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SEPTEMBER 14", 1999
PRESENT: Supervisor Austic, Councilpeople Carolyn Duddleston, Andrew Hillman
and Sue Poelvoorde. Councilman Edward Weatherby absent. Highway
Superintendent James Meeker; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia
Others Present : Catharine Stover and Free Press Reported Grace Wolf.
Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 00 PM and led those
assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of
America .
Mrs. Duddleston moved , seconded by Ms. Poelvoorde to approve the minutes
of the August 10th, 1999 Regular Town Board Meeting after giving a few
corrections to Mrs. Georgia, Town Clerk.
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Mr. Hillman aye
Ms. Poelvoorde aye
Adopted .
Mr. Hillman moved, seconded by Mrs. Duddleston to approve voucher
numbers 309 — 353 in the amount of $20,711 . 44.
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Mr. Hillman aye
Ms. Poelvoorde aye
Adopted .
Tompkins County Representative Peter Penniman - absent
Trumansburg Fire Department — absent
Other — none
Highway Superintendent James Meeker reported that they helped the
Town of Ithaca do their stone and oil project, took down some trees, mowed all
roadsides and hauled hot mix for Newfield . They also jack hammered part of the
old shop floor and re-poured that. They stoned and oiled Rice Road and the
curve on Cayuga View Road . They helped Enfield do some paving and finished
their own paving yesterday.
Town of Ulysses L
Regular Board Meeting
09- 14-99
Town Barn Addition — Garage Doors
Mr. Meeker stated that he had sent out three different bid proposals on the
addition and last month he had only received one back. He called the other two
and they plan on submitting a bid but have been busy. He hopes to have those
soon . In the meantime he has gone ahead and gotten two different estimates
on the overhead doors. One is from Finger Lakes Construction Company and the
other is from Overhead Door Company. Overhead Door is the lesser bid . Mr.
Meeker has dealt with Overhead Door in the past and had no problems, good
service. He said he does not know much about the doors that Fingerlakes
Construction offers. In the bid from Overhead Door includes extra for heavy-
duty springs in the door. The bid from Overhead Door does not include
removing and replacing the framework around the door. The price from
Fingerlakes includes that, but Mr. Meeker prefers to do that part himself.
Mr. Meeker will further ask questions from each bidder and than the Board told
him to order the best in his opinion .
Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun was absent but left a report for the
Board Members. Ms . Poelvoorde read that he had four permits for single-family
homes, one alteration and five additions.
Town Clerk Marsha Georgia reported that for the month of August she
collected a total of $4, 880 . 50 and of that, a total of $3,846 was turned over to
NYS DEC for the sale of 1999-2000 hunting licenses, which went on sale August
16"'. The monthly report was turned over to the Supervisor along with a check
for $855 . 38
Board Members
Supervisor Austic asked Mr. Hillman about the Youth Budget Meeting ?
Mr. Hillman stated that they had a budget meeting last Saturday and finished
the 2000 budget. " No big surprises, asking for an increase of 3% ", Mr. Hillman
said . It will be presented to Mr. Austic soon .
Supervisor Austic reviewed the Supervisor's Financial report. He pointed out a
couple of areas that are over budgeted . He feels these areas can wait to be
adjusted because there is money in other areas to take care of them . Some of
the income accounts are over also . More sales tax money has been received and
also additional youth money.
Mr. Meeker asked if the maintenance money (Chips) was being received from
the State?
Mr. Austic replied that he has received quarterly payments totaling $46, 248,
which is $700 under what the total for 1999 is. He has heard from them for next
year and it appears that the Town will get around the same.
Draft CORY of Zoning Ordinance
Mr. Austic previously distributed copies of the draft Zoning Ordinance to the
Board Members . He asked them to look that over and be ready for the next
meeting . It is tentatively scheduled for September 23rd, 1999 .
Town of Ulysses 3 Ca ` 3
Regular Board Meeting
09- 14-99
Meeker-Town Barn Addition
Previously discussed under Highway Report.
Fire Department / / Youth Budget Meeting 9 / 23 / 99
Seeing that this date is a possible conflict with meeting about the draft Zoning
Ordinance Mr. Austic will have the committee schedule for another time .
Municipal Officials Meeting 9 / 21 / 99
Mr. Austic advised the Board that there is a meeting on the 21st of September
and if anyone is interested advice Mrs. Georgia and she will make reservations.
Budget Time
Mr. Austic has distributed the budget work sheets to the various departments
and the deadline is September 20th for their return to the Supervisor. The
Supervisor will prepare the tentative budget and present it to the Clerk.
Mr. Austic introduced the following two resolutions of appreciation . One to the
Taughannock Garden club for the landscaping done around the Town Hall and
the other to John Moynes who donated some special day lilies.
Ms. Poelvoorde moved , seconded by Mr. Hillman the following two resolutions;
WHEREAS: The Town of Ulysses has completed its remodeling project for the
Town Hall,
AND WHEREAS : Landscaping is an integral part of the total project,
AND WHEREAS : Many hours of volunteer time and donations of plants for the
project have resulted in a completed Town Hall that we can all be proud of,
NOW THEREFORE Be It Resolved : that the Town Board of the Town of
Ulysses, on behalf of all town residents, would like to express our appreciation to
Mr. and Mrs. John Moynes for the donation of the special day lilies which have
led to the successful completion of the Town Hall .
WHEREAS : The Town of Ulysses has completed its remodeling project for the
Town Hall ,
AND WHEREAS : Landscaping is an integral part of the total project,
AND WHEREAS: Many hours of volunteer time and donations of plants for the
project have resulted in a completed Town Hall that we can all be of all town
residents, would like to express our appreciation to proud of,
Town of Ulysses 4
Regular Board Meeting
09- 14-99
N OW THEREFORE Be It Resolved : that the Town Board of the Town of
Ulysses, on behalf the Taughannock Garden Club for the donations of time and
materials which have led to the successful completion of the Town Hall .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Mr. Hillman aye
Ms. Poelvoorde aye
Adopted .
Mr. Austic reviewed the correspondance he received .
• Tompkins County — changing agriculture districts. The County will provide
more information .
• Barton & Loguidice — no further information on water or sewer study
• Festival of Lights — sign up for brochure if you wish to participate .
Hearing no further business Ms. Poelvoorde moved , seconded by Mr. Hillman to
adjourn the meeting . Unanimously approved . Meeting adjourned at 8 : 10 PM .
Respectfully Submitted ,
Marsha L. Georgia
Ulysses Town Clerk
MLG : mlg