HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-10-03 - TB r • SPECIAL BOARD MEETING lg . TOWN OF ULYSSES October 3 , 1994 PRESENT : Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Councilpeople Thomas Reitz , Catherine Stover , and Ben Curtis ; Councilman Weatherby absent ; Highway Superintendent James Meeker ; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia . Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 pm to discuss the bids received and opened at the Regular Town board Meeting of September 13 , 1994 . Mr . Meeker , Highway Superintendent stated that he has reviewed O the bid proposals received , from R . L . S . Structures , Inc . for $ 34 , 760 . and Park Lane Construction & Development Corp . for $ 44 , 800 , on September 13 , 1994 . He told the Board he had advertised for specifications ; in other words - - what do you have to offer to the Town of Ulysses for a 30 ' x 60 ' Salt Storage building ? So therefore after comparison between the two proposals of the two buildings offered I feel Park Lane Construction & Development Corp . submitted the better bid proposal for our Salt Storage needs and recommends the Board accept their bid of $ 44 , 800 . The following are + or - reasons for his recommendation . PARK LANE R . L . S . + Architect or Professional Yes - No Engineer + 5 / 8 " CDX plywood for roof - 1 / 2 " plywood + 8X12 laminated column - 8 " X8 " columns 60 treated 6 ' on centers ( laminated 8 ' on centers ) 8X8 stub column . treatment ? + 6 ' centers Engineered truss - 4 ' centers . truss ? every other 45 P . S . F . total load one not supported on column . minimum 35 P . S . F . + Exterior wall 5 / 8 Texture 111 - Inner seal ? 3 / 8 " like press board + Shingles 25 yr . + 2 yr . on install - - 25 yr . shingle warranty ation . + 8 ' height stress skin panel - 1 1 / 2 " tongue & groove boards ( see detail ) 6 " Thickness + Check references ; Good + References ; Good 53 plus in N . Y . S . including 3 all subcontracted ; no salt buildings built by R . L . S . e salt buildings . + Continuous vented roof & side wall - None ? vent . + Interior wall , ease of replacement - Tongue & groove not so easy . plywood . + 6 " interior wall - 1 1 / 2 " interior wall + 8 ' height - Not 7 ' in height Special Board Meeting 2 Town of Ulysses 10 - 3 - 94 A general discussion took place as to different prices per square foot for buildings of this kind that ranged from $ 37 . to $ 23 . for a comparison that had been from other sources of already constructed Salt Storage buildings . The general census of the Town Board was to accept Mr . Meeker ' s recommendation and award the contract to Park Lane Construction and Development Corp . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis the following ; RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses accept the bid of $ 44 , 800 from Park Lane Construction and Development Corp . based on the product quality and design as per bid specifications . Mr . Austic aye Mr . Reitz aye Mr . Curtis aye Mrs . Stover abstained Adopted Hearing no further discussion Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover to adjourn the meeting . Unanimously carried . Meeting adjourn 6 : 30 p . m . Respectfully submitted , Marsha L . Georgia Ulysses Town Clerk MLG : mg TOWN OF ULYSSES ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN HALL OCTOBER 3 , 1994 P RESENT : CHAIRMAN : YEN CHRISTIAN ON ; MEMBERS : CARL MANN , RUSSELL CARPENTER , GEORGE TSELEKIS ; BUILDING / ZONING OFFICER ; ALEX RACHUN ; SECRETARY : ROXANNE SMITH ALSO PRESENT : FRANK PALMER , MR . AND MRS . WHITE ( MR . PALMER ' S NEIGHBORS ) The Chairman called the hearing to order at 7 ; 30 PM . Frank Palmer o f 2374 Mecklenburg Rd . , Trumansburg , NY , has requested a variance un - der Article II , Section 6 , of the Zoning Ordinance . The purpose for t his is to expand the cubic content of the existing house at 4088 Cold Springs Rd . , Trumansburg , that does not have the required front yard . Mr . Palmer had been denied under Article VII , Section 3 , of the Ulysses Zoning Ordinance in that no nonconforming building shall be altered or e xtended except as authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals . The Chairman stated that Mr . Palmer had decided to raise the roof and one an addition on the back of the house . Carl asked if the new height met t he NYS building and fire codes ? Alex indicated it does and that it will conform more than it originally did . Initially Alex Raciun spoke on Mr . Palmer ' s behalf ( as he had in - dicated he might not he able to attend the hearing ) . The Chairman stated that he had a little problem with the fact that the job is just about completed and the Members are just meeting now to consider giving Mr . P almer e variance for it . Alen did review the plans with the builder , and everything was satisfactory . At that point some of the structural work had been done . Alex pointed out that the house was too close to t he road , and because the cubic content of the house was being increased , it would need a variance . The footprint of the house is not being in - creased . i Mr . and Mrs . White , neighbors of Mr . Palmer , spoke in favor of the change . They stated it was a great improvement . Carl noted that the reason that the Members of the Zoning Board o f Appeals were proceeding with the request , without the applicant present , was due to the fact that the letter was sent to the applicant at an Ithaca address instead of a Trumansbuzp one . It was an error on t he Town ' s part . At this point Mr . Palmer arrived . Russell stated that he felt it would be in everyone ' s best interest to grant the variance as it was an improvement on the facility . Carl Mann made the motion as follows : Whereas : The requested variance is not substantial in the relation to the requirement ; Whereas : The effect of the variance ( if allowed ) on increased popula - tion density ; on available governmental facilities is nil ; Whereas ; There will not be a substantial change in the character o f the neighborhood ; Whereas ; There will not he a detriment to adjoining properties . The height will be brought at to conformance . This is ✓ eally the only practical net to obviate the difficulty . It is to the Town ' s benefit that the roof be raised . In the view of t he manner in which the difficulty arose , which was that the building was constructed this way originally , and in consideration of all of the above factors , justice will be served by allowing the variance . Carl made the motion to grant the variance . Yen seconded It and then called for e vote as follows : Russell Carpenter - Aye , Carl Mann - Aye , K en Gristnenson - Aye , George Tselskis - Aye . The motion was passed unanimously , the variance was granted . Carl I : made a motion for adjournment , Ken seconded . The meeting adjourned at 7 : 35 PM . eglr TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 3 , 1994 TOWN HALL PRESENT : ACTING CHAIRWOMAN : KEYS CAIL ; MEMBERS : PETER DEMJANEK , DAN SMITH , GREGG HOFFMIRE ; DAVID TYLER ( 8 : 15 PM ) ; BUILDING / ZONING OFFICER : ALEX RACHUN ; TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEMBER : TOM REITZ ; SECRETARY : ROXANNE SMITH . MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 19 , 1994 The meeting came to order at 7 : 40 PM . ( There was a Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing scheduled at 7 : 30 PM . ) The Members reviewed the minutes of September 19 , 1994 . Keys asked that a change be made in the paragraph under Wal - Mart Environmental Study . In the third sentence , " private " , will be changed to " municipal " . Greg made a motion to pass the minutes as amended ; Keys seconded it . The motion passed unanimously . MASTER PLAN DRAFT The Members were given a copy of the County ' s draft of the Master Plan ( minus 15 pages ) . Keys asked what the Members thought about the recommendation that the boundaries of the County Transportation Group be e xtended past the metropolitan / Ithaca area ? ( Page 8 ) She went o n to say that they would prefer to have the transportation planning done for the Town as a whole rather than just for that metropolitan area . She queried , who " they " were ? ( Tom Raise was not present . ) With very simple additions the draft could form the basis of the Master Plan document , commented Keys . The Members agreed . Peter stated he ' s more interested in the conclusions that come out of it . The Members spent a lot of time reading through the document , commenting on such things as : soil types , the large amount of non - taxable land and Alpha House ' s water district . During this time period Tom Raise joined the group . He volunteered to have the Town Historian ( Ester Northrup ) , as well as Fran Leuder look over the document . PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AREA Keys asked Tom if it was the County Planning Board that is recommending that the municipal transportation area be changed ? Tom said that currently it is the City of Ithaca , Town of Ithaca , a small part of the Town of Dryden , and the Village of Cayuga Heights . They want to expand it to peripheral areas also . It has been a formal recommendation . December 14th or 15th will be the final recommendations . The ones who have a vote on this issue are the principal leaders of the governments just defined . Tom is working on a sub - committee of the Planning Board ( County ) to review the document page by page , line by line . Keys asked if there would be representation on that committee from outlying areas . They haven ' t taken them into account yet as this is only the first stage , responded Tom . He continued to say that yes , it w ill have some effect on the residents up here . It is a 50 , 000 population segment centered around Ithaca . Regional uniformity in the performance and design in roads being encouraged is part o f the recommendation , the Black Diamond Trail and additional infrastructure will be put into the future plan also . The discussion involves about 4 billion dollars of federal money coming this way . DAVID ' S MASTER PLAN REPORT Hopefully the Master Plan will have the survey finished up by tomorrow . The plan is to have it out by early November . The Members will get a copy to the Planning Board and the Town Board . Keys felt that it was very important to get the survey out before p '1 Town of Ulysses 2 P lanning Board Meeting 10 - 3 - 94 Town Hall the holidays . Dan stated if they went out by the first of N ovember they would probably be back by Thanksgiving . AD HOC COMMITTEE K eys shared that the Ad Hoc Committee has been playing " telephone tag " and have not actually met . She queried whether it was Tom ' s idea to keep the group small ? Dave responded that the thought was , if you had a small nucleus group you would have a meeting that had everyone there . Keys would like to include the gentleman from Ulysses Square since he spoke favorably of participating . WATER ISSUE Tom Raise reported that the Town asked the Village , what do you need in return for giving the Town water ? The Village responded ( after meeting on September 26th ) that there were four issues that needed to be discussed prior to making a commitment . They are : limit on water , if it is exceeded , an additional contribution needed to be made ; the size of the district ; what kind of capital improvements the Village would get out of it ; and land use discussions . Tom went on to say that the Town ' s d iscussions were prompted by the petitions the Town received to form a water district by the Residents in the south end , and to the north end by Mr . Auble . Before they can process that petition to get an indirect study started we need to have a source / supply of water . That is why the Village has been told if t hey give the Town water , the Village will receive something in return . The State people will be coming on Wednesday at the Town H all at 4 : 30 PM . David stated that having Doug working for the Village and the Town puts him at a disadvantage . The bottom line is we are all in this boat together . There has to be a meeting in the middle , and equality of personalities involved . D an asked how much longer the Village could go before they h ave to update their systems ? Tom responded that they have a loan ( for sewage update ) of 1 . 2 million . Unfortunately their contract price came in at 1 . 8 million . The infrastructure needs immediate attention . Other infrastructure points are that the two , DPW and the Highway Department get along great . A key ingredient will be to have the Master Plan complete , as it will g ive a guideline to the Town and the Village . NEXT MEETING The Members are scheduled for a meeting on October 17 , 1994 . If the Master Plan is able to finish the survey , everyone will meet on the Master Plan Committee ' s scheduled meeting date ( October 18 , 1994 ) , but the Planning Board will come in at 7 : 00 P M . The meeting adjourned at 9 : 20 PM . •