HomeMy WebLinkAboutOath of Office Books 1978-1994- 1 '!I . . e.--- ... . ...._ -. • ... ... . . ... . . ..: : • •, " r . MICROFILMED ,. • -, i I • 1 Von kr 41 ♦ . • 1. , . c nt� rises • • 1 flj,"""'""' '�? Administrative Offices•6838 tataid Park,1Cpa6•Bath,*uVb k, 14810 - 7S su (607) 776.4146*fax(607)776.9366•BcrnanfJ.Burns,B cutiveDirector i _ . i tR 4) Enteiprises • • a idmintstrative Offices•6838 Indus mat Tar. wd•Bath,91w York 14810 a 1S 913'2 (607) 776.4146•fax Burns, f �. 'Executive Director jjEscRipTioN 0n ,L • Oath gt&oks 1(5 NO ROLL m as. 7 DATE FILMED • M NTH/DAY/YEA n SUPERVISOR: o�>�AL CAMERA OPERATOR: • . , . . 10 u _ �•/.1 ,♦ Jr :I{ ; I. r.)♦. , / Y ..4r .f Y -I.r•♦. .. : s \. l4 • `/r. . Inventory Worksheet •• '' ' ` For Local Government Records NOTE:See accompanying instructions before filling out this form 1.a.Government Name"-.. • I b. t k I c.Unit ' �� I2a. Contact parson A-1• /�' /A �7a Miner c `^ /,/ e9 I 9v'�lb7r 13. Record Sanas Title irf q t _i )j I. . (J��irLq�lA�'J /oil[ .. . J s, Varying Record Lanes Title p. Ii 5. Location `Building _ / lb.�, f I �yie I�Caoin or Shed I e. Drawer or Box oaf ni 6. Date Span 7.Arrangement ❑ Alanacetical ❑ Numencal gCnronotcglcal From: To I ❑ Alohanumcnc ❑ Other(Soecay) _ . 3. Format ga. Sound Volume ❑ e. Plans and Drawings ❑ ♦Corrouter Cutout is ri b. Folders or Loose Parser ❑ Saecdy: 1. Mans -- 1 _:C. Cam File 0 g. Corrnutenzed Resorts ❑L Coticat Disk ❑jr Other d. Microform Specify: Specify. ' 9♦ Ctner Format? J Yes i1 No 10. Other Copes? ❑Yes 244. 11.Total Cuamrty !What Format?3 4 Jett, Held by: cur feet "4. :i ' 12. Record Still Being reatedl ccu 13. Annual Amulation 114.R rem rreouencf 1...- 1 Nies Duo ,_ C.J.feet I 15. 'flat or Essential? 1i/Yes Lf Ne 116. Arcnrval? Wes ❑No 117. Poor onion?.Yes .No +il 18. Festnc:ea or Confidentiai7QYes flo ! ...... Bourne or regulation: : i f/ 11.E • 19. ;:lescnouon cf Record Lanes 1 , ..,- are 2 I Cn1'/ aaa of 01 • • .213,19 20. Purpose of Record 21.Aooratsal or Ctner recomirendanon with comments: 1 1 22. SARA Scnedule Item No. or oescnptton ' s• /77 23. Record retention . a. Total Reenua b. In Office k 24.Ofliwl Copy? fea ❑No • c. In Sto ••e ,� $ 25.Sample copy of record rattled? ❑Yee i1 No 26a. Name of person damp inventory /4 � / • /� �• 26b.Due New York State Archives and Records Admunlstratlon /l ad IS Government Records Bureau LGRB-5(Sr91) • , }_ • 'AR7M ENT ; . e .. n ormation for State Arepwes and Records Administration Local Government Retard Service! Microfilming Paper Records Albany, New York 12230 SCOPE: The information on this form, combined with the applicable Microfilm Production Guidelines. constitutes a technical specification for producing high quality microfilm. Local governments contracting with a microfilm service bureau should attach whatever additional contracting documents your local government • requires. A typical bid offering will, therefore, consist of at least (our(41 items: J • 1. this File Information Form - 2. the Microfilm Production Guidelines 3. a SARA Microfilm Agreement • 4. locally-required contracting materials Instructions for completing this form are on a separate sheet, titled Instructions for Completing File Information Form. } 1. NAME of LOCAL COVERNMt 07/ 2. PREPARED BY fPnnr names I TELEPHONE NUMBER rinciuoeArea Cam 3. NAME OF RECORD SERIES • 54 7' 6rici6 4.o ''___ Years 4 The retention schedule for these records is: '• El Active [j Inactive 4 Is this record series ACTIVE or INACTIVE? • - 6. Order of Filming: The records in this series will be microfilmed in this existing order. • A. Alphabetically l j by personal name (last name first) . ❑ by corporate name(business name) by another alphabetical order, (describe B. Numerically 0 by parcel number ❑ by case number Q by personal identification number ❑ by another numerical order, (describe c. Chronologically 0 by year/month/day(yyyy/mm/ddl by month/day/year(mrNddiyy) 0 by another chronological order, (describe • 1 I - I WARM • pure • n • •. r 0. 3 by a COMBINATION of the above,or other factors. Describe the hierarchy or the records: i., E. 3 in RANDOM order, requiring a separate index for document retrieval: this index is usually "_r•: computer-based ("Computer-Assisted Retrieval. CAR"). Describe the desired indexing system: 0,? B,ee 4 Total number or DOCUMENTS •,,,,lOy . PERCENTAGE of documents that have information on both sides or the sheet Total number of IMAGES 4 Total number or ROLLS • 16mm microfilm—office document(divide total images by 25001 :: •'o • 35mm microfilm—bound document(divide total images by 10001 •35mm microfilm—drawings(divide total images by 5001 9 » 4 Number of images by which this record series INCREASES by each year • • 10. Condition of Documents: A. Size /$4 S "—Ten' gm wiam 4 LARGEST Document 4 r tengm i wram 4 SMALLEST Document a. Age/Brittleness/Fasteners • ' ' .-• Vein 4 AGE of paper(oldest) Yes No 4 Edges of paper are FLAKING Percentage of the documents which have FASTENERS (staple,paper clips, etc.) c. Enclosure J Yes No 4 Are documents in folders? 21 Yes 3 No 4 Are documents bound? If Yes, J Yes a No 4 Can the books be disbound Type of binding ' ZJ sewn (only) Osewn and glued Ddrill post ❑comb 0 glued(only) [ring • (Dclamp 00th. • u,.a. • t�sra i i ; .l'. %? :.1 a .ice .. .•) n ...'f.v, •�� ... ...I 'Y . .• . _ , ' ' ' - • /.,r? et % 4 Percentage of the documents which are FLAT Percentage of the documents which are ROLLED i;.1. _„_•, % 4 Percentage of the documents which are FOLDED L Color of the paper ,~ ._ ._ °o 4 Percentage of documents on WHITE PAPER • _. To 4 Percentage of the documents on ..___ paoer ,/b[LI COMM . . 1. __ °,o 4 Percentage of the documents on ...-- ,:ter.._.. paper __._ °,o4 Percentage of the documents on • _...._. paper 1 _— °,o 4 Percentage of the documents on. __._ ._ paper ,tIleaw coal---• ......................__ °,o 4 Percentage of the documents on _ __.....,._.____., paper .c, . °,o 4 Percentage of documents that are BLUEPRINT or PHOTOSTAT F. Imprint (More than one envy maybe checked) - 1L N handwritten only .J printed/typed only J handwritten and printed I J ink .vJ pencil J carbon paper i . •," a Color of imprint ear at, 1 11. Document Preparation for Microfilming t ,_ A.46 the Local Government F ..-1 the microrilming vendor 11 FILE ORGANIZATION shall be performed by(check one) . , is a. /it the Local Government j 4 PURGING shall be performed by (check one) ,J the microfilming vendor f c 04 the Local Government I the microfilming vendor PREPPING the documents shall be performed by (check one) t - 12. Records Usage •+• / « Estimated ANNUAL number of people who use this record series a. -- 4 Monthly number of'look-ups"(reference or retrieval) _ • i c. From the date of document creation, most retrievals occur within • J one week a one month .0 one year • J 2 -6 years 0 continued steady usage o. The persons who physfafly handle the documents are • 4 employees only " :•.: this department only • •0 several deparanents .. 0 general public —17:44,t7-• ♦^.i, Lees.,. , 0 -. . .._. _. . • ' other (describrl -:""_..._. ..- � �... _ _... _ ... i i ISM I • ,71. :,.get. '—. ♦.- w'CA'W%.114.7... Opjd• .- ' . •. �I• MBA.• -ri.:OIM , •.MM,'~.• •♦- • • • • . • . ' •. . • .. •�• r • TOWN OF ULYSSES 10 Elm Street ;' P.Q. Box 721 Jr 'fumnnsburg, New York 148H6 607-387.5767 ARC ENTERPRISES 6338 INDUSTRIAL PARK ROAD BATH, NEW YORK 14810 REDUCTION RATIO: 32n FILM MANUFACTURER: PUG' TYPg: 16 mm 100 ft - POYESTER r EXPIRATION . FUJI - a: DATE: JUNE 1996 =:_: MICROFILM t ;: NEGATIVE BATCH NUMBER: 285-26 • 014,1/ Aga J i t pM11X • ::,:.: ,•:lb(. JUN,1996•:;:,::,. :- 4,'�1:nimne,s HR 21 285-26' ............ ........ ; i DECLARATION BY CAMERA OPERATOR Roll Number: "� Series Title : � 1� a—SiV(S — Agency: .1?13. CiL .sses • Subdivision: Starting point of series filmed on this roll : /2\1\h R" Ending oint of series filmed on this roll : 9 \ AaXV reel of this series Original microform: OPEN ROLL Reduction ratio: — 32X Image Orientation: COMIC MODE These records have been filmed in the regular course of business . 4LrZVieit0)t0 I/3o q. Sre Date 'n JACLYN Ai H[1TTCR Typed Name A /L'.. A/ Title I V\ Declaration By Records Custodian Local Government Agency: TOWN OF ULYSSES Records Series Title: D +k o l /I i-c cc R-.96 ks Record Series Arrangement: I q (C1 q �- Beginning Document: 1 f • Access Restrictions: - Cnr 4 en-1- This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this roll of microfilm are accurate reproductions of the above-named records series , and were filmed from the best available documents, in the course of regular operations, following established New York State Archives and Records dministration microfilming guidelines. 464,4 cal,Rec /- 946 Signature of c ds C stodian Date MARSHA L. GEORGIA Typed Name TOWN CLERK/RMO Records Custodian Title . . ... .. + •1 IMAGE EVALUATION M1� ��ti TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4/, les V4 i� •O Y O !1111 LA V 25 .o 1= � 1122 c u 20 {i. VIII I.Ir V , ME IIIII� - 1110 1.25 IIf ll l.4 111111- H 150mm id .: H H 9�� w a • J4I r), i� cam^ ;:s Methylene Blue Analysis • 111111M RIM +s Cp AN 1. 8199` •j ; Customer Steuben ARC 6838 Industrial Park Road • Address Bath. New York 19810 Contact Jacques Begin Month Dt Lc Telephone !( _1607 ) 776-4146 Year \c\c1c3 N Your sample film strip has been tested for archival quality (residual thiosulf ate concentration). Concentration of less than(<)1.4ug(micrograms)indicates archival quality,and greater than(>)1.4ug Indicates non archival quality. Actual lest readings are provided below, as well as "pass/tail" chock marks. Actual Meets ANSI Standard Does not meet ANSI Standard Concentration (<) 1.4ug t. (>) 1.4ug Lab Comments: • Dale —I r • -7 Lab Manage — r<. ,_ tr cra.. STEUBEN SERVICES Micrographics Work Order Form Customer: —Thatvkl (.L 65p-s Date: 1. /1 9 Billing Address: i Department Supervisor: < a Dept. Code: _ • 3B Phone Number: a 67 PO Delivery/ � 66K . 4y Shipp .ping Address: JO 6�m Records: L Files subject to filming: 69,71 j 0 717 OF-47c r adieS Number of file boxes: / +�yraca�CJ reok ', ,) vu /11)/ t Boxes labeled: -7 .3 /72,4144% B Uo.t�c1a2z/O rG c.L/ Size of documents: SA//a One sided: Two sided: 10 Filming Sequence: Alphabetical ; Numerical • Books subject to filming: vQ ° 44711fr 10044cEr (304,4par.t) Number of books: Order of filming: / to o2 • Size: ti'/c9 V Bound; Unbound. Computer forms subject to filming: Number of forms (binders): Unbursted: Order of filming: Document preparation required: Yes; ✓ No • Special instructions: • Transport of records: 47 ARC; Customer. Disposal of records: „k! : Return to customer Hand shred and dispose upon verification _, Nand shred and recycle upon verification .l °I•• •) ..- ' ''•i' . ' f SIC: {',' f0.1 Micrographics Work Order Form, continued -2- • Film Format: Planetary Camera Reduction ratio: 11X ; 25X 30X ; 32X ; 34X Rotary Camera Reduction ratio: 24X __ ; 48X _, Check original and duplicate. Original Open roil _ Duplicate open roll Original M Cartridge Duplicate M Cartridge Jacketed Microfiche — Diazo duplicate white indexing • color coded • titling required, example: Specify exactly how you would likeyour labels typed. • =fa FRONT LABEL • • • • • • ' I • • mNOIX • TOP LABEL • • ' DATE I DEPT. BOX No. atamMeli Film to be used for duplicates: Diazo _; Silver halide Provided for your information are the State Archives and Record • Administration regulations for storing of microfilm. Proper storage is particularly critical for archival or permanent microfilm. Steuben Services is not responsible for improperly stored microfilm. Customer Signature — Oath e M-17 PAE/jk 8-6-91, 1-9Z SMM/fk • t At • , • . • • I • /;:,; . 0� l° OATH OF OFFICE __ . . . • f .. . :., . .,, . . , .,,,. •• • ,..•: ;tt ate_ v y Owi ;;; LA.W ,-.•.2n.. telf / C .. ; 0 \ �. . \:',, qtr.'" - '' 1 � r2:� _ 4 •J, ` 5 \ , t;-ter �heStel. �: A.S...?' mow„ y _,y'' fir 1.�C 1 •y' I S 1, For the. 70-L11'12f of ker-4-9--41 2 - f. /� t County of I - ` {t_ State of New York I . ::: / 7 to Ofilit9 1` From �p{�/ c - I , r -�' . PUBLISHED BY I WILLIAIVISON LAW BOOK CO. I. ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14609 ' 4. ..o.- R I- _ ., , 1 I - • . - - • • • - • ... . . I . - ;11 I . _. . . • I ad, kaAte2/u. ihr, dkiap- /7 ; . ...-, .• . re. 4' t atri, "frianad. p. ac.sicr. . yip i i .c: i . -. • . • _ it Art LI . offsaitaa,. ° „9.14,9:zint . . /11/A .9 Ailza,„„., Azer.,..cir.424407 I ry , . , . . "yttl i 44d Cl/ Alarinzialt34 .. . . / a ey14. z9/. . . u , , . , . Mt* ii ... L, ,dius,W1+1014. 124 . . , . . _._ . . . . . , le/ EN arkridt,„ kaa„ dz. 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Ih�ea. at d-.—'�ougi, n•w. 1 3 74 l9s r _Si�,b, � u.a, e s-P_ Asa �,J�l t „�wur, PI 7% j:_ ______ __01_,__)04/.1.5,__.___wt. . . pm_.._ _ _ ___ I ::- — /- f— 1 --- - Kam. _____ __ _ _ till s its <.--:.sue= -r li ----- __-------- __________ _________ s. -----. —.-_. `_--_ --._-- ----._______-_--- ■ —___ -- __ is — —- . �. . . d- - _—__ fr'.. c . - . . . .. • . . . . . . . :, ..: i' .. . • . . • . . . . -• , . .. . . . . ii 1 1 I I I . : 1 , , 4 • ) );jr, boaa p-cit_ , . - . •. . . .._ ., . .. • _ . . .. _ _ . . . . . . .... ... . . . . . . . .._ _ _ . . . 1 . . , ... ._ .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ___ . . . . . . .. 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STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TmPer..v s ss. • /oWit--of ULYSSE S I, "my y S SL N C , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of R mt'inn r,P o F Zo,1"A,G an/,'D ur A PPEN L according to the best of my ability. (Signed) { Subscribed and sworn to before me this s% . / day of J/T FCEmOF9 , 19 72 (Signed) ! /lQ,4t tit re t: Title r Oath ofofen. M Williamson Law Hook Ca.Roehnter.N.7. • STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF %nl PKJR/S as. c✓ Al of ULYSSES I, ?cirRecin VAN /ia ai , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of OE Pdry a w N C'Ltk 4 7 • according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Meer • Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ira day of Ctwvgeeey , 1911-. (Signed) 0 ,. c 4 s 7n a. eiat e Title • Ar 2 1 � Oath of Met. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..iLtaoter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /o or di''r//,d.r ss. WN of IJ.c./SS.c S I, (nest ,f (1 .v , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Re PAPersrtt1TAr, vE T an/4/77/CRRLC- Tv Con?aI/SS/O.✓ according to the best of my ability. (Signed) G(VIJC i Ofcer Subscribed and sworn to before me this ti if r" yyyd,,,a"""y of Qh„�.o:.y -, 19 75 ' _ (Signed) "f,,,c,fya,� (p ( y,i, (\ A,rrd £ .4, Title i J r, i _ II 1 ..Y C. ... _ --4 Oath of Once. . ..;' , 69 Williamson Law Hoek Co..aoeMter.N.T. STATE OF NEW YORK a COUNTY OF S es. `� r — �� � � of UG✓ r.- I, 4 - , cs • 4 , do solemnly swear that - I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of e o c I y -.` according to the best of m `` t' Y ability, •, N a 1 = Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) Omeer I;i --CI—daY of____ NUA 19_74 a (Signed) ft, - d . , .G ti Title tt. : t' , • - U I • .. A _ . 1 1 Oath of Other. 69 Williamson Lw Book Co..kocboter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /eye?P „J s ss. j w.l of dLVSSE5 Ts ae•e GA,e,✓t 2 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•tinited States and the Constitution of the Stith of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of %E PRcsENTA7f✓E i uu (/N9 rc.D WA ✓ • according to the best of my ability. Ni (Signed) 9ysii 77 ofs� Subscribed and sworn to before me this /97 day of !«a47 , 19 77 (Signed) c.Jr f e Fr& • Title c. Oath of Owen M Williamson Law Book Co..Rache.tn N.7. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF Ti) Pei ils as. f aa/#V of 1/1-1554-SS _ I, f Arec,r iA i R YE n/SoN , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of a /2 cin0F,2 o C 7N6 • ,[•o CAL 4Dv.s0,ey &oA/d.D of A 5 s ss1k7En/ v.r.E4) • according to the best of my ability. (Signed) � � <. tMleer Subscribed and sworn to before me this .�Y. /9' aay of petew• • y, yt' , 191I (Signed) t?tIiyZ) r � e. Title • _ n . . . s , 4 Oath d 01&e. 63 Wiiiamma Law Book Co..kueh atrr.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK i COUNTY OF /o,'Z:'Pig.d s I SS. - Tu/N of ULyss4s I, (N iN�R 7 aVE q�%n VE/2 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of A M-Ein aE.p o F THE L ('AL rO.Dviso/ y J�o a,2D oF tssesstnantr 4v.Ft4 according to the best of my ability. 73(Signed) &fd;�tnf 73 JAL,' Subscribed and sworn to before me this ois` - 4n 7~ day of of , 19 79 (Signed) a,f A-) 691,,,.L ...... /rruz. e____ Title T. _ 37 _. . r . `'' • _ py s: —. Oath of oMem .}� 69 Williamson Low Book Co..AudnM.X.It :'- :-- STATE OF NEW YORK ,?t: COUNTY OF S ss. -I-. arvn/ ' . of— UL✓cSc ' an n .. . I will au , do esleanty swear that:-- _ support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yc*, : and that I will faithfully dischar$e the duties of /014/A1 1/191-.1-- according to the best of my ability, t . / t, - ` . Subscribed and swots to before me this (Signed) air ' ■ / /�a4a •i %- c �,day of �'. . 19Jj r'. (Signed) • litte ■ Oath of Otfire. 611 Williamson Law Book Co..Evaluate,N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /n en Pie„✓s so, /otJIV of IJL./55.6 S I, +Da w i n 00 l,l Hn! , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, g. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of .Zu NIN 6- OFF,ce.e 4rjp fEPQF.stNTRr;v6 7•5 00,iNTyi R4 it/fin Aifir t2a,4,&D according to the best of my ability. fr (Signed) t ALIAS' r7. .n .� Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this ? 0101°.c day of lam`_ a-4v , 19 75 (Sired) ,2(a.-4,-fr.) to, /Aid, 4! / Title Ycr 4t h Jam`,•- .1:=25 Oath of Mew. 69 Williamr,n Law Book Co..Boebester.N.Y. -x:n. STATE OF NEW YORK t` COUNTY OF % nidi • ss. - • - / e u/N of ULYSSES I, •iemes E. i.CI %Le. , do solemnly swear that :.-vi... I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, "'*"` and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ,2n PP.e.TENTF/Jf VS To 1m1iy t a,bo; 4hv,:ToPy Colm in,r -rr - '- , according to the best of my ability. . co: 9,052,-, a (Signed) `:�. .,, Subscribed and sworn to before me this Z. day of a�ueehu , 19Z 34.y (� �.> s; (Signed) ��de�N (2. �e.J.�i t. /nen Phu. Title :i y •F -l.f.' Iii_ .. =_ Oath of Ocoee 69 Will amaun L. Book Co..l4 clx tcr.N.Y. • STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TigP,r/NS ss. Tu1,fl of ULVSS.5 I, II R R Ti iv 4. L uSTC 2 , do solemnly swear that I - I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, l and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of. /P PRtSENTAr VE _2 NACA / . 01Prcf/QS //PA,✓SAo•PT/ifia41 eo"flan fie on! according to the best of my ability. • (Signed) // r / . / office Subscribed and sworn to before me this 43 day of 9,4.,E.4 , 19?,,L i c ? (Signed). 7,74,1_41.0 yCn e / .. CCit, T i . itle - Oath of Omt.. 67 Will4mann law Book Can Roaster,N.T. .... STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF as. zs /0--_of_uL Sst S I, EE • 7 F. I will support , do solemnly swear that -r, pport the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faiittlhfully discharge the duties of zP.P@6ENr.Ti E T %HE t Sa;/. e1 NSFP VATi O Al according to the best of my ability, _ i'� Subscribed (Signed)1 f ir92 u'y L °: and sworn to before me this Meer — ` 'i_day of a , . . , 19 (Signed) It„ . v.L / Title ry Oath of Office. 67 Williamson Law Book Ci,.,sochu.ter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF /r)mPdnds SS. T.,N of /JL/S57F5 I, 4Arwu2 J 6O C.e ✓te , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /QIzi N _if=2 rrei roe./ according to the best of my ability. //fed ,(e4 (Signed) Meer 3, Subscribed and sworn to before me this -W" day of e4, • , 29 71 (Signed) 7 b 9L xµ /•-rerw =F' Title 4,1 4. r"t" Oath of Olsen 67. Williamson Law Book Con RaehMer.N.T. rtY STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /on7Pit-iNS SS. ` /ouhv �,.�. of 1//f/car s I, S,Qc r �' kin R,r/c , do solemnly swear that ter. I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, •• and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of :1). Purl ♦ 1uPE,P✓rsoh2. according to the best of my ability. - /J (Signed) //41 t .� L `'^ Weer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3 day of -7t ,,c,l4.� , • 51; (Signed) >itr t, ,r. Cr?� 7%. Title •. ;1.. t' i I �i R j� Oath of Owes. 69 Willianawa Law Book Co..Ituehater.N.Y. 1 ' STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF oiq,o,v 7 o u/N of /19/ 5"."6 S A P vE n7 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of- 7Fr' z 4' a i' T.LR.✓Ni,16 K/OAR� according to the best of my ability. (Signed) it/.tt1 )c•n ti./-s--, Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of -fs /tzi u , 19 If (Signed) pya) "raj II/ a4,4, Title Oath of Oats 69 wni4airia Law Hook Co.$oante+.N-T• STATE OF NEW YORK . COUNTY OF /afP/cfi,t/s 88. /n-- `y iof_ uLyScjs ,r;j , do solemnly swear that - I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _I m n o f �r g,✓ /„�� } according to the best of my ability. i Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed / i , . t/ /1,1, • of I � /". (Signed) / . . 9 Title '.,l o .. Oath of 01See. 67 W itliam000 Law Book Co..ltoch.ater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /ont.oJi, s ss. u/N of ULy,S Sr Pevyt L; s L' . LUTES , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of H15702.Rn1 .r. - according to the best of my ability. (Signed) ! �� rt Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this >27,o,Lai ( , 1977 (Signed) '2�' 'r ' O 47,t, Title Y^e , 4 t` . Oath of Otte. 65 Wila u.a Law Book Co..Baehntoe.N.T. ;;may,` • STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /omAKnN.0 as. �.. ;.; 7;:/A/ of ULYSSES I, q�PN �t1 RSon/ , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, .i and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of fiLrr.o.J C./ViorJAd. Stie according to the best of my ability. rte ! Meer(Signed) Subscribed and sworn to before me this scJ day. of ,itfrrz. , 194_ (Signed) 4. ) /c)1.74v r r Title -e4 tw-fi Yom.: 10 Oath Met Williamson Law/took Co.,Fleeh.+4r•N.1. v y `i I 411 STATE OF NEW YORK 1 ' I � COUNTY OF 'amPR/ ✓s SS. i: 1 w • of ( ,V JL/ssE5 ,F■ ;; I, t o T V a 2.r/a S n/ L'E t' , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. lb' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I H ELEcr.cn/ j__NsPec re,k ! i I I(( ! according to the best of my ability. ii (Signed)J/ -'- ' Cam' C..aL2c-c-c Meer iI Subscribed and sworn to before me this !PI p III / 7 " day of )u�xc , 19 77 ,.:. ( , Ili (Signed) :..__ .. . /( ,' Title it I lii II i d �I 1 II 1 I Oath at Off. (I ( 69 Williamson Law Beek Co..Rochester.N.T. STATE OF NEW YORK . COUNTY OF ruak..sir of l/L Vs E as I will support �, do solemnly swear that } pport the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ L_cC 7-.On/ spa-c-ro . • + according to the best of my ability. Ili / • (Signed) a!_ ' ! �p�b�ed and sworn to before a me this 7 per --'-l�day of (Signed) , 1972 flt - / i Title i 1, if e 1 ' .1. •t ` lei L.:'., Oath of Office. 69 Williamson law Book Co..Rochester.N.Y. -‘.. -*, STATE OF NEW YORK • Fir COUNTY OF �/n nl P.v , n/•r SS. -'.4 - 4:7'1' �O tat ill of /4a SSr5 41. I, /J A,e,�y Al K.c r0 R , do solemnly swear that • .-- I will support the Constitution of the'United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, g;. `�,_ and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of . ELECT/nn/ S,is,Q cTOR .,:l '' according to the best of my ability. • Yl' (siSned)`�`-A+ �„ � Officer "`- Subscribed and sworn to before me this .,-. 7.• ,...4 ;: . If rt day of i.,,.. , 19 7y Y. 4 U l':::::.-- (Signed) tic 47.,er) Title L : :: • ''''',.;•: ' .,..: V A..F stt• j: Oath of Oeta Low. f9 Williamson w Book Co..B w oe► hr.N.T. 'Yc t a.'' STATE OF NEW YORK T '• - � • ;. COUNTY OF loin Ak'„✓3 SS. 4 ,. . T�,ti of U,c ysr5 s T 't, I, /e/Qi T S--. C E nJ,v Air r , dO solemnly swear that :c;'T`; I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, _ ;t.' <,: and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ,i. rc s /la'OSTn7/f1A) — , a - according to the best of my ability. .., r_: (Signed) �..: Olaeer -.rL. ^. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 0I' day of 1.1.4-,_- , 194.. (Signed) >1?4,t,/Y,/ (•f 4t Title it; - . ki 1` ' '. yt Oath of OIER. 69 Williamson Law Book G...Hochntcr.N.Y. '" 4. h fR: } STATE OF NEW YORK I l }i COUNTY OF 7;82/0/e in/s ss. I }} 7f./n/ of a L VSSES ! I, /€013 y/ Go P Tu,✓ , do solemnly swear that = If I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, .1• ± ` �; and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 'i'. 4 Atriieid,T< L LECT,0AI .1MSP�Ci o& I !1• ::1 ;s 1 according to the best of my ability. Il (Signed) ay o /1 o 'i! ' +l Subscribed and sworn to before me this Officer - 1i /9 day of l/ , 19 7y (signed) o f ` (a fi 1 /- ,! z IIIj Title � I Oath afofeee } - } i9 wi111amann Law Book Co..RoeMder.IL2. ISTATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF�,ov,NS _ /- • RS. --6-(-11a of_ l/[ V -S , I, 1 E . . - iI will support , do solemnly swear that i. pport the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of lT cr according to the best of my ability. Subscribed and sworn to (Signed)_/ 1 - before me this Mee: --- day of , 182:I - (Signed) dc. . h }i1 i +�f. Y '` ) Title • II 1 I •) 4M1 . �•. �� Oath of Office. 49 Williasuuo Lew Buck cu.Bneh,ter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /oniPn'in/s ss. ��. load L s.T H •e ,\/o R H, d/o , do solemnly swear that " ti, P ..i I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of - AL7—i2/YfITE £L-cCT,au /SPEcio.e according to the best of my ability. T�'T;; (Signed)C41-1-"-7 /3"detly Subscribed and sworn to before me this • a 0 day of (,��� � , 1977 �,.," (Signed) n g.0 Title -ac.. ;AN_ ,�F{[ • .Y - Oath of OAIw M wlllkuaaea Lnt]look Ca.E:heatc.N-T. 4 STATE OF NEW YORK : - /a PKin/s COUNTY OF ss. f o at 0- VS SE 5 of :r f_diwo ,�/c No ustflo,gyH , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ LL.ErT/off 1N,cP –r-ro according to the best of my ability. (Sign OEker Subscribed and sworn to before me this ao l day,, of. O�� , 1922 (( (Signed) 7nit17),-7.i C 4 Zen—r eft-tit Title : -- pr- tte Oath of Ol6re. 69 WI/ha/von Law Hawk Co.)weh.strr.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF Lc Pr/nJS I. ss. /n trig of 0 yS-cS I, ∎5 Ni/Pt Fit Srn r rH , do solemnly swear that 1 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ELECTION / n/cpnToA according to the best of my ability. nn yy • (Signed) ,1111 aJ[.Ge t-`! Subscribed and sworn to before me this J Officer `77/ yof , 197, (Signed) d.t.f. 7 ��) (n• r e Title i . I Oath of oete. 69 Williamson Law pool Ca..lacbster.2LT. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ihAV�NRs. /n/dN of I�Lyccc S I, `onset: 'A • —I I will au , do solemnly swear that pport the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, is and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Y - j c J S , ru • according to the be..st of my ability. , c r` r Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) �oa.i� _ 46—A Meer I ti e?L_day 18 (Signed) //, L Title - Y r .ti, 15 Oath of Mee. 69 Williamson Law book Co..ltoehatae.N.Y. ?' STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF •o"Mote, n s ss. :: -.. ;. /o al AI of fh /SIG S I, MR rP r n Al F,r 2 D , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ,i. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I' LLscr,oN JNSPECTO.e Pit according to the best of my ability. (Signed ii_ ._, _ ..f M._ Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this ow day of Fun•- , 19 77 •'. : (Signed) .2.4.;/..0?) C.5. 1, EC .. E• t Title i OA 4::'' ia ke e : • G`i Oath of Oaa. 69 W(Iilawp Lam Bosh Co..aockwtea N.T. }. STATE OF NEW YORK t COUNTY OF /ornPgiivs es. 4 .: lnilw of aL CI S ', 1, y,eri; 3fQ.OR y , do solea niy swear that .: :: I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, :::17: and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ,w. ��LE .n1 •- 61€ ;ti} � _ according to the best of my ability. if (Signed)„„ocujn Meer Subscribed and sworn to before me this cast 4.2 day of Qu � , 19 77 (Signed) //-.. .(/ r_ . i -L S J ! lY Title 1 Williamson Law Book Co..huchmtn.N.Y. ' Oath of Olken. fiJ I f I - I) "' ! STATE OF NEW YORK �iIli:j COUNTY OF 7rnpKii✓S ss. ll � I it /;id N of ULVSSI S i ( 4; 1 I I' I, AeLEE r,✓.lin/ Sod , do solemnly swear that i I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. • 1 I Iii ! PPo I .1 1 J,i and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ., I +• h� GLEcr o ✓ Z/VSPECTUnc according to the best of my ability. 1 • + (Signed) _ / / _ - e. .—.Ma Officer I - I lit Subscribed and sworn to before me this ( , nr-d' day of n•. , 19 77 111 (Signed) ,,..c.1,1) („- TAIL, _ . 1 ; '� y �' � � Title IE� I: . I, 1! it fj Oath of Oeken. —'�" G9 Williamson Law Book Co..Reehtdf.R.Y• • STATE OF NEW YORK 11 1 COUNTY OF ialids____ of 1/S C– 1, .V °ST,Lcion/s I will au , do solemnly swe that support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of .. • I rClior✓ _ p-c-ro,p it ./ according to the j • I best of my ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) � •, : _. . / Meer 1 i, _ day of , 19.4, j (Signed) //., ' • i 11 - 1 • '1111 t Ile1 • 1 • • I " l i1 1} I '. i p 1 1 111; 1 17 • Oath of Office. 67 W illiamlon La.Beek G..Rocbt ter.N.Y. . STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 10 m Pi ,It/5 SS. u/at of lit/ 'SEs • I, .f7/91/CE o�A, ,a b , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the linked States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ L tgc r,oN 1JT vSPc c ra . according to the best of my ability. G (Signed) Aw olseer Subscribed and sworn to before me this Jc7 74 day of IZZA � , 19 79 k (Signed) C) a• ft l t% e Title re • • f.. - Oath of Office. ID Williams fa.•eah Co..telea4r.aY • STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 1://v P,Yi A/s ss. A/ of //.L/sSE5 I, MAP/AA/ , do sokstly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of A rgeNA ;g el"/aid _LNSPcCTo% according to the best of my ability. a* (Signed) "7,70-ece..a..-c 2,147.4.6-210. Meer Subscribed and sworn to before me this • 4-5-' day of - , 19 11 (Signed). %t.tcGp.� 6'?n Title • yl? 45'. ' PR Oath of Office. 69 K illianume Law Book C,,..Muck.+tzr.N.Y. ! STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF . o1npe/ Js _ ss. In ( T /Gidni of /�Lyc�CE S I, �1 r/G-nsTA P c id cam 7) , do solemnly swear that , I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, . and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ELrcr/oA/ L,✓SPiCTote according to the best of my ability. .. (Signed a,,S 14-12---141/1-141 I Subscribed and sworn to before me this / -45'4 day of S aa. ., 19 ry r 1 ' (Signed) it . ' /� A. 1 >c 11 0-6A-4 Title i .. 1I( t. I f _ Oath ofOiee.. 69 WialMaeun Law seek Ca.Reeknfer.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK ?„ '1 COUNTY OF J nv� ils . As. /na,�i o[ —S I, t i y • . `` , do solemnly swear that -c I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. ' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of • ELECTion/ J NSPECT02 according to the best of my ability. (Signed)- /l�i e. '1-=o.fiL.-�/ .,71 Subscribed and sworn to before me this Weer 7 day ot ��_, 18 I (Signed) I F i i' Title 3{1 i i. it 1 1 ° Oath of Oteee. in Williamson Law Book Cu..Nuehnt.r.IL Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF fe/2 PP/di 55. oaf w ofUtLV5.Es n f9Ry f Hencyett 00 i/-4,44./ , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ELECTION LNSPEc ota according to the best of my ability. (SignedfQ a"``11-- e&-g•- Officer • Subscribed and sworn to before me this a7 / day of en-e/ , 19 7f (Signed) tz`' `' /CC? 2 y A Title 1 1 • • • i - k . Oath of Oast. t9 WUO,tarw,Law Beek Co..Resister.ILY. ' 1 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF. Plain/;As Jss. r /e a/it/ of UL YETS_c c L OaRJR Ale- s/RA/ , do soleuaiy swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of T/,cue; /J _fl'sp cro according to the best of my ability. (Signed), Meer Subscribed and sworn to before me this dirt as of /p.n. , 1927. (Signed) ,f tip J (n . Inert Title . 1. 9t , *lath of IS e. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF !: L 55. of do solemnly .wear tca: I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ .. ._ according to the best of my ability. (Signed)- L X11 c '- , Office: Subscribed and sworn to before me this —' ' J• day of—� _t4 19L (Signed)-_ :L l _ 1 Title t 4 _ l I i • + Oath of Office. .:. Wiliixm...n!a•.Wink Cn..Hotheder.$.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF. -__Au))_^'rte,_:. _ ss. , a_.✓ of ; SS I. — llI11 F'! _ St ei�C do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of - = = !` ------ according to the best of my ability. Officer } Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) rt. _day of 74;19 (Signed) �i .y � _ � Title . . jyr n1 ; • M..I G. Oath of Office. 6J Wi:tunnwo Law Book to..suebutrr.N.Y. F:r� STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF (0/7Pg/NS ss. /0 41,Y of /VS-SE-I I, P,r-HAf1.D e• mo rr onlc IP , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the'United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Job/N oJNSrirE • according to the best of my ability. It/ 7 (Signed /._s Subscribed and sworn to before me this s..go y of SFa�! , 19. (Signed) 4.1re) (0-� �ir�rx /?,6-.t/ Title i r & Oath of Mee. 59 wiiliam a Law Book Co.,Paabeftee.X.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF /n 88. /iliiliv of 1/1-ysst S JAm ES P GUq g iP 61.1 , do solemnly swear that t I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of III ySCEc /'QF4Fr0 nr,Vt Tn,9P..- s Ci /Wry 7iANN,NG according to the best of my ability. /i6 ,2 AZ (Signed)/44t414 / (Never Subscribed and sworn to before me this �/`4- day of , 19 If L>. (Signed) >7ea ze) C- , t r y . Title a:. -- - - sf • 7" Oath of Other. 6.., W illixm..m Lx+ Bout C.•. It..ch,.n r,S y STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /r.ciP..= , vs ss. . . t /.t1fN of l Q2_', : ,1 I, .4/R%3,. i) A. 1,)k'1.;.2 T , do solemnly swear that . 1 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Ut. 1. S I =��' _.�< •. /a Toni P,y:,t/_ Po'/.Y' i1 I. , •i —ti t �:%F=r,,,-) . i according to the best of my ability. , �(Signed) _. a-r-� ./_G z"- `-rc ! . ri Subscribed and sworn to before me this /Officer �,/Ta day of ./-h,7-ti; r , 19_i i (Signed) 7. /5i J., ) (., �L,:L 7,,-r<n. _2. lam 4 Title tt { 4. , I I. f Oath of Office. ' `; 6� williamam law lank Co..Rochfttr N.r• a STATE OF NEW YORK c COUNTY OF IRa.,his _i • ss. 3 b of 1 / r I, t L S/� / L VA/E)c 2 c ` I will support the Constitution of the United $f _, do solemnly swear that ates and the Constitution of the State of New York• t and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Y `tip' 1� {.'iU t t t according to the best of my ability. y (Signed) ....t.--)l --, i. ,� i Subscribed and sworn to before me this • f /� / 0111eer ' day of , 19.Z (Signed) U, .. . . 7 1 . . _ , , Title . on ea r Oath of Office. 67 Williamson Law Book Co..Hueht+tcr.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF /off ok,/4/6 ss. /own/ of (/.c-/ssss / 9 'A E. PENROSE , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 4bTE2/YRTE ttECT/oN —..1-✓SflCTCf/Q • according to the best of my ability. • (Signed) , A. Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this • 'i" day of 4.4-17—nehl , 19 77 (Signed) 5r-fete) 47.1 &&j, • (7 Title • • • • • Oath of Omta. 69 WlNanann Law Book Co..loekntet.N.7. • STATE OF NEW YORK . COUNTY OF in mos/,.✓S ss. ;;Ind of UL yssE 5 I, 'F-Try 1O a eLvs , do solemnly swear that t I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of AL IP4M rt t.0-&cT,o ft) 1NNPt cTOR according to the beat of my ability. j:74 (Signed) �« Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this a1974' day of 4,4%-e2 , 19 >9 (Signed) +.f,%al 6' f ar& _ r 7ti Title 4:, �j l 2 '' Oath of Wife. 69 W illiamaon law Hook Co..Moamar...N.Y. 'I ' I { STATE OF NEW YORK s — .... ' 1 COUNTY OF 0 not-'.'.' / ati 1 55. • f /o ,✓ of 0.1../ 2 i I, _ i t ' r-,,./...7,4; f 1 II' I,- r %'Pi = I , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. 1. ! and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of according to the best of my ability. / - g i i (Sgned) � " Officer g ; Subscribed and sworn to before me this , e:C day of '7== "/-'`,, 19 , . F 1 I ' i i (Signed) rg; J ,liv-, Cn �,:, U . Title , • I i rI • 1 . . l Oatk of Office. �'• ,, 69 Williamson Law Book Co..ReaM+tet.N.T. , t , i, STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF j i mi, nix ss. • I I /ou L/ of UL i < r S f + I I' / � ' o .4 I• I j I will support , do solemnly swear that PPort the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yorks 1 iti and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of , : I /A . according to the best of my ability. t . (Signed) ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this H Meer ��—day of / - - • ii , 194_ ,$" t. (Signed) // .. G , 4. i Title 2. Oath of Ol$ee. 69 Williamson Law Bonk Cu..Boebuter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 4nt.464.2t.a/ ss. len 1, _of �^ ' / I, -PR.—/€,r)19 % 1/AN 1147,1 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, % and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of OF.wry /O/j./A/ `_LEE^' according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this /// day of , 19 'O (Signed) A./7-,e) (c) Zara (Lid Title 3 t• {9 W I114mana taw Bonk Co..Rochester.X.L Oath of Mee. g STATE OF NEW YORK/o COUNTY OF 72;24,0/1/4./s ss. fY . £ IOWA/ of ULYSSES ••� 3 • I, iQ, LEE n/ k E R S , do solemnly swear that 1 . I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of V^e, iefFPER /4 a 1up621//SQ2 • 1^ according to the best of my ability. __. P. 1 (� (Signed) Subscribed and sworn to before me this { '� day of �.i.r,4., , 19.E ;� (Signed) JJ , ,/ / .L >1:- Title ue;. tea: ;F I / n nP w,„-„,,,.„ l-a. & l., G..k.eh.,t.r. Y. (lath of Wire. ' E STATE OF NEW YORK 1 1 -J COUNTY OF ionV,,eu s _ ss. '1 {cu,,1 of // yc 5 :t n II ` < r , C/MnFP,f,v do solemnly swear that ,�. I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of —. _ 1 __e_L•r/94U r=IC fr, v //fl L. • I ; according to the best of my ability. r ;i (Signed) _�I� >? !-r // Officer 1 •j Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,i .� 1-1714 day of_1/yr✓v�ir2r _, 19 r'21 (Signed) >2(c._f1 ri (. ,f £ tb ;i j Title i CE ,F c 1 1 r 1 1 ,L t._1 t 1 I . I 1 i' 1 .1 1 i , Oath a[Of6rr. 6.1 williamon I.nw Rook Co..Roeh,¢rr.N.Y. c I STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /ng;,0/cfrrJS . ss. _ _Lars/.y of L/Lysm .5 • I, — aTspEK /t' 6Ahrerc ,yE ;o , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. f . f 1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of __ A - 1. — _4 , . / l �r ( C !J 44 4 according to the best of my ability. c Subscribed (Signed) 1 .,I,v• A .,it;7t-tiL� • and sworn to before me this Miter -- —day of I , 19 1 i i (Signed) ) i- - / . } Title . C • Oath of Office. 6J Williamson Law&.ok c...E.ehater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF -r,",in Age i Ns Ss. /n tti,✓ of U,Lyss S I ��AMrS F. /ere- ✓? do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, S I. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties off_ �r,,PFSEn/T,9rjvs ATImt,y 111//2 7- /)i'v'f,,iay Lomm,aFr according to the best of my ability. / (Signed) / cer Subscribed and sworn to before me this Q /5711 day of /A y f",9,e , 19 / (Signed) .44J 6-1 now alai, Title } Oath of Doke. t7 Williamson fa Hoek Ca,Hoeknter.K T. Iv.: . STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF jhOe/nrs as. c. • r. .r.: loam of UL}/SSa s I, �,eAfE[EI a Ice/EF , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 17)0m954 ZAR) of ..ran/in/6- APPEALS' ':r •.• according to the best of my ability. ar (Signed) l • Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this hilt day of in/kcasr , 19 t ij:f. `7�y� (Signed) /// i,/7,4J d "),... Title lit r� 'P.::: -2 • J. rs...y',vT'� Oath of Othee. 6p Kllluma•n Lr+ kfwl 1:.,..Y.•ah..t.,.\.1' I STATE OF NEW YORK i l 1 COUNTY OF 'C//Pu, /JS • ss. 1 f J4/ of I/LyS$G5 r I, eh)Iry cA)i N<- v /cj/4/8 , do solemnly swear that r. I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I t PrPrSF7�v To Cc � 4� �a6f U� according to the best of my ability. (Signed) ( t G%,--nca_L"' a.' Of cer Subscribed and sworn to before me this .,• day of Q-s.�� _, 19 II � (Signed) � )✓✓✓JJJ (P lkryA-- Zan.. ala Title F i I 1 Oath of Orne,. 7' :I - 69 Wi1,6m.nn law Book Co..Roehr.ttr.N-Y- STATE OF NEW YORK . COUNTY OF cn .ov, fis ss. ofr/scES I, // . , , - _ • , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ' _ -P; 4/ Li C according to the best of my ability. �J / Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) 4 , __ ! A ./4 _ °Meer ! ' •r; ; j ----day of , 19 -- j (Signed) r i I ,. Title t i . 20 Oath of OWhee. 69 Wllliamann Law Hook Co..Ituch.ater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF a/npxfNS 1. . ss. /nte/N of //Ly'sc s I, ANNE RIP a V.la , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of //�� f?EpP E<E Arf✓c /D 71/�N5Po #27-477 n n/ (&.n.hfss.o.✓ according to the best of my ability. 344nogis'Ir`-'(Signed) �''`'111 Subscribed and sworn to before me this ter* day of 9a«s<<t y , 19n (Signed)44-4/922,2_flOsfit____. { Title Oath of Oelee. 69 W illkunnn tow Hook Co..Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF !/.Yn✓s I. ss. ✓N of of UL y3-5-if • 1 t D A. !f/i.t_c a .Y , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of RP PIPE cr4/rg ✓r /U ZS/vfPen/inn Ai7A1_ CdUN!/c. according to the best of my ability. E(Signed E -Vd1/4) 1 CAP, OEieer Subscribed and sworn to before me this s /TT day Of Pond-ar , 191'0 (Signed) 1Z , . C/ / r'✓J.. &AJ Title • • f . : 1 3n /I Oath of Odin. t9 Williamson L.Book Cu..Ruelinks.N.Y. eI 1 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF T/PAZe A/S ears Lacs/,./ of UI/ci—s- I, au.QEi- L9r/r , do solemnly swear that I I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of gInAIRER 1�.CRNn/ING enA.e 1) ■ I 1 according to the best of my ability. { (Signed) i A.A1L251-... 94 ceck1Ya- officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this /eat day of ,n.)cu.G tat 19,M (sea) - v %peas Title . i ir r 1 I IIf1' oath et oal>, Ii 69 Walkman*Law soak Co..lnekdmtLY. III STATE OF NEW YORK . ' • COUNTY OF Jo ir1 o v.n/,s------_` 88. ' if Own/ of L/LySSFS . I, / hies amr r , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Tat. and that I will faithfully Y discharge the duties of E/� ESENTfITt✓E %4 ea N T, it /U Ts/ ■, of q4 _ i; according to the best of my ability. I, Subsccrribeed�and sworn to before me this (Signed) ��� E. — -`_day of • t f (Signed) �� . 18�Q . o- tj : 'I /. Title EL II t- i ' L. 1 1 I I tf. r. 31 - .z. ,i;.y Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Ruthann.N.Y. :" i`t- : STATE OF NEW YORK wt,: 1' `:; COUNTY OF JO Al/A/S 1 85. - •,'T: /o&i4 of ULysS.es '-. "7-3-,, I, A2 r.4 u? J Ga J_n r p T , do solemnly swear that .y .. I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • 'l . and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of s `1 77):://t/,N grroew=y . 1 A according to the best of my ability. / (Signed) I• Arrirlicti ,om«=" Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4 rZ6"c day of 71,..nnnyi � , 19 (Signed) tiro) P 'sl>. Title eP ` .5_. VI_ " Oath of Met. 69 Wulimres Law look Co.,Raehnter,X Y STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF %n,Pk'in/s es. /acdN of L/L y5SF5 I. - 68L-Rr C MERic K , do sokmaly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Da Puri Supr. ?viro2 • according to the best of my ability. O �� (Signed) J) d z. J'6rw"rc--- Viler I Subscribed and sworn to before me this nU 74' day of pa, .., 191t - - - (Signed) S}fnl.i, r) f^- 0 i Title i , .:" I - • t I i 69 Williamson Law Book Cu..Bunhstrr-N.Y.ath of Olfict Oath of !ii STATE OF NEW YORK STA 1 • I COUNTY OF /amp,,qus ss. CO w^v ^ofd UcysrES I, .9TR.ria L. Sia veil/son/ , do solemnly swear that i , I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and • I / EPR4eSE 7Er!VC 10 4137ESS/g 7 g.yr 2 qg a o F /i r we& - LOCAL i according to the best of my ability. aeto 1 a I ,i (Signed) - t 7 1 (toter i Subscribed and sworn to before me this •_ , �y Y of �a�*-cat-� p , 19�Q._ (Signed) ..44,2) /0 4C/ ( ., I Title j I Oath of Offea, i f' W011aavane law Doak Ca..hoe ater n.t Oath STATE OF NEW YORK ST COUNTY OF�Lamov.eis CO 4 aa. • A It "24. o - , do solemnly swear that • I wrl! support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New ball, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of - yr ro /' A a/D G, OFF!c 4 E . _ t according to the beat of my ability, 1 /1 °U ti _ I• It a.,tl Subscribed and sworn Signed) 6 , J orn to before me this S `` -- .day of /=E ,f (Signed) /.1. - !/ �� . 19 t � f. ri r i Title -3 I7 -'' '• a t `-3 3- W iMam al Law Barak Ca..Ruebuter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK t • COUNTY OF /Om Pa/ ✓s ss. • aa/n/ of Yey-ss.S 2.11yz / V C. LUTES , do solemnly swear that - '' I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 1-/ 5-7-0/2 /9 ", according to the best of my ability. ` + (Signed9 C. ';'.2 Subscribed and sworn to before me this Miter t'rR day of 1"-n-ah-- 191° -.> (Signed) tilfrA l /nib.., (3,%41 Title ty.w: • N.1n'a fi.: &5• e - a 3• frr OW,of OMe.. [o Wi114w as Law leek Ca.laebnter.PLY. is^.. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /oinPK/.ds ss. ySSt��2y5 t I, CAn l /? (_c .r do aoleunl • swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, t and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of - AcT/N6 ZOO//.+/e OFF/ Et F• I` according to the best of my ability. (Signed) ,_ Subscribed and sworn to before me this --.jr_day of 'T l.kuttf7 ., 19 dO (Signed) ,i et/ 0.69-1. t` /isl7X� L.6 4 Title S; 1. • 1 • do F—_ - .. 'I 3 ! ; 11 I -` II 6J Williamson Law Hook Co..Wrch.atc.S.Y. ' Oath of Office. l ,,i li hi li 1' 1 STATE OF NEW YORK .1 I I: biL f l COUNTY OF /o m P,+kin'S ss. IL '! ij i el id Al of !/L ysrr's I j j 1;1 I %Hani As - FERgerr; +� i I, , do solemnly swear that ' `I I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. . It 1( i it f j and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of A� 1 Zo Ail, 6 Occ.re--T 1 1 according to the best of my ability. �� (Signed) )1—\--- Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this -077'4 day of ' y , 19 10 (Signed) . ter 4 y I i Title i f 1 n. Oatk of°Mee. '.0 t- 49 WIC amino Law Book Co..Baluster.NJ. ,1 STATE OF NEW YORK Co)�OF--Tsn s as n t i i of �Ls y 5 ra I, I will support , do solemnly swear that _mot pport the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of R' ' -7,n/iN UFr/cER according to the best of my ability. • 1 I geed Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) Oar i _day of i (Signed) /. t 19_h_ i I ' 1 ` I Tit e ',. 1 - 3; •j.'-;. Oatk of Oelee. 611 Williamson La Book Co..Rudman.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK ii COUNTY OF _c_M__Et t/s. as. 3'.:�;' _ -/JN of L/L}/r- S : .,(I; is `Jr dB 5. ,-'s -.2 , do solemnly swear that - ..S:-•Y . I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ' ` ;`: and that /�I�will faithfully discharge the duties of • :' ` according to the best of my ability. (Signed) #aets". ..e,i....e....if Subscribed d and sworn to before me this ?'`,,:., ' /'[ day oft. , 19..fr_ �.. (Signed) �v 7,,... Title T...` :: t' Vii; Otte of Oan. M W illlaroa Law Book Co..Batkater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK CO S. OF intpP.V.NS BB. ' _ Liz/n/ of (4-/SSE4 I, VE.PenjrR /r E e iP - aFc , do soknnly swear that "' will I �;- support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, t'_ and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of . . R • - '1' -s 7117)tie . --/ - 'I .' . I i • YU., ry j is . , according to the best of my ability. r _ (Signed) (0/a l f( , ,/i i20" 0 Subscribed and sworn to before me this • day of , 19 fa (,,,� VVVV `,: (Signed) //Qj / (0( 0 fk. Title • - - .. -1 �: f er". dJ .. '. Oath of Other. • 69 Williamson law Book Co..It..ch,.ter.N.T. STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF /< <> n AI,i n/S ss. I ` (n Id of IIL/SSt 5 • I A1I. PR cRSo t) , do solemnly swear that i I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ji 1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I . i i . i ELrcTiom' Cu5ro. ,RA/ it 1 according to the best of my ability. { 1 1 (br (Signed) a Y Officer i . Subscribed and sworn to before me this • I , i a 14 day of vNa 19 efa _ I (Signed) 1„,4) , /4.. . t. yy t i t /I•[tiw Title . I' I , I ij 1 I ( i . j . II•. 1 I Oath of OEler. 69 Walkman Law Book Co..Boche,ter,N.T. STATE OF NEW YORK i COUNTY OF I oathe„ , s I _`- RS, TDB"/ of_ / ( cc —c I I, �6Tit � � ! I- do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I ELE( Teo"/ _ SPEC To e _ ; • according to the best of m i my ability, i` Subscribed and sworn to (Signed) ::,• fi I! before me this Ofneer Tai day of E If (Signed) A/.. A co if r 19A.II Title •. 1 j _ - 37 • ': Oath of 06See. 69 Williamson L.Book Co.Nuel.ater.N.Y. '2;1 STATE OF NEW YORE I uz " COUNTY OF /n/n of P/r,4✓a SS. J`••= n/ of ill-ISSEs • i ra, I. RaP.Q A2A S ENsQo 31 , do solemnly swear that =:L - I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, '`. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of. • Pi' _ ii -L4.acnoAi /NSPEcreee e. V.C according to the best of my ability. ' (Signed) /cA /.D n IddL ., ne-- ,--_ +y Subscribed and sworn to before me this ` l;' /6' day of j-Nf , 19/76 (Signed) thri 1 JJ� `._ Title II t; OJ of Oeiea. 69 wgiha m Law Book Ca.,Baehslea.K Y. ' STATE OF NEW YORK 1:;,-;,`. COUNTY OF -7/3;P A1j g/s se. — t -idol of [IL'LSysas a I, 8 'as i !. • S 4 4 , • , do solemnly swat that `•`` I will support the Constitution of.the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yorks r.757 5: and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of . :,-. HL i4-.ea',gr.E ELEcria.d _,.Z Pccreie according to the beat of my ability. tom ` i_ \ (Signed) kis. .. .t. . . . • : . AS 9 a _. Subscribed and sworn to before me this re IL7� ✓rife" - 19A z - __day of �, (Signed) s,l J,� ��.fdi £ - Title it 4 , •."i'v r. 1' rslI 3s It I Williamson Law Book G..Roc4atrr.N.Y. Oath of Office_ 69 Oath • •_ G STATE OF NEW YORK STA COUNTY OF YmPX/.t/S ss. CO 1 a// co N of l/L YSSES f 1 �^� . �. I, /enBta,2T ,E. ClJEN Nk TT , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. I " and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and C LECT, it n/ adsro.An 11 N + ' . according to the best of my ability. �7 Q K' c.ro-vim . (Signed) Subscribed and sworn to before me this Me S AL 711- day of .Au n/E , 19_1(). (Signed) 444) 41„y1._ / Title • Oath of Ofies SO Williamson Law Book Co..loehottT.W j STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF_____TI ouln/ of �LI/ SES 1, i do sokartly swear that 4:,..0 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Ya .¢ iL n and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Jj LLECTia,d _, SPFCTe? .� - - s _ 1 I i according to the best of my ability. t (Signed Ca er 1 n N - Sub and sworn to before me this )—° � A pdfne '=: day of 4 } I (Signed) f/. 40 . 18 ±! / >< •`Bltr ..c.. _ Title l • 1 . 1 I r if- , 39 Oath of Office. 69 Williamson La.Book Co..sae6,ater.N.Y. • STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF f r inr'rt',eu ss. . . l // lAwe/ of (Ai.5-.3-5,5 I, 32Jc a 3,1;/20 , do solemnly swear that i I I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, i and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of i k_ _ . 1 LEGr,o.lf _Ldspa cr0R according to the best of my ability. / 7 / III 6/ • (Signed) (14g Meer Subscribed and sworn to before me this /771/ day of STS , 19-ei (Signed) 5t,Oy- *1 /,� 7�47)P7, 1 ! C Title Oath of O[6a. 69 W illhsrr Law Boot Co..AoelMer,N.T. .T STATE OF NEW YORK ''`' COUNTY OF Vii/i,✓s 6s. �°--4LE —of //Ly ssE s . F. I, ES r.q ,p NoR rwQvP , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, iY and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ' • {��t11'',;`. 4L%ER/YSITE ELECT/onl J[NSP,ECTd Ia fit.. . 1 KKF_' according to the best of my ability. lµ : LT, • ' (Signed) _ a-. 4! • -_./ • 1 Oa : Subscribed and sworn to before me this • /� day of Ave , 18 A • • n (Signed) J G. .S. + Title t`_ a'. ', 1 ii i - R Oath of 015m. 69 Williamson Law Book Cu.. .rth„kr.N.Y. t ' + Oath t I STATE OF NEW YORK ST ..}COUNTY OF /nin PA/i ni-s ss. ; , CO /acc/,,I of l/Gyrc,c s- II, I $/ C />a,PTOM , do solemnly swear that .i ■ . I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I .• , and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of an, 4L re-.e/t/P re ,412Ec nog/ J,LSPt cra/2 1 according to the best of my ability. ac ' (signed)611 C /v Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this Su 9 -�day of a1UaJE , 19 U (Signed) ,'/:)yy.// �, p ri (844, Title I :l i i , • 1 Oak of Often 1 69 = I Williamson Law Book Co..Hoela+ler.N-T• . ' STATE OF NEW YORK �\ f i - i COUNTY OF tX�n ` RS. e I uw of UL _ � is E • 1, // :r .. , do solemnly swear that • ' I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ . - -•ELECT/o 1/ Z NsaccTOR I; - r + according to the beat of my ability. Subscribed and sworn to (Signed)a before me --- ' 1 Tk day of Wive , , 19 f0 (signed) //... . „ a . 0 ' Title - .y 41 1 r, Oath of Office. 67 W illiamaua Law Buck Cu..fluctuate?.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF To ma,4--/nAs ss. 1l .R l i / oWWN of /JL/SS4S i. u-- - I, . . otcn/E ,� 4I aas ,eTI1 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 4' ELE cr.0A✓ 141SPEcre.e according to the best of my ability. (Sign-. .. t. i / Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 0707$ day of oluNK , 19 Id (Signed) twie r! j) if I (• ` Title 4. • -J '.. Oath of Wise. SO Williamson Law Hook Co..Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF j/atoie/At s as. /acc1N of UL}/Sst S I I, C/Ieac-y.✓ STis.2-/ads do solemnly swear that •. I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ry-0 �, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of nz-cr/oA/ INsn�Crene t h.t.: ri' according to the best of my ability. E (Signed) �^ U • l_ Officer s°' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7H t: : AO 7W of 17.0 Nt , 19162.u, £� L (Signed) ��i� � tv- 7•P,iI7r. eget •' Title a g : % i:�� _ J . 4` . Oath of Once. 60 Williamwn Law Huck Cu.,'theater.N.Y. Oath of STATE OF NEW YORK STA COUNTY OF %>I7 Pie/nc5 • ss• CO /O N of VL Y.57 i-S I, MARIAN 1..44 a,eD , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I w' • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and R <. re&,v r2 Ez. cri and. LidsPico.P according to the best of my ability. acco (Signed) Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sub - T H �U day of rn.,/c= _, 19,Po (Signed) tersty.7) ( C�Rd (S• Title • Clutha[Claw, O 69 willlantenn Law Book Co..Rochester.Mt STATE OF NEW YORK ST COUNTY OF `� Jl/S as. C t 1, • . . - , do t I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the sole State mnly of Net►swear Yathtk,. u: I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Lscr,0 / _LISP tcTo ^ rii according to the beat of my ability. a. Subscribed and (Sign , 1 • • u sworn to before me this — • ., S day of 192Q_ (Signed) // dL . '. CAA// vY} Title ":,r, • : -.L.:$4 • • 43 Oath of OSt 69 Williamson Law Book Co.,Boehoter,N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF JOmP,'/,tAr ss. kid of /LiLySSrS I y , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Ft, rrens/ vs Pe ra according to the best of my ability. (Signed) r7 4/"L'eGr Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this gle7P day of ✓nrn'r , 19 PO . (Signed) taifiztr.„,,i ,) �o 9c,1- .• eta. . Title Y Oath of Otbp- an Willlamana Lew Book Co.,aoebeatcr,N.Y. • STATE OF NEW YORK t r COUNTY OF 1-0 hs PR; f S as, of of Gt (_rSSg I, 1 45(: r RP y po L 0 S , do solemnly swear that :'.t I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of f . . E Ctc o h./ r- p AcPPcj-oR- according to the best of my ability. (Signed) s-' •/ . ...a, ..r -«' / Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this • ct- flay of e, t.P , 19 ftB_ (Signed) (Pc✓ w • • apes.vy 'ter (V� Title I.- . r I iI { 1 I li Oath of Once. G9 Williamson Law Book C...rind ester.N.Y. , ISTATE OF NEW YORK If f COUNTY OF /nmP.v..dS SS. /o....i of 1/i/ rc I, 0a,2L te C'a X , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /�7em Bee RNJ CNA,.6mAn1 ice itcE /Vc fir.P..✓6- _a mm, me according to the best of my ability. oflkec Subscribed and sworn to before me this -,Perk day of f L , 19 .(Signed) ate (Signed) ,c&4& dl cht 7. ezeia Title Oath et Office. IJ i9 wOlfamaee L.,.Book Co..Aa term .:.. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF__1OC7JOs. 188.r �of l i. S/st. r I. ; L. r�A , that, do solemnly swear . I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yocira'; v` and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of -1.,. tier/od ' Accra , - according to the best of my ability. >.: 4 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me this We ', ,. ____L___,- des Z y of >k . 19 (Signed) �0 Title F i . - - . I s . 4 5 h Oath of Offiee. th W Manua Law Book Cu..Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /e n1Pie/ s SS. /a a/A/ of L y.515-E- 1, 442Lt r 9/Also ✓ , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of .ELECT/on/ Les/spec a/1 according to the best of my ability. (Signed) L�iC,V e�- cyp-te..rM� Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this c?77" day of t._ , 19.Fo (Signed) tez,Ineri ezn : . Y�. Zvi-, b Title ' Oath of Office. ID Wahiawa Law Book Co.,Rochester.N.Y. • g STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF -74;;;c2,"/vu's is ss. /mein/ of &f/rig s- I, n1E c S%EvENSOd , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /� 70.cn/gc,P Oust / /amatta A,tc ( d/nnarrei according to the bent of my ability. 1/ (Signed f/'//c Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this ar, day of u,te- , 19 Fe _ (Siena) terAffra/ caotoe.� << Title z'. u. II 4R I , II Oath of Office. 69 Williamson L.Book Co..ltue6..kr.Y.Y. 1 `lf ; ; I. ; l j I' STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF m PK/ALC ss. 1 1 Love/s) of (lLySSrS ii ii I, .n,qo i a/ P' 6d o b , do solemnly swear that l j I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, IIand that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I tecr, Al _. /sPecTa4, ii C • U ;I II i ll I1 according to the best of my ability. • Ii li ii I; 1 (Signed) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ��� I' I V o nt day of Tu.✓,E , 19 .pd. II I I , (Signed) „,/,.„, G- 2.74.. 11 . I I Title �' It I • Ill I j Il ► i I 11 3 • 1 I I i 1 �o[Office. l 69 Wi11Amane Law Beak Co..EoeM4•r•H.r. 1 ' STATE OP NEW YORK I I COUNTY OF �.---- �— BB' ei---/-1—__Mi _of L –S I l' I I I = t� , do solemnly swear that I I will support the Constitution of the United States it I ea and the Constitution of the State of New York, • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of i. according to the best of my ability. ! b : . Il E ` it Subscribed and sworn to (Signed)I before me this __________day of • E I (Signed) , 19 . i. i l -. :. i 1 i I .c-. l , I }. ■ • 47 s Ono of Office. 69 W Illiam.on law Book Co..ftoc n+ter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK l COUNTY OF /o,tiom.../s ss. /n/d n/ of Ubysse S s , N ? r � ,a p,r , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ? I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /� ,Va�70£2 itn qcE 11iurnriEe:n1G t bmn/,rrEt t according to the best of my ability. c/� (Signed) /[ �` / 77nr ea-44-e ff 0 Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this E /4 day of '(,lu.F , 1910 (Signed),fy 7,7 r Title i I i f , 1 r ; : P i r fiOath of Office. it Wks*.fare Book Co.. Rochester.N.7 ir 1 u STATE OF NEW YORK h L. COUNTY OF Tin mef,✓s as. /o%/,d of ULyssEs n I, ..n /e CoaIR.✓ , do solemnly swear that I t I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of , Ec —cr.on/ �,vspECru2 F' according to the best of my ability. t (Signed)iJ LF—sc ¢ ✓//• C--'0--1--(1 4.---1.__ Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this /07 day of 941y , 19 crd (Signed) ,o�I,) /_°(L ,/ ti 7 r14 ' Title c F`. 4R , i MI Williamson la Book Co..k.eh err.N.Y. 4 Oath of Office. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 7;1P K.�•s Ss. 3 /O CNN of [l Lysses � 1, /22y,p,,y 4/.3' 1'` c—O R , do solemnly swear that 1 I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 6E 44 cr,a/✓ _L/YS/Werdle according to the best of my ability. • (Signed) .Q. 3L-, 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me this /17t day of 913, , 19 i (Signed) tablysez) e 4,74._ _ }' /ern ehs,A. u Title p i. '`ryY Oath of Oan. i7 Wiplamann Law Boot Cm.Illodookr.X•Y.' STATE OF NEW YORK ...:.,SRi..-.i i COUNTY OF iF j' P.✓/NS 88. C �.. j. FJ t .4tQL •• /� I 7 C:oX �� .: I will au . do a+oknely z; support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Ifs 1. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of it:. &1P- -mac OtE,C ,2 > = , h i I according to the beat of my ability. i i �. Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) i • 1 t, .„„. i 4 '/ 91JC I —L�aay of �' (Signed) I Title 1; s's; Fxy. Oath of Mee. 6'l Williamson Is.Book Co..ktueh.v4r.N.Y. y .r 2. STATE OF NEW YORK ;IV COUNTY OF /o m,oe,.v• ss. , / - r /041d of (/LyssL= S kTx: • I, k •. f-AAeeE« jig. , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of glen 7e,cJ.e &on,Q.Th of Zo nn✓6 APPe.,t r V , a /according to the best of my ability. % (Signed) 54/4/Crs !/1 olj ""- Subscribed and sworn to before me this • •fir. day of lay , 19A.L. (Signed) i7ni.t,,e) & (re sif ' .` Title fez- Oath of Omen. 0 Willbeano Enr Hook Co..Roehnter.N.Y. • STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF Tm,ov"ds ss. --•,! °tdN of e ✓t_z• m•I A 242)v£4 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of t' / 4' s>_ according to the beat of my ability. (Signed) ti / /7-7 a i OlOeer Subscribed and sworn to before me this /d TN day of , 1914.. (Signed) nAJifra) Xtcfen fetid C2 Title r-. .K. vi ; ri 1 1 50 r Oath of OMEn. 69 Walliamaun Law Book Co..Wrch at.r.S.Y. Oath I STATE OF NEW YORE ST COUNTY OF / /Yea AKtnfs ss. CO /o'L/ of U<yssts I, rag,ea z-ynf A /22APriA/ , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I . I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and /i � o,11v A4 A-7-0.P;A n/ according to the best of my ability. ass i w a. 7"� ` �j{� officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) eaatias r Su o?l'a day of _uy.wL Q , 19/0 . (Signed) toy ) et? Lcl ( I Title 1 I " -I I i I Oath of Mat. .. . 69 Williamson Law Book Co.sa]eaier ltl. STATE OF NEW YORE - c` I COUNTY OF.___Zaaps .} se. I L_of —..s" I, a. 'r iI ` - •., A , do solemnly swear tktt' . _< will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yoh> ''" / 1 and that I will faithfully { — Y discharge the duties of " '' yc _4LT a =crion) /n/s _ I AECTU Qs I i according to the best of my - 1 Y ability. �- tt :: a . Subscribed and sworn to before met (Sign' .. �" _'i,' o� I lli this / i �Yof ' = i I (Signed) , 19 'Slue ....- • -ss�5 SS's -9 - 51 m . Oath of Mire. 69 Williamson L. Book Co..W+ehaater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK ' . . COUNTY OF /„me ,A/S as. °Will of ULys1)-s ( A,PoLyn/ J. -DODD4E-Sion, , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of PUry 4A/A/ Z/11-.P /—/— / • according to the best of my ability. � n :.. (Signed) I/._' Subscribed and sworn to before me this J/ / Officer /fret day of 2)r EMS E.P , 19/o (Signed) C/'(/n J ��7t�4.yic /rrlha efe.4(1 Title • i . • Oath of Office. CO WUllmasan Law Honk Co.Roelnter.N.Y. STATE OF' NEW YORK COUNTY OF /omPt',A/S ea. } /own/ of V,C/ssa c I, �f1 PL P (ro X , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of enesc.✓re ri ✓r Ta ! • eAs V .11 Le according to the best of my ability. l %IQ(Signed) Gel " / Subscribed and sworn to before me this /gTN da � � y of ✓a,r✓nay , 19�L 5 (Signed) I„4. 0 / j, )b,he. ago 444 Title • Tc 111 _f 't it 5" 1 • 6y Williamson Law Book Co..liuch.at...S.Y. Oath aO ice. Oath al STATE OF NEW YORK STA l 1 COUNTY OF //n.e✓..v,r I ss. CO e , /o tel 41 of /kit srG s /, I, o/R/12.6 s E. e ct f , do solemnly swear that r 1 I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I -1; and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and /Z&?7$ER /"Rm.L. y `Oat 4-a //t s6 4y an, son rr f i • according to the best of my ability. aeco q Of it 41 y (Signed) do - —soar OM - It Subscribed and sworn to before me this • Su it / 9 ! /9'N day of �....ts,C/ , 19.n._ i 99tiery u9� (S'• • 6 " Title t ti F f . f t (i f: Oath of Mitt GS wiltIamana Law Book Co..ltaaleatt+.n.T. I STATE OF NEW YORK - . COQ OF___.t18.�[dij_ F, . — ua. . /° i Of ULVS`c3 I, '� , e .iJ I will support , do solemnly swear that ' Pport the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yo*. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ - Lac . (tus Tab i/9A) • according to the best of my ability. • ,. I (Signed) O - , Subscribed and sworn to before me this oleo* �___daq of <Q/ii 18.4_(Signed) //.. . , . Al 0,�- TItIe 1 } re t.).`1 Oath of Olere. 67 WILTS/moo Law Book Co..Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORE COUNTY OF 4.2740.,,A/3- 8S. ... Ea u's) of !Ji-/ssrs ti I, —_/?•Rr P r E 'CKA/E T , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of L.LEC7,D4/ L_Jfai?/n4I according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this CO Ta day of .T,:.,,,,o y , 19lL j (Signed) I �1I, t' • jf Xa `/Wj�� Title ` Oath of oiee. so Wfl1M as taw Soak Co..laAnter.N.T . STATE OF NEW YORK r COUNTY OF /sin Rm/AAs 88. t _� f - " "" of IJL j/seeS Et I, _ //.. , .AQj_4�,gg j , do salemdy swear that f 1 I Will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ! and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of t / ii • • I . according to the best of my ability. t a (Signed) ��� l>�r Subscribed and sworn to before me this A —'&V--t±---day of f,-woAc/ , 19.2E ' r i (Signed)2_r/_ ,,y t2a ri' . Title • 1 , ,• � 1 ! - Oath of Mt 67 W i!Iitnuwa l++-Book Co..Nueh..t.r,\.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /ani,o Ids ss. iron/ ofnn ditcCc s I I, Ht L E.n/ L,P s , do solemnly swear that s. ■ i I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I , 75nn,,,kP PcR gj,BaR✓/ Tn IP i according to the best of my ability. I 1 lie._ A7/dip I (Signed) officer I i Subscribed and sworn to before me this old'"°` day of Ventitee Ar , 191L (Signed) Qa.L�.> C ( t f,L l 1 � I Zara. l 1 Title I {(j k1 1I • d 1 % ;I �I �I _ !` Iii 11 OLLh d Ocoee. 15 49 woliameaa taw Book Co.,Aoeh,etet.xE F I STATE OF NEW YORK i1 COUNTY OF F • 11 � _I of RB. I; 1, - ' ., h , .se 9#, R I will support that , do solemnly swear pport the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yolk I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of r • : .6/4 %a JNt.rcui !JA _ � I jaccording to the 8 beat of my ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) /t Lial Mee - S i N_ day of 1 j (Signed) d 18 I , .a 7 /ro 1 -_ Title I it I I _ Oath of 011ie. 69 Williamson law Book Co..Nuekutar.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK : COUNTY OF TiriPf(/NS ss. ' i`(•. /Oe/N of Lk/53-2:5 j, 1V'LL/qM /- l(/e.TZr t , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the linked States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of. yy lifiaAcR or apa4gj 47/2",9/- according to the best of my ability. r/ p (Signed) `�J}G Gr� er Subscribed and sworn to before me this oZ2 day of ( i, . , ,r,� , 19A.. (Signed). 2 A:dr.) r= 74 /..,errs, Title met et Onto. CO wplhwrm law Meek Co.yehater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF. /ain/on//ais as. TwAJ of //Lgssc s I, T/o in,4 r 4 . F.el t l t , do sole•aJy swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of • ZoNiNC llr,=,[Eo according to the best of my ability. �t - (Signed) I�•,a..- Subscribed and sworn to bofore me this day of. �a u,n�. , 19� (Signed) m _.) Title - ` • ir I . I. I� ' I Oath of Ot6ce. 6'l Wahamwn Law Hook Oh.ItUtIk tn.\.r- OW ef " ,E ' STATE OF NEW OR$ STA '{ ; COUNTY OF /c m 00/./' v s ss. CO :i o/N of vL/sies I I, CA TN a/.d& ,5-7 a d E 5, , do solemnly swear that • i i I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will 1 I I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and , - _ i L it according to the best of my ability. l acre (Signed) _ ..d. . .[_ Ii . Subscribed and sworn to before me this (mon Sit, h! 4.74?) day traf-Er)of g 1 , 19_L (Signed) et A-. ( •. Title • • • i; • "1 i i • Oath aroma Oaths'I 69 WiHLmra La.sok Ca.ark.k*xT STATE OF NEW YORK STA ' COUNTY OF.�i�/o „t7 s CO C i as. /e�hl I of _ //L i cs'5- ` r I, e1/407/e/.Of I , do solemnly swear that I will support the Co I Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yrek' will { and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of - and f according to the beat of my ability. acco 1 1 - Subscribed and sworn to (Signed) f. _Al I/j/•�/ Su.. I •I - �. before me this I' c day of 4,-� a (Signed) . 19.6_ u� f ri Title I . d 1 i f e `_/ . r� • Oath of Oeler. 68 Williamson lam Book Cu..Itueb ster.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /a/4Pg/,vs ss. • _ /oL.m of IIL/SSE. /NA nJ 4 s IC /PE t rz , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of AP/74 S aM 747/✓r /0 kN✓I Pa t� /y� l(( ///HNNa/ilcN7 `Oulu(/t_ +1 according to the best of my ability. ‘„?‘/ (Signed) Subscribed and sworn to before me this atcrd day of r/n,,,,a 4/ • , 19-t— (Signed) 0Ae4 )) a�oyo /otvg, Title Oath et Oan:. [9 Williams.Law Book Co..7oAwter.K T. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF or/n.tf es. , L_of a f/S.rFs I, e ; </ a . 1 / , do soleamly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Pv • / F/ according to the best of my ability. /fce 'i (Signed) Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of. 'an',a et , 18.L. (Signed) //.. . _ Title • •mot%.' _ I f II I l 5R II Oath of Office. 6J Williamson Law Book Co..It.rch,atrr.N.Y. Ooh i I STATE OF NEW YORK STA COUNTY OF /a/rj A,✓. f/J I, ss, COU Zan/n/ s of ILYSI— c— i . II, ?T.PIC/9 I I . $ vd.4so,✓ , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I ' I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and ' ght-m ek, or .4orAI_ Won,P) a F /4155 es'r mad:- at/gets; 1 I. according to the best of my ability, - c,D acco (Sign e� of. . 111 I Subscribed and sworn to before me this Officer Sub d 9" day of U y , 19AL ■ (i (Signed) ,Dije ,I !t' 9'r- ( ;: i 1 % eta i Title 1 t 11 r■ I i i i i l I I ; Oath of ofeee. cJ Wallatnann law Bock Ca.boaster It „ ^. ' Oath irl STATE OF NEW YORK ST COUNTY OF �_ CO I Rs. ■ of f/TS - S I, 1,- _ •c R , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Ye& I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and i ' ' I '. , I according to the best of my ability, , 'f. ••, I / _ acco I Si (i�((! Subscribed and sworn (Signed) iI n yi 1/�ia to before me this Sub Yc day of , 19.E (Signed) It. • d (S'. • j Title t. • -, i tit - i • rn Oath of Oehe. 67 Williamson Law Book Co..auekstar.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /n m P/,i nJs ss. �DWA/ of 6'9-&st s I, Rs/o T 7/,/r,aP.0/C , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Th.=PJTy .37;Ps,P✓ic,i according to the best of my ability. (Signed) /JrJ e" aL. Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this kgJ'Of' day of l&-*/, _, 19 fi (Signed) iCy 1) 8 y1. 7„->-enr. Title • • Oath of Wet 69 Wllkmem Law Book Ce..Ine maer.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TmP/a/.Js ss. —L "Cof /JLysSES UA QQL,✓,/ , /f!/e—i.✓ do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ " �D nin/ ��S7a BiAnl • i according to the best of my ability. (Signed) ea � Subscribed and sworn to before me this �t day of ,c%s zaly , 19�J (Signed) UU • Zan. SE Title . i i 611 I i Oath of Office. 69 Office.Williamson Law Book ot Cu..t..ch.stn,\.Y. Oath of OS. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK i .. ( STATE f COUNTY OF 10 wit kin c I. ss. COU I. - /ow t- of /.I/y s se s I, enQr )c (' 5+:11;av,s do solemnly swear that I, . � r I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will sit.- k t and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and tha f C. Y12tf 1-0 con 7aYl:hq YJea-cA D1 P < ��p . I J V according to the best of my ability. acco .- H ` (Signed) //let i 0 . c f c-6-.�-a-. -g) I t Subscribed and sworn to before me this Officer i Subscn.' F . ,-, I day of 4Qtn , 19 8 - (Signed) C ,,,, ,i_ idl Li- f (Signed _ .I. . Title • . 1 - . • c f ! Oath of Office. 69 WillIamanu Law Hoot Co.PadwaR.N.7_ Oath of . • STATE OF NEW YORK STA COUNTY OF_Trim CO 0- RiL , I, I' , .. . • . , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yetlr. I will and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and - , . . Cs . 1.. son 0 1 4 I. 41 SO/' a /. • according to the best of my ability. acco / /(Signed) _ . ..a , .. - / %!• .Subscri bed and sworn to before me this ' Su..' "a—______—day of t (Signed) i/ / ' 19 , (S'- ITitle -1 , . I' . 61 • `�;•�`" Oath of Oftwe. 6U Williamwo Law Book Co..Rochester.N.Y. • • :.... °: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF %,: am4y,,,.3 ss. f-A/A/ of dLysst s q;:+:: I, . Rnt es- S rr , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, n and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of_ I?,pie FSFVrevrt ✓. !O n/27/A,/ ✓s (3«A/%y �PRi✓SPi Pi9rin✓ C 6n�.a�ss, . ✓ according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Ch,i,o A officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this •21'N day of Thlv,Pt/.atvy , I9�L (Signed) 4,fir.) f' Title • XJ f/a 6 w n • • STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF. !! 1/f i;/.f 35. 1titeLet of /1t-issk S I, _A ;�r� G �t , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, II[ 4 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of T.dJPY d • ( 7 at sr/ 7 i1/-n.7 according to the best of my ability. (Signed) 1' ^'tr"'- M Subscribed and sworn to before me this _day of z,, , 19 ifi . E I (Signed) Title fr r - Oath of Olen. i9 Williamson Law Book Cu..Iwcknter.Xt Oath of Otece- STATE OF NEW YORK STATE I COUNTY OF Tm,o�,us ss• CO Ia[dN of 'Lys 5 -5 �,ru/ 1, 14 P 1-1-=.6 fA A/ vso nl , do solemnly swear that I, I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will su • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and tha ELECT/ON 1NsPtcTO2 (7/.r 4,/y,.,-7z) according to the best of my ability. acco .•. (Signs / -s' ofiea Subscn• Subscribed and sworn to before me this 00T'" y of MAy , ig t (signed) ud.A ) <, la y< (Sign:. :. Title Oath at O6n. 69 Wllliar.m Lew Book Co..aaatakf•1T . . STATE OF NEW YORK STA t. COUNTY OFOY,Ns CO r • i ss. -- �of_ULVsr - �� I, a .- - ♦ R2 .; I , do sok mbr raw that i-' I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Nan Yet' I 1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of . _ and r ,n/ reSP"-[Ta • y/54,/ J 14/-6.7) according to the best of m a• y ability. k Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) I •� �/ =; Su.Ogiesr Jr r. "r ` _day of i9& , (Signed) U `. ' (S' /�, r � Title t ra .1 1 .i�; ? - C /3 ;T• Oath of OtBee. 6u W iIIiamwn Law Book Co..ltuebnttr.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /n�rolivr ss. brit Ott of gL7. t I, tA,EnF R - !'E v pOsr , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of EL E CTfo N j� /✓sp6�Oe �7 n/ 7-• Fa ) according to the best of my ability. (Signed) C n , o •in n Meer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4rH .day of ./adv.— , (Signed) i Title I f _ l 1 i o e I • Oath of 0$... is Willhtawa Law Book Co..Eorlater.N.t STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /oih iA✓s I. es. 19 .✓ of /./2-y57510::-- c T. I, C3.POL/// 4. .S7i4.L/04/S , do sokately swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, za:__ and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of cr%,J _r f/sPczio r7- i6- j7-40- �aT according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Meer = Subscribed and sworn to before me this • // day of d'""'"" , 19s.. , ., y Title •',... it it L_. 1 i I Oath of0leee. it Williamson Law Bunk Co..}Cothran.N.T. path of .•• I STATE OF NEW YORK STATE . COUNTY OF /a�1P.ri /✓S sa- COUN it, SN of N.1-/S-5-1-5 I, MAtP/o nl Tete D , do solemnly swear that I, I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will su - and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and the•. .Eta c n o A/ 14✓SPc c 7-c)e (7-is=Fr /7-/4-F07 ) according to the best of my ability. _di acco (Signed)_) S Su. • Subscribed and sworn to before me this • /� day of o/IunlE , 19 '� • a.. (Signed) .,.1 //(/��JG f r...,G (Sian..! Title • 1 Oath of OOtoe. Oath of . GO Williamson Law Book Co..aaebeder.x7. STATE OF NEW YORK STA COUNTY OF !om,o,e��us CO / as. b2 '' ofl�SSc L I, .i : rG - I, : : C: , , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yeti, I will and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ and cT,o Al 1A1SPc cycle (y.a=Fi /7_..s!-9.? according to the best of my ability. ! aao : • o (Signed a.`o s . Subscribed and sworn to before me this Su i 1 r/l day of , m , (Signed) //, . * . . / (S ' l I Title • 111 1i . - • • • 6� Oath of Of6re. 67 Williamson fair Book Cu..kuehstar.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /on/fie/Ns ss. /0 cdn/ of (�.[..f/5,f�S _ I, 74)40,y/1/ /46AA 7.1) , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of A rt./2 NA re ,CL.cr/o„/ .r7'SPtc%oR ( r/s ni/ T-Jv./z) according to the best of my ability. so(Signed)- c.f ar �t� Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this / C Art/ day of 9a.9tc , 191L (Signed)_ .idri e 4l y h, Y i Title s .7 1' k X L ) Ii Oath of o5c . 69 Williams fa.look C0.lskeater.N.T. I. t" STATE OF NEW YORK • Y f COUNTY OF • rna,i/ie/s ss. F'. k I ? 1/41u.14/ of ilLySSES i•- /� / I / L I, Y�ff7.P/r/N S VARY 2/E L) , do solemnly swear that `�- *4;: I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ , according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Vp :-� , c"��e•i w r` Subscribed and sworn to before me this Officer ti day of ac , 194. •.. :. (Signed). >7,74‘4,-,� <Lre, +.1: Title :x: Oath of O[6ee. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..haedatar.N.Y. Oath of .... STATE OF NEW YORK STATE COUNTY OF /o in"1A)-5- ss. CO /D rd ,1/ of L'9/11-G S I, / n/9/ 0. a,✓Nfi r r , do solemnly wear that I, Va I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will s-. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and aec%/OA✓ _217'S2ECTO2 7 Al,,/ - 7/-54 ) according to the best of my ability. �t�t� acco , (Signed) t_J t l 4-17-"eat Subscribed and sworn to before me this O�eer Su. /Fr" day of g„.., • 19 F., . (Signed) Cr- q€4.74- (s-. . _. z eiuk Title Oath of Mee. 69 WHlinaana l a De*Ca..Lahetr.LL Oath of STATE OF NEW YORK STA COUNTY OF CO r .. I as. ^.J of / ✓ss ' I, t/r : :. . Aif . — ti Ad , do solemnly awusr that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yeah. I will and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and • •L E,QNi1TE CZ.ECT;on1 ..L.VSPEC70/& 7.. .t - 7,< . according to the best of my ability, _. acco (Signed) Vass S. \ Subscribed and sworn to before me this �l"� Subs i ___12"2-2L day of , 19.E s (Signed) (Si: Title i . 67 1. f• Oath of Met. 69 Williamson Law Nook Co..ltucbatar.N.Y. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK l COUNTY OF /p/II,o,F'/ws- I ss. .1 ' /arils/ of ULySSCS t I, Sus94/ f PE'r"tr's , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that''II/ will faithfully discharge the duties of 14/sses ?P.PaSa/rnr.vr %o kf/V ),t'ivs �ou.✓i% C f =1 l� 1,,4u7w &aAA� according to the best of my ability. (Signed) ,!JL4%1 )14e,(44) // Officer z Subscribed and sworn to before me this a it day of V"it' , 19 (Signed) tZaLird Title • I l r tS i I i I 1 i { 4 • A Oath of OSP. 69 Mikan Law Soak Co..b.btstR N.L STATE OF NEW YORK . COUNTY OF____MThom/nn • ss. 1 . . ? 717;4 4/ of l/LySS.t 5 • I, /Qusy _Co R ,Tani , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, c and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 4 — •//,'' • T g.. EC ;ad 1/sPEcro • • s ( 4A7/ /y') according to the best of my ability. (Signed) 1e0�1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this Officer —41,9L___°- day of A„,„ , 19 , / (Signed) tf.eir) <. /71, ,.., ��i�£�f. • t Z Title rd s si Ai = . 4,? - . • . • 6.1 Williamson Law Book Co..Ruebeter.N.Y. Oath of • Oath of Ocoee. 1 I STATE OF NEW YORK STA . ; • COUNTY OF /o mPr nil. ✓s • ss. COU /ow4/ of ULyssS ,• I Rum e4 , �Ai k.) , do solemnly swear that I I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and ( ,E,CECT,oit/ __1-4SPE Cc)i€ (1.,-,r, - y /'L-i.? • f according to the best of my ability. acco ! (Signed) 36 a< le. %`J/-,4 .L .. Ofeer Su Subscribed and sworn to before me this ark day of -QM/YO , 19 I/ (Signed) >o s,/`y) 41 4_ 6, ( ': Title - i i • Oath of Office. 67 W illiawr.law took Co..larleattr.ILT . 4, STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF�a 0/{/�/t f as. I of— l/L VSSE S I, .ESTyER. '34 7//RaP , do solemnly swear that , I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yost. - ! and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of t st "/y• LcCTio,fl ..Ln J sPcCTa 7_."c-I'a . according to the best of my ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) f • ' Caw- T day of , 19.12 (Signed) // b �i— - Title - F: 3 . .2 • 6 Oath of Office. an Williamson Law Book Co..Hoeh..ter.N.Y. o o STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /omP/{it/s ss. /own/ of //L/SSES I, /2119 2,L gill e c ro R , do solemnly swear that fr I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of . F'Lc c r,o.t/ Ln/sPec 7-0.() (I-,a-n. /7-AV-e4 ) / according to the best of my ability. n (Signed) �tl jar `a-o tom. - Subscribed and sworn to before me this vv /41. / , day of !/ft0� , 19 f/ i (Signed) tto.1 6-�,1 T_/Q 7 L 7cv,/rx, (/ k Title i I 1 . 1 I { I - • t } mulct olfic, 69 W llliawwm Law Beek Co..aaekntcr.N.T. STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF in 117P0*'/t.(T ea. --/e ., of U[/ssec J 1 € I, EL sIA Pl• , yNO.L.D S , do solemnly swear that . I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, is:: p_ and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of rl E A/5PSc2ce Et n/ according to the best of my ability. (Signed) 4 Subscribed and sworn,to before me this ifertallief neer . 4 4 4 tt i ---Gy�day of. PI/ , 19t -. • 4', (Signed) ./1 • Title { 4'. • . . - . ` l I y ,� Oath of Omer 69 W illianuon Low Book Co..IWekoter.N.Y. Oath of omee. J It r STATE OF NEW YORK STATE O COUNTY OF /n rn p N n/S } ss. COUNTY � i ,, of U�ynsscs - , I, /YLJNCV// 417. 749c'eIeeitk , do solemnly swear that I, • { I I will support the Co nstitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will sup • ' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that I • Fl ccri0�/ fit- isioECroe (7-,5'-8, / 7-.w-tr2 • according to the best of my ability. ` according (Signed) Pr2a�j e7.tz.e,ea.our P • f Subscribed and sworn to before me this officer Subscribed II !fir/+ r day of lei-7 , 19 i/, a >22,:f.„, (Signed) t (Signed) _ 1 Title ai • . i t I . i t J ■ I i r 1 1 Oath of omen OW,of Cam "'�. 69 Williamson Law Hook Co.aneke.ter.N.l• STATE OF NEW YORK STATE O COUNTY OF m ,n_n � ss. LINTY ow n of- le (t. tse5 I, L . Ilk ` , t do solemnly swear that I, I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yark, I wtii su. . and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of / and that I /Oh l/ S - °Tile according to the best of my ability. according (Signed) - .e_ I; 4 ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this — Ot�eer 4 Subsea. _,' I — _day of is • i . (Signed) , (S' igned) 'r J ± Title I J i 71 Oath of O$ce. 69 Williamson Lm Book Cu..Ruehoter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK - COUNTY OF /a g1 Ph/ its I, 88. f > you/nl of U.L,i SSE I, /✓o NN o y/Ko U FF , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ,CLcGTio r✓ _24 SOE•CTO' (7- /4-4) /7=i.'da) according to the best of my ability. iSc a' (Signed) /- "_ • -/ Subscribed and sworn to before me this olfrg day of f Y , 19fL. (Signed) t2A.+a d? e!/ ruts. asid y: Title • fh. OW of Of4r. t9 wtlliaeoa L.Nook Co..7aekskr.N.Y. r4 STATE OF NEW YORK 5. COUNTY OF O/1/PA1/415 88. I, _ .1-/yi O rNE e ri S a t o.e7+/ , do Seaub' mar that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yak, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of £ca Tel 4- t , r,. 7- •CS=C/ �-/'c'P.?- • g according to the best of my ability. :o.o (Sign Of6L�t Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19�L (Signed) //, e , Title - -I fix:. l ."mm: ' 72 1 : 1i" . [ Oath of Office. 61.1 Williamson Law Book Ow...Bochntn.Y.Y. Oath of Office. e } I t. STATE OF NEW YORK STATE 0 COUNTY OF �mPY� Us ss. COUNTY / c WA/ MA j 4yi-SwS /ow �! I, /�/F1/z� ( fJ E'a�f/A/ �aL�/l7Nn/ , do solemnly swear that I, I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will sut , 1 1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that I ArEP/YA1 fic=cr oi/ _tivsi cr / o,e l 1-ic-i1 17 is4-A2) according to the best of my ability. // according - • ` (Sign C _ L _ �, Subscribed and sworn to before me this (/ ��J��✓/�?J1j+ -���•�•������� Subscribed �� day of tearedsB.E.P , 19 8/ ��- (Signed) tr. l [ (Signed) Title I Oath of omn e 69 WSHara na Lana Book Ca.Rochester,IVA lath a[Ocoee. STATE OF NEW YORK STATE 0 ._ ' COUNTY OF m i �nP/lds COUNTY RS. -- _ef UA yss-_ I, ,' o A/ , J.'�• I, , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will an and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that AI -it-. , _ 0- according to the best of my ability, according / Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) t �� •i //- i,U/ Ir. Subacrr, _•\ _ TN day of--14. ,2____, .. / ' ,: 19.1 (Signed) il:.__t /- (Signed) 3 Title i 4 F ; . 72 r. I Oath of O®ee. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..N..cL.+ter.N.Y. _ 1 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /o m note I'JS ss. mAl of aySS�s R E/f' % 7l (/L ta.—ti`✓'/ do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /y� /'/E/m7©E/2 T CP.N✓/�/G V—SO� Q� according to the best of my ability. ((�� ��_ if;(Signed)-' I el. Subscribed and sworn to before me this !s'r/" day of ,4 , 19 11 (Signed) tel .4 i /C- Zi C!g.t Title OW,of o--.. 69 WIIIIj.q r..Doak Co..Imanix+.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 'i Ae,tic ss. • I, _l -F R ✓ Ct/ ;/Am , do soky swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of f according to the best of my ability. (Signed) It tsar Subscribed and sworn to before me this O .•': ' _at n- day of pc cc/27 J4 , 191 (Signed) / Title ! ii • i 1 hi ii i l' ?" . F , i l } Oath of Wee. 59 Williamson Law Book Co..NucA.ater.X.Y. Oath of Ome'e. • • STATE OF NEW YORK STATE OF• COUNTS OF /P,N/,t/S ss. COUP llonehil of I/L/SScS o I, t1.e.Po"ye f 7)i/D in_t=sre nl , do solemnly swear that I, I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will MI . and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that I i according to the best of my ability. /� according . 0 44V nom . i (Signed) e�'1�(!/ - lC e offieer Subscribed and sworn to before me this Subscribed rip day of 9,4cem , 19 AA i, (Signed) (Signed) tit,' • iiri c Title • • Oath of Ome,. i9 Williamson Law Boot Co..Botbetter.KY. Oath at Ob. STATE OF NEW YORK - STATE O • COUNTY OF 14Mn t i . Fa COUNTY ' �u/ of— ill 5-C�S . O H I, /< ' , do soiemnfy swear that Is I will su , Pport the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will • ' III and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that f /G i according to the best of my ability. n according Subscribed (Signed) G. Ilk , bed and sworn to before me this _- ! ORieer Subsen. ~ N day of ;.,.. „ , 19�? /i : I (Signed) e. , ^. i -Iv t-�.-, , k„...../ (Signal) I / i - Title i . . • • 7 Y• Oats of OMee. 69 Williamson law Book Cu..llues,slaz.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK 1 COUNTY OF .1 ocnP,e/An SS. /a ala/ of (,4 j/Syt4 n • t I, ,B EP i ` . Al. 2/9 /*(-- it, , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of • f T. according to the best of my ability. (Signed) K c , , . • Subscribed and sworn to before me this —N /oS' day of aixu ri.4. , 19�Pt. MARILYN E OUCH s 7 Holey Public,5'a:o CI ti:w Yak .. (Signed) TEL 0�� Cb. ed'C;59 Quniii:ed in izrupl:rs Ceuta,/ ;..• aVette re ∎ Tenn bpkes With 30,.4C,z Title i ■ . i ' ' Oath of OSSat. 69 Willialw,a Law look Ca..lnehata.21.T. . STATE OF NEW YORK i COUNTY OF ;;;;;e/AAS sa. ia ^'f of liz,,c'S<.S I, t ATihtc R, 1/0 rep , do solemnly swear that •r I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, - and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of . N .0,/lik,/- / `/15.-. according to the best of my ability. Y,• E' (Signed) I . 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me this I •• `- >n i • r- day of cZna4.4y , 19d� MARILYN E OUCH t" (Signet ) =p�, Jam}/p.'L , Notaty Public 5676 Of New Yak .4.: '"""S�"' Cc`-'y�"/a`-.--'�'-- No.4576959 -.-� I Qualified in iaroRins CounlY . .. /Leik& 0! a Tem&virus 1Mrc6 304.Aga . Title tee:; ii 4* S ( • I •k' _ IFi I 7° ill i Ii I 1 j Oath of 016ee. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Hochokr.N.T. oak of I i1 l STATE OF NEW YORK STA COUNTY OF //P/e/N s SS. CO r wn/ of 1/L/55E S 70 I, E. J osEPt/ f AQ e A L L-, T , , do solemnly swear that f I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will. • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of n and /'r=/neER &OHRD or ZON,nc APPEBcS 9 Creed re a72n! /9J7) according to the best of my ability. ? ���GG�� acco ' (Signed) �� • V tl?eer i I I Subscribed and sworn to before me this Su.. - . ■ /„ r day of Q2„”c t , 19 (Signed) taii-07-,..,A ,--7 (/ nn .1-ten aid i Title I • . • I Oath ofOffice. . 66 WWalWalloons=m. Iaw Book Co..B0Mk+.Xt fret" STATE OF NEW YORK sT COUNTY OF mP CO AS. `—tO—`___of— I�LYss S I, (lc • If ^r• , do solemnly swear that . I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yom' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of an. ' • `LauwN �A t— .VE - • according to the beat of my ability. `• y. r Subscribed (Signed) ' tom/ / �/ / �l Sir bed and sworn to before me this 1 his - r�day of ---, 19 (94 (Signed) _ .. •1 (.. ilt- . Title . ' • . 4 t • 7'' . Oath of Oleee. 47 Williamson Law Book Co..Buehoter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK I COUNTY OF Ta rn r k t n s ss. Town of 14 IYSSES 1, A; le cn �eters , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of (34 d 9 r t/�f).•rrcroR and PcFrese, 4-, ✓� To Human Sr r✓;ccs C0 a. I: Len according to the best of my ability. �j (Signed) 6 /: 'dL c-Lc' O�eer Subscribed and sworn to before me this rJ I st day of Sams ae / _, 19—a (Signed) e . D 7 rizAi I.. l Title t�. I • . OVA dWks. 47 Williamson Lt.Bonk Co,laohtfer.X T. • &PATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /Luna/env. ss- t f2 of ui-Sr S : I, en.e 2. T. C x , do eokanly swear that ' I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, r and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I according to the best of my ability. A } (/ (Signed) �i Subscribed and sworn to before me this -- day of SIlR:/ai9 a y , 19..td. • (Signed) t Title • _ I • : ` I Oath of Met. 69 W illiamwn law Book Co.,Buchalter.N.Y. I Oath of O 1 STATE STATE OF NEW YORK l COUNTY OF /0/nP,/,/✓s ss, COU lOJ.t/ of 01-y515-a-01-y515-a-S Iv4 it I, l Ale 47 4 s e PfTTi , do solemnly swear that I, I will s I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and _row/4/ G Odc:nCE2 according to the beat of my ability. acco . (Signed) N A-'4' -'er" • Officer • Subscribed and sworn to before me this Su. .. • I o7,2'di day of Zt#n/n/t y , 1922 (Signed) % . . d/ /Nlf2' alti4 • Title . O Lott Omer [59 W011att woo Law Rook Co.,Foakeatesx • STATE OF NEW YORK STA , _,ym oy. , COt . COUNTY OF *IL N y I, i , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I 1 and ' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ Cz/2 .Q g / � i i J/4i,t/TF N/rnl ' acc, ::t::::::.. : r Q this (Signed) tf/Itt/1p �4 Su. ±« day of , 191±... (Signed) i (S' Title j ..I . o _. 72 , Oath of O:eee. 67 Williamson Law Book Co.,Huekoter.N.Y. I STATE OF NEW YORK i _----- COUNTY OF /Q/hPY/N5 8s. cw.Y of ulyssc s I, /2/.11Fe. % //r ss , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the linked States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of . : F/2,91:-CaN i An't/E lo /eiAn/SPe.ATA i is ! 0m nilfre'O n/ according to the best of my ability. I � r! // • ,'.. : (Signed) d Omeer Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) l(�1bziv c.., f f yt Title Oath at Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Daelotcr.N.T. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF / .Ort,vs as. _of 1/4y5-ce s ' I, — LALL/Asti �6A.Q A , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of TD . u' / Co ,6' a& /y94.0 o • :AI u/A, av,„�TrEE according to the best of my ability. � f0 • i .. (Signed) o Meer - + Subscribed and sworn to before me this •- 4 _day of 24.11 d/ , 19. 2.. (Signed) //..-_U. i Title i i 1 I 59 W Cu-.Williamson Law Hook kW c chnt, \.Y. Oath i Oath o!Office. f I j STATE OF NEW YORK ST= t COUNTY OF 14 inPe.n/,c ss. CO I 1o&A/ of (/Lys5s5 , II, temp"/ /4 �fE SG � , do solemnly swear that . I I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and Lt. r, od t=asro.D,ij r✓ ..s1 according to the best of my ability. /� !� a. ' of 11 (Signed)}�1 G� n• ,.. C2-4-1-12-5-1-- Subscribed and sworn to/before me this Su a . Officer cq5 T N day of ([a 19 !UU/--- hV�rA�t ,/ (Signed) nAJ yrrrs.t. fix, 'II Title I _I 1 oath of oak.. 0 williamn Law Book Co..7aahak*•tt-t - - STATE OF NEW YORK ST COUNTY OF /n n, _mio ' t j �� sa_ 1 -- /_ of -5 I, P • - n/ , do solemnly swear that . ;_ I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Y.& I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of —_ ° - i risdr - •. . . according to the best of my ability. • . _ i , ! p Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) %. ? _ S t 2 '�day of ., . 1 , 191 I : (Signed) y e Title A *-' _ ,. . 81 Oath of Ott.-e. t'J Williamson Law Book Co..Buckast.r.N.Y. • STATE OF NEW YORK i COUNTY OF /DAiPr,w.s ss. . /0 tug of (fLyssc S I, DBEe2r E I Atw)rnT , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of IrLEfr,ON Illus.ieDnc,V according to the best of my ability. (Signed) atik Beer Subscribed and sworn to before me this a6*" day of jo+t«.,.f , , 19_22. . (Signed) .4.a £ y/t. Y C'GL/ . Title I I I ' Oath of Office. to Wiliiamme Law Book Co..Lekot...N-Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /nO'i O.f-1.es" ss. .04/e/ of !/Lyrii S I, &A o•y,✓ n a l i g n.✓ , do solemnly swear h'at I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I - and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Dahl/ H�.Srng,a / ' according to the best of my ability. (Signed) `�a 27 I !I Subscribed and sworn to before me this II r day of , 19_1.g 4 /� I (Signed) II • . " 0 . Title R \ I� - , Oath of Omer. 69 W illiamwn Law Book Co..Ruebotar.N.Y. , P I 1 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ////�inPK/,vs SS. C� I /aWA/ of 1.L.yssp5 I, (1 rHa;de c.5.--.0✓ate , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of • s`raeessE,vraris T .QssFssnienrr .rieu) a.0 teit ■ according to the best of my ability. I (Signed) --- -.4..-: � Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 491frw day of tLt , 19_4/.4_ (Signed) tijiy- , .(, i 7 '• //ttfa 9, � Title Oath of omer. t 69 Williamson Law Doak Co.}aeka6er.D.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK • ■ COUNTY OF. 1,vs sa. /OGC_of L%SScS I, a- L a 44.2) - , do solemnly swear that i I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully Y discharge the duties of - - 20,v / F/ e faccording to the best of my ability. I 1 I . . �/ .27/ Y A Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) i. —�—day of , 19_faz (Signed) Oa - ' - - ( Title e i \ L . 8n Oath of 01ilee. 69 Williamson La.Book Cu..Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /eirigt', ss. bed m of ULyS.Sr s I, Ian ek R r ( � R.P,Ck , do solemnly swear that I will support the`Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of J .fief,—y .SdPEQ d/Sae according to the best of my ability. 2/.2_ .tl•t2. (Signed) 3.* { Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this G ' day of 7+lh,..,,s, p , 19 �a3 (Signed) tar, e te,,y4 Title • • oath of office. 69, Williamson La.Hoek Co..Fotbn ter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF. Icing' lc,•n s ss. 1:0Wh of (.� lefsseIS I, �a U; Ile Real TK. , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of PII nn%n 4 �aa t nom/we A+' 0 according to the best of my ability. . (Signed) Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this —.a _day of %einazP7 , 1912 (Signed) ete1.0* , a� -At^- Title • s {L Sp[ 8 " Oath of OL&e. 67 W Hlfamson Law Book G..Huchatn.Y.r. j ! STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 1^7ni°soArs ss. {{ ocud of aySSE jl /7 JmFS / . /Vc E XE-2 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 3:eery -1!r(. N f,/R y SuPEe/N TEA/_A 5 ,r ! I according to the best of my ability. .a. r � (Signed) �eer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9T 1 " H y of �/I.PC H . , (Signed). a s66' 4 Title . �s Oath of omc. t9 W OOawan Lw Book CoEednter.XT I STATE OF' NEW YORK COUNTY OF 1 Pm/Ns ea. IJLVSSts I I, / ._ , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. . t and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 1! according to the best of my ability. (Signed) td ,, ./.. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1¢c 0 l _ a/Zit/day Of , Ith (Signed) I/„ y Title i • - , . ' , 817 Oath of One. 69 Williamson Law Rook Co..Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK • • COUNTY OF /a/ii.ar ,✓.s ss. ice A) of U17sses • [. I, ('/AR y Gj.Pn Lyn/ att.1179N , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the'United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ELrcTioN liusgs Toe 7-rSO.t/7 Al-AC according to the best of my ability. • • (Signed)` !� Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this /3TN day of /tiny , 19n. (Signed) tr.A;Zp.., � 1q �- Title . i f Oath of office. 69 W ino:una Law Rook Co..Rochester.N.Y. • STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF n Al A.e i sis RR. /oat./ of aLySSES I, ( P d r, - &R/4.1? , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of b t.ecr o.✓ _21ejo croe ;' ( 7/s AL/r-ice-p3 according to the best of my ability. • -, (Signed) 1,1-- . Officer • Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of /tit ., 19.fge_ (Signed) 4;ip' ryn1t 1nru.2 ( FLC C Title i eit r^2 • t. Oath Office. 60 Williamson Law Book Co..I4+ek.+teq H.Y. I STATE OF NEW YORK ' COUNTY OF /o •91 Pk'/.v i ss. C i I /ea!N of 4/S'S/Is I, ST. 1 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of �LECT/OA/ _4/spscroe y�s Pa /7- /0-/3 • according to the best of my ability. a (signed) Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this S PAH day of IV!) , 1912 (Signed) e Title . " 1 Oath of Office. 69 W allamm law Book Co..aatksttt.tY. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF_ /�iYt P.ri,vs ea. Yew A./ hoof ULys,T� /vnr✓C y &recce )31r (Ag.Y/e- da oolemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of - Esc r;on/ /S,ObCi o e 7-id fzf7_i�.�g 4. , according to the best of my ability. • (Signed) '. . i.. _a .! Me Subscribed and sworn to before me thisQ I pi/>'M day of , 19 i (Signed) /I, , e / { Title s t " ' • i.` ...', , /�,I • ' a _ . .fit • - 8? Oath of Office. CI W illiln on Law Book Co..kuehater.N.Y. v. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /4 nI AA//4./u7 1 ss. /DEJn/ of UL}/ssC.T I, ///A.0 y //Y4/ S /VANM/3/11 .Q{/ , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /3/4 rflt re- 42.?c7;o4 j___n/s�c ae 7./.5 fd/7%sc,6,, according to the best of my ability. ' i (Signed) • ...L .. .. \1 .• . ,.. Subscribed and sworn to before me this , 'peer f Pt)" day of 7 , 19.et� (Signed). hilt, L 7 .--,, % • . Title Oath of Office. 69- Williamson Law Book Co..koehntcr.N.T. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF. logy Pk'nits I. ss. Jow R/ of ULf/.Fy d-S 3: I, )sTri / nOfl i.✓s , do solemnly swear that ., I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ,EL eC7704/ L A/SPirc ro P _ his=`.2/7.41-8.9' • according to the beat of my ability. 7�-� //��/ � la-, 1i��4 O F�-s*/ Officer (Signed) Ja Subscribed and sworn to before me this "' /rig day of >to , 19_44g. I :,; (Signed) i7J,,J.A. J if 1,1..7 4.. • Ynn (e#iJ - Title ti..: y 8s • iI I {� Oath of Oita 69 Williamson taw Book Cu..IWCbokr.N.t. Oath of 0' ; I{ l I STATE OF NEW-Iran,YORK STAT 9 COUNTY OF ,e ld s as. COU /aid Al of (�L�/SS�S /�, I �i c K i �HP R , do solemnly swear that I. I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yolk, I will 1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and t ELECT/ 04/ __.274/SPc c io 2 -7/5-.1,z/7-/4-23 according to the best of my ability. acco • II (SignedxOLC2e d office Subscribed and sworn to before me this Subs If rd day of fVA, , 19 14 ' jl (Signed) °4- C- S c�L, 512°4-4/1) lean U 1 Title I • I I I' I I Oath d O Oa of t. �' 69 Williams taw soot Co..Reasa1 '. l STATE OF NEW YORK STA COUNTY OF � P dam , 1�s CO CA/ sa. ok/n/ of— UGt/SSES re I. ANC v � f — I,. 77-' , do solemnly swear that i I will . I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. 1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and igt ecr, ,ti —ruSPEc TOlp 7 45: iz 7-N-17.3 according to the beat of my ability. acco '. Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) , // / ' Sub o7/ar 1 6 day of . 19M(Signed) //l" ' a _ i 1 (Si: .:( —L I :1 r I Title • • "-' .. '\' gq '^ Oath of Oeke. 6l Willianncn Law Book Co..K*.cha,rr.N.Y. -s � ((s . YT.• 1 STATE OF NEW YORK 4= I 1 I.`�. COUNTY OF /CniPrint5 ss. t<fs /,,-tir1 of ilLyssEs ;',6: I, %,/,,,,,),,- , Y^ P , do solemnly swear that 3 . I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, K• {1 • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of '' / N S Se2CA i , cN / a according to the best of my ability. ICILY (Signed) �:°- Officer n= .Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ict-9. r day of /)7,ty , 19,Pa (Signed) i - c..f J c 4/ z ct �EP- t . Title t.• iss 1 k >' - .: Oath of Office. 69 W OBaeana Law Book Co..toaster,N.Y. • - ct a . STATE OF NEW YORK x: COUNTY OF 7onirLl'ns BB. TUwn of lt/Ys5Es I, jr/1,•e. ill. ioj4 o US , do solemnly swear that j,: I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of qtr. according to the best of my ability. (Signed) I/ • li....�„, i °Meer Subscribed and sworn to before me this ` st day of dine.! , 191 4 (Signed) ,- •. ' , , ," . '.- i. 1 7. (141 -k.- Title 9. • iy IT. - ill l II Oath of Ocoee. 67 Williamson Law Book Co-ID.chater.N.Y. Oath of Omca ', I 1 II STATE OF NEW YORK STATE f `- COUNTY OF inci �so as• COU� I �In..,. of `LI / .y �:' I, RI, 6 Q �o R -f'o n , do solemnly swear that L fit y j I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will sn IIf and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of anti that e_L.A..,_ Atelp« �� adit I 7-/s--ea /y-N-ra , according to the best of my ability. according 1 (Signed)at C /6 4�'/ 0®ee: Subscn. Subscribed and sworn to before me this a� day of� �// , 19 ea /1 II (Signed) e('4_ yputp f� J'/.f... (Signed) ' .1 I 04r, azzni l .rfit.p 75t1e , c . b • Oath of Omc . Oath at i 69 w;m.mr a Lam Book Co..Fashtaf�•D•T. .. • STATE OF NEW YORK STATE e. COUNTY OF /erne✓. ,�.c CO - �— sea. — _of l _S /o If I, f I" N, 1e7s71,UP I, , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York I will pp +• and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ and t 1 -'i f+-._ w roe o F �LEciiaa/ —.--------- - ; : according to the best of my ability accordi../Th(Signed) •_ .� . ■� H Sub.Subscribed and sworn to before me this —day of_ a/ , 19. (Signed) //. " . 1 (Sign:.: : / i cures i Title A r. r . 91 Oath of Office. 67 Williamson Law Book Co..Rueh,ater.N.Y. STATE OF NEWS COUNTY OF /0/Mee IOU as. • /deed of A7,7s c,S ' t I, T�1o6.E *lus/cm/9 e , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of AeEC%/o/J Sn/S/i c ,Q (7.6-/V 7/,1-R ) according to the best of my ability. Q r Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this /fir day of it 4C L , 19J (Signed) tAJJ3nci /IA(0/. Title 1 __ Oatk of Oise. to W Illhmann Lam Book Co..Ro.bca fir.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK C OUNTY OF. a n/P////fi✓J 88. /04141 of _ y✓D.VA/E 11'/koa Ft , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of �Lcc1/o'/ _2_d'PGCT0i2 according to the best of my ability. (Signed) rfc 7404.mele Subscribed and sworn to before me this tN day of t • , 1912 (Signed) %/... /, I/ -.r Title b • i i 92 '! 3 1 , 1'411 6� Williamson Law Hook W„Hueh,aln.N.Y- 10i Oa of Ole. Oath III it STATE OF NEW YORK s dii COUNTY OF /4 a n /A/-S- Ss. C i I III /oulAI of ULysst I III I, Q4.Pa140 f A A.P.eiCAA/ , do solemnly swear that I1I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I Ii f Ler7,dAl Xis 1 (7 A.1- f7-/4-/-15 J li according to the best of my ability. a I ' Officer S Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Sign j /d-rif day of_ � • 19 • I (Signed) ty.L C- 4 Title I i I :. j { I! Oath of Ohfaa • 69 Willktmann Law Book Co..Boasters N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK , It COUNTY OF__ Loz? A;,✓s ns, I .Zaltld___of t l/sr- L • . S , do solemnly swear that 1 I will support I pport the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York4 t I. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of :' • g2ec r,onl J-iV5Pc c re e (7 i5. 8a / 7 iyt_is) p . according to the best of my ability. a , x. (Signed) • et • ��'=11�"' S. I " ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this ' wee t ' :" rk day of______�dL , 19� (Signed) //,, .... .. e ■ (• � - s •I Title r . . . '> s=. :k Ostia of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Rochester.N.Y. [:, STATE OF NEW YORK i - c. COUNTY OF /ti"MAO NS as. .4 s it 1041 1 of bVSSis 1 `. I. p arti ,,9„,,o, , do solemnly swear that I.. I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, j I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I EL c C T,O n/ J,vSPECTO/e I (7 s ?.?/7/1 �3) according to the best of my ability. 4 (Signed) 4-r-+t° e 76 ' (Met • Subscribed and sworn to before me this I 1rN of_ u� , 19��(Signed) 7,day „ , C 7� . { //}/i/s et4.i� i Title f • i G Oath of Once. 69 WiRiamaim Law look Co..banter.N.Y. . STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ha AK/n/S 9S. I D CdAl of UL/ -T S '.r n I, I /e L.et.: ;9,l?i n/�n n/ , do solemnly swear that ' '. I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, i ' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of -. i- EL-Et Tie./1/ -LNSPGC TOIL according to the best of my ability. s _ (Signed) / -i�d gW`i _4.Q r, j= Subscribed and sworn to before me this - '/tN `� .t= day of 0_c , 19_ � • t”- (Signed) , _ v . / . . € f. i Y. Title ., 94 • Oath of Ogee. 49 Williamson Law Book Co..Rottman.N.T. Oath of Office. P STATE OF NEW YORK STATE 0 • ! ' COUNTY OF n/riPc i,1/- r/s SS. COUNTY '' Lei 1,141 of //Ly:SSr.S u • , I: I, Mg/2 F 4. 4,L# . TA/d EE , do solemnly swear that I, I; I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will sn t t t' ti and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that I. I _ r,:' 4L TE Pa/ATE EL zc r; A) ACS'0G C T&,e [' ( C7-is:dP.2/7-At-,f3J 1. according to the best of my ability. according • li t `J &AltTQti1) (Signed) l �1 r , \\ Meer Subset,, Subscribed and sworn to before me this i a/Sr day of i>v , 19 fa f - ' E (Signed). //�n,yyl! i (Signed) • /1-Cdi `l 1,J Title • I Il 1 i ':. i , ; l • . .- .; Ot of Mat. + SD Williamson Law Book Co.,ttoebatcr.N.t. Oath of ose.Oak . STATE OF NEW YORK STATE s COUNTY OF�/l1Aie ✓s As. COUNTY t 4nuJ11 of t/ssr s t I, : ! i . ic /21 , do solemnly swear that I'. I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will au t and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that . i' L . ,ELE CTia Ai __/---4/Sro4cToe - _ - / 7:-/A4cP8 according to the best of my ability. accordin: • c (Signed) �' ' Cif • Subscribed and sworn to before me this tM1e� •Subscri. rN day of , 191.d .. - r (Signed) it . • . i (Signed) • sr.,s ! D/.s6 i Title • . 95 Oath of Office. 67 Williamson Law Book Co..Ifuekuner.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF /0/140,e/41s- ss. /uq/n/ of v ysSrs I eLAy r.o.v T 55"- nl i r11 , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ALreRAJArr ace imni Nspecro p I (7-4s-(9.7 /7-mss -is) according to the best of my ability. �j� (Signed)-�� Cj a_ # _L-Re • Subscribed and sworn to before me this Cr" day of P in" , 19 (Signed) f erd G (9-5,4 Zoe (1 Title Oatk at Office. so W illia,mnn Law Book Co..Boekmter,X Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OFi�i�t�i f/,s ss. Q of U`yssr S - \' I, 11fA-J d .b Loy./r SPPA ettro.Q , do solemnly swear that ■ I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of according to the best of my ability. t �7,uC/ (Signed) Oteea , Subscribed and aworn to before me this :—day of pi-+ aar/ , 18 Le- / , (Signed) 1/. . '- , ' Title L 9° 1 j. 4 Oath of Oaltt. Si Williamson Law Book Co..Nueh•ater.Y.Y. Oath of Office I STATE OF NEW YORK STATE I t ! COUNTY OF To., v /PY/ t ss. COUNTY li /am n/ of llkf SE'S E,G ("HA I?r a , &R c K a#4 , do solemnly swear that I, 11 I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will sup• I( and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of IL/ and that 4 .L5-i/Ac,P ✓trn.2 — /nl of SScS � 7 n I. - t;l according to the best of my ability. / according — : I (Signed / . . '.._ Subscribed and sworn to before me this Me a Subscn j l/ 'N o%Nn day of a.OR y , 19 i3 •• ii (Signed) jgl�y,,, (Signed) 1 Title 1 1 • i i 1 f oath of Office.} �n Williamson Law Boot Co.aoeh.fonitY. Oath of Olds. II STATE OF NEW YORK STATE t: COUNTY OF in ez2Ese e/s AS. COUNTY f -=of IJ�ySSes _ _ 1 i ��� , do solemnly swear that 1 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. I will sup and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that ,1 according to the best of my ability. accordin• � I , (Signed) .e A// -7---.411. • , Subscribed and sworn to before me this Meer ' Subacri• _ I - i±day of ✓ic#ian,a / 19. gy :. 1 (Signed) ! • . - 1- .6 (Signed) 1 7,�,w, ro. �► .6 y Title • _.• _____ _ .a.; • • 1: 1, L i Oath of Office. 67 Williaoleoo Lai.Hook Co..l4.chia4r•N.Y. ; • STATE OF NEW YORK i I COUNTY OF TmA/s',y r ss. j n.d n/ Of 671-1c Cr-r !j t I, aii IA My A6.4A)a , do solemnly swear that 1 i.l I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ;I itand that I will faithfully discharge the duties of li 1d (� �� f ail,y f ) hank Viso( �i✓-b C.4/R,.PAIanf / 6,/te/Ry �mih.-TEC i! i. according to the best of my ability. p Q (Signed) �-� " """ ' �� "'�° Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this /5741 day of a%A.vt,RFy -, 19.ZL (Signed) tif,/,.,; C /p,72 7 . J i' Title I Oath of Office. 60 Williawom Low hoot Co..Ibaksfer.X.Y. i STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /DMAmiw/s as. ie , N of UL/rscs I, a ;-. — . . , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of • — PE; d.so • t ? according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Woe I Subscribed and sworn to before me this a:. --A riday of arm/44/2i , 19 y� 1 (Signed) t 7ae . Title 4 N.. . :_ . 9R ! II i ' i if Oath of Mee. 6J W illiamwm Law Book Cu..Nuelaat.r•N.Y. Oath of Of6n• J !j I.. ! STATE OF NEW YORK STATE OF in li I COUNTY OF /4A7Anl/011s ss. COUNTY 0 '. I' - �/4u .V(, ' 727/117/ of V /srr s ii I. I, R, L L EN It .cg,e s , do solemnly swear that I, .� t I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. I will suppo '; and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that I �Il1Dr,,c7- 2)i&Are To/ A4 5 11P ES ENTRe/✓r T I-/IIMnAI i C` (?4,4 i ISerev,rev t,Tlnn/ i' � according to the best of my ability. according to (Signed) of • Subscribed and sworn to before me this M`¢ Subscribed Mir" day of �/.9NVA,e y , lg /2 /S'y (Signed) 97?-Lt au 8 91 (Signed) 7;,,,, e E.�(((JJJ - f Title • • Oath of Mee. Oat►at oat . 69 Williamson Law Book Ca..Bachater•87. STATE OF NEW YORK STATE 0 1 I COUNTY OF m g ,4cr AS. COUNTY /d07/✓ of L S I, r ii - : ' ,do solemnly swear that I I' I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will so• `. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that / . ,S, Al N� Hn2A7 -N of \Ru,. N . - �/ • • ANA. . according to the best of my ability. according ■. (Signed).9feadfin ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this Of6eer I, Subacri. ; /err" day of To...,.f -y , 193 I r • (Signed) I (Signed)' .e. 7 _ Title I - I - • . • 9c) 'Y• Oath of Ogles. 69 Williamson Law Book Cu..suchstzr.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF %nmPeins SS. in IAN of /%LysSt s 1 • //�� n//P•mPi t I, `C c/L C.. o n/ , do solemnly swear that dy _ I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of L, r9.v Ee2 — /04/N 4474L S� ' 4 according to the best of my ability. (Signed) C.uvt/L �� . �ivYr.� Z�% eer • Subscribed and sworn to before me this • 4qr# day of Jta danR/ , 19 C3 (Signed) $7��lettremr g4406- • Title • T Oath of Oekw. 69 W illiaama Law Book Co.arahaaer.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ///Ma,/ ss. • f I ^� —L ws of ULyssrs On Q L iP COY , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of = • • — a Co , r , c - m ' •. .i according to the best of my ability. 6.4(Signed) Q., . OEleer Subscribed and sworn to before me this '� day of Tn/dA.Q y , 19 M �.. (Signed) i Title 10° Oath of Office. 67 williamwn Law Book Co..aueluatn,\.Y. Oath of STATE OF NEW YORK STATE COUNTY OF /e '10e/;1/-5- ss. COU //d of L/t/S 5-4----5- I, / /nAS r P Pc r i , do solemnly swear that I, I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will s and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and • �O.t//A/X- /li r/ CE•to according to the best of my ability. acco .' • (Signed)\ y officer Sub Subscribed and sworn to before me this /t" dLaay.,of ‘%duR.ey , 19 83 / (Signed) / / r1 l��y L ( : , Title • • • Oath of Office. Oath at 69 Williamson Law Bock Ca.1bS sa'— STATE OF NEW YORK STA COUNTY OF Znm � CO as. • —La' , of I- - / • I, A u i, c/2S..J r.. - do eohtmnly mar that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yet and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and • � • according to the best of my ability. a (Signed) cli /1- A)tist" Su Subscribed and sworn to before me this N . _ --�Z_day of , 19 (Signed) t/, . / .. /I ( ' Title fit. . ~ ,� - a 101 Oath of Office. 6' William=Law Book Co..Roehater,N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK - ! COUNTY OF /omP,c .,- ss. /uidn/ of //4/.SS.=s :that I, CA TvFR.ve Sip ✓E R , do solemnly swear that • ork, I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /'C/'.eESeN iHi ✓t %a ASSESS/J7EN % 7�c✓rc al aAR� `L . _ 44, according to the best of my ability. Ts (Signed) Meer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 1 /2r" .day of 6IA,vt/A,eyy n _, 19 f e !j (Signed) ta yr C. l ye/ II ran (�.,� , v I . Title ;I. I,. • 7 Oath of Oeke, 0 William=Law Book Co..Roaster.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /e Pk'/AJt is 85. -- t• /an/d✓ oof 04/5".5-E s I, Ko S y E a cal Tr , do solemnly swear that • z I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of �.7 e-cTion/ asra.a.#3/4/ fit H according to the best of my ability. Q ._ 't \�-rL n. (Signed) Meer • . Subscribed and sworn to before me this rig y of--4rn/u4 .ey , 19 f9 f (Signed) ay t, e.. a.71 1 y h. Title 4_; 11 I ' . • 1 102 , I 1[[ �f Oath o[OQer_ 67 W illinm.on Law Book G..euchater.N.Y. Oath of Ot&s t II i. I! STATE OF NEW YORK STATE 1 . ; I I{ 3 . q COU OF /n m Pt//nAC ss. COUP i I IA/ of UL ,5.SKS / , I, 'a/get- LANE , do solemnly swear that I, I will support the Constitution of the-United-States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will su• il and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that • i according to the best of my ability. accordin• ■ (Signed). ° .uJtsLQ- di a -- j Meer Subscri , Subscribed and sworn to before me this • i /yr# day of oTNUA e y a , 19 �3 °Z I (Signed) e �/�- (Signed x Title l. ou►nf off. Oa of . . 69 Williamson Law Book Co.,Rod ISfl. .S. STATE OF NEW YORK ST . COUNTY OF jn Al P.r/iw CO ss. of_ L1/Sc�t N . • I -yam - I, " cu E/ , do solemnly swear that I will _:. I J I I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. jI(r and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and jj /°G Oa according to the best of my aceor' Y ability, ( r\ . (Signed)7 1 • d • Subscribed and sworn , „ Sub . rn to before me this - --�-2r_day of�due _. 194 q (Signed) it (S' V Title• ii • I inn Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Co.,kockaster.N.Y. • STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF / A7/!°.t'!N f ss. /c hl d of l/L/sc ES /Z1 % .%zr a , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of / rPPL=s'FN 747.! ' 7n UNt i E3' 124/ ,: according to the best of my ability. B� '. ,. (Signed) �� �m ----V • �Cer • Subscribed and sworn to before me this aZ/ r , daycccof, .%R�vu�A+�ey , 19 .3 (Signed) ///a�,i�r ti (f Z. /7,-/. !hl (�%1 Title i V rC, Oath of Office. 19 Williamson Law Book Co..Hoehcater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /aA7Pyir✓s ss. I4 in A/ of ails Sr S _ 192e cip,_r ST;LL/dn/S , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ t c - • i • :: • /NC- 74PP4;91-5 according to the best of my ability. (Signed) ,f l - 17. 5,421e4.° `. Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this • - --JP ✓ day of rorWM/R/ , 19 FS (Signed) /., • • Xren 73;,0 Title A. b t ' H 101 !' i7 W illianw am.a L Book Cu..Ituchn4r.t at .T- Oh of Cann. Oath of Mee. II t .i ; Iii • I III STATE OF NEW YORK STATE OF I I;I COUNTY OF /a n N- lPK/ r ss. COUNTY 0. '' // I pi hi 41/11 of (/.LySSrS �oui Al 1 I, -bag✓;D /,'27 .CA 44.7vA-A , do solemnly swear that I. II I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will sup" I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that I 32P1/7-y --- on/;nll� Q/'FiC EL-/P • according to the best of my ability. according li i I 1 I (Signed) , Me Subscri. - . Subscribed and sworn to before me this is st 4''TH day of JH0.1u19tP y , 19(Pe? • ' (Signed) twis„,) e. .C, (Signed) • Z-tow Sit Title • O of Oaee, Oath et . Oath • fn Williamson fav Book Co.Estyskr,ILT. STATE OF NEW YYORK STA C�N Y OF -71);Pt%4/s CO BS. of- ULV Sr:S I • , do aolemalY swear the I will I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of New Yak. ' • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and •' - • / - /i _ - - ` • ., - _, . according to the best of m a ' Y ability. / . Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) t he cc� -4' Meer Su. ': . H day of t . Ism (Signed) //, - a, _ . // ( Title .. ....i. '11 ; .. 10� Oath of Olece. 6J Williamson Law Book Co..Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /omr'•v,,v r I ss. /ow,J of (/LySSc S I, en n,Ly✓ A 7,9,9-2-,,v • , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /p gad /-/S7419/441 I <l tom^.: according to the best of my ability. 1 (signed) a „ Subscribed and sworn to before me this /ay day ofJ?enmr� , 19 (Signed) o,l±r1 e. tirii :.- , Zte-z- & Fi 5,` Title I .Y. t, - Oath of Oeiea. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Rochester.N.T. .r, STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TinP,✓isfs I. ss. /oww of ULJ/SSE S I, ��Pisro o ,P ./ d e•errg d , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. N. ? and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ • • ( {.Ei9, to moo? /ata.t/ 04 c[. according to the beat of my ability. n, (signed)Uvuoameet, J Cairalho" Subscribed and sworn to before me this ofl+eer t ` '! day of )Qp Z , 18 QS (Signed) U. , _ II / ; 1 { Title � pppFc A: ' 4._ 1 iJ., g • _^ 2 t Y ` t i . , • ion G 1 I Oath of OBem C7 Williamson L.Book Co,lludtatt,<T. Our o[06.s. STATE OF NEW YORK y STATE OF N COUNTY OF_ !e-'rw � } ss. COUNTY OF_ ?�r'r� of (./ .-a-a.o acct '. •I i I I, ii• fR,4,,, a .?LL,J , do solemnly swear that I. lEf I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will support j and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that I . i • li I according to the best of my ability. according to I I ' Ij i (Signed) officer titution oSi_ 1 3/5{ . 5 day of at ie ,, 191 (Signed) rnt R Y `�. D,m�QQi 1 r_ (Signed) J Title II y • I i Oath or Moo Oath d Mot 69 Willluuna is Book Co..asMUr.N•T. STATE OF NEW YORK STATE t COUNTY OF 7u n o ' s CO 85. _ .7yri11 of LI s Ginn t • I, t. :.:. , ; _ I,•• , do aolemnly war that I will support the Constitution of the United States a the Constitution of the State of New Yak' I will sn • ' .. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and • according to the best of my ability. accO ' (Sign Subscribed and sworn to before me this llit6 Subscri - rl t -- day of '- , 19f (Signed) r,-! - • i . (Si, . _ I Jr / _______C a Title I. ll • .a- 1 1. 07 i ' 1 Oath of Mee. 611 Williamson Law Book Cu..Itocboster.N.Y. 1 ' • STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF %jut,,k,'n c ss. { ' lank _of 0 O IF if rt,n/Q I, ( t3/4 -Ion fr. `Sin �A , do solemnly swear that 1 G Ir I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, 1!. _ and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of e/e c Y 1 0.. /ry.spe c lJe 1 1 es according to the best of my ability. j (Signed) ( { - i !f Subscribed and sworn to before me this / Officer F=i l'•:: T '- 3/s 11 day of a y- , 19 i / (Signed) . i . ' tl . a Title I 11 1 k;, Oath of Office. CO Williamson smarm Law Book Ca..RoAatrr.K Y. A.r STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 7onipfc,ns Ss. a- I Oath of II/ sse r I, �1j a e IA e • n , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 1 C-A 2 I.11 "' / `' according to the best of my ability. r . :� (Signed) ��,� 0-�� �1� ,..4. 7 • Subscribed and sworn to before me this ` day ofp _ t In r, 19f ' . . (Signed) t .2,•..f .). Ljbl aat'.r. I ) r t f Title I 1 1( E ni. t • i • q • is � i 10R ! j ora0(oe4.. i7 wfuiamsonLaw Book c..k.ebbr.(.t. o.,ko<o5 i ! STATE OF NEW YORK STATE O 1 COUNTY OF /0,99k.fI 'n s j. ss. COUNTY 11 1 TUc,Jh of Vi l SSPS OCaJn I, 7'. iSte 1YI . Red a0Jc s , doeolemnlyawearthat I, 11 I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will sup and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of C �� �e and that according to the best of my ability. Qp • ��,,�,, according . r (Signed) £fur/2 Z / e1 fr d—Mt �� Subscn. - , Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ a / /c/ a //dr�ay of atr n.e pp pp nn ,,1�19M. (signed) l..a,.„Q,�.._ • DU&A. (w... (Signed) (fla fl0. . Title If I . i . I OW of Oeln. Oath K Mew 69 wulkwuoa Law Book co.1 7IL1' STATE OF NEW YORK STATE • COUNTY OF O m .k,'„s as. CO , I-s-`of—1/�u. s es i • . . I I, 4 . • i . r . • , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York ` _ I will s and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of - - P I.. -F:J Ins pJa c and that ' - according to the beat of my ability. accordi (Sign . subscribed and sworn to before me this Ogee Su . jr" —_day o1 , 19 S- . (Signed) C• . b i ) 1 a t (Sign-.; ' Title • ~z;y • 1W) 'r Oath of Ot5re. 6J Williamson Law Book Co..Rocawnor.N.Y. • • i - STATE OF NEW YORK I COUNTY OF -7;to 1 h s ss. /O ton of____11'/ SSe5I 1 I, (�t. L R I r a-V C (/� tn ,•r ct 1 , do solemnly swear that it _ 1 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, i and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of. Pier-4,'on �NS,cV kclt✓te _ r I; _ - is ii • according to the best of my ability. T(Signed)1F M I Z Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this Jd daa/yyJ of_ nn /1 , 19 1-3 A (Signed) 814 ci tical y..- . telfirm, Anon (PE,/ Title Oath of Wee. M Willieunamo taw Book Co..Roehntcr.N.Y. .f STATE OF NEW YORK / t COUNTY m�/K, 7 s as. of // / ste5 _ 'r 1 ti' 6 R u , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, r;. hr and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of E/ec an �n cp c Q Y . F , according to the best of my ability. / I �Q (Signed}( /1 �/.r +C 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this day 19 73 (Signed) ( 13tt� 4o,if'�� u Title s i • L! 11f1 ( 'I Oath of Mee. 67 Williamson Law Book Co..ILcb stn.N.Y. Oath of Oe{re- I ' STATE OF NEW YORK STATE OF i II COUNTY OF T.np k,•n s SS. COUNTY 0 b5(11.1 Y1 of �lkto.ctes /tnvt+t I, h i ( S,,l : P t , do solemnly swear that I, , - 1 I I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will suppo and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ���aa 4(Aq A.1�cY• off and that I i \(\seec 2 I according to the best of my ability. according to (Signed) i t� Office Subscribed Subscribed and sworn to before me this �s — tI. say of , 1983 / - (Signed) or / �l,cQ cYr � (Signed) A Tile 1 , • Oath of Oe - Oat.a:oa.� �- t9 Wiliamann Law Book Ca. .)LT . 1` • STATE OF NEW YORK STATE OF 1 COUNTY OF COUNTY 1 Znr--�.e,______of es r 0/4 Q I, I // , 4i: t I. , do solemnly swear the I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York I will sup, . . .I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of - and that I - st according to the best of my ability. according .• • . Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) • %, /.tG /..J. l sr Oaken Subscribed i s dsy a '. - I , 18 3 (Signed) P , , I .i .le. ). . (Signed) • Title I fl - it l i Oath of Mee. SD Williamson Law Hook Co..Huekeater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK � COUNTY OF t"� t.,r ss. eftom of ( t t�g6905 I, /Am/ Befilvel , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of (itch-, mytt () according to the best of my ability. (Signed) 0®ea Subscribed and sworn to before me this ? � day of k � , 19 (Signed) tet _ -_.41PLWi '1 Title • I . .. Oath of Oeet a9 williemeoe law Dock Co..Doeh ter.l&Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF lamf,/�les 88. 1 011l o{_ 6 5 5 e S I, // , : / . , Is „ , „ . , , do solemnly swear that • ' t I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of cflOtt 4sj'eaY0 P according to the best of my ability. (Signed) _ It=.. '• j Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of l 19l (Signed) e I Title • t '-• ,_.724- _ — • _ i 112 1 i; . Oath of Ol6ee. 67 Williamson Law Book Co..sueb+4r.N.Y. Oath of Ogee. STATE OF NEW YORK STATE OF COUNTY OF TG7k,/1 S ss. COUNTY OF , 7-Or.rh of 1410 ties I, `'}14 a , a n 1%u Rc+ , do solemnly swear that I. I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will support .� ..r.2. _ and that I 1 j and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of E../J-1,—:. according to the beat of my ability. according to (Signed)//�/hJ `t�C' 4 ((( Office Subscribed Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of �/ , 19� l I (Signed) (-1-aft-e2 •a a(t ga.Yt.., (Signed) IA Title i • ee.. Oath a o� Oath of ol in WW1:mama Lin Book Co.. ,eler.N.T. : . STATE OF NEW YORK STATE OF • COUNTY OF T 6 Me k:'n s As. COUNTY 0". !0/uh of_ tit. t5e5 t , • I, II e • I I. , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I ape will faithfully discharge the duties of . - _L. , 4 14 and that I - according to the best of my ability. according to (Signed) Owl _ _ / i Subscribed and sworn to before me this " ' Subscribed day of 1 , 19 �' % (Signed) i. T. r- v .%r / i . (Signed) Title I' i. i ' I 112 ti I � Oath of 016ee. 69 Williamson 4.Book Cu.,Rochester.N.Y. i �L • I STATE OF NEwx ' COUNTY OF ,O/nfl&c I. ss. k Mang� n/ of GUysses i I, 8euee., e'J , do solemnly swear that 1 1 _ . } I ( 1! f I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York,alter and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Ten_ ins C4U r 1 , iF according to the best of my ability. l � 1 i (Sin. (((cccµiiii i . Officer Subscribed and sworn to • -fore me this / t day of , f- , i9 0 1l • (Signed) It. __. / _ ',1 II / _ , . 1 / Title If 1 Oath of oelee. 69 Williamson jaw Bads Co..adrk•.ter.ar. STATE OF NEW YORK . ? COUNTY OF 7v in p k, n s as. - y p_N of tX4Q sSi5 I, ` •4 r ,R d , do solemnly sweat that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of tete G Aeon InSCM.C //K 1 according to the best of my ability. (Signed) 43 I. Subscribed and sworn to before me this - ' s. day of , 19- „ (Signed) ��/ .� k a. / / f r. Title L. • I t i i - - . .p,. - - . . - - 1 114 f 1 1 -..:. - , : I 611 Williamson Law Book Co-.Huchtster.N.T. Oath of Mem Oath of Mee. 1 I 1 STATE OF NEW YORK STATE OF _ COUNTY OF I°Me ki fr7 r } SS. COUNTY OF ....----- , I ma th of Li la ‹-C er - I, Ado b a R a Ca RR;C4 in , do solemnly swear that I, 1 . 1 ' . • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will support . i - and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of E 1,04..0 y I n s Ted-uk. and that I • i 1 • 1 • . . , .. 1 : according to the best of my ability, according tot o , -.‘ • - (Sign' edagao-c---OrShh. -- • . . • Subscribed and sworn to before me this Officer Subscribed : - . vt: day of t /..5.-- I , 19 R3 _ dial"; I 10//.;‘,_ (Signed) • - (Signed) - -, , or . . r ij_ : • Title \C. , , , • ... - - : ' -. . : . • • - - - ' • Oath of Office.Oath of Oltlew in Williamson Law Book Co.Rechntter,X.Y. , ' 1 - 1 . STATE OF NEW YORK STATE OF COUNTY OF.. ()Strkis_s Rs. - COUNTY I . ....._.-- : ! , of t111 s s'es 0 1 1 4: /,r j . • I. iinnjen., Fliostcht re 4-I, ajrnwilid tl.:a:Is , .. , do solemnly swear tbst I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yolk. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 4 • Ilhe I: . . - . . . : - - .s according to the best of my ability. • according ' ' .._, - (Signed)47...e4ce., t,Lea , . •: . . Subscri. -..'- . • Subscrir and sworn to before me this /1/ t of ....... II I 0 1 (Signed) .: '; I (Signed) • . A, of..r/..-.:_,,' Are . ... . Title . . i . I . . -. - i 1 .. . I- ' • .1 I : • . - - . . . . . a;L tik n.-. Oath of Olee. 6J W i111anuoo Law Book Co..Bueboter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK t COUNTY OF , /G apt n S ss. 2)e,dit of G//4 sses i I t NC jt '' I. llill!{ilj p 7 /�P.cfJ e ,.r , do solemnly swear that f4v I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of Ne w York, A:7°C and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 7PGAOhl %S pate li according to the best of my ability. w (Sign ed) 62-R-c ;. Subscribed and sworn to before me this v�.� Oar /.S-- dayof , 1983 Title F • e. } Oatbaf old. in Wilibira n Lint Book Co..Zednter.N.Y. r,. A.. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF �nrn if�•,',z s ss. 4-"IAl of (i/de <5.eS I, I, , , - / , _ , , da solemnly swear that I I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of eecf°h l eCill'e 1 according to the best of my ability. ,: (Signed) C , . Subscribed and sworn to before me this , 19 313 � —L —day of ' (Signed) ./ . "/, /,//7 Title tt 4 f S f ,' 1 1 lig _ I1► Oath of Olfiee. 67 Williamson Law Rook Ca.Nuelaater.N.Y. Oat 1111 1 ,. STATE OF NEW YORK ST iI COUNTY OF -- 2n7 S ss. CO 0 1 (Sn of 1A3,6Se72, ,./7 ,-,s I, de 4,-s- a , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I tland that I will faithfully discharge the duties of any' i E'er-S'; tn in 4 eC4a c. according to the best of my ability. / act. I . . (Signed) - L_ _ . 1 • of ac-i! 0/Beer Su• Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 S f'F day of a / , 19 • (Signed) (96V. .£2I Litt- (s-: * i i Title I. I i Oath et Oelee. 69 W 011amana Law Hook Con Raeketer.21•7• STATE OF NEW YORK ST I. COUNTY OF �Gon I. s qs. CO GWrI of U� S<<s L I, ga< -ilea f1/OiPTAR, 1 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York I vs; and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 4turi c ,,€ li and according to the best of my ability. ` acco (Signed).`- -!( ► Subscribed and sworn to before me this ' Sub• Jr day of // Q f, 19 r3 I (Signed) l/•JoQ ems- (si:eIn t ,: Title 1 , ii l • . It a .. .1 ` . 4. . I 117 Oatk of Once. 49 Williamson Law Book Co..Xuekceter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF /pomk.n5 ss. . Main of 1 f.ij _sse5 I, Ga le e. m,;r Leo..' , do solemnly swear that of I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, H and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of a e-,e 4 eu o t EL'e#16 1-■ In sCPG i„2 ( lo.nnr.n ft') • according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ' / rd. day of au1,ai , 19 (Signed) (`�Q t 90 . 0.. �, ,- OA Title O.tk of Ogee. 69 WOliawnn Law sank Co..aptkwtrr.Kit " STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 2-6 me k,l n s 58. 48/Ah of 0/ y <Ses } , . I, _ b,Q e u e ,JG2,I , do solemnly swear that I will Support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of . �J a-i i I according to the best of my ability. (Signed) - �-� J l Subscribed and sworn to before me this / 11f!t -_day of 9 >'S'3 ,' 1 ; j (Signer) i,.,,/__ i 4r , 1 1 . �� /� J b Title i ; . - . . - • • 1 -`' 11R . I V: Oath of Office. 67 Williamson Law Book Co..Buchntrr•N,Y. Oath of Office. - fl STATE OF NEW YORK i STATE • :. • I ! COUNTY OF rh1F n--5 ss• Cr i ! 1 ;turf of /.1I e ec el 1 ' I, /-u 5,'" -Fct. m- Peen ulO a r'/ , do solemnly swear that { I, • jil I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will su. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of sec t'o n Icy s ac C. and that I fe.e nwi-c (L emocP-4.7c) - i according to the best of my ability. • accordin:• I I wad /t7 (Signe .frenA'CM Officer i Subscribed and sworn to before me this . Subscri • ' i /9' f1. /day of >-7 t s t�//� _, 19 �3 (Signed) `nr o C /�A�Pi dKf� !c– (Signed) 1 1 Title - • I } I' _ Oath of once. mu et . I . 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Reehr,trrat.T• !1 STATE OF NEW YORK STA • COUNTY OF_A $ Rs. CO Mof (7 cs-S ,----- I, //i5 • I, • , do solemnly Swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yeti, I win - and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 1:70'. 04 �,VSfee4"1 i and t. according to the best of my ability. acco .i.- : . : Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signed) k oleev Su• • .., i - day of r 19 e Q • (Signed) ����A_4 • / - ♦.i- et (Sign -• 1 Title - • . . v Y: { I . • . Oath of Office. 67 Williamson Law Book Co..&cboter.N.Y. 1 I 1 I STATE OF NEW YORK f Cr OF ss. 1 � I t .t. ban" of o/ ! I, � �'�i°/ , do solemnly swear that I ' ' I will support the Constitution of the•tinited States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ) and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _422 *n !ELI C a 1 i:< according to the best of my ability. (Signed) it4a4l v! Subscribed and sworn to before me this i! 037 day of / , 19 i - (Signed) Aida_ t � i 44# eleGe ! $ Title t 1 1 _ - 1 ii . Oath of Delos. 69 W011a na Low Book Co..aoehater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK ' f COUNTY OF /a of p ka,. c as. of fJ III S�eS - • I, i //1 , . • , do solemnly swear that i r I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of / / / / / / �' u A-._—a according . . . - • . -' l ccording to the best of my ability. i II I (Signed) ' - I_a . / • ii '.'_ I# txeeer ;i Subscribed and sworn to before me this is • �y of t/CLrG , 18 � �l (Signed) !. .J._ j' •t. /la< 4—. ii /G u , / Title '! �I a 1 4 .. ." - _ �. H2O y Oath of Office. 69 W iliiamwn Law b.,ok Co-& auter-N.r. Oath • 1 • • STATE OF NEW YORK ST I COUNTY OF D/ p 'r it_i SS. Co O!Q< )n of MAL, t 5e s I, Sa n ei 9 c- C a_) 5--1-0,i , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I •• and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 61/-ir,e n a_ E -e �/eec�r act and � 1 47SpPl42 • according to the best of my ability. ace. (Signed) e i /id-.4 stira,! .!--.rri . Subscribed and sworn to before me a this Officer Su. 1 ' ' i ,ql si day of 0r; 1 eR , 19 Z3 (Signed) l _OA-0,91._, °i ��.. r� �.�`t r.. (S . . CQca 1_ G/ Title • • • Oath of 0111e,. ' 69 W ibiam.nn Law Book Ca.Botlnttt.N.1. } STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 1 0 41.712k2 5 .. Aa C 1 co/n of_ ( , I. . I • 11 l 2 ++ , do solemnly swear that 4• I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. • I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of �lLr e �.z 44 I G ran \ d :[ i 1 according to the best of my ability. - j• Subscribed and sworn to before me this • (Signed) - �! / / �. Mar t - day of_._ k-4 6_ n4 19 g _ • i, (Signed) Title II I 121 Oath of Office. 69 W illiamaun Law)wok C..Itoc&star.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /on1 p k;1_5- ss. U of 47A.,._.115 r°S lei a H-ic- O (2. , a.�t4 Ut4 ex � , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, Ufv c. 7t-cjticx and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of • 7-0 6f//t/ OF m y-y f s-c according to the best of my ability. -41.2/ (Sign y tA$ r eer Subscribed nd sworn to before me this diejtv of inere e2 , 19 (Signed) Cevz4tiiii Title Oath of Oleea. 69 Williamson Paw Bonk Co..Baeheahr.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK v� COUNTY OF` in P _ • as. /,//. /,. , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of �/etent �i!y.a.•_ according to the best of my ability. �'f�i� • (Signed) l�f ip -a '"`"' Ct f1/ oekYr Subscribed and sworn to before meet this yof Dee v+ 293 (Signed) r / � i//i/_ rte' Title 122 . I ' Williamson Law Book Co..lurch+4r.N.Y.Oath of Mee. 67 Oath of O.. l E . ! 1 STATE OF NEW YORK I STATE COUNTY OF 70/Yl/l,(;nS ss. CO s awe of alb/. ssG s ' . I, t r -e f l�R , do solemnly swear that -14 m e.S I, 1 I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will s'. Iand that I will faithfully discharge the duties of �jd eio �( ✓C{�l� h r��o%,f f and t i. according to the best of my ability. acco I ) ^ (Signed)kree 2a. •.�i"',.,'j`_ijif"_ Subscribed and sworn to before me this j Su. ?3 �," day of IP . " , 9 in I (Signed) !, se/-- I1, M/ 6r.. (Sign: l /i Title • • • • • Oath of Wet I f4tk d 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Baeh,aten/C1 STATE OF NEW YORK ? STA s CO l COUNTY OF K IS 88. • =�y ��of� .Lpse I, ,_.. ' 3• is Audi , do solemnly swear that ll I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yolk. I. ? and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ► -1' p R.) L••ei.. and l according to the best of my ability, ace. 1 . (Signed) !l•tl�� Su Subscribed and sworn before me this o I £ day of . . , -- - , 18 i (Signed) ��/ " v/T ` , - (S I ( Title E I . - �• . n 123 Oath of Office. 6.1 W illiam.00 Law Book Co..IWeh•ater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /oaid ss. • 4 Ifrand of C,._�lySSee/ I, •4.P_.SAn /. geOPIP ' , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /aW--x..) 4e.P ., I according to the best of my ability. �f,, / ' � (Signed)44.6eh2 / Meer Subscribed and sworn t• before me this '/ Sid day of I j , 19f (Signed) / i/�.. / Title f i.'. . 1 Oath of Oelee. 60 W IIIlaname Lew Seek Co..Rochester.N.T. k. STATE OF NEW YO K i. COUNTY o Arm re-no is 88. t� l. f I , do solemnly swear that I will support the ConstitUnited States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 6—Wc4>e.C. is 1Y:. L according to the best of my ability. - i.. (Signed) �lf*'L_ ‘ f6eer V' : Subscribed and sworn to bal. me this • t.• (Signed) ht. • �%r# •• - S' ed) �� •,< • o , / 0: Title 1 , • 124 '' Oath of Mee. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Nuehsbr,N.T, Oath of 0• STATE OF NEW RH STATE COUNTY Y OF /� .�/ ss• COUN //-lUw of //11 I, 6%?.S/18 /,z. ge PGr/9• , do solemnly swear that I, I will support the Constitution of the-United States and th Constitution/ the to of New York, I will a t9 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of / ( ��/2 and t, according to the best of my ability. acco " (SignedOWL ' ` Subscribed and sworn to • •fore me this Sub jag . ' of l!.i/. ,-d� , 186 p 1 (Signed) . _ _ ,t%-- (Sign- Title :1 i • Ow of o�, o.e►.r fs Williamson Low Book c..,Boe oler. L STATE OF NEW YOe, SPA CO OF CO t - Bs. /+of I, /_C16646 4/.fl� L , do eoletil7 swear thst ! I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New I I .�I � ` Yaet. - and that I will faithfully discharge th duties of and •• s - L, :::::::t a ". ,. _,, Su.'to .'fore this I t>� fl ,.//_ �/ 4. • �� . 180 (Sign_. /%t, • %� (S • i, - I Title11 i� 1 I r .dam Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Co.,Rochoter.N.Y. I STATE OF NEW YORK ' COUNTY OF N...•%7Etia-te.I . ss. - of �-P .. I, Ft-44e &wawa, , do solemnly swear that 1\ I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully disch e the duties of .34640wagea.0 _ according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,• .day of , 19_ (Signed) Title t , i Oafh of oelee. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Aaebeater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YO K COUNTY OF ss. • of Zet.SSA0 I, f� � , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of / V'•'x. - .- according to the best of my ability. . . . , :, .. i e ....) e' , Sub +� t; scribed and sworn -,ore me this i ` --E-.- -=_day of - , 194 - : (Signed) _i i . Title fi.- et . .. :rfl `� f I I Oath of Otani. 67 W illiamaun Law Book C...H.rth.+t.r.N.Y. Oath of O ' 1 1 I' .i STATE OF NEW YORK STATE i COU TY OF # J. ss. COU I if{ I of (��ia ." �I I, ar , do solemnly swear that I, i i I will support th Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will s and t = j 1 ; I and that I • faithfully discharge the duties of S 1 ' I I according to the best of my ability. acco 11 ! i f I (Signed) o6cc 1 ! 1 I I Subscribed and sworn to be ore me this Sub f da• o _/.'_. , 19 i ' (Signed) %� - �. (Sign, r Ii 1t 11 Title it I I + 1 1 ; I : I ;1 I rl 1 'I , I 1. Oath et Office. ! Oath et d I 69 W I%%am nn law Boot Co..aotMdtT.N.T. I 11 STATE OF NEW YO I STA I ; CO OF o ea. , CO i of I, , do solemnly swear that I • '1 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. 1 and that I will faithfull and •, 1 �. •acharge the duti� of — ! according to the best of my ability r ace. ` I ( ti . 1 • I I Subscribed and ewo (Signed) i L:.�+ Su. . `I rn to bef " me this O�IeK J et of w.� i- t. /�" 18 ?. (Signed) A A . Z1tt4 , r (S• - Title I1 I . 127 • Oath of Mee. 69 Williamson Law Book Cu..Itochaster.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUN OF ,/ ss. _iQ�if�4x✓ of ea I, lefill frA4C6 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Fdietedrearecte 6 eay according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this /far day of , 19,14 • (Signed) � � f ` aet Title Oath of Mete. i9 Williamson Law Book Co.,1toehmter.N.T. STATE OF NEW YORK .. e COU OF 85. of i'dE I, "Caret , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of according to the best of my ability. n� (Signed) 1 OteC • t Subscribed and sworn to efore me this 19-_day of , 19W (Signed) Ai.,. . eete- : Title -` tt r�. 7 , on. 12R , Oath of Olken 6'l W illi•mwo Ian Book Cu..Ifuch,ter,\.T. Oath of Oxfam ' ! STATE OF NEW YORK STATE 0 _ . I COU TY OF —#24r.f.ed-ras ss. COUNTY I 1 of -u� 1. - I. I'pL' Oaf!/y ' , do solemnly swear that I, tI will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will sup• and that I will faithfully dis ge the duti of and that -ietz LI according to the best of my ability. according I !I (Signed) .. .- Subscn. - - Subscribed and sworn before me this op X64 yof , 1901 I I (Sign• i/,� i . tr.. (Signed; I 1 Title i I I I 3 t : _ .t� Oatt of Mina Oath et . 69 Williamson Law Book Co..laeMteratY. j STA A STATE OF NEW YO CO CO OF . . as. Ntp ____of_______f4tst __ I, I, , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yet' I will I fi I and that ' faithfully discharge the duties of and /'- �_• N according to the beat of my ability, acco r l / i (Signed) etc - 4 t Sub Subscribed and sworn .:fore me this 0 day of � �.L`: i- .- � 19� (Signed 4 .. . ��s4i (Si: . ,' ' ��� ,a I Title 1. II I \r, .- . - - _ I 120 - Oath cf 01&e. 6u Williamson Law Book Co..Huebnter.N.Y. I STATE OF NEW YO _ COUNTY OF . $s. f�LL � � t I, 4:€44:141-1 4r:% 'U , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, i and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of a,........, eanitida., ... . . according to the best of my ability. (Signed) galca r as _ (Ater Subscribed and sworn A before me this 17 day of . , 19 ! (Signed) A . �� /3! . .�_' j ._.,.a.�— i Title i I i I I Oath of Wee. 49 Williamson Law Book Co.,Boebeater.N.Y. J t • STATE OF NEW YOR I COUNTY OF - ss. 1 • of ?' I, SeiCicd , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • It and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I•' * i h' according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Lag 41W441 �t Meer i et ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this . . �. of 19� . (Signed) L// A. i .. Title I. • 1 . i rI il 1 131 i Oath of Orlin. Williamson Law Book Co., ,a•:r-\.T. OWN of Office.IIII i' :.. i I c' 1 STATE OF NEW YO STATE OF .1 t i :, COU TY OF as. COUNTY O j. ' al 3 I, //� L� / . do solemnly swear that I, i •- a I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will suppo j;I ! and that I will faithfully disc rge the duties of and that I according to the best of my ability. / according to � iG (Signed Meer nti Subscribed and sworn to before me this Subscribed -- i Set day of ihnet.47 181 /9' ;jj (Sed) � (Signed) Title t; L. II 1 j, Oka el Ofem . i7 Oath of . - Williamson Law Book Co..aoter.ftT. , STATE OF NEW YO STATE j ! CO OF - CO 88. of l4uj I J ����o - , do solemnly swear that I' I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York I will s 1 ' i and that I wil ithfully discharge the duties and . - 1 ea of ` sa • _ — i ' according to the best of my ability. accord' Cleo ,[� t (Signed) 1/—� { sworn to fore me this oAica Subscribed and awo Sub ... is day of_ �— , 18 {(Signed) (Si.Si . y Title li ii I 11, a / 131 'r .Kr. Calk of Otte. 69 W illiam on Law Book Cu..Noekuter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 4��'� /' .ri ss. Stair-- of ter2lee , do solemnly swear that ork, I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of fir according to the best of my ability. (Signed .4 Meer Subscribed and sworn to • •fore me this in day of a—/i. 19 � ,. (Signed) A- -i Title E 1K r Oatk of OEle. 69 Willlamm eka �law Hook Ca..Bater.N.Y. 1 • STATE OF NEW YORK ! s I COUNTY OF. ss. t I. as , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Ne�v York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of V. L , 1 1 according to the best of my ability. ' / J ' `: (Signed) ac , CMleer Subscribed and sworn to before me this i —/r day of , 1.91—f Cf (Signed) / _• , • % _ gar_ " " .. Title ii i 4 �:j 132 4 • , q Oath of Othee. 67 Williamson Law Book Co..ltuehaa4r,N.Y. Oath of Ottke. a J STATE OF NEW YORK STATE C 1 11 F COUN Y OF �„° - 1l ss. COUNTY I 1 • of LAO . 1 I j I, �e i64� �.5 , do solemnly swear that I, — i' I will sup: I � � I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, IY and that I will faithfu discharge the duties of • and that !.I according to the best of my ability. according (Signed)W Subscribed and sworn to .-fore me this Officer Subscribe • ��� day of L__... 194 /•14 1 (Signed) ��,. . - . - (Signed). Signed) '_ `� Title • ! •: F f 11j Oath of Mee. Oath of os>. 69 W IB4nuoa Law Book Co..Bnhnter.N•r 1`II- I . STATE OF NEW YOR STATE COUN OF as COUNTY Hof t. S I, i - �� , do solemnly swat +t I' — I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Na Yorlr, I Will sup ;�11 i and that I will faithful] 'scharge the duties of and that i I Fri , 1 , • L 1 according to the best of my ability. accordin: " I (Signed) ' I , . - ,, ,. e.4 •A .1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this ' . Subacri.• i' //^ day of / - , 18 (signed) t" ; i . Or . (signed .a - , Title 1 ; .: . ; ( 1I , Ii1l ,,° . ,. Ian 1 Oath of Ofre. in Williamson Law Book Co..toeboter,N.Y. . ; STATE OF NEW YORK : COUNTY OF !dart:. ss. e ,V I, /72�c-- Aidesrs , do solemnly swear that II 11' I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, 1� _ i _ and that I will faithfully discharge the duties o�f, ii I, ' l according to the best of my ability. I I i +,i - .* (Signed .`-. 11\--; Q .-3 jl ,, Officer ' 1, Subscribed and sworn • before me this " lea; day of �•_.- - - , 19 6'� It . i (Signed) fl_'_ ,l Title r: i Oath of Mee. 19 Will Wawa Law Book Co..aoeMder.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK ' COUNTY OF 88. . I, � � ��g ° — , do solemnly must that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, a !. and that I will faithfully ' charge the duties of ; i 1 ' i according to the best of my ability. • i.. (Signed) 4..'fi Subscribed and sworn to before me this I tt day of it cy , 19 F (signed) , e_ fi{ aeorci %.,XrSe ' Title • Ili. A i .13 ' Oath of Office. 69 W illiamwn Law Book C•u,kAch•atrr•N.Y. Oath of 011fee. i 1 1I It STATE OF NEW YO STATE OF ;il II COUNTY OF A� ss. COUNTY 0" S dat •it rilsr / d I 19 I, o solemnly swear that I, Al It' I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will suppo• ri l and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that I - L . , 1 4 ! according to the best of my ability. according to `k (Signed) .„ A rJz A 4/v/ G Officer 1 Subscribed and sworn • before me this Subscribed �. : . vl day of . .._ . — , 19V. �S 1 i (Signed). l -- • • (Signed) - /' 1 Title • 1 I j ' .1 E I '{ Oath erl Moo. �9 ow ot . 11 Williamson Law Boot Co..BocMatcr.N.Y. I 1 STATE OF NEW YORK / STATE i 1 I ? I COUN OF i'•'���"' } ns. COUNTY �of [ ' •!_.O ? I, i =� I _, do solemnly swear that Ie will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will su' '• is ; and that I will faithfully disc ge the duties of and that according to the best of my ability, accordin " /J .I (Signed) /D Subscribed • and sworn • • "fore me this Officer Subacri day of .. i '19 �� 1 (Signed �/ �a � li • e . • (Signed Title • i' i , - • 13 Oath of 015n. 49 Williamson Law Book Co..HoeMstrr•N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK II - C_UN,TY OF - / ss. /6ru-sJ of - - I, /Pane eel 301;Ceig , do solemnly swear that i I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ;j •• ,I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 4-1/1 �� �- ii �i 1i according to the beat of my ability. (i ,; II (Signe ' t i Officer G Subscribed and sworn to fore me this it -C ,,!' /� yof , 19�y i (Signed) /jam /))///�- .._....far/� it • -Ned' �/�� ' Title I ;I 1 . i 1 ii Oath of Off. 0 W ilso n Law Dort Co..11oe4+4i X.T. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF. 85. of `7 I, �lCIfita- , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of L i according to the best of my ability. 1E 4 (Signed)_ c"r°' ���`"'-" I Subscribed and sworn to ore me this � I da• of , 192 •• s.. (Signed) �` "'e_. . -- _ i 1 Title 1 Ii I I i 13P • 1 Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..ltueht.trr.N.Y. Oath of Oen. • I 1 STATE OF NEW YORK / STATE OF COUNTY OF C���G6e?i2 '/�G ss. COUNTY f 1 u \ I �of ! / e • ' I, _ . ../..4......___4 Of—AIL-- _APP , do solemnly swear that I. I • I will support the Constitution of th nited States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will sup. . and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that I I Ad. /ham f - 1 T- t ; according to the best of my ability. according 1 - 1 . I (Signed) re?-4//: Subscribed and sworn to before me this Subscribed • � ! ` i ! /9aday .f 41• , 19_ ? �9 . i.• ; I (Signed) / ►%� I; (Signed) dr -� � � - Title f I ; . 1-' 1 ii I f Oath a:0e{ee. 60 Oath of •• - - Williamson Law Book Cm.RceM+te'r.N.T. ,11 . 1 STATE OF NEW YORK i. STATE I . . COUNTY OF . I as. • CO 1 of 7.arde,,J 1: , - I, ,AIAfir. lit do solemnly swear that I, - - J-ift.: I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will au t 1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that - i1 . I i according to the best of my ability. N___-- accordi , i I c I2I,. IL I (Signed) ./ ' Subscribed and sworn to bef%re m this �/ Meer 5ubscri. /90 day of 1%.at.- , , 19 d7" 4L (Signed) __ kts..4 �- �. (Signed \ .. n.��i -, , -, a Title - , I ' I i f j f . 137 _ Oatk of OI&e. 69 W Illiamwn Law Book Cu..Its/theater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF r/) ss. 1i Of _ PI I, , do solemnly swear that II II • I will support the Constitution of t e United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, i ,: and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ; I i IF according to the best of my ability. I I! 6 ( II (Signed) i ii o®txr ` . • Subscribed and sworn to before me this /` f li T . . � ... /9�day o/ a , I9X f (Signed) �I//. . . . f r A Gi / Title il. • i i I 1 Ir I I I " Oath et 0Sce. 69 WOlktwana Law Doak Co.ausbesler.ILY. 1 _ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF < <n .' k.-04-7.1 ss. i J rtof . . - I, 410/ /_ - /.49 ,(Jf ese %�lL--AL - , do solemnly swear that t.. I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of - • ji .. t according to the best of my ability. I ./IR ,. ■ (Signed)) a rin6eN1 y .\nflut� I V t S ubscribed and sworn to . :y 1 ore me this rte— y'day 0 tad , 19 (Signed) ,a!:L _„ . { , _ c Title ■ ' t . 13R i j I . I �- i !; ilk T 'i Oath of Met. 6J umaun Law Book Cu..Ituehaat.r.N.Y. Oath of Olfiee. W ill I I ( ! , i STATE OF NEW YORK STATE I 4. f ! COUNTY OF 155. COUNT!' I III f Sof y 1 ,l I, L' )1 Q.h u.' / L, , do solemnly swear that I, y Iii I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will su• , I I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and that I --ear C aso 1 II i i 1 I according to the best of my ability. accordin:- Ii + ' .1 (Signed) �i / _ ice �!- . . , Subscribed and sworn t`fore me this i Subscn• /7 day of .[.� , 19_2134 .% r ' -I (Signed) �/ lib�I�All (Signed fi. { -1_i ,, c I Title ! k II . I I I 11 oath of Wee- 69 Williamson Law Hoek Ca.Raehrater.N.Y. Oath of ' STATE OF NEW YORK STA COUNTY OF as. E CO J of • ' I, f `"` ex_ f 6"`" w , do solemnly swear that I, ! I I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, f I will i I�, j. . I t and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I and i / \ i,, e I according to the best of my ability. acco . E (Signed) Subscribed ' p d and sworn to .efo me this O�leer Sub- // day lit Is I _. , (Signed) / 17� . fir./, _ dr 1 Taje ' I is I _ l . • , 13^ z Oath of Office. 69 W illiamwn Law Book Co..Roehuter.N.Y. ii is STATE OF NEW YORK _ -"ti COUNTY OF �0 } ss. } Pw� of l �S� ;, y I, girt ato_e feti Lt/tD N , do solemnly swear that I� I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, Ilt and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of / H 1 ,� a /L. �r (� rG If according to the best of my ability. 1; h. (Sign s' -• - —- i{ Officer ht Subscribed and sworn to • fore me this it �/J✓ ,tom of I _ , 19 �. (Signed) .I//u - AV- 40 , if � e Title ii ;{ i I 1 1 1 .. Oath et Oleo. SD Williamson far Book Co..Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK _________— COUNTY OF 4� ss. 1 ?L of 1-1/r.eC I, _ - I i` , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that will faithfully discharge the duties of 454--/C1-221- _ / I according to the best of my ability. ' (Signed) i IItA,. `wen ; Subscribed and sworn , • :fore me this day of !- / , 19% 1 (sin ./,= • ii i .,�., ...Sir/ /_ Title y i i , • - dI. 1 14(1 . Oath of Glare. 69 Will uR n as R.mk Cs..to.rr.).i Oath of ••: STATE OF NEW YORK STA Y { '. COUNTY OF /0,k, ' SS• COUN i � -1 of !1 f 7-,97 I, el-rA,09Ple , 4e∎Som&'%- , do solemnly swear that I, I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. I will and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and t. II I according to the best of my ability. acco . i1 - �. V. i (Sign i�i/ice s.'� _ Meet Sub I,„ I Subscribed and sworn t.-before me this I sO day of I �� , 19. ' i 1 _ I (Signed) aim i - (S•: , i Title I 1 Oath of Omee. O 69 Williamson Law Hook Co.RotkAtt.MM. !r STATE OF NEW YORK - ST CY OF - C AO: of k • - do solemnly away ti,at I will support the Constitution of the United rtt I - I" tt o ed States New Y and the Constitution of the State of ; I and that I will faithfully discharge a. B the duties of �.�_ i _�/��'- according to the beat of my ability. - • Subscribed and sworn to . ! (Signed) 71 ore me this o " r ' ' I, - /.- day of ! (Signed) /14 . - !n . 1 , ILA.:/. • I I Title I i aI • i. 141 1 1' Oath of Olfire. 69 Williamson I.aw Book Co.. Ruchaatar•N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /cif X//IS ss. 1 Al of (friCe—S , j I, A/1 tCe%� 1� , do solemnly swear that } I 1 • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I /41/74.44205i° I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of il =Y., It I A. I according to the best of my ability. (Signed) a g / / it z fl ' � icy) 1 r Officer Subscribed and sworn A before me this !i I ill , of p.. - I9 11 (Signed) / ,Lei __Pr_ -xi €-C, i J C !} lTitle I 4 1 I I r. . 1 Oath of Mier. 69 Williamson Law Hook Co..Hael,ater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK __COMITY OF 741/17 / il.A as. // 10-2CJ of l/Z[„/S. -es r . I, — k'c%et/ (/ )/ � , do solemnly swear that } '•C; I will support the Constitution of the United States and Constitution of the State of New York, 09 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of e/rzt ,itp,es� I t \ } according to the best of my ability. I ��� (Signed) l \ ■ O�eer Subscribed and sworn • • fore me this I D' day of -- -. , 19�� fi: (Signed) Z, 5 .i/ I•••. �I «c L _ Title : { 1 • •r.. . . r. ii j� i 1 Oath of Ogee. 69 Williamson Law Hook Cu..Hoehotsr.N.T.. Oath of . { I STATE OF NEW _ STAT 'LINTY OF �� 1=—rco as. COU 'f-r'C' of ,(( eC - I, 4/77 Me/U/t , do solemnly swear that I, I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Cons tution of the State of New York, I I will and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 6 ,970 Z G ,-J and . i according to the best of my ability. acco (Signed)",aiie A L��.l C(d -t ' a . + 4 1 Ma I Subscri i-i . d sworn tii;for a this I Sub- / • _ ' k • of /I�,,,/ , 19L (Signed) / Ol- Le. I (S' W.a:t_ i{ Title _ • + l I II • I I� IOffice.Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Hoot Ca.7oeka4T•R7: • STATE OF NEW YORK - 1I COUNTY OF a / as. I I i Of 4 —S II I' I, AP e r — A. A 'L' d / do solemnly swear the ill !: I will support the Constitution of the United States and the instil ion of the State of New Yotl4 l i and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of -. et Ste/• _� °�'�- l ii according to the best of my ability. . ' ' I u5.} (Signed)- + >`.� �' ` ISA ): Sul'acribsdd sworn to fore met "`'; X11?? i f this v, -, 1t - :a:�: (Signed) //..�/ /"'/d s,� ` i i /ate ♦'I ; r -gar t T Title ' F4': ' , • 1Hca�s l u 143 Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Lac Book Co..Itucbnter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF � d ss. oof ,SS'PS I, // ��/ 23q,.,/Ie �/ , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of. t ke:V.0 -"1--Nc ot?t'I2'i 1$ ,i I 1. 1 II I 1 according to the best of my ability. I, (Signed) W.Afelir Z Officer III _ Subscribed and sworn to before me this i+ I! ` dO2 day of alter �/I , 19 fir 1I{ (Signed) pj ' I! �� Co . Title 11 I. (t l 1 j: Oath of Mos. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Aacbnter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 1/41b7/9 CO. of 7 e I, _£7 �r ant A/ , do solemnly swear that 1 I I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Lc/ en44 f/PC.� . i t' l according to the best of my ability. I (Signed) 0 J1 ti. N. . mamas"-- Subscribed and sworn to be ore me this oueer {{. (Signed) // . . . • �. wisrAi /� - -— x Title :: a. :FL • i:: :- 1 r_. / 144 . I i ; Oath of Olen. 67 Williamson Lase N Book Cu.. .ehnt.r.\.T. Oath o[ , STATE OF NEW YORK STA ; ! — / 11 1 j COUNTY OF Dile,anS • ss. CO ■ I a lOCCnC/ of t ,s(/ p / I, �k- Egfdc q[ , do solemnly swear that I, l I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will /1/-,� n ��, �'/ °. and I ' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of. 4r�! 1 1 I 1 according to the best of my ability. acco (Signed) f Offieer • I Subscri.-. and sworn to before met •: Sub day of —"LT/ , 1,.. i (Signed) JA" (S •. {1.: 4 t Title IiI 1 ' Oath at 06ke. I 69 Williamson Law Rook Ca.aacMter.N.T. STATE OF NE.' YORK . ClIIXTY OF C I as. • /04-0'x/ of ` _/ SSPS I, .a/i-. AWL, t , do solemnly swear I I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution ,f the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties pt i !�° ifs - ' y(C I 2 i g i according to the hest of my ability. - i /• (Signed) a/i t- ./ ,/.A /i so; 'bdnd sworn to before me thi C �. :y of F E Ia (signed .,/. i _ / I ; ft- ,•G a/ ., 1 Title 1 1 • _145 f 4=• 1 Oath of Ohre. 67 Williamson 4w Book Cu..kucheater.N.Y. I i STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF / ss. _ \I of <gee; 1 I, G/"//- 90 C'/7 , do solemnly swear that •1 I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the Stale of New York, pi as/' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of .}f 2 '.a�r� ..--Z 2 (( ii I I (I according to the best of my ability. Ili � (Signed) ' ." 1 i Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this Officer I. day of / - , I9— '� (Signed) i '' -let It ,. Title I I. i c I - Oath of Office. in Williams,.Law Rack Co..Roehnter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ss. of 0 I, G-..--o--- , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of AiTn-Al/Ctl2' kigernOiy( 1 ZN51--C-rO ie- 1 o according to the best of my ability. �}� (Signed)" c.—° " f Ofeeee I = l Subscribed and sworn me this •• Y day o , 19"! (Signed) ' - / ' ,a= . � . . *.• s Title y ly: • fi3 7' ky- ta. tti,.• : 11 Oath of Mee. 67 Williamson Law Book Ca..EscMnttr.N.Y. Oath of I� STATE OF NRK STA t E_ YO i COUNTY OF 461Xe�xO ss. i of 16 � / i , E/.s cL e /loeZ' , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the,�State of New York, I will +! and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of f�� e t/R AE e%e/,a.v Sa3stkY '*' and • • 11 1 according to the best of my ability. acco � ' (Signed) t �F ebie j Subscribed and sworn to before me this e`er Sub �Y of le , 19 • (Signed) l �/�Lce-' 6 Title Oath of Otte. SO Williamson taw Book Co..BxMattt•x't STATE OF NK a ST COUNTY OF *Lei - B8 -0 was f AST • / ` /- '� , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and t Constitution of the State of New Yoh' I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of an according to the best of my ability, a: Subscribed and sworn to fore me this (Signed) S OAka day of , (Signed) JAtf "��_' i Title 14'7 H 1 1 i I N.Y' Oath of Mee. 69 Williamson Law Book G..•ttucbater.N.Y. i i • STATE OF NEW YORK 1 COUNTY OF ;� —+� ss. I •• � of [i s'PS ! that I, 14N� -5/ cii - , do solemnly swear that '!1 ork, I I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, l he, i and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Nee- 0/ i4-x CS t i f according to the best of my ability. i (Signed) 'A i (18it cr It - I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 'i • /ate day of dige-ai(' �19 Si Ii (Signed) ., '' 0<� ry :, 1 Title II It Ii i 1 Oatk of(Mee. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Aoekatet.N. At STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ss. •. ' ouJ-n of / ' e . ;that I, TNLHftS IclE/T Z , do solemnly swear that ■ . I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, •alit and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of lig. ticl0.11')c ,d • !1-/6.4.8 t according to the best of my ability. 1:• (Signed) — 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this ! . - • (Signed) i - ,_.r / - Y 'Title e y.. • I 1 1 • I. 1 14s W illiaun Law Book Co..HuMr,N.Y. Oath of O .67 Oath of Office. . STATE OF NEW YOB: STATE CObN Y OF /, ss• COU• of ' , /�,e/ ,S A/.,/� ` I, p-ar , do solemnly swear that I. I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the (;pnatitution of the State of New York, I will su ` and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of \ �/4e-- and tha Iaccording to the best of my ability. accordi ; 1 I (Signedaln'H Cann Officer Subscribed and sworn before me this Subscri �O� et day of a • I . I9�'� i (Signed) (Sign Title " I 1 I7 i Jit{ 1 1 ! I Onto of Oelee. Oaths! . ,.I! i7 Williamson raw Hook Co..Rxk+h6 N.Y. STATE OF NEW/YORK _ STA J9 TY OF X17 _ �__ . } BB. CO• 1 • • c of s S., a % .� 1 j J I, Fa 1 �� $� I do solemnly ewer that 1 1 1 I will support t e Constitution of the United States and e Constitution i f the s too New I will cork, I+ I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Ai 1i/,. -_- t' / - and I- I according to the best of my ability. acco (Signed) </.A/ I • / / �� i Subscribed and sworn, before me this OtFlew Sub �� of , 19, (Signed) %,��_ -�_ ..�.i (Si: . i L Title i ; i "i 7 ' 149 I . Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Rook Co..Rocbcater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW Y•• : . I lj / I/ II I, //7er ill e S. Stoyer , do solemnly swear that ' I will ::7: z:::L:::::r he Co States and the Constitution of the ow Yorkties of l I according to the best of my ability. Ii (Signed) A f Officer i Subscribed and sworn to fore me this !i II - !/�o` day of , 1'J'—' f ? i i (Signed) ,1,`'. �� I ace it 1 Title I{ l 0 d of 1 1 - I Oath of Oelee. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Bocheater.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUN OF 1 ss. J I, ..rA: ....eA. ! , do solemnly swear that ' I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York,■ and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of dr—t—t 'r 1 e • - <l) I t according to the best of my ability. ((La' 1 (Signed) 7Q �t� -- Meer I '~ e, Subscribed and sworn to before me this ` of , 19d6 r I . (Signed) ,/.. 0S _ •• ... _ i 64.....1 Title f•?,` _ - . . ' • 150 . ; .I Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Cu.,Ituebster.N.Y. Oath of •. H STATE OF NEW YORK STATE + + i COUNTY OF ss. CO Il �of .I1.1Y _ _ .. ,.`i . I, do solemnly swear that I, 1 + ' I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution ?f the State of New York, I will su•. I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of. ����" ��'� ��� and that ' ii r + = according to the best of my ability. acco I; (Signed) C 4 ( Subscribed and sworn to before me this Subscn• I , �.(4' of .,_c,t_' g 1 I i (Signed)'21.1 _Si (ginned • ! ;. / Title X111. ;I I , Oath of Wee. OW et .. I 4 69 W illlam.on Low Hook Co..SaeMte*.N.Y. i STATE OF NEW YORK STA CO COUNTY OFD _ �i�� sa.I. ;.+ of �A ' �/ / . I, I, ��_ !��/ , do solemnly swear that -I I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will j,. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties o "2/ _ „ -- and • - acco •• according to the best of my ability. (Signed) ��.f � �� -r - D Sub . ' • I Subscribed and sworn to before a this omen .. i of — , 18 (Signed) = . / ►.���. Y--- (Sign. Title • ia id. • 151 Oath of 05cr. 0 Williamson Law Hook Co..Huckster.N.Y. • STATE OF N)W_XORK COUNTY OF /G� ss. of I, ales, 0 —sc� J��ifa+,,ceer , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 11111 according to the best of my ability. 4 i (Signed) t � It Subscribed and sworn t fore me this • .056 .day of , 19C It (Signed) _ , i _ . • •• t Title • ° 1 Oath of Mkt. 69 Williamson Lew Hook Co..Roehotcr.N.Y. • STATE OF NEW YO J CO OF sa. of C I, t : fit 1��� , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and t titut on of the State of New York, • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ / " '� • according to the best of my ability. (Signed) wen Sub. and sworn .=fore me this ,,y • off+ , 19rs (Signed) .f ./ Title fi' I . i 15? Oath of Olere. 67 Williamson Law Book Co..f4rtAatn.\-Y. Oath of •.• STATE OF NEW Y K STATE I' COU Y OF /4", ss. COQ 1 I, —.1 G1_ a , do solemnly swear that I, , j! , I will support the Constitution of the united States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will su 1. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties o r and tha - 2 1 according to the best of my ability. acco . , f — / (Signed) - -- i a • ���-'., Meer Subscn. Subscri.> . and sworn . fore me this LOS i _ day of j ' , Ig �J_ I ; /J' ;' . � (Sign � (Signed —...-.0/P!.. . a.G.G Title • • I ' Oath of Wm. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..aocnte6N-Th at ' STATE OF NE : STATE J si I, :SAMIC a do solemnly swear that I+ I will support the Constitution of the United States and he Constitution of t• - State of New York. I wil1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /1� and . ' ili according to the best of my ability. accordi I' (Signed) - Sub; •• and swo . .'fore me this l2 Sub • 4y of _ / � 190', (Signed) /hi 0 . LCD i . .�.< ., • (Sign . Title • . 153 Oath of Ofhee. £5 Williamson Law Book Co..Ruehutee.N.Y. 1 STATE OF NEW YO ,J 'JOLTY OF J , ss. �, f --ot f÷Ceeggc _ I, 2'e'v 72/tC4' , do solemnly swear that I will support 1 pport the Constitution of the United States and the Co�: 'tution of the State of New York, i; and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ / -'� �-� - ■ -.--' t Ji 1i I according to the best of my ability. �t, /• i' - It (Signed) HI 2. _ /. - . .:.,_..s... . 11 1. Sud sworn to Ire re me this i day of ! 1 (Signed) ///..al./ , / _. IU Title it 1 1 1 • I Oath of Office. fig Williamson L.Beek Co..Rochester.N.Y. . STATE OF NEW YO . O- t./ /_ _� V 8S. • �of . _ -..` ,S - I, �o��oc k a do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of C -�r - _ �id' . 1 according to the best of my ability. "� •Q(Signed) Odker � Subscri and sworn •# fore me this • y of £ -' - , 1ss (Signed /1� ,. Z --At.- I" _ Title ii 1 111. Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..IWcbantn.N.Y. Ostk of Office. t'l ) I1 .. STATE OF NEW STATE O I i, : COUNTY OF /6 //,fJ ss• COUNTY Ii i; , of Gl PS II i, ,Z Ynl 0 9 e n e. 4l . N c r. S (id R T N , do solemnly swear that I, ;� I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will au and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of. and that it ' according to the best of my ability. acco I l I, f I , — LI i (Signed - -- - ! • I ` ` `, Subscribe and sworn is r fore me this M� p� Subsea . day of , 19 3 - !I (S� / /j -fr - (Signed) i Title 1 li 'l i i II I, - ! Oath of Wm.f 69 Williamson Low Book Co..Reektster.N.T. Oath of rI it STATE OF NEW YORK STA ': -C .I CXY OF—,�. As. CO ti.: I of �'=� _Ad I'/ / ♦ / , do solemnly swear that I. • f I will support the Constitution of the United States and th itution •f he S to of New York, I 5.I ` ? - - and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of a .:. ., ' ./ - and according to the best of my ability. acco (Signed) sa.ats Subscri and sworn fore me this Sub. day of 1 � i (Signed) (Si: " 0 • Title N. 15 I� Oath of Ot6ee. 67 Williamson Law Book Co..Rothoter.N.Y. • I STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF mtipfn[vim z0-1 ss. • v"' of T I, . 71J ace , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, 4 eater and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Sm' according to the best of my ability. // /La (Signed i officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this !! ' 66' 124-asse--day of _, 19 9r (Signed) /a.t __: Of ar i Title n 1` ;� i Oath of oftle.. 0 Willimm.nn taw Bonk Ca.soeheter.N.Y. • . STATE OF NEW YO;41 ry . /.�: - _�_ sa. g_tof „` .� S . ' I, ��S,« /040'6 i , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Co tt ution of State of NeweYork, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of according to the best of my ability. f) (Signed) �!�% ti Subscribed and sworn a • ore me this -6l- --day of —e._ . , 19j t (Signed) •# ff • • ._ - Title i i • l / 15R oat),of Moe. 6t1 Williamson Law Hook 4..Hochtater.\.Y'. , Oath at (' STATE OF NEW YZRK STATE 1 I COU Y OF so. COU 1 of L�lly.S• -QJ I ' I, _ _ 6, If - . _....t , do solemnly swear that I, Illi '' t i I will support the Constitution of the.United States and t e onstitutio}n,,of the' to of New York, I will s • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of � j ,,Z— and 41 1 11 I' eg.eth-;4.d 1/44=4"..ii00-Ae--S-4./ 1 according to the best of my ability. acco 1 I I (Signed) ` Officer Subscribed and sworn to fore me this Su' _day of 19,95-e- - (SignedVae 7-0ed ,`/.CE X ck (S.: . -- f� Title I I 1 I I ;. II Oath of Oelee. Oath�.? _ 69 W l llamann Law Book Co..naeoeater.l'f•t. 1.1 1 STATE OF NEW YOR ' ST 11 6 f. OF ,./J' ¢/ '8, C iF e' of `�i Ir: I, i i i �, , do solemnly swear that 1 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ' ! and that I will faithfully discharge the duties an ' 0.f2iL�fL1 according to the best of my ability. a b 1 t III; / ) S 'ac,rid and sworn ore me this e ' S zi" / day o , 1 / (Sign- '/lit • 40 a ('. Title ' l: J7 i Oath of Office. GU Williannwn law Beek Cu..BaeSato.S.Y. 4 • STATE OF NEW YORK j COUNTY OF L....Ler/P.l r.a/ ss. . ,` l �/yof Ci ��tia/ I, ✓ 7 7a_,r-, � t /, _ , do solemnly swear that • f . I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, i•, • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of v /t is according to the best of my ability. . ii 1• " , (Signed) MOh co / ` . . O I: Subscribed and sworn to before me this ; !I • // day of ,• , 19 76— H it s (Signed) 1 i! .. . Title i 13 = i! : ! I 1 •t 1 i i i ` ' i Oath at Oelee. i9 Willies*Low Bonk Co..laeheetc.N.Y. I 1 . j STATE OF NEW YO' :� OF - __/ 4.r;� J sa. j C<5 .f . .�/ti :. j I, ■ ♦2 'A G 41g. , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of f • k according to the best of my ability. '" �� (Signed) J s2s e.a, ft- h Subscri and sworn • •fore me this 1 , • of . 1 — ' 1 (Signed) An i �� Sy. ( ,Pule Ei 1I 15S I' ;1 ' ' I Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Lam Book co..14ah.ster,N.Y. sb Os of ' t.I STATE OF NEW YORK STA I iI COUNTY OF '10 ss. CO -I I I o-un- /ofdw i I I, 14 V) ij-41.c;;7. . , do solemnly swear that I� � `� I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will I � 141 .i and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of l /� 4'� ��9 and H lm& + � � a� I _I ( • .LI i according to the best of my ability. /� ^/s / ,{,�/ acco• L 24.' c - i � ' (Signed) Officer 1 1( I I 1 Subscribed and sworn to fore me this i Su. I ` . Aga- day of , 19.0 ( A - i. I. 1 i (Signed) - .G&lK. � ( .• '! Title 1..- 1. i : Oath Wee. 69 Williamson L.Book Co..Rae ttetr.N.Y. OW STATE OF NEWBRK ST i `. egLUNTY OF go ca ns. CO t 1 of 7. a I, e'YA C al , do solemnly ewtar that •• I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of-New York I • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and - i according to the best of my ability. ' 0 �. •. (Signed O.A-e • Subscribed and sw before me this�s O�eer Su 'I 9 day oo - , 19 IL, (Signed 4c+ (S. Title • i. . , I 15, 1 1 . { Oath of Oi6ee. 67 Willianuue L.soak Co.... .. .ter.N.Y. t STATE OF NEW YO COU Y OF I. ss. ' d I, are,/ � , do solemnly swear that 't 1 I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of � f 1 according to the best of my ability. , 111 (Sign �. il. Officer } Subscribefnd sworn fore me this G� p,l / i , : of � , 19n_ • (Signed) / ' 4- ,4 r' ' ii Titre I I`` p u II I 19 WOW.Law loot O0.7xhn4*.N.Y. - STATE OF NEK ' "Wirt OF /7/j�� ,t Li as. —261.101..._of lJ cce y I, �iJ K. �F.C�i(/F7T' , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Co t ution of the S tyf New Yo er.e, i and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of T , according to the best of my ability. �,�j/ t� �N�J� (Signed) )e / /� /���/I" F Subscribed and sworn to ore me this , : of lit— , 19 (Sign_, / /.__,/ ,- • de /. / Title 1 i1! ' 16 nn • Oath of Office. 6D W it liam.an Law Book C:o..l6thnt.r.S.T. Oath o •;, STATE OF NEW YORK • STA I. • � ss. C NTY OF n•• CO f�r7 of 7,0yi a I, "/1,2c (cam } i , do solemnly swear that I ' I will support the Constitution of the-United States and he Constitution of the Stet of New York, I ••••1;,j1 / ice +'!-,I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of -- �-- e v'-�= and � /2x, J i_!I .,; according to the best of my ability. aeco :;I (Signed) o�ca jj Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sub /OAday ,f a► , 197 AP (Signed) - � a� .i i (S': /./l • • • Title t i. I 1 :i . f ,I ' Oath of OMee. Oath. 69 WillLmano Law Boot Coo Rochester.X.T. . STATE OF NEW YORK ST . COUNTY OF � , .,yam CO r of 2 - .i.�/ / \ 4 I, Cc.- ,4?..iti - , do solemnly swear thst I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of th State of New York, ! and and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of .. i. - _ - leo I - .. i ( , according to the best of ray ability. ac (Signed) b_....: 10.4.t.-- Subscribed and sworn to before me this oeew Su. ____Zeda. ,f 0 19 (Signed) VS- 40 / Title {I{ f I ) 161 . � I I Oath of Other. 61 Williamson Law Book Co..Rootstown.n.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YO • - . COUNTY OF J. ss. 719-ar7 of , a f�/L'-� ,�,,/,/,' . I //e/fjt/- / 1 do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the onstitution of the State of New Yoric, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of E , D.C. , . according to the best of my ability. / l • Si ed. .��4 I'�/11.. . ( Sn • Officer • Subscribed and sworn to • fore me this .. /Q day of , 19—if- (Signed) ��� / . a. i I. • Title Il j �t ,1 •1 i I. I i I I • Oath of Office. 0 Walkman.raw Honk Co..Lek+hr.K.T STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF_d . ss. I i O-#r. .of ---Rpy � t I. 2..., , , d3 soleatnly' swear that I will auppo Constitution of the United States and he Constitution of the State of New Yort, i and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of • k 1- according to the best of my ability. ` t I t I i (Signed) C 'n- e i Subscribed and sworn to before . - this ! y i I of / - , 29� ii _./ _ (Signed) /ill j Title I I I i 1 I Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Cu..Fluehn4r.N.Y. Oath STATE OF NEW YORK ( ST. COUNTY OF e 7 � �r f sa' CO rt . , • �j,at of G///4 S k' f I, /Lf a./.7':. A / " ' - , do solemnly swear that ! I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ( I f 1 � and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of —' -e In Cr r el'v.. z v I I i • according to the best of my ability. a 6 (Signed)/1" . - - — Officer i Subscribed and sworn to fore me this S 1 , day o• i/-/ , 1993 • I / "ew I i Title i ; I ii I I F 1 lII II II .I I Oath a OMs,. I 69 Williamson Law Book Co.Iloektfrt. 'T. I STATE OF NEW YORK ICOUNTY OF Eo'A'A ,J 4_____ 88. • I.of L-Y �__sS I I, - o ii •'s f /E , do Bohm* emu that 1 .- I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yom I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of GOeGi_____ — I according to the best of my ability. i (Signed) ' I. and sworn to.i fore me this I Subecr •' .y of ., �, e 1915 .. (Signed) 41.4 .,-far . Title -t r^ . •• 160 Oath of 0114.. 6', Williamson law Book CO..IWekuter.N.Y. i STATE OF NEW YORK !' COUNTY OF '� ss. 1 ... , 11,20n- of it a a 1 I, a a, liai d 4 4 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the linked States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 4..rto according to the best of my ability. • (Signed) ��u / ��.��.// 4 Officer / . Subscribed and sworn to be re me this i I ,,20 d. of C , 19 fl/ (Signed) �/ . = ri I- , - (A- a 414-,KZ _ it Title I , I: {i II • 1 if Oath of Oap. an Williamson taw Book Co..aocbster.N.Y. • STATE OF NEW YORK � • COUNTY OF 0-761729S-16-1a° as. • r&s'J°u",t of 7 , i I �_ . do solemnly swear that , `, I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ✓( -, ( 4, At't 7 ti.feLtcy according to the best of my ability. AOs o(Signed) / S!1 /,. _c _; . . , ,o so em swear a I I will support t e Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, an • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of { ac according to the best of my ability. I , (Signed) kit,1 ra a 11.---• 44) Officer Su 1 I Subscribed and sworn to fore me this • _.1 1 3, r day of �j 11566/7� , 19��- 1 (signed), i /i_ /A' . Title _ i it I. . .1 I I : I r.XI' i W 1114mr,a Lw Hoek Ca Rat . 1 Outbid Cate. i7 iI 1 'i STATE OF NEW YORK r... { 1 , ' i j 11 COUNTY OF. ea. I i war of O /l�CS ' `ff x, /v(N�Y/iF /2_ -Gay/// , do solemnly swear that It ` i{ I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of New York' , I I 1 ' I \ 1 and tha will faithfully .ischarge the duties of { ,• 1 1 , ' l II according to the beat of my ability. 1 !' ii (sign_. /, . /otl e . lI Subscribed sworn to ore me this / • II _ of . . 4OC , 19c ' Title t , .: 1 i1� 1 1 1 1 , . .1 1 i 6 ' i .N.Y. Oath of Office. .� 67 Williamson Law Book Co..Nuehuter.N.Y. I STATE OF NEW YO'' COUN Y OF .s i ss. I that I, V . alas._ & ..a _A , do solemnly swear that • ork, I will support t /Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ' 11 I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of � 'w _ it according to the best of my ability. i 1 1 (Signed) .. �� ' i r °�� Subscribed and sworn to fore me this ; .�f day of sworn , 19 is (Signed) Si_ CP A- / . Title Il i 1 �f Ii I, 1 1 f i t Oath Willis/on lee. ID Willia'e Law Book Co..Roeheeter.N.7. i ice'• { ' STATE OF NE 1 • COUNTY OF /6c J���2 ss. �of i I, - —ZT ICS CL , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, 1 .. q and that I will faithfully disc duti f _u �GU YC , • • according to the best of my ability. JC^pr ti e t / (Signed) /' Meer Subscribed and awn •. before me this ��.l' /. , • of .Gt! _ 1�G, , 19a "`' c (Signed) ���� / j 4 _ Title • .; , - . :: is Oath of Ogee. 67 Williamson Law Book Co.,Rochester.N.Y. .. • STATE OF NE Y OF /90 "2'7-67%'GO as. of .!/. • I, S,(E- I.- i "ttfi, . , do solemnly swear that /J I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution he State f New York, pp and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of �� 21 RS according to the best of my ability. / - .. ( ... Lie . ,/ —.. �/.r LG� i • /i iieer Subs ribed and swornr6 before me this • (Signed) l ' C • l e> here ' ee ec"it . (7�1"Z,L Title . 7 • Oath of Mat. 69 Williamson Law Book Con Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YOR C L - COUNTY OF �`/6 72'��-77--o as. cof `�.(/� I. 0- nl'T//47e,tclr ,17011b)C_ , an solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties o Xti - — _ ea - , according to the best of my ability. Subscribed (Signed) L��^ a-�� �-= 1, and sworn to before me this o�ker as :f LGZG/ . 19 • (Signed) - , i / 'Title 1 1 I i -_ I _ . . - } 1_6-7 ■ Octh of Met. 69 Williamson Law Book C....Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NE jail&. COUN OF .40 ss. f _ ♦ i_ ' I, u et5 I R nt ID , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duti � Ss_____ .,t] 1 i according to the best of my ability. ;1, 4 i. (Signed) i Officer f tr. Sub ant. sworn to ,0 ore me this 'j /'/{ bey of i - / , 1 . (Signed) /11' / • i ' ' uJ 'E, ~ / 5, Title iF ,Z I. i f( ` i I i Oath of o6ke. 69 VI Ullman Ler Book Co..Rochester.N.T. .. STATE OF NEW OF l er . ss. CO�of v� I. JA (J , do solemnly swear that ? i "` I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, i and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ' .11.- j / // / / Gy%�'�GC �7�/ according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Jai.__ / ...t. < -I4 . Subscribed and sworn ; .-fore me this tg :':' .; (Signed) -11 . 41,113" 4 � i1 Title . , w . i 162 , Oath of Office. 63 Williamson Law Look re..'tabular.N.Y. Oath of On 1 i STATE OF NEW YORK STATE COUNTY OF 17-1,4-,-; ss• CO of -Ji I, 'vinr,^� Y r� , do solemnly swear that I I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ' I will a ! and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and t, bRi , of according to the best of my ability. acco 77/ (Signed) I, ch-�oyz. to Subscribed a d sworn fore me this Officer �• y of , 19g - -i (Signed) St i - Ii / dr ad.... mt. (Sign= 7 t "t I ( Title I I . Oath of Whoa c7 Oath.. w1116a ann Law Book Co..Hotxm.X.T STATE OF NEW�YO STA /�, 'Y,_OF, if 1i2i . ss..Lof I ii , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yset, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties and according to the best of my ability. a° ' ' (Signedt a-2a..�— Su artfo of 1 I !• (Signed) 4 " 'Ar . '.— >.1l• pr-. • (, Title ,1 s • • • • 169• • Oath of Oteer. 6J WMammon Law Book Co..N.cba+ter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK CO Y OF / • ss. of f / / eSe- c) I, yen U S w o 4TH , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of A /1 C I + /i yL according to the best of my ability. ' (Signed) Meer Subscribed and sworn a fore me this / of L ' - , 19 (Sighed) -ne . / ._____ NMI irt/Cr ./ Title i Oath of OMe.. 69 Williamson Lew Hook Ca.Rochester.N.Y. • STATE OF NEW yOBB //,, COUN OF 1 , �� 0 as. �f .! of al9SC I, al_n J r[. , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, }1111 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of according to the best of my ability. o�, • (Signed "C;6".._ t Subscribed/ ,d sworn 1, fore me this .r., -yi . :y of ,L , 19. Uj a (Signed) w 4 nark, Title • .r • • 171 OW ofOwe i7 Williamson Law Book Co..Rocb atcr,Y.Y. OMB . STATE OF NEW YORK�/� STA COUNTY OF nn�>'!-�"�«t ss. CO l'i t c nt of lll,( CCC5 �y (i I, �y Zlit/ 41(2) cr.0'f9/77J , do solemnly swear that I. I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and , • according to the best of my ability. acco • (Signed) 1 :e /. • - _..'�. . t . iSubscribed and sworn �.=fore me this / 0®ea Su. « • day of - t Q ' e , 19 �% (Signed) /Attr- r a • •• w • (cr-K- 2. le/C Title • i li I I I • Oath of Oaee, 69 W 1 hiamioe Law Bock Co..Baahnter.N.L OMB • STATE OF NEW YORK ST COUNTY OF J 88 CO f ? �//�� or S ! I, C '.if 1/ tracery , do solemnly swear that ■ I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and br , according to the best of my ability. a (Signed) i o`t- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 Su .fidi day of Q- , 1 I (Signed eagcosic `ale ■ Title i i iI f, 171 Oath of Mee. 69 WillLmwn 7+.Book Co..Itueb..ter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF /50794;" ss. �!j`5 Sc- /Jof ��%�G/ S C Ave.01 BA Stert , do solemnly swear that - t I I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of df .J-n 5p c,4"G according to the best of my ability. • (Signed).,Ll� it--441-- CAL I om«>• Subscribed and sworn to before me this a/"1"-- day of •en , 19 (Signed ode- e - % mar —--- - Title Oath of Office. SD WiltIa amt Law Hoek Ca..Reamer.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF. -Sri, -!: R 6.1 Oath of Office. Williamson Law Hoak Ca..k g btstrr,ti. Oath • • STATE OF NEW YORK ! STA • • COUNTY OF L./e 77' At 72 -' ss. CO k\__ fX-0---/ - of 6/-5,1 i:.,r c� / ' /' I, / CC� �4:tic_c -«J , do solemnly swear that I, • + t I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitutiot: of the State of New York, I will and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _/ 2 i' e-/-t crc \--1:41 1/'e2"-' and . I lI. according to the best of my ability. acco . (Signed) 0:21---7-r...;.:-, -'Y ��pp $' ned c- 2l.cv. cxj• hCt�l-- i I Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this Su ■ I : 2o2 -1*-`day of �l! f21,,-;--7Y , 19�E' (Signed) ■ el, - --- �ZPC�,c/`_ Title ! I I. I. Oath of Oaten 69 o. Williamson Law Book C .Rochester. .T. 0•t►i STATE OF NEW YORK STA COUNTY OF Na CO t of I, ti-i-krtz- at.,:r2.e t _, do solemnly swear that will I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. I • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and • I. according to the beat of my ability. acco I _ (Si■ gned) oAkar Su.. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this - °� da of el_ _ .�. I'i (Signed) .!/ . 19 (S•. I. // a. Title u I ,I • 3 4 . • 173 Oath of Mee. 67 Williamson L.Book Co..Hacknter.N.Y. I STATE OF NEW YORK r COUNTY OF 1 2 /' .- SS. Ca nc i of 7(f'7 ,.ze _ To 6epk r- fit. I. ^ " , do solemnly wear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution off the State of New York, I I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ..f r �YJ ✓ ✓y1r(t 1 • according to the best of my ability. III • n(Signed) 04-1L • Subscribed and sworn to before me this Meer • a' day__if - - , , 19 --i (Signed) ,--/j -�.t�t 2Z-e92--4- !/ Title jl 1 • Oath of Oiler- in Will4mu,a L.Doak Co..a.ekealer.x.Y. STATE OF NEW ORK CO OF fC•'�7t�j`-t-yc� ss. 6�1L. of //a c5'e"‘s + I, , - r.4 /A,g- , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States//a nstitution oft tale York. � . and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ize ( 0�Ci • according to the best of my ability. (Signed) it-S655 omen Sub d sworn fo met is 6Q _day of el 19g (Signed) * i l' a // `- Title % i'4 _ 1.7' Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Hook Co..Rochester.ti.Y. Oath , • STA STATE OF NEW YO `x COU !�CHU ,TY OF /Or . • I i : I, 1 �`x `1nelch , do solemnly swear that I, I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will and that I will faithfully dis harge the duties of and 67ee,"it a-- _....in re.•6 0 according to the best of my ability. acco ., rr 4cts,2_4612witesai (Signed) O� Officer ISubscribed and sworn to before me this Su•_ • day of/ateral , 19° CjP (Signed) a ."-� tom C/ Title • Oath of Office. Po WIllinnens L.n Hook Co..Hnekester.N.Y. • oath at STATE OF NEW Yelp( STA COUNTY OF/� , As. CO I of LAC ......; I. gtayfr ieetal , do solemnly swear that • 1 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ct.7 -pCai x,11$ o•Ca..-- and according to the best of my ability. acco cii€Lizef-2c);_ s_cl (Signed Subscribed and sworn to before me this omen Su... afac day of - , 18g (Signed) /A/ - e , - air Title .. • 17F r t Oath of Olece. 69 Williamwn Law Buok Cu..ftuehotrr.N.Y. 1 1 STATE OF NEW YORK �" COUNTY OF /n<,o2 1c ss. I, _ [ 77 C!'2ccoral( , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and //ee./.Conti Lion of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and �. '7� C-G 1 I according to the best of my ability. /r i /") 1 (Signed) C t�j� rc7lt u i 6L Meer Subscribed and sworn to before me t 'j cp7cZ day of gCL 9c. , 19a. (Signed/ALFA l t-oc� - . C/, ,"— Title I!i i I �i Oathaf Mee. 69 WOIlanram Law Book Co..Beehnfer.N.Y. 1�• . STATE OF NEW YORK _ COUNTY OF Atd as. cif I, ,3—INS ( IE AV )=_JA C L , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties o(� ' t e- — �:4---e according to the best of my ability. • r (Signed) + A- L�� 1�i711 C! oafeer Subscribed and sworn to before me this ( '2T day of ./ " >22,14(n.19 /6 (Signed) i1a , / Title - f _i ;: 17n • 1 Oath of Oefee. 6! Williamson Law Book Co. Rodman.N.Y. Oath , STATE OF NEW �! STATE • COUNTY OF toy 1CO ss. Co i �ll cn of Mate. O I, Crate 7 , do solemnly swear that Ir I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and • according to the best of my ability. pp acco , (Signed) &fLCI .07' Officer Subscribed and sworn t fo me this • Su v9 day , 19C 4 (signed) U �� - /___ -111 . s. Title it Oath of Ogee, • 0 Williamson Law Book Co.,Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK ST COUNTY OF // d f i As. f Of I dr ef t I. bl ti1L 11 .i i_ , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. I• I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of P . . ' / - 1 1 11-1r ' according to the best of my ability. i I; 1 (Signed) . . .' •d % r i Subscribed and sworn to fore me this omei - ..�/.6* day of,/ L� G , 19 Se i H (Signed ///- • . __ Title 1 I , t t 1 i ;� 177 I Oath of Omee. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Ifuehater.N.Y. 11 III STATE OF NEW YORK ,J J COUNTY OF �/ox..0 ss. . /ems ego (Z , I, k09A e �{eCtg.e. , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of --e--/4-5144--er according to the best of my ability. (Signed) .-.-- - • I Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this . .y . arz---, 19 . (Signed Al - - /-//'^J��tJ/,rte _. - . I 1 rf 11 Title . I I I ji I I 4 Oath of Oak*. 69 Wmla.lwso Ia Nook Co..aaakntet.N.Y. (I STATE OF NEW YORK it COUNTY OF /J7fits 1, 88. j1 • �D Can of I, ! // ' . /0_A- , do solemnly airier that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • and that I will faith ly discharge the duties of Jtt . 4 cc) •s• 21.!.0 I i according to the best of my ability. ' (Signed) a mar Subscribed and sworn to before me this _1 y , 1912 of L� (Signed) /if • /kr / ', • Title 1 t Q 7 ` . Oath of Mee. 69 IN 'amain Law Book Ca..HadM. Y. N. • Oath ST{ STATE OF NEW , COUNTY OF knee a ss. CO Q inn of I+c5SC5 I, - ' Or 4" Ala , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution f the State of New York, I • - and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 7' were-) 4g one i according to the best of my ability. a, 1 (Signed) c .,..an✓ Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this S day of ..ial O' 19 • NcVCc 7- Title • _ II i • is IOath of Omer. e69 win6mann Low Book Co..Rodnkt.x T • STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF a %I A RS. franc, of . A. _ r 's 1 I I, a 1 / - . .Se; do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York (I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I / • according to the best of my ability. o /� • (Signed) Q LS _( '� ,.. cb Subscribed and sworn fore me this Meer _ i • of G5 . 19� (Signed) //� • vier pP L�r Title T 179 1 ;I Oath of Office. 69 Williamson L. Book Co..Noeboter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK i I COUN OF J !, ss. of L%p6 ter 1 do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties J I according to the best of my ability. (Signed)&' � L It Subscribed and sworn ore me this day of , 198 1 (Signed) aa- Title • Oath at Office. 69 Williamson law Hoek Co..aae►nier.N.Y. (I STATE OF NEW COUNTY OF.L i)t9 dM ' as. I� —CietelL" of 7e, y(1(lA'1?_a- I, i t/ats� / � T C 0 J , do solemnly swear that e I will support the Constitution of the United States and Constitution of the S to of New York, er and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of -� /�� - - - ;I if 1 according to the best of my ability. ' III (Sign. , lflxoa . >✓ T , . Subscribed and sworn to be ore me this — da �. _ – , 19 -' Air(Signed) Ii .., ∎Vito. „di/__�4111111P( tile • elegy Title 1• i l i , —___ - . ' 1 18 1 Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Lan Book(i..Bookater.N.Y. 0 ' . STATE OF NEW YORK Sr COUNTY OF 1.4-77,-- -6/he lzt-o2 ss. CI i �/R-re-A-A__ of 7 lrdraaie-� 1 . I� i1'r C , do solemnly swear that • I I I will support the Constitution of the• inited States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I - / _ / and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of .t' -�, _ /t.' " t - an according to the best of my ability. pp a f ' (Signed)�-t,l-t. X - 1 a C-1 Officer i Subscribed and sworn to before me this S cC% r2day of / . . - , 19 (Signed) l ' �st t l' ac 3L" (. 1 i t -r7 a..../fire , 4 C..- - .} : Title 1 1 - f : 1 • = .t i OW ar oetee_ iG9 Williamson Law Hook Co..BoeMler,N.Y. i STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OFS..21/7 JGnt�- _ as. k..‘ -e--c-.c. of 7y�--r1,:1� ' I- - I, /,� �x J /' / C,/ J�}ul.� , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the 8tH a of New York. I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of - "_ ',- _ • y /.i ..: i. according to the best of my ability. (Signed) / /��j /'2 2 Subscribed and sworn to before me this p / Olfiew I I `.-# , day of A 'Ze , 19a .• (Signed) Agee_ / e1� • S Title Ji f 'i ' � 1 j 181 Oath of Othee. 6J Williamson Law Book Co..Hochman.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK ' COUNTY OF .. f //_e-,, IL ss. lLl u��C of /' — I, ---- _, ' �A,,. - 7 7���� 1--ti` ` —, do solemnly swear that ! I will support the Constitution of the-United States and tit-41 Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ,.7 .!s= - "=u I i according to the best of my ability. . ��/� I (signed 4 . . .s • .all t_./ E Mee f Subscribed and sworn to before me this 'z:"2 v" day AI I . ,.,. , 19_SF (Signed) _ /►�1. -..w- �. /Ai ,. _ era • Title L l f I -- - 1 i •1- • Oath of oteee. 69 W11Hanunn Law Book Co..Raebnter.N.Y. STATE OF NEK il COUJtY OF J/� ' rL ss. / it l�'Lv?t of ' 1 ~� I, ' . Bari , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, aS' and that I will faithf disch: :e the du s-ef r according to the best of my ability. (Signed) (/ '"fit -,....1 J 5' Su. 'bed :nd sworn ,. . fore me this ,/ -al k, : . . of al,L�GC-e— , 19�— • (Signed/ii SAW E %- 4� Title . t t - - , . 1 18" t • . Oath of Oleee. 69 William.on Law Hook(,..Wwhutey\•T. STATE OF NE K i - CO TY OF ��/G /ny ss. . /trey,/ of l'L ! ( �J • - I e I, AV/n/7 cater , do solemnly swear that ■ I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, 1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of I I d---C40 ti c_L,ei re A2 I a according to the best of my ability. (Signed) M aY I' / c � Officer Subsc� end sworn t fore me this C(� i j t :y of 1(41E_2 , 1/7 (Sign-. /_ ...� L �..�' fc� I \ "Se I Title I 1 i Oath of Oeke. ' 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Rodwatee-N•Y- I STATE OF NEW YORK S. Y OF L7 1b-C.- C A&. .... f of �. I .1 d A. l R c Z._ , 1 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfull discharge the duties of . . 1 _______ awzr As - -� 1 according to the best of my ability. E1 (Signed) .. • :.�l�� Sub bed and awo before me this J 1 elm sr of/�C�I I�� (Signed/_/_/�5/�':i' � ' / / ` f aI I Title 1 ; 183 1 Oath of O fire. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK I COUNTY OF ✓11/NpA7,S ss. //I Clint' of //rEG .FS // I, git( 'fY wo/c/S , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, - and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of rAK,6F7c- z LiVS { according to the best of my ability. (Signed) I' a-6"A 4 Ri21,..,ArzeZ ) Subscribe and sworn s fore me this �e� day of , 19 F7 (Signed) �_. / i • C / Title Oath of Mts. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Rahnter.N.Y. • STATE OF NEW YORK rI C9J TY OF nra'� as. /o cnC.i of //a ty i I, /�E7;/ - //114247:L'atia r do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of n_te / j according to the best of my ability. (Signed) lMlcer Subscribed and sworn to ore� me this .E . « •a of Lee- , 191/ (Signed) / .CLGI "Isr• Title • 5 a 18". Oath of Office. 69 William.un Law Hoot cn.,euchntrr.N.Y. O STATE OF NEW YO ' - S COUN OF !•[ .ti ss. • of 1, ( .,C.t�� t_P-�z u"d ' v , do solemnly swear that ij I will support t e Constitution the•United States and the onstitution of the State of New York, I bf i 1 • • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 1 II Y g • , + ) according to the best of my ability. , 1.2 " (Signed) Officer . • Subscribed and sworn o .:forree e this �j • i Ai- " :yof df '✓ 1gb 7 (Sign•/ " ySP • / 6--ic4 cs- . Title l' 1 . it Oath of Oelee. I ! 6� wHlMmana Law Hoot Co.nedwa•H'L 1 STATE OF NEW YORK � C IAYTY OF ns. . [ I ••of SL `" I. /✓/�DQG(. G' `O S , do solemnly swear that ' i I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. [ and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of rim! r 3 / ii according to the best of my ability. r 'I I • ;. Al . (Signed) It `.1-2 A - ,Yale 1 Subscribed nd sworn .h fore me this ''N �. : . of . 19� ;, 1 I (Signed) Age J � ,LA . I Title I1 I i t-,.- tu, • 185 Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Hook Co..Ruchtater.N.Y. STATE OF Nom' YORK COUNTY OF /r rrA1 ss. of 7� • I, Car m E n - 7 m H4 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 1 according to the best of my ability. /' • ! (Signed) 4.� .0�/ Officer Subscribed and sworn toa ore me this i a of ,ire�1 , 19cf7 (Signed S/ ..�L��I/J v- Title Oath of OITcr. 69 Williamson Law Book Co.,Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY of /071caralS 88. _Par( of ii.--ZycS -S l ri }W111/) -4-1 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties f � en1/0 ,G1vtJ>CeJ o�� according to the best of my ability. (Signed<�""f CY• fs._,,A9 .(4/1/ Officer Subscribed and sworn • fore me this ,li, OL day of 9 " , 19 n7 • (Sign ./ -e-e" Title a a- • • Y* ♦ I en Oath of Olfire. 6J W iliiamson Law Book G..auch.ater.N.Y. O STATE OF NEW YORK{ ;I COUNTY OF ��LacJ } ss. i (�1 I, SZY /06 , do solemnly swear that !l I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, Ii and that I will faithfully discharge the ties 2S I� according to the best of my ability. (Signed) c 2&c-tJ 7I' grz-rL Officer ' ' Subsc 'bed and sworn to before me this day of - 6t.01 , 19 i 7 (Sign r, 4fr i . A `� a , c--- (6,e/� • I Title • • i. Oath aroek.. la 69 Williamson Law Book Co..RoeMte+• I I STATE OF NEW YOR i CO OF i� x- 2 1 . Ra. of / t &s • I, \--... _ i r LOG[I7-,C /' ` " • -. , do solemnly agar that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yodr, and that I will faith •isch: •:e the duties of according to the best of my ability. .' y, r I (Signed) /21/fQ`07'� `''':} r Subs and sworn to before met is �`"r • T f te �� , 19_t (Sign,) se � / 4t Title "lam it-1 • • 187 Oath of OI&e. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Rochester.N.Y. II STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF tJn-rjkei'.� ss. 7, )✓t of 19/ 1 I, 7 D EL 6 /IR j.°-rfL-L , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of .,cL2 6 CT/O,01 _L-x)J'} C r0/C_ according to the best of my ability. �. y • C_e_ (Signed) %: I = Meer Subscribed and sworn to before me this , // d ay f i -/a & • 19 (Signed) 7"2 / • LutirL_ Title f Oath of Wee. 69 Wflhiaaw�Law Book Co..Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ss. ,Cf U c-- /I l�r n/ , do solemnly swear that . I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Slate of New Yoeke and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of k . /9Lrs 4'QTE"" Alt io� --«C,&C° I_' according to the best of my ability. ( • , an* P` t Weer Subscribed and sworn to before me this pp - � of �7 J1917 (Signed) J�LGGC� i is rs�� �2 re t, hue l :t I - 18S I , , I , •} ...1 I Oath of Wire. 69 Williamson Law Book Coo liuehanter,N-Y- i I ' ii STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF /ea/ iGC-r..o ss. � -- of SSA I, "14e4's xise ett"it..L , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ��//c14/ Ct - .TiteyErh'L according to the best of my ability. (Sign/. -t.J)o�-'.oa_- A. (Hiker 1;. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of C .lc-4 .<--, 19(7 :--1 •g�i , (5C r d ✓��a 4-3 lrxl. cc �p /"r l �-..etincJ C ( i!/� Title • I i Oath of 011ee. a RTirnn L.a.a Ca. STATE OF NE_ Whiff( - I G . OF / 44 was i i - OF s /. A do • I will suPP°rt the CoerAitation of the roiled States and the Comatitatioe of the State of New TeL and that I will faithfully .t- ' - 1 ' l.e d• a.— of se I 1 iaccording to the best of my ab�L'ty. (Signed) l) ct I // ?`' t Suborn; . , sworn to . a ore a this _ oe :•x>9 ,t. tr •-ate 19 ;` I i (Sign- // � l�t�`j ✓ --.x �- 1 f Title ri t t_ :\fin ■ 189 1 ` Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Co.,Ruchmtcr.N.Y. I fI STATE OF NEW �Y/ORK COUNTY OF �/Ol7t,pi,/f,� ss. �aIrl i f /�z.tUirzi¢eia/ , I, �I(C `{ �� / , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the S of New York, i t1/ and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of � 4 �c Of according to the best of my ability. - / l (Signed) . - sin Cc, a/iki- 2. / Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sg day . (&&4z4 -' , 191 /r/ • (Signed) �_ ' /t'-rSL. r/ . . (1// Title t C. .a' Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF NEW Y ; r CO TY OF Or /L///4 1. as. of Or S I, - gil<6P14(74, 13_ 3E t.\AC-T - , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of �ca l—I -spf-u'a& r' according to the best of my ability. (Signed) C:St, i) + y Subscribed d sworn to fo - m• this p� Ito. / , 190 (Sign,/2�%(flat( r i ex' i. i,:: . lrX_( frG ei >x,_Title i of ti 1 Iiil n 4t 19 Oath of Olfier. 67 W illiamoun Law Book Co..Roohntrr.\.1. ' STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF T o ' , p 1C, ° c ss. rU.w of `-,\yS5i S Ii I, R b c n n . jZ € (PA A _, do solemnly swear that j I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of T°`-‘)- U v 15 L i ;; according to the best of my ability. CM)-4-y"�.. \ fi (Signed) U h Qe� , (Meer 19 Subscrd and sworn to,,, More me tlys ) i cam/ c/ ' Av.t , I9_ (Signed' ilameiran" �4 '" i New- Title it t t i tI ' I Oath of Oslo. 69 Willhmann Law Book Co..Rxhatrr.R.T. STATE OF NEt.Xof g �//f - CrOIDITY OF AS. I, �4 Abe rr it Z , do solemnly swear that .j I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yorks and that I will faithfully disch,rg, the duties of of - C Oa dt et rA'� _ { according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Subscri worn before me this I (Signed /Jr.�. ' : 19e i 411,/ , i d Title - =y 4 191 • Oath of Office. 6l Williamson Law Hook C....Hochman.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK I COUNTY OF 1-0 en r [�.✓-s SS. �r�.J n of/�U f t to s / ' I, ( a I nufc/acJ ✓ t t i , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the.United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties (9.0anL./405, according to the best of my ability. (Signed) (LJLr i. la f Officer . Subscrib and sworn t i before me this pp _�• :y o j � ✓ , 190 1 (Signed/Ate j ..ale e Title t • • • Oath of Office. Co Williamson Law Hook Co..Rochester.N.Y. . STATE OF NEW YORK I %P-f l nt___of . C�� -- I, //z %,--S./YI /-Z , do solemnly swear that ' i I will support the • - ' ution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, _ and that I ' I faith y discharge of • es - � [ / according to the best of my ability. (Signed) dam.' L� O r' Subs ;:.: :nd swo 0 efore me this feeer F (_- /l�/ , _ Title S '4. 1 3 ` . . \ } . 19" :1. I • I Oath of Mee. i in Williamson Law Book to..&Weknter.N.Y. Oath STATE OF NEN ST -,;' I COUN OF / - X /zit- SS. � CO c9 c I, "6e p- L c n"'. , do solemnly swear that i{{! I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ` and that I will faithfully dischar e du es of an �C� f I according to the best of my ability. a . (Signed) 044,,,A- Weer S Subscri,•, and swo. o before me this p q ..mss , :y , :d !/P..! , /9A r 2 �j�i f ,.t, (Sign li . L (• Title 1 A Oath of Mee. CO W illiamane Law Book Co.Ratlotcr.IL It STATE OF // } AIL ./ Gtdn of I, - a!�r! ,i /• 0-Cee– , do solemnly swear that I I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yolk, ;{ and that I . idly discharge d ies of AV' A I - /Of Eel - e-7 _ .3 according to the best of my ability. J (Signed) /'f• '� d fr — S •scri and swo before me this `` k I i, ; (Signed//f// `/ _ /r / Title ; } l 193 Oath of Office. 6'! Williamson Law Book Co..lb+eb,ater.N.Y. I STATE OF NEW YO ' . COUN OF 6 t' , ss. ,/ c"- of A 5$ _� / I d 4A-tG7 ' - 0 y/Id / t do solemnly sweat that 1 I will su 1 pport the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. 1 i I and that I will fa' charge the du '� of 1 I a9y P according to the best of my ability. (Signedidenrd f'�14•-TCQS — ()9icer :bz5e_scribed and swor before me this )± day /� , 19 411/ (Sign: t/�/�r`.�r�" c� Title IT Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Low Book Co..Rochester.N.Y. 1 STATE OF NE %' YQRH COUNTY OF /04y°igar.j° of letsiset-- } 88. I, — 6,FXi9ZOndiE Sit , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States an. e Constitution of the State of New York, A and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of -= " - a �; l � according to the best of my ability. (Signed) E` iCtK4�- Subscribed and sworn too before me this p� j . day of!//f/'e� 19� (Sign /s� j . ' - �� IV?' Title -If 19 4 I. I -I- ' t Oath of Office. 69 M.tlIiammm Law Rook U...1WOath eh.,ter.N.Y. Oath 1 jf STATE OF NEW YORK - ST. I .— COUNTY OF /i6 cg ss. C i , ,I I fln-//JJof AG/ // -•..,I I, �jr�O.P.9E TTsef �s , do solemnly swear that I I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. I ::{J and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /04?,,! 7Ap according to the best of my ability. a•. • = I (Signed)_ '�" e . A�.�✓� ' i Officer 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this S _ ., :y of 19 fir , (Sign ,.�,. if/���� It try ..: r- a€s Title •I Oath of oleo.. 69 W illtamana lam Book Co..Roehwter,N.T STATE OF NEW Y K ` I...3J OOF as. . </'!ani of ellagiQe5 I. fDaas . . , do solemnly swear that ; I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of - - i yeariz,__al/a _.... e ez_ ,A.2); �°. ' according to the best of my ability. i ii i 1 (Signed) H t Subscribed :nd sworn to before me this Oeleer Fl - • , of U' . L EV _ij �/ 19_ (Signed) d'! '_ �/. I.icLr• . , I Title 4 ei t ,j d4 ai.:. . . . . •. . .• . 4 •••• :•••• _ .... .• . :smut Ottem . . -}TATE OF NEW YORE -- COEN. TT OF ;•?" _±,1--/ _, . ..----- . -- _ . t L.. ai • ,,--- ._ . . tin .ivievn .v- swear- thu. . . . • I wizilsurpor:-:‘ze Carrstnenuirui the-4-Initeti.:$1,tag-azi :'-e.0 n4r44.71.4insrui tite-ctateut Nen-'Cork- 4 . t . - WILL...±.11fl.... v121 faitiir n-"FC...24.17:7 -.:ze ...ituz -_di • • . . .......,-, 22.71‘...77-e- 1, -- - ../re_e_ ,t . .. . . :, .14 . . 3.e=rairt,..7--1/the IrIt'uf rzrai3ii.it--. •1 .t sznetil ......f....",:f..,..,s... -cc' ....'..Cr'.." • • - -iratet 'a ' eci.-anci_...-.vr c=.r a:g t:tare=e-t 4 s tot;i ji Z fa• . 1. 4 4 . _ relle 43 i . 11 II . . . . . . . . • . . . i flatine0111at. 1., WTThar-ZawairiaCti.-SearsZira. - I . nIalt Or NEW'MR& —,- _ ,. . go tic • • ...„_"..-7. -..“-__27 0„Er ..._ !•, t . • . E.--- -..,C,2-.1,-c,..6._ . ,--nr-,..7""ri-.-- ,cis airinvertir 1 . Ella-suPPurrite-Quesitztranicui tfirtirwar+Satn-areitiretecrastitonareitletaasitoikNes This. an&that Eva ' itinatify.-aischarzct.licitttd at -.,44" i \g_' tiC7. 17 ------",i--4—.-. -. _ . . . . _ act thtbetailfrMY*TinTd.r ..-.._ • , ,-.--.-r- . , _ • -. . . - Can . ,Pentraarai# 51111V2:=at beitreimais . :. 177 .-::. /0 ,- / (atiteda, C..4:-M4.1 7,C-deRne e- d 4` f „Or..., ii." .. ...-.4 • .: -.._-;1-4;erar.- i 1.1 ./.fd. --• reite- t.:< III I . . I . II I .4••••' . . - 4 . . ll 19F- I • Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Cu..Ruebater.N.Y. • STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF // I, c� ss. 'Nom of l7-6/c5Sf S /liCkS l i 'p/4h Ij 'U , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • and that I will fa' lly discharg the duties/o 1 l(dag /ltE / P'/J/CuJ according to the best of my ability. { (Signed) (/ �w` . CC- .Jt 4 Meer Subscribed nd swor fore me this i- / • y ofn%?/(LA , 19/r (Sign- , ///_ ' % • L//t ic / `— Title • Oath of Mee. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Reenter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW Y K CO TY OF ss. sure I,Ca.v- =ia'.r , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithful discharge the uties of f ` according to the best of my ability. (Signe4itcJ G� / Meer I Su..cribed and sworn to before me this �/ 4/ day of ac' , 19r (Sign . 1�._ • 4-1�+•.s�// 'NC Title I >w . • Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Bunk Co..Itch.+4r.N.Y. on . i : -r STATE OF NEW YORK ST.• COUNTY OF / A-s, -b---4-.-4) ss• C ,i I, a ua- a-n-- , do solemnly swear that _ !! i� I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I - 1 and that I will faithfully discharge the 4. eduties of an• • :I according to the best of my ability. a • ,I (Signed) PICDte(.7«- O6icer ! Subscribed and sworn before me this Su 1/ day of sworn.... • . , 1ir I : I (Signed) �. Az - ■ 'I Title I l Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Reel.ea�e*.N.l. STATE OF NEW ORK COUNTY Rs. —2:4-7.3.j } I, I, yeett.a.;„--t , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, . I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of C.. LI 1,i -t - ( . ■ 1 according to the best of my ability. a, ■ (Signed) 'Y1 CAI CA. k f -SV `41 k Subscribed and sworn t before me this 0 S day of w� r 19� � 0- Title '- _ i:. i . . . ,- ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . _. 19P Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Cu..Rue4ater.N.Y. STATE OF Ntly...XORK - COUNTY OF 11 /4� ss. iGfGfrZL of I4SSG"` I, , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the du ' f according to the best of my ability. / (Signed) i/ _ '/ Subscribgded sworn t. • - lire me this office day of ji , 19` (Signed) .,S. ' t % • i4.sfia! •m Title Oath of Otlice. 69 Lam Book Co.Roekater•N.Y. • STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OFS ss. —c n of J GO I, d� J/e L tff,c f-rl , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of — - according to the best of my ability. Q�� • • -- (Signed) ezt-,v ?L7/ (LC4 I2- t>� Subscribed and sworn to fore me this day of , 19Kr- . l' /. (Sign' . ._ . . f• 4 - . ., Title �5ir 19R : I Oath of Office. 6e Williamson Law Book Co..aoehr.tar.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF -4V1) 01--k C it ,L ss. • Ili Gtan of Z4 r'A,/1<1��jj.1 • i I k— . 4 f . lJt, /t~EGi4Z f-1'11 i1. , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • { and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of l Lk_Z.-c.1Lort , ( 111.4 ftt_tc t.. I„1 according to the best of my ability. I1 (Signed) L tee. ? Subscribed and sworn to before me this G Officer .2/s'i day of a , 19107 90 f (Sign,/ , /��c Gj -ac' Title I Oath of OfMee. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Rochester.N.T. STATE OF NEW YORK I COUNTY OF d61j?2Pk As. 75-107L of 7a0fasUAL, I, -ta `` t`R 1/ ✓ 7/k/V2t/ rum , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of .. . _•rl / 4 according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Subscribed and sworn to before me this Meer S>✓ day ° Lf , 19F1 i (Signed h a9 �a'�%' C/ f1 • 47Z Title • • r t 199 't Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book G...Rochester.*Y. STATE OF NEW YyyORK�K ��iia� COUNTY OF -4�' `1` ""i1 Qi ss. ' I, cia lca , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I .�G.(' n t., and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of fife L according to the best of my ability. ^ Meer Subscribed and sworn to fore me this .3� day of� `. 4 , (Signed // - / • tett - .i Title Oath of O11k.. 69 Williamson Law Book Co.Rochester.N.T. STATE OF NEW YORK , COUNTY OF / as. -- of 240-I-L4 I, &Vt AY cemAiita,/t , , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution k, �ution of the State of New York and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ��e 4Ler J according to the best of my ability. (Signed) O Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19— (Signed) Title • 20n • Oath of Utfice. 6) Williamson Law Book Co.Rocbr%trr. Oath STATE OF NEW YORK STA COUNTY OF I C71 C/LP(./L ss. CO Cm-L-11 ()btu,7,LLI ;j.J1 (� �1 l'Y1. t u,7.L. -r-�Ji./(/7/77L , do solemnly swear that iI will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Statt`ee of New York, I .. I I I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of C .CL�'7i .dt9 'r'` and according to the best of my ability. f acco (Signed) J eer Subscribed and sworn to before me this Su tG day of( C t t 19if • Title • • z r ( i . Oath of 091m. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Rothestcr.N.t Oath STATE OF NEW j YORK,�/ . ST.' COUNTY OF__&772��&/Ut Rs CO Utd-t) of �,,1.�--eLf-dk�2 CI i --e 716)L1LL[1'Gn/L do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ - = an. according to the best of my ability. aa,t 1 (Signed) r Subscribed and sworn to before me this Weer Su day of . 19_ . (Signed) Title t.t 4. 201 . 1 i . Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Cu..Ruehutcr.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK %l h I t+• COUNTY OF ll ' . c ss. 1 II 0 +71 woof -ems ✓✓ l.. I, �/� , , l GL 71.<.:( 1.t- , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the-United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, it i G h1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 7tJ LJt7CZfrf2' y P 5 'i according to the best of my ability. �/ f (Signed) s t 0-', Ka-• ii' "''� c. ` officer • Subscribed and sworn to be . e r- this /I% .. (Signed) / liC—. � . ' . LC_ai -.. Kecl0- Title Oath of Office. 0 Williamson Law Rook Co..Rochester.N.Y. STATE OF' NEW YORK COUNTY OF iairt , // t es. /oz y- Lof L/c-71 id- I, :: • Asa /I _ 1 ,1 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of --= -e % ` /d '1 according to the best of my ability. (Signed) 411T-'F--- A Comeer Sub sworn to • ore me this � vy (Signed)�//% 4 / . // • `` Title . f I :C-, 1 : 4 • Oath of Office. -- 67 K'illiamwBook n Law Book C••..MaMadr:N.Y. Oath or 4 STATE OF NEW YORK . STA -I,':; ; COUNTY OF / 61)1 yak/ t4) ss. — COU I Ult�~n ofjrzz_a 2c Pc.t/J_�e a i •I iI I, �}1 � , do solemnly swear that I I will support the Constitution of th(ee•United States and the �,Coonstitutio In of the State of New York, i I will, . and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of •i-L f°-tt • v- 17 '1-11 9 �' in' and t according to the best of my ability. / acco • (Signed) Meer Subscribed and sworn to before me thi; Sub 1 day of , 19_ (Signed) (Sign: • Title 2 Jo_ io Oath of OMee, I69 wAliamano Law Book Co.,Roa coter,16.Y. Oath of • i I i STATE OF NEW YORK i STA COUNTY OF / CO .I >zs. 102071 o�f di " 1,j' I. X111 �Z �/l� , do solemnly swear that . I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Port, ' 1 will s. f and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of uC.YC h,0-/( _, Ji_v_.,f1 LG K and ' according to the best of my ability accordi, (Signed) - t Sub- •.3• ; . • sworn >• fore me • is Officer Subscn• 19� ° i a 1• I (Sign • �� . ti e// . , •-c....-- (Signed). :4910 1 t ii Title s 11 i loll - ' . . . - . 20f l Oath of Office. 69 Williamson Law Book Co..Noohuter.N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK /, COUNTY OF —Thin/iJ//( ,( i ss. ( 1I 1 0707'1 of -7(- �/s7! O�J�i/ I, ! -Ct /LZLCp , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the•Unite/d States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of r / `y��th7�"'6? according to the best of my ability. Ccr (Signed) tier Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19— (Signed) Title P' Oath of OMee. 69 Willamana Law Book Co..sat.s.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK /,�. COUNTY OF. 1 8777,(1 ( arc+'U 88. �of C I; /➢ t/ L Pow , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution off the State of New York and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of •yam! v/ ». _ea according to the best of my ability. `�f� (Signed) �1/ 'J� • Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of r• , 19 (Signed) cliatlardil. li .4, G NNW Title ' _ 20 Oath of Office. 69 wllliam:..n Lrw Rook l'...,Wah..t.r,N.1'. STATE OF NEW YORK ' COUNTY OF 1 (3 tfu'i ss. { GL4Yf of 7,* • I, /&L/, 7(u-f di , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution rof the State of New York. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of LLc-t telt- ' /t,1? .1 � {.[' 7 . r. according to the best of my ability. • � /I 7 (Signed)! , 7i ,C . A?!f I I/i - Officer ■ Subs rr/�ibednd sworn to before me this - ` V 19(5- 9aoy lay / . ■ ,. , (Sign2i, i - % c«... ' .. j Title • µ_ - f • A ; Y .,., Oath of OMe.. X: 69 Williamson taw Boot Co..Rochester,N.r. X�:. iai• STATE OF NEW YORK 1 COUNTY OF ✓��-�-&/Lt ': Aa. J (nun of Z'u'y-Q ,� =- y -1 am-,� I, C , do solemnly swear that 4' I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of , - :,- . LA/1.rL ty AtCc-- . ! Recording to the best of my ability. Y" (Signed) C t a i F : Subs '. -d nd sworn to ••fore me this - ��r Lam\/J'( y- t // Er • y of�CCI .¢— I `: ar(Signe. // z4 ���/. 3 i Title ,, i I- I i . • . . .. . . • - - .- • . . . . -. . , . . . . _ , • - ' ' ' • . . . . . • ,' • ...• - • • . . • ,,.. • . . .. . . 1 ' - • .. . , . . . .. _ • . . . . .. . - • • , . . - . • • • . - • ' •A •• • •- ' ' . .. ' . . • • - - • . • • • • - . • • • - . . , .. . • . 1 • . .. . • 1• ' . . . . . • . ' • . . . - • • • • • . . _ . ' . -.L. . - . 1 . . . . . - . . ' • - . . . . . • . • , ' , _ . .•' - . . ' • .--- . 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'- • 7 • ,t12 ,4, e\ , , I \ P 1-'• _ _. .t. i - • -..- 4 1 -..- ---1, t.-.7- . • h' -4 al ---,, i-c-E. ti - I, • n '0- publishers k...- - • acr, 1 •_ ...,. _- -,-. 1 i . , V'4 1 i 1?-1--—— !1 For the ...--------1 ;4 es T.z.“:',7•C: ". . ----g-e----n----- of -C-4--?--- ti I' dL 1 H I, County of re L- t -4,,I;:-?;c::: • State of New York I( 1 1-'1F: s - From 1 0 to ----------_ - 11 PUBLISHED BY t. — WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO. 1 ii li ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14609 t El ',1 1 i - 1 ,-;.- 1/4.•- • ..... _ . __ . . . . . , - .1 . • . . •-- r rr.... —......r• • -. i .• •1 .. :. . , I I n )} 21-u/ 3 - 60e7 ESA-C-41..0 % h ; 4 V Sl itQl&a, Poi no.c.te4rsfj I il5/10 )1/21.14±:c, cl9040-s .3"; Put' \%isp. : -1%C. )1/2 A c"0 11154AC1 EZZE X 1 1 trn A st .t Pr, • mi jet( SjActi Eiteom \ml. , 'Pt,: I --3 — i 12173 3k am.aSta,,S S. ton.SupuA.: 1 : . s• H■, . I ' ' .:-.- • It' f.,• • C. I .'•= . 1 : ...,._.. ' I ' •H . 1 I 1 R•. . ' I ; r.• I . 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Subscribe, and sworn to before me this _.{ _day of— 19 _ I : (Si• ed) Title • .i •COPYRIGHT 1967 I{ • i OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WwAµsw+LAW ROOK CO..ROCEESTm.N.Y.1,m9 I— STATE OF NEW YORK Jss.COUNTY OF . I 11311J72 of7 ""''ti'' �°t: 1,_. (,L L5—UXL E-r�/ i / , do solemnly swear that Ii I will support the Constitution of the United St. • and ttie Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties • 4. � • � . -j r I Ii` l according to the best of •• ility 1 q, (Signed) . Officer Subscribed • d sworn to before me this day of , 19— ; . ( •ned) + . The I i i I i :l "' - -' . 2 • •COPYRIGHT 1411 • FORM NO. cwAMSON:AIRaca(CO.ROC,ESnnaN r ow, OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK - COUNTY OF 6�- uZA. u' Tim of Z • t, ('J P tJ 3i4711 -du , do solemnly swear that • I ' I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitut/ioyn�offtthe State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of CL( ) LA-1.1/Q `�111,--( according to the best of my ability. / (Signed) L/�,� ) -/ //i i Subscribe and sworn to befo • m this , ,• • � _ �; /P (s day o}�i� v , 19 t Lar (Sign. �. _;% /. �L� ; €.�- .. �1 Title _ '' I f '' i } 1 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO. COPYRIGHT TAT ! w¢LAMSONUw BOOK co..ROCtESmKr.trav STATE OF NEW YORK , _ i COUNTY OF 167YL' 1 attA ,g, ss. f 02-01-1 of . " .0 A I, i . .� _IAIgj _ .4 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the„State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 4-4 _ .L _ ./ 6 ,_s_ 4 . i according to the best of my ability. 3 } (Signed) i ■ • Subscribed and sworn to bef re me this ` day o 19 E t (Sign '/ e ice,,. — • . - _` ■ The c 1 `.+ - OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WRILIMSON LAW BOOK CO•ROCHESTER.N Y 14609 STATE OF NEW YORK , COUNTY OF—Taitg. cal ss. O(4 1/ , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of !1 t iti //L(: I2/ 2 YLf according to the best of my ability. 7j,/� . (Signed) (", Officer Subsc "bed :nd sworn : .e ore thi day , ,c•Jset . ' , 1.9 ' f (Signe.�/�es —airs .011/4116411 Title OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 w4 LAW BOOK al.R00£STER.N.Y.ira • STATE OF NERK • - CO TY OF4EL—Ap/4L° ss. of ,/� I, /A '�J• Jam//2 7 ,do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge t of c .�, • according to the best of my abllty- (Signed) (2-4.--4 1,1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this ` G ite day of U f at c , 19_ ( bed • 1 ;._ - i en cwt Tete • • • • 4 •coPYNtcHr tan OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 wILIJAMSON LAW 8001(CO.ROCHESTER. 1 V.I460; STATE OF NEW YORK// COCOUNTY OF /o4 4.e - ss. 1, , / % - 0 .. , do solemnly swear that '[; i. I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, 1; I I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of i i g� t. Sfoh- . 1. i li 'i• i 4 according to the best of my ability. I' � : I; (Signed) / ` , n e Officer 3: I!. li Subscribed and sworn to before e this I l' /91616 day of !W , 19- li ( (Signe. -//1. ." .i /• j tar cC. Hi ; , , / lS ! Title �; S III 4 - , I • _II ,` Ii !! li _HI 1 i I OATH OF OFFICE FORM N0.69 •COPYRIGHT aLIAMS Ffi tan wuAtasoH LAW BOOK ca,lroaEsrrx w Y.uam '_ � STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OE l0Q. a ss.i f Uera. • PPjj'll/firfi , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the"ties,e. • • according to the best of my ability. . . i (Signed) O 1.a I ,/' I / I ....'/ i i Subscribed and sworn to before me this if I •- day of /-A_..,, 7 , is (Si e• /,.r. .MIK • : I gn J % LfI .. i 5 : •COPYRIGHT 1967 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WIILAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHFSTFR,N Y VON STATE OF NEC-YORK COUNTY OF /67, ss. /. 4C� . /ocwx. of GLC I, /t ' A er i�/���� , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, . -. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /ecf�x- ifvspec 4 according to the best of my ability. (Signed)NtC , ryiatici--- Officer Subscribed and sworn to be ore • t is 47 day of id ' t— , 19,Q (Signe• i • ._ /s • i 1 2, c--C-- cam_ A-en ,/- Me 1 . . 1 i i _ it •COPYRIGHT 1967 1. OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WILLIAMSON LAW R00KCO..ROCHESTER.K Y.14607 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 1Q-P1e,�G�+7-I ss. 1, c.7,77, tee 49 J +Jzo e , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /fI7 &'L GE ('7U/C i according to the best of my ability. (Signed)A irJ • I if i Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this So y of ai lip , 19," i . (Signed) s / Tide 1 6 'COPYRIGHT 1981 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WIIIIV.LSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.N Y 1109 a STATE OF NEW K • CO OF /0� � ss. I 1, 0 re ' /"/ , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully dischargXeL2e ,bce4cffimc 1 it i, according to the best of my ability. � ` i 0 ` -"/ cg.4,,S (Signed) Utica II 1 Subscribed . d sworn toyafore me this i ! 4.10 day . 4 l!! 'L 19 I (Signed)// _j. i fritet. Tale ,I 1 1 1 rl d 0 1 .. d. 11 1 i1 OATH OF OFFICE FORM N0.69 •COPYRIGHT 1961 ■ I •{ WWJAMSON LAW BOOK CO..ROCFFSTER.N Y.Ida STATE OF NE Nl' RK - Il COUNTY OF_ A�L1.y . I LA ss. � ! I, - , do solemnly swear that II i. I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of �„Z _ _ 'l I /� SAI/Li I I . .. ' ' according to the best of my ability. Ill I (Signed)2,4Set,nrifte Subscribed�nd sworn to before me this t KI d a y , 19n i I (Signet i/ 0�i . _ Title 1 f I :1 1 i . • 7 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 'COPYRIGHT W BOOK CO.ROa+ESmLN V tuo+ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF_LelaA FV ss. floras off se 1, N�€B.'�3t k f , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithful ischarge the duti of according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this R"Q day of 19a (Signed) « Title - i •co user OATH OF OFFICE FORM N0.69 wrt�nMSmnOa+Hr uw BOOK m.,aoocszrx,YY.irm STATE OF NEW YORK COU ITY OF /0/10ancS ss. /d Gtrx—' of ZI E- I 4 -�1 �vb [, /? !XOnC-1 , do solemnly swear that _ I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constit ion of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ,01(7C ) 'entry i te. according to the best of my ability. ..} i (Signed) 04 E. Warr)QfpLI oarcer Subsc:.•d a d sworn to before me this � rr 44.14../ day of tit A� , 191 i (Sign.. �//. . .' .0 - i L ride • I : f 8 • c COPYRIGHT I%7 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WILAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.NYIY09 STATE OF NEW YORK . // COUNTY OF//)KinS 55. `• Unt_ 1of/ LL 1 - � 4-1.4-4 4- °2 , do solemnly swear that . I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of en/IZS'etcsineovi AWie--za !I , according to the best of my ability. (Signed) alit"' &. . Officer . I Subsd�nd sworn to befo e me this c, . s' day . 4i�' 19 f/ I :i (Signed/a _•L• i O ,/ sr oc. are Title • I III ili I it.,, r!P IX B f ills ' id OATH OF OFFICE •COPYRIGHT 1%l 71', FORM N0.69 •WWCO,IAMSON LAW BOOK C ROC9ES—M N Y.IS III STATE OF N 3Y t.ORK COUNTY OF f �I - ss. ;I l / - i It •&/(1/ 4l�f'xlSf�e/ Ill do solemnly swear that �i I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, .; r! I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of i )1 CgSll7ECT 1.l according to the best of my ability. C` ZGrJl.-st-44,< I (Signed) Subscribed .nd sworn to before me this • Officer . I _ . day ofat . , 19r (Sign•• //,/ Lam/ it . Ld. The itt-I�..�. , :a . 9 . OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 COPYRIGHT t LAW BCX*CO.ROCHESTER.N Y 11604 STATE OF NEW YORK � "� COUNTY OF arialt ss. �ge of a S.SG .t I, CAC/ MAW , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of lfinthale. ejhren.., enles774014304 tkpli . q ya''- ,Pn is according to the best of my ability. (Signed) eGAc • IV\C"-----4)% • Officer Subscribed and sworn t. .:ore me this • / / dayo , 19gi (Signe. /AO.L-A/1 / • - ' ` l c-. 4." Title • • OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 �wnw ss�onuwBOacco..ROCecsmtxY.ism • STATE OF NEW YORK CO ,TY Orneleteena ss. jean, of fjeflyaeant , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • and that I will faithfully ischarge the duties of ausely / according to the best of my ability. • (Signed) �5..' A- •'ir:1. ...11L— Officer Subsc bed and sworn to . me this t ...y of , 192 iPr (Signed/S1 1�!Si11 .:.�as S; Tit U • 10 • • i i ! •COPYRIGHT B%i i OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WBIIAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.H V I1 ■ STATE OF NEW YORK CO UN-TY OF /0/2`.-/' in-S. ss. ld CCt�J of . . / L .i I, /t 11 7 1n? do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfullglificyrge t e duties bra ,—c-/ - fee 4ti ii , according to the best of my ability. i _ i (Signed) J- _-__ ' h / Officer '`- Subscribed and sworn t.s efore me this �j "lot_.le day,: r ,, 19e/ ■ (Sign / ._ /O/� �: £/ i Tile I .]i I t t; f 1': y OATH OF OFFICE " 1I FORM N0.69 COPYfSON l%1 9p www.KSOnuw BOOK rn..aoo,<smcH.x��m y STATE OF NEW QRIC I:i COU OF i P. .,•... ss. li N i. of , Izj6,tn/ . , • I. , do solemnly swear that lj' I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfull . harg• the duties of • 7 i according to the best of my ability. 1I I (Signed) ` cr6 rl _ • ? j !P Sub -.•d sworn a • swo to d / ' Officer me this /L�1J . a day o r. ' . 191 / ;I (Signe. /1/. '4i..: ! , Title i 11 • i •COPYRIGHT 1967 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 NtU AMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER Y Y 11 • • • STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF /e Pg/.l/f SS. I, e pz-Y.c -,L -e0�e -r -fr--f , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New/York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties pf t tn-7 " L..../02 -v C / ?,....,, , eetete-X-- _ege-e_-4e_._._.- according to the best of my ability. • (Signed) :/ Officer • Subscribed and sworn to before me this ��99 • . '' -• day . i_' , 1'�L (Sign/` I ' .a...�,1%Li od £A_) • Tide •COPYRIGHT 1961 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 wanA&coN LAW BOOK co..POarSTERT Y.I . . : STATE OF NEW Y K Cp U TY OF /�Yy ss. �r of 7 I, OXAVA"t Jr a , do solemnly swear that ! I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, �� fr.�/1 Y'O • ' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of !!r � � el:/ according to the best of my ability. (Signed) 4.444"- !� _ Officer . "- I Subscribed and sworn to •-fore me this - S h. ra y of I • s` . (Signed) 4117. . . /fi . / - -: . . ;: — 'C- Title Y✓_• • X i `I lii I . . jl • i I i •COPYRIGHT 1967 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WITIAMSON LAW BOOR CO.ROCIESTrR.NY Iuw STATE OF NEI .PARK .// �9HNTY OF �L.l i��l�� l�d ss. is 1 / Aar-7 / of_ 8.9e5;SeitS Il 1 &' o►, c 0 b r.t\n r kat , do solemnly swear that j ' ;4 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, 11 and that I will faithfully discharge the . t.• of +1 according to the best of my ability. I . (Signed) d� KR Subs :.••J• sworn to •of re me this ' a day..f t , 1987 I (Sign-% l a.e... .. Tide 'a1 ' y: �{ +, d i i II n: OATH OF OFFICE •COPYRIGHT ISlT FORM N0.69 w4UA.MSON LAW BOOK CO..ROCtCTUL H Y.INO9 l J. • STATE OF NE : • "k i . CO OF asked/ ss. M: / cit- 3� f Ati I, C++ekISTe.)11(R._ lea A&if , do solemnly swear that i I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, l i and that 1 will faithfully discharge th- u yof s1 according to the best of my ability. T (Signed) 11. ...a. . . 1 i Sub -. . d sworn t O�"` ■ . .. ,� - •• '.re me this •'y of ata 14.12.or Signed) /// O • i . ' ,Le/ . - 4 Mr We 13 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 �MC WIlIJ.WSONLIW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER,N Y 1+09 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 7- / D ss• ( —of c-r. l J , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ate;->0 '-2r according to the best of my ability. 1/4177a..(4-611-1- (Signed) /}'I • etter Office • Subscribed and sworn to before me this y of �j.!-GlZ2i _, 199 (Signed) lfT/0–Gftx.... (/ _ 2C-tee , j Tale •COPYRIGHT Iva OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 Wi1L1MSONUwBOCHCO..ROC}ES7nf,H.Y.ION STATE OF NEWY,RJ COUNTY OF //Of .C .a sJ ss. 4 JLi3 lm� t� , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I wll faithfully arse t o duties of M ;. C`' �iJ :7 • u;. according to the best of my ability. (Signed) ,r Sea i; . Subscribe and sworn to be re me this day of , 190 • (Sign llil� •, A C� Title • ft_ I... i 14 •COPYRIGHT 1%7 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WaINASON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.N Y IWW STATE OF NE I Cpl' OF /ll/l/ 2S ss. �J /�/ if I Q`!.0 7Ci of ,I I, �� 1S1C-z)`/4e/E✓. do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharg ti 3jof • according to the best of my ability. / / . (Signed) bV t'r ^' c ..Ac .J*/e i Subscri aced swum to e/e this (• - l7 3; - .ay of i � i 19"% (Signed) / ,f o'Wf/6//h—ir Title it I .1 l li I : r FI I li , OATH OF OFFICE FORM •ccewacar rx, t • I RM NO.69 g WILLIM6ON LAW BOOK CO_ROCIESTEAft Y.ua :.,.:tv II 2 STATE OF NEW YORK 'i ....COUNCLY OF 70 , !)5 ss. Ei 1. �' �A , do solemnly swear that -I , I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, '1. and that I will faithfully d' h. ge the .uties of 1 according to the best of my ability. (1,i ,1: (Signed) ad a Cwt/ Subscri••. and sworn to h. • Office j / re me th' . if I r - day o �L Lae, 191 I 11 ;,ai rue • 1 i5 ,i• •COPYRIGHT 1557 • ' OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WILIAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROtlffIER.N Y.N609 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 4 ss. ' ! infr)n of (,(�SSC'S 1, do solemnly swear that 1 will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Z,4.tSpcet-42. , . according to the best of my ability. jI I (Signed) ',t A2" 9-a-G-u-kt. Officer • ( Subscri.-d and sworn to before me this • S. day of A _ 6+ , 1924. (Sign. /1..e. .�..4 / i - Title ll 'i +I 1 . I OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 •WW Nt ASOAW LL BOOK CO-BOOESmt.KY.SYW STATE OF NEW YORK f.-. COUNTY OF ss' v of r- 1 'ZZcjre , do solemnly swear that S'=- I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ✓-� 11Ce � ' .d r.*:r et according to the best of my ability. / �� 3,/� ' �J f; (Signed) O ort I Subscribed and sworn to ••fore me this t.s i is , O —/ day . / �f.. ! 19 `: (Sign. `� /� /L Ki 7 1 ;r:. ; � Title 4 j.' ; 1 ' 1 1+ r. ' " K 1 ',,e I . 16 • I I. •COPYRIGM 19M it .. OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 1VIlLAMSONLAW 13000 CO.l7OC7ffsrrR N Y IMP • it STATE OF NEW YORK .COUNTY OF }//1`S u I, ,,A r .P�/—77 , do solemnly swear that 1 j I will support the Cobstitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully dischar duties of I I `Gt/BZ. SFS, I �. 9' 8.;. according to the best of my ability. j j� 9 (Signed) ' I G'M is• S �, O� 4 ( I Subscribed and sworn to before me this -.1---al day of i.z. i• 19.ff a (Signed %A . ! //- iL.r - C- Y V/ .. r Title ='.- a 6 ti 1 S ; e . • iz . �I 6 = P i i i ffll . . ii 1 . i ,. OATH OF OFFICE FORM N0.69 •COPY�M sR II WI.LIMLSGN LAW BOOK Ca. 1�0 •..'• 1 STATE OF NEW YORK v 'i■ t COUNTY OF � 9 S SS. fOWyt of �L� SSrS Fr et. , do solemnly swear that I, I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, - t t and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _ ., `• • r according to the best of my ability. (Signed) 1:Ir✓o ( Subscribed and sworn to before me thi ascer • i //46 - ` day oft:a- �.. 9 (Signed) �,��i . ti..... Tnk i ' i _ - -, 7 171 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 •WE AMSON UM BOOK CO. RIOCFEtiTEit.N V IMm , • STATE OF NEW YORK I COUNTY OF k 4.. } ss. of L .SSKS 1, -C21 u 7 (IU NV , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge thy duti s of according to the best of my ability. (Signed) `. , 06-1j- ` .HYtr,-- Officer Subscribed and sworn to be ore me thi day of CCL6 , 19n (Signed)/ ,1Q .0e94"7 44-1 The - "s • S •COPYRIGHT i%! OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 wuuMSGN LAW ROOK CO..R OC1lttSmtnY.moo , et' OF NEW YORK ! COUNTY OF r , �-S u' 6u�L of ( Set I, L-o r e rt& it/ . h?dies, , do solemnly swear that ' I will support� pport the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, , 1 and that I will faithfully dischar e the duties of /_ , 1 according to the best of my ability. �r� (Signed) '�- ii Other s.- r Subsc:bed ��and sworn to • ore me this t� r�`- day .• %_� , 19 . _ .' 1 N 7 e" (Sign. „.e - /L t I Tide • 1 i • 18 , •COPNOCHT i•ta OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 wa M.MSONuweaoK CO.ROCflESWt N r.mop STATE OF NEW YO , COUNTY OF. /Q/ //js ss. 4± _of 1,l l_ F�55 I, Q1 n + ,1 e A. K R E D rn o p , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of -I1 ' according to the best of my ability. (Signed) it t ). 11 ■ i airy Subscribed and sworn to .-fore • e thi l "AI ei. day ••• /C- ,9q ii (Si. ii) , „ �// �.jrr.i ,x-- J rde I 1 • I, i . li ' 1 1 OATH OF OFFICE •comical'1907 I ? FORM NO.69 VmtuMSON LAW BOOK CO_Roclts1ER N.Y.116E9 :Ii ' ' P^ ji STATE OF NEW YORK ( w (i COUNTY OF A en S ss, 4.4 ( .SS I ' I, I C1/4_5511 , do solemnly swear that i I will su pport the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, : 1 and that I will faithfull ..rge the duties of . I l; according to the best of my ability. r (Signed) - Ali se i/' _he 1 Officer sworn to befpre me this day ofL r�lJ�7 ��19 �� ' (Signed a 4.9 I Title 19 •COPYRIGHT 19C OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 KIILhMSON LAW BOOR CO.ROC}ESTER.N Y.14609 STATE OF NEW YORK !/ COUNTY OF r//ic/i '' SS. resat or , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of t fa 01.6045 according to the best of my ability. �� . (Signed) . �. _ - Avs- o& Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19_ (Signed) r 1 C4�e� Title ;' •COPYRIGHT I9S7 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 W¢LAMSONUW BOOK CO_ROCHESTER.61.Y.NEW • r . STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OFirifrasitsS ss. 0:10-7414 _,of I, ??4ae' LL1r_ / ti , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully di arge the duties of r•f"••• (ealielfeAriP tit //P0 /313143 according to the best of my ability. • . (Signed) ..iu.A � • • ..A/1 . .... oerc. ic Subs "bnd sworn tiu -fore me this 1• �_ day of a' 19 9° `�:.. (Signed) IAN . - '`fl ast. i ", Title I ■ 1 20 •COPYRIGHT't%: OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WIlLAHSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.XYMCA :.x STATE OF NEW YORK . }COUNTY OF l r ss. - a. . of f, iih elieriyar 4 + , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, - l. and that I will faithfully • harge the duties of a frs' i//9s - Adria tir li according to the best of my ability. � Q . , (Signed) & Subscribed end sworn t re me this 0,7 E+i� day , 1 ;- (Signed) 7- c. risk Y 1. OATH OF OFFICE •COPYRIGHT 1967 FORM NO.69 WILAMSON LAW BOOK CO ICCWSTccxel± ;, STATE OF NEW.YORK I • COUNTY OF ss. 'rant oof /.acgc I,- 6iifAa.a lY ! do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, .-` and that I will ithfully discharge the duties of i 4 -! 1 / __ 1 j according to the best of my ability. (Signed) 7r7 6(101!-e ! Subsc • a.. swo . .:..re me thjs ..-.= i day . ..,c-y0- } 4 (Signed) ,/1'. !' ► `i - ..- / A/ .. : E r Tilt¢ ;ti ;La :.i, S . _ `o 21 I • OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 W ultsov ONUW BOOKCO.ROCHESTER.N Y 1460? STATE OF NEW YORK rt COUNTY OF T iirain ss. 7esI'Ati of 14llf64,0 -i I, ataneir £ 'tie sa4C , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, i f and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of •6 li/id . ,i,,, 93 ;.• according to the best of my ability. 3 / """ -, (Signed) a/1'I u—f/ ofitr i Subscribed and sworn to b re me this • // da of 0 , 19fl (Signneedd " A ' J Lir ' F • Title . 5 i i E Y i I I OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 w�.cCOPYRIGHT BoacCo_WtESTNY.Ira STATE OF NEW YORK ' �/ 1 COUNTY OF Tiy a ss• QVast of attfW.S z I,- a f} f A r' , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, i and that I will faithful) discharge the duties of I I /Nip o'r� �;A� s c ( according to the best of my ability. { (Signed) F CSR .f. Subscribed and sworn to before me this X ) 4069111,1 day of - 12V I I (Sign. / '_r._._ i 0 aria i fin' el ' Title .? • ' .. 22 l 0 ! •COPS RIGHT NC ' OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 • KTLLLYMSON LAY:ROOK CO.ROCHESTER,N v NO s STATE OF NEW YORK 1 COUNTY OFZArefAti ss. I, / ilj4A 1- L 'i%f , do solemnly swear that {( I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, !. and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of -7A-00 C/re# -heat 0/47.9. - . s. lr- •• according to the best of my ability. – (Sig ./ i_.,.../.– I / ofra t Subscribed and sworn to before me this I.I. S day of / 19 90 1 AO(Si..•.) / �-1 aeW' • —i Titk • f OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO 69 •corvwcHr 1967 v v.t.® WLLLAMSON TAW ROOK co..ROCHESTER. ' } STATE OF NEW YORK i COUNTY OF hi'S 1 .w ss. do solemnly swear that I I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, i Iand that 1 will 'thfully discharge the duties of _ ,; according to the best of my ability. f I +, i. f (SigMlar Subscribed anndd sworn to before me this o 1 __-�"--day of QG , 19_10 (Signed) r . ( s a a • ! Ink . . . i , 23 •COPYRIGHT 190 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WLLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESfIILN.YI1/3 STATE OF NEW YO K COUNTY OF o-nukaaS ss. flLu t of I, 2.4tek , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of t�,[iL LLiz� according to the best of my ability. ` . "/�/ (Signed) 9 • Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this ar -s day of QlnUnA' , 19 90 (Signed) 914e11Q iia Tele I l i 3 s OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 vasty SONLAW BOCK CO.ROCwtsnEAxv.iwn STATE OF NEW YORK,, ,(, c1- ik;# COUNTY OF.7 421 ss' 76€7) f, 'Ply I 1) A . Ty t , do solemnly swear that ' f I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of �{ ia/U2e/1 Qi , OGU according to the best of my ability. I / // 4601.44..0 /soarer t:.. (Signed) £ Subscribed and sworn to before me this A �`-// 1/4 ay of ritt025-4-r , 19 VO (Signed) Q Lee • III .. u 5Y- • . 24 COPYRIGHT 1987 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 W U MSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER,N Y 14607 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY O1F��L '� ss. /42-"`-1-1 of K N 'F r_-..4 C. ea rz s T 6,n N s cn' , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of e9-0"7-€-.7 C2-e °Q y (fib Q �(J, P according to the best of my ability. • I (Signed) Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this /171`n day of 19 90 i (Signed) ' I Title {'. I ;t s • ' I OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 •COPYICGHT 16187 W6LM15ON LAW BOOR CO.,ROCHESTER.N.Y.1160/ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ti k 7d?yyrinod ss. O,r3c�/7 of T 4d1i. z2 I, an-r h /A/E 4 Z-Td t/e7C., do solemnly swear that • (I I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ea' =.. err Al according to the best of my ability. y 7 (Signed) ��e�%iwu.lc Q. /J officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this . � ` :11..y of 19� (Signed) ace...-ca- - [ Title • . 25 •COPYFOGHT 1961 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WM1LAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.NV.146 STATE OF NEW Ye : _ . CONY OF —.. ss. — — G , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Stat of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /CI&r* AOC- according to the best of my ability. s . (Signed) - Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4 ef firt day of , 19 (Signed) ' • ��jjJ/ ( Title •COPYRIGHT 1967 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WILLiAMSON LAW BOOK CC.ROCHESTER.P&Y•I4W _ STATE OF 6 COUNTY OF i'ffr ss• arnfirto of _, I, � �1eir/t �f a , do solemnly swear that 2 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, Y:, and that I will 'thfully d' char the duties of F_ 1 t' j ofczxa T, = f. s i according to the best of my ability. 02 : t ft- (Signed] ctA Officer j Subscri_ bed nand sworn to fore me this p '' C V day of (.� '✓ / L , 19` &) rat u, I I I _ . a-i . c- (Signe /�jl�� / r >.- .,,i Cell Title i 'k • 3 ,r. t YY fi . k : 3 • 2 26 L •COPYRIGHT IGI: OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHuR S, i Y PM STATE OF NRK I ....591,INTY OF /4�y ss. . � of • 1, #1 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I ' f • full ischarge the duties of I �� .Ca I' according to the best of my ability. 1� • • i I (Sig', �J�lt r iw / / Mr Subs i•. • and sworn t'� efore me this ' • / V G ; ' _ , days 19921 ' I j / Title I ■ i 1 I I I I i i I 11 l I i OATH OF OFFICE •COPYRIGHT 1967 . FORM N0.69 WLUN4SON LAW BOOK CO..ROCFWSTnL N Y.1i STATE O NE�V L1+OR� 1 I C OF ,Ss..J.a, ss. i !d - sue , _ �. /j/ % do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yolk, I and that I will fai char eduties of I fal I I — ______ according to the best of my ability. i I 7. _ ' (Signed)/ az A / , F 1 I Sub , -d and sworn to'be ore me this ' t iSall,ar /�� D i/ 05jj 19 (Signe r ��� _ _ _ Title ■ ■ j i ` al • 27 • •COPYRIGHT 1961 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.N Y 1+609 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF I°, -e.IL�=rs ss. • (ft..,,.-' of L�c s-s-c_s I, 2c t • kc.__L1-. , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of {•{ E� + c1 - R- F 1��- according to the best of my ability. �(�/ p I (Signed) ' •�i4-1 Y-. !c �•rr` 1 Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 4= day o. , 19 7 (Signed/ .✓�- S% L.r Title . • •COPYRIGHT 196I OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WLLiIMLSON LAW BOOK CO..ROOff57FAN.Y.1401 • STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF 1/4-7e0977-,J6 ,, ss. L%CeAl of I, A/19 Ai LI y /7. JTT/eiq/ ' , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of • according to the best of my ability. • (Signed) (,✓tt Ober Subscribed and sworn to before me this 974-17 yof 727 ' e , 1990 (Signed) 12-tee-C- .f.!. •�'� eeuTy Uce.c- '-' Title • f c 28 - t COPE FOCHT Ywl OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 HILLIANSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCILSTER N 1' :aw • STATE OF NEW�YJORK COUNTY OF■/isf .Ati1o, ss. �LLGGLIfJ of ( G��QAGV/ I i. ` Q r o '/ lv 6 C.+h r k , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of „Ale :.I according to the best of my ability. • , (Signed) I\JCk t a N at-A-— � Ixcc Subscribed and sworn to before me this E4 yof , 19Qd (Signed) 45:7,e_121azicritte.G...e> rule �• C { g�g OATH OF OFFICE I ` FORM NO.69 •copvmcNL 1989 ' - W LtJAMSON LAW BOOK co-ROQIESEEAN Y.l* 1 i STATE OF NEW YORK C -1=—al____of - ,yc� I I, /Ji .,a. - I► QS + do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithful charge duties of • according to the best of my ability. ' (Signed) e - Sub • . and sworn t•C-fore • e this (Signed, i dd ri - i Title • 1 29 •COP\TIGHT 1%: OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 wIli AMSOS LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER N Y IJ6(9 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OFk—et A ss. 1 J tt-i'1 of 1, c._`J tbt IL i t t)ke lore- , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duti- of - • according to the best of my ability. (Signed) CI). (j 23 t/a- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9r.,5 y of • . -' , 19 1 O (Signed) re/ •COPYRIGHT 1%! OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO,69 wuwsON LAW BOOK co.RooLSTIR.N.v.1Ya STATE OF NEW YORK COJ NTY OF ss. j, F4 /Y A-6- etp , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that 1 will faithful) • rge th.euties of according to the best of my ability. (Signed I ti. AO • Officer • r Subscribed and sworn t •efor• me this v 9t. (Signed i x :. Title IC 1 . ., 30 •COMUGHT I%7 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROQff57ERN Y HtOi STATE OF NEW YORK I COUNTY OF l�o /t 72 om ss. t . j I ‘ _ of -Z ,l-dee js I, Judah L. Co h¢, , do solemnly swear that �: 9 • ! I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of -efteS_A--.!2 '_J71r ry • is I according to the best of my ability. i i ; (Signed) triAt(a vR aMC u Of<iLa r Subscribed and sworn to before me this `. , /-9.4.-14 da f , 19_ e7)1 (Signed) 4p'/ ..e L �z<Gl� — - ' 4 ' V ��� T;tk : 0 i I. . lA t ti i • 1 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 •COPYRIGHT R 'HT NC RO Y.a STATE OF NEW YORK WLnAMSON LAW BOOK C0. GESrnLLI/� COUNTY OF ` / sof u. J i of /dQ�� // i I? I, ' Al_ :Eat)- /'7a_t — , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of It - t according to the best of my ability. a (Signed) •Gr Subscribed and sworn to befor me this ot� ti 1 day of , 19fe2 • j (Signed) / --j. -_S,_.. . a Title I Y 1 • • 31 . •COPYRIGHT I%: OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 uIlLAALSOti LAW BOOK CO.WESTERN Y tau. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ''._'1 .. U 4i�rL ss. 1GGLst of 7t�y0-a I, /l /# ' ' 1 iI T , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • and that I will faithfully discharge the duties f � .. \ _ _ according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Subscribed and sworn to before .• this f`Y day of , 19 90 (Signedit 744 4. isof TIC •COPYRIGHT 1%7 i OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 YALAMSON LAW BOO(CO..NOC}ES7nt.N.Y.14609 STATE OF NEWY RK CO OF ✓� • �/t4SS � „ " ./ of 1, Q A n,1 I 11 e CA.Rr e kl U r f, , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties o ��� I according to the best of my ability. r . (Signe d61w ) )- ?WMcn1Oj • Officer Sub ri`Jnd sworn t• . fore met •s • _ .S //�I :r. , 4a- day,.. `Signs - J/ dale Till Y- • x.41 ':�l • 32 1 •COPYRIGHT 1997 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 W1L10.MSON LAW BOON CO•ROCHESTER N y ;Ac STATE OF NEWY IRK COUNTY OF Aoit • ss. of '. Z , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ;j and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of iRPi I according to the best of my ability. 9(Signed) G��or O .0 � Officer Subscribed and sworn to before e this day • 1. ._ Cp (Signe. 7z :?mac I1'f Title 1{, 1 1 ' • ! : li,l iii; • a I, .,r. l I 1 . i I OATH OF OFFICE • FORM N0.69 •COPYRIGHT LIAMS L9Sr �� WRIIMLSON LAW BOOK CO..ROCFESrER N.Y.WOO 5 STATE OF NEW YORK _ COUNTY OF � ,f.,. ,.L(,/ ss. 1, Imo : err - do solemnly swear that iI will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of i 1 `_..1 . _ — � I i • { - according to the best of my ability. ' I , (Signed) �• Subscribed and sworn to before me this of 1 , cR 9 -a) day of , 19 90 L f I (Signed) / --rat.- _ - ,. e (1, Tide 3:3 COPHUGHT OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 '.WA MSON LAW KOOK CO.ROCHESTER.P.Y »em STATE OF NEW Zs COUNTY OF J /a/'� i1 S ss. 01rK� of r�-C y6Sf/�-s I, f1-t � �RrbR-//,S�C , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will aithfully discharge the duties of jAle mmtr 0-P .SBA. cf according to the best of my ability. (Signed) tr U Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this da of- ie� _ L ' , 19g� (Signe- _ / d' aee Title _ t I ' E •COPYRIGHT 1911 OATH OF OFFICE FORMNO.69 WILANSON LAW BOOK CO..ROCHESTkRNY.116W STATE OF NE1�LYORK __70JUNTY OF �� ss. �1 urtJ of l�Sf,S r i r • y i 1, v:fee)/ y/G�� , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I ^If thfully discharge the • s of ,f according to the best of my ability. r (Signed) alt-id 0-1 77/a1 Officer z; 1 Subscribed and sworn to tore me this ior •.yofa - , 19:7 � (Signed) .11 " irC `" _ /L ,.^ -rite C • e _ . . . 34 i.. i., t COPYRIGHT ten OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WwiA.+sou LAW BOOK CO,ROCHEsrzR N Y iaoi STATE OF NEW YORK • ` COUNTY OF SS. 02d-ca-x-i of -7 J I u_, L •i , do solemnly swear that j I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, . p ' ' ' _and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of_ P u Ty --T;w St At CAL F-_ ; 1 • • ' ti - r 'I 1 I ; ! according to the best of my ability. IK I i. / . /#/i . y Ji (Signed) ' .i" / Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this ',i5 ' I '— — �• day • - i ua , 19I , i� � t- .Gv j ! (Sign-.�� .. , 1i F I Title : i ■ it { • 'Ii 'ail ' . I. l l 1:i If 11. : l 1j ,I { 4I 11 j 4 1 ' l li I:;1 I si ,@ 1 I' t I . j • 'f I OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 •COPYRIGHT 1967 � �I .� WRIIAYSONLAW800K CO.ROQE5nRN Y.MR i • STATE OF NEW�M ' C�yUI TY OF /0 St I S ss. Dili f /cum of i , I • I, _.<1nAn ■J. 02441 S , do solemnly swear that I support pport the Constitution of the United States and a Constitution of the State of New York, �I p and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of -S/t'e ; , IA 1 tl 1`9 / Ip according to the best of my ability. / . , jI , I ' I 5 (Signed) —ai — arse Subscribed a d sworn to befor- me this HL s f (S igner/,_ / / _ ] Title I ;I .14) i` . t Ali 1 _I ( 35 f•f Him OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 KKrJJAMSOtN LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.N Y t+ew ■ STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF 11 -k-el _ ss. \-JG lte A/ of 7-4—e y e/ t1_i N//// / that I, € 6L G °c-- /2J, [l / ` S DAY , do solemnly swear that cik, I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /davit/ t7TT it'Xier according to the best of my ability. Si ned)t ( g Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this o?a `/day or —6i../.i,.e._ , 19 9/ (Signed) i/_ _ -...rant.---Get _. . air Title . c- •COPYRCHT 1W OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 wwnMSOHUw BOOK co..Raai*STrnN Y.trm l z. STATEOFNEWY K COUNTY OF /a /? j n S ss• i. nn of LL4ScS l ie 1 /?) -�f(A/ e9E• , do solemnly swear that ` i I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of n , .- 50 4///)9 according to the best of my ability. k` (Signed) e 4 Officer Subscri.-. and sworn to before me this .. �I dayo U: a _ , 19� ' �`.. (Signed`/�. i/._ Eidtagei • g� I �,�, ..,- Title J i W. . 1 t. I' a COPYRIGHT V* OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 0.IlLIAMSON LAW ROOK CO•ROCHESTER.NYI:eW • ■ STATE OF NEW COU TY OF /j" & Jss. • t 1, P,ej//Gy <74106 72- , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I '' k •z : and that I will faithfully dischar e e Hut s of• e 1 i? P. according to the best of my ability. ( '.. ! (Signed) C�c L /3 _i A, oen, rb Officer tt 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this : + t I: �/ day O , 19 91! Lp t (Signed), .��/�' • "l : rue iN .. it iii , ` I'f Ir 1, t, � i is• is I - d! . , 1 : +l. OATH OF OFFICE •COPYRIGHT 19e7 � p{ (. . FORM Nil.69 WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO.R O C F r N.r 1 1 6 0)11 : STATE OF NEW YORK > It I I ..„COUNTY OF /lfA` } ss. • . i j , do solemnly swear that 1. Iu I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, •- ' 11 and that I will faithfully discharge the d '-s of II f % .9, r 0-6/to Ifaccording to the best of my ability. 1 ti }: I4" (Sign 4 y L..) -.........,,n G Subscribed and sworn to before me this Dace i I �� day .f , 19 r (Sign-.i, ..i- . . { y(�/ 2 / Title i 1! � I . t II (, . 37•COPYRIGHT 19137 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 w1WAMSO N LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTFR W NYta STATE OF NEWWYY 1RK . COUNTY OF 'tip / ,�tc<"� ss. lOu�ry of GCses I, �,4 v .. � , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of • tC re-, 5 er' according to the best of my ability. 04-4---/C4(Signed) -.---lf la!i . . OMKeT' Subscribed and sworn to ,ore me this day of , , 19q/ • • (Signed) C G / / Y / Title ■ i i i i - 1I i . ,I . i ii i OATH OF OFFICE FORM N0.64 •CORYWCHf t%) =LAMSON taw BOOK CO..ROCT+FSTFaM.Y.MCA 1 STATE OF NE35LYORK C• OF ■ 4.--..« ss. i . } , i / .1 / _ _ of aa'— --- i{ I, lC i, - -• Jt , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, r and that I wilt faithfu y ' charg the duties of _ j rY i !. '• according to the best of my ability. i ZIA c. lca,cw.. (Signed) Officer i I Subscribed . d sworn t o .- : - m- this yy�ras ,i 1 ..y of it 19/ /— (Signed) %1 /% /� /iii Title • :( ,l 38 'COPYRIGHT P9' I OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WTLWlMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.NY i.,s STATE OF NEW YORK . COUNTY OF`rut fy /€ ,c ' ss. ' � ""GC' of 1 t 1 ya'cLG►z� 1 i . I, 2 1'na J. Herrick , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States . d the Constitution of the State of New York, _- I: H 1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of - ' ��� ��`���.aQ`t ' ll IF ' -Ik li i'. I ' according to the best of my ability. E i:! (Signed) \-‘2-u_d,Sir. : . ',. .iti, Officer 1! Subscribed and sworn t?,bef.re me this 1 , i j c� day of C , 19 Q / ff i, ear' (Signed) ' I.�!/� ct te,c-.I`_ I� ' ` Title . it ..i <i liIli .ii! _ { !I !,1 1 !ji ;1: . , ; , II illi ' OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 •COPYRIGHT 1967 �i I WRLAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHES-TERN Y.Irm l! , t - : iI i STATE OF NEW YORK • _ i; ! I l i COUNTY Oa} ss. ?' II ( of 72Z ,,,s42 -' — fiill ill I, Jtid;'-h 1. 001, Q �; . , do solemnly swear that I ;II : ( I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, til . i: !i I i and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of / / I, II, : ' — - - ��i �i#_ - 0. .- .: 1; I : ' !' ;t !I II, . according to the best of my ability. l∎ ;l : • :. (Signed) ... K r. 1 i .I _ - Officer 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me this I: ' //re G i Of , , 19 i (Signed) �`/ `� , xe-- l zi - Cr ege,—/€_. Title l: 33 1 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 Uw1WAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.NYnu* I STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF ,-!l7 1�✓-tst SS. -l.Lt; of 7,1 .,r/ I, &.....111617261� /v derdr o solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States nd the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 'De ✓ i i 1 i according to the best of my ability. I . (Signed) a . S.-L. i Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this /� i • I l/ ay ofU� 19 "/ j • I (Signed) ay of I ! egte.. • ..._ • Title i 1 I i t I F • \ •COPYRIGHT 1%7 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WOLAN SON LAW BOOK CO..ROC7ESIQZN.Y.ueln STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ..i<eaKet_.- ii ss. Lullc— of / 1�1- . ate I. "n12 /5 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the St to of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ��l /-0� C � ■Y= sfi. LCi according to the best of my ability. V. R. (Signed) •\4" Qe.,...L - Officer Subscribed and sworn to befo,, me this 1 4a L7 day f at._.._. . , 19 9/ 1, ���_ 1 (Signed) �_ _ !l t,./K .. = a��l�/��/' J Title ; t, • . • . .. . lj - 40 . . . a COPYRIGHT 19111 . II OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WLLL\MSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.N Y 1699 OA } STATE OF NEW�RK S COUNTY OF� Ac 4:5 ss. C t ■ /7, �c w I, ((747 . 40�/PC/ , do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I and that I will faithfully discharge the ',Mies of a i A . I according to the best of my ability. , a, / O L CCC ` (Signed) .----� -- /c11-L'� . Office Subscribed and sworn to before this S. — - ! day of�i 19�� l r I (Signe-.���t ' ��tr .j (. • •4-(e/-7C--,, KO ,e i . I Title IP 1i It 1 i� I I: �. OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 `COPYRIGIf!1967 I 1; WIlLAMSON LAW BOOR CO..ROC1ff5TER.N Y.1•09 r I, STATE OF NEWLY)RK j CQUAHY OF #4 i�G } ss. f i !' /Ot(t�/ of (( 627 ` s 1 L • ! ! , 1.i I ��� , do solemnly swear that l I' I I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution w York, of the State of Ne and that I will faithfully discha .• • • duties •f i 1 I according to the best of my ability. i1 I . (Signed) C�tit t-ct k_ S4(Q) . Subscribed and sworn to .•for• met . _ day ; . 19 (Signe• � I. 400rr � i • Title {! • 41 I f OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 KIlLAMSON LAW BOOK CO•ROCHESTER.NV 14609 ii STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF . C-,e ss. . .• /octnc%of /C f sic`5- . I, �D/LE?V _ //////e c do solemnly swear that - I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, , and that I will faithfully discharge the ,uties of R i . / according to the best of my ability. 7i (Signed) • fr' 'rcpt - /.1 /!'n il-Gwti - Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this X ey day of -fa- , 19 5/ (Signed) At .r . a • �_. ec.,� .• . ,� ./� � • Title i •COPYRIGHT 1961 f({ OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 ww nsoN LAW BOOK CO..ROCHESTER.N Y.11609 i i STATE OF NE QRK i _COUNTY OF��Is ss. lflwAr of //y(ssCs i I, 0,C5 d e l l / , do solemnly swear that i f I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I . and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of gee a s-- ,. S,rec ,,- r according to the best of my ability. i (Signed) as.Al k/ / _/L l. Officer . Subscribed and sworn to be -re me thi- { a■a day of Ar. • , 19 9 • (Signed)/* /a Ir%, • ' /J2 s e-C.i . k f:i Title •_ C 1 i t if 42 I; OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 W ILLI MSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.N Y ,:Mr 3 STATE OF NEW YORK _ COUNTY OF_IL Itir .O.0 SS. . v /OcC'w of `! S 1, r:S the/2. 4I/0ry/-/,eld p , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, II and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /7 J I C ,G1L-V - i I — f according to the best of my ability. ((��� , (Signed) WX��l..effThil (C C 'Z�` n J Officer Subscribed and sworn to befor this y6 �� 19� day of (Sign::Sr ' .D ct ..x."" M 7:z.. • / // L l Tide } . : f • i .f i . • f j OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 •COPYRIGHT 1%7 : i WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER N.Y.1160) i . STATE OF NEW YORK ii COUNTY OF /in 9 fik ei S ss. i i ' ! nwn of _ LL ( /SSNS i 1, Ai�IO// Dp �A/54i. do solemnly swear that 4+ I I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, r and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ----tP ... : ,. li OraMIPI '' a 5"le, rc) : {1 1 'f! j according to the best of my ability. it I i i (Signed) . . 014 14 c4 Subscribed and sworn to b fore e�4his � day of_ / , I 19 � {I (Signed) • ` i Title i l{ . • . ',� 43 l;• sog OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WLLMMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER N V 11609 I? STATE OF NE flORK // ' Ir COUNTY OF 1' 4.561—t-° } ss. ��-G(,'%U of /-L.c/S� ( � , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, � l and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of j according to the best of my ability. I cn (Signed) •^�"v ' _ • Officer Subscribed and sworn toibefor this / day le- %Le_t`' , 19a� (Signed) �he Tide • •COPYRIGHT 1907 _ t OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 W ILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO..ROCHESTER.N.V.14609 STATE OF NE LYQRK COUNTY OF /n/u ss. of I, 712.4ti dip' 1 7 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of / • • according to the best of my ability. (Signed) CCLQts/its V Officer Subscrib•d and sworn t. :•fore e his } �- day o 2� i�i�� (Signed) Z//f: .L:L�//L! Title i 42 44 . (lO{1Rk di tIM Fi OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WILL I AMSONuu ROOK iO.ROCHESTER%r;;a STATE OF NEB/YORK , . } __COUNTY OFJ G n )c^'I _ ss. ba;4 of 77/e S- --S I / I, (70-7--A--' \-4-[C r,L , do solemnly swear that . . '•( I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of_ J i /Yip 1n is, t according to the best of my ability. 1 / (Signed)_g - % ' f 4- I orkK j 1 Subscri.ed and sworn to b- ire ,e this i it .ay of Ac,} 1 , 191 (Signe / .' ✓ :" /Ice-( C-'r 11 cittnv '•1 Title I 1 ' OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 N7W.1Mso:I sowco.Ra1esrERNA.s't STATE OF N e (-- DIY OFJ -��. '. SS. (!?tnA of l A, j COLA I, ��!' - ft� r/I e/G do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of t e United States and the Constitution of the State of New York' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of according to the best of my ability. a (Signed)` 6-7(1, (4/7 . - I. 14 ' Subscri.•• and sworn to b rem_ this t --a day of f _ : : i , 191 (Signed) /101r ='<0 j I Tide a 45 i` I.:•COPYRIGHT 1967 1"°° OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 W1W&MSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER Y 11609 STATE OF NEW YO RK COUNTY OF O • i ss.CO f Ja Onc • of ( `5 . that 1, / //.%X% , do solemnly swear that • ork, I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, . and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of . according to the best of my ability. �. .■ 7 (Signed) �J� � . 1 Officer Subscribed nd sworn to •• •re me this i ! it dayo / le v , 19�/ • (Signed) i�� ! .4 -�� ,u� • ...mot eC, Title .- t ■ • • •COPYRIGHT 1961 OATH OF OFFICE FORMNO.69 WO.UMLSON LAW BOOK CO..ROCHESTER N.Y.146W ISO STATE OF NEWS K . . CO NNTTY OF /0 A?1t� ss. J, is _of Utti ..SS('-- . I, M21n /A- Pa-1 +4 , do solemnly swear that . .t I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of F/1 °-n-; , l— slp ' • according to the best of my ability. . {t 1 -' (Signed) LE: - ! :M. Officer Subsc 'bed and sworn to be fore me this g. ay nnc •of 1 4O 9 (Signed) ■ .S vC'' ,: is Tide . I Y ✓ .. • t ' 4( 46 :(q • •COPYRIGHT I 7 I OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 u1wA..tSoNLAWBOORCO.ROC!¢STIR.NY;a* STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF_/M 2&-X 4-) SS. n,--} of/ �/(ir�C$S , / I, a/t H/ # ` m/71 , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • ;� and that I will faithfully di a the duties-eft / :t faithfully di according to the best of my ability. `1{t i/ i • • (Signed) // Officer ' ' Subscribe, and sworn to b- ore me this■ day of 00677/ /tat , 19C// t/ i� _ i LenrJ . • Title { I t ' i j'. ,i1 i I lit I T ( I, OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 `ccevRicHr v Y.t� unuauonuweoou co.BOCosTr2. ' ! STATE OF NEW YORK : . II l COUNTY OF� y v ss. 1, l CS { (; do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York 1 I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of�� � II �f?l�l aC t` R lkC iI t t according to the best of my ability. ' i t j t 7 t (Signed) . 4- ` .cc a — o: • Subscribed and sworn t. before me this �— »i•yof / LeA , 19A / — ■ . (Signed) ' ee— ars, `' � i • Title • • 47 Yom°' *COPYRCI IT VW OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WWAMSON LAW ROOK CO.ROCHESTER.N Y 14609 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF d ss. • �•y of that I,%>d/11 - , do solemnly swear that Ork4 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discha the duties of according to the best of my ability. • 06e (Signed) 1 � Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this • �I day Ma , (Sign r Tile • • - i •COPYRIGHT 1981 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WRLMLSON LAW BOOK CO.,ROQffSTER.N.Y.H603 STATE OF NE4.COl K __CODU YTY OF ft r b ss. < , of 1 1, i� � e,ec , do solemnly swear that that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully d' - -. •e the duties of Zad 1,413"In r . + ‘ - according to the best of my ability. (424a; (Signed) officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this rAii day _ ,1. 19� IT 5 (Se. sr � Tile . 41 48 .X'V H},i1: :a. • OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 tlu:IA+U41ti 1 AA N.+l.a•1 +l at3>R=.%V ... STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF__1di ss. _L_Aro of _. .v46.5., I. „Thar.2 MArail __ _-__ , do solemnly sµearthat 1 l I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York and that I will faithfully discharge the duti of is —Jr# /a chez F according to the best of my ability. I } A — r (Signed) _ �r . I • Subscribed and sworn to before me this —f/_ day ellaA — --- . 199Z (SigrS160141C_ i - Tn4• i • • 1 OATH OF OFFICE ■ FORM NO.69 KO lLtt�Nl1H1:' OK CO POCtff51FA+r 1h <i STATE OF NEW YOOiR�K- COUNTY OF l� U ss. . do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States an the Constitution of the State of New York, 1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of — according to the best of my ability. (Signed) — �1. �ati\-- Subscribed and sworn to before me this a —ce/Q day of !LC — 191 (Signed) _r ' Ap _ Title • • • 49 j. COPYRIGHT 1987 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER. Y. I4609 !' STATE OF NEW YORK T COUNTY OFd.�D1 55. of _ • I, fac , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of r L.q4f �rt4t t 7 ,i*fA according to the best of my ability. 411 (Signed) Officer Subscribed and sworn to b ore me this 1 1#1/ day of , 19 (Signed) ' —t air L Tide COPYIBGHT 1517 I ' _ I OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WI SON LAW BOOK CO..ROCtESTER.N.Y71609 - i STATE OF NEW yDRK r�l�[I �UNTY OF b } ss. /fan, of //*breve/ t I e P4 / ves/l �� , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United Stateess7a thee nstitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ea an- . a. I according to the best of my ability. } (Signedl - C> Meer Fr,. ; Subscribed and sworn to ore m: thi day of �,O IJ ; (Signed) ` - w• t 1 Tae .. __ I 00 • i s R%9Hk,lf7 h: OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 at I I bON IAN ROOK CO ROCHESITA.V :�� STATE OF NEW K / COUNTY OF / Ld kt_>2l - ss. . I l? f r--- c< L q�.sw i- 91l of � L t r E I, aT/ierfuc /3 S?ov« • do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, , [ and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of_____/22V-Mill nCtc- _'l E-1LLC.L, � 1 according to the best of my ability. . ,) () . � . (Signed) (zk4,.. � . _�C4K..• Otfica Subscribed and sworn to before me this V) dayof_ Ld--k-te.t"/ , 19n, (Signed) t 4_,a___ f,Au .LK--- c-"?1(c lc tom, ' n,ie i ,I 1 } ■ II OATH OF OFFICE FORM N069 °COPYIBMIT Mr . • NlU11NSON LAW BOOK co.ROQCSltRN Y 1 STATE OF NEW YORK CO I I'Y OF O. 2 �u2�� ss. I, (.a o / , J . G: is do solemnly swear that sI will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of_ [� __ _a.? .—t , , according to the best of my ability. • (Signed) in a c — Subscribed and sworn t. before me this ' ' ova 7 day of .a✓ , 19 11 (Signed) et •t., i.at ., - Titk 1 • 51*CORR/GMT 1957 Y.Ito OATH OF OFFICE FORM N0.69 WauAMSONUW BOOK CO.ROCIVSIER.N Y IfEOI STATE OF NEW YORK - COUNTY n OF_,Ld�yP 't�°/ ss. /Can of /.�frisets that 1, kOkelifr ft- /AP , do solemnly swear that • York I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully dissage t duties of F 444. • according to the best of my ability. (Signed) �1L'te`_+�• i�!L? ( 0109 Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this (/� 5 day f l!! 1 , 19 2-., (Signed t,o—t-.) 44,K� - Title • •COPYRIGHT I987 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 wWA MSOK LAW BOOK Oa.ROCHESTER.raY.11609 • STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF 1 r U u• i-c.--A.. of G SS t�fnd / 72at(X , do solemnly swear that .t (/ • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of he State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of k , according to the best of my ability. ' (Signed) V• oi4 ., -_ - J er Subscribed and sworn to b fore me this v day of; �z � _492—(Signed CZ/Lit / fr 19 Title ^I M` • 52 i f • i • 1� 1 • .? OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WLauMSONLAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.N Y im5ei O• Ii :i € ( STATE OF NEW YORK • �CO�fUN7Y OF � � ss C. \1-4-W J7 of )41e.-14.4/5-30--Y 1 1 U• - • - . . - ' Z , do solemnly swear that 1 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, 1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of � c tc��✓ nc C r- • i, • . l I€ 'tI according to the best of my ability. ac . Ili ' Iil+l t / gf Officer 4' Subscribed and sworn to befo e me this S IF; i day of , 19/Q OF(Signed) _ �f, • ,,,,t--t: ` et Y I / (S ), ;% Title I i, it � 1 • 1 OATH OF OFFICE 'COPYRIGHT 1W FORM N0.69 WIlAMSON LAW BOOK ca.ROOIESnRN.Y.I • - STATE OF NEL.IRK . COUNTY OF 114/ tiu' ss. C • UJ�� of Cif iCf I, _id//C A D ' i , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I 1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of C an h- eC /07t_ $�/ \ , ' r according to the best of my ability. . I . ��}-� 1i (Signed)ett6 /)j 9. e • i Subscribed and sworn to before •e thi __ l\ d. /5.-- d. .f �s tom' , 199_ . i/' I (Signed) // �i I.' /�i (t. C(/& t Title I • 1 �. C :, , 5:3 III , l OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 •WJA,WNIAWBOOACO•AOCHESTflLNY 14601 ,' STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF �n.c' SS. /Ocv-n, of /,r�SE'-S I, 6257%,„,e;, / do solemnly swear that • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully • sc . ee t d "es o according to the best of my ability. ,/� (Signed) Q otr,« Subscribed and sworn to before me this / day of I j 'GLl _ , 19 (Signed 4 t..i // Tide IGH OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 •WLCOWPYRWSOT 1%, NUWBOOHCO.WESTFR NY.11601 • STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 1/4 /�nr 6 kcna2 ss. 'j- I, (i .p Ot qi) bea LErroi • , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ,4rjressNEv7 trin according to the best of my ability. } - (Signed) 0 —/ �9 mar Subscribed and sworn to before me this PA3 /! day of Mgr , 19 g3 (Signed) Siseeese else 'L • (v/ e Tnk {� : k � ; 1 54 • i •COPYRIGHT 1%? ,t 1 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WILLIAMSONLAWBOONCo.ROCHESTER.N r NCO • •• STATE OF NEW YORK //� . ; COUNTY OF� ?� hc/t�✓ ss. I' ' F I F _ I, aq-7 141£ c$71 1/±7—&1/±7—&� , do solemnly swear that t I N I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ; ?i DS. reri j ,tl'.vr tai4Ezei i i and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 1 j, I f , according to the best of my ability. ( . , (Signed) a� a Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this Air-4 /`Mee day of g , 1994 {i !.4 (Signed) i I't 4 1, F ' 1 I I:«1 I i OATH OF OFFICE FORM N0.69 •COP1HT 191' wtuncotnsw BOOK Co.ROCHESTER N Y.WO! STATE OF NEW YORK /I • I Iiii COUNTY OF L kta/ ss. 13 I. 1 of Lc fld�[d • ll I,_ ."Ai en� S� . ;41 , do solemnly swear that I:il I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, 1 ;1 'c' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Licit T/o Al AJS'(,SGTbis X 71, A.( ;•�1 4. ,1. .; f according to the best of my ability. I ia' (Signed) 1 ;1;. Officer .. 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this-Ai :T ii �� d. of C1 cty 19 Q3 • 4f (Signed) / ' t i=s.:. AWegat a, rte 1 •.4i ‘,i 4 P11 PPP 55 ? 1 I i 1%1 OATH OF OFFICE FORM FORM NO.69 WW&MSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER N Y 1460 II STATE OF NEW Y�O K- t .• COU�11. TY OF e�JI, r.• ss. eC�'x-- of ? ES 6r4 4 / Oel G!? , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I • faith lly discharge the duties of according to the best of my ability. (Signed) ULAArt \-- G AV offiKer Subscribed and sworn to before me this Gz (Signed/ !/ cc- ' / n Title • .' •CWJ4S HL 19Q1 OATH OF OFFICE FORM N0.69 W➢J.IMISONUWBOatC0..BOafsmcKY.IYO➢ STATE OF NEW YORK '/ COUNTY OF ss' of tterS e-5 I, ?//4- / , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of cilezerijtzttezeret_ • ( according to the best of my ability. z. (Signed) Q42-4„..-/ ?' Dike �< 1Subscribed and sworn to before me th's day ofAifu 19 - (Signed) rile iii 56 I •COPYWGM I OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WW MSONLAK'BODf(CO.XOCHESTER.N Y I460) OATH • STATE OF NEW YORK � STA i COUNTY OF %i " -O kt�st 01 ss. CO of Ai a,_, L� I I S , 4i I L. • Y V W , do solemnly swear that I, 1 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I will 1.1 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of and t ft � i 1 kI i I i according to the best of my ability. acco 'N. (Signed)`." I , OYcer 'i' Subscribed and sworn to before me this p Su 1. l i // r-/J day of E. , 19 /-3 • i (Signed) � - (S-.. f Tale 1 I • E 1 i 1 .1 • I •COPYRIGHT 1957 • r OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 wwUMSON LAW BOOK CO..rtoaesmLN.Y.Itlw STATE OF NEW YORK . . i COUNTY OF -6A/h P k 1 n S ss. C • i - 1 °kan of Ui t i I' amal.4,- , do solemnly swear that I • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of .a L. _ ._ •.• - 11 lI`i r according to the best of my ability. •i . c ' (Signed) , V a/i i ( Subscribed and swam to .:fore • e this a AI Officer - l ^ (signed) - 'i• •� , Title ( i : f .. �. .. 57 ; + . OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 W41LA SONOLAW ROOK CO.ROCHESTER.s Y I4.609 STATE OF NEW_ YORK COUNTY OF ss. �— � / ( . /42ftaJ Toff . . tier . t I• �""' .r<Akc,e-E do solemnly swear that i' ; u I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, 1 i ! and that I will faithfully discharge the du 'es of I , i j according to the best of my ability. I 1 I '� 0bk� • j (Signed) 1 Officer i Subscribed and sworn to before me this I Oise day of j/ s- ��, 199— i (Signed ' �- ._ ', / Title i •COPYRIGHT t%7 O A T H OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 t& .0 ON LAW BOOK CO..ROCHESTER.N.Y.HIM STATE OF NEW SH Ri4----T ' COY OF J ss. I tit/ of ab��s . I, 4-2/7 f}- AL-74-4C-----1 , do solemnly swear that 1 I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge •• duties of • i _' \ / fr"." ' according to the best of my ability. I , . r 1 , (Signed) d I��tt ,tJ t N& j oaKR Subscribed and sworn to •- .re • 's- I I: Al a. da . ...„,e,/_ ., ,I , 19' (Signed AY / L - �''' �!` „ ,// Title 6' { I r • . * 1 • i t; I 58 j � : A CO�, IR,�: i OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO"69 All U EA AMSON LAW HOOK CO HOCHEST N V 'Lc STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ter.�•/ ss. of C..S I, inert A. / •_= , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge tin • -s of et. /�•a - , i according to the best of my ability. ' � t rLEL/(Signed) -1,(1-7-e.:---11-----. IN Mr • { Subscribed and sworn to before me this (J ; D day of4t l 't 0 , 199? (Signe../,/. _ - •_ y`j , l : • j Title ; i E t1 I el f ! I OATH OF OFFICE i FORM NO,69 •COPttsa t'"r K r.WO I wawwson uw tsoo c co.ROCHESTER ;j'I STATE OF NEW YORK If i COUNTY O ,�G�to ; : + ss. flit of���f� tei _ l' i 1, . • - I At / cCd , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. 1 @@ and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ' / �/4—.c e20-,e---- . i (l 1 according to the best of my ability. - e / `E '2 (Signed) A. •, f' 41 /o� j Subscribed and sworn to before me this II 1. -- —may of —�. • • , 19-_-i-3 i l (Signed) a . J awe ` } of r er Et i i Title a I ., 59 OATH OF OFFICE F `COPYRIGHT 1967 FORM NO. W9I1ANSONtAW BOOKGO"ROCHFSTFRN Y. H60) E STATE OF NEW YORK 1 COUNTY OF_ ,ail0,4e-o ss. _L�V'Xe____of Ce2/ t5 / I, .f�P�C5 aaf/ , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discha •e the d ties of t - fft / Cr/ T according to the best of my ability. (Signed) m.! .Jj��///7 L/v`'F p 1 / Officer Subscribed and sworn to beforeTTe this 1/ day of _�/+ZCZ 1953 I (Signe.,� / .� c . / Title t f i . . OATH OF OFFICE FORMNO.69 COPYRIGHT �ISONLAWBOOKco.r rncxY.T.ea E STATE OF NE&'.ARK [ CO�lyI Y OF A�tb. ss. i of= I, , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, .K` ' and that [will faithfu y discharge the duties of ti according to the best of my ability. r (Signed) / M\ �. /<\ct t vK-�- F Officer f Subscri.•4 and sworn to •• ore e this ,t , -An_i day . _i% / _ , 19 i. x S Z ✓� �4.t, ' c Title i. E 6 K P k t I + i ; 58 60 .1 ii •COP RENT tQ< OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 nUAMSON LAW BON.CO.Rooesu3 N y 71/41 • ii - I $. ' STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF_ //��ZE ss. l C!1 nJ of • / i, �1 w• — - , do solemnly swear that I r ;y • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I i '1 I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of ! 1 � \... [G,Ott - I F ` ti i . .t •• :' I according to the best of my ability. cIr1 �,,I (Signed) JI t .. a . A--- ..� o� Subscribed and sworn to before me this it ^'ill Jf ,,i ! i day of K. is I it, : •1 : ( (Signed) t t I k S � Title f . t. I ,1 t - i 0. I • A 1 ; 4 ) i I . OATH OF OFFICE .corrmcHr iasr _ FORM NO.69 waualsoxuweoacco noaesTutxzxr . I STATE OF NEW ; • l/ _ COUIYTy OF / /� ss. l d ti H , do solemnly swe ; i I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New .:; YS. ■ and that I will faithfu t• .•:• ha the duties of 7e.; I ti'} according to the best of my ability. 4 J 1 { • • Subscribed and (Signed)] Jr L_�i� sworn to , ot� fo.. me •is 14 di r (Signed) jtfea c- 19 It l I 7 Title ! J F:- :y I s, • 61 I4501 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WLLLAMSOSONLAW BOOK CO.ROCHESTER.N Y. I 460 I STATE OF NEYW ORK COUNTY OF �(th ss. of " (/ fØ33 A. I,_ /i/fie///g X c- GC , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duti f - f/ according to the best of my ability. ' r (Signed) ' t e--1-61E--' �! If I. 58 62 ii it 11 'COPYRIGHT I%: II : OATH OE OFFICE FORM NO.69 WILLIAMSON LAW ROOA CO.ROCHLsmL N Y ;yc 0' i' STATE OF NEW�K j f SS. : /43.5 COU OF Oi I 1: /Aca It of 111 te-S 1 I I, .JAM/c7 E t'( • rE RG U s , do solemnly swear that I will support the /Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I , is and that I will faithfully discharge t e du/ties of l EC /nit I I I according to the best of my ability. 7 7 i (Signed 1 Se 4 i / aka ii I Subscribed and sworn to befor• e this i .; ); I � day of i.lr (K -2 , 19 :I j i. ` (Signe•:fr . • , . 'C—i free? CZ e I I / Title t I, , l; 1 ' 1 r E I I t � I I ' I i E tI 11 OATH OF OFFICE Y.WI FORM NO 69 •COPYRIGHT HIV I VaLLIAMSONLANHOOK CO.ROQESnAt't t. : I STATE OF NEW YORK i :: COUNTY OF_ /0 ss. — 45 1 ! ' ; i aunt of 6, I t , f I, _ _ 045 S / do solemnly swear that { 1 l I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yom' ' 11 and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of i 1 -' 11 D LUX /1_ ,Q a t L/ r i according to the best of my ability. I. /41. (Signed) G A ! I l Subscribed and sworn t - i e me this day of /If 6 1 (Signed) /71--.., 19 I I G.L •• / ! The . I ■ :3 . IA • 3 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 COPYRIGHT WILAMSON LAW BOOK CO.ROCIE57r.RN V I4 ;.� STATE OF NEW YORRK�y COUNTY OF∎.,M 24>t•/ ss. of , Z� / ?�G.z/ • that LniligSir / a q A' , do solemnly swear that I , it ark, I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /ate-A) CL according to the best of my ability. /-' Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this X? day of-t 'L hi/r- , 19q" (Signed) Tole • •COPYRIGHT I%/ OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO..ROCHESTER.N.Y-MOT LEA STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF�le- a-1 Ss. // __of , /n� [ C.4fpertne a Storer , do solemnly swear that that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, • ark ` and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of / 04c1 .t) (O c-( � C IL. P�—C•1'� CJ according to the best of my ability. II (Signed) er2 .M. C3 fir, Officer Subscribed and sworn • . •re me this . day .f teCe c---", 197`- = r Ar (Signe. 44. i Titk 4 5E 64 FORM wu�u^NS-ONLAWeoa;CO.ROaasa•r;as OATH OF OFFICE • STATE OF NEW YORK _ • 1.x COUNTY OF 0 -, corn-o-'1 SS. 018-cc,LC of (-T>GeY,ed__e'¢/ I, , do solemnly swear that i • . I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, I and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of J t) (e.c /4 rF_CJ'bAJ _ according to the best of my ability. / (Signed) Lassa./ /u .A a / '• - / Mrs j ; • Subscribed and sworn to before me this /er t day • o mite, 19 C 9 Signed 401 4e.-•‘' IIII`• /-k Title 4 'i i i :l , t , j, l .li • is I I +I I t I, I%1 r �. OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO 69 w•COPYRIGHT LIS oott co jcoesramy w! ' i' 1 � STATE OF NEW YORK • j r COUNTY OF �' n o� ss. i 'II 9 - of tP_/2dd/ 1 ';! I{ I �¢s ¢��-0� , do solemnly swear that �I 1 I will support the Constitution of the United States arid the Constitution of the State of New York , ! II I� ' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of <<��� r _ . ! f ,P�ei t>rE�tlr�En1 T - ` I _ according to the best of my ability. 1 II 'I / I f (Signed) a • • • is • t - - I ate Subscribed and sworn t• •efore me this , , .j (Signed) I// � 19 r ,. I I cc, 1 i �t,r / Title ` I I ' i i • �J 1,, it •l*0 •COPYPJGHr 1987 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 KIliLNISO\UII BOOK CO,NOCIESSLZ\Y lai I� • I. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF� _ t'CL.e I, ss. that I, eke/5fi,vi= k -,-SpeLevSz� do solemnly swear that Y I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of /0 e-ciA--) 1/4-4-1,/ Ti c e according to the best of my ability. (Signed) -//._ i. -- 4 ,, t _ �. . Subscribed and sworn t• .- •re me this • �� dayJof �'• ` - , 19 • (Sine. /,i 4A1L ..ist , '✓ ' %& Tide • •COPYRIGHT t9C OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 VAWYANUW BOOK COJCCHESnRH Y.USN STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF m v/C /1"2-5- ss. 7T ) Of I Paa L•f1 N t do solemnly swear that - • I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of_ ---Delati T r& .3 CI etz< according to the best of my ability. • t (Signed) 06cer Subscribed and sworn to before me this :. fJ' day of T ° 19 >.: (Signed) ' a,.. ��ee C�CG/L Title t'F l. . 66 . • j ► . .COPYRIGHT:uK7 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 Knl AMSONLAW/WOK CO.ROC}STM X y As STATE OF NEW YO ss. ■ CO OF__, Cel 470-1 of GlefSSt I . /J i I ( '11fL',tliJtc'r Pt/C/ , do solemnly swear ttet ' I ' I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, 1 .. and that I will faithfu • charge the du ies of , _ ail ' :,C) 5t'� i - ' Gcft'CCJ i. . f • ' according to the best of my ability. - j 1, (Signed) _ o- �` Subscribed and sworn to before me this d• / day .f'S/A U 'aii 9_ • +IIh (Signed) 0, - .Lr. addi r ., / ,+ Title , s I I ;i 'I i :. i :! OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 wnuw nuweoaaco.xoarsittrt.c% • ).t I . I , STATE OF NEW YORK i f',` COUNTY OF k ss. !I. /4 of - I ii lI, L/ .. �. do solemnly �::i r f twin support the Constitution of the United St. •s% d the Constitution of a State of Near Yak and that will faithfully discharge the duties of �—J I -rx according to the best of m A! ' i y ability. , { i zt (Signed) AO tic. At ii►� Subscribed and � t• "j sworn to before me this ,-; • day of U�. ' (Signed*/ ✓� �� i • . Tale I 67 i ,, tnrawl OATH OF OFFICE COPYRIGHT 198: CE FORM N0.69 tt1LLJAKSON LAN'BOOK CO.ROCHESrrRN Y 1460+ ■ STATE OF NEW YORK 1 COUNTY OF w Ay,tt t" ss. ! 14zed of?-r // —ta i ' 4< ' solemnly�' that I, �/�/Nq l f� � , do solemnl swear that York, I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, ' i I i ,,.� and that I will faithfully di, arge the duties o iI , according to the best of my ability. // (Signed) L� "L ^ c> • /yi...CcL1.��- Oka 1 Officer Subscribe and sworn to before me this I �� day of ///�J , 199V (Signed): 'l � . . C . u� . cc( -7 -,'-C '• Title I i II 1 • I : • i' OATH OF OFFICE FORM N0.69 •COPYRIGHT 1981 wILMLSONLAWSON(CO.ROMSIIICHY.I4604 :tom - STATE OF NEW YORK . COUNTY O ss. r .± of ' 0 i, I, /i e_L -, 'tiYD6�- , do solemnly swear that ` '•s I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of e-2-6C n o.c--) S,t>,Sf6c ro‹, � ,_"' a according to the best of my ability. (Signed) _'=-. c.0 i, . , /� fer ri / O Y Subscribed and sworn to before xre..me this '�''— /974 day of 1``76, , 19 (Signed) — x : / Tine . i . 3i ?w > , ;: Qi :i , v 1 I I f ..$° . - • , ' 5E 68 1 •COPYRIGHT:M: OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 W1111.ANtSON lAW nook CO.ROCHESTER.N Y;is II STATE OF NEWS K • I COUNTY OF /g10---'4 ss. /Cctl -71 //�� of /lit i I, (CS TArf2, iicei-t5 p , do solemnly swear that I Will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, - and that I will fait Ily di charge the duties of .cz , *4'L/ I i according to the best of my ability. 0141,7()2 �/t (Signed) t\ O I . ' Subs bed and sworn to before me this 6 da of Aft 199V I , I 'i . (Signed Ii- vies- I_ .1 . Clc/ Title t : I1 S I 1 I f I' r I t 1 l ' l i I • I. ., E I i; OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO 69 •COPYRIGHT 1967 N r1r! w61uACSON LAW BOOK CO. STATE OF NEW YOR 1 ' . I COUNTY OF t' t* ss. 11 ii of j I, ti,; fc . ,n . e0 ", do solemnly swear that p I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Yak _ ', ' and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of �L ', i C�Tio.J 1 ,t>S CTd i i t r, . i I i ' i ; ! according to the best of my ability. 1 i ` II (Signed) a ! , _ GAI . Subscribed and sworn to before me this i', li ;I , day of SFPT 19 q`f I' (Signed) cz cr Q� a AD b �' -" I Title • I: I I �• • 69 Y OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 uau COPYRIGHT CO.ROCeWER,Y „�v STATE OF NEVI 04414 • COUNTY OF_--__L� ss. �a ccr7c_of ISsts �_- that pC -n2� � ��ttel�C—d , do solemnly swear that or1L, I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge t e duties of according to the best of my ability. (Signed) Mar Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this • agi day of �' 19�! - (Signed�/Ara ' — 2 tnc i2 Title •Corrnacm-L%1 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO.69 WGLMt50N LAW BOOR CO,ROCLESiER.N Y.LaLw 6- STATE OF NEW YORK x y COUNTY OF ss' of I, , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of vr- - . .. .. 1 tt ii f4 :;�' v according to the best of my ability. rA (Signed) Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me this y'. day of , 19— `. Ir (Signed) - i �Tide ,en• 5t lyi° Mt 41:14 f Y Y • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a IMAGE EVALUATION ..0i.v TEST TARGET (MT-3) //,0 itfr,„ ti • 0Z20 0,Sfro tb 04 A SP • VIII 1.0 X72 2s L � �= Lh 2: 11111 u �° 111112.01 • IIIII%8 VIII 5 11111±4 I_6 N 150mm H H H 9 • S 49 Ay C, SI r`I 4,--,t /\ MIC ILLS ,� ^ 4e. \�46 4 - • • Methylene Blue Analysis • Customer St_euben ARC JAN 6838 Industrial Park Road Address Bath. New York 14810 (� Contact Jacques Benin Month 1CC-'WL-u ^t_ Telephone N (607 ) 776-4146 Year \-2N:t5 Your sample lilm strip has been tested for archival quality (residual thiosultate concentration). Concentration of loss than(<)1.4ug(micrograms)indicates archival quality,and greater than(>)1.4ug Indicates non-archival quality. Actual lest readings aro provided below, as well as "pass/fail" check marks. Actual Meets ANSI Standard Does not meet ANSI Standard Concentration ,. r 2Q L2_. (<) 1.4ug V (>) 1.4ug _ Lab Common's: • • Dale —1 ' ( r ' ' I .5 Lab Managoc — a �r r oc`��r ho•Ro Enterpnses G 7 v, \ Administrative Offices•6838 (niustriafTar( Rpaf•Bath,Nov York 14810 °iS cur- (607) 776.4146•fat(607)776.9366*Bernard).Burns,T,uutive Director DESCRIPTION tenon Of LLLspses 04in books • NO . a. I ROLL DATE FILMED nc� M NTH/DAY/YEA SUPERVISOR: (Ra ,Jc--4CMV-0, nn / -e.,0 CAMERA OPERATOR: • E N D F (II ante �tses fl,°1S aaa Administrative Offices 66838 IndustrialTarkl(pahWash,74(cw York 14810 (607)776.414661ot(607)776.9366*Denton(J.Butns,'F.ocutivc Director