HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-11-30T13 11.31)-10 TOWN OF DRYDEN SPECIAL TOWNBOARD - MEETING November SOP 2010 Present: Supervisor Mate Ann Sumner, C] Stephen SfC.Ltick, C1 Joseph Solomon, CI Jason Leifer, Cl David Makar Elected Officials: Bambi L. Avery, Towrk CIerk Jack Bush, Highway /DPW S uperinterident Other Tolom Staff: [Mahlon R. Perkins, Town Attorney Daniel Kwasnowski, Environmental Plunn(er PUBLIC HEARING ON THE APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A CONSERVATION EASEMENT FROM LEWIS & LINDA STUTTLE PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE 2010 ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT TO THE 1"il'HACA AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT AND THE EXECUTION OF PFJt ORMANCE CONTRACT WITH JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC. IMPLEMENTING SITCH PROJECT Supv Su inner opened both puhlie hearings at 6;45 p, m. Comments and questions with respeel, to the Stuttle matter were addressed first. Cl Makar asked whether there was an update with respect to when funds Tnight be expected from New York State. Supv Sumner saicj there: had bean a. modestly optLmistic update from them- Stacy Black, representing the I B E W 1xcal 24 1 in Ithaca, addressed the board with respect to the Johnson Controls project. He said they are in favor of the project and think it is 3 great investment in our future to improve the infrastructure we have. He wanted to make the board aware of seome- experiences he has had. In 2009 L:in%ing School District signed an agreement with Johnson Controls for a similar enor y improvement project_ Johnsen Controls hired another company (ES CO from Massachusetts) to do lighting upgrades. They in turn hired another company as subcontractors_ During the project the subcontrar%tor was found to have defrauded their workers by not paying them prevailing wage, did not pay them overtime, and didn't offer dispensation records to the N YS Department of Labor. They didn't inake the state; aware that their. was a project going on there_ This put the school district in x bad spot with Department of Labor. Charges were filed against the su bcon tnac tor and they were found guilty ofimuldple wage and hour violations and are not allowed to do any prevailing wage work L n New York for the next five years. They had to gay back $56.900 in wages and $17,000 in penalties_ EC SO removed that, au b con tracto r from the_ pmject and hired another that was also found guilty of dispensation violations. S Black cautioned that bringing in subs of subs dotty rout produce a toe sponsible environment and left documents for the board to revic w, He said they wan to see the Johnson Controls pmject move formvard and urged the board to seek repaCable contractors. 0 Supv Sumner asked whether lie was aware of other problems with Johnson Control_ Black said not recently lcxgully, but he has heard of similar issues in other parts of state_ Pagt I OF I I -1-13 11-30-10 0 dike Talarski, businet5 s manager for Local 231, said he al no supports the project and believes that skillctd local workers should be employed thetre- Currently 2 5% of the electricians in 'Tompkins County are out of work- 'There is no need far out of town workers Whr;n weL have skilled craftsman locally. Swpv Sumner said the Johnson Controls he2.ring would he left open until 7:00 p.m. Witb respect to the Stuttle matter, Sup%r Sumner asked D Kwasno Ski if tl7rr. was any information on the state reimbursement sched-utc-. 0 Kwasnow%ki read a letter from ammi�Sioni;r Hooker of NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets. It said that spending has. been reduced for almost every program that Elie Eleparlxnrnl: administers- The letter contains a plan for disbursement of tnenies for implementation of projects on a first approved, first disbursed basis, The tuttlr, projGs;t i!5 an irnplGrrncntation project and is somewhere around #CFO on the list. D Kwasnowski said as bad as it has gotten, the monies are being paid out. The Department has always had funding in the budget for this, Supv Sumner said they are not ignoring the program. They are still funding it and are still aggressively seeking funding. She does not believe the state will default on its obligation under this contract with the Stuttles. Supv Sumner said the question is whether to go ahead and close with the StUttles in December or possibly abandon project. D Kwasnowski said if it doesn't close this year, they may have to renegotiates price- Supv urnncr %:yid the board should consider whether the town would pay for this if there was no state reimbursement- D Kwasnowgki said in that (NO sc, they may nat include some of the property ia nd SUpv Sumner added the Town may use a payment plan instand of Tmying in one lump sum, C ] . ick asked whether the talwai's position on the project hail will ehange if the town fronts the money. D Kwasnowski and Supv Sumner said the letter states that project will be paid can ;� First approved, first paid basis. There }were, no further comments on the Johnson Con t'rot% matter, a»d the public hcaring was closed at 7:04 p.m- Cl Stelick said it seems the town is on the hook. for the whole ball of wax- He believes it is a worthwhile project but this is a lot of money- The "Town is in good financial shape right; now, and lie believes the state will everktually pay but, he fears the town will drop down on the list if we pay up front. Supv Sumner said in the land use survey r(._ %idents indicated preserving farmland is important and is worth paying for. The town has kept the Stutdc:s on the hook for three yoana - Dan Kwasnowski said there is nothing unusual abo -L)t the timeline, Cl Stelick said the Co n is committing taxpsyer money while waiting for the state. This is unprecedentcd- D Kwasnowski q.11id the town should do ii: because it is what ii: wants to do, regardless OIL hether the state will repay. It is unlikely I.hat the state will deTqult on its co inmitrneni :. The Stuttle public. h(};3ring was closed e :LC 7: 1.0 p,m, The Town's Planning I)c_pt will handle enforcement of the easement with the County's help- D Kwasnowski t5aid there is a huge: baseluie report for the project that: will be used in the, mo1)itoring prone- %s s . The Town will vi the property and inspect it once per year, Them is a gas lease on thr property but there is language Lhat addresses it in the easement. The f'.igc 2 uF •rig i i -tio -�o landowner is ultimately responsible for making sure the gas corn pany puts Ch land hack if there is drilling. The language in the contract was negotiated with the gas company and was acceptable to Ag and Markets. The Easernent must be monitored by the town and recorded in reports. There are taro other farms in the town in the program, and more land iN ovdilable for the program, 103 important to keep all of the farms healthy =. 1 Steliek a.slced whether the town could end up in the same situation (fronting the moneyl with the other farms slid D K asnowski said ii: is not likely- C1 Makar said after reviewing the resolution, it brings him to the simple statement of "No farms, no food"- This is a goad use of towrl money, and there is the benefit of being repaid by the state in the future. RESOLUTION # 173 (20 10) - APPROPRIATINGF FUNDS FROM UNAPPROPRIATED UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE FOR ACQUISITION OF A CONSERVATION EASEMENT FROM LEWIS AND LINDA STLYTI'LE Supv Sumner offered the fallowing resolution and asked for i1:S adaption: WHEREAS, Lewis and Linda Stuttle are the owners of certain real property consisting of 432.30 acres, iri 4 parcels located on Livermore Road, Livermore Cross Road, Cortland Road 0 :nd Simms Hill Road in the'ro wn of Dryden, Tompkins County, Few York; and WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden and the C(narity of Tompkins are municipal corporations, and have the authority per %cant to General Municipal Uaw §247 and Article 49 of the Environmental Conservation Law to acquire con%orvatinn easements; and WHEREAS, the Stuttle Property consists primarily of productive :igriicultural land, containing approximately 45 acres of soils of statewide importance as defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservatiun Service; and WHZRFAS, the Stuttic property contains a portion of Egypt Creek, a tributary to Virgil Creek, ;which is -a major tributary to Hull Greek, which is the largest trihul'ary to the southern basin of Coyuga Lake, a water body that is on the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's 303(d) list of impaired wal:cr bodies, and bc_c_ause of the steep topography of 11he ranks of Egypt. Creek, disturbance to soils in this area due to agricultural or other activity may significantly degrade water quality in the creek and advnrsely affect Ceyuga Lake; and WHEREAS, Article 14, Section 4 of the New York State Constitution states that "the policy of thit5 state shall lie Co conserve arid protect its natural resources and scenic beauty acid encourage the development and improvement of its agricultural lands for the production of food and other agricultural pmducts;" and WHEREAS, Environmental Conservation Law Sectiork 49 -0301 provides. that "the state polio =y of conserving, preserving and protecting its environmental assets and natural and man- made resources, the pre ervation of open spaces, and the preservation, development and improvement. of agricultural and forest is Airidamental to the maintenance, enhancement an(! improvement of.,,balanred economic growth and the quality of life in all :areas of the state;' and f ilL;C! a 411M1 I I TB 11 -30 -10 WHEREAS, Section 300 of the Agriculture and Markets Law provides that "It is hereby found and declared that many of the agricultural lands in New York State are in jeopardy of being, lost for Ony Ogrivultural purposes_ When nonagricultural development extends into farm areas, competition for limited resources resulta ... It is therefore the declared policy of the state to conserve, protect and encoLrrage the development and improvement of its agricultural land for production of food and other agricultural products..,It is the purpose of this article to pr-oVkde a locally- initiated mechanism for 11he pratCCllion and cnhancernent of New York State's agricultural land as. a viable segment of the loca3 and state economies and as an economic and environmental resource of major irnpartance,' .and WHEREAS, Agriculture and Markets Law ( §321) provides that agricultural lands are irroplac cable state assets; and WHF,REA,13, the Stuttle property is located within ri,ompkins County's Agricultural District 91.; and HF.REAS, the Stuttle property is located within Tompkins County, which adopteLd an Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan, which recommends strengtherimg the economic vi;�bility of .tarns businesses through prograrni of education, business rietention and expansion; providing a supportive climate for continuation of farming through public policies and aeldons on land use and taxation that minimize disinrerktives for farming; protecting the farmland base for farmers and the general public into the future; and protecting lands in Agricultural D1StYicts in OMPki ` ns County; and WHEREAS, the Stuttle property is located within the Town or Dryden, whicli adapted a Right To Farm Law in 1992, and a Com pre lien sive Plan in 2005, and the Town recognnizes a long heritage and community built around agriculture, and annually celebrates this aspect of the community, and recognizes I :hc; economic and environmental importance of fa.rmla.nd in the Town, and the Comprehensive Plan proposes a Town -led agricultural land protection program, including purchase of development rights, and land use controls that recognize agriculture as Aa legRirnalc long term land use on par with residential, commercial, industrial, and other traditional land use, and not a% merely a teinporar y state pending development for a 'higher' use;" and WHEREAS, the acquisition of rights in real property for the preservation of open spaces is a public purpose for which rnAblic funds may bck expended for the purchase of development rights and a conservation easement following a public hearing; acid WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden and the County of Tompkins were awarded an Agricultural and Farmland Protection Implementation Grani. by the New fork State DeT,sartment of Agriculture and Markcl:s to purchase a conservation easement from [.ewis Stuttle and Liric4i_ Stuttle; and I-IEREASI the Stu ttlec4 and the Town of Dryden and County or Tompkins have negotiated a Purchase Agreement for a conservatian eO5ement which includes the development ngh is to the Stu ttit property consist,cnt with the requirements of 1_he Departrnenl: of AgricuIturr- and Markets Agricultural and Parmland Protection Implementation grant; and WHSREA , the 'Gown and County will be cam- holders of the conservation easement pursuant to its terms and the teTrnS of an Agreement between the Town and County; acid WHEREAS, due to lack ol` current state; funding, payment of the grant to t.htt 'Gown and aunty has been delayed; and hgi� 4 refAI 173 1 1 -3 (F- I f) H E R 6AS I the Stuttle s have indicated to the Town and County that due to changes in the tax laws they must close the sale of the conservation easement to the Town of Dryden and Count}° of Tompkins before the [end of 2010; tuid WHP,REA , Town Law 112((]) authorizes the town board by resolution to make additional appropriations from its unappropriated unreserved fund bahmee1, and WHEREAS, car -,ral Municipal Lain 247(2) requires a }public hearing prior to the expenditure of public funds for the acquisition of a conservation easement; and WHEREAS, a public hearing, was held before the town board after due notice thereof waa given according to Iaw, on [November 30, 2010 at 6:30 p- m. prevailing time, at Which lame all persons were given an opportunity to comment on the matter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: I. There is hem.by appropriated from the unappropriated unreserved fund balance $753,000 to be used exclusively for the purchase OF a conservation easement from Lewis and Linda Stuttle, - Upon receipt of the grant funds from the Department of Agriculture and Marken such grant funds shall be deposited INo the credit of the Town's unnapprophated unreserved fund balancc- 3- The expenditure of 7 -5:1,000 for Clip, purchase of a easement from Lewit5 and Linda Stuttle pursuant to the Purchase Agreements is hereby approtecd and the Town hereby authorized to pay such sum and execute all necessary to affect such purchase- 2nd Cl Mahar Roll Call Vote Ol telick- Yes Cl Solomon Yes upv SLlmner Yea CJ Makar Yes Ol Leifer Yes con rvation I:eT-Ms of the upervi r is instrumenl;� The board considered the public intem. st order for the Johnsen Controls contract- Cl Makar wauld like to address the concern for use of local labor i'Or the project, RESOLMON #174 (20 10) - ADOPT PUBLIC INTEREST ORDER - IAWWTP AND JOHNSON CONTROLS CONTRACT Cl Makar offered the following resolution and a%ked for its adoption: RE OLVEM, that this Tolvil Board hereby adopts the fallowing public interest order: At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, held at the Dryden Town Hall, 93 East Main Street, Dryden, 'New York, on (November 30, 2010, at 6:45 o'clock p - rn, prevailing tiine- Fuge 5 irf I I IN THE MAT1'M OF THE 2010 ElVliMY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT TO THE ITHACA AREA WA TEWXrER TREATMENT PLAINT, AND 14HIV. EXECUTION 0 P9 PERFORMANC:E CONTRACT WirfH JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC_ IMPLEMPfNTING SUCH PROJECT, ----------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- PUBLIC INTEREST ORDER WHEREAS, a plan and report has been duly prepared in such manner and in suuh detail as this F3oard determines to be necessary, pursuant to General Municipal Law Article 5- nnd Town Law §202 -b, relating to proposed capital improvements to 11he Ithaca Area Wastewater 'Treatment Plant (IAWWTP) located in the city of Ithaca and proposed by Johnson Controls, Inc. to }produce certain energy savings for the [AWW1'P which is owned in common by the Towns of Dryden and Ithaca and the City of Ithaca (collectively the 'Municipalities" individually the ' unicip dity 11 such project to be known and identified ac; the 2010 Energy Improvements Project, and hereafter also referred to as the 'Improvements,' such Improvements to be constructed and owned by the Municipalities, and WHEREAS, said plate and report have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk where they have been available for public inspection, and WHEREAS, the area of said Town determined to be benefited by said Improvements consists of the entire area of all the sewer districts in the Town screed by the IAWWTP, inchiding without limii1a.tion Dryden Sewer District. #1. (Varna arca), Snyder Hilt Sewer District, Monkey Ruts $ewer District, Turkey Hill Sewer District, and Royal Road Sewer District; and WH ER5A , the proposed 2010 Energy Improvements Project involves Lhc re placeme rk 1: of obsolete, inadequate, damaged, destroyed rind worn out apparatus and equipment and the acquisition of additional apparatus and equipment and consists of the improvements set forth below and as more particularly shown and described in said plan and report presently can file in the office of the Tovkzi Clerk= (i) Lighting systems modifications, and (ii) Installation or upgrades to energy management systems, and Energy efficiency improvement.:; to the building envelope acid I VAC systems, and (iv) Replacement of the digester mixing equipment, cogener;�tion facility, heat exchanging equipment, boilers and generation blowers and dissolved oxygen control systems, and WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of the Gerwral Municipal Law and Enemy Lave 9- 103(6) and (7) a Requesi: for Preponals (RFP) was prepared and published, and Vi HERE;A , Johnson Controls, lni�-_ has submitted a proposal which has been determined to meet the requirements of the RFP, .snd HI }IDEAS, the Town euard of the Town of Dryden adapted an Order can November 17, 20100 cdalling a public hearing upon said plan and repnrt including an estimate of cost and the question of providing the 2010 Energy Improvements Project, and to hear all persons interested I'$gu 6 4}1' 11 'rn I1 m-lo O in the subject thereof, all in accordance with the provisions of Town Law § 202 -b and applicable provisions of General Municipal Law Article 5 -C,, and WHEREAS, notice of said public hearing was duly posted and published as required by law., and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held at the place and at the time aforesaid and all persons interested in the suhiect thereof were heard concerning the same; and WHEREAS, the construction of the Project "Type 11 Action" pursuant to the regulations Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant Act, the implementation of which as proposed, the 'I any environmental review; and has heretofore been determined to be an of the New York State Department of to the State Environmental Quality Review own Board has determined, will not require WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the project known as the 2010 Energy Improvements Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'r RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, 'Tompkins County, New York, as follows: Section 1. it is hereby determined that it is in the public interest to make the sewer Improvements herein described and such sewer Improvements are hereby authorized. The proposed area hereby determined to be benefited by said 2010 Energy Improvements Project: is all of the Town of Dryden sewer districts served by the IAWWTP is owned in common by the Towns of Dryden and Ithaca and the City of Ithaca, including without limitation Dryden Sewer District #1 (Varna area), Snyder Hill Sewer District, Monkey Run Sewer District, Turkey Hill Sewer District, and Royal Road Sewer District. Section 2. The proposed improvements shall consist of (i) Lighting systems modifications, and (ii) Installation or upgrades to energy management: systems, and Energy efficiency improvements to the building envelope and HVAC systems, and (iv) Replacement of the digester mixing equipment, cogeneration facility, heat exchanging equipment, boilers and generation blowers and dissolved oxygen control systems. Section 3. The Town of Dryden hereby authorizes the expenditure of up to $158,994.00 as the Town's share of the jointly funded project cost of $8,030,000.00 for the construction, installation, and implementation of such project and the payment of all costs incident thereto, including engineering fees, consulting fees, attorneys fees, and any other related costs, all of said actions being herein collectively referred to as the "Project" and all of such actions being hereby authorized pursuant to Town Law §202 -b. Page 7of1t TB 11- 30 -10 Section 4. x,81030,000.00 is estimated as the maximum cost for Project and O $15$,994.00 is estimated as the maximum amount of the 'INown's share of the cost of the Project. Section 5. The plan for the financing of the 'Town's share of the costs of the Project consists of payment of the 'T'own's proportionate share from unreserved or unappropriated fund balances of the respective sewer districts of said Town served by the, IAWWTP. Section 6. The execution of the Performance Contract with Johnson Controls, Inc. is hereby authorized. Section 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately. 2111' C1 Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #175 (20 10) - CONVEY DESIRE FOR LOCAL LABOR TO IAWWTP Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby directs the Town Supervisor to convey to the Special Joint Committee of the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant, in writing, that Johnson Controls be encouraged to use local labor ('Tompkins County residents) whenever possible, and asks that the Chief Operator and the Chair of the Committee oversee that. 2nd Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote C1 Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl MakaT Yes Cl Leifer Yes Supv Sumner explained that because of an administrative error, the resolutions appropriating funds for two map, plan and reports for a Cortland Road Water District need to be passed again. RESOLUTION NO. 176 (2010) RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR PREPARATION OF GENERAL MAP, PLAN AND REPORT FOR PROVIDING FACILITIES, IMPROVEMENTS AND SERVICES IN A PROPOSED WATER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN. Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Dryden (the Town") proposes to establish a water district in the following described portion of the Town: that. area which generally comprises parcels constituting the Cortland Road Sewer District, but is not necessarily limited by such parcel boundaries; and huge 8 of I I TB 11-10-10 WHEREAS, the Town Board proposes to acquire, construct. and install a water supply and distribution system in the proposed water district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 11' RESOLVM, subject, to permissive referendum, that the sum of Eight Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($8,250.00) is hereby appropriated to pay the cost. of preparing a general map, plan and report for providing water system facilities, improvements and services in the above described portion of the Town. This resolution is subject to permissive referendum as provided in Town Law Section 209 -b, in the manner provided in Article 7 of the Town Law. 2rL11 Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION NO. 177120101 RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR PREPARATION OF GENERAL MAP, PLAN AND REPORT FOR PROVIDING FACILITIES, IMPROVEMENTS AND SERVICES IN A PROPOSED WATER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN. C1 Solomon offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Dryden (the "Town") proposes to establish a water district in the following described portion of the Town: that area which comprises parcels currently served by the Village of Dryden "1892 water line" east. of Route 1.3 and north of Lee Road, but is not necessarily W -nited by such parcel boundaries; and WHEREAS, the Town Board proposes to acquire, construct and install a water supply and distribution system in the proposed water district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, subject to permissive referendum, that the sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($4,500.00) is hereby appropriated to pay the cost of preparing a general map, plan and report for providing water system facilities, improvements and services in the above described portion of the Town, This resolution is subject to permissive referendum as provided in Town law Section 209 -b, in the manner provided in Article 7 of the Town Law. 2«i1 CI Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Supv Sumner explained that Guthrie; needs to hold a public hearing for refinancing their bonds, a portion of which benefits the facility in the Town of Dryden. They have asked Page 9 of 11 41413 11 -30 -10 that the Town consent to a joint: public hearing on December 16 in Towanda, PA. Sometime after the public hearing the town will be asked to pass a resolution as a host community saying that it benefits our town. RESOLUTION #178 (2010) - CONSENT TO JOINT TEFRA HEARING - GUTHRIE Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute a Consent to Joint TEFRA Hearing for Health Care Facilities of Sayre to be held in Towanda, Pennsylvania. 2nd Cl Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes C1 Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Supv Suiriner explained that Neptune Hose and Dryden Ambulance had asked for two year contracts. The first year has been approved and the second year includes a 3% increase for the ambulance and 3% increase for Neptune in base the amounts. Neptune's 2010 budget was $201,000.00. Their approved 2011 budget:, without the bailout equipment, is $208,294.00. Their request for 2012 is $215,584.00; an increase of $7,000 (3 %). Dryden Ambulance's 2010 budget. was $315,000.00. Their 2011 budget was approved at $341,645.00, an 8% increase. 'Their request for 2012 is $351,894.00; an increase of $10,249.00 (3%). RESOLUTION #179 (2010) - APPROVE INCREASES IN NEPTUNE AND DRYDEN AMBULANCE CONTRACTS Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes a two-year contract with Neptune Hose Company No. 1 of Dryden, Inc., with contract amounts of $208,294.00 for 2011 and $215,584.00 for 2012, and further authorizes a two -year contract with Dryden Ambulance, Inc., with contract amounts of $341,645.00 for 2011 and $351,894.00 for 2012. 2 ^d Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes ,.1 Bush asked whether the union contract had been signed. Supv Sumner said it has been signed and sent on its way. Town employees just received a letter from the Teamsters about changes in vision coverage. Supv Sumner said she has the final details on ancillary benefits. Vision coverage will be the CSEA platinum plan. She will be setting up a meeting with the administrator to answer any questions. Supv Sumner indicated health insurance coverage for children up to 26 Page 10 of '1013 11 -3O -10 will be offered, but there will be a cost to the employee. The personnel committee will discuss this at their next: meeting. There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bainbi L. A, Town Clerk Page I 1 ul' I 1