HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-04-16 1 Planning Board Minutes Public Hearing - Angelheart April 16 , 1997 TOWN OF DANBY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES PUBLIC HEARING - ANGELHEART April 16, 1997 Angelheart Designs Proposal PRESENT : Chairperson Kenneth Horst Planning Board Members : Gerald Catlin, Linda Hansen, Mary Lou Hardesty, Nancy Weitzel AB S. ENT : William Farrell (Excused) Arch Dotson (Excused) Others Present : Carol Sczepanski - Secretary Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer Matthew & Jeanne Engelhart - Applicants Members of the Public : Howard Steiner, Stephanie Fetherbay , Naomi and Robert Strichartz, Cathy and Frank Darrow, Patrick Kelly, Pat Woodworth, Charles H . Tilton, Bill Brodie, Joseph Cheng New Board Member Welcomed : Chairperson Kenneth Horst welcomed Linda Hansen to the Planning Board . Linda was appointed to the Planning Board on Monday, April 14 , 1997 . Public Hearing Declared Open : Chairperson Kenneth Horst declared the public hearing open at 7 : 04 P . M. and read the following Notice of Publication and posting . "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Danby on Wednesday, April 16 , 1997. at 7 : 00 F .M. , Danby Town Hall , 1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, New York 14850 . Purpose of the hearing is to consider a recommendation to the Town Board with respect to the proposed enlargement of Planned Development zone 10 , located at 303 Gunderman Road, on a portion of Town of Danby Tax parcel No . 9/- 1 -9 . 12 from 5 .22 acres to 12 . 70 acres, and with such enlarged Zone to include a proposed design studio/future residence , and a new access drive . Matthew and Jeanne Engelhart, Angelheart Designs , Inc . Owners . All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard either in writing or in person. By Order of the Planning Board Chair Carol W . Sczepanski, Town Clerk Dated: April 8 , 1997 Published : April 10 , 1997 " Affidavit of Neighbor Notification was filed on April 10 , 1997 . Matthew Engelhart addressed the Board and public with a brief description of his plan for the : !I proposed enlargement of Planned Development Zone No . 10 . He said the proposed studio does not mean an increase in employees . It is for Jeanne Engelhart to have a separate space to do design work and at a future time it could be used as a residence . The access to the building is off of the existing road. The proposed expansion of the Planned Development Zone is to allow for a possible future warehouse with access around the new septic field as it appears on the map and there is nothing in the plans for a warehouse at this time . The house is to be a post and beam old agricultural looking structure with tongue and groove vertical siding. 2 Planning Board Minutes Public Hearing - Angelheart April 16, 1997 Communications Received : Chairperson Horst read the following petition that was filed with the Town Clerk on April 15 , 1997 by Robert Strichartz and contained 11 signatures . "To : Danby Planning Board From : Immediate Neighbors of Angelheart Designs, Inc . We ask that you recommend that the Town Board deny the request to enlarge planned ® Development Zone 10 . The current size and operation of the zone is already having a severe negative impact on the neighborhood, and any enlargement would significantly reduce property values. The specific problems arising from the current operation, which will be described in detail at the meeting by various individuals, include : unusually bright and disturbing lighting, excessive traffic, building materials on neighboring properties, and garbage blowing onto the road and neighboring properties . In addition, we are concerned by the stress on the water supply that any increased usage would entail . We all rely on well water, which is not abundant in this area. If and when these concerns are properly addressed, we would be willing to endorse the inclusion of a design studio/future residence, provided it would meet current zoning regulations for a residence . But we would oppose any enlargement of the warehouse operation. " Naomi Strichartz - 708 Comfort Road - said that her property adjoins Angelheart Designs and would approve of a house but does not understand why they need 12 acres of commercial zoning for that. Her basic concerns are traffic, lighting, and a shortage of water. She said that this is a rural residential area and she views Angelheart as a warehouse . Frank Darrow - 400 Gunderman Road - reported that he was a member of the Planning Board when i the proposal for the initial Planned Development Zone was approved for five (5 ) or six (6) acres . He said that he has a problem with what is happening here and the vagueness of the proposal . He said that the property and the commercial aspects of it have grown to the point where it does have a significant impact on his neighborhood . He finds it difficult to understand why a 2- 1 /2 times enlargement of the commercial portion of the property is necessary for the building of a residence . His major concern is vagueness and only being presented at this late date with any idea of what is going on. Stephanie Fetherbay - 334 Gunderman Road - reported she is representing her parents and said that there is concern with what they will do with the house they now live in once they have built the future house and the effect on the water supply. Last June at a previous hearing the neighbors were assured that there were no future plans for expansion but once again there is a new proposal . Angelheart Designs has grown too big for their residential neighborhood . Pat Woodworth - 305 Gunderman Road - when they purchased the property to build their home it clearly was a rural residential area. Things have changed dramatically with serious impacts on the neighborhood that will have a long term effect on property values . Joseph Chang - 326 Gunderman Road - never expected another huge expansion and is concerned ® with the impact on the environment and the construction debris that is blowing around from Angelheart during construction. Bob Strichartz - 708 Comfort Road - his wife earlier expressed their concerns . The map includes enlarging the access road . He said that the road does not need to be enlarged and double land area for a design studio . He said he trusts that Matt cares about the land and does not do things that pollute the environment. He is concerned that a future owner of the property may not be as careful . Matt Engelhart - addressed the neighbors concerns and said that while he may appear unconcerned with his neighbors concerns, he is very concerned . When the property was approved for the existing warehouse he was also approved for future square footage . The road shown on the plan would only be built if they decided to go ahead with a future plan and at this time it is only a possibility . They 428 3 Planning Board Minutes Public Hearing - Angelheart April 16, 1997 have not had a water problem and the building housed up to fifty dairy cows when it was used as a dairy barn. He does understand that the lights may be a problem and is open to any suggestions to solve the problem and will take responsibility for construction debris that may blow around during construction. Trees will be planted up the west side and across the Planned Development property . Any of the neighbors can contact him at any time with their concerns . Frank Darrow - reported that he has made two observations : 1 ) in terms of the water supply, when there was a dairy at that location, there were only 1 /3 as many residences : 2) he hasn' t heard anything yet that justifies a 2- 1 /2 times expansion for commercial area for the property. If the current warehouse , barn and operation is contained within the lines on the property for the commercial portion, then it seems to him that the design studio is a very small addition, not a 2- 1 /2 times addition. It seems to him that potentially what they are doing is simply paving the way for either expansion of the current operation, which is already at the maximum the neighborhood is willing to tolerate, or for a future owner to expand on the commercial property. Susan Beeners said that the site of the design studio has to be rezoned to be used for a design studio and included in the Planned Development Zone . It made sense to include the entire road frontage area in the Planned Development area. She suggested that restrictions be placed on the land along the access driveway and design studio to limit the development in that area to a total of two (2) structures, each typical in size and designed to a single family residence and two (2) accessory structures, typical in size to what might be placed on a residential property, of up to a maximum of 400 square feet. Matthew Engelhart said that he was willing to have development in the area along the access drive be restricted to just the one ( 1 ) design studio . Susan Beeners said that at one time the whole Engelhart property of 26 acres was in a Planned Development Commercial property . In 1991 when the Town Map was adopted it was placed on the Town Map as a much smaller parcel . Public Hearing Declared Closed : Chairperson Horst declared the public hearing closed at 7 : 40 P . M . • / I phm-angel-4- 16 . 97 Carol W . Sczep ... s , Secretary ' I3 • 4 2 9 L1q j d F_Y TOWN OF DANBY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Regular Meeting 7 : 30 P.M. April 16, 1997 PRESENT : Chairperson Kenneth Horst Planning Board Members : Gerald Catlin, Linda Hansen, Mary Lou Hardesty, Nancy Weitzel ABSENT : • William Farrell (Excused) Arch Dotson (Excused) Others Present : Carol Sczepanski - Secretary Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer Matthew & Jeanne Engelhart - Angelheart Applicants Barbara Blanchard - Tompkins County Board of Representatives Rebecca Bilderback - Better Housing for Tompkins County Rebecca Lubin - Tompkins County Planning Department Members of the Public : Naomi and Robert Strichartz, Cathy and Frank Darrow, Howard Steiner, Stephanie Fetherbay, Patrick Kelly, Pat Woodworth, Charles H . Tilton, Bill Brodie, Joseph Cheng Chairperson Horst called the meeting to order at 7 : 40 P .M Susan Beeners introduced our guests Becky Bilderback from Better Housing for Tompkins County and Barbara Blanchard a planning consultant and a member of the County Board of Representatives. Barbara Blanchard said that she is very glad to be asked to be of assistance to the Danby Planning Board. This year she is chairing the Planning, Development and Education Committee of the County Board and will be talking about some housing issues . Becky Bilderback said that affordable housing depends on who you are, where you are, and what is it. Affordable is very individual . Becky led the Board through an exercise for determining expenses for a typical household for a single parent with two (2) children and how it relates to what income may be needed for household expenses and the purchase of affordable housing . Other Business : Chairperson Horst said that April has been a busy month for the Planning Board . There is a public hearing scheduled for April 23 , 1997 at 7 : 30 p . m. for the proposed Community Center with a special meeting of the Board to follow and a working session on April 30 , 1997 at 7 : 30 p . m . From this point on, there will be no more that two (2) meetings scheduled per month. ® Community Council Building Project: A Public Hearing has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 23 , 1997 at 7 : 30 P . M . for the Community Council Building Project. Susan distributed the a packet containing the Site Plan and the first section of the Environmental Assessment Forms to the Planning Board to review. Discussion: Chairperson Horst said that he is concerned that Community Council has indicated that they would like the Planning Board to make a decision on this proposal following the scheduled public hearing to enable them to submit a grant application that has a May 1 , 1997 deadline . 4, 3 0 Masonry Retail Sales Project : A letter was presented to the Planning Board by Scott Engelhart indicating that he is interested in making a proposal to the Town to purchase the Old Town Barns property located on Bald Hill Road . If he can negotiate the purchase of this property he is asking the Planning Board to consider a rezoning of this lot for a masonry products store . Susan reported to the Board that this request is not clear and does not state whether he is withdrawing the proposal for a Masonry Retail Sales on Comfort Road. The Planning Board has adjourned decision on the first proposal to tonight. The letter received is not an application. She said her understanding is that after purchase offers have been accepted, Mr. Engelhart must make an application and complete a site plan and Environmental Assessment Form for the Planning Board to consider for a public hearing . 4 . Motion to Adjourn Discussion A motion was made by Nancy Weitzel and seconded by Mary Lou Hardesty to adjourn further discussion and decision on the Engelhart Proposal for a Masonry Supply Retail Sales proposed to be located on Comfort Road until the regular meeting of the Planning Board to be held on Wednesday, May 21 , 1997 .. A vote on the motion resulted as follows : Carried Unanimously Corrections to the March 19, 1997 Planning Board Minutes : 1 ) Page 2 - under item no 3 - last sentence- delete the word (business) and insert the word businesses; 2) Page 2 - Under Approval of March 12 , 1997 Public Hearing Minutes - delete the word (Engelhart) and insert the word Engelhart' s ; 3 ) Page 3 - Under M. Shepard - add the word are after the word "they" in the last sentence : , Motion to Approve March 19 . 1997 Planning Board Minutes : A motion was made by Mary Lou Hardesty and seconded by Nancy Weitzel to approve the March 19, 1997 Planning Board Minutes as corrected . A vote on the motion resulted as follows : Carried Unanimously Angelheart Designs . Inc. Proposal: A motion was made by Nancy Weitzel and seconded by Mary Lou Hardesty to defer action and discussion on the Angelheart Designs, Inc . Proposal until Wednesday, April 23 , 1997 . A vote on the motion resulted as follows : Carried Unanimously Adjournment: On a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 00 P .M . Ida)) aeletsact, Carol W . Sc °° . ski , Secretary min-4- 16 . 97