HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-02-08 - TB { , t 31 , e TOWN Of` ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING February 8 , 1994 Present : Supervisor Doug Austic ; Councilpeople Catherine Stover , $ en Curtis , Thomas Reitz ; Highway Superintendent James Meeker ; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia . Others present : Jeanne Vanderbilt , Bookkeeper ; Peter Meskill . S upervisor Austic called the Regular Town Board Meeting of the Town of Ulysses to order at 7 : 25pm and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America , i Mr . Austic entertained a motion to approve the minutes of Special B oard Mtg . 1 / 15 / 94 and Regular Town Board Mtg . 1 / 18 / 94 , moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Corrections to minutes of 1 / 15 ; no mention made to adjustments being to Budget of 1993 ( pry ) ; Election expenses should be $ 3 , 200 . ( pg 3 ) ; couple of typo ' s . . . t / tSft4 ( gg 1 ) meet not meek ; 1 / 15 / 94 ( pig 5 ) should read ' cash ' not cast . H earing no further discussion , the Board voted : Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Report : TrumansburN Fire Department None Report : Representative Peter Meskill Mr . Meskill stated he is now the vice - Chair of Public Safety , is on Solid waste Committee , Public works Committee . Also been appointed to the 911 Task Force . Mentioned allegations focused o n the Jail / racial undertones . Will be working on Sheriff ' s budget also . Solid Waste to working on building a sic million dollar project . . . a flaw in the foundation design . . . will cost additional $ 200 . 000 . to fix . Discussed agreement between Town and Village regarding recycling . CLAIMS Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover approval of Claims # 15 - 42 in the amount of $ 21 , 662 , 5 $ . Mr . Austic Aye Mr , Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr , Curtis Aye Approved . S upervisor ' s Financial Report Mr . Austin distributed the year - end report for 1993 . Read the Cash Flow Statement . Mr . Austic also distributed the Investment Quarterly Report . Discussed Repurchase Agreement . . . checked with several banks ; only one longer than forty days is TCTC . Interest ✓ ate about the same . In view of that and the ease with working w ith TCTC , decided to go with them . Made the agreement for 120 d ays at 2 . 95 . On some of the Reserve Funds , they are in Super i Town of Ulysses 2 Regular Town Board Meeting February 8 , 1994 Savers earning 2 . 75 % ; if we don ' t have anything to do immediately w e could get a couple of CD ' s for twelve months at 3 . 56 % . Mr . Reitz said to consider that it you are thinking of purchasing equipment or such . . . what will it cost in a year , and would it be w iser to get it now . Mrs . Stover asked what amount we would be making by putting it in a CD . Mr . Austic said if you put the e ntire $ 125 , 000 + in will earn $ 1994 . 52 in interest ; leave it in the Super Saver will get 1. 714 . 00 . . . only a couple hundred . D iscussed General Reserve and Part - Town Reserve and decided to leave them . Mr . Austic suggested taking $ 100 , 000 . from Highway Reserve and purchase a CD ; the Board will leave it to Mr . Austic ' s discretion . Hearing of Delegations and Individuals. N one O LD BUSINESS Zoning Board Appointments Mr . Austic said Russ Carpenter , Peter Penniman , Randy Brown , Irene Schickel have been interviewed . Asked for discussion . Will appoint a member for ZBA first and then the Chairperson . Mr . Reitz said likes to see the board be diversified ; Irene lives on the Blvd . where there are some problems , would have knowledge o f not only that , think a bit of an advantage since she works in the Court system at the Town . Of the four , lean toward Irene - Schickel , Think we have four good candidates . Mr . Curtis said we have four good candidates , no question about it . . . guess see Irene as already being involved in Town government , have Peter Penniman hooked up with Human Services Commission , sounded like Randy might take BOC ; guess I ' m inclined towards Carpenter . Would like to have all four involved one way or another , Mrs . Stover mentioned where present Board members live . Mr . Austic asked if there was a motion . All these people are willing to do something , perhaps someday need a special committee to look into an issue , use these folks . Mr . Curtis moved that Russ Carpenter be appointed to the Zoning B oard of Appeals , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Mr . Austic asked who should be Chairman . . . Mr + Reitz said Ken Christianson was recommended . Mr . Curtis moved that Ken Christianson be appointed Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Planning Board Appointment Mr . Austic said there is one Planning Board member to appoint . Have Peter Penniman , Randy Brown and Budd Stover . Mrs . Stover said she will absent herself so the Board can discuss . V S t 4 3 Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Town Board Meeting February 8 , 1994 Mr . Reitz moved that Budd Stover be reappointed to the Planning B oard for a seven year term , seconded by Mr . Curtis . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Mrs . Stover Abstained Approved . Mr . Reitz suggested encouraging the other interested people to serve on the Master Plan Committee . Mrs . Stover said they can use people . People get tired and drop off . About six come faithfully . ® Doug will speak to the Chair of Master Plan Committee and see if the offer should be extended to these people . O ther Appointments Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover to nominate Randy Brown to Tompkins County Board of Representatives as the Town of U lysses Representative to Tompkins County EOC . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Assoc . of Towns NYC Trip Mr . Austic spoke with Judge Rector who is willing to take the $ 50 . for the bus trip whether he drives or not . Registration is $ 60 . ; called the hotel and they will not take a voucher . Judge Rector feels he needs $ 500 . cash to make the trip . Mr . Curtis said he can ' t support that . Mr . Reitz asked if the $ 500 . would cover the hotel . Mrs . Georgia said the hotel is $ 351 . ; Mr . Austic said we are paying the registration fee . Mr . Curtis asked if the $ 117 . for the room is for a single . . . he isn ' t sharing a room ? Mr . Austic said are we guaranteeing that we will cover his expenses if he comes back with receipts for $ 500 . ? Mrs . Georgia said that it could be a hardship for some people to come up with the funds out of pocket . . . Mr . Reitz said perhaps the Travel P olicy that is being entertained may clarify . Mr . Austic asked if the Board wished to discuss that and put this discussion on h old . Mr . Reitz asked what is being asked for . Mr . Austic said . . . three nights of room at $ 117 . / night [ $ 351 . 1 ; we said we would pay the $ 60 . registration [ can listen to the tape again if there is a question about that decision ] ; $ 90 . / day for food . Mrs . Stover asked if this was reasonable ? Mr . Curtis said you can get by on less , yes . Mr . Austic said what do you want to do . . . that we will approve $ 500 . with documented receipts ? Mr . Curtis said he would prefer that , Mr . Reitz and Mrs . Stover agreed . Mrs . Georgia said perhaps you should review and approve the Travel Policy . . . based on that you would be paying $ 681 . In previous meeting arrived at the decision that we would pay $ 500 . plus $ 60 . registration . Mr . Austic will speak to Judge Rector . Assoc . of Towns Resolutions The Board reviewed the Resolutions and voted as follows : Retirement System - Yes Wicks Reform - Yes H ealth Care Costs - No Impact Fees - No ? ' 341 Town of Ulysses 4 Regular Town Board Meeting February 8 , 1994 E lection Worker SS Wages - Yes G overnment Leaseholds - Yes State Aid for Code Enforcement - Yes H ealth Insurance Pooling - No Workers Compensation - Yes S afe Drinking Water Regulations - Yes Intermunicipal Cooperation - No L ocal Government Records Management Funding - Yes Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover the following : RESOLVED : that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorize J ustice Roger Rector , delegate from the Town of Ulysses to vote on the Resolutions as listed above , at the NYS Association of Towns Annual Meeting . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Insurance Quotes Mr . Austic said he has sent a form to Bailey Insurance in Dryden ; waiting to receive a quote . Rearranging Agenda Mr . Curtis proposed rearranging the agenda to accommodate Mr . Meeker and Mr . Rachun . Mr . Meeker said thinks the Village has the reports at the start of the meeting . Mr . Austic said would like to see reports given after Claims . N EW BUSINESS D riveway at Recycling Site • Mr . Austic said this has already been discussed , will look up the agreement . Asked Mr . Meeker how much it would cost to pave the d riveway ; no one thought it was that bad , few potholes . Mr . Rustic suggested coming up with a response indicating that the Town will fill and patch some holes , but not pave the entire d riveway . Travel Policy Tabled after brief discussion . Claims Policy Mr . Rustic asked if there were comments or questions . Most of these items pertain to the Supervisor . Under Item A , add # 6 - ' All claims must have attached documentations ' . Under Item F , # 5 - delete ' Clerk or ' and add ' Supervisor or ' . . . mailing payments is O the responsibility of the Supervisor or Bookkeeper . Item D , # 6 was discussed and left . Mr . Meeker presented a resolution and asked the Board to act on it : Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis the following : WHEREAS , the Office of the State Comptroller has ruled that counties may no longer extend their bids for public work ( services ) to political subdivisions , and • gar A .l �e4 Town of Ulysses 5 Regular Town Board Meeting February 8 , 1994 WHEREAS , General Municipal Law Section 119 - 0 provides for municipalities entering into cooperative purchasing agreements to jointly bid needed services , and WHEREAS , General Municipal Law , Article 5 - G , Section 119 - 0 states that " any agreement entered into hereunder shall be approved by each participating municipal corporation or district by a majority vote of its governing body , " now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Town of Ulysses be hereby authorized to • participate with Tompkins County in the cooperative purchasing of the following highway services ; ® Guiderail ✓ egetation Control B ituminous Material Plant Mix Bituminous Concrete B ridge Repairs S ubsurface Drainage Hearing no further discussion , Mr . Austic asked that the Board vote . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . A Certified Copy will be sent to Tompkins County Purchasing . Mr . Meeker , Highway Superintendent , requested that he give his report at this time . Discussed tank testing . Need a bigger salt shed . Deliveries are now one week to fourteen days . Use 100 tons in a day . Mr . Austic asked if Mr . Meeker had an estimate of w hat a new salt shed would cost . Short discussion about wood chips , Mr . Meeker feels they can be given away . Discussion ✓ eturned to the salt shed . Mr . Meeker said he is looking at something larger than originally thought . The Board returned to the Claims Policy . Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz the adoption of the following : I CLAIMS POLICY PURPOSE : To clarify what is expected of a claimant when requesting payment and to establish responsibility for the various steps in the claim procedure . A . General Requirements of claims submitted : 1 . All claims must be written 2 . All claims must be itemized in simple enough form to be easily understood . 3 . All claims must be approved by department heads or supervisor . 4 . All claims must be submitted on prescribed forms . 5 . All claims must be certified by claimant if practical . 6 . All claims must have attached documentations . B . Town Clerk ' s Responsibilities : 1 . Receive and number claims - all claims should be submitted to Town Clerk by noon Friday prior to scheduled board meeting . 2 . Prepare Abstract of Claims . 3 . Submit to supervisor for pre - board audit to check accuracy . 4 . Present to board . c' ,` Town of Ulysses 6 Regular Town Board Meeting February 8 , 1994 5 . Certify that claims and abstract have been approved by the board . 6 . Keep claims as public record . C . Preliminary Review - Supervisor : 1 . Check mathematic accuracy . 2 . Insure account # ' s being charged . 3 . Check supporting documents . 4 . Insure discounts are taken and taxes are not charged . 5 . Check for duplications . 6 . Insure supporting documents are itemized and signed by person receiving goods or services . 7 . Make sure appropriations are available and if not , recommend appropriate transfers . liO 8 . Check contract information . 9 . Sign that claims have been checked . D . Payments Prior to Board Audit - Supervisor Approval : 1 . Public Utility bills . 2 . Postage . 3 . Freight and Express charges . 4 . Petty Cash Payments . 5 . Claims which will result in service charges if delayed or lose discounts . 6 . Contract agreements with no discretion . E . Board Audit : 1 . Insure validity and for legal purpose . 2 . Check to verify incurred by authorized official . 3 . Have goods been received or services rendered . 4 . Appropriations available / not overdraw accounts . 5 . Are claims proper . F . Supervisor / Bookkeeper : 1 . Supervisor signs claims indicating Board Audit approval . 2 . Bookkeeper issues checks and ensures correct account debited and appropriations are available . 3 . Bookkeeper prepares a printout of claim payments and account balances for supervisor ' s records . 4 . Supervisor signs checks and checks for proper amounts and debits . 5 . Supervisor or Bookkeeper mails payments . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . P rocurement Policy Tabled . Investment Policy Tabled . Payroll Policy Tabled . Auble - Water Request 3 7 Town of Ulysses 7 Regular Town Board Meeting February 8 , 1994 Mr . Austic said there are Town Laws that pertain to requests for w ater ; the Village basically has the same type of thing . Wrote to the Village Board saying that he would like to establish a committee here with the Planning Board , Alex Rachun and myself or someone else , to go through and establish criteria to follow when making this type of request . Perhaps get someone from the ✓ illage to be on the committee so that it is uniform . This would apply to anyone making this type of request . Waiting to hear a response from the Village . REPORTS Town Clerk - Marsha Georgia reported that for the month of January $ 6 , 512 . 66 of which $ 3187 . was building permits and $ 45 . for zoning permits ; $ 470 . trailer licenses . Also $ 1 , 892 . in Franchise Fees from ACC and $ 67 . Bell Jar fees . Taxes collected , to date , $ 1 , 070 , 556 . 98 ; $ 13 , 515 . 28 has been paid out in o verpayments to various financial institutions ; $ 551 , 318 . total tax warrant paid to the Supervisor ; $ 480 , 000 . paid to TC B udget / Finance ; $ 2 , 722 . 01 to TC Budget / Finance for installment charges ; $ 56 . 25 paid to Supervisor in interest on installment payments . Finished Grant application and in mail on February 1st . Requesting $ 17 , 313 . Copy available for anyone interested . Mrs . Georgia read the Code Enforcement Officer ' s report ; one building permit for Special Children ' s Center . Mrs . Stover and Mr . Curtis reported that all changes to the Zoning Ordinance that had been made by Marsha and Paula were correct [ as originally explained at previous Board Meeting , per Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance 1989 ] . In Article II , Administration , use the term Zoning Officer , Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer . . . not clear if all the same person ; o ur position would be to use one term , Code Enforcement / Zoning O fficer . Discussion ensued . Under Article II , Section 6 & 7 talk about Area Variance and Use Variance / Mr . Curtis provided some information relative to these areas that may be incorporated into the Ordinance [ copy given to Mr . Austic ] . Mr . Austic asked if Mr . Curtis had it marked up the way he wants it . . . Mr . Curtis said yes . Mr . Curtis said he spoke with County Planning about some maps , since ours aren ' t very legible . Haven ' t heard anything yet . Mrs . Georgia asked which maps . . . we have new ones from County P lanning that would be incorporated into the updated Zoning O rdinance . Mrs . Stover said she would like to see them . Mr . Austic suggested waiting to do anything until we get the maps . Mr . Austic said he and Mr . Curtis attended a Cable Commission meeting . . . asked Mr . Curtis to report briefly . Mr . Curtis said ® general consensus is that not many of us know about the Cable Franchise . . . get group together and pool resources , put together a model franchise . What the Committee is going to do now is get those By - laws together , look them over , print them up and send them out to the municipalities . Put together a sample resolution and try to get this thing back together again . Last time around , think each municipality put in $ 50 . , don ' t know what would be appropriate at this time , and see if we want to get together on this . Mr . Reitz presented some ideas on renovating / enlarging the building , also provide a space for records retention . Some Town of Ulysses 8 Regular Town Board Meeting February 8 , 1994 discussion took place . Mr . Curtis said he checked on that Canal Grant , came back that the grant had to be in by January 31st . Very limited things you can do with it . CORRESPONDENCE Mr . Austic received the following : A call from Dryden Supervisor , Mr . Schug ; correspondence from Board of Reps , Firm of John McKeel Jr . [ surveyors / planners / engineers ] , DEC , ACC , Solid Waste , inquiry from Village of Trumansburg asking if we want to be an involved agency or lead agency in their environmental review of their sewer plant [ 30 days to respond ] , letter from Peter Lent , information regarding Election Expenses . Hearing no further business Mr . Reitz moved to adjourn , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Unanimously approved the meeting adjourned at 11 : 30pm . Respectfully submitted , Marsha L . Georgia Town Clerk pm O