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NOVEMBER 9, 1999
PRESENT : Supervisor Douglas Austic; Councilpeople Carolyn Duddleston, Sue
Poelvoorde, Robert Weatherby, Andrew Hillman; Highway Superintendent James
Meeker; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun and Town Clerk Marsha L. Georgia.
Others Present: Catherine Stover, George Kennedy, Ulysses Youth Directors Jolene
Uticone and Tim Reap, Ithaca Journal Reporter Lauren Bishop, Trumansburg Free Press
Reporter Grace Wolf, Jacksonville Community Assoc. Representatives Richard and Peg
Coogan and Susanne Motheral, Community Links Director.
Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 PM and led those assembled in the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES : Regular Board Meeting 10/12 and Budget Work
Session 10/18
Mrs. Duddleston and Ms Poelvoorde provided corrections to the clerk. Mrs. Duddleston
moved, seconded by Ms Poelvoorde to approve the minutes of the Regular Town Board
Meeting of October 12t and the Budget Work Session of October 18` , 1999.
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Mss Poelvoorde aye
Mr. Hillman aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Mr. Weatherby moved, seconded by Mr. Hillman to approve previous reviewed voucher
numbers 393 through 454 in the amount of $77,277.41 .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Mss Poelvoorde aye
Mr. Hillman aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Tompkins County Representative Peter Penniman - absent
Trumansburg Fire Department — absent
Community Links Representative Susanne Motheral announced that the Community
Links program is coming to an end because of lack of funding. Ms Motheral wanted to
take this opportunity to thank the community for working with her. She worked closely
with Jacksonville Community Association on their water problems. She handed out
some news articles that could be used to put with the letter to the Attorney General. Also
she has recorded the history of the Community Links projects along with a complete
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record of all the press records, mailing list and etc. This is on file in the Tompkins
County Cooperative Extension Office.
Mr. Austic thanked Susanne for all her efforts in trying to get the community together,
her hard work and help over the last couple of years.
Highway Superintendent James Meeker reported that he and the crew worked on
mowing back roadsides, cut back bank on the corner of Krums Corners Rd. and Rt . 96,
and helped Enfield do some stone and oiling . The Town put down shoulders on Krums
Corners Road, Iradell Ext. , Durling Road, Proskine Road, Lake Street Ext . , Terrell Road
and Cayuga Street Ext.
J. C . Smith Company came and cut the opening in the concrete wall at the Town Barns for
the walk in door.
They also finished up a project down on Maplewood Road and are starting to clear out
behind the Town Barns for the new addition.
Mr. Meeker has been sending a man to help the Village of Trumansburg on their leaf
New York State Electric and Gas has set a new pole for the addition and hopefully the
new overhead door will arrive and be installed next week.
Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun reported that three permits were issued - one
for a single-family home and two for additions. There were no meetings for Zoning
Board of Appeal cases. A request was received for a sixty-foot radio -receiving tower for
two-way communications with an Inter-net link by the Special Children Center. The
Planning Board scheduled a public hearing and than a continuation of the public hearing .
As a result of the first public hearing and calls made to the Center' s funding sources the
Center decided to withdraw their application for the tower.
Town Clerk Marsha L. Georgia reported that for the month of October a total of
$ 2,358 . 50 was collected in clerk fees. Of that $803 . 53 was turned over to the Supervisor
along with her monthly report.
Mrs. Georgia stated that she has been working on the preliminary information that will
be needed to mail out the "Income Survey". This includes putting a map together,
determining property owners with residences from that map, preparing labels, making
copies of the survey and the other enclosed information. Each of the surveys have to be
coded on the back so that it can be determined who mailed the survey back and who
hasn't, so a door-to-door follow up can be done.
Supervisor Austic reminded the Board that Tuesday November 16`h, 1999, at 7 : 00 PM at
the Trumansburg Fire House is the "Informational Meeting" on water. Barton &
Loguidice Engineers will explain the results of the Water Study and Mr. Null will be there
to explain the "Income Survey" .
Board Members and/or Committees
Councilwoman Duddleston handed out a chart to show where the Recreation
Partnership feels that they need to establish more programs, one being from high-school
graduation to senior citizens. The determination of the needs for programs was from
various requests of people for different programs.
Mrs. Duddleston reported that she attended the community meeting that Senator Kuhl
held. She took that opportunity to ask him for help with the Jacksonville Water Problem.
Mr. Kuhl gave her a couple of pamphlets that she shared with the Board.
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Councilman Hillman reported he had attended the Trumansburg Ulysses Joint Youth
Commission meeting last Tuesday and as usual things are going very well. The
Tompkins County Youth Commission has commented that the Ulysses Youth
Commission does a very good job as compared to other municipalities. There will be a
bench-building workshop next Tuesday.
Mr. Hillman was asked by the commission to see if the Board would be interested in
writing a letter regarding the possibility of Block Grant Funding" for the NYS Youth
Development and Delinquency Prevention System being folded into Children' s and
Family Services block grant . The Youth Commission feels that this would not be a good
idea. They would like to see them remain independent of each other. Mr. Hillman had a
sample letter that could be sent to the State Officials.
Mr. Hillman stated that he received a call from Jean Foley Representative to EMC . Ms.
Foley was unable to attend the meeting tonight .
Mr. Austic said that he did have the information ready that she requested for a
presentation to EMC on the Jacksonville Water Problem.
Mr. Hillman offered to drop this information off to Jean.
Supervisor Report
Supervisor Austic presented the monthly Supervisor Report and reviewed. Various
appropriation and revenue accounts are over drawn he presented a resolution modifying
the 1999 as follows:
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses increase A Fund
expenditures and revenues as follows:
• 1220 .4 $ 1000 .
• 1410. 4 300 .
• 1620 .4 2500 .
• 1920.4 75 .
• 7310.4 2000 .
• 2350 2500.
• 2770 880.
• 3005 2485 .
B Fund as follows :
• 8020 .4 10,934.45
• Establish account 3089 (aid from other govts.) 10,934 .45
DB Fund as follows:
• 5110.4 22, 500 .
• 1120 22, 500.
Also using the remainder of the anticipated sales tax revenue to add to bridge reserve.
Further Resolved that $35 ,000 would be added to the 2000 Budget under
appropriations DB5110.4 to cover recently discovered culvert work. Increase
appropriated fund balance by $35 ,000 to cover expense.
Hearing no further discussion Mr. Weatherby moved, seconded by Mrs. Duddleston the
foregoing resolution.
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Ms Poelvoorde aye
Mr. Hillman aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
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Ms. Poelvoorde stated that she had received a phone call from George Kennedy residing
on Maplewood Road whom had missed the Public Hearing on the 2000 Budget. Mr.
Kennedy is present tonight and would like to say a few words.
Mr. Kennedy stated that Maplewood Road is approximately one mile long with twelve
creeks that cross under, with drop offs ranging from fifteen to fifty feet and are not
guarded He feels this situation is an accident waiting to happen. He has spoken with the
residents that live down there and they agree some more guardrails should be installed.
Mr. Austic asked if Highway Superintendent Meeker had any comments.
Mr. Meeker stated that he agrees with Mr. Kennedy that there ' re a lot of places in
Ulysses, not only on Maplewood but other roads that need work. But his budget for 5110
for minor repairs, ditches, and guardrails etc. totals $40,000 a year. The total miles of
roads he has to spread this out over is 35 . 86 miles, divide that out and it comes out
$ 1 , 100 per mile. Just this year alone on Maplewood Road the Town has put in a 60-foot
road-crossing pipe and installed gabion baskets. The total spent on Maplewood Road on
materials alone for this year is over $4500. He tries to do one or two a year but he can't
do them all at once.
Mr. Kennedy stated that the gabion baskets are a big help to prevent wash outs but they
still have a dangerous corner. Just on this one mile of road the assessed value of the
homes is over eleven million dollars and have many visitors come and go .
Mr. Austic said that he sees Mr. Kennedy' s point but also has to realize that Maplewood
Road is not as well traveled a road as some of the other town roads. The density of car
travel is heavier other places that Mr. Meeker has to look at . He is not saying that he
won't look at the situation on Maplewood.
Mr. Austic stated that they are adding the $35 , 000 to the 2000 budget and with that it
maybe possible to take a closer look at the situation on Maplewood Road.
Draft Zoning Ordinance
Mr. Austic suggested that the Board review the draft Zoning Ordinance to be prepared to
meet with the Ordinance Committee to review on November 22nd, 1999. Attorney
Wilson will probably attend that meeting .
Ag District Meeting
Mr. Austic announced that tomorrow night, November 10th, 1999 there is a meeting
concerning the Agricultural Districts and the redistribution of the districts put on by Chris
from Tompkins County Planning .
Mr. Rachun reviewed a few areas that should come out of the district such as Finger
Lakes Insurance on RT 227, the junk yard on Brook Road, Moore' s Outboard on Dubois,
Sleeping Bear Futon on RT 96, Parker sub-division on Perry City Road and Monroe
Square on RT 96. These areas and others will never be agricultural again so they may as
well be taken off the map
Joint Meeting Town Board/Planning Board
A joint meeting with the Planning Board is tentatively scheduled to be held November
22nd, 1999 after the Planning Board holds a Public Hearing where Veronica Gardens will
do a presentation for their project on Rt . 96. The time will be immediately following this
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2000 Budget
Mrs. Duddleston moved, seconded by Mr. Hillman the following:
Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses adopts the 2000 Budget as
previously modified with the additional $35 ,000 in DB 5110.4 and add $35 ,000 to budget
as appropriated fund balance to cover expenditure.
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Ms Poelvoorde aye
Mr. Hillman aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Water Study / Income Survey
There will be a meeting at the Trumansburg Fire Hall on November 16t, 1999 at 7 : 00
PM. Rich Straut from Barton & Loguidice will explain the water study they did for the
Town of Ulysses and Christian Nil will review the process of the income survey the
Town will be conducting .
Resolution to Attorney General
Ms Poelvoorde introduced the following resolution:
WHEREAS , the New York State Office of the Attorney General was
instrumental in achieving individual residents' settlements and establishing monitoring
standards and test well procedures for the 1978 Mobil Oil Company gasoline
underground fuel tank leak in the hamlet of Jacksonville, and
WHEREAS, the intent of the settlement was to provide financial reparations to
the Jacksonville residents most directly affected by the underground gasoline spill while
Mobil tested and reclaimed the spilled fuel to allow future use of the residential
properties Mobil acquired from residents, and
WHEREAS, current testing indicates that petroleum product pollution is still a
problem after 20 years and is not likely to dissipate over time and is beginning to show
signs of spreading to other areas of the hamlet, and
WHEREAS, the residential properties acquired by Mobil continue to deteriorate
in their vacant state and are further contributing to a depressed climate in the hamlet, and
WHEREAS, the only apparent and reasonable long-term solution to the Mobil
Oil Company groundwater pollution situation that will allow current vacant properties to
be sold for occupancy is the installation of a municipal water supply to the hamlet, and
WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses recently contracted an
engineering study to explore the installation of a municipal water supply system to
Jacksonville and the study indicated that the cost of such system far exceeds the
$524/household limit as determined by the New York State Comptroller,
NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses
respectfully requests the Attorney General to reopen the Mobil Oil Company case and
examine the responsibility of Mobil Oil Company to rectify the ongoing contamination of
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groundwater in the hamlet of Jacksonville and deliver to the residents of the hamlet of
Jacksonville and the Town of Ulysses a responsible solution.
Mr. Hillman moved, seconded by Mrs. Duddleston the foregoing resolution:
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Ms Poelvoorde aye
Mr. Hillman aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Mr. Austic has written a letter to go along with this resolution that basically explains in a
short synopsis of the history as to what was done to try and clean up the facility and what
has happened since then. Also with that the article written by Lauren Bishop and other
articles will be included . The original will be mailed to the Attorney General with copies
to Assemblyman Luster and Senator Kuhl.
Planning Board & Zoning Board of Appeals Attendance & Training Policy
Ms Poelvoorde reviewed the resolution that was presented at the last Board Meeting to
address a policy for training and attendance for the Planning Board and Zoning Board of
Appeals. The Town Attorney reviewed the resolution and he had no problems with it.
The Board made minor changes and Ms Poelvoorde moved, seconded by Mrs.
Duddleston the following :
WHEREAS, under Chapter 62, Article 16, Sections 261 and 264 of Town Law,
the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses is empowered to establish a land use ordinance
for the purpose of promoting the health, safety and general welfare of the community,
WHEREAS, in order to implement, administer and enforce such zoning
ordinance the Town Board is granted the authority by Sections 267 (2) and 271 ( 1 ) of
Town Law to establish a Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board and appoint
residents of the town to serve as members on the boards, and
WHEREAS, under Section 267 (2) and (9) and 271 ( 1 ) and (9) the Town Board
is authorized to establish minimum training and attendance standards for members of the
Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning board,
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses
adopts the following minimum training and attendance policy for the effective and
efficient function of the Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board.
Attendance Policy
Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board will be allowed three (3)
consecutive unexcused absences. If a member exceeds the number of allowed absences
the Town Board may remove the member from the respective board in compliance with
Sections 267(9) or 271 (9) of Town Law.
Unexcused — A board member is considered unexcused when said member fails to
notify the chair of the board, or his/her designated representative prior to scheduled
meeting . Such time limit shall be waived in a personal or medical emergency.
Training Policy
Zoning Board of Appeals : Within the first year of service, newly appointed members
should attend a minimum of one ( 1 ) training seminar or conference on interpreting and
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enforcing a zoning ordinance in New York State and administering the State
Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR-Environmental Conservation Law) .
Planning Board : Within the first year of service, newly appointed members should
attend a minimum of one ( 1 ) training seminar or conference on interpreting and enforcing
a zoning ordinance in New York State and administering the State Environmental Quality
Review Act (SEQR-Environmental Conservation Law) .
Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board will be compensated by
the Town Board for registration fees for the required training sessions. The chair of each
board shall submit a notification of expenditure for training for approval by the Town
Board prior to the member attending a training session.
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Ms Poelvoorde aye
Mr. Hillman aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Youth Request for Space
Mr. Austic stated that he has received a request to finish the top floor, of the Town Hall,
to be used for youth activities. There is a possibility for donations from businesses to
help this happen.
1 Jolleen Uticone of Ulysses Youth would like the thoughts of the Board on using the
space up over the Town Hall for a gathering space for youth.
Tim Reap Director of Ulysses Youth stated that it could serve as a base where the kids
could start programs like setting up a table to do the fly fishing club. Could be a great
spot to meet and a place for the kids to leave their stuff that they are working on.
Jolleen commented that she and Tim spend a lot of their time just looking for spaces and
transportation for the kids. The thought is if the youth directors had a more permanent
space the kids would know where to find them and could be more helpful and where
better to accomplish this would be overhead the Youth Office. They also feel that if
some of the programs were done outside of the school they may have more participation.
Both Jolleen and Tim want to have the kids invest themselves into making this happen if
it is a desirable site for them.
Mr. Austic stated that he really does not have a problem with it although they would
have to follow some rules.
Grant for Ulysses Town Court
Mr. Austic reported that he has received an invitation to apply for a grant to help the
court. He and Judge Rector met with a representative from Tompkins County Court in
reference to getting prices and advise on new audio , video , computer system and bench
for the Court. It is a total grant of $20, 000.
Resignation of Planning/Zoning Clerk
Mr. Austic received the resignation of Debra Austic as clerk to the Planning/Zoning
Board to take effect January 31 s', 2000. Ms Austic would like to stay and work with re-
doing of the Zoning Ordinance.
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Hearing of Individuals / Groups
Peg Coogan newly elected President of Jacksonville Association asked if the Board
was aware of why the houses owned by Mobil Oil are being boarded up .
Mr. Austic stated that Mobil has not contacted the town but he would assume they might
have done it for security reasons to limit their liability.
Mr. Austic reviewed a call from Assemblyman Luster stating that he hopes the Town of
Ulysses realizes that there is very little hope to get funding under the Clean Water Bond ,-
Act. He did send a letter suggesting that the Town look into the Environmental Facilities
Corporation as a source of possible grants or very low interest money.
Hearing no further business Mrs. Duddleston moved, seconded by Mr. Hillman to
adjourn the meeting . Hearing no objection the meeting was adjourned at 9 : 30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha L. Georgia
Ulysses Town Clerk