HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-11-12TB 11 -12 -09 TOWN OF DRYDEN • TOWN BOARD MEETING November 12, 2009 Present: Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Stephen Stelick, Jr., Cl Jason Leifer Absent: Cl Joseph Solomon, Cl David Makar Elected Officials: Bambi L. Avery, Town Clerk Jack Bush, Highway /DPW Superintendent Other Town Staff: Mahlon R. Perkins, Town Attorney Henry Slater, Director of Building, Planning, & Environmental Kevin lszcll, Code Enforcement: Officer Melissa Bianeoni, Recreation Director Josh Rodgdan, GIS Technician Supv Sumner opened the meeting at. 7:00 p.m. and board members and guests participated in the pledge of allegiance. CITIZENS PRIVILEGE Judy Pierpont, 1.11 Pleasant Hollow Road, thanked the board for being proactive with respect. to gas drilling issues_ Supv Sumner said the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council is also working on this issue, and Martha Ferger is the Dryden Village ® representative to the EMC and has been working on a section of the dSGE1S. Marty Hatch of the Town Planning Board has suggested that a town committee be formed and Supv Sumner will be trying to get a member from the Planning Board, Conservation Board and Town Board and a representative from the local citizen group to serve this working group. Cl Leifer will represent the Town Board on this committee. TOWN CLERK Torun Clerk B Avery asked the board to approve the minutes of October 14, 2009. RESOLUTION #181 - APPROVE MINUTES Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, ghat this Town board hereby approves the minutes of the Town Board meeting held October 14, 2009. 2°'' Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote; C1 Stelick Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes The board has been provided with a list of delinquent water and sewer charges and was asked for a resolution to add them to the tax roll. RESOLUTION # 182 - ADD DELINQUENT WATER & SEWER CHARGES TO 2010 TAX ROLL Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: � Page I of 12 T13 11-12-09 •RESOLVED, that this Town board hereby authorizes the addition of the following delinquent water and sewer bills to the 2010 tax roll: Water /Sewer Charges Acct No. Name Parcel Amount K3441. Bossack, Thomas 53. -1 -3.2 215.60 K4281 Guthrie Health Care System 41-1 -33.2 113,39 K4353 William Reed 55. -1 -1.5.2 1629.40 K5245 Nemcek & Atav 54. -2 -9 580.80 L3446 Christine C. Carroll 53. -1 -7 457.02 L3476 Diane English 43. -1 -9.7 440.22 L3488 Penalty Box Sports 56. -3 -5 53.90 143491. Donald Verbarg 56. -3 -8 302.76 L3995 Bossack, Thomas 53. -1 -3.2 377.30 L4028 Anthony Marsit 69. -2 -1.3 258.09 L4047 Nermak 1.I,.0 69. -2 -6 273.28 L4271 Melissa Hine 69. -2 -3.3 85.87 1.45253 Susan & N;dward Boutros 54. -1 -9.2 70.40 L5254 Carol Maxwell- Miller 57. -1 -18 148.03 L5322 Steve Carroll 52. -1 -16 55.52 L5413 Trot' Richards 54. -1 -3.2 388.63 L55882 Kathleen Smith 57. -1 -43.2 287.08 L5897 Robert & Susan DeBell 69. -2 -4 145.20 L6237 Timothy t3. Kimberly Yaeger 57.- 145 127.77 •L6443 Bong Ho Kim 56. -4 -7.31 76.36 606 Conklin Estate 37,-1-1.0.2 944.80 21111 Supv Sumner Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes HIGHWAY/ DPW DEPARTMENT Highway Superint.endent Jack Bush has previously provided the board with e list of roads to be designated as seasonal limited use highways pursuant: to Highway Law §205(a) and asked the board to pass the necessary resolution. Because there are no houses on Kingdom Road, it was added this year. A small section of Hammond Hill Road was also added, from the Town's parking lot to the back of where the Girl Scout camp used to be. RESOLUTION # 183 - DESIGNATE SEASONAL LIMITED USE HIGHWAYS Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board accept the following list of seasonal limited use highways upon the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent. These roads will not be plowed or maintained from December l ° �, 2009 through April P", 2010. The roads will be posted with the appropriate signs and the Town Clerk shall post; such notice at the Town Hall- 1) Beam Hill Road - from the eastern boundary of tax parcel 50. -1 -18.2 south to • the southern boundary of tax parcel 60.- 1 -6.1.. Page 2 of 12 TB I I - 12-o 2} Caswell Road - from West Dryden load south for approximately _6 mile to tax parcel 31-1- 3.3, 3) Hi le SchooI Road - from the western boundary of tax parcel 2S. -1 -27. 1. %vest to the eastern boundary of tax parcel 23. -1 -25.6. 41 Kingdom Road - from. the driveway on Kingdom Road for house #205 Upper Creek Road { tax parcel 40.-1-46) -1 -5.42 to the qualified abandoned end of to Caswell Road, 5) Signal Tower Road - from the power lines near the southern boundary of tax parcel 50. -1 -5.42 to the qualified abandoned end of Card Road_ 6) Star Stanton Hill Road - from the snow plow turnaround across tax parcel 62.-l-6.1 westerly to the east lino of tax parcel 62_ -1 -2_ 7) Harnmond Hill Road - from a.pproximai:0v SO fed: from the southern boundary of tax parcel 6:3_ -1 -15.51 southerly to the qualified abandoned section. 21111 Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl sudick Yes upv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes RECREATION DEPARTMENT ttpv Sumner 8nn0unec_d that the Rt;crcation Muc5ter Plan has been forwarded to board member$ for revie%v Sharon Todd, Chair of the Dryden Recreation Commission, said they have received :dn application from Wendy Martin to Ili II a c- urrent vacancy on the Commission, and the Commission is reeca kmending that she be appointed to fill that vacancy_ She added that Martin ha.s lived in Dryden for six years and has been activ rly involvCd in the community. Supv Sumner said the board received her resume when she was appointer! to the I'la.nnmg Board_ APPOINT RECREAP1410N MW13ER - W. MARTIN S'Dpv Sumner offered the following resoludor] and asked for its adoption- RESOLV F.D. that this Toven Board hereby appoirn is Wendy Martin to the Dryden Rec_nc anon Commission for a term to expire December 31, 2011. 2114' Ol Leifer Cl Stelick said W Martin was recently appointed to the Plajuiing Board and !:hough he undersinnds there is no policy with respect to this, it is precedent, setting to appoint one individual to serve on two or the boards. It means them is one less space for another individual to serve the token. He supported her appointment to the Planning Board aTid is not against her, but is reducing 1.he possibility of other individuals holding the. appointed positions_ Thej,e IS another candidate who recenf.l y submitted an application. He would rather fill the varancy with someone who iN not currently serving on another board. CI Sfelick said he has heard discussion at the. Recreation Commission meetings about laving a link to the Planning ,Board, but the intent at the formation of the Recreation Commission w2 L4 to have as many voic(in as possible. pleased with the progress of the current group, anti having anC)tl,er voice seems the way to go. Page 3of12 TB 11 -12 -09 upv Sumner said the vonncction between the Planning Board and the Recreation Commission is ;� good ides, and she has been recernmendirng �met.hin& eimilar Between the Planning Board and the Conservation board_ Dan Schmohe suggested a ]id s(}rt der, appointed between the Planning Board and Reoreetion Commission, and that Val Martin could be that individual. Cl Stehck said that seemed the way to go, since she has shown enthusiu�,;rn and is alrCS;�dy on ilhe Planning Beard_ Todd expressed some (:0rkrerr1 about: a change: in the mernbership structure of the Commission, and said nine members was a good number and she wouldn't recommend any rliore than that. Cl Stelick said he would likeomon from the Planning 13oard to attend and bring information to the Recreation Commission meetings, but not be an actual voting member. The matter of Wendy Mart.in'a appointment was tabled for the next Town Board meeting in order to hear figoin other board members. Melissa Bianconi reported there were 2 2 couples at the recent. Mai :her ,-Son dance, COUNTY BRIEFING No report, ZONING OFFICER O S lstcr reported that he and Supv Su mner have been calking with Randy Stewart of TC3 about getting an intern from thu rne:ciia relations school to work with town departments on communications with and between boards and getting information out to the public. With resp t. i;o r()nverting die designartion of the Town's Unique Naturarl Areas to Critical environmental Areas, ZO Slater said this will be helpful in our own rCvimk . The designation of an area as a CPA will also farce other agencies to acknowledge and analyze impacts in their review processes. The L n vi ron tn en tal Planner has developcd a map that shows the UNAs and f3oodways. ZO dater said the UNA& shu'uld be reviewed individually and a determination made whether to de%ignaW each as a UNA_ He ha% provided board inembere with DF 's recommended procedure for adopting C EA units. He suggested the rn atte- r be referred to the COTIServation Board. An intern in this instance could handle distribution of communications and information and be in charge of keceping the process moving forkvard. The board agreed that the Conservation Board should review the UNAs and make a recommendation as to which ones should be converted to CEAs. RESOLUTION # 18 9 - CHARGE TO CONSERVATION BOARD- REGARDING OP > IUN OF UNIQUE NA'T'URAL AREAS TO Cl2IMAL EMRONM ENTAL AREAS upv Sumner offered the following re so hition and asked for its adoption: RESOLVI'J), that this Town 1- cu rd hereby charges the Conservation board to review the Town of Dryden 's Unique !Natural Areas and their L5 uitability for conversion to Critical Environmental Areas. 2n" Cl Stelick Doll Call dote Cl Stelick Yes I* Supv Summer Yes Cl Leifer Yes Page 4 of 12 113 11-12-09 O Slater will provide C;onsen?ation Board members with the UNA Inventory and other documents necessary to accomplish this task., O Slater reported 68 people attended the training for Planning and Zoning Board members that was held on October 24 at the Town Hall- He took that information to Carl Haynes at TC3 and they discussed the possibility of TC3 providing these courses. They are working on getting a program going and hope Co have it in place by 201.0. They will have both back acid advanced training sessions. Tompkins, Cortland and Tioga County Planning and Zoning Board members should be able to easily satisfy their in- servics training requirements for about 0 Per session, The department is mwicwing an AT&T Cingular Wireless 3G upgrade proposal fora tower on Mt Pleasant. That application may be ready fort 'Town board review at the December meeting. County Planning and Jufl' Kirby are currently reviewing the project_ The tower on Par View Drivt was erected this week. Kevin Ezell thanked t1he board for allowing him to attend i,he h-i kernatianal Codes Council Conference and provided a memo and nary rive of hi.s activities there. He noted he was able to go for less motley than planned because Southern Tier Building Officials contributed toward hi% registration fees and he rode with someone else. The code development process has chaulged and movf:s; :long two tracks now rather than one over a three year cycle_ There were hean'rip on over 300 code change prnposals. The requirement for 1 sprinkler systems iii new res9dendaI dwellings (to be effective 1- 31- 201.1.) remains in the code, though New York State may decide to do something different: with it Here. Josh Bogdan, GIS Technician, has previously provided the board with information on LiDAR (Light; Detection and Ranging) data processing. Tompkins County Soil and Wate. r and Tompkins County purrhased the data and quality control f quality assurance of the date. TC< Soil & Waher needs assistance to purchase LiDAR produeUs {contour lines, digital elevation mo(Jel)_ This datEt would be very valuable to the 'Gown in preparation of maps in- house. The Town can buy inilo this program and the do.ta far $5,400. Theril is money in the budget for this_ J Bogdan asked for a resoIution authorizing the expenditure and authorizing the upeivisor to sign a contract. He ha received an invoice from TC Foil & alter_ L1pv Sumncr said the Town of Ithaca ha% approved this with no contract. She has seen demo nstra6ons of what can be done wi[.h this data and it iL5 fabulous. She ha3 been told that holh FEMA and SE MO are requirbig LiDAR d o M for defining flood pla ns. J Bogdan said this greatly :assists wit :h accuracy of our maps. Currently our data is not sufficient to show watersheds. RESOLUTION #185 � AUTHOR>: E CONTRACT WITH TCSWCD FOR LiVAR DATA Supv Sunder offered the following rc,solution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that 11his Town Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to execul:e a contract. with TOM County Soil and Water C ori ;enva #ion DisLrict for LiDAR data at a cost of $5,40o.00_ "Il Cl Stelick Roil Call Vow ENGINEERING Cl $11elick Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl fifer Yes Page 5 of 1 TB 11- I mO9 No rOpnrt. FA (M 0);AA I WA At(y Perkins has prepared a proposed resolution providing that upon separation from employment at the Town, an individLlal who is a inember of the State Rc.,ti rem ent System would have a choi(C CO use uncompensated and accumulated, unused sick time for additional service credit or as a credit for (!oni :inucd health care coverage. The maximum accumulation is 165 duvR_ Supv Sumner said this %vas a provision in the Tcarnsters contract in 2002, but the rt;wolui1ion had never been put in place, RESOLUTION #186 - ADOPTION OF RETIREMENT AND SOCL L SECURITY LAW SECTION 41U) PROVISIONS PROVIDING FOR ALLOWANCE FOR UNUSED SICK LEAVE FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE TOWN Supv 5LIrrLiler of Bred the following resolution and asked for its adoption; WHEREAS, the Town Board in its Labor Agreement with Teamsters Local 317 agreed "to adopt the required resolution to add Section 4.lJ of Lhe New York State Retirement System," and WHEREAS, such agreement intended reference to Section 410) of the New York RerlreTnent: and )Vial SecuriLy lAw which provider, FUT granting of additional service credit for unused sick leave, noun, therefore, BE TT RESOLVED; In addition to any other service credit to which he or she is entitled, at the election of the VrrcpIOYMe upon separationl from town employment, an employee shall be granted one day of additional service credit for each day of accumulated unused sick leave which he or she has at Lhe Lime of st:paradon from token employment, but such credit shall not (a) exceed ono, hundred sixty -five days, (b) be considered in meeting any service or age requirements prescribed by the Retirement and Social Security Law, and (c) be considered in computing final average s2lary, and be it further RESOLVED, that the wwn supervisor is authorized and directed i10 file the appropriate election with the Retirement System to provide this benefit to all eligible town employees, an be it further RESOLVED, that this resolution shall apply to all town employees who are members of the New York Stailx anil Local Retirement System, and be it further RESOLVE]], that nothing in this resolution shrill be deemed to change the right of an employee? Lipon separation from town employmCnt, to apply accuMLdatud +mused sick leave to the cost of continued health insurance coverage for such employee as provided in cxitAing town police contained in the Personnel Mam -iul, it being the intention of this resolution that the employee may elect either additional service credit or credit for continued health insurance coverage - ciue Cl T�eifer Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Y(tN Supv Sumner Yes Cl Yes Pag4 6 of 1 TB 11 -1-09 0 SUPERVISORS REPORT No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Supv Sumner would like i'o move lbrward with a process to waive buildng permits for projects performed under the HOME grant. Atty Perkins will prepare a re soI1,idon and notice for publication. The hearing wow set. for December 9 at 7:00 p_m. The board discussed the waiver of a portion of the tower permit fees for the town -wide broadbauid wireless project._ 8 upv Sumner said this project is about 50% funded �v state finds_ The current tower permit fee is $5,000. Clarity Connert. hay brought the numhrr of towers down from the original estimate of 10 -12 to 5 or 6. The towers +Trill be identical and the variation is only in the site. She has emailed Jeff Kirby about it and would like to turn it over ix) the Technology Corn rnil'tee and ask them to drafl, a recommendation_ The board agrees_ 70 Slater reminded the board that his &partroent is not fionded by taxes and count's can fees to help defer the cost of operations, Supv Sumner pointed out these applications should be simpler to review because they are so Similar. She added thai, she would like to provide a bit of relief on the building permit. five partly because of the state funding and partly because the cost of the project has increased in the length of time that it took then state to return, the contract. NEW BUSINESS Supv Sumner announced thal' the state has one~e again increased the incorne limit for partial tax exemption for persons over 65 and persons with disabilities. The board agreed to also irverease the limits for the Town to Match, Attv PcrkinS will prepare the necessary 16 documents fur next month's rnmting, Sup %, Sumner said the Brj.ird needs to approve the 2010 water rate for S C U W C of $2.65 per thousand gallons_ RESOLUTION # 187 - APPROVE SOLIWC 2010 WATER RATE Cl Stelick offered the follo{h?iDg resolution and asked far its adoption; RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the Sou i,hem Cayuga l Ake Intermunicipal Water Commission rate of $2.55 }per gallon_ 2nd Supv SurnTler Roll Fall Vote Cl. Stelick Yes Supv Surrmner Yes 1 Leifer Ycs [east year the Town lowered its waiver rate so as not to increase the cost to customers, Currently we charge $,72 for the administrative costs of handliuig the di!Aricts, Supv Sumner said the board could choose to drop its rate again this year u-ith no adverse affect on the district bLA(Igets. Thc_ board agrccd, RESOLUTION # 1810 - ESTABLISH TOWN WATER RATE FOR 2010 Supv Sumrser offered the following resolution and asked for ifs adoption- RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby establishes its 2010 water rate at .65 per thousand gallons_ Page 7 or 12 211d Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes TB 11 -12 -09 Supv Sumner said she has reviewed the rates charged by the town for sewer and discovered that there has been no increase in at least ten years. The Town's rate has stayed at $16.00 per 10,000 gallons. Ten years ago it cost the Town less than $8.00 per 10,000 gallons and it now costs $18.50 per 10,000 gallons. Supv Sumner recommends an increase to at least a break -even point. That amounts to about $2.00 per quarter for the average user. She said the town has been changing the benefit: assessment more frequently than the usage rate, so district maintenance has been paid for in that way rather by usage fees. This can be looked at: more closely in January when the board discusses consolidation of the wager and sever districts. They can discuss a clearer policy about what they are trying to accomplish xvith both the assessment and usage rates. RESOLUTION #189 - APPROVE IAWWTF 2010 SEWER RATE Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this T06Vrl Board hereby approves the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment iraeility rate of $1.383 per 100 cubic feet. 21111 Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #190 - ESTABLISH TOWN SEWER RATE FOR 2010 Cl St:elick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby establishes its 2010 sewer rate at $1.85 per thousand gallons (or $1.383 per 100 cubic feet). 21,11 Supv Sumner Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl I,eifer Yes Supv Sumner asked the Infrastructure Committee to review the policy for rates for water and sewer districts. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER D Kwasnowski has previously provided the board with information on the test well drilling on the Jim Schug trail near Keith Lane as part of the Virgil Creek Aquifer Study. He asked the board to authorize the Supervisor to sign an agreement with Barber and DeLine for the well drilling, and to sign the joint application for permit, as well as authorization for any subsequent permits as necessary. Page 8 of 12 TB 11 -t -09 J 5u h exploined they am hoping to h i c the atluifer at this site, but if they don't there, they will move to another site nearer Dry'dcn Lake. 'Ihe ]oc;aticm i based on the model that wax developed during the study, and they are hoping the flan- rate will be sufficient at this location because the aquifer is thinner at the Keith Lane location_ 'they won't k13ow for certain until they drill- Supv Sumner said the budget mod Can wait, but she would I i k P to be able to sign the well permit application and agreement_ RESOLUTION #191 - AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT AND FERBUT PROCESS POR KEITH LANE WELL Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption; RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the 'I'owrn Supervisor to execute a contract for well drilling with Barber &. DeLine, LLC, and to execute the mint Application for Permit, as well as any suhst}quent permits or authnrizntioris necessary to allow the project to proceed_ 23A Supv Sumner Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick yes u]Dv Sumner Yes C[ L(11er Yep Supv Sumner announcer) 1 hc=re will be a new cornrrmittee formed to review the new proposed zoning lave- This committee will consist of two Planning Board members, twn Town Board members, a Conservation Board member and a Zoning Board of Appr_a1s member. So far Dave Weinstein is representing the Planning Board and Craig Schutt is representing the Conservation Board. Nancy Munkcnbeck of the Cronsorvation Board wiII probably also participate. There is a meeting scheduled for the 1911% Cl Steliek asked whether people not on town boards would be allowed to participate, Supv Sumner said she would recommend it, and she is hoping at the meeting on the 19 "� to targ< t people they would like to include in the early discussions. She would like to have a public meeting on the new late in ,January. Cl Stelick said he wiII try to make the meeting on the 191h. Supv Suinnor said Joe olornon is the liaison for the Pla_niiing Board and will probably be present_ Stun Marcus of i: hc Conservation Board has bee n w representing the Ton on the Tompkins County l riviroarnenta1 Management Council. lot is tr;rm is expiring in December and he would like to continue, RESOLUTION 4192 - APPOINT S MARCUS TO TOMPKINS COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL MAINAGEMENT COUNCIL Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RES0LVED, that this Town Board 17cLm, byF appoin is Stanley Marcus to serve; as its representative can the Tompkins County 1�nvironme irk ta.l ManagErnent C.`ouneiI for a term to expire December 31, 201.2. 2nd Supv Sumner Roll Call Votc Cl St,elick Yes Supv Sumner lies 1 Leifer Yes 1'4ie 9 of 12 TB 1 ] -12 -09 Cl Leifer proposed that a working group be formed to put comments together on the Marcellus Shale Drilling for the town_ He proposed the group con %ist of himself, Cl Stelick, Cl akar, Marty Hatch and someone from the Const.rviatiurp Board and work with people from the Drvden Resources Awareness Coalition, who are very interested in helping the Town. They propose weekly rneel:in s, on Mondays at 7 :30 p.m_ The 'r will .focus on commenting oTt the mitigation section of the dS G E I S _ They hope to have a draft comment for the Town Board i10 consider at the December Town Board meeting. The group can then meet later in the month in fina I i2w a comment to be submitteLd on the Town's behalf_ Next week's meeting will Yoe at the Lambert residenrr, 1767 Hanshaw Road, and future meetings wiII bc: at the Town Ball beginning November 23, Sufav Sumner said she and Marty klatch had discussed putting together information from various sources and :address broader issurq in the event of drilling such as environmental areas, road pro Wction, water prote'rtion and such. This proposed group would include members of the Town Board, Conservation Hoard, Planning Board and whomever else they wish to invite. Nancy Mu1ikenbeck will chock. with Conservation Board inernbcrs and see who ani:s to be involved. This group laill continue beyond the comment period on the dS E1S, Cl Keifer proposed a%L*Jng the DEC: to further extend I:ho comment period on the dSGEIS on the ail, gas and solution mining regulatory program for the Ma reeI1-us Shale, He :%aid they have basically extended it 30 days into another holiday period. They have nail expanded the number of public hearings or takeiri care of physical distribution of the document, RESOLUTION # 193 � FURTHER EXTEND COMMENT PERIOD FOR dSOEIS ON THE OIL, OAS AND SOLUTION MrNMG RE IULATORY PROGRAM FOR THE MARCELLUS SHALE 0 Cl Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the Department of Environmenta] Conservation relea%c:d the dSGElS on Septernkx r 301200(); WHEREAS, the ]7EC did nol: widely distribute printed copies of the dSGEIS and instead makes pe€ iple in the affe =crked areas rely upon broadband internet access as a M( -,Rr19 of distribution; WHEREAS, broadband interrtet is not widely available; in Fural areas; WHEREAS, the DEC has only scheduled 4 public: hearings to allow public comment on the dSGE1; WHEREAS, the $00+ page document is highly technical in nature; RESMVED, That in order to allow municipalities and citiz(rns adequate time to cornrnetnt on the d$091S that the DEC should extend the comment period to at ]east March l., 20101 RESOLVED, Further, That a copy of this rc%olution shall be sent U) Governor Paterson, Senators kelps, Malcolm Smith, Winner, Seward, and i� ozzolio, Speaker Silver, Assemblywoman Lift;on, Chair of Senate Committee on Environmental Conservation Ma.rcellino, Chair of Assernhly Comrnittee on Environmental Conservation Sweeney, Attorney Gencrai Cuomo, Representatrvc DeGette:, Salazar, and liinchi.y, Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, 0 Cvngres� man Arcuri, New York State Associal:ion of Towns, Tompkins County Municipal Page 10 of 12 TJ3 11-12-09 Officials and Clerks, and Alexander GranrLis, Cornmixi5ioner of the Department of Environine n tal Con servontion_ 2nr' C I Stelick 801.1 Call Vote COMMITTEE REPORTS Cl Stelick Yes Supv Sumner Yes C1 [,eiter Yes Emergency Services - Reported ail budget hearing, Personnel Committee - No report_ Fig ance Committee - The board has received alid rev 1ewcd a finance report and quarterly investment report. Budget modifications are necessary and were re, vic. wed . RESOLUTION 4194 — AUTHORIZE BUDGET MODIFICATIONS Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption= RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the following budget modifications. FROM TO ACCOUNT TITLEIDESCRIPTION ACCOUNT TITLEIpESCRIPTION AMOUNT A7339.4 Recreation Program Exp A7330.413 Recreation - Montgomery Park $190.00 A1990,4 Contingency A1950.4 Taxes on Municipal Property $646.14 Schaal taxes paid for the Carnphell Property that was given to the Town SS3- SS3- 8130A Treatment & Disposal 8119.1 Personal Services $599.03 Over budget on HwylDP+aV salaries SC3- SS3- 8130.4 Treatment & pisposa1 9030.8 Social Securily $26.94 Over budget on Hwy {DPW salaries S S3- S33 -8139.4 Treatment & Dispasal 9089.8 Medicare $2_02 Over budget on HwylDPVV salaries SS3- 5 M130.4 Treatment & Disposal 8120.4 Sanitary Sewers $9,000 Due to large increase in Village sewer rates - effeclive 10115JDS SS 3- 38110.4 Administration 8120.4 Sanitary Sewers $12,000 Page 1 i o x-12 J)d Cl Ste]iek Rail Call Vote Cl Stelick Supv Sumner Cl Leifer Due to large increase in Village water rates - effective 10115108 Yes Yr$ Yes T13 1 1=12=09 Funds need to be moved from an account to another zoning account in order to pay engineering charges for an AT &T application. RESOLUTION #195 -APPROPRIATE ]FUNDS Cl Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the appropriation of add itionaI funds as follows: The amount of $"7,500 -00 fro m B2591. (Escrow Aces' for Permits) to B8010.432 (IL$('row f«r Aj9&rI' Permits Other). 23,d Supv Sumner Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Ves Supv Sumner Yes C1 Leifer Yes Thcrc is u budget rood request to appropriate fund balance for the Cortland Road Sewer District. Supv Sumner kwiil look into rho$ further and bring it to the board next. month, RESOLU'T`ION #19 - APPROVE ABSTRACT # 11 Supv Sumner offered the following rr:Nolution and asked for its adopl:iori: RESOWED, that this Town [30:1rd hereby approves lkbstrael: #I1., a.s audited, voucher$ #1059 through #1162, totaling $367,989,28, 23111 Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Supv Sumner `fie$ Cl Leifer Yes Loans & Grants Committee - No report. Technology Committee - No report. On motion made, seconded and unOnimously carried, the bard moved into executive essjon at 8;40 p -rn, to discuss two matters of litigation- No action kwa$ taken, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p -m- Respectfully %Uhynitted, i-$, ;A a�eeX7 /F3a'rnbi1'L. Avery Town Clerk Page 12 o f 1 �12/de/2009 1.1:49:25 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE Town of Dryden: -suant to Section 125 of the Town Law, .T. hereby render the following detailed statement all moneys received and disbursed by me during the month of November, 2009: DATED: Decembcr 8, 2009 SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 10/31/2009 Increases Decreases 11/30/2009 A GENERAL. FUND - TOWNWIDE CASH - CHECKING 155,648.16 192.71 202,777.00 0.00 174,817.04 308,447.76 2,715.50 183,608.12 TOTAL 308,255.05 TOTAL 11 279f 5.1.8, CASH - SAVINGS 417511563.99 1.9,21.6.40 160,944.74 174,815.26 1,2.00,617.72 4,595,965.1.3 192.71. PETTY CASH 600.00 0.00 0100 600.00 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 6,457.24 0.00 2,720.25 3,736.99 TOTAL 4,914,269.39 221,993.40 352,352.55 41783,910.24 DA HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND I CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL GENERAL - OUTSIDE FUND 0.00 1, 32.5, 7.11.47 1, 325, 111.47 44,342,079 880.11 45,222.90 44,342.79 44,342.79 88,685.58 0.00 It 2811 648,79 ].,2811648.79 CASH - CHE ^KING 0.00 30,791.37 30,791.37 0.00 _ CASH - SAVTTNGS 616,876.14 5,844.24 30,732.39 591,987.99 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 3, 246 .14 0000 704,79 2,541,35 TOTAL 620,122.28 36,635.61 62,228.55 594,529.34 DB HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 0100 CASH - SAVINGS 1,279,518.14 2,713.$0 90,472.37 11571.95 192.71 1.70 0.00 80,472.37 80,472.37 308,447.76 2,715.50 0.00 1,200,617.72 TOTAL 308,255.05 TOTAL 11 279f 5.1.8, 14 82,044.32. 1.70 160,944.74 0100 1,2.00,617.72 SF1- DRYDEN FIRE DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS 308,255.05 2,713.$0 192.71 1.70 0.00 0.00 308,447.76 2,715.50 TOTAL 308,255.05 TOTAL 2,713.80 1.70 0100 2,115.50 192.71. 0.00 308,447.76 SL1- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS 31090.64 1.93 0.00 31092.57 TOTAL 3,090.64 1.93 0100 3,092.57 SL2- ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS 2,713.$0 1.70 0.00 2,715.50 TOTAL 2,713.80 1.70 0100 2,115.50 SL3- MEADOW/LEISURE LIGHTING Page 1 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 10/31/2009 Increases Decreases 11/30/2009 isCASH - SAVINGS 11914.34 1.20 0.00 1,915.54 TOTAL 1,91.9.34 1.20 0.00 1,915.54 SM AMBULANCE DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING 0.00 500600.00 500800.00 0400 CASH - SAVINGS 229,509.17 11,1.72 50,800.00 178,820.89 TOTAL 229,509.1.7 50,911..72 101,600.00 178,820.89 SS1- SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS CASH - SAVINGS 94,396.39 93.80 0.00 94,490.19 TOTAL, 44, 96.34 93.30 0.00 49,490.14 SS2- VARNA SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING 0.00 2,662.92 2,662.42 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS :1,68,124.36 150.63 2,662.92 165,612.57 TOTAL 168, :1.24 . 36 2, 813.05 5,324,84 165r612,57 SS3- CORTLAND RD SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0100 1,867,60 1,867.60 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 1.52,504.42 35,913.17 1,867.60 186,553.99 POSTAGE 48.52 0.00 27.28 21.24 • 'TOTAL 152,552.94 37,784.77 3,762.98 186,575.23 SS4- MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 1,431.02 11431.02 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 144,020.85 311,74 1,431.02 142,901.57 TOTAL 149,020.85 1.,742.76 21862.04 142,901.57 SS5- TURKEY HILL SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 1,207.97 1,207.47 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS :1,36,883. "12 174.76 1,207.97 135,851.03 TOTAL 136,883.72 1,382,25 21414.94 135,851.03 SS6- PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 767.05 767.05 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 95,230.87 94.28 767.05 99,558.10 TCTAL 95,230.87 861.33 I,534.10 94,556.10 SS7- ROYAL ROAD SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 982.00 982.00 0100 CASH - SAVINGS 17,296.17 10.20 982.00 16,324.37 TOTAL 17, 296.:1,7 992.20 1, 964.00 16f324,37 SW1- VARNA WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 28.34 28.34 0.00 Page • y MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 10/31/2009 Increases Decreases 11/30/2009 • CASH - SAVINGS 327,399.89 330.54 28.34 327,702.09 TOTAL SW2- SNYDER HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAI, SW3- MONKEY RUN WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL, SW4- HALL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SW5- TURKEY HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS SW6- ROYAL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS 327,399.89 358.68 56.68 327,702.09 0.00 58,725.71 1,170.09 103.72 37,298.61 1,:1,10.09 1,170.09 033,92 158,051.79 0.0.0.• 57,659.34 0.00 58,725.71 28.33 1,273.81 28.33 2,340.1.8 0000 57,659.34 0.00 1,033.92 37,298.61 it 033,92 158,051.79 0.00 0.00 i58,533.03 28.33 552.68 28.33 7„033.92 0000 158,051.79 158,533.03 1,586.60 37,298.61 21067.84 158,051.79 37,771.00 0.00 37,298.61 28.33 28.33 0000 32,195.89 20.11 28.33 32,187.67 32,195.89 48.44 56.66 32,187.67 0.00 454.83 454.83 0.00 168,646.85 297.£6 454.83 168,489.88 TOTAL 168,646.85 752.69 909.66 168,489.88 TOTAL PN MCARTHUR SPECIAL RESERVE CHZCKTNG - SPECIAL RESERVES TOTAL CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CAS14 - CHECKING TOTAL H CAPITAL PROJECTS - TOWN HALL CASH - SAVINGS TA AGENCY FUND ® CASH - TRUST & AGENCY 0.00 930.31 37,298.61 930.31 0.00 37,771.00 19,244.50 37,298.61 11.45 930.31 18,325.64 19,244.50 941.76 1,860.62 18,325.64 21922.90 0100 0100 2,922.90 2,922.90 0.00 172,231.53 37,298.61 172,231, 37,771.00 53 37,298.61 171,759114 1,012.97 0.63 TOTAL 1„ 012, 97 0.63 TOTAL CM MISC SPECIAL REVENUE /MCARTHUR If 125.49 111., 216.33 0.00 2,922.90 37,771.00 171,759.14 37,771.00 171,759114 0100 1,013.60 0.00 11013.60 111,166.33 71175.49 7,125,49 111,216.33 17,1,166.33 7,175.49 Page 3 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 10/31/2009 Increases Decreases 11/30/2009 0 CASH - SAVINGS 22.03 0.00 0.00 22.03 TOTAL 22.03 0.00 0.00 22.03 HB CORTLAND ROAD SEWER BAN CASH - SAVINGS 24,798.65 0100 0.00 24,798.65 TOTAL 240798.65 0.00 0.00 24,798.65 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 10, 415, 368. 97 636, 153.40 939, 902.79 1.0, 1,12, 119.58 Page 4 Ll Dryden Town Board Meeting Dryden Town Hall 93 East Main Street Thursday, November 12, 2009 — 7:00 PM 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4, Presentation 5. Citizens Privilege 6. Town Clerk a. Approve Meeting Minutes for October 14, 2009 7, Highway Superintendent/Dept of Public Works a. Resolution to accept dedicated seasonal use roads 8. Recreation Department a. Recreation Masterplan b. Recommendation for filling DRC vacancy 9. County Briefing 10. Zoning Officer a. Intern, TC3, Media Relations b. A17 & Cingular 3 -G Upgrade c. Planning & Zoning Board In service Training d. Telecommunications Review c. 1CC (International Code Council) Conference 11. Environmental Planner a. Virgil Creek Aquifer Well Drilling b. UNAs & Ch"As 12. Engineering —No Report 13. Attorney a. Resolution establishing 41J Retirement Option. 14. Supervisor's Report 15. Unfinished Business a. Public Hearing Date for Resolution allowing waiving of Certain Fce. b. Tower building permit fee 16. New Business a. Capital Reserve Resolution b. Senior /disabled exemption income limit c. Resolution accepting Bolton Point water rate d. Resolution setting Sewer rates 17. Committee Reports (3 minutes or less each, please) Emergency Services Committee Personnel Committee Finance Committee: Approve Abstract 4 11 Budget Modifications Appropriations for Reserve Funds Loans & Grants Committee Technology Committee Recreation /Youth/Community Centers Committee 18, Future Agenda Items 19. Executive Session (if necessary) B Avery J Bush M Bianconi County Rep H Slater K Ezell D Kwasnowski A Sciarabba M Perkins D Kwasnowki M Sumner M Sumner M Sumner M Sumner M Sumner M Sumner Stelick / Leifer M Sumner Makar /Leifer Makar/Lei fer Stelick/Leifer The next Town of Dryden Board Meeting will be Wednesday, December 2009 q Tcwn of Dryden Town Board Meeting November 12, 2009 Name - ! _leas P nt t 1 V -YLAL C j (_v''t r o e D �2C. 9 Address or Board Yt/ 7 ,,,JL(2, 1 1 -12 -49 SPEAKER SIGN IN SHEET If you wish to address the Board under citizens privilege of the floor please sign in below. Speakers will be limited to a maximum of three minutes. Please provide the Clerk with a written summary of your statement. Name Address