HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-02-14 TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 2005 PRESENT : Supervisor Fredric Dietrich Councilpersons : Joel Gagnon, Norbert Nolte, Naomi Strichartz, Gladys Varona-Lacey Others Present : Carol Sczepanski - Town Clerk Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer Frank Proto - County Representative Members of the Public : Riney and Audrey Whyte, Tom Miller, Robert Roe, Eileen Wright, Dorothy Daetsch Supervisor Dietrich called the meeting to order at 7 : 00 p . m . and led all present to the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA Consideration of Acceptance of the extension of Olde Towne Road - Old Business Update on financing for truck and salt shed - Old Business Discussion on time schedule for revisions for subdivision regulations . Audrey Whyte - addressed the Board and said that they would like subdivision approval for two lots and that it be excused from the moratorium . When they purchased their property it complied with the subdivision regulations . They would like to build this spring. Motion to Schedule Public Hearing - Whyte A motion was made by Councilperson Varona-Lacey and seconded by Councilperson that the Town Board of the Town of Danby schedule a public hearing for Monday, March 7, 2005 at 7 : 00 p .m . for the Whyte Application for subdivision. A roll cal vote on the motion resulted as follows : Gagnon Aye Nolte Aye Strichartz Aye Varona-Lacey Aye Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously REPORTS : County Representative - Frank Proto reported on training for emergency services persons, lake source cooling, proposed burning barrels legislation and Empire Zones. EMC - Report Bob Roe reported on the Lake Source Cooling Project, Aquifer Study by County and USGS . Highway Report - Written report received for January 2005 Zoning Report - Written Code Enforcement Officer Report received for January 2005 . Recreation Partnership - We have no representative at this time . Planning Board - Robert Roe reported that there are two major issues at this time. Public Hearings are scheduled . The Task Force has made recommendations for zoning changes . The Planning Board was concerned with two issues . Parking Lot Lighting Susan Beeners reported on the progress of obtaining lighting for the Town Hall Parking Lot. 2 OLD BUSINESS : Olde Towne Road Extention Susan Beeners submitted a resolution for the Board to consider for Acceptance of the Extension of Olde Towne Road. RESOLUTION NO . 30 OF 2005 ACCEPTANCE OF THE EXTENSION OF OLDE TOWNE ROAD By Supervisor Dietrich : Seconded by Councilperson Strichartz WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Danby by Resolution No . 61 of 2003 on August 11 , 2003 granted preliminary acceptance with various conditions with respect to the location of the proposed Olde Towne Road extension, drainage improvements, and dedication; as shown on a map entitled "Olde Towne Road Extension Subdivision Plan, Site, and Drainage Plan, August 19, 2003 , revised Sept . 12 , 2003 , by Gary L . Wood P .E . and Reagan Land Surveying; a copy of which was filed in the Tompkins County Clerk ' s Office on February 24, 2004 ; and WHEREAS , the Project has been completed to the satisfaction of the Town Highway Superintendent and the Town Code Enforcement Officer who have consulted with the Engineer representing the Town and the developer' s Engineer; with the following exceptions being miscellaneous work that the Developer will complete in Spring, 2005 that is described below in this resolution : NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED, That the Town Board of the Town of Danby accepts the conveyance of the lands and associated improvements shown on a map entitled "Olde Towne Road Extension Subdivision Plan, Site, and Drainage Plan, August 19 , 2003 , revised Sept. 12 , 2003 , by Gary L. Wood P . E . and Reagan Land Surveying ; a copy of which was filed in the Tompkins County Clerk ' s Office on February 24 , 2004, and which map was subsequently revised on October 11 , 2004 to show as-built conditions as required by the Town; and authorizes the Town Supervisor upon consultation with the Town Attorney to execute related documents of conveyance; and further authorizes the Town Supervisor upon consultation with the Town Attorney to execute a Maintenance and Hold Harmless Agreement obligating the Developer, Igor Cheikhet, to maintain the public improvements and repair any defects to same during a 1 -year period following conveyance ; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that such acceptance and authorization by the Town Board does not release the Developer from the following obligations : 1 . Continued compliance with relevant provisions of the Agreement between Igor Cheikhet and the Town of Danby dated April 16 , 2004 . 2 . Completion of the following by no later than July 1 , 2005 to the satisfaction of the Town Highway Superintendent and the Town Code Enforcement Officer: (a) A monument at the northwest corner of the Daetsch property at the center of the end of the existing Olde Towne Road shall be made locatable, and if it has been disrupted, shall be reset by a licensed surveyor. (b) An area of preexisting pavement in the northwest corner of the property owned by Willard and Dorothy Daetsch shall be removed and replaced with topsoil , raked, seeded and mulched . ©) Tree or shrub plantings acceptable as a buffer and with a minimum cost of $600 . 00 shall be installed by the Developer on Lot 23 near the property owned by Alec and Eileen Wright . A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Gagnon Aye Nolte Aye Strichartz Aye Varona-Lacey Aye Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously 3 Motion to Approve of Celebration Grant Application A motion was made by Councilperson Strichartz and seconded by Councilperson Varona-Lacey that the Town Board of the Town of Danby gives permission to the Code Enforcement Officer to submit a Celebrations Grant Application to Tompkins County. A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : Gagnon Aye Nolte Aye Strichartz Aye Varona-Lacey Aye Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously RESOLUTION NO. 31 OF 2005 APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH TOMPKINS COUNTY FOR GIS MAPPING SERVICES By Supervisor Dietrich : Seconded by Councilperson Gagnon RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the proposed Agreement with Tompkins County for GIS Mapping Services, as set forth in the draft Agreement "PLAN-2005 -5 - 8020 " and its Exhibit A, and authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute said Agreement for a maximum cost of $ 1140 to be paid from Comprehensive Plan Account A 8020 . 401 . A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Gagnon Aye Nolte Aye Strichartz Aye Varona-Lacey Aye Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously RESOLUTION NO. 32 OF 2005 INCREASE IN TOWN MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT By Councilperson Gagnon : Seconded by Councilperson Nolte RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby increases the Town Mileage Reimbursement for Town Employees to $ . 405 (40 . 5 cents) per mile . A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Gagnon Aye Nolte Aye Strichartz Aye Varona-Lacey Aye Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously Motion to Extend Meeting A motion was made at 9 : 30 p .m. by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Varona Lacey that the Town Board of the Town of Danby extend the meeting to approve the warrants . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : Gagnon Aye Nolte Aye Strichartz Aye Varona-Lacey Aye Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously APPROVAL OF WARRANTS General Fund Warrant No. 2 of 2005 A motion was made by Councilperson Strichartz and seconded by Councilperson Gagnon that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the General Fund Warrant No . 2 of 2005 in the amount 4 of $ 14, 185 .49 voucher numbers 45 - 103 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : Gagnon Aye Nolte Aye Strichartz Aye Varona-Lacey Aye Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously Highway Fund Warrant No. 2 of 2005 A motion was made by Councilperson Nolte and seconded by Councilperson Strichartz that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the Highway Fund Warrant No . 2 of 2005 in the amount of $ 31 , 736 . 58 voucher numbers 10 - 24 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : Gagnon Aye Nolte Aye Strichartz Aye Varona-Lacey Aye Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously West Danby Water District Fund Warrant No. 1 of 2005 A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Varona-Lacey that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the West Danby Water District Fund Warrant No . 2 of 2005 in the amount of $390 . 90 voucher numbers 1 -4 A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : Gagnon Aye Nolte Aye Strichartz Aye Varona-Lacey Aye Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously Approval of Town Clerk ' s January 2005 Report A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Varona-Lacey that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the Town Clerk ' s January 2005 report as submitted. A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : Gagnon Aye Nolte Aye Strichartz Aye Varona-Lacey Aye Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously Miscellaneous The Board received information regarding an update on financing ideas for purchase of a truck for the Highway Department and the salt shed. Approval of Time Schedules for proposed revisions to the Subdivision Regulations, Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map . . . . . . 5 RESOLUTION NO . 33 OF 2005 APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TASK FORCE IN THE MATTER OF PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP By Councilperson Gagnon : Seconded by Councilperson Strichartz WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Danby on February 7, 2005 held a joint meeting with the Planning Board for review and discussion of proposed Task Force revisions to the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board on February 14, 2005 reviewed the February 9 , 2005 recommendation of the Task Force related to changes in the Medium Density Residential Zone ; and also heard a report from the Code Enforcement Officer about the status of other proposed changes to the draft revisions, and the estimated schedule for further revision and review ; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED, that the Town board of the Town of Danby accepts the February 9, 2005 recommendation of the Task force related to changes in the Medium Density Residential Zone, and the general nature of other proposed changes to the draft revisions as reported by the Code Enforcement Officer; and directs planning and legal staff to incorporate such changes into the draft revisions ; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board refers said changes to the Planning Board for a report thereon; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board directs Councilperson Gagnon to transmit appropriate information on the proposed revisions to the Danby Area News and Ithaca Journal ; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board schedules a Public Information Meeting on the proposed revisions to the Subdivision Regulations, Zoning Ordinance, and Zoning Map for March 14, 2005 at 7 : 00 p .m . A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Gagnon Aye Nolte Aye Strichartz Aye Varona-Lacey Aye Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously ADJOURNMENT On a motion the meeting adjourned at 9 : 55 p . m . eadfreatlel ex.404; Carol W . ezepa ii, Town Clerk min-2 - 14-05 1