HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-09 - TB 14 ? TOWN OF ULYSSES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING November 9 , 1993 Present : Supervisor William Hogan ; Councilpeople Thomas Reitz , Catherine Stover , Ben Curtis ; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia . Absent : Robert Weatherby . Mr . Hogan called the Special Board Meeting to order at 6 : 35pm . Mr . Hogan announced that he had received a Petition from the Town employees concerning the cost of living increase - in the budget . Mr . Hogan entertained a motion to move to an Executive Session , moved by Mr . Curtis , seconded by Mr . Reitz . Unanimously approved the Board entered into Executive Session . TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING November 9 , 1993 P resent : Supervisor William Hogan -; Councilpeople Thomas Reitz , Catherine Stover , Ben Curtis ; Highway Superintendent James Meeker ; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ; B ookkeeper Jeanne Vanderbilt ; Town Clerk Marsha G eorgia . Absent : Robert Weatherby . O thers Present : Doug Austic , - Kevin Roemer , Free Press Reporter / Julie . - S upervisor Hogan called the regular meeting of the Town Board to order at 7 : 35pm and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America; Mr . Hogan entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of 10 / 12 / 93 , Special Budget Meeting of 10 / 29 / 93 , and the Public Hearing of 11 / 1 / 93 . Mr . Reitz moved to approve 10 / 12 / 93 and 10 / 29 / 93 but to table the Public Hearing of 11 / 1 / 93 to review and change the date of Special Budget Meeting to 10 / 25 / 93 ; seconded by Mrs . Stover . Unanimously approved . Report : Trumansburq Fire Department K evin Roemer will deliver copies of the April through October reports . Apologized for not attending the meetings of the Town B oard on a regular basis . Will entertain questions on anything that the Fire Department has done in past few months . Reported last night to the Village on the Company level and the Department level . Have painted the large meeting room , front office and entryway . Had major building clean - up . Purchased a used rescue - type vehicle . . . fire company approved $ 500 . to letter and stripe the vehicle . Four people in paramedic school ; will bring to a total of six paramedics at $ 2 , 000 . a piece out of company funds . Realized equipment is not up to paramedic standards . Just added pacemaker unit , approved $ 1800 . from ambulance- money ; - new stretcher for $ 1900 . ; $ 400 . for back board that - now : complies with O SHA standards . P lans for purchase of new tanker on - schedule for June 1996 . Need to determine size of tanker . - Recent controversy in newspaper concerning a comment made by a member of the Town Board . . . there is an amount of concern that there is - no support on the Town ' s side . Spoke - to the Village ir Town of Ulysses 2 Regular Board Meeting N ovember 9 , 1993 ✓ egarding ambulance service and if the fire department . should consider to provide it or if we should bail . out . Mr . Hogan said things did seem to get misconstrued . I totally support the job that the ambulance crew is doing ; feel they are doing it a lot cheaper than anyone else can do it and commend them for the many h ours they put in . Mr . Curtis said he is concerned that a statement taken in that context went as far as it did . . . they were n o means comments from the Town . Would like to have the Public S afety Committee sit down and review figures , which would provide information to the public . Mr . Reitz said he would second Ben ' s comments and suggestions . It was lack of communication , in part . A survey would be interesting and necessary when we are going into 1997 , when the building will be paid for and that money that w as being paid for out of town taxes , what direction that money should go . Mrs . Stover said older people are concerned . They d on ' t understand what is going on ; aren ' t aware of cost . They should be given the whole story . Some more brief discussion ensued regarding Disaster Plan , further training and levels of training ( CPR , EMT , etc . ) . Report : Representative James Mason Absent . Claims Mr . Hogan entertained a motion to approve Claims # 357 - 406 in the amount of $ 21 , 375 . 08 , moved by Mr . Reitz seconded by Mr . Curtis . Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Supervisor ' s Financial Report B oard reviewed . H earing of Individuals and Delegations N one . O LD BUSINESS P lanning Board Vacancy Received a letter of interest from Russell Carpenter . Makes two interested candidates . Need to interview . Scheduled a Special B oard Meeting for November 16th at 7 : 00pm . B udget - 1994 Mr . Hogan said there are a couple of items we want to change in the budget . At our work session we went over everything in the A Fund . . . questions , Jim , on the Highway Fund . Discussed DA5130 . 2 and DA5130 . 4 with Jim . Mr . Meeker said the 02 is equipment ; at the end of the year if we have anything left over we usually transfer that into the equipment reserve . The 04 is contractual ; buy fuel , tires , working on fuel tanks right now and that 04 money is equipment repair . Had planned , depending on how things look in December , on purchasing - a wood chipper on State bid . Mr . H ogan asked when the fuel tanks will be tested . Jim said h opefully in next couple of weeks have them tested . . . all tanks are down in fuel . . . will need to buy 4000 gallons of fuel and that will come out of 04 account . Mrs . Stover asked if new tanks are ready and Jim said Yes . f' Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Board Meeting N ovember 9 , 1993 D iscussion ensued regarding various areas of the Highway D epartment . Won ' t bill County for mowing until Nov . / Dec . , will be about $ 3500 . Snow contract is up 13 % ; $ 50 , 000 . is realistic . Mr . Hogan said DB5110 . 04 and DB5112 . 02 were discussed ; $ 52 , 000 . tied into CHIPS money , correct ? Jim said Yes . Mr . Hogan asked about the $ 38 , 450 . Maintenance . . . Jim said DB5110 . 04 is Town money , anything that is - not capital , such as cold patch , g uardrails , trenching , oil and stone , anything that is not g uaranteed ten year life . Mr . Reitz said we made no adjustments from last year . Mr . Hogan said we had an executive session earlier tonight and discussed the letter we received from the employees concerning the cost of living increase . Discussed it at length . I was , asked to draft a letter to the employees . Basically the cost of living increase is a , 3 % increase ; the extra l % salary increase for the highway crew we decided was in recognition of an o utstanding performance during the year filled with adverse w eather conditions . There was so intent to slight the other employees . The intent of the Board after lengthy discussion was to recognize the - outstanding job done by the highway . crew . The salary adjustments for the coming year will be left as presented . Would entertain a motion to adopt the Budget for 1994 as presented , moved by Mr . Curtis , seconded by Mrs . . Stover .. • Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . N EW BUSINESS • N ew York State Parks Survey Mr . Hogan suggested tabling until our Special Meeting on November 16th . Mr . Reitz said it seems to him that it is more an individual survey rather than Town Board . Mr . Curtis said it d oesn ' t make a lot of sense to him . Commonwealth Electrical Inspection Service Mr . Hogan asked Mr . Rachun to comment . The Electrical Inspector is a sub - contractor from the Building Inspector . Felt uncomfortable with Atlantic Inland ; feel the same about this firm , don ' t know much about them . We can stay with one electrical inspection service as long as we put it out for bid . N ew York Board is the service of choice and would rather stay w ith them . S hort discussion took place . Decided to change the first of the year to only New York State Board . Re : indemnification . Mr . Hogan spoke with Joe Farrell and he w ill get an estimate . Needed to . fill out - questionnaire , which B ill did . Should have information within a couple of weeks . Indicated that it will be an additional $ 2000 . - $ 2500 . Mr . Rachun said he doesn ' t know how the coverage works and - asked Mr . Curtis h ow it works in Lansing . Mr . . Curtis . said . they just adopted it ; d idn ' t think it cost anything , but will ask . Short discussion ensued . - Jacksonville Road / No Parking Mr . Hogan said that we received a letter from Don Oliver , NYS ' 1' Town of Ulysses 4 Regular Board Meeting N ovember 9 , 1993 P arks , in July regarding parking along the Jacksonville Road . The County will be putting up signs , No Parking , but won ' t do so until they have a resolution from the Town . Mr . Reitz moved the following resolution , seconded by Mrs . S tover : RESOLVED : that the Town Board , Town of Ulysses supports , in the interest of public safety , the New York State Park request for No Parking signs as designated on the map and per the letter from Don Oliver dated July 28 , 1993 . Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Copies of this resolution will be sent to Tompkins County H ighway / Ward Hungerford ; State Park . REPORTS Town Clerk , Marsha Georgia reported that total fees collected for the month of October $ 3 , 181 . 89 of which $ 1 , 242 . 84 was turned over to the Supervisor . Spoke with Bruce Wilson regarding the reprinting of the Zoning Ordinance . Pointed out several points ; maps cannot be used until adopted , etc . Will put his opinions in w riting . Also reported on State Archives and Records Seminar in E lmira , attended by Town Clerk and Deputy Clerk . Looking into h opefully writing a grant for the Town . Aim the grant toward microfilming ; up to $ 50 , 000 . for an individual grant . H ighway Superintendent , James Meeker , reported . Did shoulders , g uardrails , serviced trucks . Working now on plow trucks . Jenny Creek bridge is finished . Taughannock Creek , poured concrete . W ill cure for fourteen days , perhaps reopen early December . Code Enforcement Officer , Alex Rachun reported one start , three additions , six permits issued . B oard Members Mr . Reitz mentioned the County Planning Meeting Wednesday e vening . Talking about County transportation planning . Mrs . Stover said the recycling shed needs doors . State Parks have donated doors and Calvin will need help getting installed . Correspondence Mr . Hogan reviewed correspondence received . Tompkins County B oard of Reps has notified us that our appointment is due for all ✓ epresentatives whose terms expire December 31 , 1993 . Have Fire D isaster and EMS Advisory Board / 3 year term , two vacancies ; TC P lanning Board / 3 year terms , presently Tom Reitz is our ✓ epresentative to the Planning Board ; and Environment Management Council / 3 year term , presently Roxanne Marino . Mr . Hogan entertained a motion , moved by Mrs . Stover , seconded by Mr . Curtis to appoint Thomas Reitz as the representative from the Town of Ulysses to the Tompkins County Planning Board . Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Abstained Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Town of Ulysses 5 Regular Board Meeting November 9 , 1993 Approved . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis that Roxanne Marino be appointed to represent the Town of Ulysses on the Environmental Management Council . Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Will need to have Tom and Roxanne complete resumes . Mr . Reitz said there is an outstanding voucher from Judge Zimmerman , for the court stenographer . It ' s from last month . Mr . Hogan said Judge Zimmerman hasn ' t been reelected ; probably getting into a legal battle over the thing should just go ahead and pay it . Mr . Reitz said it was a legal expense and we are obligated to pay it . Reason asking , should we include it in tonights vouchers or hold it until December meeting ? Mr . Hogan said let ' s hold it until December . Mr . Hogan entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting , moved by Mrs . Stover and seconded by Mr . Reitz . Unanimously approved , the meeting adjourned at 9 : 55pm . Respectfully submitted , Marsha L . Georgia Town Clerk pm