plan to any great e xtent . Only problem I see , we ask for a commitment for maybe twenty or thirty acres and all of a sudden the discussion was up in the hundreds of acres . Think it ' s worth talking about . Br . Curtis said one of the things they pointed out was any of these g rants . . . they are going to require a Community development plan , d oesn ' t have to be a master plan . If you are going to have a joint grant then you are going to have to have some kind of agreement . Mn . Rustic said that whatever comes out will be similar to the master plan , not a binding situation . Mr . Reitz asked if it is safe to assume that we will not reach the time frame neat year to apply for a HUD grant ? Mr . Rustic said the HUD grant has been moved to April . If the grant doesn ' t work , would say this water district is a dead issue . Was again contacted by Miller in B uffalo , and they still say that for $ 3 , 000 . ( $ 500 . less than the County ) they will warm for us on any number of grants for three months . May be worth it . Short discussion continued . Insurance Estimates Pr . Rustic called for insurance estimates to see if the Town could get a better rate . Never herd back . . . called Livermore at the Wood Agency and was told he would get back to we soon . Other w as Bailey Insurance . Also got a note from Farrell to see if we still want to pursue indemnification . Will get an estimate for that . Intermuniciral Cable Mr . Rustic entertained a motion , moved by Mr . Curtis , seconded by Mr . Reitz the fallowing resolution : WHEREAS , issues pertaining to cable television and service are growing ever more complex because of changes in regulations , technology and available choices ; and WHEREAS , the Town of Ulysses has previously recognized the value of its constituents of toinenunicihal cooperation in the regulation of cable television by agreeing to participate in the Tompkins County Intermunieipal Cable Television Commission ( TCICTC ) , an advisory body to the Town of Ulysses , and approving a representative to same ; and WHEREAS , this Commission has formulated , endorsed and forwarded a CHARTER AND BYLAWS dated October 1 , 1994 governing its actions to the Town of Ulysses for its review , consideration and approval ; be it therefore Town of Ulysses Regular Town Board Meeting December I3 , 1994 RESOLVED , that the Town of Ulysses authorizes the Supervisor to affix his signature to said document affirming the approva ) by Lhi i board nl hp r, ND BYLAWS at the ' CC ! CTC . Mr . Austic said there is a fee of $ 56 . 40 annually . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Adopted . NEW BUSINESS HoItkamp Public Hearing Mr . Austic moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover the following resolution : WHEREAS : Authority is established in Town Law sections 261 and 264 to create and amend the town zoning ordinance , and WHEREAS : the town board had previously amended the town zoning ordinance to establish Planned Unit Development D istrict # 14 on Parcel # 16 - 1 -- 16 , and WHEREAS : the town board has received a request from William Holtkamp , owner of said parcel , to remove the Planned Unit D evelopment designation , allowing the parcel to revert Used to residential designation , and WHEREAS : the Ulysses Planning Board has recommended that the above board action he taken , and a duly advertised public hearing has taken place on December 13 , 1994 at 6 : 30PM by the Ulysses Town Board , be it H EREBY RESOLVED : that the Ulysses Town Board acting upon the advice of the Ulysses Planning Board and after hearing input from the general public , has decided to remove the designation of Planned Unit Development District # 14 from Parcel # 16 - 1 - it and redesignate this parcel as residential along with all requirements and regulations which govern that designation , This amendment will become effective upon publication and posting . Mr .. Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Adopted . Medicare B Reimbursement Mr . Austic said that over the years , quarterly reimbursement has been given to all retirees , for their Medicare B expenses . This amounts to 9219 . a quarter or roughly $ 20001 per year . Tried to determine why ; apparently in 1963 the County agreed to reimburse County workers for Medicare B . Wasn ' t costly then , $ 4 . - $ 1 . e month ; today it is amounting up to quite a bit of money . The County may decide not to do it next year . Mr . Meskill said that will probably need to be negotiated . Mr . Austic said other Towns Town of Ulysses 6 Regular Town Board Meeting December 13 , 1994 w ere reimbursing and they have decided not to continue . We can continue unless the Board says otherwise . There is no line item in the budget for this . Mr . Reitz asked what Medicare B does for the employees . Mr . Austic said that when you get a Social Security check they deduct w hatever the fee is from that check to cover Medicare B insurance , What we are doing is reimbursing the employees for that deduction . Mr . Curtis said it is clear to him to discontinue this item unless there is some documentation somewhere . Mr , Reitz asked how many people are affected ? Mr . Rustic said it ' s $ 200 . quarterly , five people are receiving this benefit . Never seen e bill . would need a bill before paying this . Mr . Curtis moved to discontinue paying Medicare 6 insurance to ✓ etirees effective the end of 1994 , seconded by Air . Weatherby . Discussion ensued . Mr . Reitz said he wonders if it isn ' t e ✓ etirement package benefit . Mrs . Stover said she feels we should investigate , see if there isn ' t some documentation approving this . Mr . Rustic said there is no legal requirement to pay this . Mr . Reitz moved to table the motion at this time to investigate for documentation , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Mr . Austin said we can continue this for the rest of 1994 but it isn ' t in the budget for 1995 . if you want to continue on with it w ill have to increase the budget for 1995 . Mr . Austic asked if there was any discussion on the tabling motion . Hearing none the board proceeded to vote : Mr . Austic May Mr . Curtis Nay Mr . Weatherby Nay Mr . Deity Aye Mrs . Stover Aye The board then proceeded to vote on Mr . Curtis ' motion as follows : Mr . Reitz Nay Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Mrs . Stover Abstained Adopted . COPY Machine Mr . Austic said he has a letter from the copy machine maintenance man who indicates this machine needs replacement . . . slow moving parts , old , and items will need to be replaced shortly that will be costly . Marsha has checked on the State bids , Mr . Austic asked Mrs . Georgia to address the bids . . . Mrs . Georgia said there is a machine that doesn ' t have a document feeder or sorter and that costs $ 2 , 734 . ; another that is a stop up and includes a ten - bin sorter , document feed ( not going with front / back copy ) would cast $ 3 , 396 . Now we pay for service $ 440 . w hich does not cover drum replacement ; also gay an additional $ 400 , service contract on the machine in the Justice office . Under State contract for the maintenance agreement it ' s $ 168 . year which would include a drum replacement , so that ' s a very Town of Ulysses 7 Regular Town Board Meeting D ecember 13 , 1994 g ood feature . Mr . Austic said the copier is five years old ; Mr . Weatherby asked if there is any value in that . . . trade ? Mrs . Georgia said under State contract they can ' t . Called library to see if they are interested . They are looking at something else . Think we can sell it outright . Mr . Austic said we should look into a new machine , however , we have one in the Court . . . but a machine like this new one is adequate for everyone . Feel we should buy this new one and forget that other machine when the contract runs out . Was suggested , since this machine belongs to the Village , to continue using it but don ' t renew the maintenance agreement on it . Mr . Weatherby moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis to approve the purchase of a new copy machine for the State bid price of $ 3 , 396 . 00 . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Adopted . • Engineering Study Mr . Austic said the Town is not paying for this study . The people who are requesting water will cover the cost based on percentage of their individual assessments . Have a letter of intent from each individual that they will pay . Intermunicipal Youth Partnership Mr . Austic said we need a person to be our representative for this group . Need to appoint a person , can be any body ; do feel that whoever is appointed will be voting as a representative of the Town , not a personal interest . . . so whatever is in the best interest of the Town and wishes of the Town Board , needs to be stressed . Mr . Curtis said he thinks it should be the Town Board representative to the Joint Youth Commission . Mr . Reitz said there needs to be communication between this person and the Joint Youth Commission . Mr . Reitz said he still has interest . Could advertise . Mr . Curtis said his main concern is communication . Mr . Austic said the board has been very specific in what we want done , or we would not be involved in the Partnership . After discussion , Mr . Weatherby moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover for Thomas Reitz to be appointed to represent the Town of Ulysses on the Intermunicipal Youth Partnership . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Abstained Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Adopted . P ermission to form committee with Village on Water District Mr . Austic briefly re - explained the intent of forming a committee with the Village to discuss water districts , master plans , etc . • Town of Ulysses 8 Regular Town Board Meeting D ecember 13 , 1994 Second Notice Charge Mr . Austic entertained a motion , moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mr . Weatherby the following resolution : WHEREAS : the Town of Ulysses Tax Collector must issue a tax reminder notice to all taxpayers who have delinquent Town and County Tax bills in May of each year , and WHEREAS : the billing for this reminder is an expense to the Town , now be it RESOLVED : that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes the amount of one dollar ( 51 . 00 ) to be assessed to each delinquent tax bill to cover the cost of postage and handling for the Tax Reminder Notice . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Adopted . Fire Contract Mr . Austic said he needs authorization to sign the fire contract . Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mr . Weatherby to authorize S upervisor Doug Austic to sign the 1995 Fire Contract . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Adopted . H ighway Monies Mr . Austic entertained a motion , moved by Mr . Curtis , seconded by Mr . Reitz an Agreement for expenditures of highway monies by James Meeker , Highway Superintendent . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Adopted . Correspondence Mr . Austic reviewed correspondence received . Discussion regarding Solid Waste , recycling centers took place . A Special Town Board Meeting was scheduled for December 31 , 1994 at 9 : 00AM . CP9 Town of Ulysses 9 Regular Town Board Meeting December 13 , 1994 Hearing no further business Mrs . Stover moved to adjourn , seconded by all , the Regular Town Board meeting adjourned at 10 : 30PM . Unanimously approved . Respectfully submitted , Marsha Georgia Town Clerk pm