HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-02-22 88 TOWN OF DANBY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Regular Meeting 7 : 30 February 22 , 1995 PRESENT : Chairperson Ken Horst P lanning Board Members : William Farrell , Joel Gagnon , Eloise Greene , Don Schaaf ABSENT : Arch Dotson ( Excused ) N ancy Weitzel ( Excused ) Others Present : S ecretary - Carol Sczepanski Code Enforcement Officer - Susan Beeners Councilperson Howard Steiner Members of the Public : Mary Lou Hardesty , Donald Barnes P rivilege of the Floor : D onald Barnes of 57 Michigan Hollow Road addressed the Board and submitted a proposal for rezoning ( from low density to a Planned D evelopment Zone a portion of Town of Danby Tax Parcel No . 14 . - 1 - 4 . 2 located on Michigan Hollow Road . The rezoning proposal is for permission to place a four ( 4 ) unit dwelling on an eight ( 8 ) acre lot . The remaining two ( 2 ) acres would remain low density residential . The Board reviewed drawings included in Mr . Barnes proposal packet labeled General Area of Development Zone ( dated 2 / 15 / 95 ) and P roposed Planned Development Zone ( dated 2 / 15 / 95 ) . S usan Beeners suggested that the Board get some informal input on t he proposal at the next meeting . The next step would be for Mr . B arns to provide more information such as tentative building plans , t opography , and well and septic locations . A SEQR form must be presented for SEQR review . J oel suggested that Mr . Barnes talk to his neighbors about the proposed project . Approval of the January 19 , 1995 Planning Board Minutes A motion was made by Joel Gagnon and seconded by Eloise Greene to approve the January 19 , 1995 Planning Board Minutes . Carried Unanimously Miscellaneous Reports : 1 ) Notice from Tompkins County Department Planning of training sessions to be held in Montour Falls on March 15 and 29 , 1995 was presented to Board . 2 ) Jim Hovanec has opened his motorcycle parts and accessories shop and extends an invitation for Planning Board members to visit the facility . " Camelot " Subdivision Proposal : Susan Beeners reported that she has not received any new information related to the " Camelot " proposal . The Water Commissioners must make a recommendation to the Town Board as to whether the water main extension will be accepted before any preliminary subdivision approval can be made . Used Car Lot Proposal on Route 96B : Susan reported that the applicant John Rounds is looking at other locations in the County for a used car lot . Rick VanOstrand has submitted an appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals asking for e ither a use variance or a determination that the trailer located o n his property is a legal non - conforming use . 2 8 9 2 Planning Board Minutes February 22 , 1995 Future Zoning Ordinance Revisions : S usan reported that future zoning ordinance revisions for the P lanning Board to consider to are : 1 ) provision in the ordinance for Echo Housing , and 2 ) owner occupancy requirement . P roposed Revision - Area Variances - Section 1105 - VARIANCES The proposed revision to Section 1105 - VARIANCES is the exact language as it appears in New York State Town Law with the ✓ eference to " Zoning Board of Appeals " revised to read Board of Appeals . Motion to Approve The Revision of Section 1105 - VARIANCES A motion was made by Joel Gagnon and seconded by Eloise Greene that t he Planning Board approve the Proposed Revision of Section 1105 - AREA VARIANCES and to pass the document to the Danby Town Board for consideration . A vote on the motion resulted as follows : Carried Unanimously P roposed Revision - . Fill Extraction and Deposit T S usan explained that the and Deposit of Fill section in the o rdinance is too restrictive . Permission must be obtained from the Town before more than fifty ( 50 ) yards of fill can be moved . This section should be taken out totally or made more relaxed if it is n ot a routine practice not covered under a site plan review or the building permit process . If fill being deposited on a future d evelopment site is more than fifty ( 50 ) yards per year a permit would be required . D iscussion followed : W illiam Farrell asked why the Town feels they need to control how much fill is deposited as mining is controlled by New York State . H e would like to see the limit set at 250 yards before a permit must be obtained . J oel said he is concerned about the excavation and mining of fill without plans for reclamation . D on Schaaf said that although deposits of fill that have not been leveled off immediately create an unsightly appearance there is an economic factor involved . The expense of having small lots of fill leveled off at a time is uneconomical . Chairperson Horst suggested that discussion on the extraction and fill issue be continued at the next Planning Board meeting . P lanning for the Future of Danby D on Schaaf reported that when he became involved with the Planning B oard he assumed that it was because we were going to do some planning . He asked the Board what are the responsibilities that t he Board are charged with ? He said he feels that during the months since he has been involved the Board has virtually done no planning such as where development is going to be in Town . We are spending our time continually stumbling over zoning , refining it , redefining it , and re - redefining it . J oel asked what kind of Planning he had in mind . D iscussion followed regarding where the Town should be in the future and what is being done in 1995 to be headed in that d irection . K en Horst said that review and revision of our ordinance are part of the planning process . J oel Gagnon said that we should be looking at a bigger picture not 290 3 Planning Board Minutes February 22 , 1995 just getting caught up in fine tuning a document . Chairperson Horst said he would be interested in hearing from each member of the Planning Board what they visualize , what they would like to see development in Danby be ten ( 10 ) years from now . D on Schaaf - - would like to see a community that is still fundamentally rural , a bank , the ability to shop for select items , a small mini mall or perhaps two ( 2 ) within 15 - 25 years . H e would like to see medical and dental services , hardware store , restaurant , a place for senior ' s to gather and the types of things t hat lend themselves to a rural fundamentally agricultural community . He would not like to see it developed along NYS Rte . 96B nor concentrated immediately concentrated adjacent to the highway . Development must be done selectively . E loise Greene - - likes the Comprehensive Plan , the idea of clustered housing in the nature of the Buttermilk subdivision d evelopment where there is significant natural boundary around it . A cohesive community also developing quality business along NYS Rte . 96B . She sees it essential that the Danby School be opened as a school whether it is an alternative school , elementary school or as a middle school . B ill Farrell - - thinks the Town will develop along NYS Rte . 96B and would like to see the Danby look into bringing water and sewer . He would like to see commercial growth near NYS Rte . 96B but not concentrated on the highway and that residents be allowed to build on back lands with a sixty ( 60 ) foot right - of - way . J oel Gagnon - - He would like to see is a central development and to h ave rural business scattered around . If we want to develop any sense of a village center the only way to do it will be with smaller lots and water and sewer . Ken Horst said he came to Danby because he liked the natural settings and the potential for the Old Town Village development . It was just beautiful and the development was run very well . He said he would like to see planned developments that are planned to maintain the natural settings continue and some commercial d evelopment planned along the corridor of NYS Rte . 96B . E loise Greene said she moved here because of the zoning . She said in the short term , residential housing in a cluster like Old Town Village is the only way that would be economically feasible to the Town . D on Schaaf said that he thinks that our zoning has discouraged people from coming to Danby . S usan Beeners said that she sees the potential for having NYS Rte . 96B corridor where essentially beautification can make a difference in pulling together some development , increasing some near the Muzzy Road section . We should make an effort to make housing 1 affordable for young people . For planning we need to think about some strategic planning that might relate to public awareness and educating some of the residents in how to get some assistance for d eveloping . Maintenance and clean up are essential because the public face of the community is important . When planning the Board needs to think about things that are tangible . S usan reported that this is the 200 year anniversary of the settling of Danby . She suggested that a committee could be formed for planning of activities for a celebration or recognition of the first settlers . J oel suggested that the Planning Board Chair contact the Town Historian to see what is being planned for the recognition of the first settling of Danby . 9 ° 1L. ' 4 Planning Board Minutes February 22 , 1995 Miscellaneous : E loise Greene said she would like to initiate a complaint for the following problems : 1 ) Abandoned car at 1704 Danby Road 2 ) Abandoned house at 1699 Danby Road Chairperson Horst asked the Planning Board to keep in mind the ideas for future development in Danby and ways to initiate a plan ( s ) of action . Mary Lou Hardesty reported to the Board that she really appreciates t he time the Planning Board took to examine some of the issues related to development that have been a concern of hers for some t ime . She thinks it is important to start planning now for the future goals and development of Danby . Adjournment : O n a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 10 P . M . Respectfully submitted , (LAJ aw� Carol W . Sczepans� Secretary min - 2 - 22 . 95 1