HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-08-11TB &I I - is TOWN OF DRYDE TOWNBOARD MEETING August 11, 2010 Present. Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Stephen Stelick, C1 Josepli Solomon, Ol Jason Leifer Atxsr.nt= Cl David Mahar Elected Officials= B0rnbi [i. Avery, Town Clerk 0therTown Staff. Brian McIlroy, Bookkeeper Dan Kwasnowski, Pnvironmental Planner Supv Sumner opened l.h(; meeting at 7: LD p.m. The hoard discussed the budgell sc;heduie and will tentadvelyF begin budget workshop sessions beginning Septrrnber 22, 20101 Zoning Lake prorest5 - i} Kwasnowski said it could take up to a year to complete the process. Ae would like to have more time to spend with different groups of people and said there iLi a lot to be wined by explaining things that people are having diffIrU1 y with. Cl Ste] ick suggested a survey now while there is a heightened sense of awareness. Ol telick� sold we might henx from those who haven't. yet voiced their opinion or might not come to a meeting. it may he that we need to do more outreach and education. Cl Ste tic k said he is not sure- a task force is necessarv. The board needs to hash things out_ Dan Kwasnowski said the comprehensive plan nefd5 to be looked again next year and that may be the time for a survey, Public education it5 i.he most important tiling now. SLApv Sumner said snir dl group convena ikons may be more effective. (Cl Leifer JeFt the meeting enTly because of a family emergency.) After further discussion, the board decided they will review the proposed law and identify issues that need to be resolved. The Varna Plan will lac a separate project._ Supv urrinor will form a group or task force to review outstanding issues and develop potential solution. This group may use focus groups. Morc public outreach and education is important. After the task force determines that all issues have been resolved, the town board will consider tile, new law for adoption. Town Board will have Tina] say on wording, etc, There are adva n t4res to working on the Varna overlay separately. This would not necessarily hold up Steve Lucente's project_ That could be clone as a planned unit development. D Kiarasnowski will facilitate a meeting with Steve Lucente and ,_Tires Skaley. In the meantime, the town can move forward with the new zoning law. Between now and December, I) Kwasnow%ki would like to come up w Ith a plan for Varna. A sub -zone or overlay- can be created far the local iaw prior to corn rr,e„ceinent of the con7munity development plan. The work on the Varna Plan could Cake more than a year_ I) Kwasnowski said there is �ln advantage this plan. A ,generic environmental impact sta11(-,ment would be created based on that plan, after everyone has agreed to a cerWin chaxactor of the area based on difk!rent development scenarios in each part of it. One of the things you can do with the environmental impact statement is lisle the cast of things such n.s traffic_ One of the Things to be included in the plan is a redevelopment of Route 366, so that wh(..Pri DOT comes in someday the community has already agreed on whit they want.- From the generic environmental impact statement vox, can actually require people to pay their proportionate share, determined from a formula_ TIi 8 -11 010 Joe Lalley will attend the Town Board meeting next week to give the new law to the board and ask that a task force be established to address the remaining questions. Supv Sumner suggested a couple of town board members and a few planning board members for that task force. Comprehensive Plan revisions should include breaking the areas down into neighborhood units and doing some transportation planning. The CEA project is going well and Conservation Board seems satisfied. Sustainabil.ity Planner - Katie Stoner will be starting on the 131h. The other position should be filled by October. Lew -Lin Farm - D Kwasnowski would like to close by the end of the year. Novelli Engineering has offered to do a structural analysis of salt storage bldg to see if it meets NYS guidelines. The board will approve the contract next week. The Health Insurance Consortium appears to be closer to fruition. The Final draft of the membership agreement needs to be approved. Supv Sumner will send an email with details to board members. The financing agreement: also needs to be approved. A resolution will be drafted for the meeting next week. Library Grant. -The board discussed whether this be paid from contingency in the current budget or by a special appropriation. The process is easier from contingency, but more transparent: as an appropriation. The Board favors a public: hearing. Dog Licensing - Town Clerk B Avery explained the changes in dog licensing that will take effect January 1, 201.1., and the decisions that need to be made by the board prior to adoption of a local law. She will make her recommendations to the board. Varna Bunker Program - Supv Sumner and Atty Perkins are working on an agreement for release of pro -rated funds. VF D already has a couple of recruits for the program and people doing overnights. Budgeting for fire departments will be difficult this year. Most departments are making one -time requests. RES # 110 - BUDGET MODIFICATION Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the following budget modification: The amount of $1.0,000 from A7110.410 to A7110.4 to cover the cost of concrete for the new pavilion at Dryden Lake. 2R'' C1 Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes RES # 111 - APPROVE ABSTRACT #8 Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: Page 2 of 3 TB x -I i - io RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract: #i8, as audited, vouchers #707 through #845, totaling $401,771.31. 2n,I Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes There being no further business, on motion made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bambi L. Avery Tone Clerk Page 3 cd' 3