HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1965-11-04November 4, 1965 The speciel budget meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Itheca was held at 4:00 ?.>■, on Thursday, November 4, 1965 inthe Town Offices, 3rd Floor, 108 E, Green St., City of Ithaca. Board members present were: Supervisor William B, Kerr,Councilmen Prank Bishop, Joseph ^'ayer, Harry Baker and Andrew W. NcElwee, Also present were Highway Sup't. Marlon Morey, Assessor RobertJ. Wells, Attorney James Buyoucos, Engineer James Dunlap, Mr, and I |Mrs, Reece, Mr. Jon D, Hart, Mrs. Barth Mapes, Jerry Langdon, BoB ' * Newman and Clerk Evelyn Fuess. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ^ A letter from Attorney Roger Sovocool questioned the Intent of the Board in the resolution regarding the extension of water and sewer facilities to the Bishop property as recorded In the minutes of the October 4, 1965 meeting. Mr. Kerr explained that he had talked to Mr. Sovocool In regard to the extension of the water line In question and had found out that this line Is only a 2" line and is now serving a maximum number of homes, '^he Board discussed the possibility of extending water to this property from. Cayuga Heights and authorised the Supervisor to contact an Engineer to decide the feasibility of such action. "Ith this understanding the motion was made by Councilmpn Mayer and seconded by Supervisor Kerr that the minutes of the October 4, 19^5 meeting be approved. Ayes - Kerr, Mayer, Baker, 1^'cElwee and Bishop Noes - 0 Carried RESOLUTION - PARTICIPATION IN WORK^FN'S COMPENSATION PLAN Councilman Bishop offered the following resolution and moved Its adontion: WHEREAS, the County of Tompklns by Resolution No. 234 adopted on October l4, 1965» s plan to discontinue its Mutual VJorkmen's Compensation Self-Insurance Flan and transfer compensation coverage to a private carrier namely; the Glens Falls Insurance • Company, and WHEREAS, by Local Law No. 2, adopted June 11, I956i participating municipalities may withdraw from the plan by filing with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors a certified copy of a resolution of its governing body electing to withdraw, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that this Board hereby elects to withdraw from the Tompklns County Workmen's Compensation Plan effective Dec. 3l> 1965i and be it further RESOLVED, that the clerk of this municipality forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Seconded by Councilman Mayer Ayes - Kerr, Bishop, Baker, Mayer and McElwee Noes - 0 Carried PUBI.IC HEARINGS - SPECIAL DISTRICT ASSESSMENT RCLI.S Noone was nresent to be heard at any of the special district public hearings held as follows: South Hill Ext. Water District - 4:l5 P.M. East State St. Ext. Water District - 4:20 P.M. Northeast k'ater District - 4:25 F.M. Hanshaw Road Sewer District - 4:30 P.M. Renwick Heights Sewer District - 4:35 P.^. Proof of publication and posting was presented. Since noone v/as present to be heard the hearings were closed. Supervisor Kerr offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESCIVFD, that the prepared assessment rolls for the special districts as listed above be approved. Seconded by Councilman Bishop Ayes - Kerr, Bishop, Mayer, Baker and McElwee Noes - 0 Carried. FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTS ' Noone was present to be heard at the public hearings on the fire protection contracts between the town and the Cltv of Ithaca n n end the Tovm end the Ville^e of Cayuge Heights. The public hearing on the contract with the City wee held at A letter from r. John Russell, City Controller itemized the operating costs of 963 and 196^1- and per the agreement dated 5/6/6k the Totvn agreed to pay a percentage of these increased costs. The hearing was closed and Counclimsn Hayer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption; RESOLVED, that the contract with the City of Ithaca for fire protection for the year 1966 be renewed at a price of •$17,197.95 for fire protection in the Tov;n of Ithaca excepting the following areas, to wit: a) The Village of Cayuga Heights b) The area comprising all of the territory lying between the east boundary of the Village of Csyuga Heights and the east boundary of the Town of Ithaca c) The Hamlet of Forest Home exclusive of the structure housing the Cornell University Filtration Plant Seconded by Councilman HcElwee Ayes - Kerr, Kayer, Bishop, McElwee and Baker Noes - 0 Carried Noone was present to be heard at the Public Hearing on the fire contract with the Village of Cayuga Heights. Councilman ^cElwee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, that the contract between the Village of Cayuga Heights and the Tovm of Ithaca, whereby the Village agrees that its fire department will give fire protection for the year 1966 in the Hamlet of Forest Home and in that portion of the town to the north of Forest Home and between the east boundary of Cayuga Heights and the east boundary of the Town of Ithaca, in consideration of the payment to the Village by the Town the sum of $3,529.00. Seconded by Councilman Mayer Ayes - Kerr, Mayer, Baker, Bishop and McElwee Noes - 0 Carried FOREST HOME WATFR DISTRICT - DELINQUENT WATER BILLS Supervisor Kerr offered the following resolution and moved its adoration; RFSOLVED, that the unpaid water bills as of Oct. 1, 1965 in the Forest Home V.'ater District be added to the tax roll for 1966, Seconded by Councilman Mayer Ayes - Kerr, Mayer, Baker, McElwee and Bishop Noes - 0 Carried. NOTICE OF ABANDONING OF STATE HIGHWAYS Mr. Kerr reported to the Board on an Official Order from the State Dep't, of Public Works notifying the town of the abandonment of portions of State ^^Ighways Nos. IOO3, IOO3A, 606, -^55, end 336, The first two are portions of Mitchell St.; #6o6 is a portion of Hanshaw Bd.;and #'s ^55 336 are portions of Wyckoff Rd. and Cayuga Heights Rd. in the village of Cayuga Heights. These roads will be returned to Tompkins County for maintenance. SEWER ORDINANCE Councilman Mayer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: R^SCIvrD, that a -oublic hearing be held at 4:15 P.M. on Dec. 13» 1965 in the Town Offices, 108 E. Green St., City of Ithaca to hear all persons interested in an ordinance establishing rules, regulations and penalties regarding connection to Sanitary Sevjage Disposal Facilities with the Town of Ithaca. (Cony of Ordinance follows the minutes for this meeting) Seconded by Supervisor Kerr Ayes - McElwee, Kerr, Bishop, Mayer and Baker Noes - 0 Carried, NORTHEAST SIDEWALKS The Town Board was in receipt of letters from Sup't. of Schools, James Mason, Principal of Northeast School Jon Hart, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Vvilliam Reece, Co-Chairmen of the Northeast School P.T.A. Safety Committee in regards to their interest in the development of walks end roads in the vicinity of the new Northeast School. Mrs. Mapes, Mr. Hart and Mr. end Mrs. Reece were present to ask the Board to n consider providing a sidewalk to extend from the ends of Tareyton Dr. and T^urlel Sts. to Warren Road, and a sidewalk along V^inthrcp Drive between the school and the village line. Supervisor Kerr said the town was willing to cooperate with the school, but felt the Board of Education has been remiss in not picking up the necessary rights-of-way at the time of purchase of land for the school. School principal Jon Hart was present and explained to the board how buses could be eliminated if walkways were provided. The Town Board felt that the responsibility of constructing and maintaining sidewalks should be borne by the Ithaca School District, but that the Town would be willing to help procure the necessary property for rights-of-way. ANNUAL BUDGET HEARING ^ Noone was present to be heard at the public hearing on the annual budget at 5'3^ P.N. Proof of posting and publication were presented. The hearing was closed and Councilman KcElwee offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RFSCIVFD, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby adopt the Preliminary Budget as the Annual Budget for the fiscal year beginning the first of January, 1966, and BE IT FURTHER RF50LVED, that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify duplicate copies of such Annual Budget adopted pursuant to Section 202-a of the Town Law, and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of the Town to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, Seconded by Councilman Fayer Ayes - Kerr, Fayer, Baker, FcElwee and Bishop Noes - 0 Carried. NORTHEAST SEWER PRCGRFSS REPORT A request has been received from the residents along the east side of Sapsucker Woods Rd. asking to be included in the nev? Northeast Sewer District. The request will be submitted to the Dryden Town Board before action is taken. Fr. Dunlsp of Lozier's Inc. v.as present to give 8 progress report on the ;Jortheast Sewer District construction. Work is progressing rapidly in this area. He also reported that the plans for the Ellis Hollow Rd. sev.'er district are ready to go to the State Health Department for their^ approval, RESCLUTION AND ORDER FOR PUBLIC HFARING - SLATFRVILLE ROAD SEWER DISTRICT In the Matter of the Establishment of the Slg-terville Road Area Sewer District in the Town of Ithaca. County of Tompkins and State of New York, pursuant to Article 12-A of the Town Law WHEREAS a map, plan and report have been prepared, in such manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by the Town Board of Ithaca, relating to the establishment of a Sewer District in the Slaterville Road - Snyder Hill Road - Honness Lane are of said Town, and VJHFREAS such map, plan, and report have been duly filed in the Town Clerk's Office in said Town; and WHEREAS said map, plan, and report were nrfnared by Lozier Engineers, Inc., competent engineers, duly licit^nsed by the State of New York, showing the boundaries of the proposed district, and a general plan of the sewer factilities to be constructed, and a report of the proposed method of operation; and WHEREAS said map shows all outlets and the terminus and course of each proposed main sewer, together with the location and 8 general description of all public works required, including" such lands and easements, if any, to be required, and WHIRF'AS the bounf^aries of the proposed district are more particularly set forth and described hereinafter in Schedule A, and WHEREAS the improvements proposed consist of the construction and installation of sewer mains, sewer laterals, manholes and appurtenances for the purpose of supplying a public sewer system to the properties in the proposed district, and which system shall be connected with and drain into the City of Ithaca sewer system; and n n WHEREAS the proposed ;nethod of financing the oost of said iT.provement consists of the issuance of serial bonds of said Town to mature in annual installments over a period not exceeding thirty (30) years. The cost of constructing the foregoing improvements shall be assessed by the Town Board in proportion as nearly as may be to the benefit which each lot or parcel will derive therefrom, and WHEHEi^.S the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said improvement and for the acquisition of the necessary lands and ^ easements is THREE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLI-ARS($350, 000, 00), and WHEREAS said map, plan and the report describing said improve- i ment are on file in the Town Clerk's Office, for public inspection, NCV/, on motion of Councilman A. W. NcElwee and seconded by Councilman Frank C, Bishop, it is hereby ORDERED that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca shall meet and hold a public hearing at the Town Offices, 3^*^^ Floor, ICS E, Green Street in the City of Ithaca on the 13th day of December, 3965, at ^:30 o'clock P.N, on that day, to consider said map, plan and report, and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same, and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by law. The adoption of the foregoing order was duly put to a vote, and upon roll call, the vote was as follows: William B. Kerr, Supervisor voting aye A. W. NcElwee , Councilman voting aye Joseph N. Mayer, Jr., Councilman voting aye Harry U. Baker, Councilman voting aye Franklin C. Bishop, Councilman voting aye The order was thereupon duly adopted. DESCBIFTION CF PROPOSED OUTLINE OF SLATERVILLE ROAD SEWER DISTRICT, TOWN OF ITHACA, TCNPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK All that tract or parcel of^land situate, lying and being i in the Town of Ithaca, Tompklns ^ounty. New York, more particularly , i bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point, said point being the intersection of the centerline of Slaterville Road and the southerly corporation line of the City of Ithaca; (1) thence, northeasterly along the vahious courses of said southerly corporation line of the City of Ithaca, a distance of 1,760 feet, more or less, to a point lying in the east boundary of parcel 60-1-25; (2) thence, southerly along east boundary of said parcel 60-1-25, ^ distance of 1,320 feet, more or less, to a point being the northeast corner of parcel 60-1-20; (3) thence, easterly across parcel 60-1-19, b distance of 90 feet, more or less, to a point being the south corner of parcel 6O-I-18; said point being also an angle point in the west boundary of parcel 60-1-17; (L) thence, northerly along the west boundary of parcel 60-1-17, a distance of 130 feet, more or less, to the northwest . corner of parcel 60-1-17; (5) thence, easterly along the north boundaries of parcels 6O-I-17, 6O-I-I6, 60-1-15, Bnd 6O-I-IO, a distance of 1,110 feet, more or less, to a point being 200 feet west of the centerline of Pine Tree Road measured at right angles; (6) thence, northerly along a line parallel to, 200 feet « west of end measured at right angles to the centerline of Pine Tree Road, across parcel 60-1-9, a distance of A50 feet, more or I less, to a point lying in a line at right angles to the centerline of Pine Tree Road and being 100 feet north of the centerline intersection of Pine Tree Road and Snyder Hill Road; (7) thence, easterly along said line across parcels 60-1-9 and 61-I-19, B distance of 330 feet, more or less, to a point being 200 feet northeast of the centerline of Snyder Hill Road measured at right angles; (8) thence, southeasterly along a line parallel to, 200 feet northeasterly of and measured at right angles to the centerline of Snyder Hill Road, across parcels 61-1-19 end 6I-I-I8, a distance of 710 feet, more or less, to a point lying in the north boundary of parcel 6l-l-l^; (9) thence, easterly along- the north boundaries of parcels 61-1-12, a distance of 1,190 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of parcel 6l-l-i2; ClO) thence, southerly along the east boundaries of parcels 61-1-12, 61-1-11, and 61-1-10, a distance of 1,590 feet, more or less to the southeast corner of parcel 57-1-7; (11) thence, westerly along the south boundary of parcel 57-1-7, s distance of 4-50 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of parcel 57-1-11; (12) thence, southerly along the east boundary of parcel 57-1-11 a distance of 1,820 feet, more or less, to a southeast corner of parcel 57-1-11; (13) thence, westerly along a south boundary and westerly extension thereof of parcel 57-1-11 a distance of 350 feet, more or less, to a point lying in a southwest boundary of said parcel 57-1-11; (14) thence, northwesterly along aforesaid southwest boundary of parcel 57-1-11, a distance of 440 feet, more or less, to a corner in parcel 57-1-11; (15) thence, southerly along an east boundary of parcel 57-1-11 a distance of 340 feet, more or less, to a point lying in the northeast right-of-way line of Slaterville Road; (16) thence, northwesterly along the northeast right-of-way line of Slaterville Road, a distance of 4l0 feet, more or less, to a point lying in the northeasterly extension of the southeast boundary of parcel 53-1-31, (17) thence, southwesterly along aforesaid extension and southeast boundary of parcel 53-1-31, ^ distance of 17O feet, more or less, to the south corner of parcel 58-1-31j (18) thence, northwesterly along the southwest boundary of parcel 58-1-31, ^ distance of 150 feet, more or less, to the west corner of parcel 58-1-31; (19) thence, southwesterly along the southeast boundary of parcel 58-1-30, a distance of 80 feet, more or less, to the south corner of parcel 58-1-30; (20) thence, northwesterly along the southwest boundary of parcel 58-1-30,- across parcel 5S-1-29, p distance of 250 feet, more or less, to the west corner of -narcel 58-1-29; (21) thence, southwesterly along the southeast boundary of parcel 58-1-26, a distance of 70 feet, more or less, to the south corner of parcel 58-1-28; (22) thence, southerly along the east boundary of parcel 58-1-33 P distance of 630 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of parcel 58-1-33; (23) thence, along the various courses of the northeast boundary of parcel 55-1-1 (lands of City of Ithaca Water Depart ment) a distance of 6,600 feet, more or less, to a point lying in the south corporation line of the City of Ithaca; (24) thence, easterly along the south corporation line of the City of Ithaca, a distance of 870 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; All as shown on a "Map of Proposed Slaterville Road Sewer District" as prepared by Lozier Engineers, Inc., dated September 24, 1965, drawing file number 13572; and said parcel numbers referring to Tax Map, Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, approved by State Board of Equalization and Assessment, March 27, 1964, tax maps dated II/1/63. BUTIDING INSPECTION AMD STATE CCDE FUNCTIONS Zoning Officer H. J. Ivells, in ansv^er to a request of the Tovjn Board (see August 1965 minutes) presented a letter in which he outlined proposals in regards to the enforcement of the State Building Code. He stated that most cities in the state have depa"-tments employing building inspectors. Towns which have felt the need have established enforcement practices also. Mr. Hells proposed a schedule of recommended building permit fees that could make a part time Job for en enforcement officer self-susteining. The fee schedule could be amended to provide increased or decreased service if the need arose. Councilman McElwee stated that he had noted that the City of New York has recently decided to adopt a permissive code. In that case either an architect, engineer or bulldbr is responsible for the inspection of the building. Supervisor Kerr questioned whether or not the town could employ someone v:ith the skills needed n n n on 8 pprt time basis. No final decision was made, (Note: The Clerk vjas excused at this point and the remaining minutes were taken by R.J. Wells) ASSESSOR FOR THE VILLAGF OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS Mr, Kerr proposed that the Town give the Village of Cayuga Heights assessment services for nothing provided the village accept the standard method of determination of full value. The consensus of the iEboard is that the percentage of full value for assessment nurposes should be 100^ In preference to WARRANT Supervisor Kerr offered the following; resolution and moved its ad cotion: RESOLVED, that General Fund Bills through (less #4l0) in the amount of .^6,866.68 and Highviay Fund Bills #318 through #355 In the amount of 835-55; slso Northeast Sewer District bills totaling 159,582.?^ be paid. Seconded by Councilman Bishop Ayes - Kerr, Baker, Mayer, Bishop and McElwee Noes - 0 Carried. ACCEPTANCE CF 5CADS The acceptance of Drew Rd,, Grove Rd, and Grove Place was delayed after the suggestion wss made that the town require a 6o' right-of-way on ail new roads. Supervisor Kerr offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, that the town require a 60' r.o.w, and a 50' radius for cul-de-sac turnarounds for all roads before they are accepted. Seconded by Councilman McElv;ee Ayes - Kerr, Mayer, Baker, Bishop and McElwee Noes - 0 Carried, Mr, Ben V. Boynton was present to request acceptance of the road Sugarbush Lane in his development off Snyder Hill Rd. The Board requested that Mr, Boynton provide a 60' r.o.w, on this new road. Mr, Boynton declined because land is now sold on both sides of the road, according to Preliminary Planning Board approval requiring only 50', The Board will ask for 5' from the two owners of these lots on the corner of Snyder Hill Bd. and the new road. The next meeting of the Town Board will be on the regular meeting date - December 13, 1965 at A:00 P.M. The final yearly meeting of the Board will be held on Friday December 3l> 1965 st 10:30 A.M. in the Town Offices, 108 E. Green St., City of Ithaca. The meeting was adjourned at ?:30 P-M- Evelyn S. Fuess Town Clerk NOTE: Sewer Ordinance begins on Pg. 50 50 TOWN OF ITHACA SANITARY SEWEB ORDINANCE SECTION 1. (a) Application. This Ordinance shall apply to all owners of property located in established sewer districts within the Town of Ithsca In which public facilities for the collection and disposal of sanitary sewage have teen provided and are In operation, or which may be hereafter provided and operated herein also referred to as the public sewer system, and also to owners of all other property who connect or use any such facili ties. (B) Definition, by nubile sewer system Is meant the sewer pipe lines and all other facilities constructed by the Town in the streets, alleys or in any rights-of-way obtained by the Town and such term shall also include the service connection pipe line up to any other point designated by the Town as the point to which the property owner must connect with said public sewer system. By building sewer (also referred to herein as house sewer or sewer connection) Is meant any sewer Pipe, or part thereof, connecting a nubile or private luildlng with the public sewer system and extending from the public sewer system to the building or house foundation wall. Contracting YunlclPalltv defines a municipality such as the City of Ithaca, the Village of Cayuga "eights or other municipal body with whom the Tcvm has entered Into an agreement whereby the said municipal body agrees to receive and treat sewage discharge and waste through its municipal system. Person shell mean any indlvldaul, firm, company, assoc iation, society, corporation or group. SECTION 2. (A) Sewer Inspector. The Town Board may appoint a sewer inspector who shall be the Board's authorized agent In matters felling under this Ordinance and shall exercise those powers delegated to him In this Ordinance or which may be reason ably required to carry out such powers. Until such time as such sewer Inspector is appointed, any such powers shall be exercised by such person or persons as the Town Board may designate. SECTION 3- Sewer Connections. (A) Connection with Public Sewer System Required. Except as otherwise stated herein, the owner of any house, build ing or any property used for human occupancy, employment, recrea tion, commerce, manufacturlng or other purpose, situated within the Town of Ithaca and abutting on any street, thoroughfare or right of way in which there is located a Town public sewer system, or, if such Town public sewer system is otherwise available or accessible to such house, building or property, is hereby required at his expense to connect with the Town public sewer system and,also at his expense to Install suitable toilet facilities therein and to connect such facilities directly with the public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this Crdinance. Except as otherwise stated herein, such connection must be made within forty-five (A5) days after date of official notice to do so, except that any house or building constructed from and after the day of , 196_ shall be connected to such public sewer sytem prior to occupancy or use thereof. (B) Northeast Sewer District. NotwlthstandIng the provlslcns of paragraph TaI of this Section, any such owner as described in said paragraph (A) of any property located in the Northeast Sewer District or connecting with the public sewer system of said district shall not be required to connect with the public sewer system until the expiration of ten (10) years after notification that the facilities of such public sewer system are available for connection except as follows: (1) Upon written notice given by the Tompkins County Health Department to the owner or occupant of any property in the Northeast Sewer District directing that such property owner shall cease using any private sewage disposal system on his property, the owner of such property shall cause any structure on such property to be connected to the public sewer system within thirty (30) days after such nctlfIcation. (C) From time to time the Town Board may specifically exempt an owner of property from the requirement of connecting with the public sewer system under certain terms and conditions and until such time as such exemption is cancelled by the Town Board. n n' 0 51 (D) Whenever a Town public sewer system is made available to en csrea of the Town, owners of property located within such area must connect with such public sewer system even if sewage collection and disposal facilities are provided by any other public agency in such ares. No property in the Town shall be connected with any such sewage collection and disposal facility provided by any other public agency except by permission of the Town Board and subject to such terms and conditions as the Board may require. SECTION Permit■ (A) No person shall uncover, mske any connectionswith or opening into the Town public sewer system, or construct, alter, reoeir or use any drain, building sev;er or other lateral sewer to connect with such public sewer, without first obtaining a written permit from such person as the Town Board may designate. No permit shall be issued until an application therefor has been filed by the owner of the property or his duly authorized af;entand the payment of the fee, if any, which the Town Board may from time to time establish for such purpose. Such application shall include or be accompanied by a description and plan of the proposedwork end such other pertinent information as may be required by the Town Board or its duly authorized agent. Such permit shall be kept at the site of the work and be available for inspection by any officer of the Town or member of the Town Board or its duly authorized agent. (B) Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, the issuance of the permit shall be subject to suchfurther requirements as may be required by fny contractingmunicipality. The Town Board may designate such contracting municipality as its agent for the purpose of issuing permits.(C) The Town Board or its duly designated agent may revoke any such permit upon written notification to the person to whom it was granted if the work is not being done Incompliance with the requirements of this Ordinance and anyapplicable rules and regulations, or if the work is not beingperformed in a competent manner, or if the work is not beingcompleted within a reasonable time after the commencement thereof,or if the work is endangering or may reasonably endanger persons or property, or upon such other ground as the Town Board or its duly designated agent may deem to be justifiable. SECTION 5. Hook-up. Repair and Naintenence. (A) All interior plumbing installations and the connection of the building sewer into the "oublic sewer system orany alteration, repair or addition thereto shall be made' in conformance with the requirements of this Ordinance and of suchrules, regulations and specificatlons as are adopted by the Town Board, and also of a contracting municipality wherever applicable. (B) No person shall uncover, make any connectionwith or opening into, or use, alter, lay or repair any'publicsewer or building sewer unless he is a qualified person'as required tiy regulations of the Town Board which may be hereinafteradopted and by any regulations of any contracting municipality, wherever applicable. (0) Conduct of the Work (1) A written report to the sewer inspectoror other authorized person shall be made by the applicant for a permit or by any person performing any work in a public or building sewer within twenty-four (2^-) hours of completion of such connection or disconnection. (2) The Town sewer inspector or any otherauthorized person or, in the case of a contracting municipality,the appropriate official thereof, shall be notified when the building sewer is ready for inspection and connection to thepublic sewer. The connection shall be made under the supervision of such official or his representative. (3) All work of laying building sewers andconnections shall be done in such manner and at such time as to interfere as little as possible with public travel and convenience and such worn shall be conducted as the appropriate municipal official may from time to time direct. (4) All excavations shall be adequately done and with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. fr 2 n (5) Streets, sidewalks end other public property disturbed in the course of the work shell be restored in a manner satisfactory to the municipality, (6) The owner of the property on which the work is being conducted agrees to save and hold harmless the Town of Ithfca, its employees, agents and officers from any end all damage, cost and liability which it or they may incur because of any act or failure to act resulting from any work done by, or caused to be done by the property owner. Any applicant for s permit may be required to furnish a sufficient insurance policy protecting the Town against any liability for injuries to persons or property or to indemnify the Town against any loss or damage which it may sustain, (7) The sewer Inspector or any other authorized person shall have the power to apoly any proper tests to the pipe or fitting and the owner, contractor or ot'ner person doing the work shall furnish all necessary tools and labor for such tests and shall remove any defective material or repair any work improper ly done as the sewer inspector shall direct without any expense to the Town, SECTION 6. Use of Public Sewers. (A) No connection shell be permitted to be made to the Town public sewer system which carries or delivers any substance or material other than domestic sewage or such industrial wastes which are specifically approved by the Town Board, Domestic sewage consists of the solid and liquid waste from toilets, sinks, laundries, bathtubs, shower baths or equivalent plumbing fixtures. In addition, the discharge into the Town public sewer system of any substance prohibited by a contracting municipality, wherever applicable, shall also be prohibited. (B) Without limiting the provisions contained in paragraph(A) above, the following uses are expressly prohibited: (1) Discharge of any wastes of a toxic, noxious, or otherwise harmful nature includlnir material hotter than 150°-F, (2) Discharge of storm water, cistern, or tank overflow, drainage from roof or cellars, wash rocks, water motors or the contents of any privy vault or cesspool. (3) Discharge of effluent from any air conditioning machine or refrigeration unit unless covered by special permit, (^) Discharge of Industrial, commercial, research or other wastes, v^hen in the opinion of the County board of Health, such waste would be detrimental to the general health and welfare or harmful to the system unless such waste has been properly processed and authorized by special permit, (5) Grease, oil, sand or other type interceptors may be required and shall be provided when In the opinion of the County Board of Health such safeguards are necessary for the proper handling of harmful Ingredients and the protection of the oublic sewer system, SECTION 7. Cost and Collection of Charges, (A) The property owner shall bear the entire cost of all connections to the public sewer system from the structure being connected, (B) Property owners shall be liable for all charges assessed incident to the provision and use of a public sewer system. In default of payment after sixty (60) days, any such charges, together with a penalty of ten (lO) per cent of the amount due, shall become a lien on the property and shall be coliectible in the same manner as unpaid Tov?n taxes, as provided by subdivision 1 (k) of Section 198 of the Town Law. (C) Upon the failure of a property owner to comply with any applicable rules and regulations, the Town, after a written notice of at least ten ClO) days has been served upon the property owner, may enter upon the premises end perform all work necessary to provide an approved connection. The cost Incurred by the Town for all necessary labor, materials, end other expenses shall be chargeable to the property owner who shall be presented with an itemized statement of such cost. Upon defsult of payment of such cost after sixty (60) days, such cost, together with a penalty of ten (lO) per cent of the amount due shall become a lien on the property and shall be collectible in the same manner as herein above provided for unpaid sewer charges. n 53 n (D) Any property ovmer who has connected to and is using a public sewer system shall be liable for all such charges, including rental, together with such penalties, computed from the time any such charge or sewer rental first becomes pay able c?fter the date of any Fuch connection, if such connection is made without a permit and without a final inspection having been made by an authorized person. SECTION 8. Right to Enter, Any duly authorized employee, officer or other nerson of the Town of Ithaca or any contracting municipality v;ith proper credentials and identlfication, shall be permitted to enter upon any property at reasonable hours for the purpose of inspecting, testing repairing, dIsconnecting or for any purpose deemed reasonably necessary to carry out and enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 9. After a pronerty has been connected to the public sewer system, the connection to and use of a privately owned sewage disposal system shall be immediately discontinued, SECTION 10. Protection from Damage. No persons shall maliciously, willfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover the face or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is a part of the sewer works. Any person violating this provision shall be subject to Immediate arrest under charge of a disorderly conduct. SECTION 11. Penalties (A) Any person found to be violating any provision of this Ordinance except Section lOyshall be served by the Town with written notice stating the natrue of the violation and pro viding a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations. (B) Any person who shall continue any violation beyond the time limit hereinabove provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in the amount not exceeding ^5C0.0p for each violation. Each day in which any such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense. (C) Any person violating any of the provisions of this Crdinance shall become liable to the Town for any expense, loss, or damage occasioned the Town by reason of such violation. SECTION 12. Validity. (A) All Ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith ere hereby repealed, (B) The invalidity of any section, clause, sentence, or provision of this ordinance shall not affect the validity of any other part of this ordinance which can be given effect without such invalid part or parts. SECTION 13. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. n