HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-09-TB-FINAL-minutesTOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses April 9, 2019 Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.ny.us. The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the Town’s website and Clerk’s board. ATTENDANCE: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Supervisor- Liz Thomas Board members- Nancy Zahler, Michael Boggs, Richard Goldman, John Hertzler Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato Bookkeeper- Nina Thompson Attorney for the Town- Khandi Sokoni (arrived at 7:08pm) Environmental Planner- John Zepko OTHERS PRESENT: Anne Koreman, Frank Araneo, Pete Houghton, Anne Filley, Linda Liddle, Jean Houghton, Chaw Chang, Dan Clement, Doris Houghton, Michelle Wright, Shannon MacCarrick CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 7pm and moved into the scheduled Public Hearing (see separate minutes). APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA RESOLUTION 2019-76: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for April 9, 2019 with the addition of an executive session for the appointment or demotion of a particular person; and deletion of approval of the Special Town Board minutes. Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 4/9/19 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Mr. Houghton requested that he be allowed 6 minutes at this time rather than waiting for the 2nd Privilege of the Floor so that he could read a statement regarding the submission of protest petitions for the proposed conservation district expansion. (See Appendix II) Mr. Chang- read a letter from Rod Porter (See Appendix II). He further added that it was refreshing to be asked for input as he feels that most of the ag comments have been ignored. He also believes that the vast majority of public comment on the proposed zoning has been negative, mostly with regard to the subdivisions. He asked that the board respond to public comment rather than personal beliefs. Mr. Fallon thanked board for their service. He stated that the 2013 zoning updating the conservation district so he is unsure why it needs updating again. Further, the proposed expansion occurred with late notice and little public discussion. He requested that the zone remain unchanged. Mr. Clement owns a parcel on both sides of the bike trail and the land is different on either side. He is unsure why it would all be in the conservation zone. REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: Ms. Koreman (Tompkins County Legislator) reported the following: • renovations are in progress at the airport • the state budget has passed with many issues affecting municipalities, including: o the plastic bag ban will take effect in March 2020 o AIM funding has been mostly or all reinstated but will be taken out of county funds. Mr. Chang (Ag Committee) reported the following: The committee has submitted one memo to the board regarding ag-related commerce footprint sizes and is working on another for sign standards. They are also working on a land valuation study to show the decline in appraisals on properties since the Conservation District has been created. The committee requests that the board not vote until they get the sign standards. Ms. Marino (Conservation & Sustainability Advisory Committee) reported that the committee met and discussed glare standards in relation to the solar law. TOWN REPORTS: (see Appendix I) OLD BUSINESS: DISCUSSION OF ZONING UPDATE Ms. Thomas noted that there are 3 areas still to work on: • outdoor display • bldg. footprints size limits • effective date for the subdivision regulations She drew attention to a document titled “Investigative Documents” that lists the foundation documents to guide the update. She re-iterated that personal beliefs should not be part of the process. The guiding documents were created with lots of public input. She highlighted areas relevant to the current zoning topics. She noted that the board has informally agreed to move the map lines for the proposed Conservation District back to its original area. Mr. Zepko gave an update on his recent work updating the zoning map so that many of the parcels that were split between two districts are now only in one district. Ms. Zahler clarified that there has been no formal vote by the board, only informal feedback used to make decisions in moving forward on completion of the final draft. Maximum Ag-Commerce Building Footprint: The group began discussion of the Ag Committee’s memo regarding maximum building footprint size and noted that many of the buildings are larger than the proposed 7000 sq ft. They request rather site plan review so that each can be determined based on its specific purpose. They also request that the 20,000 sq. ft. limit be removed. Ms. Thomas responded the building sizes on the memo seem to be a cumulative number of square footage for all the buildings on a property. She clarified the differences between Ag-Related Commerce and Farm Operation, Accessory Commerce. ZUSC felt that ag-related commerce (separate from a farm) should have a building size limit. The board discussed size limits. A majority of the board agreed that in keeping with the character of the town, there should be limits and agreed that businesses in the OTMU district should have a 20,000 maximum; that the Hamlet Center should be at 5000. Mr. Chang, Mr. Zepko and the board discussed the town vs. state definitions of ag commerce; ag-related commerce; farm operation, accessory commerce; and the intentions associated with the definitions. Ms. Zahler proposed that the max for ag-related commerce be 20,000 sq. ft. Ms. Thomas asked the board what the max for Ag-Related Commerce that are not on the farms should be. The board informally agreed that maximum footprints for commerce on a farm should be 20,000 sq. ft.; and that ag-related (off farm commerce) should have a 7000 sq. ft. maximum. Outdoor Display Area: Ms. Thomas clarified that this section only applies to items for display and storage for items for sale and not storage for personal farm items. The board discussed and agreed that the intentions are to not have massive wholesale or retail next to residential. Ms. Sokoni agreed to write a draft of the board’s intent. 70/30 Subdivision Effectiveness Date: Ms. Sokoni suggested that the board hold an executive session to hear the advice of counsel on this topic. A LOCAL LAW ENACTING THE NYS REAL PROPERTY TAX LAW SECTION 467-J- RESTRICTING THE SALE PRICE EXEMPTION FOR HOUSING TRUST HOUSES RESOLUTION 2019-77: RESTRICTED SALE PRICE EXEMPTION FOR HOUSING TRUST HOUSES WHEREAS, there is a shortage of affordable housing throughout Tompkins County; and, WHEREAS, there is a limited amount of subsidy available to make home purchasing affordable at below market rates for low and moderate income buyers; and, WHEREAS, in the absence of this local law, resale-restricted homes in Ulysses would be assessed without regard to resale restrictions requiring owners to pay taxes based on a valuation that may be significantly higher than the sale price allowed by resale restrictions; and, WHEREAS, taxation of resale-restricted homes without consideration of resale value is a significant barrier to increasing the supply of affordable for-sale housing in the Town of Ulysses; and WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature amended the Real Property Tax Law with Section 467-j on September 29, 2016 to authorize taxing jurisdictions in certain counties, including Tompkins County, to grant a partial tax exemption so that owner-occupied, affordable homes subject to a ground lease or deed restriction, which restricts the resale price of the property for at least 30 years, incur a property tax bill based on the restricted resale value; and, WHEREAS, Tompkins County adopted a local law enacting Section 467-j of Real Property Tax Law on November 1, 2016; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law Section 10(1)(ii)(a)(8) and (9) the Town of Ulysses is authorized to adopt a local law relating to the levy, administration and collection of local taxes authorized by the legislature and of assessments for local improvements; and, WHEREAS, the Town Board of Ulysses formally noticed a public hearing in the Ithaca Journal on March 29, 2019 and conducted a public hearing on the proposed local law on April 9, 2019, WHEREAS, the Town Board, acting as lead agency for the project, has found the project to be a Type II action pursuant to the NYS Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 CRR-NY 617.4(b)(26), “routine or continuing agency administration and management, not including new programs or major reordering of priorities that may affect the environment;” requiring no further review under SEQR. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board enacts Local Law 1 of 2019 as follows: Section 1. Legislative Intent and Purpose. The Town Board has determined that it is in public interest of the residents of the Town of Ulysses to adopt the real property tax exemption provided for by New York Real Property Tax Law Section 467-j, and Tompkins County Local Law No. 5 of 2016, and that such exemption helps promote affordable housing in the Town of Ulysses. Section 2. The Town of Ulysses adopts the tax exemption provided for by New York Real Property Tax Law Section 467-j and Tompkins County Local Law Number 5 of 2016, and that eligibility for such exemption shall be in the manner outlined in said law. Section 3. Effective Date. This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman DISCUSSION: Ms. Zahler stated that this is another tool that allows the town to be supportive of affordable housing. Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 4/9/19 NEW BUSINESS: GENERAL CODE CONTRACT TO UPDATE RECORDS RESOLUTION 2019-: APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR GENERAL CODE RESOLVED that the Town Board of Ulysses authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the contract with General Code to incorporate local laws from 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 into the on-line (e-Code) version of the Ulysses Code as quoted by Mary Beth Sullivan from General Code on 3/21/2019. (TABLED) APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CONSERVATION & SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE RESOLUTION 2019-78: APPOINTING NEW MEMBER TO THE CSAC RESOLVED that the Town Board of Ulysses appoints Terry Carroll to the Conservation and Sustainability Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2019. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 4/9/19 APPROVAL OF LAUNDRY CONTRACT FOR HIGHWAY DEPT RESOLUTION 2019-79: APPROVAL OF THE LAUNDRY CONTRACT FOR HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RESOLVED that the Town Board of Ulysses authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the contract with Ames to provide the Highway Department with laundry service for uniforms, shop rags and floor mats. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 4/9/19 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Mr. Houghton stated that a 2013 lakeshore/conservation zoning meeting had an illegal quorum. He expressed concern that it is happening again. Ms. Sokoni clarified that town boards can have private meetings for the advice of counsel in addition to executive sessions. Mr. Fallon thanked and encouraged the board to work with the ag feedback and support farmers as much as possible. Ms. Marino feels that she has shared good reasons for not having a delayed implementation on the subdivision regulations and would like more public deliberation on how some of these decisions are made out of respect to the people that spend a lot of time coming to meetings. Ms. Koreman noted that June is LGBTQ/pride month and invited the board wanted to do something in support. She also re-iterated that when the board is making decisions on the zoning it is important do it with the greater good in mind. Ms. Liddle appreciated the consideration of the board on the zoning and thanked them for removing the Conservation Zone change. MONTHLY BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES RESOLUTION 2019-80: APPROVAL OF MINUTES RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes of the regular Town Board meeting on 3/25 as edited. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 4/9/19 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS RESOLUTION 2019-81: APPROVAL OF CLAIMS RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed claims #133-191 in the total amount of $31, 868.83. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 03/12/19 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Ms. Thomas moved to go into executive session at 10:35 pm for the matter of a particular person and the advice of counsel. This was seconded by Mr. Goldman and passed unanimously. Ms. Thomas moved to end executive session at 11pm. This was seconded by Mr. Boggs and passed unanimously. ADJOURN: Mr. Boggs moved to adjourn the meeting at 11pm. This was seconded by Ms. Zahler and passed unanimously. APPENDIX: TOWN REPORTS: PLANNER’S REPORT- Submitted by Mr. Zepko Planning Board: • Staff to Planning Board meetings:  5 March 2019  19 March 2019  Planning Board approved a 3 lot subdivision on Cold Springs Rd  Planning Board approved a site plan amendment at the Inn at Taughannock Board of Zoning Appeals: • Staff to BZA  20 March 2019  A variance was issued to allow Smith Woods to extend their fence to 8 feet in height Zoning Update: • Served as point of contact for residents regarding proposed zoning • Updated zoning map • (see Planner Activity) Planning Activity: • Responded to approximately 25 requests for information o Comments and questions regarding proposed zoning changes o Development questions or applications • 6 March 2019, staffed Town Board workshop discussing Draft Zoning changes • 11 March – 14 March 2019, attended DEC hosted training on Flood Plain Management and NFIP program. • 26 March 2019, staffed Town Board meeting • 27 March 2019 met with Town Supervisor and Planning Consultant to discussing zoning changes HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT- Submitted by Mr. Reynolds • 3 Snow removal days • NYS Inspection on Truck #3 and the Water truck • Replaced both windshields on the Gradall • Have been sweeping intersections with the broom tractor ( Mostly the 1b’s that were mixed with the salt to cut down on salt use ) • Fixing sod that we damaged while plowing snow • We have been hauling 1a’s from Seneca Stone and gravel from NYS park • Scott has been working with the Village for the parking area on salo drive • Have signed Scott up for Highway school in June • Signed Scott up for Roadway and roadside drainage through Cornell local roads • Signed Scott up for Water school for his class D license • Dave Snyder started on March 25th • Working with AMES for new contract • Scott is looking into using Clear lane Deicer for future use. We can get this from cargill and is less corrosive than regular salt and safer for the environment TOWN CLERK: Submitted by Ms. Parlato LICENSES/PERMITS issued: # Sporting licenses 2 Disabled parking permits 9 Dog licenses and renewals 62 Marriage licenses 0 Plumbing permits 0 Address assignments 1 Notarizations 15 FOIL requests-received 1 FOIL requests-completed 1 CLERK’s OFFICE TASKS: • Notarizations • Ordered supplies, including composter for Town Hall • Mail distribution • Answered inquiries on various topics • Attended Town Board meetings and took minutes • Kept website current • Sent listserv messages to residents (~2/month) • Mailed and posted dog licenses; issued tickets as needed • Scheduling of various meetings • Assist other departments when possible • Health/dental insurance updates for staff as needed • Vouchering: collecting bills, getting approvals, sorting out billing issues, entering into system TAX COLLECTION: • Continued tax collections (about $4.5 million). • Sent reminder letters to those who have not cashed refund checks (refunded as per the town’s opt-in to the Gov.’s executive order to extend non-penalty payment deadline in February). SALO HABITAT COMMITTEE: Meeting on 3/20 to discuss parking area, mission statement, signage verbiage WATER DISTRICT TASKS: • Collected and posted bills. • Set up and billed new account for new hook up. • Update water reports with test results • Put together quarterly report for Dept. of Health RECORDS MANAGEMENT TASKS: • Continued to fold and file into banker boxes plans that have already been scanned into Laserfiche. • Continued old project of entering old, hand-written marriage licenses into excel spreadsheets for searchability. • Followed up with General Code to get quote on incorporating new laws to date (~2015-present) into current code. SAFETY COMMITTEE/COORDINATION: • Meet NYMIR Risk Coordinator, begin work on compliance recommendations: o Creation of Notice of Defects binder o Pass NYS-complaint Harassment & Discrimination Policy o Order new emergency lights for town hall COMMITTEES/ASSOCIATIONS: • Health Consortium- attend March meeting. o Educational Retreat on May 30 at TC3 from 3-5pm BRIDGE GRANT: (Deputy Clerk) FINANCIAL REPORT: $977.00 TOTAL Collected for fees & licenses $865.21 stays in the town $111.79 goes to the state • Barton & Loguidice was selected as the consultant and took over work on the grant. CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER- Submitted by Mr. Myers Building Permits issued 11 Plan Reviews 5 Certificate of Occupancy issued 1 Certificate of Compliance issued 5 Complaints Received 0 Complaints Resolved 0 Inspections (Footers, Foundations, Plumbing, Insulation, roofing, Pools, Etc.) 60 New Site Inspections 6 Building Review Consultations (pre-plan meetings, Future Building/Remodeling) 18 Fire Safety Inspections 4 Code Training Seminars 1 (24 hour) County Assessment, Town, DOS Reports 3 Open property in violation cases 6 Property violations resolved 0 Value of Permits issued: $556,013 Building Permit fees collected for month: $2,568 ATTORNEY for the TOWN- Reported by Ms. Sokoni • Has been working on the Water District 1 contract • Zoning issues • Planning a FOIL and open meetings trainings for Dryden and Ulysses is welcome to attend as well SUPERVISOR’S REPORT- Submitted by Ms. Thomas • A flood hazard analysis training is scheduled for April 30. The City of Ithaca has a stake in our flood/drainage plan • TCCOG: o Shared projects: bus service, cable/5G o The new sheriff/undersheriff attended the meeting. They are discontinuing the DARE program but will spend time in schools • Town of Ithaca & City of Ithaca have adopted a green ordinance for green bldgs. • Bridge grant – need MOU from the county to move ahead • Zoning • WD1- grassroots addition • WD2 CARS • WD3- grant opportunity may cover aerator cost • Attended the Water Resources Council meeting BOOKKEEPER REPORT: Submitted by Ms. Thompson Regular Duties: • Personnel • Payroll  Processed and reconciled payrolls 6 & 7  Processed employee changes and made corrections as needed • NYSLRS  Monthly Reporting • Banking • Completed regular bank deposits – in person for cash and with remote deposit system for checks • Completed regular bank account transfers to cover payments • Payments • Produced vouchers for monthly pre-pays, insurance invoices and other miscellaneous payments • Produced and processed TA account checks • Reviewed monthly vouchers & abstracts • Printed checks for pre-pays and scheduled voucher payments once approved • Month End Close Out – January • Entered all Payroll entries (cash receipts, cash disbursements & general journal entries) • Entered all cash receipts (general receipts, WD accounting, etc.) • Entered all cash disbursements • Entered all general journal entries (bank transfers, interest, WD billings, budget modifications & other general journal entries) • Close out steps (Load abstracts, close CR & CD journals & print reports) • Reviewed month end financial reports and distributed them to Town Board & Staff • Month End Close Out – February • Entered all Payroll entries (cash receipts, cash disbursements & general journal entries) • Entered all cash receipts (general receipts, WD accounting, etc.) • Entered all cash disbursements • Entered all general journal entries (bank transfers, interest, WD billings, budget modifications & other general journal entries) • Close out steps (Load abstracts, close CR & CD journals & print reports) • Reconciled WD3 & 4 receivable accounts • Reviewed month end financial reports and distributed them to Town Board & Staff • 2018 Year–End • Final organization and filing of year end documents and reports • 2019 Fiscal year • Continued to process 2019 vouchers within the Williamson accounting system • Entered 2019 start of year journal entries  2018-19 payroll accrual reversals for PR 1 & 2  2018-19 prepaid expense reversals for NYSLRS, GTCMHIC, AOT & PERMA • Proceeded to regular work in new fiscal year Meetings: • 03/12/2019 – Town Board Meeting • 03/25/2019 – New Hire Paperwork • 03/26/2019 – Town Board Meeting Non-Regular Duties: • Personnel • Retiree benefits  Investigation and research regarding retiree benefits questions • Responded to HR related inquires • Employee hire and separation  Processed paperwork for employee separation  Met with, reviewed and processed paperwork for new hire • Employee Leave  Paperwork regarding employee leave  Responded to inquiries regarding leave and benefits • Continued follow up regarding Tompkins County HR paperwork • NYSLRS  Reviewed and reconciled VCRs (variable contribution rates) for Tier 6 members  Worked in practice environment to prepare for imminent system migration • Reviewed Personnel Policy compilation with changes through 1/8/2019 • Reserve Appropriation • Prepared JEs related to reserve appropriation for Mack truck purchase • Processed reserve appropriation entries once permissive referendum period had expired • Bridge NY Grant – Cemetery Road Bridge • Several brief discussions about possibilities for funding local match portion of project • Procedures • Continued to update and refine written accounting procedures • Budget Modification • Entered budget modifications from 1/22, 2/12 and 2/26 town board meetings • Started budget modification watch list for 2019 • Other Accounting • Continued to work with Clerks to resolve bounced check and chargeback fees related to water payments • Continued to investigate, research and work on resolutions to outstanding accounting issues • Investigated uncashed checks outstanding from 2018 Up Coming: • Meetings & Training • AOT Town Finance School – May 2019 • PERMA Conference – May 2019 • Other Accounting • Continue to work on how to handle outstanding accounting issues  TA Fund/Bank Account  Full GAAP Compliance • Personnel • Continue to review/clarify/update Personnel Policies MR. GOLDMAN reported the following: • The Health Consortium has a new Executive Director MS. ZAHLER reported the following:March-April 2019 Village: • 2019-20 Budget adopted for Village with a tax rate increase from $7.10 to $7.25/1000 and a levy increase of 3.51%. Like the Town, their spending is going up faster than their assessed value (6.47% vs 2.14%) Their new assessments won’t take effect until July so did not help with this budget. Water and sewer rates stayed the same for next year and out of village water user rate remains at 1.5 unless we choose to explore the lower municipal rate. • Their Comprehensive Planning Update process is going to be kicking off soon with their new consultants Environmental Design & Research (EDR) and a Community Outreach Plan- which is described on the Village website under Projects/Comp Plan. • Provided an update on our Property Tax Exemption law under consideration and shared a copy with Mayor Hart and Ben Darfler. • Farmers Market is hoping to make it easier for those with SNAP (food stamp) benefits to shop at the Farmers Market- which opens on May 8th. • The Village’s installation of LED lights in their Village Hall and on Main St have qualified them for a Cleaner Greener grant of up to $5,000. • Porch Fest will be June 15th • Grassroots will be July 18-21 • A police report breaking calls to the Town will be developed for Jan-March 2019. • Attended Fire Company Banquet and 50 year recognition of Jack Fulton. • Met with Mayor Hart and Supervisor Thomas re: Village EMS planning and agreed to represent the Town on an EMS advisory/oversight group. • Met with Ben Carver, Youth Commissioner about youth plans for summer Youth Commission • A needs assessment focused on recreational needs is being planned for Fall ’19. The Commission will consult with Tburg Community Rec to solicit and share planning information. • Part-time year-round Rec Director planning continues and a proposal from Youth Commission to Town and Village is anticipated in next couple of months. • Participating in work group to develop Rec Director proposal. • Planning for summer is underway: o Super Summer Sign up will be Wed. April 24th at 6:30 at the Elementary cafeteria o Village registration forms for baseball and camp are on their website o Library Summer reading program will be gearing up o Youth Program’s summer employment will begin recruiting in May • Participated on panel discussing Raising America film at library on 3/28/19. • Organizing community recognition event for May 29th. • Planning to attend the 4 Boards planning group on April 24th Ag Committee • Attended Ag Committee on 3/13 and April 3 re: building sizes for Ag-Related Commerce Conservation & Sustainability Advisory Committee • Attended meeting on March 26 re: solar law update Jacksonville Community Association • Attended Design Connect Community Feedback meeting March 30th to review two variations of park design developed by student group. Community input will be incorporated into a final draft to be ready late April or early May. • Working on getting Design Connect payment from Town to project per contract. • Convened a meeting of JCA-Town re: next steps on restroom project after County funding of $5,000 was approved. John Hertzler, Pete Angie and I met to discuss fund raising ideas to generate $12,000 to purchase a composting in-ground toilet system and servicing costs. 2-3 fund raising events were outlined. The project may request some funding from the Town’s reserve fund not needed for the Black Diamond Trail. Salo Habitat • Met with Advisory Committee on 3/13 re: mission, guidelines for use and parking lot updates. • Coordinated timing for parking lot work. • Notified neighbors about upcoming public works project. • Town Highway staff worked with Village DPW to clear and gravel a small parking area at the entrance. What a wonderful example of inter-municipal cooperation!! • Spoke with two neighbors about the Habitat one with concerns and one supportive and very cooperative. • Advisory Committee will be meeting soon to finalize its recommended purpose/mission statement and guidelines for use for Town Board review and approval. Highway Department • Clarified union issue re: new hires with union reps • Requested and received assistance with Salo Habitat project & possible JCA project • Clarified Town Board process in the event of a Superintendent resignation Grants • Following up on County Recreation grant with JCA • Attended Southern Tier 8 grant session on funding from Appalachian Regional Commission funding. Leadership development • Met with high school student about serving on Town Council. • Followed up re: recruitment for BZA alternate • Responded to request for information re: serving on Town Council • Talked with possible candidates for acting supervisor Zoning • Reviewed drafts and met with multiple people re: proposed changes (Additions to submitted report): • History Center will host a gala to recognize people- will recognize John Wertis, Town Historian on Thursday night. • Rotary Chicken BBQ on Saturday supports youth services • The town and village worked on the Salo parking lot this past week. MR. BOGGS reported the following: • He has been documenting the HVAC in town hall in order to help come up with design for the new system • Attended fire hall annual banquet • Intermunicipal Organization for watershed (IO) has been reviewing Owasco Lake Watershed Rules & Regulations, which include working with the ag community. Would like to do same for Cayuga Lake MR. HERTZLER reported the following: • Attended meeting for restroom design for Jacksonville Park. They are working on creating a fundraiser for composting toilet. APPENDIX II Mr. Houghton’s letter: April 9, 2018 Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk Town of Ulysses 10 Elm Street Trumansburg, New York 14886 RE: LETTER OF CERTTIFICATION PROTEST PETITION SUBMITTAL Ms. Parlato: This document provides affirmation to the accu racy and authenticity of the Protest Petitions hereby presented to the Ulysses Town Board. These petitions are submitted in accordance with the provisions of NYS Town Law Paragraph 265. The petitions pertain to the Town of Ulysses proposed adoption of a local law to amend Chapter 212, Article X of the Code of Ulysses. Specifically, the petitions protest any relocation of the western bou ndary of the existing Town of Ulysses Conservation District Zone. I am a New York State Licensed Professional Engineer, I obtained the July, 20 18 County Tax Maps from the Tom pkins County Board of Assessment. They were the source document to analyze the proposed amendment with regards to the n um ber and size of the individual property parcels affected by the proposed western bou ndary relocation. I used the maps to scale and plot the location of the existing Conservation District Zone western bou ndary and also the location of the proposed amended western bou ndary. Those property parcels or portions of parcels that were within these two plot lines are the parcels that would be affected by the proposed amendment. I determined there were 94 property parcels totaling 1088 acres between the two boundaries that the proposed amendment would add to the Conservation District Zone. That acreage would more than double the size of the Conservation District Zone. This certification attests that the attached signed Protest Petitions are presented by the owners of 470 acres of land situated within the proposed Conservation District Zone amended area. This acreage represents over 43% of the total acreage affected by the proposed amend ment. All petitions contain the printed names, add resses, tax parcel identifications and notarized signatu res of the affected property owners. In compliance with Paragraph 265 of the NYS Town Law, this total of certified affected acreage is twice the amount req uiring a super majority vote of the Town of Ulysses to approve any proposed bou ndary amendment to Chapter 212, Article 10 of the Code of Ulysses as it applies to the Conservation District Zone cc: Town Board, Town of Ulysses c/o: E.Thomas, Supervisor, Town of Ulysses K. Sokoni, Esq., Attorney, Town of Ulysses Mr. Chang’s letter from Rod Porter: I am a resident of the Town of Ulysses and own a farm and ag business on the border of Ulysses in the Town of Covert. I am concerned with what I have become aware of on the new zoning. While there are numerous concerns with different aspects in the new proposed law, I am specifically concerned with the square footage restrictions. A 7000 sq. ft. maximum size for an ag commerce building may seem like a lot from a homeowner point of view but trying to operate a business with that limitation is restrictive and concerning. Many aspects of agriculture require large amounts of supplies and equipment that tend to be bulky. My business, Cayuga Ag Enterprises, sells seeds & fertilizer to the ag community. Our main warehouse is just under 7000 sq. ft. This space is barely large enough for me to operate out of and in fact would not be big enough if I did not have old dairy barns for additional storage. I consider my business to be relatively small and with a little growth, I will be needing to add on to my warehouse space, exceeding the 7000 ft max. If my business was located in the Town of Ulysses, and if this law was passed, I would be forced to move to a space outside of the town where I could continue to operate & grow. I feel fortunate that my business is already located outside of the town but feel alot of concern for those whose businesses are located in the town. I would ask that you express my concerns to the Ag Committee and the Town Board. Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato on 4/17/2019.