HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-10-20'I'I'I 10-20-2 010 TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING October 20, 2010 Present: Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Stephen Stelick, Cl Joseph Solomon, CI Jason Leifer, Cl David Makar Elected Officials: Bambi L. Avery, Town Clerk Other Town Staff: Henry Slater, Zoning Officer Mahlon R. Perkins, Town Attorney Supv Sumner opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and board members and guests participated in the pledge of allegiance. PUBLIC HEARING AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WITH SOUTHWORTH LIBRARY Supv Sumner opened the hearing at 7:02 p.m. and Town Clerk B Avery read the public notice published in the Ithaca Journal. Supv Sumner explained that the library had asked the town for a donation to be used for furnishings and the board agreed. This hearing is to take comments. The money will be appropriated from unexpended funds. There were no comments and the hearing was left open at 7:05 p.m. CITIZENS PRIVILEGE Joe Wilson, DRAC, brought to the board's attention a forum to be held at Lansing Middle School on November 1 at 7:00 p.m. The program is geared toward outdoors people and will discuss the impact of the Marcellus Shale gas development on rivers, streams and forest.. Speakers from Pennsylvania include Katy Dunlap, Shellie Northrup, and the project director for Trout Unlimited who will share i:hei.r experiences on how their environments have been ( ;ha.nged by the Marcellus Shale gas development.. TOWN CLERK Town Clerk B Avery asked the board to .approve the September meeting minutes RESOLUTION #134 - APPROVE MINUTES Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the Town Board meeting minutes of September 8 and September 15, 201.0. 2r'd Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes C1 Makar Yes CI Leifer Yes Page IofII TB IUm21DmMI'D SUpv Surnner said she had received a request for clarification for a portion of the August 18, '2 0.10, minute s. In the portrion regarding the Varna Bunker there was an incorrect reference to ALS and BLS medical response_ The third paragraph in that section was amended_ RESOLUTION # 135 - AMEND MINUTES Supv Sumner offered 11.hc following resolution and asked for its adoption= RESOLVED, that this; Town Board hereby amends the minut % of the August 1.8, 2010 Town Board mecting as follow; T'he third paragraph on page 4 under the heading "Varna Bunker program" shall read as follows. "Supv Sumner noted that. on c_ of the di st ingii ish ing featum. q of the Varna Fire Company w:ag their AL (Advanced Life Support) ceri:iEicaf.iork_ Dryden Ambulance is ae- parate from [Neptune Fire Company and is suhc�idi d to a certain extent by charging for their anibula.nce service, Fueeville and Etna have BLS (Basic Life Support) certification.' -21111 Cl Stelick Roll CaJI Vote Cl Stelick Yes C1 Solomon Yes upv Sumner Yes C1 Makar YcFs Cl Leifer Yea HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT /Dl No Relport, RECREATION DEPARTMENT Supv Sumner said she has received a recommendation from the Dryden Recreation otmtlia %ion to approve a mquest from the Va1-n a C~ommuriity Center to apply their infru.structure grant award to the replacement of thr� roof of the builtling. The roof work is complete_ The grant had included trail and playground repair and irn pravernent and wi11 be done at a later date with other funding. Cl Stelick masked that someone follow up and make sure the work was actually done in a timely manner. RESOLUTION #136 - AMEND VARNA COMMUNITY CENTER GRANT AWARD Cl Ste Iirk offered the fallowing resolution and asked far its adoption, RESOLVED,that this Town Board hereby approve the amendment of the Varna Community Center Infrastructure grant by rc_moving reference to the_ I.rail and playground, and authorizes thc_ expend it Li re of the fin nd% for roof repair to the COMmunity ce111;tr building. 21ICE C1 Loci fc'r Roll COi Vote Cl Stelick Cl Solomon Supv Sumner Cl Makes p,,ge 2 *r Yes Ycs Yes Yes O] Leifer Yes TB 10- 20m20110 There were no further comments on the outhw«rth Library, and the public hearing wau closed at 7:17 p,m, RESOLUTION # 137 - AMEND CONTRACT WITH SOUTHWORTH LIBRARY C }1 Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption. WHEREAS, the Southworth Library Association is undertaking a substantial construction project involving an addition to the existing library in the ViIkik c end Town of Dryden, and WH1✓'REAS, the library has requested from several Tn u n i ci palitie s funding to help orf %et the cast of the purchase of furnishings for the Lincoln addition to the library, and WHEREAS, the existing rontract with. the library will be amended to reflect the additional funding froro the town, NOW, '19HW�REFORE, BE IT RE OLVHj0, that the town of Dryden inc case the contract with the South worth Library by 1.he sum of $25,000 to be paid from the unexpended fund balance and to bs% used by the Library for the TTamhase of furnishings for the Lincoln addition presently under constive ;tion_ 2114' Cl Salorrion Roll pall Vote ZONING OFFICER C1 Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yeas C1 Leifer Yes O dater has pre%rWj�Sly provided the board with information on The Inspector, LLC and asked the board to appoint that firm as an additional; electrical int3pector for the Town of Dryden. 1�c added that a]J electrical inspectors have to be certified consistent with the National 17,lcctrical Code ilv!Aing stand ard% equivalency or better, This firm's inspectors hav(� those certificates_ In order for them to actually conduct electric I inspections in town, the board inu;kt appoint therm_ RESOLUTION #133 - APPOINT (ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR upv Sumner offered the fallowing resolution and asked for its adoption= RESOLVED, that this Town Board heroby appoints''he Inspector, 1,LC as an ac'epted c,lcctrical inspc_c-tor for the Town of Drychm. 2n" C1 Makar Roll Call Vote C1 Stelick Cl Solomon ,qlapv Sumner Cl Makar Yes Yes Ye: Yes Pugs ! t , r i i Cl Leifer Yes '1913 I0m 2[1.2010 Ari ICation has been received by Nelson Hogg to &�ervt� as an alternate an the Zonuig Board of Appeals. RESOLUTION #139 - APPOINT ALTERNATE TO ZRA C 1 Lkifcr off(.red l. he following resolution and asked for its adoption: krH $01�VJ4 L1), that this Town Board hereby appoints Nelson Hogg to serve as an alternate representative to the Zoonj.ri g Board of App(:aIs. 2nd Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Suimier Yes 1 Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes ZO Slater asked the board to consider approval of an in- service training program at TC3 that fulfills local training re_quin.-LUeQnl: %. HC a(Idod thaC this program is the result of joint effort of lot of people to put together a local in- service training program for any elected or appoinfed municipal official. ZO Slater was pa fl, of t.hr; c .Lnmmittee that worked on this. He asked the hoard to approve the training so our people can take advantage of it as it satisfies the to wn's requirement of four hours of in- service traintng- RESOLU'T'ION # 140 - APPROVE IN- SIERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM Supv Su inner offered thr: following resolution and asked for its adoption. RESOLVED, that this Town Board herby approves the in- service training prograrrL offered by Tompkins - Cortland Community College and will accept it as sufficient to satisfy the training requirements of the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals members. 2«11 Cl Makar Roll Call Vote CI Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Mi�kar Yes Cl Leifer Yes O Slater said he is currently working on five projects that could potentially come before the board before the end of the year- 'Chc�e are: An application ley Verizon Wireless for equipment upgrade on a tow(;r on Walker Hill load, a prage business on Scofield Road, special use permit applications for a flower shop at 175 North Road and a construction office 2kt [86 Dryden load, and a planned uniil development for the form(;- Varna 11 site. PUBLIC HEARING SPECIAL USE AMENDMENT GEORGE RUSHLOW [AUTOWORKS] 1278 DRYDEN ROAD I} d of I I 'i'i3 ice -24 20r4 Supv Sumner opened the pubic hearing at 7138 p.m_ and Town Clerk B Avery read the public nollice published in 71re ithaca. Joumal, Applicalst George Rush Iow said they propose to build a pole barn structure to house the vehicles used by their towing business_ They. CLIrrently have eight tow trucks and a service vehicle. They arc the main Service provider for AAA. They are first call for a large area, from Lansing to Slaterville to Locke. He would like to store ale i;he vchicles inside and out of the weather, particularly in the winter So they are ready to go. The proposed arna is pre s�'ndy a parking lot so there are no drainage issues_ The board reviewed the Short P'nvironmental Assessment Form and passed the following resoiutiork_ RESOLUTION #141 � KEG ;SEQR DEC - GEORGE RUISHLOW JAUTOWORKS) 1278 DRYDEN ROAD C1 Ste] ick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions; WHEREAS) A_ The proposed action involves consideration of the application of Georgp. Rulshlow (Autoworks) to amend an existing special use prirmIt to construct a 64' 50 square foot pole -type metal building for storage and tow vehicles associated with Autoworks activities at 1278 Orydun Road, F3. The propoL d action is an Unlisted Action for which the Town Board of the 'Town of Dryden is the lead agency for the purposes of tincoordinatcd environmental review in connection with approval by die Town, C. The Town Board of the Town of Dryden, in performing the lead agency function for ii;� independent and i4ncoordinated envimrime°ntal review in accordance~ with Article S of the Nnv York 8Cate Environmental Conservadon La - the State Environmental QuaIil,y R.eview Act '(SCQRJ, (i) thoroughly reviewed the Short Environmental Assessment Form (the "Short 6AFA), Part I. and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action .end its environmental review, (ii) thoroughly analyzed the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant adverse impact an the environment, including the= criteria identified in 6 NY RR 617,7(c), and (iii) completed the Short EAF, Part 11; NOW, TPTERUORE, BE iT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS. 1, The Town Board of the Town of Dryden, based upon (i) its thorough revi[_w of the Short EAF, Fart I, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action and its environmental review, (iij its thorough review of the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a sigriifican1, adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria 1dcn6fied in 6 NYCRR §617.7(e), and (iii) ii's completion of the Shore. EAF, Part 11, including the findings nested thereon (vehich findings are incorporated herein au if set forth at length), hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance° ('Negative Derlkration') in accordance with SEAR for the above referenced proposed action, Urid determines that neither a full Pnvironmerttal Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact 8(utement wi11 be required, and 2_ The Responsibic Officer ref the Town Board of the Town of Dryden is hereby authorized and directed to complete and sign as required the determination of sigriificaJnee, Confirming the foregoing Negative- Declaration, which fully completer) and signed Short EAF and e3etenninarion of significance s]sll be incorporated try reference in this 17esoliit]on- 2d "d CI Solomon Page; 5 I)p TH I11- 2Q -20I{1 is Roll Call Vuie Cl Stelick Yes l Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes O Slater noted there is a 5239 (1) and (m) review by Tompkins County PIanr]ing and the determination is that the project has rko neptive 1 nter - community or county -wide impacts_ The board reviewed the special u%c permit worksheet. a) Whether Section 1303-1 requirements have been met. - Yes_ b) Whether the location, use and nature, and intensity of operation will be in conflict with the allowed uses of the zone or n(..FighborhoodI - No. cj Whether the use will be more objectionable or &prG�ciatizig to adjacent and nearby properties (by reason of ilnaffic, noise, vibration, dust, fumes, smoke, odor, tire, hazard, glare, flashing lights or disposal of w ;w:e car sewage] than operation of 11he allowed uses of the zone- - No- d) Whether flht: use: will discourage or hinder the appropriate development and use Of adjacent properties or neighborhood, - No. e) Whether a non - residential use adjacent to an existing residential use shall be ,screened by a landscaped bu ffer strip or suitable fencing. - n Ja - not adjacent to residential area_ f} Whether health, safety and general welfare of the conimunitiy ma y be adversely affected. - No- g) Whether or not a Stormwater Management perinit is necessary. If so, has one been submitted, and if so, is it acceptable? Not necessary. There is no ground disturbance, The area is already paved. RESOLUTION #142 - APPROVE AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL USE PERMIT - RUSHLOW - 1278 DRYDEN ROAD Supv Sumner uffcred the following resolution and asked for its adoption= R H1S0LVED, thall the special use permit for the property at 1278 Dryden Road is hert_by :amended to allow for the construction of a 6450 %Ej-uare foot pole -type metal building or1 property as shovai on the t5ite plain. °'{I Cl Stelick Roll Call plc >te Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl heifer Yc_s ATTORNEY AIty Perkins said the highway auperinl.endent has asked for standardization of sewer pumps. Ali will now be the same make, rrlodel, etc_ These are used primarily in districts transporting wastewater to 1AWWTP. A�tty Perkins provided board with a proposed resolution_ Withouf: this resoluf:ion purchaLke of the pumps would be subject to the compol'itive proccsN. The 'rcxvg1,s pmcurement policy must %trill be complied with_ 1'7gc 6 [PP TB I (Q0-2010 RESOLUTION #143 - STANDARDIZATION OF SEWER PUMPS Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the town has various sewer districts which require sewerage pumping (lift) stations to transport wastewater to the City of Ithaca sewer system, and to the Village of Drvden sewer system, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca helps the town maintain its sewer pump stations which serve the various sewer districts utilizing the City of Ithaca sewer system, and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca has requested that the town use the same sewer pumps that the city uses in their sewer pumping stations, and WHEREAS, the use of a standard pump facilitates adaptation of pipe; fittings, wiring connections, mounting brackets aid facilitates familiarization of staff with such pumps and the docurnentation of repairs and replacements, and WHEREAS, purchasing a different brand of sewer pump would be inefficient and uneconomical since alternate brands may not be interchangeable with sewer pumps already in use or on hand, and will save the potential future expenses of retrofitting other brand pumps, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the town board of the Town of Dryden as follows: 1. For reasons of efficiency and economy, and pursuant to the authority conferred by General Municipal Law Section 103(5), it is hereby det:ermi.ned by the town board of the Town of Dryden that there is a need for standardization in the purchase of sewer pumps for all Town of Dryden sewer pump stations. 2. The town superintendent of public works is hereby authorized to purchase lylygt sewer pumps without advertising for scaled bids as required by General Municipal Law Section 103, but shall comply with town's procurement: policy in selecting a vendor for such pumps. 2nd Cl Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Stel.ick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes The dog case in Freeville is finally over. There were seven accusatory instruments. The defendant plead guilty to five and received the maximum fine on four. Two were adiourned in contemplation of dismissal and there was a conditional discharge on one. Conditions were attached to monitor the behavior of the dogs, including that there be no further violations of the Town of Dryden Dog Ordinance, no more than three dogs are permitted on the premises at any one time, all dogs shall be licensed, and one of the dogs must wear a bark collar at all times. Atty Perkins said when the new dog law is drafted, he is going to suggest: that the fines be substantially increased. Unfinished ,•_ Pugse'c(II 'I'll 10 -2i k21110 Supv Sumner said the Finger Lakes Land Trust has requested a pledge of $25,000 to • assist with purchase of a parcel of property on Irish Settlement Load. They have pledges from the Park Foundation, the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County and Borg Warner. Cl Leifer said the Town should be sure that there are no gas leases on the property. Cl Stelick said he would like to know exactly what the funds will be used for, who will administer the property, etc. Supv Sumner will see what else she can find out and report to the board. New Business Supv Sumner said Bolton Point added 10 cents per thousand gallons to their rate this year to go toward reserve fund. The Town needs to approve that rate. RESOLUTION #144 - APPROVE SCLIWC 2011 WATER RATE Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission rate of $2.£37 per 1,000 gallons. 2114 Cl Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes In 2009 and 201.0 the Town lowered its water rate 264r and 70 respectively in response to Bolton Point's increase so to avoid 'increasing the total cost to customers. Currently we charge 65t per 1,000 gallons for the administrative costs of managing the districts. The Bolton Point rate approved above is an increase of 22(t per 1,000 (including 100 toward the newly established reserve fund.) Supv Sumner suggested that the 'town increase its rate to $0.70 per thousand gallons. This would make a quarterly minimum bill of $35.70, an $ %, increase. RESOLUTION #145 - ESTABLISH TOWN WATER RATE FOR 2011 Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby establishes its 2011 water rate at $0.70 per thousand gallons. 211, Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION # 146 - APPROVE IAWWTF 2011 SEWER RATE Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment. Facility rate of $1.46 per 100 cubic feet, a 5.7% increase. PF1gc 8 of I 1 1013 10.20 -2010 - 2nd Cl Stelick 0 Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes C1 Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Because the Town had not approved a new sewer rate for several years, in 2008 and 2009, the sewer rate fell below our cost. Last year the Town increased its administrative margin to $1.85 per 1,000 gallons. Supv Sumner suggested that rate be increased to $2.00 per thousand gallons for 201.1 making the quarterly minimum bill for the user $21.00. RESOLUTION #147 - ESTABLISH TOWN SEWER RATE FOR 2011 Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby establishes its 2011 sewer rate at $2.00 per ten thousand gallons (or $0.1.50 per 100 cubic feet). 21111 Cl Makar Roll Call Vote C1 Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Supv Sumner repeated her suggestion that the Town review the allocation of operational, maintenance and administrative costs with an eye toward long range planning to keep rate increases to a minimum and avoid large year to year fluctuations. The Ithaca Area Wastewater' Treatment Plan has requested amendments to its Stearns t3a Wheler contract for the plant improvements that have been going on for several years. There was a substantial savings in the last phase and they have been asked to do a little more work with that savings. Stearns & Wheler are helping the plant engineer in the assessment of a dispute with Crane -Hogan over one of the facility improvements in the last phase. The cost .will be rolled into the surplus from the prior part of the project. RESOLUTION #148 - Approval of Amendment 7 to the 2005 Agreement with Stearns and Wheler for Miscellaneous Improvements to the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, Stearns and Wheler, LLC and the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant, owners, entered into an agreement dated September 7, 2005 to evaluate Miscellaneous Plant Improvements and WHEREAS, except as expressly amended herein all other provisions of the original contract dated September 7, 2005 remain in full force and effect Pagc 9 of 11 • Tti I I ti 21:1 -2p I CI NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden hereby approves Amendment No. 7 and authorizes the town supervisor to sign the agreement. 2,1d Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Surnner Yes CI Makar Yes Cl l.,eifer Yes There is also an amendment to the contract with Stearns tip Wheler for evaluation of the concrete cracks and displacement possibly due to differential settling of slabs and walls that could cause leaks and cracks. The Town's share of this project (2 %) would be $660. RESOLUTION #149 - Approval of Amendment S to the 2005 Agreement with Stearns and Wheler for Miscellaneous Improvements to the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant Supv Surnner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, Stearns and Wheler, LLC and the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant, owners, entered into an agreement dated September 7, 2005 to evaluate Miscellaneous Plant Improvements and WHEREAS, except as expressly amended herein all other provisions of the original contract dated September 7, 2005 remain in full force cm-id effect NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden hereby approves Amendment No. 8 and authorizes the town supervisor to sign the agreement. 211d Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Supv Sumner said she has received Stan Marcus's resignation from the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council. The board accepts this resignation with regrets and Supv Sumner will send him a letter to that effect. Mr Marcus will continue to serve on the Conservation Board. The town needs to recruit: a new member of the conservation board to serve on the County EMC. Supv Sumner announced the Town Hall Open ]-louse October 27 from 3:30 to 6:00 pm. The new town hall sign will be unveiled and there will be a display of Supervisor portraits that have been restored. Cl Leifer provided a copy of the Town of Danby's comments to the State Forest Management Plan. Danby's comments are relative to Danby State Forest. The Town of Dryden has Yellow Barn State Forest and Hammond Hill State Forest, neither of which appear to have any royalty leases. Comments are due October 29. Cl Leifer would like the board to support: Danby's general conclusions. D Kwasnowski could draft a response for the Town of Dryden and mention Yellow Barn and Hammond Hill State Forest. Danbv's comments relate to how Page Ill ur I t TB 10 -20 -2010 their comp plan and state forest management plan complement one another. Dryden depends on that forest and open space. Our forests are close to recharge areas for water supplies. The Town of Dryden should support Danbv's comments and forward one of our own. Supv Sumner will ask the Environment Planner to look at Danby's comments and modify them to apply specifically to Dryden's state forest land. Martha Robertson said Tompkins County has passed a resolution against drilling on State forest land. CI Leifer will be meeting with D Kwasnowski and Henry Slater to discuss a draft of an industrial noise ordinance. He hopes to have it ready for a brief discussion at the agenda meeting. COUNTY BRIEFING* M Robertson said the county budget process is painful this year and there are several serious cuts. There are a lot of programs not funded now in the DSS budget, and it is distressing. She is looking for cuts in other places in order to put. money back in those programs. Many of these programs bring revenue from the state, sometimes two or three dollars to one. Cutting a local dollar can mean losing two or three dollars from the state. If the program is let go and then resumed in the future, there %vill be no funding from the state. Many of these programs actually keep kids out of the criminal justice system. The legislature will be voting on several municipal youth services programs tomorrow. The county legislature is coi state mandates. M Robertson said levy would fall through the floor. Supv Sumner is working on district assessments. She is trying Committee Reports -isidering a property tax cap. 88% of the county budget is if the stage would take the mandates back, the county tax her final tentative budget, particularly on the special to keep everything as level as possible. The Finance R, Technology Committees will be meeting Friday afternoon. On motion, made, seconded and unanimously approved, the board moved into executive session to discuss a matter of existing litigation at 8:48 p.m. No action was taken and the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bambi L. Avery Dryden Town Clerk Dryden Town :hoard Meeting Dryden Town Hall 93 Past Main Street October 20, 2010 � 7:00 PM 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Public Hearing — Rushlow Special Use Permit 5. Citizens Privilege 6. Town Clerk a. Approve Meeting Minutes b. Correction to August 18 "' i 7. Highway Superintendent/Dept Of a. 8. Recreation Department a. Authorize modificati()n of fair September 8" Minutes Public Works VCC Infrastructure Grant y. County Briefing 10. Zoning Officer ® a. Appointment of Electrical inspector b. Appointment of ZBA Alternate — N Hogg 11. Environmental Planner a. 12. Engineering 13. Attorney 14. Unfinished Business a. 15. NeNw Business a. Water Rates b. Sewer Rates c. IAWWTF Amendments d. Accept S. Marcus resignation from ENIC: c. Announce Open House 16. Committee Reports (3 minutes or less each, please) a. Finance Report and Abstract b. Emergency Committee 17. Future Agenda Items 18. Executive Session (if necessary) ® The Next Town Board Meeting will be Wednesday, November 17 at 7:00 7,30 PNI B Avery J Bush M 131anconi County Rep H Slater D Kwasnowski A Sciarabba M Perkins G Town of Dryden Town Board Meeting October 20, 201.0 Name - {,Please,: Prim'; Yi G C� I , 5h ��✓ Address or Board C- 2hir,, I rGrj AA �QS l��d .E / /,-S; k, , eh e v 10-20m 10 SPEAKER SIGN IN SHEET If you swish to address the Board under citizens privilege of the floor please sign in below. Speakers will be limited to a maximum of three minutes. Please provide the Clerk with a NNtritten summary of your statement. Name Address , 4 11/04/2010 10:48:2 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE Town of Drvdcn: suant to Section. :1.25 of the Towel Lap.%t, I hereby render the following detailed statement all :Moneys received and disbursed by me during the mon of October, 2 '0: DATED: November 4. 2010 SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 09/30/2010 Increases Decreases 10/31/2010 A GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE CASH - CHECKING 69,351.85 0.00 122,226.40 87,970.62 !22,226.40 1491327.70 0.00 70994.77 CASH - SAVINGS 376o891,59 CASH - SAVINGS 1,329,0"3.55 !,350.28 1,22,226.40 12,551.83 1,256,289.33 641842.08 ®HIGH-KAY EQUIPMENT CAPITAL RESE 1,276,783.30 PETTY 229.86 CASH IN TIME DEPOSITS - CD 1 0 5001 000.00 5021647.29 4,347.94 TOTAL 0.00 1,504,347.94 Customers Deposits 244,452.80 PETTY CASH .1 .,758,936.62 600.00 1,83.5.00 0.00 3,168.75 0.00 600.00 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 2,229.37 0.00 .1.,259.11 970.26 DM Equipneeet Capital Reserve 34,164.39 15.63 0100 34,180.02 Recreation Capital Reserve 2510208.72 114.93 0100 251,323.65 TOTAL 31166,627.88 105,000.95 215,128.89 3,076,199.94 DA HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND CASH, - CHECKING 0.00 0.00 122,226.40 25,234.74 !22,226.40 26,234.74 0.00 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 376o891,59 SAS:INGS 1,624.14 !,350.28 1,22,226.40 1,256,289.33 ®HIGH-KAY EQUIPMENT CAPITAL RESE 502,417.43 PETTY 229.86 2,761.05 0.00 0.00 5021647.29 217.74 TOTAL 1,8791309.02 124,080.40 Customers Deposits 244,452.80 .1 .,758,936.62 B GENERAL - OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 0.00 25,234.74 142,731.69 26,234.74 0.00 0.00 CASH - SAS:INGS 416,474.30 !,350.28 911508.87 26,719.74 399,263.43 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 2,761.05 0.00 217.74 2,543.31 Cash, Customers Deposits 4,983.75 0100 1,83.5.00 3,168.75 TOTAL 424,219.10 35,743.61 54,987.22 404,975.49 DB HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SF1- DRYDEN FIRE DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SL1- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SL2- ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS 0.00 142,731.69 142,731.69 0.00 1,763,519.45 !,350.28 142,731.69 1,622,138.04 11763,519.45 144,081.97 323,996.65 148.23 323,996.65 148.23 3,512.56 1.61 285,463.38 1,622,138.04 0.00 324,144.88 0.00 324,3.44.88 0.00 31514.17 3,512.56 1161 0.00 3,514.17 2,737.09 1.25 0100 2,738.34 Page 1 A ON*1'HLl' REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 09/30/2010 Increases Decreases 10/31/2010 SS7- ROYAL ROAD SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 23,013.5? 23,013.57 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 29,857.27 367.38 23,013.57 71211.08 TOTAL 29,857.27 23,380.95 461027.14 7,211.08 Page 2 TOTAL 2,737.09 1.25 0.00 2,738.34 SL3- MEADOW /LEISURE LIGHTING CASH - SAVINGS 2,120.05 0.97 0.00 2,121.02 TOTAL 2,120.05 0.97 0.00 2,121.02 SM AMBULANCE DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS 231,442.06 105.99 0.00 231,547.95 TOTAL 231,442.06 105089 C..00 231,547.95 SS1- SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS CAS14 - CHECKING 0.00 158.93 158.93 0.00 CAST? - SAVINGS 44,771.44 11669.16 158.93 46,281.67 TOTAL 44, 77:1,.44 It 828.09 317.86 46t281,67 SS2- VARNA SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING 0.00 7,344.19 7,344.19 0400 CASH - SAVINGS 174,926.39 8,325.57 7,344.19 175,907.77 TOTAL 174,926.39 15,669.76 141688.38 175,907.77 SS3- CORTLAND RD SEWER ®CASH - CHECKING 0.00 498.16 498.18 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 169r928,54 9,419.6'7 498.18 178,850.23 POSTAGE -7.68 0.00 3.3, 20 -20.88 TOTAL 169,920.86 9,918.05 1,009.56 178,829.35 SS4- MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 4,770.83 4,770.83 0.00 CAS:; - SAVINGS 175, 829.91 608.65 4t770,63 171r667,73 TOTAL 7.75,829.91 5,379.48 9,541.66 171,66 7.73 SS5- TURKEY HILL SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 1,079.28 1,079,28 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 150,872.29 41808.53 1,079.28 154,601.54 TOTAL 150,872.29 5,887.81 2,158.56 154,601.54 SS6- PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS _ 95,662.65 0.00 627.59 572.10 627.59 627.59 95,607.16 0.00 TOTAL 95, 662.65 1,199.69 1,255.1.8 95,607.16 SS7- ROYAL ROAD SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 23,013.5? 23,013.57 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 29,857.27 367.38 23,013.57 71211.08 TOTAL 29,857.27 23,380.95 461027.14 7,211.08 Page 2 MON MLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 09/30/2010 Increases Decreases 10/31/2010 VARNA WATER 0.00 0100 24,798.65 24,798.65 �SW1- CASF. - CHECKTNG 0.00 0.00 24,798.65 150.55 3,50, 55 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 335,201.86 18,427.85 150.55 353,479.18 TOTAL 335,201.88 18,578.40 301.10 353,479.18 SW2- SNYDER HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 66.s 66.53 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 64,331.04 1,786.91. 66.53 66,051.42 TOTAL 64,331.04 1,853.44 133.06 66,051.42 SW3- MONKEY RUN WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 1,259.26 1,259.26 0.00 CAS14 - SAVINGS 187,886.02 ;1.,715.54 1,259.26 188,342.30 TOTAL 187,886.02 2,974.80 21518.52 186,342.30 SW4- HALL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING - 0.00 98.85 96.65 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 34,109.1.6 2o432,26 98.85 36,442.57 TCTAL 34,109,16 2, 531. 1.1 197.70 36, 442.57 SW5- TURKEY HILL WATER 0 CASH - CHECKING 0100 98.85 98.85 0.00 CAS14 - SAVINGS 173,774.94 61314.14 98.85 179,990.23 TOTAL 173,7 ?4.94 6,412.99 197.70 179,990.23 SW6- ROYAL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING 0100 1.2,564.32 12,564.32 0100 CASH - SAVINGS 31,989.89 691.64 121564.32 20,117.21 TOTAL CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CASH - CHECKING TOTAL TA AGENCY FUND CASH - TRUST S AGENCY TOTAL HB CORTLAND ROAD SEWER BAN CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL �E CAPITAL FUND - BARN CASH - SAVINGS 31,989.69 213,970.47 213,970.47 7,255.80 7,255.80 13,255.96 22,989.41 22,989.41 121•, 601.58 121,801.58 25,128.64 19,253.00 19,253.00 ;1,21,74S.SE 121,745.58 20,117.21 217,7~6.88 217,706.88 7,311.80 71311,60 24,798.65 0.00 0100 24,798.65 24,798.65 0.00 0.00 24,798.65 30,145.05 13.79 0.00 30,158.84 Page 3 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 09/30/2010 Increases Decreases 10/31/2010 isTOTAL 30,145.05 13.79 0.00 30,158.89 HF CAPITAL FUND - FPIG CASH - SAVINGS 35,169.21 16.09 0.00 35,185.30 TOTAL 35,169.21 16.09 0.00 35,185.30 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 9, 797, 956, 78 662r856,28 1, 044, 805.93 91 416, 001 . 13 Page 4