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Yrj•�.�.ya rx' , �{. tf:.. pA c V1.' 4 4 Y f .x { #y ih ° . r)rii• a. { 1..,r { . -y r ,,1.a L .2M,a r(f �t 34n't, I r' � 5yf N ?Ryk + fr .,,,,,;„1.,.„.,,,...),„44,,(9,::::,,,::::,,,,t,,101,,,t '„ry � r�r ", lr'4 a j5 ;.,;# t f ir•4t r IF asick t.+t*,,,,,,-.....-,..G;0. t ,,t. 1 . The file or records series described on the declaration by records custodian was ;;,v ,;its r 1,4, Vr• t .°it micro hoto ra hed for: r `, P 9 P 1. p , * ,, r.�t{7�, i . 1; 1.• i 1.• iy, 3Y t,, • el.:3`7.44' kS.-...2.44111 47,�' E . ''F$ 7 dlAr2i�+ra1.T*.2-inrW.:J 4�tt3 t. h1 i'v .. , ' 4 M�1J-j���i. ♦.� S t r t 4l TOWN OF ULYSSES fief; „ ,--tteA• ',J{1. t LI g• .ik + 7r ° tii- {.�• 25 Sf,cei ai'a7�,,,+t°r SNC�l , •''t+ i..1.." '• ,' A+ . ,.r-# ,t ,fix et.14>,�, Jx W.4i ry`i• tp.t Y t 1�.. V 5 i h 'krt:' ;:rr J, } 2 •>tit'� ,.. h w.:s #St.t.. .BY: SiNkinp:141,:ior,:cittttl.i.,ty2 fi R5'' ' Photo & Micrographics, Inc. -'I < � ; ? 'J•1 1 i { t, t' 1. F �i` l2t�;gr,#wt... y4s ,t -�,• r4 �t j e Record series title: OFFICIAL TOWN MINUTES € N ,•, ft 41,c 1y 1., y f.�, 1 ,1: n f $%,t t P} C�". tITX,„.11 u,rt.5alf„. ti c �'s � Series begins with: 1994 ; §1414rv,.<,+ mk ` 5 .kt:' }r§ uu¢y.. ' % Y, ,"S4 ib'{lr'2~P•}'w 4.. F^ '3 �{' 'ti'L .-rg;f,Fos 'y 1,;}s 4'J P.' i or il5 'i...1.. ' ^14.1:4 2 r. f i.•fJa./i Y ,a� +: t 00 Series ends with: 2001 5, mivii. i.,5., 4t� y << fikr'-r'f.' 714, :it ', :. ' s tf"ty1tfs i�.14t'ten •-. ,. §,+i t• t.`. ' r,.f'e.t+�,Mi S�q xFj, 4s a 1a�Ji't i e : f' Date filmed 5 / 15 / 2002 Reduction ratio: 32X Film type: HR-21 `. , r7 aka + '.; y .: , ,' �z{}3//1.4 1.a,"si• t . 1.r ,3 {{�� N..r,t. • ax. 4 At?, .cl„t- F4P%}K 4ik k'4 Vtt c Y i % r �. .. y' t9 1. e. J4>;�Fira�� 7q ? FUJI 239-67 Sept. 2003 fik d,A; :zr. '•J. " ` Film manufacturer: _ Batch#, Expiration date: p - ,xr,'l,.vt(},ti3",r i.;:1..r ,. 3+ t• s1I5I.; j %` [.ie%;t.r y.4 r M..y d Jr .J f. . •,. Y i e sj`I This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing in this roll are accurate and true .,3.4:•;.44,t4:-..1•.1.4-.•.,.7.•••:..,.....1* reproductions of the above named record series. The images were microfilmed from " xi T' , i , Y',u y:-fi :A. • t rte the documents received for filming in the course of regular operations. The filming of #; ty t� "'.'S>t=t r w .1 ? :, a < f ,e .Y 1 , , x•,53 these records followed all microfilm guidelines established by the New York State 1 � r Y_ �� e�, `�' Archives and Records Administration. ;, ;: ? 1 'f;}1' ;,ti? j L if i 1..S ffr,Arkt'I H1,�Y 1 /t'• . Ltd (' . y 1.`r , qx hrt4". yi,-;4e ,.vi .i, f�5 �r ,y 5 ;, ) r'y i LL4 1 SaR K 3 i At 14x'4 S b'^A, ,,,. r' h) 1. 4:' ' fl• , 4,..k.1.4 S� C' 4 t.Jt><t,t y4�t1r1 "4 $ ' ;N k �{ , Annals Fairbrother / L� /`�, o ><L� . 1 r l4 t , iltr ° t s .i. 1.r Y r."i, 7f f, .1 i fr aat S t ,,to is.'. ` t• }rr ; f f( '� kiiki*Ak: Printed Name of Camera Operator Signet e of Camera Operator , ti ;, 4 k' t , y1. rjs1 4 Sane'. 1.414,7 44'T; 1). 5i,.e r7�i 5711 Lin c srt;rx'• I. t��r�,c i l;,;41 r5 44 ri 1: i{{1 ,t f:s•f 1, s7 f i 1.t ; , il y'` itt 1�53'rSU( 0.7,,4..4. tY� ' i'%iFr yj'•S 1.z: g1Fi `rtc!! •„ %. i1 t -Y :; r1. t t t:,,.. , r LtV i,.! .t .1.r•! li 2r,C{u1. 1 Ft, ��ii� ' {.t.� Y1., S J t ,}'kh irw,1 tits' niyL3+1. f1ft;cY,p J Ir L ,,. {Y YL T s y; 1 c ' Y `715Y t .44 `Mt>•� 1 1.I y x e < yst,�{ .:4..;<„ F^T 7tl?t+i%'4nst). `r71r��•r I157J xJi >.. ''� '� . . Y .Sf r tiktitz 414a1 �t yS q 's. t Y iiJ'�, w' r '�Vy, it: *r pY �,,•� r.,• f r, 7 , f.,Z9l t, tit 1.r 51, :f" �.• q 1?4,ii+3i6.., t 1.l ,.to ..Cf' t. r }7'up, : 4r !el y,. : r;1..i +,5g a ..v , x)' ; "°t' 44 • • w '4 •'t.4. µ?ill'. a ,Y!� '• + -iN g 1.r t • 'i^r1 ' t. y ,f, x s .1.4.tr, YSS. S+ 7v� • r�i-' ;t ., t s r i t '1> n x t, l' 4 "ti ' y� M v7A x t (( ti� Mfr" � 5 t � ¢ � yjY Jr1 `: f. 1, '� '. , Y xis i .:fir .:,, d t r.' Sa r 1�' .}sf r , �,fF. .i zl. fLit.•{ 4. 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OFFICIAL TOWN MINUTES 1994 — 2001 " , Ti . e . .t :m', 0:1,. •{ RECORDS SERIES ARRANGEMENT: ' ,S ' 1 ' tt rOZ. a ..f.'r I VOLUME I YEAR �, k'„t, ' r✓ S}s I:• BEGINNING DOCUMENT: `,'y;' i ` ` ; `t':: / Sk^' t6 r r� :' 1994 PAGE 1 VOLUME 23 ` ° t .,:.F �I _ i,!: L'r is• '; ' ,‘..'•'•-;,'j THERE ARE NO RESTRICTION ON ACCESS OR USE t ' , ` ,, `t/ .:,• '4 NO �' 6.f ,.r t ti : . This is to certify that the Microphotographs appearing on this roll of Microfilm are t” '+, z , . ?ys: ;'; accurate reproductions of the above-named records series, and were filmed from ,,ix %t. the best available documents, in the course of regular operations, established by ti .,, "t .- , t rH . ' .' the Town of Ulysses Records Management. 'x°`3 ru,';r`, ,z ;��x 3 , t cerl { F�xt'�1+ FJ}}t7. }'N- ' e r i i .� F i't{ 2}�„Y3� J 'Rhto 1 i amour CCU K b°, ! ,� { tad '' ' r MARSHA GEORGIA l Ka,i ii t r I,pxaE i�ti 19tf t i. r n T. Lorin n Ni 17 I G Fr i s is ttya {fir l � 1 r Printed Name, Title De{aut� Tom*,c%w Date ;, ' f. r,*. i A� i. `0+ 4 rt r G`.4,„4 ; "4y. n {; t f t d� is n, re i'h i `"�,,'fetTkttS'gA ✓ta .•r tF ij.. ai ,/ • ��r • c - .- 1i tl.t y�Ti •'`�a�" h:r`�: I Signature , t. .; , itf�rr�,i}ri'{ , • .� {/, t Yil A b � fi kt . u ,g y i f . 1 fte3 i r ` + ' r +iiii ttt cf tr fs , I rA slt� t, • t t r • P ',; -}LriSiFp'rr,� a.K'lyr�f iii�ty .. • ty r'.i t t 0 t i ,S P't lx kt"•'4t i'vt 1y� �''E s • '., ; r ; f as , it )i,�, �r� :fit +I fti pf+�, }} ty Yx.. et 't t .fr T3' / y�tb y! Very y 3 +fit r Pn 1 r.' d£,•r � !` 4 t J . t 4 r"f" iA<i {` ..' . e ! �c Ua 3%v , 'ice I i!'r j" �`9f t,t� r{rtti "„ irtL T u•S` 1 `J f' t•, •• yt �S P xmt,t S k t,eiit ;t ). 47 r t c�S"4��oi°y "'J. pl eftiE ( . '2'LifriN-.?? .(iE +µ{ fr:.1 �rle>F'$t4� rr�kiFalvfxJY 'i . 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Residual Thiosulfate was measured to be , J Less than 0.001 GRAMS OF THIOSULFATE PER SQUARE METER OF FILM .• :According to ANSI Standard 1T9.1-1992 Polyester Microfilm whose thiosulfate content does : knot exceed 0.014 grans per square meter is rated LE500 (Life Expectancy of at least 500 years) 'i • 1 Film Identification: PHOTO MICROGRAPHICS, INC. 16mm Microfilm 0J3 tc,S identified as ROLL #8 processed on 5/06/02. h . ).. /!i Date Certified: 9 May 2002 By: / Ji�lW • ) .01'R MicroD International,3308 13dlh tilreel West,Burnsville.MN 55337 ISA 'I'd 952 895 8699 I'ne • 8688 email inliv i micrndinll.corn �f Corn net Neal ric Arts.I,Id'2002 ;! , J �`i �vi :i �' � f `..i' �v° t' \._.� 7:11:? \\) 01994n01a.5Lp 111110 IN USA M Il 'u Maned Gl' L. J -f i0..ar . ?Y. '.'}1 r t { �i0rY rhoftyf 1. yft4 i' \r ' ., , .. . r ' } 34 z 3}1Y 3a%Yd 3's�$'Os' 4ir , t'° "\2414.;4/-......:i•,..',,,:,...,:;. ...-:,.‘,•,,,, , •�. �3 re � r!rT( lil '} � ,1., t .. `. ' g�,nf,7M✓) �1d-rJ.A'C, �St' E�'J 1+ ffkJJ lvgl il ''�JI t ar rJ Idt tt tI +' >N t i .y 4.'"c?, kij ,Yr. 4( f i t• f 'r�yrJ-',1-Itl tt f ' r t E.H. ._ , ' tn(< ,,,,,,•,..„;, #>tet is P'i ytT: K •.fit(, ;t4 2 t, t iilf: l vl•iii' J ':.r 1tf,,Ift,J'")i/ .+1 ?1h*`,S P'yllt2v Y` s 14 t'',-+:2;-;-(1?-; } r.' tJ r t + , f i J )r i 14 '}Jf 14•Wi.�v.: It » f'' r-tiy.';ii` .fit 1 • v t ✓ ''YSr , 4 Elf(i;z45t y,,3y 1• 1� lal wN('y12"If i • _ + hf E nva. 'ra'df r14.✓i,st' �StyM1-i ?, .,E"-1-4 r; r .t 1 � .y {r , , , , .. ,-`;,v I d t . I:f ft „ -r•..if , t "tIN #ft a r+". � ,t Xa t `x 'I J't {� Yri�• ' Alb ii . l,a.V.t, .rl -art{� 7y � i , ..' , t. g r i t';••,(!4. }e. v`�"e' L r'rs i,r>trr`1� }'ts yl A '�1;.,. •y'x 'TM, W,4JGii ,: �:l `at.'" x:1;11 't , ti ,l ....:‘..-..•::.+::. i, i . .(71 {i1 X' • L ,zriit kR n `!;:• Sv ""itrla t,) +'t .+od ' ✓N t. + . ; v 1 Ir \ i�If �• { �� 1 � 1 r,;t�u � q .f£i I3 �.rtG',�. t, � ru' ▪ ��1 � } � t•r \ ;Sp , r V '3T, f��Vet-J7.! • : n.. . .r f.r . • .L..-_r1+.., �wrrlOMM ��. .e_:� 1 , 4Itug$, 9 , 4. f h�{zk't &rloJ� rr y{ e�r m ' jy it J r. J 1r ;1' r� qYf } t 5t} 6J, {ft `}LY t j v) r- •York ks ° • e H[� • f ''i4e Rs....ttfi t,tl it" +)1`.l^4� `ti a .41 A. t� :s ie r...• •4 4.3#)•+�h t k, ,+ THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT File Information for .i r 1,5 .+,� • ° ' r1< State Archives and Records Administration >'• T F "4 :' 4i ,lit Vt `''U " Government Record Services Microfilming Pa per Records 3riS , ; ; 7>< �• �rq('�(-� t• • ' d"� ,v. Albany.New York 12230 ,�24r ) '4a.y'�'%. 4 ' • ''�4 'VtI'r' !• IF I• tS-fi i i 5'.i `.' /kic l+r� ~ . A,. ,it f i ,1- •SCOPE: The Information on this form, combingedgwith the applicable Microfilm Production Guidelines, tx ,��Fc {, f)i :.fr•„, 1 Y'V f +f'• t'1'ly''*>ijtr' jt f . L ` with tleutmicrofilmnlservicecbureau should producing hWhateverit additionlalncontracting documents your local ye,ar,} r"'.:` �-- • yy�� • ;, ',tt er 1' `; government requires,A typical bid offering will, therefore, consist of at least four(4) Items: ,51'`ys i,;f t , }" ;; YrJ};'sn r :.A yi lta� 4 )'!r k't 1,111 ? +,`1'flY"J 4. a ..r' , . ', 4 L u" IN-474' 1I iiy[p■f It�';.r, aqi :;,;Fxs t Sx}'.:';iF, ti�Gt ru" ,, x , <"tR ' 1, this File Information Form .,t; ar,,,gt y'tv+'t ; v1 r 41:4 u Je I\1'z r ` 2, the Microfilm Production Guidelines �' +'.ii[Sls�z�l ,nt ,,�& ssiv' t y li :51-.i1 Poi, {'`" `� .. ° 'e 3. a SARA Microfilm Agreement x .n.y r { tr r t 4: `;`'}' ';',t 4. locally-required contracting materials ty�!;ba;F r :-fu s r ,u.`t''• 4.r i it r.tt iati4 4t 3J,R { :ke: , v ,1 z Instructions for completing this form are on a separate sheet, titled Instructions for Completing File j� y • S d ' r ! z t 1t1ra �tt(rfkd't 4Jt'fa ,t -. • +'` Information Form. ,d..4•444^4x,..N.1.41' ti.:WY. 's74 4 i f} ,• ;4“..,.../:.:.p4.,•44./.;; ' TOWN OF ULYSSES4 y-tr 'fa r a3, ,, f s t,l ' , 1. NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT .(x°c^' r ,>;r`ir.�p"u''r r� lf' '• 6 ;V )ii ` t• f:} MARSHA L GEORGIA T3 >' 4i=irl`? ttiv, +'yr�Kt; t' kr I~ ? s( 2. PREPARED BY(Print name) TELEPHONENUMBER(Include Area Code) t{5 t+eh`")).1.� '/ cc;iltit i*r t i' OFFICIAL TOWN MINUTES 1994-2001 607-3R7-5767 ` I'J �..“6 s 4''""k` `. • r✓°yy vfat ,' r• 3. NAME OF RECORD SERIFS + t`r t+• +4u +t)yl x i � 5 e 4. PERMANENT Years 4 The retention schedule for these records is: � f ' 1;14144•NW.'• J v 3% }u �G f , ['Yv.l 1 6 oa tL rbC tb+yz�l/��� 1� . . .;/:?•:',I; S I iyl -❑Active Inactive 4 Is this record series ACTIVE or INACTIVE? ''f ^t `"+ t xi-4y 1.4.1)5}�y�t{{tt- ` ..). ti '� .t R ..r , �ia}i S'�t$' r}4Trt�11 . ti 6. Order of Filming: The records in this series will be microfilmed in this existing order `t:/ ,,1fr r .1::‘.,iv t 71'4 efhSJ �1 f , 'xJ FsfitV`?�. x s`Nj.tt>•rri. 1 c ,' t A. Alphabetically 1 ,:k+ 19 i'� .�,2 NuF S l r P� y ❑ by personal name(last name first) 1:,z• +.k , • • ❑ by corporate name(business name) a,sfl,ry :=••• k;i •.., e, < 1 4 + 1 , t, bill f .ti_^L Lt . • ❑ by another alphabetical order, (describe) ,'if ' f'y t'Y i?/ ,�`:t`.,ktw<tr` . 4.'S+ly CYJ•I.:,k;, 41, rt '�;t{t`?iFy�"{r�ihh�kyan jy /•t f:'411 ti 16. i !'' �4 )`1I i i , r h B. Numerically ❑ by parcel number \ )+ 4g{1�+3°1 �4 v ' ,�. `fi.9 !I ' ',c ', ( c' qi(r�t 'ii'q ,G�1iJw``yyff) 4x- t°'. (n } 1: r>� d I 'I F:t by Case number 1kx I (t 1C � t -,"r ' 4:i}I n,:, , ❑ by personal identification number y^.� ;SY � A itftt k,. . F " + y. o S gilt 41; ;43 ' .i +f 1 '' t1Ly, rsc,*"�; ❑ by another numerical order, (describe) in ++l{y'�l a ,4r I �:rl y,4 '4$ xsit A' tt1 t ':4.1• i∎Lp��ir� i ( "♦Fryf, 5:, Yx,ryYl S,,t� N .j..:. Srj i'1''">"M'S'' t't l • 4,v ' }ra'v r F r4� 1 t `r; z e., ;'", ;% c. Chronologically ❑ by year/month/day(yyyy/mm/dd • `r` k ` s- a ) is A z y t t `, i rk, rdxA fn 24 q ❑ by month/day/year(mrnldd/yy) sM11L), " t-...Si la 4/..4 f, . `t t ayii c <, a by another chronological order, (describe) VOLUME I YEAR "P5 t1 t ,� t .A.:.1 ! S'\i r e t t (}r,'LJi(� !�>4�js '• li 4 ,• •t r .r t ti }• iN , ix , 4rrt`,`t 1,.:,:4.4:1,2'�,l f. ).. , r l le ,,� . nr? 3:'ik6 rv' 1 `72 s jt-Ir It t 4ry it tFl t s;, : 1,i 4e t ut` i 'rvr4' s +tkrm. t r , 1fir. 1 5 S F rc d.' tj,�ty�r``�i3,lt s `t �t r.. ,)t�, c. h:q•4yt...• 5 1"f. . .i i(4 t',i'<P k. .Y r 4.•'i• } i4} i.59.+}1 �s 'JZ. 7 .�$I f. }III `"'� I1, h{i t'ytr�lq irlRi t . tr } ' ; I. w •9 1.(. ( r'rk }LfwY 1 'l'9.. ' S ,f f44`rht r-r• �u5'.,y+f+t i:'���•t1!k++''F Nfi .iR 1� ! C IY k �t4 ;y• *`'t ei '�l{ TI`r r � 4 n'r. ` ,;i_j}�;.;:t , ii i.,4„' .1;1 i . 7 x. '$Yyt 'Sti. rt.L N. 'its j„}J(. 4 Vi1 '; . t • r .� '�b�"11 r�, it�t . -:s t �.t.rf .4• ,4 s,,,,,,,, t te,.44 tY 1,,....,.4-4. i :ii.i4ti .' it t;,rttrl5 (''',� )N`••1'i�•+' t t.. i �' t z - , f A' . . t t- t J ` • j .:f fY ,� .Y§3� ems` J .� 1� 5 r ( ,,,..(,±7,10,-,44,4 L` pP' :'•'r NL ,9t ?1t.Ix}Eft, i t t, '.t _ . .. ? §J 'S"M1{yrG lrq�� jit} t 1,5 � (Y, t' t , . . - Jt§ t 3tit7 t��2E: • ` "yytMyj12 ', n,r�•i '' p t. .' , �,°& ) 1t si: • •y, ri Y, r( , ( t ..,. 1 k• fL ahtli�j,e„).4,,1 I .yJ tb P '.: u ,4.p f .+4 1 tT {P P, J .J. Yv 4' tr:.}y C.' ti4nt ti b , �� idpr 9'T��'i s7d� dt} t.� E x2$usl t'. , '' ,r . r 4,.:.:,,,,,,,..,..17,,/,,:„,;,..„/„..1,: r r' (.1';',42;41;21$ rR It i .'•:+ j FtiJP-i ' � 9 ;Pa,r,,•{,•�•X:447Y44144,40 a•i ?<itj 4 }:.i rr • ,:' ` f r, P:::;;; {-61W ' i. 9i j• at;! t:ii ;:.•{? to.' �4..1i44n, `fiii*ntP ` r ,.I : 44, i;{; ••lifi,c4.� J � i_yY.T.,* *) [g{�� �•J ., it • r.+4„ ar #}. {� . q-1 M k :•:; t .rt.n i e i 54 1 ei "P 5! 2 fF 3 r";. � ,IY• • .+t rd�' d r '�i ; r.S , i , f' , it Y �f� r��„.�^4 �'TG�'sJ�°'l f`T;�t,�yt+,�� xr...•' . ,� y1�j. t� '\lqn� :/ ��')i f r�'' J � h�1} !f it t { `�' t { +it J d z r• 'oi :ti•.(,S 1 u t .. + 'J v. 42 j c2 r'ti 14:5 t;`1 $ r ,, t. rig"",_ ' • .}�f:�islii'*y•4tt{t+J X14 S!t ik4ti. :41i ,J 2•. S f i- r ` i y, r ,;r: rre ty/r (�, �(/, nib a• ,�,, -v3c,...^ry.3 Ti$y h:(. .,- a k� Wrt 1il,S . esi :1.c, rll�Nle�r ,,..+........w ...._.,,..�..,..o. -•::',, ,,. . ': t, .'�,.i r,,.0 4 �+�54 ` r' iL 'xtl R} ', r ",Lk .hi it'17.1i`,,ii't i ' L�U `2 y, .�Slf!jay 3l�' .' • t .As1S• `,+ r � n �tjt�J• 4r, 1; rt'{�l BM 'pl. +Q$ {;;,yyCf,,"re 4 _ a Y1ti. i ` ' d,. 1'atgr i tr`"rktu�4r toA 15 - s t/ li eyd 's. d' 1 . r i t:i▪>�," v 4 y,` r• The persons who make use of the documents are ),. "x.....$1,, ,ltt r x M1 tA -'k1-Vari4"}r 'r1-N ry{<yi' p (�°t : It.4Y` tz,^e ; • 11 ; zt Ur ' i r laI employees only f Q s 1.��2•.' . h +'3',�F,�4 ' .; ,/' J this department only .J several departments r 5 /, { • e t . ,• 'r ! �'y-f?irtu S 1' __I general public d ?tt hS' Sj q '''"'"it P1, . , ft : ��.� i;,o trt , i ;.rs{� f t 1 > > ■ J other (describe) r�Xu+=+ t < fx"-as t_L +' t�5r e£ 4 b• y nttP� Y ,a yet .r �" 41,1 �x»r f .444' , r y z,r l F. Zo mines 4 How much time is normally necessary to retrieve a document? r"'q�t� ;` a t `1 Jr jri` l a(+ . 'r'f'�'1 9{, /.,"tp�l`t•2(5. :. },,VS..;tp,ti� ' 'Y/n':S ',2t G. 30 minutes 4 no more than Z ip}• . ,t{ KFL i.4 y: ( 'r7,S , j H. Does retrieving documents entail any special problems? If Yes, describe ;; i•:"‘"“"•';'''•:`F j t 9' r`, i VC... 1�1 . tart/• , -I g y f� f J /.'b`.fVr Sar4 2Ht.:',:' ��1fp4 t A C a. 4• 9”,,tt{ .tr Pri ..-rG£tt,.,ttr t: X. iti.iz . 'r� s•yttY l ) .tl N0 2 i tis,t K ' �.,t 1j}�21 Li'. t < yir�i i.. I jet-tt• e + 1 'r� �:; ql( tj. . . es,° n : t zr `, ?'.'1 „ 1; x x 3� I. J Yes yJ No 4 Does one document have to be compared to anotheR b y('7 • " f A y ;�5,i3Oci., :�5 I' If Yes, are the two documents ; t t'" '9, r It'�r'ir i, [ Lyl ttX1 tr•t( d' r :...z:.rr{rr .rPe.tl .7 .r,. ' t rsr�S'Stq'l Y.L I;; :t; ' J from the SAME record series? .S r,r.„ Jy I, ,t'T,*fir,+ r'� ,I• t 8r >� * >,', from DIFFERENT record series? 1,3, rr i qN1, �,st§ t; ,_g1s •,e fi E',a J J,r.h c t t r4 1t ','} t xt,�e,.,,c4 r;CNr y a ir'a Ftr 1l }tt:PC I i A . _ ,,r,'4}?5.iy :c• 12: J. ) Yes J No 4 Are the documents PHOTOCOPIED? •i w afr s: . _ti r Fir fir. $ „ ' L I t," r K. 2 4 Approximately how many photocopies are produced on a monthly basis? v▪ ''`"" +• `yaw+ 'ti ' { . .yj�ur t1L 1 , sit j pS7Jg}t" 'i r 5+ t it >, r 13. Microfilm Format ` ' '� ' A ) is F' A. The first-generation silver-gelatin(camera)film shall be(check one): 1 ` x* "•-'} 3Y, 4 4 isf r,'i 'Ji, t J 16mm roll microfilm ▪ . ,. tirnit 'ti�P.t,,+_ `rt5 {'+r , .J 35mm roll microfilm Y»' r k ''4, {{ f.� ` , .▪,% jC'C' e .i� tttj r,i[.'g i'e 5 1,,,Al}• '' ✓ r k lti r .•;. 1• 41 3 , Y:< Warning: First generation silver-gelatin microfilm(camera film)shall not be Jacketed r";r'i< J es6 5`' „is 4� " .1 7�ri1 att?4j Z .ya t ( , , 1::r i iti,?u1.,J';A � r*al'q"i'. r r,t▪6i}{ k r s. 2 t� w:,,i) r;Sy} J Yes J No 4 Is a second+generation silver gelation negative required? {( f ' ; 5S ii✓rutst it 4 Jt n J ; ...r, n , } gJ Yes J No 4 Is a second-generation diazo(duplicate)required? `§is,r '°i ; £ v 4t0��%kf tytvlP . .14�y'/ s ti Yi S3�z4�t{i trF . s ', rz i , t 4 If Yes, the duplicate shall be ;i r L ,raw„=, v�� .- c •+a - 7 ' S`44%t 1't`• yA �� r J 16mm or 35mm roll microfilm t , 4 4t'y Pr`:' k ct .l r '.i,”�`r 9 F • , _ 4 Number of duplicates required <„ ;▪,.� t, t r.� P y• �atipp r. r { s 2 ,F +;'. t::l ttf r r • " i e 3 °3 t . �}� J loaded Into 105mm x 148mm microfiche ,.; biTe...c .0 , + .E:1`i�1'n:&lfi j:-:,:,;11.,i,;4, �'t c.jcf{„ti y."ItyetsAi k.I1 {{ `., rt1; 21s,t Yl 4 Number of duplicates required ;, i / /,y,J4Vf"4.ap};yap`f+?..T r j � ,, :g r i' ..,, _I loaded Into 105mm x 148mm microfiche Jackets AND duplicated to unitized u tr' s✓� 1 r� '. s t^S tai�"4'•'4l �et i°,t�"�'s,t microfiche ",t:k,;5 rhG,(4".fir r 2'. P 1 b r "`• t' t ' 4 Number of duplicates required • a a )• i. 71Pf`?k 0;i P t tf. ., —31'1,1:V"),,•, u f 5` rt ,LS • i i. rr r s h 1 5f 1y`,r n Jr' 14. Delivery Date: All paper records and completed microfilm shall be returned to the contracting f.` ite f..+' r" +i +{N r!'r t ( ' u' local government not later than ir.;yr"tct{ h' +,fir + pp r S 17rY, .F.ril rt iC' ? .�9°tfr'L� °• fy i n'•J4 �'(Fi tph t:`�'?f y i ` .�.': Additional Information: ` ' t45,rrp 41.ft ryt ' .(f', 1 ytr ai Si Al:: r NM. • t. ' it y t. ..•r2 ill• ix'x t ,hP 4 . } p • ( , r" , n r , ''' 't -e r r : , T • • ,, ° �Sl�234 r !i r tj t „(!� '.... .. A., 4 a J' L } E °cal `i. . s.f.1:1 sr2*10}tit�tak , DATE THIS FORM COMPLETED: yy any r'4.'1.:• • {,� ,i. .P Se'▪ S'JJ� M1 i'�t�r 5/7/Ca-/�CT S i+ .t lilialyp'r� }tY i •, . �` vT( gflwTl,r"t $= �r fptu C f 0,,,,;,., § ▪Y: rifri5,I litil` rrrr 14, Payne ,Y"uiC w 'y.. , 5. f �t,"Y¼ d$1t76L ri d+ t P.r',, gy r 7:11),'.w B. ';r r Sf`,' �)''}� ••-TAri'rsSY- -1-'�i )1 ltd i� 1 :I;-e5r. .Y 1.', i �. t l ' ri�▪ -' I(!>. 4: C ,W 1 /J t j 7,,IJ;,4}t''4XMY*%ii L� iJ ` :),0i,' i�f"t t'L, j.) 4 jj y� t y i } ,i, + ,.y1. 2 , ,y' ,, r. I r r .j O :yi t St `it t" f:is e,o. 4?} '. yy :Yi„- @@ .„,,,,..es K1Q 1 et U'ttlr Y t' t '4. r 5 G § x .J L4 t Y • , rr. + :'� 'qr 4, y rr iY .ae e Y..4i ,`3 } I y;r` i 'f/'>i ,;r4 tti' *z C:tb 1: i f ..-(y, } P .+ (F t ' at„1 >., e rJ r} t air . ,� �r1 ,4;. r'' i .. o t(, rr ?e i. .�{sq- ., r6i itil,� ,3 1. y , t,ty.J Pxl„ , + 1 r,' .1,Ti S 4td 't yrt' F� �7.• • x(,{r}, yr y ...� 44,4,,,,.:„.,,,,..4 t <?..tl • y ,• .r (> '"ltlir` C , �" r rf#J/t:� '�t� ; $y1 ti# kS ;a .4 t�� u + AR}t'Yiy4.;/f : . 1 t r. $ t 311 1 b a .'1' S . L r .r ;n ✓ 7 f 5 y�4140 . e �14r:'3i\�ity,� .4,:„.4,1/4144‘1'..;d§i,;p1° to . .. Y ,, , ' r 5 } : ,,, �� / t i t t:', > ', C S t t yt .'i t `�$e / -: 3 X4,1 +F t,."�rrF0, y r "7Y 1. 2s 1 ',t'.t i,. 4 v,. ryt t. + ;.1 ) t r. ;4%; r.. rT r T jt .' 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".ci f i;rat;li a;r r� r%+�r r,{)h t x t 't t f .i :'1 ■ t rt ,!n t il' l} •{¢Py • • 4 F' :�, <;i ' �i , r t � , y . . f,i# _n , <t,< a j i. A�*`:�1f`s,,z, * ,eH tr r j 4t t it t s t t, a A. h�.'z.• r rQj 1$5fg x .,#i'. jf } , x � f J . {•''."... & r* f t r 1i 'Ffr {t::,W.:1,1;-,,..,...: f t } 1 J i f � q 1{' /{ 1- ,4 I,'.'.,M4'4;, • 7 "V r 1 f ' i� n 6 r { Jr � � ` I tr+ 9Y,x . 7 R f• h:� t Mt}.. 9', ;ht �}��}[P�J t l '",; ‘(.t▪' J s:.t : - `3 )ttr:.{. .y.r .,t .t .. i ,')r r• f i;.:r ..r 14i d im,.st r •,,,. Ot"( , ., .•P I {/ ih 1 it 4b1 ,n r` ` If f 5 } y '} , r e f i� d� Y . /�F• • 2 ,i t } r �i't >> „ 4Sr 4"`yw t At f k" f"t t C 4J "" Z > r. t . ■ I't + .” r y t 1 /, y t{ r`ctls t t L t{ �.. � f ry:i• fy tt !^ ` +� �t%. Y 0 1i. Sa �I,. ( ft t : f 1 y N ` r Y J i Y .�. � .hp5)Y t 7 N A .., + .:. ; s � aC� w E tnSto,, ty , , . �Sro f f C. J ' r t.. r< t t > r f t J {d 3 i' `� :• ��Q`` "YYk ., "• i ifi #• ` a.{ h �,f 5ta 1t.''. 1A �1k Fyrt i ; i 7 : >i 1 7i ' y 't < , L ` f ie , r t �( i i`'r .i f Y YFi yi ii� {*< i ' .i c5 ;lure , y rP . •,Y r jh� l Fi t 4d hfti s } !tr h t 1 §{} ! } . a r(+ f t f, < ,- 7rt,:,:.5-2:;..;-,s.i i f r5 c f � ,r<,9 "+t & 4 k• Y �� y�d � ,.. f:aQ^ ,r7 l 3.‘1?.t.� � 4� �1f^ . {hy k-i :t { t s 4 - t r, i ve f t G 2 t r � Y �J jF+ h'�;4j ++`�y { y ?+ . ) + }4 syS ye F. , aur a _ ,. t�. F; t bai{ 1, ,?£�t , f t i : itfot:0.y }{ d , , t r11� a,t ttiN4 41±74PNr tlirir'StG Z i i i < �4hl ; i .1r 6 "„ . 14 i 4 id4.0 e4 , i 44 ,, D. La of the A ! ,4 f •?rasp,.ir -4P leileY0 ii f"Arg6 y �1"^ •ctt h"rCu s $, „I-d} ri a t r; -r 100 % « Percentage of the documents which are FLAT tXf;,' 'u 'zf� r,lf:sr { t"!. t4 i, 41$54%,.` �' ..7 ° ' `+r t it "r rxo`I J'7„�1} e ay�r,}-3.,.. & , t j , % 4 Percentage of the documents which are ROLLED t:ix:ar'h ' ' t.-t'f �rxrt 1 ,�i •c r.`e sq{, t..,,,i ,,, % « Percentage of the documents which are FOLDED .',- P ,• +'; , �' dAA- r54-44;4•E•4:4•• T.v s ,, 4' +''at P i'� yE ky' y 05454 ,. yy 4 a c g C. Cola of the imp er t;7 .t.rt-;s y, + :4 fi_'t { t Vitt rl ii'yy�,,a {,�. , ' 'b 1^'�"" A , fi.)A p T,` ,�� t.�`r> t , 44401:,2„ti,..; 100 % 4 Percentage of documents on WHITE PAPER J, 1,}+� z , ,,, . 4 A iv �)� t % 4 Percentage of the documents on paper t } ''it O M1iiti't ) 4%1444'i ' i A r t,s €�S"t „? % 4 Percentage of the documents on (�Ntt� t paper s ` r " ��f + % 4 Percentage of the documents on r ,md} paper '' ..n� �{{ Pa 44 "t' ,.' ^ k r % 4 Percentage of the documents on paper i fr.' e ,..) ' ,'}µr } •'ft ,tsi t't}^�, @then coo) 0 `il4�c r it .: z tit "#t{'. 3.1„,„.......,•14,A p i�{'. R �t $3Y 'r�z % « Percentage of the documents on � � paper t.+ .w ; 6 ft" k r % 4 Percentage of documents that are BLUEPRINT or PHOTOSTAT 1.4 < r 414 • . t 4 z t`z4rY F. Imprint (More than one entry may be checked) t ^ az. (c t i? ,.. s" A' t'. ..,I handwritten only J printed/typed only J handwritten and printed 4.t; 4 Y ., 3 rFY,wr 'rz _I Ink J pencil J carbon paper T! ? .rt fix Ewf , 1 1q'0.44:Y, q ' .`•i' �: ' i ; • f'1/s+ SaIP FL 1+1, 1 t .. • r yl jVv l • i. �`i t',•�.: rxt e,... I'••Ilv4 • X t •1 I + 10 • ••• ,••'- Ft for ) iLr ( � ti i �.•;• • • k' ' }'t�tl � a��r ri ' j S '.. {)<{�F..f& rrol j?•. ` *k i, t !:,'.'.!‘c. t t t 'Ypr t e tsar}�r . t . �t f?' z1t !'ir5 . .'v � .. , tr rt ` rt, 'i r t Sl t,it- 'St .�...•.......a 1._...._. .`i .}i0 ' r q " bv ' it •,•• k{ry4 is i f {2,{ l s' , r .i j �rl��°` %.r i a z id; ,t y r , f t, `+ ,.,„15,14c,, 1 1 et f zt xf t .$Ye 1/�j,.,.„,tr ri F; �,3F_. i .� <� o-r r j�ii�ca 5,�i y,',�i *fir 4Ylvt : ` { fir ' +i. 1 t e,t a1 .., ': ' ' APPENDIX A :,=r` `/ Itl, ;J ,4..,,s{,�4t t . , ■ t 1 Yr h0. j u{}n • ., '} }:t` .,�, Tie UnlvenIydtka State of New York . fir , 'iy..}tr r ,r`. ;• . s y THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT File Information for . 7/ �,,,,. ,. ` •' StitArch IvaandRecordsAdrnlnIstratron . I ;:r,, ,r` ` s;i rby l, ..�.e�odttpn,e, Microfilming Paper Records ;- ,' � '. ,.; ` `r Albany,Mew York 12230 : qY . 1tt.*. Flit • -• SOOPEt The information on this form, combined with the applicable Microfilm Production Guidelines, f• constitutes a teohnioal speoifioation for producing high quality mfilm. Co remments/agenoies contracting r : ooro with a miorofilm service bureau should attach whatever additional contra:tun? documents your local • < ri: gwvemment requires. A typioal bid offering will,therefore,consist of at least four(4)Items: (, t.' r '( 1. this File Information Form 2. the Microfilm Produotion Guidelines 3. a SARA Miorofilm Agreement 4. Icoally-required contracting materials Instruotions for completing this form are on a separate sheet,. titled Instructions for Completing File Y +` 5' :” Information Form. ;rr ., + 1. NWEOFWCAL00/31aei << o /own G /e •2. neA.m.rs»+x �9,e�c%4 X.A . E' I ,esr�t tr7`5 7&7 •3. P*AEOFIIICf3eb�'".�.� try ` f oW A-! /L(rrl u S — /J`1 Li_ 0200 : } 4.Fa. .(!!en..C4- Years 4 The retention schedule forthese records is; ,,,� '.. ,,-;:',4:::-..,.%.;k:,..: Awtive '�{,Inaotive ._. . ,rt '7~ 'eI: • 5.❑ IQ.Ia 4 Is this record series ACTIVE or INACTIVE?J 6. Order of Filming: The rewords in this series will be microfilmed in this existing order. Jk ' r ,i ., " f ir , 'g�F i A.AlphabefiCAlfy ❑by personal name (Jest name first) t.: t, t'7 ❑by corpora name(business name) } j . ❑byanotheralphabetioal order, (describe) .w..«..« .. 7. r t t a: t I• Numerically 0 by parcel number +' { ,. -�rf` f•,?, , ,} f r s :,.t tt t .•.. ❑ by case number ,~ ❑ by personal identification number y. ;, ,' 1""t!; 11/ •�' �^ .•!!"�t �' by another nu eric O ' ,`f; afltr`jt• V. El r m al rcleg (describe) _....«_......_.«...._,._........... • rs f .'+ t 'l "c Chronologically by yew/month/day (yyyy/mmfdd) F t �: :"4'A' `by month/day/year(mm/dd/Sy) t t' a >a,.r" by anotherohronologioal order, fiascrlbe) .....»....................».«.........,...._...«...._....._....,....«......... ,'.i 7ti,C{i 4.+ t I".x sa/'"` r�q •?i,...$.,;;;17:7:7.,,i,-;:. n•; •.;H'•. :i::?i>�a ' ...,....«...•.............,....«.................«....«.................«....,......................,.......n........,...........«u«,...._u.,•........«.«................... -;11t:,; c a:1.iY3j:',.>a:�;.' 4: ii•,; I;i Y. ', F, t Ys ,`t <<" r� wy t r. rr �{G � 'u M i 'ta,fyrrifiU.r`�t•, ' b7 k+ '. '. r £ Y, i r a t t t' J :�,g ••�.•.t4tr•,' S ' fit r f t f� i tit i c}"f+\ lbs.'rv+• t ,' r4; 77 r1s, t r4ratsl it' t"r-rr 1{ J'S .: „4 4 ,s '..tb} ,4. .q z r {�`rx t ,'1`;{�'t YY�' � � r� ` �, !. 1 e` `r J r r ` . o f x"'^" n 7 4 t,lc} L s. ,r{ f y • r r r '"t" 'n },"%n It k X ° d if",.i r ari4l 1,�Yt'� 5 .i. r' ! , i � .. r *^ `:<'.41 '}r(l, ; 77 t• t• in-4— t.' i rl[■f{itS<'. r n j •t ` r .rY <. , f.. t 9 z , t r I' t 'f Yiij+n lrte '',at •r ,•+•n i v',t;7t' .M ?, n1 �+ I t n r , , . r; r , �. , t, �. .,yfi t r t Xf*, I> , .'i! +�f'{r" "' r' {.. t /t] j tc a a '• Fd r r ' s x' W .I W }> tzar tii f t ', . t sr a r t, £t lit:...!.: ,. > ' Y t I s , i '1$s "d..,ti4Tt 1 r 4 v i .. }ri , gsywt .. � it-tq`` J , {3 f y " J s a t e t a Jq! {'xNn1'{'� 4:I.' . rr t ir j� t °t>a�r pit`:,+}Y�y"r�t`�R, ' uttJ L t i t .. 14 , ...J'C . rtr4. t,]c•it',•lF,S. la� n /i e � F � ��at �itG�tt t4 )r 'r' C k4 x �i74rw& � y. Zt ' �3`r't;� ` _r J1 � {. { Ur�irp���t'y{�j"y�{3' a_ } j .?" 't 1 r a r }, "•t T, if,:• 8.a.`^. • A ! + fi'Ei t . !� .. •y iJt s ktr'e f 7N'y.p�+y„�y�a}} t-`IY t 1 t ., n� :.,.Ji> r(t 1 § .r44$ 'i x ' ' r Y r f rt•fix'•O r s ppp F t r T•et' tefSf''P y�y a�' t,tr`'t t{'.F • : t •! r t,w�in J S ' v ,,• tl:},`S t) ., f t ' e t,a 1 i 1 ,5 r „tp•,hF,lS} yN r J.. c1,i 1a t k'+R Y r i°'l• t v�,f4iiy'5 ° l t” �SY "`$ +;�' T t ' , .• "', i'iti , . , , t r , r 'r 'f 1 kF,1f � ta t t r k: rrJ tr.{ '.f Fp4t ftt } .t t r .• v 5i, faa "1 'iT ! 2StE �J4ty }t J, :., :.:„:::$.40-:,E.0.,,,,-:!•;•.i•.::,••. 0 .. .. . f , t `. 4 t .�', t 5{t, h u .•• .. } rtilzttx 2s t i .' y.,, �t Lido S Y '? d,.AL , 1 t. " .1 :. :..;_ _.«. � . ., ,nk,, to 1...', ' ' d .r]*a rir , xEi;%,, ,i S r s ,1/40e tIkn t ';7N ftY„ d'.„,::„.,L, J ' j91 `4} Fy 'li } ,C'f ° lc 31iN`% k FA. I ° .iic 1' ydry ,,,t 41;t0);,901`;illiiv r yI7 N,.(V ky• ' s t s 4 yy . , , 'j'V,Li NII.u r ' 't�f"' l } 3{ ; lz5 t l a d .{t- 5 r l.i ?rY ' � (ti T s +4-',5 t D. Lay °fils paper fl.P. �1 A-7,V rli. y.}} ir4y ! t it y 3 F r,h4„2,4, 7Y 3,it1/, J,M4, '• 't;; ; r4 .« � h x ' f � q/0O o/ 4 Percentage the documents are FLAT { ' D i �:a rtg* ; a + O 4 WPl , "9#' ,,slz l ia4} r 4 Y r t iiqr .y rir si }'x , j•rS ,t+ ` } ` Percentage of thedooumentswhioh are ROLLED Io t ; rt1 , T, h 1 i `f . t 41, % i � , a �) t` 't >^t t;° " "' ,; _ 1 4 Percentage of the documents which are FOLDED 0 ,..Pt r rY%ti•F 1 i. , . r �� ir } -. tt EColor of per T, .J +j y 't+ 1`rt Y:r, 4 t , t J }fl �` Fr ` b ; grit '' ......./o.. .?........ % 4 Percentage ofdocumentson WHITE PAPER• ° 12^LS.i:V^ yl, , !lll7t'Y.J<t ik , '"F" ' '' /0 4 Percentage of the documents on paper a tr`t mass 000.r tti 5 '.t rt .«....«...«......_...._..... % 4 Percentage of the doe menu on paper i+'' 1A � ' �` ,eitel '1,lr:t : . s; , •i ' _...._ % 4 Percentage ofthedooumentson paper •,r c2,' ,. 4,+ ., ' }it t.i pJ.,,. ataate ,:`1•) r 'rot y}r /0 4 Percentage of thedocumentson„,,,,,«........... paper • , <,...,./ ;{ .»....-...«...._...._...« % 4 Percentage of the documents on paper •+ ;” , ` ' ,„« . ♦ Y/ 4 Percentage of documentsthat are BLUEPRINT or PHOTOSTAT t'< *, . t* rY, :., ,l i oY S •, t 1 TY r. 1+ J 5 s , ', F.Imprint More than erteer'try maybe checked) ! t i( f i , Yi ?rr. J i ' : ,, 4; IJ handwritten only >1 printed/typed only U handwritten and printed U ( , r t .t i r $ ,i 4�rr �J ink �J pencil �J carbon paper • rrol, t, r +., fn. +Y. ' f4t � .i O. Color of imprint Z./4C. ...... .. ".................«..«.. 1 .,'r La t , r F 1 }: 11. Document Preparation forMicrofilmuig x , ,:' 4+, }kj + ' <: 1 f the Government/Agency r` t c itj � °t"r+enl 4 FILE ORGANIZATION shall be performed byfcheckone) :o fr t Ys LI the miorofilming vendor o-Xi the e I. 1�J the GovernmentAgency `' .:. 'r t"ifx`•xi 4 PURGING shall be performed by kheckone) + ,;< t-,.:21•::.:--;' r C,� the microfilming vendor SJ<N { . , r f2 t 'Rrf} it i:• . c• I@ the Government/Agency 4 PREPPING the documents shall be performed by (checker's) ,.;!,,,• tr ;�,, , 1 ),i, t,� LI the microfilming vendor i tts..,Jrt "'y , 1 ,r, y zq t { ,y . 1Z Recede Usage , • cam.,.' a r t }'`�?,,14,i< oi'1 t i r� !r . .: .:::";ye.T. y 4''# ; €M" . • ;.rr ,` ti -••••-•••••.•••••_••••_•••... 4 Estimated ANNUAL number of people who use this record series ti , '' %}ifs' f;F��}y] , .• ,' f t r5 . [.. t r Tr Yt } 4•�.t" r.t '; ,:t Sr J1 %s,','. I. ._...._.-........-...."..... Monthly number of '1ook-ups'• (reference or retrieval) } r z` fr .pitr....i k,;i+ zi°Y.r, ria,",;�1}r S, r F' '1.j}q,tt?4p./ 1* �J: • k i r' +,t ' c. From the date ofdooumentcreation most retrievals000urwithin S,t ,at' �r,�3'wt• 'r 1 < t 'fr t f creation, e. 1 rt 'S4'P m q i _t {t) S ti,` 1' t IJ one week ❑ one month (J one year ` r° ' t t i �! r ' (r. J 2-6 years IJ oontinued steady usage —1 i t, i'l'A, .• ` ' ,1 D. The persons who physkkalfy handle the documents are `" t# i . r4t+ ' mss {Y •it t�+�i c i !ta employees only v,fr>w11jt i .. )�`it ,)£ J this department only several department ,r'rcr , ,t'y , i , ,t pa y i ,,F r' 1 i{tKr.)x' Y•l• i > Fr !i.t t+ ,•?i- �� general ubh01 ,.r j,' ill . r {!y i.. twt Vi titt i',11 x4'M Ba p [ CVO” xt{ 47'N 0�ry {. J other (describe) d t."ii Si t,:x4 ri,ifsflly ,3 .ie s :''zqq'k° i ' ' tu.� 1 1i Le t1 4„y c !t lei ilt., lrY Y M'M 1 t f a' r j.: +r 3' M1 i i. of y „r Y irPF"P� `011ai`�-i„kya, ,, > bi. y {�~� Si '� l ti rd ifytT r;4a1y4`(uf is '�'.. r .5 it r S , j.;. 3�+ ,7 �t y' '� .:s, ic , , .r ix 1: h ;�`rr 1r zt•,^r,C:b ^ tV,•frY�;,.+. fr} t.3:=9 4 l ..f. <. .i '.t f +. 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J t •?;:5,. t� other (descrrbe) ....- ax.N F”• eiti ., At , y �t rt{A 1 } f r 9 Sf . In g 1t t �t ay>' c' J,„ ?r',. F. -••` F.. ...,.mhud Haw much time is normally necessary to retrieve adooumentt a,is's , ' 9, y ns j i ) <F 9iYc 1,Yt�i t i�� .sp.3, ,,.4y „.m,,,JY . ti. ,,- g;ti .,r�i"1 0 ..'{I..„..».».miautl 4 no more than ;, '>i�T3? ,<c ` .3. .�' ; '} J'., Ssitt;::1,t a i a,,4s” 1. i2jl..t�l .gvt„ts p Pyr„ • S^ J 2 k.jet 7 ,; Y iti,• i.,it,*; H. Does ietrieving documents entail any special problems? Of Yes,describe) ••••••• •�• f;i1P: a , .�t $ �,d$1,,,, , rVF r�44}i}•`. r3.r S a Ttt; t:1i94,4 ,{.t="10.'" .kt +•�+,`" S1i r r l;.`; ;?'v''::('+a%;tt,��C ».........-..........-.....»...................................,.....................»...»».....»...................................»......».........................»....».. ;4 t':'- ,tp^ p:r j's`t.7t,'4!,• • •I 'r !-•;V+ fJa±`i,::.?• ...t.:!..12,-;:.•.;lts'} -s 272 .~'sv yl `{> t \ t11 Yffa7' u fly SI , ) I + ,,iv };1 y,` rt,t` ,, * I. I_J Yes »N•No 4 Does one document have to be compared to another? i ',`, ;: I r¢ ; c>(++ . aL 1 r? • `,,i,s iA ; 'a t 3.• ',t• )n r;:",s i:af,• It t' ",i), c.t. , +' if Yes,are the two documents t`r,{ y 4"a }} .y,. } .'t1'tfr t�ytsati5 .ik e.•:,....-A.I. 'M1 utr i� vtrd l+`rr rJ from the SAME nroorcJ series? 2 t ,' { *< '2 .t {f,;s3 }i; 4 l]from DIFFERENT record series? ,l 3`k-,'!° , '� ,.�,r s, t-f F 4''.. • • x(1'Ste.-..`.,4 1t} • E' , i 5 tic,! +m ill t{, C.i!CA144/ , 1 '''7,711.?; " .:: ytxr t Abe 4" ` rctla', i i• '�. Yes I ?.•r..i'' h, dh^ ,sj JU + J No Are the documents PHOTOCOPIED? ..,,X yy.. },3 • .t,� fy{ ttt„A'aef{t 5.v N Q C5. < :, i,ilrSis1 ;v y i •I. ,` , ,��.1sti,�� ,,}1t K. .--... ........ Apprmcimately how many photocopies are produced on amonthly basis? YZ`;,t`a 1c?f,'• ' jti ^+ K . ,i , • , ", 13.Microfrin Format F 1;t t`,°� ;y' ; +� The first-generation silver-gelatin (camera)film shall be kheckorre). : ,.t ri i r1s`91` 'ifr t. y, , �■ 2nrJ �w,';t� , vtr:; t 16mm roll microfilm ti t4,a' /, rK # at . ' 2 •ri { t�n(,t.' a r}1t �za�� 3r` t 2�s W" .\s ' ❑ 35mm roll miorofilm f+.+J,+t GFit tli{t r+,,t, A: ��`;1�t. . r S s, t? x o ,, � 3rtr14 'tis4 ' i1_ . T ' ,/t it 1. p "' " ,ti ' 1,{�t ' Waning: Fistgeneration silveri.gelath microfikn (camera tiiin)shall not jacketed {i 1r{y -'n ' A A:11 A. f+J ti , '1t J1T A i r A� ,t,t 5r ' 1 t ,, �.'"'�,j2Yik}i krt +sf,>,fCN� C f =<A • ' ' ',.. 9' fjYes ■�JNo '4 lsasecond•generationsilvergelationnegativerequiredl X.t({- , .t j ` %f'`+.' ' I ntl` J f J + . '. ?1r>t:'+} t `'12 t L r /.. e ( tq• Q Yes .ra}ii>25 - W.%),,ei J�$'15,.* l- ;, y t ' ` JNo 4 Is diazo rdupiioate)required? y,1z`u`z .1,1" ,i d,,,.; s,, ' .' r "tA F to ° 1 a i� 3 t': + • a t' if Yes the duplicate shall be: 1'`+t,5?r ',. ; ;4.:rkli,; . a1• • ' •4 fr it,,v. +, r ,rJ, I <. y. 3 s' afi,.:is.1tr7 l r, t 11 ' t ' F r '_J 16mm or 35mm olI microfilm +' 3 ,j•i„A ya,-i`t films+} ' +, i4 .+tt JF '! s I t riu, ((5( 3f�� rvtg3� s d4TY1I Xt :Sr .• ! tt . h t�°t V▪ ats? S+irl �k '"' „tt.�A . )'` +i• 'F t? 4 Numberofduplicates required 1�,? ai' e9+J.fy , t=M1{ ', r�,ii44c�j9,a :2�,t 1 , IJ loaded into 105 mm x 148mm miorofiohejackets .,ka4t`fJ1'14'„ .1 • '! • Y'iT L:h/ ' t ' v 1 It t fir."t.,lI{ 1" '.c>, ✓,r t f,� ! t t ! ! , '' >tK'41 s flu i,F�,S K .. '.; 1,'{e . " ;i� ,l,r tp' ,r,,': 4 Numberofduplicates squired y1- i ',+fit', , , 'Fr�1 Kf t 1r " r,. Y E + ; + t Jr+'` °n" �3 '; "3.). F t' , % rl i i.: r u" ' ; ' I loaded into 105mm x 140mm miorofiohe aokersAND du lioded to unitized ''tfl' � 61g " i li,t . u, 1 1 P ,t f its , .it D cl !4 + 9 'i miorofio he • i j" '"-fs'�' r+� l y•• v c :T j3 Y f tP lxi t' .y.c,a i t ' ti � ttf?� 4 t`lr 1 ' � 7 \ t . eS`+rt s 1S+t 4 Numberof duplicates required :.' lgprnsd '` r t' i i t p✓ t<v '+ rn r •utj•4��t�',y'1 Yk°A∎, .:, ,f r a J yA`• t,• 'rx,'.(}ti J t .l ;•4 t +) i4•• 'tr,, t* >t. �� yti:;5 a e), 14. Delwny Dates All paper records and completed microfilm shall be returned to the contracting T ,,, f . ;� • local government not later than _ KQ r r t < { t� :?1 4 '� r, t. g iiilrRile iii >kyc, ' 1 t '' , st,'yii• r/' AS��OfNI11 Informations w? e1F;tf<" �i,,..- i U•^' r ;•,t ti 7 tr { tl it...eg 1r`, 1,,4}t rpt",p,tt a �f ♦ .{ t . i ', ':2;4 i .,i { 'i ,,ttt t kl ;. ti�SUs$}w."17 r F ftl+ ' r}trl �▪ ti +';�7)sH;{ttial, ...».».»..........»...............................................».....................'...»................,.............................................«..........»............... t �V•�G,t pr ` ijtif at tJ•+na. :. rc �}r.:a3 I ii i t; , -"..».............................................................................. 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" .. . ^'''''i t�ttkJ` ,,Mrs.R" , t^tf' t •:e ay''' 'i'-' 4. t.,: 1...L, y lit .a t ! 1 0:400,1;.S l�7,T 4 , ""�i .t+ram 't.:4/41, 5.A 1At "if le.�'� �� �� StY.v��f"�b�;, ri r"1. lS+S 4.J..ry �w t j'Y{'..�� ,tr=.. It;5:,. :�'i'•e FJ. {�� }...3� 1,F r rl h,tl Y �f, il� �# Sfi.arir�:1 tt.�i:: A 1j�9i�+. �„Y5 ram, A': �.+E lt.f.r::{Ri._�:��i4.t.■ ,: ti,i I.c•-.,•9 ,+,tY 1 't3„„a •. 1,4' b. 551" 1'skildiV4 y'r :%' ;; ) 1 t Jr Jt{ t +'.it a '4.111' ':.<ntt ! ;ri rii,.; 'r ,'7r;p;j'')'4 vast, � , 4, ,e'i47.,: ' . e. ' W+t'lr�100.S1 i l,'f��'t� ( ' r?,,. .. .I.hail it it•1';,;sirc,1$'rt.'4--P te• < 1m r 't t s p ', t. ' 1 ,+t;i T ^{.14,C Ss,{�7'.,I.i.r sj. C. '¢;7 ,�yh:11`1 tjf'r`i• i+ Flr • r l{lv ijs l'.'jiPj 31R tl: SY' 'e � k. irtxi.•t"� tl rrst y},if'}.i4} ++ „• l� .).t. , .r •f. S' i� r +¢. fts Y Zt, 'r,t•Y=•s+';.i'4j,Sr,,.'is.l'S'rS4r3tt.4}' :'/:aK D 114:3;8:14..k � Cam{ t t`.t fti t . (, ;,, tt §F t44Sn4,44ta 17 .. . `ax •s2.i aa.,,l,.at:%:.a,.t..r, . . n ,}r,.. ., . ....C:1,44. .44...',. 'S .},,..;,,, '' "" .1',�,d, Yd'u,�Y=;.t'D4,t., .•�,}Yt i g. FS rr! 44 "ii' n�dtY a r h• rf t` 3 F�'1 1 c.�+ d�txul-x r rr!' §iYit( 5§S"^ ..i.a� t°f, § S ,r1i, liftto „',; yFf€1`1 1.'§Y.�.. S iki`; ' tt , b>.r Ste a lE h '1 ''e'6U$tL. • tan" r1 r1p 01,S t.tT .,) , Cu v Y(,C 4 )� Li't t1t/i r,;44.114":7:-Si t'/i.).:,:;;:;:"-:;;;;;,t J 1 •1 4;;;;,..-..9"."4;":4;),44.4-s",„t £AkD"§^x'r} TOWN OF ULYSSES iti +', t 1 "vi r .: '7� i ' ' f cx � t t`tc`r .. r{Y .'. ia 1s14 r a+jt}J}y , , ,,:';,,j t t MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING I...s ' F ', *"k . a }+t lii >fh i ,t r✓ r to ` yn�' , JANUARY 10, 1994 ;, r +..,-, ,,I,'. :1,.t f a {f 3 n t, ' ' TOWN HALL r ye',; ai,i'cf:dt+ ` i{ e!T`,, r..,lt i{ f ltf 1 ` ra 4,"' } t^itt > w,e �>r r `,'r , t`t: ` r%, ''` t <ro3 l r ,ttt itt.4 t yr'+�4.“17 i w r c t ! u h+ Al,rr '„,, f;,:/et...;, ' '�' 5'`rr ''`'t�'. PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: GARY MYERS; MEMBERS: CATHERINE STOVER, is ' .- rY+y�, - fr' ¢ ix�{i 14.dC.,:"L• : f / , r e n le f4i d'r� r t1 r1.t. RUTH KAHN, SUE POELVOORDE, JOANNE MOLINO, DAVID TYLER, Y.t&...:,,r. a'r'r , ..4� DAVID LAURIE; BUILDING/ZONING: ALEX RACHUN; SEC- a it ,f y, , s >.y�,yr.+ RETARY: ROXANNE SMITH. , tat 'ee: itRl,f•=''VralY. ,, t r • i. :r 'Z'•_. ; .. � Ttts;;kr4A', 014 The meeting came to order at 7 : 35 PM. Joanne asked Alex ,ys a ,.4. ' f � if he had the Wetlands map. Alex responded yes, and that there L Vii,. are only two designated sites in the Town. They are behind Falls , 'y '4 t' s:d 't" F'r`, y `, Road (behind and southeast of Grove Cemetary) and Mr. Aldrich' s , ,'�% .'1:::. "; r :',.y11;`� t ;/`~ t` property (which is close to the road and very small) . °'?'r;` , ' r0 rt 6. , on Aiken Road ' a ',Y'"r ' ' '' The Tompkins County Environmental Management Counsel provide critera w' .r! ` Y •t a� , 2:11:1,,I• i ii a' P Y c P § r:• �t r;`.n my 1 ^� ,';3• S for environmentally critical areas which the Town has The Town c ; V r , S.�f�• / °,.` ,' .;s' ` 'A r t' {a, Board had the option to adopt the criteria for local law. It would cv ' ,r¢ sfin�� f�t}tf;� +;r mean if someone wanted to develop an area considered critical a i �> i.,'tzn 4 " ;? + t,,D,;�,c. SEQR would be performed prior to that. The Town Board opted not to r+' V , 'fS" ti", ^a< �:'[a,Xi; �f do that. Some areas that it would include would be Willow Creek i'at y= :"`n```' 'AI'`-°.'' f, t3n.}x t a fix r,,," r+:x. , , v, .: a/ i �. a• (on Kraft Road) , Smith Woods and several other areas. This tran- e�r'1' r'c+e iP,.,,;,r"? .,ir. .- Y,Stieirr' , spired about three iqm ago 4avid Tyler stated that there are a +t'f +' t ;y{.�r�,a-xa J'�4�r i"'I Ji' .tar N,11 C}fMAA ♦ e fA,1 tC�nr ,� 7',r§ `- ,3 ji,..,'~ .--i v� , lot of cat tailsl'aroun le responded that the DEC does not O . ' "Yl f t f + , [";1.� ). Y hi I':,,,:,..41;„0:„..,;,14 i, 1° s ,;A q3 . . +� note them, only the Army Corp. Ruth stated that since the Town has t ,.r, s•' f�) r:,L r= d, t f 9 M i k)1 1�, . '} it3rWv,r '"'4 r lr, '�- decided not to take action all this group could do is take cog- ' 1,at. ;",'a 1,r,1- , .'r F',; , rx'w, ` °,� {1{, nizance of these places. Alex said that a suggestion could be ilia.;f ' r H:Y.'i s` it F+ 1ti; ' t,. r made to the Board to take action at any given time. The Town still U;,,,-,: ,, ,4; T x"r�s t ti -."24 ti e has the option to designate any area within the Town as Environ- `1 %; +"b#s`'t%t ,,'>•:•' p)'`i a a + if 1 , 'SC mentally critical or as an Environmentally Unique Area. Then it -at;ft x f J, t ' s,-' �g < Y Y q 1 r ;} ` t r{ ''(', 4' ." , t ,,� becomes a SEQR. The Master Plan group can go ahead and define these r:t -1 :' ,a"i s t „ ; 3' x � �' Jyx. areas. EMC designated the Willow Creek Glen on Kraft Road as such , 11.')F+'�`r' ,• 4n r ' ti fir r"+ '� r . 5:' ;r an area. It recently had a single family home built in the area. Frtttvt,,' ftrr ,. ';At, ,Y,•• I II c � They bulldozed all the stumps and such into the creek. It all t " - 1.71 11.1 . 'W.4 washed down to Willow Creek Point. People down there were incred- ;r{r ",:_cr St$ '� 5::-.`,` [� it ibly upset. The terrain was altered ' ° it ' r e , Y P pretty severly. Sue queried t tx � ,t 3.a"j.' . P; D r j: Alex about a map that would indicated recent development. He said ■lift-u + iy 'a'•4 '�■f.' G aM m j s,'$,� -4F.E t jl 'K 1 fr'.,,, .` x' that wouldn' t be too hard to come up with He issues between 14-25 ( f £r tt, ? •L new permits yearly for new construction. In the last ten years is:{h�".}&' ��s"..t` 1 ! ; "!M ''%' ;. '' ri '' there have probably been about 200 permits issued. Much to John ; ta�§'? �y4: a7`r.t, 3 , t y ,f 14-A -.17 1r.,.'Y +n. P Y P 4.,av t /)^v; • ,4'" ' , } I. Delaney' s chagrin most of the more expensive construction seems to 1, ° s ' fs$''" '- 4 J ' ' f ,1414 , ., $' Fir i. t' � )4 i rote .„, lr y<33 '+ . `; be taking place on the Ithaca City School district side he said. R{'vnr,.., =,,J ,itr:-' '', {p`i, 4f"Y,tS 1. 4 Y+ . v.k , 9,��'>rr{tN431);;;:;;;(4:-c : '. ?�" 7, ,r. Sue directed the Members to the Draft outline peginning with 4' zt ��`i? �`7 `k ,r3 t wLi , s +p to 41.}14 •�xA k t 1 t a+,, ,"t�f >.3 r: ks at. t-af r � �� item I, Transportation. The following outline evoljed from the ka e4,0;ryti" �" + ,{.,:vl t' , r, pH .ri, t y 57 t5544,...., , t ..•04 P415-414-57:01:1445,043:174-� ' ' t+ Members ' discussion. st *{°, t � ` i + ��f���i4.r 'wd y f 7 5~*k''G r .'1 2 : 4"t,f t4h.i ,., 4. 4y j.1, ri i,L; )i0N u 4,lh akti ttf x,11,4 ,tt ,rt 4 t i � fi'Lt r }. {c r". (�,iily , r{' i .,t,i3o Y art i .. I TRANSPORTATION $ *rat • t + t A . C"i t /4ri3a�� '''14,..4-.)4.2,:-',. ..",-..‘ ,i r t, c t, ;0; c t, '.,y 4 rzr,.111 " ;4.!:4 '`;-1i.a< . A. ROADS , ;,, r„, r;,,` • lk a 1. State (Rts. 89, 96, 227 and park road) pY,,�t'fi ct i ; 5,Z rrr r'S FaZ` 2. County x aj 4 r`Y+r'rr `r ,e.L'7w 3. Town ftt.01, 0,...04.,,,,,,,;e '. a. private roads a ,..4. • g1Yjl:5'f, +tea S 7 .c'r':. ,,,,..1 ,';',.1‘,/`:....,,"i f e r Z. . X5,13 as + w.-tn.fC:y�}"'t' ytt fvi r*uv' JaY ' B. POTENTIAL CORRIDORS FOR WATER (LENGTH) 1" „ t t',L ' r'j }at�r. ,.i yp: i t�yx t�,i i,' , . r c °��<} n t• ` 1. Utilities i' a' 4 0E-V, , V.-`,, ,' F` .W�^4t'S,tY tteStf7p�' � i ;'rt F ,,%(:::. r, r 1%1.4 t' M arfl(E i ,�3Y }'r< i 5 re? J ir,' ^r /%j j:;.: .�■ 7�44�,. �'V ,{ ,:G• C. PROBLEM INTERSECTIONS (JIM MEEKER WILL ADDRESS- GROWTH , ' , ' , +,+ ':;4{L"• i ‘Litt;).-i ` tf '"c e�.-. OCCURRING MAY SHOW UP AS PROBLEM 7 . 'jisni`yr 4+StSf �tSFJ4 „: AREAS ON THE TRANSPORTATION GRID) r v.t,t ;; 1. Problem areas .ti A .+,�� ttt y+ 4 r t<' (not just intersections, seasonal? r„9+ ,,� `, weather and events "4}r k `r,f ? + r ''gi.1} . a. information provided from Tompkins County 4, ,'", t ,tr ta$y;;W,ffl Sheriff' s Department and Fire Department f' a vrr pt s° xl 'k 4At ,,, f tdJ `,f D. EXISTING SYSTEMS (STRESSED WHEN NEW DEVELOPMENT COMES IN) ") rte;?`*i,�;�`NC4 .', a. yJ t' `-rtf'•S I y lr 74 , it , ,; t7,; t 1 . Traffic control devices (yield, stop lights) + 'ta "" B ` ^u rf,,%.-,,..'.,,r,�` +'�`' ' a. reduced speed signs i , f. • et/0 0 4:,..64":"1-44.5411i� p g rah 5AJ .F4f4'* W 4• } i t 8' „y� ',47 t tOtt4,3 ,4 ,3 M1 , s> ! ,Y i � f$�, ��Ti t i, 1 r' , , r111f d• °4 dg 3 f ' ` l.,. 1 q/ t , +,1 Ch-,,,P 1:;•,..-11,",1 J{yF'++Sr 0 + �' +. ' '+ • '�t);r 14'r r.t ''�ptit� ( qa. r ,,:.h..-. .. , { l I.i(X14 Irr ∎':',' 'ti�.){ye r; • R . a pp✓ p•.. 't , Y :S^1, 4 - 1'^, Y y�'4' ,'R V:R'� i }Fl Nutj1b1* r'< S '• tti.1. .<tAii 1 it ,,riag°t'Q4% i � _ ..t ;S �� �rA:`..', Y' { ;��p + '70, @i'i�'' k'ta:R'; �dZI ! 1,.r3, . j Y d i z S t ! Y r 7ti 1 �r , ,'If t d' 11, ' tt i. r' •1¢ •te ,,;,. l�3r ,�„t b k,et ,� +�,'S 1'i�i strr ,•: .ati ,, t+ ,:„,. .4-[' r t !i'4? il.>< d . t ,�sy 3t1 iv3 ,t� . .rt s"* Yy,f� , i1 ,Y+s '-t ,9t sZ%o tt,rp`+Yp� s .z� , ,Cjp'j`•✓,�' �'�T it ,+„i4F`7§;Y' + >r aff' ! 1:. x,,. • ,,',R, '', t`r'.:nt .•� t ''a a'.1 ' € .-`l;F. '0 o Ap,'4•'"p"y 'jpls +4'Vi: .i"'f'[,. if, ,t"'�,34 t �k{ :ti h ; r,;: .tsi*AtC r..,,.. , ry..• ..: S+ ?1•„ 4 V F?, � ,0 et a %'r' el. 2.r i 7,r$ D 'hyF. .I �rl,494,•i•-',,,/ .(v $',,.r`? ' { Jetty- :. t'aa .p t ilt, r • ri=5 4 g, `. a • . a`J f� } )tit EA.('ti,^i:��,1 4"' Jttifi'j , .:,..d.&P *. i''',,kt 1-iiy,,,,I);I:iPti;1)-.-".• 0 ',„: ek:-„,` #c ' rootesvas, seer,4, . ,,..,, .$4f„ - ' ,,..,„, , j, , , ., ..,, . , ,i4„.v, #„ac.,•,, m#:•:,,,94ji Air:141,P_ , • , ' l'q,'•# S , ve,;0.7 74.Eitt•ti‘-,,,:t!tyt.q4 :3/4i.* g4•40•10 g, l' r ti-cricirelp I,,-. pi Xv , Sicit th'sta ;1- .1 4y010A.. JP r)0>-"3"...N44 "SiVr;',\*''i(*Isaa-' '72 1 17. • • *.• •-•••,i ,,p 4',j'Ant4s,,:d*.t,,,,ti,:t9 ,,,Ah" .:,;,,t• t gm„ ," „,7, .. r„.,e, .t.,1,zi.,....v-t, ag. : $ 1 „ „ to, '4, r ". 4 i,icr Nis Aryl i.- 4:4 4, 0, '4104/ £ In.4 4111 ;,it> -I/ ''. i's 1-..9, ' -, : I./-1'ClteAtitleti44610,7115 iii Itsc(41-fr;„: + -,4 erVarwa,,n,4!.? 44-44(ria ,,,, a, .4 , 4W-,4,rP , ,444'411.,e,-4-tisc. },fr.,.,t gh sin g p",4_,,,it;i.,,, s. . . , t- , ,2.,.; .,oftirA,4if c .3k44/...40 AtvoiM 0. 1,--4A14,27i>9?4,Wax*,4:al ,,,i'. 41 t.4 criV44 A wa,t,itilpViAtl'hiki , 141.• wr vii -407qt,-, ,, ,- ..f, , , ,. it,„;,, ,,,,t '1%fAV ir01404 'frItt1/2 414/ 1„ ittist,' 14:21/46'IVVE he, II< ( %e fit,,C1,9? s‘lis ( tray it, .0t4.45::,y,,T., c ?PY:" ' a 4:S•' :;(LISS`110/ 44CiArlitlroti$ r tri"4•41 ' 'ss' :l'AiktigOiMIlitrige nif,6*il Agp4,. ,,, A, if> ti4,,,,,n4674:,‘, ,i,,,:frtv, . , -,,12,,i iiitv,to ..-,, . -,., , , ,. .. t.r.hrp4,1,, ',Nit ASE,17,14 '=';'•'' i(.4`1/ . ' I sit,*Ile';`,. "'" 1;1,),::, ': it .li: t::::;i1/11:41■4C2 ‘, itt„ #11,1, '••C'-'1,7 1,1 0 ,,Y‘f is 4 14 ,O.. 1 ,,, , , * I, "fr . ' ; •"-1 ;, r 'i..t:,14144 1.6 1,411114,k,*7,,,, - ` ‘..Y1 i ...±.,<3..t!, i;, -, .1,:..,2va, ,:41ii , ,,,,, ,,,...:\ ,.;•,e-i-itoit bAX141 "=".. .'” ' it,7-:1/4, • t , , v 44', • 1 : 1 ,, - ,..• ,,,A 4 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2 4-. . „ '' ',., 4 .', ,,- :;4 MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING (441.,, ,, , 14' ,' ' ' . , -, ,, ' , ' ' ' , ', •, , JANUARY 10 , 1994 1 .4 - '' • ., .., 4, • ,' .40. ,- , TOWN HALL , •. ,• t ' - ,,,„, , , ,, 4,4 , q44' s r 1 ,4 ' : „ 4 Ir.,,• • , , / 41,1' t fre!: ‘• ' . i'.' it'. "N : t ,.' . a ' t f1/40.41 ,i.5 t 5 t t''.5 t ,`it I",,1„: E. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 1 , ' ..". ; , :10,7,,;(e''!, ';' "' 't, ',.- ' :. ili'l. P' P hk:+'”1“:, . ,- 74:1`. 94-7; 1 . Tomtram 4 ,,,4411. Ix ;4:`. ' ' ' . 'yr. ' ./,.;%';',3,14 a. park and ride-existing and new possibilities t - , , 4 ,) , 4i. t I ' %if' ) , 4 . ■ t•t h-,';' :1,t; x L:'•*1/41::,' b. Cornell employees .,).0,g,0.. ‘C 2. Limousine service 1 1 ,0F42,?4,:it1.‘,: •■1/2,1i.;i'v',-,41 3. Bicycle/Pedestrian •' li `4,-‘,.1.1,:) , t.,11 a. State Park Trail ', - i' r,,/,'• ,, 1,„ .4 V. 4.4^,,„3. 1 . maintenance ,t ., .44 . 4. i,-, ici.: ;;,. ;id/ 4'' ` ..AP., 2. conflicts of users (rollerblading/bicycles) : ' . . •4 'il ' 1,701,- ,11: . 1., 3 . wintertime use (cross-country skiing, , 4 'St'''. st,' '',''''4 ',/ca ;',1; 14.4tin./ "1,, , /,ti":t. 5‘/CP.t snowshoe, snow mobiles) hi' ' '1 ett !Tha VA We' ' 1 ...! •/(..'n'aitttlb'lk 0 4. Private landing strip (only one) .4 Ii • „• - 4•L • ' :•... , '. 1 1,-,rw,-.1, , cit 'f! ' ''Ltruz 4. 1,'ILL44-::r IN F. OTHER POTENTIAL AREAS '- H -. ,,,▪ ., . "4- ,.Nittr,‘. :*$ • ,, 4 ,z ?-7 t:-,,, ,.s.:M.f 1,442:4',CW.t.4;”{ 'i-)"-:P':',7.`, 111,S 1. Wider road shoulders (for bikes) ' , •, , 4T:44 , -.7- At r. it,,e, ,#:.-J. i.,. . .4.(2.0 2. Trailer park access . 1. 1.40,Iccsr 447qyta • 104,/.4, ''Cnat .r.:*.s:ek.:2 •*4-•,).. , ..,i.p; , ,,,,..„ ,),-. ••41);,.:,•,. , • , .„•-• . , . ..... . 4. .,-.....-,,, 1/4, {4! , i„isrt•r,f.•01,, G. IMPROVEMENTS ,I; 9 3k'&;14 ;) , . 3 t',` -'4' ..". ,,1"- t ,.4;?4,'Al k;‘.7c;"*.Vvit: 1. Octopus .:• , 5 1.4 ..1 :: '(''''' ti 2. All roads are paved .; 7q4)4'93te7ri t.` r •.;- ' . - ) ' 4086 ";;. ,Aig--$:1.111 • .• . , “ wyexii. ct,m,..Ipt Regarding speed signs, Alex said the State is responsible for :.. ,„.• ,-T, , 4, 1/23W.,44, ' designation and they are inflexible. He gets 3 to 4 requests per tii,. ',`r.-1:4t5t,t. reS1 year for reduced speeds. 70?4,47,.,.I.:„, ,14.; F.45-;-(144 • ed. I frty ;#1, • • ;'• re ,,••.kr, th'ilerep`—,4*st.S0*-7.ts44 ,,, Concerning Tomtram, Ruth stated that it is heavily subsidized. t}a • tan, 'entefra.ta`w taa A I 14.5410.411.4.4‘14(e'0,701 i '''Pr'-.4, 4 irs.,. 4,itili.34.c' The Biggs Building has a park and ride area. In Jacksonville (mid- ;,., t'sw-1•,:... e3di) * ig P.Eir,VX:YA*44.4 , 1:44,., t: o4s• .t.c..ft way point) people park in the Methodist Church parking lot. There isn' t much incentive to ride Tomtram said Gary. The Chemung Transit 1 3,', ' )c r-' ,-14.7r:If; 1:.‘^'4 Vi'.Itta:kt tilt '44' ,‘C1„.4, i- ,,FIm4,40i • 4 d , ,,,„„ „, (Watkins Glen run) sells their pass for $25. 00. Tomtram gets about $48. 00 a month. :It.% • i '4 t'' /‘ a t Sk .thca' , t sti a. :±t-ai ta7itnt n't VI 1.% Aiti ' gl'irt:/ q4::tr'1.4ttltift On local economy, Alex stated that he is reviewing plans for a 4 4: : -441,0cf. MN .-0'44tm*errusiv 1--" "1,Y , s la* t 41.4 ,11,7,14d141 7, 1 separate, but connected building for a pharmacy at the Shur-Save .- .4 t ,„-,„;,,,- .▪ 41'.1.;': Ai :0,4t.Tit4 .•--r., . , ;', , „ 2.. site. It is about 7500 square feet. On Wilkens Road the Special t .,' ' . v. 1 - ,';' izilmiji , dm4eN Childrens Center is building a new administrative building (about 441,1%:,,,`:14):,t /,takvii.$ 10, 000 square feet) . ....l,t0',..% Y'' i*VV;Alis1/41744 ,r . ; * , , 2 , .. 1., ,...1 ..,, ,, 4.0.. ; ..,.7.-, plf ,,,,It, (4 , ,, —;,, Th0.1 Joanne will find out if the road off of Rt. 96 (Halseyville 4YITKit,"': .,:p . /1,40,.; 1/2,ust ,. . ,..,,, area) to Jacksonville Road is State owned. Gary will bring in his -. t 'xi, , ' . ' ,',.. r. fl q,:“ ,n404 -'w ,.-41 Town map. Alex will ask the County again for a DWG Disc for the 4 ' tA 4 ' V'j sir si•I'7.4" Land Use Maps. Catherine will mention to Jim Meeker that one of the SS' •t.. ” ,:,;••b V<I' ',1,4• '4 te....,:m" i‘i ,,,l--r,;4, . topics the Members will need addressed will be dangerous intersections. -.-,t , i :v ) •:t -'4 ■-"I'4 e....,- ,, ],, ' * .001. i44',4.51t, -.. - ', - — . • 4 : '1,ftrto .}4m .wIEJ:: 44”, *41 = 4,-.5 The next meeting (January 18, 1994 , 7 : 30 PM, Town Hall) will tpdts„..,...., 4 V.:41:, tii1;1 T ”l1,1“;te $',..;i1 address Environmental setting. The meeting adjourned at 9: 05PM I , ...,,, „ -0 -.. .,0/4 ,4 1,:ez•.0.: c;I; 'T,,•4„f 4,4;14-7,2 in.1/24 ''S;••,f••,• , , ,S341„•• .- ' • ' ' • • at'' 0,1..•",;••7,;Sy s€S;S,!4;'`,. •S'‘I'•%•:i, 'I,:SIS ';.••ccit1,‘,.,,,, Sk . 1P;401,4 (' :s # ''■:71/4 t ' t t:;:tit.t.;)•t ',,,751,at,.Lit..cirit174:,::::t: t • CZ.,ailfean 4 'Jr i ' , ,'. i2.1P,/, " '''' ro ' t ' t N2%r. '' • ". •'* tie. 4-1'0,,s.' : . j r,b1 .' A ,:,S!• ''' , ••,* , i •41.c.1: 1 *4 '' •' ,•. . , ,,c?; ,,,•;•: , ■•• 1 .■ , . 2 ' t 4 4/11 ./''' it4 t/'' •. : , I . • ( ' ( k: t-tc , __ [ c,, i'ned• ,-4,-,. 1 1 I 1. '. n 'n, (4 : ' - 4nja,' • it , ta, r,(11,414.' k'tfl'e.11. ttiv5;„ 7;t ant a . t : 1;1::tri142, '4 1* 4 ", It51“4'1 '1a' ' 11°34 ' •''' ' ' ' 11 k`• i ' t 1 Ir•' C.It:h''' tellfCS`t i•ti t ' , ...'•.•%41111,)t3 ,... ;•:,TS'erii•FrilYMIRenetZlISP/PW, S:S...??Tretntatin0:51:171."3,77i4iWirlittY9j743:1Wilt:ic±3;5,;:: 7 .',:4, • : ,,;,' •,r •' • , \ , ik' . -'- e ."'"'2-4 4 t'''.4c6t) r ' , 11"i'1.4‘i'll.0.49;4'..A.11)/14t*P.W41;` ?1,7tcnattfrilfr;t2,1,43414A'..e4,44,0kitintkftliggAlit,}afte040‘kit',4,V1`.!,:',•i z,-..,.,4,',',„,',4iziih;, 1/2,4,`, - ' ro 1 •,; , , +0,si i' ‘" •:: lit' ''''`S Cf+71”I'',. ' f4sn'S 96711\4 3/4* d Ites 's.'tit''',444*".t.ti slitf4',■' 4- 'I' leizriltiiti '' -et'';‘§ 444,".141401N14,..44-'441 ,..,,,..: •, ,'' .4,,.;,1",,:,(„ry-,,,,,,,,,-,4, 42 . ,. . 4 ' ,.‘ 4 4 • ,,,, i 7 I ' ' :",ler 1,‘f '``re';" trikrAr014,C1Cii)42-444,4't:i'-4"t '044911,itilt4-0-s ‘"...ete 3 ',44 ;4-44+2,34w3.... $11,44 ,, '4 t ' tge,,,..,444-,3ttirtt,',. .rit',',,,I.-,..,, , ;4-4.„',,it,‘-'4,1 4 '.''',,• e, 4 4 - , 14'-4 p, ' ,. ',4',, ',., :4,,,,rit 1,"e4444.11/2.,,lit,';,,,,Lii„,4%,4c,iitAst3.-149,13e$24411'1 `4`ikni,4 - /if int 44.tit/ '',po &II'It teritlItitt kn 4t.t, 7c.te .11•'..01ThAilint0•••-jta•,c4.1,;',,ci•,s,;,.,:#4,•#•r• 7,,,,I,e4,h,••,I ,,• t• 1 ,' •,• , ,' ^ 4 * ',4' . l'h') PIW.;6';'43;T:rttiVisn'''.4":09/1,}1 Irrtl‘W' it' 4, ' "c ' .sti 4 1 egte ■+''Ittf, ' .t. „rat, 4 4: -4470•Xtel.111..",r0-44,:riN)43,..V.:11-41'l'.1,&Ari.re 4,1 t.y. , , t.7.. ,t*, ,i,;‘, „rt ,04, _:101,,,foliitiklissikr44i .;,, i 4\9.4 Ag,rlYtkiye)14244, Atti-e, ,0 It714v,k4-0,,N,Ix. Y4 4,,,.,,9,4 t j, 4,4r ,..pavvtrpifpato:4444:,41,37s.tic, it., te4./,‘* " ' , 4. 1 i fr,440, ,,i, 4151/t 4 let althAttrP 111 Strifill13tatIO:ISLItha:44.: ;I/i"..'/' . • ilt) "(61..4C4?:traitr41410:4):8 ,trii. ...0%..j 3‘,2;IS.., ozziy,,-.A4,1;:its,i4.547I wn It4. %. fri: V itciasitroy:A. vin4,,,,t) .%,i3,Y.,' .*:4 Is,t rAP,Vtr;Aii tkitt )';'<WIL'X'n=Ail)".1:vi'i ;.r.z.°. . %, 'N. 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Y +���.,.;�+'1� M1)' C P S�rY lt' F� t id r+ r s .r �V $ 5 e> a �. y'/x > a r {, 4 3' 'f : , ,µ�. • `l�.` T J 3 t j: � . ,.r5x f , { a- } Yir Sf + r a' 'tisi'Y' L ^e�, :td•' e , GYa' u +3 r} ,r ^ 'x"S':( t Xr L,, } . • Q ,, 4 •"t4;1'•. tr h�,W: J'% e { t� • :+.1 { 'k 'tx r. 1 r. {' S i U 1 , d.' ir' r t . 1 r 1 hf ,''„" 't' r•' ;`t..'y �F } el,'#. ' L. rtr .`t .Yrv};it• u,!.jy, r i■J t4 I' ✓, . 55"S awF:+P• [ ,.'S cn..iy, F +f (✓ r 15 �. i tW's4 # .. r-. 4 'h,F', l ,i�+{ a t ,i ,`6'. ' Y .'11A9«! 4 ''' let' • 4 : tn.>t 3 ^ •�.•3, 1;i e 011 i r ,4 t Ttf• { .. f , t r , n .} r.. F lr2 'i b,' t t "r a i. �" �L ) , tj 'Ft } t. j' '1',t w t ashy . , + tr t b• M 7 .' h }'''v :S; ;5 frrrtta'. s}+ i v.>a.'•. . .Yk+J a 7xl,'=,t Yii^` ,J "1, tsr.,(, 4" :.1", , : t f „f j ,e7 . t F_ rn. n .' ;' q«,1, %41,7,1, :•�F#k..g lyP�' .t`;J 4,',lS rt9 4 J j,�y f iw ,^i.,y .,Y K '_.r t.0 fyr.!'{+If Y '.r,+,t f -:: r . I.'e , [ 7- t r ,xv t J .y },f�` ' .+ + !�..11, ,al. La flu Vt. r4 A { �d uf.fit` ��i�%I+, ll�gk�x1 �P ?d•,. . . `"`k.�"'w`."@iiv:,'�,:�ls+, _m„� ?...r 1.4.r . +u;L.,i;_.' - .�s_' „l ..._amG.rr ba ' - ,. 'l '«.i'..�1::1.�SiS�C¢•.,41w+c d&i�EJt"�+�.�:r `� y�f'E'r+,�'J� °�frr ( < F"` t :r)'� Y ,�J M 51,1',wifit2:1 im t r rt'1.47e ' frfl0 ZTj 4::,-30;40,0;044c, ' r�i 5�h�'t1^a''i Fr h'sfl r �' �.,,t( nnr(•5jj�,���jj..33JJ''..Yt Fyy�g {{¢n44+ < t +r ,r h11 `-"1 ,s4 :tt 0,4,4441.. 4 r 4',TY7 Li,-.+•f i} x 't iii. ¢V {is T', .� {`SF i 1°t'itl6ltot 1' tyt� :V41‘41.1:'° 1 Y ��`�CtXN%Ltlltl Ott�h��t ,j+''}}^P Yu,} ss � 1 , :: i 43it,`�i t 1 Zi l et'}A { :.r t't,aa.t �r , 1 .'',4f 'f_ 3 ' K „ x4 TOWN OF ULYSSES € r, <+ tki m ,i>f- j t y>r 7 r� .. ',r,, in.• "4t S f PLANNING BOARD MEETING < , 4 tl 2 4 {e,..,°"'{,,i;j';r;e�r,t�r� JANUARY 11, 1994 ;` ' i ' t >� :,t;, , rj' , "= r,..,' TOWN HALL {I t , 1 rr' „y rt} i Ft U�tJ�v 7YA `it ' .. { , . 4 Y .1∎“ t,l .q. t Sy`'{�5,.�{.a,:� ),G ,��'tr�y ,�5 PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: DAVID TYLER; MEMBERS: BUDD STOVER, DAN � t, , r ri, ,y}, � `t"• 't'1 ',',I s`y c SMITH, PETER DEMJANEC, GREGG HOFFMIRE, KRYS CAIL, GERRI ' Z r'''^ 'v ,,+ ; lir � OT.4J tt; Fi-. KEIL; BUILDING/ZONING OFFICER: ALEX RACHUN; SECRETARY: "cd t ;7,"'t+"j„..S''F r4f'}`}t,7 'I jt `} , 11 :k•t q �' ROXANNE SMITH i• ,, ." 1} a tai J.F? 4{,,ash r+ !` 5 '' J s ;rr f . >14,«`�jy tgtk"`Y< { 1 GUEST SPEAKER: MICHAEL STAMM, PRESIDENT, TOMPKINS COUNTY AREA ', t• 1r ( }(4� @ 1tii�'y l;u$ o- f `‘,1-„, 1 r(1 e:`a i&.)Li4t} , .,4fi4 ;4, F•{ • DEVELOPMENT, INC. n t-t� r� 1, } it' GUESTS: MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE MEMBERS (TOWN OF ULYSSES) : CATHERINE ' a ',"; ; `r ; 4,01, az yu ` .. , STOVER, SUE POELVOORDE, JOANNE MOLINO AND RUTH KAHN; TOWN y"i t nt* i4 q 3, G ' ss r 3 7• � BOARD MEMBER: TOM REITZ; MASTER PLAN MEMBERS (VILLAGE OF I s. (gg 4& .�, j ,,' t REITZ; .. t E n ' i't 4"Yi '. ' +;s•, � t� TRUMANSBURG) : JOHN O LEARY AND PAUL ODELL. ;, , ., , ID l r n'atikti k 'r X$ !1' t.1.,5 t' cf3+Fai fI a 1,15 " k: i' 4x0:4120,464/0 t Chairman David Tyler called the meeting to order at 7: 30 PM. P,.t ,, f`tt : .:.. {�. _ He introduced a new Member to the PLanning Board, Peter Demjanec. k1/2".”-: is ‘”:2;14''64.-:..4/.4‘4'4� .t r }`9i °_ tr He then introduced Michael Stamm from TCAD (Tompkins County Area tar f-.... :,c,,. '€{,.'41 ai ,' "�5".),4..44.44, 1 {` ' Development, Inc. ) as the evenings ' guest speaker. Mike is well '. YF' t`,�;i 7'n?,z k'' Sri An, a versed in light industry, a category that the Planning Board has }} #t ', 4ifaS :-' ti ,+• 1 Y 4.4q added to B2 mentioned Krys. ,,,i } rat r , .' t. zir y ,+ikxi' s'S :. 1', 1.,.,,,-,.. . ..:- -- ii' ., i .. A a 14. ' y Mike opened his comments with some remarks about his organi yr,- i�i4l+:A, „ trati--, k' P �t ; . r ,;+ f . zation, TCAD. TCAD is a private, not-for-profit corporation (501-C6) , zi tyi , a` `"r; A-t ' , ' 4t i founded in 1964. Until 1985 it was run by part-time community 2 r55�•'- ' s „ ; ,,,i'z ;i r f � � n� leaders like Dave Cutting, Ray Van Houtte and Roy Parks. It' s ∎.-u'kc;"1;:die Y'�ri?; ` dw roL � 1I mission is to create quality employment opportunities and strengthen ,,...,-.,04.,,,,,,y 'e ',.,>- itx ...45t .i s tr , '� ,, the tax base. TCAD targets manufacturing, which they define rather '_ ' 4, t' ', t eTr IA: "�' � `k ' • broadly to include one person' s software development company all ,,:w44,' i {`e '°; i'r , r ,l., Y P P P Y .. Yw / z • the way up to Borg-Warner. Businesses such as Agri-businesses , cottage, •}{e'ti }4 �- ? 7r (-t fi t r ill"TR-tt ‘ bio-tech, etc. TCAD will work with any entrepreneur that is selling , s' 1t ' �.' h� a product or service outside of Tompkins County. They will avoid help- f.., '', ;' 7 .Y��, ; • ti : ing a retail or commercial business that is going to end up competing � ,yr., �t3 r . with an already established business in Tompkins County. For that a, �3t �:.? ' -5 ? f: 4r/ ; 2 .> ' reason TCAD was the first agency in NY State to turn down Wegmans' tF, � ,nr. .�•; I ^rtht r ,a " ' A' � ' request for assistanc e as they clearly would be competing with other i z f.;�� ' `/rt.-.,;nti f . F ; P's , :7' ,•tti r f.c - , t . . companies and did not need assistance. }p��p ky },• r ; o , w i r �t' fj4 .w ( ' :,'� u� , TCAD t, 1h��'r.Y +j C Y J it r F�` n x n < ,# , ,;. TCAD is funded by a mix of public and private sector funds. , ,,t'C rli'' ;. Y Al ' , '� They just finished a three year membership campaign. They would +/ Sri `5 K: s i;r ; r v t r :,t 5 t } r P ,t'.:: x i-t y'.; 5.,��' w .x r' A,ry s .- �" like more public sector support. As an aside, Tompkins County only } ;:fret Ys '�,rX , , `tom :. P cP h Y o 1'\/z'r ?W ' '. f,e .r �y � �, invested $17, 000. 00 into economic development which they feel is low. ,�>. K�{� 4, -"h.! P Y 4s W,,a"p"=++t�} t,r xr ; f 1'xa� ,h �Frr , �i �•� ,. In the past TCAD has been involved with the Borg-Warner project on ��t�t i"�F<4 �,.�w,3 i .`-'t�>'Fr tt't1. f `x Warren Road, the Boyce Thompson Institute at Cornell, Precision 'rJ",�If e+' '()-1fb4 'ra<' ' 4� Y � >t` Al f Filters, also Kolar Machine (all before Mike ' s affiliation) . Mike ,ter Mh ,x`kt ,}, , t x v� = ,U0% i 1 has been involved with CBORD, a software development company, ,�;,;.a .Fily sel';4 r, o;rt4111f : : t+`'t- P }1 t ii it6 ,. t ,t4',,i ftyy�i,y, % ; Wilcox Press, Hi-Speed Checkweigher, AC Technology, Claritas, and a �` 4 � !') + `e4ph cli couple of not-for-profit organizations more recently. . H f,,is . . t �.iry 1111 i,1/40;d `':Wh'A' ' } li iI^r. a;4 : li $ 4",I.ctr.(1 r # "'itciligw The private and public sector officials focus on the un-employ - Sy�,`rertx ,. 4 {` ? , , Ie.14,,, 0## ment rate as the measure of the health of our economy. It' s a curse �t,'r ; , ` " ,.0;cr4 ik t that we have the lowest un-employment rate (Tompkins County) in NY ,�i .u ,k4r State, yet it measures nothing. It' s an abysmal measure of the health F.° r� of our economy. An example of that would be in the late 40 ' s , of 4+trjtt ', ? x" QA.' 'tu'' �' those that worked, about 48% of them were in manufacturing (quality " + ' *'$ .1 i' ' i € high paying jobs) . Today that figure is less than 8% Then until ;i , rt'is ".l '' ' `] s ' ,,i " t now, we have virtually lost our middle class because no one was a 4 , sci },;. A Uy4Xt kj J Yy?: Y pay- y , o , p 4• r �4:1;,,1K., )+ 1 . ing attention. We were focused on the un-employment rate. More , >� "r '''.: p ,;y r(,:,i`�r,.� t rt4" y, recently, with a cyclical challenge, the Recession, fared reasonably � .A;t T•. `\jjlte' :I ;,'cI' 'I%it, `s well. Borg-Warner is at its ' highest employment level ever and x• .x,i' r`t rti �; ;: continues to have expansion potential. Emerson is hiring. Our medium p1: a : <} < 4:1her i P P v• , , rx r� ,, size electronic companies that relied on defense are having a hard e }97q:, , 1,I ;+ j •' time adjusting to the cuts in defense spending. We have a very strong i r}t , -tai `t;r t:Aci:,,, t ; entrepreneurial sector, small technology, software , some in biotech :=k,ti,i ',s 'FA '4"" ' and some in electronics. A dozen of whom continue to expand right • 4' ; }; I t ; �,"? :• ,yJ ,A', t,.1 {,,t4, `;i . through the Recession. • ,: '',W. , , } .(, , �, , ' ? .t't .1 r41 Arc:64j0 t r F , .ti �' �Y ,,, t'4,t tt t wri! l`c S , t r:e ,lrt it �'K ,{•trit'v�{ #511 • M • :ka i ✓%, .a le7,:tftA• 1 , f s ? i, 3 t} '.• / '' t'''d5i.n.if+hlr ,r,5 .14 {ry? }j tl , i N. + '4 4f trice,:Pvnr i .. • k rt i 4. tP 7 •�r 4'r: ,j:" nn. 999I�1 .. f f ti V15't'.S'{ 7j 44,4,4:.` •� ( t 4J'l /V r 't,l �.�Y i'II . 4 d , r F{ y:1j 1,i .Iti�6��.v" t M7: v, x y�5i y' ST's:! ,b ,.�.-}. :P,tr'Th i -, -i• ..sn it t,�. v{ ,''• 'i ttrAl r.te .�.s �^ ? tji♦ if• S,.'.,=*.••h� i h s Y, :%ht*,x�f .'r•`. '�zt;i..f�' r;'f,.(( a i�.l %:i. X {• 'V�` T''+. .♦ r ,4 , ' r t �, ! r1 } ,P Y1Y t7,}lJ f•; i�.. S�• h' x . 0 r'ty1 • ,�•11, - ! PW ✓ „N ,.n r • a , 15 ., T5., , l� 1 -. t'•. F ..>, `.t• . i F,t•Lf t�, ekr $,41P IJR 1 4 r :. I t f'. 'i V; F i ' :ek z<4 'jt .'S -k!+ w..... . Pme LrfF'''tit.:?s t . - . . ,p4 rgg I' .1 h .r.'t aAy r t .. n • {. «n� t ti R , r cu.i,.•4 r; .. 'r`1' 7 .qt,,p: . , '2 4' ,.. 's' , .,;,Yrr' t+, n-p, { .k�ty ,, s,} „' rC. , .`s f t " s'',= j 'I' 'e4, i `Sr, # -'•, ;;il.',. 1 9 5' t . �'ti, ,.12''il p .A, +Z•re`� ?. }^"C 6ic iu f •Fr -40,.' t , 444sa; t' ,It k, `k'.'�.,,t1 r , n s 1 6 + x t . r' y' u. afi 'd rf' a cu 19 y ...{ :Tt 5': .�:"i t„lr' U'3.'{;'it2. :Ytl:;�a21 ,�� y .''.4.. t.C.t' . 'fir .Y.�e ,fit., xr ij 1 rr'��:: 't.' ;� t try r {§ l/ r i} _ f� +, '�Y y ,U'j -' j , t f ! fi �yj Y L ;a,' `i' '-z'- x ,J� �1! n�33 yg';i i t 4:7:7:Yo.'' 1f l `mc t 3 .... ♦ 'r[ ye' I,1 �,4kt, t X s%; i t1 , rrey , 1� `1 + f, '� iv 3,,eig •+ }• • N t a, , �' , 1k;,t Ai,ry',��ddn_ K.',,:1.` :�ryy�;iY.' .��'y,J. �9sP Vt {,p ;v` yl :>'.31{i;:1i',)T' ;si°e.ii° .a;`"14T,y ,' ""'";s ,•• ;t; iii tq .y� !f i.'Y t 4,i,.y#' '7 ppg} i is \ •.✓* .C,"){�.•ta:Fy'N :[r:tF tn,.(1 ,t,i, } x i-D d ,t4 t'e,.Z,,. ,, .ry'tn•1• f fix,.., r 5',.'432;, t.�;,�coorA1 .P {, ♦ �) i n♦. x, j IF":. , `)';F'• h �rhi 'i y r,..�y ''r� i `'. ' lj� t•' I 'x4' Ati rwS +'1.. :.'Si..A� Y . 4.n•1 •,off.{.Y,•;,F YA 2t .1 /'•t i"; v, l z::,t:'L•ftt,�,SY f t"L' :.P 1.,.1 ^'>{ 1. ty4 }� _..s ,i ?Ard.': rL°? .:i 'l''•: P. r' ,. 4 I. '�[,' ;,,,, 4t, ..,'i"y. o E,(< i £ ;' 2'. . 43u ..' , zr ., 4"3-( �.'<...y 4.). ' ,:`4r:(q� ,:,,;y,:ut.' k ;1 , ,,rs : .c s t .,.,,5 ;F � t .+' T vAi1' `..t.,�c f fi[' F, ` ifdf•, 5:;1 a dx (.r t 3 'f'�'Y. YC Sy 'F{• '• ",^}�, 1 f�`4 A .1' / ... ) .11:, � .'.7.,:.4.• , r t, `vE` ''!.:' � It ` fit; � t, 51`ti+.�,':ii,:. �F`i 7 d" s�,ti f. fr...".,EtS'r`+, .y�ft} �,q,,,�,; r/r� vs,, .y S h. ..?� <, t ,}r�, i., L Af f"`.1�'� �$ a rkt rts tr..'.^' r5'i, tr. t :3V v '4¢�t:i`:• ta.iG=i•?Jy y e .F 7. ek t r'f '' , tj' r+`�. lY' X 4 i .:'. fir t r a dr+5 s., �' .>; k iz(;'. l t S s + z.cY f j„, rt.ri -1 41. S . R,' +�Xt 3:g dt' 'x'i` '�'2 }� .;Y'•'.'<, L, :',5t.; j1 ', rd ' 'W x, r „ z ,..,� �. ,f ' 'u.. . t'S. Sffi r-rP'xk, <,-.. r ..,,c{, ,., 'lr c, yla t ” iN"' , ry Y 3yi' q "� 3'j� y ;45.''k.:1 :1'''' ( 7�, a.�F S�`(j�"i> . ^}w. w. k11"L .,:. tJ 'ri ,1',:M . ..r.,,'$'.'e' .1ixe;;Sao '{ct i.'-7C" _4i,11.r;.S,kli.:t1):4,.{i:<.'s.`.:to`J,'{+1"tti.emattUY•`, ', . 'W.l, ' x ,J fi af, = F 1,,.E i ; +elaftAfiNifit'1y t/d r`x4 i n Tv. it. ; f , A, tr., f .L 4 r ? . i ,r t ,4T}t t • d't . �pt. ,.ti., 1•MKj, h 1rye�; Sj�f l�. cri ety(sii, r+ l�,Ya ya :( } Lap i<r"t thf �.I, t t ', ,, } �. 7, 14 2 Y . , t , :r ., 7 y-,, t o�`r A-`l i e TOWN OF ULYSSES d C . : ,t t ;; `' ('+ott') PLANNING BOARD MEETING t , :' rS. ,f;',�J JANUARY 11 , 1994 > t' ;r. Y TOWN HALL { ,j ,t, } + d! #, S �St, 'IN. 55il't11 ,,'t S ,utr +'y(l .r ' . y' li . �{tit 's r � h `+ t{1 Y,12 , ),A, i 7rf' " , i u� P +,rt ,' ,+ 4'4R gf Mike also addressed some of the issues that we face. This F r , V. ,c {A . 's ,t}'�( 1' fir'&At ' Community, along with Cornell needs to invest in an incubator `xl r`. ef`+ " �: hc � Yr g , e r �S '. 1.,-X.::A,%qc.Mkei, m ,� c facility. (A place that helps entrepreneurs start small business. ) r ; ' ,} `• T t t r 1.411,' ti �, •is +}+i7N Secondly, we need to establ��sh a zero state venture fund (an ;i2r '; r,4�;^Y•.`'� '. bS1'5;- ' equity capital fund that we west in small start ups) . Thirdly, we E 5, J + ,:;) r " 'Z:�1�r)j 15f. need to address the sewer and water problem we have in this commun- f r, - t � it which has reall im eded a si nificant amount of investment ` r`' , , ' t• rA x k �,y 41, Y, Y P significant t •,ay; rs: .;,•, r3 ,,r' `",akP and expansion. We are the only county in NY State that does not Cm::.1' , t 77}j4ya f„0* ,-.A2 have a county sponsored employment and training office. There is a �+ ix 'ry , ,t= f # 1 <.' V „' '"l r* ,4 ,r tremendous skills mismatch problem with these new high tech companies �e `r.; ,vx is ,, < c.s,. ljtfi t f t m + L e a Y; �Cti y P jr¢ that are trying to employ people. There is no training program to 1+ ,,,n, r,{, �, v �r , �tlTr a help those displaced by cuts in the traditional companies. In _ 1t r ` iv ,}° :17 4 .{���''.0v, general there appears to be a lack of concern for economic devel- 1114 4 ,> ' J� .14x1,' h}J� y'OR•4k, opment. v v: .i ?jrl :.. 4 c 3,£ .!X F a,,,,54 ,`,'' {S " After sharing TCAD with the various members, Mike asked i£ ' _ ;.; 'rrtr ey h rlxga �,i r' ,.,s. rr, r '1♦1{ .' q�J,�.�.,xk' 'f� there were any questions. David asked about business development -. iJa t Y)1t�,rt•�'� ,ti,�l��e� +�. Y q t r AS+ t ( r `r {y'yC""}7'{,a-` 7th'Fz .�,. in the Town. Mike stated that you have to understand where bus- ( ,,i-+ ,' +' 11+ :%.•./ �s 1`r.``�s 'a�' 4411 r'y finesses come from. All economic development either comes from ex- `;'}=FS` { e.I , `1 cm., �Y' t` »ryJt r"rLfY +""tit. , P < ., , �.,,,. r,,l , ."t!'y. '� ` {�< ; `` � �+ entreoreneurxistingtbusinesses or new businesses started by existing r : , it4 }, • 3,,5 '�,>, 4, . entrepreneurs. projects TCAD has been involved in in the Al ` '4` >, f' '� .� last few years, totals about 35 million dollars , 460 , 000 square E 1: fr't"'' j , ' ?r ,fr ?, 'i' x feet of space and about 400 new jobs have all been attributed to `I>Rt ,s,}xti ' _ ' r �+r }fiS; 't expansion or new businesses started by existing entrepreneurs. k'xA + f ' + s ; s, `$4'' 'j ` fiYY,'t*3y , The notion that a community can attract major businesses is not est rk f Y major ra = 'F,, } t, ° `T" sy"�,f/ .` �' true. (It really never has been true. ) Companies certainly are ,4 I'! ,' ; t , �' • �, ra {, + not going to come to NY State and if they were, Tompkins County 1, + }' `,aR'. i : . '; ;jr$V.' probably wouldn' t be the place they would go unless they needed "` , '+ 7 ' „4 :0;f/«fp i iot to be near Cornell University. The flip side to that is that we t'I k, 'lrl 3 t. rar 1s. + f ' , f , ; is j' have a very strong entrepreneurial community, unlike any of our :tlatcoaweeo contiguous counties. This Community needs to do a lot more to >`, ,a„ "i/, » . , 14W(40A005 �+ accelerate that growth process, particularily the technology trans- ` i'',t ' ;.J, �;t{peidtwi,=;fi t J fer process within Cornell, and help those technologies become R ; ,',r. ,�' ,, , Z it k w�f�Yl,�, q f 5Yt + ,,, ,,.,,, L1 r w ,,,, commercialized. Cornell does an abysmal job of technology transfer. ., ,y ,,i �' ;; : �'�4,t1 Of the 300 million dollars worth of research and development (R&D) r. G; �'' 'r Tr ;tl, t�' 4�vrtN'.t # funds that go into Cornell, very little J trickling out the other °. t>= , _� .• Y i , P beht9 73/♦ a - ) g S vi t f • F'�'•�31i s3, r.cy1,F end. State, Federal and Corporate fundse are beginning to tell d`s' '` "+' r:i"c' s ,`r"� f }. '"hit kre Pa f 1 r . L`T�r'x r r , i ' {{ {� p �3 Cornell that they need to commercialize technologies or they re ,, „ $, C �,�,,;la j r% ;,• going to loose those dollars. The are still resistin thane as '„� ' 4v ,t= ` ;' 'x most large institutions do. David queried what kind of. change is yr f'.y > ,-it,E q tt ' titp..,.4,74..,;,-/A!,41.09•0,44% I ..,1 '.t' needed? Mike stated that an incubator facility is badly needed. ,4.�F ; , Y i ,• `'14,$1 s'1,° 5 { r�x ° (A building where an entrepreneur can work out of that requires no ;i ,,,,::%%1‘,=1..1.:,.Jt{ �;s i' • : i 7a€�'4 Est+Sii14'}_F 6l„ long term lease, has low rent, a variety of services available- ,t;4 ', ,.. r ' ''jar • tin{I,}1' fie , ,`};�:4 secretarial, counseling, etc. ) F.s s',r t} r 1r 1s • ' 1t' ': ' 3�;y ' The first place to start would be to inventory existing busi- '°`; t 'asu�'ti' �'Mz nesses in/near the Town or inventory where people are working now to e n i £ . see if there is some sort of expansion potential there. ti ttG 3,,,s"',: I.t4 � §gW: . Gerri asked Mike why the corridor of expansion on the east '- r . s' ,,,i, V. kX� ,4 i* 4 +. y ,,;+ .` ; ti w,sr. r, side of the lake was so successful and what we would need to attract j ),: ,` , , ' ;,° uw ;¢ '}t� businesses here. Mike said let' s address why they settled there: k`+ g r t 'TrrPs� ,1 ., - they have sewer and water ■ r.a }F . r ftc.e ,. V y , 4,, Jl,.irely � t ` :c1 - high tech companies are obsessed with being in night C ? 'I S .., s , ; e k✓:"1,f 5,. . distance of the airport ; 7 • ,,, ,, ;Y ' 'r , } , '`",} ,r` Y ^:`'`'i. :' - proximity to Cornell • �� e f " ' .1#a " + � ' `% - industrial parks are available 't tt; , !t S) kf.tl 7 , 'x t ;t r .{f . ` ` t? i +fi ,: . .; Entrepreneurs usually want to work near where they live. It would ; > ' i ' Lt :,,r,(r • s. 5,t �r a . be good to nurture them and also focus on the Agri-Business that is x; l { , t here. John discussed the Cherry St. Park and its ' odd mix of bus- • ie= •z,2;•{ Y i '�'. r , t finesses. Before it was filled another was built (Carpenter Park) . Y0: !r r, t X,1 ♦ ov§ py,, ro , n 3fr The tax abatement program was a big incentive. Water and sewer is f{.` , , 'Cu ,aY 1 9 4'741 A , I 1 trh ,yj , tt.'i}♦gt�°f„117,6�' •;;;/.:,'•',;'• 4.elt A, r�.1r t4 ,xA rr'sa ) ?,ni u .,tq;% f } e1 i�t, ��// f ?r}id',+y}1t�.h:ke �c �, f ,. {"r` r. y{ x + f h•r :'!i<� ?iI �`� �,,.i �+. h ?P .,3',r''rp 'µ� 7ly'�y✓rt `�1t 1"�' . y 't;.. U",Iti% 4�4 �,b,�-�'`j� r .�a , y ,�d> .. .‘ %,;�.°-��,tt,+sx�[x�rs�p�',,.��.e`r ylf �yr,L�� tLi 'Ail:”t .(1;!,/a!:,,.:-t-. x, ta .t ::J.. ?ar :d*�riyt!• , }5 ri,A,• a js i,'v"5 1 }'A r T yy�.yyy �u,,,��'y'y ;W' .'fig " , . �' ,j r -C f4 7. u�•.e r t x1X4. t✓ . d ,,f. Ant)'F< ]"`f .✓ 'jt ,irzyi t sr. . list t' :"1'4 ,`+}q£��}(G ' i{a' .� �� .L se--" 1 4",,44,1 C'"1 l«c`C`: n' ti;}P7{, tt{ tP1 r ) rYii,,,, , 3 t. '' , ,,lp L. ys).��. ,� ini j' ,if6' •rt{. 'th' +� fat. {�, i } F. ' "'555'7... , ' �.Ca i'�I, af,St.♦ .1')� �1�.'+ , •�,a'4f!�+ i a F 2,1 Vy t•*'1� „ ,-,1;3„;:, i C" ') v f : t .Y,i a (r.7 S 'Y. +`y "i7{. „a t}i'o: b S 'CI t . ,, c ^tictd)iS :l+!' Lt '�S k +�1 j ' j.� . '+.'' $ Fl *wi—'a'`t', c.`' : . ti"t 44'.T _, e yIWP ,..a .,,.4 M 'P +t� . ; i lr •�'ci f �, N s 'e vt ,*� A'f�� �,•�v yyg���'�"���,� 3� y,��'' µ�, �)+i � (�T).� Y ` • h� yY1 ar 717 dt`.ti� , �yJ;1P� ',:t; �, ..� +, �f.�° (,rdt"fir,*+ Aa� .t "Jr/Fla ,. �r�,f 1t. J'Y. ?.,ht'S�.S�SK'.�3'Sr>•1_ r -':a ti'+I "'4�"�•"'>' ,—p: tiy•+:+d� 1'2' `a; ,�.y�^�.it}; 'r .e , f;�:, Y `b't' ,y 11,W A. : 'x ,♦,, =i•'j J.�A, rp , t fir,. f.0,,.f, e i vy. t <A„ 'S B 11 P� 9.en ,i � t .O. `ix. ,' '� 3f' 1^ try �; r.. r .}q' "s 9 ... i..,. g;� -s , 1 r Y`7 a'" �: :��. .k"p�, v ° v•1.} ' i ?,'r a , '7. . f5 Iµ16 y 7ua •r .Y.n, , ':'.1dIN t t . Y}+a St fx' t+f t"12;,,`,. {'5.%,( .� iv;w r ,}' �S+~... � g .f r b �. 7 f^ x N,S y� y e .i ,4 s n '�G3+ �ti 'f:.� ..Pi,2;1�1. <ti:.VL_ 61: .>l�''� s.,, Y c"�. f`' G.4 Tan. t, t. ,�-e.} , a a p / 4e H � Ck M"N�'��y^X}� Z , � ♦� ,F, r 4: i �r/s„ �'.S ,.�i �i,Y .i�{-..t�i,;,f:;9:% , t.� . .:f }<'!� ;�„ et, � /y.,' µ lv�:.0�4 ,: '!"„v4�1?Y.y , RF t`. l�. t t .{{� .-�'}.p�.+`(.}'^�F�(5�} � a,4 qty .k1,-,,,, '),,,t'•.4j. ?*iitr. ' 4 , r :rjh )�� 'zic; J . ..x r:' ds,st,✓.]„ y,^� la.1'?j�. 2:i2fi+'.� 1.4.1'4 . L. jk.2'.{, Y �f ^$"',.i ' ,✓ .1 "%4 ` :,p;li�»♦«'�t�i: +�µ,.�a . �tt , ; ,.,, '� ,d}J3s,� ri' y'r��. T,�y`�y . irlt' {� + -' t r � *t ', 'i+ .+; r a , �+ y5'A"w; a F ; `f ^c"k '�'� +.y r f� .J- 6 , t ,"v a • i- r:, :f` , ,1 .e 't S 8 i, .4� Ymi �'Si 3` r , i <4 iy �?�+� VF �.,� p+i.2�k»rk"��i�.+ ♦„v x { ,rr. , " �:ro / ' • ,�. t ' y ` 1 , i l rid}7 ,��” '..� t ,.,,»'t�. F.�s>v , !IS .Q r ,.1 "'"' t" .:4,,,f'`t ♦ .e , k , `,.A !.t St,ef J :S: ' dk:{ik" ,. py.ti G J j J ! •2? jj .'t'1 ,'� ,� '+'i} xy7�t, <� `ya �,r� • ' � . :i '.f ! .�.-,. F , tll n�t�,rt 1"t4. .,'r afr. r ♦; .. . ,4!d N�� :KN;.•+...go.r!4', 'x' : .. i. .. ... . : ,. i v, *t%h 't i .A' 4. . . t > 5 n. +.sy�: }k'd(\�'�:.�- F¢¢ '�' ,td, ty<r'�1yt''YJx9 i'ir'i'`' { ,(Ayf l,3 v'� /f:ti,,'y � ,..n.,,,, :,.,,,:•-.4.,;,(n. ' J ::.„,•:-,,', '' 'iAJft'+fi Pik. ^,;j� >S�.'.. , + ., .,.-• t, .>i;. y»r'7' 1. S 4' i 1 •,r`. 4Gi+` p e r" t t.-t : '1, ) S ., 'ts!, t fi�,F, 1 r '! 3" ;tl'j r. s T . t&t 1. kIttJ .x, >. ' i t "f J.��' > yy1'1;. A �{I ..t ' ,a ;+ �h�'IV,Itt r'h:+..t,,,y ; V ,t ' t { n ; i 't) rI/r `f E, e .A i J•i f ii. r d rt: .i .{�.l .,~t.N/ -wa'`: j.,��i�Y : f:t?;?L , 4 Sii ( L Sl � . .� Y 1 .K, r• �ik �Jt4 • ( Y. 1' x i r a 'T "� w t, r 5 „ . � < ,•2` 6 '.'s" „Vf: ': tt,,�tf�.,y° D. �� N " F r � S„ tY1 .w.#..Sti �,,ti` /p... : i4..:tr.L,,, , :: f .t {Z�I' �, ,t �s+k>.N.�„x il� fjjx �,'��'� (<�'- j :•e ;��/Y't$ 5��t5�1�7;f. .3 1.. ,�:i.. 3 x r ri {�r. lsY�.�..,� "r� '' �.:�`t. « 1, ;$t;4l t' f.71.'i hi y, >Yy.t « ' ' t t Y�l i$ :t y t' .'Y� � '; . Garty i, . i .� i__ .: 4 ) t i 4 lr/d.'ry ,�>�y.l�d t i f )ry#'. ,i l,i!,,:ajom, . f.,.0,*.i :„'Y �.:: :NiL`r .r '. ' .1 t . ,'t ., ` �.r 3 fn „`, '!*'1 :.'Q> i f s,;rA. ,e" i s r:.t" }t.' (h M- 1 � It 1 SYr` 6 fdfd a^k7 t - ,. , .mot e's t n)' �tt•�,(h. ''4 bti itq � t ¢ ' .4.P.T 'S il.A.i t tt,f :1 4`i 4' 7i I { F1''Ys' 6 K ?e ,5 @i'S 4 ,� "}qt,3}iy .1,ti 'i ft ,. f bptity`n� ^ � tI , ;dir' 1 , eik�t�i y�.�t'h'lX , �t u,t i��L3zi iFt}. it.. t }Ir't,� n i r::118) t't�f�VY 7}1'� ;Ft t�` Ir< ii�r ( ,�(( ( ,IE r °"Yt f 7' ) 1')I 1 Y` '.+. IY(f,I 4..t' p f}'•t:.∎ t,• t 4,t is A� It}k ft•L.b.at` '::::43' 9' , i�s , i J 1 d; usy;ii :i TOWN OF ULYSSES 3 re:w,!,,' rt ')i .t yU 41 4` t`ti )iP ,`{r.i., ;.���{"a PLANNING BOARD MEETING Y` P � 1 ,+l' i:T „n }�'�,f 3 .{, .{ .' t S) JANUARY 11 1994 t ” 'r 1 tt t r;'.t t f ;. t TOWN HALL , ; ,.:1`it 4, ; Y (' ��4 d c4 )t l )f e ?, 1i a- ., ft r .. ` i t s z • „< " 4 bt+ r' ' i4,tia x1-*1 r :fl 2 )-t •:••••:::•.4%;•;:.;,•-41)..1 t ,Fr'.1 >r Y,' `, ),,tps "ast' 4 very important. It is very expensive for a sparsely populated + r, ' j•; c ` ;1 1 ;" 11a; 11.;WA '� ) ''r government entity to fund (such as our Village and Town) . The is - ` trj, j4Sr "s fb ' / , Carpenter Park is a really good example of a municipality invest- { 1. t %1 't °,,:: 7•:d fts„t,n i�: in government funds and a lot of time in a r s ', r• ,t g g park in a bad location. :k,, . & Y' .tai ;,�`i;r ,, For supposedly being an Industrial Park it. has high visibility r t tf ,t�t ? r r ' c1^ • and is right on Route 13. A lot of industrial prospects that looked t ' Y - Mil k{,�tyV '},t , r f at that do not want that kind of visibility, they'd rather be , ,4 ;' f, ' t , >" % t'ti 1 t"; ,-x ,3, i �,� tucked away some place. It is much more appropriate for acorn- r7 t ` s. :.`i ai) Gr� t` 4 mercial park said Mike. You need to start with some market re- ? y'r'} ` cc : Ly � Y t' `.,, ,3 search; consult established businesses about whether they would have „ „ {; "K a' 1 -t ! settled here if space was available. tM ,-4 ;aw�;� , i)!h {i ) rt C: .. l K k` P t , . J ' ,rr e. + ,y , } There has been no incentive for the Town to develop ways to v z )i e ' t, 2t t'e.C+ tt fry 1 t ;” Ya a,si'r t x >a°m•th ti yy TT ? f take advantage of the summer traffic or the natural resources said s , „ Etta .f.(tai'1f+S'S'T q,' �pk t 4 2'4 ,LlS•3'�r^lk i 'k" ti 714 ex, A'� Y I i} .1, , I'. { ' ), 3y , r 4 Alex. The Chamber of Commerce of the county tourism promotion t, t --,- ( :, " ,� , ,� t i� program gets close to $400, 000. 00 (due to the room tax) . Remember, ; „, .z ,-et,�'a' sit,�__#,Y A:, a i. ,fr t - economic development has only gotten about $17 , 000. 00 said Mike. ' r • I' I �I r0e}"}t . ' � r`-- , cr e Ur'`h,AZ and can ou Tom talk to your ways :`'}',''? 4"t'%1,14_:r. I`' ` yd� f , 0Y - - you Y county rep you r' ,; r' + :�.. 4r ,..;-4004.4u4 get some attention from the Chamber of Commerce said Mike. If there ,: ' 'i' `.ti "' ' , ,i 4„ is a destination type of facility j '' 'c '''” f ` tii`N° i , >,p 4`��•u,�`�1. r�� ., YP y proven to be feasible, there are r„44 .,,~,~r', ,x, 5 ' :/IO;t f4? � =2 ,. government funds available to help finance that. It has to be some- r<0--:-. ` ,��:rrt,.' ; tj' A.: �'•' 7'^' x� frAti=� thing that would attract a broad range of visitors. It can be ” z''�' ° 't` g'� l' "} i" n4,*,i'n .Lel4 T1t`'Y' v, o g °L';+'k�• • ;. .� rti ,���' "% x�t 1 } t' r.' seasonal. �, . ,.t'K. s w ;:, ` . .)I t Y!,,r .S kr:g V� }rrj)L tt FI)t t't )tit j t.; `h . ,, ..,;,' David wondered how many businesses in Tompkins County are Y,'1r„ ;? , ,,i=v -lAti ' ) tr / ,. ,, �, spinoffs from Cornell. Not many businesses come because of. Cornell -, ,1 :c� „�`t <f x to 5 �, 49frb' ri said Mike. One of the biggest problems is job recruitment said r r ` ,f'r,ra' r r t„t , L kil'� "'e ��ityf,, John. If someone comes and then doesn' t like their job they have to q` rw 't< '�t }ti`s l �' 'K it 't` pick up and move again. There is not a critical mass of similar I t'itiJtbryt t:,° 3 {,r ., , a .. ° ,art ° 4- • companies said Mike. Ninety percent of companies that TCAD had worked '” . . ' ., _;tI t `Y r` %S '°(' z' *.'' ,:111) with have been associalted with Cornell said Mike. People come to }(`' su}i t,,,�; ,f0,%v'wt '' l* A'1 R*0 "fri r college and like the area so much they never leave said Ruth. Mike ' s a' ;$ ' i1`tf"1A+}n`, t ' s subjective impression is, the east side of the lake is high tech and ,,4' 4.>, 14>.74.4304004,,,,,..y t the west side is the cottage business/ craft business side. We have t1• . t Z ,4 , 1•;s. vr�p, a cultural area in a country setting said Gerri. i •,,, art r }aHta fist h ,� ! f!" i1 � � i�r'cu+� ‘4•41.44.,., � t >F ,r,t; a r d,t •7 to 1� 04, Access to government funding will not be your greatest challenge. ag}, a ad, , t ' to '4r)' E r#'Y� '( Jq tti t y ay 4':t et, �1.t ;`,r r Access to water and sewage may be, said Mike. TCAD is in the beginning !:?:;:14.4:4) ,:;.:-.,..k.4';.4,);4:0,,, >,, t. ',/t ,.'.fit 4,t,-. stages of doing a study of the sewer and water needs of Tompkins �Yr a 'at°° r"" A�"+r) � x>) ai.St : County. Tom Niederkorn is doing it, funded by the State, due in about i t 0,7 4tr,L nine months. There are a lot of politically based myths. Some com- . 4 ' ,i 2a, ' : '+} 1 ''; ' .,r , I ri ' r t munities are stifling isn' t :, ' )! • }Y Sep r44, E `* g growth by saying there isn t sewage capacity. > w,nt, , v 47 We hired someone we hope will be objective to make some recommendations. t' t ” WAkitt , 4, He is free to talk to CEOs (who had trouble expanding, who are con- a - `"` o44' r .i.f 1 t � R '� cr 3Y „sApitic�r, ;;;%;f sidering expansion) government officials, private and public sectors. ,, ,4 k ��c ,frty " c7x. Peter Novelli will be looking at the technical aspects. There are ,, 1 � �a`, Ali" b3 funds available for existing companies who need help in financing ' ,; i Y .. 1 ' ,. +f' ;'°'- }(0 t , ; A 1 infrastructure (particularally sewer and water) . If t: , 441 {1. y you are going to + :r', 4 t{;1 -tra 04 ' do it on a speculative basis they may not be as available. Find out , ,'f j . t fi•tr�,, a t who wants to do what and try and meet their needs. David wondered if . #} d yl• a professional should be hired to do the market research. Mike sug- / , ', :: r ,, , ` _' •ki4'r:: , 'L i �,#, gested that Ray Sordoni from the Department of Economic Development • r tr,t i, 41 r ' (DED) be contacted as there is grant money out there. TCAD has been , ?' 7rv4f?i`',tL 'P ` Q trying to get Tompkins County to come up with an economic strategy. f , ;,,ran r ,.' gY• ? , t,, 4 :t,E £y ,,•' ;f$" � , The reasons for their resistance has bee there is not growth, envir- ( " t ` ' ' ` 4 ..4,,ir"i,t�,r : ?�,S4:2.'`a�` onmental concerns; they' d never get the various Towns to agree to a 1? ,st,,;'' 'hi , _, a'y i,,.; strategy for the entire county said Mike. Consultants always have 'K y;ar t' 71, tr, .. ideas about funding. r5+ tt , .KV li' 7 t lr t Ly 1 , f ; ':5i',{ 4'),tr „ $ The community that has experienced the most growth (through no { . t41t;f' ' trf i i7, ,.yr effort on their own) is Lansing. The Town/Village of Groton really u 4' I „ , rret '�' have their act together. They have a point ' g y p person who is always y , ,,t}'�Ii�` ) ,ti ,4, ` , {(I available. They spent a lot of time and effort with Ithaca Peripherals, .' ' .. ';j '`i , ' Y'�? Y��' t who unfortunately when they expanded moved elsewhere. They're a good erieh £ ; k' 21 ' : example of a Village and Town working well together, said Mike. Tom ” " •- , 'rtt, 0 it'! ,tat1 L° it`r�'i44' i ) , e �Vv, + y,. , s t { r fr , lc t{ )•Y h U , t i t1.7, t, f , k ( ., / 5y >ti,� q t 1.7,17.A TAT- r ''(o �x,',Ytit-tC YSPi'V 4• '' '.lt'� f (•t, 4a , 1 4 SSppCCII xt� �J x 4 ' 'f L zt'}Si i i 4i{'�tr�`ij2llt'{ i ; E r . 2'' �Wi 'ice(�F ' ` ��° t,a r >< 1, w' °$7 kl 9' V 1 ' 4 Y,.N J• 'f i .v. i t . ... a. a?'iaq ic1 'tit! ,•.'��p . , ` e .' r Ss+ ;pp ',.rJ" Y, f ,, I ,,,,,..0 tI ° , t:.r,.. ,', 3a f d X j4�j .e � .y ,/� r'q, v. 9,„.'�• 1:�, iv{ S .p l q '1v ,„,K ( . i `s . r +'.L' u .3. , .fi5. v4, sa 't.F .4j+� t T Z 1 7�e2# t;V Y {•� ' ' v ..'' d. , tJ.uy: . (. Sy. : -i a.. a`'S' F, vs 'v '}(�vi l''. , {ti ,: rh+ �' �'ra)�,r• �(ri -+. o t: : t , .f,•T 'S +k � '` � 'N o �� {'+f ��R�' � p }o z t1 y�rR'f7>;ilp�'1 .. � .as s .;'y '' ,• .r�yy ,r. ti p- ..tea r:p ry $T; 3�r ay ,,,+. tF , K 4t.•a 17 ,. X } +. x 9e :„ v ^:n lb 3 r} t p'4°A a. ,� i1 �. ,iR”' X14 ,2 tti gz {, r;i .'mY e':t{'`ltfa') ids tit �.i , ro. ,.if i 1. , •- t.. v,. .14,k>44.. 1, ,f :,-§y� r},.6C t rN 9 },: / r ' t •,. ;A N(' ry1 t4 7• `,. ,i4 "n sn i4+Y`+'Cn Gt31A.Vir�,M d `1".:fit >a}t )"}�tl�i�'.1; S• � �� � i{ efia' +i{f 1/4.4y a > 1' .,, t:,i.d1 A {� k:� d, t ■ '] � t�`,g7 { ' +. t. �•.w ;Y.? " tY ,tl°', M.)� ��y« ..�+1��x „,,�j �i �:S1T a 't� f t� ���y.lf"L•r: Y`'j�•h t'..}��`",8� `':.�,y+�t;.• t;,af�" T,h334�.t1���,<^ do- '�r'�� .il � � £,. �a ,7r: - ,kp� �.': '�irep7Pit: 1 . i.h : 21561 ,•.:142%:4'i tt4 ...;)k , {} i, Me: r� i: i'a ft >1.a sw,,'f tz',4 r`.'Y� ; ".. a� `.M.�4t i 3} 'Ci.C• ! i • . �`� .i�. � s oV fS .,y� :k�t �'s .,( 4 >I,.-r�� ` ih v -L,• s' e s f� l ''; t, ', .t fic (a,V' tf,44 ,<r'< y z.t , Y !'.J �.r,S w. . v {,t'•Y.-f,P it ) r,' a.` i� 4^ ,4 't; E",it °}, f 2°. t {�gypp �1:'S t: �•�!�,` � W `ti$j lv:,.. t•..i„ )? ki.✓' F {'., Y. Y h n 3( S re {. ,,. .tJ ,�tA. r zl <. (I �9)r S YL ¢y�e'r �f! ,r ^ 7t q�ty� :G'•. . 4T W .;, A a , ff { t t tt" 4t '1�' f. e KS.G IYAR t t .`' �; , t 4 .?,4.y ,, 1• $.y"iY' t t .' �+ ) )..i p.� r,i �t `'!1f' b � ?. �j' n i' i � d',.:;;((Y i1:i +H(° �}t �S�A.+ j A r 't ' ..� :)` {' ib 9���?;l' GL '� '.i r'*'�:� ,:}'tttx. :S��P���:.: y��,l�. r, :�' 1� 1 4 ..0 �., s ,' . ..,. , ,v1 t ....•.�si7fKY, lfr"�tr,�S l'Y;tity}(t� ySY^rt.en,•'.',{.^`,n GS.i - .,I�9 Sn T , ' .t rf: ' t , KY ,Atrfi, ti, 2: '4.t 4`.it , ,t ��cyy`.�s }I i.:i } f dL't, � i�JM . 'N fk .4j t t+2( .. � lj�� �f t ,t 1 r � i .l F' s Yt y. Y �.K,� w��a.� .\� fi '�tt ��l`^!i� x ,r�$ ✓<<i t x 4CFk' M f; a, ,5.t':•7� f .. -rte , �. , : 1^ a..�: t t. i i.: :}{,)ti!// '4 ;.y: t''' "0, „ A". i..9yt'•' ' rtt�, � . 1j �. t 1 fK. l f. . ', yp it , t) •Y` . If fYy�4 . � >r }t•'3''iSh�pty. 1l} ' t .{ ., ,1,..,...4.:.y--, a `< (4sr , ' . ., , . '1:" 4:4? %••.,•.. . ` ' av .J-t jl. rp. s.^ t .E$ :, . .. 1 z..M» 1 .. P j•• -)4:,4.1.4 T ir{ ••f{7Yt,,. � 'J. .�'�i °fi y,. 'i�t ';Jti."i Y%>, r':,`'1'Yr44 i. .s't J rrn' t . t . '+ :rU,;ii,:?l,,:,"S•w t{yi ,"f . ai..` _ rrr Flo 1 4'1 'r, �4.. , t . 4 iy .'�, . _' 'ar• ..'rr;i..4.IrY..,y.re,r" gv"-t+; 1.,h' {tt e•-- .i: ..z,,, r v}t i� :.(ri't Fv ! to spo...• .Y. ' l �t"14tfq,1-c• .} S`i `A i. i,4� 5;11)% {' 1,?.�?,.e ,.&i•••l ttjg :t r A�t i P v 1 1 1 ?.Ar jk i 0„ t"t .,e., a.n{; .li S^ N 3 lr '"JI: .O ut,, r;!•,:s t. ;s:, ,.sue , a .r { .f rt�Su:•t'y,, ec,:t'4S''v. �3 i.i ,t ',.,, ,','r.`¢r2,t '-,,,,i 2.ey -ik,�,;::$; ,: ?z•ii "tt•titf':r t ,r•!—.r. r( t'.vs z.,. ... + : , z, :.a0. ,; .tr't f''.V".�w f3 ". ray i :}i-x 1.+iy`, irv':.,, (':t^'l�• f ..z l'r. x+J R.:'1 J. .t, ,y,j' 3 J kg9c,,.,VZi ,i(t �„ .[ / 1 !�•f ;Sp :779,`3,. Q, j.. ? wzyr �2:'-:4,i.. ..t ✓:}?�,tb ! '' t.� . ,e+„�; 'k l', . .[(; ?�>. it.J- ,xr„L;. ,l^ t.. 4 � #, ..h '{t,�.; a ,? S #'.. ,,t $�"'c +zt. r ja+t , .- r. '� ;f1��°°��f�'�� , d.. 2• . 0 k '.3'fRr idr t t} y.. 5+.t'vt ti"a?+'Y u.t7; r t .a `x Y �V xJ: t. }'t `uckf1,`y 4 # `} :5' r.. f 9 : ,< d, t,pre C l`.4"5''t;[ E ' ^"t. rottG ∎9. J 'er'£ tr . ttf':°9,eJj +� . 1 3 ,a.. kt.C: Yi, v . y; . .iT . y'> ,k , ,.,7 ti1", i. t r�� �r; N 1l St' r5 �1( E �,.t-:i.' J {e 5 � . ' jYe% i �J } # , . g'�`� .. .. ,'!r"aA ✓i l'' �'Y "4"A� ytC. rLt' -st•/.`k -.1.,,. br ft.i '{�i S4r'�a d t t ttd{1/ Y,( 444,a, fra-yi:i •vstv,,r .,.07 4:1,t°.£.tffvy' 't ' ?f*#" .`,„:1Y'!x � .,. ! 1) 1*/),))p;;,,,,:„.,,,,,,,,'1e ' ' ..;:;V:1,T r. ,;r it ta. .r �%Li . ;44,1t!,+°}[l..,, Citi i . ,: �;,tr:tttt.,;r,,—iiy.A.:1 i 1,9, ''S f .; T yl "+S ,,. 3 �.., �' v J . f J:+! l f..f#r..�rry ,,q 4! s' }$TS�` / ,1 •t$$ ., rr4 t • .;aat .# r � '' :'� s . . {?s ? •,} ..r 6'. -t� � .2.,rtr r,. ,F. , i �� ” A3'� t•J 5 Tr•Fr wit 4 ��: ,Y. :' ..x4a'ty�L'� ,'.,d.. •S•i v . 11 t, - ,,t Y i X i c •. ;J[: ...i:JP?• •. ntl '^:9 „ J. w+ .„ , t f''i L'ri 1'+,.F. , t7, Y ,A t ;• ,t:ntt, f .1 .Z :.rs�i%`��,y' r. ',�� k. '�+��St't.^r .,, ;, �j s=:['ry 'irlc.'!;^„7,� t•tf ':b� t r,.l ,,ti>.'x. {ya r.y,Vjn t�'s:s>�,nflnrSs;,�,::��r^.i,.�yTh� ,r?r ,t�rt {����F gm", ,r,1/2.,,,,..•,44....,,,,,,A�, t��i ��i);��:�• �t ! c i) i• � SJ'>t, , �` 1 ..+? {}.t t f^ < . �j >).f v �, ) x r ;1.J r { �Y v t 1 li f t.:. . .+{ � t� {.�Qw. l 4, t { T i,N • r':' t,4ji t7tr: '�r('Y•], ...%,...3' ..wlx.zetwe#c.a x,. %. - .r - ...tk.,d..A:x xa�.# '7r',_, tr.a..l. A,. �i } r.. . t t, fi 'i t t ` l,t . 1 .:. ! tA,• 1•14:';' 1,1:.4.71,t 4L 1“?22. t 0 I i�ii J t! tf a i �t5i,{+>{j't ,M1'Jt.t.'• is) i r It t'1 (a�ft l i i '6:1, : t l i 5 �fil J T. ( : . d yf13"' `' iF - r ` {tah fit }w ' Y 5� .'x l t , rt f r -;ti }J 1 i v #,i'1 1' r4a . y; t t' r ;'+ tr A t azS°;T TOWN OF ULYSSES 4 ,?, , r,t t r '-- s" ' „,',.,e,.,1114`‘.:' . , r f \• st it t ?#k$l )? b PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' } )` S JANUARY 11 , 1994 x; ' J i r ' . l s t. r). i{ ...vi t 1/127.;:.'t !arn TOWN HALL r # , r .r s t.1-...!; ri -,,,:-,-.:,,•••' t• j(i t) � y { it , i TS )4 # If;� 4lY f}tl1 't } ) it �}�{ 2 : t S1 'tt 1r ..y , ' I 1 ` ?r , �. ',f Reitz suggested that the Town and Village co-sponser a forum, bring- i?,'f rl'' air°?''1�`gg• ing together area businesses. t>'`-' ' r• i t; P , { � c} : Ci 4 4kt..er isn' t t 1 . 1 ilsr t tLl` i} �r x:+5... ' Change will happen and it always for the good. It' s 4gt1 ,*' ;'r ,h."...,js,[ • �"{. important to take control of your destiny. You shouldn' t rely on 4,/,::,:•;•-•,:•:',1::::::.;•,.:,..; -4,i '�xif, ' a € • ?, t <+; Y,` tier funding as that could sway your direction. It would be helpful tT', ,t•?itt`t;;' ='�s,j; �?,r�'t�� f •to meet with someone from the city (the county rarely gets involved, t, t { l '? ” ,`r>`�r ;K& L1 sivp..ix ;4 the city is better) said Mike. He then handed out some brochures on {t % f 4.4�k, ),,,,eA: ;(yy-'.,x1i.i.71`;(. o, TCAD. The Members thanked him for coming. ; ; , i 3:::).Z •ti LY `e,+r5r"1H w a , • 'ti{i }' r ?M1F%'t ■ 's �Ti �.f?�lal. The Members decided to quickly review the minutes from December i ) fjillt ,V , �,1; 4. 4t'Yl 1 l 11 I I •.!......t 'L. { f q [. r y; tJ,,r,,,,„rA �.w • , 6 , • 1993 . An asterisk with the comment "minimum acreage for a sewered +; t, 1> y,[x ....Zits''. 3w;k}r4'7r ,ter site to be detirmined at a later date" was added to R2. All of this s : ,., • t.'-'. M1Gv ty °nowt' a„ information from this evenings' meeting needs to be digested, perhaps i ,';� ,A .t< :i< ,,- g • t< " J`;=ttt 7[�7'.'''�1j-,/�' ` at the next two or three meetings said David. That will be an item : 4 i !'L tl �ti1c 'a4il' 4 U, 1j: ' +l •.•• . „„„, ,? ,, rcte.. ., + for the agenda. Gerri made a motion to adjourn and Krys seconded. , t` {7 1 41.'r ',; )r ' ,,;, + ? ,4,tn ' The meeting was adjourned at 9 : 10 PM. The next Planning Board Meet- ' `fit`+r ,-/t,,,:,,,;;;,).•k s�:; ,t �°�5; .47jVt' ing will be January 17 , 1994 at the Town Hall at 7: 30 PM. G fi'{1IJ<''Yi' 11$ `l1/A. �/�Y('CP 5' J t 1 -=• 1”:t:vit.yt t i' niot:1• ^ eteg<r,A ^bb t ; . 7. , •.i I,es - 4 a yYaJ%t l 4f iJ S T ", ' - L t t ' I S��� y ' i i147 . • y ikti ; f t ' 1 y V,s y( r� K,'1 r ..-iscf �T t esr ,P , ,Ar i r s Ilw w.'•4)�{ {e.0.h'3,,"�t"�MT4 7t �,tY �' g11wi�tM1cic�Ffril`A �f s Jt Fe 4 ,> kit n&,ab`-S4'} `J�i 5 ) i it... teti � { C 1 it 3ti rit7 ) •t-1...4 . tt , • • t Is i+, ' i1.YAizO^; 4 . is,7F,. 14:74. it ' (ry'.'Xit� ifJ , {ii pfd t'tr tlr'' ' 1X1 ,` ii rt i , {'46'.• ( lh" , WS, -' f5r tt 5L t3i�'1,,,�,>a.` ?'�` t . j L yYl i4 e,2 t� iitl J 4_. 8qy.,,t It'Yx i`, rn ,A2 `Gy 4 1,..•:.:;:•..y t+3rx,.-p1/4;4::.-,,,),,-..4 r tfn }y• ` ci 044,i'•t H• r• �' 4 4, $!(k �"'e.'4Jr�) f}: SZ�},0 lg!'iy, y.+�,4}• t/" 5'.fONA ag: 9 < n J t` i5, d r `Ias i• { 1t44�geI,/A).kaarpe'11��r . filt•V frt 'lt)� i S Fti"�i r!t�r #r 1��.t Ft x tra,,s i,;�yi�t{t!r nme.4i.4, ., l 'i ;:t5 } sty t , .'t £',`�!.d(�'a s>..}`ttte +�`kE,`„t{L4 k i f,t+j,i , 3 1,, it rya t fr • 1 #4•4jt'ay!( t'.�Fg".*,:=4tJ1, , lJfr l'rtt `it .,it :•••:•••••tt C. ,� w a(f t, ri hOVa r F.. 4 � �Ff f7 1� f,1-07,;•,:,:i { r : � r Ira r 1tt4 n.I, J/ 4 � ntr;? ' .>GJi e :`•.Yr 9. Er w t i!'. r1 i ti{Y iYiea` y i` t°0 { , f yr ! r t, ,-015,4, : rr,' ,:,:gi 7Jy;;t�wtit vt i 11ir +,.,'s.'4-,; 1 .4 ,'-`y�,"srsa41 rjr tri k, • I. . l2:1!CiU f fa 't x r2/0Tr,e s;�,;,rk.1tskx l✓'.' J t1 t tt1.'.y i- { • dL r6i i j T. N 7 ,`,7 t -: f i" • etr ra l J ``i�� A2911.1‘.414401,1,4'1,{ . {t t c 3 j t F' rV b r4Yt M14 i ti .i S % 41 t , .. ry : t , S :� • f "n i i if A to t ) &? Y 1 r ;' • r Y ': 1 ; li,C .' t}.5 !ff' rJ ... , 1 ,./ .4.014., "Ii..; . ts 3 42.. i W P i r ., j..• 1 1 , 1 5{ #1 Z . t ) r il J .,k i , ,r tK,�yi , t { a H-4 t i1,'. 1-01 f 4• 3 y.4 ' 1. d 4 ! ! 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S;{,^,11Jrgtt�yf' rt F 3 Y+ y z }I u A, . ini.tit 2.291, 33k1"t rY tfi 9?: '� f z t y t t 1 t 1P. fttZ∎1 t7,''qt t1 1J'aly xi."h I 1i' H *1 A .fl' 4 4.. t' .1 r"+ r , . 4711,44 '4:XI�y5i1" ,� y4 G01 11 tt A!'��1}"' it , "f, L 1 �g jr�y1 ii y ,J {t' M ii , ,{-� 1,FN: i 1�,y .4 ':2t tom # t Lr ft t r x : ;ri,.G.r• „.,,t:.7J k:1«' J. 0,i>, 4.44 ' ,t .�. .1%-^ fi.yL: vi „ir 1+'�,'xi „r (s ,,i a sf,l,iitS5 -✓py 4, .v'` � .<n, " t - •' 't' y C •. r �y o>.t $ . S. G .'/ ry .Y, Jv' E" 'r Y d _liC}.6, .✓.., t i r' :,� f•E.' .1/4.47i......4 .4 _ x. 4 ^' L}, ;1 14 . ar �M fit ,gyp b yi •K l:Y ,�: r� '�i �,�:Y , B � "� � f`S}' �`�W 4•441:'-'1" 5 ) $'-�.ra ,7 �Y� Tt f`S �.,�<;� ,L �, .,ai'i^,,,.J_' _ +i ti! -44,^‘, �' i� � fr#r•t Y!y`. G 'rfe r t. ewz., ,ta :'‘A'P y ' '2 s'.trA, }nad,g;$0 4 �4yiS . .1�,r ••='^ -R^ t ' : t.. 7� yfv %H't.r.i.r .{,. 't i :* 3" . -4:ty l 1 4 •, V.nt a 1 i ,, k 5^ ..�'i.a` A �{1.„i 'o:sir}Vf C 1 F,/t^�X' ∎43, j.y,Z :'J,.%":o fl4,7(A Vr4„,fs':.. 4+q�;1^� 2fa f rT,"i - t "4„.% •s..t n$ ..,or J:. 3ECw, i. ?�..�,.f,r ; � g �, 'z w'�.-�: t.p.r ,c i i �� � 'a<c ,.t .. } q r . C1 t ,. �.,; Sste., �,,r�,�,.+�i :S a;. ,.,,f �o rr•. /_:, <i- yt ''t r`r'' KL, S . }n d kyS}., ' .aS}H 4.,tf .*,,0'3'�`e'ar,:t.tt1 - i"! a . ,tt11 Y: `,":k -.1:i, Tt;•v�'°•}` ....E.#'. "!„.4...S.m, r} M ex , ci 4` tq,,, ,,:.E, x�g Y- �` /�' ¢ z 3 i s J¢ =k <* .7�y e;.1 t'§,° '4' S.0 5 d {, . 7.-Vii,�3,ry..f1?'i,`fi ,ypr i, sa �.' Y"'��1^ }�'c. 4. I�. 5!}r !f'4G fhS' £.�Y, �,Ci Y rvt y 5 4 i. ,+r, ' jll `r .eAN ,t " ^ .1 *t Y.6.-4t,', to v. ,�fi'T ., ..t { , A' .. st y�, FL's 'a Fjl t:+.t ..Xi 4s }� '4 .0 "S° f s tr i' i4. sl: c lv.A- 3, / It .i N t ■ Jt.r,. . t,4' .,' i J . 1, ft ''& 4 •#. 3 I A 5 'i+} .4,t1 l-1 J"A'...f4, .,. )}` Y i<i 1 JAS,}/ ,fly�..x7 �' �4-4S4 [i rk4 'fr r: .F' 0 _ ;') ,-„/,''‘... .,¢�y i; :h, �§ 'f_ 4 `�' .y'}, ._ . }•• •,,, } £ tr . i t t 4.t A.A};a '•• •• °,. {`t . -In_. % ..s.2.".• i r R',I o 7 ,, ''� i '.. 9 <M";. i ',t? 't r Y . i �h, . .r 'A '0 „,,r,aJr',,trir'!.�Y '4, ,df,0r s �-a•!:40..41'i* =, 1 , 1 �6x� fo;{t ••trr , •e-• S3 r = * ! S A :�''!{,!7t ,r. L ) r , 'v f ,i EPt wJ`✓a ,T7 .!' z Yx . , i K 71`'5 r } �TCtl �,i^in�'� aviY ...} yi . , V}t. v°•e S 1 M\ ,+ ,y�' ,LR 9 ' b iit} 2•a U. i T' t f 54 Si' n. M y ?fit{ 1 ��, i i �b �t vli £ r ' C J'Srit t r }t E to i .. OA@",.�v`��'i LSD ,x ry„>l. ir�t', r 3's rft°.e t . ,.{`.La �tL'"�. ..-5!`..��;t`Nt ;�:✓.� .�f i�1 },P.�i1.6'3 Lt. aii.`•.::. 5; "�."� '^,'' it��� 'Li4 ,, 1y 1J $.t . a {d a f i}„ J E' �,� �r -. .,e...ld, +- .s.Y:, . , ryfa�.x�;' n� 'v v.s.,...6a......f.a:.�....'.x.':u,Y,°, l.l. .Ji' ie �Jl v,.,,, ,,,, r., v Y 1,a ,5 T [fri,7�t 7 t( @T ; §{ { t ,' S 1 t t.,- ilte'i 14,,k.:44....„1 ,h ,1 i ' e r . ir✓Lv '.II ,,, J. . 1i- t , -�� .y,k• 1 ' ;v4 �:.: s"• aT ,�. ,v t xs. ;,.,•..o , i .: t pi- .{. ,. 'c' .4.„ �.r., .',• ,:z ,-xa •t>s',;AI,f ds. t xP ., �dy . 1E� "r.5;� r.� . 4 �. R4;c(�a.eh , .Fi�+ A't : s,• } ! v +� > 52':1'�af i* : � 5 x:4T brf�: 7 , >,,, i'"f.. , ay c✓ u�. 'S +sf 1 °r ',. F�'rvti� tI rm ✓ .i�.. a'nr.a�4 � , i� �[y y�n � 1 i Y �L r :.a ,t a.,+i.,1"11"%�" 5+' ++4,�'" rr ,t,S tll� >,..tAkiet' l ." 4( rat " rh k f.Y , lx� ! ! la.?00 .ti+ l •G sat , ,f 5,�rs � 1 4t;s:� `} .�' kA� �<�>,,� .e��,'�' .+ 'Yl rS�• n r ia], t��; �,{yyt'��ti ;; �f�'r�'�NJr�'e"�tif��`J7�K�?� '{` 'i ��hyyi }•• �H iiM1f s,lk +i. W'✓a 5 , Cxf L'4 { yl.St ;{rr i4 a.t .' n R?",,'} 0 Y ,--.,4 t=L f er**-4 `i'.y U 'j'dei•4 .:p 7) •t .r, J '3/, `Sa• .�a�'7Aty' x.:i , ". ^.55•: ftr "f. 'xili:)..r.`YS ( x t 7'. r+t .k •.;•'J",?..0;1 ,,,,;,,(-1,P:.y r si is n9 Ad qy tfii.; , i''ri 1,10,1'.�'x�A ''rte e:ttitfr l': y tA9 ,,I f i ?tiF't.fp[E< :` Leiria:. �- q rA' 'coat 3J t+`? r SA''iy'aP'1/:s$,\"fi;'"F, ,s�, ia;{,�-t2 'S.`t �k +,(: ,i"r; ' r. k,Lw''"r�'` 'rv! wd > M Y QJt N t y'l al ry S aft ,,. /k . n .+/,, 'i „^r a e+r..a 7x s ,} } a II.<ta� ? '��r �� j•r$:{` .!'• ,2Y3{i{' , , y t 1,-",ayis.�0 4� fY'.44tj +, ly t4i yrA f ..r 12.' 'Src , « ( } r`' t ' > ,`Y 4. . rfi+it h', )' i " l {i.,y`},,A4,3 rr G r rt� tY i ts,-`;'i 4'; ',': ^, '�l1.5 tvet„ .rli0. 1• Town of Ulysses 2 3,T: Ni, ir 'Y ,t 1 t{4'+'J ittl. . t 1. , % n a,f y $,,�. t t `.1,tl sGt t,! ' i" t ,t, c,.,,+tact . us , Special Town Board Meeting f+i fi fir ,r z, ;" g ra , o <<,r 2 E 4i} s January 15, 1994 3� %,, �r at ' i'G. ‘ik11 f { lK, r i ,r; , t ,.. rr�. tf =1+ 'c Claims - Mr. Reitz moved, seconded by Mrs , Stover to approve ' +s '' },` ■},t, " , Claims #449 - 485 holding out #470 in the amount of $17 .35, for a '• 15 i „� s; total of $26, 182 . 99. ,:i.' 1,-,,'": , v rxrt.' e ■ 't +, f }3 "' _ Mr. Austic Aye + a'�F .w , >t `; tt,`r�''fi}(l Mr. Reitz Aye ,r , ' '' ' t .�11' ", . " „.;. , %� " Mrs . Stover Aye '`,• ' i , 5E;; » r "., ve Curtis Aye `.° i rr K' „�, h , APProved. t :. r s „ f ..rrt t 1T t• t k{ r i `'r` ,r,'x , ` Mrs. Stover moved, seconded by Mr. Reitz the following transfers : ' ; � ,a ,r a r,':air ar` 5{�1, S' r , ..! 4 » v`rk y{,; ht,t t't s Transfer $1577 . from A1450 . 094 and $2990 . from A1990 as ' $' , + . r T+ fit X�� ,-:{r Leash ,i 4t• follows : $ 1.00 to A1010 .01 a v,rt 7.1.',-,:. 4, 4 j .'.r,< <.�,� x R , 1397 .00 to A1110 .04 z,,i; ,.-R„%p it7?i7E', .m.",i;. 31 .00 to A1330.04 ti > '� ) Cir� .� w; 1013.00 to A1420 .04 f 4 . . ;F`t°ti tr.. ,Lt.,„ 'N,,r of w�' 1022 .00 to A1670 .04 S.f'`ti's a i0Z 4.4,1-srl+rv,,s,Yt 10 .00 to A3510 .04 A .t` "' !< 377 .00 to A5132 .04 ' � r ` aKnt #S4�rt t. sr, .z� r1,5 ni 716.00 to A5182 .04 f ` . r , it, rt J'1 .`'0 4.,fvy e �'T i G: ? il f , Y °' #4k..#.t l�;i+'' y'1j'&. ' e '. i 'r,. 4 s Et !j„ i.�'r , ,Y l;*Gm,t{^.'r�„v is it,..., .,.r § i tT s a' e r= k � i{''ie'60 Transfer $5024 . from DA5130 . 04 as follows : `ter, ' i jrn; e J �,8+' t = ∎ $2512 .00 to DA5142 . 04 '*.5 y r iCct ,9 .}. tY 't t r t.i yr f } f L. . ,�/ ti 4,.,, z,�,+ , j 2512 .00 to DA5148 .04 ,t r: , �, , , ti . t { Al-ifif-j41t}l hen 'Y'.. 4 ,� fn 1iy (''{ e' 7 "4. a - '.RR ° d. ` Increase anticipated Revenue CHIPS DB3501 by $4900 . ; > ',IV :. ` t ii-V,l i a : 4. : P Y 4 :a. ,, ,('f' ' 'f;:{, `1Ytt .v10 Increase DB5112 .02 by $6618 .00 ; Decrease DB5110 .04 by $1750 .00 . r.e / i ` ' fir"'"'i')r'!x,,`�#,'�rY 4- "'`i # rt f' vilye,,' t}.,q "« e., r 7 4 *+` t� tlfrfAt t'1't' try tM� Mr. Austic Aye V'g'.0,,,i" iC t. ., ' )5' ,i .i : "''rr 3+ ,4r tft°jrz ' r£yg Mr. Reitz Aye 4. . 1.... ,y , J :fy r ar �`yr $ -ral,- ,✓ A;• . Mrs. Stover Aye �tia• ' flr� rV4. u , ` ia. `'trel Mr. Curtis Aye '{�r}fop� �? r7��eF✓ttt �` t }"A 12^ s %0W) .''I 4 Approved. y h . , • jyy, ;ty',?tFr'r1lt�.2^ jt{ ,,,4 NEW BUSINESS Q � 'r 8,..: ,t'c17 41. r"y ul V, a ai •v , rt, �iP>ftj35°CSU .,'t: , ZY},Lx,”1r1 t Vt ,ii $> h .d s,�� Basic Cable Rate - After discussing the three options offered, , > �. fit, 9 P n i r 'ij,� k .r ,f ti, xYr T" ir..3ixJ+ }r' arras , Y4f}Si Mr. Curtis moved, seconded by Mr. Reitz the following: t s r "_ ', ' d Gtf".t "•Z t• f' fj th , n 7 a.t Nr.. # t ' 4� �z�":11 24 RESOLVED: that the Town of Ulysses chooses Option Three; »r;' i ;ti 7 , �jgax�#ra,, lz that at this time the Board is not familiar with the requirements n;# , . , `, zi : s r r,it F`;'* tt„ of the Cable Act of 1992 and do not have adequate facts and ''.". ? }, �+ , • is 4 :, e+ YJ' ,i 4f„f:,, '� T 1 .Jy r. AA 1- , , ,- i �5I , ∎,a. FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Town reserves the right to r , •,, , l'�ay'�.'i54/..1 "�,a5a -+ xr . regulate rates at a future time. 7*, S f,kAi j rS, ;{ 5ti:`, t" grit ti , y Y , i �h , , t Y 01 „}as°,W;P: ..,444 Mr. Austic Aye ci I3Ik r, j;^iJ-f•"-,,t';ai vF Mr. Reitz Aye t:. 4•. ,"+'x !f b{^S ,�tr,t , �1 Mrs . Stover Aye rr r ' t at /,:"„:,'. '�tr ,n Mr. Curtis Aye ' I r,t , 4'i;tt Y , t$ ttt { t ( •, �t1 • ' , ! p d t+3iD7 "a p 4 fYY,, , “COY'' ,.- Adopted. 5 ` yy I .r:,' tivly rt',.:!i O.it:t',Gil ,j , ,.• r l T Lam, rws�"1 Y{ir�,t Procurement Policy - Mr. Austic said that as of January 1, 1992 1 ,. � r1,� ' we were required to have a Procurement Policy. This has not been t .< , '1445,) L,-,,ge r rc3 done. Will write a policy and bring to Board for discussion and Ct Lr,0,45 ' t1"V, , '11 q,,,t % , . approval . Mr. Curtis also distributed copies of a Professional el. V, ,r ,,�Yi �, ,1+ r,.t Development Policy to be considered. • ::.�.. t , t , ,t . , t�,$6`f'Y{{Vw,C'i tr.i, 'r t +lv,&4 i. ^v. ,_ y 1 i T, *t. , ,4 t(:-.1,:G, /,:r./.. Contract Policy - Mr. Austic said that regulations are not w ,' ' ' ;S4v1;:rt ,F`4f available, will get information. ?S^'trtt tt I J h w��w`t' if 4.,,,..4.------l t,, at rar t{ ,, r Yt1'''? al r + t t�` jF, ' 1 ihfti2; Indemnification - Mr. Austic distributed copies of a Resolution �, � ,'''',. :Y1',:5"/-"ii, ; in 1985 regarding indemnification. Will check on cost of .. t ri . trig t ' ,v coverage. 4.:- r ,• . i '^ "' .t' ,. t, .> ,1, Handicapped Plan - Mr. Austic said need to have a plan by Jan. 1, .' r ' :y 1994 . By 1996 the plan needs to be implemented. Mrs . Stover r'' t '. k` r, ,' +" ! moved, seconded by Mr. Curtis to have Mr. Rachun, Town of Ulysses r • ,Sh a,'(. a 1...f ' ,1 , 4 4 • t .cL x :ir4 '�i'ti 1,is f S..r1 1, 4 ra. t . x', , f_ n 1 r,rt ,,k, rt.k✓ r t i c v , 0 ,4 .t . ,,it„co ,' #}5 t ;, , „, f-t[F< l` t r ;171.r74*,7,5 '$}I� v ` ',C2ct `vAt',� .yi, *. hi t iv r r J C &gn ,rti 6"` Y t(�,4 ,,y . a:r -, 'i+i"4"4 ,it' f:P: T }` ( t n. ,S ice• 7t r'a tit 4;4 1 hN J : t r i3.'4,1 s "ifi{t � s #:.r 6 � �*. '�i ( do id a �'a' / �...r !;',4-,..^. t .,1 i i' r t l :: '. } i is ^+ s x,q �'W"L SCu x¢'64.,*1, k } ,14 4 r .•. f .j '- rt •,�,i-its 6 + '^y -s ' 3 , vt.. r r1 t , �n , 1�l` •1Y;9 }� , � Y f 3 C *'1 f ¢� ! � f t {, � ,q i , t ‘4, , J. v- ,a `it,~WWI; a,t,ly "• , 4 t+' ti '4 a !VY' Y .s ,r!✓ ,> )• v4 •. n ?),,II-11'?",f iia�. r t!r f4 j', }Y Sr.Y !� ' { +t J'. �' u��.qqG�� '�+.°ey�'+• Y � ,. � � e y r� ;t 1 c��4�� ,rw�rfi c, 1..' , •r''' ',13 ',01,!' i, � - t .r ; 5 ao r L, s;i?�''.�y 1SV a,t F'� },-�,? ll ',°;4 a, 4 :4' 55‘...e.:��" �� +Y ,.�. a � ti""��k a}F:{ '� ,d�' � ' }r '� 1 r,,:l >x}'')f .� �i'�x�.tn+t ,stir. „' FflC��4,� ...�� �' t '� ' �y 7 ,�r ( � 1,,�,.'}d•• '}„t,F j v + S i : ,#!. a " 1r Q 4`. .}'r+ t '402 t '71 di A a4 ` z a � Y y3+' s. kki w �r'.'f t t} ;.1 i 1, f" It Y: .S. t c 4 ✓ :11:1" ,' kp•..,(,Gx 'ttY• { > t �1 1 Y t i'+�rx,� �b , �}� 7 "d j ,� i ✓ }' `frSta x416,,{','..',5 'i", 4t n't '. set 14:”41: ,11-1 1h. Y r `rt' d. \ �4y, ) s:i.'`✓ r tit ,6 / 1. do t t.'Ci'q,iY�.e' •_•,' y'x -. i3 . t .r . i ,C C lS,l,' , n,,:"�}.�r�yg#' '? _ i' I•� �.{} , 7 rt.',-`',h f� . 3 �i., � fir :k . t t�,,� i'P� t 'lk'1�.,.��y. .�r� is } i y 7 <f. ,, •, .F'''"}' �,rt."%+E 'ft - _ a wa. �.n,5 yf }i •,�17•, ,�.,iw 5.'F3r" ,. 4 �rf . ' �y5: }+• 'a�s,t t i ' C x ..,1 +�tt%,..*Ft{,"' "r S Y: F S `�. gi'LlgA �° .�' ,y,}y3*M� lei I'k. ' t , AC t i-CKC:St �'"'�31t t1 i i"�t.>tv^5'!t#,p kite{, ii`4 i ,hYy>i 3`•iN1 r 1 Li'fY.`2 Gt,nt ii''S{:,,t,t)F �y$� •1 .� '.R'i 999 .-..4 „�'4 I'll„'11 F .i.t ,flyp ,} .,STlti a }6% ;G Ytj �tt ,. f 7fa^,; Ja,,ii..4'Ct �'!' !'S,K$'4 k , t. Y' t' ,.L.... ftr n,t}} ,7, ,?,.lYf ..; > Ny.t:iy� t n S�h.1lq ?t Y > ,{ , 5ij •i , N41..1 `}� ` v j , ''+"Iv ,+. 1`.4 • f . tV . >N;'e 7,: IS l a•. L xr ^X" (.1f... • ,s Pi's 4 7 I s .n I: , tr /I.)1 .:,ci4^ F Y e 4 j, A., 4 "'L. !eId' i3 , R r• r,'1V 1 +aa ' „S , , < r.H a, `;�. ♦ 1 , +it `••<jb')`;14` a' i .t 4 .ti 1 'a r '*"5: •: f•,. �iy.tS, 1" Y/ e Yt�o,'. _'is1'y '' li'`,`:I:}t;i } t, S �.Y7�i't+' (Y1:4t f,1-�7' .;i ':t:j' .�qL"•�'l�,}' •X k M 1Pt ° iI , i. %'`�,0 Xf t4"P� .r5 .. Y :likt 7>•. , 'behl.i�i.)I44.,r`i L k f It ° i1: `s 4 e:✓ Stitt, }1' s`•` ' ,.. 1,�� �;:• ty��'�7 � , Y . � y ; "t, r4` r< ii tS-,?�� .P . �r� ; '� t�sr' I", .{ � 1 V1,rY1 ✓ -f��-j'`Y,.. '( C t. :5 �,, r X } , .41,r ` �fY} 7 ,a ;.0 {`.{o n": '}3`}"�'rY'l l' ifL �4�j�f d t��,,aa ��r{ Y L tS afL.,{tr ,tih ,t1ti' t <..:. , . 7 E, e. ,f -i , , + i., •n " ((}} a't yr'' *task ! 4. a s .n Y:rir f1 ?4/'12;•, - r ti}v , , "„'� :'< i . - ,.' x . .:7 h f #.t:., , ws t, r.. t , l4 e k. .t,�• ! k .. : .. ,;",•'. t}1 il,Fv>�t�(r( , ' . ft', k f 1' % t,rik34.1 40.3r , f y ;t er. , , '^" rill), a .qt{:S G ' s .S tY',. 1 i . > 1r :s' A: ! ' 'i 11.0 „p. �' #{ '.(,ri i c$ i , e i .� , '' ra 1 ; a s `ti.:{r ,,.f ,c, s ,. < } t .' {x ,."�rkii t' r.. i t ;t "' 1' .. Yr 1 "1 .t LQ}. ='W3.fa1'F iY' ..r.`+Yi,.X !Jy. `` . ;Sj}y't d3! i.ct f r¢ 9 .r wt .24 ;i f t 1g:fp,!?,,,^..3},. .rv< 1 4 t 7• .r1 x' :t 4. iWk. •rv,,, 4 y t • , s a, ,■,yix-Fyi 1 J .t',..F �.�,•�.�.�."f. t•..'diir� ,�x'>°1�,,YYft'f}�ysyM'.D}fA�t) �iT, ( FF � l.� .Y( S'r M�t':�'1 M.`i!3,y4Trl"tj 1 1..n1 M1yT ,Y .5,;. f � VC��=e�•� � 1'f�l f• .apr>t ).•l.� 'ftiY�'�.J� '���'r eh1='Y;�:.li,tt ,�.t�� ,.?16r. ':{i .f� S. Ii '.�• I •7Y'� ��t ry��r. ./ 3 J• / !l� :T ,� � +1:;. :f.of 3•, , Fr }( � �h') �sYtf1Y. y_YJ' � < + 01;r:� e it s} 1111:0 Ij . r .•4j`: . 't(,Iytii ',g' K,+,°tilf F .152- Yt, v 1 L Y, �e�`t 2. ,� 2i+ 7 .%Y :�i. J'# 11 ..fs .+ l {� :>1,2s er,IA•>r+F1'4:�S��e} r^i.12fiA�.•tr, .: #- ' '''ti{ .'t e;..:'• t 'Art4 E ,r e tt�,}YI . i , 4 'i"n r �{;... It , �'^':4;Y,•SJ,Sj4.,�St f 'i,s_i.l #- ,3, r 1f? \ f. t t` �'} ' 4r� ti .r .. is i ' :�.! ,r is};'; nr., + tC. ,!t'7..r ,•�: i' • Y 4x4,.1 gt` : v .it' , yvi+" rT,�y�.1�3.,v,�; r .S? f + a.iS .i 4}S i! 1 t (� ` :t t S ..s.r> S+,'.:t , {r. c '^s t rir;a4 <. �> 4O �.t '•t. ,, f .1., ,, . Nri:�}'``? ,rr., 'IN t,G:_v S}Np�}x '.7�.`:t ,Y..J:k�#7 �y v S i.uG7 i,l !>' 'r: i t � il F. r;t r .vs �t ly, rr r..�? r r �'+��, ,. .t,2�)tF,Z�AiY.n.,n�X" ,�� .'rs r� j.. ^,�.:1t•s.);i r t.`+ �u .F"/,, .' : '' ` Si jn (i ii11:-`;.r.. Yi„V1.l l#,t; r ,„: ,> ...`t'.,4 '.r 'a'i, t 4e'•} ''`J 'J. '".';; ra:/ri dfi r ^4' tt' a�. `:0.1of �u;h% :Ar '.y,v r.{,�!,..i,er gyi.,.�(1' e;.� } '�5 *[ Ka (ba YY ;�i•r?fix'i'C•r 9,.v.ry.r 6r.;, .,, .}. o. f;.-('' rj'-';'..-1.4171,' .J } s }<t',y:, ds $�c '�d d• }y ,.. ,r `J. F. 7x j,'1 ( `cil .,•✓. �: . ,:', -•zhil1i .iy .I y,..t',i,, .i ce.,;;>,'A ft Vd•'Y.: J„.SY.,1...'.t 42:2�Ytt$' te7 rs l J ';1c 1 + f z_1 :> , , e :/"...;1'.J.,li '. r 5t..',Y: �,i ;. r: r'Ss n. 4 : ,r:�ri�r�FP4f'��i r�} tp ' ii(A'4: ,;tp ,MS {.• ,�yt�'pavv �/1 >< t7h,1`ii"Vi,nSx, iti,,,r: i %t. "lr_ :f;l-gft4. , 4 1s. �f'i ,.i ii,4 ,4':; ,.t>4414; 11)l'ett'Czitiki.'�*410 � Y• •4 . .,t 1;;79s ,4,4P,::{4M. e7 Y r}. •'+1.d,*`r.n'•Ct {' 4xtt ,.Ft ,r. rt .e•sf' tr .,q. ! v1,t, , +.../:;5.t.,r` Y1. S I.:r .i. 'J-.,& 1,+- ,, .' " , . rb..r Z .t:..ra�v�r-!,',v.� 'd .. ., , t� J°, ;�ys'r': '4 p J ';s 1„ `r dq L, J • 1y,i rf'iep'1.74(4141,!q.0,:::,I j• so/Uwe; {vr ,c.0`+ i d r [.zv. ...7 4/' .. frig , 7 Yiftt r?, lA yT V;iiq? , •::41-'t, �' 'Y' f<t Y rv,�4 rYt' ww i [{'4,7/7 i4 � } riwi2yy 1 , `I 'F't �A •ei f /) x L ) rt ri; �i�l:�4eT$i Town of Ulysses 3 it r,t5;r,, >t 7 . :. i ,i Special Town Board Meeting 4 :1 , ° ' ; 'rr r o, c•t : z•+lr tl� January 15, 1994 : , t , C ; ,r . >, , , C .. k :i t jtr l�f.. n.tt jt ar 1,,,,11;, 0: t r:.1 3 i ,‘:,I �i SS �� iv 6144 1 f i l '.444;.,',', t i,hc ,,�` ,, Building Inspector, put together a plan to comply with the ,,.„; ,,, r 1 ,t r;,s_ , American Disabilities Act and include basic requirements; also a f 3>s; ,,,''..':(+r , 4.10 e., separate list of additional items that can be done. tit ,1"�A, , �, >ll � ' q rat `, ' t�z%2caw' : Mr. Austic Aye fr„f4 M + , ,',1;,,.uta:s. wisf'y4,,,p4,) Mr. Reitz Aye t rc },a , i , r?p, t+r g, .7414+ Mrs . Stover Aye �. 1 :,1:" . ,1t:;Fw3'�,•`+hi: f�e'N , Mr. Curtis Aye •;iv;. ? st w Approved. l „ :w ! a t l + 4 tai • .::::.1,44-=:::-.01.44,10,04;« ZBA Vacancy - Mr. Austic has received a resignation from Gail #%,t, . ., u4 ;fi :}' 3 Zabawsky. Advertised; had a couple of responses . . .Peter Penniman M1rrK f. fi , , tr t tia .' �} st v. ,t4 . is willing to serve on ZBA or Planning , also Russ Carpenter who , _ vs,-.iq tif..;, . J t" ': 0 will be willing to serve on either Board. Also have a letter of r ,t � ,w i ; r,7 r1 "` interest from Irene Schickel . Have interviewed Russ, need to ;uric, +v=v ',,,ti ` ,� '' is a •'& oi , ','' speak with Peter and Irene. Irene is out of town right now but vt.• ;�vtrt; r ri can schedule Peter to meet with the Town Board prior to Regular '.,' ,4`rr,4 it;. y l,sf` r ;ryr,+irt� T, '1 c4 + a Town Board Meeting on January 18 at 6 : 45pm. Mr. Austic will call „ J ” a Mr. Penniman. Also had a call from Budd Stover who is interested ti,`++ 3 +r" ,; + , '1411 ' `� 44fi r1. ` ,: in reappointment , will send a letter. So really dealing with one ``s faits+ ° ' r T t r,:, m . & jvs i t r ., . 5 vacancy, ZBA- t}+ 4 �. �' -'a'`>` t : Park Survey The Board discussed the Park Survey and decided ' ; ' ”-� �i '}'� t, 'l..te, a 7. vw i. , uy 0 4. 4r , (+, ,, try fit r . i ,,4" t, 14014: '. they did not care to respond. Mr. Austic will take care of this . ( 1;41f 4 v,.. :?trly t' 'y ,.,?i .� t,t 1'i Gj '!,. 1A n: ' Meeting Policies/Regular and Special - Mr. Austic will write a , fdrt�> t4 r . z < w E�.f, r�iyr t 541(w a�,,, i 7 !`f'x��' °"' -$ 1 i ; policy and bring to Board. wr' Lr/47 `y f a trnw.� 't R''I• k{ s ,�?3,4f17,i�'ty+ 't t1a „ L.si+r:, 3i 4.1 2°Y niL t ,�i1 7' 7 : r,l.r(' rit ft�Y` j`7 } ..� ."i tt n, ,�t �. 3p i Payroll/Claim Policy - Mr. Austic will work on a policy. } r'<" ; f s ',3',s= ` it ql n�1. ii_1..1. ° 3� i" . ; '41,v t„ir4 ti '' 4' ' t i ti-5i'itY ' r a 1,}3 4 t '+r s;' r t.,.fit ft a.('. '�3' ;;r,�,;; _ ', Electrical Inspectors - Mr. Austic checked on insurance carried a•-,tt iwd,�;.440-+ ,t,, :e v+ , by MDIA and NY Board; they are the same; if want two inspection %;, rbr,t '$, IC+ I.xl` at ., agencies would go with them. Mrs . Stover said she is in favor of ? r` +;" * ' •, it,- t .l,x , t. ;a� �,_1 :I' ` not using Atlantic Inland; wants to see two agencies so that 1.;'4 ,3,1 ,.'�;‘, . , rr ',pi, a4i ;• people have a choice. Mr. Curtis said he would rather see just .riit * zt,x :;° 1t 4°:'x #� 'F �,, ',: one inspector, can open door for others if necessary. :�.F .s L .., ,, fe 2.,,t `, T'" ,y4h . e t' t': :I ii sr.4.11, i, ,,i•1 ,pit ,5 40 4611.7044"t r Mr. Curtis moved, seconded by Mr. Austic that the Town of Ulysses ".4t. r j "t1F a` 1? Y :, f Y Y ,rat � s r t ■ ;t r ; n n a designate only one electrical inspection agency and the Town, „;, .r1' t 5p ,; tt', ,� ,' ,�y `' from time to time, review performance of that agency and review I..,,y `7 t, ..'mV ' tr' ,J ',t`F,:% +i,, 1 ttt 5 , proposals from other agencies . �2`.4t' ro v{ Y,'1 j7y4i 17` m• lr' J }3f ' ! t 1 rlA i+ '`. d"�7' t r r { ' ' . .= Further discussion ensued. , .Mr. Reitz spoke against using just ;,'“, t{, v.*;,'4 3 ..., 4ta t one agency, feel people should have a choice; good for 11r: , ' `>', t � . ! , M 9 YJ P P f 9 f � ' ' competition. If an inspection is failed, then the party has to t srrtt+;' ;,i€4',;,: , '% .k sk'x 4 return to the same agency that rejected them for a reinspection. z l , , tz"�ci' „;�, ti}7 Mrs . Stover agreed. Mr. Curtis said favors one agency. . . if we “v. ..,,... .-,,,,t: :. . , „.. t�"s,"Aj + ttjs } hear of complaints that we are not getting the service, then r . • ' 'st 'k 5 T� J ♦ F.Y ,'i1 + t , + 3 1 t ti� � �t1"t review and reserve the right to appoint another agency. Hearing tlx .z , tI .. t a-WAV � � no further discussion Mr. Austic called for a vote. i3" xt} 1' r ` e �P , I' r lk i.3 t Mr . Austic Aye - t t, , ..r7 bff . . ;gNi Mr. Reitz Nay t! , S) r t .. ,y Mrs. Stover Nay '' '+., r x. 4, • { c , K, yYfi5}.i,A }7:�,:x Mr. Curtis Aye ,i.f.Fii :.. y.;:,,-.' , ; .', tr` • ?• v �°"$Y'+ 4f i Not carried. i,�r Zt rr Ii r t I ' x z �> r ; :44 ® S.r to 1�«. 4t, {. 4 j �'k`y.�� Mrs . Stover moved, seconded by Mr. Reitz to delete Atlantic y/' t YsrYhf � 4 t� Inland from the Town's approved list of electrical inspectors ,t r ‘ ,t' ; :: � '_ rvt�` ^t:,4. .10 :,, because of deficiency of liability insurance. ;. ; , tflAtJ ••••1 t4, 4 r , 1 t, "� , ,,.i.t fit' r141 Mr. Austic Aye t x i ir$47.,*iil"t4,, Mr. Reitz Aye t, , ' " <`j%tt` s{ '' ,%rd`SC! Mrs . Stover Aye r.w s'C , ,i rc 'r ' ' � .2 Mr Curtis Aye •,tr- JI 1 7 dJ 1:',1'11411&'''.,ti, ��(g(�i��,, t, .7 ,.t x 4 }.1. 4 Approved. l Vr', ;I, : i�Sl�yik tr Dpas �. R. _ii ..e5t • 'e > Jt�{+1,hi4,,,a yr ' yv )', 'drfe! '• '#1'05'1,7:4, �'a 1:.;('''',/1'%‘‘',”PO' Investment Policy - Mr. Austic said this needs to be reviewed, la .1444 x4 �•i tr � ` [2 :, ,t:, J x;Y �t c'',r! iz 311”"a ,F , t{{ , y. ptn f f 1•�v tyf Cr# � ?�r 6. ...r. a , '' °M fi;'..i L r ry i ,F S,ita''y 335 i'4 ., ,, fit '41" yl.°.tires :0,- 't 4,1: •,. } 1s, .7 , '', 4, °r (fat 1;4 •t4 , ?aJ,y , +, ':� ,/, A 4A ..,,,o4\�'s,e `t :4 4,2 r v o- 3 f 1 : 3 t t 4 ..•'N}}"}%'•t Y"'-,`+•vr g'.tr'l.+;v; =�1,r?1 .X t-E �'4 4t'^ y;�u g..r.+...'i b� ,. %Ta't,.i•f'.1+.°•� .NS.>,;.,.:".., .t,'. ,=*t f t`r'i,t� . v4 .J•r9...' r. � '`), ..f ra.}r!11�Y l�. t r t S x t, ; {tl e ri , i�rt �v}.4t. t Yio, F µ , A I t fs >s ir,, ? 12,;2 --24,,, 2F. ! , yM1 A ■ ,.: }t s p+ v i t :.:A.: ' t st,-,-;''3,;0' . ♦+ i 1 2 t � ° t F t, t ) r ::,;v} lr<4,14t fi tT S . ' E4- ,; E Q t t g +r.� aW . "{ a 6t fn,:l 7 r r 3f .t rlt;€t4:: i�4� r t ' } r ; : 477 /Kr - E `Vik,,r r°4��° 3 �p..;i,,!,, k) . ,.'i 4 7 i ,' : ��?} s i�r1 t r � s i 7.' , f 4 r . h t 5 'u:•1 r gt- f .� 1% r'4' 7 ft:b C ks .1:. r iiM1it1 a'y„t �Y r.' C 1. e .�}. rp2 S .a wN'�J A Al; � > e j� �� 'j � • rY? i " �5 x � i' l ;i "t. ....4,;144,' ,tv4,.. a„ft�S'� . i < 4.4.. 1 j , r +,,�n7 i'j -kjr' �.:J', �?t t m� .i <'�o J�,N` 7 i w � t ,...'4,,,,,,, 4 7 ”` yq : 7�t r r t ., .x '�•FQ �-'t' �C' "t yi .� ,rt ; IX1i uF t��, iV: * �wsi ,i?, 1 �"0Y�P�Ct Y , sh�-c 15`F., 41'fj '/,:5 ' 4 kt. : o Y , t(. ry & 0,3 .[ � i c • "L4 iJ ty > .l, ' r t% -4 a-4 t C }:y,,ts. t ,:s. j a Fl +: 4,r9•1i ,, r SO t i 3 ' :7"q 00, e L" 4 br i ..4.w> i T „, `' ±4Q .+i1 . 1,6.: x 'i99 y 'r .�'> x7"^x i:al : ?.1�• .Y• e.:,; ,-,"`• } i�,.'o,t t } ":, !S , , + > � 1.',F>. :1 � � ti�?,:nY• ,-:r/''''.�r R)� !� �4i �f.eeF ry xft:t„'2 S r t _ *NY,. � 'k d n t'in` elti t7 ,t` wJ> . - .i.: > .i.f5 i( . rCM1 . e Y..,e i' 1•”' : . i“ i r. f,.t t r Ir ly , .t ''.'.7" :vi�r,i,i i �, t t s ,,t,Zti .4 5 C ° y e l, R: Whit i:r4".0 . 4 } -241 it ,, . ' 7• r r 1 , t c s � - ;• '' 7 . � �fi0•`avl,$y s -,t•9qt.s"1:41F,, ' 'r „ td t ,. _ . , o. LF � . 55 . .. . , , ,4.-44 , ,,,,,,A,,,,,,,,,o--4.„,,,T,,,,,".t„. .i.,, „....L .., . ,-, , - . , : . ::77'747e.,14?)nl•s2,4, t,r,.. 2 -. ..;•-• - . .:.. , .) .,,, ., ,..- ,). 4.- , niv i'' t . •4 OLIntlif t• . rt. ' :I.cn.ulwisbe"4, 4,0.,,../...--.-1 $ao,cr.,,41:144 efir ',.. I' •ii":* ,'" ,- 'l'it,'Ir&f:V=e4e.?1??7•1:a r''':.:43;91°4 R''',•irrwiQ4'1'meiriSt.rkiir-Ve'4114VestRte,-{e.'hr:irerera=.444fier,ukiIsst.W.Z,4kre. iliestI4I''' el. 501X,eirsa., ‘;.4„.„frit 11 t 3,?^, WI;j:.:.,1•VA:iii).4 lAtell:ftrOP444.021,• et:''' • thr' * 4 10,„,,,..rgitoe1/42A.,t.trirs,,,,,.,,t Ti; '.--.,4fM:41 Afw.:,,,tirt4V23.-The*.+74V4Atit:IgleileSitqc'7' ,1 4'o' •gvics*:-'.., ''. .t?;;'' .:,...,L, „ ... ,..,t,,,,,restp,etel4,4"ilaitiftbUirat'g*th; it ..1, -N ,' I Srtik 4.(,,,r.Wc,=„4.7 ry.P.:^(-4rS'erre.a..,‘SetiNt41%,(7,..;.i14 .tht.4„.13;•01,.,erftl..,hc,:,,,,,, r.,..,4,viess,;,,,t, or.....,,,,.%, ..r,,.‘k. . ‘,.,:410:,.;.ii.A i,i -4:::,:-.1"*, 5't4"?..C.' :'/'•:stal..?`11.4';";c4';e14.^-44#Afregir VA-. ti at* ' attirAr4441.1)%41-1N.CSVAN11--4$1"-.1:A.,.,C10(6-$.;114:41:6vAkk APIA "ST.'14;*-WrFP4eintc ir.v.e.egifrk,„, 445,0.1,.. 0- sc'I"t0t1-1:;.1.1.:" ..; i U-1,1- 0 ......1,. .',.. ,....,,..70.374 rt;Vrii....›. .. 4.frit in r 1 li 4.-is 4 .. -N-1 fiv,41.4),YV'ye''4nini' Yr lertfrtrit 17:4'itli' -11.1IIMI:Fre eWiietILIffi'le,xeri.:,:rilet V.09,,Wre:, 4 j t.,vett titra -1"Ap704•4 ,.,2. ; -. ,::.:,;,),,,, [ .NT ki,tis'''''i:; - ;''t•r''''?",.t's5,'i'vr,■"4 C=14441 4A/..4.64-`5 ._,,,fyo lit '"t, ("P,NivoleafttirtoiYJ4.-,m,31-24.??..),k4,4;;;Pivri-s-ipa 01-17.4,4,,tv'tt-wckoi.otvoi,,,,, ,rt,.1 , .t ,,emi . ,: istra,s10.0.:t;A :Nrci, ,:,7 1:c, 1 . 'MI: :::\41^4,1,'"..e.':-41.K.tirtAlt,t4,141,awfie4■ .4,44.41/ s - .:4.tiw"-0-4,srMii41.1.-k=%.,-,14,i;,:,,t41.5-:-0,1S.v.":4;.:S:.:.:viefikhf'?.1 ite4Wyro: tfr..,:s 4 7,7,'`,"r'.-“..'-'4 " -..t ,... •4,.--:I,,,,,„, '., ... if., s.4:%47,;?'",--lif„.1,2sti,Lve&Y',. 41 S:;.:,1;..)1,„41,y1;,,,,,,,„Irii, ../ ., , ' ”A V"- • . .• • ' 1 * . . ■a ■ ' ' 1:. ' ' ' '' '' 'it:l!'Lid:" 3 t;',”?:4'''',A6P.44.4c1 2, • t'intt14:■9C,Cle,,,,M)Y,: grIK".17. -fiWI7t` ',"SitlIVIC1'. I. ' 4, 'fl-trarigii:,'fli,1■VA14 4TSMAPAtel"..;;WO'i 4.,0. M.:1,qq.'4Yto.,1,112a*I, ' ' ',, .awmui, ,),,5,- %-rc-A.,vA7.44. 1., T..',0“:1,--MMI3.0Wt b.k. 7Crn4 ;,4epe.44 t Town of Ulysses 4 IL"a 116;(1: 'ilC.....Y.'; r,:,.!4 I V411.14.174',,04.' f9-4,., NI:344*.iii ,;42.N'Il firp;;;..-.... ,v1:: AS't! ”4\,,' ::,;,`Sl'7' Special Town Board Meeting . ...-.04,1,„eateiwv:,‘,',.co& ,..± 2 .-,v.,,11...z.', , ; , ,..,,, "!-,,,:,..pf:.1,;;*'..::,'..tts'44 gii.IY,C,/;,FY1'1=4. 0 lt ' January 15, 1994 - ,-,i .-cpt...,:, ,,,,---.24-% &w:0 i4...:::,,,,,-fir.....! , --, .f, ,...." orcr,,t currently states that money cannot be invested for less than 9%. to. , • , , ..,..; ..,-,•.1.,•,..,.11? ..-., He will review. Mr. Reitz said he wasn' t aware that was in the . ,-. ). .-1, ";...0.-V, , '' ‘‘..."'I.f"ir,/i.?le:14*,''14.:i•*7vi:To”, , ''` ,%.. ;■1:',..1?:'•' /.:;', • ' .'e i i9':•;4V...k' ''';,: :(.1v.:;e1 policy. . .should state at the highest available, secured interest ',-,..:62,,,v .,..i.7...w.,..'. . .,- 1 •,;14.. )...t.71,A14::;;;:, :..,,,;:f,::"..n.,,, rate. ,..,,,,,,:„...“1..,y,,,,,y,.w.cyc-1...t.,:. . ..4.1110i.p.,;4*:,-"0...,-,;Y: qa,.1 tEgar,itiiii;",•,:,It;PC;'6 f-r•-•;•;;:-.:::41 -7,. v ;,,,i '.-:'- •i".•; -,. .•2-, —.;a2S-..••1 Election Expenses - Mr. Austic went through material regarding .. ..;;;,:., ,?..,.e,st,-;,,,I;,..;;;:fti,X1 ,eg?,',' ,.12.;,01'.:Nei:• the election expenses; in 1990 the Town paid $11 ,241 . 94 of that . fl':.),-,11.cHt/(3y;;:1',.....":* „ .n. tiofIzil.`it '.:41r..i..7.A. $1804 . were direct expenses; in 1992 we had budgeted $15,585 . , r , ..'k.fi;,;:::,,,,;(1/4,",,he, :if-}:7$ ,,....-: j. 4 v.,,v,.1:*&,,,rw.', this was encumbered and we didn' t pay it . The bill says the :'''',' ...::: '‘;',',,,..: ',...,‘',.;,,',., ik44:-4,,,Y..,../.:::•,,,,,O-rssii, v-Fi i IPVT,TP•'.-1:::ki`,7fr!,...o,:-91.Z!,;-, 1 direct expense from 1992 was $3217 .14 . This year we have no bill 'J.!, .-e,.•.:.,. '.:1-... .',.;.‘,:,:‘ ,,,,-.4 4.flis,...“ received, somewhere we had expenses down of approximately i-t .,....41,-.„.fri ,,....,,AA,,p,, ' -,/ ,!...vftf ., ,.',”,,,i,..---: . 1 ' . :.:. riAv??.-“I'Xins'lmaCtAfe-C- $11,000 . What I am proposing. . . I am going to write the Board of Aii,t."44:4,f;tdr..*di.0.1.' Elections [Town of Ithaca, Dryden, etc. are doing the same] :mw,,,w, • 'Vei-rv-vil.n,6viYea‘4f.Akii saying, January 30, 1991 we paid $11, 241 . According to a court fl,..0,,,071.27N.IX'w4v,PlegS- e .:,. y. , , ::.:,,...,:,:,,,;:::,,,, ..„,key.i.v,t,,, :tri,v,.:,)&trw.r.. decision, [I will be specific] we should only be billed for ,, k 'eV r•grrf: 17e.Wqre'; 4/ I 'f =Le: :4:4Er.fte:•=.11/11.•;47440, i direct expenses . Last year direct expenses were $32,000 . Seeing that we overpaid in 1991 , we want you [Board of Elections] to , .„:..„,,',....,...‘, . 2t-.' ,! ' : ;;Iff:ii.,%-33'.c-t-,.'41:0,01$1.4., ,,- tiltitsiP5.X.t.$4,,;5. ; , ,.. .t. .1CePtri*. S.41/44iUr - 4W.i.1.4t.7.-r:-. .v,“4.”..4.4-5'4 / .4,i'1.4;4;3:r'71:0'1/4t"1 Cr'ilti-0311'' ..44.0wiqiiirt'Algi:X4P, t ,,,,;,. wry; ::,,,, •-•0,r,,,g, ' 1"•1/4‘ .41:Air take a credit of the $3200 . from 1991 expenses that we overpaid, which leaves us a credit of $6200 which should cover this year for direct expenses . See what happens . In other words, the encumbered money that we have would not be spent because we are taking a credit on the $11 ,000 . we I spent in 1991. I am suggesting that if they don t want to send ,,,Hok -.%-c. lit.,N,),t ‘ ,Y.,... h.,.,-,lici.ig,".1 . ...:: ;,.. -4.p:Ty,,,,..tm„,.,;..,,,!,- ,,,,,,J...,--;-,..., ,,Liv-:.-u,,..-.., {" ,oe• •f,,,,,..- 1/4.,,,#.‘'t„.-..t:tts..4 . , . . .,,,,...--....1,.4,,*,:.::,-,0 :i ,,,,..4.% .,,,, ,:-...,,,,,,,!,,,,„, ,,,, .,.....1,4...,-.W1:4&C'1'1' . ..,' v:1; ,,,,, „ ,,, ,.., us the cast , fine, but we want credit on this years direct i .• ....4:. , .;-vdn).....I.'''...'e'r''' ci -17'= '' tThl',: WI?,Y,s,..;.Y'reer e • N feei.:1-eqe‘e?..':etre'eir.4.!IIPitr4li 5 . r..:-.'.=';'-:.-rti*:,;;? ' :;(rt',WC:ittr:;•42.4:':Nr11;etet.111;Wki,ner et expenses . z..•'',..,,.. ,,...*,.'i.;:iti,e,- ' • , iti.,...,;,,..,,,,,y,,,$,',?.1,,w4.:),,-:-'1-1PT ;.•.,-;•,s,m,`-tniti! „, -••:-•.:', "',..: ":,, ,)-1.-,2 •.I ' Or '}*(411.14C eeli t '1=';=I `7: , rev; ' 7' .2.WeelVet FRiAl tWIRSI. All the other Towns are taking this same approach. ,.. .• ••• -;,,,,,.4,..;, ,„:„,■,,,,.;-{„.‘ Y.,.%--‘,"..,,, ..1.• -/ AX:se%ri:44,,V.P:i,'"flk, ."- 142 4 wc,,,ffek::41, ; RW't,tfAaMini*re3P, Mr. Curtis moved, seconded by Mrs . Stover that the Town Board /, ,,,t, ....,,,,.,q, , i' lg?,-;;Warlr0,444 authorize Supervisor Austic to write the Tompkins County Board of ..:4155'0At.PWW: 41 Elections regarding the election expense situation. tr , ircFclicf,n,Drz.z..Wis:' -: . .)•0:re fe-• eery;.41Ve. e'etr:t.IA:eV :iv,)44:::4%;:?‘)-1/4):::•t•-r 4"•:-.:f2,;,,,, ;,,,-m441,2,;‘,4:;4102,,,v,,,,,..7!: . . NV,'VP" Mr. Austic Aye ...vt.44.:74*14,1,i'ri,MIt'4".Wil Mr. Reitz Aye ,'W6y4.P.,.::71,4, 1:1/4 t.:::: 'f;,1.,:-,4-,34‘11::41 :74:2iti:tyi- ..?:2.'.;.!!ied:.., :c.er.' / `-frat71.7 '..*:;?;4114;::.&:C! Mrs . Stover Aye f.,1-:--14.4,77; %1:01,m1=A2,c-4,4' Mr. Curtis • Aye 424\-..ho..}•!44t,', ,...c.4:0.f.ta: .t.,.74com,,,r1i .,,,ria,,,,Attembm-1 Approved. ..7.,...,,,,,Qw,:q ).:.„e.,,:r 11,4131142W,42',1 ,k,AX:AV.fciPN t444P'jc"!A"2.-)e-C “-- C ;,,,,c " '41:;41:;;I'114.1iVi54:qdWAY-, '40a-PY:Cit'40cY"'Th.71: 71 Hearing no further business, Mr. Austic moved, seconded by Mr. .,,,4),.19,.;4,i4•;:tiy.'77bt,...::::::,...,71, w. *,!52*I.,1;n:litl:g,:6.4W. , c....ti“.pp,,,;.,: 0,t.,,..0,•,.. Reitz to an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. 9 ,. . *.,(cv,ziyfeykiwN?..1t., Unanimously approved. -fle.',.:,,.%.,.4.4.7,...J.,.:,,.:.,,,,,,KTJ. .. . ,M44.7, 1 .-...5,f•:.7-:;:'. .:1;. )!, -.-:,:8,-s: ',•1" .40NMa*11:14 Ythillw". . n-',/i,'.4“d!.”..'or,,I, " ' f•"1.1"`"q1143PittIV44 6'f eAf‘trew Following the Executive Session, the Board returned to the ,..zi.',-..:-4..,,-;?,?4,=A ci,,'-e:', ..-., i • 4V4IXior, Special Town Board Meeting. Mr. Curtis moved, seconded by Mrs . .; il .q.„, ,:•,:r.?„.,, ,,--1:-7/.. c..“ k .§. Stover to adjourn the Special Town Board Meeting. Unanimously 1,*#1,:wl.W.cfrilfr,,*:10 ,: ' , ;.:,- ,,..,.. y.,.,....• t4-.N.,.ri.:N .Ti-,kr.i. approved the meeting adjourned at 11 : 45am. : rt*: ,.V4.5A54.r.tts.:Act . • il. . Respectfully submitted, ill;.:::::'4 : t:. : : 1 ,,, 1..rgiV * ,=■,V; ;,,:# ',T..:CI:.',';',":.: .•'''-:.'s,':.';''e'l:4 ),4•?:Ottet*:,./.;:•....4, ftnoll,,i•tsv, Paula J. Mount Deputy Town Clerk ..51.,;,;.1e4V4t4.A.;",t4sitiy;.e.c.,•,,,,-4, Y.4. Th044kit444' tii.44!,,E.3, 'Si,.',140*$Ori':CM'AIZIgr.;“'0 f-".14,4;iketv:,,,*•`;,...,:.:KVASS-,1,.;f L.m.v ,, ‘44WW1.0g4iN61,PM:' 21'?'10101:!,.:!, ,,:li:V;;4;.",.:4 C :, .., 1,01.':At-40W70.'W.,t;:v .:,.:4A ,-Micliiitt3:0.r,,,,s'Az`-;tritiieiA. ,....f.. c:/..,:l'"-ti.t,.),,‘.-,s')44-.44;'.,,c,LI ",trli.*.W.1.t Cet::q,',%Tvct'.‘:-1,-Pc-i: ' 44;,,' ‘'71-4.-::',,11%,...;;.04,..,;.:(4.;- ',1 -"kt,rif.g7::-W.C... ;..4.':.,1.-i..,:..; i ,. -;1.,;Yg 1 -HAP...',%'„vi.Y.i.Y.:.!H.:', ""''' ' (10-..V!..t..'...o.,Ittl.'.14,,:',--'Y'::7-11:7::5: JC' - : ; "Yt“.1, .1,,< ,..W. :1/: - ' -cifftghi:-.-,.(-:3);;;:,':;e,,,v.:„-;•-zt,......, ! .ei,;i:::•ti,:,',,' ;',,, ‘;:.,+%,,..-..:,, ':, : . "I ). : '- ', ,A.", . 1.: ›inY,-; :ka:2:;....evy.-J.A.=: ; " : ;,', •.. ,„-,; ••...-"Atk`c.::::,..c.,2..:•:.::•;.,,,I.,..?,Thoip3 :'‘:',:`,::'::',i :.;v.,: ,., 7.,,!•$, •,- -Q,:..3,',':,.;.-...?..V.;'.:,"(v:;.,,v--fr.i.. 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''.‘f,...,..‘g*,21.......p.-J,-;‘,:,.,4'.A.-/..--,',';'-'..-!..-,,, - C -1 „ !-‘,:,-';:..: '=f.:61-:VtriWeiAli,02tan?rnaliVitt.V, ,44,•,..e' - ' pre, '". e kr' II 4 'go, . •1,7.:,,,,ct, ,0: 44.4, ‘,„..pt p.Lt... 7trik,..4.51.vortfo-4,,v, toianwo.,,,,A>,...,..;!)a,..pii,::i...,.:.. tiy,„.. . ,,.,.y,:.,,.... ......ottia:th4ago, ,,s.4.4.,,,e... ., vjek i (44:1) 4 A • z's.. 24.1;.1, -.., ??,,,,,k!..,..tv,•04..: -`-'t,4.,:v x.,?. r5 f:Ataw.,,c11 it, 44? ..J. .,(t.A041, ite0..4445,zch,N4.1.q.}c4?it3,.):4. .,*.,t-:.:/:', 3.:5 +;, 11.tm#Ii4e4i/dsrfeoggty 4' 4,1,, ' , s.;. •t,1447‘. fk. 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F.`r t.0:4t r I .r1,4.Fr ; y }Yy .9,'�yt .t., y- �����+• r {s R' # �r, -?J U�.>75.'fI A / q}..;n. t i•rv' f � ;t:!": 1.� c��,i;• t 6 F:»7'�:%�4pi,,.�r r'{ �� LrF'b��'ft�,! p) �1 rr, s s f P., c; ;ta4,,,,o. !lit .e, ,` �f' ( 15F y J c a 'e• i i`s. :, ,A1• ,% .. 7 .r i!a' f..�;�G+ trt�,;,$r ..571° {1. ,. ,i. "kb S,': •., '';G,,,,r';ci i.1 ...1riYS '"/S'', .i ,r.�• (�" YS 4ri...'ny$'.' .fix. •s.•. a.. -- t4 i,.,.1 Li, .„n>^-'}i!.l.F l+`{.r$.a ..r :.r,,.5t`'r., d t k.,7f:V / I �YF s'6.,J ' nx /:i'Ale .f�L"-S `,l(xr• . , `i:lY},. t r`'li is 1 e , + n�� . . '!".w..'F'�:,�'�iL T«+1:..a::�a, � Y'y(.. J:�{�.r� '.h 1 f .s� v's G9a v /�i �� i g� �r � �( rf'31?i s s' r�rs3r b�'dt 34�§i'{32.e i it YA + 4"eilO ,ryy n ,L6,.` 4�,9i�ritl3 i 7r�b,��f)a�,i J . ' rfik Ht�° i,`�M•• �lii,zt`�AAl &�7 :r14::*,`,'`y5 c'' PV r t ' f. ,:t"4 :,�,4 '{ "�tF iS '; N 1 H Jt i f il'O i' '7lr fl[ ' !r ci h,n tit��Yr�+ 'r.t.1 ,„ • f?n is ., rt 1 tsi•'Y ss iCq ''s s P .g ' i x ,'!d . Y 3«' rfr�51k :n nitkt t t'tJ J + r°�t*!F r 4 t , 7 ,} Y , .• 1 ., ii li r2 Y ,�a r '• % t- y '- ff�+'tj}yrPY=k43', ,'at 1 4t ,1 f�?t F . / x t y," .,1A , Y t 'try TOWN OF ULYSSES "s t w l ;, ,,, y¢`y PLANNING BOARD MEETING , :, t, 5 ` irr,. 1 y' ' , >1 ; '�;" ,;,J JANUARY 17 , 1994 H y; .t; i., ^=/ntecr: TOWN HALL 5;vis r t5t ai,41; 1,,./1.,:::,,,` it ldt Th., ' F 4Vei:Or1'*f� r 3 " 1.•;:;.: $l¢ FAt1,J} to* PRESENT: ACTING CHAIRWOMAN: KRYS CALL; MEMBERS: GERRI KEIL; , + ,• ;'; S'r '4f' '✓� '� '?'°�-r', `�2 DAN SMITH BUDD STOVER AND PETER DEMJANEC; SECRETARY: i' '�' ROXANNE SMITH. ,• t , ,J s K r+';' o n, , it i f'; *z:. , i"" r r:J 7' -4 °p,t, ,f '„rci.wp,4 The meeting was called to order at 7: 45 PM. The minutes from : ; F, ' i r �. $sLJ",.�,ei`M,`;.i t , the joint meeting of January 11 , 1994 (with Mike Stamm from TCAD) •' „r �) zkt + 'p `� were reviewed. The changes to the minutes were as follows: Page , Y, t � i`(rv,N.i: ri't.'a/X.,3 '�' g g : ■ +r . , `�"1 rt%;a nw'7{'ttt,4sett tq 2, first paragraph, 5th line down from top, the word "vest" should 5 ,t> ,, ;`t`-7 / Fi"t!'y 5P.• be invest. The 2nd paragraph, 1st line, "information about" should I., &I-: v4'c:t�, 1' li w be added to "After sharing. . . " . The 2nd paragraph, S lines up from ' :r `,';��f i� r,•,-1��k bottom; "funds" should be funders. On pge , he 4th paragraph .h" $cp >..�J,,,e0) +•;,ri_L up " growth" ,. 1 , ;1 , y k� down, 4th line u from bottom ben there is not rowth should be , 2t , n ts,'2. 1 ', tip siYRNT "been the no-growth philosophy. " Budd made the motion to approve r ` s ?' •`u � �� n z _ PProve , t, vs) nr ,. � ' t �Fr: SY' w� the minutes as ammended, Dan seconded. The minutes were passed unan- e' f,+,, , ; ka a f imously. A copy of the January 11 , 1994 meetings ' minutes have been t Y, r ^ F r sty j 'r 3 it ,rlf : . sent to Members of the Village' s Master Plan Committee, The Town of L Y ° rr' fi �x�# Ul sses Master Plan Committee Town Board and Alex Rachun (Buildin / ' "' t r, ��} . `? r, •,' Zoning Officer) Roxanne will, send a thank you note to Mike Stamm. L' {,>„ p ' ;y"`�i,f• ' 4,•%st$- s5t+l i b '1 1 .'1, i ( 'r� •,, y �o.��: h . ai yt {, 41?� ; Krys asked about the Members ' thoughts on the last meeting. . , t x ., f �k71> ."Frr;' S 'x • Gerri mentioned that there seems to be an impression that this : ,; `J rt ,i ,t . t i;. �liv r; 41v4F particular Town already has , and has potentioal for, Agri-business. n;-• , .-, a';;r' r ' . �, °` "/'/4t, ; -.*t '` : Agri-business being something that you don' t necessarily put in an '• °;.n{h�, ;=i , ,Lj"' ' ` "; x r*'� s�^ industrial park. Cottage industry and Agri-business as two major " -;;-. " ' � �i " ) ` � vt,,,rI , r `r developments that we could look at, don' t lend themselves to what t. ; •, ,,, ty r p f ”'�$,,,� '.2,- ` 0 ; . the Members have been talking about in the past in terms of place- ;r =.1 '.1 a :"3r r ment (ie: commercial park, light industrial park) . Krys mentioned 7 ),.t. ?'` , ' y't� div4F "',y tr ' P 9 P Y ar` <, that they had talked about keeping Agriculture as an exempt use .. �s'°t throughout the Town. What does Agri-business really mean? It isn' t fx; p r t, 7 , >� ' r�i just agriculture necessarily. Is it only just growing things? �` t,• �r'r " ' 19:4u It could be technologies said Gerri. It could be research said • \ '' �, . ,`4 , , °'� !i�p Krys. If you are looking for Agri-business to support agriculture in 1 1:• S t'ri.. Y tt'!� .t, .1aWt , 't'xs''�i ¢ this area it' s never going to happen said Budd. The Ag market is =' ,' , r( t`�;, , .>r -1 tii ,Y ,'1r' 3'rx J t'Al ti. :t1 v :141'' .V a }s"; ` 1.^i' s '� g• research, emphasis theory, � Ixr i7,1rrY �- ystiy shrinking. As far as research their em hasis is on theor not a }�J�,'1 r : t,i • practicum said Dan. I don' t see how we could be any more forth t' ' trl' rFl •n 8„fi I hYir' r h{� r �,g Su coming then to have an agricultural exemption said Krys. The closest • , •, t\•-• t, , ", ,• �•.I ,',, 11 £ 1 thing we have would be Babcocks and Clock and DeCleux and they have , ,r f t 1 '' ;l ,:::,t ,illtv .t' ,;�';;. j ., all downsized. It would be good to invite them to a forum and let A W.e.t" ,- ;'. ;, t 't. ,.i ,''4,�j<Zr.Et,RUn sF t l ,n,t'7 , 4 *' i� , .q .,r¢f'iy 14v1,1h.400 ,,rt" them know that the Town won t stymie them if. they want to expand. , ,f'l -....-,n0:4,1:14-..--;),---- 0.' �t 'S t s ,y;u; t Their market isn' t here though said Dan. The Cottage industry em- : ,„;,rt,1-"�'. ,,-.7,./r,,,,, '; "I "'p rot ,t`v4iiimol � ployers don' t need an industrial park said Gerri. Expansion areas t4',,rJ,` ,` `�,; x a ,t„ t ';'1;t'r'' {+ ;> . - would be key for accessory buildings though. If the property changed ' , 'r ,,+;n„ i " , ' • t - u ry Y Y g 4 P P Y 4 3 r, } , + +> ItC":.•tlitrx{,rr5^, �; z hands it could end up being additional domicile space, said Krys. { f tt �,,c*i+ ; ti,�! q:tn{ The other suggestion of beefing up the tourism doesn' t require an 1.. ',,-•-, u F.4�r�cFr!'J,.�i 1s:, L�'� industrial site Said Gerri. (',r?." Yr +11y,, �?2`" ;zti ?3?,� ,H`tta �+' !� '. Dan said he really thought going over all the existing businesses a v r PkQTY �`+ ' fir and listing them was excellent. Gerri agreed. I€€ ` l t t a ` '�'P: ”' ..o.. ,yU Krys called Tom Niederkorn. The work on the water/sewer needs i r ?:A • rSM Y t 1,. Srh4 -'��cr,c� �,)�, �';�„ r ,' of the area will be ready in April. It might be a good idea to get ' ' t`; n t b,� ",ty input from businesses between now and then. Combining all this in- I. ;•. ;:, 4 ,= , rs t jn` t,:{•,r \tfir6 formation will tell us what is necessary and where, she said Krys 'U ; '`+u,�' !w`� d mentioned that because of her involvement with a daycare center, she ?� '' t „ , p • ntrr, �:y�. 3- g4 became familiar with ARC grants. One person that is in the group 4. , M f „'''F1.,f, •', . that decides which application gets bumped on for further consider- }, � r ,, t'1 fl z ,I•fl&' ation is Mike Stamm. He is a perfect person to develop a • x t x� { p p p good grant 1, r 1•:,; (,, t as he knows the system. There are people from Binghamton that are 1 'J •,_ ,, ixni,,� ' willing to help. She is thrilled that impartial people are working• It 5 % Y' •, on the report. ,* y i ,' i is { Due to zoning, the Shur Save area would be good to cluster r •, • ':;"_,,, ; `t�,f,"I commercial said Krys. The sad thing is that there is Village water ' , •X ,''P• r !t ' . on the property next to the fairgrounds said Budd. The Village has A + h \, lt,,,t(' t,. 1 I r , n 1 i 4 ,,P .i.i i !% =•f ' j t`{}, �, ,' - r.1°: 1 ) f s t <t , 1 if.}}''Y$Y$66 i}' ; '! 47i jrI 1 ' y t � t t t = ! , t . I fi rr ''rfi t ; Jrr 41- -,e r".SS ,-'A•t } IFt '.� iJ 1 ,� 4 F 1,,11, Jk 14 w` Cq ,. t .,a ?t 4 ; 1 1,�}'Y i 5 r t ).F �, ;.rY'rr^,x ; . �{- �, , ti• f y <f *'✓k• ,nt ' -r7 t .,, 9h'';+151 I i' f rt `1,%,* ' i=fi! .. i. 5t F1 =tk i}1 -tr'`sy:;q k vt eR 'Id ?' j,' ' j -:tk �s -r; ,•. e�br th . .,.t �! ,* + }'t +. , ._ 'l 3y ✓ '; t . it rJ �aY, �,5'rte?� .rt,. , Y,.4 ��t tr f 4 � w .y 4 ��,a't7 I''` t 'F �al}.1...(tAh,J,",ff y ,1 ? ,r (:� 7 . v,, i }(, Y ,s`,...C4;. :. a a �3'wl ,'iy "' t tif.C+oF u ` 'i, y A 'r''f,': ,c y"'='.5 n14 t ;w t Y.. t. tiyi :t9'ii,r' 3'�'+ } t f ' �� e tf' ,r. rd , t t' 4< t: ,.rr,. 'J t r:h( . .y.,kFi.y. t+�,' ' zir of "d'Y•I.S'W &$F,t.tf ?.1'-'`./ ''41' '1 't ! ,�"''�A '. .1 „ .'�. .;4 '. a.' b waf Fi A tY J S Y p.. e t ."+'1 fSni,• LY: 1i .,;." ,ii r 1::'A A A Y .�, 4 f3"35;:ot' Yr Gh:+ ;,, x.`k t NL .t i t o .` 2 c ,"j 1 N 5: tfdr.�..t". 41�4273.(yf O r -t.,..�.�} '. ., 'yir,4 r_., Y, 2u 7N. r 4S�`. 1 S . .1! *!, . A tre“, " trii..eA , r F r .4. , r 2, 4„j ' ,,,,..., jet? i a t' ' ' t: t • '• .,/P: Je• ., , !:r�: . C r 't t f 511: .�. r !�' ;{$'�t. h t,Y r.at d X 't,�I� 2.m � �, 4.y t"y$t;¢. -0 .t., � � t 5 r , , ` `` ,.j { � u tf:clr,j��{ �,} �"�'r.yet �)Fi�Y..:l' � . s3' .+ �' t, t , rr ? ,'. .t: t.t,: ti i� ,,�, ' `N +.�JS r l ".1.'i``'uc i'`3 l D(r 1,- ,S, ! 4! �'ytJ 1 4' },,,• 3 g ,}, p'•f,'. r � ,A' rY''; xis ',. ~ %.zi'.fssr;,S!?.<. ,r,y ;'44. .,.. " , '<f°,,�,' '/;,'t`, �•- ? .a,'^l l±„# s}} <"! : y^.:-,p5v ')T'^. �� .d�.e, {,.l ,u l•., ,y,-. t a.t r.1 tit r A e a e. '> ,;,t . a s, ld;rl:-- , .,:. ,, r r, 1 i,: t�, , " 4 �h , qq ! `rktf}4 4 . 4 i•�, J '14''-r; .n - ,; , • ,.. "`' “ .4,ed:_.y.1 £.; tv' . � 'r} r�.t���tf � `�'�'�tyA� �.lv'i}S . ,{. S ]p�,�0. 2,, '`�..k S� r �,+r .i�a. ".<�.�:,..1k ;� �l'f.,''4�.r.t�,4,-,445.0:?-7.7%;n4-0.044.y { . �a '}t sce :'Ss`9 ,`��tv�f t� '�"i� 3�b ''�jtt^"Y r .SP ,'„1 ,.r .t`< yn. ';; 0 y, 4x y1' b':iu �' v )G: jt"'i Y e i.rs.i '::^'1:' '.x .4'.- i.it ..""."2-4.)",Y,:1 t:' •t'� '(:;.t... a t (�r .t,e t \. 'ifetti r`„,b' .t Y?. t t t ” ;�x7 .f..; x' �>.),+;Sr:'iryy 7 + {• A .T$44,0 1 ,rP..{f! 9'Zt—B 1,:-,. I s,.. ",' ` i.:sr',;i,r,^,f l t .1 l ti 1b , . F 7..2;�-.b` ,� t. r n r� t } t ✓ 4 � r t w {I '.•7. . :,r',a• f`., } .* Vit.t2"rAfr ;,tCS s r E , t^ 1. �! , �- „ Lt. , a . A,{ : _;. a2 , `), J., _ ,i [re 4 s . „ r `Je , + "J , J + t•• X ,? '',e-,,,;,,,a;r v. �r,�",•c.••{'fir k v i �r(J” 1, t .. rS .ir1,,k .F • i e ,As..,,,YL t t k r',.;+ . ,s ? t Ef { , `, ' , • J ,s :. i . ;NI:,.+.t �}:t y,rA) `^Y k d •AL J♦ t 7 t. f M t v t. 'iVVVV. �� i' t 7 ,1 1 Al 4 i 4 1 t•i t .1"-�r t v M.{r 4 -, r. '1 �rF u 4 t . 1 , �f�•, , Ala . , ., . 1 'i'`^r 5f k f I , i . '.r _ , , .. .. i s , ,s,'At R s ` n5`--•c ; tt}� i'FF ,T . ,rw'�. '6""'` gyp} + ' i . ;3 JtlR)M.axid.'+U."Y ' .:,V N• N. , ..:. , I'. )y...,,• n ,. t. ,,Y1+ H.�S` ,y a u to n-.h• ,.'}� k5 'C�. ' ♦k 4 � i .i{• A. Cry,! 17.11-`1• 1, t'y' „ fr ' �,t,S i '( i e.".-f 'Y. i' t :',, ,r`: .+4 ,h .r ar• ,. >0. [C;4',,•: ∎� a f wrial ti i;ft,-„ x� ,e,S 4,,,,), ti, li.14 �'t4'„ ,sh y, �itiw" r•, ri x �'a< •` ' 1, ," f,. n' i, t'. , ..t,.,..rr I�},,t;. t •r�1d,. •1 ,r;,;ae3t b }' • • 't ? .In, i:'s: # ¢*<,'"Kfe t I'm',s. I 4.. .to 't ' r'Y.':t';it ti''y. C, .. .. it•IF'�y y, �g.. .Yrt rtnb'^. 4.., Y ,• "»R-r ft.t„i�v:.} �1 � 'M. .t :�.. }i'!LO,f l+r" j`•" }`.t�' `�,, 3 `..t`1 N4 .+ ;. �'tt.� Tv``'(.: '� .i � v4 I" .F ^" ;t3/J?w 'E'�i r-0``� t��f. i r f t 1 /i • I 1}9 ,y t' .r t i �..' t tr` j 4, t; +,'. .''{���.,`� ) ty+ ° 7.I?St ',};fU,,tfaA r4 � d`t �7�y,3`ts`t�.`�ft'�xiC x �3.tu��'e�'�tz��� �°�.t{{T•f�, J '4 Ij �r V S' �1:'S. SY Y `"r I rJ r is:; • , .i_ ,y , '� •� �S,., Z } - } t. 1i � r•' { t "ka n tYt'S ` � f � r7 ya(• Ir��fr1 � '�-y�'};+° g'3o xy�tiYt �}~ S•7�`.�I .� •: t• ` 9 } y..rycJj :P�ti;;,y�7 1 j ;./..„1-4.,-..4.714 x . ..!" ( k,r rJj{"(n y>_*.• rf�, ?f }'t, .}•Sl3' , s 1 :', t° . .,:':h•f 'i 4 r nf}'..f r } .k„ 3(, , '4 t'„(-4'1-f ri.rt r�'.t. } 4.1,,, :Ir ti t :;Ik .d•hG +, :i-; •,t. 'r . 'A' i {i1t S r f5 { .ei 9{- 1k1: , . +gY� �'�t .S r< th ;n z.(11,,' vF. 4b1! '-141-0%,e' • r.5 ',,,,14,,,-, ,.. ri y,A^, r ��tt��cr �:Y )q , v,a .{ e ,.• - : r ft. i, [S'•t C Al 1ft 45 rltl•,.4tt5.t,4'+�ry. 1 A,t",..rfi.,it� t a ...,{ +Cr. „ .1 -. , ' r }•,'4 F •'� . +i 1Jc i,�S1'!t� II�t4�}�4C'' �/�� +l4: i ly p1 J.ik I4 i jj . c• 3,; t t ,'F t 1 1 ; J'i yv.%} � Y 'I fir{P FYrvM U ,.tom t )i 't R�;, N 11iir( 1 JItI j .4,, ' .I f, t' f Y,')', i' `k,t H f SC x5,7A, !f •.y .fit 1 t I F ',I 4 „t TOWN OF ULYSSES 2 t PLANNING BOARD MEETING g5t. ; r+:7 .•? *',. JANUARY 17 , 1994 "r '.)', ', r` '` V' TOWN HALL 0!'_ .' I 'd, I r'' got problems,. they know it. They're repairing breaks about once ri :s x„`� i. : a week, said Dan. - , _f1 41 1 : Yy,, l i f:f F 5! ' _0ti t• ia,E The Members decided to come up with all the people who might 7 tr`• .; . xIIF want to do something in the Town of Ulysses. They are as follows: , `: ,<r,1,t1pp. Participants: Jim Seafuse, Bill Auble, ISA-Babcock Breeders , Inc. , 4 r + . s ' : fi � ,t y Clock & DeCloux, Charles Houghton (Houghton Poultry y f ,;+:�y,� :. ry ,^s r 'r( Farm) , Pleasant Grove Bed & Breakfast, Robert y F ,ig -nor : 1F.,'�r *Iii, 0 Weatherby, Taughannock Farms Inn, Michael Kehoe, ' � I 4 . 4" i'l.1 }, ='I f ,^ Bowers Fuel Co. , Inc. , American Legion, Cayuga Nature f; I.,,7esc. ,3,2r`: fayiN7. 41A Center, Tompkins County Trust Co. , Tim Maguire, „I '. , 1,-4 ;', ;t>, Ulysses Town Square Businesses, Alpine Machine "I , ti. •. '+,t',,.7 1'}s"'rt - Shop, Honda Shop, R & J Cafe, Spruce Row Campsite, , '. is r/fl,}!, a' r ;i;`0T''S- x 44 . Westwind Bed & Breakfast (and any other area Bed „ sf''` 4; •I -:1( i .i`",. 4P2 and Breakfasts) , WPIE Radio, Nice N Easy, Bill F 4 it5r z+�Z' w^ e Holtkamp, Moores Outboard Motor, Richard Orzeck ,7z ":r+',r;rz t '44 ' (Veternarian) , Little Venice, Joe Farrell, Ithaca " � " ` �'� rat Yacht Club, Trumansburg Fair Association, The / , '',',,*. '� ci r ,alter; r = .. `'fI r• • jI�;.3,I�, �;t Glenwood Pines, Regional Access, Hammonds Heating & c ; 5 , K} Y Plumbing, Steve Weaver, David Golden' s T- Shirt ? r < .. Y .+ tt r r t,.;: „"4;1;:;rK,:QP4 Business, Decorating Den, VanDeMark' s Modular ), ',.., • ' I 1•+`�',•Xa'F*,V;. Home Business , Podunk X/C Ski Shop & Center, Finger- ;;', .f � • t ix; t Lakes Insurance, Special Children' s Center, Roger 7; ;44;, ,I;,./ ;.,•';f:', a))' n .5 Koskinen, Haights Body Shop, Hoffmire Farms Co. , �' t trot rs , , , Y' ' y, Alpha House, Trumansburg Public Golf Course, I.. , r. ,I• ,{,, ; {m'`4 ' : Trumansburg Tree Farms & Nursery, P & C Food ' • '' 'I'''.621 "1 -%):b45.114 s4 a5 Market Ponzi ' s Antiques, The Collection and Grace ,;;;.;`241,,11,') ' ,, ,e;=, rr '. ''i f�;i>' e, Riddle. . , s",. ; •" � e .. tkS•5 Eta>'1$.f�I `� ' l, (� iaj i ""'7 Guests: Members of the Trumansburg School Board t,.{ _ 1 ?t't i. b 1 ,I , g � -.. #, ; , IA s,;11,,; N L 4 t; t A j qM ., . :� S.K (�1a%Side l'k ' S -'; t , , 11 I �Ii I`R ' 1F.1 tie" .a w i ) l � ,,,;; �� r, .y. Fak r The questions that will be asked of the participants will be: <+;�l I), I�, < ', 'f it w r iYr jt • : r+{t 'S' !if Do you want to expand? , What area are you considering to expand in? €s + JI' r4 r5 <S Py�7 Y P r Y g P in? , y11� ,,ri }r § ';ii lt� What changes are needed in zoning and infrastructure that have . t; . ` 4 tt ir< ' impeded your expansion? c .. `+x� '..,ri rri✓G< F,SA1 x Sy�SL+�. t"s�.,,s t r^ , 1 r t „ t ' `t. ,`� k t.1 a? ` anything. asked Shequestionedrwhat he saidoaboutMike job training. about °, r ; F f ' {•' t'`1,' jL+Wprl . thought the reason there wasn' t any job training anymore was be ,t° ra ` I -1''a WOI A; cause of the unemployment rate (funds were no longer available) . t ';'1 , ,1•;r ', ,! ' ,41 ,7 Gerri was really curious about the low unemployment rate. Dan said r ; i k, ,','ry1 } '' :>Jrs) t• ,� that they' re only counting the ones that are registered; that it is �•' < 'r• . t ; F>1' c, `cxi ; an arbitrary number. They' re working at Cornell for low wages (their t , , , ) , z',' ' • t'I . t ;' hourly wages are not good) . The Town of Ithaca' s fire fighting T1-- f " , t. 5 t, 17Jit kf p,' a .I_ •.,.I Y ff;�I `r , ::2 .. budget is being eaten up by them. They have a monumental impact 4 VgE: rY - r,. ,.,+ on the area said Krys. 4 . �, i}Ytx net rn tp�• i . `nr j4, ,t r r 2,AATR '` , Gerri liked what Mike had to say about Groton. Dan knows an ;rs r,'?'! , j,` ',r ,lF,r 4 individual involved. He said it is just a matter of time, that the k' f ;'1' r' r+ i'r ttys a , Iw I 0 search is on. Krys liked that a banker was involved and wondered f 't ` ;{w1 ',; t`∎ if the Village of Trumansburg and Town of Ulysses could ever have +° ".� ' r -.-::,:::,.:1'c. ,41',:,- ..-,1,1.-q4 something like that Dan said he would talk to Tom Smith TCTC) . t, t=' t44: , ., r i yrtf , One of the meetings should be to have Mr. King (from the Chamber d .t ' '''''' 'u �xf2L of Commerce) to come and speak about what tourists want. Gerri is ; : interested in the statistic of how many tourists come to our area. . 1? i •;tt ', ', ' ' .1 ,` Gerri made the motion and Krys seconded. Roxanne will call Mr. King y''a „•, '.; ',}Iii to try and set up a Monday evening date. The same x� f. + j iI zL ; Y P Y g groups will be ::• invited to this session as were invited for Mike Stamm. j; ! " " ` y'S' Peter mentioned NY State at one time was trying to encourage , V*tj vineyards. The tax structure has been changed so vineyards are no `. . I • ' '. , 1. 1 r longer receiving the tax benefits as before. Horsefarms will be hit next, he said. Riding stables aren' t affected said Krys. I , _ The next.meeting will be Monday, January 24 , 1994 at 7: 30PM. (, , , ,; , );;h The meeting adjourned at 9 : 10 PM. t 1iy., 1 ..,:, v� t6r 4• s S`1a}' c 1 + - , i 4 , 'trA.g t e£I,1 si 4 41 �t I t s) 'b t t , ^xabi a•. a,. r•., uPi ,.. q-. • P Y 1 e,.:.c}, .1.,.,,.5 i_" ,'1,i: 14 .I;li"aYy!•< ( bs ^ { r,.p;4-5y 7.441 °d � ' 'i e}t..'." .0':440•}}. "`�° rY" � "Y��T,y�,. K . . Ft '{`*k. Y11,4,(4.:4,> �Stl 4.41 r IAA s 4';:',.1,'•,' .,j i i} +!!, !.•�� t tirl: x.e }�ar 4 d'tV°Y;,bl 1.:�b k1� �,R#,+. ��5��- ) Kay w e f� � .Yi{ "� � � �..'"4.r , 1 .l�r faa Y i, rI' i � ‘ '',•{‘L'. r ° ;� , t r ,i >t � v i 'S'YY, '$.d° '�:ro .k 4� .I, •rfy,,, _�'1 '"� t A d • t 6,i, �..`C s. =, '� jai }11k,a} ,y t d �`� tw ' x :I& � t + c t�k ,7 a,t c,. mt 4 . ^`�';�,r� S� ": rr'� �3.�•L.±° �x r »�, � �'i l •� +' a .,31� r.}4 (31:* p . t t '��4�`�5 cam a 4 t �!2.' J z: r„S v,iri'e�,,',ir�V a1, .9. 1.}, 1 -, ) 1, ` } `r� �' te " k t. ,: �yi° . t 11 F��§ S , �� ��,+�� isi`�,°t ,{+.t' e. {-t; a .f �, t!fir €. ' .k 4 a��ws<'� . .ti aN �F c }: Ks r Fw b• .. 1 ��� �t•a � � . � � �r,4rk'� •�f''a )1 �� + t �' s + r r �ttr.. ,, •1 tt , , (Sx �` 2 `y,.c.f e , t y, ..9 :� + ¢,, At %.a t`• 1:`':td , rs,.y, t j , '}, �pT �( iJa' t���'..(�� :. �3' `" :a '. �*�iT.t �ri`�Ro }. � '�' 1 1N*..: .�.y!'� tpr � ,!.(y' tt�,.. Pt ,+ri�.L'7"� $ey}1+s�53^yt1'i'1� ttr ! ,.c,,., a t I dti f 8i a°w�i,. 4 , i ^T. 4 � rFy ,�yt • ,t tN.iratt+ ro 0 4^L` „ 'x.51 lv Y + S Y i{' jljp. .t1� .. "F 1 ' ' n titiv� kiezt: i )a,a 4r f tiry ! i t, ;t, . A��,,! �� r � ';,1 x t 'r�tt1.. t t .� .�, p�t�y. ', 'k3' +�#10�i o-I ! .`� �� k' �, { '*$�, d + ,� t:.,�t,7r�nr;V;tr, "s•'' ' t!'o ' Yy �y, f n: .+ 'i ;�{r<1:.1 ;; 9,{{��,�,;; ,«4tM ,,1� •t.'^•`,�'t'IY+, >' :'P;.� 1••1,'�.+�F� }•r 4".:r ,� �,�n a ,.r'i'�a:r a' ';e 'tL} v If `.a;:?.>. , t # �. 'S" .� r7?>„ r s .Yi' q 3 x « '1 i ty ,�:1 ,(,,5 ,i; ,'7� yyY !�'.�! ' .F'.f'' enxyt�y, �.'d'�E, jj..Ii. .,'.;%rw�' ..mIi;:!`G•C; , Yt ,, {y4'✓ 7.5 rtl t.nL J}9 �.:41j.+✓ >I' a , .4'Y tr,.. r `35:• °'�U ;V :,`rr.I": ii A�i''sr y t a-44111 ,; 0'i'i.t'i + ,•f s'1 f y.Y't yt r .4 '3„I,. , tl''Po iy t> tiffs;. f,Y �2;° is ,{ r •. '.+ t:,J ,�� *,s1�4t' `7y� cr.,tt, n' �;�r}�IA�;�k• Iyb Y,4 .3:1 arf: ,a� t '• ,e i, j •}tu•el,�r-`', �t'S�,k �.:r.hi 'i.t�..x..,, � �.,L:. ) ai����i,d� .h�{�"ry�>�., �� � �� a�{jr<`c.,•.G.��.�3'x}4��Y'�'U{4';,••.P tji;/; �,*4��+ .q:. t.::n , p t 9::k,1 3 Wit' ;.ai x•+:r . "i:. , l : '":'.v.'.'.',•'.,b; r.. r: {',,tT7n„v fL lu+Tap .: i a. it, Y..1...�%. +k� , i.. .Y: �„ ritp "t}' .,•d.. v, qv,i4hih 'h ty i t 1 h ,[ i y, '51',717',;:. -7`L F, j:-: t•6', 1• 'L• �. �,7. y . tz t� .^I f,3: •;•'+ , �I hibk�' .0 fhN �( r . tl� A �•: t� `Y. y, y�i 5yG ,(' 5 1 5 J �.� l 1 I 4 "y 9r*:;�.:A• ' 4;41,:,;1.-:; q l'.,1-(fl•+'`, .+I F.Qf}U t '•b. ,1K F id j � Eb r �'' ,ti}I:,tt.ricer .e J, .:zr 4. .'r.„ 1 ry i,r r y,1', L,. t`` �• hi,:P*' £?.y 7 ":i/la,..'. ":„`a`: `+ Y ,AS +cR'y ? ,1 '' ,I. ,.t s; . ...+.t6t •oit-,,,-1 .ri, ii ,,5 ` .7 k r't: 4- ✓z 1,41/ `d Y?.'.. 1.. ..0 n ,.6..Sa t. ,t. 0ir F . r,{ :S $. 5 as b;, . r , ., .a .;,,t, .:!'i. .:J JF, tb - . v a ',W.,7-4-r .{, {�;,, .,,s F)�;� `,`•:i 3,: ;.,s ,aV;w`{i"`,�r 1,y.,uYa . sd cs S'.=� �9F tla:-$`e-• FT=i•; .�s� � r.+sis �,�' d,'r�� Nr." :,� �„' � 0 ) + .;'tz15`'`i +r>,:` i 'Fa ya w5' �r'; , of tr.4. �' 'Sr {? ; �Yi 1 , +4.;. F,�stt''k,,Y ? �)'#ri t r .} : v !. b '�'... (PX.,� lAe$C �, ' t tp,• tri: rC ;r 't 4 , if r a% y jy�at.( `L i/f. Yd' L} '1t,7 t :k t. Tom ; Rl FM '1...:{ , .;11. L{ ..-r-, 4 s(tit-, !W. i + t11'N'f. ••tt } �: f i x ry < i1i ��.??,, t`�. �yr'�+K Y �r� ,,yy3 rat i < Q = 4 {..lr �t r f� 4Yr 17 ..}� 't, �� 3 ,�? t e}J, t�p y f f”' (t{(_ rJf l t .,',�.ft. , ,.4.1t;';-'iG >';rdi S. .tkA AN•4 Gk3T'Lfi�'�t` l 'at},.y6$A":$rki' ,°F'x to s'.tr: t h S F`'- +.'J.er .Crr`rt re ,.ti.,a i° ' Y y '�+(i i,:Crit sat !s. ."' 'K F ,'J4"ti,:�'n�1 r�° r..:z. ' ri^ .j^}.3 . Y,r,,,,r., t.p:A.( "r"'i( 'jJ,R1: it. .LAN z'�`...J o J*�a{!;in( l ,. 4,3 A 4.7.4 < < t•.t`:rc,,,rt;,e- 'Sd i.SJ,.Fr 2.0, ugh }}t - n: 't✓s p #, r r 4, ti t ti F 9'e A+u. .sr r, kJ(l Q4- • _ : ,cr 5 ,-4, t, ,-1' 34i,;.?.1tt • i '. •3 ..i} .. '! v4'4M1.'d l,' jj'Y'1 _ G..,,tTjft 1 . 'f)•: ry Y 3 .� � .$ l.SY Y. '.'I��MC.iYY�o:!,'L:ii 14 I�k.r 7�' tw13 .�1�4.X£',f(Y, {{' i' 1. 'S 4 !!". y{ t f . ut (k.41:' i. .f X1itz ,, ,j+`} ,,,,,-r tY t JS)}`.,;,!,: / r r.i° it J, W:16,,, (tr !{'e' t , 4C.%. l f''S ' r -" k.„- s.'t '}"r`tt„Fq,,'kfil / Jl {F r';.,) J( `„1 J YI • ' •.'-' . t j , ,”e it c- Sh yy�" `�{p! s�,5 ..1 "�l.t.. { ..ap, ,,t : . r t' ,it;'^, P'. •iY31., � /.4y e' .. t,r a "Sr t 1T S ��� ? �• 1 \}S��d ,L, r,Y ik' ,iL ru'��{;Pit 4,'l 61xU ..i.—L��:LY:a........ ' .7. �J 1• . �,. l.,_ _ i�' gi{.. ¢ IJ 'SYS s4.,i) ret! Si”,:.:.21V4145444; J?��5y, , 'f}jt it:.Ct,j)^tLt1`s y7J Pr i s s(�i ,4 t r .1 ' �i $_i{n � ,f��{�51 i1 F ,41 1 yI' i14PY:.. S.' isF`( 3 } }1 2 Yr ,t+ti ' .F H i� ' # t , t �= i • zi .4 a:rf t,��ill trt'` eJ D74 A� � cs:tE e fi rs'tf• ` 4 ds('s i`k "`+ �`, rf u1� i' r` .t r t v 1 3r 41:17t,' TOWN OF ULYSSES TOWN BOARD ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING A }$ a , t L ; ri .1'r^ ,. ,r+J.i a"%w ii.- 1 January 18 1994 • J'P Y ' ...it.,,;f ;yip.;'..*,,,:4A,;#4,...*, :;;; , t4 1..1. ,:° s 7 c i 11 1:',4'r �j,� . ,t.3}kf7t4 Present: Supervisor Doug Austic; Councilpeople Thomas Reitz , ! ,74 r4 , ,., r10,,,f 1.:01 4( rw. x Catherine Stover, Ben Curtis , Robert Weatherby; Highway -W •'`,L`^x11'4;''? ' t,t) Superintendent James Meeker; Deputy Clerk Paula Mount . ' ;1 o jt .,E }°'`C..4r G.Ir .. ;t ri. /...01,.7j�' 1.p 3 'j, r 3 ;.,," ".\•. ., y/ ° =YMjdf, Others Present : Julie McComb/Free Press, Lynn and Charlene i �'"r t f ��t 1y 5�°i * ,r�r l�.+i•�•��j'^"7gS ,j;µ �iJq'j�/ Boruchowitz . i r+ , 'ti,! '.�, tMh :S�rsr`�6f+w'� r�s.�'s yq 4* + ! s i r`'. + .0 ,h'kr �-m Supervisor Austic called the meeting of the Town Board, Town of , • uy •, 5' P.rf y t S,I�r r� A .:, -,-,.•.0:7`..„4.\1!)-9,-.. trc=t�<,� 1 r Ulysses to order at 7 : 40pm and led those in attendance in the s .a.ts1 r s -fy,vec V fr: �x 11 : r>"}::,':,•.4,1 t ii ---...-.• J ,( Y.. „ vx�,4, .� , 40 g;a �_, Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. ; .J z a L ,t 1n fu sf.,w44pf pti r.1 y i. • s xit'' ? 4 ;vee, . Mr. Austic entertained a motion to approve the minutes of • t k ' r s +�.���tttcyW, gi;l;'k�c December 28, 1993 , moved by Mr. Reitz , seconded by Mr. Curtis. , . i ' wJ ; , ; , '.;,!. ‘ M.1,04014141° '� Unanimously approved. , . i :t ery, "t41 , s F:. r a't r.,-, ,t�tt t tr1 .�. i ' F .;t at , .: �, Report : Trumansburq Fire Department � i ,' ? , ii 7 vri%V ..41 ttiNf , .W Absent . 43 -,:% , 1' , i5 t7.... 7 Lry "..".W ,ay14 7�4',4,2"3 t t t r' r'Y 5 y r C`14 N '' i+isi ,'�°• 1v r`t. 'V{ r } 1 }s{Ytts�f sl:r'. i Jw::, „ks. . ti, Report : Representative Peter Meskill t ` o 11S'.dzyr'f` y ., ��ry ” `r 1r `t'' i tr• rr{ '''&11::40 , Attending a County Board Meeting tonight . , \, - ) 3Mt tr ` , r"{ +'i.Y:} ,rJ' {t t y 1 5 gfi 1i t r \ r r$r”.f t., . ericv. }[h(.... �k }' sC)'+ �.' Claims ...,- 1.Z!L...,11".r .l-t�RI vis j '•t , .R r tiyt J.r� tr b ..( .,Y ^^r r ..,...,...•;,;e. rn v' J' s I'.,, • ark • t; t,= ,` Mr. Reitz moved, seconded by Mr. Curtis to approve Claims #1-14; , z,r , , • 4ri �. � ti ,J' holding Claim #3 and #13, for a total of $40 ,358 . 85 . ^� }r5F°< z"�+t v e• ' Discussion followed concerning Claim #13 - Pager for Justice --, 41'�F; s ,.> ' ` .;,.z. ' r�0•1 'cc ;>t, . Dept . ; decided that the pager should be returned and the Town 3 'cs 5v i.."'r' y A. '1' .��y� , t. - 7 c7`L', , r ..•r—,i >t i" t,,-f 1 will pay for this to date. Regarding Claim #3 Judge attending "r1, ..." ` st./. ; �t d: ', 1 e�4J, y�: yas r r , s J i'ti f ?ni si�p' �• T •• Assoc. of Towns Meeting in NYC. , decided to hold the claim for r, +;;w" x '`� t x x 'yc i further discussion. �' ?Q r y• rp ,3 " %,. i ,>y . rat A, t. ` w4. o �, , r�. Mr. Austic Aye ` /` ,° Yele,}7Lc t i4^s .' ' ' . $ Mr. Reitz Aye 6,,V ,lir;' r"i `tkiP,4,1ix4.',,a. ,, *M a Mrs . Stover Aye :,iF7r1 , .3"�>f.' ;+ �,1t'•., 5 5 i t d SYr 4 , ,P e y r.x i� , } , ;" i /4161 j 4' Mr. Weatherby Aye . f;•' 'r1'Ltiitni.*:; =ta„i {T S , . J .,,' • ,14 tt.t..7,,H. 4�a,� r axxq.�f.4,1.40.0 `��d4. Mr. Curtis Aye .,....a} t ,aLarku0 C,• 1,fl• yitty'+jf 4101115, °t 7' '„ .:' Approved. v y r r ��r �a s'i'Lci"'.' y '04 Y 1 UIIV1(t.i 4r`k H•' 6` r5 Y 9,' v t 4. ; . »..f kui.,alt 5 'r r.. ii♦r i,' ' ,r n t t ,r t , x w r� y f- After further discussion regarding Claim #3, Mr. Curtis movedt 7JIf k �5 ° tt, 'x seconded by Mrs . Stover the following: t f , ; Y 4 4F.: 0$1«p r S• �`, ��r' 4't.1a.. r� irfii RESOLVED: that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses eie.: °',,,,”, „x,54 , x' , , -; r ' ,xr t o r 'fin'o- 0.Yir : ,t r .pz�mto;tilt7�a rVIti'F`fir '• approve Roger Rector attending the Assoc. of Towns Meeting in NYC r•? t• c t= ,, ) ,,, t?t:t ''!r'' Wish and the Town will cover up to $500 . (including hotel ) , and the `,; :` ,,, ai ,ath• • t..' r ,iCi 'Skto A: Town ' , , . r i ,} $,tik .t ”, 7,,:rhC . ' Town will prepay the $60 . registration fee. �n'�7�r '��, Jt � � FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Town Board designate Roger N. M;3 -- _ _ _ _< tI g,f"Afer: �r:)"t.14ry�+S�{,jp.' 41 Rector as Ulysses representative to the Assoc. of Towns . % �' ' '.. i 't I y rr 3 {' ? z� t ' v Mr. Austic Aye , , r. °• t 'l#`'4A *,j ��5 �r• Mr. Reitz Aye ..';',10,:y;,.,:!,'.., , �,cs..;,'e> tlt .4 Mrs . Stover Aye ,JVs ty,' r° t, ',.f.'.`..1 a. ui 7�ry' As�l ' '�� Mr . Weatherby Aye i,r �?7i.i:t r ` ,r `..e ' 'r •,t 3s la' a � Mr Curtis Aye �, ?r ; i� .i. .,.- ,` '�' 4yr14 ,i1Jgk14� �'akJ{GQry,� t. ,�d(t,,i,! xA11;1 *4 APP roved. r ' 'i n..1.:,:,..!1:1;:,. ;l� , 'l;,d dii;A� + ! ytsm.,,,ijF'v\,p w 7 if J+, ,` tk<`r,,ift J, $ Supervisor's Financial Report ' ''• • n .t •7 +;i 1y t ((/tr P1fift F 1 z , :,• } r t '3 Li ; / tj 11 1 , i1Lf f 'e•31':40 J s FL. t s Will not be available until January 19, 1994; will be put in tt Board member's baskets . i' . . i (:„$,11.,, x %•,°ritp,; t51 . c. r • z'� it q 1 y ' +` rr ,t s , OLD BUSINESS , -,.•::..,....,:-. 7 CF): r r A L 'F' '.i ,Y: , ';:.Y:3',11. )1 , J kk I"j A ''LG.LtJ' . l t' Mi lkt.�t'( 's ` ' 1 ,o R, rk.' Jr � 31",+ r'y 'b,ay pst �s a V 73t' t ,• ' - I' 17” ,^i . P ^ t T V :it" J E2 1 ir.M Jr;! trf '.,:"O4 T }-kl JJ. il k" 710 .ovt-'2$ftw`. 1,e.; +',1•••......1,"..1:•.'t L , .,!• # �/,It.l.i tTj, } . t ,.r! .....Vr'. 44.il jy ' J :J... ♦" r 7 "1.`i Yt..ac. A'`."" .' .. A^!' • .. fij. i'2 6°[¢, .p M' i WYY. ��y, 't{`t sal f D, 1 y7 j P. ai l�eg.. it)r 5..��qz,, '�i w i�s iJ3.r i '+r. Sf�' " x it et i ., Zn't:; { r '1 e. o f i. r} ',i.a•i r r 74.v n it Xt: ir: Y4 �y 5,'" 1 •Y ■ ' ,..4 , 41 'it } ., r i 5..4,05 VictiVe,t t}w ,. s',C J v ! i 1 ,' , f<J ,p. ,W14 E ' , t i �.,f it a. .-r , " i . J tt;4 i F?'" pp'1,,*>17.Cf rt f i f • ;:a• °� Jz .a 1 � � tom � ' 'z" �, r'4 L�.. .A , 'r i • . r4 ?4� i�% i , �A{i+¢r�ry�rd��71Y�� ,���;ty��� -� }' , ,.� `�.;,q" Via. r k , t�."}J� +L,t�'ltr ,' .,°�+.�it4�'}. ' +7+�xnn�'iy�x�!'�'�t k,,y��;}�r'i,:4;�_° f i+�;'^ry t j ry ',;� 9: V 3 :41 ` i,.yt"N *' a.� 'Cf 'a r r {" 'X ..� ,!9rp :Y,:4, Y'y,gt,4 .., `..F+r{ ''?N,' . i t a4, r t 4 45J :1{ r i ', ij.,.Csry yix t 1 ° r. ' D , p r 1 ' i! ., .^..d` vGn''A +' •ti t C'.'u.1 '` 1 ,S, . :r s� `4 4�,�.- �yy J.. *d .w r y., : a `^ . , 'Y.,' 'i„}t�f E to j� „.0 p ., ri ,r"t , '„ . L.:. Ji. ..,7y,�.+t9..i� 'S+ �# .�' F••� IyS•,•`vr k,>.y ::;:•�:�C3' i` a i ,.;.l? i7a�.v.��:�7.,:;:} ta• .ra.tires-aim.'S1'r'i:��J, am.hL�•• �� r'1 ,y� ny k�C P$;�g t A ., � A: ii `.8. ,n„• ' �4 a” , y y )"0;�(>r .ry t•. 7"1ii -4Y5 ' ti +c, ft 4! :was i. t.' r• a 4` }} t ,,,t,-,,,,..,,,,,,, ,46 a o-0 Yr .„, eirlj;��r' )4.a.'a'r .)..„;,,,,,�`..a.„0-'34s". s.,„;1`... .,; .2,s,'.( .s. t., ,,-,1„ ` .t�})L,Y:vt .a��t� {1 $:j+°yi•',„ ..,,R i.d: :o `.t,. . R l�F: • =' " •`,ii �, y,i � :,,�!. 'w.0 7, k '[:.+�,r5� }Y 4.,r3:„, . y....'�. ;Lt.:s1n,..=S 2 rJ •x• i G.a r :*7:¢}.4h2�c< 'A"'�•'i�!>it F•;�::',Lrd�.4piE�. r'S,Eii i_ ,! i ' �{ 4 fi t::.Aa�'Sf. i:. i ,rti' . . Ry t >}1.5d.. . ,YEf2'•. 7 x t „ >:..J .v C n;; . x v,.;iA•ct 5, r' •, V . e'.'t,r''rw. ' ,{2W/y. , �s +,r• +ttYS.,t.'rrq. r t ,a -4: ! �1,14.C1;:;?// �r J J' :F�r.f:.:;,t`i r' t i'1'.a'iv ��'it' ' •1i � S�a q4 � i[L�x1c ��'!� H..'�p�.�i.4'�2a ."S.,•x y YIP r J.f �,.�tli D El,,,,'Y 0. i,, C ; }' t r z1 i ,:,S It 7 , s1 5 r h, .7.'x,ti%'i• i' L.l 'f t JY" d E t} i '.i `.“ ,,h;�d t.�t'��i';: �' �f If-,.�'S�:.ftr�/.�i�.� Yw�t�X, �/! 9b S: 'tr,.?, o J r.'r f t { acj, +i g ..,',.. . b' c r d f. r .✓.. .7!L . . ' . .i y' 15 , : - . • .VI`e tL' a,.,,!', viV,`. 'ti3lifij� t4 k . '. .t ��',1'l d a a • r L z7t f ., n , >• '4.;,:',`? 5 .- ' 9;.'0,c . S , s � tX• o' Sr �: b,�.'tJ'11 1.S ,f , x ! .i. f 1.�J t p �t �l,Y d-S�"s�,YR,11Y'„Y«'�.y� ' i}, y tf 3 „ G ,4 , ,y •tti r + _ i'. t t, C f ; !-' +u l� ^e .1 , f yrci tir Pi q:t i•:•!{ :tr w Z r � ri�� 1 4 / <' a, y' .:;... '`t4i f"Ct,•Fy, •"} „i L4 }' 113 tSy , ,* 4.11. 4,, 44,4 ,Yr*"": Vr**-.": ' ..• ' t : k ' . ' • ' I,: ..'-'°y..'; 10 1/-4 rt 41/4 . ' > e^1,74 re, ,-;.IN ,'44 , 4. t at,k.r• .,4. 2 ' .1.... & •.: 'its, .' ,''tl- , •v r 1■'-',,,,4 .-, t . ..,* ,i,,, '. i"7 : r $ - . .., # ^., ,;*•- '■ 1 .4.:1 '^qi. --1tzlott I,' , s Ef ciPl.rtr. . .; tb, • „,,, u.T...1. ..43.,,,,,,p.oet,44. t;,.414,sip.1/24 &Sugar .t vet,a kis i,0114,z,-1,t74/1,Ontik'.,:t.t-1,019,:.Oct,..f,ttektLaYie •.1n,04.1...c.f4t'41Q gie14..till&Aketta„,‘Pit41/6,9a0X,F.,,Y tr. • •.,4“4.1 i*: .° 47147 . :4:5- z.,,,. 4:,;,,E,\;147.42z4,i,thie4„,v4401M-Ee t b''`I.,, ,' 4#1.1tfla:"A4,,,W.<4,4V1P."Vgi0+1;r§ikttattTM riar"01,3=;?4,114,itc-ro"7, 74-4.-Xtvn"")1(ctitictep;-vildit•v .4, -.; p):19,`,44-4i..,4; j,',',.-. n44,:lyestmir*stc.r IA iuwoopaiL)144:0-:490,,,,,,fr};3,;:tTit,okktiwatri ..„;44,,mottlapeorial):fr‘_,:izatobwir tit )::47.t.,c,oft$,;(\s,-(!i,, ,1::,.:; r ...„. „ *11,4 ,:!/:.?4,7 ..:4,:4.■7.iitt t vitaClip#,A .ma% q 4 •7 it • fit*1 f,, ,s, It:, ,j,,,,,,p,itt,t,,, fijc:.t,./zirig.,,,:ip,.:.,/,,,,,,,, ,.....s.,oir,},i loy{,..$4.1VI:e.4'.4.“:.ik Vcrt,..40."frirAtft ,r,..4,,i. t9,4., -, 4 ,Tweiv...4z“,.1.,4 ..;+, 7 ':7 , '' ' "4-01::''', A1:11.:,41410.1y : I 4.):.,•;.,,t.',V4,....12w.plotill 'tc.j.7ifil.4::01;t.lek,rcitt) . . 1 10054%1CP/r“NaPp*I,As KosttaAmici,,;,:th,1 NYATierilcr4,p.)1*.J04 / ...w. . ..:wm,17,40 & .A.,,,si,+,4 !,w_.:).„4„.04. Town of Ulysses 2 41 A 4:11VC••; 7■ t; tsicif^10v^.‘",:P.i1/24'.'-', 1 t.*;i.2,;(:.^."YkitikP'ITP, 11' Organizational Meeting/Reg. Board Meeting ,' 1".1-.:,.." ,“fli... .i.,. 4, ve-,--,- 0 1.7,L7 %“N11,1aiaX1) January 18 , 1994 ,11, ,t\.N -.,z. . ,: :.. ”: .q i. , .‘1, :v..:5V1.-J41'1),P;v,%6- Yo ,e-1...v,. trri, -,2,W4i kt,- ..n , ;:;,i1 c `;'$"‘Yet` American Legion Water Reauest f.,I,■,,l'..,`•-‘,.:tol•a I N' a•‘V,' 41, , . ', , , - tri,oi-.xf;A?,.,,:A,.,:;:„,,;;c„:,2 ,. i Mr. Reitz said he had attended the Village meeting, the Village ' ;'..",:.t .t. ,:.( i..:17 -, -, ' 4,-: s, i -WI ''''.'21 ' indicated the Legion should submit a direct request and the W.-LI:', \ 1 :1#4.:' ".iC ,.,,-,, , )0,, ,-. " .4 '' 4 1/24A5,)),,, s,,,ywitni:131, At; American Legion will do so . Mr. Austic explained the letter he k&1 ,' C• had written to Phil Colvin. Also had talked with Bill Ruble who ,,,., *ii,r; ...',4.ttre:-cis Icl-':',‘-'- -p2. 1sr::',;:,: l will be requesting water and sewer for the entire parcel . , -Vi•-."`Icts!,i7::!..,,•;..rige.:,,tril, f t.7.,-:yr sc,, .. +4.1,•,tc,.; ..i.,..:4*--,q,:sti14-t.0,4,:,, , ,1,0,-t-^,•:-.'„i,--Ai,:,-;;;;;‘,Ap.,101 i Printing of Revised Zoning Ordinance r'. c -.11;;".1/41.1,': 4.444:wiii:'*:.0.c.).;: ; ;1 :' ,,,,, . , , `,.." ,ket4t , - '-.4t,.9..,-,(,..:(.;:,..(v:ktil; Mr . Curtis and Mrs. Stover will be reviewing the document and tat tittligx.*?-“‘ flW.;,,,,A41.':15...ca, i Or;fit1W-A-,;:?rit;:c41:,-1X5e), presenting a revision at the February Board Meeting. .-., ; 0, ,aria ,,„yreile.0).4-44-Hw :,:r.d.c. ,•:.' ,4-1, ,.- ,C4 rd‹4'ftt,141..3 .;;;,`Ogit House Numbering liiir i.....\th*,r1L:P," ,. \.4 (ii: W.01:..;',2;■:-.L. .4 iMiiiijilliq,sVI?YiPgiltiV, e.e,,..1`,.tr-i., ‘",')eq-c,. . tY,WA'4e4 :42,-.?i,n !cilio-Yah?&',:if,horiVs ,ii.1.0P,'JV Mr. Austic said that Mrs . Georgia had talked with Dick Barr who i !4'.1:.;. e:,--ii..i...1 I . 4i:LOPW.itttYliVzsit.4.14,0 will be willing to complete the house numbering project . Not : 131,whwn'Ita:tiMi6*rn ‘..?;:V/3,:;.:?tSi5,'",t11=',1,4,,..)::1,1-:' ) ,,v;',;ctt:CetsN4. ,1;$.4. , -,.ii,•;%::-Elp,gm'S,1041ViV4i4 • `;'brtft4:-,:i•IPit.7,111.-.Me:4;14P t •• ,;..,11,1.,:i.-:-....,,Teco,,,,,,,.04.-4.0.4,-,.4 sure how long it will take or when it can be done. Electrical Inspectors g.,,, .7,...,,,,,:.“-24,42„,..--..: 1.;^;,7,4".:261,-,/,,i.du;..;(4VP.,-;',;,, „•';‘ 4. ..E.." 4:ks‘tt;,-e,,i,h,.,4,-.4 E..v ,:,i'..04-3.”:4.. . -A.,.;;7,44..0 c.'1.i4;-('‘.;;;:th -/...: tE.:. p ,... .-.-, ^,: 1 ' WV7A,e1V4tw]lvf—itziv,. r '4),*44,6.74,.‘4.41.:?‘"'<ey&e, Mrs . Stover said we never determined what we wanted to do with this . . .have one or two f., •,:.,t,,,,,f,:-4-..,,,~, ,,I, . kis',“.!0'itc ., t'f.,,,iftl , ,. , . ,„,%,a 42,„,;„,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,, , r3iNt44.`qtkMs 1:,fr.;,-.77,1;: :, , -..,' kt t. A WIA*41/Ag10./4 Retirement N.:.,'..41.F.SA .**LA,... Y Ifr447:2'04SI;.4Ai.k 44v /1/2,,,40,,r0;0144444wWf Mrs . Stover indicated that this item had been discussed at the I . .• 6. a;44,:,Niotr ,kr.,4.0 Wichx'ail,;*;,..4-p7egiri,-;.',1, ,4,14: “414.1,A14. Special Meeting on Saturday and asked Mr. Austic to reiterate. wr..royz,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,, '.. -T,p.c„ ,;/,,pii.eV4I,W,P tz,if I. ic,,v4,,, ‘e2.7(47V4 ;14.....v.k 4 2;:Pat..:., sik /.. ai.g.gi.:4 ,..J.;: rfr,<E,, I Mr. Austic said the Board was aware that this would be happening. Apparently we have been paying the full amount right along; won' t affect us since we have taken care of it . . 8.094.'"vid.i.,4nol.,, ,, L,:, ,24.r.r...4., ..; ... , oreer.t4e.-m'1-,411 ,..2i,v4 -, 71;tAigi;tigfTlallii:h:rcillu:l.nleirs;;Rla41.,zRelit 11:ildla::Met4c.:;dthelareM:a a ,irO :r,:itt:101%$011. ' ‘44:11;; 11:;: ::;;;;;:::::::; :::;,,,itil;;;;;;;;;;.,•;.,:::::::: ‘ ppl4PcittgV$41‘,40.,. have been discussed, procurement policy, highway agreement , house ,0:,.. , Ic,,,, -‘0.1,7.I■C.'"?.1.0 l^i 1 ::::::::::::::::1 numbering not sure of the others , will bring to next meeting. ::: :::::::::::: .....efrxrc, ,,,zoty4mpt. Lt4g.l':tofs:tthga40,0 NEW BUSINESS . g , .t.li . iiiil,TEM sps9 ,,-,,4,..:-...i',..-: LPYc;',..4.;'4.TI.,-:,-;-,-,„2::,,0 ! .A.C.11, 0:c.t.VFM4 *.PF,V.4 V.11,,a.0,-,1' tr,..m.11(.th47,wv0PNe4p.4. Mr. Austic appointed the following: ‘ .11,-iv ',504WrW,1$ t: ,fi ..i."!..Cr: 1;425144;'nflOVItc.-1.,,,i Bookkeeper Jeannie Vanderbilt 4t41,C? )-; ;).:1,t -. -^•^;, nt, , , .,. ,,%.e.;,0,, ,I.,-Itt.s.44i.norii Town Historian Esther Northrup y•!;.- 2.,.•vi., r‘lk,74.1:•••\5is, '' }L. 47ros‘-ny.,A,4 :crPrOV.,-,0141I ‘,..4 ,.11, ,... , .; , 'f ft. .,4, i , .,,:i.I.AtUtp.`, .7,,VI I ir t;ta-A4t,/f.,,r;-:•Oan,I.4.),...i Deputy Supervisor Catherine Stover fi- 41.AsT„,!0„..t=v,c,4,--ii J.il ., - -,,,,../. ,..t..,,, ,v . woo,..-...A. Chair/Highway Comm. Robert Weatherby -L.I.10:,:c-11-':-,11/ tf:i .„ , fr4i4ter., v41.4.... .Acr.v.q , , p., “ Chair/Bldg. Maint . Thomas Reitz ',.' 'fINV,Y-w.00,4-colny .-*A4 , 4 ,..,, . .: ,y ,.<. : 2' . .. , . 1...?.,..$0,.. ....yw.:-.-..m t Liaison/Ulysses , , , .4 ., ."...v.,-, son/ ysses L . Ben Curtis --,' ,V-:=,:5% ''',1i , '211,r/F,..44:14.'rq.,>,11,ilyzke• Chair/Recycling Catherine Stover .:Y.' rv-likffil , .,-Ir r4...:.117110\44- P2ii Liaison/Town/Vill . Bd. Doug Austic ..;,,...,, .:;-,f;a' .' •,,;-„;,4,,.:.1.;•:.;;:-,, a, l.,i614,4, ;,:tt V:(1,...:.`"kir ■,...r.Z1, :'.% .,P . ,. . * , ;-7,id..., :;ceil,t1,T1,:vg-'42e5E■':';',; :::;..1: Mr. Curtis moved, seconded by Mrs . Stover the following: .4.'.y./0A,. :,, ,„,. .. -. ii ri3/4.44iMrV:ie ; C14 :, tome, „:...i..- :ft RESOLVED: that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses t51,.; l.:.,:,,,'. J.', .„,r71,::,5...0 cie;;;;;:c:.:,-4Q' . .■„su.:;:;,l.. ;,”„ .{:,,,it:',:,(1.,'v It appoint the following: ,/,, ,l,WA.PQ --,D.r.trhei '111/4 '/:*..i? ,“ .' 44,4*P;f:4--;‘ ;'4,;(,;tiiwRi Zoning Officer Alex Rachun 0 c !..:!„ !; :,,. • . . .. ,.:..o yr,-,4,,Acisiv.t Deputy Zoning Off . John Fahs ..10 :,-„n,, ,.,- .;m1 ,/,,!,47,. ., “! 0,%41,t 'a,,F.,t. '.",“%:W'P'":--` ''' Code Enforcement Off/ :.,i.v.:!.; .:(14::v.,W,"= .:Y,%,;. ,I , , ;,, ,,,,i,.>..:, ,,,,,„!,;-...12:.g1 :...4 .-.',:.,-,-;;r:,,,„*. ,li,..,.. - . ,t ..4„ ,,,, ,ox..-zo,'.1, Fire & Bldg . Insp. Alex Rachun ' -°,:f.i:Y.-:4. 7c '-. , I,,Ac Planning Bd. Chair. David Tyler ?.K4+4:,..eft,i Zoning Bd. Member Vacant t : ''. g 1 ''.'i Ni t : . . . ':, Planning Bd. Member Vacant . 41. -, , .. ,,,,,---,, Zoning Bd. Chair Vacant .", `,.. .• ,i, cy , ‘, :, ,,,.., Rep. Human Service Coalition Peter Penniman !! . . -. - .'- H:% -' , ['ft ' :-c :-. .,,- 1: .1 ; , , t:',1;/ Rep. Assessment Catherine Stover ' „::.!,m , '*', '...:'-.. --1.-?.4,:v4.:: '• 17: '.ji: i-21YY;:Lti.. Review Board Carol yn Dudd 1 es t on , 't ?+.' a -re, Election Custodians Keith Northrup ', . ./ ,, t: , -4 eCt.1%, :'i. ' 'ii. -; ,';;;,,,',. •'; '.‘,, '', ... . ? - , ., .?-14v :,,-, ,:t-: ,,', .,,i,c„k ,. . , ': ,.1' ■.A"••• ■ ":1,, / '..*. I,r.Sr.C.,%,.41 . Ith'Y''.7 • 1,, ,-h +. ,■ \••;:,...k,,, e;Lc,N't s•,• 1 ,:g7,c, ,, ..,.1,i,zt.' ,, .- AO •,i , , ''' o;P:cci"'2.'4, .,r. :. -,.;. .. .- ,,,, ,. .c. l'oe: ,,,, ..... 41:1!t;',* 4144'...0--)...),V1411144r-Ili? , • 4- ., . .,.; .1,1 ,..,,,,.4..?.: I, .• • . „corInfus^,w/at,PF . irralbjprae.R•preafrivarmg. 96,rrp,,,,,,„...." • 4.., „, •,‘,„ er.'"c.; ... ;• i^,,'5-'4,••^, ,' ,;",, p^ fr:'' ''' !'.: ' "" C^ r''')-4.^111•7149`f;%*0-t> Pitt^kStd‘teCaitkl'iletWlit'l, tl'APpldtragel tf,4 t ;et C W111+74v*riZlit?it 7 , ..; 1Cti7treeninifr ^^7.51.714PCtttNci,itsnp--Kotil?Sz" ',:C., .i 1^•'.‘-'•—•-7 . • °. ' -:: ■ "' .^3'^' ''' t''''t;ItAirjlhttc;rtk^4-0-te''r7ex,WeP'4"4,r447grittnk44,4t,'“"•^1/447:40 Wire •eq n'014 4;1441y1 r 4« to t..tc 'girt rcsbAiit'AV eAtaitt:114:-Vii ' -4‘;'.%;`,L,1,1:)" :/:„'.., ,,./q; ■' IP ik im' ;4,/,I t t. I 4'14 ttat;=.41,i,irtrirt,sttctiltt,.. ?rye; Spry ft` 41,eitretorMtirt•rie t 1 I ' "ift.,, t, IA. , ., v , cgai,.& -,4 .0. ,1%tt4x.,,,pp" lv..--..9,“4.'4,,,t11•Cit;pi.- ,t; .Asti,, , , , ,„ i ,.,-... , i.:r.,,.. ,,,,,,,,..9...A.,14!toWn.iArim,,,tif4,04 r k Agj item .4v.si ket. v.„,,,4 . , ..„„ .,., te .km, •b.si kt r4.' .: 1 qt.ow .40.0.1,-tiet:1/4fr,l;S:ZIf?-t."Y`KviPtt,,,,1 Ic::-,-‘-‘1.•'''''''''''::.i.! '* ‘,?= if ' .1f',. -." :1';v,!$:,•.:t.'07.44?,ketil.041.4yk,i4m9,4,Wiiak.aig , .•, A };,,k, .4 A it!,,, .. ,„0 Icitictl Vat 4; . , ?„gh,i.., emair7r,,45,1,4444.0....„04fr,...tkao./„.:;,(1.: .0....,,,,,i.,,,,,ti,":". ,;,.. „ I it ,.1.-,-:1 '' '''.-4k,41C4F;Iciktti tti.ltn. e •etl-a .t. az, '. F., .1. t it .1-./-4, , 1p 1",.c.-: iiik051.4t4ft een r''A A e. 7kir.,4„,,,..0..,:di .Y...44,.....t. - : 1, go ItspitqL1W„Y"..4tatt.,:ttArl*A.1,:ity se, '.44* t Pt. • 41,4, .,7,,,,SY ‘."9:::441.0.■•,q' ice.me t, Ail' , /g- ' C i 'tts' --ga,,A) ,,,iz,k1....qovi,c,,rt, .5i7ate, ,t4livm 00^Pc,4711V40,01'0`“ 4&Or "' az 4ig • -rf. cip 4,--1-31:tryfic:,:tmit - 4-0,, , ,y,..:41.,;.4,,,,, ,,,144,(4,* ,,,, ,,, ,. .4,sof ., - ff.- ,,-,,, ktfult,.,14xf-4,7$4 ,IN-rft.",3,-1/4.,-4&4'04.,:rtimop-E-get,i4-1s00,,f),91,-, cifj-An,/,--airipm, t ..t.`;. Ai litrAvattiiv,t-. ,,,,,,,,,.]:3„, .• i:e.:,.y.,,,•-ift4,-)tk, ;kw?,ft-xf-1.1. „gip 3-: jaa.:4,4%.s;k4L743.14;;;.-->%,;(4tit:ii‘,:.,,,0'7'°,1'11.1.,j• ^.1:`;',1 ;rt 0:441friel■,!ct.,4?-ttlir^.1/1 V:'%"aft,..".,0,fil.,-.;Cichk.4 2.!.+a),4 4 itt.,..riiiitiivy f.,. ot.„,fro7Fs„,-4,4,5c.-f,,,, . •41,1,f4v4:;„„,,,,,,,fi.4:ff„ , -iitkitzt,,,,:..r.f • -,-.9.:4-vffr.1.,!f ti-*A;,,..,,,,-;4.,i;.y.4.Ig j elY.FN./2';'‘ 'N.%:::*:,'L; .„'II/'41Vit:''s'it'..V14.14 t2,:••:•,4,Y.i‘ VA,';•gir.rig;•;c CI1'41011;gl•aitrItgOV90,„11, s tat 0.44'Vo lifit. tz 1 a? , ,..44 Atrifr--,,..cc 4110, *.,x,,,,.4$C.::11,1-,,Eli-*-X."±-j;r";%j".''''' r;'; 1' 1 ,‘/•*:'. tC4‘' I `' 4;i:-.'.: : -kr: , .'4r:S•s7A•tn.4.....1k4netttn .1.1 ;''40,1 , t 0, 1.. .; I% /0; -,': 1'34..6,A i.-,:- , , , 04.414' 4 74 ‘',.:..;t ..,; c.:-:. . .a '4,,.„- '1/4 0 2 ‘,.,L ' . . } ' ': `'�`,;:'.,ri+ 4j . r ,� CPA �t�v� . •a:}. -.' ..a , }.ft! i :.'4ai , :F 't�I r �t ra •+ n ritx„'}. �•M1+iV i '-.r •LyixxY Y'?i 'ehipr 7 y, r,i • a. v •. ,y• {A`i,4,14 W i` A t. ,vt,X44 `{e _h,, :', t .�.1L h: d;.f4'x !p s } p ' A. ,a},`It X. t '1, .. r .:- }‘ ?net fi}'[s'' .','a it ve. .-, �al,a h ° M12 . ey , yI F•.:JFtY '7ySa3' '. ' 'F Fa c i :1 Yf '+ t ,,?,”V,,,, T i�i„i T , .t .✓ /r : t a. E! �.tr{ t $1 F� t•'f�}' Sd in t! : ¢ �+ "Y I 4411,4-44.47,;00,,,,,,i•l:7�, . p f . t ay�X j t r'.:Irt t eV; itakixy,ttik >ri OK .w� ' 1. irjiei" {a.. ' .4 ,t u¢4�r,5 I. '1 7 i�1 ,, .s� r{ V '" A , ', U.,.: 'r, �, f }.I. :,.5 J +sct , ,. cx'nri1 °' , • 4 2! ,t A B 44 -4 Sti J. > x ..a tb' , rL, , t y ., t+ � ,. }< '��iY + r�gi., ��'$,�' � �Y7�'�,�, a+�; �� � ��t � tt�7t,vi '�7" 2Sr'�... s�:�T � �'� '+'t.+` .f��( .f;jj ? r t t7 '.�. 5. 0 ; ?, . t n^niki P - �}% µz i, ,. t I"'4 u �' n 'I ri t el•i a"• 1 zt 1 ? 4 ' p'' ra . b- r 1 t p ', 4tf irit ,y• k'i°}v`tis r� t ,kt1 ?y'?' ,, , j,. Town of Ulysses 3 $ I . ' r'r ; 't , , A;t` Organizational Meeting/Reg. Board Meeting Yry. tf } t;:::'/' January 18, 1994 t v ff} .)a rt ( r , : ' ! Robert Bennett } ` Town Cleaner Kim Fitchpatrick � + . ?r , l.,. ' '•. Co. Youth Rep. Ben Curtis rrez+ � Liaison Ulysses/ Village Youth Doug Austic c t = 41 Rep. Cable TV Ben Curtis s, J.I. ,,, , ,, l7 Town Attorney Bruce Wilson I< ' r I ' ' ' t 4 Rep. EOC Vacant 't a . , , Jr r'}t , '1 ::4.%4.0 Public Public Access Rep. Ben Curtis >f }r.I • S t t. , t,}Y r rrs4'� .i -^ r > , f j sA ,t,. -. t y,. t " p .��rr.'+ii)tis tid Mr. Austic Aye �f"� '+ `pis.ri :i r ft} > "",='ay Mr. Reitz Aye ■ 7.: rt T s5,.. Mrs . Stover Aye ,Qp ; , x" , _` 1..5 0� Mr. Weatherby Aye } S,V41 1 '. A frt ,'3 J oi4 ® Mr a Curtis Aye , ,:Eg, I• :,- ar'; r,. .. , k, '''% Adopted. • el ,: . j : ti41.1 rr r • , *3Ak,,z' ' s +,, Mr, Reitz moved, seconded by Mr. Weatherby the following: t y , ,t , ":,Y ". .' a 'r ' r RESOLVED: that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses I.'. q; , '(.,',, n' approve Salaries and Wages as follows : ; ,',::$ 3 r sr ; `r"r}i ; • s 1 . Elected Officials (Yearly salary)e a hM j r # a I ' ' ,. ,. ,,t r ' • .4 t';,,. a. Supervisor $ 5 , 622. 85 ;; , ,r', v^�rt,4�.i'tt„,' ;, e b. Board Members 2 , 530 .75 (each) '"" I . ; Srr�< i,„ � ' .11..,`''•�+:{.- c, Justices Rector - 9, 388 . 97 j t �_ ;, ttev t ' t e'• ,. C Springer 4,393 . 57 , 1 '�' t ; ' • a ,-,• , , d. Town Ck/Tax Coll . 26,000 .00 h{' S 1. 3 7 ' rt t f t t 4 ?,A. = z'. ,,� ,,:.. r .):. . i e. Highway Supt . 32 ,713. 95 < , •t a 4 s Alit i`e}e+: 'eaa�,< �.ir Y ::; rt t ;1°1:4' Ad r� r ,i.r ' ?. ..` i.e.?s7�.I",L'O �,, 2 . Appointed Officials (as stated) , O 'e,r, t;:rts }¢fit;:; +�`: a. Deputy Town Clerk $ 8 . 82/hr. (ia ''`tlr. Lrt•I'�.,+.jti.,2y,tt b. Deputy Supervisor negotiate as needed � .i3°,T46''i,.bAas 4+ c. Zoning Officer 9, 428.00/yr. ` '`'' ,, a"'1,,„,, r� ,fp mitt t1 d. Deputy Zoning Off . . 8 . 82/hr. �. ,p1 4 L,z.,/xi :rti;n ,. ' e. Code Enforcement Off . 10 , 928 .00/yr. � ,(r ,{Fr':r#ti<«:'14 . 1 f . Bookkeeper 6,599. 36/yr. r - ';., i A.;t ; i•' ,`rl.: g. Historian 400 .00/yr. ,' , • t ,.l�tw� {, t h. Justice Clerk 19, 413. 19/yr. ' „i'i r, s,r � f `, :� i . Deputy Justice Ck. 7 .01/hr. ', ` d,T{ ",tyti,h?i° i` j . Town Cleaner 6. 29/hr. , ` 'pt oaf( " fr �iEF, k. Office Assistant negotiate as needed r. s'%J tt .4 kfa 1 , Recycling Super, 6, 50/hr. S nY.. t Ifs Y1aa 4,t�f ,,� ' fit „ ': ea„r . m. Planning Clerk 7 . 61/hr. ,. 1 `, t ''f < rlrjf' �{ ' n. Code Enforcement Clerk 923. 20/yr. } t. , a a tti Mr. Austic Aye f v,r( , , ” F A "t - `,s ,c s=. 1'4 t Mr. Reitz Aye `' s' ' ` µ '.l1 4 } G"�r ' Mrs . -Stover Aye• a , :n, 'sr �.•1 it .t er #' Mr. Weatherby Aye e . '} ., t .l ' ii?r}t t�h Mr. Curtis Aye ,, c,•,5," ;,{. t`. � 1 F,• i} Adopted. '. 1 ., 11-; 3 7 ,.`'y ;'• �`;} (�'a ® MEETING SCHEDULE: Mr . Reitz moved, seconded by Mrs . Stover the , 'Z. ,„ fpGu following . 4 . , .4. i1 RESOLVED: that the Regular Meetings of the Ulysses Town , v ;` . ' .., '''''i:,314.4` Board shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month. All , ' it>, r,r . AA" , „ 43rt meetings shall convene at 7 :30pm at the Ulysses Town Ha). 1 , 10 Elm , "'�k , } , , , < �1“.4W( Street, Trumansburg, NY. Review of Claims shall start at 7 :00pm ` ' ,� ,�' ,+ i' and shall be open to the public. • I ' rrt + ` �s�t, FURTHER RESOLVED: that the designated news media be .� ' ' ` 'z«.. notified of the foregoing schedule and the shall be posted in f ,, accordance with the open meetings law. I x ," Mr. Austic Aye ui, :.,.,4:),t .pg(,rr ),Fl, r i, t l j••.. ;,s 4 s11,1 t s . +' rJ. ,yt, r4• t� t Fr. • z 1 5'i 6 $.1° f• t:,'Z',,12 wig *' ° - r {t : ' , r t ' tl t r A4 •,�k4 : 4,s;}tY , t?2S��>A {"a.• ''z K `'" ,.yi'^s^,�Y,^cYnt"7 Y':' ' �Y 14sIVrxw}� Ltti:� .:'2-k'Si[p"'$YkS'";f-'ir'>�q°g�4T�h>f,';'x�'`wrik r ,ti:r'c �' t ! 'ns, wr t 1 ' r:•�'s �' ,. 4 ,' , 11 t } %f ,r tL 'fie, ( :4 l tt�"a�.i„ut'w+F4t4,{7' mire a�l� 4k.4.ty , 7 ?csf } Iat.''•,tt!' A:.i' - % r . 1 ' r .� . rt,'. � • r .;:5 4t �, f ,��,i.'S Tom” `arfi" :nY-F:°Y,t.,1+ „t fi+ r .r„}!., t {t t�z... .r+{�` �r t�,r ,VI I. 17 b I. v h(. T C}r .4T. .�I INP 37,,SrL:t• '1 ['val r , tx<r,A �Sa;nfnvr•, t 't 1 Y,r.i,h• 4J }' ! el .r.t • '''',f :,rt V t;' F� nr5,^ ?`r�C.S��. I .,r ' � � l( S>+Y '4�}, M ,:iu.,,k 'r,i,. 2 �:ivY_r �fi ,*� ' F LY t ) 4k.' ), A � ! ,•.y. h f . ,` :+n�,,ii. a ,.1�' � Nj.RT, T, f� 7 y� rt?^Y� ; v,, F'^� k ai` �� �1iu�,?.i�,{•. K � t� c`. �i .a,.,,, .!�.r r� , i°�s"'� � ^ •,� � :'1� Y� , �,,,, ���r t•y,.T1S!�r K. t �� a� t7;� +if: ' , �-;' ,i.,.r { •rt 47•.s- kt'. !. re �'b' 1 r.a' !P ,t'V+ ,T,�a 2 44",`."y '''�' tip' V , ', i`an+' R:t );r, r 4t*,"1'•. A ,, r. 4 , a + r. 4: Xr r` r ,{ t '.a i a 1 }b r. •� ° :.r,., ''.r5 ' .,y.,ti xi: .44, 44.2. f'G-.,+t( .i } pR ,y4 ...4 1 M H'�'ai p•4 Y! '�i I'AS kt ',^'3' ,• P..t' ....i.. A' . ala4 �i 1, "kt'•`'•:Vu1 I.!Y(.,� cr ari t t 1,.. ,'. , r r�, :r .r , k , ^i.{}i: , ,,,,,-' •tla$3cC 'y' ,•,c+,a.fN k'). ;+ .•`fib: N r n yv `, , . r•3' 'r rtir e"S �I1, �,t;)-vitt'2:4'.- i i t(� P, oC•S�{t t,' T ' ' '.,4"PiQ ' t( r.,,,u ,,,pr,;,.SI,r-, ,,. ,,�,t' ,3 -i' A t• .4,v'h'a ylap y' "'`tt ..4 ,..' P�+i a t �' • �`' ` ',. Z ���t X�=c " � •�a ..�}i � rj[�. '{Y`1' ,, ,+}.Y ,• *144\10)1( �4tl;;;l• • 9'7 ' f, �. t. r I'• ,. )r f r 4 '' t' *,$' '' tel ?I 4' } 14 'N", y.<nn T '„ # �" r �,�tM,? � +.re.;S' a i . Cr t Al ♦ t t `,1•115 l , f e• f.y'{ it, e �°r J fi vyr ry/s•r r" '9}�'�✓ }n �� ts.,i ve..v .4}. o K .-n r .t•.,>z i .•,t r '_ .�: 4 t s'. I :, , > :r r1 i a .,'l:^ },f1 '^.' F`?�.�' r ..'{ J . t ,'!�"1n `i,` t "kmr t rr. ta .., , S':)i fir , ' � t .. .. r4 s-) • ' ... - , 4Ce.,4, '-‘4.•,--,,-c''''''' *-,t ‘ t" 4 . * , fe,, es , ,. .,, .,,, „,_ 4,'). kr,-.-,st•-',, -0,•?, -' - • e:---S,,' ,; 1, ,,;4 ,;$‘-)444(R44-1,'-ec :‘,4" 4C1kA i •' St):e40741.5: statok,--4 1/ te,trot 4Uittli1444,...AltviAl.;t, /1.'•--.,{;;;; vat 4}1„41 c 14:114.72r2 c-9. , 7. 4, . ,‘: ‘-micfd,Kiev.1":40,Q-44},-*:.9t0 4* 1...i1F2 52;41-1;ittilget tls'0141/• eA,, efg i I-4, rA 4 !I>s) RA 'Citi 0C4aattat G.t WC tr? '1 V1,,4, j's 4.9a at,, .t ..‘•I s'e ... *i.f i > ;,...:'s,...44 :bk.' „.,..,„, ....„, , t r 41..1•15P/414A' ,i1.9..:T..0 Irli-elpt ' . A* t, istilib17/tig).tptir trp,,sei. fl Y 4' ,`. 7 '' -21•Veittli.(ec l'scr,'4 , ''- .1..1 ' 1---.14 0 of I/ ;1'4,, • ' 4,(1.5,1714y,q; '40t9"„ 75"44fteYek‘44,0ffi',0 :121.1414“1-W•414/42, 4.4. if t41- '4.44. .tritkC'' '" ff riii illivbilWliVr.'''• ' ' 1' ' ' • ' ' . *.r.-44/V2(6.4.,„'4.40.itAft„?I'serriA ,' kiteipwlp,9,4r:*40,?.4, ' tiftPf',;401r,;.%,---->tie",14,-,,y, r.44,ztity,c1 ,4,. , ',,f ., .4-,.,e0-1.4,- 4, nwit!ktif1i, 4,•.,,, ,, p i*,,, ,' ■:40,:°4114 it3Lte“C'AtnAtikk ? qr itiAtr# 4't 'O.itg eigtili)4,1 , ,ti AO?' ‘'''''e• i /4- t../4.1r --4es 1, '4 `I '' r ' 11,1,27,44,;;N: 4j r". ,;,'/ 1 ',W4T.0'■ tii,N, ' ',, e.:YQ:1't6tAk:ti el i40, - M . i• • 10,4‘,,/ iq, -,, ,, s.,-,' •„., v,,10,4,.. c-;. ,: ,',.. , 4, ,,v-,evi/t M. v.4.9,W.O.') fitiP.tre4/1 . 1 . Ot.T*Ob.' ''. . .• . g ..($0!.. e,42.m Town of Ulysses 4 ^I' 1 .- 4,- ":°1PM. C . Th (.7...4:4,, Organizational Meeting/Reg. Board Meeting ti ,, ' ,.ti.,e;t9, ,,,,10'l e January 18 , 1994 es-• . ' ,*,:-. st,-,!;%,; , •, e .. , t 1., ' ' ,,, ,: .: ! '' ' C', 4 d'"?... f : '!'j S Mr. Reitz AAyyee 1 ,'''' 0,-1 .1 fi:',4 , i. ,,,4 ) t,,y,', i:', , I Mr. Weatherby Aye 0 Mr. Curtis Aye ,; , .',,r H. ..,- e ctt l,.., -, ;," . :"P , -4 , ' d Adopted. k.t...-. •'14 11) ..e 1 ■ 5e2,C`" *1/4 1 , ..1.. 41 ' I. s' Ps ' ' t'S, i tifit l"I :,■S'it. :' ,i STh ''',I AUTHORIZATIONS: Mr. Weatherby moved, seconded by Mrs. Stover the 1 4-'.., 0:' ,, -... , I) . Y4 0 .. ' '' f.," IV. ''' vk !. following resolutions : - ' te 4 41... .si. ee- vp, t -e RESOLVED: that mileage at a rate of $ . 28 per mile be paid .44 ,. .. ... ' 6. ' Itti Town officials and employees conducting official Town business , , f ier'.‘ .'i1 '4'r- n"r. ,/,b., rit, . ",<:-+,•?0 i`r:&:j when driving their private vehicles and that such mileage A , ,',.- information be recorded on the forms provided. 4.40,K::1:4;trglav 41> AwA21„? ,R,..17::,7.,:A. • 4 ?, RESOLVED: that the Highway Superintendent be authorized to 1 . e : -4-4 ..a-tr% ,,-,--,1,, ,,-;2,t, incur expenses not to exceed $3000 . for repairs and maintenance ., 1. ,:!.., .t.:.yin,444.e.4.,',4•,i •,4 it.4....- :-{, of highway equipment without prior Board approval . :44-4:[;fl*VA71; q„.44 ,44tv, ,,,/1", - :; Wes.47-1„. 71A ,. 4:0,,': ,'r:`-'..q...‘,.,•14.,,;a;c$27.. 4, ,..--v*?..,4 ,1-4e ,P0:.,- ;;-,-41 . 144,- ,i,A.a...,....*,..4,,l''. , .Mt-il."., • ,';';.';ate I: ...if, .,' RESOLVED: the Chairman of Building and Maintenance be authorized to incur expenses not exceeding $1000 . for emergency maintenance and repairs following Procurement Procedures . , ,., t . : ' ;-'% 0 '7 A.r.6444 -'w ..', 14 ',1-,-4‘ RESOLVED: that undertaking for Town Officials are hereby .; e;„,‘, ,m p,,...t ,, ),,,,,,,,,k4t,,, approved as follows : . . , ., 4- -,,,„:, ‘4.4,r7.4,.-1,,,-?,:%:;U, 4 't; -‘•.4-:.-,-„:1%,,...1,ie...4/7,”,,P4 a. Clerk $5000 . r - ; :v . , , v,„ b. Justices $4000 . " '..,.* Ictse “ , ',. . -,.i'4.,-- r10'hn r . ..- t ,,32:7,,,i-,, ,e c. Deputy Clerk $5000 . Justice Clerk $4000 . .. ,. .. 4 . . ■ •,` + :iir 1.;&1/4,7,, ,.7.,,, 2,i ,iqr, il.:.",.,11',- "' ,.. 1 4:4. ,,-* *q.{..Vit-Jtvil d. Receiver of Taxes $200 ,000 . 00 ,! ,14‘,,,er% ' I .1" • kV Pie e. Supervisor/Deputy $50 ,000 .00 i;t ' :ri4-A1:4':;1541 /0*“Ic1 I, / .... e• ....C.,,i3.1..:ris....t N. / 1. f . Zoning/Building/Fire Inspector $500 . i:111 -",,..."4,metplr, 11.,-37.1,,kei",t2tr,.' ' l. A i fw,-,-j.; I -,i.,,i,c.,-4'fr-i-rei; g. Highway Superintendent $50 ,000 .00 ,,,- ,v,. vssir:...4 ( i e /,. 4. ., :e v t4J,; tyy"40,4-,:fehee, h. Deputy Justice Clerk $5000 . 4. CA-'4.1....,:*.Tc, ■•• Cfr.1 .-- f.R.-41,0.,w.A4 1.1:.;',4::,-ni. • 1q ..4,0,-.4,,,W .,41., eft'“11 v..tt,•114, -•'• •t• V 4 Aire'z^(1:1,rift W a p,4 li, f.„.'IA et,* . C f, ,01,04'.;.? 014; RESOLVED: that in lieu of the report required by Town Law ki4;(*."47.'e .it.4,R,,; ,,, ". 1;,044;•!`):1< .P41,4: :: -., 41k -: vitcpmp.,!'? Sec. 29 (10) , the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to feD 12,3' I5V , ,; . : see ; firOoFP submit to the Town Clerk a copy of his annual report to the State 4 ' L'S' 4■7‘.1"A‘ 0. C '; ' JAI 4. ^dld : ‘'":4 If , 4/1.24(1'4114,11%`1.4V4V-11 Comptroller and that the Town Clerk shall cause a summary thereof s-t....-t,tr.,efl.0- -- -* e. e 0:cro ' ,,kAr'04.41:. ox.modiy€ .i. ■ .' 1:1',Ilivi..X*A "U''Itt,011 to be published in accordance with law. ,,r,st,, .'‘,■1?Th .' : ■ ..... ;'' 1 it :*he ltV;41A411S:,11•C*1.3 ''',1:4'114e:41' : : '1..°" 17fl 14fteA‘:1,1,1: 114.101 .411"Allitk,..' '7-Y.Pf4'0'14.''."':' y ' -, 'L 116:./ Pir4fMlitrirrt4: Mr. Austic Aye ,1 '-.,' .,. , .• T.;', Jt.'"' . 1' , .•,, - c 4(11VeirTtEntri Mr. Reitz Aye *- , t. “ • • ,,, '.), 4 5 ,::Ve,;7!,1VWrceill Mrs . Stover Aye %. en4lk.'44'14.11 *V 1 A•,le ,,'': 4&rise',A'el'•2,t.e., Mr. Weatherby Aye t- r ' , J . ,t '(I Mr. Curtis Aye f .p. .i.ri. ; .,:-., -,*, , 4 1 1,..r.*„1,,'4,erIttor rrett:.c,4,„1 Adopted. • 1-4' ‘ '„til itej,'I 1,';'11•' '' e,ter•'4;-''' DESIGNATIONS: Mr. Reitz moved, seconded by Mr. Weatherby the :004:41'1 ,rti, '.f „;;11 following: ., . r ,95,:itti:r/e, ,1 ;.t.m,, • 6 . A 40.•'.CI '1 c RESOLVED: that the Ithaca Journal and/or the Trumansburg " 6$.■".1A:4:s1+ 1°4,1;Thi Free Press be and they are hereby designated as the Official Town O' Pe)4,04,..e'r.,„ ,1,-';- ' vile pt'44„2-',',4'.:,:(....4.„, -- eel ; ,:t Publications. I,kAttrnZA ,-4-1-; ,r,:Av ,, RESOLVED: that the Tompkins County Trust Company is 1, ,!;11,5, 0' ,.ete ; fl. , designated as depository in which the Supervisor, Town Clerk, ,L-11)i.::c:V. tio ,•p; .1.,, ?,4'.:.z44 ,• :ti •,:-. ', Receiver of Taxes , Justices and Inspectors, by virtue of their 4,, , e., 4 •' , ' ',4 ! ' 14 eVIIV1■st, offices, shall deposit all money coming into their hands, and ) -:,.,. , .".H.1 1, :.,.. , • , - .: rie41: FURTHER RESOLVED: that Town investments can be made at 0 . sr,, ; i--,r, . ,- , . i v,: N, yr.t..,. , , ,. ,, other banks as outlined in the Town Investment Policy. % -v1 ,,y, rt 4I - lL, -; ,-; ,-.,;,1 ,,-,:',, ,' ' .y - Mr. Austic Aye ' , '. :.Je -0. &.s . : : ';', ” ,e/ete Mr. Reitz Aye . n Th,0 2 l'!.s:.er , 0. ;r , 5., • Mrs . Stover Aye 71 i '.. ' “ j' d. ' 1 \ ‘' %. Mr. Weatherby Aye Mr. Curtis Aye t. .41,, ,tr ; , ..“., ,e,.-,, Adopted. ey',, , r ,' , RECORDS RETENTION: Mr. Weatherby moved, seconded by Mr. Reitz As. et,: 1 . ' -, :,, g% '',e , , ' ,, . ,' s • ' td.,,44 ,- ‘1/2 . 1 . , . il.11.1.,) ;,c ,.' ... . . .' ,, 2 ,*1 :: .,, ',res. : 71A1.,j)fli i . . . „, 4.:,-. . ,, , , , J? ',; -* . 4,,-,i ,,„, : . % 0 , 6, - ,,fl ', ,' "'•,, ,',.- ,g, '4.,., ' --.; ,f..'"I .,,'.,1,".0.,.. ,,,..,,, „f.,rn nu; -•ern, , „„etwo.„,..,,,,,,,,„, ,. ^ e•e . • ' '• 'es%',.,‘:' ‘,*e-`5.: • ei 4-woe:,A'reArrf TOTIC1(1.1.1..s7;:te-,M*MtIresic.rqfPK, -'reitisztrlitre?4t1„,:i5WIL4firiliMirricnyvinclelfi.w‘aw,tof;-,-,.. ,,,it,,kf`,.;.",-',' :`. '.... l' 1' '' ' , Ira'' -.1.■ '''' -, 1,‘'4, :h.t..11;t1Atil.;'?',1'4..:./,:riive 41,41.L.,-&.?,,- 140'(>14..Witt.K.,f.:ityr Pk'•'" ..,Tgrze$4,-944,341S-1.4,1%-.:.431.,y2.-"4 krcorsiv'•.3 GA-4',:4a:it&tr. ,''''"''' .31,1,471 ‘.■CI.,* .. • .. • -. *.1: . i .• 1V4‘4■4iltitZ4*.0.15MtaiNgit.tek0iFigfiAPIZA74.0.4:4464NWON•40WWWW641tel* AtrliMfr -4 :44r4Ct,il'Iiii4.:1", :i . } -... ' 7t.l. :1.'1 titt.:V•t4#24:51■;;;:i47:10.4444.414110,7 tlib ;Mr di.lignivW1CC8X.-140fittl. filrer;Steit'4,4141:fit..4,44.-AVICAICIrt•44::if";i••‘.'7 '''•'I:''':i 1 .1 ; , , ‘ii.s:'Wt.le'Vfertt StettlitSitP;CAVIV41 444 1"IN r` ' , - ,,t- .2, - 0, a •' eim, „r, -? te - NI- -4 we....1 it, 4-zysi osTr*. ,*,4 0:10:v Ai)4.1.4,,P2,-).4,-,;,,,,*,,,•) ,s-; ,, - • ,, , 4:,,te•,14:.-, -1,),4 '',•,•2:::',X.;ii.•,V•ic,frece‘‘kfir--'44t9•4_ t-;,4 c '4 ' ''''' 1,'svatr:,,,,' 'i Fly e*J.01.t '' 4 4 i/4,0,.„.1,1' (,-‘.0;4(,hg.fykkkelp. ,7,44041,49,-‘try,Aix‘:,,, ,i,) yis,-,2-: ,: ,:,,4,,,ek iLt,.„)4,, ,2,i1/2,y)„,tAst,„ , ,-,./14-At/ , 4,•,?1,9 cik4. ; ,,, fitki •Cr,-1,4-11,4tyk 8,,r‘t i IP; 4-,,,n-iii &AV,*rei,E,Fras'',40Plp-• ".' '-torgawceillkivil;'14`. .,4,-,, .,,,,,twline,'4 ri, L ;Y:11.0' =;"Af' *n. 44414:9 Ary - 0 , I v.'4,,, ',,,„,,,,, ?,, ,ViAn1.10.47/c,c44.4'..).-imv:".71*e 1-t. i4.014,:eifktts„.,:,, ,,m, a.,,, ‘.,,,, ,c,tr.44,,r,,,,"; e44,• ' ,,'!fry. li izatii Par„-41it. "itct,iliafirigitimt htt. / i' ''.1-:;;'' -‘;',4;(4.11.)igi,• -,-,.; ., , , '' Itifst ;p:‘,:t gf:.,v&-,./Atk-riiitelr'i/r1.,-. '/%,t-$viciol..,,,i'zne3.*.,:;ki.e.,4),7,f;,11,.r.:1..t?i‘reAtr*.e.e,/,C/344.,_4.,Jiat, ,y4.,, • ,,,a, II. 'ee, .,,,z,:w.,,-,,,,,,v!:•:,,s., ,I , )0,Ly.:e.,,„,,,:rt4,,,,,944-ik„„ 7, ,„.„,,,,,,p9, .,,,,,,,,,22),,.., „,i5r..4 ?b.),!:1,.J.y _rtir.,,,y4 in 1 tz,0.,,i yw - ,,- :%,-',/,',-T.t,,;'.1 -''e4i i,':41‘.'v.kj;illq. S... ''■PtnniTh V;t'1IC■(OntS,T.VAVI04,niktVRialf4y1/27P344,4 It 1 Ict; 4 .1114,p kV ts.','" lq, 4 . ,i',.3 443.„,,,,,L,tirr .4•91.si 4 4,,,44,,,,,6 A.,,,,t.,0.1,,,Ty.t.,:,,,,,,,. q i; It P:‘, ,', '- '4, • -., - t t:‘,.‘-i-` . ,.1.;h. ^: f i'-'” 0 . cr..F4i... ...-11:1.- `. 0....: 1 A..).‘0..c.•*1 %.334....(,)3 )0s. S..Z el.7. C'3,V e,s'I # ,t),A 141,Ngi'n 7.) ' "S714tSIT/iliii,,4,04,-,,,',ct ., ?..: '' •'i ` = ' ,' " ' " - .--` - '• . - i ' ' •'‘' %" " I ‘4*.‘ T. . t' V"t"4. 1'' " '..‘1.• i'• AV( IP 4 . q 4, w,,,JO•le,}le tt'..i , • V . f'i'llrrill::1/ "... • t. t'l tm, ..c •Tifigi311:3154 4. ' 1 1' 4 S Si ty" ;�„+tp.� r.•.w . , . i+ 'lc'>f f ii:s V{•f qAtitIk.f4 Lvu` -• lc'• ':Q , t v y }:teti ti i'A . • A , A 4 I 4,.. ,( ,,,, ± js•r :., s' s1 t (, ',.. ,.,.,: f i , ?.,•��.�,f},•........,,,..t .} wf� f' 1" } .� k L• \ (1.A Y '1"P• .lr t,,f} [. ,�S�n `Y.��{ f•( y n t r �3 �r (1 {1. " 1 c '{a` 4. . i.4 }'!tI r.� f` 41 ., t S"r'f<t;2 er;17,-,WW.,! a , ' 7 : y .r: 3 ts ^�5>`,r'`4 ti i,cr! yt i' +4 t." ,• � S..$ '�� t. � .�}✓.,�. :.[,' 1 i; Y r tr >� >_ �f tT' };t t ! v^. �``��. �, ,1a#'Y,fi• a^r ! s71�t I� (L . �k��'r'.';,cr."y. YY.>C� t rr.rs 1N, }t t tr !,t.., r,��z, r.`` p �.=s �''f fi /v z t,.<' ✓`t <t, ,�.' M�': i �j � 44,4y,-, ,#"s•" i.y. � , t!,. t }f ; tr. 5,4r.:., . I a '«I{ t .^'f Y Y!) >Ctt h, is ,�4, r t ? . r fey ^' Ii .f•, L ft Z i tc d } hT �'' r 1:,., �r + a r. ,76:7.r.:40‘.; ;>r:r, ; ', . t"fir r ;�k�•'� �'/ii,h i 6. k v 1, 3` i a 1r 3, f'A�f'h j J j t.A.7:,1/4\ a`.t 1 .ti 1 S°i ,<, cr'J i >y r? :! t 5 r .r,} .r., �r �U. .-...9: 4 ti- t , ..'�C`. S' rf• ly4Y �' ��°� `}�• .fit' y{i'`ri � Z. C� { i `f� s . aA } 3' , / � c � � dr x:-,•ey it'r;.,•, aj, L }mss.{jj}jy#�Y?Sh+vVIii.lt.�.��(ti^ikryry y ,<•,.4t•'1r,00. ,, ;,...t.'i `r„:',..1 tTl•.' 3t 4 ar A.. r•F ( , 6.•f.7;r:,"} . ,�> . `rN „i<t : ;pou c. yS {{ >4 „irT 1if:f ;^ '1 :��,• } fi,r. .:rr1-,iWY.tr.tl�r,. i,4 (�yltr } �.. ( }, `? v:2. t f '. r Y`a ,T r ' t.: ��r t.� <s f .,. r h�itiY t+:.r... `sky MrM,l'eF..F y�X } x i il. , h IT .t ,t r J.:v� :,a"� .� r. ciew4 'r :a•• i• 04, s IAS -44-,0..,f, t , r ; = t . i .xr ,r c• a ' ) s t I a r r5, yi4` � :i. : f"1 t rz}U1�r f},gtF{Wt`} a. n.. •Y!re 4�t ...i.:'i3...d'a .(iiFt4 t.+.., , ' e.2 t . f. :", •.f . . t„ r 1• ..•..f• .�T,•-,f•-•‘ 1�. •r.,f a 41.64• { )}'' S" t .• Ftk�� <`}i3d�niY'2b t. xf x .•' �'1 it<44: f, sgg- r1 A ' (' Pti'i`P.#31n` r ty��� N k � 'y J . � r x t ix'.t f. & t'b oy�xvt�,3 4,4r t', t •�, '��� t5.#rY%1 ,� ;, � ` .t rN Ft x , rS 1''' S ."(:f r5 ;411.'1°}{i*`t f : r, fox 3 . �r/1�ft,g1Prr �:t 4 Town of Ulysses 5 4t �kk t _ i a'� " r^ rtittf �t Yi , Ar;' ' Ytn'4:: : ' ,,, Y.Ar,1Kmac y Organizational Meeting/Reg. Board Meeting 4404% •�c,fs ,,q F-? Y a ,: t r A r Z L } t ,t t 4*:'' 10 r{,, � t; f4t >, ��fi,x. January 18, 1994 :}ff 0(, z„ te ar .r 1 42 , s 1: �.i ri ft#i aH yiF75 kirs'1r1{.; r1.s. ,. K , . r Ar ?6•y�4 .A tit+ t' ', k z(.}tv({tiYr the following: ;s :JCr14 tl:,5/31, ;,�rtir1 P;', Ar f AI } > r.tty�i 't l •} ° t� >X pfd i ta�-3 t f ,, ,4 + Pk n�i> tt kiz'' e r l 1 ilA#✓'i^ f > '+i _;. is 't`„153 .airxh ; (1) WHEREAS, there shall be a Records Management Advisory ' r ;“r iTt5ta'Afl7AAW:017'r, !+,rqt' i)14',r ,r! tT jr, a e , , c i ,.¢, t 1�5, Board to work closely with and provide advise to the Records � + e • , # `� )�t' s i Management Officer; , ' sr%t ,i, "otrrrtarn+a} WHEREAS, the board will meek twice yearly to r # : :;b',.} srz *.g24 r 1 . provide advice to the Records Management Officer on A`r. =,}t, ` rz?= t++ d` 1 •f , }.•^0 9`t „'�''"y0r I.., the development of the records management r-,.„{r2 :-.„!• :.04,‘f • P g program; e .. sx', t RJt ;t{te# �d 1. 2 . review records that have reached the retention 1! } P C',is k, .,t-•I Sgt , f , . , tst•aT,5j'z �4 v.t period to be destroyed. _ + , r. .? .. t ` � i` ;Ti •71 r'{1 -) 3 . review any new Town record series and identify '� tr„ ' `. ' those which should be archival t ' .,', ',' i 5 > �t 4 . provide advice on the preparation of storage and rr ?h1,; .,i rV'hn,�;attF ,.J a � the storage of archival records . is ', i �:`:#1.,".4-•'4,. `..";•,•.:' ^` 6 .:;,; . ne•V + ) a THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Records Management ., ,t , "!• , t� +' {,• .•shy tr}i'K F 1}r.'v1 ' I r h °1 " , ,j Advisory Board shall consist of : the Town Supervisor, the Town , r, , 1 �1{ti5 '# 7$ fii i i' i x t tt t 7' `" '^toys„ , } . Xs ' Board, and the Town Clerk (Records Management Officer) . '� ; lJ i fi.? ti'' "'�tF”if )�{7 T .: • .0 r1GtI'v Q x ,,, t G'.ti.d�itd^d h4„'i5z yt, Et,,,° (2) RESOLVED: that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses ; .1r1alz»' a t,na ?s` >1^' f i 4�,� �. t adopt the Records Management Policy. ; •h , t •,G.- z'.414. iSiti r;�r` ? 4 t,o"`• •� i.4;5, sr, t � ,n Sd .=y 'fly ,, a • I t40•44,11k,''� Mr. Austic Aye n 18 I4';}._'t& �. �.e t Mr. Reitz . Aye yYp >< to{ (tt ',. fA, ,rr tfii -t'"jk'C1+ t' e;1�S ,f .^ ,1 L T a # .e uigi ,+ is Mrs . Stover _ Aye , s { ti •; } 7'r f i! 4Itt Mr. Weatherby Aye i' 4 r : t` t „ 4� Mr. Curtis Aye , fi r lx'.Tla "`, 'e ''{� •.19111.4414 g ? Zt Adopted. : . }fir '1t,t'a`?,:,-t• " % 40 SUPERVISOR/AUTHORIZATION: Mr. Reitz moved, seconded by Mr. � '� t rr.1s 4t4 ;{ r �9 Weatherby the following: y 1"'' '1 t' ii+ i6'•• t it y♦., , rR•x s 1A _/:{ r t „ry$"i s ip, f$.r 1,td Ty�.`^�S'iu -.I,.c4,:;',/ r t.En l 14 ,Ja,”{ Mry id: RESOLVED: that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to ;•3•#cf' r r t ,r, , LY MQ ., 4 ` k v .F SJ' n '�{• pay in advance of Audit Claims for utilities, postage and s ` �;'*i ,,,f'� 's 1 { ,-400,A0,3 k t contract agreements which if delayed may result in loss of zec...'�t`Y'`,we4t, f„ .0.3.i ai »', t': w ,fi , discounts or accrual of service charges. _ � ` a'*. rt �,'F v} 't 5 ^. :, .thi I•y t 'k 04-,' ti tr''Y l 'i.:. » 1F%, Vf [� '?, e.r: +t:+1:'C» 415 .k 41- Oil A X049 ' :.. Mr. Austic Aye yfi,e. ;i?Tslt 0..,4, e e ,S. k Mr. Reitz Aye r t e '�� l rr>tg` c`p t� ,i . li yr titan r h r,fd e 5rz ` p; Mrs . Stover Ayer ti! �'.PPtt!�'?q`ikr!� ,¢'u' v. Y r, Aye :,:yyrttt 4 1: i rJ'�f..d.r V: ' Mr. Weatherby } �, '° ;I t� , z, 7r, },n;; ....40e4.,FF fp 1te Mr. Curtis Aye T"t'I1' L+,<hnin;ySttti .• ra t.y .'rf � 1k ° i .rte',i%i Adopted. 4`i:' R^'""sr .'}"r { t t , t4 ^ +yi dx t. ,,. r. �� ,1 F ;yr t ;'r Iitt .{ A =t p: r „4.'C`ra•7,: kit.,r•-tb, `{,ta` � A RESOLUTIONS ASSOCIATION OF TOWNS: Tabled until February Town `s� r >.,r i€ ” at yy{{ r / two e,:3+,q°h � Board Meeting. c #, , , i + 'a 7t,,, "- ..rt Oh,a ` }k •' t • y , ,. ;tyf .e * , ,f t REPORTSr:i' iF+ dh L,2 v t}. $ > f r ,••'j„' .1 •,,4 ka .�*A-.a r yM 3 xr r, # kl,=�, I i f1 `'1°1 `g � % ,' ....J. 3.1,0: Deputy Town Clerk, Paula Mount reported that $1,184 . was V I fP f }" ° .�_ +a+ ci#�°'fly, collected in December of which $930 . 40 was turned over to the 13I . ` } �•. 44;4x1 j ' t Supervisor with the monthly report . The 1993 Year End Report r #•ti f' .�rt tir 4 �Xn✓x� '` shows $29, 659. 75 was collected for the year. '' p{ x •e„:.`:..`••• • h iw-it. 1 r{t�,t.....t� 1 4^WP1t�tto e t,1+' tth!11 'rl.. t /41",,,I � r rr�.,SM 1 ,'. Mrs . Mount also reported on the progress of work on a Records ;,igr' f`.<>' ' ,J {m:r,,<t ; A .itr 4:1 Retention Grant . Mr. Austic said he would be interested in a r' ` 1Yn;i,.< x ,3p�'#'. seeing it when complete. I H1}r • �'rl.Y'i$ .ii } t ' '�*4i}1ST ,, f.t t; ',, ^/ :1-e t y'r S+Z`Yty ';..), ,t.Ji "I...r • 'SIY., Y`t: •i,S�,t14:. Highway Superintendent, James Meeker reported there was a great .4 z r"';j' '1 . $j. deal of snow; about all they have done is plowed and salted. �n `n'` , #'} "`� f `'f')4 is!{2i4,#'!'�f6,:e tti �1 %4 ' .7.-'Y'.1t tF t , .f , 4•"11 r,,,,' ? w . Y # Mr. Meeker requested the Board adjourn to an Executive Session r;'`rt^ 93 • y ,n tY 4, t4:1�I 1 '',it.�;f fS= after the meeting, to discuss a personnel Cr ' }si k '.r41°; '3'ih°t . P problem. ¢fjto' f `1v1 Jz r ^r t r < Rt A,Ytf , lirk ffi.y . It ',( it,: 9 . 1%.'s,- ^ ± .4' ,y t r', 1, � 34%iII Code Enforcement Officer - Mrs . Mount read Mr. Rachun' s report . v ; r lit e>~2, .. i':i,ylr, M Five permits issued. j 1.yp ,} t , tJ ;' i'pit. f, yr r !p r s .F' ' i :(,.. , ? ' tit ' ',70 1 .,t (4,.7$„ CORRESPONDENCE F , -4 •` ,`-eit, t't s it ry ,} F •.. r r ./t. , 1 fp t {4 'fs , r -, J 5},✓,n,, Y Y t },#q�F 1fi 4,4:A r ; a:'. t + r `s tits }1St . t rl { T 4i+'(, f=,i'Y:' <,, ,f r . I I .'f ''get .t.• t °P a[ } t ",4 r4r >if lj 1 is :i.“,— c,'^ 2 f p `F':,,,•.”-y4 4.40 ,.ye ,7` i+ t1v • k�'{y'4..`1.t h), x4 ,r r 5 ,.,SGh" r J 1 v",',, f !i f � ..'xy'{y ,1,, .d,11 °• v 1 riJ xi j 1 t ,r , $1 ' ;',4;;,. r1.cYrt'yi�'t,I i t3. S0 .�: t!12 A rF r 1•4'r�'e^^+. a: rA i ;"i y!a' �f, '?1 F47..4S+?, H' , i 1 I1y c:�/>t t.V.Ap.f, j�, •1. '}`n: ''}d'e'w>1 4yf'�Jt+tt•t'+ 'tJ; +- 'vi?EF11'3 s}`. ?„,3.Y f' ,+4t, a3,•'t'ty't� ::^ i `;f m . , °5�, , tte.A�t'1�' a t 11 1 ,,Yy� t rii, ;,A .1 . . ,; a s ' I 3 G ` . e � �� f: d h . ,ly 4 , tF .,,,r,Y10Cx-f', � b''j'�r -1' , t' rd't,: : .; > * r f 1 ', �. t . A� `Y": k ?t• '•`+ •t ' .r d i }} t,,;.^.:!r t .,n: i " SC nt e:£.. ,r } A,. , Tthg4;t' ,141. k 4,tfiC:' r ,✓, +. 1 I[q�{- 4,441,f, •L t,.. .` '� 4�'a[, .0 $ 1 e' 1::).t �`�4 r�"L4�'�cc� y)y;S..,l;�i�.. ,r? %�' 'k 5t ! }�}.' t •k., .!1 C t MY: t � + 4 ^ Ja y0•,,,c', . >tf ai,�,i4t'44.- 1.;=$.: _ t,. 4 �A,M�2' � '^ V:., �* a v�d`il°•..�f a�n •+�,tE,?•;'t..4i":•S', t `» d 'I t :t> ff, , t t x tl !r ' t * r r ! 3. tt ta t;+ Sty #ir'.✓• .' l L''L` 'y- 4 `ter�'�.'+'.wtx ,1 » . �. $'• h \ 41-.. s? �1 f „ ,,,,-;. ,7,-,,,,. i' ' -,.,,,a t: ,,,,,,,,:4,,,,,,..t;, c , A ,},6r .rl 'tp S t loom*,' _ „,,,y, t ,,,,i >, t .e F '}. Ao'” ,, .l ,! +.✓ , , , , '!t _ t: 's :t y"z.)4 f"'• .,ThdCVg414S's d ! '"t SAT ' 1 +1 4 IC k .�£9 ..■ r^r ' .:. :> , , y ti { u, ,,t",-.-...;31 ,-{i cYY # 1h'1�*: ., '.y'1. YIY•y�P .."F T^Y 5 t .�'�.t 1r ._ 5' ., - } y .at }!rrf. t1�4C�1 ' � ..1 a .. ;dtt . i y'•S'1f't 't I { •:J■,Ifi'd* r !p ' Yt 'i „!l;•xy+t ,°""iL if"; ;a rrM1�`a 3 'Y 1y. , . ; t3 ) :..r ':'t�Ytr :ai .p•4t ``+ ! } •tS'l .}s J, t• .04 1 tt ,p may. C s. , Y3 +3' 7!e,S, .1e f' 44. .h t •q ,a?r i+ r• .40-&,114 Al S. �'; ,{t.y5:t?..`J.j .:,_t'• !,1 .4, ,�' a'ti,,t :�.I .. ., rti4 <r e t' ,S,+t r• 65..1=, '-4.44-1/4,,et',tsA` 4,14 .q. :y :_1 tra 1+yt n` 1 '�"°',�+' v � f F {. � I 3 't � f r•Y r v S � h ) a,�,��yvp;. 11, .Y ,c u', a• &T < bl+ u t ° ,•'4.,St•4,,1 i •rr1 t r %h d it t'C '. yC ` ..e,9 . • t ! - x!, .i j. yt o S4 ��rf� t!' i i%' tv I. r !' f�'.• 5 Sf'rs•=r 4:t�N�''.r,..et...a�}F Urvgsil'' Ct! fr.f ,y/s`f f. " TI.t T <1. •Kr � Y ;� � !Wily 's � . �S+. �. yr. ,:. ,'k,,t,..h r .` Y. ' , J,Z.. °, •4 'd'S''' 4 a„s t;, 1., .tr .>/e,'sfi J`r , -.T : i• -.:t tp f4,-,,,,,,1,-1A,•7 �{.r, yj, jY f r t.S•4, it. i ' Ct.,x111 Ei' .1 �-! sttk. �. '.' ^[: 'r,. i f�'", 5a ..iy. r. ( r r i w, S '?lr.�4,t;a yx� i w a t x' 7f t ..: r + + , u, $y 4Y (,.� ss g :.,1 p 4^,S,1., � Y f H'; tilt? t ' rr. tT i.,�t J it.� � r' •��' ,,,:,tr .y af: 57,'.t�j'K. '° t�>r',�'�1`l.��i�,...t��ti*T'.�JI•i^';?( ,{ r��'"}.�F! `�f r. '�h`wi'..� M .,i�.R 7i. f,+ i �7 ^'k .l'NT- �r p5 . �/' 'C :i,1 C. V i.l..t tr t`... ,t;fl ry { ) �- tky. - J ,.i• ''tstat`i';n. n+v,1Jrr y , 4- 7.�.N?t. tY t, E i .4. t' ..}55 ..,.,,~1;+....„x"5,9 1?j-,.-f,vrq,, 4 a 5�.. .5•=�• `- •M�"s ( 'r 1r'. .,., , � . v • �� �5 �. ;'� { j�5s�'�; �� ,. . �ls t ,kJ ��`s.�� F �a r �.t: t ,•, * t, a 3 3£ } 7 � {i„ 3'(.f1�ti fi5'. .t .. tn1..t�'�,Vhf ':e`.?14Tnr; i nt .;'r t,.,�e},+� :�1.:�7'.7• .y.l�gt {'K ?t�, $ t�rr'o{�F.y'�r'' ;r'I1d5A,1 rh)i�.i jr UI'� t4f f! �C„i,9 n.tr•.t t +� d , �y� t t'1. • 1Y •el A 1+ "s', y tI Ifi'Ct s .'°141 .,' 1t� d,_ t?d t..Qv. 'u1� Y yr , r- .t ” ft' .o ,i tits;: .f'. •vt'394.,, t 4, sl ;i, .r' ,l ,1' ;t'a• (>'ii y. y 1 `'4J n,r1 k 1. -N'..x t' 11 t .. t'•,v{'„n ;4 `q 1*f�iMa11' {'Pl a t.2.,,, •-,,irfe fi4a,m,'t f^+4.H X+; <'.fr�b f`s.:Netdl ) {At Yri-S••t-'N a rY•k Y*i m.,7?, ,Y•. 'n 4;-.if 4.4 4.•= -'nip Si 1 4.. + f ',4 t01 " sr'd tT °, +?•4. `.0 .['�q*'.X,. •v' >frat. • ,.c . r t1�_: ,,:Y,�ti'�',rl^y :�,;eJJ�� �^ .r . 3;..i°=,�•!rv�� = ..cd.�sc�'.t ,.±,ti.*z/,,,�*}p:M1,}' .�.,. .+ apt` I,+i'v st l+�r atxtx ~i,n.=:n�l,• i37.Y�.„htt�„x7Jf=a!!j;>;}>r,J�;•>fts.:rt✓5,... ., r},St � Y`..cc!, S,> �..•, :.•,: 6T I•s et ;'�+' ,.^{i`"?y t. ^iaeS.:uu.ua.aT.c : r,`r,•,+Fr'Y!xt o f ''i.i. >. ra, . .c 1. U,t,,P Mr ,•,t •' y �'1'rCl+its l y,t).Y3 wy::1.1��itgf y , , 7`(+tY .ir lilt ya, 1A j { ) Iii'f-Steli al,SltjO�>elhrft 1 �ryr `- 'P�a yr ;. � t 4j � kkfi.+ :.••••}1‘`.• it{ 't J 4" p'1,-•r ,t 1 n r ( Jtlr' l iI {S•yir1 R ,(7,,,,,0„,,;1,34&.%4.4.i•4ati• :447,1614:;;1-:',5;t.4r:1th ",‘,3114,. v 1.1+5 1 .,....-.,h \ . t• ; #,. k ,. e, ,e i :,',,,,,,1' , ...y , i. , a f ,_, ,';, s.. Town of Ulysses 6 ._..; t } 14 ,1 0 1M. 1�irh'; Organizational Meeting/Reg. Board Meeting ; '' ate. 5 „;` }`rt=<'; January 18 , 1994 r .• Y,' .( flit, t)' t�( ,4•'. ) Air,* 3 1 tl rl't .tl y :',', I �y 1t ,iatt t,ti t } r,4 Mr. Austic received the following correspondence: Insurance 1 , ? r`{+ trlf,� t±y rs i'r 1 quote from Farrell-Messier, Mr. { ”, t1 Austic will check with others . , r ' s . f .g, t`!a„'$t ,' 'A c S1t {t `): Regarding the indemnification - according to the law everyone who �'c fr ' '=, ft,Is ,y x, `,f,;f ryr trj ,• works for the Town, volunteers , paid, etc. are covered. At this ,. , r ry:? I 41";;41'0'a' -o +i Yk+iC!,t ,r point need to get the insurance. Mr. Reitz asked if we could 1^ D ,r, + ,+! ! J `e` ?`Sf ;` ,t 11., become self-insured? Mr. Austic said sure, something to t i` 14 Y :: :4.' ,.il . I.Ori 747for• consider. . Further discussion took place. Further ' ya ;f-,.(., 1..,99,4,,,,,,‘,,y,,.0..,..k ' t. T' 1 f�", '-', correspondence; report on dog control , bank statement , TC " i i a' 11 t t ).! h rx t��z ,±,y,?rt$ r' Hospital , Dept. of Labor, TC Dept . of Health, letter from M. v + ,; y, i .,! 'Y t a ` r `al rs`• a Li wz, Luster about Canal Corp. , TC Trust Co. , also Mr. Austic explained "t' , ,,,e -;3`.L ', . ; .�' t „ , > ,�.jf ,a t I .,its , £kts44 yX -:4,- that under FDIC we are covered for $100 ,000 under deposit in the t' rv,.,„,wit1.a 3,'',.r` 4Ay4;'s bank, if the bank goes broke we are out of $800 ,000 . so Mr. ,. : • ti:"V% 1 , rf,;+i �erzr, 1p"offWti"t rrX.'w4,r yrt a.- 1" 1 ✓kk `4�t a „7 ', ywp!'7r.,, .{,r, Austic requested of the bank to hold in trust, through the First t, 4 1. } •yt e.."Tve"l,t'.Y''I ,. ' { .,,1 4.:f tit J t ,. r rf. r'',l t't 4VII,xa 44).111 National Bank of Chicago, municipal bonds , T Bonds , Government 5 ,t F.r.: is•`+X$ At'1 ..kJP yet1:2",k L'I2 X Bonds . i '.» fi �k�(J, ?3 A 3}t} 1 114+ #°v�1o,Tilaittr'w{ . 2'. t' .,;1 sir. '' i ,f fa , = if ...-y �b,s=,r.{2t;- � Hearing no further business Mr. Austic entertained a motion to 4. ; all £e, ,, t•=' ,•`'( # 3 r , , , ` 1� JR� p ••• adjourn to an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter, ., ; r £ ,� „ it';, o, 3t moved by Mr. Reitz and seconded by Mr . Curtis . Unanimously ' +� ?, rf3'�t,''` 4 s t� .�� y y y ii ` °ystyat lrla t fcn ,yYa= ,” ' gtt••" 1 approved the Board adjourned at 9: 45pm. rty ., ," ; g4.;,`.J 14." t+ , <.� `t t 1 y(. t,Ytr •ftclgl'}1,-f• F ,' t r f L' 21 14.' {,1••S t:ttset. :t f�'!a ”riF7• ,,1,4g-ts >• The Board returned to the Regular Town Board meeting at 10 : 30pm. t ; '�' .., 1 + tr'' '' `I it�3,f'tt`+f'A '.2i ti ° lee .:M1 f Jt r:�� r ., f •t..72.'4,5„ .„ t° The Board asked the Supervisor to write a letter to Marsha �' r .., .. • s ” r1 Pr rrta' `.s;1,i $•J * Georgia regarding a complaint , to be followed with a meeting to .e•Yrt , t „• 4*• ' z 0. ;Sah 1, 9 9 9 P . 4 .x, #'-4„ 4`.4. rirkeff . discuss inter-office relationships and past problems. This may yu ', i rUj O '$V, ';% {19` result in a full Board meeting. 'r,; -II l ' `, 4/ :.... ,f` a,,,:r 1C g' t ry! rIC °tl.i }i i. ,i Y xi A'=yI ,' • Sri :.,1* ”( ,'1+', CiLrd� l}T=fit N,tTry .j p r-” tt {L £ Mr. Reitz moved, seconded by Mr. Weatherby to adjourn the Regular yl : F tJ,,, , t I 14 i" %� , ! re.f;,c}&�, -...'V9a„ Town Board Meeting at 10 : 45pm. ;r f 7r;in r+ IJ 4;11; . 7t,P}, ayyl l i• .!- 1'1`A;sk ,py l'i••70,4•00';:.., 't! 12t y J )„,y=':'a.i.044 � ool.., Respectfully submitted, t :,k,i' ,;;(1/, .r. w '' "? }< a ,PJ tls" 1{afi a, 4 ?\ _+' + t t ��,�i`k•'Att n 1.421441./W4,...'249.142 s 6 i i1�T 1 r 1 f t .tq>! {�¢t 3! •.'r , J ' ,'1 t i 11 ..1 r . i t(1 J t' .F'ds�xS^,,>��, � sp Paula J. Mount ,^. 1 • ' r I t=Y , ,o."r + tIf:4,t+r`°P f+' Deputy Town Clerk tea' ��" 1i ; . J. ,,%!.'qt f If4.t = n {t. j T C{iln y�k.� {x✓.+' ,y La t ! ♦ °• 1Sri ((.^le 4V1o..11 s iy1`i� t}^ "` y kl r}{li } i 1 , F,{ a1T 4'Iq 2 ` }=T:1 ;) , Vr •l tr i•"�Cal iP.SI s 1 y L r r,LfrT-1.y.j%yyt tlget ri :,riN pm it 'r•' <I lit tt ,J5 :,�, h,S*�i ∎•AL. 3�.S••"'t4tt>�}✓rs,y*VAT I, it h • f .S� Sa '{Y•s �,}��vyv.M$•Af ,'j ! fY , -v•-,1 3.r t 'h. f}i�i tP.It)5t. '!h,'S41:7� Y 1.ft",„4,"17 ,+t"41-2°4, St i r) , +, zip .• 1.:.°}` �t „ 4 1 ) 4-10,` .7.�ttkhr 4t is 5; O% f11 pn {e al iitl fli tt 7•F Y•} 2x ..0,�+ 1 cki,,d it,8 vstji 3" 41, 1^ tYi"t, . 1 nn "IA { �I Y 4�y.? ;%" x{+Y'4'^h.4,Z+T{it',t,+ 1r '!..�r it 1 (1. 1 ..,1" t:y.j $t Atli'e+i°ay,'4t twt.,- ut t{pr(jtiy7 \k is +wrt !mot �`" „ It i;lr rr{', It n}Js,(.a$'' 714'ii,Pt i#t nos . tk, .t,tt. ,in1t r: a44fe t. a /T,1t t 1 C # t s {! i" , • t0 1£"e"..`,`t i,if.'. lf11 11.e A ° it c \4a Sy 4 tt, I/rt fy 1 .1 ; s .* 4424 4 '. cf btf t 0.'l bt.,,2 ,1i el{{ `ai• S t Ai•Prt, l tvc•iC.it!i r1 r. r .�:t 4lfr't i1n'rtes}y .+ ti s t,iti tilts r r , 'h,' ?}i' C. ,J,r'h•s 4Ta:fr 1'J'%CeJ ± -)r1 1 • 't f t. tt 3 , ,.',i"11; f '4,3.l.Y , F 1F"J 1.:1: cc's-R1 Jr'!. I '' • . , .t M 'T .4 rys ?r t 3yY ..r.' tt kc 4 yi r J aa'l�� a u1+ A+ S�' ^1i ,fi.+aY t'3; >I,r7 I itt r 4c;? ® , t sec"..-- t ilt 7:t,.� ri'ski, f� r~ ,}' .-"A.,..1 ifj1,i t :14 , ' ,, +, IS"{.till t' S . ,'4‘_ '44 arS ' t '` Y, t 4f11 +e.1S., t 1 Y f; , a9 r'C.t f.. ) ,; .I,`,' p.r, I 1 ! x.�:•:. xf I 1 'ttf t♦t It Ir 1 `a1r. r t = t 1 11 I. ' t 4 = 1 ? Yi �. .a Sr a: , lr. .fi i,� Ir, I t . S T i. 4 t y 114! C 1 •t - t Y 1 t i•-..1 .A:, '. 'sit,' �'3 • � �/ �' ? ..fl a T ' ..K ` it x11 i• a .t.r 1 k r . •j t}+ i 11 S '''1, S , I l :; r a s t + 1 1 I'4 y ,'i7 s t 1 r. f 'y '/, ' S • . • f � ,. tr ' t! A+et(�M14'J ,,. x� v AVM Ei tEa , .•r" t1 tat (I, It Y•, i •7i ,{�. t' ''� a '�+;$t'te4Y ` ✓�' 1P" ' "!) T+ 4, Y pq' en ' I tEr. Gbr,"rY ;4;:c , ;1.14 t, Y ii T t Tit• O4tial 5' ���{+}�,j� �q�` ``{ �.,+rC' ' 'j li1440 is V! �,} { . !l'SvT �!I , •RYif ). ♦ i._., V.)urX y.�.,� ! sl...g�{.ftti'y}a i, i:C � ri" '.Y'tl •�^'*E' .`11. .'"F't,_�,ry` r; t�£ Y,k > . � ,. Z ^%r� ` !!'. sUtSi,S°!7' - aS'sJ•J�?t., a��7f�'�y 1.6�!•Fa. r ■ bt;a t a Y�1. f f u. Ii, - �j J Y .',� r l ' �e , tt �* � t4 I . 1413 3M1 �r i,JI. .t0 f lMY +r�:+,r i"WeL a Y 1 I �./ t.. M �Y N• i 1h, r! Y� *41 , ! ,�f iel ial� ,} ilFt 3414.1,T4:4:::::,x t•M i 'tilt;fit�r. ,;it� t t >F u s} .5r 1 tt.�t;G�{ �a. .�, 41,11 ,.yh at Jr _ 'k:a}"t ra «.M 1 S l '.'ty ✓ e ,:' ;� « d" (,} , x aG r' i y 1 - s' -?15',' 9 ^k' 4 T T' 'Yi '. t :' ''.a ( r5 � {��Si` ,.•� t� �!� rYv. 1 �e S I. 1 ♦ ' y. l 1� d .J *C aT,R� ti /-•' rF S'�.�L p i .. r a ;4T� •Y vE `Y �,yn �^.. k,r' S f f'., rr ,1`S{i...•f'k, W , „ ,:g }S: ,Pie 'S t 711'1''.• I `!(` r:' r {,�R r . qyr. , t !; Ante li,� ' 1>+',W'.� .;sit yy� h. t ' I f '7' + x UC y, ,, Ru} ,k-,.. t`x -% � i•Z F' 1 C 17.�i 7 ; ,.t,T .K t 'x4;.'Y{`gi ".. {+. ../ k."ti f ` a { F�J•k L ;.} Z'�"YI `t` .ti" N,19� :St$Y .J a''+. ! e .Y, u 'i : ,r IYt i ''7; . t: i /,fiiH! .,'. � c'�• xUa l^•: J..4J'lafY'r! a •Y sfq 1'4' 41"1x? .�, e. s'K, „a cu.r. 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Jf + t f Y' f.1 ,.f..Ltl ek,Y S�f,j�+'p�.Pq, ! 4k�5�J'� [+, �4 I } 6 �ff,,4y:f sk{t ,u'a rrt �-•1'fk i,z'. . a , 1 't y. .1= t t .1. r a. , II t•, .,•, 11 +t '. r1 l 4, 4I' f.` 5 , a / 'g? (t �yY�3SSS����L+ f�� 't T =.Wars' �,�.�i'li tlf 5l it 'J} t : ?'r t' ,� 1 ;�) 1 1 ` I 4 �. + ; ,�d2e 1 t Y',�`a dy , 4'11,1 J'�`l. 4414'.4 ,4,., t{ ! it 41.',11? 4 `. .:...•i1.Tr ''':'* r li.Ltatisx&f.Itit. + , k.,.t'i POI, i:4 yti . c * Y�: <1:4t14.:1 .1•.j ;4( 4 . ',6r t ,7 j'-.•,f•or .,,f. -uS ,r . .'n: . t ,• t i .4.4,; 't• ;.+.. •'"e. o A c a_y"TA'"Y4 °y �. �;:.. a d + . is`r 4,t''‘. rf,. 3{ .t Y ,}1.rte. �{ r ,a s s � � r f. T ti{,• � ',�•r .{ *''i^Ss}�v �!'t •oust;'+=. •.:4Cs:^t}� 'S 4' 1,r '•.7,,.5 r+� „+,.n�„ �„ }r� X 1y sr7•t i�..rl+.4r:7ft5•' ta: . s£` •i.�e t"� .4-"` 4.t �°� ' r x t.x r�,.'C,tr-:!k �ij.{ i„ti, r.S.E;:,�4 "�'.s•'kt�'?v+;. ,t j .lil u LoO I..r+ r2,}Y`ra'.{`t'S+C, ., +i .-4J .. "wx.,F': r2"'•. z i.. b ' .tls rr41 L i..Y• .: ''4. in •i t . Y f .1,,,",s.,tS r • ±, u 5ti t,�,•Xt. ,' LY' -" '.r..r n ' 5r} n•�;,� S?f ka5 'Y 4.a.'! 5 f- y' d ',4 ,5 { St Ct; .a:t• :n•t•t vf,:,'� #} „,445941,„ n 0.77 . fr ,,.ty, r X ' t',Ai r . ra tl rX 7.'i v.,x r,, r q . f , . n ' r, :.y.,“,, t s,,,, d"7'+ F , , r3 ii{ w:,, ,•�, k :„t „ ,;t .r, . 'r t t �T , � x;;.i r:✓�j1 t i ' �r '. •rj':'h•.y/� .,c '. E"'•f,,: r'` t( ? r?_. '' >. , 4. `t�A�r7 ' , ,.., ,, are Z t t, .c t 1, h .•y ;.+ ,,F,,tijik' , iS;" ' ' t .tt r ,x.�S34'!''77. ,Lt .= ,t E.. . . s,,,y r �; S .;t{ k tti ., , . .« C� .r' r s ti <r 't 'ra a' t -+iS,yij t+t�� � 1 `''� �M1 ',.,l�/�S!I ��•• r.F pt nFN.,Lkl�ierF tltyr t9vt,ti � :t`j� rttiF�,$J�d'' b[. r:r�t Ir 7. ,r fv bsti' ti}t�.�:".f. rid rs„t ��r .tt.t; �s.:f r '�'n`, �..;74K af�3' J•,'e:'e n ei. f rlr s. t~. Y£ ,..?),4p f, 0 . hti,,,zo z rF ,,, ,w .,,• , ) r-.,L 1�. .a {�i .c r,.,; } = w, ,, .#�1' +: ' V x�r •t ' � '� r»r f `i"F. +k. .Fa:,fi 1 $:�,I' t ."« fs` .ss`fXy4. ;rr�,�r'.;���. (p5 .r"a} �� F , ,1 1. S.,+J �C�tw. �i``V'f�j> � � ✓-,)t'R��.�'y)•)�.�r;S`.:h,. y.l 1l t.,:. ;4r t.yt / :' EtI � r r :' :•st ,t. "pz. ..e•?,} ..AiF*, to `cf-';4Ili:: -:,}r< FIS 4(,t i ; ,.. t_ t t „ '?,'[ a,"ine pfA1 4 L:t'=r k }1 y Ti .fl�'� .�}9'r`i(e_:fi.'�. ,.•. �t iJ3�9�!lj�/ °T" y.f,,4]jL�' p:i u n} ..,, , iG..%Y...r., �:t t �y �+,�,, •. , t. z .,�'}s . ^r ` ls'L.. 't(`: T.:t�)r .,�u I-01 tte� ,y,•t�'7r!:52�.1 Ii.f:l',., , .h`.!•+ SPxx ,.a17'ar� tt"� �(jr{�..• fii ....1,.. i},r4,t,•"�• ..J,4 ttv ,t�.4J, },dt,}r,Y SdCttY„} ,;1} :: y•c:i j•.{•.�, ��,,,iy tt 'I r' U'ihtt,<r+ l��'{ t f S,iiii.,'S.N�tn:�L"t5"t �+j,.ti.�, }(7 N'..u41i'.•' :41� .F''rJ. ` ��'t I,Y}rlt; 1{.r }}• i fv r; ( , 13.4,„t , 3tin„. . c,,,..r, v. 3 Le .i� . '•1 d'in') 1.1 e .. .1..f,Wfa:r.:3:siva. "A . 4 *n, c ,rr}R7�/ +4:' ,>;.y4(Cti°a i'1(.,k `h�d pF'�'(�: t r i C'r7tyV h ,,,F n p, r ,44-rS'd�AI i }�.. ?Fe t.refe PIP Ip. •� 4 1/rs 45•:' j:• f ,+r "t tl`2tb y .,wjr'4}p�i{ Y h ,1 1 iin'f!± ll�eutl A, ��("* �y�-•yf� S}i. a+t''f ' s" e 'i>.,r•FS l'PL � t r 5 y 7,pt t t f t�. ,:It I stv , "r !�'� Ley 3,' , j'tt i ,. �!i �*IDS 'lr CSei} >Y ftr'1n 5 ,> �4 MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING 3'`j' ` ` ,y. t S5, y r r T -, c/i L �1 4 s • ^ ik^1,. ran' r�`t TOWN OF ULYSSES +°'.t t `'` ° ,t ; t` rti, 44 JANUARY 18, 1994 ° ,:; �', ', "'+ , t'. (4 y JfS It} r, ..ai,J I , , V t .f.,• #,'t .t+p, } }I ,. TOWN HALL S li at'4+ 6 A 7u rtr v`Y 1 t l�*' i > + t + • 4k*.,el 4 S y?+r#, f f Ett i, �410 r�'*t,4 +r II` 1/4;4 ) p } tf ij Y Ii,,i e �f 4 br•'ice( i i�A C` iliv; PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: GARY MYERS; MEMBERS: SUE POELVOORDE, s r f,..1 -. 1 7 `v' r �:4,Vy•r77s 3 y,# . JOANNE MOLINO; BUILDING/ZONING OFFICER: ALEX RACHUN; \.-?' • _ ,,k ,t . r r "r.t'-• '''f :,0 '"''.>, •.'y? SECRETARY: ROXANNE SMITH. +`', ' + 5 xe ,',S r�i,4° i}Y`r�r'"r tY'ii•i�L`� a7 . Jr� !';vt;P ti' 0tC} i'a` The meeting came to order at 7 : 50 PM. Joanne came in and took ,, , , ,' .�? ' 3 " ' !fi,F' %`y�a ri the information from the flip chart and put it into outline form �^ , : `,1 ,1 F i fISI, r�-rtZ!;r o f A ' P e ° 7 i t"i'•..,. 'i'i F 4 4.,�tr � before the meeting. She also used samples from the Town of Ithaca 1. ` -) E,, ' 2 ',0 1,54:`,rr, ; t3t 4 and Clifton Parks for more input. By using the Town of Ithaca as ,; ,%t '4 , a,4.411,p40� , s'r`t ty, I a sample the Members will be current on what Ithaca (our neighbor) '',•' • ; ' n, '' t ' ' ' `""% `'tar "I. is up to. Having the samples will allow Members to have thought :`r - , oi, 4 7 ,' c ti out the process , and to be more prepared to brainstorm (for the " ': j aT t", °� �t " 1 kk. t.p 1t,'44"�topt 1p, w, flipchart) said Sue. "`` l S. nS . rty Gary inquired about pressuring the County (again) about getting A # r, 1tU" i ; 1 } µk� ' ' a copy of the map on disc. The Town paid money to have that service } Y t,�M; } 3� "'_ done. Alex said on the actual zoning map they are doing the bound- § ,`t > a,` d •4ft;)� '�",;M• '� g41t arses (feet markers) . Alex said he will contact them about the disc. , d.> ; �' '4,1 j i s .A)L 7 SI . y o f '4i j f, • n t=, ,....i/dt,fi444,1}� Gary has the ability to manipulate DFX,DWG, MAC or whatever. rl !.ir r�> r` ; r ,'s,. Jr ,jp ki.f,:• ,(4� (F'e1 � ':_. j +y , 1i rr 't T1 Ay. 1 k'F. � , i p a 1, r' S : , 1.hr 1°l' ,r . 14y+ . yc � �+ Ultimately, one person will take all the sections and go through , ,fif , ' ,;,, e ?�o F ti y k` r :,. 'Sit' X434 them so there will be consistancy. (The final edit. ) Alex volunteer- ' ,, rrtt,t., �' it t rr '3 ` ' (�};,� r�1�,Yrr�,•;�' ��,,, ,{�• ed to do some writing. The Planning Board is looking for the Master ( >h;a '1�-• ;5 , t. � '. t43x, .'itih 'j( � p', Plan to come up with goals and objectives, where we 've been, and are ;.;;r ,7 1T?<<;`r•:t.•• . e• 13 , +,C nt:1";;; ., 't1 W"an ^ t . fj,. ,.1j,-i Ito't4 r , !i ,Y ,1, ,r On: .k , now The Planning Board will be involved once the Master Plan group x - s } ; '` r' are at the rough stage. Politics and the lawsuit have shined the I;`;2,t , ", °� `;' , t :t 3 }}3� art > rr"f v0'r ''- : f'. light of truth on the Planning Board said Alex. Joanne feels that in N•1 �•3„ `` its 'i c ',A I" 'n f g g its ' t ,,,, ct'<r1l gra ,p ; 11 �, tit• 3'ilists” the Master Plan Committee needs more commitment from its Members. . ,_ , ' r t+4Fs, o A,# `,A,�$ l p�•}} y,r;. Gary agreed. He said the Town of Ithaca has a full time planning ,rt• t , . !, r r ,y T ' .53t tLI, aw J c:0., ,Y: etz,m it department and it took them a couple of years. Sometimes a core of rorX, 1 y ;; WN. 047,V,A < k . '' really interested people (with a background in planning) are more , : j Gi ",'rth', ` t vL.'I- r -r�' '4, ' ,, effective. The Planning Board is good said Alex. The inventory has L '° ' �j Ita ';' •t'J It jy 44 s b been done previously but it is not as comprehensive as it should be. ,;,,,`, 'r>,'� `; tt,a`0 ,r,;• 3 i�,,xrtr�r�� �#{� t.; Sue said you have got to show that you have done your homework - s „ p°"Art:/1-:',6'.1';':;.`0`� �y w}i 4'''.•s 2i . y C A t i1 1 { { 5 y, r43y,, frt � . . everything needs to be documented (bibliography with footnotes) . ,., :, .'r�,r�i„rr ,r, `yt: i te,fi�'•ra .a i ,� cart t=, a iF y {`' tIr t",r+,, 'y�pj';t t ..2 ,\.1g't '1P d 4 r''1• ,t 3''ff' • . , ] )t er , °rr� ,€ We need to market our area said Alex. A traffic and park , , ', , . ,+ �i: zr 7 + , ,i , . it7 su�s'}r`{��`�.'s��•i� study would be very helpful to present a thesis , that if we had `v'>,r -�„ rli)'5« t �'"�« 1 ,,4F, }`t .,o $ t;''• some sort of nice theme it would bring people here for occupancy >< ;++art , i",s"'t" , , ;y iy,.,4 f,, `}. (campgrounds , travel lodge) for extended periods of. time. That , )? 'X� 3 ' sf :1. c1t. F s, ',3�>,4”' tft-Igt It '} ,4741;-'4441,;1:611:41.'44,e.'z+ 4 1. ,,;''' n yg6 IFcS>= 1q4� ',. might target some. businesses for an entrepreneur, said Alex. At ry,, ,*r,,,i J t r q 1 a,54T !.r f q 4i11tI t !'•;:•"at,ar it` ,,4 J'r ; ;., t' , y w£.,r this point, Gary had to leave for another commitment. , , ,3,3s„ i; E ,.e� rk1�, 5„ r ',4% ?l . 4 §z'� 'tit ' , .e • tF.rx ,4 1•* When Sue works on master plans , she looks at several examples + :: i f"� {' n ` i' , r +' of what has already been done, taking the best from each. Because G; t. f.•,t ., Y r 4 f tt>, t : y ;t `r , 1,(4,• cII + of this, she thought it would be helpful to give the Members an E`4:1:1, 2-1:;::::1'1;14';-1:::"i• %::`, I , r.inlyth: 5';r ' '�',r,�i ,'s,,�,", {�+�,;Iw�� �"` example from the Town of Ithaca. She handed out an Inventory of .pf=r t °Y k 2"k�'F:'�?#t°, {ar their Comprehensive Plan from September, 1993 . Sue and Joanne have c,'4',r t. 4' „zu ,x }t �; volunteered to write the rough draft narrative for Transportation ',': /:%1,-"::; ;. -, , x .;- i i1114P 41 now that the outline has been completed. They will make notations AIL {_ : ' ,. °z , iJI �r 15 Ni��jt ' for areas that may need to be depicted graphically. Once the out- r rt' ' t ,. ' I tt t 2, t W ,f,, meeting?) ; � ' y ',r, 7• f , :''r C z FT+ (;� �1 t # 11, line for Unique Natural Areas is complete (next , t ?i �' ` *k'' 'J,» has agreed to write the narrative for it. s ry 'E , , 1 r {{ ? • k ' n' r;'� F g Alex wants to draw attention to the fact that there are enor- 3 r`• , 4 t'(( 'f',4�n .'>~ 1'SI �y;r , mous pieces of land available for sale. If they become cheap be- r,..F4 z''44.1` ,4.4•'••, yn1,01 11( 1 t Z r •' ' 00‘4'Id cause they don' t sell, then tacky places will crop up. Can we hold j , , :liv r rr.k our property values? The Town of Enfield is paying a little over R fir <' . r ,v 1I t j $7. 00 per thousand in property taxes, the Town of Ulysses is a little i`a. ,} ,% 1 `,r,,; ';i S' t, , f €'z"t7t over $3. 00 per thousand, and the Town of Lansing is less than $1 . 14 z'''''7 .2“-(1: ' .".7' ,..7 , 1' d( , :=.i•`r17Yk t per thousand. The Town of Enfields' laissez-faire attitude has !s , i,. t t1' ax , t , yY , ..}.�, disabled the tax payer. Who is going to build in Enfield? The , , ''„✓ Y art '). people that are putting up the $20, 000. 00 trailer. (Newfield and I. },,, , , j, ; ,, M v only permits ,1 t ,. -.141 'C'' Enfield are the onl Towns that allow this. ) Of the 67 ,t,! , , i7h. ts issued in The Town of Enfield last year, over 50 were for single rr t ; ° 'ii , • , ..,= wide trailers. If someone wants to put a home over $100, 000. 00 a ' 3 ` ✓ �r'; ,4.4• l f .. ?>yit 1A_. i: , 1• Y tt 1, {7 5_ N ' r 4”"i t(2,- •,1 : .. d i YiL 5.,ro r: f 57Y' i q S 4 r , .' Y ‘3* llte L`t t r .. „ ".1, 14 t 1 , .,tr '`•,Y z'{,'r 4,j {sr};,4i44 71} p ,tit ,,75,tii`4 . = 1, '° i X 't E r`, 1"s ift 2ieezgja,`•Y<°r;'fe't4i ''' ,y' "ri",., •n i. , ;bt'a'".K.r,. .,,�_ t, ty, + E pA.• {g• tai,',Y7•'1 L nici,F 'S f t* 7a-:-. t t :'•.,i ° 0,i., ,.( ,dCr- ''{,,,, ;1" I ' �� "'' 1 , 'u <r'i' I n:.4, r:x. ..1. s,:3. �{a '✓c�a7rx i ff;, " � . �rim 4,. 4,•m Ii.'y .. 4' 3 �. ”-4 Jg �ik:.2 .✓'ti x lti` `3>� b-�}y�v 1 1 f J ri r ' ,1.1441 � (^S`t+ t,i ly '3'. �4, ., r 4%, J ' M,' L'A.e ,. .S•t ,..it, "' hi' , ,FZ}' ' .3''':44 e wtjY *fit,°ef°a rIM .4i,i {r.Fi 'i"ii .y ' � ,.Cw�1"Ale's.'�a`, �i.f7. �?. ' 'LKg � tk�'C•{1" tk x'.�''t414'',fy�S' e�' mot S4 " r •'1'� rY}S ;OW� Yom, ire t,r�!d ,y. .'f ,e 4 ,i rZ �i i,y .t I �• •ST' ' UC'r } , T ri', t3 "i „' t . , , I-;I'ai� :-Ir+ •14�t .w 'y" 7 s,wt .',cif tl :t . 3' 4 .,{ i�..r . • r a. My .,� "'"L�s, .} " 4' }1fit I1r) } p 44 ''iA. A k t ,} r( t T •:..t+ I.•,x' '48, ry ~ . i.ne ,t , at I} itit't'+ r.6'E,;tVe'to.' ;Y'1,t.iS:r'-'N ;4 ,4ril+i4"'Lur}a°xs;;..ret0i0•'' t y r ,�."t„t'b''% 1},:c'ad ;p: R�'.uG`>:i' %r.,e' ,:41...4.t....,'�tN7�j, ' ”.-;:.” , .,w$ e.h�:'` „, if -4,4)7}}F , - F,,aFa .,1c,. .,,h✓;`t,.t.i. ,r tG,t•i,,..y.„: !{S �tJ,y} Nzte,4 n.`d.i7s ""S1(,to ,v2. pa,„„ F,,. ,dp,, t3 ,„J,if J1 xy.o r R ✓"r A 7 i 11/4v „„ i.. ,4>kr. F 1` i r , } ,T ,,4.. l'Ai }t.!e 'ciz •',RIY'R_. ��T s.r , )rj.rFl;"T., ty •� . r.`;y ,i.•.;4��f'.`.Y',:.�'rtl,'11a,",..r w��i:I }r`.i^`'-i i 'r i .'S n :.r�i�A ^t• +Y. r.�' Lr -,ri ,a f >'?5 la ftr A.r'� t`tA{. 'X; rp }}}'zr s ( cYbtt2�ry�` !7 `T}l: `k`t..rl{ i4,4yr, v,.'5'#<,,. , 7r , ,. , d 7, th`r( , '4l [5 er t.,{r,�,."rte' . Y Si ",�T•1"f r C.�' : 4 a+.i :.'1," a (.+;'+:,.Hri^”. .n, t+T,� e Y r, +t 1, f a.+,+' ', <. r- 7^ s. i s i. t !• ., t{y�4+, S, 19%t'141 fa^ i t ! . 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' 'Key", ti,,p, ..i.1 ti„,44044.:4,, k,14740,-,t,qt&fhu .. .42k?„ap.kl, . i„,, rstvc. do , , = .v.wave(.*:„i: ,,,,,i, . tec-el-kr,At'Lt Itic•}4k7.::,,,,';-4k; i.,-',.? :,..,,:..i.: 4; ;... ):".:..4,,,:4-,i;;;.,...gilds-WkiWA4„v1:41=14,„Sk;Ar;,443-S-a. f aral:19,40 ri:;v;tztAlt§rak‘. , *Jr 4' ••*.tv,"•4 ‘,/, i ,t. ?et'' .-;*kkitakaf44}‘a. donnr.'' j4,,Bib:1/.4 sil il, PW441A7iii'C'14.t"."`'4.:4';‘" 4'4''4.:41i ,4,,,465-4/ (' ,te.:4=ti,t,',', .'AP4i'd,SVIX. ,414/19,0:443911INIVITIROVelnp ". 4 tilrilleke,VIlitipt:14 4 :,....it; gels tor skob.4 i,r4 rms, .. ,t4406,..4,-.tl.,,,,,A.,1;,, ,:,,,,:k: tivr, ,,,, :'-,&-•,;".,1,-.::::1:',;;T:f.P,VitkeiViTh\CINI4tits4.411.1513,14,04,,,,,,Rhor,01,.0,.". v ' „,„ . !-;j4,*,.;4.41/4 -ppict r., AL...Lye, A.,vg ;ArS,G, i'lp,..„4.}.e ..4,...„2„..1,1).„cycazt4 ., , ,„, • . . 9,z, it.ict,t.•• ,),<;,::,;,n,7...,,,..; (...,A, ,,•:. .- y.-,-.'..,ciii,prite-r,,,,g;44,:.x•fw,A;T•Nigion44nsiti4hrkevk id, yox,.t.t;pt-t•:••,ijprt4ttrt:rAcymc-in. !..f tte47-a. .-.ihtl,,..--4,:a4b7rif,mitek . . .-.; ,i,„„. ,4,0, ,000,,,,Nurf,,,,,:,,,,,,,,:., .7,...;€, , -40;.. .:.-7 ,•.;,,;.•,,,:..•.....;.t fi,-:•,t-agitl,.4:41,44'itp,o4Papkit,i22,r• i von iimFerA, -4,-).esnewr----P .4". trkw44;yotitcirtRolln,. 4 k: s le*,;144>f"tc(44t;P''''''''`11`''.<1\5" "S t p ; .1,/;1,:,"', - ''',,,d'''A-0 4,"`"tfP•';-,*-';V Prc115flIN,1:4181,Ipti *' ,,;t I .p.at . It, ' / $4,-..p 4,,,,z-in-rp.A.,77, z „.,,ttp; v, ce,0,1.„, c 0 tri+!"..•*.•1/4.14,4IC 41.•c.. sti t.. ,tte, • € 43,4 . •Attrio?:yA.iiii.t.,.110311M,4 1 ' t iiip,?;■:`,/, i','.1,.;t'k4rik(Str,99410AVY:14 ntrip/Milli , If, iltitt t ;64 ,,-.,,AV,y44‘44138*&,Ople,,,,:,.,1,,,. , , ti.,tb,414 (0.143)2,5.,,,JT.J rt4',a:A,,V4,,,,,.6 ,t. a . : , • f * it,r,, Ithinizi.1.-‘,./i.,;i.i.., ;.i saclio, '11!et:47,4 if-.'4rtlie. pip-, t14-4,-;,,eic.f ;4:-V iliv• /..1',IL'th'i•`..;'1%0 clAi,,f. .,:li,V., 04 eatim.,,,;„:,,,,,.. ;...p.,- .A;4t. ic4.,-i... .wteak,`, So 0 vit..i,TAkedpw.,.;:.iktik,.:xv.;'Azi f .;.!..lit:h1 kci. 4 ? ;,v4ty.,:),, ,,,I');..?,,A.t;i, ;:tif7:"\VI:1 ‘,41,:'rYl7" • ! W,Cifiq,,....: 0,.t1;4......,„.y.,..ii?.. .ii.:ini,....9,9 ./.:„,: -,4,...;,...,, c74 ,./11- .';';',7r.:(1..k, 1;41.,V.::1:.".;','Ili:t.,,,•;!■1; ■,t fb.,, ..cv.f, r ',•, :,,!:-:yi. .,-, %,,,,, : , - %•;;. 1:.•:::.:0:ii•y:;‘:y.:;':r ( ,I.. 1P,4jl01.1 1 MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING 2 :i.f.: 1 ;i.; t•'e::;-;,";':il."4:';.L'.:Y;:tE''-:":14Y .:''. .1, ;.-./...‘4'-.1 i'.• ,::ef'''3, -:';'..; .. •' -' 't '''.•':;''i t ''■:.?:','':-.:i.1\'';').*:"..'Jort\V TTO0Ww: OHAFLULLYSSES ' A. JANUARY 18, 1994 , ,,,..":4 - ,. .::, :..73;. ,..., ...1.-, ott..„... ::: 'a ,:-. ...)...,,v.i,r;.".'m 443.4Ar;.'1.4: :: 1J‘1;:t ‘1 HAW ,iiit.,.2.1(2,2,P.1%*/,'"Ptp:,,: ‘ r,,,zi,!.T•Y-(:'.',rt.'k,•; i:Y.t' lki up, they will be clobbered. It sounds elitist, but the major population in the Town of Ulysses is the homeowner. The Town of k = i.k,::'-, .k.d.s.,.T4-k Ithaca has a huge rental population. Osmo Heila wants to develop ,von4.,,,,,,z,...-,7„,.., i.:p:41;:< o.- Podunk Village (65 units, like Commonlands, but individual houses) . ,l'ycg&;;.1:', 7,.."):4:1*:-.4::::,:.-?‘ lkeez.q.„v.1,, ,,,F..(Li..';':?;t1.,it 1,..t Then there is a person on Perry City Road who wants to build a lc ...A•eTt._•Clio `..).;:iGW.; A small subdivision (18 houses) . Jim Gulledge and his crew are still '-' ', ,,- '-:.'s.'!:::;.: ::1 ,..P( 171...Y::...,:irt,i-c.ic.ii?„„ ;i, , t ,.. . '''. ',', ..:-“:5,.-:44 ,,,,I.c. .vo....i1,..,.... st%cn„:.:Oil v... interested in developing (Pleasant Grove) . There are only two 4-.014-':...,,..';,,,-:.4.. .;`,-=1N-Ka farmers earning a living (Scott, and Dan Smith) . We lost the . ::-.'Th.' . w'...,, ..,, ” 14!...t..1;41g;t7":1Z7A3:,.?A'Aill'',...41 dairy farm on DuBois Road. L ;;:„.4 lkx-,•;14,Vi!k• .:K:,:ty-J;iiy4tC9',.::M ,.,g„.,.1„..t? ,,.. 8 . j 4;t4,„, Discussion on the Unique Natural Areas ensued. Alex thinks ',41:-.F4.0a01! I Willow creek ITaTtli:rl!e TItugcoirl4 dh;cal;k He lives t(t:h7nd Gorge Road) is another said Sue. As a Town, our areas of concern should be designated. Developers would then need to get a SEQR. 'vr- ..% . '?-:.-2-.: i„ ■,1,‘■,7, •.4-% .'' itist' 4::,,,., iliti1,..,.cli.fctlatiptil.:}1. and Wobivl gorge mentioned. b behind ti ni 1„.1...„T„,,., k0y4kvtl..-. Some sort of criteria could be established (maybe not as extreme r ip,14;e.-er,--,,,, ,-,3fr45 ,,, -t'-:4' ri,?:..Lkc.....-,, ,•••...:.,;-:;,4, -c•,:e444.7.‘14.,...1.1.1.:,`;',a,(2,/kil'i as The Town of Ithaca' s) said Alex. t:.:-.t...!., *,:f:.•::, .......0.-;•,:i.:, -12 • 2&th1/2.4'1414:*::),i:ISOZW%.4Y ;; , -•,; .y ,' :C,,.1.''■-,..C.1,1' Vir,4,"‘P.r,it C'H;''`,t,;;;,...fli,„t,, , Roxanne will send the information Sue brought (Inventory- • ,,- 7E.qTvzo..sr,04. - Jr.::.iv'4,'c'•.,?•bs:i e'i‘W.t4,3” Town of Ithaca Comprehensive Plan) to each Member who was unable .;.,,,,I .:'.; ;.-•,!;yh'..:...,. % It .;‘;,.r fL',4;.1.:(tfrj.:;',`Li'S;SLi.j. :.ML -7(''; . ) Ybil- If ... :i'-‘113.;,'.'!...y1.:,t''',?..tryiljNi.?;4,* to attend this session. .,,, :„..,,-,...',..,1• ci; t itt.r.1.....sAynf....i. -1. ir, ?....),-. :'..;:= ',.;;. :1”';';.-::-:%.) tit.OVT'A.47.11-feji . 1 v.r.i.4.m-Vie-vAiwoo. The meeting adjourned at 915 PM. ...,. , 4,,,,o.....*srl 'I itir-ili. 4 4 - v- 11.441-!.. ,' nrchtiviNktil4.4.LIITTe“:91t.ier 4.":;.•;',':-.. •!.:"-- '0,' - tekt..kiti.C.:1--;1"1. 4.,V,7::::tilire.44? t'';',-L 5 -14'.r,.,.;it.tc.`iiiit.cc,,;",";;P,„,4Sisit L.' ..".:1. -,;.-;-.., ';''; ': :''.:-.:7;' ••,..ifi7ie, .Perft*EffiziNsi. • I, ifril.t. -49...4.:4-i;IP-.M'st-44.4M- ' .44.1..e.-..7,-,.:.—L'.-4.trVil, t tt' ai4.'il 'kit.r.g.n!,“„---,4, .: tol-...- ,.■-,C.:.>"::-'1.:i*:.-„Tgi•le. 1.4-.3.0..*$;;;Mt;4.-,ip4...g '' r'-'-' -p ,4...-.:3 !"?..”41,4 ,...' 4 ,t tiia:1%,.4■St,tr 4.Pili,41,‘41?f k.a,4,4' .:1; ,t I t I::..; .:•I',,-),',:i*,I'. $4*'4110":'A YMC:RiV e c k S.C.tet. ,in t," .iii‘'''r's-hVi.'?7,1?4:4•4i;Stei.,› I 9'',Zit-;IP;N•:Witirz••-.0.*:;•:14,4' • -1 2!..;,tikl;;A4'45:;:,";;Vd ei,VA , (ft:::?,•,.:i ','•,4, 4114c;'"4,4•14 ;,4 • ;'t.,i4:0-w,„:?.0,-,ttr,s,„3,7e,:t710,e.-. -..w-,•.,..1,1 •••::;A•94,41,3•;4N•1414..• •,s ,•••,,y,,,,:•.,;•ef&ft.•,-„.1,,•-'45-Ati,fr ••••.:/•,,,v-.9iticktk•c••o 0- ',- Jitriop.p.•tvrtski•Nr,;,.4.4. a . •40,,,:th!tierte,ty:fii,w-g,..,t,„.. i ',041;404•1:40.4-•;•„-,,,,,nypats i ,.,4„..,•,,,,,,„,,,,,t•..:9,1,c..4 1.....,-0••:.:4•.-:-;i-.,::•:f.....:-....).:7,-,%•,•.',4"--; ,•,,,,„-?•,.:4,;:.. .:•.,•-.•••-•,:„....•");',0:-:,1'; • r;':1;.,.:!.1.*:;-:,,,:-.,•;;;;,];',,-;T, l'A./..p44,g,ipt241;;.:,441444.60t.44 ti,:"..,:tro ty,,,e-;;A,■,V;‘,;",,••;:t,W4,j1W,...., . r, .,.y;:,,;tz;..):.“,;.i,....-4..;:?...A -.11.niertai 47 in,*4 a • ) r.,,ti.-,,:.?,..:::,::2,,,I.'.::: 44; ..4;.-A-4,-.. is::;'-„, :',,-... -,....: -- . •,,'t:, r,N, F,,:sca.z....9.37 -it .4 ...- ,',,,,tx 4,,..;ktrszti,„.., . e. 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'-•-4."4( li.'y^,,e 1 ;i,.�rf+ •• y'.ti:Y."v-�+. . ✓� >t .1 4> /'x fi'' : t }tee ' ! � t '� t! iY 444.4-‘ Y a"F N tn. k Y t y-y^ .tt �,'i Ntf� "Y A �. ",�G s� , ;i. [� ^ x,71,117. .. r1 17,7A a z,i;Vei .us G t. ` . '> T•k l ..L,I,i.i3 C,!' Yt ''� �" +� M i e r KK+!rS r> i } J�i, "- s," 5 +� 5,{y 7' >!?� ea C',44 '� h:lY 1 M. 'xt p <kr f.,',,,,,,f + ! « }k ' '�..Am ''' Pet ,a�, .3�Ze'.h�.rI`.' rbie+'F.r'�etiC tA1,'/, fit✓ . {` ,11 ts t :P' f. 1. .'r -,, .'{' d^ t ft' i", X:£ ,a Y� nt gi 4. a, 'r" .'2 „„�� r s ,',,' ,' 4 it /- '.( 'fj{�, a .: ;dt JS� t t U. y f "/,C.. �$ c} f i, xo•>,F vx� I"t .x., y t':VR;'F i` 'S,1. s. +'S,. 1' :. € . . �)T,.�- �r .x r, x � ., r < „ � `fad . } a k I? � F" t r *} : . '':ya•Y C,' zat7 : 4 �. N. S i• ' p f d ,, " f i t,r ( s}) 4 f ri n `4£ r J ' t i,F. ns t i-, r p .y > _,�W �i +k t : + t �(. %.^ � J t'�5�y r ?), G it/h•- 4 Lvt' ,,��.''}N^ ,fl } �..i.• „,4.!: ,1.S Sr F4`^+^ .��.: � 7'r t)'!"�f' t � iN Ir r, k„ "'s�':.:. v.dC a'. r, ..• ws�"t.:+..n ,��,�t5, , .��'4s r"-:- "5.�I Y+ t`„tfd!�' tff 7 )� a �r 1 tt r a d , , ` . . r : + 3 ...u3.«fi.%,.w.c,,::�u..' • Fr 4' Sa t,is it t{, a i ,1 1.44.4 n n + f^x ! t{ ris +(7t ,�ti o ti +{v?z y,:iV r lf4 + 4q.;tS t ,Y*tln fi{+�rs 9 I ,Jksil ta`r J ct7v,� .,v'hl' {? y Pz % L,[,17 ' yr . ri!jrj 1. i'Fy7,, �'P�,�+n.F err: ' { at ' ,- 1 i , ', ,. L,��•,,,r, `x74>,M1 j C, ..s �i rr. i, 1 ,s ?y+T• tt t {+ TOWN OF ULYSSES ' i a -r7?..0-” `" ; 4-4,4n' ` PLANNING BOARD MEETING f ' 4 f £ ;', ICI , � al 1` x, ' -co? JANUARY 24 , 1994 ff •`: . f ,.r:' rr£".■' , t 4,0 s+ TOWN HALL R 7 q ., , tt • 'I , ”.i v } °�,,q) )Kf£,+5� 4 i , ' �'; i ,-/:' i `, ' 4� %'ati:f\ ttn) ,1... 1' , t "'1 y1};1 , r }, '11!TN PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: DAVID TYLER; MEMBERS: BUDD STOVER, DAN (.;; �Cv > 4i.C11 � ' .Ci h SMITH, GREGG HOFFMIRE, GERRI KEIL, PETER DEMJANEK AND 1 v �' {ys't>;#tizit"z ;"V KRYS CAIL; SECRETARY: ROXANNE SMITH } 4(t !f `+ `f�nr ro " 4 GUESTS: MATT ANDERSON, JESSE ELLER AND TOM REITZ 9.4; 4' '4 '"?!Yt4f rr''a`"y' „ The meeting was called to order at 7 : 45 PM. The minutes from ' t ""1. �€ K 4 a ,1 V7 11l= January 17 , 1994 were reviewed. On page 1 , the second paragraph, : 1"k" €1 second sentence "potentioal" should be potential. In the same X77,+kei ?i1.: f e,14 P P V i i tt i, }q rts.,,4 r• ' paragraph, midway down it should say "As far as research, Cornell , ', 1 ,e 44144.11'; ,,s'i4gf,t tS C Ag Schools ' emphasis is on theory, not practice said Dan. In the , '.x. , ' ,a, ; ` . :n t,i f,a e St, 'Z� " " i+j z ,r s, �;,,;�3,r „ 1,' following sentence "forth coming" should be forth-coming. On page € as ft it e, fs yl ,1 2, the Members decided to change the questions that will be put ; E. .1,r 4�1.4v €7;" ier. to the area businesses . They are: Do you want to expand? What r P t i }�},* 4)°=4 4,1& oaregneededainazoning andyinfrastructure topencourage? ouhto expand? 'tt�'`' ` j` ; -.•� " ,(*h>,:;I T#`11x,34:,t,,,,-1,4,10#,.r } g Y P L- '- ' L r 4° ,% ,-,-,4 R f ; ,r t.., o n The last change to the minutes was that horsefarm should be horse '3, ' 4s'.`� ,4„7*,,;1"N�,�, farm. Dan made the motion to accept the friendly ammendments to , r t ' .0. ,.:%,, ,”;- ,, ; '" a''rrta„is'.(t I , t4,I4':5: " the minutes , Krys seconded. The minutes were passed unanimously. '✓ ": *Y..* a; , „47rvstSS x , . t , Y P Y• , , Ir i d')I,�^,rf7q .,t F , Stn ri. , Trf.,��.k t it t Y • •d . in A' t„� ' tit y;t (;i tt4 5` +r�f•l'1Cs44 'FC . :. ! r S i: • } rykr�T^} :�{7,€, y +Fk;,�6 Tom Reitz took the opportunity to let the Planning Board and ;r I >' p, c1.12 , ;r 'i` . Roxanne know that the computer in Chris Springer' s office will ; •, ; ,, °}Y'f r14 ,4,5. be available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for Roxanne to „• ' ss z'' .5`, C4,i''IE1ty1�',rc+n` a3 ` ,/,} ` Y s )1t s 42. 4t;„,tz#t e �•, use It will be necessary for someone to always be in attendance. , ,',. r ,t ,,,r 't . <� z :y , ` He then left the meeting. + y , az f 7 .:1 Ott-1'W Ai as ,411 l t 13t i o 1449"1,00* f.u n„, ,,`v $,1skr , " ? ,; . The Members discussed enlarging the list of businesses that f I ' f7R r t.at ' .' .°>';t .:74. "Y>,J,�: , are to be invited. Gregg will go over his copy of The Tompkins � , ,, ,•, t , ,r.?:.., , k nr '�+ . i `tttta County Chamber of Commerce, highlighting the businesses that the ett I t -rt.F 4t etl�' t } ri ) u V n • y F} rat K .• Members missed. He will provide that list to Roxanne. Krys =t; ,I € 1 ;r 7 �t,t�' ^f ,t f , x, 3 r� suggested that a note be sent to the Tompkins County Chamber of '1 r '+ ^J y 3 Y7it�r�,773 Y"7' > s gg P Y f{, 'Y , { +.4x 2 r„y i)€xnr t `, ,..A.yZ.l> . k Commerce for them to include in their monthly bulletin. This will t +77 t..,, ,,,r„',14..."., •sv't ,;.'°jtss , ,i,r inform the businesses out of the Town of Ulysses that the Town .. ._` ,t' , ./=7,s < r '' Ttf 5t.f",,,,,yr ufg is interested in hearing their thoughts. The Members decided to z =' 1'4;;'414,, <;I t s.2 , � 1p i; , ' A#4;3 have two meeting dates available to them. The meetings will take R.::,,,,,,,,a ' i{stf.2'': .7.; `„,f";rt 47k7lJ,,lydi+v, >; «Gr G . ( r il, i, 1.e1 `L' ) ;1 ,7 .V: -.m� t>•4x' .• e'er G."t)tiY±��K ' 'a place on Mondays , March 14th, and March 21st, each at the Town a>r= _ `,` It,, 'i( xir ir' 1,xt bz i tI�' f , + , fy =.'�� y �, Hall at 7 : 30 PM. Roxanne will put together an invitation (one ass it Art.")`11:,1 !i �,'!'`? 4(s a "`•44./-f tti. page, folded flier) to send out to the businesses. wit'. ;.,«,+ s, . ,s'J 0,G411,7";44041/4.,�,e2%y .i t, t I . ,f� t �' 4 € "..44M44:41k , Tom King (from Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce) will be '.'1.., it I}it' l.," • ' y r r, x ..,;: .21,: . 2•I} '11�,5''�b.h' Yp ti,{, ' ,,t?ffl rV!1. 41fIhf ;' 0 t r t 0 1 n coming to speak on Monday, February 28, 1994 at the Town Hall at r l3„ tt 't ,^, 'r = ' ' n�'t 4 3+ 5: tzze �' ''- 7 : 30 PM. He will speak on tourism in the area i'lki y &,1 7,"y I° I "i , , .. e , in C,4 '"� 'J1, R ' i`N4 2t'rt4r"w _), T!fi l:41,.;;:4.4: 0txn"I'+5 Since the computer will now be available to Roxanne, David �fi xr e%t3 x , " aa7aa< asked that the revamping of the Residential Zone be added to the as ti ,l' ri, , ' " f t- _ rt, ; ix Zoning Ordinance on an extra disc. When completed Roxanne will t.i1r 7Fi a 1 tiP,I , ,.°�,02;4Nv,;t,�� `, distribute the printed copies to the Members. This should occur ° } n.`614,, cei Ifs t A n <r' t s' 1 ` . 1 'f„� s�4 ;rr L ' , in the next two or. three weeks . 7,�i�yj41 d'.4 rltlat ".,:,rt ' 'y` v d 4• M14'ei Gxt`tX . 714? 5 + .. k. f7� ; .,..0;fttw€,, r1 t One suggestion of Mike Stamm' s that has not been followed y+`In ,sit, � 'j •,174 ;sr+'.`xt0 ;;;;.' up on is to have someone from the Town of Ithaca ' s planning department {' ' t `' 4 ' f �' 'l;' ayA: come and speak said Krys. She suggested that the Assistant Planner, �'%, _ ? `� ' ,l e ti`, lupin l44 ® George Frantz , be contacted. From a planner' s perspective he coul ,Z;'.7,(111-f4,1>'..,;)' , ” h x ;' "4rr He ' sefrom PennslyvaniaPDutchnCountryeandlheahascsmerreal interesting t' h'ft' + n il ' x , , ,,ti things to say about agriculture. He will be invited after the i + �} �' i >11 3f , r. st'i'Sf4+5u , area businesses come in March. i + ' zfr + r", iJ I, ,� tr nI• { Y. I -eJ i'",�l'Er{I f.l tF�1 tr' : l , rY ,fir; F -2', ,J,,'L�t It was decided that the following would also be included in t ' -, , ; '. ;-r-cz'Y `�,,i,°' the invitation extended to the area businesses : If your focus t a , z `',„• t is{{7,F ,, , is on increasing the tourism industry in this Town, we 'd like to 4'3+ ` ' ' + ' 7 t invite you to come hear our guest speaker, Tom King, from the " ` }k Y,'"°: ' '., :''' :',;?,„rTompkins County Chamber of Commerce on February 28 , 1994 at the z t Town Hall at 7 : 30 PM. The Members agreed that the Downtown Business 1 I` ` ,, r I. g .- S' I ,t f 4 1 6 ` 'l'tT�1F57. Association would be extended an invitation also. L+ 17 : r :, ,,,,:,,,.17.4.,,;,` . 73 ' ;,,%,,',.,,,, 4 ;4 P L' ,‘ : �y t I ,1 t t a , of „ ”, t} I 1,f{ 74+h117vf. . .f L,2 , „,, { • vv}11V�� t l-4" t' tt. + 7a 4'ttiyn, t; h1 1::.41, '4�' vs , 4541. i ' { '. t #kt{ t,x t ` It '-i>Y`��'iti1' jdr I I ' A r (, 4 7. ) y ,ji , to }.af "' f �, t'j e't Way lb }i. G inir 4;:4 iZ'by. Vm , x" t! - - }� t n ,i,, r ! � � t'4 t ',,.� � � x �� �. i > 't'R .K�'�i1,h�,� >f a d t4 a:Y' �'„= r > \ f � . , •p .•ra ,t�}5� ,tAy��{r �� .� �+'��• F, y, f '•,`,::'' t s ,1'+�•'It'•r' r S ; ,"'vy.A .0+' Mcx1" "10 , \ ,,:+Vr�j.t flt "c,,''"`;7 tedyi y . , v .7{ fs`t. ! II'i jGf" Y�"•,,,` 't7�aJ' l;:fr1(of.„)t 4't"' -it 1 i cr r js ,' 11 a V s 4•,+fL41 n al i P�. ,� a s + s r ,,7'. h b' •t,Ar .25.31 r"6.+ i."r�r'C "I14;itt7 J + i , t ! {�,7 l ter �'.. s d#t � . L. P". �L ta' t '�� t S t �., � !re r' It +W:nri P tfteil g crtg •, t x ,i,�'r!' .¢ . li ,y7 u.i t , f v,: .i r Gtt t„,kr 7.t i ��' . �:!.7y Nttei•Wn �a�'Tit•'����Ygy,�Y�a" b� i,(��i +J ;y�ry; 7"#711 � 3. yn?r N ��i ���pt ry t... y > fir 3 t,�€rw;. Yt�'E ,^ �3r > r' sr > 1�±;'�4... ;"i' :t. rt.4. .i... k ') i "7r., 4%` ' -„ctt 1, ,, , ,p; 4 '(y, , I y�) 1, � j fit,FS� rY yr $ 8tl x : ¢ ��u fY'r t .h, ., J ii,..7A . 4,. ,,,tZ. 41141ri+l 7 u .% i 4,.,,:a, 't ;i.394;1.t.= gtr Gtt:k..,S' t,prr )itTerate• ,4 it.144.i,'t'rrrr��,,..��t�t+ ,,,s0;4,4 1�,y ;Ld�r ,,,,,sr�i =1 s,.. , ;F9.fj 'y`y{ '?*�?' C • t'5, , .l ,'„ 7Yy "' �•i . S°, ', •aF.'i ` J e• ',iT t ' ia. . .o '«; ��j S � P fi u? y '4 , ,r eti' h>, ' 4 ef l < e ,�..C`S i:ry, i'1'!&'�•` � A '.(y 11au"Kf;. +. ,y�`':n'Y1C>4'}S i J y� f:�,S r�r tr�4li f:+'3 f er. .y tr} 4R�K 3' �n. .7sCi. "ry .. iy„Mr '^yr rtf t y ems. ,j 7.. ti �g „k . v `Sr-:, v .4 'ri; ii 41'4- '� ;11^.- �-'te:1 ,t lri'l SK, •. ,�•, x .`?r ci4;liA,,. �m3':.�'+iu nr.p�en„�"e� r /sl �� x q, ''°'32 ?".+ 3 l3' ,.,, f z�'4��°lt#, x t� u o- t , � t !��«�t a. t t ,� �t�� J .r ! n•.e,. .',{ di.a y R"4�+u `i 15, . s4,+1},Yy $'',�'`n'ry�•t.Y`•It.tq. .,�',�.^,tf'ytY•.i• i° 11: C.: � "' xr„� i�:m:'�,5+?+Y.. �7� �ti]h,: ,f l.t, '�;v;s��`�,P ht �Y”"3 �H p�� 5t. � '$7��,7f,.. A \',, '� / ;',"1, .'' 1` .{(4,�1 . , by " 7..n,'i.tc.,PY '7`m4k :4N,'v' ,a 0\t:,'[!t , t l;h.11,.,.z" \ ' ' 1tt4i, ..1).*,)r S�Zt Y4 /,:Aly ,,.Pl}4.r:,..3 q,�'p414sif {� ..i K215 .;•. , f y�\J'6,r,..,,.� y - ��.�(yy"';.?"n', �'`l: "1 Y.-. / ��`¢k ).",' = fl ryf �4+f,'S'aL1i r, . 4r M! , r.' t M1 1 . f L x 1 Y.. r ., 3 i f'fr..+N:. {. 'Ir 7°1;.71 4 F'33 -t "Rt'Y(� w: >k .S'e" f!}}rt. 'S* :t,,,. �,,�.,,t,, ..,,tL(.t a eU f}•jrrt , 7. l: y h , 1`. f. ` t*'.�2t , 1ir:' ^ir 177fir ZJ•. $1f G;' . r 4•3tit^ `roA "�3' a4 ./Y". d M " ?kis "4711"',}i '':,,,f. T'?.> +2,/ ,, b . , 111 . Y^>, s 6 z',. J r r '4.c.? <<.. i a e of f^ .t'+ t. `* 1 e a" . : #,+� /. ✓1r ES•k>i'•r7,S. f , ,# r> . 'h { r . ° t '7 I ' . e,. g.1 , I . 147 ,°, '�£ �rti l'I` U¢k.,xn errs 1.:`rt9ii 47 � � '" .k7 dci y1 t},sl, /3 �,{, s ;L:44.!.. 4"11; , •: 71 r „ ,.. r t A I f� �i)' .L I .s ,i�i,, .1 a.• i J fs'' art ''1 • • 1t4•42.",fr pt i ' n... fr. 1 i'''..sn'af '.:61:Atle,49}A S Y" •1441 4{hijel eV' A,V444,SVA%A‘CP tl...t7,kt 1 ..V.4Ve44 V OtY5,45,b4V4 t Lrnith• PAW.?t:l11.4V,t, 1..9 , Id ' •.,,1;‘,!..t. , , ,. $Vir a;v./4 k?„,..iiikr,,KIIL VI'Ve arnpfe st).04:Atizeb,"1;14t q..,,- .5 ,(nkt:f4.,wtoSixierp.mittiaid.69/ ict.r..4.4•INI latitar, 1-‘ I;*0.i .7-:iihz t % i''< r niiiit, t 4,,,t,C1PrI-Cit'llYittjarlt" Pkir " i tIAIS ,, Mr,AD,?1 ,,O.VV, iR,frfrep4.1.01/3:410t:WIE,VIGp,Z.folVV(p,*MArettjyt 1?('7,r; iC:1 :Ii0Sil'e-t2:,;(14411Stirs r/ 4 10 1 " r■c.: U, ILVAS4VbCP:7;7C'ti- t?:)0"0,;1&P,ict,r.1„gielkn,174,,a,.1A7T,I-C->reef,tti!APV.SVP4i 174. 11, pe ..1.4, 041$14bt'iy c t',' I )41 ki.j11.'• * is,it ‘^:1't I, Piciri'MP,'r•/:-.01,17,1.4 ihvirrth4.4:4/4 :14NP?,11-:?3,1.1,14,144*. " N? rer.a rAl• a,4er PO>. >", ;‘,i 24 - ''..' ' h 4*, ..0 ' '0. i'Iv a . ,' tit-4 nc.-. s .6 r 5'0D'; -• if•E-1,'rit I,' .4pc43:4 ,41ift '• . 'n . '41' • ''' e j . ' " j ''" ‘1 t t Irbt.:katt.i.j...a 4,744.14,54a P:\I;!::.1. t i4ita ,,A , , y.;* ,(,„&„aysilt c ni.a.,--si, ,,,stig•wici „e --;,•,4,--.,.r% r 0?VA \4:th.,,,qe .Witakitatki 1 A * 7 i V'ee ,`,, ' ". ik i9 re. y '34;‘,14,7 -f ,'.041L,441,4A,;',t1Yo ' 4 - 4 '. r''.'.‘WI i'f-k;.(1144: 4ii higl:,;r4:1"144.;' ',041 .4 '4 .-->44211t.P44 , N po , ..ht-,,10-kli4iso s4,0' i' ...t. . 0-1,1. I ' "iU 11.27::',114. ‘PLS'Ektfl: I )1Itita'■•''I.'.i'l ' ;lit , It' s•-;',/it `1::laWnqibil W.... t"ft! il 44, ?)•t ; ' :, ,, Ir- '1 ,l'''c:"1," it,k.1,,Y,t‘Alif,t,3 % 4 " t' ):aet"V7 TOWN OF ULYSSES 2 vki44.,.. I',,,,t4;,%"4:1;,..,c!int 4 PLANNING BOARD MEETING Lt't,-.1. : flt :•-", ‘ Air4r :ti t4 ,I17; c,y1,cel. JANUARY 24 , 1994 ;•,', • , i: , , ttt-, , tr.,: s '•2: : ';', A',. TOWN HALL Ya,, w ' '','A'AO ' rfrao.,* ,:041f,11 Though it is poor timing, Krys did get some more information .41-J.,,,v, 6,:rt concerning Residential. She was referring to contiguous lots and .. t't ''' t":'% rth ^..,..c, .-:.:', :rt.ntm.,.;..(3 the number of rental units the health department would allow before t t‘ai,;',',t,",:t'th.-,t, , ,,,ttc,7 T. 4 c..;:k...;ttki2e1,••321.70, it became necessary to have a water manager. It is not necessarialyic tiptt,tt zi... 44.1"..-t:t.:"*Wectri one tax parcel, or one tax unit. If you have an existing two unit i'.o2','--", :• •:4''' ""14 •.c.„ '''.1!::-. ; .,‘ .:: .•• 744-143 a house, buy the lot next door, put up another duplex, then it is II A1 - ,,M§ 017; considered four. Four is the limit before that fifth kicks in tt , . fic. c, . t .ti ;t : !a"zi;11,11retta-Prit3p11/2) , -, . , . ;-,, ' 41;;;:g...itt?;:#74:ilc.Z,v0.31 the water manager. They aren' t necessaria142 sitting next to each .. r -t_ ”',.• . .'!!:Z $ eitP7-1°P-1‘,..ttOrptt.A1,N 1 other or on the same tax parcel. It s contiguous. As David pointed , VA? 't•U.,*4.7,5.reth i*V;41,-)e, % 42-c.'"Nr040)1XN/0 0 out, though the Members had decided on three families or less, 44,T=„tAgftg.1-14:W,ICP: i they didn' t necessarialy have to go with four. It could stay at - - . 7 W24144%.,0k0Vil,.4.* 4 ',' " ,,,,,t, d, ..*.1/4' t; 1:7's ,4)ta10:',V,k;et4fellt 1 what they arrived at. tvci?04t ;Att 'etil.listp *, 'A'eLkii 1%'.4*i.ff;i41;iti 4 The Chairman took a moment to sign the guests ' document ':',^ 1Nrtt'.74." ..,, iitt4WArnt‘titnCr4,,e IP. 4W1;4:14C940Pe stating that the students had attended the meeting. They then tt, e item Y.3-,ek'(-!kltitrit'4141‘.49 left (8 : 30 PM) . - ‘, „..'t,..1.4 ki•-•y&;...P0'014,3S, L 7-L`•1,.; , ' ,,,, :•..,:ik.: -,,,rvii,:.,;is".ct■'1,ci.,INe'-' ;.4;.1-'4V ricfenwsim(4 , i , ,,.. ,v3ph; l'',Yji 'k■J'''. , .,,q at 0.'shirntirt i'l'e il-$42fkrtS:kir The Members decided to take a look at the Business Zone. They J' 1,; ', .'4' 77Sme .. ‘,74'1411,s N rs,Y', .f.ii ,syrt.dit,i, 4 .44-,,,,,-,-Y,„-‘vW.-4 ”t had decided on three zones (as opposed to the two that the Ordinance ;A:14h,:yeNid.-T-414147Aev presently has) in mid December. David mentioned that the Auble ,„;.- - -, P." : ci':'-.)t lt^.611,V*iiiii.t)P4'10cta r4• nitV/4t,: ,511-./4,14.44:40, Parcel was a lesson to all of them. It was re-zoned about two ...avits-totcliziztni14..rw f ; It=v4.. A;471.el'‘ years ago this spring, (under a lot of pressure interjected Gerri) 011.fiveyttrit{1,0/..br44,:it.. • .. te.,,,?0.c.;,.4,..! mAtiss.4A-1 and it just sits there, people still are not beating a path to , t,c,.... -- (4. - 4,.ztev, ,..- 1.A.Wettttql.10":t":19 their door. They've been given enough flexibility with it. He -,-.2-,-..r.tit -.. 45Irric,1414 ,e0NI1/40, would like to go out to the Dryden corridor (Rt. 13 ) as a group • • it,i1:„:--. 0y,44.tt v**),?>alcAr9.4614,an 4.,,,,,i,,mgo-2,/wrigio.Atvil i some evening. There are some business establishments between '''ttY ' 1.•,c-17,24-'''' :' -f I >'' ItiliC 1);;;V;;Nict:,1111,44. NYSEG and the Village of Dryden (along Rt. 13) that are very nice, tt,;.1, t,t ,t4,, t.ty tt t,' ..',..;•( tr tt a,,r4V.541.4*,:iik;tAFtf they have nice setbacks; some are just horrendous. The Members , t • ;Q., re .•, S40jargiu.l.1113 ,02;#1,S., I : cAteic,02,teCCAdAr'l should note what is good about it and enact that for Rt. 96. Krys ' t.,.!'"...,CitP".. j. ., 1 :',„4:31tv:,",i. ,•, ,,i ' . 0,Ryt2,4P241:WvOlt noted that the quality of housing stock seems to be better on Rt. 'Wm: tt,,- -tr.,: „ .c, ,,,, A,,,,„5444 , [4 0.4,i 1 , ,,,,,,Nww,,,,„ 96 than on the Dryden corridor. Also, the conditions have changed (there use to be a large population at the County Home, for instance) . iy,:;?1.. .kA4g.t14 . qt. ,A',41..Y .:::.1'''Civ" k. '.' .;,:::( A s,', ■„s,,, kONICM**VINIVI: You may want to have setbacks different on State highways versus t..tttiztifteti-=' ;' , etre 2 c'4 Li.:Itsi44 4:7421/41/2.1t4t: i: :.ttbnir.:".144.4WIN,10,17t ' t jr...'4'/PS VZI.CV 4,4-..a1.2.t• the Town and County roads. You can avoid a strip effect this way said David. ',AC ' -'14,1'44,4, ,•;,%i 4• ; 4.10svMsAly41511 - w ";,,ft km i C> 4,4 . , ,;, Peter said that it made sense in a way, that the City of Ithaca ,,, q,gcic''f1,: t12 :.J b.4' 'J. a ' l' 0411.W;* ,.-r,:: - I;■.' 'ss.,11,''I to 1^,;'.4 people were not available (to come speak with Mike Stamm) . You 4ii.:etAONrijpet 1 d ,..1. ,'.44;-', ,. ..,,..• *ritain"Cvnikt4A:A., ,, have to grow business locally. The first thing you need to do ?ttitt,5“,'' : rt, “-t ! - 1 ?fp -No144/41.-ttiltetft-,-. . before you can grow a business is to grow population. The biggest ,..,es- lid, ,;la: , ,-,1*, ti2&,4tr,g011-4"!'lt..4t 0 .- ...,,,,.... ",..,— , - , f'441r.Y1a,0‘4.4: InW.'W4P$4.11eitt/Ogil thing you can do for business is not in the Business Zoning Ordinance, Att.l..thl,, y, , t t t):'-' ),. e k4r61,111:..,0:‘444;,,,-,s4,,itte it' s in the Residential Zoning Ordinance. If you encourage and P,`.t/‘.4f-tt,`:c-.1,1". , ,," .t, „ C4.1tc.,',4rits4 tatrttA4,,,-",. ,,c;, : : , P. );,,7,v94,2,1140 / . :J.:hi-Q.4, ; , flks4,,,,,,,,,Ntss,40* promote residential growth in the Town then the business will follow. Conversely, if we discourage residential growth there is nothing ' 4"2ett riCst% '., It,ir„,,:t:It,t,t7?;”:in,IY..r-oPier, Cit you can do to encourage business growth. You could encourage people • i (It c.:.„:",,Ckiiii`til,b,",:i??4;ititncl• • 4 li:41q?;IL-q,‘t•gr.-YVv vrsy to come our way (from Ithaca) by encouraging residential growth. 'IA? 'HY ,:t.. .ii5:t , fre' 1(49r4.141"Ala fottewl:.l:TCY4'fla-'1•JA54ve David suggested that the Members look at Lansing' s Zoning ) , ' t ' .1441)(ktstikl-kttt -,t,t:ttsresz -,..?..21/3:4. Ordinance. He said Ben Curtis mentioned that their Planning Board 13,.,tivtAwA'larriA1-0fl 'I% .7A010e;X:i6 -g ' I actually went out and physically measured setbacks that they liked. t ;,:Lita-kr : -,)hafs, The Town of Ulysses may want to consider doing that also. Krys tr lef*v4lie‘t'' 44. III would like everyone to check out the new Wolf Lane. She said that F,'... :,`,.*,,,:. . t • t.' ,tir raf',1W1'7:044`4010 that is a cluster development that is not successful. There are t•*.t.^:tsel.',.: t, • ■.",' ' 041."6.St4Rii>"744=figf-"", . I 'itfitg,*,W, ''44 4L4 ' ,, 4•'S still houses available after three years. '. C4tY:nCY3/4?1AAtil H 1 :.. .'-'44 O ' _410 .0p.- C...tic 1 “.tt1/4, The Members will address B1 at the next meeting (January 31 , 1,. ', 4 ,'' ',;';',-,.. . 4:& • 3 1994) . The meeting adjourned at 9: 50 PM. '-se1 '; "'—' 'PlHDYila*:4 I' 4,r, :•,'":- a,,,,I,4:witi t;,••,• c ,. .,, • . ,,' : ', ‘ ..:t 4 ' , : . . 11,41/ 2 "KN. “- --';, N ... ` t :, '•,,,4,,,.:4.2,,,,r.1.1 . # t%,. '',..,".4' , 4 . . .. . . . ''' . , -, • A0* 1'2-•' - '•' •,• •' ' '."...w .-t,wre., F2 ' ,,,, • . : • • •• t•5!:4 ',' ':,(-• „.- ' •• ',i• ,....s• • ', : •t •,-• • . ) Q ca.0..• •• '1'' 'v.':••-•:y, '''•:4 ‘i 2 • Ji '' . . ' •,• ., • ; •,. '•..;-. ''', ,:,. 1 '* .k• " 41rt1;‘. . . 1144W)q1/4144*NIE ''' ,,,E 1.'..t to i R.?75.11`.1:it4 sitrvib.- •:, ,' .5,6;74-9440 .1," ,'-'ii.--:' i131,.,s 1.,,i - .., .4 ', .- . • '. -r 4 tp -,:,,'''i:(.1'r sVCAt I PAL '' ' 41 .1 t r•, ,,,. 4. 4;121'2' Iresife4111 k r":1 t..1 ' ''it:CP‘^1/1 , ''.01111.. terfferfraCIVIWAFrIfsr"PWVOlitnWheRgra4MistMIM'IralCilrfir.r.fill.crn9:3;4 2;'7,14.t>"'s''''''.. s. 'r i ' '• 7 t 'le•4...,,, .,,..1 i,1 1/4„,co,,, ,,...-i.4im . . ,,,,.,,,,w34,44,1*910.4.4209,,AVeilntirkrAge: 14.t ir eink4Siiielrf:14).W 41/31.1.14;cV 9.4ir'ilit'Vr•IC'A ''', l;:'' 1,-E reltal■. 1.47/ 4'4;') • 1.1,„VrP 1.i. ,l ttsil tell/ t kw. ,i , . ,.. .= tiv t-f,\ ,•ti, ±4 L'WZrtri'l•k7t.;"4' i,: ''4,r*■•'' '''. OP?' ' r.1'1".:\W1411;gfr WArid} n +1/4), tti'ine‘11 V.girr,•Net}.4 ‘Aw, , 14.4' ilAtihetnit.T.Pitarri 4, nit. ' 414, • , , '3 ro * , a3/44, -,,:-.4 -,'“--x.----r-gs- — • -',P. • – - '".- ,..,: '', "L.: iri;.C.;.411...re'"iV.V)Pet0 '211ti. tcji 4r'ett TAI'4$4,14.1/1 S.ve• ‘ 4,e043r EA 3,4 AN li- ,• - Vitt") ,:•st? •,, ,- s 4Po 4. Part ittraVroi47,44&A',N,','iz:`,4•,-4-',sr':i.v: , r.'it.,'--* A' .:. :''').'Aitt44,01,44,s,101#04444t(vrioN,wycii , tirAgbi,4:;v„„ Itticip -,ajir. uli,',44 elitoplingtief24,-444:413 .4.1.4Zeit*, ,,:44 . ifirt.., .:.`•'■,'I' s 0 ,:, , :a,:?;:iit'ect‘ii:A4,144g0W,22-' 14„,triV"-)ti' , -1 '.3- -",. '''S t‘gekler 1-)41,V,Kirt,:ii f4An eltki;lfrAMVON1 , i.irSI ',in,tr,n,4,441wwelstagiv,y,-;:s;.,: * .vaift.k. .774,4nit4eAyma 7441‘...4f,*' #1.-tf,,t- f.1 41041 0?).45V5,4,01;i-41302•VIt41-4.E.v.ob*rotticke21..ggItirg;MnAfseo•ti,L.As at' - ,.114144,1 P wiii•P4V.C4:0•-!'''' 445Vict; 1 .g•'12'144, R1/4;t1•3.-fl.111-0R.t.'0:•te::WtitYan:Y.02,41,-WL-te,F.4. 22,4,2•"?g,t'cr",;R4,•2%,4,-',*This-1,(,..44$,ILud•pa.211,0„i141124.e / 1,L„ •tectitt4.040,1,44',,-4,..,,,ii:4•4 • 7 lops$40.041wAssaiallw,44,4t,A1::0,,,, , -,,R,, ,,. _ ...:\,Iv: ‘,. .:?..4t. :::„.-tv-wl,,,, c1.0-4,v1:piesi>Atslisvp 04-..a. -trwtottiAlgica4fr.*-4 Igs,',7tAt - hrtv ;14e`ps 71eVV.A.S-? '‘IiT't 1:1C`'', -l'e' -- s:'cl'i A ' ',1-1 i 11‘ ..1: , •-,.*.:, 1); 11; lek4 ., -,n,4 r:5:tit V.,,744:PA 'jibe*/4,,se 4 1 Vat 1.`,.; Lir: ,bytiltin/;.; 0)..ck-,:`4^ :'c-.. ' ) .. '- . . • ,7. • ' • , +, ' '' ' ' , s ' , 1 , ‘ ,:;:^‘Ij t b rt, ,! ,thri,,,V)1,7,ry' ft Ilst o. kcAl& - ' Of f tvt. zi;,-., •-• t*-,, ' *‘ - • - • .--•.*s*,&•2 . c , *. ;4, " "t ''''.1 erA" it:frAP,:1.-Pr i?1,1kNietPL 7.441#41-1, w.' ri.t,J44 'r6. ' st it:wkoze40,4r0c,.i.t,'r ace• w vr,*, .,,,Y !.... _,a. . ii.-:,,, :; . t:pep. , infiAti,v, A 4.4 ,e4tAtsio0-0,:rsit•- .itrov i ''sawk* - -,,..., 'e..-. ' ';7--4' ' , - i -cr,:i.Vt:leie:ntqrsktitAkigralt-,k,ritimpi*--ifl-i-fuogeteutivrr4c Ilitimottniviarrit -,,,,v , tesr:gritiN14,, it. , ft I ,,,,,- .: -,17.:,,,-.,..,::40,45g4:14,,,freistotavi icri,,,,--f---4),,gps-a,-.!---,,,6 rig/1.4,40r"1"P'174 $ itOritig,,i4 AttirtM, 44'I .4 '4 etV,V4Vg. qViffre e hpirgyktv:CI.- ' ' 1,44--C I', ,, ,,":t`;‘"rilltteaNii$041114 4,teSAVII,1 fkreA4,,A ,„,,,,, ,, , ,,, ,,, 4 4 1PleVal ' h norefili -„e 1 ., ;', , ‘, i • 44,-.0 -miswitditte tks.weisidts., i-e.' T., ",,t-tf-Yed.o"'.ilig-tiV'V.2, ai.,1 441's-74'444m 41, 4-V-Mbr,„(04, 4,4 1 t,k41,1i; CP„p.P.r.n.v.t. • 41,4, „ I .10 ,0, p' srpIi • ,''', ,,IPtiPs',1=t 4”* Ift: , ', :' ,0pMpp A) p -• '' ■•50 ,/,: . 1(pli% ',theu" 'n 'Artv't0e.,o1 4.0 —tdo, ..t.Pu.. ic - in 'irrir.4-'114 f .4 7-1 it,'‘,11:'" '`i 6 /.' 4.•1-,?,' • k'ap.- •J' ,,•,, 'I'1'2'2 APWYPF" cAilr'ipH" t, %-.01 rtl•-fri'•1.■2:,• 4 ,14,p .1/11.,,* , , -I' Pe', .14,1,‘144 f-} >”4'; '°-" I , 4a6L, -4\ '4-'4'1 TOWN OF ULYSSES 4Lif,'"11 %,:‘'I ,...:'.',.: 1;,i,-- MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING fr ti61-'" ' it "101" -”lo:3,N JANUARY 25, 1994 ,-, Jet 6% . --,-,c-.2 ', '' TOWN HALL k I, 1., '+ ,00, -t1 k ,;Uit,t ,. t ' 0.14 4 i nk. ft, 141 ROO. ,, ',' r-1r, C,■, t. PRESENT: CO-CHAIRWOMAN: SUE POELVOORDE; MEMBERS: CATHERINE STOVER, RUTH KAHN, JOANNE MOLINO AND DAVID LAURIE; : , . . , , ,/, • , ,-,, ,-,.,4:crl- SECRETARY: ROXANNE SMITH f sif•''•• t‘ai ; ,;•lc=4:- .,' t'a = - th.•., ,‘, , e4,1',';'11; b...,`, , ‘" 7,`•‘;4.(.42 ,, 44.0 1, 1,44 , ‘tc4 ,‘"' i,,:t.'i Z.44‘ltick,c.:::li k,r: ,n4t'ikPM II The meeting came to order at 7: 50 PM. Roxanne announced that ‘..1,j1:,•' 1';'.4111/4- 'T(.,c41';'41 the Planning Board has invited Tom King from the Tompkins County ! al:Sp' 4...t4 (e ..,04,4,N-T2t.l*je: Chamber of Commerce to come speak on tourism on February 28, 1994 ii,_. .-.: '' r k 6 c.•••••.1 at the Town Hall at 7 : 30 PM. She extended an invitation to the r ill!q■C ‘V/:, ,I`? ? !....,.,:71 ,4'1.0 41 e iti.,, ,,, ,, , Master Plan Committee. She also mentioned that the Town Board, 1 tO**1, -: ' ,,Y0,, Village Master Plan Committee, Alex Rachun and area businesses . 1,11, ri 44 ei'' sc P't" er4 have also been invited to hear Mr. King. ' I :,' ''', " '" ",-, ,,a„:',/,vtc4,4.4,,,, 46 Li:, . 0 ,4) 1 7,11.4 ', , ‘* ".: . ad 4 5.'•t.=1:'''.'••-'5 7i4);tihR ; •, ; '0, ; '; • ' • T'-',..(---t. " 4":444',4.3%.* Sue distributed an announcement indicating that there will ' ' .”,"_,.._I •: -,,,,,,,, 4 ;*',i tatj'C‘k •si', k,,z, be a Land Use Law Conference down in White Plains on February 22, 1(1/C? , ..‘ ../ : r ,''':' 1994 . It discusses the impacts of urbanization, what' s happening ri .4., , , 4arA7c,pA*,a in the cities, suburban areas are expanding and how cities should ,* 41.1tri,44•11.-v“v1/2!frt, ■st.t, ';••• tt- ,',; ,.' r, , '. a441; l1,41 capitalize on that. On Thursday, January 27 , 1994 , the Ithaca An,,,,,,,:a.., 1)..,w.,1 ILI '„; n, :.."`c t 'CA -4 af tr:iic Tompkins County Transportation Council is having a public meeting. -,4,,• :. ,... ,, , "' b if-,,,,,,f, . =Jr....P irr.,..-4 tyttykt They are beginning to put together their long range transportation I. ql:g;.4?;:,it;411;vilt ;P3;(4z, r . , 1 plans for the greater Ithaca Tompkins County Area. Although the : .., *; •-,.:4; '4,T. :. t, e ..0,v ,** Town of Ulysses is not included in that area, it could impact the 4 "111,...11:PPV:1.1'4 It,re.,,,,.. ,1,:i.9.Y/,-;.tr iiirr tdco out lying areas. (It will include the Town of Ithaca, City of .i ,Ar, f ,,,4-,.. .,,1 7 S'i,-..,.; ;`,Vt);),1; Ithaca, Town of Lansing, Cayuga Heights, possibly the Town of 1 .', . ,,,.. ,A ,,..) ' .427-\),1,411.:r:IN,.- Dryden said Sue. ) , , K,',4,-gv'wv, r • 41,„.41L- 14.1.lhaht Ruth distributed a basic fact sheet on the Trumansburg Water , 4J4.,ilti',:40,04 ' 40447g!, il J System Capacity. It was a study done in 1987 that Sam Demas up- dated in 1991 . , , V "11444:tcj';',llst • .flA lAt ! A:474;i'V710,Yi ). 0 1 Catherine has spoken with Jim Meeker about a list of bad roads . ' - : . ,.y , rA 1 ; , ..r• -'-;-:;i 14 ' g (5 1 ; '"-+H( t ;1-3/4.!2ttsge •il V r 1 Vi Ofpli+%1 in the Town of Ulysses for the Transportation Topic. He will get h i'-' -,- W,Htl .3/440 , eMkei- to it as soon as he can. 1:::!;;;;;;L:4 '-4 -AV:11,iii 4*q.,T,3/444)cer,744S ' ‘,&214triti iL 1;.,4,-..;,"„wt4. -1,,, David Laurie wanted to make the Master Plan Committee aware of some land that may become available in the Village. Vinnie p'f, 1 Giordano (from Ithaca) owns this property and he offered it to ';V la;,,A.&1:`;-;ilitg1i'kl r ‘,,../ ;,-)1,104,1 David. The parcels that he mentioned are on either side of Route .1/4 e, 4(ee,a4 tr, ,..1:,Ait,:ti ;, 0441 Fr" 1-,, iz,•,!...,:(-0,1a JP 96 . One is the area where the Park and Ride (TomTran) meets and the other is the "flat iron" where the information booth has been ,st “;.4: 4 ,4 -, 4 ) ,1 1 p' '' •P -1•‘t ;.', 1:944,1PIWKlNThirniii located. He is the gentleman that David originally purchased his ., _4( “ ilp,E,,rh-4;4.41 #4,111, ,,,,,,,/,,;1.0,,,ta: building from. Many of the Members thought that the property be- tove , rA',1417,",M1Y1t,,M.1 longed to the Village. Marsha (who was working late in her office) IPVIt‘r t.1 :1.?4, 411.14 r'-: ' '44 4 AI atittn,,4.41.4,...-A ,,q , 0 indicated that the parcels are located in a Commercial Zone. Marty Ai)g J.- , ,„14.„ , ,;,„ ,,,.,,t ' ,' ?'. fri =i0-,A, 0 '1--Iet,c,K-.26t Luster' s Office sent Doug Austtc a notice saying that there is ,,i, ,,.;,,,;,,h,,,. .„,;,.. available grant money for creating parks said Marsha. Vinnie had . Va,,41i, 4°2x,,i.„, P. , „ .(0..7' JciTY.:-I,77:. 'mn:tifl indicated to David that he doesn' t really care for Trumansburg. . , • , , „r 0„‘4iwPACt .1c.,74t . . 4v,I . !:,;,shift.: , ti 3 It ‘ {r IC?). ■'. t);'))4'1911' The evening' s agenda was to address the "Environmental Setting" t -' ,„ '\1 (tIkti; *t.z.tktc*.t?4411;4 section and to put it into outline form for Alex. It is as follows: , f 7h1* iitli02r04Wi0/14 4:11 L.:, Y. It , . 4 ,2e, TOPIC II ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING f.,' ‘, , 1 1' „ ' flik-WN4,J4/e0.W3 itt.t ,c,4-4.,p i.'•-1 . , 4 ;`-1.."-\. i 41. s A. TOPOGRAPHY .4111\s0P,-,, "cpn.:%',04441 . 4' S“ e$ 0 JVWrItIT/“1:1P/a%Ljr')44 1. Brief discussion of the history of the formation . , ' Y '‘ ,Y t;4• ' ;] .. )• Stt (use Town of Ithaca for example) r , - ' ' -# I . .1=tt : .',',, t, '.. 1 ',. :7-''':; :g 2. Discussions of terrain, with elevation ranges lek,'A , , ,.., 1',:','M 3. List gorges ' • ,. . ,,1 -, :,, - 4 . Proximity to the lake and lake frontage r-,c, 5. Total acreage 11 1.- i .? .,c, ., •, - , ,,. dr,. tat-..;.:' .. ,,,, h','J-;;:,%),'.,4, ., . , hic,,$ , , .. , .; ,.. (7q, ' , .44i, , , ,,,-,: :1 , st: b % 3 ,,,k,. . , -, - ,, .,,wc” #"••','•••.* i .` •,1:,;•;,..10:* C'V't •.' ,; XT1 'it ',4: -... - ,,:i ,o.::,,c4, irl ' iy . I 't. ' •••4Y'L'p -• s. 'l'i\ •Th :'?"1,1Y, _ , , ,., , ,.,,,, . , 4 1 d -%; , • ;et kil;;;I , ' -ip 11, pLicittf.•''t1::“. „,...-Tforrrevii=n01511.504ic;Si 44.4"irzaccAt,:np tsck,micaigAvec-ww:ww.,:ivictipY45,144AYMacq‘14'.1.;17jrrok't ':,■'''T. • .T i,:: t , "''' t" ! 44.,", `,.1; 4ii ;ci'44 5J- tgz.:.', it,,zitcn.irrtpV:spiViLttosi4WATIO.,,rdetih .011/49,'Wv:Vs'Yttikrir44(11**071F+AintRifitIt;::it•Nly'Al!•="2e.4.:',; (f•A il'-', • I'. '' ;;' . ‘ ' • ' ' A4':-' k,,O1'-L(--:.iWert:5v,IW/kls4AAilifeAtP>p.tlt*tenAAilirqIAV.41k'XPefOSAAA'nVAI&N”It;,90MN4k"AV-cg4 4; .0.0- ' is 4.(, 1 ' .,„1,r- . 4 ,It':'Ani7Z.(4:::tkivfittg4Fisr...44\spne4mt Itei.:31' .1/kJ" - rcs:4.T.:`,.e.tif , VI" .41 ititiVettAW 1 1:,Air:Vni.,M.AC;€.1.4,4..4:0,4,-b:,; :y :4) ,, . ,,4 Th,-,:, 721,4 ri IS441M VititAllitSeer:elAW,a if!..74 e 4C 1 `m-, ;'-f Ft r?igloi:th, trebe' •T" .I a:' 41WitEi '444ealit4kP4Unicq:Ct");seici,'•1*••;.?;;‘t • /• I- , i . f'•' 'VPV 14,1Pilig•ifilSk 41% - fr- 1 Sir ,:- :1c'tifil*;• •114 YP 0''• C•frep..6 Ittlici-:,r . t. vg• yid' Arre47;;3104iti Ak%'(+3F/WAti4tcl, ; . cit', - , 1 4,g,,s,,410,44.,,,p; 1,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,N,.. no,,,,,s,2. ,, 4 ..,0 ..,,s..,,,g y*rip,:ietc.,:,,,,,,, titypt, ,,, -'v4"ilit-.v"'non 0 1 e?"0 o' k.:o= 'P••1•9" alT4'A Ciph÷Vglev;nfT",,i jit:%t,..- ,2,7,.:.-,1A F,N!4..fQP, 4,`I-A(4`tY VieNitc*,V7W.:*iPi:S/Akt S 14.4, 10.4'`f s. ^' Jik1,II‘94410141Aii,4410,tirt$2,:t 1, 0 STA:Fr7+1;09144-4if Vr..."VP,...1qt:Ft!Mirtg7 ,nrs--;'':1 9:!•.-7 er, •:"• •L'• 'Pt;'' ''''' 'a ' '1"'rt"?1%.'•:-,41'."c\:■,:(-ei,It>;C.•jr.2/tiky,)? :,: ',, :t;. 5:.,,, yf,watiii: m 4A,..ii4,47 giwac:, . . n.,41,,,, czz -,p,-.A,,I",*41$4"%s'?,,IN'.‘'''''. \ 4 '(''a t)...s*.A; Y ‘'' I, C: 1 1 . ' ".‘2" li) ''.,:: '‘ '-• tc: -; )2 r'7,` e.)))111:4C,C;:;;C.‘1 31;:l: ii?sakil 'V:COMO : 1) ; 9Lti; 'itl ' '1,W11,4 `= 1/24.' - m . r - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'i ' '' -, z, • ',,.., , , , ,,(.it,- ,_, , k “ ,, 4...“ :: '.;,,,: - • tr.1 1 \•" Z 6{. 1`' `�" "t•• T( A. i c1 P L:*ji a r , A r f, } y . d ,. e} t i , 0,24 ,„..,,!•i , tM , jtj Y. .�, Y a � t _ { �}.� ,J .:r J z r. 5 7 ga3 t '�• �1 � �-' {� gg ,i' � F" k Y rt.: Z p •j 4 � ♦ r{ { 55, 1• Jy i �+'�'t�t 1.. M1'•{ �yf J.•�g.E3=.Y...\ 't(tlF� 4/fi i 6 Cu f• �1l Y.t �• /{ 'M "jr x�t 41`••4 l�r.:ti t.` Y- 1 b t 1 i.g t'ah's1:4;+.f.(, `tyi.'Y.iy �u ,r�i f .p.,�. :. r I c;15, `;��?)r a z i 1 ,.. • } as f }s "r`r ``5"1"*a �� N"!see t ifs. 7. f' , it, .P-{r,4 ?' k : ' Sf! (fjil, T•<Ftf ., fwf.. ."'''`e .r . ti+wn+a> *J.t f it i,„ r t, iCr .. 5!{, '2?4 3w it s.. YT )..k..2 , X;1 �+ :. • '! K , 1 iF 7 ., c, i -. ' •tS '� , Q '. en it "X,.c,'"C14:firs: ,t Witt •g�''^ E,Of4Zt.•4 �rf�-, .+yl:w',0P'1,%ta' t 3 • r1 �y• , • .,M1 • ''.i.> qt 'r hi,st 'a5 .jj! 4.,(ti1,,1:“,',Alt by ”? 't :K` A-!'y6 4>sirrt.,>MU��py� 445rr.} A: .:li i ;"i °.'A' ce- -4'' ' r it.. :t *" 'v""1 1 4 i ��� 'y � {3`'.Cj(i•:.a ''71.'fyS •t1" a 55 .!t{S}s�Y i; )k �'3�z(,Y �,�r, rye t �y� y., :+; era yr. •,"' i � i�.°��,`a:�,t i � " t ;iY, ry. if..3 kN '•}` i q (I { A: ' 2 . '4 .s'.. �ry,c44 �' I ...Y' f J! 'fs 1 e ',ft( j P i, J , r'r ' r^.y} � f ..€1:-:,`,./..'"c1;4:f+( �""4.x`41 of• } !}^ l t•.:X''-r'ki �s r.�Yff31�s��t�r�ja+,���•; "(j v'�,� r. rN`,�i+; nSi.�a a� v{ �P.�".7�y � fs 1: r�F 7�t'•'Y Jr t,'r N` � ^'. x tS�s11'13. �'ittS J a.. k r icy r74iri"r ,, ,f "S,P xY,•'k�'j'1}'"'.ri P '� •4 s $ z a ( "t fI , i !1 ' lJ• ,ttie ($.�� Ut �Y 'J' " !`Ga< .�+ J''i �... : "'�z 'S ai i• 'p ai�a`,: . k " y Si 'rGa",Z�t�„ilt�rf,' ' {P ', ''��,�'y✓`'t r Y,�,. &,t s[ , '.' "1. ti,i ' `cu t.," 4 , . .';w ,t ,„ 4 ill/ ;t re. . o-t iP42' �i zf'r . F .t. .q r`a. w�C . i „r 5 •IV ir, ,. . ( try 7 1 f r:i..µr. . f 'Idler KE 'i ttdLSt y @NP t;Yt a7,�i .n..... .n ' �' tt t+vtr itt i.• t . �s ,i,,,-1,„.! x4 r �7f n,{�f y.*''tk tr t'YV ,S f t, t,(: , • ?. r ! , D } r,y„cii t ✓ if , tl 4 ' tr',r� ,,„, o y� Ki,(Yt v "' 4� ith 1. 4 .i t {rt�� A�, !,4 t 1 ( a34r +v i ' "it t. it t,rd, +; ,,,-,;4-,1;41,,, ! t' i i� ■ 1 .d i s l �! y t1+° {, t , r 'v4 ` r , a TOWN OF ULYSSES 2 1, ' ^ MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING•O ` 'l JANUARY 25, 1994 e , A TOWN BALL n fr > s t ., r� e' i ffi 1i r .1 s TOPIC II ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING continued ' ,1 . B. UNIQUE NATURAL AREAS is ' S Ili .4` j�<A 1 . Use the Tompkins County Environmental 1 ., }1.? r� Management Council (EMC) document. P i ,( } fir Mention Wetlands. ( r , ' n t� .f>, ,, L „rt..,,;. .::, i n a c. it +�� rirt`;``ryt '' `" 7'`"'t,,, ` ' C. WATER RESOURCES ` f t ; '.Y,�s.`p { i t r`✓srE. T rYf lF�ii !y t 4 r/ tT , Or Y i + F / yn.tr •tv ` ' ' 'i 1 . Cayuga Lake-area of lake encompassed in the Town. '. „ a 2 . Major streams-list classification of major streams ^ fr ,+ ad \ , " "' `�'' 3 . Wetlands-officially listed by DEC (others classified r . 5t, ' r ; a ,' .5 a , t ,.ti 1�e�F 'cry ti ,`, ., `„ k, ,f x Ft.,; Y but may be significant for the Town) . S, '7r 4 fI i I.r .' "'"L.' t iis'n 4 . Ponds C" ^ +r r } , tj ; �, +' ., ' "` t` `Y' 5. Subsurface water conditions (consult local well ' " 41x:0 t r 3 aA4&� it r qz s s ( rri 'ftt a i ut, ' ,sty drillers about the various well depths in the t v i7 t .`t 9 i' ! ft.. area) t .'Y /4 s ,i r1 ' , ,y < r{'' !,ri; *f,=r 6. Watershed information for major streams ` Y; ", r } _ ^tt : f5x , fit, 7 . Floodplains (Alex can choose to use available p. ;z : a A-.0 t £;'')01r-,41�,*1`rii7r graphics) .^�. < uf.{v?', ,;•t t st 'Srlr sk:15''r rgstd'b2 S hi ; 1 f 2Y'J tt'.(� .tra;1 ..i,y,ti A'{t;?,717,1? D. SOILS r L.' Y' hi v ' . r i , t. tt ., -,. 1 fc yi' *0 c& 't(.,' 4' 9sf,7 ,f,, r. .;r i 2.;,,,1.•� t r��_',',t1, t1 1. Bedrock (�, a' . ryf,•; t- ziu, 2. Slopes : r ¢'�y 1 3. General discussion of soil types $ ' ' n�i7?t: ' '.•� ,t?= "-,Y 4 . Farmland soils-discussion of quality .° ; .i� r 7 +i Y ! tits ¢ '" 1 6 c �'t 1;(,,,-•,•;.;; 4 1 7 i.i , •i 5 1'I'1. .a r z t J n t,.;/,';',). f : t p f t y Yr a'tis't1t k?A k% The agenda for the next meeting (February 1 , 1994 at 7 : 30 PM) ,i`%', 5 `+ • C ' `,�^a„i will be the outline for Public Utilities and Community Facilities. `' '; ' 3. t a ' ( t, tJA f3 'sd, 3;, Ruth has agreed to write the narrative once that outline is complete. �s : it`c '' {"Ya• ''," • *'#^'ey" /"' The meeting ended at 9 : 10 PM. ?lt -a fir' " .;r i2 r ' {.. �f;i i ^a^r 4i"•x}&% jj, tr:::1,1'.'55'r {5 ' ',*A.. . �Y' "yj �k )si�`'t°,mss`}}tryryt�+7‘.71-lit d ) f 1 o•f r�'`� r f i " ',1141 e i••F0V.7:1-[ttnjy,5 h0i `• � ' J y 4- ' i 1 a ;N..=';', •k 7` .i 1 e f �v ciyz fiA . I1.„ ! "ti :HI. ' by fi �,; e `ES 'a,E 1111 � 5 ;r).}t. :1 e ^ t ;1y . . • A}) gj t ' 7• , "1{t41XY . } ..,/,/^;:(2, +tcci . S '¢..11' 3 I • n•r �( v 17(W"1 ^7 SC i '. I,'sit,A✓( +r 1 5 ( .f1 .f t Sri a t y: ., f) ',' ,lE , �'• , c ix a•ifEi '4 ia. 4�7'i1� ti 5.i447' r,i{f .i.5 tfrf� =i tPG Lt15 $ YINI It'Fly , .Sd tf' . r ! 3y,rv-7 r' l iii..i to ^I 7I f 4 � '•41. .11yx i 1 It! , �. 15,,, �A11 ' t s°=',:tyL � ® i..j ; ' ::4; 7 4 t . , , tf '1apf' + ti 1 i , ;,r l ii t)r , '! ;',., ...Slti f1:A ' ri' 1 .� F rY l.•.} 4 5 .t).rlt • t•t , 'Y f.t pY,a^. i 1 .'• =i(, t .1 � r{. !{ 1 � " ,�y((Il f � „ a9iR l it 1: ' ,; & t s Yn � � rr ' i 1 C ie J ,' �, "fir f t. �'- f '+N ' P r/ f { r • , f , ft,ll t •Y AP}L� •! y t ( 1 , r 1 7 ^ /.741, iy • , • ', S 1.,' a r1 Y.4,S :Y"..7�i f'Jr4Y erne rr.( Laic t�J�`,r .n4,-„r'sP"t a xif,�J2 1,1 (1'41 ! rW yft �b�"4 •Y RF %: ti.,i h v s,, ; ...y ,,,, 9Nj, .:p.t yi , �+..,,s.1,•� p 'C'''+•,1ci,re, i•(.11,-,1'1"yr. P t.Y. a?1,,, % ` i 1 . grey.,., ( N.211'i J �. 4::.t,/1 i} h { v t 'tie y., , . •. . iz h i -,- St „),,: . zilgc, `•j }t y 5.5ttm-et" . m.zra'r".,.!7 x 't,td.:3�, ,y, Yfii. { aivis ., ;4 figi pt! ?q a'iSY` lt t f{.',, ...;:,'4,:,,,9",r. SS. Ai .'ClI'i.r l i..L) ;'.t.• c . �.t ,¢ It ',• ">� . i S i +}d�S,viY't t,S•.'"u,C f ��, �°,(.,,�c.. �1�i. �. � .pY �'` ;;,���fuulI (SK. %��ira+ye�' �A, l ��`•i yhY4� �;`i; fe' r {tr s t Sry �. +` alr I #, {+ { a, ..✓.r=t44 g ,� ! 1sg'At +44?0, ' (., i1 .� . '. �' '. fit: A&a ,' 7;` T {' .k'' ( w 4 j q .4 '�:.e.'1. ) i=!}4a.-a.f '� Wf�.S(b1 �±(r5 � F 't• .+V�.j�Q%�;•"i? �� rti r+� +'E•. �*�' �'s}•.jlt � y+ r ��r•J t �.G.lt+�t .1.1,ti t7I �y ✓ � �� 1 y � .RY i it izl�'3/447.14e �.�iin t� 1:(f +7, ' ry i (14:T }st �. �4 2 � ( 7.•. a� y i rr Y• <,a t ix, , �f 'i ' :: d 7s , , r - 0 1y t' b"S !Y i, x g1`�:"b 7 11 '.. 1i4 t Lc t ,. • y� y1 4,y Oil k' � � jA� r. "d t: .i { '( �S rv[+� • y}`}nA�cb"�• ' '' � {T J i +f' < .,'fL r('a i r. A .J r:Th7147 t �y=' 'S 11! tat 4�'(( %' '�. .�• y. i .i•" •' .c {'71 h. A q1 A gj IF{f ''hY .T1`44.,-" "f. { J S 1•S .9 i It 4IA �. S % ' Rw. .-� f ie pr +� P r i 4 ,." r . ri f ,r y, a r•-u., . .�t:Ft 414.,- 1ter.,4 ,,„� .,.?.,a , -IL, arC1, i1r4. ve '2 tp.l c y: fhif S.�4' A } '".'iif.70:i ,.2,2,c IA' f.ii,ii " loth �t n��y- .* V'-• ;Sri*"° .( s�.)'P f:: i,1. .1 •f 7..-44. 4i.� p Pgti_ tt$1 .,..t's�'t++ ,, 4 , � .i t8 'tS .may ( }1 'A ,. d ;i`,• 41t£1l y f .•- ,✓C..'l�( /d.tn,> t?q j r.a tr .,„.*. •" J ..X�,,•it di i' 'f{S.".". •1 .. 1Y�1y'6P s. f...n`n ��t Y 3�r1 , yy { _Y Si{i h i '.j.�1���gqaX S. 7 41.“ ? 7- . ,(7”1/4•i 4ief:7 rbl' • n3° t, ... 7t.1"••r1,{.Unt"'e f 1•••,yrA,tst,„fl�".� ,• 2-fu .i6'0 qu: "�•. 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' t' t','51 � 5 {� "'-.L;r h.','� t ..t r; jt 4 ; }tr, ; 1� Ar 4(' .F +r .S �41t,‘'",,k,.‘",'u e .i 1 5 ytr r k"S £ .�, r d • a ,, ...)ter t r. l: r ' .,,kl'�Ef � y 1 fjT-,G a h4 3, „ tr. 1•.}tli>. � ' �3� tT• .}u...4)01.(i t e .ti , .t;yl1 1 • •,rt t,,, '\ 4At 1• '•' u.t r r ., ,;. a:},:' ..i'^=,' <,0,,' ; • 'J: k- {, W t , i ��r ,,�i t '" �.`;:it '4 ,}lrl,}.,.,� c`r i , -s.f. .�' •.°�. .i.,•.• �>M,' ? 3}, S I Vt -4 i y r F.i{,J p=xd,it4 f x LP, :till�' r ' a }a .t • f .; :l f. Z.Kr V'.,J q•.£• '.`r: I ty t" Y Ti u•k'�xt ar+' EYSt„�S1 r f .ar'.Y >' f 4'.Ma:1 v eiF:.'ilt.-T G 4 ' }wii{r '`as}�4r4,9``tEt`^, ': S + }ry r i vG .t�AR I ti ! , ,e t:r ...v 'i th,sa • l E e_�.,} .';sf.}F , '715•, •je a.../13 ��' L ' } , it t r 3� r .} �4 i?i!:?;;,'�rSN,S??_•CIn# nk '�' ' "3 ,rii s.., r ,i X''2.. ,l let x �Y7}?i,r}>'^�f..'ui{,mss f'I-. tt °'1.,,,,4 n r °x'. tl 1 4 / J' j1 r J.w P' +-.t it!�.7'Fr ,r e .t?, ' . ii1 t,(i-..34,'i';� rJ 'i r gl- !'k'. ,,i ,>x.:lti^. >2,n,.;r' s !S 4}�,.AIx' , n't,. a•, "' . Y" ..0 ,a '.. !) ,S ;t;, rr+ ili ', r' } j =Y, :S rli..l'fi'.h �'' ar *'f' ..�'7• ``'';' '`#/ G'.,•i"S3,14 ;! ,yr ' . tl.:'F TyY! ypics{T b 1, .t :..5.‘;‘,)74.1, i,t { 2f 1 l F , i , 'f f,'2 e,ti' {e ;42)0 14 1'f 'Iv•4SJl i t £-tib�'N ,:tiCYO .;nd 1'�S '.',� C�4 11' F'}� t r .Y ,76 7 ` � ; .. S .e t' } � .:n r t! f 1 .� .>,'�:.,+,. Ay,. i, 'tt' ,i,i d :.,5 : ,}"v.•. .r• + ., ' a+ .`Y`.1"tt'dr f'7t'�i?;:lref•• '}14`rt, •t rlict 5}..ii:,1 2 t i,r';;'-:-,: ,1 ? r i tY tt �c.J !,:, 'r.r,',r.. ir i .,;rkt :,., •�C( :NfE,••I_i'i.r P .1 �t,l':i SI ,,� i3 .. , « f' tl,'3if ? ;,.., Y Y, . ,<..r „,.f�: 'Y t f. K ,r 1• re 2• t I. s1( :')Ml airs trs i, t,tr 1, 3'qqs #e4�iPl�,°f3 i 'Pt iX.NN- r i 7 ` 4}rFrlJj�{�!!'y4 r r .}1 , s . yj '4 . r g �, I r 074 r){ tY"44`.> �lE,r�'+t�Ilit r,. Cr4F Lprf�?xrtYti<S't-t"�i�U'x '} fr xVys7,yt «j. 'ItYCi`(f y{ Cj'`srfs✓,`y^W lY4 )i4'i , fi P s ��,, xs� ` • rr 75 f r Ylri r. .Y rZit ' aY a 4% i,•, ry `1 4115 aa3, •c t :' tr+'`+a ,�ci.�,�,i:4'' ,i,q,4 TOWN OF ULYSSES { �i ,y"z n.',: < { °its j44 i1;�lu 1°. v�'t )`7rif3�^li' 3. d }t3 r5 YS, a ;,vt ti,-/;,:,,,,,,tF t i < , LI rrk t}7 i' { t; PLANNING BOARD MEETING . , , ' , �e 1. r � stit, .. _ JANUARY 31 , 1994 SG:) ti' 9` `,, '+` l'` Vt i ',r�{K + 'tt'` }f Lif, ';` TOWN HALL ,� 'r ..' r' 1} '1 ¢: ,{'. I" ap'Tti }Ie7:�.h! A,t, )�i }+ Y*�}i r w i cr 3.5 1 i t§ ril! 2, t t `},y}1�` tic }� . f r + i } r4 PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: DAVID TYLER; MEMBERS: DAN SMITH, BUDD x�y��m'i,�sit t.>Y�,t"t{}�+y^�`4'`�'z�" STOVER, PETER DEMJANEK, GREGG HOFFMIRE, KRYS CAIL, I i•' . a��,r 'c{ C: ,'4 y%"4:a'd.f S{,1 ritl�'a* .rfr�r .i a tt {r J ' , � ttr , rt � :. �,•,,, GERRI KEIL; BLDG. /ZONING OFFICER: ALEX RACHUN; k=f �'h:Mc,Vslyr SECRETARY: ROXANNE SMITH '�i� u+d 6t l ,i , . th ,r, ,;t;rt4;r,. The meeting came to order at 7: 45 PM, Alex Rachun distrib- ,_ { \ ; ti1 '�,�t4 uted copies of. a letter from Doug Austic to the Trumansburg .,„-,1„.,..,,:s.a 5 c,",(5,%:;;;;"';%:.•:-t . : ,01.,: 1L Village Board. The letter referred to an anticipated water/ ' .,', 1, , " °3 t,< 1; tti t g P } rx ty r t 14 r t ��t•g;, ; jM - 44 sewer district request from Mr.Bill Auble. Doug is considering * !,, ri "41(1:0.20;.44,:.' S ? / �x `5y r, r ;; le forming a committee comprised of himself, Alex Rachun, one , „ `a�' avvr t�;s•' , k;fa,,:Y};( Town Planning Board Member, and hopefully a Trumansburg Village r�:'4 ` �A::!7it `yzbr ,�. { $`11' 5 '` >_ ° Board Member. Their committee will attempt to ensure that the =,I �e,rx,�j ZA +:sl;, t• )� t,, r , b'" proper application and information is submitted. Hopefully, this rt'' 7 +a;g114i i`d „r r r� - '�€r:tfr-� r will avoid duplication of time and expense of duplicate plans, , ..? ; 'z,-t -,,'*-,4- ,{ 1, rihirlf studies, etc. This request from Mr. Auble is for the whole 23 irn aA a ,s Ts*, ,,%.• t AZ���-�v;,, : � acres. The proposed site for the American Legion (last Alex 5�;�4,,y,� ,,y,� F„ t,���:' s,ks r t yr. heard) will be off of Seneca Road about 600 feet, on the Auble r,` ' yYfy t ';ar^a'4Y-J{ r” `IS' .:rt4 parcel. It will be about 800 feet deep. lex said the procedure ,, '<?: ru ,y7 {,` „ te,-, • C f '7i' n .� v t ,0. t P P• P ,e X11 Y``I 1'��, ' r," .i , '+ for a request for a water district in the Town would go as ;4n; R J} }1S ¢fin ;°' 1' '(.,; +rufW, s 't, e, '' T follows: they have to indicate why they want water and sewer t' + and why what they resentl have will not suffice. They have y i .+' ' ' / ;!-,: , ;' ArtiatwiFprOc.kkegqr��' '� y „' thehentiregbuildout Sttheedrainages (watererunooff) oasuwell asd I' ,ji r', i " -,es` L A VAS.i Y' S „�i4 'Y R 1 J YNJ y ' � a study on the amount of capacity that the Village has Roxanne ) ,; s ..cos,�y� ti.;, r },, s4 z � ,s t distributed copies of information that Sam Demas assembled (1991) �y,10$1 st t' "yam 6s , te �>,; on the basic facts about the Trumansburg Water System Capacity. s r �, ,,,�3 j, �`; x.( n'rntrt�sf. f• ' $h 4. g Y P Y• rf�,d. ^y., ,yi ''}G )ry{n 1ti.I1 ,: "� � The Members looked at the plans for the Auble parcel. The place- ,14C, , ) ,,,WeleyrfC; . i„t m f a �.•, 'b4 ment of the American Legion will be in the light manufacturing FS {•at=:1:4,,, '�;�;> k,; S ' r'i� area. The softball field will be in the Residential section. . •+ ' . Sze 7,,, 73„,'{'... }t.$'• r`�S 'y`, `>r sj "4i' i 7Jr 7 'I �a , t : a '�'` ' The Legion is looking at 51/2 to 6 acres. (It is all nebulous at ' ' -N4�s1» �t U' fr -. 4IPOr�f,r , { '.�Jt •t ci salc}it,lr } r .'ts; `u4 p;�` - -i•. 4 �4 this point, Alex has received nothing in writing. ) The Village c'';r: . , 41 ,: r ,r �, , *r. .�t :,k, r,� ,7 will only entertain a complete buildout of the entire parcel. 1••• 3rti x ^1 + � • IN'Inkt:lifYik-tealfWAP ; 4:. �.;},fir�,�y% i u 0 , A water tower, loop, all may come into play said Alex. David 9,,,”, , , ,,curt l , • k ,;3 45 t'Ash4 rw. asked the Members their feeling on assembling a committee. The !4"0:h"i ,WAy . ,J; +"Fr},I a. '. n.. 9:4N- ,,i��-'�,, ' tit e'.CiY: ♦:. , ` ;, trf .1150 . u z .:r, •' Village Board of Trustees have the ultimate voting block. It ,ri -,, e \ ,1, ,�.,' ' �4 a�I';i ,tf p "' r' .: makes sense to have them present right from the beginning said 4,114.Vi=a^`ate"+ '��'"k 'A?"- • n - = S P g 9 g mt,a.t45WIA h, x . ,i ,Ltrira ' ' 4; r'' Alex. David offered the observation that two years ago the 9G&-r :s•=+c s ,'f,r�' v ' �` t�'• � av y x#, i s Town Board created the B2. Nothing has happened. Having water \}''i >�tr �1 r,�'rryt:`{�Jr' s� yy ';''`i1 'P:. and sewer there will mean they have something to market. It is G� fj? s`>,.; 5`:rr; 4 j1 a ��'a�t3` '°f- t i c' .,.*1:, , ,t+�F'Y ' ; critical. He would strongly support having a water/sewer. district a"'" `;ccAs.' „ Y'. ` : i ..' a=° * A r on that parcel. Gerri pointed out that the original inal idea was to ` el.tr'tt't:`?=t I // ' r 'rt' ',r.y c: S have a low impact B2 , abutting a Residential area Having the gca;3l `'4' t „ ,;‘);/`",,/` ?y}, ; 7�i+ i 1 b i ita'tr t:::r. g r.'' ar^., a . s4,A American Legion up against the Residential area will go against (? v,"s +''t ,Stf- .'Yy �'J . it f fitly )tiyd i .� 'sYC t �',,$) �lfr.b'�t't :v:1 . their ,philosophy. Alex pointed out the positives of greater ?i ' `,' ; ' `le, ¢ OP:V111,i4A Mtvt accessibility for members (who live in the park) and the addition -.,: s {I,j? ' ; fJ 4 esiS�(O rk=� i.3 ' of the ball park for the children. The cost of the water tower f *�x{ri ilk could be picked up by the developer. Budd queried what were the pr;s>, : t i, a, -1.'l.t .•t",7>ta• y��3� chances of getting water from the Village? The chances are better �. i , , ' +r� r td, t ?"`^f ' ,i q `; 4 now than they will be in the future. The best chance was when rtr f;'rn i' : ` k , �• S�or,V. c� Peter Meskill was on the Board. The Village Board could be against �;'s,.:1',1:1., . , „,, i,`� „ ® it If it ever happens it will have annexation attached to it The "1 I }, „" : ; ' ; i0 � # Town taxpayer will not reap any benefits; it' s the Village taxpayer F',*{� q "$, ' f} 3r " ° j who will. If the Village could get a large player to aid in u - .a.3,t',,,; .“ s °Y'r:it'''oP t'I ``,\} sva . 9 4 4 P Y P t>, }. xt+ cTr y„7 v a•r •:f•?^ c' t .' dating their water district they would only benefit, said Alex. ,'.x ,}, r fit= ,a tti }..:-I 4"31. tiV '':te a;l,;;J = Krys volunteered to be part of the proposed committee with time ' 4:';" r%'t+ ` + 7 ;:, £ T�`t .;-, i,lit ' a t , +;t 40'., .-1,2,:g=1,43:6;',014,14441 . limitations. Alex said he would like to see this more as a review i; 7f4 , 2.Ss": ;;t 4+tai. - board that met during the day. They would go over materials i ,�' i r i * ,w 7' r1 t,)• 1 r :ti r,t `. a{ r , ,. rri{`.:: :'�,' 1 u , y tsels ' J used, by drawnuup bVethelTownelawyer andld be '2:-; rtt t,` ` Tf 4 i'rt`'j g up by lawyer rii! , cr. 'tti ,[ , <� �,� ' : ;j$ possibly for a second opinion from an engineer. He also said he k,;. i 1 lKS I e r t ,S +" 9� itr to �fLK r�h3�rc doesn' t want the Town spending a lot of money and then it being an- It yr. . Ii',H ''r `r. `r 4 nexed to the Village. The water and sewer is important for a B2 . , 13ni !.`,,: S i2'`dtT',3w'tt' ' g P E :V' I 1 , ' 7 s'. X Ytj;Z said David. Is everyone in agreement? Everyone nodded; Gerri , ;, r; , „ ' ' ,rt I I i r/.xi,i,Yi agreed with the need for a committee. ;i9=1 .-...s,; h r„ {i, ,l , � , s h r�+,r>*1 I 't - , ' Y ■49 Y t ':.1 1 f J S { (}•Sirss 9^',) {{1 �' r Ittf 'trt �;v d '} G'i .. o;■t- t+ ' 7 f>ry,t{. 7 4{71 r.a t4S. .1 ' ' ,tti , yr , t s'i ,rat x, , t , �^t F• ;t;}(r .I. F,,,.,? 4 �+t 'a 11 r., -r r :fle 1 ,o r} aS , , ,f.s I r,al `t r;>k ,r '�y r ' t ? i + { aii r,t314`j ppg. ,gyp 4 iyi.fFl <,r, t t 5 r ( „ /' ' 4 t(c'S a .iiiit''('�,✓" Y ",X (, }Sr p1.i•;)T . .t rS.w , Acv ti,s;b{: < �} MJ,. ,. : .:•Jt 1.y7 ' �qq'a� .'Yt `t yi i.t Y.Y `t'pV h'•lI+;k jµ[;K,{l�f�rxYv�y K, }II��`i yr� (1 ''y • • 1, a,,•;,. •1'' 3 ' s ` fp[ '� ' 4 t, ' x• 'f ' , +. '7.. 3+ p'Jy w, { .7 H G aT z`, .4 afar i,l FJY ' 4y gg 01`14,146:t44.Mn LSIN.I::,. 1 ,) , �t}r.•rc,howsS,u, i Y .,„ . 4*-4 ' i F , ' ij. .`}},� v .r'sf.%tr, j;, d i trr`..^ 0 '�, ^i} s } 'i. ?4,•:':`::45;0:'”kN,r.., .,j. ., I c`5�•t:�� �µµ '+.' \%4" 4 r' t .y {4,'t`.i ' *,t'.:•,�.vi:I $ '"^ ;1:, . r.•;i . .J 4f„Y•f';qN.c. $ 7 ,., • Y' �dt1�; . 'i t„Yylrti (( 7 K'i<$,' •Y... b..'S J t' ( �t �^'A 13Yt&; 1't. >yr`q' f h ,fft,y, Xt•h 1°y 't )y tri ,t. w ,•al`=> :t.>r ( ",Tits ;1 e i,„.� 7 ;f "i; t: -R� 4•c i .0, t tak z,S?&:`�Y "1-ti-': Fitf.'4:,1 . I i' , tlt' .?"r'r} ? `i d ral 9.Lt:'-der �;.`..,.5 {��,+.ri n; tfx,,r s(-'(t;,`i. }4:sartfi,r7, v,;,, Y '• ;k, f.$ �, 'Cite, ;fi ry ,et7 ...14 s,7S�4ix,' -t''".-� iL1?)F, ,nom{, - ,}.l,tF .i13W v.�441/1 tax• qt +4: s'f' 'l x . Vii" ;}�('i.L' si,pJ"i. r 5 r°j1j;°�' 4'jr��><`Y "'�. of. .J S:,A .3«5r` tia Y ;$, Y13i l {y(t.,« V }..rt.oj, id ,'t'i:+ .Jy rJ't 4° ]`.y,a ,;5��`' .f' :gp �� '{ .Et. }lark ', :�.. r � ' •''` �'},s, �r .� , lt a ,�+y"� ai r*. L7'l.lu ry ✓,{%,`•.f,�=t- 1 , .ir bb�'t "rtR' d o ' .v' y n � -1' 3 tai � Sgrj7 s ='�r t <yy ,...i• ,f '3 f� tom,' u tx� •yt .}'(r ;eS( 1`>,y34, tl :e w. f}}'' ;a}7,9.i#e ,� .• r. T SS nTY '��M1i. 4 .��t, w t• ..,i`N�ir��tx�7{ ] SrrF'%MI, yi'�r't�r}i�'t± )'�,N.[ j 'yi7fr•�!i:Yit.:':�.�54'kI 45 .;.1 C.x 4N.�) t�,�} .} z. r. Nr�,tij��3'.i �`4l' '�.p I�, +�v^ Ik.'{.. 1 "!'.,r',ktt��� tk:: ' k.St!( V” a. �e iy 14 t T;,;(};. KNO,On; 4i ' '.) ,. l ' ! ' . 1 . k y:' Fly ,pI 1 r 1, 7 p9:'a: '3 t : r �' '$+ 'y?. 1-fi -'r�'�4, p `:'t;x. 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'oit"Pr;k01,,:tptiliq44411.314.4143013,7331,4101,1?4 t'3/4, 1101-144'''''h-1, tz - tift 4,E1--1,....;.- Ste - !4'; -51- -' r . t •149 ,4, - ' Ittr410:21''''.4t (it I to ,,,, ,:, :',;,, ::1,110.3/44i0,:t41.,,,,%!elt044.444e.y./so, (44, +A •;., 3/4 -4-p!At" ' 4„, 0 tetak - r, i",4' •,; - ft,‘,/te iff t1, 1,45:4„ ;3 A.., ea 71;;; ;.As-Y 4 L . : -J..,..., - ; i.s., - .., : ?it ,i-jo,,„ t, ,,,„1.,,p., ., 'Ar e414:611..;,‘‘Mirk461-4.04 let Wiattir,iltirs Wei 1 S-IA CI' 14. t'."...,' . .".11..4414:yiltv114',‘ ,N . . 4' (1.1:,4,,,,,narbit,t, 4%,,,, 1 1, ,c4;i4,-cs.1 So gislA4 ysi 2 ..s;Jdi:Jt 4;.,,;:--,1-1 4;;. ,57 ,: ';;,5 *42; ,..'''.4c ‘.. .,Er-41... ,,-,4,in hilv-.14-4 - ,- . 1--- ',- ,.t 1 141- ,ei-,,,1.0,1:(1,-• -:44',0,1A .: :., ,',: if?, (t:',,,),, 4431 .. 44;,:f."., ,Y-. . 4', ;.E.yli.,% ".1,.., l)'• ..ti, ... '*,,,,-..;,:c 'i7,; ';; . TOWN OF ULYSSES 2 PLANNING BOARD MEETING , ; --.” -' :.'/MLI.t.';-- JANUARY 31, 1994 'VS ' .-.. .);c '''''i r'' ,,, y i : • TOWN HALL 4$1.:, - -*', * :., ,%::!".',.'::i • ir *5,1,6, J(::::;„ 4 c !:,fii . i,- ' • 4,.. ., }Si: I,- ( ,,,,. c:s • (-4. '.- 4;';‘' ; ,, . ,L. NE . ' - v -, • , .. ;'s ;•;1-1 I ,at' ,,s,E: ';, ;, If the request is prioritized Seafuse would have a legiti- ... . 7.. i .!'lf:...1 .., ,- lit,s; ‘,,,..:0):^11P;) mate complaint said Alex. With more capacity up there it may well help the situation. It was interesting that the Village Planning r- ', , ,.:,, 1 r +4 * CY-It:Jr:At • ,. • j t. , 11.,) • ,)•..,4 ,..*,"1-?; ,1? Board didn' t seem to object to a water district going in there 144:1 -1,".",..:.,:.!14?-4s, (Auble' s parcel) said Dan. What' s also interesting is that the 4&,1-ty4 , 00$ ;,, ., ;, , ,- , . ,t i . -,-. _ ( ':_NJ'/44.7.41..1"1.1. Village never responded to our letter suggesting that the Town v-- ,:: 04.,,'Pr4, / Master Plan Committee would welcome their input in this matter. r‘1100-,-- , :;-ITIt ' ,/cir.q.w.;,, Peter would reinforce those people on the Village Board who are 1., A 4s;: :Ali Ate,7 t ,.20.4,,..v e' .-',.'. z• v;^e, -, ,I ) 4%;---.,, ,■ "■.0.,,y414 for the water district, said Alex. Tom Niederkorn' s study will ,,,A),,;,.", cr.".4V:Vfiel 0 be complete in April and they will come out with some real cost 'i stts".n,,,, ;•z;:t;::-;:erfy,.c.,;;;;;;;Isly estimates said Krys. How will the Village vote, asked Budd? j- - ,tr;$ .:., t04.3 • " .t-;i' :,,.1 i , 's.:s 112", ; ' ..elt‘'tN+1**M: ' t 3,i^ , . ... y 1 '; *1‘17.....- •'• i•••'• I •-•, , •1 •et41140 " " ::42r4 tTeersV-Yfor.mr7fairl:g:1: definitely n?g,112.1s1 ;.amil:gcemw27. fel's1F1::s : iiii...„..4, against the water district said Alex. F, "1, ', ., ;:i. , : ',, ::.,1 1,'''' '':;(*..,, ,,---. -,* . , •,:t-,, fl . 4.,.., , :?...ft„,,,.,!:-4-, 14,vfic,c1 ).4 Dan wondered if you could expand the water district at tri '.r:It. t‘ ■ ...'1:"“ , .41 %‘,,t 4,,, - Wlqkttts rsi 42‘.1,1t 4.Ls I;t iipi.,111 both ends; and have two water districts. The district is how ;;12);:tii.', , 0 ‘ vv:Ix4 you pay for it, it doesn' t have to be contiguous said Krys. 3 E;; ;;;;-.1,;;;;;). ;e.,...-;',44,4'.1.1 A big shining argument for annexation would be the added police ,-. ,, .,.. , .- icA e• .(i),-;1 :6:4;Agegv-Jp;571441( protection she added. Both Boards have to agree to annexation ,V.-.4.4 •14:).':,1-.:ffs'it.!,',kvig+' I a. ! 4-3/4:i:tic:t 4<4,3/4 44-3/47,,, z? said Alex. Dan inquired which was the bigger problem, water .1.,,rk,,,,,,i--.-eco.021,,,441v.61, or sewer? Water is in worse shape said Alex. The sewer plant " ' ,:-,-7.4,-V-'.',;.% I •,, 41 - .M : 2 ' --F; ;', .. ' kti rlki1777t,■■6•OLIClittit4 has just had a major upgrade. ,f C,ALTv , 1/,442.0:371 • ..,,. ..?.. ,1 -iqr: - “ , * ,(4A ; .14 ""Ole,?'; i 574/11'7011Verijk:/' At one point,the Village use to send a Member over to the 1 :i,,,t4. 0.-WA-444Ntleiat . c.,; :... 11.. l.Y. 4,-,44 Town Master Plan Meetings. It would be a good idea to encourage % - “ --v'„,-, t)-144rfr:`:•:'''r:"‘It7.1. 1'71 that again said David. . .' ,',, .`,0 ,-,- 0;4;ti;14):Ati:tErliscri,?,14. .1,04,4pAil-JEW-E0- Nr.,:,,,,, i. .4 . ..,.-r;Esy;.,.•. .:- :f;ij.ti I ,7,, ret te,e, 43V? Krys mentioned that a new fabric store will be coming in to ,4 ,i, liti,-;,,s.'rice,"914 ak?" 0, the old Willow Creek. t . 2,4t., ..,,,,,,..),....-c.,...0c ;,.,,ittit,wt,';'clielr;91ettls% IL :,;”;:..., _;;, ±:?:.2,?..cti At the next meeting, the Members will address Bl. David f: ; 6"hq,okifi ••,/ -....-, ,...,i, 1 4404 ICU''ta i4,.,intr„43 03•1 ttitet? brought in an example from Lansing' s Zoning Ordinance which 1 -,, -..., :„,.. ... so, ,t,A , ,,,, -cscr ,412e,creirt,d;p,;i C,1)14”4•Cfer'ill !-•,... /, 'r, “',”.... ',:f ..k ;er4-1,.-Es",4sqW*;,2,46e Roxanne copied and distributed. ;".... r . ', . ,ip r' stal , 44141440044K. ■":,,;','IM 4.,,, 11.,: " :'-‘ , . . 4.1:154tA.4i1P-W4-101V1.-.4 ;ti!'li ,1;`,: t.1,1, ■,,t1.:'11,7%1 1 f .v.zel , -,-,,,.. P.41qP-44, Krys made a motion to approve the minutes from January 't ..,:.,,:,,,,•.,,,i.,,i0).47#113N4r4-1C 411:4 ;Ii,,13 Wee!4} $ 24 , 1994 . Dan seconded. The minutes passed unanimously. . /-v.0,Avf,)1Yi),4,1.44/4 ..i"111 L .1-.1`e41.1.44,1•t/?1,4 A r,„..T4(Akm The meeting adjourned at 9: 00 PM. ...^.,..„-. -„ :, : ' ,:ti. ,, e,;t 1::,.,-,i, ,•i'liS,..,Til;41,1.qt, ?„-3 :4',..,1 • „• ,, .:,,i . , - 40.Y.>1:,".Y.:in".!gie,y1WA ...;,•\€,; ,,,,i,,,.:,..,..)9,..i, 4.T-..-% ," "--.1.:• l' ;;NiAlAtl-,4:4s■Witi- 774 ,:. fr: 'F,Pr,3/4: , 17-,2 ": c',..:', 5- sit, ; • 4 , • , ; 11:•(•^"•111. ,f. .:1,1.41,41'^ - ',ell% C14*■, T-444- ,4,,,,t;yri.rty.la4n la:t:It.414 ..,;,t,{4,4-e ,,,t,, ,,,,%■•';',`":1 4,.C. 0,--;../.,....v,',W,:riLk"!Wol, 71, k2js ..-,; *,:sk • ,y5'' =-‘ -(;..;.-Th.7,5)0.4 4-.... f,t:tt ',r4“(44 ‘P.:,ir ‘,•"C. ' ., ' • ,. U; •js: AZ '' .7t. :' •Mlief34 .1.,,` 4. ‘:11 , :At. IS 1.&,,:u c;t4 ' '.*:.: et,'II,;A i?`, .1 '.% , • .‘ * ' ',14 .1-4, %' .1;c.1` 41-4'..AWB;1,1 , '''215.9"IcSe' ,rt-, , C3 q,'''.%.• 4,4? '" ,, 1,, • • , 11`. ';''', .: . 2:40t0 o--'%' ''',1 , et:4 ,‘ F‘,"„1-' %114^ "11".1t;fir4 • ii ) 4 ,1, etc !.:&*. 71,:i eil,+16} 1.1 d,Vij1 ? :t(P ) : : ■ I-141-. .,,.',./S.Vtl: /i\ 1. S I `1ai4: ,.1 Il 141;-',*Ajt 11‘,f4 ., ' '. s.:'•';;;,.':.:44 ;:iita? • L . r. -. . ,,, ', .f -,, , ,t,..-„,,,.., ,‘4•,.,,* lf , '' '' , ' 't: ^ ht i' . , ,, 'i 4 ',' ,, ,• r'4. 4 I j• ; • I •'.34 .irl‘n4 I, . 1., ,I I '' 1' 2 1 t ; 4'4;,',:"1-,- ,••'.4 t • • 7 I, •I.• “ .- 1.r ' ' 1:1,. ':::::,■'4,2 . . ■ ` • -.5%* ,' ' -1" -1`,r i .. . • ' . .• , • ..., ' '''' '..' ' • ., .:',-“Afc..P.1! 5 ' % , ■/ , ,„' 1 '..• :e ' , • .r ■:'. f•,•,...• • • :‘,•, ' •,, , : •1 ' it, 4•I•••;.* I P i ' X ' • , , •I •: 7 4;2:1 ' • . "Q' ,..s ot ,:,A, c . fe;.. 7• 1,$) 'A • Y•t, ' ..,,- ,'.: ',1,e4, if-. : ' ' .f t• :.ASP/14 • ,9 01 J. 0 .' . :1 , ' ; .:,1 4.,-;'.‘ :41r tc, ■ ,,,,,' ;:di...' ,,..,, ;yee0, -,,:,., 4%,-1,4 '!4i • :-L ! • '• , .;,,,,,,/ ,,„-glie. .. }- , ',, *. •• • i' ,Y.4■7 1 j'I••0:1;,•:,.ti 14•1•S • •I'Y''''t"P:'nW4'Vrntnl'rrlltff'rht,fnWf':r 14 40%141 rc,t trirlyfi -.,,,-,,..•4- - ,.,,,, ,; ,-,,, , .,. ..., 4;*,-; • 11 '-:4,-- -v:,...,':.,(2.71*+ ' • 1, ,4r,t-trrnrcircptr, : 75.,143;Tai;74?-44T,-,t-Ag. corisi, i '. - ' ; tit',z,'P;is'?-rsk;'-'•le ; lk;1114/4 ef-bler,g4;"rf 1 eiVipr'S.1.4\hn'tKili't:. tigfr:1/2r.tiA9P-1.4 47.',„V.:„@,,Aly,VigAg‘ti 1;1:Sr 41'44 11(.,„t0C1':."1,.-P;;;',4 44 et :;tiV 1■1.11.-4'(;1-j;i '',:''',' : ' IIP 1 1:, ‘ ; ' i yi,'. , , , ,,;, t a c b A`lc tt;',4k:%-, “if 0)17117 2.417";'„i#if,C5;13:4: 1":beilOrg e?:e*.41-54)t•ii'41 ■44!I i e`I'LA''47;#11011f tibt 4 400 A4ANSti'SSISW el'rt 3 li?'''X'1"■j";`;c-`';'‘'.0111;1' an e$10-4"tyli l'' 01t4-,Y.1,',,` -- • • ' ft •11,-I, c' 'I 14.:',Cii,:1;g1;111-4440..;:!1`4;,,P1444,1elifiZerdivtirtg0,1014A1,-Iker/1444-014414 Witt..Z':;4./.4,*54.19:411.1r.‘14,51,4444,SPC+44{$1/ctc:SI:"1;t:t;,C*i'2;f4r1rShria14.if$51tr.‘")'-;11%' '11: "t I:1.1 t,I, ,,•,1, - '1:4.40;iiy40,,,,g1Valiptifaikb. c'.54 „914,toWtle$W4,P, j.4"*.fc'Pl i'le ,}`,7,164i;t4ipet/V..)w,C filic ittgaWits.11.0ZtiitiV,NApil'iett■cAlki,r,:, /,',4:1,i,,,,,' .,:ii,, .itfl'7''r:: 4:Arle"14FerkM44:43444".0 1/1,e01/44A ittFi. ..) inrl, f c- **la' ', v.:10' 4.-. 4?ii. 11'11: .$71 '''. --* .14 t .4^t '.i: 1 I ge Sto,Kritle0Yrekitatati,4414S4 ft-t ,',;:,,' ,y4,tii14?'filWitt 1 Mali:4: ff;11thlre.g7,tz.ieC:1434):c.•ev;::%':C".:11:1:4' 4.12 i'...dri I- '1'; -•12 1 •••••e;*Cr'? ;;':;?:1•:‘ ...!:Y.."' ;•?•tt•1 11!rCte;t'IT,e,ty.:*-,:,71. , ;;;C;1..%‘.:c•i* .:;. ''.417"04.14, ,19e4IN.,14„4}}4kkirLryTtizzi,,t4144.1)11 t,:t... ,■ 7 , ., '' . . . I • • _ riltsm>At , ' kr"•/ ' t'L .41:i$?. ', ' •' 0-4 .\'-a ..,-.'‘.;k"e'd:i Yris)? Mit:74;0V;5eirthisgp 4E 4.:•.th?t,* itoca.4k2,;'°ii rEq,:;<rit,kikire*M420,14,,,itt ''''; • "'I " .(1.4. ."4 4 1.?;:;%.tSei.1311,11k0i; Age. ,„?4,4,.5,. .40, 4.„‘„,-,4.0,344.,,s,..-..i.x..iffecscp ,,„ 4,,,,,,v%,?-fasst,Q,4,4,,, ay it 4 4,) , =ern. ki..„:„%iitc.:.., :'. ;,,t,(<1.. -,, ,, y ,,. , i,.t•'.(:4.,,,,c_tieybg.O.Cw,4 tirtick.*Aigs‘.4 ,,A,,, 4$ /4 -1 44i,l,y.lt24.41:7/121Ncilpk;, ;‘',44lkitlicpr?Irk 74,444„ 'IA:I.:4410\2i.?.4pa,,,,0,h, , '',4 ti, - .444 tii; Siritekilif st.,I., );a., ,. t....1 ? /???P‘4/ 4 a ift ' :i i;':r.2:0,t,*442i1744.ititiaig44201 t /OA I/1 it r,..4-6*,,Mir/4444.17-$1.1ittrieig;4044tifire-g420,,,,,tVp:tfatit., 4,1 ,,iv tax.t.4,-,„0,;(.1qcc,! •.„,' ‘,1 :,-g [ r „ . 49,,titi.',‘4:•oc.e,q0,1-,e„,4),?-g4-.p,tp4tiviire0,41444104411)&tta-241.4irair ti.,'40 sei3O),/,‘,",-.;e, ,,•, ''2-, it"gsrp„rcet4'001144gAt ■ Jr #1, AM wi-4,44. ,fet,b,w-,,,,,4..,..o.:,4‘..OA j,t;4--k,02J44,4-0,..?,'N'06I1.4-• 'Ws rpri,14 4; •jr1 , Ot• 4•04..:t`/•Pity,est'•4' • ,r, 1.,;',, 't f is.,•1,4 /4'; •-••i4)444,4"'p.t.,. kt y. -11SJ i te;1.414- ,. 4- `.7,14 Fp,',t1",t1/, t.P.pr .;-.•,,,.-4:4,,i'..111 4 • '`,,^••••t•* " • • • 'hit''.'°-`" •A 4 ‘ ' - `••• `4• a' P*7-4;•Vm“"A-"''"); Yr 4,-,: 'f21,;,, , •, ,n, +•41,,..7•,114,,;ca , 4, • ,,;,;‘,•;”;':6$411•141/4 I , .0 '511,1":;i .4•41•,24-,•ii•04/7/; ,...r, ,..' A , 41.4MT,WY,ft.,- 2-7 ,„ i . ,04,..414 , ,,,,,,,,,( ,,, R,y,-1.,,,.. , . ., i I,• ,,•110 IcW 'mktpr Er4D('WLY' ''l till- t" " -1;!-•,,.: ',?, As) R:‹ •W•11. , b/d);r: • :, , R;1 , ,.'4 c : .c).::i1:: ', A TOWN OF ULYSSES ,11 ', 4 I ),!.•t;t4i...;"449-. { MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE i " ' . ••1- ,1 • `;' • •-,.•' cy.l•t': FEBRUARY 1 , 1994 • tx, ,pi . 1 , 1P ,,,t*40; oo TOWN HALL ifw ;',1"4 ,: ;fli"*0y7%- • Joil ',. 1 - " ror'•-•*/ , vul...:, 1::.,; , , , . '' . .• , ' ,;1 4. r 1411..% '.11,!‘ ”74.A. 1.1i PRESENT: CO-CHAIRS: GARY MYERS, SUE POELVOORDE; MEMBERS: * . 7- ' ' I•it,11.0-71.1 'iltril1: .:1. ltie: RUTH KAHN, CATHERINE STOVER, JOANNE MOLINO, DAVID . ', ,‘ - , A ,..• •: ••; “ ,Asl,,'•.• ;'•/'`,0';,',-, friVei,‘••1•5•y tt • Att''' •'' .•,‘ ,,,:liw,s...,,,J,0 TYLER; BLDG /ZONING OFFICER: ALEX RACHUN; „ '1. : it,;;;: : ..;:i.:,:ci'l,,,:;•,,,,;;•:.21,..4 7 A",,Ivf.or4• . SECRETARY: ROXANNE SMITH. A . -'“,•••,-v ,,,, irSr4Vc-it-Y-Wrili • , Z0::,?;4.41,';'itit:4;1 The meeting came to order at 7 : 40 PM. Joanne brought , ,.. • •-, --.:: ,. -„•' • '; --, s ( 1 )(4 :f 1443/(-1-;-.1:::; i•ik•-1,4•:-?, 45:4 in a copy of the NYSEG utility maps. They were taken from • :,z.:",2,.:',.'-.-4, 40 /4 4 vi•t•-;•;:w1 tto\;yr,m,i,!,i,-A ■1:1 an aerial view. Eventually (this summer) NYSEG will have •:.; -;jr,..-•wx4, -;:,,:..4-142,,,43•1- (E) P. :-. .' ,,,„,..11:•:.-.",'S.;', c,pagw,7"st,w)exclia:1!,24.14 it put on CAD. t, kitliti‘'.;;,, ,crccitegit;.4.;%•4;11,41, I, ,' , ': ;',.• r. :•- e -".".'•' l• ,,,. , , .•N•;(1. V. . ., .. 7, i• .' - " A Sue spoke with Thomas Pacelli from the DOT (Region 3 41,4.04w4-.1%,i,i,N,n,,era; , . ,', 1....,., •,-: • . ,..“, ,t...1,-..wl...,41,. Syracuse office) . He is in charge of putting together the : t11. ..40'1.'tTht.: ,1 . ".. ? j' ; 14'.14thtil 1 ,12Y':4.0a1;6,?"Ii"W?"0.,Y years plan for traffic counts . The DOT is getting ready to ( -5tc-fc;;;;--,trwcrw,fl r;2:',. .”:12,'',Y?.`i 44 %Ailt;'4Tiftit4P I do them. They' ll put the Town' s requests for specific areas 1,r,4,\•,;,••,i,:ts::,h,k!,,Tr•idg•ti9m to have done in the plan if they let them know ahead of time. • r... . •?, , ,, :• 4re, • i .• .)I I -••, .!./ 41.'s,„,,•••;:1/4•21, :I',/V. I‘e.-.20:;404-04,0r”' Sue will call him back. David inquired about critical traffic tt:: : :: i''' ',"—‘t-- .1 ,h:IE•A,%,,, ,,,, ..01110-: 0. , , . ,. 4.'m, : se't 2:).2 - Ii4I3/41/. 1 problem areas in the Town. One area is the intersection at 1:!:,c1,4-, '-`,'.1*.k! te):.‘s:,, /•,•,1 1 t-Mit •"Cr •tt.•,;49'-.. Krums Corner and Rt. 96; another is Sheffield Road said Alex. 1.41 a'at 1#1:1,..0 ial l' ."...z ,,I, a(ez-bx 6;4.i,.‘6,11,:flik^1 ale '4 After talking with Jim Meeker, Catherine reported that in A :1),/;' ,„ „ ,,,..,cat, ,,,14.,•, ,,,..1,44.,-,..4 the Town of Ulysses there are 37 miles of Town road, 40 miles (,- , : ., ,,,-,- . .r .. '' .• • I = -0:•.:,:,./,:, z,,,,44-•,, :. te..4V1.-,,-;,,tli,-1q4kgamiwto . , ii.;/•ekli;•?-•,,,•04;;•,,),• o14 ,r, :•,,,..,, . ec .' .' •.•.•. , . of County and 17 State roads 14IK“..,i,,,,,,I .:141e4v4 a traffic count done at 2 different times (for instance April 4,10A.',A?•4.Mtkii ' ' tact,:rivi'‘'.(AtZt'OA,•1,4 t,“'AIII,NW41141:4 tivs ::dS:: use and might be helpful. Simultaneous counts (more than one location) would give us more information said Gary. Ali,,,'1154 , M4-:;;;;;' ii, ,4 ',I ;,.;'.'',.-:'-'''ii ',','',' i',''.,--4` c. 14.,-0x.11:my- :soctitsc. ..,(40-41,1•.74321,4,1{'S 1 Roxanne announced that Tom King from the Tompkins County ,i ,. , %, :• k) .,' ,..."•:7 •4••• • 2,+.# -trkb:•10(41,th., , 0i,tyAr f , tilt.flow-mpiwzionr411 Chamber of Commerce will be coming to speak on tourism on February 28, 1994 at 7: 30 PM at the Town Hall. The Planning ,,-,,•1••..,• ., j• :..• ' ,,,•---,"sl' t.... .A.=\"Jvio • -1 - • m ' -vr,.$44.', t,./.1.4t;-3/4*A{S.SiPA: i ,1 ( ■4Y--.tips :( ' 't(?::: ::2;:i.":",‘"::::.);?•;s1 oi Board has also extended invitations to area businesses to . 4.4%. fV.■, : ::■- 1,' 71; y-' 1,,,i4pv“,,,,,,lenitAt., ,,' ‘'''',.. :•;'''.:' , ;,•' ,,,,',;,,, ,t.4 I:”,4:4i1C:,et-Ids 1,3i0"I come to two business forums on either March 14th or March r, ,.. '. . .;. .,. , . , 1.4. :-. ,f,:ft?,-;‘,,,,-*,,tit).4:.t ..„..f"4 . 21st. Both meetings will be at 7 : 30 PM at the Town Hall. A;•1.14-fr4:1.!4Ng;,*Pil • 41 I '-•-• ' ' F4.1., , -•-• ,1 • ..' ;.44\ A,01:Ael The Board is interested in their needs for zoning, expansion, 1, 11mity4 '2 .0n,/, ' 17:$„.4r, • 'ticitr.':54,3.4wrivetriAtiby etc. --Y., l''.114:41.1•-• I • 19,-7,0M•ekr/Iro tct ',...,1/444 t'j:t;,:i"i--:sir Cii•M t'W-IINSt%):44141114/ I ‘A .,,I:y,,:y -c,„,:,44 ,k,, it7W-w:?xboar04 David inquired about a highway map. The one that the 1 .1.''' 1 4',‘:'4‘.•"11 a a, -' € 44:•;''4.1'"); ts, rliC S p ,; ,' 4'1 •4" .' •,-• •414, ) CI44 itSLMItOtagfliaal4; NI„, Town has is a little outdated. The road on Duddleston' s property r.',: •-ri , 101 —, v" ,. ' " ,:;.• ! t,cii:.•:v;ri,Witio WI/ • ei:e1,••s 17::*,Thr4cNt.(1214.-, has been abandoned. Larchmont and Tamarac need to be added. ..,,,,c• ! ,',,,:. ,c .. " ,/fAti •:•-•'• t .?"'f..• :-.('-;11,1 '2 ., • ' 1 .'1,,V-, 1-444;, it W.,„gt-.;*;-1,r 14...1Ai .- Some names are incorrect (like Lawn instead of Camp St. ) . ....tt, ' 1%, %'7'044IT'l■g. “itlft, 7, "*.•: • l',W..-1. t,"..ted.eq. Ail4 .....?,'4... 1,. t tttql, ,,t?'Ii4;‘,19 The Members then addressed the outline for Public Utilities. r -%-").: i54wicteAJAN4 It is as follows: ',./ ,L' :'. `0 y .' ••;•,• • • •at , 'A),I firiV; ' > .1', l'.,: • .,' 'colf "Atil.a.4A14;11PIt+Ptli TOPIC III PUBLIC UTILITIES t" ,,-,' ' ; -- ' -' , f , •.411,!••,4•4•7,!±, ____ 1,.."44 CP-IV"' V'. 'TM l'11...1,1'1 c. .Y'll.k`i ,V.A.t..Sff"ittglititi4; '1 ' t . . ,7;‘$ 11: 2V4. A. NATURAL GAS . Atils -,4- .-,, ‘,“t •1;1.-,‘,1,,,IM ■E`r:-...chti,-PiNci.!1"frlifhl 1 . Identify where the service is (summarize fli•- i ;,),-, . - - - " • 1 ',; ?,.,,t, .. I , .: 4 kViliP5?:414■1045Y.1%14::: 4:::t■:' ,."( i( ' . I ... IT 4 . ri5.4.'siii,jr VILW1..i A 15.(4(4 t. that it' s on the main trunks-it is on P 144417‘1444'1;411P1444C-42'1 Dubois Rd. , Hinging Post, Wolfe Lane and 0, ,ortm.,,:-!!,?•;.,,,f-res.4% .. • - '- '"%•," • / , ':. .4, I ., mi.-4m,“iit•Iier•A4vilt• 0 4 ' titt'l,;.;&141,444(iNikitit Swamp College Rd. ) eto4,f•Ill•'1'4,:i;I:1US; 2. Show on the public utilities map I . ; ,;-,:ite 4 : .., ,. , ‘Vrt-4.C 1.•;',;(;.W.";II4-1,;,a;;IL4 B. WATER - , • , • , , , • , ."1 , i.,',4•:•,;5. , t' -,,,Y•fh;,•',‘h-A- L .*: t ,,os,•:2,, ;., -•'•':',. ,1•A ts, , 'Ir,w , 4 1 . One single user water district (Alpha House) ‘ . ,• , " ,' )04::to, '.•‘ ; ' •:',1y4W1 2. Village 1,x14fl ?- PC;*.,?7,..,. 1 • !• ',.:1:.r?-0.4 a. Waterburg Road r i -. . . . .. ,.. . .,,,..,„: - - :.. .-,..:.,t..41 b. Aubles V. • 1„4 .,•, ;.: , '-•%-•;,2,t,ti,y c. Outside the Village-residences with h■!..' st t ' ' n' ';':( i .,,Oqi,6 ', :,"ill '',- -..-.4%*A1, water from Village pay rate and h •, •',.,:;.. '..,' `• ...Wit A`M 3. Town of Ithaca water district is located fr ';'■': ',1 , /Y . Y 4, 1•, ,. ,. g h.,, ,tc,1.1 adjacent to the Town of Ulysses i ' '',; '. ,", : ' • ' 10,.., j. :, , , c ,' -.1:.0:-,,,, ' 4. Majority of residents are on private wells . . • lA 5 . Water survey-summarize results .. , - dici. *,':,e'- ;$1 .,74.:.Jitk. V.,- , ' '' .., • : ! : v-4, ' .,,t,".••• ',''.'. .. •.:'..'s••415.•ei.' - r,..,..,„ • .. .' :' ',, c. .;,- , Ir .: i ,t4 i t,,i,tv=', i• c,- :' ::,,t,04: .71 • I,fc , 1 -, • , ,_ *•,';i .4 y-•t, ,;:c4 •'0% 4 4 -%'''., •,,•• •"'' , ;•,i etirf-,,,c,f,',%•''')d k t ,,,tA fitikt)-r -. .,1-,,P -0..1 , A.. - . ,.., -,,,If 1.114.1?((cr,:,1 . " 10,00V4lienEt*X VC,il WIN'S '111.43,11Pijkint:Cannneetniiffiratrercirnrft,.41.011fini4M t nic'1/41 i M Nit}R.'.:t 7th);C:t.t.I eA 1;:.It ., i.'■ril;; .:11; ' br . •-,. 4, :. , ••••Mir•iv • r„,,,,wk•rilatiji,t,viCtakgi,•7y,x;tc,"Astioipeentfalitl,It4,Wref40;orytnrscrakte ••-; ir .4"i •'•' ' .i.,;!:.-i.'. ?"I' 'i'.'•17k 1 1.17.:4;.: . ' - ,y01•W?..:4-14tAC*44,35,00Peir WIS•14 A;beinot'leP4r2ge•tytritt .r „It y'citifisAVATk.044..?a;tv?,,J7s.co.u.A.A..,.4.:Aii„v„,:.1.61,7-j,..E.,-',/,,-.'„J.; .41 ,,.A, ; i,,.,, ca.2.,.'....,ri.,,,,•..,.m“);..4.,.tes),,-4,,C4411‘2110•00,x2 A iimi.,..4% 0.14,41.4v0i,A A ti.,Xs. tr 'O.. 0, fik,SY rya 4 1,4. t''' .vitI 7,01.40,..y.."0t.;?,4p,sa.Sac'tg,„KIe.R.W,C•-••,' „1;',.,„.".”.•'!",.:I., ,1 • ,s,,,,4. ? ,..., ,,:,4,:ttf,c,,A;;;;;;;;.74,,,,ifs,xivi?Ilowcavosciatastittet....el v., ,ity.x., "ilk s' •i ft c'W: r 4 ft i '. ' -(441141 kilr'‘elltrtfra-A44"Vitt'e0 '%10.A t*r V'''''.1!"‘e"'1 'r " 1' '' '',I.,- ',!'":1 ir'sic:lqir.,4”,411‘,PlIeW)A4•rajAh9sKAWc. •k 4-4144t72Pt.ti 4 •4•4, 1., • IF, ivi 'fri ,3,t,teililt, ,y1 ?if' ,Adsra'pet A 4 ;.4 li 4," IS itpe:*114.410'41 l'fiklit.,431,;JA.4.1,*4:7'1"it,::4 ..., ,,:P. leo. ‘1^.4:' '1 q''jt).1,41,1:1?4:;76P 4trit W.M..Nt' tia,istri.4 ti.4k1g,;Wet,ct,Ve,L N.Ts, 4- ts4.4•40,314-D4 t.,-„,04,0 i ; ,frk="s/%4 ,,y„,,iwn,tvk,v,‘I -igc. .}04:2, to, iiilett'gii;F:tateAtitiier,wor 0 , ,-,,' ,w,;-,,,,,,I sv4:40,,,yri,-,- vir%*sp '. ir. 7 41 . „,,,,,,tir '&',erc.,-F-..4'.1,4,-Arttp 1.11,,,e..w, c./...-.../n.w.11451%,,,I, 7il. ik,&,Ate,,,,...,, e,,,,tre,,,4 a ;‘,.,y1 4, 1 1. • Ak 14f;tre.e4 cSelyg'it),1 r#,‘,.z...‘ , :11 ; AWL+„i.,t.t 1,,i4htgagiyorit %#.,..4 *vilt\•-h ..A Je:‘,P.36-tt- 4.,eir, , AjlAttsk,-0,`*,?;,•,,,Agl-it'04:34%?;,■;&zei c;,,;tri,‘,,,,*,:t!,,,t1,,tjeK;12,1.1;j1,Vetfr cs.W:10P',1*i Yia,..,;,.4 r, ; / Pt 1t` 410.4V94,:cs4r-,;',W.f.?",...P',TA'. ,/ r-'÷Ajt‘fri. ).17-11C DI V I 4%.'r crThim t-"kr-•'&1‘ "i --'''''''''"''-'-'-'it 4"; r.t';IAlc{2;k,:, ,,,5,,,..octt.t..,:c.H,lc,i,c,..p;,-,:,L,,,t,t,fit.pt.164:‘,-*.A,.9i. -fw. ., t.* iik -Nik,11,--01; t-e7t-rj, :y.-1,4,0.',.'•,.I ,ii,J,;;:•., -,•.- '‘. -'1, ,4:„- 1;';I:t4-ii:••A".•"C;)124.,„,Acc"".1.-:•<Thlte•'441,37'arn 1? ,kr,-^, rt 4.--,-AVY4,r. twiss,,,,,-Nrt,ey.4 , ,,inii-!A4..!„,.4.%trutrovnAtt,-t,..-si„:,...;t!, ,. -,...,,;,7. y ,'`,,-,..- • - ',.-,',- , :‘,..' . M.':.s',' .t''.-: '. i-i ; A ' -rr: 4.` " •,:i''1'., stl," I.-sm.p),F.;•TY-i. ;/,‘,Nti, t, r fr, (,'si;7 -teir.41tehh144,1Z1 te,Z.3,'.. .14t$S1 t ,:itt ri),.,' ' . i .• t-1 t ' ' t' .tt ... t t i 7. ` '. ..i ''.' 't.4 i' ...?' ■5,41,5, ' 49 1 .,4 .$F,p ,i.,,,i,4 , 4 ..,, ..,,, ,, : ., ..eCW,,, ",:<.' ..- , . . • - _ ---• , i .4 . '-', ,-;:::*. ..''' ;9rr''''f. '1114 r''Se '"---`' -' 1 - ' '-'` - ' v7 ''' '''''' '' '''''l'''11-t---4 '''.'''•'•r. ' • • "A • ' f s- y",:infrrIt't 4,,;,.14:"E7- c 7 - ,,t_ l'0 , -,,,r4;.„:1 !,■;;Iity. J :rt.,.w.**cy 0- .4,yy, " 14.: • ',,, '"I', ,-•"'•':%,i isia% 11'4,4 ai , itly,:k' "% • C'•'';‘, 4" ' 'C'-''' ' - ' ' k % A" file 4;''.,...,,r kt%,=. "'•,' ' 'Cif's. ; t'e ',I't.4.'''''ict;a4\ ''',, 'j h '1.-#.-eS ‘1,','',',,,,,,q1.1,1A:V.,"1'1'1, #".1,1*.•A`tgl.-44-44:40.1.'94;sk*viM,t1.(1. s' ,. 14,4-ire„...,.-.4,4‘441 P '1_4 24 '02,4,:i.7t)`" ti- i tit ' 4•43”; ' 14 's wr e 1,,Lp'inb-siy,'4,trilh e.,q,IP Li1'1.'11.1v L .1"1. r#''',# .,.. ''Iv‘-*"' l#*1.1:1.1,0'4.3:0?:#°.hti:#V1,'''RPtiV•I'Pall1WX11 it It "ki. 7 tel ' 115-.#.• .1'. ellitt"S'i "I,;418; la .1' 11Prt 1474,1/2''it' t. 7.4'4 4,4/btigit Titts'iin-j: ,14,ittIk"tic\";#2-7;e: '. •'' •e . 1'... ',..:.'. 'hi:V,if<12-'1,t';,4: 5,1-1-'t iititehl;;At#31,41;rtIA,k,4 4,a, 4)4,,A,,44.,ill',,,,s;" , •friter4,07,11t fit tit :' 1,avit ' -my, 4. -", llistaifraiwEw4.,2413/4nzer;;:ci-:.?'f-,7„,. 1.., .E.,;„ ,.! ', , ;`,:,Hcf...d.st`t.:.?E',.-Cfelf-WEefi'4Vrik,eregg,,,M5k* -,:,:: ' f,,A)",'If f;.", .4.'z . co ' rt.,,,,mocri ' .4 44: ' kr,,itilVf..',4,- Ity''4,44 0,3'T engVieteav,Sis.-Wis. ,:. .,:•':'.:;c 'c, ;4' / I ',*;•. '), ,4.':.:('',P4i.ici.;;.:'::444-A4)41;:littO4Stigligg0:4710,1)0,4e4 f ell;.1•• RI ."."'i -Str A 0 ,r-tSt- 4 * -t'11411 r•• !tr. 47411110A4' , critearalMAgtO,-;,,:vzh[Ai,:s;.4..,,,,„;r:r,,,,, ,,t y., 0 ' ' ' ' , . : '*'tt:,47:1 ..j.ef.,tst,OvAreStert,it-41‘1,14104,14vsikicagsgv•-ziri It 14."4 s0r.itt. '*M4•Or ' ti 4 Arej.'C. i •s2Y 4 e, * , 44 , tilkCA ily )440•04kWIYArlicalrel‘knr:41.1'e:,''','7 ••‘•1',I' • ••"•7 go, t.-...v-,,,,,L0 t ,.-4k--,. ------- -,--1■-• -:--- -, :-.:/..-„./t 4r- -,°,. ',°':° /-7si l ',.ot.';'.. i ' Alie. :-%. ,'...fl.,4:”, '*-: TOPIC III PUBLIC UTILITIES continued 2 . r ,.;', '. C• SEWER i . . r•...-. 1:. :tc ri 1. Village .. . ., PP ' d' 2 , ',...;‘.., ,...,,- a. Serves Auble (check on) e{.1: ',' -..: ',..1';''',',.4.*.71 .. c', ..', .. .f.f1.0.; 2 . Remainder of Town is on individual systems to144'1;:''.. 't : 1‘1kt D. CABLE/TELEPHONE Rkti.,i. M''.: : ,, ,. M ' r , tvitillt ;? .., ..- .,-. -...','-i 1 . "Information Highway" , #0,LITIZ .rti,',:',.,t','tc,,tniq: ;!,1; . 3 rt.**!‘:..-,',':.-H,' \S E., '41, .,:'1 2. Fiber optic lines-Trumansburg Home Telephone • . . 1 ,', bci* '7:14;fin''%/ is installing lines. . . . ; 4.--:.'.. 1-%/ si illk, , ,',.,:::4$&,:ti...Wit ,i' E. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT . . , L'..f4'.?'".;ocifi-Et'i.;;"::1-- "..:2';;;...'13 G ,,,i,,,—,...% r,,,,, ,,,Irs, „.. , i),„,„_rc .,, ,-4.„td-c,,,ii , .,eys,d,c,,.. .„.4 1 . Only system is what the highway departments do with ditches ii.. L.:.?: , vYt.. . .-;‘,,f;-, -Aff *“.“J.,4 2. Village System , .".; • ' !-: ii,■Ali74'114) a. Combined system (storm and sewage go „'.,..,, . ..,.. ‘. t .: '.., ...i'o Stell,', Y , , 1 . , '. r t, 7 ,e. ,.. , ..t.ii. ...,..r.,;‘,...P. into the same place-need to find out . --' 1 •:,:- .',.-,..,,ty-,,,..v.4,7: „...,, „,%., .„ , . im?q, if it is combined) . -1.e.,E.4t,;; , ' ;;;,11*1".C.J44'. 1. ti -F .', - aid: 6:Y''''ir,T4=4)*"5r2 '' ' 1.- 2,--1,,C.C.A. :].4 v . 411“0!:, .1/2ta.rt451 .: ;90r •;"I a V,' r:;'' ttt, ,,, ,i Alex let the Members know that a committee is being formed ; ., . ,' •.: '..,,, _,..24., ...,....o..;.--........y. ,, ....:, 1/4,.- r-v!.. n."....,.. .4, %4 (a member from the Planning Board, Alex, Doug Austic and hope- . 7 att•,‘•;:e:.'&1•‘'••:4=77.`Ion'l"t1 fully someone from the Village) to look into water for the B2 Zone for a complete build out. The anticipation is the '' ',.'c'''.. ** --;:71.:''',;":',..r Y.,.1.17,t;!.L''',111,1,•,7 MAE :;.3" ;y1; '''.:i "1„;43,11;','(if., ; Village will want to annex the zone. Alex indicated that '..,' , )'''.',AM.:',/ /,:)L:, :11.44111/ ,-A, he would like to see water at the other end too (Seafuse) . ., A .P.W.:y. , i,g1 On a humorous note, Alex mentioned that the Town of Ithaca l' ' '''7A-.),Y .,?..*Xt;gt,..w.ro brought water into the Town of Ulysses (180 feet) on Rt. 89 ,4 . , ' ':.,,` .11-1,41 by mistake. , ,i '...,:: ..,.,... -.,,.. ... )! '•1,1,1.T''.'0,;C.,irc.c..?Ar.i,N1-4' .,:,. , -•.?,g;it,',',..-. . , ,, ' ,,,‘."( , 04%,.:.•.W ".,;..C,I.M11:1.,X.t-Y,0:cy'ilki The Members decided that the Solid Waste will go under '-.;, .'. ':-....-,•;; EWE'Eff.!,',:, -hy,-;6), fic" 4..t Community Facilities. There are about 300-350 people who . . r,:::Yr.,,..,:',,,..;;;;,Vt.'.,0...k$1 ,..,is, El . .. ,,,,.„, ; .,,....k.,4,,,,,v,vo go through the recycling place every Saturday, said Catherine. v.l'Ar moc,' . JY.. • ' c's 11..'.?; •: " . .'', /, ,.`\,, 4" ;i:.„' J., , .4:1 . -,/.- 7:1/,,-ici; . ......v;.T.V.4 I ' r"1 ). '""-, ','•''' !1.'2 ki c'e'('.,. I . , .ii#,!: ;'fl'iti40.141;;:i'iY2 The next meeting will be Tuesday, February 15 , 1994 at r'-=': : Ap.r,"..d,'', /,.4 the Town Hall at 7: 30 PM. The meeting adjourned at 9 : 05 PM. ..',.2.9-:,„' . :K%h .11.:-.. .P ;, , ,,,,”,!...,•. ,3-`241. ‘,.;;;;.1 • ' ' ,.r.i„,,,*;7"-*;...! :- 1 . ';',tk &•i ye : ''', 7,"1?'44,47ik"4A77•41-'1%'4 .1t:edtk"44", ,ty1' .", 4 •.'f':— 7"'“ •,74?zi,yy--•'?“*'%I's5t4-,q1:4"14%- 17•C14 :1 . :''' I ''X'411 ,%, Pck,.."'■■,""\r,k ,k110 i,i'l'%`,. '.'' •,'• k* •140,(1 ":4 )."1:7'0•',,''%:$';''\%il i "=1“: ' .1%1 •j' '• ;: i j* -4*,- % ' '..C* r 'It :'t Ce.11:■:11, . i,A, 4'0,',,1, • ' '7 :". if '.,•1 d* *:7.•**' '* •' c' wiry, ::,•7•„!:•%I!./th.-cii,*:;‘,;%',144•A 104 1(.; 1:',/.1 "•••t1•'"-.1:), 1,;4*Ins. -- --b.-:- ' - h: ,-‘i.,ffIcf,'' f;P".13',2,, -.; . rE,E 2%.--;EE4-41 '/Ezt:'...'',,;:,:fp'....;', '.. Aft. 'a EA tq;; ,` ;;(?:',;, :%:;,',,,4;11:SC1/44 if "7,criAr , ;/,; 0 tr-s-,01Sle:01 : .-,-Y!..cgi-.)fli-V-144 P01* 1 4//J.. :! iE ,:c. 'Ll:1*. ; r,--,1-,0 ,P-4-i}:,+,,.-d .:: . ./ 11- ,' . • 1 , ; A'*i ` ‘11-‘r. .::::- !*Ac ni.:;:...”:::-1,1,44* :.*:?,-1142.1i 1 , 7, Vi.`7.71%-id••••. •• :4-;1;,:t',•"."il:tt. T 't,,,c), .. 4;;,?::. :?;,./..a.„,t.,y /' ,, 'zit,V•r, .;,t ..,Q„, .., , ,<1 ,411 ' 'it.', \z:&:i,:'.4' : 3,1,d;tc.tr 0 ,'/,cifin,f.v.4. , t r: ';'.',c."'....1,1:e.g'::.11:5,;;;„;:eiV ; . frfi,%!..”'; .. '': 1''/Wf?4P;t . A--.43 -'- 4::',.,.PA-1.1,41 ; 41+:4i ' :-`1.": ::4'ti;::.:te:^1. . t .-',-:5,212. -45, 4 11- 1,:•. r444% l :; :7, / - /1.try TOWN OF ULYSSES 1.477-0-' ., , .. S. ., -- .LL.:. :., :t MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE .:.. - ,' t , ,::..,.. r.,, FEBRUARY 1 , 1994 h . " l. ‘ ' , -J , . /q--, , , L 8 TOWN HALL `,I, ' . . ',. :4-.1.(k: ,...,..-E. . . . .. ' cf . ,"- -, . ;- .- i -,V., _ • . ' IV:E.-icy.-. f4. i ''.‘?..-fi-. ;.- ' --,; I $,C11. , 1). .. ''"•:. t! ■;•,.c...:::...,:V.i. Fi. ''.., , , . ',I ' % ,.1•,,[1-;:),I.: ';',ctirg1.4 I.: t'■ '' ' ' ) ' . It ,P.41; ' I; r( ,,' 1;.. 'EA:,. ? •?S i ' . :.:I.‘ ::. iks; ' ; C:::•17.r.;(ilP.i *''''' :t ./., ;* 'it 9',;)%ii, t;111;i , t-q; 1::..-•,.1‘S.7'41/,04::4.:flt:, * , '11?!.:(1';):47,:e t.4171.r.%3.(eli,/,5,it,2)171.t:';',1Q1.3141V'l?:?3thra71.031:;34 317`rt41):10$11.1010iWirk.A;t0;:!*14:11{1,k,I.C•,VIT;e.11'":'.,.'‘;%:;:t;:q•:t.c.4::,.\2,11'..S. t' 'A ':: ;,., 1, , --A ,:,, ,,,C,.., :fyl%A.ft:/!:4:12iciVIAiliaNtigfM;14;1417.,AtitilliVr!Atgi,AW41.40ii74*45:PggAiligbilWailgalitPia444$1.1441W'-'414W444t3MIC4iJW: l'irt .;: r'V4 1:4C17.. ‘ “:. 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"'"P r . '...--.-*:)..,=k ••"1,:'' y,,R...;•:t,;.' ?.; trs,"?..k,.c`, '!:-Cra •r:•;%,”*"1117,•t"7,;,4i4r1•51,•IF041"','.1',4/ceekc ,ttsci' ' ': ,:! 411 ''cIP-r Pt'.it,t',*:1-'4. -'•:).-*.I:tr.4,70 ,-6-- - "An--,4,-Wo ttulaf-,7F-.:•.,-c-4--..i -,, :::-:' t-- -7.----.-4,. -`• -A- . ;--- ' - .' --:,....- - --, - ,-,--,,, it--,- - , '.4.:- /,--. -,;:- '-::4<;:z.--51---- T, --,,---rer:,;:vp 4,-,,i,/,?--.41-,A ,:,,e,i'Wg zy,,„*" ....,eo.tt-,:k4,;, •Vi-•4:,/ :Pp,'1".‘ ': * '. ■e5' . ,, -' ' #,.. 5)2 V*91• .,-,, "h tr:e A ■ '''.:10';'''''' .1' . ' .1'41\nt:a k.4.0i, kii. ,:',...‘,44-, . . • , , 4—'4, • • .f'}S ,pet' ' p:j f4 k, l� 1,4�p%11. 4 : 1 6,413 4c. ,t , $ ." ), t e "i s'r. th. 'G. r A t} +k.^t' .. I t:xEr t' aE.d.'L>R! "a,:..�a,�g. j ,�.}t . 4 Str".4 *11 r. 'fl-'44%41'.:A''! t�h' },3 S ,s:r ,. ei .t:7 ! i r t pG t .. for.,, 3 r AY; ^j t tai r.t•. . a,7�_f, .' t^ '-' .,., +},t,l'�'{T ytj''?rF;Ilk..lgyttl �.vfy •b e •tf + ' t .•4 .'f `11"Ag.f, *1' Lt'4' 1 i .ciz . {r -t:i 4e 7 / r;:?it;,C.t io e',,t1 P'41,'a',",ti .',:y j' P"x- ... ..:. fy r },.`.M { �. ,.I,r� _ '$ i}��FF j , 5' y .Y •,1 f rr� t ,{ [; V N ., T, L# Y� , Y^ �ik ,� �F.M .t� ,+ r C'x �tx�[ t .y,i;y{+fyk:, ":} .i 1 }1 71 JM1 .43/ 49 U i , , •s ; q^ t '7`'st'4ro' s, J,' 0. �. i J` t .F,�; ti' 7 ,''�. 4: ,.., :',.'YT� .>�f.�7F. .�ri 'R� ':X- '! ,Rx „t+�`r”<KYr,yS 'j t+i � ifrrSY.'�r'rr�t`Sfl Y.N:�t 2G4�o '�:3 xr3�t„ys .}r.�. �5:; r� r� 'sew. • ;`� '�+. <('}t+t tsr �� ��Y, •,t:7'i t ' ' ,if: .7114.; 'r t i ' r 'lth f 1: ';.dY';i ,y'av=r� ;42 Th..j' cajt r'�} +'. ,n[(, ' 1r: a h of u• 1 1 ry' .,.�': 6' ' f V'�5'�lila y f« e. ,{ n a. 5 .t 4 'y15.» 'ryt.,v. ,} k> ,,.Kit q,,. .. �t ac e rr.H a/11 J�};'�.�Jf 1.'a ,£, +<r r° ;4i�etl: 4,, t r Anil;�r 'SrW,,.'. ,pi tisi n /rah' :,:q r ..{t tyiv' i•'�,` v l ;', [ n :,; 4;.s.,4144,, its. •'. 4t1, :1,-T x.r.yitf hfit.,Y'2, vii iri.,,,.4.�are5°-.), yz;3Y shr.�'•a-s}ts,„rN.v ,,,, t..,:,.:31: lrr fn_>i:; '}J: �c 4x ;6i1 .4c{{ `{ �,Lr; Yr 4 ,. Pu,r>'. ;r.'...,LA� i[(4: r 7..1f, f k • K d[, X .741`"1 %4,,Y G '1 fr >r' o p f 1( y y .Ai ,�r .- t {t i r a' rr.`•i .1 Z: •( T}y .yM„ . 's fi. 4, r..e , 1 „F `.t�.(".Yl J .1 4'1 e 1 `.f."i , it ','f+� fi" � }., „`�' ..?S''•✓i }ir}�F�]a i a1,3u"' ` F � .r� y5.; ,1i�::1 v �F i a,'.i. 7 tt}L 'S` }`;tF'�44 U1"`1 ))'�• t�+ r f �� Y« '4 C,«�x..'d't...:: dfl` .+ i t :,“, t 'X „4,414:, Jt a , fi- to Y f r . / ',;,,r '}�,. , 7 `.2 S e s�,t 5'1tX' }te �y:. s v.+t.5 ! , ;. / , �?y v N1 �, ..dr : *r; r;,40, ,$b. e. • AA l' y; ,t. ,. ... Alit It-1at bi ,:,;...,44.,41,411,,,4,,c, „ ,,' ,, '4 E'v4 .;,taa:,?P=`y t.}, r Y"3 ik,4,{ r,r se f ioig y Cft",f. ifigh ..lT -4., t; 4ri , :i �{: r. X74, ,n v. 1 x i r{ r Z}<n#271.r} rr • a, 5., {n^71i+. .,f.. 7r2'�n ..--a�Y, (rT:t?. 4 4. r .+; f:, i+ . �1:•�' , .Iw ,..f+tjsr : g .'l`fia v ,,p5 ,j �/i',J {"yt ty t"1. ,. Y Y}'} 1 . . V. �g..: y{ �� ..r rt � to.. . ..::`.dmio4Y:.az:•'v s. .u' -,7, �r.[�y. .n3.:'•4StC�f 1�''r�i{ ib. -0`. 4`'✓ {��4 Mr%` j i il'r 4,' '�t1^, 4 $�}T, } uw u. I i 'tts, �,y y:3 . e'i� Til lr,, : l 1[ . i'f .1'`tti >.,74.Y 01q1 3' �`7i �}. xiv x'fi �,,fte t,S,P1.3 Y , 6,} ,-,J, f ,tT',ki'u t 4;11.4;,3,t f , s q : t ,{fj�, , r•,{ i.., + ,I,l ilx'IT } Kf S aF"t ' * S j r Yt ,4,' nrto;. tlo, -1 +3, r V t; t o r. ,rl `" r Y(,"+ie t%/`'.t��z, afit"`try ,jr° i 1 `i 3 il n I x f �.. i jv 1p* } ca t p�k1:' R) • I gh gi tt .. / .{ I (, (} a, �i r'P YS`'tr-t r.4', },' .4 (6{, t Y . ,, { r itwC'' ?? ;� +' t 2.,e �rA3SVc�"'"x,t TOWN OF ULYSSES "r1 M 1 ' z s, ,• 1IN,1 = t;,S .;,i,'it�1lY,rk.4. PLANNING BOARD rlr i , ' it�:.a 4r rl.i } - r l \ .i,�ti , �, . 1 ,' FEBRUARY 7 , 1994 :: rpr ',t'X,} 3 r[L'r rn hiP, TOWN HALL • tt' t ' ° ', : 1 , mot ,'s it * *t*6jlCl.i tiii'Y {syvIe4 4 .t3- 1 f ' .�57 , •r }f r i }+ sz 's t '[ ", a PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: DAVID TYLER; MEMBERS: KRYS CAIL, BUDD STOVER, it 4 � r a, ;t.4. L �a 1 4i i GERRI KEIL: BLD• /ZONING OFFICER: ALEX RACHUN; SECRETARY: •,•:•..'41;,,..‘„, •,t , ri{+' t try, _ • Yi t,�l' I. ROXANNE SMITH " f , x1-• .., ,r'x • • t } _ '� _� 1' The meeting was called to order at 7 : 40 PM. The minutes for 1 11;‘ ,4 “ ',-2, ;.. . 4 9 fr,1*%,! { w,S..,"�'. 4 • January 31 , 1994 were ammended. The first paragraph, about one y' t 1. , ,, v.v.� ["tit ;-.'' 'ft 1, r third of the way down, the sentence "They have to have engineering ` ' ! kr',, :1:' ",*h•'' studies addressing the amount of usage and the entire buildout . fe s. vii,':.-,C.,,--e..4.1.' ,T r'trt'•ci .Cf. ;,fl A •,kt 7r,J*z g g I t f / a r 4 i r t. +,} ,0: , Y ; {t,.: ',V v ^i the word "and" should be "for" . About two thirds of the page down e ,,, .x11'14 P'1 4;1'k Rtr, 1 '''.,,v. , ,,, (same page and paragraph) , the sentence Having the American Legion r ' "} ,`t.z( 77,, q tu7fs up against the Residential area will go against their philosophy" 1 ` { Y`z t sy ti. ft• 77> 5� Y.t e t'k+. ,1 - ka t t at% ,« 1 r =s +,i r ' tatT.11; t 410iWfill.` should be "Having the American Legion up against the Residential ;, +2` !r ' S g� :.�"4tt1, ' area will go against our planning philosophy for a B2 • " The fourth r '=h x" ' '"` 7 +, G, , i�n 9 9 P 4 P P Y , , . rv, , `?. • Pf• ;t k'. ' 04": 1, ax sentence after that should say "The chances are better now than , ' •..'t,{. ,t,„r' i:Y ,} y'aL ,.re r4 i7' they may be in the future. " The sentence after that has been deleted. ' " "t* Y ' r Y $jJ"✓, {.4 < r}t Y Y ""' ';' r? ''1 t.><H'G tY�14 } *` ''a.,.-}, y"''i',i`� e, 4°�`, Two sentences after that should say"If it ever happens it may -'. {v ,,,,a ` e:,,, ,u' 'p;,'+r;n/ Y Mufti [. 11 ,t. h2 r 1't'"'ifi i' i'n } .s 4 1-�treo.X141 nt ,n12 have annexation attached to it. Four, sentences up from the bottom n �4�r# �s 1 c' } :,: I should say: Alex expressed a concern about the Town spending a , ,, - . .t t 1 t`T.: 't4 r}•, .3tp., e`;,: k°n ii 1 at' = ,s -N•xi'•rl -1 lot of. money and then it being annexed to the Village. On page t, t}i s' = S' n' =e�' Y g 4 P g c,',5,;' ,,:•,-V.,,0&:,• .S � , Nr4�. . 4 :M�.,.l} :`�' -mot >' , two, the first paragraph, the last four sentences are to be deleted. 4 ',P. , t ' t } A`jit"'y1 1+ "4,{y'{il',AY} ,}1l. "use" ,,, , ,,%-i., , ,r ,v C k } � * s,{ On page two, the third paragraph, first sentence, the word use , fk,y ,!/ 3 t y�C q,; �_ �L#a{ye should be "used" . Krys moved to approve the minutes as ammended; ,',0,,.:1-!':y r t }>i k ?'if '" st "'z Gerri seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously. ,1 / { �, 3 y• n t i 1 �• • „1 4 ;tF',t a 4 of !E,u:. PP . 4•-•".." , I s+. 1,.;± F4 Y 1 n i 1 ^y , Yh t r r S 1<v; . �5 e JF•3 C J r t',}” t e£ wxe r.p „ :�#�� r;¢ se Ti w David asked the Members their thoughts on the B2. He stated f' '., .ir `'.;' , r; i``:/TV, tTtt r ,yY �,s s n i;s.: .?, 'f 3 ri7t'r ,• .. , . �l ccv,,,{ x,41 ;•isg,,st,v r. he looked at it as medium traffic. Gerri said t has a little /• "{ 5- . 'p1'4k) f'�`' tiaK VI s.tsn".,r r �. e'.1,'., / fin D..t ,me ,i 'fl bit of everything. Krys wants to find out mor°enlight industry ;r.;y;•#,;�.# N,,;, 4:4 ...,,x, ,,. . n• r : ;9'' ,,, e ,� (in terms of how you define something that' s in a more intensive Y `tr} rr v,fr: a' , er„• *. �f <q Y's 1,4,t([� use) . That definition did not come out of this group said David. '^` `+x„ '? ,z+,"5" } ,,- -44,4„ l t.; ^` ,a Noise could be a measurable item; but the others struck Krys as 1s;;2,;;:,;±i,w.k.,. .:.:,;1,,� ;'` ' '.,, ], sm.2.1 �( "_ not measurable. They are: offensive odors or glare; hazardous •Yn `5 f4,” • 4' )-4�� V`N • Ia r t'L �9r q.. 24i. .. ykt 4:1 } ;' r r',tu �,y,i"i, .t't• solids, liquids or gases for emission to the environment and offen- c, r,, t�;,s},},r, i Y ;:'. L. ;# ,, YV + r' sive vibrations . They don ' t have an ascertainable standard said : ilY r[f ', { y'45'a :A ls, r,1i 4) 4e 0 y '- ii741' tix'. r' �F r iI r� 9 , .n ip�t .,} , David. Alex commented that he was getting Anderson on disc. He f ',�,;, + 1, 1, , ; '? 116. i 4 si, $,�'. could then punch up something like offensive odor and could get J' •'. , ', "s f; t 1x4.t' y.' rt' 4 a•:: Y,i' r,,,-,. .r r -r t �k, .F Ltr' '4• a.'SYXTpI S}Si' '� , a case law. Article II is as much or. more of. a problem as Light ),..r.�,,�a s. , ,,e , ,,q*t, ; ,y n"l'i'v�7'is i "t•f' } ' lC Industry said David• The Members decided to put that topic aside ff'III I' ,L i s, y,,:, '. 't• i ,n.F r:"; •,.})�1F� ','* it until Alex gets his disc. �y,;r.1, ''' i ,• 4,i,dt. V. r4K ta5,.1.45+.};' 4fte'�,4; _ }l�{)t}l 'f'�:, 1' a•• '"rk a A ,.pt A '1 r{R � :, '�7X 2'� 1'•r" I 7 ;,*,: °t ' ptti' SL1+ti . b�� ;s ;'if"' �,rf4A� �{ The Members began discussion on the low impact Bl . What is �, i'' C .. .{, $4 ' ,k'qJ v v your ideal low density/low traffic zone going to be like queried ', I '' ''}' ;,}3,' a� �f>"t �r?,fit David? The Members looked at the Lansing example. Size is an f 4"° �r7 ` ' �y4 t,421->stif'+,M1Wr issue even given the more restrictive uses (relating to roads) Tt r t > ;•, t• j�',"e° tx, " i � ';ti:. ,� said Krys. Perhaps business hours are appropriate suggested Gerri. r' 1r v'e 34 I really see it as an office and professional zone said Krys . David m. .,, 'r' : a r. -{ tj tr A11 ''TY�+' 1``a'tt1,'3�"'. Y P Y ! { '�, t s la :v: y {h4, § �t r=,�} asked if Business and professional offices are what they had in > ' r, t P42C 1 7 It i 'k, *.♦�1 1 ,ru�}� 1,;�:5 ` mind. The Members agreed. .�u 77<4e�'t,lut flu,7-': ',s t r i r .4', , f 4y'7,1. a`iviti ' • s i I The suggestion of motels/hotels came u Gerri objected to '' 'r t t, ",C Y ' !/1.4 {'4-Miff); Mg u• } 'r. r % r ,;. t ppy, ,31A, that. The Members liked that direction though. They decided that w Lei, ; re r jY§ ,r 11,; •,/,vi" , 1 r ,7-t- r�kF4,,,-;' �i�ct an Inn would be compatible as long as the number of units were ! sY 1"` ,(P4x1' I' '\r,. ® stipulated and that it was owner occupied. Alex said he 'd look E' `' r,l ' ' I, s t 1 q 't si,flar • up the required maximum number of units. , • 11� . `,' •_ ; k' Ati,, 4yre;0 , ri ; ;l Discussion continued with what would be appropriate for the ' '" '' ti-,-- "}• • ';�F„ . ,sY h tr'`',l i!4}'�' low impact B1 • The Members came up with the following: f.. ' + ;.� RJ i' .''''t? t.t,rt l .;C:fj41 '*'1 ti t i s ; I 1 ` 51r,r eI 4.J' fib LOW IMPACT Bl (' ''1 {; ' 1 a111 t .y � ~i7 l` 4 - Business office, professional office studio ;t. r 3' t , ) P office/ studio „ ti ' - Lodging - owner occupied 'tar. t , ` ,a,i `t" ", , .I i }t fir): - Government offices ti • . +1 , r ' r 4 ,*, ' k,',, ,` t = tyr� /l ss�I. — Museums/libraries r , , t r g. ti , .. •• Natural parks/camps (retreat) l r1'` t ,i jt } 'y, ..`.... • t, t. T , .,.% ,r ' i t „ <'•• , • • Y1t, {}J, . . 1' ! t .' 1 s1T ' r e .7. ; � r • 4' im, ' r � t ,} i y j `& IP i 1 .`( Tan (.re, �' t ' 'd '1 t 'tf l,.i A 1:�gtilf ,e ( t Yitd e. } rtn'-u "f 1 1 . ,,, r t y L }t „ r I FY ”` r.yt t . r t . " =tLS:3•yY it :�y ""a . a,. (4/1' . t .. tv +J .^' 4}• s.L ! S''{. a"unit 1 Y Lni .^ U1'#'?.4i ,, o e y; t } 1� a't nrk gq�z/,�,y�,1 1 � r 4 t y� fr yj� �,#r' X15." p3 0. �+y a'4e .U�i Lt �}( ^. I {E• ati- Irv' "l . T' rc e . rR�."4'iLn.Fq_'� ,, -tR 4 1 ,4,1 oo v ti41,4` -0 ' +x��if y. ti k ' 4vR y.':+� ,i4,•` 1� '}?},X` 1, 1 `�� a.,.`Nl }!"4 =.. d .4: "yy.-,°.k,. (r. { ' ..y:1: , 7 . n - r Y2r0...(. ',$9 � '"i � � � s ' t1-S r wX, L»..�p7 /�?i , , � k '. L fS , :* f" i+ 'i •e ry r, r , �.. 1 ;i n .;a 4 '? ! fi ',:;t 7 1 ,,.+. , .* 4c , G ? }„ ,t+ { r h s . ! tf T � +� F �. � �y{�� � g.�� ,..,•F�' - `..+^!v te+" �r ,} ,y,��fi � Y i A P:" g+"'' ' y +�"v,A. .,/ S ,t} �`� tin e �y k ��fxy t 4 , f t r' .,� ,. . ,' : ^ ` re ' " ` ' } ty ,1,1, ,4 V c .i , ,.. ,, 3 ,. t / .} P 1 ' .. , . 4 { fit) t4 s,:} )44..` ?itw e.4, ti ;.y f ai I. '' ' },. ' a^' . i �} x� ' }$4rL:Y▪ ' f' 'E fi �f .N 5JJ' , •i '44.:(K r •t} r.v t ,' .r. �:r �, 2 tf*t'i 1 yi y , �i. +, �LL sr .... P ..:' s : ' : , 5 , �, } :7 r I �veX'�44 t, 1".,y�a+t 6 t , � , } i1 , 1 £ �f+� 11x.. 71 . I: '1f°4 +•" .•1i3Y fFi�. .5, ,J , . .. •.C` •,11' '^Yl-Y. ..A yy ,1 wyy Zt •Mt • ••••• .t .. ['• Y^3 '4`..y `i {f•v• , n'r 4}I 1 i'' . i }e �t Y • ii' ' t `»4M 4' ' b :'V. i t. f. J y .. ( • v b y $ �` t .,t} ., y pr ',.•f k i,t -,Ki,. ••••• ••,1:•••••4Y. C yeA1"a , tj4 #tii�� ky r4.9'A1i �A .+{'fp t ; d `$, ,it'',' ,r 9'',44 1 . '{r ' �f 41., 1 '.'l 1i , r••(1 Y: nt 4, i. ..il. t 1 , 1 r. .4,4,t .. a :.a a.. 'a l ,.✓ n .wwt.14 � ' .'4 h' r" k<fY :1`IC-, tYl,• V + 1 { ,. 7a }h,•' } l Y +)},t�:f 7 ,t '{ ,.}F .-4,WEI3x` ''s 'yff, PS s`/' 'y 1 h ,£"t,•lIR, tf 3 .s l3{' :4r , �, ?s4r f1 w 4. sr 'f; ,',...r,.‘,.i : ) r .! -4:',...(1041,;$. 1 �s�i{YY•A.,1.i „�1 3 S� s rF Y t '- ;f' ¢1.� iy '' 4 ;( g' . 7.2004 ,,Vtr f� :M •Int .. }. . 7; ., s ,` Y r t y ix ttlr3, y) 1. t"44i M it {411 �. 'cr..Os st^ R> # 4,.: ' y t± _ ,y - - d 'a}t y .,1'�r 'Nita 'y: y l,--4:4i 'A T `'f �' r , • .1-''.111:1V4,' $< t yQ i$,t„rr,�q+x {srt,• 7H.=�.,s ''',P;}}}t11#,, .r Ir' '` {. n�( T•Y'• ',g ! i Ptr`+.11 r}3st :r.. t,' : , • f . . + C.jn�tfai•f 6.[� 1r:}A1;'. n" . r�S .`yk. . ; ''t`.4114Y ,l{' i e 4.-a,. r 't§;S 'x'kj� r 't s t vy : ,r J", e • 7 , Y# r,• �, f. ' r f le/r » d • tt r ' 4 �' rat' �r .,' ../1. -,t iE . tr 1 r yy f ;jS4J�:ft, f+'fiTi k i' �II;; rr,V,4J�r y 'gyp j,. < ',�, : P' - i t , a AA Cf l t t ( 1k, jt ' ti'il + `�,ata';#St iC tVf?„„ ' Syky .,,f { .LYi A ' 4.4 ,'Gi !4 i14nd"yrf4y •( /SSar ) i5,• 11 )tS /�;,f ✓ t z Ix A laSi..ii 4'7;`{"i lr7,•'>�?.,r �.q5 { , � Le; •c ,. a? 'f? ,CJ7r4, ,,ye a 'I r 44;;;;:c;(4:1„: G r !!11�t: + drJ o$xr .ita}$,i}l+.w : h51*,`+1 `h'�i....4, "°.`+ { i` P{b':at, 1,i, �..:?�.' . ' t , t `z sfittse,d T.1d�et'-¢!{i 's 7 m ' a `„a,,r rfi..:-;t'�}} Ytf+J , r t ( } tf,f k�{�'.: `4�'. t �t } ' ' { tt�t�$tj{ OjSlYf/t}' t}A. .,''',1:,7. .''iF`st } a' 4,4::::";.4 +. ': j1 0.,:',..:i ,1) 'li`'�).'6 ' til`N?/11 T 7,`,' r r:-r t T,1� (t, ,yi aik A3 li /. t .; F ., t i1iC t f 4 s TOWN OF ULYSSES 2 PLANNING BOARD , FEBRUARY 7 , 1994 x t . { -1i �SS TOWN HALL ,,, ,; -, -,11: #, ,f :r'rrks Ne rj ti � s '..•S .l t' i' Cr ! ' r r' t> Mr.' ' Krys stated that one question she has for Tom King when he , ; r 'c' ' ,• :Eri comes to speak is, does he know if the people who come here in Y st the summer for camping, are actually spending any money in the j community? 3 %f , . 1 °off�6] I- In closing, David suggested that at the next meeting (February 'J it ,, � rt ,,•. 21, 1994) the Members refine the 81, look at B2 and move on to the , t .�, "e. + ,,,,,-.,01 1.'..C?:::/,44',..'V.,,x ;lk ® The meeting adjourned at 9: 15 PM. X11 i Y , yNA}rt a 1 t t 'y,t 'r. ' °i: r•r tz J , F , ' d r r•t ....,,,"e'1,-..4,4t , i1.r r i iry t, g F t"l trr t, , i.YT t i y f 5 T i ,f,ti F 4 >` 4....-• t a S 1-4,:r4 t i , „..:7,.... . e it Yt " s y D , ,j,' , ',"s ii . L i. t t r. i. 4.:tk rr y 4 :. n „, f '.y it ,i ' t .1.1`f V F f•t 111 'Pt. " .- - tf i + o- a t .nl Mr ti+ .-...‘,.....1..,w.J �eI rhr .,4 'r74& , , _ i 4r C4i 1, ✓ _ t' I'l� '�tl1i�..\' 1{ r 4 • l }`: t-'Y x 12r ; . rt tCjt frr.s5Y 1 ( ) f. ,r1iJ. 1,":;--1,1,"1.4 1y S r P a q,' i' '"t'r i I i e,. 2`• 1 j t ` ‘;7:1.1...441.-(`‘"t1.11-,` "•' < , .!::: ' Cll.. co? 4P + ntl'a∎Vn,p c 1 7 i•y rtci t .j :.i,/„„, •++ .-,4.-....t. • i .y{ • v� i,t , fih x lc t IS f : , rfr :et , � t k fs ' r f3ryt f•f c t{ t f 4 qe f 1,4 Ej ( i '1, / Mn iI F ,• tTti , I . . }l.r } t, Y r x:,, ? 7r, • 's9 ', 41 r it t syr;r ,' nb ; tt, S{ S $P + ; 7} i, ty If tom. s. i 't:{ �r t f 51 �1 t t ii Cr." 'i [jt {Y l 1. if ‘,...• t° i' i t< {i r ` ,' 9.yi, f , 't.., '+ . , • i1'4 t f 7 J t ,I .1.r le...o ItjJ li�,4�i. a ' s't11if t i ^T fl 1. #' ed sg IT; t`.5 , ,,L,-;',..7,i4 + {,1,y, • " t1 L 7 ' 7 S t `]N { r,l(ty-i t ' i ,, r Y,;,', • • • n • r 1� 1-.44):• t t.,',;,} ..��,. t p fR�I t ' i i 5r { r1s"P 1 t. I °;} t,‘"'.,. t x'y 4 s' .>,S:%..'. itylw.,n, ..,,<1 t;7:,titi Citraf . ri :}^tt4: ,n,t�t ltr�t 41, ,%;;;C.;yi,4.,: C rc;tkrzn .,•- ?,,r4:{•✓,'- d Y:t•r...hr.n`","','.t;v .,. t. c t t 'r 4::' �t , tt':.,i„ ,�,'l, .L"t ti-,^ t rYitf .,1 ,; r., t C 1 ,.,t4. , il^,r'i.h.kt:'i qurti.d,41; r ty , s y. t( s + } ' ::''t( t ,., i+> ':iirt,' n6 ' 't}f. 0 �. 41!t yY; �:jn. 'ry,{jl rp t.`� i '. 'Fr i �5+#,0} r. ' "r}lt n�i lr i.#'ry;ti;.:L�:.;.•.t• �.. , Y' )i. ! t .7,1,,','� }, .. r (( ;..1 k�Y . rN, j<S7.v.,.+!rt� 'h2a.itr,.,n:"'. r '24.. • .t- Z 'v {a,,'.',41.1fk;,444P riAt +c..r.:,..k' , y1' 1, . '4;{y.:)• ,.(•,,r,„,Hi ,rr,q,,,, c , ∎' i. .t.r.:12 ! '4i ..St'+Y..[t •!•'t k�i"s.;t,}f•#.;f,i°.r Sa;,: ...{J...:r.31,1 `Y.`.:..la4,li{°eSF.&rxF°crY�l{roh k}...', ,, . e�,:)a r✓,h,..,,,.) '^x.'tf� ^tt kYt,Gtyl' .L:,�i:a t"' 4n t '+ ,, I:�F t } 1 t ,d YS tt j tt y. .1 .• n . ii ? y \ , s r� t . r,i � .'i F,'.I.. ^�.:, f ...r�}yni• •t � .,,,N .1"1.,:i"��y,,.,.YyK?': ('oaf. y '�. la, e .aI �'y:C�'y�r^r�';;t.��esp'�i* C(t4Tj,as.fy lF rr. t.-+ . y .'Y i , �'h,(; � I. � t `��( v,s.,.p�1."p•+ : ti. �1# 1M1bx'1;4010't i^:) ��.1' lC'• .�i'i�%t,y�tb .4,,�J '+vsL� .�!y,. 'S' . '� t}a �i�,i • +�t�1'.� :} <i � i .>'r ,{ Fa�L�S'�r ! b vi z`,, i i t . �,, . s j h i • a �J, •.'097, i`w i1:1'1'..rtLl '•...,,�t, /r rr. kith, %teliJi`fb, lk i !tee : i, ;lf"„, . • nw.•A'y{.i ,$ 1; ii 1,j.{1'l, 41 !'14, e .�,t'•t+ J'i4.i ' Y i txaliµrj t y - Lil'a FS P S .�'4' �t ., 'Jj 1�, .1..y.y , ;;;i^^ Pi tr-r,), 1 ;1 '✓`-y V47 Ci '`L t'�0d O ,�C F-`'' .. ',�}r'}:� 1+ +n ..s *0 `, . r t t?.sid '' y K ,:(4 �s y>,40 °.P 4., / r r f .'. p (( ,` ,�i ywfl { .2`,*N.�h�.w's'#!f!`r�}Y.fx, 1 ,1R :i° i , �'t e,rr-r k, ('{+ 5: \ ) t 1' rOrSv.`T4,4k.. t` ;Wt+: .1.V, 11{x't '"� f tp .� . ' . o� u ✓nitvi ,' `' i ,r.t �,e q. tt t,! 7 iv{: : ,.y} r f'�, ` :G` r : b'��, h�'«f, y y :r 3 a a��}.' ,S< f-.J ,Ps ` � Y+?t 1 . r 'a ,y�r"`at.`4•. r; h�,�g,�}+ t«v,� w� i•+`,le/� 4r,px >c ��'� p , ,It �`f. � .a�J ..a !' • t < }_' +ti w tit SC � , f Pa `..1 r. �. { f,:t.4'fi # ,i''�,,i...;w `((,,"•i; 'k yr4 r;YZ y 1 p� yy s + �{},1ti 2 .t, . '�.k' (�' 's �,'yy4 j �'Sy), y :,f nz,."{)�, ' * �., In<} x3, >;; k ;t w .�1. .,.:,`*.. ' .V N 44}I ,:, A ., i' ' Vy , ,, 4 .4,,i., 1 1. f"'cre;'154 ,,�+k/S Vh ' ,Sty ri,'; ,t''(j''^' :. ,i)121;.\i„ ft x VF pCf<`r ltir.�., y 4 F `..h d �}. » SSt _ /���.}71�.yxy{• r r i nqi v i>.r '`1 �l I 1 .�j (f � '} 4y�,S ii} t �! x t7�::t. L'S- � � WI�� y;y� f r��yy+ $ikt4``t' ' rA r. (,.AST•�u i iy 14,i '"4 i.. r } j 4 tM :�y ;rq,,t , l {-,;-:.40,,'fir .+t'. rc k tY . >i..uhXu-.4,,44,fR yS r xC,F r,} �$vj 3 i y''4 P "i�' + ft 1 ' ,.��� � / Yt 7'ii: h `'r. ::::,.;-.4." '4. tt t i� iF�.�, ? 0y�sv�"��,cJ id .rt'-i tb .��'�. { A t. .a, a k r •M., .. 'Ids, , ''r M`'.. 44':.t ,. c.A. • . .. .. - t . . .. .":'r,7.`1,.. F. 44;.1. M A. .ii`. ltt • .y1 di 4. a e ':,1. ^ , t, t . j },� 1 art:: ;rt 3 , K � ,.�NN :��' tit � .h, � S#L T:♦,"2 X� q t -,,..,.•....i..,..; " ; x. , } S,a, `�, 41 Is t4 r r +tom' f 1 S )i"3Y+•,i r G} ."�,, ,"{� rP..✓ r,. q i '' .,'(5}' ,:F"i J+yFi3, �i�t}lT bX,.}' l> a�yr' l t it•„r ,t i i + .wi A ,V r.% 1 C LW 'J t .4 .t ri u zi i, i x.?r't 1 tr r,.re l .t:: [ta'�{.r�'f strii:li ;YS 'i } i:i -�'S ti ".A7.1 11 ,fj�,`i?^r '.Y. ��`��ltfi' .Z:Y J"rry-, y4�,' }.N it :it,. rs �t��L. �t t . 4 7 txt� ' x' � t+' } " '� S rt� � "'`�F 1 Xx.� ..t,t.x�rA. b7 • nip ._!,£ d t. .H.. \ 4 d;sax Z fn �'%74%ic%;rv�i.f t4):;; } r t f ! JS ?:;,,I � it �. t r,4:: IA' i s y� 'Ytv.k ?iNi:r`.i�.xr,•r}•, .fk i ' ,�f'P{ :{: !'! a t`. ✓;.. . f`.;,°r YLh 'Cs 4. .914,4;e 't'J)` t-447. , .t tom T tt..41-t,% !„ r T,�,£ ! ..(r{./u' ".';;,,r• t 'it' !r .:7. r x . Xi F - 4 . w,r4Jr .^,. * � x'' s'crtF ,T'A) Y.t/S" Y 1 q .. .... ���.�.�, ' % .�. };yk"+id � 3 nr$1�4.�, '} f 4. i ..:TA" + lk /.lf t�. < �{m •: , 1. '.r �' pr �}" .:t 1,,;:'",.t'h{' i� ' gk�'Plrrl:;yotw r}Kr,« . r f "v h , . (stn t i X,:,\ , ,» , , a qYr n'r"1t51�t � { ' t..r 'it f,,..'?,,}S ..-1. S"Z7?e.:.f. g, i`i:i . '(y'!:Ct' L" `w j 1.E'' j .r..n r '10,-..L%:.., r tx rnr. / i N .k F{ Y :1 t ,b ,. ''M1X;3, t r r{: -0�u 'f .A .' Ai:.0 J. i iir ' 3 i �r/,o < } i<.r ..'_.., i ' ,'ft 4.t r 2.0. '{,> .�. {t r'i •.as, 4 .i'3 .{L.f+ n P- r ix 44 Y t. t t'1 T. t=i d.' e{., 1 }' i Xh; Ctq , �:r ' '`ur'.td,...s5:: i .�. ......�..i......�.:u..2.:�......G.«...t......—..�'> '� . � ,f a4 r >�. � ice,/': ao-Y. s,,,, . 1 TOWN OF ULYSSES �a�r� t, 't y w + +fir"' it REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING P4S z / '� : e ~S°� v■54� i , '1 1T itµ i S14, "% ,' ..: s•,,T..ii`. °,( i1n,};a'w + February 8 , 1994 ,�/ a e t��z t is ,( ti },yI 3rd;f$L �y 1 Tt.yl$.i.�jy 4L-4',/ {14Gy' ti.t' 11..PW". T}1tt C,1{{1.4W.ri,.,.....:4:1/4=. 19' tN `,'t #r{fit � Present : Supervisor Doug Austic; Councilpeople Catherine Stover, ,,,ip:re.... ,1 srxt,, `,+ t t x; tti>;i,l,(t,t °7rt l Ben Curtis , Thomas Reitz; Highway Superintendent James 'p'7 y tt )e , ;x'r=, ,� t� • 1,y:Ar5iry ;t: : 4..eµ, Meeker; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia. ` {t i rs�tt �FtY4�# ( p` � NI el :L7 eTtt if {°',Aft +ry'�a y9mt Ix £ t ' r Y t� i): nr } t2:r%T}2 if � ,r;:;: .1 1 tr ft .„ r` ''.t. : } �' �+'� -4rj Others present: Jeanne Vanderbilt, Bookkeeper; Peter Meskill . =. `' y91`"°< i++ i, y�r�++.n��6. �r4 crY, 9 ft5u. ,,, P t P t yr C to $ 'i. .,. ' I�t .��f it f:F° 9`ri�f j.'/'�l` (l 'it ' 1tii i5, , , : ' �, yt:.044ATIA('$,`. Supervisor Austic called the Regular Town Board Meeting of the ,,'j }%, s � dt�00 Town of Ulysses to order at 7 : 25 m and led those in attendance in ` a r ?, 1 7 the Pledge. of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of tr• . Q,12a i1 wC�,rJ ly',� .r.Wi L r t alfs{4yr +.ii'f , America. +tj ./ r . 1 ; JZi,vira ✓ �'.iL' V' �,�554t M) t,hr} :, ',s },a ,t),, • 7• 0 { ' , i Mr. Austic entertained a motion to approve the minutes of Special r % r{ 1'tz v� Board Mtg. 1/15/94 and Regular Town Board Mtg. 1/18/94, moved by 1,..,i+`: ;/''}n s �X4Lr ./. v. • tt' (}J'r{�q�}}' '' ' `y . j�, Mr. Reitz, seconded by Mrs . Stover. , ?....,.:..,,,,,..,-,..,1',..1,.//...,r t „. ,,J t 3Cf'�xff) b %r t i t ip14 €> 21 t +` Corrections to minutes of 1/15; no mention made to adjustments „ f fj (ir 1. • ` 44 being to Budget of 1993 (pg 2) ; Election expenses should be ' 1 ;, r; y'' ;'• y 2 '' s T 1 6 ,'Y {J c }' ' ( �' tc,, ' R $3 ,200 . (pg 5) ; couple yP / / (pg 1) „ J „Y i a `. ,? tr $3 200 . 5 cou le of t o s. . .l 18 94 1 meet not meek; rt> tK h, I .4htf,}kT4it r 1/15/94 (pg 5) should read ' cash' not cast . :,,,, t}f� .,ki61 ...4.4r 1 ,N' • ' ! t` ` i " ''+ ) ( �s K'W ` , , Hearin g no further discussion' the Board voted: r .> t t ' .a • s ,,.,4t*,. 4 , r •t� i t om /1 i s ?rS/ d t , i p m Y . ,x ,), Nt K °:f r7 % t %,, d.0.4,e ry ry — r tS5 n. . e .. .F(hyMYyt ' ' ( t Mr. Reitz Aye { -k dt�� 5h� 4 ti,,,,x5--, .c.1Z t + • 1 'srj# ' J d Mrs . Stover Aye } r ` , l r r ` ; 1i, ` f ,, r .i Mr. Curtis Aye ,, •! ; ' im ? t b L ,I,AP, w 4` i 't t r..V t ry 4•I 1v * 4_ t .:' A PP roved. ' t ' T yf t z4iS � 3w.iL•M s . .11: n`rsf k e,ti ;Z:41,;44, I i '7 i . L h d Report: Trumansburq Fire Department Jr ' � t 'Lli-. + rt ; ,» a '', 5„ 4i” y t f sR U a^ .X 3.4.•- ,,^k, X% 4/3tpqØ None t t y sf✓i •+,i" },:" , Y _ : i (iWix, " „ �simF Report : af,y ,0: 'hy * .';- F 00 Mr. Meskill stated he is now the Vice-Chair of Public Safety, is i5 :•g K = t ;: } `' } ; ka _. on Solid Waste Committee, Public Works Committee. Also been W 0�;ir„ ^ ` ;�ra,'�; 'f ' : °s ' , aa,.. appointed to the 911 Task Force. Mentioned allegations focused a'u F is. °r }' r'w'h ` ' IP.J4 P ' 1 , .t on the Jail/racial undertones . Will be working on Sheriff 's k};x; ',r `,,V0',.yw�r`g �14').•r ;. i�� ;�\ � T budget also Solid Waste is working on building a six million rJt, r� - 4,4,.‘,16.1.4,,,,J?Yg, t ,,, , {q,�'r 4 A.-- dollar project. . .a flaw in the foundation design. . will cost . rt `x ,2; „ nr':' . `te' riP f 1,.d +{ t•^ , \fit{Z t'1 .. .t leer' i »3, additional $200 ,000 . to fix. Discussed agreement between Town rt.>7 ^f 4tt9 r' • ,�. y and Village regarding recyc ling.r f;k8bLir 6. xt€. 2 3 -;;• th, }%�t• :?”5 . 1-; CLAIMS 4�tt r rj" r Mr. Reitz moved, seconde d by Mrs . Stover approval of Claims #15- L't'�t h{ '',1^: Fv ",r',,,,r' °; e tYi yt ' , Y PP tr a } ks +, q ,, 1x ,,c . ;a .,'-�,. .. ' . ',a 42 in the amount of $21 , 662 . 58 . �zt"'si ',�)r ,s.Uf -, X, i '' } }(t v'�ri.L`l�"u S r i9 2`r wer, }( rf l' �,s�:y}M T:Wrg ?,7�`,,� �X Mr. Austic Aye r.r, 5 vrj y^r 7,, W1 *.P.. Mr. Reitz Aye ,r . , /L • /. , < t :• ,m r r ,"-t A4,41. Mrs . Stover Aye p 1, ,e r „ tikes fi'�k 9;94 c;� Mr. Curtis Aye f t'..,,,; , �R ' nt��f` v'c4-� K Approved. 4:::;:',,} c ,,, i ". l43kI 't,:^�y�k�r Supervisor's Financial Report 4` t{ st„ > > ".err,t )X��tJ,�'tJC'�x Cllur {,it `` , tt, �, t4` a } ;tt r' � k Q Mr. Austic distributed the year-end report for 1993 . Read the r }, % 't tit ��''' ' �,� r ;` Cash Flow statement . Mr. Austic also distributed the Investment 1::..'' }t , fr Al h tt,§4 ii l.v , ' i ,4„ Quarterly Report . Discussed Repurchase Agreement . . . checked with j !, :. t r s,� �};�, several banks; only one longer than forty days is TCTC. Interest ,,,{'. , , , t",, `li,?%t fit)4. f Y jr� }`irt�' r, rate about the same. In view of that and the ease with working '<' ; s ,isr} ',14 , t'` raP:1'J f,f o ( , t:�,f F'r i rv{ ) x ;,, , ) ,F ` with TCTC, decided to go with them. Made the agreement for 120 f y+ tr ' days at 2 . 9$. On some of the Reserve Funds , they are in Super I "/ " fl, «"i tFt .".:PIS r r y , Y P t r ', , 1 , t. t, +'r t '��5a'” Y , 1:ti}d'.. f{. ' '.2fi, tt f(y}t}� '4 f,J'.�6'( LY;t ..l d,lti' :w..'ct f ��,ye .. ' y : :,l 'hxn 1, , "D :Pit-':;;.: , i , t p t,i.t.,,'i 44 1F t �iy:.:0 s' !;:!.:I.;.., '1 4..i:, , ' i '• S '.Ya fix IitS 4'1 � 1. ,+.,t'.: .1i, } 3 t , ::'-',1?ifk,) t ) k 1 1{rf t l' .., ft,1t 5{ % t 4c t .Gtitt r <4A,?f & i 1'S, �f t , , iv 1 3 �o t,f'f= ;�it t� A. F t� 4i trar ' r' t r 1t 14, ly l`u 9i J t»({7' E4{ ' t, to ,#,4' li t�•l s t t: S } , 7 1,4 •yi ��2.j, t 7 y t 4; 1 , t t �', {Yo-,4614 yj rf trk T, },9„.1, .� T 1 .i S Y r �t .,n t •"1 yFr;.t 110a: +'.e Y > i.:4. ' , ; 't i �cf t :r �g� may sL a' q ><• rfr,. � `� �fr',n�aa;'S {tr ,'t t r t s r .n?,I‘'{ xtfb r ,�u,, 1".tr ' .QS.,W. `�+ i to "a. .s X 'i'Si. 7,i 5 "t'.' h , ' ;�^ai,�' 3Hl x rfk 4.i ri Y i+ q .,t 40.1 4; V L.t..t i t..,;i'r5n x .rt N';s'a:i � ico.,i'Afi`Y,^it, it' �, :.,fly , •` It. ` ,. :TO ""'.:.1 , ,q , :` :. "tit { R :'.i. , 7 f+s%j,.,,.. '!1. A. ,z it a ��„�, , 3'15 ' .•!.� , r. �. �t �'^r� '4 fr `,��f.i1t•3,`1 c. � t pp � t f ;�itttt � �'�5 '� 'a � .tk 4#`` ;;}=r{� u� Si � ,� ,. <�1+4'r,. W At Y 7, } �,,: r,• ....�f>^ S Y .t7r ,+3 :! �"'s. " Si.` t .. .' t «a,•�f, JY yrr � ,.`X Lt� .-! .{N.. . : , y't' )q�� ;Y�r,� P i, ) '�/%�'}( .kW -,/ }t'y`4 ,y 'b' f ':'f •1 Lt, 1. in4 Xt) r,r ,+'•I.t' i11r>L.�..f'�tpgy`�.{�,{••'Ff+ T'Y '�i 4'i : , ,r 'l4l( rC• .t.1 , �Ay,�' }/ .[�`y'<4 ( 'C' T'i'Y.Y�t'+ W��'Y�rw .t�� �, ,+ys1y + �•/ .tt1{I �' t •',t,.t }... ':Y , ,..,,,„;., }'-'yi .' L 7M: .,. ,, s, .. ` t{. 41.A•Fv 'l3 % ):Sat v P4,.'+#+1.i ,\s e•.;.5} #a:'k ts4•: 't. 0.-4)t.i-�. .t*,gil:'„y Y r s 'i s It .` R:1 ;5:13 V:1 +AY1,! .,\r'1∎;ii ' • SAW fit; 1 tk s J , R , i' :s. - .. 5; r ! J'.� .,4;;:;Y£ =4r,11 j,f h j t x\- 'As; '4i x 'nr4 t15: g ,b("ii a ra, ,,;rin tt°s :,.i'' ��((((,, yA s�� `l 4.�r. ., '�� 1{`t . ! Mr 9 { 2 r + t1 .aflt{5', "{ "' Y,. :'��{. i �7; } ., , `��t�.,••��,,r.,Ja .ia'x ' 1 .s. }..4, r,,", i { ..!'k '. • ,' 1 �' �N tt'. t3'+ kt.4:31COl3x. i( s. MJ Z < 4V Lr .} ;.m..i,;,ve\ 1 t'f :5"t h '".'. , , '' . ,r rb. ':V. t r'siip.c`i + uy1, ,`p'. T r'r dl. 4 , , F: ,t,`rtlJ. d 4fr +d }t si i (3 i,,t,. L R $ :i na. i .''t } Ct}y At� v 4 ;T, '!'tf .• `.Xk+ it • . ' - 1. 74, ,}/.�rw<3'Txt+ iF , l{- E I 1 , t , tt. 5 '4..r, t 9;, .," e r .r�tt'r yl a t. , t'{ T, tf . ,i., g' ,j.Ni. 4"fi i .t, ��• ..h;it li .. 6 Y.{ ,}4, 4$°r:',at ?`d,:p „y ,µ .r i . ti , 4' ;" !1 .'.;i. , '' `t..',} ? n,..!:,•l r .2S' x, : .J sr.:n1` .14"4'... ,Y t'5:l . ,�} 1M. ., � ' J. �e�'TI�'�'"�4�%'� � t (M1 ,+J`,�1%X' } Si. .Y.r"f,'�� ,',^ '� t.• , ���` T� J. i ;j.i. } ,-.,. l' t 1_ty4ry14r�� ti } .FC.`'t ,f� , 4'�!tiwt4'.J',� t Y:Y r }F;�. ... 5 µ(( ^r r "} k r r t i > t Y t ,> • ' l , t 5 r 1 t t „?t lsa' tt� ?3. �{ 31'_1. 4'01 ,. . i n.. e •Y. 'Y.1t `F k/� Y,}, �S r't„Lr)tf 1 ? ', tY t , l... , .1, '. 't yt} !Y 1 , rjt rr r'i'-'1% 11,10t`df4 ci ar�:.;� �+ 1 xQ 4 � 1 h 3" .fix I Tar i i CA . {. , >' ' %? 't 3 t, i ytrU salt ry.45 n�1ti 4N° y .a• V y rt is !i s t si \Nr"':∎�It .s. 4t' ,e9::' .' •y yf,1��( >' r. + r%. ,;,.'PI'., .. .,. .'. s . ! < �, , 1 },.t.•,j r r � 's.p, • rJ ) 'i 't fie.;• t -' , i 4, i;, q"' 'C ! u' x y {`' gerii 'r Yr YL f � iI .H,4^ ,1< i .•C° ' ' r 4 r i.jttL� f. .i .i,}•T ,jiel,r ilel j',' Y" t� t' 1 .ti/7 it Y pr 1. + f. ;t ' r° ��}'x 'll� 1 ''Pli} ('r y"l�4ri tiref•'1f't'J 4fi t�}" '{ .,+./i'lti .r 4 -. t# , t•5 „( 4 r'G�.,,.lix 1 i r r r i ,ryY >:',t ' x. ie. t it b,y: w, u r 'Y♦'d i :to x .':ir�'.Ir'. t"•;' ts'; •4,isy" R i,. et,ab ? ('� aX 4 (4'56; :i t S l t�`:r f f n C c { i; .4 .0 : .. t+`. r`, �'I Ky •y :r?:;'"N*"L+' r 1 ".� K n• :..jG: ck'7V `''•�+�C.7;, t .', a�: 'iS,r L � t � y. + v r ( . I l;r fir, r� r f t +.�'t 7.1 ' ;µ ,'je . . - b ;, ,1,: ' {� • , it?} 'ina(" t # { ,, r t* `< , c. i'r e r-V > : i 5 L Jr.{ 4 it r ? i t r ' f 5 f t,� :Ve. X,� (7 i 4�o-. .4., , tie • } '' ,Y .'R} ,• r if'�.pfd f� elA , Yf 1y 4> ,. .s i '4,!' i 'f .,r4,4 J 1 ' , '7 F b :14, v f t .J} ,ct.iR 7lf ".F'2;,j Y e, 1 r.�.f-3'4,14., J ;;.,n'. k Y * ,� ;j•i .P,r`•:7'•f ' 'ti• '. J�J . S }} e,i ` j': , J ti „' i '' 'S ` .f Vrx ,. f'rUt o h't - : r G: ii �..6.. ;,.kc? ,,,. $ 4 /{fit s t '°„i ✓ u ,, r rl; r'�,v' r.iik,`F„ !f � a r. ,t�1. •�,S"N•G�T'd'x �^ lufl:�i��`,?�ti��'!#'�( i! of}`. .,:ils.: r,� .rY:<, .e +i' 1 by ._ 5... ':*i. .ry e , i< t4 Yf� !:� v`�"r rfd W J� e+'1-x.jl;�, {+'r. '�. ta: rt^tl,;i.t}i r fti , , • , r tt'i, , stkrit ttt,•,Jd e„, tC� Jf �'r I� r•u•r + f v 3 f1/4.,�` r k.1, t hf A W,,) y �a1,d s.y F ,.4j?et ( ..4Y f 4M,�x t .fs~� ,I i�V�,'P"r�° r• a 3 t ''.1i , r s7Tt'jd ��',,.}e 1 .JI h�Ryi ,ht ittjk�,iij!''t ; t t��,tr'i, '?�” „.1r gait' !.t 1 k,,,q4 �U .14- ,4k0� i {{{���HHH,tt Town of Ulysses 2 v ', j„;.....01.,,3(ti' x`R' t7h3! ,f♦y 1 ' 7 I ,, Y;#4,4 t � � 6 A J 4 4h 1 F t, ,rs , Regular Town Board Meeting t , „r(i t;�r' !lJ r�"r,�;'v, it, 0111,';(1 t+1'41 The February 8 , 1994 ri xtil;ifi , 1' y . ` t trr 0,, db`�a io ! >w" fAi +Y9 A' L A A' f�j"tlra for I,Wiri'cS stiff It , t>y 4` t,�f, i; }t `9t �<'1 ,' '7�<t4 v;1 "'+r :sk (t "': 1>i Jtti 1° r , e?'1 5r � p tJr1}tl S�'t(�St Zt�; ry j'i t 1 t/t:,,•, of ii ii{kt ct .f ttr..y1 n r;r , t,4 ,`�P ,, Savers earning 2 .75%; if we don' t have anything to do immediately ' i ' ?' 'I°1 Ate;3 • / t14¢„;fit, i4 kzi^''t�: ,' \,., we could get a couple of CD's for twelve months at 3 . 56%. Mr. z ,,,,,I .'� r2t ■14'''t{ !,r! ,, , t (y eol' ttiri+r 4,1 } J Cy,t ,^t c Reitz said to consider that if you are thinking of purchasing r '4� J ° 1'`r` 1 � p year, and would it be r ;tt,r ” , : ' - ,,a• r x� , z :> }, equipment or such. . .what will it cost in a — ,, f ,.. , t j . % : ,Yid er, a t,'"+r ,i { .r r,+ a , ii� i :. % . . J 5+ 6 < ,+ ,,» ,.c wiser to get it now. Mrs . Stover asked what amount we would be yy��: „ .3 ..G ; ,,, bb 4 ,,, I YA ,,p„ r, J1': P ) 5 r 1 `jtt J 1 IL `'` it Z; r:.'tt. •; r entire $125,000ngintwillaearn $1994. 52 Austic in interest; leave stein f`L,5{` ,,it; !";`S}�3's {S,:'5, ?' •ss ' ..Avii.41.x�r,i 4- the Super Saver will get $1714.00 . . .only a couple hundred. . .a=I+ 1tt ; , „`�ti+ � `} .1t0', ,,,,..t4", "4rt . �i�ef 4'it2l�,st C ti' 4 ,t s{, Discussed General Reserve and Part-Town Reserve and decided to >= "> r r ti3• :a Sr 4t-:4.1;0 t'SLr}” 7• C•'„yr F ' i i ,°,W .,0 Wirt, leave them. Mr. Austic suggested taking ' vetl° ,:.??.5n.':,1^.-')„,::,a '� ' 1 gg g $100 ,000 . from Highway If{. ,, ,a r.� 1 i,';, -,‘t? tt;4 �- '4;1 Reserve and purchase a CD; the Board will 1 . ' `` *: ' �, t"<;ft' ..'{° f,'4'itt K „ P Pave it to Mr. rs,.4 (r,r4 xt '� txti} �` 'di- ,'J • aif3 Yt /y •x t Austic's discretion. L'"t..',,vr , ,, ,73!,4. (4,--t 72 ,' ff t7 4Ji'i' t. ,x ypp' 1- J ..lrs t A.y.r. t} i' 'z,.j14tx2Vtt• 'l E.� i1 r7".r,:"t jatFl `':• .• '9 "}3 { ,, Hearing of Delegations and Individuals ygt'lYt:'.,'FZ'rr'At+t,-it f.":.A.1.,ti . ``� k }n6 �,'�}q.t ; G rf 'irtty �"<) Yf aJ�r<.e! ' {u.: `'t t fJ1 t W'11'•.k h'+t••s None I ,It u J,�'.•�t,yy,�,r.,,vi+4 ot��.°.'l``, ro , t' !a � Y t,„ :jj•, ... -- t*,f1A . s t '(i',• 'C1',''i,,�i1,7r �.'f.':,It vv ♦• yi { j 4 ''Y`{�' `r T" 01(;'j . 3 OLD BUSINESS ,.ife�a.�b 'xsc,`''',S'k`''•ti ,,sR„` ` 7 nt G'.r». srr”! f1t ) ., 4 r:''I;jr.' x ✓ 1FF•�'-� i tiJ 4 t}-H,"CS ., 4 Wilt"f} }fit ,qr f$I $' rRL ai it A, d r j' t, Zoning Hoard Appointments Rt 't,y, 5{4.4", rf . ;v! - 1(1...4"414.,1.11;J ;' ' 2 ` FFyt.:7, fi` G? r `} a aiSS '` 4t 'Y ',''`r',� jt ! ''I N. Y' 1'i 1 d ilry��'' Vi .d�,..( ' <'� Wit' "` Mr. Austic said Russ Carpenter, Peter Penniman, Randy Brown, rae� }1t' i,9sis;� . ;k .i a 1 i P . J Y , (p,,Si�A r�`[t c „ i ' i:}1� �. •' , P.� Irene Schickel have been interviewed. Asked for discussion. t , (,i ,._ii .,t- 3.370,,- #ryi� "A �' $� ' Will appoint a member for ZBA first and then the Chairperson. T V:,: -` I' 7 t,Ak n_ fir} , ; ' Mr. Reitz said likes to see the board be diversified; Irene lives "4:1'r itrlO CtrO i/ 3;;x33``; i .�1 `' 7 k?, � +:' on the Blvd. where there are some problems, would have knowledge . , 4..0.„,.i..,....,;1/40,2r , , : ', y,e ' r, ;,y ka r=ay of not only that, think a bit of an advantage since she works in -� t" ,,µ4",v, ,. i,�a` �j y4 i ti{ ' •.e.t�r.l a^..... .. the Court system at the Town. Of the four, lean toward Irene •.fit " ti •. I, r?�wA` s�;A.,..a,0VAiri Schickel . Think we have four good candidates . Mr. Curtis said .' Art. , i r ; s ,:, ;7"i � `t"r" rt we have four good candidates, no question about it . . .guess see `,y ry.'30.t ri, t' it v &�"f 3 ' a". Irene as already being involved in Town government, have Peter e' 4,,y4• + x "? +ir Penniman hooked up with Human Services Commission, sounded like .•- , i *uas ,IC i r '"3 �hr Randy might take EOC; guess I 'm inclined towards Carpenter. `.41"= t ' `'``4x'`;7+ 5F,t• 4'+b ' . ,. F1dj, i t 3 ,t::,rj, j, 4 k:q% , ii s1 �- Would like to have all four involved one way or another. Mrs . c r',Py f-t.:ttiq , •• ! n d Y b is ,'", .n ir,•' ,rJ i' :. • '' ; ' � ' t IY14e Stover mentioned where present Board members live, kt,; �Yif} ;y=z,„A`; `"' ` ,nie ; , i4' Mr. Austic asked if there was a motion. All these people are P r 0�' ','. „ar'.;• .4G., it', ., , r l .r P P j tS a .,' ,° µ(+'Y .FTiy{i rY1 L' i. .}jat `' „ ' ,a h°' "fit 1 + . �; �. r #,k,M• y willing to do something, perhaps someday need a special committee r;:s,: ;c�, f c;. .�=3:-•r. `:, �i 'jW`{{ to look into an issue, use these folks . eii” , irir„rtc ,,a . Ynr. . 1 ' ,,. '4 ' 4, F ,'iiliyA . F” 't' .°'tr.c 1'/ : t i'IibL = : +.y. 1 .Al ," j p Mr. Curtis moved that Russ Carpenter be appointed to the Zoning t; ,a i��.'.A.1:04-4A--. � a 1;L ;."t•,��"',,• •,m t..u• �„t' .A�yt: Board of Appeals, seconded by Mrs . Stover. ; ,'> ,',- s ;, .....0 fft , r r j (•tali?;t ,St �'�,•'�'e0,2,-4.-1..,s40 ) "..1.44”.:-::4't } 7r: , ,xI , At1 �t vJ t Mr. Austic Aye r4 .i ,-i- ` „ ,, : y�� y - 't�stel t. o .0 Mr. Reitz Aye ��.;i„,Ji?i,)raic ; ... .):4 "7 t r,ni„1” ticzt,-t,ft ^I7 ..J 1: Aye r+i' }y,ti4jj,Yi ..,. 1 v �, jT!} „r �4t , , ,� Mrs. Stover i 'c. -,, 9 ^' `{' ' Mr. Curtis N , a l 4 i u4 r t .Id4t ett iv',:\4 Aye .r{, • S,i44 r -:. s �z{{ ,y ' L"j,S5” 1,47,11:-,,? ','�tj Approved. .t ;'4j'�i<.,",' '` ,:At t r(c S! i j i'9, t {re V' ' (R1 ry 't+,�tsy 'i'.F}: tj L'"5� 5jt ut'+ si t 1 1 r i t4.'• t -.• trf� J'rt+i� t i tir i1,1"4” ¢b: x . F Ir, 1 , X .r mie,�,., 't'e s Mr. Austic asked who should be Chairman. . .Mr. Reitz said Ken lr` .y';' ,, it 1 } k'-A ti a,Y'1�,�+.44 Christianson was recommended. ' „ , tts i i, ' t t• •v{ •"N•, # ;;A�} :K X1$• Jt c t u , t.�s}pt' 3 ,, A Spat}l s r ,, . 4 !'io u 'a C i i•,*.'r'• E't A; x ('rtraF ' +x° 47 : 4b;�rtf>{t4 'Ar,Y#j Mr. Curtis moved that Ken Christianson be appointed Chairman of „ 4r t, ° c= �x y• �rx4 `� y(t`7;i * .sis ri the Zoning Board of Appeals , seconded by Mrs . Stover. '-i' i,t rr , Oat'3 fr. 14i,""i�' 3 t AV © Y+tie ci t'• , t ret ' ' y1`J I2,L 1d)r# 414{ Mr. Austic Aye ,rri t', - , t ;+.;pp' j. S y( t11i4r 14 �`, F j., 1S) Y t',�I^K r '}i' R 4 b ; 4 r s e'-dr si r ti Mr. Reitz Aye -1i..+... , i 1 h e +.4, ,, ,,,i 4. e f', Mrs . Stover Aye rf .?,,.5.;1 ` ,, ii;P €,+ i w �u !' t, ra c'lf19 J r L7 itt, i`n �?' ;,,-,r.'Y S� n,.-t'. x '„ :SI h..,. -r ris.`''y;)VeiS�r4{a °4".''4 MC Curtis Aye iii y�i_Siy i {j;i� at, tt,r. ';t *k,( J �e♦ i4`or t`1J Approved. fi. , ` i' ' ';,rh l Jr�C>}t i�i,,p 1J'`« a 4', a n..r4 tli } J�1 •h:.,• ,, s;G ., f 4•1j.yJ , .1 y{'+<s t , rJ ' �, ` i:A1 #',t+Ti('{ ia'j r„,ir ,°fi,,!4 Planning Board Appointment 'ti , ,t t . , 1,44,Y-1.-, ., i 1t 3° C d .P. ' "' "t}r�,,S`i 'i(t•�'S(tit :k §, Mr. Austic said there is one Planning Board member to appoint. ,; ^tir, -t', u4°;.1'1':r .t.9,14?f Have Peter Penniman, Randy Brown and Budd Stover. Mrs . Stover 1; , ,'v t' {i v+` "t ", ' said she will absent herself so the Board can discuss . ' rid c, iik q „d ,{tc A `rs r , t' i i t' C i .e; r ii r ), '^ t r Y�' Il• rv1"+NIJ + a ti '1 .{ t�,t1 �� .,e Al ,U� f leak , iz >it ,, } . i ,1J, ,4Jr ei! , '1+4'1.'1.z Sr . Pi n[ , {�, k L• r hs v l nt r j I{,r 4 ri,.,. r.,:;%crt.-..1 s it 6."a', i`i J,r-.Y;/t,V,j R4 W i 'Y Yil . ., • ..-.l C' 1e .'' �5,{ ) 1t +,vi ,ii � w �.Z r k. g' ':i '' Cf S`, ”), '' ,Ix:T • .If'WP}"tir 4 1.1.14 fy, yr °uKiti i {'s' Styr{t„}t ,r= i i i 4,14'y r i.,t,••: OI23' ,�,v a eery i :, it l f). (..: at4 ri u .1i,f.:th,r;t ,ie t �i :h4 : Y, .4140 x 4”' ttr. ri { jyJ♦" ♦ x.xr6lt vjyr. " !1;4, • 1y.� t' 1'It S,=.:,i.ay, 4.),(4,Ndt r-r ft 0-t L to s ..r s'F 2`• E `,!alt:. 3 'd '`, t, '' •• .i, r w r y . .• . �, ,,yt rr . .r ,at i'. +f r t• i *'' ,1 ! rrfi n`°4, c'r l;ixt Y. of r r r fa,,'�{S.Y' ts,j•� a � r h +r 1�, _ 7 'sr ,1 x .{ :r � ;1 ,.a 1 '3 t , •, .. ; r. '2 p� d '•4 .t' o } r', p Ste. ,�.+� �' t / .N rt2,a .7.i'40*,1 %(+z ,, .ri t�{fi74 t IArri9 . r ,i r k'' ret l t' �r.e I S e• ',.� 4t r} a k,r:'�.,,,E,1 t 5}', t c . ' '.Y'..rc`yvaji� ir+ •t/] �;`,�' ` xlt�" .a� e i� 'isr i , '�i ♦ 1 eta, <... # � "�' '�P �� �ttj�'F �' r. .c.,;„ �6:: L ,.yj. `� @ i ,••giY•0"� ' Srt :� "Xb e" 4, fO,, f is ly 1 � 4- k- \ ' �.�h:t{ S y.,;` r , {,.S i t ..4.'I,,A. l i t•.:.y e. ! A,J r : r$'i :,fa.' 7-1 t•.'xL,.j��,/!�,' 7'' ` rt� , It .``i'c+a, ,? z�' •t>Ft s.,+' i'x.:5 ea. �$t y-{'.l°`.9'' �'' d,.,}r+,r��' i<+, ]}�� ' �`r' •+T^''j){Sy"'n`'•�,i ., . (� .s 7i,. lf Y" r i ,!r r J t 'G '?, ..^J, 2S rr , S ,i' # it l !"tY i i'•} r' r '.'' ,. ..fir, R e - YY S}r , �I^4'}.t�, it,yb �x Y i•k} t'M�i i4�i ..}.y(. f1 t,. _ �F y''�S 'k'} •t s k..:'d5 i,,, , . ' s £�..'r ,2 t :w ;,c kke ltn:,'-.,.{ t::fa• i ' 1 ' "':}'T rctix. ?4 1 $ x >* 4.' ti",i z$1041,;‘,),;!;,14:' =,x ..'w.�i ,_��: �'/f F � , 4, 7 ,..:�§;;`!G sea rr( d A,r �-„I`,t ,1.rS,Fj•., `��', Y . b; t ,r .'"i,:".4.:1.4.� .,,,k• ra .� !.r`5,�� [. 7 n' + .xlr; � ( it vy''�o'x.,Sr J,z'�6 �''i',Yrf��!{i'!•. +1:'v a+ ii, Ir.(,. a( *"' k 3+"'' Vii; �Eti ?k .r +ft4,i3; . ., ',i�^ly� : ' q R,A A z7 t. x d 7 S f 1, C!Y. a"'].,^r:',•'. 4.',;�re• .} 5•, rjr'` k '7 t, i.• , •rra, i• i 4fjjbp Y �,�tri r.tL ,F� �k r¢ ?Sj�iK•' rr a o f!iS, \ 'f�s t,i-+ Cdr .�v, is tK'tts�7 m i� 1� < .r^x '#,'j 1':(J�,,._.r. ✓ns :t.'' nJ ���{ V1" 'Y,.('f. r wt. tt :i1 F. ,i. .at�„ Sx S rb`5., 1,. ^t"tt t'l: ri 1N ,"tE 4r ,i �'S C[4, jr 1:.. ]', j) t i. t.,s ,(: ij:!.t Lti'4' .',1,k1 .'Ml j'""'t {;,. S }d '.("•, ;J. `3 '.Ittisi .y-' s .Ms i t. r;Y,s .1)...4.1:,,k !t' ! 't. 1 1 5 v 3u;•if 5 t e- }" hS. . } , 'f ' 4'� {' ,s.�r 'y+ r t't,; ,t) n �}"++ r } fi C. J; t+ . a. ' ' ,.t . x . �?i rt ... „t+}r't63• if.yta,�} .,.<1' ;li'," it+Y+`: r a( t ^ t,l. ` +. ,J :, '.r. -.;',::',.7.5-1,-,:,',.. GK ri7::, ,Q.,,,, 1." 7015 r 7s Or i fir, ++t+Y,!, 1 ' i .a , I,-x-,1,4 `�zt�1,i P S1 F r4..,F'4( f ,�y '{ Y r �.r ':e r. � � r :r f u.r 7,f".F 1�, ,,,,-.1,;.....v..rr i rv, 4 � r 1 t { ! ,t�h r� 'S- '.3., �.'.y. '�('�k/�wrl�4va v. ri',yJzrt;i,+�q}�' i.' + f; ''GSc �, .r,. 4, ',' r;.y''�:r r i� �?r f'iT.. Z e �.�a'd " i�S i�:'(�I:t,�,S:uir�li�pr:.��'!�''it�t.,,tty� � ., i. a r „� 4 r 3 AL .0:, t i rL + .i ,i 7 -.:, ): .5z :A` ' yr,r > % eyi,,i a ,,cri. v�3y 11 ,i.. �a'�J�'t.'r 2,:„.1.„. . 3 ! q`�w'd .r.trsf t ] ti 1". r 4', t ..y< ,f + ;-i.',.,<,,;-y,-,-c� i t t ,,` /tF ``th ' i 'i ,'t�} ,„ JAt 41)i.1 '�l``}rs' / iillGtiv '... r 4 , .S • f.; '.r .tiy " ',', {.434'44 td - . '} ° yt Y :tz-i. A ..,: i' ■ ,. s .do- 'x ! L•:i•.0 Y ' ,s- .. , ., y'N+.'. .:�1 r i ,, vat' :,—.1`R{4, U{' yi ,'Y�•yi;'b ' i't-ii.,r.1 + �ft,T i4,x ,ef4ti) + ¢ '4,4m-,..,;. �.• S s.Y..4 Si»'ro". G' .M'. r .. r. i Y1£ N. + •,t ,sk; . x1,18 ; n>-i ,1:1.5; . ^*.;:., rr,.rt4 .R::''.{. +'. ..',y. ?1r z ' 1 t;% +:'. ir•.�;F::.;�° ;F'r x x�A;' s � �r .f f i krs ' '? ;t •'�,t}�-f P�`p i`� '� + r..i >7 j r,'1 y . ',,,, °t s �.,,,,1 a aul{{.i it F l:' ' blz,S. ,r t . '�y...Z. %r'4.9� # s t}' g. ^ t., +.+HF Ff 'al: .t . i/,„' S � 1 t •4f� �i' 5. ' y� �l' , � , { �� 4A ( � �x ,i, N{' n 1 ,rft ' ! Sri L''.t !: . t ;.�• 1;4 tr/ '4v C,S r ,.r ,.51 1 "•? :. ,�+ i'r . n, f ':' ' x.S .> : .i, ,t �G,�,.'tS'l rat' I. r 5 •,r �4•��a t }? '4 ` .,, . " .�.'.g^ 3 x e ..t t .t . t ^ '„. $j � 9 r,5.' u l::a tpy. 4. f•s r Jx r u y , n C S ttr D ri'9d41 • '. 4AY i33 jy/,: '. �bir r<� rr F• i c ,f 'f{' ai+r r 1 f",411+,s "o • ?may, ?;11 F'yt „ii.q,Il�k•a� ' 3 +1 e thir t "i,. l±�' s t�'!ui< Town of Ulysses F� "f, ':"4', ,; ,. ,, ><, `', k `--,',n% 4Ji'c ;?/- "* ` Regular Town Board Meeting ,;s '�„;,1, . ., ,jit. r: ~e 1„ ;Yi P'74 ttZ{' i '� ” �. 1(g February 8 1994 pyt`}., , P,Tv T x '.�t Y t q}y. 'i L; fya`'6 1k'ra=Icprnz to 43 `., r t' S F ' ,I >• rf yttJ �, 79 yVF 11PI �� F x+ 4 '� si.,. t t 'l l{ ` te' ti,1r ?x kS°"lStr t,� i�'. er `''y d +:, :.- 1a, '",1:".4 • '. ti ' 7sr,+t' ijL-i ' ,, t'+:4ri'•1„�tt ,' , 1 , Mr. Reitz moved that Budd Stover be reappointed to the Planning , '� Sty: ; ..-,,",1:". r ��r ,;q i1 �*; f € `. Board for a seven year term, seconded by Mr . Curtis . j , ;,' r �„r,' i ,7 ,r j Fy i ; .; t 1' :' J- •15- }rt ).r{ tr t J • 9 41}.''€' FS <x�'`I tff liyt Mr. Austic Aye i ? 1 11;54 : .1 i I i t o p t t 'u`�,std s?t'' n,$‘41,7'-'414 t!y Y Mr. Reitz Aye ',r.,^ 1 j l . ! •'i° ,itHr ,�i Mr. Curtis Aye tr `s + ( 1 ' 41415:'# f 'l3 u'�tr p1 ytvi'1.11"1/'0Z G .'1 1 '4J- 1.:% . � , , ,:ur , F s :' . Mrs . Stover Abstained 1 r': 1; +' ' ' , } 17, °I t,io-'t 1,4 ``v`^ii2,: t1 5,', Approved. r.. j'-f ={ j3 , ' '`'+t f'"tt 7,: ' }•t 4'+n ' e? �n# � 1;' ; fK� Mr. Reitz suggested encouraging the other interested people to 1i a'v1,,�.�„ },�'' a:�1"t: ;` serve on the Master Plan Committee . Mrs . Stover said they can ;� 1 t :,s�, :,�� W:,1tky'*'� '�'�t4c/11 use people. People get tired and drop off . About six come •,;`; ; ` '3'7,4E3'; '{('• 4p ii-4.�,/ SF4.'sg"�'�thj�� faithfully. , .r t ,r`'7 tt IP3 7 Jni % 0 Doug will speak to the Chair of Master Plan Committee and see if t ' ;•` ' "' ;� t Allele a +,�, the offer should be extended to these people. of-'lttr y{7r 1 9. i ` >s '` ' y' ' 2 ` t ' ° ” r'.�.i'..,• �t,R a 1lr ' 3aYk� zY t r • .•: � T fi. .�11 t a i s t . Y IxP.74; y , f}dC tk . Y,yr{ K( Y , St Other Appointments 414, :,, ' ,`.-- i 3"1”7r , fi 1 }'U 1 `a , i, t .�' k l' 1r , ,!1 1. igA t Mr. Curtis moved, seconded by Mrs. Stover to nominate Randy Brown x x° d'�31 . t Y Y ) a , rr 1a,J4w Iti` ° 3 �tV"., to Tompkins County Board of Representatives as the Town of tx'i,. a ; 11; t `• rr4P41/47 .' Ulysses Representative to Tompkins County EOC. ; rf ' ' �W4, ;1Ef,.;`,4!}5 Y 4, ile.V.W.”}i Mr. Austic Aye , h v-,y �' *L«€ . Mr. Reitz Aye , ,Ith �, l Yi; :, A F r`i4 , t �Y ' ? ni• x?+ Mrs . Stover Aye yii" ,rrr d 4.,-,..,ty ,fst f ' wf � � {s�� J3� Mr. Curtis Aye '',;:o,,-,x4.4 .!;,ti ' { ` }''7 "^ x ^Yt. t e ' }�t ? 't ) t3, r yr t.1 /441 'it3r,, ,' Approved. v {1''!f lfrrj L,:'rF`iS' r�`..�r!'&;' .L 4 i 's 1 i'- , V-+' a , #Sty • -1/4.:.--, fit ! , �yj1 J� rli t t `6�`Yylr ?VA:a � tr ti .� � h '''",,,-70fry`is 'te W,� Assoc. of Towns NYC Trip t`T }a�°i^ ' + ' ` ' ,*',} ' j`i -"0" r"f „:1-:::„...,-.5.-....,„4-„,.:.; .,,,,,, ,, ,,5 4 o " �7* i? ` Mr. Austic spoke with Judge Rector who is willing to take the l.r, 1 Vx l v 34 ::, VF ,: .t S idt q y , rnokhr $50 . for the bus trip whether he drives or not . Registration is Jr ,; .tyrrt P,` l° 't ,.,, �° �' ae'�`vi" vt $60 . ; called the hotel and they will not take a voucher. Judge ,, rt, ; rte .4 ",}3t tt Rector feels he needs $500 . cash to make the trip. Mr. Curtis ;� rilwf f1 } ft = fir. > ,& said he can' t support that. Mr. Reitz asked if the $500 . would i+i i r d€,1, ,1 t :,, i, , � , .tai- >o ',', �a* ., cover the hotel . Mrs . Geor is said the hotel is $351. • Mr. s.4 ' , ,, r* .. �. 441 a s ,3 4 . ; 4, 44 ;r`�, , ' eit • Austic said we are paying the registration fee. Mr. Curtis asked ` ,�r4' �a yK` y} * • ITF gg` ;4:ry_�y, , if the $117 . for the room is for a single. . .he isn' t sharing a W,';';'-',","..- 444,:' *'t -- 4 1t 441 'Aa t f. >i . , rt s - -iyil tI t Y room? Mr. Austic said are we guaranteeing that we will cover his �f, Vtr rrj �,; ,r , ,r , } �n iIY ;. t 4 expenses if he comes back with receipts for $500 .? Mrs . Georgia ;k„{,ry1 , , „La i• ,?;it{r a; ' said that it could be a hardship for some people to come up with �tix A ,;, u , 1”:�t,y urr� fi, +j .,,.t the funds out of pocket . . .Mr. Reitz said perhaps the Travel !iii `q°'.,'sr k:'s l r" ' Policy that is being entertained may clarify. Mr. Austic asked # '� ta' , r, n ' if the Board wished to discuss that and put this discussion on P' t } k i' II: ~�y, Pj i`-, r , hold. Mr. Reitz asked what is being asked for Mr. Austic •t}:4Y ,,I Lv.E}drF �,`y ? tk`+' g 5 r r 's,,,FFT^.,tsM to ^I, :S $117 . /night „ �4r kn14,i r, e said. . . three nights of room at [$351. ] ; we said we 1 uirc "<l�'' �A would pay the $60 . registration [can listen to the tape again if :2 t 3 I i r l ' .it t z there is a question about that decision] ; $90 . /day for food. a . rr`°�� 1� ?, {,t 7' Mrs . Stover asked if this was reasonable? Mr. Curtis said you �< va,f;:, `4,' .,. ,) , can get by on less , yes. Mr. Austic said what do you want to ' L7:4"' ',..' 4 x t,• Ak lA4felill ''. do. . . that we will approve $500 . • with documented receipts? Mr. 'r ye"�,S's P.,1` +E�- Curtis said he would ' Fl ,test { & € + prefer that, Mr. Reitz and Mrs. Stover E j ` { , t kfa ® agreed. . Mrs. Georgia said perhaps you should review and approve or the Travel Policy. . .based on that you would be. paying '$681 . In r � j3 previous meeting arrived at the decision that we would pay $500 . t,, t t� j ak. :'z.r r,r,, t ,t� ,,, t��iF plus $60 . registration. Mr. Austic will speak to Judge Rector. f ' „ , �' , ,€'-.' ktt'i i�ri, '' t-ce , ,1 .; r .i. t, Y ,+,r o , + Assoc. of Towns Resolutions p t • , ,tF e.V„ ' S rl •vitw?' tft... .. .. +' t It ' 8r.� t it,', 1,1 £OFv The Board reviewed the Resolutions and voted as follows : E $ �. ,f Utz, ,� 4;; ,.*,, ' \ Retirement System - Yes ,, 4141; ,' 1 — x4 `,, 11. �+;-: ,+ 1. =431.1•, Wicks Reform Yes 1 t , r) .'Co '� 'L ;J ! t e '',X,.''''‘'31 t t. , Health Care_ Costs - No r . ` r ,r '` ,t r ' , to i, t { y ,5tl.il,..p Z i t .. Ili' +,-,4'4 1 5".. j,mt Impact Fees - No (([ v: + t , ! t, y:4 • ' ii fe ; t_ } .,*,.. tr i. J1. + .', ' J,.. ! fir . .:jt y • ,,r ,,'1.j' S' t '1.l". =k t t y • w^ ,1' it}y { trrt 1..i; ti t�.�+:. �. r,t t' i ; ey s.°#t,ry l 'sic': 1114 iti b c',.1. t t •' 21.' l tJC$? Jt1 v ° (t�l• fi � xf ;;;-,b,,;*;‘ �,,,i' ttro)' 1m.4 �' }f +.74t , -y t 5'4 tit LJ1 !4 , i i*i'7Y 4, 3;if, Y11''V,y'.• t,,,.,} ' r ?a;: i-t•r }, -..04,4, ' A} '`� t a'� Itx 1 , ' i 1 (uyt! H+ 1 f St,£irr . , rtn ° / {* 'c t . . ., a+ 7 ' fta,+t,. ,t 417:'' i, . .«�. is * r' ",,..-t:°' x E {', 44141 o m r l , + r J , t •Tl e '1.4 'intS', :, Y a -Y.• aw y'�rTr a"• , tr ^Z„ , i , t i+° .,. rat • ., 711 1.; A .'. cir¢ ,.� ', Wt .. x ,+'- 1'1WiWt 4 f.•. 7 +. t 7 k +� p'�}S u 541 1; t' y )� .. � , � � ° � ' �' 7 Y �� '"•, { �' .,1 415 Yz�r,•1C , , ���• 'V' J $ g ,.�l 1,;4, Ft .;, '}S f �' * ^, 4r {:" i'ix+C t t r a t , 1�1. a �'r,;�.i.. tT,` a4?ft ,: r,,., .d i s ,f J.;: t t `4 n.• ( L b`j i rt .sec a i. 'j' +. '!y",tyy,,!!�t'isr r .I; 1:u7 \I•°`tea }}G�7t+ 11.`..''',r`.`rr'Y r 'n. 1' 41-`1,^`.1 '1;, ? 1�.:''i ' Ft F•it:V, \t-1.1 ';''''''''�` '''1.r 4 .r i , ;;t;,,r 1`�` 5i01?-,1a ,:�,°,G' •1.tkn 5' •r ,},`' ,k' fqt ''- t,'C 'vei. 1.rr. -s .,.�" vtC 4 Aiyty p 'y;; *e 41'`'},'1ft'nt' C : .;?"'. i1':.., . t fr ' '1;1" '+' ,! 33.1;:1. S ',V) •.5 111. 1 4n >rOr't ' A''iQ t'. ' -;. :k. 1',t 'e •..•"Ai,;- 1, rF jFr Ny�h ��• �tt nla�5a t;'yyi{.`'' Jl,',,Y't7:F 1 l;,y t•: ,y s �;, r ..''')'',17. .F e . <... c 1 ` a„1 F.� 1111 x:::'f{'n,}.,it',y+ r ii:z},tu ,y ,ti'1111 t ,, l �t 'v d ! f t 'o. ; �' )4 J f' ,441:: ?'N �/4 •,i•74Z:?;:.! , Y f. ' tvi :t 1 ;,: }4.1..1.4 r, .�u� 4Jii,� t 4'}' t d f4l tfi.., . M .+;, -t.. l Fs!'}^� y,� p,Q,, ,Sf 3µ i ' ; J s r�. I • h•(�� tC 4 .tiff ` f k t F tf,IC lb; t •P`u'',Yt f� )gr ( • i ,, , 7. t t '• ,: .Ftx , ; r "' F •5t; ;r•'S i":1tr"1.'Y-'1}7 LI . s l4,rJ \N,ry A t@� 41 ' t n . 4 =c 4'l �+.'.i I 1: i- f .6„ { j.'1 ?, 7.. t)!f 1' . e Y hl:'W,7t �4`rrt4'4.>�4,} , r+ �-,' i � . . � , :'• 1 !''.1/4 t1i1�''� �w'. 'd 1 t;4 .. as•rv, Yt 4P r-r. `.1.1� t. r 5 ..., ttb, f.. I i y„r- :i,. • . 4{� •L.J*4)S';;,;1..";•.,,,. li F -. 4 4 .l a r i. '`1141 td.} t'✓12•jnN y. °w ,_ti S i:(ff4 s•tnat•. "^ 6 'I Y_V. 'V'y,; x .." s'•.. i t . ty:1 9 ��ss .,.�+ tt t, i�'ti t r ! £ . '1 L`, r, �• .1g °t' i i. xx tt p. �S` ` 5.4.t d 5 i' r `n ' .t 2 ,.. �4rf" 444/.r`.`}�.T i� * � V' i�,.. .aF rh �� r? t(..,�,.s�,.. rf� ��'„ y� `'f! 9�„�yqri'.qrl', n. . ?{ 5(.,,`�ai�,+��.t r, E�S .d*1'n '.a n'L.... ,y',•'�` ",' ;1,16s 1.* 1 k e 5 -,c'1 gi b ' •'G f:}- \ ° '7 h Vht . L$'t + ra ci"t.et ,E.*1 ti`.. e hr, 4144, .. ', . lid, ^• i• t•V. , -∎': T • t l..r.'p,r d ! 5'r 14.: 4E 1F. > 'i...'F 't',t." { i ''Ate,‘ •r';a.r t '.. t��tiR, �d, 'r-C r. � ,r. r.3. ^.r i y P ^*+�.t=^�. A .'S\, a 3.'Y x' t J- \�11 r,. F ''i`.sl�rd. �, r, e.:Rti 'rSr �� tx � �t,"�� Y' S .YlJ. .J Silt', .'}. t'.Y �� 'J !.�'.:. ,rt. ), 's;l,`` �'�J :��t• k ( , r 4;;ix. :.1,� Y,,,v ^3r`f ,\t' ..Sf�, .:,y3j H. .�L��±h�;t`�`(,i�J r x: L:h':�:�ur.;i,Z"k:St °��Yln'S dT�.t.�.. •!,i j' t �„ � '�•� �' (�'t' t 1 ' i r'>AS.,i ( v u S p'ta�Y /1440�Y`'`f t,S X'•' x}3 J „1 v�: t r ts{ y ,p_ }?), •✓J 2 t 1, "�k . {{ bEltTiS .` e �{L.. .I :a}•�"`T . V.. Ei A.r r r.,KTw ,. '(n".iK' t y J . . {n • , ° W ii�'y, e„ 1.1n ,`t'` e 9 #k ,,7)J( y .t ' i i t;. `�,. y t _ ,ti io,a r_ ft n �tl'�.tr,. 2' c}� §V. t' �\ t{'0r l7.. 0' ? fro , ;t i,',� , Fri' ,i F !( t`� t 'r. 1-t �r{r t hri" S(r$ t i =i 3'. y�{ 't �! y. �)i l::rn, 9 i� �y�� � '��� �•`.r 'rr'f 4=�+.,7! .Q;'�f'Y5tr , Y+4 �u >�.0 r;: f,(,a rp` 1'#S >t Ct 4 Jr,+! � ^,�Fi? x: ';rf�C :,� 1� i & ,:l i, )`?,,l5r�'';P: yj'1j S� 1 u�g,}. st . 5',,5'i y„...art r, VttSpz.li A .,f7,r'. .' i- fi}. iat r:, "t`a`r FFKct,04.5,;:. �1 r )r SEE fit `r'jt, .r> 1r FA' ` ri;'; I)4'.1? rr'S A445, ,M r• )` .. t t n °:r-4,{1J,... �Et go Ass,,7C Y:f4.':. 4,>4 i•i %,.11z • 1�:�• ,N I.,.lr+t . ti-a.-..1.]Y1. J."1'{�r .'t1.• 4 .:.� , r .. ,t7. . f * ,,, , $',i(„, i j t � ,,, J� y '• r »7 f 9 1 .. 7 5t r iYiS u•+ titl J � r ,' i` iY✓ nil l ,)° ,� i � f( ' t � • A. rns jt �-. q, tt4. m \ 1))#{, kt .70 Town of Ulysses 4 r ,c,",'ri ' ' it ..),.. • l; r. .?..--•:44,1,3, ,,,.9.-i%, , ;,t` Regular Town Board Meeting .^" • .' r ;, �� ,t 1.�` ,s,,`s°,,; February 8 , 1994 rir S, 1 ` t It ,,1 , i, yR ,nf J,,,if' ,• , t 1f f r St4,1, i ,11' ttt. 1 a ,' t 1f.( < r Election Worker SS Wages - Yes +f \ • � .tr ` Government Leaseholds - Yes State Aid for Code Enforcement - Yes { . , " Yta ; Health Insurance Pooling - No t 4 ` f ,. • tf `+ . 1` Workers Compensation - Yes r) 't} {' ,r•t ;;;j„ t, ``} ',y, Safe Drinking Water Regulations - Yes 7yi '' '"" ,` Intermunicipal Cooperation - No `x 1 s .v i vy c r !t ,d, �'.ri ! sra ", t t , : Local Government Records Management Funding - Yes r � ``` + t,( S 1a t �° �i* �i. n;t." 1 Mr. Curtis moved, seconded by Mrs. Stover the following: T Y 6 Y •^t t)xri}xP fffi't'vi Slt t2�%a'�rf :21'.1-. .":::::::::::::: :::, \ f-Z,c,p,,g�h, r,y g{,, ;47;1 RESOLVED: that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorize v s .c x .r. Yk4 , r Justice Roger Rector, delegate from the Town of Ulysses to vote f`a ii.44j ih'I i t on the Resolutions as listed above, at the NYS Association of a` 1 tt4i'1,5F '`F, •yt: , ,(rX• 7 P t E fryn,?t ''',-0f Towns Annual Meeting. :t • v3;1211it•t 4ri d.}Ln k,, ,,nttt,Y`ti y. `9 ,t t1`f ir't^' .}r4 Mr. Austic Aye 5 1. ,'t Y ti, +.t�`' ,7 lJ r 't ' '4 : ` "�3.0.,ke'k, "Ceiti f' Mr. Reitz Aye ' , {, � tfr , cur Mrs . Stover Aye y I C, ; ',i f;, vn,lr , J1. <; Mr. Curtis Aye {t"'; ' > " `.: •�"��s 4 !P:- n l t,.tt�s,',..i./....,a ryi � -r;•✓ '1 i( 1 �.,: Ni k -r ,� i t ..�txi,i'? Approved. h,,t ,✓1t, f' . t . s If r ttA., .t.:b Y a.' 41-..y PP i � r J 5 t y,7 ✓ , ,,L ;tiK`lt ,.; , ttr q. , rtt'.. F'••}� 'fyy " rlp(xr ff<�, curt ay e7. t r 1 1 y, y12:hi`:71t !1:;i 'T.j' ',? P1• ! _ ,,',...Y ,-,', 14.e.',.. : '. ° 'J 5 1tt �f a ��,, 'rqtes +. a, kra t Vic,, Insurance Ouotes ' 4 ,1,e t ,4 5 411,tij3Cr i 1F4cti' 3 M}tvt' ' “:,:'1'. 7-74,° �k1 rG "±"Lt, i 1 t $;(r r {"t },&p?fs. Jig 1 , t',PC4 fo t , )' “,,, { ,fir'✓t, t Mr. Austic said he has sent a form to Bailey Insurance in Dryden; � ' Y, k ` o t s '` ,,,+k*=4;� Y El ry M, ! L ,) r vt a. < `pr'tyh `e:,4,Py .f , ,r47.*-4.1; waiting to receive a quote. $1.' h�t,t xrtf� /, , �,t,tN�Al24'F a5..1, j431 ,tF} l ,t ,...F A-445r 3• P,• }'�ti{',}dl=t`r''t .•jlr' Rearranging Agenda sYtkt`G tst;,id t}n iy' J it e'1 ,'yF r,z � tttellY•T b;1,•:• Q r+. ji«rt > �4 xi 1' i} � y J+C 'it libit!" "rr1'(i I',.+✓?L't l,+ 7»n 1}Tr"yt + ?+f ,.f , / 7 ss �ir =' Mr. Curtis proposed rearranging the agenda to accommodate Mr. r„� �, }'},✓s rrt.„ ,'+ }i 4 *,u� r5'r * 'r Meeker and Mr . Rachun. Mr. Meeker said thinks the Village has �i�r ` at•=a.1.1X r t 1v .' �y� i ,a,. i. ,>r„t �.. > the reports at the start of the meeting. Mr. Austic said would rrfr ft,<i, . .” r e •i 'EXJ. iii}t .`` <.;tb to: g• Tf yY+'S£/4t 1" !�i itY :7 J , ,r. � (i 0..; like to see reports given after Claims . Y i r y34,jc ` l t ,t^^ b'S,!-'srr��t* ty54•� pN ,'�y� �i {y 51 µ .�+»A+ ,Sq ti ,1 r �tia,( fr Yi7sy v ljil t ily 'f . • r♦,.;,fe �h5 wry, tL NEW BUSINESS - vl� ,""'#4tt t s , . ..7 t R : ,}yo A4"i151 !°l',p 't J • 3 ./ it , '4 ' ..44'4n` �"k''.{lu'f,1i4 y7 TS+� y,}! )!r73t at' rE 1-1-Jr,et . . sr 7 ,>fi}ijbt>i`.li 3 Driveway at Recycling Site ytii 14 r r '`Y !# j'04,,+ t U.r'S,• ,t T0: Gst14, +h f '.f '!.) x rt t4 1f 7 j )trF qw�; , t . Y r e . , . " ails 3 1412.`'• r Mr. Austic said this has already been discussed, will look up the 'rjffcj iqr tr "%*1, •'41*t ;?a i}�,} e,,w,ty.r YAP,iY.jl'. ILI 'r ( ft 1 ,. ° :': +ieC},irk, k,..1.1r4,11 . agreement . Asked Mr. Meeker how much it would cost to pave the �"�`*� } �` ` �+ c'' v , ti „1 , :� :g driveway; no one thought it was that bad, few potholes . Mr. �u` = s st4 ^av i{411 7r ,i•X{ 3.! '' li ; t �FJV i1 rat5.4s`r' Austic suggested coming up with a response indicating that the 1.: , „ ,`,,*�.,g}::t4� ,. a.Q, }3/4,} Y'4, ` ,:,;( Town will fill and patch some holes, but not pave the entire { '0,.t•-•: ;,.: •; %•',..J , ,t1 ,,b66b'FF``ttt�t^ , o : i.'t ,' driveway. . ,, Y 1 ( ir , FAA ..$✓1 5r.,yt t1,t Z ,t\ i, ,c,;:.,.. .;,-,,,:t,. . i ✓, i `fe4, ", 4Grtr.Sfan4ittl?}j7r Travel Policy :> tr t s it ,; p t, tFridifY_ti,. Y • � tf, f a y\ tit e- ,.1 -2x-,)( ; „ :,4,„', °.ty.,;•,-. Tabled after brief discussion. i- ,7.us :: f r n oj ut ksw r ., 1 . ` y, N ,41x { -x1t .0 Claims Policy fi • 5 4^ +. yt. `t a -2)14 --r,‘,.:,,r,y sr;`is Mr. Austic asked if there were comments or questions . Most of '+ ; , ,, i , these items pertain to the Supervisor. Under Item A, add #6 - t, t a,; t.2 6... ,,.7,,4c3 'All claims must have attached documentations ' . Under Item F, #5 "i h�a r,3z,• ;,;: 'r ;ra.r° - delete 'Clerk or' and add 'Supervisor or .mailing payments is ✓ , ” + f J ,::i c may, ` {*t , ,rt the responsibility of the Supervisor or Bookkeeper. Item D, #6 ` ',,11: , ' '• }t 'iA " } .( , srpr;. was discussed and left. ;144.44?14(tAt,ry'S \i t Ifil ,)+``'31 4 1 k f , t , iA „ a, r ,5}si , ✓,;✓, Mr. Meeker presented a resolution and asked the Board to act on "' i' o t, �lJI, X . t, ( ,t " ` �' 3 it: h • 4:.,,',4:,:•(•1�yy%,..z , `,.,,,,"„1:*.'--,-;,..1 i.'' i ,,, Mr. Reitz moved, seconded by Mr. Curtis the following: t., .,; WHEREAS, the Office of the State Comptroller has ruled that , t { ;,,t :. counties may no longer extend their bids for public ' ' 1 !'t ,ae.„ + 1 work (services) to political subdivisions , and r ^ ,r " t ) i 4,>• fp, 4,,,:d t r5 .y ccc t ' V t , . t� t. YS 4.1 x `q(. ,J , ~r , fa fit ;t� iy d[' \ P `� t f 4. rF'1`i� ,t/4 3-3 ,, iFy. r`2' i . , l • tk4r4,x t .J(1 , t,. ._j ;' 5• i. ,i;4 to 1i ✓rit . .« a' ,f, > !!! ,ti'' 7,t 4.1, tr i,Yi $ ,.}tp ii! 'r P"0 4: tM% �s i iri ,y }✓Yyyi{f::'f,JH t f:. sflit,rx}� 1,v . r;Ct??rt?•VV. 't.ANte .# 1 •'•,r.Nvit. �th), 'F`R' r. . v d. k4 ,1`4' i �.?;:.iy ,, 'is7,froxt,t kebif,"rvrP,,,,w,t, 15 l! t• :0'...',,, ,r2 'S. :A' •it xl f0, rwii ,b'.,t�+1 �,')•i'k.•^ y, y riarivi f T ^, {, . „ e, •^.+�•v ilk, yr Y( .. ')! j/.� t.'t , .i.440S4' ., Y,•})4 F1 f,Y4: Y�J ijl, , E i ,�, t irk} a. 5�. ,,,ys,J, y4.4':. ,GS,t�?If'YR�"f• ..C;.R: �pyy,�t_>,n� YSY t 3f.` u S ' �'7. . t l+c(` a 4�Ft""leer`:; at3 '� 1 +,+' r i %•, j 4 't h 1 t C: .r ',4?, ' % .1 t t'tygyTpiv , 4 �fA} A,C�. �y ,' 6 >' y . .4 ,s tr7 •;.id9. 3, :v1 +t .sfi ,ar v' }.. �'S tif t 41:2-i• , o �� t,.c�d{j`i` Sx= '?' S3�f?�%/•f .W t f . . 5• i `y �. T , ,,jj t• y 1�Rtt i '' �. � � F , }' (¢Mr^ o"J� y`. ` t yt��!??..�i ) it#F, , �t3}.k•",A rm:.�tZS ',�x , 4 , i� ..t r,.Kl t, .y ,.. , ,, k .CI s ^,(: r } 1s. ^ u5 s. t`. G y{ ' 7 tt' k^ '� . ,Jtk''Sit tr. 4"Pr tI s t, r. ' f. (' p } G ` i , 1. .Yi ¢NpS1 t It ,t ftr�,,r, f,��, •e i a.rrir t 'r i, �{y�. } i7 ,.ry Sri Z }i t , +n' : . h¢ F .z Y'1 ) „ t•t se`, k a' Yp�.{X� liti s t,lwi∎L Yr ki 1k: .4,7 'apt Ai q t. ,�t ,`,t.,V 4•` , r .Jt.1li t, t'. ,:�+ � , �Y!, - f qq �(.,t.` g,ppat .r1 .,'i..y. �r u,. ,4 "s'r! � �Ft r �� . yet' svg.yt: , ,• ��, .mt. .,. : :,ir'. t to .ltt+7 , n , ''trr . IS' � R l r ittiµ•,, sr;l2t} V [ .?{•.0/t{t ii' Y"" ,b '%s -Vie t o•4„irar.a "' .fix, k•°�k JV• �y�r T it,it +it : y t$__ ,ci, 4 "3 Y,y+, •4 -• qtr '{ ''a "'.N 4N�t, .i t 1, S .✓5S Se �•kk'X n; ,T1 t .AJU� *,. iv2 4j xS '+• n C .• ,,F .01bl ./ �{ . l;yty !"+1 •:'f °.. •-.. ,. .. `p.., t��„:ttif','t.,,,n.:t?,§'I try ;4.1-a ,,a, , .„x,'.� x\t t +,+,t't ,..,,-r d'r . v x571 et,'.S�J,,,4 h3;T ,',,V. J, .i , t..i.c:.0 wxy.,tAt;�'r tritV t. �'.Ji'if�.:^.tli..:.j,p+,vy _ a,� �{`. t/..y,,)e��YXF• C�Ih�.r.F+}•`vj•i•se? y:l,�^I,.S .«ti,f,�-Y',>`r`'”.✓L'.\tC^ � t.7� . � �v�}�,�,r;y�•Y SS�r�iT.",i1L ., b..r ., ,i' L;};YiIJ.R.4,a Y,,. '�� e ti FLrC^ �')re rn: ,, �C�.i 1'r ^.k�.�. � '�•itilti'y,./• irr, 1..tl.teet,,, � ,ro,, ,ev?.x lfhts5 .c-pit r�,+,.. t tk.c. F} 1 J^. t t: y.„7:44,4 jf l J t , ,t,. 4Y y J,Ve., .,4•,, , 1,r, •,,,,c, 1 pp. L7..i:kJ rz-Ir .'"1 3`, irk ,'?` i.• 1 '�,'. r I s .it l•. ) 7t, �, b , ,: h`;� r r' if:t tz.; ..f Y� r.P . \1,Y `. Cy'�, � f fS tr(a• ,nr„.✓ J r a ,; , s a }t 1 'C t `.\ r }i r ,F J 2. 'L� � E•)t4'rt1� �' n s,A.` -q . . { fit)! ,y( �d ,: Sr�•f c t , �V tLit tf �'�tf t }: �. ,i S At , <.x i : t ?,...,,,.'-'7::. .i t $ 6.�` 1a'Yi( Sidi:,ice•, 1'rfitt oz., 1t '' f✓C•�yj ,V'' t�f tt pK f 1 . < i 1 a •�,J } r 1 � r � t f v aF <T•J' �l ",aT' hrf`t� Ikt Y.FYSylw .7115 :.:' t h , ) \ 7-I- \, s i�':5' y1 a `.z ... r^?',i^ft (, '•.• k�)) }Ft r ...71 ,tit>t,• �''r' b'•M,.,?:tr w :.:''w•:. ,i : s .r r,.,, y, ,., 4. • .. ,° y t;7_f - ,. r ✓d` TC�`A • 11£'11 r`l i r .to q t r , s� es x L S. 4 i x ,,y i4 i tt,.t t ✓.,< rr a r <Xt rriri .r •. r i. 1.' ,.'4"^,'747 :11.::0 < L!. •4 1i''Yfay„ ,j uN• I"It j�. ••�( f",, .it. ' j[p4-,{,, M53?17'7(rt,ryip 'a.* rt'S I,i.f: �'i et" j-frt'p' .i,' ' f y t '�'5- .U' • ss ..; ss. t tri,t,/,'t• ,. . ....7 .' v!'•;+`'i414Nf �i fi'•44!tel r , k pW,. ,r t // p 9,7•1 l4' v t .i s' �r 113.' 11 xy r .• 7 frkY e - ` 'At � t"V y. s., S ,y f 4 t; 't" 115.44E k .f�' j t,+ p i , - ce„,"`', i ,• r R, 1.' 1. `sJ :711 ,<yrtr q,Y71 �{ �� t'Ct i' G.n"y'+ `{ �143�1..,'rp 1.« {�s-.. •y (� $1 "Y;i {sr .••��pn�'�!', k"i.5'a�3Y .Y: i.t . ", 'r� „ 5 1 v q.'"': t j� :2 V 11) ?1, ikid 4.o- q a't`7 S. rent yr s'V`Y y`.y-� tr-i ±{, 1111-i, .s- It re t t7'� . , ,•f I , 2.''. ] i•as“r. eit " , ilW .l,iH b -t i 4 Y , 'k t '(.� :?4,11A£ id's n, t'k ".�5 4 , ttt 111 y ,' 1 .'{• ' L ,. s y :k ••••.# ry Qy 1,F2✓i.o r f ,I 3 fir - r 5K? '' - m (. '-. ' i}+ 2. i'.. / 1 `"" 1 2`L# .. y+HC� .?�y fir' ""' i' 't' '•,...' C,�Y' 'Ti Y ,,n•`-`.,'v5f"re +,t I'st i, .! ' ?-,�,�� }•.:.r rr 'r.+Yr7SF."�jr 34 t xr.. r t., ., r it, iY ! k;; ` j', �Y, y£^s stir t n1 Yf�' t t" "k�p'� ?tt •. t - v ` t. � f.., r ,q• T4' T241 5r 7'' K"ylt .F Y" t..r, ✓, d } y ,,:1t t'. . >< ✓,✓ ni"A +r V ,, i, . n X :t', ..rt V ✓ . r. �' F}!b ",',4?tr ` 'd st�p�1147 *ril �,n, 1.6—°s`,„4,4, `�ft-,,,,,,,,c,.....?...,' gg t. '. ',,,I, I ,,,iiim �t i;,,,,i (}? 4.:x;,,t``„#y4-17t ,,,, ! Y. -•v.% .F�,• ` } 7s .1, �'?}y'y ii ` - ,4t:. y'" �ir� F 1 .�{yr' 1111 '!��'�, ��?,.pq� r�l�a r .tl' GIY+:St9 Tf� Yt { f Y i I r i 6t N� y 4 a. LiY[ '71. 1 �y ( y, 6 "1 Q A• t.f } Y,>•'.«, t J t it' ✓ , t:, :.` !✓y;,5 dv,k tz a .°,( 4 +r it�fr �H�i ^, ..fn r. Y; \x539is' ig:'[Ta Y .�S+ , srs. 4�' .G . . �.r ,., , s y 753{{ "1, , ', t 'it} ( ?r 6A.°1 . h" ,,..o+ ta2.,L .. it' t . , e ity, l,til 9 a { i{t +1',77 i.{!, 7 \Lht``I lr > t , t r N PF, - x f t ,' ,,!/,',; ca 1^S t v• i,4711:& pr r -1:M t �i i ,t,t.,117 fY , r.id t t r u 3i. rr ,�,r„ •_1:,,,e kiii I ,i}i",J, , in;T ' Town of Ulysses 5 7,f�s�1 �'n Ft�Ii r t `.. ' 'a ,si1,xx1 Regular Town Board Meeting , '-, i ,. 33q a.,;�4 February 8 , 1994 ,.Y 2 • I ; .. 7 y ', ISf ` 1 r A,ei r , o . Y?w I' f v e 1 T I2 - '', WHEREAS, General Municipal Law Section 119-0 provides for t ' * ` 0', municipalities entering into cooperative purchasing ;rf t t , , : t" ' x s; , , ',, .. :4 agreements to jointly bid needed services, and 1 , e44,-, ) -',' 71 , WHEREAS, General Municipal Law, Article 5-G, Section 119-0 x , '''` '� t`k states that "any agreement entered into hereunder shall ' ' 1' ` ` , , t J1'% ,4'; t, be approved by each participating municipal corporation z r; { or district by a majority vote of its governing body, " re•„Pt .s . e ., , ., ;14. now 'therefore be it .. . • r t 'ti,t _r#,1(11 ''; t $ , A �t > �cs ` ``, : z` �rry <, ;<t RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses be hereby authorized to a. r , % sir participate with Tompkins County in the cooperative r vys y; , k�4t ;rU purchasing of the following highway services; '` , y 'fit",,, t ,,,..;' t: loit ' ® Guiderail 1 fr �yf{t e:.t�f,11:44 Vegetation Control it I{f yt:::,.}I`{I „5Ill);' ,, Bituminous Material„t , L'4 . Plant Mix Bituminous Concrete Si N ji,.:'}',.. iii Bridge Repairs-ell ys':: Subsurface Drainage + , 9 d i i'°7t�•S5 r.� $tfL'A{:^��yy�,y,'' , arc ' i. t4y3 frG r+ r�S�gr; tie '•`, , , r r t tt Hearing no further discussion, Mr. Austic asked that the Board t:'1,“:<1 ceplAi,ftfo ra-,,,`. vote. • C"-tii } y„4�:s, , .cj Mr. Austic Aye 1 ms *y� .ti,St tCt k< .t*1,g`,, Mr. Reitz Aye ' 'r • I:k•4* e''r : 'l i''' te44'1 r o Mrs . Stover Aye 'f,4 1 ire v 27}4fr .Y F,,S*:�X+ Mr. Curtis Aye ,lt1�J , i tt' [I ,S >,t r ;,',u .i �t'4 Adopted. ' 111`-f. H'1` 1't A �; /Jl F +3u e a}t'fF A Certified Copy will be sent to Tompkins County Purchasing. .; 2 i 3 f ,',itt'rr`yr�t r. .'' �''C+� sf y ,y. } t, r. ^. 'r” ''le Mr• Meeker Hi hwa Superintendent, requested that he give his ' ,0.1 i.,1- _ < ,•2 ' ,,n td `,-'"'"t7r �.. re ort at this time. Discussed tank testin Need a bi er salt ,, {fit p4 t {yid P 4• 99 ti ' ,1 f ° r r• 'v F a?.rt JA - x311, i L r' shed. Deliveries are now one week to fourteen days. Use 100 t 4ti si;`; '` t I tons in a day. Mr. Austic asked if Mr. Meeker had an estimate of , �`*: • kvx,c'�kr tT what a new salt shed would cost . Short discussion about wood ' 5t I`' :• "1':.lyt0 •' ¶ 1 �} �' r 1 �' ,-vs,.., ¢ ,iN'"1%y , chips, Mr. Meeker feels they can be given away. Discussion s ui z) r„ ys„s,;�"rt ,,Z'ts-r`?' returned to the salt shed. Mr. Meeker said he is looking at I, 9 "�,..,,, ,try{truti7k, something larger than originally thought. P' 7 .T'. o r Y s 1,74 i! r , , C ',.,,P �rf, 1 7 tt` The Board returned to the Claims Policy. Mr. Curtis moved, E , ,, °{, . tt+ � t, seconded by Mr. Reitz the adoption of the following: . : ! .a`It+ t-• - .... 1,rn"•c,CF `tk. CLAIMS POLICY ' '',''-'. .1 ., : ,'.%'.' /.. ' ' � �3t,5wrt .�,,{�',vrn PURPOSE: To clarify what is expected of a claimant when � NtMc r' '11 ,=\zt , requesting payment and to establish responsibility for the - ,z.p,„ .; y• '',r rs.,F 7x7,7,',; various steps in the claim procedure. 1,<49+ t s.t,;;F x771.- Y u31. 4 4 st�}sS�'h ,Yj 'rnr,y 444 A. General Requirements of claims submitted: „ r• Per„'tyi> ,r:'; ',t'�r 1. All claims must be written ,:�, • f „ p,,,• 41,11,7}„ , t ,�, 2 . All claims must be itemized in simple enough form to be u. ',tytt ,rl :;A .t': ,,-.4 easily understood. ' q '!*�;Z'``I•j I '�°t,:1'Lya� -i supervisoCaims must be approved by department heads or sT pi',I rj 7I tt, ' '5Y i t� ir f rrrry °wr ® 4 . All claims must be submitted on prescribed forms . , . . r , • r � ,tf ,;,?' , `,.„ 'kti.,4`i1f`4y 5 . All claims must be certified by claimant if practical . • ;t.. a � `9'1. . 6. All claims must have attached documentations . r.i:- S t i ¢mot/p , V I ` ' it ks, • U B. Town Clerk's Responsibilities : ..ri'', � ' r; i:, 3 „ t t1t i+, 1. Receive and number claims - all claims should be I w.; )5 . ,', It'': ' t � lir., r''z Yt,.Rif submitted to Town Clerk by noon Friday prior to scheduled `F,u • i. t, . t , .',..+0 . ' board meeting. ,fit , 2 . Prepare Abstract of Claims. 1 , s' ., c1 , , I : r,)• 3. Submit to supervisor for pre-board audit to check ' ,t. , ” ` i �` , -Sti accuracy. ..:, _33r,,14 �u. ' E ,,-S ' 'f,' , 4"_ 4. Present to board. ' 1`11 `..� ♦ /.d t' , , (tst i, 111 , , t. . r. 2'..i; yt .f! y1Y t 'dity4 r 4 t° > �r 2� 'it {tj ,2 ... '. fio•? ,.. u �, ''. ♦ S 1,t a. Y ,{ arf &.fit L 'ti .7 t-`‘',2,,'Jt SL�s'4t ice^' ' 1 ..ii, O. S 1^ a N 41 �'T.. • . _ t ,,.1 + , tS YYyo.. Y re• a n !C , tp+. it ',411' r' d vn" i ;n).-s M t 5 t , ,`1%"'- ,. ,! p i,st., . 5 `� v t �'' fK.:i'r" `apivt{, r12,,M4a*, t , fait 4 is {1.r-4;' �t . . n�s?r,� QY+?I ✓ :t A ,y d ,+ y 117$ Y 7 t F•:6ti •i4�te r, rs ;<;}JS r;^7L�.C r ,. a,. < , (Y,.r�+Sit,r . t' ,r.yrN +z"gsa �" t , 7�--'ti'',rii��jr l,��'i� {�a�y1:� . �.�i � r , "� ' �� � y ,{ l`,!- ; � 1. � t .zf ,9,.,. 1 ( { u tt „ ,,,-;14-, ,r k@ r a M,5`:r ,(y 2� y}y f 1. ,{d r”' t n``)t1� -s "dt.:r, , J si 'I Y'/ - . 1- '':”-, •.i :4, -i r:�t'htf•LqY'�tK:4 . vi,,4. Frs ,JP.;,:-),(. 5 (2^. C tY”. �.{'1 1:�,� {fit . ^ ''�`. 1,3' 74'vV.i.'I'''.:":'+S' '4`441; `t i t i 2 4':11,i r' ,,,,t' • ..,. ,1,.!;t;. ,,y �' 4-,4RJyy,y"Wct ilk 7.,,. �Shity. . c+^t`e43 irr! `': ;1).r in.9 k c . `e' k.�'it6. `',d k t bt A i144/ , + g >.,y,, ` .∎ r. . �i ,., n Iy1SVIIY " 5,1 1∎ r.t� n.br+y�, r 1 7117 Ant 1. 4 , pr A.,. -.r.:•5t d ,,,s:U ri • 1 'a,91'4 il.f - a `y+. ' It, SSS?''F7^t. 1,4� ■ 1,y%, Y.�t.1�C� ra r•�4 � it ,,.�*..�� �l,d y,��b',.t. �r 1!! rW`+'pMs 2. 5. ? Ti•'�9. ri �. r.t '.t , f. .u},�i,(r k' fr�'iy"'• 1 7t"'1 s1'n+s I,„,3 .,�.} . ' 21'i`S� `rt �fG, 't '�' t a i* Y. „qv? t u 4 7 "tsi. t.ti•'!I"•� ti±ti�Stt''r w , ","iY t „„(e.:?, 1. ,I. ,.' ..), — s 3-+nitfriT *"tipt'j�,r °' �}-k'_se. ,tyo.'34,:,,,, r r-k ,+ r tz r.. t 5- k � j• 'A'. , i. . it 5• —4,41g.e Z,c'`*%y t' AAt,e td, ;; ' "f:11.1 1J7` t 4” , f; 5'F t ti,, F `ts t,� [t,-Ike vj, t �' :d'i 4 rg i 3� +c"} r' 6: CE3"t.. tk�:�,r,.)i,j"T t..•4 Sa,t,z, /ic fa•ttk ` k S`'S k, az Mr `44,4-.4,, -•n l• .s kr `#✓ 11,}}.,4 ` N .i .. %t '` '! .m.'+' t 4 :-"„, 4.,, T ,/, g R Wk t,-„ ,t ..' , ^ t vE w h i 7 t ., n o f L t $ .,'',/1 v t f �`t „`! t ye, eg. ,,:. j. 13,7 s+. r1:4'7t'�' hif 11, t .y's�S; 5`J. '✓ .:t)'4 • .� 'n:14,$7. ,s e .r it .4� " ` . ...' 'Y; ; : 2- tt ;:1` 1111, +, fi.t > i ?}� ,,* s.t , a, .E.r� t.• �`i't"+s' t t „ "�'F t � ,_ , fi$:P.yx �; •+X11•{t,� ',.rqt .f (va. .•.3�.�;• 'fu(.r.tar -.y`'11U',e° M't ,+, .T�'"� `5 "f'�,'t'J'' d.x„1 ,.,,,r-!4`y 't�•.,y.y4.,,tttz�S C.t+'.:L`'vPt� 1#."xth• ? s,..n xVx `Al.. Y„r alt .Fi,`, yt;£L{}tt �kb n tt,, ����,,��,,ff�� t e d s 7 i 4111 -'.:ecidT ,ti ,f t'. 4,AZ •. "• t y,,. gt", > ,' ;\ , ../l\ ^ - .Y, rs 44,, ,t )�T 1 , :tY I fir,...•Nj. f i ' 2. °;1S ,. •'k-{t. x e t T h�rztb �i . iN��� 412 .M4 ,{+< �+ �'+fn��t 2rj(^�H,J..I..v.�! t ...�y1�-7,4 11.11 :IV;^ t .l�.Y.'/s. rRt.. t. � y i c21,--Yt,. � � .•� • 411.7 tt�t',i' 3�., 7✓i`ty t:,u� t "f F�'t'f't'drp.yt iJ'('i,x. +�y�.,' ��)L',• , J�,,ry t1 r .i° ,i,r�qq � , L,t,{L � , t F , s s c i ;;t ,. 11 .7 "caT. z. k }7 i .eF:t t Y , c. 5 F $ •.t�t�•'Fa ♦,., vt>� , vi � 4 y) eu✓tt�4: Srst.s .r * r, +t Fd:.. F fl'r�,✓ f' .Y)7'r..�!34� gi-It 1C. t .'fi •,f. , eC .. .r, , A -1'..7 ` 5 -t c7 `ti`bc, f',1�, s t r t. 4'S`s ., 153"5Lrl3 DtlS,AS, a ..r .. . , , /. tt. ) y{vV(y a, , ;i�/,. f)t'�5' 1'.,.4.1',.,,i,'� . i �H li 1. .�5 �99�� yJ '3Y, ,�t,l� 'S �1} YY .t 3, 1-t 4 ' i4f+i4 4•: y. 1 d Jr^ Y 14 }. I J .fy G.V t I�� Litl' f • t ' sac 1 r.(i�3'q({:,ft l,a2„a, 4, ,.;. ..'Kiv1` • :.rt to A L"""' Faty, ' ,*, =te a. :Er',X .'':t i I,..rtr�',ittiev 1,, .14 a +r.<u 1 <v l'. 54 ,4: i' Y 6 5 “, t ,,.. s,Ct , t/ .p i%, '. fi' "t.�• '{ [' k� �j . i ;�(-. ty N.4.14,,,£ t t ':>IJ 1,Y i e ^j. 1.0 _ t'` ft a =4j 1✓SC , .4 r• ,ti }a:tY�4 Xti'+4 1p;" 1 {,,, J{,'/Y -^-t Nr:l3 1 Y a �i. Pj[,� f(i'! i ' 'i.tpr,,,„'•�}).py J1} =:,., ,iy£ ., ' s�>� .Y.•1'.• 1, • S h : r) Z^. } ' `Sl,. y���t. ` 'M1 'h5'J• � "5:✓wtY t'..iL• 'r�!T+ ± rit 1NG {'i"+ (j,t. vY. .� �'l !fYp�YI"'ifYtF6lf,Q1.i •32 •' 'Fd} +R'. , `+{ J,J"fir{1; ;l t 1. ) ,rg: . ;. , .:.,ni,•1 )411:1 F. d'�s}`;a Pet •SS i. _i. r . *r5„ ,&J 44i4-^-t +,;,1 Z 1. n,'�`` �#s. ..4 r.Y' re-it'd r 4 ,4,13:*'. ,r tf ,j1 .:+' .r , ' aSC j:' i r t .•1 A c 1 'F1 '1'.7 g b,,,r, l:�c h. > r ,( +t_ s 1 +' t t'1••� '}'tom+�1 1.` t G �, i .IFy�, h ,,{��", �+�'� y t" }.... ,l ,' $. }':�1 � }� ,�` ,! 'I t ° j, s. t�ky;,„v ' � �E% P."1' >{ta.r:�: y� y .f.{: ry?'.< l.$y„r . '. :1�: :��;.7. '�,x..'et: .`a:` , ?! 7: ,, rt, �is ,,'jf{!. 'i J t' is '".r , i b %2 .1 , if $' i+ `s„S'.0 7, J i ''. b� r;J } .�f't"3� ltk ^r r-L4 5'$""'i rd t^r+ft, k,S�.�C�i�d `7 +r) i �°��{�}' ! 7 �}. �. ..I. .�* `M.41.70-rat`q ? : J Le k t 1 '^(, H f R , C �,ir 3,x, ui i,, .+.,• ] l c' 'f & i ,,,og T,'r?:r,SV1,,, 51 Y4 i', ihtt s" r :k 'f> + *nc „ .�.x ii xrt i ' {' J N 9 � < 4 ..Y�f� Y- t '`� f1 r t �r5(� r +X ,✓5' .,{hL S`'t+ t�. c.s"'T•r' 3;S n��,t { 5,, r � ..v'�# _ � }� (, tt �y p 'j• <i7? 1 *r al.,T ` .'4r` fi�Z 1. t.1„4i•e 1Q•.E .Wjr .5• e ,4, h ` 3 t tle t' t t1. .» }z% r- 7 ",i' +I..' ! . i r ■, i 4,`,.).: r, . 1 S, i.1sT.i�. &d7 t ss �.''• Mi "in, r : l` .f i r �v ., r,.1.'+,� 5.,4£ ."ir.;'`1i iff#ih„ /'a U(zk.. rT,+ V�,�Ih'',,;,r. ,t,� 'I F 7 Y , y • N ' t r,t ill .4' 1 i'4t<s• ' Via.7 I r I.J,..r .., 1.• X,sM1'r .a •+'' , e. 1r�s+ µ ), N 3 j w, , pf(f;p I.'.••,t',.. i tY a,ltr tiz � G Y iv r. r 1 0, ityp, , +,ry r rs ?TZt{,,,0k*4Yx. .� Town of Ulysses 6 ' ..P;;,/,f0,!.,' ' v tf R'E t' 14S � , e,, S 'ry ..!t'� 17,1!1� ,., n ,i � fxl� t. t ri Regular Town Board Meeting :v rtt t J., r ,. t fit .c r ,hots: a February 8, 1994 -,0-0-n., t , , 4' IS ” -,1"r. F, r ,,su 4111.9* ' jj nv,»' F r't t?' t 7'X1,4 . i s ,t t r= ? b' X15,I " , it ,l- i, i \ ,, }}, r x,.^ , t :1., .t,• I ' £ 5 . Certify that claims and abstract have been approved by „ i, t,; ,` r tr ' r, ^hr;t the board. `, }'t ,r,i,}t 1 4'114�}. 6. Keep claims as public record. `? Z l is d t r r1 5i t, 'IL.t{ 1, y t r, ? ? t 104142141;' ,t' 'SA1 ,�', t,' C. Preliminary Review - supervisor: e. t .�, jr� t 1. Check mathematiciaccuracy. : , , ;,,r;, ,tJ t 1 ,t V1 » 2 . Insure account # s being charged. •i,,4,. , i ,`+i 21 txr , 3. Check supporting documents . { ' 4 ��, N {s,,t ',f ;,i 4. Insure discounts are taken and taxes are not charged. �, ' ' rn 5 ^14 }rt 5 . Check for duplications . 5 J sr i ' tv its•• t/,\,{ ',t, :,i t, p �,. . ,, ' 6 . Insure supporting documents are itemized and signed by i LC , , i,s j.S1'1' c " st°i "r f1" r person receiving goods or services . ; ` lit`'t,'�f,£ ` 4. .,i.i.',,J4?L i,ri ' ,:1i 7 . Make sure appropriations are available and if not, , 1; +'- , , *,:t '� }'4~l� icl,a',,'J;4u, r4 recommend appropriate transfers . It r, % tUt/ 'aYd',,rra ttiv{t 'rr°t 3z , Pv{+ 8 . Check contract information. � ' i'}w ' r'= ,::',", X^4` , "' 9 . Sign that claims have been checked. . 14 e1Ty,''l3 1 jnsr'FrT.Lv D. Payments Prior to Board Audit - Supervisor Approval : ;, tr` ; ' >:.3 3s',, i z rrt�,4.-11-75f0't 1 . Public Utility bills . ?d I i '; t'd' �9 L .,r(r . 2 . Postage. J kr" Iry°r' 4 ti4 t�' ' ,,,. 3 . Freight and Express charges . r>; : . ., f.,- t' 5 r4t 5 ytcd.� �*",Pn 4 . Petty ash Payments. °f i ; S° r "S',,y 4„,, p Y Y $ , �i,t 1`.s �a =d tu4,1tii•'• '•r,�7 J' 4 5. Claims which will result in service charges if delayed ` :,rt; 1 „ ,,rt; ttj "r r ,'' , a,*.25' or lose discounts . ,S ?: ,,, f fr`t : i5 `ai' I • \ ' >tt v't•, „ 6. Contract agreements with no discretion. r, ., ` ` r. t ' : . r,5'4 dy✓, 'it141 x N1st .{f� 'Lh ''ii%Fif '��''' ' j4 ly ( ;. 1 l''k ,rf CI,,t ,441�S',7'{`'; E. Board Audit : fir= i;?•e }>t> , , s,, ...M ., YL' r l"11 �{;d4 'f1” Y legal purpose. 'r ' ( ��:1;(;-,;,14,.`.,,1 lr 'tr+ 1 . Insure validity and for le al ur ose. ( ` �4 r'r? �<a”*, rr ;-a E 2 . Check to verify incurred by authorized official . Ci.t ;`{i ?; t ,it:.{ ,'i, 41 4)0 .1 t rx 4 4nl f4,7„, 3 ft n i 1 �. ,- �, 4 i,t,;, , .Y:e., r , r�. . 3 . Have goods been received or services rendered. 21,,141:2-,14;;...,,,..i:,t;rt, t ,t ,rY r ' }L, t'i,j (tl,ku+rtteilV 4 . Appropriations available/not overdraw accounts . kt.1a Lr ;'y =7 _ ) .4 '3".1.*''tlt ✓�t yI•.. lrif 1J,ylti 1. t,t?vt'si( h'1' i t ' ia ' y , , �, ,3.&nr°y ,.,1/ 5. Are claims proper. Y,i, t, ,tw ? 2 ; . V e s;t,t{Y7i ,ptw 1 , 4 '\v., 1\59" "t$ r.'d"^�<t,ti ri4J ' S fl 1 , 1, `r F. Supervisor/Bookkeeper: 1•”, ; tsi, r n1 4: 4.j; ;7 fityt Fr'4/"`<`t 1 . supervisor signs claims indicating Board Audit approval . i:if il. 'I igi.7,4..; A,,; , r;,. cs , trury n,• 2 . Bookkeeper issues checks and ensures correct account 4 si ,r u ` '41".'4';, 3ir',ri * debited and appropriations are available. • f t:g'' L .;,, ,,, ,.iY .444, 0 r i Li ,J, : .. s*"s';"' ,li "�.t�.;( +-1' , 3 . Bookkeeper prepares a printout of claim payments and �t,,l �. r,rr. t, .4, account balances for supervisor's records . kg x( 41-'4 s,'`,,,; ,�'t'.j', r .i, x 4.94,,3 ref yi,t‘41.4j. +' , , n .• 21?r^z:,i'Sn14;„,v-IAA.M 01 4. Supervisor signs checks and checks for proper amounts tl t x ,}fi} , ! 4 A.; 5,...A,vl. • e t? F t , ,..,�)1 and debits . , , 'r : !' ' , „ ' x?,r i � ' r^J„; , ,�1`F 5 . Supervisor or Bookkeeper mails payments . f'b' .i`tit 'z '' wrr' s' ` ,,t r y11,14,1;„4�r,'n FS �i it 1.:Y i I ';r t tJ art.. i i:t t ( ¢tit S? t f ,. ., .. I 9 41 .{ {'!1, ..rS,t�. {+c;ld ,� ,� G ,?,r ,= i „r 'a}1i4 ! ,t,ri;r,, tt'4 '4,.'?s1 %° r rr/iWhY ,tie?�.a i\,;,P ” itt ''. s 7 S +r%'� i° i {j'a?ti. ItiV/ Mr. Austic Aye Si•it Litt +• !' .•”, iA.4...,,e,..-...tr 7 n�'k,y "' .+{e'.„� .r3 A.' .? 4hts`4,.+ Mr. Reitz Aye c, r,;, '.. i . . ''.• • ;e <y ,, .dam " • , ;,1'i Mrs . Stover Aye 1 73 ,•▪ y , 4t' r `? j ,'j ') i Y Mr. Curtis Aye .z ? '' 3 S i dPd ' slrlt+ Ryir at `,$:,is, 4r.{i?hill',i[ „ »ntjt Adopted. r t. , , '7 l I y*4.7. a t h s t i '� ,' F., - r , t.• ({'r„ "lr i ,..,, .�ittt'`J ! '„ Procurement Policy 9 , , tt t ,^il $. ..f t'tr z ,�, rrittt .1.st Tabled. t r,, d, , . •; i..7)# t'(,,i3 .t zf �t': MjS F1r r C , t, r,iNHrr y ', 11.Z 't ,'3+! Investment Policy }n'^.k, .=, ",.a; Sr Ir yfz 4, ',.. ; ..,...,..• o- } t !, 1 i F3i%r :•=t , ,'l'v Tabled. ,,, 4,. f. :;11 4. n 41 e t t $l }t) '' z S f 'a , J ,� '" Jr a rr AI, '12 lt,�4'riv.,�� > f /i %I 15 •, Payroll Policy { � Y aV, i 5 , , n , f� ";i " r 5 f ACV.;'8., , "` t' ' Tabled. ,x „r: a'l ' ,r t1 ' .1 I t ' ,,' }It. , ' r• ,, ,' , iv , 4". , rtS } t?'; Auble — Water Request r .7 • J r t .r i .S' ✓ p ! • 4 4,1 t 1 14,1"? ,i .. i3i s^r+cI4 i S . r Tr rty. c ti ,�i- ¢.. 7+ {7 , .t it %,., h Y 5{15'.9 .? 7 •1.1 4 k .., r , ` t t }ti: !" ,ivy .•r a .is "V+ :r _ N'eras 7 S',w .a"J�`•,,+7 t"i n 'r?a-+ .,ii `4 ° Y , K , i'..S t t .('i+'? .r }Y f" � .1, jai. f FJ t - 3j . t� a.#1 d V 1 r ? t i „J..,.i d{ 1 " ri:�F'�Vf�i�d yt�o�}1t Gi» a'1; r #`fr t}}�,y,�a{.�s' G t ^ y� . '�,` t}S}.? +"d .,�.�Yp'it "lt'i.�vtlfzl"Y�}`r t�2!�.. 1yi�y ui�,?a`2F r+1 r,y }4144 frrie.d,l .• 4 } :I A'tr,f 9;iY *XlikX 4..".1:,j;r.Ss 3 . : ✓'i' t , WS -,—`N' 'J,.'..ca, +N . R_ „''! �r ',,`xx.14 eiif, l'' '.�,t rn .•�7dS '13.y, , .} it +1=.'ll, r . ,. ?•*• ,is 1` Jt"x ty4 1(1 :S? t-.3*.c%3ialird,., 11.0 ua '4,{ �y �,, , ; 4.44 a u ?:� d A/,, ,si tj k t'• i . �, r r • 1 ' t',. r1 ..11.'411: S ti.Tn Fl":';t{'}it f In reV-.4 ve '�, ii A' 4'•. :T. : 'ij �a r '�°` ,vt Yt °v� r < t, // St, kk `�. y � e q � � �'c: Ly��, 4t� ��r.Hc-�� 1�,r ,, . , t t 5.�'( mj J ,,,knivs. .'-4r',',rm '< :4..4,4 sQ i' / s• �§ -... r 'id 1 L 1t.,�� +:r' t "'$lg 3 •. ra, � villa. ly.#6}'i�+.rti°c,{2P i 1z�7-to c,•,,,,, ,,-r.' v; ` i, 7'1 S ,. .t,• . I,,.., t iu"�ti ,ti `'ti( •^? .,•1?:+tz.: S i" I S. :Y:.5�T fit',kfc � "'. t• j.Srd'i C?r M,Sit*I" ru'.'A'ilpm. .f:44,/ y,, .,i { ?•.: .... x3.1( ,r;.a,� Y1' . s . f• ' {. tr k'``'�t;''tL _£ , � j�•' a . 34f4, f.�,tt"r ''• .IF',u".t,,.Q�, LJ4 fL'�'Y�.f'f. , r r.:1 r»,.vi5,i•1•:Xz 4' j, i Ye, s nova F f e C24C S •' / «¢'7} e: l.j...„ Si ',4'! Nis' f' I9 r 4e,,. i ti, y ! ' . b y K }j r 1 I 'i i S ��y ,, ' 'e?.x'+. d ri y r 4,; 5: ,, .a : a�. x"r, j 4. :.}� ,e, ,.,r /4. l.,i i {.1 , s <t,t a (+' , e., `` .?�i Y' rd, Cq y ,'t :yy „ Lz, l r::�� .r , .9�"• , , y 7 , t {S, .,rj.7_ '" . � ,f ��..� s4 "J'f'{ri P'+y{t( 1 i�r;7t�?,}'`�i?Tj? � kd i e"t'�;',F1+'�"d7�t�?4 , ,,` b <bV .1• �i.f� LYSh i 3{'4'4}YI °i . ry+.i ht Sp,}��y i �?ty, $ a` „ r4, I'ri 1 [.a h f7. , er ,ASd{kY;.F;';�.»f !.r fl }4'i,Y. ;.,.. ,,,' : ,g2 4 ,41 t•j .r�r,. "r:La v. c dZU Ak�1. . a n.N`i,^i'. 1.„-:4;',-�l�to ✓rfi.. 7 M1Nt wr ,�•\ j��,i�„'<-5 i '� 4� 'i,c} �t�id •t 1�'' J S`r Z 1k !, i}Cf "� c "J.r �C ✓1 r"I(4a t' 1 }+h f \-l:,t� ,t:• . F{:y.Pt .^ t , JV), � 1 �, � �. y{r`�:: µ ,tA-0 it ti 4,5,Y',µ t aY%1 ' /'tit. wry= r' .>i^ +1,.,�r -,. -sl , c, i' r ., r ll, 4 s'�tti 1� �u •" �, 'AG "hi»' { 1, ; (� .,,,�5�,'r.�>.-...\,. ,.7.,,v`u F'!t.1 ' ':+s. i�.yi{v"S`': Sttr��r{ tt r.',.(}ta S`,, t.. ? .tff: < , �..5',+i; li° Y� ,�,�, � }r T ' � •.i• ;,)f r� ,i,�r, Y .ti�y4at,.L}<i�Nx?:!'.°7. irs;•Ae'.�,.fi 1 Y �'�5�`"- i„+` tev. : � • ,1. .}fil a ., `S! 1t t A i t t i5 , r: , 1 % ?; It. ,!• 1, i.t;IS=Alt 4- 'STI, SM, i i5, "F 1'k'rVI4'' l' h x .,v4 e , , . tit :.t i ,...%,,, i a if .1 '� . 4 Sr 1 r'4 a, .,,rta1 S P '',1.044:11.17� i +' / P".(.11'' t b'.' yi ! N 1 t 11T `k i" tc'?.1. 1 i i :ti.a.. .. nod~,`',•?'F...,&i,?L ..,.'. ,... . . .. ' st cc t s I . i' to r it ,. - kq `•'f, ryeR[ ,.� .• t '^i }. jiL,. yt4 „ ' ''''.-if' ' ., f 'it14•z ,c ir`Y t ti.•t_ ' r. , , ' i.,Ii. t 4, ,•4 , r i S. s { hr[L wh !� te(t 4,7k .¢,.t''! af:,i=+p h,fk H'. ty"",y„`e.4,? ,ir2.RR!,: F.gt ir' ..( �. te s t`41}yhh7{I) t .'}'t sr. p C;7 11,1}tr f y p�Fi .y ) �:::ilt,i ri.2ii . d r. .. k,,,-4.. ',%;,. 4[ . ,.., . ri 'd ik!. �a�^Ail A.�"': - 'f '.R;:''- '' i;t:L,t'.fzt.v<ai r,', 4:. + l' rX ,,40,t,..r. ,a; �t i ,,' r•,.t-�rr "L ri' :. i.:5 ,nsb i'• '.�. `r:" 2 r7!;3 trr y'at�:t;ry`6t Sj.� • €i."'r;.+'..•y Fx'...4.,:`{f eve;. rr�� aiJR. r.. p:.ye �i"..r >x, ..� 7 /�' ;p,f}t er J..:: i ,if 7,•at b, ,°. f h,pf {.# ti.`$ 'S ;�>t>„+aJ,�i,t sd..(6 «t j fii4�� .P.,01, '.•Kf ;1:• g4 :.erlir;3`iW:� ' s'2,t ...,/... r 'ri ,. 41 cifr. ''ti It"a..'tT,'.:a,,-..Kl.'4r '' l.f{rte rtJ •.;l Y{?',,fr I tyre? .rs--.y tii.4: ,;.::::,1 447.�y..,- ♦ ,'Y7,.i .: ;. `A ENA' 1-,'' i{I:,,. '. 'L40'}41:r , l ,,i2.4•�Srni '«I.1, :r : r§ ., Xu 'f..:: , v}t, f,,!f f 1-^ re f:t, - .. Ff ,� t2{r:: ✓'t' W' 5�r,:'.: rF t'1i tiN: , tt •t1 .: �, tr„; 1 •� ? Il�nAe 'H �u. (''i LrSl ss`'t,fF t y ,r }: Sh ' Le 'a Y ] k1A •117,',•1 tom: -('a`,Y,(a�u s. t .�{'r. �� v.r;;.strf*�:,.}' J> 1+'c b: .I k { e ..,.r ycR„r,;,;x „ ?F` '• c,7q j sksi, ., 4f,y.r . t n:',:'>. . • It ..-.4.'. 'kti � yv t,4,,.1 ri:4 rjj, c P-.r "tt. '3:,A tl,+,�-, ,aid ry in � ' a ,j 'r'i d 'y7i:' i :IN'.a ii z .t.4' ne dr' :s .11/4s'�-,,v4, :L${(4 ist V7,., .:If.5,'', }7 ,i•F ! , 5 sS 7/w t t ,„iy t t yY a vat ,�', t,.. *, )t�fs. i f !i , YS si.s1 [a. +! , i s `r''�!''t•J1,R h +c 74 1'r ..It :ri�!,�a;.0;i of I •, (I.,A ., ,t ,7{t f •.'.",s^. ',},.•'. .E illy 1 ,f ..2:7,3#"19kY $rur:>J,* . 7 r.�: M .S,l'l , , i . •#. rAiAx:: Y ✓.S. {: i eaLY4' ('' .f n.: "7C t.rr., l, ..f"/ �+ )1' ; e t 11 ,:A? 1, P`<i i.e r f; eA " ..+ yilitii iff#, `t t. -44A),' { s t " r F i3;f,"{'`��' a;N ,.t 'A't. 'fl.. , {� 5 n . t,1 „ . . ..,. . " 5r."t r. . !ti J: e. ! 4 [� f� irk .y � c r , �N,�u a t ,,,Jr.;>.r,f �'�T nni:a?„?�) _YS} }, rr ^s, rt ? r "'..-ti..r, f41,• . }};rz�,j '(4{ ,? { ,, { ., Ufa' 5/{; LM' .�tr., t .faL , ,ZS'yy} t 1, ` 1/ ,4'� fa{ +t' :{' �Jry ,f.�) }i' 4 1,.,4 f S: kn.t;i , " s� Town of Ulysses 7 ye,c4 ,r:Nt, / yy i i JJ4,eY J'S t't- ri .'i hl�,+M' 'ly�.t'f ),f r Y��, i. ,t (t';f}' + 1 rs;.. {; Regular Town Board Meeting �.•rt4 7 iu tK r'c; " {. It.,1x as #, hp• ` 1t"' I aRlf u '#•! r.l"s terr' }nsYt e 3 v {t{t sl t+ r t v t j rx ,l Sisti s'',k-AC:',,,,,'+} 1% February 8 , 1994 txy, �;* ur1� 4 ,> � ;. 7 ' ,it +. 'i :r$4 4 rrih:Ificil:T. ::::;04Y01.s 1 • ` ft,�4 R'F, t u4)lM ,A4 ,„ t r!! Y1L `Il:t J}I f1 i/J�,:?1 Y' " Mr. Austic said there are Town Laws that pertain to requests for ` t;ittfl'.. > t ela.,.�# �itir .,t� rtfSP1vS'�, 2.h •e ft K+ac :•ti} 51 4?(F;'t°,. 4... ,r ftt,,, � water; the Village basically has the same type of thing. Wrote •t'r', ' a��i a 3 I{L f( - (I,,s 4J r •• qtr �ha w, ' � . t�°' to the Village Board saying that he would like to establish a 'r, ''+- ` ` t:( ', Y� „�. . 4J^.t r,Lt,�'�{a�}yi��rt('a'�,^1,1.1ry r5" :} (Fi i t 1s ., , ,tii: �=X:4, rkim committee here with the Planning Board, Alex Rachun and myself or ?i5 Y !' Y arc Y12' '•, $'44,41/2:k;, }:14,4:14,0* someone else, to go through and establish criteria to follow when t 1 (y'ri 'g "`` rrtf '1•y;f . ' ; A)$ ;r; ',tk 4�� making this type of request . Perhaps get someone from the rr � } r �+:' v '' °"r'�`.) t}g t 4 r{tY ,10f r. 't vt +...; i ',;(*Ai':' ,�: U i )€�,. Village to be on the committee so that it is uniform. This would ' ; �A;1,?;S. .tint I r4 apply to anyone making this type of request . -5 it 'k°Li41tiEJ t'> jeyiftz . ' r rt r4'1',••• + ',I,1+4 r1 #;tws'4,4,{+r�w 1 rt :.s l ) Waiting to hear a response from the Village. , "r } ,f ''f '1t � r StI- I �ty r r 4Z r rW. r 'ib { "41 4 ,4,e9� st" ree lv pit,0 l'.e'1 REPORTS t . F ', "�S �Y3•1"tiv 7 )t't `z., t� I t , . i f�< r\.5�`�'�rxi , xy >� ��..vp. Town Clerk - Marsha Georgia reported that for the month of t { y ' . . :5.1 <W+L ' ra . January $6, 512 . 66 of which $3187 . was building permits and $45. , i l, for zoning permits; $470 . trailer licenses . Also $1,892 . in i' r ,..:?ii 3c r�1.4;. .) +'� f."';, r Franchise Fees from ACC and $67 . Bell Jar fees. Taxes collected, "'. '. i', ter, ,., 7 .t„, k",rjyik.}7= E;'n.r5 is '4 !"' Lt t r.R n2'iK!-r `v k3 }",rtrc,'<�, ' 'a4 : to date, $1,070 ,556. 98 ; $13,515 . 28 has been paid out in i,,Y St x;t i « ' .: >tp � s it overpayments to various financial institutions; $551 ,318 . total s ,,,,„ ,�YS r. Ff ,r� f }` ` : '` .; tax warrant paid to the Supervisor; $480 ,000 . paid to TC ;`,_.r,,4 '''stn>P,tp,p)�y :. us zia Budget/Finance; $2 ,722 .01 to TC Budget/Finance for installment k:, f ?...; e°ry4, ..' '- r D' ,''4 I • . charges; $56 . 25 paid to Supervisor in interest on installment `j`rs''t„L ,'i` �++f` "�', ''it 'r yti3, ete Pit 4 payments. 7 } t 3 i,r" tai .t,• 4 k s vJf,4:4)+' tkjti 3'"r ,,,,n 4.10 . , a t � ••Or ,irt n ••-• r { f.>•�, Y E - l.. ,,e}e id a f 4t !nr'�: i ;�4rt�rr# , s. ' Finished Grant application and in mail on February 1st . ^ `tlty,�A = .a'lt,,,. i ,,:s , , ' Requesting $17 , 313 . Copy available for anyone interested. ;s1 ( (, t,: mf" n '�t {4Rru,vf4 *}rr `-a n, t'i 'r• 7 cc.... $nt} �L{, ii" c� d yfrti?»Jr}'"�§r}tt7,/�i�."+ ,. Y•`x . )i :1 ' iS.�SC1T Faye �kr, tz r � Mrs. Georgia read the Code Enforcement Officers report; one .rdi >e 'tt, t „ x�r �}tY � ,' building permit for Special Children's Center. r ; ,�v' `ry' "a;; ` Lit, r��'{f/rTA t R , , Sr1AN pr` ,Z:{ S f :f }t ?; lfttt'� 7�,'±ft`1.71 .v #{°.,r ar(ti`'f�^ fY,7�f r 'S,sl'ty� t 1'y }4 .' ,, Mrs . stover and Mr. Curtis reported that all changes to the ,s, "il t t a.■� ,tti ¢r, Zoning Ordinance that had been made by Marsha and Paula were .. % #' r�`. is .f �lr 1r,, a correct [as originally ex lained at previous Board Meeting, per - ' 't' , s '` `v as i t. i t 4 [ P P g, P br? 4�, t , + '� t, y , xi it ^S Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance 1989] . In Article II , �� '1o.�,l.,xir , r +, tx, a sr� f. i' t 410 '7 Administration, use the term Zoning Officer, Building Inspector 'I L{YIf• ' r "i ' `;' rH ? t ' � and Code Enforcement Officer. . .not clear if all the same person; ,,,, ,y , r .Q r . M. P , ',t ,'i sk4 ''4r c 2" t�r ;�4;,,,,.�Mild, ; t'`gi. our position would be to use one term, Code Enforcement/Zoning s trf'F"`� ' �`1 0.,A,s,N�, j:, # ." Officer. Discussion ensued. Under Article II , Section 6 & 7 tr`a p `'h Ott , "t? tr2 talk about Area Variance and Use Variance/Mr. Curtis provided '{F �? fyd. a{4 , � a � e some information relative to these areas that may be incorporated rti+,, =Jk � ,s a , s., r }!.. da�1:9 , ::re A. into the Ordinance [copy given to Mr. Austic] . Mr. Austic asked t 3`, t 3 ry t" t,, ' 4r• `za?5 t t ,its t' if Mr. Curtis had it marked up the way he wants it. . .Mr. Curtis ,r; 7^,.tly' ,; t ' ;"',.:; ;' x "• ,' i R !'' i x i '�iA7'r�}r Y v t " $,,' said yes . l.v� Yrn n , .YfS `tt,Sa ,:,, p"u F rys�' �u Mr. Curtis said he spoke with County Planning about some maps , ,'r' t',�; }' 't ; " ,,',, ):1:.1'4ht!r'' > 4 `- since ours aren' t very legible. Haven' t heard anything yet. �rt4, ,,':.;.,7,:-,,;.?„,i(.%ti ,`r I'f.1,+, n'; ,,'•V"><d4 �'?'� 4; Mrs . Georgia asked which maps . . .we have new ones from County W7V ? g , 't f, s";s`�} }7206*.z',?, Planning that would be incorporated into the updated Zoning ,„ r= ,,>, _ '' r ` lgrr,,r.k�„ ,�' 1.71 `t''1-4t Ordinance. Mrs . Stover said she would like to see them. ''...,°, :/:',:).-c! '(, "' ` ' 7 y 9 ,/t, y t"i�. 1 t r 7 ti ff tF+ 3 ; ,tf m,"t Mr. Austic suggested waiting to do anything until we get the ,-, +<,' Y r F y)I I :ilif.W :0'.54p-t14 x r maps . i ft, , r , ,• 1,3' ,,,,.,`'}S'' �4 1"t�'(�F'�ri g �i.V ' '.t, , ••• {'r W� ,tA.,a,�j ''I41,1. PI( t Srr� * 71,Yr;2t zy' r tS; Mr. Austic said he and Mr. Curtis attended a Cable Commission ,' ' t „` ; `.' -s ('o `�1 meeting. . .asked Mr. Curtis to report briefly. Mr. Curtis said S; '•���'yt� �'4 x ✓i Q general consensus is that not many of us know about the Cable : ,{rz.Nl f,' t' ,''' :t '' r Franchise. . .get group together and pool resources , put together a rt...r' "r ,(;` ` 4 ,t$ , t r 4 r �t Y3 r ' t > .4,V,0 r h .1,414 , model franchise. What the Committee is going to do now is get 11.1',.., " xN,fG.,7,1)r fS,t themeout together, look them up >;n " ' {. .c4.1 ,f=t.iv{",; , 4,, and try to get this thing back together again. Last time around, 1 4 rpf ,s y ; ='L ...rr;��r, 4 think each municipality put in $50 . , don' t know what would be , -' t , ' r} ',"'? ;'S4, ;f.,Angr' appropriate at this time, and see if we want to get together on , f yin;` ' r rzrf,x this . t , n,•r'�t43t', ,' ti, , FL}I'r,' �4. to. rrt er •, {',a • .a • t , ' 7 e�r r ;y'r,,;ti +: .: Mr. Reitz presented some ideas on renovating/enlarging the ' t: <, v fir `f + p' ,. building, also provide a space for records retention. Some r' "t'', i i1 U r fil .4�5! s i S,tit ...A YZ7 P�, r t , 14,- � ,jr di , C',, r ti4,g� l A J•J 4 a yl , , m s ,gyp ' ea{ • ti ' Ar4 t. .v,ttt yn> t'ui , & .4 iSl r i :,Y J.L{ y', p a ttl a i , 1 ,� V 4 f � u4 ,•r ,1aF r'hcl Qr, l}t( $ nay}4,a1p, " rS ,rs . s r a, 7,7 N1`I;wv..C$ Y'u' r yd}�y } s t, t. :t ' ,r: . > 4 c.•, F .� 'i,t ";. , •• .61��i�T:n, ti .5 4 S l Rr . d ,fit,,tvM, fit;y' 1%;'Y'• h w rRC,at •sq. `3„tcRT v<1 :.�g j ..'•C f h (r G t :qt.;#n t 1 .'! 't<?.,(:t^l,{ CrdS¢j F .' At3l i",f.}(` 4,.a,,l,,,,t,5e -,1:'4}k thigi'4' .. 1`, yr''1''i :?b^s t;'`Z, r',"ltp..i,7" ,t'4 , ;,%tAc.1t�p ..„. 4,..,.../t. y,. �qs fp e.t 4 .�s'' h ,r.P�'i• ..i Y ,LC 1 s:P t i, ,l.,,tC.r',t`v�., a,c, ✓;, / !rt.. ,C,�s.r. r+ �`j' ni�' •,� ,IA,:. i.'. y ^�iYF:,e ` .i•`. . ,e, s d,,.v "z., , ' gi't'a4.. ,4.is g'SV ,..tfetttpi.+;,qr '„_''•h:i.Cti"�Iifr..'1" ,, at"g?,"r.�l.iiria:') .^, ,}r," raj, a x.` 4' :kv'Z�;. �'�∎1v, :4 ,{ &A',' t .,\ef..t r ],, ;r „.,e,.. . . }..;°( rv,, . ,,v.,, rt Y ,9 :, '; r ' ry . r ,2t r S..-.s. 4n, V�>'_ AiI ,.. d .. ,l �r',+A4 i.', },W�'�et •�; ,.- '44::' 5.j t..f ws •C' ;*,!>',, t 7}7' J^. L, �'.f tt { -<I. Fv" ' t ,ir k. .t i. ts )' . , 4i. t nrc,'.,t.r •,t"'r ,. ltft.tt' i .,!'.'., `' 11 wpt,,,,:o',Y ''',,, #y' ..e'!.x'„41'rnkr}.r..W 41t !•r'%+`.-Fi Yl.!'}r , t x �i,r t � 'lam s } t } •}. 4t Y CI uS # t{,'ul c+ k3.S,?3 ....;,,q ii<dnIe b w r�C 1.�`• , +:449-2,,,,,;:!' PY t• F 2 .. b ft. •x i; { t.. :i :,' . t ' �.,' � 4r.i ' ,. N , .! r,#: .er , ti y r �f t ,a'}/'4. 'i>�r}}S'yr •N' a. , .its"•3. rp�} ] J 't,.:! r t t ' r. plc ,. ,...yt.t.l,s.)v.. . ar't`.': 't ,d.15 Sy. +J,PY ' '.yrx h� x . .•1 }; ',Vet ' �}r`7l,#ttw < '�j•"� 'r ,,c,;'.4:•;.:4-'1, 4 ,. t hr `.7'.'. S ,t,"-. ,,t�1','*`�-wt .. ,i.11. ld Tat}2Sr, (( ' , ws.,. r:7/.'� 1,.,.;j,.:i ' . . . .. ... 'a,kts l+ t7xgxYr,F:,t>'"+s r a7i tit .� .:.1.: . 1 .i •. - .a •x rrF,•' ys 1. .. �w;:,r,. .. "'" ! _ } r :, rR i N 1v ■n r. Yt rtfi w > 'a4'rlfi n,0 -syS a{¢ r. , '.� .., : t S Y 1 y .42 S„�f' mA ' + + r .(f.'uao� . ..&�¢11: r3Y ^' '!4 V i$°' ,t,+.`L1 'y, .,,. ,'y.- Y,�i. ,� ".. :t, t s 'V.. nt' i •Y ;4$;-,`. S! f OP, � } J r 1.r, h +{ � t a2Yi �. .J' ;•3 •2 1 z r.,,a t': } � i r r 11 �+:1 I r .f 1: �y{, S di t.,+j n 'r <': ,n.. s . Ic. J1F�f 'seµ. 1 �'"4? ,` "L _'" - .` �'`s` 'ts.1.444t..,• m is 1, 4,71,de� n*. its' `" > '�.i.1 i - Yr t itii'�.. 1 , r 2."' 't its a '4-s a 1 ''•" +fn i. r .t r rti'r`' � t, t' a ,, ` �r+.rt + r�}�R 9•e' bjt .p�nf'�ii r S} 11 .s:. t I ,r {ri-cii ,,•11 ''?, ). :. a 1. 1 .+ � r S �', ,{( {,1 irtig= f- `N••p v +T . •Si.g r4'd r ? s +. r> ;, • t . .7 ,.d. ; 1 _t tt,.y)` rt5s"' ,((-��r:y{ ',..1,--- }w'k1 t t t Ipli 7 `r r' '+s i c,• .70-.`� �,r,(f1 �t�r c ' `r } '•I t 'E A' ^^[[et r; t-.- YY y �{y�{ { t ��.�u..f� f C ,$! `p.i i+ yt {r tJ KIi-: (�'(4f +ts of k` �'� ..�. d„�1 �.,1 y,' `�' . .:�F S - .,�.��n} r _ {`�� .,+i ""E+Y��+s • ^' :y :1, ?' 1 r r '.(':. �1hft • t .v. /Y� y{}f,�f� 'i- :>Sy' 4f,=3' try, 1 1 +.44•,i 'j i s'}. R 4ci a 'a• ify' j, Itx [T<r .13 2,1AA.S'da 1 ,Fa 9 a Y/` ✓t,. ... li `.:te`..i::•!C.Xt:�'!"J: .sr 4"..y- ,,, lari �3`S R(,,,!A,,5. , *.. r.•,1 a , 4,0.wti t{t 'T .+ Ir r ,,at J t. :',..,1..'• ;'.2( r J+.,a <4;1 iY,( • ;s 'Ffi. e,;;,,,,,- , s ��t =x xrf f/' ii} 1 �`a i. t,) tI rsa� i .• n!.•• f it ,.,• t : rr};,.. s i t f s�+j,. t( 0 v'1,r f,44gti+a�'k ti,Sr -r• - --"Ii h. I 1 1• :+_Ly S 1f r� { 1� t ' t .,S.r ; .. ' k, Town of Ulysses 8 "`1ik-• t, ,, , ' ,• , t Regular Town Board Meeting ,.,, : f ; c, , 1 t•7,, ,J. t,AI February 8 , 1994 t r r * •. ei , t jc s = = . } ryr f discussion took place.-• f i t+,;. I F ,trr F + ,t ., ` + ,I .0.e.`, Mr. Curtis said he checked on that Canal Grant, came back that •'r} .. }+ ;Y1 'S a .7 the grant had to be in by January 31st. Very limited things you y 3+4 , r ' ;ls can do with it . 3i 1 tl , J J • v• i' ` . ,, 111 ; CORRESPONDENCE �' I;r1.4.,4,-,1"'•4:.:'4,4-•J t •a.,t:z z:,e;?,: Mr. Austic received the following: A call from Dryden f 4-4.-4,..4,,� ,1 11 , + .frt }, , 1 Supervisor, Mr. Schug; correspondence from Board of Reps, Firm of I �ea's ' } , iaF 11t' V;'i4t John McKeel Jr. [surveyors/planners/engineers] , DEC, ACC, Solid i'r. ri ;_,. 1t; rfie r`) Waste, inquiry from Village of Trumansburg asking if we want to t yt . ' »} ,r 1. v7t;r. 1 ',1' Z'/ /' I / be an involved agency or lead agency in their environmental ' "� 4` f 1,r aline review of their sewer plant [30 days to respond] , letter from ® I cif Y,) , tn, r;,.j. t1 , , `ur 3 +;11,,,..1 a,,...Tl L Peter Lent, information regarding Election Expenses . ' + 0:-„s• a ; %H ,W),,A1 a h a 111 1� { • ••:•. � i + `;r +' 4 ,;,} Hearing no further business Mr. Reitz moved to adjourn, seconded ti ;.r> + ' ”#y ` ;4 `'titl by Mrs. Stover. Unanimously approved the meeting adjourned at 5< . ;trt, ` ,.` '{3";j 11 : 30pm. 2 v11 1 �F 11 ti,3 a1,J IiJI 111( Mtit / trJ �. ,'a wy. �'t^il yj!`•Yw ,s�Yfi't Respectfully submitted, 1 t ' ti ' r � ri t=fta . i �� f1 14 1.. ,v„ 7 it ,,,, o � R. Marsha L . Georgia '• } :� . u.xi• ,«r . ,r .{ -ii =a74, i. Town Clerk e n..: a1 r ,'e .q;1 4`,..:f•t�`S '`' >,? L fti}t 'rs. "` `ft' a'i i i 1 a a + r r x t -t l9+Y`X"t '145 i', c.r + 4.,3 €a i;r st , �r1 33 5,I.7 J f 1 J'4. r 1 11 .y'�}1�� f �,r d'i 4 + J r t• ' '4 d f 7.� SY �1' 3�}y�'}F 1;‘,.;•‘''''..-.)1({,::.\' Y K >Ix�"}_ 44:4 ✓Ci r' J1S 'P(.11 N S f:"1 ta ', .i 1•r n A x ,t f` R a r r s•'t ';i, .iFir+ +fi ar 1'it . J k I, y p, . ' Ir ¢1 �Si ` k'�1r.' ',.4. pp f S , k fi'!• '¢; l ,Lt4°J• ail'kz tl;. r ' +i`� 1rU f+.l ,t ttr { C 1V-,.y + 1 1ay��4 +fi{I G trt liaxf�tir yfd.� J�,'1:',;1 �'1‘:e,...:,+y s t 1 .i � qq ii. ;X ';;1,!ii�T:,,j:fUAly fa1,tt't a 44' •3. r tntr rJ r 1 AY:l;C:i .n4 i,1';',)41..5';',4•::1 .J �`hy5 r 1 ` 3.t• 1 t+a aa�: � p , 17 i 13'[4 1'J l ry V tf 1(.}�fa It�r J'r , . •I�w^h ft 1rt ,,re Yy,r ,V. .;....:1`;, r rt' g y' f tt >�riY-r rl= ) ilrqif t{ i ! t r .t r r( J :IIIIiFry fir tsiAll 1A-Ilt ili'e ' a a f :. 1 1 , ,.t'?e F Ii ltiftkfiJJ i,lf 1.i t a.di1 + 1 n e 1 �,,t,":: ( , , , : IQ 1 t! , r1 • S:C}4'AV.'', it5111 ttt . •y t. i �fr5r ...'. ��+ ?“'"6"1.5.:"..,.':i. n1< 1 71Eit y 1 tti • tea * amty 1 4t t 1 ; t i , t wjS, fibit, t j \j w , + rl .i4 fd • r + 411/djr. t”: y : ;+ d L t'4 1 f i 51 tr .(+ �'._. i. C ;Pf r4 + i1 � � + ..'.� �f 1: R lr 1 dt s 1 t-. I ' �JJ } 1/1 • i ore-.1-` .. c, t ® ,.. ...„....,... ..,.. ,..„,..,,... . . ...,,,,,,,,z..t j I „4,..,..,_„• :„ .. ...„..i.,..„..„‘.4„.,.,...,..,,! . + . .4,. t d. 1' f 1 ).„ Y il 1 . 1 S J• Ft rf Sr I Y : F t'.f:•.';'''',•:.' 1 , ' , t t..-,.4,'. i r 141 f .,t,? t :-.•,4.4'41. -0'4 S t t • 4. fit .. .., • •1, +'; V'' t t ' r u�� 11 ,•rr1 i ( i» 4.-q 1 .I ,' ,. •;4,1 i 1 '1 I Nv Y { e t;•,,,...2.4.•.,,,,, r _ 4 s J f J f y i i F i � i !hi d 1 #( i f /„ 1yt 4 t '3 �4� r= Y xrr i�?fiS rw• t . Fy”"t "' 4.0.4%-ti.. `i " p ;;n�r4 0.: BILT:', '^..t.. 11L +.. .•i''\SV HF nl?, -tr1 t 1, 1 t• s 1 2 t L r'r 7� r` k t < , rt•• t ! }1p, t'Ut` A. t•t V{ : P ' K`(3 fti k; s.rti• ,)'t kRSt.1 1' q ' Tin ( +Y'S3 rtt .{2"`, i,;t� r1 `I,Y � i ch to • :��t,".�.�Y 4��t4 • A�L� { k .���y. ��;:8+�r' C�{j•'�.�' A.�Ci14. 14^t�.Y, . 'S+,rvi4.1 " !^! h r' V �fS'i,IJk.4,"/".„:45 C 4t1 � f •:d l^fi 1 i 4:-.A.,....1.,4•411‘1„,,:, l�.n �'tiZ f�jy{'� ,i �yt A Y J rT'f '�i`� •.f' °'«y�y d,,�•+i v� �� t ,„�n� r +�F" 4`t �'+x�'Y.a s}) r �.1."t f 1Y,* � , 1. S ,r 'T` I .tt S,+Ji 4 Y ai v. .4 •. 4 t y+, f .t'� . Y.e. i, ..Le b''+,..+ tilS ' r ., y . ' 51.,.,t•e y.. 4`-..7 r... tit�:l rs t., t ' t { 4 t a. :h.. " � � r t•t:441 2 +i�ii YV �' �Fwt ttin '{•' • '4��ty�`G,�r�'�t}+d )��4 St'1 TAy�.UJ'f'•, yy!�'�. ��� 1`-� f .'� �,?y yM1: 1r %r �[7Ntt' tVCt ul�t F t 7 :gt,= .:; ft jr1pl y' �� i +r :',,),t,9 ,21.),i-g.P.. . 'i" W+( ‘,111,14_ 't1 • ,..,4.T4,+ f.4 f• `iy •k^. .,e t 416",,,''.4"/.1!",V ja{Lf`'t+V454 ,1.11;;;"2,'..t••4 1 1"4t ' `r s ! t ..40„ , 1Gt +T i'yW N/0um.„,,, o.. 1.'- ,� •• ih I .. • F•?9y""V j,'��yFj ':, 't ! 3,4;r t4�`tN• . 7t y03 is..-if." ``(ZS{yt rt1S.K 1 ' '�ts1x+Y( .."0:,„. F ,y q bb"""" 1 fi r :m Fl, t . .":.N:J Z it r 1 I :514/4, : `�'f� = t F.i 1 { 4.:".14,84.:.,lti+! r.,,,..14• r. �x:: s y,} df µt'?'°Yi' 'yy*r� 1 {, .1� � 7 + 3„ a {.15 t,, tn5 [ y� '1•S+' 'r Y ,ftip$'+.,.' is it ..N ,S,,+Y::1):5315,-..,_,{ ,.�,.t. t : 41". ,tq� ( 7.;c t� •a ! S a .t,P i G &It i,.2 J.. 7?4Argf wN .I. �y.:�. .: ..'‘.411,S:4„;•44,;');41:•"'"44\�, '.: f t � C Ayl.Q3 �'T♦• t, l' ! '+ rf; s } li`.°�rn.,•, >r�.' , r�.Q;�J '1 �5a' 1''�"•,*t 5, 1t �i ,!k 1.,� ,'Sy{�� .Y, ,{, ,r .1 '!'s JJt4r+`4 a•14 a lt.<V•�`�T71:"Z s"'•4.44-i .2i J2^,r C. 4 r.§'i is a7 4't,{!, t, l v*,V.0. T'• t.s yf+k, ` dl. e .�( ' a`l � ty`fl y1'ifvlr' • »F x , . .). sAdo{.t � v. :4ri'' +.' i'xe. � }_ /0J .. " yt f,, r {•-;Th 'r I r. /4'tl. . .:Cl,nt.•.d�I t+r,�t'1 v t`l a 'ti:ine'r' •<t" tli '•n''/'" = ' 3+'.Air "'r r r Sit r 44 /4ft';n PS%-' }, ) ,i '2( i } i, 4 •s �...f4 t+5 e.. tJet''Y,14. x� + {i) . + fG2(`'- •"..1 / +'.r. sfi .,12(.41";. µ i Eir.- 0. s -:v v'`2(+ 7 I( "..r `, 1 +FY < ,,2(t'"' ,, ?"'"04'44141 n y: of.iCt.•J,u. .:t h 1 41 ,=' p•1: '., a .4 '...42('''.' , h i':,.L i ,1 2( }'is;-l2(-..)l,� . 1;ft' 't t_v`41*1 ^n,t .,is •� •r J....,,.5: lr • t• I, r+�i'�•J'yd,R"p{]i,: :44-44.-4(ffjlJ)( gJ< !/ L i� 1�N 4'1.5. ) tS h4 } �::i! 11'• YS:R i',1 ,+ !f aF5 S 'ij r 2(v l' �' jq. '�+ , Jn r ?,x K. 1gt- t e.i. t`1(.t+ 44, 2(t0/4.%,,, iJfr. ,1 :.(St<4C..i , k2( i1 . 31 :t r 4.;F.UIft .- L• �rs. .S. /( t .r.ft o. .4"i"a 1..:.'iy..f ,( f fry ''' �•1^ 2(Y S`tt .6S �• 1. iM: at � � }1.: t t Ln it s lir r,, 4'frni:r,ft?2 r ' ..r" + t: 4y 4 r2(.., rii"+ J a at ♦ 9 rF dJ t >r� ' 4 9 7 r �n, t "1 1 a. ' •� �. � • fk y•. t� h= 1. �.� y{ 1'4r.t•tr....,.r.:,--.1.• t ,, . 4.4i , . , . e i..,„1,,,Iprosi÷i., ill'gr '41 V.‘"" (0.4t' 1 ' • 1 '''. . '' . ' I , k ,t., . . ,,, '1. ' I., Altt„,,,,}114;10' • ,4, CO 4 ' ,t•ti * r4 , 5,,,, -,,,,,,• , ,- , I- (A, . - • -,at vii , , 7 7k r .7 4-4' . ;741 “„C4 ,41 t 5( e , ''' 417/';' .7 7 -hilt 7.' ''t rt.>, 1101":1;r11 j'aC.:,...” , 174.1 - ' '1 a ''''4' 4 ts' j'44,11 .41714.41\' '..". r."1,t 45r. at•M? "ZtS , 14471?7,Sti" set '.1.;7 A 'e 1•44'wt:',541.`" V44-1.4,4, ..t:zr1R ot,:-‘ ,0- , reviciis , 4.,a, ,,,e .,4,41,,;;. ,,,yi..6,44",..1, ,„,, . er -: 4i,, -, .,.,,,. „,,,,,...,,,E,,,,,,,,,,,, .n..1.1,,,,,t/4.:\S;;1;,-;.1-ktliiftlikaiiiiiiiiirtstribctei`: ,•,-4. •..."'pf,'Altii \10490444>t,t,tv'tievitrtie410/4 4.444-ik",(tAlle, .4%ririAti.,41fri,P:elkatc,,,,,I:te..)..1.\31)44 if‘c;?..4)11,5:,11'4-,,,.,1 14 . ,:. , r , . , ,, t, ie._ y ..el ger ;,,,,,,, ,,,..e,,,,,,y, ,,,,,?,141.74,k.r.:, ,■4.. I. ?few". . Ito eir , , ,... ,..0,,,,-40,4413,tr„ft,,,p, 2 455,r J57 10,90,..4 , ,,,,.z.t...„,„fr,,,,..,, njprinc.,,,,,k 4 ,;',I . '•.. , ab n .. • •.,•,......` ',.14:,-..:7-1.!&ii.f..,11-.),1,4.14::0Acg...-(0:.-.)..,014 jets al ,- i '' rill* •.:. ' ;pert/cis rj-41,140'. '..11,k,, rig, tt, kS1 ' , 144,itti,Visk.44"tp'..tut ,01.4),..,. 1/2 i , ( .‘• , .4 tr i 7* 1,4 21 1114 'I, l',,,irtirS or.'j...44UVW ryt tteiPW54,../14,'Ili I& 4"1,.. ix 4.7„ 0 , ..i.i, 44„ 4.1/4. 1 4,4,14*,:405(3r-110. ,Alt ,,i, ,s3/40,14t,p,;(i7...e0,,,,C.t.,,,,t 14,;(a.e.I;I, • t . ' ,• [ r.....? ie., <, , , „,,, , , ,,„,,,,.„..0 .0.t...iliii.t.,I.,.e.ci,e„,,..,„,v4444,,,,,,,Hyr..... ; „..,4,... .„..;., tig,Ati ,t i 7.5,4to?,Looth5ra Artik•evbr 5,1 • 4 1 nt57' pfrotlAt.,syeis 1-4:;‘,t,,y,r....,./?,.:,?..,..v, 1, , ' „ ,--', os P it , f ,` I, , „ , !qr. *tit 44ita4 24.44 ik4 17)7714954447714';tlett "rib in ",er 1. )1 11 "5"); -4, VS Witnt et‘t;: ^gt.,‘,45 • 45 4 ,••44‘,44' M4:1•04Wfieilv,;14115-44"Wtkast,e,1:121-7 4. ', '5 7,41 ' 7,4.151, h ;. i. . , , , , .t, p„ ays.,,,,k „,....„ribtatshz4+1chgd$4- ":44--..t• 41" . I"'''''' '''' " ''' '' . - ' ,I . ' "si, „,, ',, , .r ii,/,?, • s.1.10.1c;,.` '1, / ' 4, ' lik I 1 lea ' • 1 ■ -4' 4, 'If-I: ,,, . • ' ' ;k , 4K" ', . ,• ,,,, ' •It TOWN OF ULYSSES , .•. • le' , • . . "0‘ , MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING 15, 1994 TOWN HALL • • PRESENT: JOANNE MOLINO, RUTH KAHN, CATHERINE STOVER, DAVID TYLER, . • DAVID LAURIE; SECRETARY: ROXANNE SMITH.• ,17. , " ' ; 5` ;, a• The meeting came to order at 7: 45 PM. Catherine Stover brought to the Members attention the numbers from the School District . Summary for the Town of Ulysses (which Marcia Georgia provided 14144' I, , , • k,. 1.4,r, , ' 701.' • .-1,3 - 4 upon request) . They are as follows: ti') . :., -,'-7, , e ,. , „„•,„1 , 5 wiar';- ,., ,' ,,-4.. , .4,,,,,e, ":.6 TOTAL ASSESSED ASSESSED EXEMPT TOTAL ® PARCELS LAND TOTAL AMOUNT TAXABLE . . ..,,, ,,:•-■ • - ' .. 4 ,111! ITHACA 547 31 610 600 81 , 078, 364 6, 825, 952 74 , 252 , 412 1 1 . '7:4,111 I: lit t,,Clit 7„ ttill ...'4 d 1..;1 :.1 i' it , a, c 1 ■ a t TRUMANSBURG 1893 46, 183, 700 188, 261, 982 44 , 944 , 996 143, 316, 986 . 4, ,J,,.../,' 1...'1", n•';',!, '', t‘,1 The Members reviewed some DOT information on traffic counts. 11' ',11 '•1,,, - .,'. ''.'fi-",' rs, , , 14-1 nr r t ': 1 •A, I, At* They decided that the count was done in the summer. Catherine mentioned that the bridge on Rt. 96 was closed right after July ti-1- , - Ati , , -1 - , . , . ,, IA' ,4" 4th so that might skew the numbers a little. , ••-....,, • • ,•. * ,t ,,•il, , , . r !.., 7-, -4. •,• • . : 4 ,i • . , .. • '4,;•• )4 . 1.i , ,' 4 q.,, ) Three applicants who applied for the opening on the BZA may I* .. 1 -a be interested in joining the Master Plan Committee. Russell Carpen- , . :114:.: • 4,1 ``,..,47,•.;:it[ei±1 et a ter was selected for the opening on the Bo rd. Ken Christianson . , . "ekF:\:" y02163./7.:(e .0.. :Sill will take over Gail Zabawsky' s position. The three people are Peter Penniman (Administrator to Tompkins County Waste) , Randy r qkev.,$: -41 :12- t • ',,..-'Ft% . ft' t•:•., •• ' ,,,,,4 k ;474:1, :,, I .1..,,,t,:: -1;1',- s'i• .; 7, ; ,,,tefi,,,41, -, / !Al 74 .05; 57, Q"., lifitIC1:14"14.1"711\1!'frj 1 Brown (who works in banking, construction loans) and Irene Schickel It (who was on the the Police Commission for the City of Ithaca) . The Members began their work on the outline for the second part of Topic III. (The first part was Public Utilities. ) It is as follows: . , . . ■,: I , .:,.. , " i 'l TOPIC III continued COMMUNITY FACILITIES • ' t• C4^ v 1., '' .1,1.•, .4••." 2 4,. ;•1 •,,,' ', '.1 4 *,..1.?‘ 1 , ,-.,el 4 . ' ;‘':. - " k 1 A. PUBLIC FACILITIES P,...... ', Y 7 'tic"?-'15; 1 I 4• I":'4;" (-4, .,.t 1 • Fire s 1 s ' , 7 : ft :4r1 , C:,11..kLIV,il a. serves areas to' r-„ , 1 ',+ ts ,4,‘ ,, 4.! b. volunteer problems ri., ,i* , •-• c ' 1,,, “4'-541 . • , , o. ,,..., r.11. C. funding ' , 'I' .,. 4,-,..,- - 3 , • ,',.r , .-V 21 . MDeenpar(Ttmruemnatns( to.. ,,..,c"... ,-;:,`-,, '‘',. ., .4 3. Current Concerns (Village) -equipment Fire e Company)c 1 u i p I 1 l e n t •IF1,1c4 , L ,',...14 d. ambulance .) .,, ic - , : z -I 7; r ^ ' ,". :i ' t ; ''.:'N 4 ii.4 / I ,t,1 4:5 ::-•:`, 1 4;0‘ 11::7 • ;:..7,f- 77-4.41; ,o 7 0, 'II" 4 „ `• ..#4, „It u .ti , ^ ' ,- 4-?“.,,t;Rt. i 2 . Public Safety-Police a. Sheriff' s Department b. State Police/Park Police c. Village Police ,. , . i 7,, ',It 54,.. • ? • 4:s ,..5 : ' P 51,-', 44 , k‘ 0: A, CIP0) ! c ,t4 ' il ' 2, „'s , "7$" ,i'4 3. Schools . 55 i.f. , , i• . a. Public . 1(•: .,,, 1 . operating at capacity ,f., 1-01 '., H , ? : 2. effect of state mandates , 4,,. ..1 , ,,, , -, ;- ;:0 3. cost/tax burden , b. Other Educational Facilities , , 1. Trumansburg Community Nursery School IC: ' , , . .. . ,;.: 2 . Montessori ,..4 I , '1" ‘ • i',,,, . 41. 3. Conservatory of Fine Arts , , ' , ,t 4. Cayuga Nature Center 5. Special Children' s Center 6. Alpha House , . 7. Girl Scouts (Camp Comstock) . 4; ''l't IT , • ,1 14 '77 , 5 'I, -,/ : t, : i, ,:;;5•47t. F . : • , 55 .7; oetre, 41 'r 2 ' :Y ,t' , ..,,,, . ,ve V int-,gr.rroretit"": .irivIcrilms-,Trts-v.r..7T1i;47 "e'141Y..: 1 •., ' ic ,-1-.7 ''• .',,,• "4. . .* • ' ,1‘, 4 P• .' •... ,, I I) {i : IA • - 1„vAtit• r••,'", -.1%;g1- .-41-‘4-140•!•.cc •14-: 1 virmr.f^0.4-1 re- ,..t. ,9,..%• ,;•.%.1',...4.4>,.!..e. ...14.1, , ‘ ,,i“ , .•' I: ' '"“ ' , ,,'"?' " '...1 I ' ' ' 4 I 1 9 " ' `".... g's''■',it ‘st C i'e l■ e't`''i it',..,,^1 1 Ye t,',--,. 4 vi-..t,s 14.1 ie r; l'g.i.t-04,', 4,e,',Alt „Fc N.4,074'9c ,.- . l' ir' , A ' I i'l 4 7 7 1 ,,li i . 1 • ,, to, „■;14,I.,.; , !,.;t,...1.- •,.• 4.t rt. ,o0.P, .w.A#Li...,.tcq.;4 t4.`"''11,01"-71- 1$17,t 7745,41?,5"-457" 5 `17 ,.4547Md 0714,7,744,5kil y‘7, ' 7' J. ' ', '''' 47?"7'''',■ ' ,, , 7. ‘..1 57 f - er* --, 17"- 1:-.1.10,11:0,Z4Insizquil,utiv1:-,41,-O'DmArrintkiN •wittek-Weilyt:-.1gp,,,!-D-41,40(Irsk'VeA4110?-t•44,4y,.4.7- ,,,,,,,:el: y .,,JJ,,; " v., 0 0 • , r,:.•-:' 31,,ft i,c+C-14--,1;1"). Ahrospg,kautlifig<:•ife.A70,10,1/2 -1; 4 -.' , It, 4:, , ' '1 ". -0, 4,,.:,c;P•P°Rit- ifity..,./1 •4 -14,1711.441:5.8,2f4S44/44;4,* • 3-7;e4t ii4C4WS-14 'Intl ti31/441179 24.Wipqr.410414,44.1a)-54;77iThi4S54‘4 04'71% 5.7.e3.4717;97).Y5%41 dtelik, (1 , . ,'" ' AW N i k 11 ' t' 1 4 ‘w'''' it.0114; ' st-Viit'S.444111N•httr "rii Vets, ' 10- iiti:tehe .i..- el'A.: ,34541; Yzell4V l'grietf.?" ik liCitelikid;017, ig-ctoucky\i",,4:•14,;,v,V„,-1/4,15.4'1',"..1., „- .... _„ , , ...; 5 0.44.5;4144,4kof 4 44,4 4 -4,4 ,,,.. , % .44 .,•• .. .0. , - u) . 44/„.4 .4 4 .4 t.e 4,At., , } id- .1,-0 iti e g-,..: ,Ar -04 r--ti ,,Jvh-r.t .j1/41.,,,,,i-, •4.1/4,t1/404.,..14,,qt .71.4,,ii,4,,sii.tx4b4,1t.,{, * .7t.. ; g oc, 40, .3,45w4ti-ekt,' J'Yo.cv'l• ishiv,g1 ,"... briftc•i( nte,'ESSI4 tiSe "50-41',11,5; At*" If e V 1-4'4V. ,ci.4-T,. cir',4%40 I v it.c14 4-4h, biz, -*,,, . w•itt,,,iat 510;41,&; ',at-I;, ,e,,,prtri.,-c 4.,4-,ntil L ,.,,},t, va - ..,,,4.t,,..4, 4 A It p• fr.tiN ''''.1 f. ,% t b A• ,t)04‘nict.e,,' tin VI ' P‘sti " 'V''1"%.+■'$1:1":14544 7 lit-4P1 . Y. .<4.1,mRt.7,-,?...,-„t i•a-,4i .-.1,,;','.-4 7/ a•• r t, '' • • ",,,;.j-; ,1 ', . q.,,,,,,41,1:,", t; 41,M12,,* t..;t (,4,.:c.,771,:;“:,,i ...,,,,I,.„ .),9-.41,A,,,,s. ,,,L, ‘,.a,,c,,,s0.•,... ,A,A, ., •a..., .,,',.1,4 p."./..t yt,‘„,o,., -tt ,.- 1., ' ' 7 ''," ; • 4, 't‘ 1,`“..t ' rg `I : "" '• " I'i ' •.!;" 1- 11‘ er " h-iir,flyitc,s, 41, et -,/4,4 „, 4 AI, Id',J0-• ' e • , . . ,o.., - L, -- ''..,1'I) ‘1.,t;t7.-0.., 31111, I E.' • . , Y,.+'. , .{..• F'•y rr:�41 k.-Sy"Y•' 1' i'f .,r .r .. ... L1S''.' ' H":1. .f,..f.. Yom^... „•..M _va '..t, r.S {n may,! adl�'Kk (' ' 4 k'+•_ .c , /'4�' ni•" >>r'15 io- r"y ',: �ti;•r � y... + . i. .y 1 it p �}:' tti Y'+'"�Ir�`2.12r .is t,r. ,e_ 4' ,r,. ,' .,Y.al t'i4"S i f ) ":";14.;$.4 5V } 1tri1.. ili h 1 is z 'J. «. Yfi _ . s . .k4 d :4t' , s .k .t :{ Y1 ! 'rsc'. ita yr�� may, t �•. ���•� �( j l} 's.: r• Nr' , £ tY Y' � '..rt}y 1*Jla.7 t' . • 3 ;w .ffr '' .}�'' .'1 `b h. t �'✓ +},•.tY,E "` :Y �,f�y ,('S'�n , . , 1.*"'1!T sir 1 , h!' , r•.4-i c �j r)r rOrwki)lO ���*** > Owl,. N '�rrT; .:.8y, y : . 1.` + 't5 '++e1 Y t.4bV y;+�.,) P f�,%zer;011AC 'Q+�174eri. 1„ :1'y6r >a �: e .j}', x j �' .` : * .,,/ � fi^L Vr,f�3 dt'#IL 4:,?`: 'i :seat V ..: . d ♦ S 0S , fir.. Y ,., a �� �/.- 1 ..a. ,., .rfY e rt tiR�tLs�tard"^;u'�a���i '��', t?• '� � � a. x� • <a3',� n"1?3.' >�d;:� lst�f rsn 4 , � r ♦v. 'Ni k. V fat T•. : # . T r +s 4 i S 'St; r 'S .a t .0 �, yi$r,(74jf'�F, ',+ • . .1 [f , J i 0 th}$•Y, 0;, r t �,1 04, 7l t .. +, 3 A' x 9�t/• + ry,� X�,�; a f { ! 1 t. ' 7 , 1 �,tJ r �t fJ+ r�t:�'x.r7'? + a„'ra r ,! j ". 4 r ti4�: '!t �11"rr 7 Yr.tn#�, ;j +! r l � � n Y, t iyt J+tq A. N ,}..w" 7>" iiy+i'HfIM�(1 i t t Y Stye. y{..'i'1 �,•il. i \ 7: 1 2. :�1 t' it y �;l;,bltlrt4ti /�thdAGtYr n�rt %t'airJ�y +4F altr yp F` 1. �,•\ $.f # ; h9>♦k, Lu)'�}�ti' ,i'°,� tt Srt z{.: +L n t '1'} fT } i ( r, b` o, rS e S l ta7C?',F rt% ' r t r a t .1=i. ', t' "• .d,. ' Jj ,_,! ' kbd'u ��, tr4 'k rad n . 1, ?4 1`A., ! @ P �:��' +•:M t Y I .2i.}f , .. a.<: da':"S.'uta'2�,.1'�.'�..;t��:Ai:.{�ktw 1/Zw'li.E i .t . .P" p; � ri.V,��. F`. 14^S.14:;•41,*..}:r'.5.�. '.�R��'''q, � t;1 ,,,,t 1•r A .* ti 1 1 a r ad 4YE7'n }, r , * '1 } ��;oat.. i .t.a lt .1'},***/:S, fl�IiJ+i qt, 1' fit ! i x: , ' ' t F TOWN OF ULYSSES 2 MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING > 'a , + t1 FEBRUARY 15, 1994 k ' +,-•. ` . • TOWN HALL S ; 1 r ' ,' :a: 'e• TOPIC III continued COMMUNITY FACILITIES ''it,'' 2 r • :r�r1 1 i.• 4 A. PUBLIC FACILITIES continued ,! , 7 / ��,vl ,. '.r 4 . Churches [ • S is : ,,i, t, C t ` „ , 1t E ire y , } \. l i ; i`!a i 5. Community Organizations ry ' ° 6 . Parks and Recreation j '. ' i ;; ; a. Fairgrounds Ir F . , ' t ..y t i; + r,-v,a b. Taughannock Falls State Park C. Golf Course t{t r!f '< i� .+r j S >t d. Yacht Club "a 777 + r' f it .':Yt: - C. Trumansburg Fish and Game Club + ° ` ;',: ./ i.r•,'p r , f. Jacksonville Civic Association t . : + c ;+ 7„ g. Podunk Cross County Ski area • ,,, + r I = z �• xr 7. General Government 4,� • ti, + : t yr { � a.. Existing Town Government ' 1. First Class Town tr � � S. rryr7 't, ', > ` 2. Supervisor and Four Member Town Council _ �` i " . ' 4,% "s ar 11 „ .%}'j'& a. Supervisor elected for 4 year term • k ' + : y;f,' , , ' > r, + b. Council elected for 4 year term-elected r.%At-- ,i:^ /r! + >"7t rl, ,`r�r, alternately, 2 every 2 years n'+ hz ,Y`+ ;'?'.4, I, 3 . Elected Town Clerk-4 year term 1 > ' t �, '.,., s 1„z_ *r a. charged with all records ✓ t�k'• `I¢° I 'it�`•st yr; b. charged with collecting all Town and i' 1. r11 ..t ,,,s2. County Taxes ' r 1 yA f�[\t '1 'k�r,, ��„ 4 . Elected Town Highway Supervisor-4 year term ' ` , < , 4:a . t}' I t i4'LI�,yk1+{� � a. Charged with building/repair/maintenance .1 , ' ,4.,, ,;�r of Town roads, including snow removal f 4y , z k -'a 5. 2 Elected Town Justices-elected alternately ` 1 ,.t r JJ tJ E,t k4'rt 1“11 every 2 years 1 , s r { ..• ' ,•4 i;;r +1 c JT} 'n.ii, ' ,, t i,z ..,Y n ruts :ys 1, 1.,-.1 a. Each Justice holds court 1 night each week • R'' , +S+y} 7/ ihe 11 ' 'S,+ �} 4,t 1r.k •,-y-, t b. Court system includes both Town and I , i ,t 5 r ',`, Village of Trumansburg 9. f r� k Ev ills 1 ' 1 , ioXf(irl?. f�,a +�,." ,t r ,,,, k•s ,i., 8. Tax System , '1 „' , <4 ,'`; %'i�[ a. Real Estate Taxes r jj'. ^ .S°. { t r< tt/ �iFt r}l 1. Town Taxes ; .. ' /1.'. k , , ,+” r-",aµ... a. Includes highway and Town government costs t 4'. ‘•5 , , , Ir Li I, 7 , Al, , t '' F b. Includes fire tax j , , : ,' , 'd 1. Town contracts with Village for ,•-•!,1.•rr 1 \{ .� }t • ,(4 ' fire protection {4. + ' .r >:, b. County Taxes s .:..y6} tt .. S\ Sy ti ;I 1. Includes costs of. county highway/sherrif/ , "'t;, �Y ' rt.,,�II legal and other Government costs ,j'ti ( ft 7 St if.J` A , \ i li I f a iyJ 7''''+'•5 4) Ji 1, i 1 ' � hr.4ri s { .n fir; ... rt' rk ;c ' r' !,•r, ' kt,,I�i The information for the Public Facilities (items 1-6) was .^i{ t; � ; , ,./2.,1 a provided by Ruth Kahn. The General Government and Tax System qqi3 fi 7. 4 iii.ii. (items 7 & 8) information was provided by Catherine Stover. ' <: :; # 14 t t ` ,' i t+. 4 Population and Housing will be the Topic for the agenda for k i{ r ' .fix the next meeting which will be Tuesday, March 1 , 1994 at 7 : 30 ! ' ' v` 1f, ' i" . PM. Joanne handed out to the Members copies of an example from Fr f I ,i+ ; ,;tl.. the Town of. Ithaca Comprehensive Plan to help prepare for that• j\',:' ' meeting. if* ',; ', ::',, ''''t. :1;1;,'. The meeting adjourned at 9 : 15 PM. ' - i. ,` • 1 ri r 1 r ` t r Ft• p tA. k 1 r • t. ,�I ri it -4*? -4 1 , .j{ tl' ' .�Jy .. ' ` +1! ( 1r., y'• , ( '•e. ! 1 f j , , l 1 Ir r ' ;•a_ n: .:. . . ...u,^.,t; ir(= .r}s�`1.. ".:'� ,.r...,y:jjn'f'ry.t.',k,r''T" .. 4,:10 . [7.;f tr t";;4+1.- ��+d rr5rj, r7�yhr,'f Vr i`$r=1•++:7, : th•#'}S'`4,.,,,p,..1",, P<• C} � 1`' .�. { 'S' Y „ti * J. . 1 S .Y' .i. r ..t. . 1 ,5`'.,)1,'. `�5 ''n,la " ,....Y`d � ..(< 1<•J itV..,,* n ,•Y'11!^/ e V,,,1..,r f/�f,4,'"f li)bkvr•.aa;4,p: S1£. d,. a1:4 1 4 { .. ':, 1 ' k• +' t ..,1..,1j k t:':0 t n '}F r 4 I!,,,,.. r. , .L .a .P`.r41 tr t;r •1:st. ., ,L 1�(� h•r.4 44 .`,t }. e. , i. 3 : , ,,, .4+ t t,:<'•I '.i 1 •'E :,✓ ,i it rt1 'Lt 1.'• 1' iA'r'7t{wkiV ,.d'4 l3• `,'J,x!TFv'r'1i '"Vi, •!1(>•7 t'k.q. t S 1/.". t ! t 7 'h L•^, 7,..,n,.f 4?r '�.,y. .¢,-1�}�tl�i Si1t rrr. ,<✓ ..�) d Sfir .;u .:.7c+'i ry9 ��d is,}yl.h, ..a .:�. s..,��i}r,•dta. ..f vfAL!:•;i;,^:Yt.r. ! ..t .'\ .i 'r „ '"' ;1. 4•i'. {., t•{,f..ift„'/ : ,a,} ""� . .j.:?A ,r , .h+ , rk ,112et..ii.vir. ,,eat (A. ker r+iY'.,r.A 4;J�Y"`n'rl t'v•'ii 1�. t' 4,24,,Ygyt^�i5�rt7!1: 1c �ffkr 4,,_icfu f,. . +tii; 1 r...:+'1 ,. Ei '7,a t' '!`,•.;,+ rrf.+ +.:lly°•+. t :1��.,,w.•IS >„Y.� . y73.i'`".+�114y1r�•+�. 1.�+n ,j 4t. < .`r•�E ` .+rc :-9o-^hi+l Y_71 F+ Yd y, i• {r 5`s� ?Aid tr �x l•S' ti� tr . n . ��' ., , 7'}" `r, }i k+ ,r .r.1,• ;, - a„T! 'C. pi+ry :1 ,51tooa`iu;• j,4!;01.i . ,..r. 7Its, V' A„ .'LSJ::,n'✓S t 5+„l.>4:+.! r;, t ik },1 444c A , 4i "M - .L:+'''�'. H-l`slt.{.,. ., Ir'p ltt r �:r`AtT rY J ,t'd, f y'tl ^q .�{r gk� 1' .'r' '�. tr •r q. zu t,..'• < a ”! n ' $ t i.,. 1},y}•,,�:e K"#'F �,.4 ' `I y d"_ +.i W '�, •q.'r� ',' YES f<'k ' a h1?. l rf. i rj ,y..,�•r.• ,a� ,(„v tikLI I;14�•..i"3 > ''`''1777.1 : S A t!.r^r y{ to 1 1 L k 1119;y� � ,,tt ..4,' t "#1 x^:10 * /,:o. ' t i1'•t . „� s �, �y ?.` �V i• F 4a`� Y .t f14,j,�+.�y 4gyir y (( !<, + ,( • TT Y,,ry°'�^'.lx ��+ v r ;7a f S F i �..S/C,.• X ��.i4r +yf,: •S ,' j ?' - y n 24::4?.t .,-4 e1`""+f. yr n , t �`f n ♦V V 1ti 1 i.: A [1, Y:Lf ' . 1 ✓YY7 ✓� �r 3 Ji ' iY v ;I�',�„,; 1 Y j:-0; sse F �,' .1p; Ye rS' k'r�.. '4 ! a 0,''Al.t fr, t: ?f r' ,'. ' i.r rrlt” +Y,,.r1 • �"...%: V'e.f1'":+:'VtL41 13n.t,.t� W FOP s` „-v' }A`.�47 kiitt � • 't`v4J � i. ter>. t s5F 04`,.-4,d a {• c° a a :;1 / .. ., .•✓! �. t r. . • ', r� Srt+ „fir 7'�„„ -1: , 7,y. t ?.c�•� } +�`'. .,,,,,.�frv., 9 . y if. .. iff =.n4 .. ,• , .ry ( s,"g Y''t C� i Y . yld f•0$ �s�,,.ri,. ;PI!'i; .v.'`IN °��lt' Le • t r ` �✓ .. 1}� ! 1 f r•' l tr J .r t t ir.i, Xr.gl'r I I _ i ` i•J } • kf mod.' ........,,.. .... ......... ... .. ._ .. ... ,__.♦....�..+.sw....,R..,....-m ...._..._.... ........ S f ��ry i Y} • Ji R}4 0,3 4, ;,/• :‘t 1 t. ' 'l k 4 i{1 , 1 r , £ t , e o B .4 r l r. ` 5r9 = } t �. t , �� tt f��].�1� '..1:; 4.f r 't)i �I `f t ::,:,;•:: :t!,.t i �''`2 Siy i 54+'14,^,:G 4{t i t , , f e $. ki}�ir+ Y Svt S V�r If iF'{�.b{lltzi r, i �t =fr,i I ifWx C "3rYc' {��liA tt e }it is til�+ }t'`jp tt,'vi`�,f't itx= G,c je,5lri }ti 4 Ai +.ti ,may t y. �'v 4`�,,�, 'Y.,Y' Uw J`yY,i.9�•O 7- yytt s f., !!ii. i . i, 4 '{'i `et $li.'t'', '°t yr, d:. '�r"•''�, ]iJ iti'y`c`l,,ii.iit `.„1c `+'I FX; `fir f' TOWN OF ULYSSES Si �(i r"a°,5,'72' 3'* ,�' '" � ,a 1 a ;:Er" �, . PLANNING BOARD �"X{e " �,� g�q� � ��„ " � i{� ?f�r�� i,. � FEBRUARY 21 , 1994 ;zs i,iM�'t4ri$. � 541 • ' K "r�w14.4, , ,-I n.;.; t ,!'f�'Ylj y��.�`tttr,���+Zt F.��•. �i '�� ; a ',0 ',1l i} fix` ij rei,f= I. PRESENT; CHAIRMAN: DAVID TYLER; MEMBERS: KRYS CAIL, BUDD 4 , MINA Y � � ' '' RIO; irr tr, STOVER, GERRI KEIL, PETER DEMJANEC; SUPERVISOR: DOUG errs S,,qi x',:,z ; ' AUSTIC; SECRETARY: LYNN JOHNSO "74004104,Y a r i„ �� 'ara}Ll 1v r ,t . �Y , , , 4 i '10.4 .'V 4 ,' ` The meeting was called to order at 7 : 45 PM. The minutes for •f 3>V sie IAN i ' ' `r y.;L, J ''{` February 7 , 1994 were reviewed. Budd moved to approve the :} ' `,a ' pct' s , x, `° igir,SS , :. , l .. minutes , approved r' }f,R�. y t iJ+`{jg%P �+�ra , Gerri seconded the motion. The minutes were a ' ""'T" . ,,,trY + 7 -ti.§ unanimously. j , tii7` ta. �l tai.•Fl 1t,S,'y+ tR'l4' }, ."na.,*y!�y L .t ✓rt"t : . , w ,.., r A copy of a letter to Doug Austic from Dave Stoyell , HOST r ,. ,y ,r , ar : Program Manager for "The Elder Cottage Concept , " was distributed ;4," `rr� k „ ,.. i '' `llt , to Members for their comments . David asked how many units the ''}..,t- �, x 1''XI gi '' y;,', >.. I , c' r'. 'Ct.,,A e r .ee,,7)<,t lj.d {„ `:� 'i,rc"%' Housing for ;:`'`'v"') i'4�""t14r4=tiJ,: �{,, } , information at this time, that this was an initial query. Dave ;„.;t ,tt Vii, , i', a., ' `;1 noted the funding would be a combination of federal and state 10161111 e money through the N.Y. S. Division of Housing and Community', . ` x Renewal for the purchase of several "elder cottages . " Because 4. . 1 ' e5, ,' k ,: the Members were uncertain as to the role of HOST in the i t, y, , ti, ,, ,+ ,., t::::;%":.'44::::Y..'r tK f community, Gerri explained the many ways they helped seniors ;n' .t , `,; }?p' '7 „ ,: ., (financial counseling, matching people with seniors who don' t tr sri "IY3 }suety,, '. • ` ° ;l3 want to leave their homes , etc. ) . Referring to the Building i ' F':' i"',.e; `�' , *4, ' Ordinance, members discussed many aspects of the "elder concept, " 'l'x,S,irr5. c fit ,. i .e. , acreage, how structures would be constructed, septic, V:it, , P 4W.; $: sewer, fire codes , water, electric, special permits . Members �i ;L ;6'i{t,.!` #�h;';" reviewed Article 5, Section 11 (p. 7) , MORE THAN ONE BUILDING ON 't,! J ` a'y;,,={ rei4l .,i ;,i ,, A LOT; Article VI , Section 2 (p. 7) , BUILDING FLOOR AREA and i tt+F fi cs'id 'iE t a : • ," ' "' , { ,...` Section 6, (p. 8) , MULTIPLE DWELLINGS; Article VI , Section 2b, �. °;,.,rK,,,�k" },puy ' (p. 7) , BUILDING FLOOR AREA; Article V, Section 2b, (P. 6) , LOT ii,kvy,}a •'. y,„tf+,vt�hu,i4, AREA AND YARD REGULATIONs; Article V, Section lb (p. 6) (same JK- x #,> 4)1r `,, ' , k heading) . Lengthy discussion continued on the above, but nothing ; . k`i;40!); 'i�,p u ' t' ' .u;; r': resolved until further information is forthcoming. .;,_; e, ., ; i f, ` qq�W. 1 roil Y 1'i , ` "' g e�rli,�rix ji i><L j 4" .. , > , t , #' Dave referred to last week's discussion on the low impact S> + � ct,'i.';� + fi ▪ �, '�, Bl , suggesting Members review the present B2 and allow there will 2.,`a,=r ; ,�,I,x?,},,,rii,t:;: • • r ;. be a B3. He asked how the existing B2 fit (referring to Auble a ;Fi`, ' `4 .it ` i `,` • Y4 .r --x ':i and . if more like a things middle-of-the- were ',4'"I yW. `'r.fi,7ii' : i Li f v. . �,; ' $ Sf+ :v htl'p�i.r i ri q1.4.' . • { } t {, ' appropriate there and wondered if they should be reserved for .,if a� 't ,t rs � 'Y.r } J,,,l hj,Yt, rirt 1 something called a B3? ? �'1 xs 2plri i.� '; a 7fr ,.1 • ' Krys noted special permits were the areas they were concerned , u r�, -„,f' ,: } • fr 4riii !r, ; about (Section 2 , p. 7 ) . She said the Building Ordinance has a =i., t. 3'�t ) ,.,� ,ate 4, f, j • L; list of outmoded occupations (Article IV, Section 3i , p. 5) . ,'i=`i4,' f ")" � b; , • ,< ," r , When Dave asked for her suggestions for B3 , she mentioned !Olt ', , * ' • ,�} S tk alts,n . f *, Wr c' y4 1., gasoline sales stations, garage for repairs , outdoor %, 711- • :4144:11 s &'� i management/recreation, heavy industry. Dave noted the difference :� ,cit' , ?. •: rn ' between gas stations and industry (discussed NYSEG and Milliken '`'M {' ' ' �, < Station and the different levels of use and industry) . Peter Ott 4'X ;_; , , ° ,, ;`.} offered the type of facility that employs 15-20 people `x 'i: ��1# 7r ` YP Y P P v 4.1,1 y°� , `,;: ( furniture, printers , Acufab, Johnny' s Wholesale type) . Krys 'YX:45. 1.0.4i ` �z referred Members to Article IV, Section ln, p. 4. Peter referred tsi`+°,'„" ;� 'fi+,�' rao'4 ,. ' t T r ; ; to Article II , Section 8 , p. 3, and read the three conditions to ''' .- f , ¢¢�'t t,tlf a ;< Members . Dave asked for more input for B3 . He wondered if B2 3' . r i;0e tut" f,C . , - 1p�f'' :,?0 t` ,r f was too broad and Gerri said it was never intended to be that .t.An ' ' 4 3 ,, }•A `.. iJ, ' , 'ti r broad and that was why there were so many grey areas -- the ; 1 � ' ''-r " ' • tfg°A°,.j)y� �i},A s , 4 x{i ,1, >,1 ' } ;s ,. ,iyF. j f= t, i overlapping. Budd said that if B2 was changed that Auble would yifr , '' • ,,,*y,,,, sJ.' r come under B3 (depending upon how the project unfolds , might have '. 441 .= ' '1• Y,' Sg£k ?1..:Si<``: '.` intensity one would jr�ai "t, }Y �f , °)' " Yt t i 't between B2 and B3 were the hours of operation. (She raised the '�?'1.,, i 4' " `j'4 ,�tc er3u'l 'A, issue of the peoples ' reaction to what the Members do in makin '`"'"' • ,��..'r c ;JiV` ' x11<' k`: good planning sense) . Discussion followed on defining light making a rt c ,"��r/ '+' cJ.• ' 1t .' '� ''? Vii. Lt` :J 4 3't' i4 Ave,� 1 iyEjA �L 04- ri.t.tt I y tF<At 1r,fr' 'c�{`?4 �• 2�',' IJ .t ' h n`t•',11+y, j`i �4`i,Y• 4't,t A- ' ei,;rtNi¢�l;rrdit{�i3'i' r •i)+; 'e {br4- k „t. �y�� 3 ( I at3u f ' ti-' , . SiEtr , ybi ,I„ sw t �y'4L A r4 i t i i- r'liy t `` '44...44 S i , x ,1��: =';w�.m� ern)ig;%? t'rii4'Y'W..;,,`}sgt'v1g,r; " t. °n i roe' ,� ! '_2 r ' r .yd.' f2♦ i ,. A:,, 1 ,:e, t. It 14:63i�°pfp'1S�:'Jt�(�:(,C„y y 'i'N t''r• P J? y ,,4f>S .z M1 , . ., ;,� .ti , r, ; I. y ,7 utkif.;rt,�r„)`r -6r 'i" r ,ae; t, f n L r "! .+ , '1� t F tl i ¢� �, R y Jt t .. +tt f .' , ., S '�i, � ) 5 ', _� }n = 2 ! h t �r , 1 ,bd .r: �� i i ;;' '�'f�S'�7: ,;. !t , , r r i. , ` 4 , ., .+ t :r, Jlf' : c;bri.i.9e T � ;fo- a l v ft , ' i , :, , .r,t. j i , t r t , : >t � e e > I' • t S . $ <.itt i-or:fr'A ,Si-)titc! si ,yyv`.n i.. 't i, 1 r ' �r cT Y,:toa t y i; , � z � a { 1 : � v� f•"'ygpp } ,},,* r. i�7�`• S�'j•v ��t,),: -;-,y " t'r ,1 F ' t 1•.t t gitx, ^I . i�."•S` i ;; j, ,% . l.. i^'. .i? :} f ,,> ' ` s , FrtS'rt�`.%•r < .•."'■• 4'1; ?-tiv:,;Siu4't''7 ir;t•'. ' 1 r e '• a ' ;r •, . }'i i 'F;- t ..4 . 1 . `>• 11# \I "f { . it ye 4 y ) t ! i : s ( i ry' S fnv Ij ' o f t '�'' � + !'Y (• v� f'LF't+.xfi +F r '� s jf•3. :2 .1 ..:� . � %tt '�',ryfS'fY ✓• P Y �l'f e �, r � i , � s c#rs. 1',% , , ,7w•Y3t ryS ,t`•r' M^i`}, +t yM�� 3 f' i j,.ykA'j{. ), ..,..u•° JrC/ f F 'yj�, ppVl VV. 01•1:- R" �v v�'w y t h. fj t1N : r, 3 "k� l TOWN OF ULYSSES 2 #` r PLANNING BOARD �y tY i f. i n ' as;r ` ' t fie.. "t '�4 .' �le,,k- s. , .. i..;t ,_v4#; FEBRUARY 21, 1994 Pk.i•;�y :st ;s�`,. ,tig,.`• k. }g{11,',i industry, camps , etc. '� ` * ='nt$t+.14-3,. L 1F�a,;s - , 4,r e Members continued discussing parts of B2 that could it4 t 3 4+ �..43�rtitm-,' yt t t,. . u conceivably be used in 23 . They discussed size, structure, 7i't'(`f �a�. ;1 ?`0,��$ ` : 4 ;� ' • it,,, definition of light industry, current ordinance as opposed to proposed B3 , etc. Gerri read from Local Law passed May 4 , 1992 (Dave noted B2 was approved to be all things to all people -- �.0 -kk ( PP 9 P P . ` tr alt „,, garages , vehicles , boat sales, outdoor amusements , i .e. , intended i ,;1, , c . i4t ti 'Nt-0,-,;`'' t ,z , ,+4' for special permit from aspect of B2) . His concept of B3 would y�0' e`w 4t'�'t r`}ic " '• '\;, . x =i€ )F` '�yra be more like a medium industry rather than heavy industry. Krys r-, ��`5 ,-,5,A xr it ` t' z , 'r,+ ��r, r felt a B3 district was needed that concentrated on commercial ,,f,�a;r�tY � � ,'.�' ' *< ' 5?„ rather than industrial uses that take place at other times of the '� >,.a kf� 'u 4 ,' , ti day (Her point was to take hotels/motels and bars and separate 45'. ; • �' them from the industrials) . Peter thought they were approaching " +i"srlrfiCertg ,.. , t,y ,)a "-o •: ,� ,g,• the issue in the wrong way -- that it might be effective by b ry, �a;��W• .,t Fz ,�! fix' x .. r , y(F :4)h .'>,.;,y (# tr+TY7 defining B1 in a restrictive fashion and to use it as a r,_ 4 -' , ' ;; t. :„ pp{ F ;'„ }r = protective buffer , then lump the B2 district to be everything r , k n � ' ,t; 4�iri'E.. ,4$ r tt f . . . c, ;e ... r, +, else . Dave wondered if you make B2 everything else (when you . ,'• ; '� .F;' ,, ; , , i designate certain geographical areas as Bl , B2) you may find some 1,'+ R,r,• � 5 uses may supersede the type of usage you want to have in an area •• . , i ttatti.t ' •14.14.41141,* wzi,;,..noditara ggi 4 ,..,: ac.5,va.--)ii-frN ;144,..k.ettit.t•; you might want to foster, to create the kind of community hub 4, L t ,, y , "{, that you have in mind. You may want to have a B2 that 's more I R , 4'4'v,_itttt+ c �*- retail oriented -- things you'd like to see around the core of t' �” z .� ',, t1, tes t. the Village -- and make the B3 everything else. Peter said 4(7.; > l 'fix ;, O t 4" 13: establishing the B1 buffer zone, everything else becomes B2 (then l b_ , tic: y,fix r 41 you get Wal-Mart next to a furniture manufacturer, rather than , t + + 11,. ' ,,,, t +`4(_�� jt�cF a Wal-Mart next to K-Mart , etc. ) . Given that perhaps they should -. F °'i ( ;1 uS; v'g(` trait rl be starting a commercial from the industrial , rather than sorting ' .< ;° 51. between types of commercial . Krys mentioned clustering some of ; z ( a� , the retails . Dave proposed B2 consist of retails, business x v' i .1.; ,',y% , '' ;s f office, professional office, restaurant , banking/monetary . . . , � •�.. 5 .,� c(- � �V y,�%Y institution, hotel/motel (people oriented types) . This allows 4 �} '* x• =r ,, fk k elti: c 5 r,,Fr',z the Town Board to pick some logical places to put the above. s,: , + ; yvt14, (Mike Stamm said these business people don' t want the main drag - � �" (Pe, t. .•t :n+c,,* d 41 J1 '�"' - •they want to be off the main track. Dave said if that 's our +. -.2. 4,y 3 t'. 1 1 rA,4 , -� of , 11., 4. iP =1 . inclination, we' re substantially changing B2) . # a ;, . r b .,#`-`t4 '` ,1,,, Sit;, ,; d1� ' in,y�Are .t1 WP •430 ' ' k„tr ,kti rt • c, ,^, ��r�, +} 1 =j � In closing, Dave announced Mr. King would be the guest at kd `r ). ,:it,te'�=s'�#.da!Id, N K :$ the February 29, 1994 meeting and would speak on tourism. r w 1' ere r `"t �,; i ('�•qy The meeting adjourned at 8 : 45 PM. +Rt < " R z �±ire •t? ':1ii.., p }}�`t 4 ,� dV.''.fin, fv,eittike04/41..q fit f< l ' , it Respectfully submitted, 0,* , �'rf;l,r r v SS'y �;°� v..y' NF'`,Yp t,,�F'c+ rai'�`s#`•T C t411's r. 4 �r'�y'1 �{'�T. Y t2S•r v.2r>~.:, J .. ' , Lynn Johnson '•' ','',:I- •c',"Y C', S •F`: X ;. L`�}f�; a f C 4/54.1 t iC r t�d ry; ii ., • �yr y "�lt f fir �' � t', = Y�tLv,.i 4IY+}EZ,�i f'�s 5t�F a�w_3•v Y/e14,1r' ' L4'` S�e, tk x.`} 3:`�Yf{41 .".6 2 C ..1 J n.� ;C ,iri ;fit er ),X:.11 ' y�Ft . n y, rr h R� 2 ,4A St1,y`r, 1 nl ,g:, a{ •-el�i t 5 Ay'4F:a � ' F' .�; '' `tix li ((j k�i t t f '°� ,�4,, v It s) `(/-NNY/ Vy9' rxy{z�vial tit °.d�rNi} ,)svd.,,,f,.::,� .+'344..t`}I 4Yp. 4 r SV 5 � j i� a }�,y�Ytt'v�y : , 'ix 3f.� t t ',14 , .t:', ut btt-s . t,01:, 1,ey r St. 1 f,JJ.�(�Y t!�"` bt Pt 4 r/ , L;k* a'ft t+t.'Y;'71 t1 qtr n t,.i il. .t 4 fi Y a t ad i. G }ri4 .E' 4 n`.,.a' .f ,t�f °,- utb«1 {",,11r t ,' ��;;I, , I ..Y r Y t , ¢.p� stz ;'..S o , .53•} t 4 ft q 51 0 5 ' P t b b� V •'4f;0,$)N,i tf�`j�4 tg,,i UVd�x4i',1,ar!n. 1 �+1-d}, i'flkiC . ir. ixrr,.le �� ffl� 4j q3e Si 4J+f� '+y r � �Y�,rSt 1,' ::J} , b°7 ,tkt&.M( ,i r5�i•.,t.,S .g s2i�'li' ti7 5§' !� .fij f' . I. .g j t ,1h "(:�s;.•;7te7, ir<,.i. , IPAI;P:ttreir.<*:"‘•%,4iT/Vr-v?yt^ h. .�,Y , nq .ei+R y} 4 fly, . �S T' t. re { 1 t t 4 i•.nd C ,�'ir4 ' it t yrtC-.4.-it-a: iy e , gr ti.',0' t` }/y e f `A•\ .v 1Y�Y,`�„,i 15 of C M 4. .yr, {,i Z <4 15 l,: f 'S f k fy :t}4, -.Y.`'l '' li i4 ii� l it J 1lt«4t �Idp, 1'' !'h" .12,4?ry,,�+. 4'1' z Cllr t s.74.r!i♦ , �; 6 �, t °�r' . . .a 1 .r4 ., . . .. , : S'l. a , , t l ;fit,' . d ., }0.”..p.:;.J.Ns' u 1y .... , tf i# 'i f^ °i !t : f; t ,. ,J 4'v,w ti rkn i r.�.„t vr„ 0.: s ,, .. . r 5,•i . ',, •� r: A F bra � ti i' t1 ,> ;. . L z,, . + ,„;.4t->r' 4n:t_,.r ""y !2 .,t n;.d,.;,,,e44,,-,;44.-. i"r "t , c, ,t t, o' t „ "r .< } nr t2 , j . 3'xyGy ,P4"'�.'J tr h � sg � y7r•J$ l ' t40<$.;'1 •4h-1 � I.1j-1 /;?F±y.CS. �,c .re,l2 •;.� ,l UJ' ` tv.ir,�5t , 4 C4''” ' n :.1 ...' ,.. 1. .., f s.11 Q/, oS � .e y .µ' /4 > r ;r'r. ���rlT jf' }.�� ? � ��wgk•'t Sr 31} � .t i iyJ ? t N t ,��.:;F +t f ,,,,-.2,,,r.,1;,4,-,:.,°rte i . i, 'J r t y ! � ` v ‘'t SC T...: t 3 .--�tn 542A+. }d 4 ', L fi t Y !ru i} .h .` .j5 4..„y s y ' v (t:s*tr '4 .a ,k ' .c 3 t1 „ s + t „y... } yS e4 /f:F1n,3 ♦ c� eA:3 `- ,J . r�•? d 1144,4 4i+.s;iA7 e ;M r, . . a t i t n i `1 y' ,, k' , y be,a,xpto F S ri0dd.�,>)•' /,-/•-..:•,':,/c, t r J '.t. Si. r cl , 59 i14T td r.`,"y4 :$ ' '{ {'r,'' .. • .. .,. _ i of „ t .tl ` ft . ,,t �ik••' M1 a;d ' ? .:3 £�Sala:' �.t4t , Y' . e '.{'�' i ..S., t a A-7 . . ,ar ,c..,'i.a'i„ f}.w of - ! : j,6_•r r ro ...�.,.1"`r", j��[LF.. LL� yti r c .�5}X. ,vG.,N_•{�'R�i?S °.F7�.:• :t:5:}.ty.,n,1�1, .t , a. 'it.;:�1`"� i*;4*,K yr.} f, > t{ r r y. i-, ,-,;.-A`57,`,+ L,> 'faxes Ti-cO ..'vi t : n , r , . t 7 , r cC-i, '�v' , ;: 1 f ”�t pia ,!, ty Wy £e 9'ur Tk420A• - :4--?"1-4� ti,ij t ai?{, ' 4,4 f.,..,- F :IV #"47f.. i> .%} ,ht-er∎;,<X+ tlif FL... i <fi , tif2 1 a tt .:':. 3 < 3 '' ,W.5� Nf t u ✓- T-�S.S.t a+. l y ""' � 2 1 t � Y v' +7� 'ni { f p Y t.� e' uif �'! 1 t:t ;,,�J��:t - r ) r. x � ' / ,�Y V +t ?' t .A t +tr! •f x' :I nl. rl ar �;i� '."�t;u'' xt' !'�S i°�Pfi{a is (. 7 ,j44.(! =JJ'$ Y g • . ri 1. s v-a ..,a,i7,4r, 4 i t7 a t �k r L't 3;5,' $ if;`'yk5. >7' ✓'ry.ka f �n i'1: r ;y 7 {:ev .rf is lS.cp., '3 if,!n h i{,_ J 4$ ,Jry4341 zt>r :.1.A r:+ rj'rt �lf,„f1'Si +. t N3f .+q 4..y,�a, F I y. y.4 1 :.SI , , ( < a 7 i.. , :r �? 1 .y. i .;s1, y4 yrt'if,y(tl If 4 A e' M1 t 1. S• !' T t } f �. �y to 1 44YIr fr IF t Y� .Lj'�4 {. .t..•.➢ yi., i,{ ': `'+.Id u<'f 7 .:.o' •tr i �'1 aal6y.- li•'eM1 .,y r,ai i'5 71 # . r � N;F V, 1P '�•f( Yl ??? 47 ,. hrt{. �?i"x �,.4{ 3 i .1i+:< f �v '.. .Q". •N•', . jq,-;q iS .. :ar ,.z f ! r ;i{ it .,Y n17! �`i.:' i ,}:3`!rtt`t"' S 4. °+�`'r ' w , , .. 3'jv, r x::i. t .;I "; .tvsa 7 ttI , r 'r �x .. rK t I"4v. ..,Ey,u raj d:t`nlli{'3I�.7,. d. r ar�k li#^�,..• : ttJ ` ii �( .. 55 .1 1 "S t ..� F .j t + ;X w .4 r J , i ° r.5 C'ea :� .. t,l . tci 1s ,i¢ 7 5l. .:t, Ili a� H,' !3F g t �Y Y { I 1-'r j. i t t:• r n .,1 x .y 1.Z3 i _ rt.•,I _ ..t. Y3. '.. y'� "4Ft !' k' ,�, ' y t •».LY it' 'a. tf' ai..,�i1.'a,.:.,.: ZY.. .....r.k.r..°..�....o-5r.9:..::.z.w,r r.,. G � �S 1r r • '03"' ,t-vz r 7 li f ii`rhYSn. 7[1'�'';'g?�`'��g�t4440 y .4,4;'�� ry0`�, r;t, a ii� .:.. , s ;,.. asc,...ft7 t{ t• 1,T 9:� ' S'hP'4 W 1}'4; (jc tt 3Y X �;?7 4 >' .n,**{{ .,yV',4�..,�:'.,. Y vn . t)!f,{ 3 ,`. l s. 6l G{ ' 14 t 1 f `t Ha'fi tl a{. K+y, s4,-•••'L'•• 1•}3 1 ACS4f1 + 3 I1 fN s 1 1 7�t.1,/Y`. 7i1:1 .11 i U`aL1 •� XN, r --a- ��� i ,+,97 hi ,.�� of N, U` 3 t , A4 ni l+'j (1.1„) Y 1 u::: , ,M1, 'q W",:: . TOWN OF ULYSSES .1(.", `r,f1 tf"4 s`y+la",,:'s Ivt:4 ,°1',:fs '` SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING ," '1' "t<1t "<; r i•�t1i�;;;'f tiri,,, 4',Ci ∎41).1t'RM February 26, 1994 K `}t:f '' I} 'r + 7 Ar f4' i�l 6 L4Ir'i+ z go:1 ,44.1p r1 r s ¢re e � ks ,1,313 . r x'"1,41/ / ry}dri h':-,:,,, t* l t r; tl t f• h,` �,r� S"` lY iiWi.: �e Present : Supervisor Doug Austic; Councilpeople Tom Reitz, ,,y, k,' IVIM ' '`JA0i1:4f,,C Catherine Stover; Deputy Clerk Paula Mount . r + 7 R i t}k}� ''}•J,,+✓yC11•tI )iyf�.'N: , ;, I f +li Hr i rf+ 5 , frAk:xl tt'1,,^f'I+,;4 ,• Mr. Austic opened the Special Town Board Meeting at 9: 20am. i S t i'h"�IC {,' 4 rS ✓. c f A;.; .j0a�' ftI . it'j. °.krh'ti' Travel Policy } t, dr i4f r 'I ! 'c''S. ' ,l:. .e/3 �y}XS', d}PY .•yu ,rt , ,I o1 Z+ t , r ter ,{. r Mr. Austic asked if there was any discussion concerning this ! F a . ') , , , jfI "1k, a° ± Q proposed policy. Mr. Reitz said that he found a lack of t fi �E,+ ` '` V attik�p , vakit•xt; paperwork (documenting information) and distributed forms that . .. 't • � ;f it-.pit 4� In 'fir Cornell uses . The Board discussed incorporating some of the ' « r, ^<5i{'' 4 ; :, ` t; lI LIIr /':t ° ' ideas from these forms into the proposed document Mr. Austic ;.. I,� ;,,F; ,; ;, dX�'4'ii " r �'` resented. The Board also discussed travel advances . . . the need ,' ,`t'yr& s,L,us�; ; t ' ,l. P 2�, rf rt it 5 `' ' '.. to be accountable and present receipts on return. f ' ,� � Y t f'+a' iL .. jdtf .a " } a I.l.a5 q,11 r"fi X 3 �.l a 'W ' f t..&7 !a, , 7 •�!1y ",'y'j�Jr4 eAtitj This proposed policy will be retyped and copied to all Department .tG;t; ,q.i:k t. I, #� � `*a'� Heads for input prior to the next Regular Town Board Meeting. , ,+ lg ',ts ' j? ' ; f j :4 ' •$i test �}�P: , x YJF 4RtIG-).) ,r.3i+r,T4�t$ 4* ;,yew; �p4v�, The following is the proposed Travel Policy: : ;'; 1, ),r 4-,`F* c. ... 7 t ,` ,,41 1, TOWN OF ULYSSES r .;s • r� r , TRAVEL/TRAINING/EDUCATION POLICY L ; .\-' ey`lrp +.u, 1 ✓t ra i )t, T I �14,}N _1 [P 1 t e' t%Lti y14 F�SN a '� tit na`�i- il 2N, SW + , ,. t r. . a r `- , rx ��,r,',✓:�.r�j Y �* `ra+'l,��! ;i t,-"tSt'f`Y lnf4° rM1 r ' + rP+ ' r � �'s IOWNx Whereas, the Town of Ulysses wishes to encourage its Town i{ ,•, 't a,„y f 7 ti yr �i „av i t officials and employees to pursue additional training and i..,,,,x !IsF;,, `'>` ': _ 4 A. y N�r;,t I a' ( ,3 a . os� � ' ; s education which will enhance their ability to do their jobs , and s,-} , t ;. i` ,t ,tf. e. M1? , 4t PIp .r, iSS xY,t :..�.p. 7 •. 4 y r r �'�t.A r . S. Whereas, the Town Board deems it appropriate to reimburse the 4..i, c .,w,,,jst'7 ,`;` 14' a•t}t f t' ` official or employee for ex expenses incurred in pursuing this ''1 <St<' �'' 7 ', • , "' ., n P P 4 4h !;:A J Jro��,, 1, ✓, ,i'• (.3441.4 ,j,?:i.. ., ,, -. training or education, : `'r rg $'XJ` W le` L` ,n T "�:o�r` , Be It Resolved, that the Town of Ulysses will hereafter use the ,,� ^; ', -;•! ' '4' ',r ,: ;p. r. 3t; }cr# r t .r it: ilhA t ix ' �. guidelines of this policy, listed below, in determining -W1 s s, 1$,A4 ;' p ,- 1 �`r�t� , ,a{t; , kh' reimbursement for officials and employees who have attended an ,}�•tij µ ry yada.. w ' �a 4'4141 � 2 %- ` a roved trainin session or re uired meetin y -' y;r,c'1,,Pe '• 7 rir;'.••I 'F", i4•L t+y./L, . �q Lt PP g q 9• a,; ,.•A r, --J,ff,•n;l..{, # qkt?'L., 7`.'' 1) Travel by personal automobile may be desirable to save time, , :.,,. ,t,,•}1 ;�;`', .,,,, ,:. g' 4i;.rQ„,„,`r �I; to transport equipment, to reduce costs when a number of persons t �wX td , s ' s Y ' '�"' �Fy� � y, ;;•. are traveling to the same destination together, or for P i .� �•` ,r , �1" ',-,;,.'. a t _ ;'r �� ,' convenience. Those who must use their private vehicle for travel "`1:� :' °t; '• r„f I ',+' � I•`�ir,?. %1 ✓,9%, '0 will be reimbursed at a rate per mile equal to that established i6 ' lY r,` „ 4 { k l � r a;,��•r,�nf. P q s t n '`cy'iC ,;fl. , °, `111 by an annual board resolution. When possible, if another means i 1 .:,'J rri5tj,r,J ; 'X ' t ' i}Ili I` o,f4 .70', } of transportation is available to and from the meeting [eg: • s +: �. w,? r,`L , t f.:,i•f M,� provided by a joint municipal effort or by the sponsor of the I ttr;;',.SYr ' ��'k; ;, meeting, etc. ] the travel reimbursement will be at the level t ,f t z`4:11,4',, ,1.„ charged by that alternative transportation only. � ) yyyy� '0 X d 1 , !:', ,',may i r.r�te,fA•�i`S` 4}CI :'nt S I✓r�> ..1' i S t. , ,. 4 :`-: �'` 2) The Town will pay all registration or tuition fees . �; ' , r rs, f r hr�c�.q;tir, f,t"t ) P Y 9 ° „ C. ,k /' II , r�r' , { C '.',l r (4.l'ith'e 2 -' I,dt a ,ir ip7r ' l .a ` 3) The Town will pay its employees wages at their normal rate 'i "'` fo r ia,"}t''r 15,4t= ® for time spent at meetings . Time over the normal work day (8 +'1t I "t i ''� �r s ;x� hours) , employees will be given compensatory time off at a date A'. TM. . jr� ''t,`r'�"iy,``� i�' yf, mutually agreed upon with the department head. �';'„ ' 4 rfl r`s t ,� , } " ��,,nn tff ` e n a,t t"" -vreit , a 4) Overnight accommodations will be reimbursed or vouchered at a j',,, ?' , tr "i5f {Y } t `• + ,f r ru 4 • rate comparable to the rate charged at the facility at which the t , , A r I - y .,, t , • l x; ;SKr! ' meeting is held or at a rate of moderate accommodations of the t ai ' , ' s ' as S{ i h w. 11 , tillf C44 ;.; a• rl. i 'X. ; rai +11r ' 5) A maximum meal allowance reimbursement will be as follows : ,, , i . .- ` "fir , :r breakfast - $10 . , lunch - $15 . , dinner - $30 . In the event that ,l i4 ' tt F art't' ''`` t .,"ar G some meals are included in the registration fee, appropriate , ';•'+ ,I }. A yy�[�,yy' ` . , r., <, ; +' deductions from the maximum daily allowance will be made. , i,�4 r, t ' 't ' r �y✓}4Kgt ) s I I , ; • r i i I , u,�} rrx• a{�jp ( t.4,11:::-43';,;:, t ,;,411 •,y '2 Tat wf. , ` F�: '1 ' 4 �, t�}43 '' iY.hi rl : : y4� 4 . , t�-fr- ' fix'} 5} r t 4 555�(((��� �1y l y 4 + Y y!,::,.,.: y Nv-P•y. J { yi. '} t, ..JM,, :e;.t ffl•' e'Y I� f .ry �! I ' I A 7J 41t. ! I S<! 1f 7T qq��fi. .t. �Y lY ': fv I3P F. „ % rx... ro y „�1,.:. ; 'SM?'f'!Sr �j,,,rn rqj 7 :aM1 a a(, i; .ii ,t , 9°� n i J1.y>n .Y�k , Gs, 4.. . ..W..'!,l 7 4. 1 .. M .?.C^• V. p,b�' /! �(� t ,{ ..}`f.' .! . t-.P':t7i t left`,. Y• . d ;0.. a: Tr, ,' ,. y)i i i� a' +Si 1 lIt&£2trl y• r5ii ' ..(.l y ,�.. �' r*.4 C,. iJ• ., ..: . ,.v, • 2 ,l 3 ` ' i a, i�e.,5 a . a� 7 i �i ; t,T . 51PC'(�jt ,}y..�SIIk{Y `` 5 4,: Sf '^:.,, {. 4TV :. '.{'4 t Nei+•.j y, % �. a 1 d i` 1 7 '/I �{ t''' '.{d 1 u✓ } `1 )Tf "{¢, ( ( • b �.j tjv`.�aY'l�:r .i y$p5' {�. sk. rt101, ir,,1r ;1.«' 17 r � s'F'/If .•y,i 71•PK e` fc f. 4 . 44 yt'• C'.}tl r1' `,7 ri ^t. .oeq, .a t;tt+ u, r t .� e. ; ^""<. t ji � . N„ }H7; a L +}i,r. J �` ' ft J:. 4 2 ,{ °4"i?e tSaS} x. d t#'',t '}r OA �!? � (' '.'. :k, , ,A ,,, F i>isio . ' r,i a KNi,.44 �{, c ! 'i r wi gt�'tt's a s{5, ^}G,`¢''i er,„t-,T.?Ail,i.r- t s. , i' / 1 �1ipry�ry '7',. I Ti- Y•,: t 4 } '.%iAr.G b i F'i'. -. , � 'vii..,ti'.i V :w:.,.`t i� 3 ; S. 4. Y ' � '":4 ` '. ,c ti,r to M ;;1;..i r� cl`S a 4a 'al .°+' j x'�3 . �Y, L i 2r s i 1, J .L:�S, 4 `t"{bl a ., :y, g� t. ,a�, dr•'l } tt '1".:•7 ,�. .�.t*,'k,£��j d f Y: • "�/' ,t'[,(�� ��i� cXt. .r yrr �: "rt`'7%tt'< s ! � s�r�i� y ^�i ,e tau a, t�i+ �. 2b S.•�y �;.. .7 �en��� j , fr 4 t drl s.a` `a z : t .: K . yt ..t,,eGt7l�7 r4' �.fr I,':I��FF�,,4'� ib �31: . �#hM'Y r fl % r 7. , 4'f' }7(' iR£✓ `!a} r,. d` .- T: - sti !� (t , I i":';:v f..::, +r u . t 0. ,�i��! „ .+,>'4. e Igo,i . st,gi•� r» > r'� .,x.r1' trs . s a1 x a v k i qt �r a ' rS " k' ') C 'JI"`�)u.,w {. 1, r.. S i C't" 11•. X YlV ) ,thee, rt"?; MC�F :>:, i:::W ed, 1 ' rris;re .'I" ^�i.�} • 57 n4J . 45 k,"<�m.,).4}�y r, r �'nS�Y>L.b�Y,`�k+.,�t,.t:,�.'1.) ./C i .f 1�E{AY'�7>�{{�,' ''.'4 S''vIS ''t1', C .. :T e it )R: °+' • .vyi•.L`s�:'4tG�'e�r7'' 7f{r. �Sln1y'a4P''1fS�nrif lY,ry"�y°1S:'fwf Q„�;'y. .<( l.�ryi.� i�� py5 �'A,�> ,�,t 5(�s • h,tU,n,.,,,,,2: pick/4.1i, a „i v".;-t ,��i.,. a'i,;,,,t ✓ 'L t a`.} r� tf ,., ; 5. ' }- ,f t r.- .v h •i, tT Net '4 r i 'tr '! ' .t:ii•`t tYrlt.?Vnt*j§J s } � I � 4 h.S„ h ��ii,, S� t n t� t , G rti y i .lrn I . f r f •#, t, , 4i. Y�f` '�'+ if � iyb i t tifS [b 7lY, r .t :} , �.. t a ti ..o'•rJ, '. 1 , t 7 "fir K 7 M1 y>. 'Ql 'rnF'Y S; 1 it c` Ct '.:c) }. h�a ri �c x 1 J, .' I > 1" 5 k° , }, • :' (.;.':;•,-;;' t , Y. .I , i +..`fi a > G it •t� }..",, ',i h o. >.i r , i ' i ., f ,'•� t'y ' j il''�i'e iT f} h �rc� f + f r / Nfj 1 r {`I f t t f,. t •. ' e'. '!'• l� 1 ,,4..,e,•La J' Rr Ya • , ntt)' f .. ,v J J ,J•,t t1. l ) , .,Y -.4.,;;;.0. v a•{ . _1 sf J .8: s, tT A., 2.!,+,1'1'41"i t R- tit may, i• kn r et,,,.€..+ !Zv €^.•C.t•ft "4"- t 4,-e, .s ,I;;,S x .e u1 c:kt e ,r t. tit }M Y,'.wl'Jr r!y ! k j .#v`'r i`. ! t i':' T' '�•x, ,cJ.c, t> k :...,', : f z,,.: ,, a (r-y a, .s :t;. t "a` ., f ,. ,k.c,ri #.;r d�' y .r. ,r, k'i ; i "`S + t.z 3 , ,€ ,,fie+ :c x:6ars` ,gyp > : d3, f sr.±,'.; . j ,. " ':'Y k [ •1.: q,,,..{{ ,r ,,•`x v �'v' !.IE�"}'t�{y"'u' 'Yf, •''"7r 1#w3.Y }R� 1• '..Sr'.'j(,.;r('7l`4:A is 1 `"etrls A J ' ±! ;�fj iw Pt� ikCV� '7£c A' . '� fr2' lir<d;•s'i'f'„f4 t3,. t .`+.6.a rR..4+ A,h.,.i} ;ry. 7 i: �A, Kt� �'4::5;�.�F�Ri: '4.fit'''': Ft+f{�7 t• #ter. '` Si4h.Ydd"'•. WI 'R .ara: `R fsl .Tv":kf . yrrr tins ..� .1''2 .x`R-}' e6 J 5•fir.rt'i :;*•All`'Y�r,4 t!. *y5f t �''.'(.}'., , {Tnfira},. i';W1 Y7 �fa ;+t ! ! :,° ^aj 4T{ ' q' f+{t . itip x, ..11 .r �,'J(` ' ,. a.i}.b1'ii.,:y;tc 3 ,7:- r;?L`tc 'ti:'7t;1,`.'.'>t,..,t t,:,Nr 6-r 4i, r'Yr+rS.,DZ ,4 7 £ +;Tr ZA+f. .79 t4{,.9 r;c,e, g,Pl 1Ssiat� _ 'A l H�: -..:re Y 't.• ar a+t.,,- .tz. •. �•% r : ,,j,,r•�L' rt'ri.:"f.'.",7fielril••lr!_) �. 1 ! F .J. ki•4.t•K.;�"�154A':r7�iy.,trw *, ' :tC� + 'A er Wn' tl„ 1Yrrr:}it.Zh• r h :74 1% i h3k: ry !wi c fl` � � ., � 'y ' {�+' ..l. e, r' a�J "Ya , � f r l �y, 'Y ' [ at 3r�, i.irsr i C 9 � Y" 7 Y� 4't?. 3.? � .x "0, ¢ n• Y• ✓ .J } /•••,‘74.' --• n 1 .{ :4r,r + r L,.T r � 4, �) f.j• e 1:,'"4 'R` .l i 1 `(( r , '{ ,�: r.'M -l."SF n >,y.lx 'e '41,,.:..'C .,a}' , 0.4;:44',','i':�r^ f is��.: , ^�:'1•k'' x L r. <'''''VA‘; ..1.,J.} e,°?i?."_ue'r F : „ 3J7 !Y 1Yr r� ! ' r.k "i 1 1 a, . ??,,,�,y'ys� 11;}y ..�Rct>},, .4f �+ t ,1?'t't t . ' , 3i 1 e,.).e` i t '"r' s '•€ .' '� 11"i t1 074/ 11:1.:44.`4V 1-11, , j3/4fil. "r C�, '�{t ti�� }}i€r(1���� J :,rU?Y:%(� $ fq:.�`,r}�1,k. tis!..)�'fi\ Zvi"5.�3�'i.lt.;a .;'Y v`� :ht � a... J' �r.1� <e>::{�'. �. '�w:i7.�Jt.:,gf{>,_.ir .ti u ! i ,.�`•. ,� ti� J frJy�rr(t 'fJj y�(S 'r'2 rh t/`'.t '14.x 1 d t , ,� °R,ri i s, 5 P .r RJ 4,4 dk *lb RK p '�e t '€t S i{,f I r. fr r,etc 1.}'q,t}R eP tS.�Y� 4, %t • ;A ,(2i�r<{� R�� ' ' 7 , ,74. ' f.rrn,{•wle �.fr TOWN OF ULYSSES 2 3;4 } ;' . ,4b , ; ,�,. ,1 ,,, ¼j+`` ;t1c g isi 1,t SRS" SPECIAL BOARD MEETING T,,: at 1 `, r` t, A y 1,a}ti , r `2 J 3 t r} { y<s l: !, `ti: line FEBRUARY 26, 1994 irV111 YtArat '+,,7€ 4,1,: ir'�' ft fir . t t R ti �t = 11 S, 4� > r. t y f� ` { ) �Ea ; t+;. ' t`,`}�rci 6) Miscellaneous Expenses : ` , `} €j r Ft ` ;: 1 };';r{ A. Reimbursable: official telegram and telephone calls , 4'- 1:.A' including those necessary to obtain transportation and hotel a� as „V, .7 ,. reservations . Expenses associated with baggage handling, tR J+ i f v `xtVr* s1 , +, > ;,' storage and tips .trttn tl` t}� kr��t FefZr y. ti'Yrr±r` 'a ,• t prykj`'i B. Non-reimbursable: personal entertainment expenses ; ,2' r i d '� 3 ,, v r 7 . t Y}r1 ' >r s ttt f t `Wi } spouse or other dependent expenses . ..=‘;;-1'1....:,1 •,v ,+",i 45�sf rsKth > ,a -. . 1 16! 7 Y ty o gRl{ IJ'It � { b S 1 rr,5rr' ?� ,t Sx;r '� All attendances will require prior notification and approval by ' ..,-.417. ���,,-,,,,,v�ttetz ;tn�l;f, the Department Head and Town Board. All reasonable expenses to i {''s'a,,A,•ySI.44 ,..P n,? be reimbursed must be accompanied by original expense receipts . •'.'•.,; r, `f , >" ?.1%.f"`ip',x�J`r� .17,y= Ar - In unusual and special circumstances , at least fourteen (14) + ati, t 3 .ir5 r r P �; ,;11:11-...,,,' r, R,,� rp�s'h working days before an official business trip is taken, travelers ' ,.,r s, C '. ), fit Y + -. 'l T tS, k?t may obtain an advance by submitting a Travel Advance Request ;c ; ' ff, tt , J 7,4, Form. Travel expenses paid in advance must be cleared within , , <,%'C fit'' .. .,e/�i.t iv, x , l , R ...f R1}F Ya'r'n-;, `� thirty (30) days of the completion of each trip. This is done by k T ,r 'Irk , at ~~{ I'•�4J,?:?: filing a Travel Expense Reimbursement Voucher on which the amount x g t° of the advance is deducted from the reimbursement, if any, due 'a -c .h =r d C.`'""y ` t ,c r ,; the traveler. Travel and training requests must be accompanied ktl '.ttr s`; ' �. e".g41+m,i1Kw t, . g q P s{, t.�,:°0Art4, ;x {1 by pertinent information as to conference/meeting time, place, AAUP t rl topic, projected expenses and the budget line from reimbursement • , L,,,r t , r,1- cif i' ,�;77,t 'R,( r' 0 will be deducted. ':\t,.,..%,...,',.,,.,,. .,... r a,, sr ("'1 ,� S',"A vr7<"4, my .-PI 51 Nti r ' r r I • u t , } .y5'"^ iltiri. �ak' Y .S.'nY+.= .�1,t Sl ,t :7 dtid+twr ,,t i`ci°6k J � Procurement Policy ?•! p. r(t c?i�„ a• t,{�v {c�th} ay1.+bNy�f+ ya,( 3,'�r• ' , , r t; f { • ,r ZR y ifk •mk �• The Board reviewed the proposed Procurement Policy and made a ; ; t i„ } r ,, ,. ; ' > 'S r J,r couple of minor changes . This proposed policy will be retyped t ,, > ' ' , `_ \:e 1h and distributed to all' Department Heads for comments . "c f{ ' • tPr .A .}°-�('•'1,i"it !:<�4 'R r k1r,I,r ! t . .•i ' '•??t^� { r Rj �y`,f]'ry i( S .-,4,4 ,fr,,••'s, It ` .rtp' /- i }. '14`t,(q .3{>r}zyattr[i 9j 1} '''�;xK., i%- Sr r,n{ri,s'1 Y , a�,� ` 4.1% iy `t. •#,�tryy ! ; ttoy tV J. f' {: P'.. iy 4 , . z ;11A,, �`)jSJ'{1ry' F m F" y , 7 ',, , t { 1 •,{t: ' &..V F r t ;' .t s el,( ri b. .. / .4f �" t i R :,ff 1'R rtiYil ': ,. n „ , '4; 1} £ :y))), " � " TOWN OF ULYSSES e } tit`n, R rrr.z '.' } "c� ' , ,Pil.k, �h PROCUREMENT POLICY ;^ : `{ `j "- ',p`r } ' i. ."I. i 1 rR t + , , t V",;*w4, tr lea 4 ' tt7,Al �.. SA ° ,4°` ''� c,, WHEREAS, Section 104-b of the General Municipal Law requires the „r `:R' a ..,,, ` _ r." ,, • ; ;si, 'f a �• �`•, �k,1' to governing body of every municipality to adopt a procurement 7ffM1•={{-14"'''•'';!.;r ., y(q+'. qt •4 g Y Y P Y P P I r R ,r t ' i .0,, r> <t,}St+f policy for all goods and services which are not required by law s, • r<,,t� va . to be publicly bid and ' 't, f, ,, t ,t . a 't' Y wN ''A'•:,'•:"v Sk iei t'i -:.:;:"....:1.;:, "r:.,,Jt , , ) t its 4'41e3' r 9a„,�,�4 g,'}}.. JSt4t4:�.AJ eCt R ,f t! ! ,j C TXYy'�y 1>•r' t.'}s '•Cs.4at, j r . 4' , ':'n � rrf - r`t� , ' WHEREAS, comments have been solicited from all officers in the r ti, r tt��{: 1� V. ,}{ ydr s t{ti+ .r:r r , r ! ; f G •f'ril SRk`,'u.s.4w,i,i ;fx.f; .1„ Town of Ulysses involved in the procurement process , now, R; y � ,, ,.' , '-� � c + x�; 4 therefore, be it , . } l ' 1 i.a ar4,'�Pe f','J'K.f`$/,t, , f�i t 4.1'` mit■▪f t3 k,,;i ?j;,�,,.-Y{r'' RESOLVED, that the Town of Ulysses does hereby adopt the r1 ,r r IM:41r,13,,Y, ,r,;- r �, following procurement policy which is intended to apply to all r 4 f •5 �,< �Rt1.1 ' ' goods and services which are not required by law to be publicly r , St 4 1, tr 411 ra m ., ';',",;;,;...!;1:;:‘:10,•"..,"'..;' 1 ..-" L':-", �a`',J E' ',w"" bid. F)R.arJ;fraf€wj�`4, £r% 7 r41.. ti- ' w. t `1. .10 ! }Fr{ 4'r..aa 41 r.ir 1y 1H ' f hN 7 F,R� „' ;i:1c141Jyw,,,',..c,( ;+• 1 . Every purchase to be made must be initially reviewed to 14.';-..;:....i..,,,4,,.. , a" r stn ',,' xr;., ',y: ,Ii determine whether it is a " ,���,�j.,,�f,,p�,`;r� p•,` ,_, purchase contract or a public works t +_� w , >•.�• q � ; ' rr. ri:i i*Js• ri contract . Once that determination is made, a good faith effort ;`r`f' • ..� At ;11.4141'e " 'R'k'' •€„(Yn.ki ' i .Ss (a, , 4 r' ,.',J; jn . e,* will be made to determine whether it is known or can reasonably :, r r s ?. � '` k ' '` ` �' ; ' be expected that the aggregate amount to be spent on the item of } � t - l v ,.t t .r r Ziv'e,' { :,,,,I Jy'.rsti..,' supply or service is not subject to competitive bidding, taking ' PP Y j P 9. • t= ltd'`' tt= '41 ,, into account past purchases and the aggregate amount to be spent t rxi< :.,',::,,-:::.;;;,,..e.,.,:,:::::).1 in a year. The following items are not subject to competitive , ": >s, ` , rl:„ bidding pursuant to Section 103 of the General Municipal Law: 1 -, ;' a2'*,y{i " ''`I purchase contracts under $10 ,000 and public works contracts under 'iii u ,1 ", $20,000 ; emergency purchases; goods purchased from agencies for ', '' '..,*,*:-,"1.;.' ,,:'.-, ',1-",.; ' }}( ��1t r r + ,.f •' k f r the blind or severely handicapped; goods purchased from , j , t :: correctional institutions; purchases under State and county ,. . !,':. �y+-IA 0 ' i ' ' contracts; and surplus and second-hand purchases from another :, '1/4',. 4., `: ,' governmental entity. 1 d�t is � } Yk '} t "' ..1.1:r.,%: The decision that a purchase is not subject to competitive + b'`�. tr1S� ":1 fr,f`/;a,1... f --6.5,. r € , 1 i'm... a�t2 iR S,;a r1', P,` `.� lirf/t �{tj.',c, ...iii r ., + (, r k'�`i'r`27 12>�tt <',?faEg4 d'S1f > / _, ., 4 1fii C1/i,, 4rY it n'!f 1,1, S {. �y M�[ l • '• r' ' r , :Y ✓ v>f J +?;,,Ws4ki} '14,4 , tdd,t:Snro �,r n-a Cif ._ i:N�` } na ' rr}v 4.< i'X• ' ' 3., 1fk°yii'7 'ccmg ' j<✓{ � �{, ,. ' i ,. + re u §' r: to• i''i+rr4`.'L, .� k ?Tt;-,; ,,,,,z1` '.y; ;' •.{'.' r*,,, e!' , z�i ,�,!*$'7 ;*•74, f7v it. 1. 1 ; ,!'• r .4. . :':.. { It : R q{ , • f4:, e '4, ... s. 45, ts:�n , :., S , {fr• ,P ai p"s,• t ,;:,:y..9.0 S 1 S 1 lftr R'��R�� (�} P'v1S� � r � '' �.Ff. , ., P ?� f. „+ � � �t {�y*' �y.y�.�°�}, �..4.,,��'fre�;i f4Aydr •. 3,�ef':S'{'a' t , ` t„, R+Y ''t�„ i>} q, {�tka . G1 uJR ls.ih R { %•f� ;;VI.. � 1/4 14 4•Ag Ver �Yy' 4 0, .ty t {'°'•W vdl: ',' ,"4,hp)yrl'cC�4t'"�• o �" y � •r a0 gtr,,., '. �, J .S+ :qr r< a i4..€ etrIVi t. z it `5T ,}st,�f '-lea • r :1 ,t.$ {., 'ep�>�`{{ � t R�7y��� � � '� � WC4,„ '1 ] a E`: '.Ak'�+}{�fi� r .•/.a l����. �,}�' y3'r�"ys�v.,,3 d3�i'�k%� S ., rt y)}. r �bbt x .4 , t'•tl r: 1}�.��"P'(�� 'V�,.r`; qk Rk` �:' C;� f 1 'f, ,. 14%;; i'` ' ,{` 5V. j .F wi f"ar vigo v,;.!-+r5 1y XIn f. 0.3, a' rp ,.t'}#,1 /imr, l'1'`Yws c �,i. 'L+`{i +, 1 6 .,f G x 't ,y; '1 „ y .., tj. , Sys.",�+.c{ ,y .A;�j: 'a q4, (v,,.+ �.ry?7^: 1F^ i?;r.:l s?.' R•4�y'•,;..d.;r,r, ' x,'t f,f+ �.r,yr of ,4y�.� .r' '^ ' ���'�€' �`a,;"<' { }:�:-. r 'A�:a,r^' � , { f r ' �,H, ,.+�T N�{�y"R,(' y,2 ;pv .A.,vK`}, l'wtt .1. ti,1-14 ',W)Sr711-ti tt t:-"XY},+1('SL. fy p b�'h , 0.Y; ,�1: 11, "!.., �J •$. � .ti :.S` ` 1'.�+ : 1 ¢ rW. .v (t� �^7P;i'.�� �a � '.y+�llr R i�f .r£, t�i� i rs,;Y.t.{•r �i�,}�tr:.a f >�i, ,.r r' y i� ! �r F aU � Y1 1 rli � ,d'Yk _ �?����!,� �i O t � 9.'�r r,.= , , r a t,ib .l n.,ru...r,4 i `t V .: .3:?p q ;4 'x :•?: , 5 ." ti to s}L21l.c. .,,, it SA ' 2 �.��h.,•:ara'iCy 4 A:t . ,5 i:a?`Ga r,,St.;.xti. to ,+vy Ic"'c°.. . ,1 . .£.};'y3t�.V'F_�. y l ,�{�t71'{�t y� Y, f .':' , tSv 7 f j. ) f r p li{ 7 �y��,{r r ) �° d ,14N" 4%- Nt 4,,.-,s4,.F j} 4 r.+ r ,r s 'ti . < t •i ,, d• r (: 5� r 1 t C T # i K i;t 1, j ti 4 if9-},t ,� ;fit i �4�.'� }.,}.C�j. ,�.A,it a f 1J, '.= r t !I , , „ ' ;r '). , �4,xi 'r,fr ..;'�!'„ .dRS'Y` I'S lFt xt`z� ,., ,w ii: 1?A 1}'M'G i4 r9? d'�t'{"Ana +, h 5. . . . . '' q .a t r, J , , t , 4 d' t /i+ c.Gi'-k t rt S YI+ 414,-11 X. 1,,•-ii -•*'� ,N 4 fk, ,,,.. at• ,„ J,•1!%-'5.47-.A.'% ' , , r 1 v ' . J t ;;;ryrye •�:, ,'¢d t{t i"•„ ii`f1 i '` t��,'t rt+ v ..` t •ty' ' t 't .‘,,;',,y,?..).; i. ' r}t= )k .4 ,� r # y• r ;. . j � (', t,,f L. rt1• t .', w,r 4.j.:pep' t>,:: r •tf 4104.4. t7 E5: 'Sc.' • r a J,,a. 1,,i :,Yd f t• ,tst ,, x+}r ,. ' v t t t . K4 -J {s:., {ii.-,t F, a it . :^' � t t-41,../1,44,' { r > 'i.4.41‘r,...Y .1 .y 4.V' ,t �,. .e i Sni C �' f•, # J . y`, 3'( S 17,,;7:' "' �' .7 �: 4t , a"4.` : .;'.t" � � <.L . (', t .+n ,t, r'G el'fi1 ..i -i.rill *' , �' ti, it q ,1;: ',.- :�' +.s 3': �-•: �:,q '�,y's"� #.3{, ` ;}5}"ep`f� �i}y^ z. �.�e,..'`f ;,'�, �. ,�. s` i'+ t� � +' y t4 X x . ,:. y5,�.r.::,�ia: .'r �i,i"aexk�y. `'It' �k•'s fv. 5�, , �� C2.0 :-.(v rei . Flt i,ii.at.l: ,L$::, k 5. .S" .<+ d.�.yj„ti'(��y _F�j :i,�+i�ir,:yFt':�'t � r7 ' ^{r ! � t t,..t �T X' '}' sr �,�+�5 E �y.✓: 't , -..�i(f E;}�'. r1:H S;^.t tR ,?:`4}, :� h�$. �'�'�•!4�'v"v 'AP: . �t . '.p . 0g4 ;v`. '}it TM fji(. t,418.,: r'. :r1 r sz, I,. . f 4.3 i.�.A;. yri.r, .r ft i e,nl{ .t t .yXa!,{eb !( ;0 ,^ Jtl' �t,t Y, . , . t..a?a. �,,'k,";s�' ,. r � ..s i rLf", r, n, C �S . S .� ! fr ,t cis . ;j(..: X C " ' -#'eykl 04. ,A. �M:„p,3`' t. ,: } .x`, i I . :t .y , , orq Y F. s .� 'a, �ra'v.yi,-`. zfgl z.. .r .,r i�,f T.t'i^+ gt i • '2,�rr.Y ' Y' j .q r 'tf ,.�t{,ex' c .r 3 x .f 2 ;.F�F"x'. t5,>w 1'S' 4 f'tb� s^ nt.r !'"'� i "fly}}s Si fl ' ' :,iYi.. -1,•n' 'A @-.S �,, ',�a� Y ) t t 74. v ,i t .9, t3.,;:iFX2 iii 1 :,,,:;, ,j�.,ip 4.r, ,fS. •E r..1.,'S, ,N�t ..t. t" . r .�X��S:.' �F'rt}•N::?"•A `,lY.y,t�.�'`,,y��++' r.=:s���42}�` G i :J ,�'.! , ,,.{, r 3. {., , s St t ar��'� .t,�tP,f”�-. y ��aye�'t s S')f aw, V��R' `!F `�}y t IP `3•Ws," t� i`�/410.4 �,, "Witt`? PP•4(�''t/ "tk. b1'"Y. .'ilr4 t to •=:\. .. 7,.'. ..ti tt.,,.•''. ..,: -• • , • j'm•e .^,..a .z ! a, ,b P.."d'.>?. .,:a rF 't �e;,,Ai ;,,,, >I ys`^,' 0( ,. (5,E'r % i f /J -_ r)?.c/ ' £7&/ r *,Y�'gli}"j ifiitr�j�at3 };,� t ., t, , f rA �, , r Cis 14 'r cl).t ; � n A t � j Kh Any f S}tilthr , e I.. f + h "l7 Lt?''' 4 +1 '� r � t 1 k^`e. MAY" t Y,'l S.'.ct(:'i, 11,.4,, .tt. r't {, i£ha Y '. ,!'! f,`a;. 1 •:vr'; .,`''+''Ptl 'i ( ;,ti .y a. Professional services or services requiring special or W00:,=,, ,4'0f,fi?tf A,tpi1 .•M ..',`:v;:tv•`;,x ` `t'?'" fl ` technical skill , t' Y .:*E: :;,, , a kill training or expertise. The individual [� {- t[ Y i } '4. 4 ' .; 'i / g P r xYy�'tl},.! I l 5'1,{ i. f I ) ' t �, ;1.r;r r4 or company must be chosen based on accountability, `fe r1'r ,t ` t, I �, 2 ,i 'll` tx�"X g t P Y Y, 1 s, Y , i r fi y }e�5 ,j � qualifications responsibility, skill , education and . ^ ' t ayi l6�rC,z r\, e training, judgment, integrity, and moral worth. These .''a i ,7 „tt ::,,, i '� , K,1 ualifications are not necessarily found in the ;`i '`ttj'= A;L . t•? "ra ;++� � ' `' ` individual or company that offers the lowest price and i. , =,r , 3' • t''` yz;Y`y tr' .- vF `Zr''.t the nature of these services are such that they do not fin',, •ir 1 i 5 y y4. \ 3. '"t :,,(.-1-.;p0,..:,-;%!4-,11.1 rlt; readily lend themselves to competitive procurement +, }` ,7 ,: _ `;, '441 t''^':2yatittia; procedures . --r.q .: t , 1 ;,. , `-vv �t' &a.X1Yt• yi ,�d'a ✓,+1t ! Y t' , ° ' .r l Sci�+' 't���tt, v7t��i'U�f',j ,V. '' r .�. t f,,i Y` ,'�' ,,41T !-,°>=r „e;• In determining whether a service fits into this category the Town °`' ' 3,14, � ` I- ';,*N Board shall take into consideration the following guidelines : :,U't r , { s` px i *" r4.• (a) whether the services are subject to State licensing or {"� .rt N teilY 'awM . 94:'. testing requirements; (b) whether substantial formal education or 1�` '� tf o f tit } 1 !9 I 'k 5 ' . .� ' -g , training is a necessary prerequisite to the performance of the L1,.,3 x , �t r • fir rtMrh} rrt'. t''' '``l t xtd 1 + >,Y.', r~r 1 x,:04 services; and (c) whether the services require a personal C3'f ' '"; t . } , r. s }pifN /10' ,� g ,.: t i `:i �t j ra�'r 4 + % '� # , 1, 441 ; relationship between the individual and municipal officials . ci)V4d :. Y' ' "r ,; t. Professional or technical services shall include but not be �'" ` "^` ''� : 1`'4. {. V' tl w)ar''e rn x . , limited to the following: services of an attorney; _ `,, ' }(` ,'�'�' is'� .,_ �� 7 rf+ �' ,+j0 9 y; services Of a i rr rf "M4, Y� 3 . physician; technical services of an engineer engaged to prepare =t,1/4.p ,,h4�"" ,, `,`e,. . . ', e plans , maps and estimates; securing insurance coverage and/or r. ,3 psr� ` 4es" <"', tCn '.�, 3" N. .' n�r?I a w %a,.a.-c@ w, o services of an insurance broker; services of a certified public .,C ;r Ly { liJ``S `f AAT' ',' 4.1 , f°j rl Y ++..1 .,r4.' 11 ( '' •i ��t , a. accountant; investment management services; printing services t I ,.f � - . 4. , } ;'" " ' ` e aSt . involving writing, editing or art work ; management of t ,'`' <i iY'�'"> � x}r :;J inv