HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-10-18-PBTOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD MINUTES 10/18/11 APPROVED 01/03/12 Present: Chairperson-Ken Zeserson, Members-Stan Beames, Peter Fry, Rod Hawkes, Rebecca Schneider, John Wertis, Environmental Planner Darby Kiley Excused: Sarah Adams Mr. Zeserson called the meeting to order at 7:04pm. He stated the meeting is a public hearing for Architectural Technology Corporation to construct an office building at 1610 Trumansburg. He stated Jason Demarest is the architect present to represent Ken Thurber the owner of the company. He asked Mr. Demarest to present the project. Mr. Demarest stated he had revised the plans according to issues raised in the past. His brother is a landscape architect thus he revised the plantings to include native species. He noted the key on the plan indicating where, what plants would go where on the plans. These would include Red Oak, White Oak, Cedar and decorative ornamental bushes. Alpone species exist in the island so he shifted the absorption trenches over 50 feet so the 100 feet requirement is met. He presented a lighting plan, there are motion activated switches and timers on all outside lights after 8:00 pm. Mr. Zeserson asked if the members had any other questions. Mr. Fry noted erosion control differences from the original plans. Mr. Demarest confirmed there were however all revised plans were submitted to Tompkins County Soil and Water. Based on previous comments by Tompkins County Soil and Water, Tthe plans were reviewed and no additional comments or recommendations were made. Mr. Fry suggested Mr. Demarest use the Latin names for the species to eliminate confusion as some plants have a common name yet are different plants. Ms. Schneider noted Tompkins County Soil and Water noted impervious exceeds total conserved. She asked if this is a new requirement. Mr. Fry stated new regulations have been issued. Ms. Kirby Kiley stated it is part of new regulation for greenery portionsgreen infrastructure. She further stated the County had done the 239, the County stated this had a negative intercommunity, countywide impact. Mr. Beames stated his property does border this but he has no issue for or against the project thus does not feel it is a conflict for him. Mr. Zeserson asked if there were any other questions, or if any correspondence had been received. The members stated they had no other concerns. Ms. Carlisle Peck stated they had not received any correspondence. Mr. Zeserson MADE the MOTION, Mr. Fry SECONDED the MOTION to close the Public Hearing. The VOTE was taken, ALL IN FAVOR. Mr. Zeserson stated the next order of business was the SEQR. He noted the form had been completed by the applicant. The members performed SEQR for the property. It was determined a Negative Declaration would be declared. Mr. Zeserson MADE the MOTION, Mr. Hawkes SECONDED the MOTION as follows: Whereas, the Town of Ulysses adopted zoning regulations in local Law No. 4 2007 that includes Article III-Administration, Section 3.4 establishing criteria for Site Plan Review, Whereas, the applicant, ATC-Ken Thurber represented by Jason Demarest has participated in a Sketch Plan Conference, submitted the required documents, and paid the fees for Site Plan Review, Whereas, the Town of Ulysses notified the Tompkins County Planning Department pursuant to General Muncipal Law 239 l, m, and n of the proposed project and a negative intercommunity/countywide impact was determined, Whereas, The Town of Ulysses made findings and determination on the environmental impact under 6NYCRR Part 617 State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) and declared the action to have a Negative Declaration, Whereas, the proposed project complies with the Town of Ulysses Local Law 01 of 2007 Stormwater Management and Erosion & Sediment Control and all control measures are in compliance with the NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual, and Whereas, a Public Hearing was held on the ATC site plan on October 18th, after due Bulletin Board posting and Publication in the official newspaper for the Town 5 days prior to the public hearing, Whereas, the Town of Ulysses Planning Board has given due consideration to all information and comments in conducting the Site Plan Review, now Therefore it is hereby resolved, that the Planning Board of the Town of Ulysses hereby approves the Site Plan for ATC. The VOTE was taken: Mr. Zeserson- AYE Mr. Beames- AYE Mr. Fry-AYE Mr. Hawkes-AYE Ms. Schneider-AYE Mr. Wertis-AYE MOTION APPROVED, Site Plan Review APPROVED as presented. Ms. Kirby Kiley stated she had looked up information on the Green infrastructure as was questioned earlier. She noted a training is scheduled at Cayuga Heights Fire Hall on October 25th, 9 to 12. She will forward the registration information to the members. Mr. Zeserson noted their next meeting is scheduled for the 1st of November, they do not have any items on the agenda at this point in time. The Conservation Zone is out of their hands and being addressed by the Town Board. He noted unless he hears otherwise we will not have a meeting on November 1st. Ms Carlisle Peck presented the minutes for 09/13/11. Mr. Zeserson MADE the MOTION, Mr. Wertis SECONDED the MOTION to approve the minutes of 09/13/11. ALL IN FAVOR, Minutes Approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. Respectfully submitted, Robin Carlisle Peck Secretary