HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03-09-TB TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING March 9 , 1993 P resent : Supervisor William Hogan ; Councilpeople Thomas Reitz , Catherine Stover , Ben Curtis , Robert Weatherby ; Highway Superintendent James Meeker ; Deputy Clerk Paula Mount . O thers Present : Julie McComb / Interlaken Review , Kevin Roemer , Ruth Kahn . S upervisor Hogan called the Regular Meeting of the Ulysses Town B oard to order at 7 : 30pm and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover to approve the minutes o f the Regular Town Board Meeting of February 9 , 1993 . U nanimously approved . Report : Trumansburq Fire Department Fire Chief Kevin Roemer reported to the Board . Mentioned that he is working with Enfield and Ithaca to provide coverage when the bridge work on RT 96 is being done . Also will be starting the budget process shortly ; would like to know what the Town expects in way of services . Presently the Town is paying for fire protection . Will put together a list and get it to Mr . Hogan . The Fire Department and Fire Company are two different e ntities . . . the Fire Company is personnel , which are all ✓ olunteers . Without personnel , the Village would have the Fire D epartment ; ie : the building and fire trucks . The Fire Company ✓ uns strictly on donations ; also supply equipment for the ambulance . Presently do not bill for ambulance services to individuals ; do receive some donations from folks who use the ambulance but doesn ' t cover actual expenses . Was suggested to Mr . Roemer that a news item be written for the Free Press so that people know that donations are appreciated . Mr . Roemer said they hesitate to get into billing people because every five years or so have a fund drive to purchase a new ambulance and people ✓ espond very nicely to that . The Fire Company raises the money and then sells it to the Village for a dollar . Very costly to train EMT ' s . Bangs ambulance is coming to the area quite a bit n ow because we don ' t have the number of people we once had . They charge about $ 200 . / base charge per call . Also the Fire Company n eeds to have physicals for all personnel ( 73 members ) , equipment per fire fighter runs about $ 1 , 500 . ; all this is very expensive . Report : Representative James Mason Absent . Claims Mr . Hogan entertained a motion to approve Claims # 58 - 94 in the amount of $ 24 , 430 . 29 , moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Approved . S upervisor ' s Financial Report N ot available . sty Town of Ulysses 2 Regular Town Board Meeting March 9 , 1993 Hearing of Delegations / Individuals N one O LD BUSINESS Report : Association of Towns Meeting Mr . Curtis reported on his trip to New York City . Was a good meeting , felt it was worthwhile , met a lot of people . Described how the Association of Towns deals with resolutions . CHIPS was discussed ; general feeling was that CHIPS will continue at its current level . Was some discussion about increasing the amounts that go to Towns . Retirement Fund received a lot of attention . Impact fees passed . Delinquent tax notices was a hot topic . . . revenue was brought in with that which goes to the municipality rather than the Counties . Spoke with other municipalities to see how they financed attending this yearly meeting ; Groton has a $ 500 . cap per person for as many people who w ant to attend ; many municipalities send multiple representatives ; there are many meetings , more than one person could attend and benefit . Good information , contacts , very w orthwhile . S treet Lighting Mr . Hogan said lights are in by Shur Save and working . Bill ✓ eceived will be paid by Town and then billed to Jim Seafuse . Regarding request for a light on RT 96 and Seneca Road , Mr . Meeker spoke with rep from DOT who will look into it and get back to the Town with a recommendation . Zoning Maps The Board looked at the maps . They aren ' t complete as yet , but w orking on them . Fish / Game Club Mr . Reitz asked about late evening shooting . Received another complaint from resident . Mr . Hogan said he will contact the officers of the Club and ask that shooting not go on after 8 : 30pm . H ealth Insurance / Justice Mr . Curtis asked about health insurance for the Judges ; Mr . Hogan suggested this topic be covered in an Executive Session . W orkman ' s Compensation Mr . Curtis asked if Mr . Hogan had investigated charges for Workman ' s Comp with Farrell - Messier . Mr . Hogan said he checked o n the charges . Have the list of classifications and was told that these are set by NYS . Mr . Meeker indicated that the Village ✓ ates had also drastically increased in this area . Mr . Hogan said he is satisfied that the bill is correct . NEW BUSINESS N one REPORTS Town Clerk : Mrs . Mount reported that $ 3 , 095 . 42 was collected for s4 Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Town Board Meeting March 9 , 1993 the month of February of which $ 2926 . 32 was turned over to the S upervisor . Zoning updates are still being worked on . New house n umbering updates have been completed and mailed . Tax Collector : Mrs . Mount reported that the total for year to d ate collected $ 1 , 126 , 550 . 20 ; month of February collected $ 138 , 450 . 62 ; total interest for month $ 138 . 85 turned over to the S upervisor . Paid $ 32 , 000 . to TC Budget / Finance in February . Two hundred seventy - three bills still open for a total of $ 308 , 508 . 19 . Second notices will go out before April 26th . H ighway Superintendent : Mr . Meeker reported that there has been a lot of plowing , salting , helped the Village with water break , h auled stone . Borrowed vehicle from State Park to remove couple of broken branches on Garrett Rd . B oard Members : Mr . Reitz had several items : 1 ) attended P lanning Board to discuss American Legion . . . four Board members present ; will meet again 3 / 15 for further discussion . One of the B oard members has not been actively present and perhaps we should consider a policy that we discussed before . . . if miss three meetings ask for resignation . 2 ) last night Village had a meeting ; was suggested to have a Joint Town / Village meeting regarding consolidating Zoning / Building offices under one roof . Would like to meet 3 / 22 / 93 at 8 : 00pm . Mr . Hogan said there had been something mentioned that Doug would do all the Village work and Alex would do all the Town work . All Town Board members agreed to the meeting . 3 ) represented Trumansburg / Ulysses Youth Commission . . . Eleanor Roosevelt award was given to the County and e ach municipal commission committees were recognized . D istributed copies of the tribute for the Board . 4 ) Inter - municipal Recreational Committee - four areas to ask the Board about : a ) what would your municipality like to see this group accomplish ? , b ) what age group or groups should we target ? , c ) should non - profit providers be included ? , d ) should municipalities outside the school district be included ? Board ✓ esponded : a ) reasonable fees should be considered , check other programs , b ) ages 6 - 18 , c ) no , d ) focus on kids in the Ithaca S chool District that live in other municipalities . Mrs . Stover : talked with Solid Waste , at this time Town Hall cannot put out a tub for recycling . Mr . Reitz asked if it would be possible to have Solid Waste bring up a truck load of green bins to the recycling center on a Saturday , advertise it in advance , and sell them to those residents who need them . One time only . . . thus residents , new and old , would be able to get them locally . Correspondence : Mr . Hogan received the following : appoint someone for EOC ; Village sign ordinance ; Annual Report / Board of E lections ; Cooperative Extension ; Red Cross ; Commonwealth E lectrical Inspectors ; State Aid to Local Govt . / Report ; SPCA ; NYS O ffice of Rural Affairs ; TC Comptroller ; TC Planning Board . Mr . Hogan reported that he had ordered a new , heavy - duty ✓ esidential storm door for the front door . Also , after speaking to the furnace repair man , have ordered three ventilator which will be installed in the office doors . Will help with circulation . H earing no further business Mr . Hogan entertained a motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss Health Insurance for the Judges , moved by Mr . Curtis , seconded by Mrs . Stover , unanimously approved the Board adjourned at 9 : 30pm to their E xecutive Session . Respectfully submitted , Ao Town of Ulysses 4 Regular Town Board Meeting March 9 , 1993 Paula J . Mount Deputy Town Clerk pm