HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-11-10TB 11 -10 -10 TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD AEEBTIIVG Narvernber 10, 2010 Present- Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Stephr:n Strlick, Jr -, Cl Joseph Solomon, i Jason Leifer, Cl David Makar Elected Officials. Bambi L. Avery, Town Clerk Other Town Staff: Brian Mcllroy, Bookkeeper Supv Sumner caI1cd the mcoiling to order at 7 =04 p- w. and opened the public hearing on the fire department contracts. Reading of the notice was dispensed with. in response to a fj%Lj "I.ion about: whether there were any increases of more than 10%1, Supv Sumner said the Varna bunker program is quite a big increase because this year will be a full year o the program- '1`hc 1 rcevillc tronkor program has an appropriation of $10,000 this +ear. Neptune is required by state mandate to acquire a new type of bailout equipment- Based on an emergency in New Fork Cr,, all fire departments :ire now required to have this very expensive bailout equipment:, except New York City, There is a $19,000 appropriation for that equipment for this year and next year. There were no furt.her cf0rrrrr]cnt!3 and the hearing was left open at 7 =08 P -m- upv Sumner said the h%LAL5ines5 manager at Balton Point had questioned the resolution we sent with a rate baser] on 10,000 gallons For sewer, They have talked and it turns out the resolution was correct - The rate is based on 10,000 gallons- She found out that Balton Point had mI%Interpreted the Town's resoIu Lion from last year. She believes evcryonc is of the same understanding now. Supv Sumner is hoping to schedule a closing on the purchase of the development rights before end of year for Lew Lin Farm. The board discussed possible dates and will check with Atty Perkins- Oortlarld Road Water District — Supv Sumner has tentatively set a date for November 30 to meet with property owners in the Cortland load Sewer District to discuss water problems in the district and possible ways to address those problems- The Village is increa%ingly frustrated %viI.h having to maintain the 1.392 water line- 'rl•Iore is now a break under a trailer in the mobile home park- 'rhe pillage is going to cap the line and di%con tin ue service to the quonset hit in front of the park and the Headstart Building. She is hoping that, Andy Sciarabba will do a presentation. The goal is to judge whether residents are intere=sted in a water disi:rict. The time will be determined aisd po: bards will be sett to property owners- Finanf9v reports have been distributed to board members- ]`h .e board discus c;d an email received. from Sharon Todd, Chair of 1;he Recreation Commission- S #_weral Commission members' terms expire this year and site wond em. d whether those members, particularly those who may be reapplying for another term, %hould be parr of the process of recommending inernbr_rs for next year- After discussion, the board decided that all sitting membc_rs should be part of the pror:css and may make their recommendations individually to town board members via email- The Town Clerk will re la y that decision to Sharon Todd - pu!�i I 41r7 '113 11- to -10 Next week's agenda will include two special use permit hearings: An application by Verizon Wireless for an equipment upgrade on a Walker Road telecommunications tourer, and an application for a commercial garage at 301. Scofield Road. Other items include: o Resignation of Henry Slater, Director of the Building, Zoning and Environmental Planning Department o Adoption of a Resolution calling a public hearing in the matter of the 2010 Energy Improvements Project to the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the Execution of a Performance Contract with Johnson Controls, Inc. implementing such Project. o Finger Lakes land Trust (if Supv Sumner- has gathered requested information) C Create Director of Planning position Supv Sumner will draft a letter making an offer for Director of Planning position. Cl Leifer has drafted agreement with Clarity Connect. This was based on discussions with the tx)ard and contains terms the board was interested in and Clarity has put on value on the items they are contributing. This should be sent to Atty Perkins for review and board members asked to review it also. Supv Sumner said when the Town receives a building permit application from Clarity Connect, the board will have some basis on which to waive the fees. There was some discussion regarding the Town moving its equipment from the Beam Hill Road O tower. Supv Sumner has received another letter from Etna resideni:s regarding code violation at 38 Wood Road. This matter has been referred to Zoning Office and is being dealt with. Supv Sumner will respond and bring them up to date. A letter was received from the Mayor of the Village of Freeville thanking the Town for providing code enforcement services to the Village for a period of time when the Village had no code enforcement official. They state this was a "clear demonstration of local government cooperation and efficiency and shows the Town's commitment to the needs of the smaller municipalities within its borders ". The public hearing on the fire contracts was closed. RESOLUTION #155 - AUTHORIZE FIRE CONTRACTS Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the appropriations for fire contracts for 201 1 as follows: Neptune 14ose Company No. 1 of Dryden, Inc. $227,294.00 Varna Volunteer Fire Company, inc. $263,610.00 W. B. Strong Fire Company of Freeville, Inc. $1677998.00 Etna Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. $125,000.00 Brooktondale Fire District $ 23,500.00 ® And the Town Supervisor is authorized to execute the 2011 fire contracts. 21111 Supv Sumner Pine 2 ot'7 TB 11- IC1 -10 ROIL Call Vote C:l Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes SUPV SIJMneT Yes Cl Makar `}cs Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #156 - RELEVY DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER HrJ( L C] Makar offered the fallowing resolution and askcd for its adoption. RESOLVED, that this'COwn Board here by authorizes the addition of I:he following delinquent wau=.r ;end sewer bills to the 201 1 tax roll: Acrt No, K3441 4338 K4353 X4358 K4365 K545 K5279 1(5289 L3446 Q 4 7 2 U3476 To3488 L3490 L3491 L995 L4028 L4047 L4271 L552 L5255 L.532 L541 L5804 L6443 584 605 211a 8upv Sumner Parcel Amount 53, -1-3,2 221..10 52. -1 -4.11 221,10 55. -1 -15.2 1,562.74 52. -1 -4.6 221.10 43, -2 -1.2 61.80 54.-2-9 580,80 54_ -2-i .11105,50 55. -1 -12 1.,009.04 531-1 -7 360,83 43, -1 -12 138,60 43,-1-9.7 454.74 56. -3 -5 61.80 56_ -3 -7 169,95 56. -3 -8 271,53 53,4-3,2 283.34 091-2 -13 19+_03 09. -2 -6 479.89 09, -2 -3,3 265.00 54. -2 -3 223,94 54_ -1 -17 56,65 52. -1 -16 222,18 54,-1-3.2 329,71 56, -4 -7.61 11.9,91 56,- 4- 7_'31. 654,31 38. -1 -8,12 124, 69 37, -1 -10.2 629,09 Pagc 3 of 7 Roll Fall Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Salomon Yr,. Supv SUmTter Yes Cf Makar Yrs% M Leifer Yes TB t 1 -10 -10 There are town employees who have concerns about health insurancc f- Loverage following the pre sentation by Excellus and Medco on Monday_ Suptr Sumner said there was no one present to address the anCiIIary benefits (dental, vision, disability, cfe:.j That will be done in a separate meeting. She said they have not been able to elt� � side -by -side comparison of the dental and vision because the Teamsters have not provided the ltvel of detail necessary to make that comparison yet. She said that tau�n einple�yees will have equal or hei:ter benefits. The con Nortiurn will be buy inS the dental and vision coverage from CSeA and the provisions art! not identical, but dental and vision is not the cadiilac lik(; the medical is. There may be differences. Some aspects may btt better and some may be less good, b-ut it is still pretty good, The; comnnitment to town staff is for equal or better coverage_ She assured the; board that the medical coverage is definitely equal or better, 8 McIIroy said he provided the representative from Exec llus with a cape of our current health insurance and she said she will Cook into it, They may not have receivs,d the correct information from the consortium, Supv Sumner assured the board that the cost to the town for the medical insurance and ancilluy bene Fits will be less through the consortium than what the 11own is currently paying, Supv Sumner will mccI with staff about !.heir concerns and %ch.edule another meeting with Excellus and with Judy [bake to help clarify_ O+ wLmges will be the same or better thark what town employees currently have. Sllpv Sumner explained that she and 13 Mcllroy would like to make the annual ERS payment early in order to take advantage of the early payment savings (about $1,500)_ In the past it ha.s been paid in January and not taken advantage of the early payment discount. "There will be a budget mod next month to cover this_ T was noted thal: the 2010 retirement cantribuHun as $56,000 and the 2011 contribution is $147,000. 1t will be paid early in years to come. RESOLUTION #157 - APPROVE ABSTRACT #11 Sup %? Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its Idagtion; RESOLVED, that thin Town Board hereby approves Abstract #1.1, as audited, vouchers it 1065 through 1179, totaling 558,265.7q -. 2nd Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes upv Sumner Ycs Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Fagg 4 uP7 •rB 11 -1a -10 ZONING 0 D Kwasnowski redistributed draft zoning law with the changes made to date noted. Commercial none - It had been pointed out that there, was some confusion about what the commercial zone was, what it was meant to be, and how it evolved as the Planning Board worked on it. D Kwasnowski said the zone description in the law didn't match at all what the allowed uses were, so it was confusing. Chapter S of the plan recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan and the commercial description is pretty small. It essentially rejects big box in favor of small local businesses with no mention of residential development in that zone. The Planning Board said that doesn't really make sense, and we can't really make that work where this zone should be. The Highway Corridor Overlay in the comprehensive plan provides for a mixed use district along Route 13. That overlay, however, included a farm which the '1'own has applied to protect. D Kwasnowski suggested the board review the description and the changes in the use table and revisit this next month. Cl Stelick said this is moving in the right direction. Simon St Laurent said mixing residential and commercial in the commercial district along Route 13 and Route 366 is ridiculous and makes no sense. He can't find anything that suggests it's a good idea. D Kwasnowski noted the Route 13 and 366 Corridor Plans recommends use of access roads. The zone provides for use of those access roads, Mineah Road, Kirk Road, and Etna Road. S St Laurent said he objects to the section that discusses residential development and 14 units per acre along Route 13 if and when there is infrastructure there. He said it is an awful idea for traffic management. 0 D Kwasnowski said the board can discuss this further next month. Use changes in the commercial district were pointed out. Several things that were prohibited are now allowed by special use permit. Bruno Schickel said the direction of planning is now toward more integration between residential and commercial. Separating it is a 50's mentality, and is essentially what. created "unworkable" communities and having to rely on a vehicle to function. The direction should be toward a more walkable society. Access to Route 13 doesn't necessarily mean a lot of curb cuts. That: can be dealt with during site plan review. D Kwasnowski said the current law and the design guidelines that have been adopted really define better what the limit of commercial development in the town is. This would not allow big box development; it wouldn't even be feasible there. That will be handled under a separate overlay which the board hasn't gotten to yet. The commercial guidelines are tied to the law and in effect now, and area based on the smaller scale commercial development: that occurs now. The mixed use zone is similar to the current RC and RD, and allows the market to drive what will be located where and gives people more options. Supv Sumner said these comments are more directly related to density issues and the board will be discussing that next: month. B Schickel said he thinks it is essential to change the X's in the Commercial "Lone to special use permits. 'That's a pretty high level of scrutiny. Mixed use provides greater flexibility. Jim Skaley said he hopes the board is thinking about future congestion on Route 13. 41 He suggested use of auxiliary roads and was told that is provided for in the design guidelines. Nave 5 of,7 TR I1 -10 -10 13 Schickel sugge %ted they may want to make Commer(.Ljal zones a little deeper to accommodate access roads_ D Kwasrno{{?ski said we a] so need to provide for DOT expansion of Rcillte: 13, With respect to the commet�ial zone, the board agreed that cc nceptiial ly this is the direction they waist to go_ They will discuss denL41ty next month_ Cl. Leifer said perhaps the sound performance standards should be referenced in the commercial zone. D Kwssnowski introducers the idea of possible inclusion of a view zone, a neighborhood residential zone. It covers all existing neighborhoods, They had received a ]oil of comments on the restrictive nature of the rural residential zone, and he had been concerned about the loss of flexibility in the RC zone. Basically, except for Ag and home occupation, noth.Mg is allowed in the neighborhood residential zone_ Having a neighborhood residential zone allows for more pokmtial uses in tho rural residential zone and 0 Kw•asnowski reviewed suggested changes, saying the changes seem to, reflect what people were asking for J Skaley said Marna is not depicted accurately on the snap. They have proposed a hamlet zone that goes along Route 066 from its intersection of Game Farm Road to the intersection of Route 15_ Supv Sumner said the defiriitiOD has not become official in any town doc=ument. B chickeJ said he likes the neighborhood residenrial district, but %a.id the board shaulcl determine if there are some Eypes of businesse% that would work there. Perhaps thrp bo%orndaries should be extended so I:lla.t it can grow a hit„ D Kwasnow5ki said the rural ag district is I:here to provide unique opgortuni;s for agriculture and also to buITer agriculture from other uses_ B Schickel said th(L rural residential district should free up the rest of the town and allow PCuple to use property pretty much a.s they want_ People need that. freedom. There %mould be more uses allowed in r>ar l residential_ Perhaps the size of conservation none should be reduced_ He said thai: rural ag and rural residential are very similar use -wise. J Wilson would like a Sys Cematic comparison of that. D Kwasrlowski said there is more work to be done in the rural ag zone. The board will revisit the neighborhood toesidential detail next month after people have had more opportunity to review it. Supv Sumner suggested that comnienl:!5 be submitted in advance. Section 500 has been revised and was disc-sussed. Language was added about the appr.!U] process. D K asnowski said zoning was originally created to protect property values. There must bean opportuniq? for public input:, aj� appeal process and discretionary board, B eft>ICkel pointed out that there is a rt etl cast associated w-ttli the appeal process and il: is time consuming for applicants and the town, Section 600 was changed. A sentence w ;�a ; added that says, in part "uniet5s otherwise indicated this table does not indicate the number of lots that can be created on a parcel". This will be discussed further next month when density iS discussed. 0 With respect to the map, 7A)rLiig boundaries do not necessarily go along tax rriap parcel lines. I'L! 6 {, I' 7 M tt -to -10 There was a question about: whether special permits will or will not transfer with property ownership. D Weinstein said the Town Board should have authority to review when property is transferred. B Schickel said if they are keeping the same use it should be fine. 17 Kwasnowski said it needs to be clarified in the law. The special use permit could be administratively reauthorized for the new owner. State forest land is in the conservation zone. D Bravo -Cullen would like map to show the state forest lands. He said there should be less conservation zone and more rural residential zone. Cl Leifer said he has worked on sound performance standards with Atty Perkins and ZO Slater and copies have been provided to the board. This stems from the petition the board received regarding noise related to possible drilling in the area. There was a similar situation with the Dominion station in Ellis Hollow. The reason for doing this would be to let the DEC know that there are certain standards. If they cover sound issues it will cover that site, and knowing what our standards are will assist them in directing the company to take mitigation measures. There are exceptions and this will not apply to residential activities (like neighbors playing loud music). it applies to commercial industrial activities, primarily sustained noise above a certain level, not intermittent activity, not construction activity. Cl Leifer would like community input and would like this to be a part: of the zoning law, not a separate ordinance or law. There being no further business, on motion made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, JA� Bambi L. Avery Town Clerk Page 7 of 7 Town of Dryden Town Board Meeting ONovember 10, 2010 Name - f lease - ----- t} e,VK ;p poles S imon Address or Board Qe<-4- tZ59D)v,) t6 f7 % f �ee MA`f s kd • F~r'tevjtl fe a/o 7Lf k 131k +MII �,S P