HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1982-01-11 TOWN OF ITHACA REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 11 , 1982 At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , New York , held at the Town Offices at 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York , at 5 : 30 p . m . , on the 11th day of January , 1982 , there were PRESENT : Noel Desch , Supervisor George Kugler , Councilman . Shirley Raffensperger , Councilwoman Henry McPeak , Councilman David Jennings , Councilman Dooley Kiefer , Councilwoman ABSENT : Marc Cramer , Councilman ALSO PRESENT : Robert Parkin , Highway Superintendent Lawrence Fabbroni , Town Engineer Representatives of the Media : • Zeuning Home , WTKO Lisa Bost , - WHCU PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Supervisor Desch led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance . OFFICIAL VOTING DELEGATE ASSOCIATION OF TOWNS MEETING RESOLUTION NO , 1 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Kugler_ , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby duly designates Councilwoman Shirley Raffensperger to attend the Annual Business Session of the Association of Towns of the State of New York , to be held at New York City , on February 17 , 1982 , and to cast the vote of the aforesaid Town , pursuant to Chapter 6 of Article III of the Constitution and By - Laws of said Association . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , McPeak and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . HIGHWAY NAME CHANGE RESOLUTION N0 , 2 Motion by Councilman Kugler ; seconded by Councilman McPeak , RESOLVED , WHEREAS the highway known as Jersey Hill Road within the Town of Ithaca is known as Townline Road within the Town of Danby and the Town of Newfield , and WHEREAS , there is another highway in the same area of the Town of . Danby known as Jersey Hill Road , and WHEREAS , there is no residence using Jersey Hill Road as an address within the Town of Ithaca , and t`....w .i_3J{L.a "t.Y:,lv -..4. _v,.A :.w✓.r.r. !i_i..+w. s- Town Board Minutes - 2 - January 11 , 1982 WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca Highway Superintendent recommends a change be made , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca . change and hereby does change the name of Jersey Hill Road within the Town. of Ithaca to Townline Road . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , McPeak and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none) , REPORT OF COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES County Representative Beverly Livesay reported the Board had held only an organizational meeting . New committees have not been formed , old committees will continue until the new committees are set up . Mrs . Livesay stated that she was concerned about the availability of water and sewer , should the hospital complex be developed into a campus plan or housing project . Supervisor Desch stated that someday the Town was going to end up with a water capacity problem in that area . The Town is already . planning system upgrading in this area . The sewer capability was less of a problem than water . The sewer_ line will have to be replaced regardless of growth because of its poor condition . Councilwoman Raffensperger asked . Mrs . Livesay if she anticipated the County will approve usage piece meal or will there be a plan for the Town to consider ? Mrs . Livesay stated that she had been trying to get some idea of what was going on . She noted that she hoped the County was not . letting things trickle away . PART - TIME WORK RESOLUTION NO , 3 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the continued part - time work of Richard F . Brandmayr as a maintenance worker_ on the Town Hall Rehabilitation project at $ 4 . 50 per hour , . L?- +J FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED , that Mr . Brandmayr be paid from account A1620610 ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , McPeak , Jennings and Kiefer voting Aye . Nays - none ) . RESOLUTION N0 . 4 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the continued employment of Susan Beeners at $ 5 . 00 per hour for eight to ten hours per week on park projects , and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED , that Ms . Beeners be paid from accounts R7110 . 1 and R7110 . 16 . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , McPeak , Jennings and Kiefer voting Aye . Nays - none ) . Town Board Minutes - 3 - January 11 , 1982 TOWN OFFICIALS YEAR END SUMMARY REPORT TOWN SUPERVISOR Supervisor Desch stated that as we start a new year a number of us start new terms . For me it is particularly pleasing to have the opportunity to serve as Town Supervisor for a third term . I am very enthusiastic about the work we have before us . We have so very many opportunities to continue the level of accomplishment achieved . last year . As a team , I have no doubt that most of the objectives we have before us will be accomplished if we continue to move forward in a positive way . The committee structure that we have in my judgement offers each of you the opportunity to exercise your judgement , to study the issues , take advantage of your talents for the betterment of the Town . The assignment to committees was also done in a totally non - political . way . I expect my administration to continue to be very open and dependent on mutual trust . All of our meetings- will be open to the public and executive sessions few and far between. Our committee meetings will continue this way also , and you who chair such committees must keep the media informed of your agenda . You can submit agenda items for Town Board meetings - at any time but there are some parameters we must continue to follow for the sake of effectiveness and open communication . We mail out the agend «. 31 on Wednesdays preceding the Monday meeting . Most critical action items will either include attachments with the agenda or reference to material being placed in your mailbox . The staff and I try to get all resolutions written by the Monday of the week before the meeting . You . should shoot for the same target . We all have done increasingly well to avoid surprises at the last minute . However , emergencies do happen .- When you have items for the agenda , describe them to the Town Clerk in a note and if possible give me a call with as much notice as possible so I can organize the flow of the meeting to best accomodate all of the work to be done . We will continue to strive for meetings which do not exceed three hours in length . There will be times when two meetings per month are necessary , but this should be the exception rather than the rule . I will be asking Jean to set up meetings between myself and each of the committee chairpersons to discuss the objectives and then have the committee subsequently recommend the charge for the coming year . I expect our work to continue to be enjoyable and our accomplish - ments many . Be reasonable and responsible on your demands of our staff and share your ideas with each other and with them .. There are very few matters that need to be politicized . We have a very creative and talented board without exception and we have an exceptional mix of viewpoints . Although each of us must achieve a certain level of self satisfaction , let us not fail to give credit , to others , where credit is due regardless of political affiliation . I have always avoided imposing my personality on each of you and I will continue this approach . I hope you also will do the same . Let our debate and differences of opinion be thoroughly aired but not reduced to personal attacks . When you have a complaint about some facet of Town service , talk with the staff person in charge of the operation and if that does not produce what . you feel are acceptable standards , then bring it . .. to. my attention . This is the key to our working together rather than at cross purposes . I look forward to the opportunity to work with each one of you and welcome David Jennings to the Board as well as the return of Henry McPeak and George Kugler . Town Board Minutes - 4 - January 11 , 1982 Supervisor Desch then went on to say , now for my report on the State of the Town . In preparing an annual report it is easy to focus on the major accomplishments of the Town over the past year . However , I believe . the thing that makes the Town of Ithaca extra special is our commitment to being responsive to the individuals who have small but important problems . The most noteworthy category where phenomenal progress has been made is in the area of violations to our local ordinances and codes . In the past year , our capability , from a systems and personnel standpoint , has increased to such an extent that we have cleaned up virtually all of the long list of old and new violations , with the exception of a handful of chronic ones that probably will require court action . All of . this has been done without the addition of staff and this is where the supervisor plays a major role in forging together the team required to get the job done . It is also noteworthy , although . subtle , that we feel comfortable in taking on the responsibility of enforcing a fire code again without the addition of staff . There is no doubt that the pressures of new and extended service will continue in the face of dwindling outside resources . We have set in place , allocations which will enable us to improve our efficiency even further by being able to retrieve information from a solid base using our soon to be acquired word processor and in - house computer . Such systems will need not only development , but care and feeding and this is why it . makes sense to dovetail this effort with our planning functions in the creation of one position . The traditional solution would . be to have two separate positions . We , however , are confident that we can do a far more effective job with one person and save an ongoing burden on the taxpayers . It is also conceivable that these systems can help us level off the rising cost of justice court support , such costs are becoming significant because of the complexity of forms and the level of business . We now have in place , or in the planning stages , long range plans for most of the major services . Our timing is optimal from the standpoint of enabling us to avoid significant levels of deferred maintenance with the attendent cost implications . The 10 - Year Highway Plan , highway equipment replacement , water and sewer improvements , now need to be supplemented by drainage , mass. transit , housing and industrial development plans . [7ith the State expecting large deficits this year , we can expect consideration of further curtailment in State Aid . Specific categories could severely impact youth programs . and highway aid . as well as the broad State Revenue Sharing category . Although we have budgeted such revenues conservatively , there could well be significant impacts on our tax rates for 1983 and beyond . We can also z: xpect lower sales tax credits in 1.983 , due to the impact of the recession . On the positive side , it is now legal and proper to combine all revenues into large CD ' s , so long as the interest is credited proportionately to the specific sources . This will increase our revenues significantly and help to offset losses projected above . We have come through the year in excellent financial shape and accomplished most of the major goals established a year ago with the exception of the Zoning Law . On the Zoning Law , much of the work is done and we now have a solid basis upon which to constitute the Institutional Zones . Town Board Minutes - 5 - January 11 , 1982 The joint . sewer project and the East Ithaca Circulation Improvement will also be a primary focus of our efforts . In the case of the Bolton Point operation , it is particularly pleasing to report that we have completed the year with virtually the same surplus as a year ago , i . e . , $ 150 , 000 . This is particularly remarkable in light of the impact of the economy on water sales , increases in cost of .power and chemicals , and sinificant flood damage . Water revenues are expected to increase with connection of the new Morse Chair plant and occupation of the old hospital and to a lesser extent , extension of service on Coddington Road . The Bolton Point surplus is essential to enable us to make our February 15th interest payment and . still have cash flow to operate into the second quarter. of the year . HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Highway Superintendent Robert Parkin . presented his 1981 Annual. Report (. copy attached to the official minutes ) , to the Town Board . Councilwoman Raffensperger asked the Highway Superintendent if , sometime in the future , he would explain the trading of equipment by municipalities and the extent and interest in this swaping . COMPUTER SELECTION Supervisor Desch stated that IBM had put together a very attractive package on the soft ware and hard ware , along with financing ( copy of report attached to official minutes ) . Tom Attorney John Barney asked if the specifications were written so that other companies were eliminated from bidding ? Town Engineer Fabbroni stated that the specifications were written . so that it eliminated 75 % of the vendors , however , others could have bid . Councilman McPeak asked if there was any advantage of leasing verses purchase ? Supervisor Desch stated that leasing was pretty high . He stated that he felt revenue sharing could be utilized for installment payments and service contract . Councilwoman Raffensperger noted . that the Apple II was not included in the bid ;. she asked wasn ' t it going to be ? Supervisor Desch answered no , it was a continguency item . If any - thing needed to be sacrificed it would be the Apple II , Councilwoman_ Raffensperger noted that the bid was higher than the estimate the Board was given in December . Peter Lovi stated that the original estimate was not for two fully loaded word processors . It was decided later to go for the two better systems . Councilwoman Kiefer stated that she was abstaining on the vote . She had stated previously that she did not feel this was an emergency and she felt the same way about this tonight . She felt more study was needed to determine the amount of use and . time saved . Councilwoman Kiefer asked how the information , stored , is available to the public ? If I want to read a file on a certain subject , is this available ? # 1 AMENDMENTS TO THE DECEMBER 31st , 1981 LIST OF ACCOUNTS TO ENCUMBE 1 / 11 82 NO ACCOUNT CLAIMANT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 6 88010 . 4 Ithaca Photo , Inc . Zoning pictures $ 1087 7 B8020 . 4 Ithaca Photo , Inc . Planning pictures 1 . 87 9 F8340 . 1 II City of Ithaca 7 / 1 - 10/ 1 / 81 West Hill 8 , 396 . 08 VOID BR5118 - 4 - 6ap4tel - H40hway - Mater4a4s - - - - - - - - S + ens = Pd - 12f31f814 - . . . . . 258: 80 11 DM513004 Crispell Automotive Parts 448 . 32 12 DM5130 . 4 Cramer ' s Auto Parts Parts 104 . 91 13 DS5140 . 4 Chemung Spring Water Sprg . Water & Rent 34065 14 DS514094 Seneca Supply Shovel Handles &Miss . 217 . 13 16 VOID 9951. 42 : 4 - - - - - - - - kKendaTT Wainwr * qht - A }; - - - Oil - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31 - 89 17 DM5130 . 4 State Equipment Parts 16 . 54 18 DS514094 Agway Misc . supplies 22 . 47 DECEMBER 31st , 1981 - LIST - OF ACCOUNTS TO ' ENCUMBER " o AV?/ f Account Claimant Description Amount A1620 . 2 N . Y . S . Correctional Services Kitchenette $ 250000 A1620 . 2 Empire Building Supplies Town Hall Suppls . 241 . 40 A1620 . 4 Bishop ' s Home . Center Key 099 A1440 . 4 Bishop ' s Home Center Engineering Suppls . 2 . 50 A1620 . 4 Ithaca Photo , Inc . Computer pictures 5 . 30 B8010 . 4 Ithaca Photo Film/ Zoning 2 , 08 68020 . 4 Ithaca Photo Film/ Planning 2 . 07 B8020 . 4 T . G . Millers 2 Transparencies 64900 F8340 . 1 II City of Ithaca 7 / 1 - 10/ 1 / 81 West Hill 82500 . 00 Payback. DR5110 . 4 Capitol Highway Materials Signs 250 . 00 DM5130 . 4 Crispell Automotive Parts 281 . 00 DM513094 Cramers Auto Parts Parts 91600 DS5140 . 4 Chemung Spring Water Spring Water 25 . 00 DS5140 . 4 Seneca Supply Shovel Handles & Misc . 225 . 00 DM5130 . 4 Ithaca Tire Tire Repair 15 . 00 DS514294 Kendall Motor Oil Oil 34400 DM5130 . 4 State Equipment Parts 30 . 00 DS5140 . 4 Agway Misc . supplies 23 . 00 DS5142 . 4 Ashland Diesel Fuel 11, 194 . 19 # 2 LIST OF ACCOUNTS TO ENCUMBER AS OF DECEMBER 31st , 1981 1 / 11 / 82 N09 ACCOUNT CLAIMANT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 20 A1620 . 4 T . G . Miller ' s Sons Paper Name Plate $ 3 . 06 21 A141004 T . G . Miller ' s Sons Paper Bulbs 3 . 15 22 A144002 Bishop ' s Home Center Engineering supplies: 24 . 66 A1620 . 4 Arnold Printing Corp . Plaque 49 . 00 A1410 . 4 Arnold Printing Corp . 1000 folders 86 . 00 25 R7110 . 47 Ithaca Agway Farm Store Grass Seed 15300 . 00 26 A162004 West Publishing Company Mnkinney ' s Law Bks . 88 . 00 27 F8340 . 4 II Ingrahm Construction Co . Rprs . T -Burg Rd . Line 360 . 00 28 DS514094 Vann ' s Outdoor Power Equip . Rprs . to Chain Saw 34 . 45 29 DR5110 . 4 Landstrom Gravel Co . , Inc . Crushed bank run 54 . 19 30 DM513004 Radio Communications Co . Check Radios 54000 31 DM5130 . 4 Ithaca Tire And Auto Service Tire & Repairs 329011 32 DS5140 . 4 Ames of Ithaca , Inc . 1 WS Acetylene 19 . 00 33 B8020 . 4 The Ithaca Journal PB Hearing/ Munchmeyer 15017 34 A1620 . 4 Xerox Corporation Dec . Maint . Agreement 276 . 31 35 DS5142 . 4 Ashland Oil Diesel Fuel 551 . 17 A501094 T . G . Miller ' s Sons Paper Co . Appt . Book 5035 1981 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TOWN HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT , ROBERT E . PARKIN . Town Board , January 11 19820 1 . Total Tons of Salt and Sand Used Year Salt Sand 1976 401 . 53 tons 2 , 358 . 30 tons 1977 478 . 09 tons 1 , 922 . 70 tons 1978 437 . 64 tons 1 , 619 . 92 tons 1979 745 . 57 tons 1 , 968 . 80 tons 1980 572 . 35 tons 1 , 746 . 90 tons 1981 451 . 59 tons . 1 , 780 . 50 tons 2 . Miles of Roads Paved and Surface Treated Year Paved Surface Treated = Oil and Stone 1976 1 . 43 miles 2 . 98 miles 1977 0 . 25 miles 7 . 00 miles 1978 2 . 03 miles 4 . 65 miles 1979 0 . 83 miles 5 . 76 miles 1980 0 . 91 miles 0 . 97 miles 1981 2 . 16 miles 1 . 52 miles Roads - Mileage and Number - Totals Year Mileage Number 1976 36. . 97 miles 103 roads 1977 37 . 23 miles 105 roads 1978 37 . 51 miles 106 roads 1979 37 . 81 miles 108 roads 1980 37 . 92 miles 109 roads 1981 39 . 76 miles 111 roads Average length of each road is 0 . 36 miles . 48 of the 111 roads are dead ends . 1981 Annual Report to Town Board , . January 11 , 1982 - Robert E . Parkin . - 2 - 4 . Total Gallons of Oil Used for Paving and Surface Treatment Year Gallons 1976 . 52 , 524 1977 421480 1978 541040 1979 50 , 625 1980 201332 1981 32 , 113 5 . Total Materials Used in Paving and Repairs Crushed Gravel Crushed Lime Bank Gravel RipRap Cold Patch Hot Year Tons Stone Tons Tons Tons Tons Mix / T 1979 . 2 , 512 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 229430 =-928 1980 2 , 172 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41 . 00 651 1981 1 , 798 379 . 10 238 . 00 41020 46025 3 , 898 # 1 Stone # 1A Stone # 1 ST Stone # 2 Stone Calcium Year Tons Tons Tons Tons Gallons 1979 1 , 173 . 20 278010 - - - - - - 323 . 15 2 , 000 1980 400 . 00 485 . 00 373 . 00 501 . 00 23000 1981 3 . 60 51680 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Culvert Pipe Installed Year Residence Town 1976 330 feet 550 feet 1977 648 feet 382 feet 1978 388 feet 552 feet 1979 227 feet . 1 , 591 feet 1980 382 feet 361 feet 1981 417 feet 245 feet 7 . Total Fuel Use Year Diesel Gas 1976 7 , 038 gallons 10 , 286 gallons 1977 8 , 073 gallons 11 , 292 gallons 1981 Annual Report to Town Board , January 11 , 1982 - Robert E . Parkin . - 3 - 7 . _ Total Fuel Use ( cont . ) Year Diesel Gas 1978 9 , 584 gallons 11 , 267 gallons 1979 8 , 109 gallons 12 , 454 gallons 1980 7 , 012 gallons 13 , 400 gallons 1981 7 , 866 gallons 12 , 008 gallons Total Overtime Hours Year Hours 1976 580 1977 972 1978 814 1979 627 1980 572 1981 535 99 Total Money Received from Tompkins County for Snow Plowing Year Amount 1976 $ 61690 . 00 1977 $ 82910060 1978 $ 52004911 1979 $ 77985 . 84 1980 $ 42331 . 80 1981 5 , 487 , 84 104 Equipment Repairs ( See Next Page - - 4 . ) 1981 Annual Report to Town Board , January 11 , 1982 - Robert E . Parkin . - 4 - 10 . Equipment Repairs 1979 1980 1981 # 1 - Brockway Truck 1970 $ 31743 . 85 $ 773043 $ 41066960 #2 - Brockway Truck 1973 3 , 955 . 17 . 1 , 759 . 09 1 , 005075 # 3 - Ford L- 8000 Truck 1971 13026 . 77 11194659 3 , 135 . 14 #4 - FWD Truck 1967 3 , 699 . 40 686 . 42 204 . 42 # 5 - F- 600 Truck 1975 842810 2 , 508 . 18 436 . 57 #6 - F- 150 Ford Pick - Up 1975 957419 319 . 90 923 . 46 # 7 - F - 600 Ford Truck 1972 69 . 57 744 . 99 2 , 558 . 47 # 8 - F - 100 Ford Pick- Up 1966 273 . 58 99 . 95 24977 . # 9 - Dodge Pick - Up 1978 37 . 62 73 . 97 108 . 80 # 10 - Dodge Pick - Up 1980 - - - - - 245 . 50 139 . 66 Dodge Car 1975 1 , 135089 591 . 16 69 . 32 Dodge Omni Car 1981 - - - - - - - - - - - 211 . 82 T - 500 Gallion Grader 1966 264 . 76 8 , 716 . 36 53492 CAT 922A Loader 1963 50939 105 . 35 78 . 13 CAT 930 Loader 1978 55 . 31 592 . 66 73 . 59 Buffalo Roller 1947 10 . 47 55 . 40 54 , 57 Gallion Roller 1968 728 . 46 583 . 98 334 . 04 Michigan Rubber Roller 1972 4 . 94 - - - - - 19000 Case Backhoe 1974 354 . 48 84 . 78 443 . 79 2460 Gradall 1964 754 . 54 1 , 262963 296077 Ford Mowing Tractor 1974 41 . 17 - - - - - - 21 . 03 John Deere Dozer 1979 3 . 45 190 . 17 142 . 0 ]_ Centerville Trailer 1979 - - - - - - 22 . 52 103 . 00 TOTAL $ 18 , 009 . 11 $ 201611 . 03 $ 14 , 504 . 63 11 . Vehicle Miles and Hours Per Year ( See Next Page 5 . ) � H H tSi cfl 00 B r-3 H3 2u 0 (D 0 �5: W 0 0 O t� 4t C a O O I✓ O w N O p K K 3 O H It It It It 4t 4t zt� ztt z4g �O CD a H fe-3 a' N O N 0 P p a P� O m m � W Ul 1A w N H 0 �r �:l a a a' (D a (D x ¢ sl He GQ He He � L"' t� (D K C K a" (D p (D I I I I I I I I I I `o C� w K o r ' o K H I H x I P O 1 (D C! ti O x (D ¢. x I �d fet He K )e-j H H H H H H H H H (D �)J t'J H O K (D O x (D K H (D (D (D CD (D (D 0 (D (D (D He w co H 0 K I✓ x O p O CD I U) U) m w m U) m m w m H r2l (D K I K O G K a W (D ro b K cn I (n K c-+ m txj txi I x K U) x � He xu �4 o x U) o 4 H Iv & He 0 o 0 P, (D a o FC H K 0 K )m-i (A � t'J t'J (D U) K (1) (D I-3 a a m m (n x o x z o Fz: �:s If K EA N N H feA m w i.A H U) tb w H w � 00 � m Ul m O � 00 0 10 0 00 Ul A N OF 00 w 00 CO O N 1.A O CO Ul �l (D K W N -"l CO CTl 00 W Ul O m CA of 1l W N H K p (9 11 N FA C5) N m O O O )mA w Ul N w (D , CD 00 W W N . FP 11 rA C.l H p P W H W 11 Cfl H O O w u 0 w � 0 K 0 " " �1 S✓ (0 CU m w 00 m 0 N m (A fA W 14 H N Ut 100 P� H O O U1 Ul m W !—� �l �A w H O Ui w w K �l O Ul O 11 m A H N �l w m m O °C •mil N H H H H U1 N Cn M H H O O H w H H W H CT1 W 11 Ut O O N H w O r+ ON N I.A 1l W H O H m W 11 C.Ti H CA N N H 1.A p H O Ut 00 W (.0 CY) H �l Ul H N �l FA W Co �l N �l H Cfl CIO N. 00 H 00 W 1.A W A (D rA 0) H FA H Ale 00 �l O �l N m O (D H! m W O H u N 00 rA O O N Ul �l C0 1l N CA w H H O C9 O 00 1l O N O �l N 1l O H 0) �l 00 �l O 00 N A W a' N LV H 00 O 00 W kA O CY) 00 �l (D w O �A � N H (D K c+ 00 H H W 00 O m N CO �l W H UI O O trJ C+ A O H Cell w H H W w �l W H 00 N C3) m (C) fA p O O C3) 11 O N m N CA �7 C ) O O O �A O Cfl w O O 1l H b 00 Ul CTI N H 00 Uf 00 O Ut N Ut O Cn N C)t W W 00 M H K O H CSJ W Cr W Ul CTS �l H He H H �A H N 01 00 U1 W �l �A W �A Ul W O U1 �l (D � 00 O W O W O 07 O (D 11 O W (A N H Cfl CA H 00 CA 67 O H O N W W N O w 00 H H 00 CY1 �l (3) W O O 1 N U1 ul H CA �l 00 O C9 CD C9 00 A m 00 H w w m w w Cn w M rn c9 H W H H 00 0 w � w w � O � m rA m C-t H M H CTt H N H 00 kA H H AA H (A O CTt U1 00 W H p m W w (.0 N O w FA 11 Co 00 N G) C9 H N CA W N H N Ul H 00 Ul N 1l W KA H W M H m Cn H H H N m W 07 rA Ul (p 00 H H H H N 0) (D N N H N 00 (D N H Ul M O ul IC9 Cb O Cn A WA N 1l H CA w CTi O W N N H •.l O N w 00 H H M W O O W W N N N Ul H W O U O0 H W N 00 M O m w �l O A W Ul X107 N O N �l �l (D O N Ul 00 N W 11 H H (3) N 07 00 1.A W W �l O N 00 U1 �l F-3 " " O 00 (3) H FP N H H 0) Ul Of w O 07 C9 O �l N O w N rA c+ H 13 00 �l O A N MA CTI m H 0 O w FA W w w w ul p H 00 N 1A O �l w N w N H N C0 07 O (D C9 O �l w O 00 14 H I CJ1 l I Page 2 BID FORM Estimated Bid Item Quantity Bid Item Title Item Price * 1 2 Central Processing Unit . .$ . g �Zl . . . , 2 2 Keyboard Module _ 64060 , . 3 2 Video Monitor , , _ _ 730, 4 2 Diskette Drives 6600 5 1 Letter - quality Printer „ . 45130 . . . ftv 6 1 Sheet Feed Paper Handler , ; , 1850. . . . 7 2 Word Processing Software _ , . 1650. 8 2 Data Base ' Management Software 850 9 Base Bid Subtotal 26754 10 48 -month Maintenance Contract „ , 9495. . . . 11 Base Bid Total Cost $ 36249: 00 . * Please note following page IBM Corporation comments to bid items . e Name of Bidder Sign ' ture of person authorized to submit bid 310 E . Church Street Elmira , New York 14901 Address January 5 , 1982 ® Date . Notes to Previous Page Bid ` Items : This bid is prepared to be all - inclusive , i . e . - all items required to start- up are included such as necessary connecting cables , shipping charges , electronic prerequisites , etc . The following notes describe in detail each bid item ' s composition . Bid Item l : ' Bid are two ( 2 ) 16 bit microprocessors each with 256K RAM . For either microprocessor to be equipped with only 224K RAM ( ungrade - able later to 256 ) , deduct $ 450 per unit . One unit has been bid to include an electronic printer- sharing prerequisite and the other unit to include a 60 meter ( 2nd workstation ) cable . Each unit item price includes a $ 63 . shipping charge . Bid Item 2 . Bid as specified ; 96 character accessibility . . Bid Item 3 : Bid as specified . Bid Item 4 : Bid as specified . Bid Item 5 : Bid is the IBM designed 60 cps Printwheel Printer with the required ( for sheet feed paper handling ) auto paper handling electronics pre - requisite . Included in the item price is a 6 meter cable and $ 63 , shipping charge . Bid Item 6 : Bid as specified . Bid Item 7 : Bid are two ( 2 ) IBM Program Products - Textpack 4 ; capable of full text manipulation , spelling verification , auto hyphenation , four function math with column and statistical operations and the capacity to further drive these optional application program - packages . - Reportpack ( including electronic filing ) - Asynchronous Communications - Bisynchronous Communications - 3270 Data Stream , Languagepack 1 & 2 � r Bid Item 8 : Entitled " Reportpack " ; bid two ( 2 ) as specified . Bid Item 10 : IBM ' s SAII all - inclusive service contract coverage may be assumed following warranty expiration ( 3 months ) . For the hardware config - uration bid here , the monthly service contract would bill $ 211 . 000 Our Item 10 price for 48 months full coverage service is derived , 3 months warranty + 45 mos . x $ 211 . ( software maintenance is in - cluded under the terms of IBM ' s Licensing Agreement . ) It should be noted that the Item 10 price is an approximation as the $ 211 . figure is firm only through June 30 , 1982 per IBM ' s State and Local Government Price List . Annually on July first , new State and Local Government Price Listings are published , and inflation based increases might be expected . e r C FINANCING IBM will finance most of this bid via its State and Local Government Installment Payment Agreement . Provisions of this plan include 48 monthly payments ( optionally 12 , 24 , 36 , or 60 months ) ; current finance rate of 9 . 75 APR ; 10% down payment ( upon installation ) ; no prepayment penalty ; no penalty for fiscal year- end termination . Amounts which cannot be financed under this plan : In Bid Item Description Amount 1 Shipping Charges $ 126 . 00 5 Shipping Charges 63 . 00 7 Textpack 4 1 , 650 . 00 � ) 8 Reportpack 850 . 00 $ 2 , 689 . 00 Base Bid Subtotal ( Item 9 ) $ 26 , 754 . 00 Less Above Amounts Not Financed. 29689 . 00 Balance $ 245065 . 00 Required 10% Down Payment $ 22406 , 50 Amount Financed 21 , 658 . 50 Finance Charge ( 48 mos . @ 9 . 75% ) 45584 , 00 Total of Payments $ 26 , 242 , 50 1st Payment of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 547 . 13 ° 47 Payments of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 546 . 71 * Plus Up - Front Money . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 , 095 . 50 ( at installation ) C EAST ITHACA TRANSIT SYSTEM 1982 BUDGET EXPENSES ESTIMATE 1 , Transit Service Contract Cost ( $ 62 , 040 ) ( 1 bus , 2 , 820 hours x $ 22 / hr . ) 2 . Administration ( 110000 ) 3 . Advertising ( 15000 ) 4 . Contingency ( 15000 ) 5 . TOTAL ( $ 65 , 040 ) REVENUES PERCENT 6 . Fare Revenue ( 7 ) x . 351 $ 215060 32 . 4 7 . Ridership [60 , 000 ] 8 . NYS Transit Operating Assistance 145465 22 . 2 9 . ARC Advertising Funds 130000 4 . 6 10 . ARC Operating Funds 25000 11 . Federal Section 18 85000 12 . 3 12 . SUBTOTAL $ 465525 71 . 5 % 13 . Local Subsidy MAXIMUM '` 14 . Cornell University ( 66 . 7 % ) $ 24 , 000 $125350 1900 % 15 . Town of Ithaca ( 1994 % ) 75000 3 , 592 5 . 5 16 . Tompkins County ( 13 . 9 % ) 55000 2 , 573 3 . 9 17 . NET LOCAL SUBSIDY ( 100 . 0 % ) $ 365000 $ 185515 28 . 5 % 18 . TOTAL REVENUES $ 655040 10000 % 'Maximum , budgeted subsidy level . Sam iA. EAST ITHACA TRANSIT SYSTEM 1981 HUDGET 1981 1981 NET EXPENSES ESTIMATE ACTUAL SURPLUS 1 . Transit Service Contract Cost $ 529800 $ 517260 $ 1 , 540 ( 1 bus , 2 , 640 hours x $ 20 . 00 /hr ) 2 . Administration 11000 0 15000 3 . Advertising 1 , 000 658 342 4 . Contingency 15000 0 11) 000 5 . TOTAL $ 555800 $ 51 , 918 $ 39882 s,. PERCENT OF REVENUES ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL REVENUES 6 . Fare Revenue $ 16 , 800 $18 , 701 36 . 0 % 7 . Ridership [ 48 , 000 ] [ 549182 ] 8 . NYS Transit Operating Assistance 25400 9 , 815 1809 9 . Federal Section 18 10 , 600 75373 14 . 2 10 . SUBTOTAL $ 29 , 800 $ 359889 6901 % 11 . NET LOCAL DEFICIT $ 26 , 000 $165, 029 30 . 9 Maximum '° '% 12 . Cornell University. ( 66 . 7 % ) $ 243000 $ 17 , 500 $109691 200` 6 % 13 . Town of Ithaca ( 19 . 4 % ) 75000 5 , 000 31=110 600 14 . Tompkins County (13 . 4 % ) 59000 3 , 500 29228 4 . 3 15 . TOTAL LOCAL SUBSIDY $ 36 , 000 $ 263, 000 $16 , 029 30 . 9 % 16 . TOTAL REVENUES $ 559800 $ 51 , 918 10090 % `ACTUAL REVENUES includes accrued State and Federal funds to be received in 1982 , but based on 1981 operations . " 'Maximum refers to budgeted amounts for EITS which are maximum subsidy levels . FIGURE 1 : EAST ITHACA TRANSIT RIDERSHIP - 1981 Passengers 8 , 000 7 , 000 6 , 000 5 , 000 4 , 000 3s000 00 2 00 0 15000 . : :r :. . . Jan . Feb . Mar Apr. May June July Aug . Sept Oct . Nov . Dec . Table A . 1981 East Ithaca Transit Ridership , Operating Days & Average Daily Ridership , by Month Operating Average Daily Month Passengers Days Ridership January 640 4 16060 February 55118 21 24397 March 4 , 769 22 227 . 1 April 45153 22 20766 May 3 , 438 20 171 9 June 25894 22 131 . 5 July 35303 22 150 . 1 August 39031 21 144 . 3 September 71091 21 337 . 7 October 7 , 067 22 321 . 2 November 65777 19 356 . 7 December 5 , 900 17 347 . 1 Total : 545181 233 232 . 5 1981 Budget Estimates : 485000 240 200 . 0 2 Town Board Minutes - 6 - January 11 , 1982 Peter Lovi answered that the information_ will always exist in ' hard paper . You will not be eliminating the files . Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that she had talked to people who had expertise in this field . She asked if the computer had graphic capabilities ? Peter Lovi answered , no and cannot promise it will be available . RESOLUTION N0 , 5 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman McPeak , RESOLVED , WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca approved specifications to be bid on a word processor - data processor - computer system at the December 7 ; 1981 Town Board meeting , and WHEREAS , bids were properly advertised and opened on January 7 , 1982 , by the Town Clerk , and WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed the staff recommendation on the method of purchase of the system and on the IMB Corpo - ration low bid of $ 26 , 754 as meeting all bid requirements , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca authorizes purchase . and financing of the IMB Corporation system as described in the bid documents for the low bid of $ 26 , 754 , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Town Supervisor be authorized to purchase and finance this system in the way that provides the best financial terms and warranty to the Town of Ithaca . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger and McPeak voting Aye . Nays - Kiefer . Abstaining - Jennings ) . EAST ITHACA TRANSIT Town Engineer Fabbroni distributed to the Board , copies of the East Ithaca Transit System 1981 and 1982 Budget along with rider - ship figures . ( Copy attached to the official minutes ) . Councilman Jennings asked how close were the chances of breaking even ? Town Engineer Fabbroni answered , no chance to break even on the fair box . Councilwoman Raffensperger noted that the fair system was not clear cut as Cornell employees ride free . It is difficult to match this system to the Ithaca Transit System fair , however ., they are very comparable to a lot of City runs . Supervisor Desch stated that he felt each party to the contract benefitted . beyond initial expectations . RESOLUTION NO . 6 Motion by Councilwoman Raffensperger ' ; seconded by Councilman . Jennings , RESOLVED , WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca has budgeted $ 20 , 200 for subsidy of East Ithaca Transit , Northeast Transit , and related transit services in the 1982 budget , and WHEREAS , East Ithaca Transit has exceeded all expectations in serving the public in 1981 and as quantified in riders and Town Board Minutes - 7 - January 11 , 1982 expense to the contributing entities , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca appropriates up to $ 7 , 000 for the year 1982 as a . partial subsidy of the East Ithaca Transit Service , and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Town Supervisor be authorized to execute a contract with Cornell University and Tompkins County to continue to provide East Ithaca Transit service at a subsidy for . Town , not to exceed $ 7 , 000 for 1982 . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . PLANNED MUNICIPAL PROJECTS Planned items for completion in 1982 include transit , sewers . , Town Hall rehabilitation , parks , transportation , drainage , water , ordinances , solid waste , housing surveys and computer - word processor . Councilwoman Raffensperger noted that a lot of the topics have legal implications which have to be checked with the legal department . Town Attorney John Barney stated that as far as the legal department was concerned , it was a matter of priorities with the Town . Councilwoman Raffensperger felt that legal priorities should be set . She noted the Town has parks with out deeds and a Park Ordinance which is in a semi completed state . We should be clear on what has top priority . Attorney Barney stated that if the Town would give them guidance legal work would be completed on time . Councilwoman Raffensperger noted that if the Park Ordinance could be completed in May , this would be marvelous . SYSTEM ANALYST / TOWN PLANNER POSITION Supervisor Desch stated that when the budget was set up , no one had Peter Lovi particularly in mind . However , he has shown a great deal of ability . The Supervisor stated that he could not speak to Peter ' s background , however , the Town has a chance to take advantage of his expertise . Town Engineer Fabbroni stated that we are not , as the City is , a Town with specific needs . The work _J o.ad is not there , the need isn ' t there at the present time for a full time Planner . He felt the Board should come to grips with what the Town needs today . Mr . Fabbron % went on to say that he had received ten to fifteen resumes and . comparing them with Peter Lovi , the Town was not coming up second best . He understands the Town through his envolvement . through Cornell . Supervisor Desch stated that the Board should consider that if this arrangement is accepted , . it will bring most of us up to speed with the new computer . He went on to say that he shared the Town Engineer ' s opinion that the work load was not there for a full time planner position . He noted that this was a rare . opportunity to accomplish a lot and not spend a lot of money in doing so . ' Councilwoman Kiefer asked if Peter Lovi regarded himself as a _._ _ _'�"'...._..�.^,.... ...�.....,...m..,. .... ._..... .—...........................w...,....�. �...,_., a.:..�.:..a»:aa.ea+-..,z .. .:o-..:.jrs. :c.ra _.:::.... __...:ai,a..a._.. ..x4,� txce:_a,�. ._ R.v; ._m, s'. .a.s ::_::�,r. .t:._,:+ ... _ -, • Town Board Minutes - 8 - January 11 , 1982 Planner or Data Processor ? Town Engineer Fabbr_ oni answered , Planner . Councilman Jennings felt the Board should first consider the position before considering an individual . Councilwoman Kiefer felt this. matter should be brought before the Personnel Committee before being brought before the Board . Supervisor Desch stated that if the report were reviewed by the Committee , then you are talking several months down the road before someone is hired . Councilwoman Kiefer stated that she thought the Town Engineer ' s resolution was going to offer the position of part - time planner . The Town Engineer stated that he felt his report was totally unbiased . But since this has been an area of a great deal of debate an friction , I am making this recommendation given the short - term needs , the match of the skills of the individual available , the match of his availability to our part - time mode and his beginning base knowledge of the Town . Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that she felt Peter Lovi did not have the expertise to solve computer problems . The Town should budget money for a consultant . We . should go ahead with this type of a resolution , but not expect Mr . Lovi to take on the job as an expert in this field. . RESOLUTION NO . 7 Motion by Councilwoman Raffensperger ; seconded by Councilman McPeak , RESOLVED , WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca has budgeted $ 10 , 500 , more or less , for a professional planner as part of the 1982 budget , and WHEREAS , $ 10 , 500 was considered an adequate salary for a full - time position beginning in May 1982 for a planner / systems analyst , and WHEREAS , various Board members have expressed an interest in a continuing planning effort at the start of 1982 even if part - time , and I� HEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed the Town Engineer ' s recommen. c' Ition on the matter including needs , term , and employee match , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca authorizes the Town Planning part - time position for 1982 for 21 to 28 hours per week at $ 7 . 50 per hour , with full health benefits and two - thirds holiday , sick and vacation benefits , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that Peter Michael Lovi be hired immediately to fill the position . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS RESOLUTION NO , 8 Motion by Councilwoman Raffensperger ; seconded by Councilman McPeak , Town Board Minutes - 9 - January 11 , 1982 RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the Town of Ithaca Warrants dated January 11 , 1982 , in the following amounts : General Fund - Town Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 , 633 . 76 General Fund - Outside Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 681 . 65 Water and Sewer Fund . . . ' '. 01toololo , oto * eeotv * * & ' ' 160 , 923044 Highway Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 , 056055 ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . BOLTON POINT WARRANTS RESOLUTION N0 , 9 Motion by Councilman Kugler ; seconded by Supervisor Desch , " RESOLVED , that the Bolton Point Warrants dated January 11 , 1982 , in the Operating Account are hereby approved , in the amount of $ 53 , 839 . 35 after review and upon the recommendation of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission they are in order for payment . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . ENCUMBERED ACCOUNTS RESOLUTION NO , 10 Motion by Councilwoman Raffensperger ; seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the encumberence of the additional .. , accounts ( copy of list attached tc) official minutes ) , not encumbered at the year end meeting . ( Desch ., Kugler , Raffensperger , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . ASSOCIATION OF TOWNS - ANNUAL LUNCHEON BANQUET RESOLUTION NO . 11 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilwoman Raffensperger , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the attendance ., by the Official Delegate , at the Annual Luncheon Banquet at the Association of Towns Meeting in New York City . t ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting . Aye . Nays - none ) . ADJOURNMENT ,The meeting was duly adjourned . 6 . z Clerk I98I FALL . MEETING We have a fine meeting planned on September 16 , I98I at the Bement Billings Museum , 3 miles north of Newark Valley in Tioga County ( Rt . 38 ) . Park free at the Museum . Register and pay your fee of a dollar to cover costs of the Meeting . Any who have not joined the N . Y . S . Municipal Historians Association may do so . Bring your . favorite . brown bag lunch . Coffee and cookies are provided : We may see some of our delicious cookies baking at the open hearth . A copy of the cooky RECEIPE will be available . The PROGRAM followss 9 : 00 - 9 : 15 Ileen Weaver Tioga-Cdurity' Historian will be helning .us to REGISTER , pay •your fee , and pick up .4 name tag . Coffee . 9 : I5 - I0 : 00 Greetings and introductions , . : Helen Blauvelt Robert Bridges , Trustee N . Y . S . M . H . A . Discussion of the storage of Vital Records . 10 : 00 - 10 : 45 Tour of the Bement . Billings farm . THIS FARM IS " LIVING HISTORY " . It is viable . because the Newark Valley Historical Society found a use for it today , It is being. restored to be their Museum and their home . 10 : 45 - II : I5 Coffee Break and Conversation in the Voting Room of the . Village Municipal Bldg , the red bricl: building on the . Village Green in Newark Valley . II : I5 - I2 : I5 AN HISTORICAL ADVENTURE , Mrs . Roy ( Bonnie ) Anderson . 12 : I5 - I : 00 LUNCH with coffee and cookies . Look over the little Village with its Village Green . I : 00 - I : 30 BUSINESS MEETING . Reports and election of officers . Who - will invite us for our next meeting ? What will the next meet- include ? I : 30 - 2 : 30 A WIDER LOOK AT LOCAL, HISTORY : Art and Politics in the New York Area of the Susquehanna Valley . Lawrence Bothwell , Broome County Historian . f 2 : 30 - 3 : 00 Farewell until next Spring . Helen Blauvelt for John Camp , PROGRAM CHAIRPERSON : Dr . Helen Blauvelt , Town of Ithaca Historian and Pres . NYSMHA , Region VII West 126 E . Seneca St . , Ithaca , N * Y . I4850 Phone ( Office ) 607 - 273 - 172I or .607 - 273 - 8284 ( Home ) 607 - 273 - 5303 We are also invited to the Fall Meeting of Region VII North on Saturday October IO at 9 : 30 A M . It is at Guernsey Memorial Library , Court St . , Norwich , N . Y , at 9 : 30 AM . Mr . Burton V . Goodrich , geneologist , will present a mini geneology course . Charge $ 3 : OO . For further information contact Mary Fargo , Smyrna Town Historian and Chairperson of Region VII North , Smyrna , N . Y . 13464 . Te1 . 607 - 627 - 6280 . N . Y . S . MUNICIPAL HISTORIANS ASSOCIATION REGION VII VII -North= Chenango , Cortland , Delaware , Madison , & Otsego Cos . . VII -West= Broome , Chemung , Schuyler , Tioga , & Tompkins Counties 1981 SPRING MEETINGS We have two fine Spring Meetings planned , one on Wednesday Apr . 29 at Montour Falls and the other on Saturday May 2 , Walton . You are invited to - one or both . At both meetings , you will register ( and pay $ 1 to cover meeting expenses ) , meet and trade ideas with your fellow historians . and learn some of " the tricks of our trade " . Any who have not joined the .- N . Y . S . . Municipal Historians Assoaciation , and wish to do so , may pay their $ 2 : 00 dues . We ' ll " brown bag ". it for lunch . Beverages and dessert are provided . The two meeting programs follow . Wed . , Apr . 29 Sat . , May 2 MONTOUR FALLS WALTON Gray Brick Tavern Museum , Catherine Christ Church Parish House , 41 Gardiner St . ( Rt . 14 ) , Montour Falls . Park free Place , Walton , N . Y . ( see map below ) . PARK on Catherine St . near the Museum . On right side of St . or behind the bank . 9 : 00 - 10 : 00 Register and coffee . 10 : 00 Registration and coffee . 10 : 00 - 10 : 30 - Greetings and introduct - 10 ions . News of N . Y . S . H . A . , Larry Leamer . --ORGANIZING YOURSELF AS WELL 10 : 30 PRESERVATION of paper and photo - AS YOUR DATA . graphs in a small collection . Livi Culver , DeWitt Historical Museum . Victor . B . Goodrich Ithaca , N . Y . 11 : 30 Visit to the Walton Foundry , Break into groups for idea - r trading , thenreconvene to . report to exhibit of us all . MAKING STATE MARKERS , Mr . and Mrs . LANE 12 : 00 -- 1 : 30 Lunch . Bring your sandwhich 12 : 30 Brown bag lunch at the Christ to the Lee Schoolhouse , the Society ' s Church Parish House . Beverage and other building . Beverage and dessert , cake rovided old fashioned Gingerbread and REAL P t hipped cream , are planned . 1 : 15 Business meeting conducted by - : 30 - 2 : 00 Business meeting and plan - President Mary Fargo . ping for the next meeting . 1 : 45 WRITING A LOCAL HISTORY COLUMN 2 : 00 -- 3 : 00 PHOTOCOPYING , HOW TO DO IT FOR THE WEEKLY PAPER Mary Fargo . and WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU . Closing 3 : 00 - 3 : 30 Closing . Directions : from Sidney and west follow Program Chairperson for Montour Falls Rt . 206 . Go through two traffic lights . Helen Blauvelt Turn left at Gardiner . Place . From Delhi Town of Ithaca Historian and east , turn right at the 4th St . Do 126 E . Seneca St . notgo through traffic lights . Parish Ithaca , N . Y . 14850 House 1 block down Gardiner Place on Pres . Region VII W left . Park on right side of St . or be . ( 607 ) 273 - 1721 ( office ) hind the bank . ( 607 ) 273 - 5303 ( home ) Program Chairperson for Walton Mary Fargo Town of Smyrna Historian Main St . Smyrna , N . Y . 13464 ( 607 ) 627 - 6280 M x = p ° cl, Q1 L co L ° C y M z ° v � v O p •ti .� a v co M Cd Cd a w tl V] w CO� L w C r ti c ^iC O W 7 O C c f2� v� •, 0"ti ' � rn CJ �n C3 z i j > z o >a a a y y V1 � ° v b �° W d ° w � 4w V a O L c m Cld '� w .w ° y „oKi � � ...� CO � ryj .". .� � �'' .p ~ M O rw h V cc m Un E E � V U E a O a. t > (j W .°. . °o . u F F E s N w G 'E � ro ° -z °� v 60 E 'J E rn =o W h W z F ow > WUa� � � . 7 w O R o � � x o �. E roMn N � � P�4 O u�+ _off °c� U I� ti .yi f3 a V . .V. L V �p a ^I w fC 4 . . . 0 ° •u '4 i- •V V L ti E cc . . w v ' E U C r3 1 V L C 7 C V C ° ' E U aC U O L w g z oc3v ' a5 � xotl '� e -00 � c � 3c � ° � E ^ � Zo3vc � x O ° yv ° ccWaW � do . EL ° � Oro � WVOW � � COOCawO ° v ° � a � o T� U wz a via Uri w C a s z X � U Ua ra U Z w w ti V1 o kn O M eM � O O C c O 5 o C 7 r y � X x w xi. 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V ccA dOCs � p' U ai � � U] ON co E E ° ° O a`> 0 cn 0 c to E U U z U w cn z ILW °0 W A D o C) U c u 0 ° G c � 0 � m w w Oddto en NO _ d o � Cd rVI Vv ° w d 00 6 A y Q ° n, z E; r. > a ° a o xa � rna Ne C � wA � z Cw7 �+ w Ko f A aoi � pd E o ° H � � W w � � 0d zNc aE � G d a) NO a0Nc `r Cco C p F o � U c. � E" 0 � � D+ 0 v E `� E cY E `' W E cs o E EFL u � � UZ W' E" y 'Ld K � xx Env o ci. r [ ao aL4 n, a � ° aa, a "O-D o U � � � E� � cu 0 CD 'bn .0 CD o n. E o i, p o [ o w =j +r w U � cn C ° W E x NR4 < N3 � MAU oy+ < .� toA aoFn+ x Fr73 mE-O o TOWN OF ITHACA BREAKDOWN OF COVERAGE 1 . - 52SM84607FCA 3 / 10 / 80 -8 3 Christopher Circle $ 302000 Cliff St . $ 302000 Snyder Hill Rd $ 309000 Coddington Rd $ 302000 Troy Rd . $ 30 , 000 126 E . Seneca ( Bldg ) $ 2342000 ( Cts ) $ 272600 - 106 Seven Mile Dr . ' ( Bldg ) $ 2591200 ( Cts ) $ 151600 ( Barn ) $ 123P000 126 E . Seneca St ( Valuable Papers ) $ 2209000 $ 1 , 000 Deductible - Fire , Extended Coverage , Vandilism & Malicious Mischief , All Other Perils SECTION II $ 1 , 000 , 000 / 1 , 000 , 000 Bodily Injury $ 100 , 000 Property Damage Covers all operations of town , including , but not limited to the following : Municipal , township , county or state employees , street or road construction or maintenance waterworks - Outside salesmen , meter readers etc . Bldg . / Premises office Sewer -storm or sanitary Parks or Playgrounds Blanket Contractual Personal Injury Storage Warehouse 7 , 000 sq . ft Addle Ins . ( Citizens Savings Bank ) 2 . 52FJ228472CCA - Comprehensive Auto Liability Policy 3 / 10 / 81 -82 Bodily Injury & Property Damage Combined Single Limit $ 750 , 000 2030000 Uninsured Motorists 100 Deductible Comprehensive 200 Deductible Comprehensive Pass Veh , 500 Deductible Collision Non -owned & Hired Car Coverage Vehicles Covered as Scheduled 13 Vehicles 9 Covered under GL Form 3 . XLB1329903 - Excess Umbrella Policy 3 / 10 / 81 -82 $ 5 , 000 , 000 . Limit of Liability 10 , 000 . Insureds Retained Limit 4 . 52C65768CCA - Workers Compensation Policy 1 / 1 / 82 -83 Statuatory Coverage As Required by the State of New York Employers Liability $ 100 , 0000 5 . 52BY1206BCA - Money & Securities Bond 7 / 1 / 80 -83 Cash Coverage $ 2 , 500 on Premises 2 , 500 off Premises ( from 1 / 1 each year to 2 / 1 coverage increased to $ 50 , 000 to cover taxes collected ) 6 . 52531464 - Bond 1 / 23 / 82 -83 Street Opening Permit Bond For Water And Sewer Lines $ 1 , 000 . 00 Coverage 7 . 52F2185BCA - Bond 1 / 1 / 82 -85 Public Employees Blanket Fidelty Bond $ 10 , 000 Covers all employees of the town Special limit for Tax Collector $ 50 , 0000 Town Supervisor 345 , 0006 Town Clerk 5050006 8 . 52PC103932 - Owners & Contractors Liability 1 / 31 / 82 -83 $ 500 , 000 . Department of Transportation and Employees 9 . LA3083543 - Owners & Contractors Liability 8 / 9 / 81 -82 $ 500 , 000 . Special Hauling Permit for Oversized Equipment 10 . 521MC137832 - Contractors Equipment Floater Broad Form 3 / 10 / 81 -82 All Risks $ 500 . deductible Equipment Covered as scheduled . $ 220 , 869 . 00 11 . IMSP152370FCA - Marine Scheduled Property Floater 3 / 10 / 81 -82 All Risks - Covering Radio Equipment As Scheduled $ 102650 . $ 100 . deductible 12 . 52IMSP152372 - Marine Scheduled Property Floater 3 / 10 / 81 -82 All Risks - Covering Voting Machines as scheduled $ 2220000 $ 100 . ded .