HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-10-09-TB-FINAL-minutes TOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses October 9, 2018 Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.ny.us. The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the Town’s website and Clerk’s board. ATTENDANCE: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Supervisor- Liz Thomas Board members- Nancy Zahler, Michael Boggs, Richard Goldman, John Hertzler Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato Bookkeeper- Nina Thompson Environmental Planner- John Zepko Attorney for the Town- Mariette Geldenhuys Highway Superintendent- Dave Reynolds OTHERS PRESENT: Elizabeth Dawson, Roxanne Marino (Conservation & Sustainability Committee chair), Rachel Kennedy, Ksana Broadwell (Director of Ulysses Philomathic Library), Anne Koreman (Tompkins County Legislative representative) CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 7pm. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA RESOLUTION 2018-171: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for Oct. 9, 2018. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 10/9/18 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Ms. Marino shared that she attended the recent press conference where Ulysses was awarded the Bronze certification for being a Climate Smart Community and thanked the board for having worked on it. She also mentioned that the library has been working toward being more sustainable with energy upgrades and grants, etc. Ms. Thomas noted that Ulysses is the first small town in NYS to get the designation. REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: Ms. Broadwell thanked the board for their support and gave a verbal report for 2018: • Stats for the fine-free program show no change in overdue books • They have installed LED lighting on the buildings & grounds via a grant • Updated website- has a community tab and many other good links • Got a park pass to share with residents. Over 20 other libraries have followed suit • They send books home with school food backpacks TOWN REPORTS: (see appendix) REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: Ms. Marino shared that she has been working on the heat pump conversion at town hall with other board/staff. They will be doing a blower door test, then put out RFP, etc. They have received $25K from the state grant and will get more after the work is completed. NEW BUSINESS: Ms. Thomas distributed a highway capital plan spreadsheet and the board discussed. HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZATIONS RESOLUTION 2018-172: AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT- 2020 MACK TRUCK RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes Town Supervisor Thomas to sign a letter of intent to purchase a 2020 Mack Granite 64FR Truck in the 2019 fiscal year, as recommended by Ulysses Highway Superintendent Dave Reynolds, for the price quoted on 9/11/2018 in the amount of $144,283.96 from Beam Mack Sales Service, Inc. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 10/9/18 RESOLUTION 2018-173: AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF PLOW EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes Town Supervisor Thomas to sign a letter of intent to purchase plow equipment and accessories for the 2020 Mack Granite 64FR Truck being purchased in the 2019 fiscal year as recommended by Ulysses Highway Superintendent Dave Reynolds for the price quoted on 9/12/2018 in the amount of $80,581.70 from Viking Cives (USA). Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 10/9/18 RESOLUTION 2018-174: AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF A CASE LOADER RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes Town Supervisor Thomas to sign a letter of intent to purchase a Case Loader 721 Zbar in the 2019 fiscal year, as recommended by Ulysses Highway Superintendent Dave Reynolds for the price quoted on 8/24/2018 in the amount of $187,053.03 from Monroe Tractor. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 10/9/18 OLD BUSINESS: ZONING UPDATE The board discussed the following zoning items before voting on the resolution below: • The Planning Board’s letter of recommendation to the Town Board on subdivisions • The Town of Malta’s subdivision plan • Development in Ulysses • Maximum lot sizes • Regulating CAFOs RESOLUTION 2018-175: ZONING SUBDIVISION TECHNIQUE FOR AG/RURAL ZONE WHEREAS, The Town of Ulysses accepted a grant from NYSERDA with one of its components being to look at innovative zoning approaches for agricultural lands; and WHEREAS the Town of Ulysses Comprehensive Plan is acknowledged to be one of the main guiding documents, and supports protections of agricultural lands by stating: Executive Summary (page 2): ”In Ulysses, the Future Land Use Plan seeks to protect remaining agricultural lands and protect the rural character of the community, while allowing for sustainable and balanced growth in designated areas.” Section 2: Introduction: “The Town’s character is defined by agricultural lands and open space interspersed by pockets of residential development, a variety of small-scale commercial uses, and a well-defined village center in Trumansburg. The Town has retained its rural, small-town character even as growth has begun to transform other agricultural communities around the City of Ithaca. Suburbanization development pressures, occurring elsewhere in the region, have the potential to encroach into the Town, and could impact the rural character and agricultural lands which define the Town today. The wrong type and scale of future development could lead to the loss of existing agricultural businesses, changes to the character of rural roadways as they see increased traffic, and the loss of open space and scenic views as large parcels get subdivided and sold.” Excerpt from the Village Comprehensive Plan (page 9): The desire to protect agricultural lands and offering a variety of residential options are included in the Village’s Land Use section and are similar to policies within the Town Plan. Excerpt from the Tompkins County Comprehensive Plan (page 10): Specific policies related to the rural economy, which are presented in the County Comprehensive Plan and are of particular importance to the Town of Ulysses, include: • Enhancing the viability of existing farm operations. • Supporting sustainable economic development initiatives. • Enhancing agricultural activities and working farms. • Encouraging development that is designed to preserve open space and agricultural land. • Protecting prime agricultural lands Objective 1.1a: Develop and implement an Open Space Plan to identify and protect open space in the Town. Objective 2.1b: Update the Town’s Zoning Law to ensure consistency with the Future Land Use Plan Objective 2.6: Preserve and protect the Town’s rural characteristics and agricultural lands. A. Prepare a Farmland Protection Plan to identify important agricultural lands in the Town. Develop specific strategies for protecting and maintaining high quality agricultural land for agricultural uses, and for preserving the rural landscape C. Allow a limited amount of cluster and road-frontage development in the Agricultural Priority Area of the Future Land Use Plan, as appropriate to conserving valuable farmland for continued agricultural uses while also allowing farmers and landowners to develop smaller lots. Objective 3.1d: Identify key agricultural lands and identify opportunities to ensure future farming of key agricultural lands Ag Priority Area (page 41): Within designated Agricultural Priority Area locations, the protection and continuation of agricultural practices is a priority over all other land uses. However, this does not exclude future residential growth from occurring in these areas. Rather, it seeks to allow residential land use in a manner that is sensitive and considerate of the rural character, natural features, and agricultural lands which currently exist. Currently, agricultural areas in the Town are characterized by a mixture of farms and residential development on roadside frontage. The remaining active farms, prime agricultural lands, and open spaces are important features for the Town to preserve. The Town should adopt land use policies that encourage and protect these areas to remain available for farming and open space conservation, and limit residential and other non-agricultural development to a scale that is respectful of the surrounding environment, protect public health and safety, and minimize conflict with agriculture. The Town should discourage over-development of rural road frontages in these areas. Currently, mechanisms for addressing residential development within agricultural priority areas include Purchase of Development Rights program, large minimum lot size requirements, financial incentive programs, or creative zoning techniques such as the Area Allocation Method (AAM) (See Appendix 5). These are options that the Town should consider as it begins the process of updating the Zoning Law. Survey results (page 74): How important are the following issues when considering the future growth of the Town of Ulysses? 2. Protection of natural areas and open space: Almost ninety percent of respondents (88.7%) saw this issue as being important or very important to the Town of Ulysses. Less than 3% of respondents did not see this issue as having any consideration in relation to the future growth of the Town. 4. Protection of farmland from development: The agricultural character of the Town is obviously important, as reflected in the findings associated with this question. More than three quarters of respondents (79.2%) consider this issue as important or very important to the Town. Only 3.1% of respondents saw this issue as very unimportant when considering the future growth of the Town. Appendix 5: Shows an example of Agricultural Land Use Preservation Zoning Technique using an area allocation method. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of Ulysses will include the following method of land preservation in the next draft: Area allocation using 10 as a divisor combined with a maximum lot size of 5 acres and a min of 2 acres FURTHER RESOLVED the Town Board directs the Town Planner to work with the Town’s Consultant, C.J. Randall to integrate language reflecting this decision in the draft zoning local law that will eventually go to public hearing. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Hertzler DISCUSSION: Ms. Zahler suggested that they change public hearing to public information meeting in the resolution. Ms. Thomas responded that the board can choose to do that in the future without adding it to the resolution. Mr. Boggs is uncomfortable voting at this time due to his absence at the last ZUSC meeting. Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler abstain Mr. Hertzler abstain Mr. Boggs abstain Mr. Goldman abstain Vote: 1-0 MOTION FAILED. Mr. Zepko shared highlights from his Town Report at this time. (See appendix). REPORT FROM REPRESENTATIVE: Ms. Koreman shared the following updates from Tompkins County: • budget updates • airport flights: direct to DC, Charlotte. • a grant for geothermal at the airport was denied but the county is still looking for funding The board shared concerns regarding county roads in the town. NEW BUSINESS: WATER DISTRICT 3 RESOLUTION 2018-176: WATER DISTRICT 3 – ASSIGNING EQUIVALENT DWELLING UNIT (EDUs) WHEREAS, The Town of Ulysses Water District 3 Map, Plan and Report from 2001 assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs) when the district was being formed in a way that is no longer relevant or is not clear, and WHEREAS the Water District Clerk needs clarity in process and procedure in order to properly assign EDUs to each property in the district annually during budget season to determine how each parcel in the district should be charged for district debt, operation and maintenance, and WHEREAS the Attorney for the Town determined the method used to assess EDUs may be changed by resolution of the Town Board based on consultation with the NYS Comptroller’s office and Town Law section 198(3)(d), 202-a(5) and 231, and the other provisions of Article 12-A of the Town Law. Therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board sets the EDUs user fees accordingly using 40,000 gallons per unit: Type of Water District User NYS Property Type Class Code EDU Assessment Ag-Related water tap 100’s Based on 3-year average of use (40,000 gal/unit) Residential – single family homes 210 1 unit Residential – 2 dwelling unit 220 2 units (1 for each dwelling) Residential – 3 dwelling unit 230 3 units (1 for each dwelling) Other residences 240-280 1 unit/dwelling Apartments 411 0.8 units/apt Mobile Home Parks 416 0.8 units/mobile home Community Services (includes services such as schools, churches, nursing homes, etc) 600’s Based on a 3-year average of usage; capped at 3 units (40,000 gal/unit) Non-residential properties 414-599, 700-1000 1 unit per 40,000 gallons usage/year based on the most recent 3-year average, rounded up to the nearest half unit. Vacant properties with a tap into the town’s water main 300’s 0.5 units based on a 3-year average of usage (40,000 gallons/unit ) Vacant properties without a tap 300’s No charge And further, RESOLVED that prior to 3 years of water use records, the units will be calculated based on the 1st years’ usage during the first year and a 2 year average in the 2nd year, and further RESOLVED that a public hearing on this change will be on October 23, 2018 at 7:00 at the Ulysses Town Hall, 10 Elm St, Trumansburg, NY, and further RESOLVED that these changes will be phased in over 3 years: 2019= 1 unit/60,000 gl usage/year 2020= 1 unit/50,000gl usage/year 2021= 1 unit/40,000gl usage/year RESOLVED that the Town Clerk’s office will ensure notification of such public hearing is completed in the required timeframe. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 10/9/18 COURT GRANT RESOLUTION 2018-177: AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE JUSTICE COURT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM WHEREAS the State of NY offers assistance to local municipal courts through the Justice Court Assistance Program (JCAP), and WHEREAS the Ulysses Town Court is applying to add a surveillance camera in the court chambers and replace the court room chairs. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board rescinds the improper grant approval given on 9/25/2018 for this grant application, and further RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board gives approval for Ulysses Town Court to submit an application for 2018-2019 grant funding to NYS JCAP. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 10/9/18 RESOLUTION 2018-178: RELEVY OF DELINQUENT WATER FEES WHEREAS Town Code Chapter 261 and Town Code Chapter 210 provide for all delinquent accounts for payment of water and sewer rents and related charges to be placed on the ensuing year's tax roll as a re-levy; and WHEREAS, $5384.81 of delinquent water charges, inclusive of penalties and related surcharges, spanning from four billing periods (August 2017 to August 2018) remain unpaid and due to the Town as of Oct.1, 2018 and need to be re-levied onto the 2019 Town and County Tax Bills; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board approves the re-levy of delinquent water charges totaling $5384.81 for re-levy to the 2019 Town and County Tax Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution along with a listing of those re-levied water charges will be delivered to Tompkins County Assessment Department by the Town Receiver of Taxes for the purpose of adding these delinquent charges to the 2019 Town and County Tax Roll. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 10/9/18 TOWN REPORTS: (see appendix) Ms. Thomas shared information on the Association of Town conference and the old church’s historic preservation status. Ms. Thompson shared the comptroller’s fiscal stress monitoring report with the board, highlighting that the town has the best classification of “no designation”, which is a positive designation. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Ms. Marino commented on the board’s zoning discussion, questioning how the board will weigh the comments received given that some were single letters on behalf of groups or committees. MONTHLY BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES RESOLUTION 2018-179: APPROVAL OF MINUTES- 9/25 RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from 9/25 meeting as edited by Ms. Zahler. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 10/9/18 RESOLUTION 2018-180: APPROVAL OF MINUTES- 9/26 RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from 9/26 meeting as edited by Ms. Thomas. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Ms. Thomas Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 10/9/18 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS RESOLUTION 2018-181: APPROVAL OF BUDGET MODIFICATIONS RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the following budget modifications: SW3-8310.4 SW3 Water Admin CE INCREASE $1,000.00 To cover expected water unit legal and engineering cost for remainder of the year SW3-8330.4 SW3 Water Purification CE DECREASE $1,000.00 Budget available Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 10/9/18 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS RESOLUTION 2018-182: APPROVAL OF CLAIMS BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve payment of claims for vouchers #437-483 in the amount of $37,539.71. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 10/9/18 ADJOURN: Mr. Goldman moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:05pm; seconded by Ms. Zahler. APPENDIX: TOWN REPORTS: HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT- Shared by Mr. Reynolds • had a visit from the DEC to inspect the old dump site • worked on guard rails on Maplewood Road • worked on road crossing pipe near yacht club • working on snow equipment PLANNER: Submitted by Mr. Zepko Planning Board • Staff to Planning Board meetings: • 4 Sept 2018 • 18 Sept 2018  Reviewed a special use permit and site plan application for Smart Start, a proposed 6,400 square foot pre-school, located at 1966 Trumansburg Rd. A public hearing is scheduled for 16 Oct 2018.  Provided comments to BZA for area variance request at 85 Maplewood, for construction of car port, which will require site plan review if variances are obtained. • Assisted the Planning Board in its review of the proposed zoning changes and the formulation of comments to be delivered to the Town Board and ZUSC. Board of Zoning Appeals • Staff to BZA meeting: 19 Sept 2018  The BZA meeting on 19 Sept centered on the Board’s comments to the proposed zoning changes Zoning Enforcement • Reviewed 14 building permits for zoning compliance • Responded to approximately 15 requests for information o Comments and questions regarding proposed zoning changes o Development questions or applications • Investigated two (2) zoning complaints • Issued one (1) notice of violation of the zoning code. The issue appears to have been resolved. • Conducted two (3) stormwater inspections Zoning Update • Served as point of contact for residents regarding proposed zoning Planner Activity • 4 Sept 2018, met with Nancy Zahler and Pete Angie to discuss Jacksonville Community Plan and possible application to Cornell Design Connect Program. • 5 Sept 2018, attended Agricultural Protection Committee meeting • 11 Sept 2018, attended Town Board meeting • 13 Sept 2018, participated in Preventing Flood Damage webinar • 20 Sept 2018, attended joint discussion with Nancy Zahler, and Sharon Griffith (NYSERDA) to obtain 6 month grant extension of Cleaner Greener Communities Grant. • 25 Sept 2018, attended Town Board meeting • 26 Sept 2018, attended joint Town Board/ZUSC meeting • With assistance from the Clerk’s office, provided the Planning Board with complete inventory of Town Planning documents: o 2009 Comprehensive Plan o Ag Protection Plan o Route 96 Corridor Study o Natural Resource Inventory • Created GIS data and analysis to assist Planning Board in visualizing and evaluating proposed zoning changes • Created GIS maps for Salo Drive property to assisting in posting of the property TOWN CLERK: Submitted by Ms. Parlato LICENSES/PERMITS issued: # Sporting licenses 153 Disabled parking permits 9 Dog licenses and renewals 41 Marriage licenses 7 Plumbing permits 1 Address assignments 1 Notarizations 3 FOIL requests-received 0 FOIL requests-completed 0 CLERK’s OFFICE TASKS: FINANCIAL REPORT: $6222.50 TOTAL Collected for fees & licenses $1301.95 stays in the town $4920.55 goes to the state Routine tasks: • Notarizations • Ordered supplies • Retrieved, sorted, vouchered mail • Answered inquiries on various topics • Took and wrote up meeting minutes • Kept website current • Sent listserv messages to residents (~2/month) • Mailed and posted dog licenses; issued tickets as needed • Scheduling of various meetings • Assist other departments when possible • Updated health/dental insurance info for staff as needed • Attended Town Board meetings and took minutes Other tasks: • 2019 Budget prep WATER DISTRICT TASKS: Work with Supervisor and Attorney for the Town to update EDUs RECORDS MANAGEMENT TASKS: • Continue with scanning of building plans into Laserfiche for easier access and storage. Scanning is being done through the County Clerk’s office. We are more than half way done! COMMITTEES/ASSOCIATIONS: • Health Consortium- attend September meeting CODE ENFORCEMENT: Submitted my Mr. Myers Building Permits issued 14 Plan Reviews 10 Certificate of Occupancy issued 1 Certificate of Compliance issued 12 Complaints Received 1 Complaints Resolved 2 Inspections (Footers, Foundations, Plumbing, Insulation, roofing, Pools, Etc.) 72 New Site Inspections 10 Building Review Consultations (pre-plan meetings, Future Building/Remodeling) 9 Fire Safety Inspections No report yet Code Training Seminars 0 County Assessment/Board Reports 2 Open property in violation cases 6 Property violations resolved 1 Value of Permits issued: $254,704 13 Building Permit fees collected for month: $1835 BOOKKEEPER REPORT: Submitted by Nina Thompson • Personnel • Payroll • Processed and reconciled payrolls 19 & 20 • Processed employee changes and made corrections as needed • NYSLRS • Monthly Reporting • Banking • Completed regular bank deposits – in person for cash with remote deposit system for checks • Completed regular bank account transfers to cover payments • Payments • Produced vouchers for monthly pre-pays, insurance invoices and other miscellaneous payments • Reviewed monthly vouchers & abstracts • Printed checks for pre-pays and scheduled voucher payments once approved • Month End Close Out – August • Entered all Payroll entries (cash receipts, cash disbursements & general journal entries) • Entered all cash receipts (general receipts, WD accounting, etc.) • Entered all cash disbursements • Entered all general journal entries (bank transfers, interest, WD billings, budget modifications & other general journal entries) • Close out steps (Load abstracts, close CR & CD journals & print reports) • Reconciled WD3 & 4 receivable accounts • Reviewed month end financial reports and distributed them to Town Board & Staff • 2019 Budget • Master budget workbook • Reviewed master budget worksheet received from Liz • Entered missing 2018 EOY salary and benefit projections • Added reserve balances to worksheet • Added 2019 salary and benefit calculations to worksheet • Updated formulas and fixed formatting • Reviewed final Tentative budget • Salary & Benefits • Researched, analyzed and estimated financial implications of 27th pay period • Many versions of Salary & Benefits worksheet • Disability and Paid Family Leave budget calculations • Worker Comp budget calculations • NYLSRS calculations for EOY projections and accruals • 2018 EOY projections for certain salaries and benefits 14 • Fire & EMS Budget  Further review and analysis of Fire & EMS budget from Village  Attended Fire & EMS budget meeting • Fund Balance Calculations  Multiple version of Fund Balance Calculation worksheets • Other  Updated Reserve Balance spreadsheet  Completed and submitted NYMIR renewal application SUPERVISOR’S REPORT- Submitted by Ms. Thomas Energy • Help to draft Climate Smart Communities press release • Attend award ceremony where Town of Ulysses is awarded as a Certified Bronze Climate Smart Community. • Assist with heat pump plan for Town Hall • Help with HeatSmart and EV Tompkins initiatives to reduce energy usage Budget/Financial • Review assessment figures for 2018 • Develop timeline for creation and adoption of 2019 budget. • Send out budget request documents to contractors. Receive figures back and input into 2019 budget spreadsheet. • Meet with all department heads to discuss year end estimates and budget request for 2019. Enter information into budget spreadsheet. • Review highway capital plan • Review fire/EMS financial document, comment, review again, attend budget meeting. • Understanding and communicating fallout from 27 pay periods in 2018 or 2019 and the difference for salaried and hourly workers. • Chair budget meetings with Town Board. Explain the large changes in spending and revenue. Highway • Investigate complaint of dangerous intersection at Frontenac, Lake Ext and Cayuga Ext roads. Create map of situation, write resolution suggesting a fix to the danger. • Review and write resolution to temporarily install no parking on Glenwood Heights road near Black Diamond Trail where sight is limited. • Assist with process to purchase new equipment (for 2019). Planning and Zoning update • Attend 3 zoning Open Houses. Discuss update with residents. • Plan and implement zoning outreach meeting on 8/30. • Keep committees aware of zoning update timelines, comment periods, Town Board concerns over 80/20 land preservation technique. • Chair joint meeting of Zoning Update Steering Committee and Town Board. Write up takeaway from meeting. Water Districts WD3 • Several meetings and study on how to update the unit structure originally set in 2001, but now is woefully out of date. Consult with MRB and Town Attorney on how to change to 15 reflect current uses. • Respond to request for information from NYS on water districts. • Complete and send out progress report to Health Department (thanks to Town Clerk for all the help) WD – Falls • This water district is not moving ahead at the current cost per unit. Water Quality • Water quality – part of a team monitoring Cayuga Lake for HABs • Attend meeting on lake quality with other municipalities around the lake and interested organizations (Health Dept, Bolton Point, TC Planning, Watershed Network, etc) Other • Paid Family Leave – check with employees for comments/concerns. • Amended sale contract for church asbestos abatement. • 2 weeks away from work during this reporting period. • Give input on advisory committee for The Habitat land • Cemetery – another Eagle Scout project beginning. Meetings and Training 8/16 – meet with liaison to TC Environmental Management Council. MS. ZAHLER submitted the following: Town Board- prepared agenda items for 9/25 meeting while Supervisor was away. Youth Commission- Examining needs and considering recommendations to improve local youth recreation services. Salo Advisory- • Met with Conservation & Sustainability Advisory Committee re: members for Salo Advisory • Met with officers of Fish & Game Club, near Salo Habitat • Prepared list of willing members to be appointed by Town Board • Prepared resolution re: no hunting for 2018 • Followed up with newly appointed members • Working with Carissa to schedule first meeting • With help from Sarah K, purchased NO HUNTING signs • With help from Carissa and maps from John Zepko, posted NO HUNTING signs at key boundaries • With help from Carissa, requesting street address number from Village for Salo property Health Consortium- attended Sept. 27th meeting of Consortium for Rich Goldman. • Voted to adopt 2019 budget and insurance premium rates @ 5% more than 2018 with no changes in Gold Plan deductibles. • Provided details to Supervisor and Bookkeeper for budgeting. Zoning Update- 16 • Followed up with NYSERDA to submit and confirm receipt of extension through March 2019 and with John Zepko and grant officer, clarified reporting requirements • Reviewed public comments submitted on 2nd draft of zoning. • Researching other communities’ approaches to ag land preservation Climate Smart Communities event- followed up on details and sent press releases in advance of the event on 9/28/18. Attended in support of Liz Thomas and Roxanne Marino’s efforts. Jacksonville: • Coordinating with JCA re: Design Connect application for community planning. • Shared information with JCA re: upcoming auction of Exxon Mobil properties. • Requested Clerk re-post key Town documents as a resource to prospective buyers. • JCA community meeting scheduled for October 18, 2018. • Followed up with Cameron Neuhoff re: status of renovations. Chamber of Commerce- attending networking session on October 10, 2018 Village of Trumansburg- Will attend Village Trustees meeting rescheduled from Oct 8 to 10/11. Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services- requested meeting dates from Director to review EMS services and plans for expansion. Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato on 10/17/18.