HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-15TB 9wl 5- 10 TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING September 15, 2010 Present= Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Joseph Solomon, Cl Sllephen Su:lick, Jr., Cl David Makar, Cl Jason Leifer L:lected Officials: 8�mbi L. Avery, Town Clerk Other Town Staff, Mahlon Perlgns, Town Attorney Henry Slater, Building aS limning Director Supv Sumner opened the meeting at 7.04P-Tn. and board rneraber end guests participated in the pledge of allegiance, hi hik Lee and Cynthia Waterman, of the Dryden Youth Commission, presented the Commi4�sion's 2009 Annual Report. and reviewed. it with the board- They target youth from middle school age to 21 and do a needs asse %%ment every three years to figure out what types of programs they should offer. Punded programs were reviewed and they shared success stories of chi Idren that have benefited from the programs. They asked Cor continued support and funding for DYC and it.s programs. $44,452 was contri buted by Town last year. Thal. amount rn atehes what they receive fmw County. Youth Services, State Yo%Qth Services, and County Youth Employment- There is currently a vacancy for a Village of Freeville represenl'ative. CITIZENS PRIVILEGE None- 'Gown Clerk 5 Avery asked Ilhe board to approve minutes of previous meetings, RESOLUTION # 123 - APPROVE MINUTES Su}7v Sumner offs ..red I.hrI following resolution and asked for its adoption; RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the minutes of July 14, July 21, August 11, and August 18, 2010. 211a Cl Makar Roll Call gate Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes upv Sumner Yea Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yc._s B Avery explained to the board that when the nc_w dog licensing laws go into effect on January 1, 2011, clerks will be c ollt�Cting l for each license issued for an altered dog and for each license issued for ark unaltered dog to be sent to an entity to support a spay jncQtCr program. If the County doesn't have an approved pop ulaIlion (Nontrul program, those funds will go to some entity {.vet to be determined) a1. the %L5We level for d i striblltiOD. If Tive have a county Pagc 1 110 0 program, funds collected by Tompkins County Town Clerks will stay in the county_ She and April c.heffler, Groton Town Clerk and ]'resident of the `Tompkins County Town Clerks Association have met with Abigailtnith of the Tompkins County SPCA to discuss this, and Abigail Smith has rnet with the Tompkins County Administrator and the Health and Human eivices committee and reported that they are in favor of the formation of a local animal population control progra.m_ RESOLUTION # 124 - SUPPORT FOR CREATION OF A COUNTY ANIMAL POPULATION CONTROL PROGRAM Supv Sumnf.:r offered the folio %ving resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the New Fork State 201.1 Budget contains iinv legislation concerning dog licc_nsing and Aniinal Population Control Funds, and WHEREAS, the neW I< .Lgisiation gives a county the authority to create its own Animal population Control Program, thereby receiving the Animal Population Con troI Funds collected within such county, arid WHEREAS, the Tompkins County SPCA and the 'Tompkins County Town Clerks ANt5ociation have expressed a desire to ere_ate a plan for Tompkins County Animal Population Control, and WHEREAS, the TL)rrLpkins County' SPCA and the Tompkins Cayonty Administrator have discussed the role of the County, and the County would be willing to receive and disburse animal pope ation control fiends, and WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden is in favor of creating a. plan, therefore, GE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden de ignates Sainbi Avery, Town Clerk, to ri.,preLlent the interests of the Town of Dryden in the creation of a Tompkinzi County Animal Population Control Program, with the undmi'anding that final determination and approval rests with the'€'nwn Board_ T,d C1 Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon yes Sulu' Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT /DPW No report. RECREATION DEPARTMENT No report. COUNTY BRIEFING Mike Lane -The County is in the midst of budget discusiongs. The three county iegislators that represent Dryden (Lane, Robertson and Robison) came to the Dryden JILgo 2 of 9 1613 9-15-10 Community Cafe and made a pmsentatJon, They heard from people con ccrned about cuts to programs for youth and the tax burden that people are struggling with- Tompkins o�urlty has a 1OWCT unemployment rate, but there is still underemployment. The expandod budget committee is looking at each program and hearing from the departments and agencies. 'They have heard so far from about a dorx;n on their budgets, needs and target request - Departments have been asked to cut their budgets by 6.9 %. The legi�slal:urc has suggested a 5% tax levy increase. Programs, po%itionq and activities are being cut. M Lane said he is noi: sure if there will be any motley to fund over- targrl: requests. Sales tax has been a little better the last two quarters. More of the: sales tax has been going to the city than the outlying areas, probably due tr> development of the southwest portion of the city, Thr, county is looking at a 16.3% increase in pension expenses, They should have some savings in health insurance premiuins because of Consortium- Fringes are now up to 51 °/0 (primarily due to health insurance and pension (.%. xpenses) and expected to increase- On September 27'11 at 7:00 p.m. there will be a budget forum at the Tompkins County Public Library, upv Sumner thanked hire From the presentation on the county budget last week, ZONING OFFICER O Slater has given the board information with respect to appointin. rrhr lm, pectnr us an approved electrical inspector for the town. diction will be taken next rnonth- Tile Village of Dryden sent a letter to th,; Town with respect to the old water main along isNor1'.h Main S tmei: and possible formation of a water district. The line cannot be replaced; they can only repair it, because the line is outside village boundaries. A wailer dlstrirt is a possible solution, but can only be formed if the property owners want it. The viHage can, with reasonable notice, abandon the line and the property owners will h;�vc to [frill werl1S_ '[`h 6r Village also has a problem with its water supply. Supv Sumner said her hope is to form an all - cneompassing wailer district that: will solve all I:he problems- She rsuid I:he next actionable Step is for Atty Perkins to work with the board to develop an agreement in concept between the Village and the Town that: details i:hc problem :ind the work to be done to address it. She hopes to have that next month, upv Sumner said there will be some expense to to work on this - e did an engineering sl ody in 2004 pi di %i:rict- The Village had an engineeruig study done last village water supply. She said WC treed to put thuae LWO The village has trot object,sd to this idea and at least one had an active interest for a few years- the Town. Well need to pay engineers -oposing a Cortland load area water year identifying problems with the things together and move forward. Tillage Planning Board member has C1 Stelick noted that the owners of the affected properl :ies will have to be in favor of forming a district because they will have to bear the expense of it. If the area of the district is expanded to include the village properties, it wiJi be less expensive for each property. M Lane rioted the area needs a larger water line and fire hyd ran i's to encourage development of the commercial area. Supv Sumner said after some groundwork is laid, they will hold a. joint meeting of the town and village boards. Residents need to understand the prol}lern clearly. T 3 and the high st:hool will also have roles to play_ M Lane suggested that they could ank for state legislation to grant the village permission to replace the lime. FN-w'c 3 411,9 Supv Sumner wit Stelick pointed out there ZO Slater said at outside the village limits quality in the area is not 1111* 9-15-10 bring a plan and draft agreement to the Town Board in October. C1 is little the Town can do if the Village isn't willing to coordinate efforts. the Village DPW meeting they discussed discontinuing water service on July 31, 2011, Cl Stelick said that reports indicate ghat: the water good. Supv Sumner will attend the Village Planning Board meeting tomorrow night. They will be discussing the Conifer project and rezoning of the property that was annexed from the town into the village. Cl Makar requested reports of any committee meetings. There is a possibility of a joint meeting with the Village on October 21. The Town Board will have its first budget workshop at 7:00 p.m. on September 22. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER No report. ENGINEERING No report. ATTORNEY Atty Perkins reported he is meeting with Dan Kwasnowski next Tuesday to work on definitions for the zoning law. Supv Sumner distributed copies of an amendment to the Varna Fire Department contract providing for payment to the fire depai-tment of an amount of money to be applied to the cost of construction of its bunker building. She briefly reviewed the agreement with board members. RESOLUTION #125 - APPROVE AMENDMENT TO VARNA FIRE CONTRACT Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board approves the First Amendment to Fire Protection Contract: with Varna Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., and the Town Supervisor is authorized to sign the same. 2 ^d Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick C1 Solomon Supv Sumner C1 Makar Cl Lcifer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 139gc 4 of 9 'ra)-i� -ia The fire department will hold a project close out party ors Si }pteinber 23rd at 5'30 p. in_ They received their certificate of aocUvancy on the I5th and have one bunker living there now. UNFINISHED BUSINESS The public hearing For amending the library agreement was rescheduled for October 2 0 at 7:00 pm Health Insurance Consortium - Atty Perkins has commented on the process and :3greemenl. in I a memo to the Town Supervisor. Membership is three -year commitment, Health consortium board can approve a participant W1 thdrawing prior to that Limo Period. Supv S'umilEr will ddt;r suggested language changes to chair for consideration. She asked the board to approve the agreement and authorize her signatuty, contingcnl: ufron the insurance being equal to or better than our cxisl:ing irt�urdnce_ She said as soon as the consortium is up and running, she will ask them to consider Att}- Perkins' comments and possible amet7dments. !Amendments will require unanimity of all participants. The board rec:e %ed While Supv Sumner gathered some documents regarding the health Insurance Consortium, Cl Makar said that with the addition of bargaining unity, this is a different agreement than the board previously approved. The tov4m attorney found sonic substantial items and Cl akar has reservations_ Any changes require unanirnous approval of participants, One rnunicipality or person could stop any change, Supv Sumner said there were early concerns about weighted voting, but everyone is moving ahead in the spirit of unity. There is a question about: who pays for arbitration, Supv Sumner believes all items will be addressed by the consortium, but does not. believe any are a sufficient re_oson fr) n0 L sign. The attorney's comments were sent to the c,hoirman of the board today. Ol 1�9akar said we have paid the town attorney to rev1 this and Lh (ere are some substantial. concerns. He is not clear why the attorney reviews it if his comments are nol: Laken into consideration. Atty Perkins' comments were revicwcd_ Atty Perkins said when you enter into agreements such as i:his, everyone has to work in good faith_ H is not in a position to judge the sense of willingness of other participants to address these comments, Some of these suggestions will make it a. better a.greernent. The board needs to be comfortable that their concerns will be addressed, The consortium 1r,su ran Ce takes erect Jsuivary 1. Gates will be available and 61 TM in October_ There are still details to work on including the chair and consultant meeting with SEA to reach agreement on ancillary benefits. They had hoped to have all agreements in place this month, and the agreement is not binding unlit th( rates are received and approved_ Supv Sumner will riot ask the consortium to consider the amendrntmts until January. She said the consortium will VLoVe ahead without the Town of Dryden. Atty Perkins said the labor union representation and weighted voting ct�rtainly heed to be claILI led. M Lane said the Cou nty is on board and !enthusiastic and willing to take care of the administration_ upv Sumner said the county finance officer is currently the board fis. al officer_ \J r�, *rn 9 -15 -1.o After further discussion, the board passed the following resolution. RESOLUTION # 126 - AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO SIGN MUNICIPAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY MUNICIPAL HEALTH INSURANCE CONSORTIUM Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute the Municipal Cooperation Agreement forming the Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium, contingent upon the benefit plan being equal to or better than the Town's existing benefit plan, and further contingent upon receipt and approval of rates. 2nd Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yrs Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes The board reviewed the proposed resolution for contribution of reserves to the health insurance consortium and decided to add a clause suggesting that the municipalities not making an initial contribution at. this time be charged a 3% interest charge. RESOLUTION #127 - AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE RESERVES OF THE GREATER TOMPKINS COUNTY MUNICIPAL HEALTH INSURANCE CONSORTIUM Cl Solomon offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden shall join the Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium for the purpose of providing employee health insurance and prescription drug coverage, and WHEREAS, the Consortium, as required by the New York State Insurance Department, must establish sufficient financial reserves to begin working as a consortium, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden shall contribute as listed as Estimated Initial Capitalization in the following table: Page 6 o l' 9 Percent of Estimated Total Reserves 2010 Premium Total Initial Reserves Due Premium Capitalization County 13,351,312 54.55% 500,000 667,566 167,566 City of Ithaca 81558,874 34.97% 300,000 427,944 127,944 Town of Ithaca 888,082 3.63% 1373033 44,404 - 92,629 Town of Caroline 1.22,633 0.50 "yo 37,000 6,132 - 30,868 Town of Danby 81,161. 0.33% 62,000 41058 - 57,942 Town of Dryden 4591233 1.88% 137,032 22,962 - 1141070 Town of Enfield 507400 0.21% 2,520 21520 0 Page 6 o l' 9 Town of Groton 126,095 0.52% Solomon 6,305 Town of Ulysses 113,175 0.46% Leifer 5,659 Village of Cayuga Heights 3601799 1.47% 18,040 Village of Dryden 121.1349 0.50% 6,067 Village; of Groton 150,900 0.62% 72545 Village of Trumansburg 90,696 0.37% 4,535 24,4742709 1.00.00% 11223,736 6,305 5,659 18, 040 6,067 7,545 4.535 1,223,735 "rB 9.I5 -I0 Explanation: Four municipalities - the Towns of Ithaca, Caroline, Danby, and Dryden, are able to contribute a greater amount in reserve than what is owed for their municipal shares. It is anticipated that by the year 2013, the four municipalities will be "paid back" with 3% interest by the Consortium. Reserves Due by the County and City shall be paid in 2012. The Town of Dryden suggests that the municipalities not paying in advance be subject to a 3% interest charge. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the fiscal officer of this municipality is authorised to make payment immediately to the Consortium. 211d Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes One of the NYSERDA grants the town received has to do with educating residents about energy savings opportunities. Dryden is the lead agency of the six involved municipalities. The grant was written with the intent that we would subcontract with Cooperative Extension. Atty Perkins has drafted an agreement: with Cooperative Extension. Supv Sumner asked for authorization to sign the agreement with Cooperative Extension. RESOLUTION # 128 - AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH COOPERATIVE EXTENSION Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute a contract with Cornell Cooperative Extension to provide services in connection with the Town's NYSERDA Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Agreement. 2n(I Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Cl Solomon Supv Sumner Cl Makar Cl Leifer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 7 of 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TR 9 -15 -IU COMMITTEE REPORTS Emergency Commilxte - No report. Personnel Committee - Zoning department succession and part time benefits have been discussed. The committee supports part- timers with a fixed schedule receiving part -time benefits. They would be responsible for 50% of health insurance premiums and receive half the amount of paid time off as full time employees. Two of four part time employees are eligible presently. The total anticipated annual cost to the town is $2,761. RESOLUTION #129 - BENEFITS FOR PART -TIME EMPLOYEES Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that town employees working at least 20 hours per week on a fixed schedule are hereby eligible to receive a 50% health insurance benefit and proportionate paid time off, and the Town of Dryden Personnel Manual shall be amended to reflect this change. 2nd Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Loans & Grants Committee - No report. Technology Committee - No report, Recreation /Youth/ Community centers Committee - No report. Finance Committee - Minutes from the last committee meeting were distributed to board members and contained recommendations, The board will review those recommendations and discuss them next month. Cl Leifer will draft resolutions for next month. The next finance committee meeting will be October 15 at 3:00. Supv Sumner thanked board members for the enormous amount of work they put into the committee assignments. Supv Sumner explained that the credit card bill arrived after last week's meeting and must be paid prior to the next abstract: and agenda meeting to avoid a late charge. The chargc,s were for registration fees for a class for two of the zoning officers. The First National Bank of Dryden has been .asked to change the due date so this does not happen again, RESOLUTION # 130 - APPROVE PAYMENT OF VOUCHER Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the payment, outside of the ® Abstract, of the Town's credit card bill. 2ni1 Supv Sumner Page N of` 9 boll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes CI Leifer Yes TH 9 -15.10 Supv Sumner said the Town has received notification from the Assessment department that there has been a stipulation in court to reduce the assessment of the mobile home park in Varna to $5,100,000 for the next five years. Supv Sumner will forward email about farmland protection act.. They would like to close the Stuttle farmland protection implementation grant in December. There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /Iw4 b 44f Bambi L. Avery Town Clerk Paige 9 A 9 Dryden Town Board Meeting Dryden Town Hall 93 Fast Main Street September 15, 2010 — 7:00 FM 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Presentation — DYC 5. Citizens Privilege 6. Tom Clerk a. Approve Meeting Minutes for July 14, July 21, August 7. Highway Superintendent/Dept Of Public Works a. No Report 8. Recreation Department a. 9. County Briefing 10. Zoning Officer a. 11. Environmental Planner a. 12. Engineering 13. Attorney 14. Unfinished Business In Shik Lee B Avery 1 I. August 18 .1 Bush M Bianconi County Rep H Slater D Kwasnowski A Sciarabba M Perkins a. Reschedule Library Grant Public Hearing 15. New Business a. Authorize Supervisor to sign Health Consortium Membership Agreement b. Authorize Supervisor to sign Health Consortium Reserve funding Agreement c. Authorize Supervisor to sign Varna Bunker Agreement d. Authorize Supervisor to sign CCE Agreement NYSERDA Grant 16. Committee Reports (3 minutes or less each, please) a. Emergency Committee b. Personnel Committee c. Loans and Grants Committee d. Technology Committee e. Recreati011/Youth /Community Centers Committee 17. Finance Report and Abstract 18. Future Agenda Items 19. Executive Session (i1'necessary) The Next Town Board Meeting will be Wednesday, October 201h at 7:00 Stelick/Lei l'er Makar /Leifer Makar /Leifer StelickJLeifer Teen of Dryden To «m Board Meeting September 15, 201.0 Name - Please Print n4 %,Ic Ltt- 11V C_ J1z 4cr(,IP�QA,1 Address or Board h i e z ajQ�C\ k.� I k 1 I cl 1 ZS 9 kyo(,) 1.40 ), %PSC) 10/002010 11:53:42 MONTIF LY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE Town of Dryden: suant to Section 125 of the Town Law, I hereby render the fcllowiang detailed statement all moneys received and disbursed by me during the month of September, 2010: DATED: Oclnbcr 4. 2010 A GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE Balance Balance 08/31/2010 Increases Decreases 09/30/2010 CASH - CHECKING 5,751.43 38,196.90 0.00 415,302.50 741666.27 351,702.08 74,666.27 691351.65 175,276.99 CASH - SAVINGS 116521857.87 - SAVINGS 1,376,891..59 53,310.29 ® HIGHGIF_Y EQUIPRENT CAPITAL RESE 502,i55.E£ 3771094.61 261.57 1,329,0;3.55 0.00 416t CASH IN M.Z DEPOSITS - CD 1.0 500,000.00 TOTAL 1,742,267.86 CASH - POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 0.000 PETTY CASH 546.13 600.00 Cash, 0.00 4,983.75 0.00 ® CASH - SAVINGS 0.00 600.00 0.00 PETTY CASH - POSTIM 2,229.37 546.13 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 4,056.86 21229.37 547.96 DP41 Equipment Capital, Reserve 34,146.60 3,512.56 17.79 367, 0.00 34,164.39 96, 680.54 Recreation Capital Reserve 251,077.93 219.10 130.79 C.00 251,209.72 TOTAL 3,446,663.20 965,761.37 7280796.69 3,1861627.88 DA HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 0.00 - CHECKING 38,196.90 0.00 38,496.90 741666.27 0.00 74,666.27 CASH - SAVINGS 1,240,112.00 175,276.99 63 38,996.90 - SAVINGS 1,376,891..59 :1.38, ® HIGHGIF_Y EQUIPRENT CAPITAL RESE 502,i55.E£ 5t, 306.84 261.57 22,Oi4.27 0.00 416t 502,417.43 TOTAL 1,742,267.86 CASH - POSTAGE 211,034.96 76,993.80 0.00 1,879,309.02 0.00 B GENERAL - OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 138,110.52 0.00 168.68 741666.27 0.00 74,666.27 0.00 0100 63 CASH - SAVINGS 390,1.81.73 :1.38, 110. 5t, 306.84 1, 763, 519.45 22,Oi4.27 TOTAL 1,6 ?2,096.63 416t 4-714.30 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 2,761..05 1,763,Si9.95 0.00 CASH - CEIECK,T14G 0.00 0.000 2,761.05 546.13 Cash, Customers Deposits 4,983.75 ® CASH - SAVINGS 0.00 0.00 1.83 41993.75 546.13 31512.56 TOTAL TOTF.L 4,056.86 547.96 1,092.26 3,512.56 367, 926.53 1.32, 973.11 96, 680.54 424 219.10 DB HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING' 0.00 3 23,827.97 138,110.52 168.68 1,38,110.52 0.00 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 1, 672, 096, 63 229, 533.34 168.68 :1.38, 110. 52 1, 763, 519.45 TOTAL 1,6 ?2,096.63 367,643.86 276,221.04 1,763,Si9.95 SF1- DRYDEN FIRE DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS 3 23,827.97 168.68 0.00 323,996.65 TOTAL 323,827.97 168.68 0.00 323,996.65 SL1- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CEIECK,T14G 0.000 546.13 546.13 0.00 ® CASH - SAVINGS 4,056.86 1.83 546.13 31512.56 TOTF.L 4,056.86 547.96 1,092.26 3,512.56 SL2- ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT Page s I 41 tMOv!TTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 08/31/2010 Increases Decreases 09/30/2010 CASH - CHECKING 0.00 120.50 56.31 443.50 0.00 C.00 443.50 231,442.06 44,7'111.44 2,512.98 0.00 395.1.3 CASH - SAVINGS 3,179.16 21120.05 1.43 443.50 0.00 2,737.09 TOTAL SL3- MEADOW /LEISURE LIGHTING CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SM AMBULANCE DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SS1- SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SS2- VARNA SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL ®553- CORTLAND RD SEWER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS POSTAGE TOTAL SS4- MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SS5- TURKEY HILL SEWER CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SS6- PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER CASH - SAVINGS ®SS7- ROYAL ROAD SEWER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVIPKGS 3,179.16 444.93 887.00 2,737.09 0.00 2,512.98 394.03 1.10 120.50 56.31 394.03 394.03 0.00 C.00 0.00 2,120.05 231,442.06 44,7'111.44 2,512.98 395.1.3 7E8.06 56.31 21120.05 0.00 44,771,.44 0.00 236,035.91 2,291.38 231,321.56 120.50 169,928.54 0.00 231,442.06 40.00 40.00 -7.68 231,321.56 44,715.13 629.05 120.50 56.31 629.05 0.00 C.00 0.00 231,442.06 44,7'111.44 1 ?5,427.51 44,715.13 623.05 56.31 174,926.39 0.00 44,771,.44 0.00 0.00 629.05 629.05 0.00 174,926.39 1 ?5,427.51 127.93 623.05 174,926.39 175,921 756.98 1,258.10 174,926.39 0.00 68,358.75 68,358.75 0.00 236,035.91 2,291.38 66,398.75 169,928.54 -7.68 40.00 40.00 -7.68 236,028.23 700690.13 136,797.50 169,920.86 0.00 726.25 726.25 0.00 176,464.62 91.54 726.25 175,829.91 1 16,464.62 817.79 11452.50 175,829.91 150,743.40 128.89 0.00 150,8"2.29 150,743.40 128.89 0.00 150,872.29 95,612.84 49.81 0.00 95,662.65 TOTAL 95, 612, 64 49.81 0.00 95, 662. 65 TOTAL 0.00 33.93 33.93 0.00 29,875.66 15.54 33.93 29,657.27 29,875.66 49.47 67.86 29,857.27 Page 2 INIO- RI'HLY REPORT OF SUPFRVISOI4 A- VARNA WATER GASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SW2- SNYDER HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS SW3- MONKEY RUN WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS SW4- HALL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS Balance Balance 08/31/2010 Increases Decreases 09/30/2010 00 75. C'0 5.00 0.00 334,969.47 287.41 75100 335,201.86 339,989.97 362.41 150.00 3351201.88 0.00 39.91, 21998.89 3 9. 91 0.00 0.00 64,337.46 39,110.56 33.49 1.7.76 39.91 69,331.09 TOTAL 69,337.96 73.40 79.82 64,331.04 0.00 85.54 85.54 0.00 187, 873. "'4 97.P.2 85.54 187o886,02 'TOTAL x.87,873.74 183.3£ 171.08 187,886.02 TOTAL SW5- TURFY HILL WATER ®CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOT: L SW6- ROYAL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CASH - CHECKING TOTAL TA AGENCY FUND CASH - TRUST s AGENCY TOTAL HB CORTLAND ROAD SEWER BAN CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL GE CAPITAL FUND - BARN CASH - SAVINGS 0.00 19.16 21998.89 19.17 i9.17 19.1.6 0.00 i731774.94 0.00 1731533.54 39,110.56 279.79 1.7.76 38.39 19.16 34,109.1.6 360.00 34,110.56 36.92 38.32 39,109.16 0.00 1,73o 533.54 19.1+ 260.57 21998.89 19.17 i9.17 0.00 i731774.94 1731533.54 279.79 2i1,3-31..63 38.39 173,779.99 0.00 31,992.41 19.11 16.65 21998.89 19.17 19.17 0.00 31,989.89 31,992.41. 35.82 2i1,3-31..63 36.34 31,989.89 211,381.63 21998.89 360.00 2131970.97 2i1,3-31..63 2,948.84 360.00 213,970.47 71311.80 120,796.05 120,852.05 '?,255.80 7,311.80 1201796.05 120,852.05 7,255.80 24,798.65 0.00 0.00 24,798.65 24,798.65 0.00 0.00 29,798.65 30,129.36 15.69 0.00 30,145.05 Page 3 N1011THLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 08/31/2010 Increases Decreases 09/30/2010 0 TOTAL HF CAPITAL FUND - FPIG CAS i - SAVINGS TOTAL TOTAL ALL FUNDS 30,129.36 15.6 0.00 3011,45.03 35,150.90 18.31 0.00 35,1.69.21 35,150.90 18.31 0.00 35,169.21 9, 858, 329.66 1, 382, 350. X32 1„ 442, 763.30 90 797, 956, 78 Page 4 0 n r-1 ail a u ^' d N O O n v N 0 60 M o O 01 vl L r•1 M N Ln rn a °o V 6o O CD 0 0 o a o rq oo N m 6D 0 ri O Q 00 O1 V1 CD wo O Ln N 1� 0g0 N N LM .-1 rl 0 n n m V1 r-1 O O N 611 00 6O N .-1 o O n Q m � 0 0 N ri 4 0 ut Q n N N ri 0 0 T n O 0 N ri O 8 O V O1 n v 00 O cl O1 O O O to m Q g O 01 0 M Q1 60 N M n O r♦ O O Vi O1 O1 00 VI O O 60 r•1 rf) umi F*4 in v � N 0 0 N 00 n 00 N N M O O 611 611 M M V o C � O LO c N V/ N to VT to V) VV V1 V1 to V� N V? V� N VT V1 N to V16 N VT V? N N to N {A V/ E C Y Ol N fl O O LL v` ` > > u u u w L LL N to U U !`_ !2 0 10 G V. 01 O O i t t OC w N 7 7 7 > 1.7 .�-� O u O1 z 0) m m CO u as Q > = x° > > T > T ? T T > 3 3> 3 3 3 3 3 3 Y=. x •a i z i z s d w v m O rr > Q� u F T L co z O. 7 x a U w 2 'O N 0 a 00 W u m h > A 3 z =nn m 0. O d Q W W Y u W W m m m cr a a cc cr N m W w w u u u u m ro ua m x i i z L E v w d 40 H c m a0 C Y m O. 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