HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-01-03l 11'14 I -3 -I I C63 1 TOWN OF DRYDEN ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING January 3, 2011 Present:: Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Stephen Stelick, Cl Joseph Solomon, Cl .Jason Leifer, Cl David Makar Elected Officials: l3ambi L. Avery, Town Clerk Jack Bush, Highway Superintendent Other Town Staff: Brian Mcllroy, Bookkeeper Daniel Kwasnowski, Director of Planning Melissa Biancon.i, Director of Recreation Supervisor Sumner called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. RESOLUTION #1 (2011) - RULES OF PROCEDURE Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board use Town Law Section 63. That section reads as follows: "The supervisor, when present, shall preside at the meetings of the town board. In the absence of the supervisor, the other members shall designate one of their members to act as temporary chairman. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the trzuisaction of business, but a lesser number may adjourn. The vote upon every question shall be taken by ayes and noes, and the names of the members present and their votes shall be entered in the minutes. Every act, motion or resolution shall require for its adoption the affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the town board. The board may determine the rules of its procedure, and the supervisor may, from time to time, appoint one or more committees, consisting of members of the board, to aid and assist the board in the performance of its duties," 211' Supv Sumner Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yeas Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #2 (2011) - MILEAGE Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that mileage will be paid to Town officials and employees when using their own car for official town business (other than town meetings or travel to and from the job site) at the rate set by the Internal Revenue Service and Treasury Department. 2°d Supv Sumner Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Page I of 20 Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #3 (2011) - DESIGNATE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Town Board designate The First National Bank of Dryden and the Tompkins Trust Company as the official depositories for the Town of Dryden for the year 20111 211d Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes C1 Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #4 (2011) - AUTHORIZE SIGNATURES ON ACCOUNTS Cl heifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the following individuals to sign on Town of Dryden accounts: Mary Ann Sumner, Bambi L. Avery, and Patricia. C. Millard. 2nd CI Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes CI Makar Yes Cl I,,eifer Yes The board discussed which newspaper to use as its official newspaper. The Ithaca Journal has become expensive and charges $35.00 for affidavits of publication. The board agreed to continue to use The Ithaca Journal, but will investigate less expensive ways to meet the necessary notice criteria and inform its residents of town matters. RESOLUTION #5 (2011) - OFFICIAL ADVERTISING Cl Solomon offered the following resolution and :asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board designate The Ithaca Journal for official newspaper of the Town of Dryden for the year 2011. 2nd Cl Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Cl Solomon Supv Sumner Cl Makar Cl Leifer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 2 10* 211 TB 1 -j -11 RESOLUTION #6 (2011) - ADVANCE PAYMENT OF UTILITIES Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this `own Board authorizes the Supervisor to pay in advance of the audited claims the utility bills, all claims to be presented at the next regular board meeting. Dir1 Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick. Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #7 (2011) - PETTY CASH Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this `['own Board authorize a petty cash fund for the Town Clerk not to exceed $200.00, and Receiver of'1 axes and Assessments not to exceed $200.00, as needed for postage, and Justice's petty cash fund not to exceed $100.00, and for the Recreation Department not: to exceed $200.00 for the year 201 1. 2" d Supv Sumner Roll Call Vote CI Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl i,xifer Yes RESOLUTION #8 (2011) - APPOINTMENTS AND AUTHORIZATIONS Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint the following: o Town Supervisor has the power and duties of administration and supervision of the Town of Dryden on Special Assessment Fund functions to be performed on behalf of the Town Board. o Town Supervisor is authorized to pray Fire and Arnbulvhce Contracts o Town Supervisor has t:he power and duties of administration and supervision of the Town of Dryden Special Improvement: District functions to be performed on behalf of the Town Board o Bambi L. Avery as Receiver of Taxes and Assessments. o Bambi L. Avery as licensor for Games of Chance and Bingo. o Supervisor Sumner as Budget Officer. o Brian Mcllroy as Bookkeeper to the Supervisor. o Daniel Kwasnowski or his designee as Subdivision Control Officer and Multiple Residence Inspector. o Zoning/ Planning Office personnel as Bingo Inspector ($150 annual stipend). o Joseph l.alley as Planning Board Chair- ($450 annual stipend). o Joseph Laquatra as Planning Board Vice Chair. o Thomas Quinn as Zoning Board of Appeals Chair ($450 annual stipend). o Nancy Munkenbeck as Conservation Board Chair (no annual stipend). Page 3 0'20 TB 1 -3 -11 o Harry Weldon as HistoHan ($450 annual stipend). o Melissa Bianconi as the Town's representative can the Recreation Partnership. Daniel Kwa%nowski to represent i:h Town on the IT T �u9P Policy committee. 13 o Jack Bush to represent the Town on the ix,rc mpo Planning ornmittee_ o S'upervisor Sumner and Steve Upinsky as liaison officers on thr; SCLiWC. o Supervisor Sumner and ,log: Solomon (as alternate) as representatives to IAWW19P o upt�rvi4or Suniner and David Makar (as alternate) to represent the Town on the Tompkins County C onancil of Governments. o Supervisor Sumner and Bri an Mc;tlruy {aa alternate) to serve as bouTd rnc:mbers for the rrawr Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium, o Supervisor Sumncr and David Makar to represent the town all the Association of ']`owns meeting. o Gena Leonard as Dog Control Officer at a rate of $825.88 per mcrrkth and Richard Leonard as Dag Can trol Officer at a rUtrC of $1.10.25 per month. o Mark Sell as Fire Warden. 2TId Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stel_ick. YCL Cl Solomon Yes SupV Sumner YCs Gl Makar Yes C1 Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #9 (20111 - APPOIN'T TOWN ENGINEER Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for Its adoption= RESOLVED, that this Town Board hemby appoints'rG Miller PC as Town engineers and states that they will be consulted on an as needed basis, 2nd Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl 8telick Yes Cl Solomon Yes 8upv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION # 10 120 11) — ANNUAL SALARIES FOR TOWN OFFICERS Cl Sl:eliek offered the following resolution and asked for ii:s adopi:iori: RE OLVED, that: t.hr: annual salaries for Ta li Officers as stal:cd in t.hc 201.1. General Town Budget be as follows: Supervisor Councilman (4) Town Clerk Highway Supe�rincerident Town Justice Deputy Superwisor $2111640.00 $25,700,00 ($6142S.00 t�-ac;ti) $257743.00 65,$7._[}0 $38,].4,0.00 (x19,070 each) $5,120.00 BE IT PUR14HER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is authorized Lo pay the above salaries_ 2" Cl Solomon !'age 4 n r 20 Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Ye% Supt/ Surnner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #11 (2 011) - ANNUAL SALARIES Cl Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption. RE OLVED? that the Town Board does hereby adapt the 2011 wages that were discussed and agreed upon during the budget process_ 2nd Cl Makar Roll Call Vote i SW- lick Yes Cl Solomon YoN Supv Surnner Yes Cl Makar Ye; Ci LAifer Yes TB I -3 -II The Board discussed the appoinllmen1: of [he attorn ey for the Zoning board 0r Appeals, It was noted that Randall Marcrus has not been attending the mcc6np, but another attorney from his firm has. The board will consider appointing the fuze, but first wants to obtain the firm's billing raters, grid would like those rates reflected in the retainer letter. Supv Su inner noI'(-A she is holding the check for the_ Womens Opportunity Center becau se ehe l,as not heard from there and I'll 0r agreement provides for a r( port that she has not received. They also did not put in a request for funding this year, Cl Stelick sLiggested she write and ask t.hf Tn for a report. RESOLUTION #12 (20 11) - CONTRACTS Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption= RESOLVED, that 1;his Town Board contrail: with the following= IP Mahlon Perkins as the Attorney for (paid monilhly) to do regular agreed reimbursable business at the: rate c F ichtud and Dena Leonard for Dog installments_ the Town at an annual contract amount of $31,200 upon Town busine_es, with other businest5 and if $200 per hour, when signed coni'mv( received. Control Kennel at a rate uf$26,460 in twel tee equal • Gadabout at a rate of $6,500 - when fiends aT(~ available, when gigned contract received. • T.C. Seniors - $3,600 - }w hen funds are available, when signed (!untract received- 1) ryd en Seniors - $7530 - when funds are available, when signed contract received. ■ Southworth Library - $13,000 - when funds are available, when signed e:ontract received. • Women's Opportunity C:entcr of Tompkins County - $500 - when funds are av iIable, when signed contract rec ived. • Dryden Histarical Society - $1,100 - when funds are available, wh(rn sided con tracrt received. • Dryden VT4 - $750 - when funds are available, when signed contract received. • C±ommuni(v Science Institute - $13,041 -when funds are available, when signed contract received- I}uyc 5 a�l`2U 'I'13 E -3 -11 And the Tovvn Supervisor is authorized to sign the contracts, 2,,,' Cl Makar 81311 Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes C1 ,Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes CI Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION # 13 120 11) - APPOINT BUDGET OFFICER Cl Solomon offered the following resolution and asked for itf> adophon- RESOLVED, that Mary Ann Sumner tx n.fined Oud et Officer for the year 2011. 2nd Cl Makar Roll Coil Vote C1 Stelick Yes C1 Solomon YCL Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes C"1 Ix.ifer Yes RESOLUTION #14 (2011) - APPOINT PLANNING BOARD MEMBER Crl Stelic.k offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: } 2S0 LVfa'.I), that :his Town Sward hereby reappoints Joseph E Laquatra to the Town Of Dryden PTanning Board for a term to expire December 31 , 2017_ 2«i' Supv Su inner Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes C1 1-'C;iff;r Yes RESOLUTION #15 (20 11) - APPOINT ZONINGS BOARD OF APPEALS MEMBER Supv S urn ner offered the following resolution and asked for its adopilion: RESOLVF;D? that this Town Board hereby reappoints Thomas Qu inn 110 the Town of Dryden Zoning Board of Appeals for a l:(�rzn to expire December 31, 20.1;5, 2«i' Cl Soloman Roll Call Voct: Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes C1 Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #16 (2011) - APPOINT CONSERVATION BOARD MEMBERS .(6 C1 S010MOT1 offered the following resolution and seked for its adoption: f'Ll;�e. (; I W 241 p 1- H RESOLVED, that this To Board here Erap lnW Naricy Murikenbeck, Craig Schutt, Stephen Bissen, end N»r Davies to serve an the Conaervation Board %r term% to expire December 31, 2013- 2TI(I C1 eck Roll Call vote Cl elek Ve s Cl Solomon s Sum Sumner Yes C! Nam r Yes Cl Lk9; %r Yes RESOLUTION #17 Old - APPoi T YOUTH COMMISSION MEMBERS Su am Su mn cr ofF 74 th c following r ]oM and a s-ked brit a doption ; RESOL ED, mat th is Tolkkm Board here by appoints Jo Ellen 2»Iey and InSh 2 Lee to me Dr dr,n Youtb Commission m *rms to expire DecernQrr 3 1, 2013L 21,11 Cl T�eife: Roll Ca] Vote Cl el k ¥ Cl SMomr�n Yes Sam Sumner s ClMakar ¥akar Yes Cl Leifer yes 0 The t 2r reviewed the applications for oppmn me to t'Ic D� 'I Recreation Commission and the ree0mm d ions from lion Commission mem %r appointments 7a@ i § n& IL() mm cinR m Jai uarv. A£tera len h> d is an.the board made th e following appointments. RESOLUTION #1 (20 11) -APPO|NT RECREATION COMMISSION MEMBERS Cl following h o «on Makarot r dt e asom H a d R= ; RESOLVED, that & Town Board y appoints L rTy: =g% Sharon Todd, ands # Humphrey to the ard Recreation Commi 5sion for tEr ar term . to expire Deccrn ber 5% 2012, and Monica Knit as the CommuniC ter Represe, ri tadve fora one =year term to W7 Decernher 3 1, 2011. 2® C|wGomon Roll Call Vote Cl SiNclick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Sum Sum=ma ye5 Cl ¥akar Y Ccj Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #19 (2011 -APPOINT RECREATION COMMISSION MEMBER Su Pv Su ran eroffered the SI lowing r so Q tion an a sked Grim ad option y RESOLVED,that tgc;T lvai Boo rd recogn izecs with a ppreciation O un utt2o0mma£!R rv¥e, and I fu r 0 hw7«m TB I.3 -t i RESOLVED, that this'fovan board hereby appoints Stave Meyer to the Dryden Rccreation Commission to ri ll the vacant position with a term expiring December 31, 201 l _ 21311 Cl Solornon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelirk No C1 Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl [.fi_irCr No The board discussed recruitment for the various hoard a. s nd commissions, SupV Sumner said she will encourage current members to assist with re(ruitrnent, RFSOLUTION #20 (2011 - VOUGHERJINVOICE SUBMISSION DEADLINES Cl Solomon offered the following resolution grid asked for its adoption= RESOLVE 1), that vouchers f invoices sha I be submitted to the S tip ervisor's 0Mice for processing and payment one week prior to the regularly %cheduled board meeting each month as rollowvs: Voucher f Itnvoice Submission DeadlinQ Bates (by Noon For Abstract Date. Prida }, January 7, p1.]. Wednesday, Priday, February 4 2 01 1 Wechiesdav, Friday, March 4, 2011 Wednesday, Friday, April 8, 2011 Wednesday, Friday, May 6, 201.1 Wednesday, Friday, June 3, 2011 Wednesday, Friday, July 8, 2011 Wednesday, Friday, August 5, 2011. (,dnesday, Friday, September 9, 2011. Wednesday, Friday, October 7, -2 011 Wednesday, P)riday, Novernber 4, 201 1 Wednesday, Friday, Decemhar 2, 2011 Wednesday, Dates for submission of vouchers for �kbstr Lct 13 to be d Cl [mo b{ookkeeper toward the end of December_ 223TI C SECliek Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick yes Cl Solomon Ycs Su]Dv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yce Cl Leifer Yes January 12, 2011 Pebru airy 9, 2p 1.1 Marrh 9, 20 11 April 13, 201 .1. May 11, 2011. June 8, 2011. July 11, 2011 AuU,st 10, 201 1 September 14, 2011 October 12, 2011 i Novernb� r 9, 201 1 December 71 201.1 etermined, check with the RESOLUTION #21 (20111 - 14LANDATORY JUS'T`ICE SCHOOLING C~1 Makar offered t:he folloAI resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOL ED, that the Justices be authorized to attend training schools during tier_ year and will be reim1)ursed for actual expenses, 2nd C1 Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stclick Yes jlni pe Ji of M C1 S01OTrion ycs Supv Surnner Yes 1 Makar Yes C1 Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #22 (2011)- INVESTMMT POLICIES/ GUIDELINES FOR TOWN OF DRYDEN Cl Stelick offe'rcd the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the objectives of the Investm(nt polio- of the Town of Dryden are to mijiimiw risk; to insure that. investments mixture when the cash is required to finance operal.ions; mud to insure a competitive rate of milurn. In accordance with this polio-, the Supervisor is hereby authorizud to uivest all I`Undcg including proceeds of obligations and reserve funds in: - Certificates of Deposit issued by a hank or trust company authori?ed to do bu:3irless in New York State; - Time Deposit Account.% in a bank or trust company authorized to do business in New York 1:a w; - Obligations of New York State; Obligations of the United States Government; - Only reserve funds may be invested in Obligations of the Town or Dryden. All other Looal Oov.ernment officials receiving money in their official capaeiky must depo 4t such funds in negotiable order of withdrawal accounts. All investments made pursuant to this investment policy shall comply with the following conditions- 1. COLLATERAL a. Certificates of Deposits shall be fully �5ccured by insurance of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporations or by obligations of New Fork S tat.e or obligations of the United States or obligations of federal age nries, the principal and interest of }which are guaranteed by the United S11ates, or obligations of New York State local governments- Cal I a teral shall be dcIivered to the '[sown of Dryden or a custodi:3Ll bank. The market value of collateral shall at all times equal or exceed the principal amount of the certificate of deposit_ Collateral sha]1 be monitored no less frequently than quarterly. b. Collateral shall not be required with respect to the direct purchase- of obligation is of New York State, obligations of the United States, and obligations of federal agencies the principal and interest of which are guaranteed by thv United St;�f,r�s Government. . 1)ELIVERY 0P S EC URI'141E} a. Payment shall be made by or on lichalf of the_ 'Town of Dryden for obligations of New York State, the principal and interest of which are guaranteed by the United States_ United States Obligatiot�s, certifical:rIL of deposits, and other purchased securities upon delivc;ry thereof to the custodial bank- All tra.nsacticns shall be confirmed in ww�rzting. 3. WRITTEN CONTRACTS a_ Written contracts may be required for the purchase of all cr_rtificates or deposit_ 0 4. DESIGNATION OF OUSTOD1AL. BANK Ikauw L) cry' :(� I'll I -�- I I a. The First National Funk of Dryden and Tompkins Trust Company, both authorized to do business in the Stall: ()f New York, and having an office for the trarisac6orl in the Town of Dryden, are designated to act a!� custodial banks of then Town of Dryden's investments. 5, FINANCIAL ' RP> NOTH OF I N STIT U141 0 N S a, All wading partners must be credit worthy, Their financial statements r oy be reviewed annually by tine Supervisor to determine satisfactory financial strength or the Sup[ rviwor may use credit rating agencies to determine credit worthiness, b. lnvestments in tirrie deposits and certificates of deposits are to be made with banks or trust Companies. Their annual reports may be reviewed by the S uper -isor to dew.rmjne satisfactory financial strength, 6. OPERATIONS, AUDIT AN 1) DEPORTING a. The Supervisor or Deputy S upervisor shall authorize thy; purchase and sale and execute contracts for cer0ficates of deposit on behalf of the Town of Dryden, b. At the time independent auditors conduct the annual audit of the accounts and financial affairs of the Town of Dryden, the independent auditors shall audit the irnveL5trnents of the Town of Dryden for compliance with the provisions of l:his investment policy. C. Within sixty (6 0) dayys of the end or each of the first three quarters of the fiscexl year, the Supervisor shall prep re and submit to the Town Board a quarterly investment report, which indicaCes the new investments, the inventory of existing investrrnc;nts, and such other matters as the Supervisor deems appropriate- d, Within 120 days of the end of 11he fiscal year, the Supervisor shill prepare and submit in the Town 0oard an annual investment, report, recommendations for change in these invc�tment guideIines; the results of the annual independent: audit, the investment L ncome record; and such other matters as the Supervisor deems appropriate. At lc >ust annually, at the Organizational meeting of the Dryden Town Board, the board shall review and amend, if nccc,,Fssary these: investment policies, The provisions of these Inveal:rnerlt Guidelines and any amendments hereto shall take effect prospectl %rely and shall not invalidate the prior selfrL(Ndon of any C Custodial Bank or prior I nvestment. 2nd Cl Salomon Roll Cali Vote Cl l:elick Yes Cl Soloman Yes upv suniner Yes C~i Makar yCS Cl lAdrer Yes RESOLUTION #23 [2011 1 - EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN Cl Nlakar offered the_ following resolution and asked for its adoption; RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby appoints Cl Stelick and Cl Makar }participate in a task force to review the Town's 1i r nergency Preparedness Plan, 2nd C1 Stelick Roll Call Vote Ol S110ick Yrs Cl Solomon Yes I}Hgc 10 of 2A T13 i -3•I i Supv Sunnier Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer yes Supv Sumner said if there is nol' a policy to recommend by March, she would like to have at least a substantive report: and list of What things need clarification, RESOLU'T`ION #24 120 11) = TOWN OF DRYDEN FAIR HOUSING OFFICER Supv Sumner offered thv Following resoIution and asked for its adoption: RE OLVEID that this TowTi Board hereby designates Code EnForckement Officer David Sprout as the Fair Ho1osing Officer to coordinate all actions of th o Fair Housing Plan. wL Cl Makar Roll Call Vote 1 Stelick Yes Cl Solomon YfLs Supv Sumner Yes Cl makar Yes C] Leifer Yes The board discussed its regular meeting schedule for the coming year. The ahskract anti agenda meeting was moved to '7.30 p. m., but: Supv Sumner encouraged board members to arrive earty in order to review the vouchvr&�. RESOLUTION #25 (20111 - TOWN BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE C1 S i:e[ick offered the following res01 u6on toil asktx] for its adoption= RESOLVED, that tht_ Dryden Town Sward will hold Abstract and Agenda meetings on the second Wednewla of each month at 7:30 p.m_ and regular business meetings on the third Wednesday of eucb month at 7 :00 p.m, at the Town Hall, 93 East Main Street, Dryden- 21141 Cl Solomon ]doll Call Voile Cl Stelick Yes C] Salomon Yes Supv Sumner ycs Cl Makar Yes Cl l ,eifcr Yes RESOLUTION #26 (20 11) - VEI° CLE BENEFIT Supv Sumner offered the Collo;Aing resolution and asked for its adoption- RESOLVED, that because the Highway Superintendent and Deputy Highway Superintendent are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the T) iTden 'Gown Board authorizes the use of town vehicles clearly rrrarked L4'lth the Town of Dryden lotto for i1navel to and from work, provided they are not used for personal use_ 2^d C] Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Cl Salomon Supv Sumner Cl Makar Yes Yes Yes Yes Pa4L! I 1 01'20 Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION 02 7120 11) — REQUEST EXTENSION TO FIDE ANNUAL REPORT Cl Stelick offered the foIlowing resolution and asked for its adoption= RESOWED, that this Town Board authorize the 1'own Supervisor to Wriil(.L to the NeW York State Office of the State mptroller and request a 60 day extension iOr the filing of the 201.0 annual report, if necessary. follows: Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes C1 Solomon Yes Supt/ Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes C'1 Dakar whared with the board a conimittee structure detail :kheet he has developed, Supervisor appolintment$ and committee assignments were discussed and made as Deputy Supervisor ------- ----------------- -------- --------------- -- Finance Committee --------- ------- ---------------- ------- --------- Assessinent Revio w C;ommittee-------------- ---------------- ----- Emergency Services Commitllee----- --------- -------- ----------- Rem lation f Youth f Community Center Committee ---------- Grants Commil:' re------------------- ------------ --- - -- Hurnan Resources Committee----------------------------------- Tnfrastructum Committee ------ ----- ---------- ------- ----- ------- Technolu&ry Committee-------------------------------------------- Representative to Planning Board---------------------------Y--- Representative to Zoning 9oard of Appeals ------------------- Representative to Conservation 13oard ----------- ----- --------- Representative to Cayuga Ike Watershe;d [G---------------- Representative to Youth ----------- - - - - -- Representative to Recreation Commission-------------- - - - - -- Liaison to Village of Freeville ----------- ------ -------------- ------ Liaisoil to V11lru e of Dryden------------------------------- - - - - -- David Makar David Makar, ,Jason Leifer Steve Stelick, Jason heifer Mary Ann Sumner, Steve Stelick Steve ,t[.1i[ k, Jason Leifer David Makar, Jason Tkifer Steve Stclick, Jason Leifer Steve Stelick, Joe Solomon David Makar, Jason Leifer ,lrae Solomon Jae SnlornOn David Makar Dan Kwannowski Jason Leifer Jason L. Tfer, Steve telir_k David Makar Steve StOich upv Sumner sajd there will be a clearer dcL5cription 0fduties for the deputy position soon. She would like to have reports from the Recreation lialnons on a bi- rnonthly basis_ Biian Mc[lroy reported that General Municipal Law has raised the threshold for bidding for pulrhas� contracts to $20,000_ 1[ used to be $1.0,600. He has changed the procurement Policy to reflect that, effcctive with adoption by the- town boarcl. After discussion, the fx)licy was adapted. RESOLUTION 02 8 120111 - AMEND PROCUREMENT POLICY Cl tclick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that thi% Town Board hereby adopts the folloxving Procurement Policy. TB I -1 -LI Th ,; resolution sets forth rho policy and proccdure� of the Torun of DrydE!n i10 rni�ct the; teclui.re ments of Ge.nered 'N-1 un 6pec 1. Law, section 1(}4 -1). Purpose Goods and senrices that aere< cot re qw -red by law to be procured pan;unnt to competitive bidding rou t be procured in a► mien nor pis to assure 1:r-Lc prudent and ec(Aiorni-,zl use of public moncyt iu the best intcrc;st of the raxpayen%, to f Lcibtate the acquisition of goods and services of rua:rulinni gLra tv at. dic Io4wcst possible. cost.. under the C]rCUlii�t�iYltey; and to guard a�,.�Ln�i: F�]ve>ritism, imprt��Fidcne ;e ;, eatrfLva zacc, 6:aud, and corruption. rl'o further i:he .ie « bjcctives, the gx- wcrning board is adopting an internal Policy and 1Irocedui-cs 8(-)V J.rmg all procurctncnts of goods and tieLVice.s Which ai;c not required to bL made pursLian11 ro the conapenLive bIdding� cugl ire ntnts of �cner�il Nluriiclpal .I:,reu+, section 103 oi. 9f any other general, special, or 10 CJ 1r1 }w. Procedures for Determining 1hether Procurements are IS ubject to Bidding The pi-ocedures for dctci.miArig whether a procuirenient of c)od6 Ojr services is sul)ject to f:oirsPe t1t1.VC biddillg '�LL]d documenting the basis for my determination that: c()mpctitive bidding is no rcquired by law- k res Follows: I'rc�e ;e ;clure: a. Each proposed purchase must be initially reviewed to determine whether it is a purchase contract or a public works contract. b. Upon determination, a goad feith effort shall be made to determine whether it is known or can reasonably be expected the aggregate amount to be spent on the item cif supply or service is not subject to competitive bidding, taking into account past purchases and the aggregate amount to be spent annually, c. The following items are flat subject to competitive biddfng pursuant to Section 102 of the General Municipal Law' purchase contracts under $20,000; public works contracts under $05,400, emergency purchases, goods purchased from agencies for the blind or severely handicapped, goads purchased from correctional institutions; purchases under State and county contracts, and surpJus and second -hand purchases from another govern men taI entity. d. For purcha5es determined to be exempt from competitive bidding, documentation of this determination shall be provided in writing by the individual making the purchase_ This documentation may include written or verbal quotes from vendors, a memo frorn the purchaser indicating how this determination was made, a copy of the contract indicating the source making the item or service exempt, a memo from the purchaser detailing the circumstances leeding to an emergency purchase, or any other appropriate written documentation. e. This policy wilt apply to all equipment rentals made throughout the year, Statutory Exceptions from QuotationslPropo als Requirements of This Policy and Procedures Except for procurements m;,e1c p><Usutmt to GenerJ rMUr1ie:ipal LAW, section 103(3) (rllrough county conlract) of see -uon 104, (through State Coll tact, ), State. 1~'in,nce l�avv, gCct1()n IG , Cori,Cction Law, L-ectians 1X34 and 18 (f oi„ "preFeri -LJ sources,,, including arricicx manufactu,-c.d in coritictional insf:irurions), or the items exccfrted herein (.we below), alt€:rnativt proposals (--Pr quota ions for goods and services shall be secured by use of either written rcclucats for ptoposals, wrirtcrL quotarions, VC11)at quo ratio ns or any other menc�)(1 of 1)r()cu,-enlcnr rh;►t furthers I:11 p4lrposts of the General Municipal 1_,,Lw, secriun 04 -b. 0 Methods of Competition to be Used for Non -Bid Procurements Iragv 13 01 ZU TB 1 -3 -I he methods of procurement to he used are as follows: The time and documentation required to purchase goods and services under $1,000.00 via this policy may be more costly than the item itself and would therefore not reflect the best interests of the taxpayer. In addition, it is not likely such de minimis contracts would be awarded based on favoritism. All goods and services subject to this procurement policy will be secured by use of written requests for proposals, written quotations, verbal quotations, or any other method which assures favoritism will be avoided and goods will be purchased at the lowest price, except in the following circumstances: purchase contracts over $20,000 and public works contracts over $35,000; which are required to be competitively bid. The following are the minimum requirements necessary for purchases and /or equipment rentals expected to exceed $1,000 in one year as required by this policy in order to achieve the highest savings: Amount of Purchase Contract or Rental (under $10,000) Method Under $2,500 $2,501 - $4,999 $5,000 - $191999 No action required 2 Verbal quotations or catalog pricing AND obtain a Purchase Order from Bookkeeper 3 Written /fax quotations, or written requests for proposals or catalog pricings Estimated Amount of Public Works Contract (under $35,000) Method Under $2,500 $2,501 - $9,999 $10,000 - $34,999 No action required 2 Written /fax quotations 3 Written/fax quotations or written requests for proposals A good faith effort shall be made to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations. If the purchaser is unable to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations, he or she will document all attempts made to obtain proposals. Awards to Other than the Lowest Responsible Dollar Offerer Whenever any contract is awarded to other than the lowest responsible dollar offerer, the reasons drat such an award furthers the purposc of Gencral lufunicipal Law, section 104 -b, as set forth herein above, shall be documented as follows: Documentation will include an explanation of how the awarded contract will achieve savings or how the lowest bidder was not responsible. Determination of a bidder being declared not responsible shall be made and documented by the purchaser. Items Excepted From This Policy and Procedures by the Board Page 14 cil 2U I'll 1 -3 -11 The board sets forth the following circumstances when, or ty es of procurements for which, in the . sole discretion of the goveri ii body, the sol.icit.ation of alternatiN e proposals or quotations will not be in the best interest of Towti of Dryden. a. Professional services or services requiring special or technical skill, training or expertise. The individual or company must be chosen based on accountability, reliability, responsibility, skill, education and training, judgment, integrity, and moral worth. These qualifications are not necessarily found in the individual or company offering the lowest price and the nature of these services is such that they do not readily lend themselves to competitive procurement procedures. In determining whether a service fits into this category the Town Board shall take into consideration the following guidelines: (a) whether services are subject to State licensing or testing requirements; (b) whether substantial formal education or training is a necessary prerequisite to performance of said services; and (c) whether services require a personal relationship between the individual and municipal officials. Professional or technical services shall include but not be limited to the following: services of an attorney; services of a physician; technical services of an engineer engaged to prepare plans, maps and estimates; securing insurance coverage and/or services of an insurance broker; services of a certified public accountant; investment management services; printing services involving extensive writing, editing or art work; management of municipally owned property; computer software or programming services for customized programs, or services involved in substantial modification and customizing of pre - packaged software. b. Repair of equipment and machinery and maintenance items i.e.: toner, ribbons, oil filters, nuts & bolts etc., as these can be specialized items. The purchaser will obtain at least two verbal, written, faxed or catalog prices. It is at the purchaser's discretion which product(s) to purchase. c. Emergency purchases pursuant to Section 103(4) of General Municipal Law. Due to the nature of this exception, these goods or services must be purchased immediately and any delay to seek alternate proposals may threaten the life, health, safety or welfare of the residents. This section does not preclude alternate proposals if time permits, d. Purchases of surplus and second -hand goods from any source. If alternate proposals are required, purchaser is permitted to purchase surplus and second -hand goods at auction or via specific advertised sources where the best prices are typically obtained. Prior Town Board approval is required for amounts over $2,500 e. goods purchased from agencies for the blind or correctional institutions pursuant to Section 175 -b of the State Finance Law; goods purchased from correctional institutions pursuant to Section 186 of the Correction Law; purchases under State contracts pursuant to Section 104 of the General Municipal Law; county contracts pursuant to Section 103(3) of the General Municipal Law; or pursuant to subdivision 6 of this policy, Individual(s) Responsible for Purchasing Jack Bush — Highway Superintendent Dan Kwasnowski — Planning Department Bambi Avery — Town Clerk Mary Ann Sumner — Town Supervisor Melissa Bianconi — Recreation Director Brian Mcllroy —Town Bookkeeper 34 Note that this is a new requirement, effective January 1, 2009 (General Municipal Law, section 104- b(2)(0). 0 Division of Local Governmmnt and School Accountability (Must be updated biennially) l'agc 15 ur20 -n+ 1 -3 -11 Input From Officers • C;onunents have been solicited from officers of the political subdivision or district therein vlvolvcd in the procurement: process prior, to the enactment of this policy and procedures, and will be solicited from time to time hereafter. Annual Review The governing board shall annually review and, when needed, update thus police and procedures. 11ne Town of Dryden Tower Board shall be responsible for conducting an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the procurement policy and procedures and an evaluation of the control procedures established to ensure compliance with the procurement policy., and shall be responsible for reporting back to the board. Unintentional Failure The unintentional failure b shall not be grounds to Dryden or any officer or 21'll Supv Sumner to Comply to comply fully with the provisions of General Municipal l- „aw, secrion 104 - void action taken or. give rise to a cause of action agaimi the T own of employee thereof. Roll Call Vote Cl Stel.ick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Malear Yes Cl Leifer Yes B Mcllroy said he has some proposed changes to the Personnel Manual pursuant to changes suggested by the personnel committee and reviewed those with board members. There are changes with respect to benefits for part-time employees that were adopted in concept by the board, but. need to be added to the manual. Mileage was changed from board - approved to IRS rates. The comp t:irne policy was slightly tweaked. An employee asking to be reimbursed for expenses for college courses will have to receive a grade of 2.5 or equivalent. RESOLUTION #29 (2011) - APPROVE AMENDMENT TO PERSONNEL MANUAL - COLLEGE CREDIT COURSES Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, ghat the °Gown of Dryden Personnel Manual be amended to include the following language with respect to college credit: courses: Town will reimburse employees up to $2,000 per calendar year towards tuition and fees for the successful completion of college courses totaling no more than four (4) credit hours per semester. Courses must be job related and payment will be made, when THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET. • Employee has been employed by the Town for at least one full year prior to enrolling in course. • Course is job related • Course is offered through an accredited college or university. • Employee receives written approval from Department ]-lead and the Town Supervisor prior to enrolling in the class. Page 16 of 211 TB 1 -3 -11 • Employee agrees in writing to repay the Town in full for the educational assistance received if the employee voluntarily resigns or is terminated for misconduct wit:hi.n 12 months of completing the course. [This includes technical training in excess of $500 paid by the Town) • Employee attends classes outside t:hr• normal workday or Department Head has approved flextime. • Employee submits receipts for covered expenditures. • Employee submits written proof of receiving a final grade of at: least B (2.5 on a 4.0 Scale). Procedure: 1. Prior to enrolling in a course or program the employee shall complete the College Tuition Agreement form and departmental approval. 2. Submit the College Tuition Agreement to the Town Supervisor with copies of course descriptions and other available materials including anticipated expenses. 3. The Town Supervisor shall make a preliminary determination whether the course or program is sufficiently job- related to warrant the expenditure of public funds under this policy. In making such determination the Supervisor shall take into consideration the course syllabus, the employee's existing job description and the potential for enhancement: of the employee's job skills and career advancement. a. If the Supervisor determines that the course or program qualifies for reimbursement under this policy he /she shall notify the employee in writing, sign the College Tuition Agreement and return it to the employee. Employee will forward a copy to the bookkeeper. b. If the Supervisor determines that the course or program does not quality for reimbursement under this policy he /she shall so notify the employee in writing including the specific reason(s) for such determination. The Supervisor shall furnish the Town Board with a copy of all printed or written material furnished by the employee and a copy of the Supervisor's written determination. The Town Board shall review the decision of the Supervisor at the next regular Town Board meeting. The Town Board may affirm or reverse the decision of the Supervisor. 4. Upon completion of the class the employee will submit a voucher with all required documentation including invoices and proof of grade. 2 11d C1 Makar Doll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes CI Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #30 (2011) - AMEND PERSONNEL MANUAL - PART TIME BENEFITS Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden Personnel Manual be amended to include the following changes with respect to benefits for part -time employees: Page 17 0,20 T13 t -3 -11 • PT Employees - Part time employees are entitled to up to six paid holiday days at four hours a day, only if the holiday is observed on a regularly scheduled workday. A part time employee must average 20 hours a week in a three -month period prior to becoming eligible for holiday time. This will be verified every quarter after benefits begin, • PT Employees - Part time employees are entitled to five days of vacation at four hours a day after the completion of two years service with the Town. Vacation will be accrued at 1.66 hours a month. A part time employee must average 20 hours a week in a three -month period prior to becoming eligible for prorated vacation time. This will be verified every quarter after benefits begin • PT Employees - Part time employees are entitled to accrue four hours sick time a month. A part time employee must average 20 hours a week in a three -month period prior to becoming eligible for sick time. This will be verified every quarter after benefits begin Health, Dental, Vision, Legal, and $50,000 in Life Insurance coverage is offered to employees working 35 hours or more per week and elected officials, Coverage begins on the first day of the first full month's employment. • Employees hired prior to 1/112011 and working 35 hours or more per week, the Town Clerk and Town Highway Superintendent: the Town pays 100% of the premium for individual or family coverage. • Employees hired after 1/1/2011 and working 35 hours or more per week, the Town Clerk and Town Highway Superintendent: the Town pays 90% of the premium for individual or family coverage. • Part time elected officials the Town pays 100% of the premium for individual coverage only. Part time elected officials may choose to purchase family coverage and pay the additional premium. • Part time employees: the Town pays 50% of the individual Health Insurance premium for employees working at least 20 but less than 35 hours per week, Part time employees may choose to purchase family coverage or to add coverage for any ancillary benefits the Town offers at his or her own expense. A part time employee must average 20 hours a week in a three month period prior to becoming eligible for the Town contribution. This will be verified every quarter after benefits begin_ If an employee does not meet the 20 hour test they may at their own expense purchase any health insurance offered by the town. 2nd Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #31 (2011) - AMEND PERSONNEL MANUAL - MILEAGE Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the language in the Town of Dryden Personnel Manual with respect to mileage reimbursement be amended as follows: MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT Page 18 of 211 •1-1; i -z -f r Employees authorized to use their personal vehicle for travel to and from workshops, seminars or for • other work- related uses (e.g. travel to and from work sites or job related errands) are entitled to mileage reimbursement. The reimbursement rate will be the current IRS mileage allowance. The mileage should be calculated from place of work or home, whichever, is closer to destination (the Town reserves the right to adjust the mileage submitted if it seems excessive for the given destination). Mileage shall be recorded and not estimated. The Town reserves the right to request odometer readings at any time. The use of Google MapslMapQuest to calculate the "shortest distance" is preferred. 211d Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote C1 Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #32 (2011) - AMEND PERSONNEL MANUAL - COMP TIME Supv Sumner offered the following resolution raid asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden Personnel Manual is hereby amended to include the following language with respect to corrip time: A. COMPENSATORY TIME Compensatory time is defined as time employees earn when actual hours worked exceeds the standard ® weekly requirement Any compensatory hours must be approved by the Department Head prior to their occurrence. Nonexempt employees, according to The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, will earn compensatory time at time and one-half for all hours worked over 40 per week. Exempt employees will earn compensatory time at the standard hourly rate. Benefit time used will not be included in the calculation of compensatory hours. As noted in Section 11, compensatory time will be earned at straight time for the mandated 30 minute meal period if an employee is unable to take a meal period. Compensatory time may accrue to a maximum of 40 hours. Union Employees — An employee who is a member of a collective bargaining unit is not included in the 40- hour workweek requirement set forth above. Union employees should refer to the applicable collective bargaining agreement. B. OVERTIME: Overtime is defined as hours an employee works in excess of 40 per week. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 requires overtime pay must be paid at a rate of not less than one and one -half times a Nonexempt employee's regular rate of pay for each hour worked in excess of 40 hours per week, Overtime is calculated on a weekly basis, not on a bi- weekly pay period. Benefit time used in a week will not be included in the calculation of overtime pay. 211d Cl Solomon Moll Call Vote Cl Stelick C1 Solomon Supv Sumner C1 Makar C1 Leifer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 19 of' 20 TH 1 -: -11 RESOLUTION #33 (2011) - AMEND AND DISTRIBUTE PERSONNEL MANUAL Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board approves and adopts the Town of Dryden Personnel Manual as amended above, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Bookkeeper is hereby directed to incorporate the amendments in the personnel manual and distribute the changes to employees. 21111 Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Maker Yes Cl Leifer Yes There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, c. Bambi L. Avery Toted Clerk PuAe 211 ul 20