HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-08-1841113 8 -I8 -10 1'11gc 1 of 9 TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING August 18, 2010 Present.: Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Supervisor Stell.ick, Cl Joseph Solomon, Cl David Makar, Cl Jason Leifer Elected Officials: Jack Bush, High% +jay /DPW Superintendent. Other Town Staff: Dan Kwjasnowski, Environmental Planner Patricia C. Millard, Deputy Town Clerk Mahlon Perkins, Attorney Henry Slater, Director of Building & Zoning Kevin Ezell, Code Enforcement Officer Supv Sumner called the meeting to order 7:00 p.m. Cl Makar led the Pledge of Allegience Art Berkey - Chair of Varna Community Association (Pa.ral.7hrased from comments handed in to the Clerk) On behalf of the VCA, Mr. Berkey urges the Town Board to include Hamlet Zoning in both the new zoning law and the Varna development plan, and, more specifically, to incorporate in total the zoning plan as already proposed by hamlet residents who are the persons whose quality of life will be directly affected from such zoning in their neighborhood. Further, the VCA urges that any current: as well as future development proposals be considered in the context of the proposed Varna hamlet zoning. The VCA looks forward to working with the Town Board and the Supervisor's Task Force on a comprehensive plan for the Varna Community. To facilitate this process, a three- person committee has been created from the VCA chaired by Varna resident James Skaley to serve as liaison. In addition, he wished to commend the Dryden Town Board on the excellent improvements to the Dryden l..ake Area. Varna seniors held a picnic there yesterday. Jim Skaley J Skaley wanted to endorse Art's comments. As of July 2801, has submitted to Dan Kwasnowski a detailed proposal for zoning within the hamlet of Varna and see that some of the comments made it in to the current zoning draft. The meeting we held included nearly 40 people from the Varna Hamlet and the discussions involved the types of things the residents would like to see happen and like not to see happen in the hamlet. We would further endorse work on a master plan for the hanAet that would include issues related to the 366 corridor and traffic concerns. We understand having a master plan for the area will facilitate working with the county NPO in terms of promoting a relationship between the DOT and the Town and County with regard to putting in sidewalks, curbing and other things like that to promote more pedestrian safety and traffic calming measures. We would urge this work and look forward to being included. Debbie Lecoq We wanted to thank the Town Board for all the work they have put in to the updated zoning ordinance. We are grateful that even at this late date you're considering the input: from the Varna residents and hope to see Varna listed as a hamlet zone since the needs are different from other parts of the town. i'agc 2 of y A Joe Lalley - Chair of the Planning Board The Planning Board believes it has completed its work on the updates to the zoning ordinance and the zoning map to follow the guidelines that were developed in the town :s master plan. Also to acknowledge the work that various members of the Planning Board, Town Board, and staff including Dan and Patty in their support, and input from many residents. The Planning Board is asking you tonight to support financially a master plan effort for the hamlet of Varna to be included in to the town's master plan and in to the proposed zoning ordinance. The Planning Board has been very pleased with Behan Associates and their work and would suggest: the Town retain them for the next phase of development. RESOLUTION # 112 (2010) ZONING LAW UPDATE CONTINUING WORK AND CHARGE TO THE PLANNING BOARD Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption (this is an amended version of what Supv Sumner proposed which was amended after discussion): Whereas, the Town of Dryden has initiated and is undertaking the amending and reorganization of the zoning and subdivision laws in the town, and Whereas t:he town Planning Board has made great. progress in developing a draft zoning law, with considerable public input and participation, and Whereas, the residents and nearby residents in the area of town identified by the MYS DOT as the Hamlet of Varna" have expressed concern over traffic, duality of life and community is character in that are as a result of future development potential, and Whereas, the town recognizes the concerns of all town residents, as well as the unique nature of the Varna area and the likelihood of growth within the limitations of overall community impact, and Whereas, the existing infrastructure and housing opportunities next: to a major regional employer, present a special opportunity to creat:c a new, vibrant commercial center, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLI, OWS: The'Town Board wrill: 1. Review the proposed zoning law, identify new and known outstanding issues to be resolved in proposed Zoning I..aw, 2. Schedule work time at i;ach Abstract: & Agenda meeting to work on the remaining 7A.ming Law issues until they are resolved. And The Planning Board will: 1. Participate as requested during work sessions of the Town Board, 2. Prepare, with the assistance of town staff, a proposal and cost estimate for a Varna Community Development Plan to be completed and presented to the Town Board in November* TR 9-18- I {1 rrbis proposal will solicit input from the Varna Community, including all Lando wners, and will identify a process, and milestnnes to be achieved by the plan,* :3_ Cornmence, ix�th the assistance and project management provided by the Planning Department, development of the Varna Community Nv6opmcnt Plan in January, 2011. *Regarding Zoning in Varna, :i dub -Zone or overlay may be created for the local law Fari«r tQ UArImcncement of the Varna Community Development Flan_ "Nate: A budget placeholder and amount For the Varna Community MvelUprnent Plan will be roughed out: prior to adoption of the final budget_ 2nd ,Ja5C)rl Jleifer Roll Fall Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Cl Makat` Yes Sup,: Sumner Ye:s Cl Leifer Yes Town Clerk - P Millard (Deputpl July t4 and July 21 Minutes - tabled until rIcxt month. Jack Bush - Highway Superintendent/ Dept of Public Works No report other 1:1-ian to ask if a deci %iurk had been made in regards to Novelli engineering. (M Perkins and .J Solomon have: my heduied a meeting to discuss this and will make a recommendation to the Tovkzs Board-1 The Town Board thanked J 13iash aid his crew For the great jab they did at the Dryden Lake Festival. Also passed on A Berkey's CGMTnerlts regarding the }work done at the; park. County Briefing - M Lane M lane praised the Dryden Lake; Festival and how well the Park 1«oked. There will be an outreach event be held al: the Dryden Cornm.urnity Cafe on the County's budget on September 21111 to talk about. the county's budge,t work for this year. There is time allocated at the btgirkning of this event, aver Privilege of the Floor by the- public, to hear from municipal officI .ls and would I i ke to extend an in vi. Lation to the, Dryden Town Board to attend and give an update on 1:he Town of Dryden. M Lane answered questioriw about where the budget proocss is to elate, Ezell - Comference Request K 6zell turned irk a conference request form that was hand(..Fd out to TOwn l oarrl members requesting approvat_ 'There is money in the budget, but due to the time away from the office, he and H Slater wanted to request: Board app,7uvr,.l_ Zoning Officer Report - H Slater The Village of Freeville: has hired .�. Code Enforcement Officer but that person cannot start until September Iat_ H dater is suggesting the Town continue to provide this service for them until September 1.7113 to allow for some overlap dine with the new person, RESOLUTION # 1113 (2010) CONTINUE TO PROVIDE CODE ENFORCEMENT TB 8118 -I0 f'agc 4 01'9 SERVICES FOR THE VILLAGE OF FREEVILLE UNTIL SEPTEMBER 17TH On a motion made by Supv Sumner, the Town Board approved continuing to provide code enforcement services for the Village; of Freeville until September 171", 211d Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote CI St:elick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Cl Makar Yes Supv Sumner Yes C1 Lcifer Yes The Town Board asked 14 Slater to notify the Village and copy Supv Sumner. Clarity Connect has talked to Zoning about applying for building permits for the towers in relation to a grant they received. H Slater wanted to remind the Town Board that we need a memorandum of understanding to outline the Town's responsibility in connection with this grant and the tower applications. i) Makar reported that the Technology Committee has requested information from Clarity Connect, specifically a list of items they would like the Town to provide to begin this discussion. No response has been received and D Makar will send another letter requesting more information. Per Supv Sumner, since there is no agreement at the moment, there is no obligation on the Towns behalf. The resolution that was passed last year was merely in support of the grant application. Potential new weatherization partner. There is a energy cost savings through biodegradable fuels group to ask if the Town would be interested in 1 bring more information to the Town as he has it:, weatherization efforts the Town has undertaken. movement at the county level to visit fuel — wood heat. 1•I Slater was approached by this )articipating. He will be exploring this and it seems to fit with the goals of other Varna Bunker program There is a draft agreement that was sent to Town Board members that would allow for the release of funds that were budgeted for 2010 to support Varna :s bunker program. Supv Sumner has asked Atty Perkins to draft at amendment to their contract. While this funding was included in the budget, it was not included in their contract. They have provided documentation that was requested. This contract: amendment will be sent to the Town Board and will be on the September agenda. W Floose was present from the Varna Fire Company present to answer questions. They are a little later than expected in opening, but the program will be going live this weekend. The first bunker we have is a paid firefighter from Ithaca who is also an EMT and an instructor in the EMT program. Varna (Fire Company) has put in $1.00,000 of its own money and the mortgage is for $400,000. Supv Sumner noted that one of the distinguishing features of the Varna lwire Company was their AL,S certification. Dryden Ambulance is separate from Neptune Fire Company and is subsidized to a certain extent by charging for their ambulance service. Freevi.l.le and Etna have BLS certification which does not: allow them to respond to ambulance type calls. W Hoose responded to this by saying they are in the process of upgrading their certification to allow them to respond to critical care calls as well and the Bunker Program is a big part of ® allowing them to be able to offer this level of service. P:Rae 5 of 9 Attorney - X Perkins 14as'vao items pending litigation for executive session Health Consortium Membership Agreement Updated agreements. wt-,rc sent out to the board_ The Consortium board feels they may brL :able to go livic October 1A Supv Sumne .Lr asked that members cif the Town Board re. view the updated agreement for discussion next month. The only change fro in the last draft is the inclusion of labor• rcprr:; -qer~tatives as eating members on the Con rtiurn Board. An upd; Led breakdown of startup costs was handed out but a reVisrLr3 copy laill be sent out: a_s well due to a type that was noted in this e'er %ion, The Board asked upv Sumner to rlari�y whether the prr;rniums TLvem good for 12 months from st artup or until 1.2/31/203 11 Library Grant Appropriation The library grat was approved but: the resolution di n d nu( include the sourer cif the funds. Th(�re are a couple of ways we can do this. One iw by budget modification from Contingcn(.y, the other is to do an appropriation which includes holding a public hea.ring_ 'There is about $40,000 left in the Contingency fiend_ The Soard felt that $25,000 was a large enough amount that we should have a public hc._aring, The Pinance Committee was asked to draft a policy in regard to mid -year funding requests and how they should i e handled. RESOLUTION # 114 (2010) RESOLUTION - SUPPORTING 1NTIER14 U NICIPAL CELL TGUER II+TITIATI€VE upv Sumner made the following motion: WHEREAS, various municipalities in 'l ompkin� County have received applications fcr permission to construct eel I u I a r cornrnanication tr. veers within their borders (and, iri some eases, oil municipal property). and some ol� these applications have elicited substantia] public concern or ()pp(}ition, and WHEREAS, at the same time, some municipalities have areas where cell coverage is desired but it is sulbitandard or absent, and WHEREAS, to dale, each municipality has acted on its o n, each with their own local ordinances regarding cell ljowers, and sometin}es seeking expert consultation to evaluate an applicant's need or ether assertions, and WHEREAS, recognizing, their shared ITIct]Vsts and concerns, several municipalities have decided, throrlgh the Tompkins C- corny Council ol-Oovernincnts (TCC;OG) to e 1piore the possib]e benefits c>I'a more coordinated approach cO khc issues sur,ounding cellular comm tin leations_ The part icipaLing munIci pal ioes want to learn what the current status is of'1c caI jurisdiction in this area; and w determine whether some type of coovdinal:ed, intcrmunicipal approach could enhance their ability to l:1 0cus cell tower siting at the rn ost ap pa) pri ate and least disruptive ]()cations, In addition, sOnle Pa11Ecl pat ing municipaIihes ro ay wane oljis1de advice mi whether their individual urdinances L5l,ould be revised and updated, and TB 8-18- 10 hge G cd'9 WHEREAS, the participating municipalities (nine interested TCCOG members) issued 0 an Rl'P for legal services to advise them on these issues in December 2009, and received four qualified responses, and WHEREAS, oil consideration of these proposals and phone interviews with two of the applicants. the firm of Silverberg 7_.alaiuis, Tarrytown, NY, was selected as the preferred vendor for this contract for a total of $10,250, as follows: Presentation - $750 (flat fee) Collaboration feasibility - $1,500 (flat fee) Ordinance template - $3,000 (estimate) Contingency - $5,000 `Dotal to be divided among municipalities - $10.250 and WHEREAS, in addition, individual municipalities can decide whether to seek an optional review of their speci_fiic ordinance for an estimated $300 -$500 per municipality, to be arranged directly with Silverberg Zalantis, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the "Town Board recognizes that issues of cellular communications affect all our residents and visitors, and that the coordinated action of multiple municipalities is more efficient and effective than separate and disconnected efforts, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town 3cr a r desires to participate in this iitermun i cipal project to support enhanced cell service with (lie fewest. possible new cell towers at the most appropriate locations, and be it further RESOLVED. that the town will contribute up to $1,500 as a share of this contract, that share depending in the end upon the number of municipalities that agree to share the cost, and be it further RESOLVED, that the toi�N-n authorizes Tompkins County to serve as fiscal agent to collect municipal contributions and handle the contract administration, subject to the approval of the participating municipalities. 2nd Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote CI Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Cl Makar Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes Note: There are funds available under A8030.4 Research. Committee Reports: ® Finance Corrunittee - D Makar sent out minutes from their last meeting. Sales tax is up $25 from last year. There are budget parameters in the minutes as well that: was sent out. rB801 &10 Pagc 7 (11,9 The next Finance Friday September 10 13i at 3 pm. (second Friday) Personnel Committee - The next personnel meeting will be Friday September 3rd. (first; Friday) RESOLUTION # 115 (2010) SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING TO APPROPRIATE $25,000 FROM THE UNEXPENDED FUND BALANCE TO FULFILL GRANT TO THE SOUTHWORTH LIBRARY The following motion was made by Cl Stelick: WHEREAS, the South Library Association is undertaking a substantial construction project involving an addition to the existing libraiy in the `Town of Dryden, AND WHE;RI,:AS, the Library has requested from several municipalities additional funding to help offset the cost of the purchase of furnishings for the Lincoln Addition to the library, AND WHEREAS, there are sufficient in the unexpended fund balance to cover the cost of such increase, AND WHEREAS, the existing contract for the library will be amended to reflect: the additional funding from the Town, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved, the Town Board will hold a public hearing on September 15, 2010, . at 7 pm prevailing tame, on the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden increase the contract with the library by the sum of $25,000 from the unexpended fund balance to be used by the Southworth Library Association for the purchase of furnishings for the Lincoln Addition presently under construction. 2nd Cl Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes CI Solomon Yes Cl Makar Yes Supv Surriner Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION # 116 (2010) ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS TWO MATTERS OF PENDING LITIGATION At 8:32 pm, on a motion made by Supv Sumner, the Town Board adjourned to executive session to discuss two matters of pending litigation with the town attorney. D Makar 2nd Roll Call Vote; 121 Stelick Yes ® Cl Solomon Yes Cl Makar Yes TB s- s -10 Page 8 (It'9 Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes On motion duly made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the board resumed public session at 9:10 p.m. and passed the following resolutions. RESOLUTION # 117 (2010) - APPROVE VOUCHERS APPROVE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS THAT WILL BE INCLUDED IN ABSTRACT 8 On a motion made by Supv Sumner, and seconded by Cl Makar, vouchers 846-849 totaling $4385.34. These vouchers will t :)e added to Abstract 8. Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Cl Makar Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION # 118 (2010) - BUDGET MODIFICATION APPROVE BUDGET MODIFICATION On a motion made by Supv Sumner and seconded by Cl Makar, Budget Modification request by Jack Bush for DPW was approved. The amount of $10,000 will be moved from A71.10.41.0 TO A7110.4 to cover the cost of the concrete floor for new pavilion. Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Cl Makzu- Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION # 119 (2010) - APPOINT DYC MEMBER APPOINT JEFFREY WALKUSKI TO FILL TOWN VACANCY ON DRYDEN YOUTH COMMISSION On a motion made by Supv Sumner and seconded by Cl Solomon, the Town Board appointed Jeffrey Walkuski to the DYC to fill the vacant Town slot. Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Cl Makar Yeti Supv Sumner Yes Cl heifer Yes TB $- I8 -11) page 9 4)1 ,9 There being no further business, on motion made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Patricia C. Millard De a ty Town Clerk ,� L 8 -18 -10 SPEAKER SIGN IN SHE:B.T If you wish to address the Board wider citizens privilege of the floor please sign in below. Speakers will be limited to a miximum of three minutes. Please provide the Clerk with a written summary of your statement. Name Address 44e kc k . I I Q.9/0112c:10 13:35:38 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE Tmvn of Dryden: 0Pjant to Section 1.26• of the Town Law, I hcretay render tl;e following detail c? statement ,11 moneys received and ciisbursTd by n'.e du-ring the month/of ugust,_ 2010: DATED: Septernkx I. 2010 Balance 07/31/2010 Increases A GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE SI.11 10XVISUR Balance Decreases 08/31/2010 CASH - CHECKING, 14,416.50 0.00 30, Ij ^0.63 176,323.09 30, 070.!!3 1551 488.1,6 I).00 51 751,.93 CASH - SAVING`; CASH - SAVINGS 1,753,784.94 101,266.60 52,081.07 8E, 351.08 153,008.1.4 1.,240,112.00 !,652,8561.87 ® HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT CAPITAL RESE 501,877.80 CASH IN' TIME DEPOSITS - CD 11501),000.00 278.06 2, 76.1 .05 0.00 Cash, 0.00 71417.50 115001000.00 1,729,074.28 4,867.50 PETTY CASH 189,895.74 600.00 176,702.16 0.00 1,742,267.86 0.00 60D.00 PETTY CASE[ - POSTAGE '729.37 10500.00 0.00 2,229.37 DPW Equipment Capital. Reserve Recreation Capital Reserve 34,127.69 250,938.90 18.91 139.03 0.00 0.00 34,146.60 2510077.93 TOTAL 3, 554, 597 , 40 230r562.10 338r496.340 3, 446, 663.20 DA HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING - CHECKING 0.00 30, Ij ^0.63 88,=:51.09 30, 070.!!3 86,351.08 I).00 0.00 CASH CASH - SAVING`; 1,22'7,196.48 5o594.78 101,266.60 8E, 351.08 323,827.97 1.,240,112.00 C ":SH - 1'G ?STAG:, ® HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT CAPITAL RESE 501,877.80 4 0. 278.06 2, 76.1 .05 0.00 Cash, 502,155.86 71417.50 TOTAL 1,729,074.28 4,867.50 189,895.74 176,702.16 1,742,267.86 B GENERAL - OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 0.v 30, Ij ^0.63 30, 070.!!3 275. I).00 CASH - SAVINGS 404, 657.58 5o594.78 30t070.63 380, 1.81.73 323,827.97 PETTY C ":SH - 1'G ?STAG:, 2, 261.05 500.00 4 0. X1 2, 76.1 .05 323,82-41,97 Cash, Customers Deposits 71417.50 2,433.75 4,867.50 4,983.75 TOTAL 41.9,336.13 38,599.16 65,008.76 387,9'26.53 DB HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING O.001 0. 108,221.77 38, 2'75.00 1G�,221.�� 275. 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS. 1,7!0,855.03 361,923.66 69,463.37 179.31 108,221.77 1,672,096.63 323,827.97 TOTAL 1, 7:1.3, 955.:13 361, 923.66 177, 6r; 4 216, 443.54 1, 672, 0966.63 323,82-41,97 SF1- DRYDEN FIRE DISTRICT CASH - CHECKIt• G 0. C10 38, 2'75.00 39 , 275. {u i CASH - SAVINGS 361,923.66 179.31 38,275.00 323,827.97 TOTA.:L 361, 923.66 38f454,31 76, 550.0{1 323,82-41,97 SLl- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT ® CASH - SAVINGS ,,059.61 2.25 0.00 4,056.86 TOTAL tl,054.61 2.25 0.00 4,056.86 SL2- ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT Page 1 MONITILV REPOR'I'OI� SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 07/31/2010 Increases Decreases 08/31/2010 ® CASH - SAVINGS 3,177.40 1.76 0.o0 3,179.1Fi TOTAL 311771. 4 0 1. 76 0, 00 3, 17`_ }.16 SL3- MEADOW/LEISURE LIGHTING CASH - SAVINGS 2,511.59 1.39 0.00 21512.98 TOTAL 2.511.59 1.39 0.00 2,512.96 SM AMBULANCE DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING 0.00 52,600.00 52, 600. CIO C.00 CASH - SAVINGS 293,793.4'7 128.09 52,600,(60 231,321.56 TOTAL 283,793.17 52,728.09 105,200.00 231,321.56 SS1- SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS CASH - SAVINGS 44,492.3', 222.76 0. Cn3 4417115. 13 TOTAL 44,492.37 222.76 0.00 44,715..13 SS2- VARNA SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING 0.00 4,088.43 4,068.43 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 178,927.4(} 588.54 4,0B8.43 1.75,42!.51 TOTH1, 1 "1B,927,40 4,676.97 8,176.36 2751427.51 103- CORTLAND RD SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 147.53 147.53 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS.. 172,1926.79 63,256.65 147.53 236,035.91. POSTAGE -..1 �,66 0.00 0. 1^10 - ..6B TOTAL 172,919.;1,1 63,404.16 295.06 236,028.23 SS4- MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 592.16 592.16 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 1761 553.11) 503.62 592.1.6 176,464.62 TOW.L 41.7(5,553, 16 1, 095.78 1, 184.32 1.76, 464.62 SS5- TURKEY HILL SEWER CASH - CHECKING O.CO 0.60 70.60 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 150,519.49 2.94.51 70.60 .1.50,743.40 TOT AT, 1.50,519.49 365.11 141.20 150,743.40 SS6- PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER CASH - SAVINGS 95,519.20 93.64 0.00 95,612.94 TOTAL 950 519.21') 93.64 0.00 95, 61.2.84 ROYAL ROAD SEWER �7- CASH - SAVINGS 29,859.12 1.6.54 0.00 29,875.66 TOTAL 29,859.1.2 16.54 0.00 29.875.66 Pd7e 2 MONTHLY REPORT 01" SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 07/31/2010 Increases Decreases 08/31/2010 �1- VARNA WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 325.45 325.4: 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 333,937.39 1,3 77.53 325. -5 334,989.407 TOTF,I, 333#937.363 1, ;02.98 650.90 334t989.47 SW2- SNYDER HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.1.0 680.26 680.26) 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 6- 1,782.11 235.61 680.26 64,337.46 TOT_: .L 64,782,11 9:1.5.8? 1,360. °,2 64,337.46 SW3- MONKEY RUN WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 731.62 731.62 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS. 18'11622.18 933.1E 731.62 18'7,873.74 TOTF.L lE? , 622.18 11714.80 lo--163.24 1E7, 873.74 SW4- HALL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.0:; 22.92 22.92 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 34,114.5; 18.89 22.92. 34,110.56 TOTAL 34,114.59 4.1.81 45.84 34,110.56 SW5- TURKEY HILL WATER ® CASH - CHECKING 0.00 22.91 22.91 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 207,249.83 7,147.64 34,46.3.93 :1, ^3,533.54 TOTAL 207,249.83 ?70.55 34,486.8 -1 173,533.54 SW6- ROYAL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.G0 22.91 22.9:1. 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 31., 997.60 17.72 22. 9:1. 31t992.41 TOTAL, 31.,997.60 40.63 45.82 31,992.41 CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CASH - CHECK7PIG 214103 2.36 3,340.27 5,991.00 211,381.63 TOTAL 214,032.36 3,340.27 5,991.00 211,381.63 TA AGENCY FUND CASH - TRUST S AGENCY 18,695.26 126,510.52 137,893.5 +8 7,311..80 TOTAL =8, 695.26 126,'510!.52 137, 893.98 7t311.80 HB CORTLAND ROAD SEWER BAN CASH - SAVINGS 24,798.65 0.00 0.0G 24,798.65 TOTAL 2- 1,798.65 0.00 0.00 24,798.65 CAPITAL FUND - BARN CASH - SAVINGS 30, 112. F 16.68 0. CIO 3 0 o 1.29.36 Page 3 MONTHLY REPORT OI" SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 07/31/2010 Increases Decreases 08/31/2010 ® TOTAL HF CAPITAL FUND - FPIG CASH - SAVI RSS TOTAL TOTAL ALL MODS 30, lli. 58 16.68 "... Coo 30, .129.36 35,131.14 19.464 0.00 35,150.90 35, 131.44 19.46 0.00 35, 150. 90 10,095,587.51 932,878.45 1,1 74,136.34 9,858,329.66 Page 4