HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-TB 05- 14TB 5 -14 -08 • TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING May 14, 2008 Present: Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Stephen Stelick, Jr., Cl Joseph Solomon, Cl David Makar, CI Jason Leifer Elected Officials: Bambi L. Hollenbeck, Town Clerk Jack Bush, Highway Superintendent. Other Town Staff: Mahlon R. Perkins, Town Attorney Andrew Sciarabba, TG Miller Engineers Henry Slater, Zoning Officer Kevin Ezell, Zoning Officer Dan Kwasnowski, Environmental planner Melissa Bianconi, Recreation Coordinator Supv Sumner opened the meeting at 7:04 p.m. and board members and guests participated in the pledge of allegiance. SPECIAL PERMIT HEARING APPLICATION OF STUTTLE & PORTEUS D /B /A THE FROSTY COW FOR ICE CREAM BUSINESS AT 6 LIVERMORE CROSS ROAD Supv Sumner opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. and Town Clerk B Hollenbeck read the notice published in The Ithaca Journal. Board members have received the application and additional information from the zoning office. Applicant Patricia Porteus said they intend to have two walk -up service windows and a drive through. It would be a seasonal business with good exposure and a beautiful scenic view for sitting and enjoying ice ream. The driveway and parking lot have been designed with safety in mind. There were no comments from the audience. Cl Leifer said he was glad to receive the application and that it would be a good addition to the community. The board reviewed the special permit criteria and discussed the application and the proposed Findings prepared by Atty Perkins. Supv Sumner read the proposed findings for the benefit of the audience. The date of the site plan was corrected. The public hearing was closed at 7:20 p.m. The board reviewed the short environmental assessment form. RESOLUTION #79 - NEG SEQR DEC - THE FROSTY COW 6 LIVERMORE CROSS ROAD Cl Leiter offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: W H Cl2EAS, • A. The proposed action involves consideration of the application of Linda Stuttle and Patricia Porteus d /b /a The Frosty Cow, to establish a walk -up and d.rive -up ice cream business at 6 Livermore Road. ;1 Page 1 of 23 rl4B 544 -08 0 B_ The pro posed action is an Unlisted Action for which the; Town Board of the Town of Dryden is the lead agency for the purposes of uncoordinated environmental review in connection with approval by UM Town, _ The Town Board of the Town of Dryden, in pr:rforming the lead agency function for its independent and uncoordinated environmental review in accordance with Article 8 of the New York State Environmental Conservation 1,a w - the State Environmental Quality Review Act °(SEQR), (i) thoroughly reviewed the Short Environmental Assessment Form (the "Shorn EAF ° ) , Part I, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action and its environmental review, (ii) thoroughly analyzed the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a sigrific:int adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR 617.7(c), and (iii) completed the Short EAF, Part II; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE OLVEM AS FOLLOW. 1 _ The Town Board of the Town of 1)ryden, based upon (i) itS thorough review of the Short EAR`, Part 1, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action anti its environmental review, (ii) its thorough review of the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action ma have a significant adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in 6 14YCRR §61.7.7(c), and (iii) its completion of the Short EA>i, part 11, including the findings noted thereon (which findings are incorporated herein as if set forth at length), hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance ('Negative Declaration') in accordance with SEAR for the above referenced proposed action, and determines that neither a full Environmental Assessment Farm, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required, and 2. The Responsible Officer of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden is hereby authorized and directed to complete and sign as required the determination of significance, confirming the foregoing Negative Declaration, which fully completed and signed Short EAR' and determination of significance shall be incorporated by refer€.ncc in this Resolution, 2°11 C1 Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yes upv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes C] l eifcr Yes Cl Stelick arrived at 7:24 p.m. The board discumsed conditions for approval. A letter from Tompkins County Planning states a super majority vote is required by the Town Board because they have found it will have a negative inter - community or county -wide impact. They recommend (ass did 1) Kwasno }wski) that the facility be sited 140 feet .from Route 13, and it is more than thett_ They also recommend that the utility area only be used for signage and utilities, that the location of septic and well be clearly marked on the final site plan, and the site design be modified by eliminating the tight turning radius at the entrance_ Applicant said the driveway was moved fuether clown Livermore Cross Road from Route 13 (approximately 1.70' from Route 13)- The drive will also be widened at the road. ZO Slater said the standard conditions of approval should also be attached, 0 RESOLUTION #80 - ADOPT FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVE SPECIAL PERMIT FOR THE FROSTY COW, 6 LIVERMORE CROSS ROAD Page 2 of 23 TB 5 -14-08 C1 Makar offcrcd the following resolution and asked that it be adopted'. RESOLVED, that this To % %rn Guard hereby adopts the following findings and determinations_ ENi THE MA=R OF THE APPLICATION OF LINDA "rUI` TLE AND PATRICIA PO TEU S FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A BUSINESS ON LIVERMORE CROSSROAD The Town Board of the 'down of Dryden, in their capacity to review applications for specieil permits pursuant to Article X1 I1 of the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance, hereby makes the following findings and deter- minations: 1. The application for a special use permit and docurnents considered by the Town Board include: (A) Application for a Zoning Fermat; { } Application for Special permit with Attachment, Attachment # (2) Detail of urmanding Neighborhood; (C) Proposal from Cross Excavating & Auer Services; (0) Agricultural Data Statement; (P ;I Notice of Ground Disturbance f Area Tally Form; (HI Short Environmental Assessment Form; (G) Special Permit Review (Henry Mr Slaterj; (14) Special permit Worksheet; (Ij Memo of Henry M. Slater (March 19, 204$); (J) Tompkins County Department of Planning (TCI)P) letter (April 25, e2()08); (K) Henry _ Slater letters () (May 1, 2008); JL) Mahlon R. Perkins letter (May 1, 2008); (M) Revised site plan dated May 14, 200$; (N) Memo of Dan Kwasnowski (Wz y S, 2008); Page 3 of 23 TB 514 -08 0 (01 TCDP letters (2) (May 135 2008) to Slater and Perkins, 2. The notice of Public Hearing before the Town Board was published and posted as required by law, 3. Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance 1300(2} requires the Town ]hoard to consider whether the requirements of Section 1303.1 11300(1 )J have been met in reaching a determination on the special permit:. 4, Although a legally recorded description of the premises has not been provided, one of the applicants is a co -owner of the larger parcel of which the project site is a small portion. There is no intention to subdivide the larger parcel, A legally recorded description is not required Ca ransider the applioattom S, On site sewage disposal and a new well for a water supply are proposed, Their approximate locations are shovwxt can the site plan. Their location and construction are subject to 'Tompkins County Health Department approval. The public is adequw:ely protected by conditioning the issuances of town permits upon receipt of the required Health Department approvals or permits- 6, The application is therefore sufficiently complete for a public hearing and a determination by the Town Board. 7, The location, use and nature and intensity of the seasonal operation of an ice cream business will not be in conflict with the allowed uses of the zone or neighborhood, %4rhich atliow( rd uses include farms, farm buildings, greenhouses, hospitals, municipal buildings, funeral homes, educational buildings, accessary farm buildings, and roadside stands for sale and display of farm products. There is a tack and feed stare across the road, commercial storage structures are located within sight of the project and a body shop and commercial warehouses arc within close prmdmity- 8. The proposed use will be in an area to be defined as a Rural Enterprise Area (READ in the proposed Deed of Conservation Easement being developed between the applicant Linda Stuttle, Lewis Stuttle, the Towrti of Dryden and Tompkins County. The New York State Page 4 of 23 `M 5 -14-08 Department of Agriculture and MarkE:tB has opined that the proposed use is consi,10'ent. with those con temp[ated in a REA and the proposed Deed of Conservation Easement. 9_ The proposed use will not be more objectionable or depreciating to adjacent and nearby properties (ley reason of traffic, noise, vibration, dust, fil mes, smoke,, odor, fire, hazard, glare, flashing lights or disposal of waste or sewage) than the operation of the allowed uses of the zone, which nearby properties include a body shop, commercial storage, warehouses, an active farm and scattered single family residences. 10. The proposed use will not discourage or hinder the appropriate development and Use of adjacent propert'ic% and neighborhood. I L There is no reason the proposed non- residential seasonal use should be screened by a landscape buffer strip or suitable fencing. The nearest residence is several hundred feet from the project site, 1, The safety and general welfare of the community will not be adversely affeciled_ No comments were received in opposition to the proposed use Emd the Town Board is unaware of any potentially adverse effects_ AND IT I S i,URTHER RE$0WE17, that this Town Board hero by approves the special permit application of Linda. Stuttle and Patricia Porteus d f b f a The Frosty Cow to operate a walk -up and drive -up business at b Livermore Road in the Town of Dryden, subject to the following conditions- 1) Standard Conditions of Approval (January J2 008); 2) The utility (pasture) area shall only be used for signage and utili tic s; 3) The final site plan will show the location of the septic and well; 41 The operation must fait within the confines of the Rural Enterprise Area as drafted, 2 1141 Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Salomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer yc� SPECIAL PMRMIT HEAi2ING APPLICAnoN Or mcHmAS PIIDLYPcmm YoR ICE GRrAM AND CATALOG BUSYNESS AT 1914 DRYDEN ROAD upv Summer opened the public hearing at 7:35 p_m, and Town Clerk read the notice Page 5 cal' 3 FrB 5 -] 448 10 published in The Ithaca Journal. Board members have received the applicarion and additional information from the zoning office, Applicant said the site is located on Routc 13 across from Ringwood Raceway. There is a circular drive already in place that will be increased from 15 feet to 20 feet wide, and will be clearly marked with entrance and exit signs. The width will allow for two cars to pass if necessary. He intends to put up a 20' x 24' Adirondack style building, There will be sufficient parking. He has talked with NYS Department of Environmental Conservation about putting a walking trail on the property behind the building- Applicant has been working with the Health Department on the septic design and with NY S 1) OT abut the driveway, There was a question about having two road cuts, and applicant said the road cuts have been there for some time, D Weinstein of the Planning Board said they would like to see the road cuts kept as narrow as possible to minimize how much space there is for cars to get out and in. ZO dater said he has asked the applicant to get input from DDT regarding utilization of the two existing driveway - Applicant has not yet heard from DOT (or from T Health Department), but those would be addressed with the standard canditioms of approval. There were no other comments and the public hearing was dosed at 7 :50 p.m. The board reviewed the short Environmental Assessment Form RESOLUTION #81 - NEG SEAR DEC - NICHOLAS PIIDLYPCHAK - 114 DRYDEN ROAD upv Sumner offered the fallowing resolution and asked for its adoption, Is WHEREAS, A- The proposed action involves Consideration of the application of Nicholas Pidlypchak to establish a drive -up ice cream stand and Catalog order home business at 3.914 Dryden Road- B, The proposed action is an Unlisted Action for which the Town Hoard of the Town of Dryden is the lead agency For the purposes of uncoordinated environmental review in connection with approval by the Town- O. The Town Board of the Town of Dryden, in performing the lead agency function for its independent and uncoordinated environmental review in accordance with Article S of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law - the State Environmental Quality Review Act '(SEAR), (i) thoroughly reviewed the Short Environmental Assessment Form jthe OShort EAP "), Part I, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action and its environmental review, (ii) thoroughly analyzed the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a rii ifcsnt adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR §617 .7(c), and (i11J completed the Short EAF, Part II, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED VED A FOLLOWS: 11 The Town Board of the Town of Dryden, based upon (i) its thorough review of the Short EAF, Past 1, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action aind its environmental review, (H) its thorough review of the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action. may have e. significant adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR §617,7(c), and (iii) its completion of the Short EAF, Part II, including the findings noted thercon Page 6 o f 23 TB 5 -14 -08 (which findings are incorporated herein as if set forth at length), hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance ("Negative Declaration ") in accordance with SEQR for the above referenced proposed action, and determines that neither a full Environmental Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact. Statement will be required, and 2. The Responsible Officer of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden is hereby authorized and directed to complete and sign as required the determination of significance, confirming the foregoing Negative Declaration, which fully completed and signed Short EAF and determination of significance shall be incorporated by reference in this Resolution. 2tul Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Salomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes CI Leifer Yes Atty Perkins noted that Tompkins County Planning has stated that approval of this application may have a negative inter - community or county -wide impact, so a super majority vote of the board is required. TC Planning states that access to Route 13 should be limited to one commercial driveway (the westernmost driveway) with an adequate turning radius to allow safe ingress and egress and to avoid multiple vehicles trying to enter and exit the site in close proximity at the same time. They also recommend that as a condition of approval provisions be made for cross - access as recommended by the draft Town of Dryden commercial development design guidelines should development be proposed on the adjacent lot in the future. TC Planning said this proposal reflects the type of development that would continue to degrade the function and safety of NYS Route 1.3 if action is not taken to control commercial development in this corridor, in accordance with the recommendation of the Route 13/366 Corridor Management Study, and the Town's commercial development design guidelines. TC Planning further suggests that the Town may want to consider a temporary moratorium of development on the Route 13 corridor pending adoption of appropriate regulatory measures. Supv Sumner said applicant would consider a single driveway and DOT will advise him with respect to that, and if there were further development on the adjacent property, applicant would consider a cross access. Atty Perkins said in addition to the standard conditions of approval, there should be a condition that applicant will abide by the decision of the NYS Department of Transportation with respect to improvement and /or abandonment of the driveways to the project. RESOLUTION 082 - APPROVE SPECIAL PERMIT - PIDLYPCHAK FOR ICE CREAM AND CATALOG: BUSINESS AT 1914 DRYDEN ROAD Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the special permit application of Nicholas Pidlypchak for an ice cream and catalog business at 1914 Dryden Road, subject to the following: 1) Standard Conditions of Approval (January 2008) 2) Applicant will abide by the decision of NYS Department of Transportation with respect to the improvement and /or abandonment of the driveways to the project. 2nd Cl Solomon Page 7 of 23 Roll Call Vote CI'I`iEN;S PRIVILEGE CI steiick Yes Cl Solomon Yes upv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Ol Leifer Yes TB 544 -08 Kathleen Elliott, 81 East Main Street, said that living next door to the Tuttle house, the is concerned that when it is demolished the snakes, mice and any other creatures currently living there will move to her property, She asked what will be done to prevent that from happening and has done some research regarding services qualified to deal with wild life and potential expense. She would like some preventive measures in place before the demolition_ Supv Sumner said no date has been set for the demolition and she will look into this_ Dawn Smith, Dryden resident, said she is a member of the Caroline I4atural Areas and Trail Initiative, She said she believes the Town Board reoBivt'd s proposed resolution about extension of the recreation way, which currently extends from the City of Ithaca to Burns Road- The proposed trail will continue from Burns Road out toward l3rooktondale, mostly through the Town of Caroline. The Town of Caroline has agreed to take the lead in the project. Portions, however, pa 3!s through the Towns of Ithaca and Dryden. They are asking for support from the Town of Dryden and that the board appoint a liaison from Drydem D Kwasnows1d probed a draft letter of support, and said it would help their application if the board passed a resolution authorizing the Supervisor to send a letter of support. RESOLUTION 083 - AUTHORIZE LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR CAROLINE TRAIL PRO.IE 1` Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to send a letter of support to be included in the Town of Caroline's application to develop a trail along the former railroad right of way linking the Ithaca urbanized area and the Town of Caroline. 2 ,1r' Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote 1 SteLick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Markin Hatch, of the Town of Dryden Planning Soard, will serve as the Town's liaison for this project. Bob Timmerman, of Sunshine Sign Company, presented the board with a proposal for a sign for the new town hall at a cast of approximately $12,000, including all materials and landscaping. He said not knowing exactly what the board wanted made it difficult for him to cc]Tne up with something, but if Ehey let him know what they warlt and how much they want Co spend, he would work with that. The drawing shows a lighted sign, with on area of changeable lettering, on a brick platform with a logo on the platform, Supv Sumner said she didn't .know off hand what the budget would be for this, but she was thinking rnore in the neighborhood of $5,000. She will work with ZO dater and Dawn Bogdan on a budget, and let Mr Timmerman know what that is, togrther with more specks for the sign itself by May 30_ It was suggested page 8 0 I' TB 5 -14 -08 that the Town DPW could help with this project, but J Bush said they do not have the time or personnel to participate in this project. s s , • s D Kwasnowski said that part of his job is implementation of the Comprehensive Plan and in connection with that the "Town hired Behan Planning Associates. As a first step, they have been working with the Planning Board to develop residential and commercial design guidelines to help property owners make the best use of their property. These guidelines offer options, not hard rules regarding frontage, etc., and were developed specifically with the Town of Dryden in mind. These guidelines have been reviewed by developers and real estate agents. The Town's zoning ordinance can be amended to include these guidelines, which are suggestions not regulations. There is a link to the process and guidelines on the Town's website, Lv%rw.dryden.ny.us. John Behan said this was a great project: and he enjoyed working with the Planning Board (several members were in attendance) and the Town's staff. He explained that the guidelines are really an extension of the Comprehensive Plan and extension of the Town's codes. The Zoning Ordinance doesn't really say what the Town wants, but rather says you must put something in the box within the set backs. The guidelines give a more definite idea of what the Town wants it to look like. In talking with staff, they determined that most of the growth in the Town has been small subdivisions. What currently drives lot size is demand and health department regulations. A major factor for a developer is the size of his investment in roads, driveways, well and septic, etc. The residential guidelines are designed to relieve some of these issues. Most development over the years has been along existing roads, and as that happens safety becomes an issue. A 137 acre parcel in the town was used to show various ways portions of it could be developed using a short road and /or common driveways, leaving open or park space. An agricultural conservation subdivision was demonstrated. In addition to individually owned properties, a homeowners association could hold title to open space portions and the homeowners share in the expense and maintenance of the property. Suggestions for a smaller subdivision were also demonstrated. The commercial design guidelines will help come in. They encourage a fewer number of signs set back farther from the road with a green belt in sharing parking areas and driveways. They encou Fewer parking spaces are recommended. Lots are required. Additional parking can be added later if create a little more order as new projects and limited curb cuts. Buildings would be front: and businesses could be connected by rage utilization of any nearby trail network. rarely filled to the number presently needed. J Behan said it is important to maintain the Town's uniqueness and identity, and the guidelines were developed with those in mind. He said he thinks the Town should put them in place now and they could be used while the Town moves forward with implementation of the Comprehensive Plan and zoning re -write. Supv Sumner said adoption of these guidelines now would be useful for the Planning Board's decision - making. Public meetings at different places around the Town will be held before the formal adoption process. JoEllen Bailey, Chair, Dryden Youth Commission - presented the Commission's 2007 Annual Report. She noted their mission is to provide opportunities for youth • development in the Town of Dryden. Their total revenue for 2007 was $85,040 from all sources and the report details the programs that were provided with those funds. The program Page 9 of 23 0 managers are present in the schools frequently umbrella next year. TOWN CLERK TB s -14 -o8 The Yours /Ours Program will come under this B Hollenbeck asked the board to approve the April board meeting minutes. RESOLUTION #84 - APPROVE MINUTES Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the Town Board meeting minutes of April 9, 2008. 2 ",' C1 Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT /DPW Highway Superintendent .Jack Bush has previously provided the board with a memo • regarding changing the pickup he will replace this year. because of the additional snow plowing responsibility at the new Town Hall and the ability to haul a trailer, he would like to sell the 2004 '/2 ton pickup truck instead of the 2002 '/4 ton pickup. RESOLUTION #85 - AUTHORIZE SALE OF PICKUP TRUCK Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Highway/ DPW Superintendent to sell one used 2004 '/2 ton 2 wheel drive Chevrolet pickup truck VIN# 1 GCEC 1.4V84Z29421 1 at a surplus auction or by advertisement to bid or to a public entity, instead of the 2002 3/4 ton Chevrolet pickup truck previously authorized. 2nd Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes C1 Leifer Yes J Bush said he had received a request from someone who wanted to park in the lot at the Town Hall as part of a carpool effort. He does not have a problem with it, except that he would not want cars parking in the lot in the winter prior to the time the ploNvs come in. The board discussed using the three spaces at the furthest corner of the lot. Atty Perkins said this should be done by application. Applicants would be granted a revocable license giving them •permission to do this, and the permission could be revoked if necessary. RESOLUTION #86 - AUTHORIZE REVOCABLE LICENSE FOR PARKING SPACE Page 10 of 23 TB ,5 -14-08 Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption, RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to offer a revocable lic rise for parking space at the Town Hall on such terms and conditions as may be appropriate. 2na SUpV Sumner Rall Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl $olornon Yes Supv Sumner Yes CI Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Ol Leifer said he would like to do something ,further for prorn oting carpooling that has a reed impact_ The board agreed that for the time being three spaces would be reserved for this purpose and they would be evaluated on a cast by case basis until something more formal is developed_ Dryden residents would be given preference, J Bush said that prior to the board meeting, he and the board and Andy Saarabba toured the area behind the highway facility, Board members were shown where he is proposing to build a structure for storage of salt and sand. J Bush said he has been plarming for this structure in his budget and recently compared the cost of two different types of structures_ A coverall structure would give them a height at center of 4 ' and a wooden structure would give them about 65'. They have been trying to make the highway facilities blend with the neighborhood, and he is concerned about the height of the wooden structure and it nuking them stand out more than he would like, The other issue is cost and for the size they would need, there is about a $72,000 difference in price, which would put them over the budgeted arnount_ He believes they can stay within budget by {doing with the cover -all style structure and accomplish what they need it to do. A Sciarabba said they have to balance on the site, the height, application, aesthetics, wetland delineation and open space around it. J Bush said they need to kip the structure away from the wetland area and outside the 100' buffer area required by DEC. Part of the project will include a detention pond to capture the runoff from the structure and some existing drainage behind the highway garage. Any future development of the land owned by the Town would also be able to utilize that detention pond. A Sciarabba said that even if they are under the threshold for a Oorm ester plan, thoy will use one_ There were no questions from the public_ L7 Kwwsnowski noted it was a good plan and they should proceed. The board received a proposed resolution authorizing an expense of up to $440,000 for this project. J Mush would also like the Supervisor to sign the proposal from TO Miller for engineering services and the proposal from lrmpire Oeoteehnical Services, Inc. for soil borings. Atty l rkins said the board should have some kind of design plan prior to passing the proposed resolution. Signing the proposals from TO Miller and Empire will be necessary before the plan can be designed. Until the Board has a site plan and more detail on what will be constructed, the resolution authorizing the funds will not be passed, RESOLUTION #87 - ACCEPT PROPOSALS FROM TO M LLER E]NO EERS AWD EWIRE GEOTECHNI AL SERVICE$, INC. Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption, RESOLVED, that this Town 2oard hereby accepts the proposal from TO Miller Page ] l of 23 T13 -14 08 10 Engineers dated April 24, 2008, and the proposal from Empire Geotechnical Services, [nc. dated May 8, 2008, and the Town Supervisor is authcorized to execute the same. 2nd Cl Stelick Roll Call dote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes upv Sumner Yes C1 Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes The board took a five minute break at 9 -36 p.an. RECREATION DEPARTMENT Melissa Bianconi previously sent correspondence and information to board members proposing to hire a full -time person in her department as Recreation Coordinator, and changing her title to Recreation Director. She would like the new person to si'a,rt July 1 and funds are ira the budget to Dover the wages. There is no change is Bianconi's salary- The position has been cleared with Tompkins County Civil Service, RESOLUTION 488 — ESTAI3LESH REOREATIO14 DIRECTOR POSITION Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption- 1 RESOLVED, that this Town ,Board does hereby establish the position of Recreation Director in accordance with applicable New York State laws and the Civil Service Rules for Tompkins County, and doe's hereby appoint Melissa. $ianconi to that }position, riJ C1 Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes C1 Soloman Yes Supv Surnncr Yea Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes M Bia.nconi reported the dug outs at the Wall Street Ball Field are complete except for painting. She thanked the following people for their hard work; Bob Geddes, Ed Bugliosi, Craig Bast, Scott Adams, Dan deOraff, Born Scutt, Jep Ordway, Mike Cutting, Marty Gardner, Roger Clapp, and Jack Blush- The scoreboard should be up soon- There are 98 kids signed up for the youth track and field program (Mondays, 6 -7 pm). WaterWizards started yesterday. This is a new program and is part of the floating classroom run by the Cayuga Lake Watershed Committee- The participants conduct science experiments, checking water clarity, collecting samples, etc. There are curTently a total of 100 participants over six weel i (unduplicated count is 31 youth and 8 adults). Pr�Terits are involved as well. It is a great educational experience and some of the participants have never been on a boat before - Participants are bussed from the school to the boat launch and back home, The expense of the program is being paid with funds fmm the NYS Recreation Fund (previously used for the ice skating programj- There are 61. participants in youth lacrosse. They will be attending the Canandaigua Tournament where they performer) well last +ear. A youth girls lacrosse progrrrt is being considered for next year- Page 12 of 23 TB 5=14=08 The Pitch, Hit & Run competition was held April 23, 2008, with 25 participants_ 10 art: advancing to the sectional competition in Camillus. Advancing are; Jason Wojinski, Gabriel English, Justin Geddes, flash olgoss, Alan Davis, Chris Camp, Trevor Calale, Ja ice McGrath, Michael Barris and Kyle llrMarqui.s. Duke Erickson Adult Softball starts next week with 16 teams. They have made some organizational changes that M Bianconi believes will work out well, The Youth Cheerleading Board met last week_ This board was initiated by M Bianconi to operate much like the Youth Football Board. They have already organized a YFL Cheer Camp to be, held August 9 through 11 and run by the Ithaca College Cheerleaders. They are going to create a spirit award systcm and rotate the annual competition_ A policy and procedure manual will be created for the coaches, send ajamboree will be held to kick off the season. The Recreation Department will manage two bounce houses at Dairy Day. Volunteers to assist with this anti be appreciated. The bands are all booked for Music in the Park and Music in the Hollow and advertising is about to start. A rneoting was held last Thursday on the Recreation Master Plan, This was a public visioning session with 46 attendees ranging from 15 years of age to senior citizens, She read a portion of a letter from Ransom B[akelev= "Recreation- 't'hc word iminediatet�� cnrrjurs in,,,gcs of traditional parks, diving sets, pia} equipixxex�e, picnic nags sad baseball diamonds, arid all is well and grad_ There is certaii -Ay a need for such mrm.Ntiunal opportxuiity_ But rhea are other needs and other %viys to rcrcreata ourselves, esI,cxiAlly when the world is too rnioch for us. There are riinus ii thG lives ol`maay wheal we would like a place of our very ow'n. J ust for an hour or two whum we can sit on a rock and listen icy tl,u Nids or to the %rind blowing through the leaves_ A p6r-c whcrc we n-iight go Lo iiiink Rbout a troublesaiue issue in our lMu5 or to sit and admire 11 k kr3dscUkPc ar':hell dtie 9112d 0W5 lcngthca without an ATV bu "drag down the trail or Another group c people disturbing ow.. time alone.,, Biaricord said Mr Blakeley iz very interested in setting up some solitude parks and she wanted to share that with the board_ The top four facility preferences that came out of the Master Plan meeting were the Googers site on Route 13, a large recreation with indoor and outdoor facilities, indoor gym space, and walking trails with interpretive street th training equipment. Program preferences +acre: major events such as Old Home Day with fire works, etc.; establish a Dryden Community Association tr) serve as a conduit for recreational ideas, adult activities and adult educational activities; inclusive activities for differently abled. The next step in the Recreation Master Flan is a steering committee meeting tentatively sent for May 29. The point of the meeting is to discuss the organizational delivery system of recreation services. After that a stakeholders meeting will be held. M Robertson said she hoped the west side meeting could Inc scheduled quickly before school is out, M Bianconi said she would keep her up to elate with respect to that, and as part of the Steering Committee M Robertson will be informed_ M Robertson said she would like a meeting held on the west side of town_ M Bianconi said she h,as spoken with Thoma. Associates and they will be getting bark to her with respect to stay additional costs associated with that. Martin Hatch suggested Dryden Dairy Day could be changed to Dryden Farm Day to Page 13 of 23 TB S -14 -0 8 make it more inclusive for CA's etc. M Bianconi will pass that along- COUNTY BRIEFING Mike Hattery reported the Government Operations Committee has proposed a return to annual property assessments and the Lejislature will be voting on that at the next meeting. The largest argument in favor of annual assessments has been the history of confusion and pC}mplaints from citizens over exactly what their assessment fs. M Robertson said vaith respect to the budget, Tompkins County i8 receiving a hit of about $800,000 in state reimbursements for services provided. The le: giislature hs�s voted for a % levy increase as a target. Maintaining the current effort would result in an 8.6% levy I ncrease. To reach the 3% increase they will have to c'at about two million in spending. Tompkins County Area Development has received a grant to study water and sewer services in the County. She noted ire connection to the design guidelines presented tonight, t11 at without infrastructure you are stuck with lark lot Sues and that is a serious issue. The major part of the study will be a survey of what exists currently and TG Miller will be working ors that study. The information will be valuable in the future for moving local projects forward- A report on the County's Comprehensive Plan has been released that gives quantitative measures indicating whether they are moving in the right direction, Iti+i[ Robertson left a copy with the Town Supervisor- ZONING OFFICER 0 Slater said in the summer Dan Kwasnowski and Josh Bogdan do a tremendous amount of geographical information/ techno logy -type surveying in the field. The record that information and turn it into mapping, etc. They could use same assistance %%qth that this year and would like to hire Trivia Strickland. Shc is Currently employed part time by the Tom and has completed her first year at TC3- Sh e bas assisted some with this in the past - The best way to accomplish this is change her title to Project Assistant so that she can work 40 hours through the summer, combining this work with the other work she does in the honing Office. RESOLUTION 089 - APPOINT T STRICKLAND AS PROJECT ASSIS'T'ANT Cl Solomon offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption- WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden has an established Project Assistant position in accordance with the applicable New York State laws and the Civil Service Rules for Tompkins County; and WHEREAS, said position is established in the non - competitive class pursuant to Section 44 of the Civil Service Law and the Civil Service Rules for Tompkins County-, 1 OW n THE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby appoint, in accordance with the applicable Civil Service laws, rules and regulations, Tiricia Strickland to the non - competitive class status in the title of Project Assistant. 2A CI Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Page 14 of D S%apv Surr,ner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes 'rhe board discussed the logo proposed ty ZO Slater. Cl Makar said he thought it was too complex. Supv Sumner said she liked the 'gateway to the Finger Lakes" concept, but would like something simpler. C1 Makar suggested contacting a company that specializes in logos and the investment may be worth it. Supv Sumner asked him to ci�al "log eornmil�teC "- O K Ezell has previously provided the board with information about maintenance and service of the sprinkler system. He added that in ten years the dry sprinkler heads will need to be tested and possibly replaced, so it is important to maintain the system. Simplex Grinnell proposes an annual fee of $1944 for this service (the only proposal submitted). Supv Sumner will check the budget and decide whether funds will come from the NYSERDA rebate or some, other budget line_ RESOLUTION 090 — AUTHORIZE CONTRACT WITH SIMPLEX GrRINNELL Cl Makar offewnA the following resolution and asked for its adoption, RESOLVED, that this 'Town Board hereby authorizes a contract with Simplex Grinnell for maintenance and service of the sprinkler system, and the Town Supervisor is authorized to execute the same. 2nd C1 Stellck Roll Gail Dote Cl Stelick Yes C1 Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl 14 akar Yes Cl Leifer Yes The board o proposed resolution pursuant to Local Law #1 of 2007 setting the fees for certain operating permits. Atty Perkins said the local law provides that fees can be set by res u olution after pblic hearing. The procedure, if the board is so inclined, is to introduce th e resolution, table it, hold a public hearing, and then the board can act on it after the public hearing- Supv Sumner introduced the following resolutiono, WH114REAS, Section 10(a) of Vocal Law No.1 of the year 2447 requires Operating Permits for the conduct of certain activities or certain uses of categories of buildings, and WHEREAS, Section 10 (9) of such local lave a uthorizes the town board to set fees for application, inspections and issuance of Operating Permits, and WHEREAS, Section 16 of such local law requires a public hearing on a proposed resolution setting such fees, now , therefore BE IT RESOLVED as follows; J., The fees to be charged by the town in connection with certain Operating Permits are as follows: Local law Na. 1 (2407), Section 10(a): 'Page 15 of 23 TB -14 -08 (11 manufacturing, i5to"ing or handling hazardous materials in quantities exceeding those Listed in Tables 2703- 1 -1(1), 2703- 1 -1(2), 2703- 1 -1.(3) or 2743 - 1.1(4) in the publication entitled "Fire Code of New York State' and incorporated by reference in 19 NYCRR section 1225.1 $100,00 (2) hazardous processes and activities, including but not limited to, commercial and industrial operations which produce combustible &lust as a byproduct, fruit and crap ripening, and waste handling $100.00 (31 use of pyrotechnic: devices in assembly occupancies $125.00 (4) buildings containing one or more areas of public assembly with an occupant load of 100 persons or more $25.00 (5) buildings whose use or occupancy classification may pose a substantial potential hazard to public safety, as determined by resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town $100 -00 2. A public: hearing on this proposed resolution shall be held by the town board on June 11, 2008 at 7:00 o'clock pan,, prevailing time sit the Varna Community Center, 943 Dryden Road, New York. 3. The town clerk shall give notice of such public hearing by posting a notice on the town sign board and by pub]icadon of a notice in The Ithiico. Joumaf, both posting and publications to be at least ten (10) days prior to such public hearing. The resolution was tabled. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Dan Kwasnowski said a memo has been received from a rr�an applying for a grant through the Federal Transportation Enhancement Program to reduce vehicle - caused mortality of the spotted salamanders in the Thomas Road area. He said the Town could provide a letter of support and- not participate in the program- Supv Sumner explained there are wetlands on Thomas Road and during wet weather in May they all cross the road at roughly the same time and people are concerned about the number that are killed. This grant application would be construct tunnels under the road for the salamanders to use, She said they are fairly effective, but Highway Superintendents are not supportive of cutting into the pavement to install these crogsinUs. There has a] so been some discussion of closing the road on the wet nights when the salamanders are crossing. There could also be a rarnp put on the surface of the road that would allow them to pass underneath. The deadline for file gra »t application i8 in June. Supv Sumner said she would happy to write a letter saying the Town is concerned about the issue of amphibian mortality without actually endorsing the underpass- J Bush said in New York Mate taxes are bad enough and soi&newhere you have a draw a line at where you say yes and say no- He had proposed at a meeting on the subject that they use existing croWnrer culverts and direct the amphibkuis there. He understands that in order to apply for the grant they have to spend a certain amount of money on the project. He said he I s against it because it costs the taxpayer a lot of money. He is not sure he supports closing the road because all residents may not be in favor of that_ Closing the road requires the Page 16 of 23 TB 5 -14 -08 Highway Department to provide some in -kind service un setting up barricades, etc. and requiring ernployees to came in at night to do this. Supv Sumner said it is a critical habitat. for this particular salamander and the mortality rate is outrageous. She does believe it is worth doing something to protect it, but no sending highway ernployees out on rainy nights to put up signs, Atty Perkins said there are only certain limited times when you can shut off a public road. J Bush said when he closes a road he is supposed to notify all emergency services. He added that municipalities are having a hard enough time getting money for roads and bridges, and now they want several thousand dollars to do this, The board decided they were not in favor of this and Supv Sumner will write an appropria.tc letter. D K asnowski discussed progress of the trail from the Village of Dryden to tho Village of Freevilie. He and Supv Siimner recently met with Brad Hermann and other representatives of the Willi€�m George Agency and had a very productive meeting_ The William George Agency is anxious to have their pasture space between Springhouse Road and George Road drain as it used to_ The current plan is to tunnel under George Road end go along RPM Ecosystems property. Then the trail comes to a very busy portion of the Agency's property with horse and vehicle crossings, At that intersection it is proposed to have a. raised area for the horses and Agency vehicles to travel across and a passage underricath for users of the trail. This would run alongside an area reserved for horseback riders separated by a fence. D K asnowski said the Agency is very amenable to these ideas, and wwill consider a long -term lease. He recommends rnoving ahead with draining the pasture area as a. good faith gesture_ Their next board meeting is the first week of June and they won't meet again until Sep tern ber, The Town will have an excavator in place in July to do this work- Atty Perkins said the board needs to consider a number of things. in the past the Town has required a permanent easement for the trail, not a lease (that could be termllnated), because of the investment of public funds. D Kwasnowski said it is clear what the Agency wants in the way of improvements and separation of the trail from its operations. Atty Perkins said the Town needs to be conscious of its investment of public money and strongly recommends a permanent easement and right of the public to use it_ some of the property is already subject to a permanent easement for water and sewer lines. Atty Perkins suggested that the Wilharn George Agency be made aware of the project costs so they can see why we need a permanent easement. After further discussion by the board, Supv Sumner was authorized to sigxi an agreement to drain the pasture area this year in exchange for permanent casement after further meetings with representatives of the William George Agency, RESOLUTION 091 - AUTHORIZE TOWN SUPERVISOR TO MADE PROPOSAL TO WILLLkM GEORGE A EIW Y Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption; RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the, Town Supervisor to sigh an agreement with the William George Agency providing that the Town will drain the pasture area between Spri.nghouse load and George Road this year, in exchange for a permanent easement according to the plan presented by Dan Kwasnowski. 2nd to Solomon Roll Call Vote 1 Stelick Yes Cl solornorl Yes upv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes 'age 17 of 23 T13 5 -14 =08 D Kwasnnwski has received two quotes for appraisal service in connection with the fx;w- Lin Farm Farinland Protection Grant_ One from North East Appraisals and one from Pomeroy Apprasals, Atty Perkins said Pomeroy Appraisals (5,000) would give an expanded summary appraisal, which is not a stand alone appraisal, and say in the letter that if it is going to be a self contained appraisal report, there is an additional fee, North East Appraisals {$5,000) say they will do a self - contained apprai&A report and will comply with the requirements and guidelines of NYS Department of !Agriculture and Markets. After discussion, the board decided to go with North East Appraisals_ RESOLUTION 092 - AUTHORISE CONTRACT WITH NORTH EAST APPRAISALS ] Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Potion Board herebv authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign a contract with Forth East Appraisals for appraisal services for the .Lew -Lin Farm Farmland Protection Grant. 2nd Cl Salomon Roll Call Vote Ol Stelick Yes 1 Solomon Yes upv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes ENGINEERING A Sciarabba reported they spent a good part of this week at the retention pond in back of the Town Hall watching the contractor pull out the filter material. They verified there was no filter fabric between the planting soil and the stone. The material was pretty clean though, and they think what was rea]1y clogging up the filter was a three or four inch layer of sediment that had clogged the upper portion of the filter, They did a mock up and tested it a few tithes and it worked fine. They pulled out the stone, put all new piping in, put the filter fabric down, replaced the planting soil material, and finished all the punch list items, They regraded the tops of the ponds and they were seeded today. It 911 Went well, There is no charge to the Town for this work. ATTORNEY upv Sumner said the sewer commission is in the midst of approving about a million and a half dollars worth of improvements this year. There is an agreement to be signed, and the Town of Dryden needs to approve its share of the cost ($28,194) which is billable to the sewer customers served by the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment. Atty Perkins said it basically authorizes another phase of the sewer treatment plant improvements and renovations and repairs. He has not had a chance to look at the proposed resolution_ Supv Sumner said they have a clone a study over three years as to what the plant needs and have very methodically prioritized the necessary immediate repairs. It has heen divided ants a five year plan. Atty Perkins said the bottom line is that the sewer districts will be charged $28,194_ upv Sumner sui d the board can authorize it, if they wish; she can share the details in the next day or so- RESOLUTION TION #93 - AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO SION SEWER C014TRACT 0 Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that thin Town Board hereby approves the construction proposed for the Page 18 of 23 T.S 5 -14 -08 Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Flan t, and authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign a contract for the Town's share of the project, not to exceed $28,1 94.00, 21"' Cl Makar Roll fall bate 0imirlin Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solorrkon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl 141aIr Yes Cl Leifer Yes Af V Equipment - fl Makar said the Technology Committee i.nterviewed Lonnie Park of Ultimate Music and Dave Kingsley of Sound on Sound. They had similar quotes for equipment, but very different prices to bring audio/ video to the big meeting room, The Committee recommends the proposal from Ultimate Music for $4,555.00. That includes the recording, mixer and microphones. The recording will be to an MP3 and Bound projection to the room will be adequate. For an additional $1,040 a can get a hearing impaired system - They also looked into a video projector. Prices run from $1659 to $1759- To move that system to other rooms in the Town Hall they propose a cart at a cost of J08 to $189. Total cost of everything is $70543, and the Committee recommends to authorize the Supervisor to sign a contact with Ultimate Music for the cd f recorder/ microphones piece, as well as purchase of the hearing impaired system and the video projector, for a total not to exceed $8300. The cart can be purchased sepamt,ely- That would take care of everything necessary. There was some discussion of the procedume policy and the only two bids received and Atty Perkins said it alright to proceed. They hope to have the equipment in place for the July meeting, RESOLUTION #94 - AUTHORIZE CONTRACT FOR AUDIO /VISUAL EQUIMFAIT C1 Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption. RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute a contract with Ultimate Music for purchase and installation of audio f visual equipment for the Town I -]all, at a cost not to exceed $8,300 -00- 2°'' fl 8telick Roll Call Vote OI Stelick Yes 1 Solomon Yes upv Sumner Yes Ol Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes upv SLanner said she received a letter from Senator Seward about the Volunteer Valor Award and forwarded it to the: FSre Departments- The only response she received was from Varna who will to nominate Duane Testut, Their recommendation states in part ODua.ne Testut has for over five decades been an exceptional fire department volunteer to the Ithaca community" and min the past six years has responded to over 50% of all emergency calls in the Varna District -- -,and was the top responder for 2007,° 8upv Sumner will send a letter supporting the nomination to Senator Seward - upv Sumner asked the board to consider a proclamation designating May 18 to May 4, 2008, as Emergency Medical Services Week, Page 19 of 23 TB 5 -14 -08 0 RESOLUTION 4$6 - PROCLAIMLNG MAY 18 THROUCM MAY 24, 2008 AS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adop ion; WHEREAS, emergency rnedieal services are vital to our commxinity; and WHEREAS, the members of emergency medical services teams are ready to provide lifesaving care to those in need twenty -four hours a day, seven days a w"k; and WHERZA , access to quality emergency :are dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury, and WHEREAS, the emergency medical services system consists of emergency physicians, emergency nurses, emergency medical technicians, par2medics, firefighters, educators, administrators and others; and WHEREAS, the members of emergency medical services teams, career and volunteer, engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their lifesaving skills; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of emergency medical services providers by designating Emergency Medical Services Week; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby proclaims the week of May 18 to May 4, 3008 as Emergency Medical ervires Week with the theme, EMS, Your Life is Our Mission, and encourages the community to observe this week and reflect on the value of emergency medical services in Dryden_ Ind Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote.L Ol Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes C1 Makar Yes Cl 1.4�ifer Yes Supv Sumner said the board needs to approve a slight change in the wordir of the employment agreement for Josh Bogdan. Atty Perkins said it is just a change in language and does not need board approval. The Supervisor should just sign the agreement, Supv Sumner said Patty Millard, Deputy Town Cleric, had another jab offer, and in an effort to retain her, would like to offer her a raise to $14 per hour through the last pay period in September and $18 per Maur beginning the first pay period in 00:0ber. She would not receive a cost of living increase in January. Her job description will be changed to reflect additional PI` duties. P Millard is agreeable to this. RESOLU'T'ION #96 - INCREASE PAY RATE FOR P MiLLARID Cl Makar offered the follauFing resolution and asked for its adoption= RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes a pay increase for Patricia Millard to $14,00 per hour through September, an increase to $15,00 per hour beginning with the first pay period in October, and authorizes the revision of her job description to reflect certain IT duties. 2T,d C1 Solomorn Page 20 of 23 Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Mukar Yes Cl Leifer Yes TS 5 =14 -0 In the process of researching that, it became apparent that Joy Foster, Zoning Secretary, will be Laving a one year anniversary in June. She did not receive an increase in January and S upv Sumner would like to increase her salary to $26,000_ There are funds in the building department budget to cover the increase_ RESOLUTION #97 - INCREASE SALARY FOR JOY FOSTER C1 Mahar offered the following resolution and asked for iils adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes an increase in the salary for Joy lf'oM%T to $26,004 per year. 2nd Cl Solomon Roll Call "dote CI Stebck Yes Cl Solomon Yes upv Sumner Yes Cl Mahar Yes Cl Leifer Yes upv ununer said board members have received copies of the revised Personnel Manual. She would like them to rcvjew it and be prepared to vote on it noxr month, She has received a letter from Zo Slater with comments on thall, COMMITTEE REPORTS C=rgcncy Services Committee - They met with Dryden Ambulance and with the )airs Boards. Dryden Ambulance would like to request a rate increase to help cover significant increases in fuel, natural gas, electricity, and personnel benefits. The last increase was in ,duly 2006. Cl Makar sent an email to board members detailing this. Their payer mix is 5� % Medicare and Medicaid which has not increased or been adjusted by the County since March of 1993. Cl Makar reviewed the rate history for the board and the proposed new rates, including a new charge for ASL sign off with treatment of $225.44, Cl Solomon added that Dryden's rates are less than commercial services. Cl Makor offered the following resolution and asked for its .adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes rate increases for Dryden Ambulance, Inc. as follows: BLS ALS1 ALII Mobile Response ALS Intercept S S Sign cuff with treatment ALS Sign off with treatment god C] Stelick $440,00 495.00 660.00 325.00 72.50 $226.04 Page 21 of 23 Roll Call Vote CI SteTick YCK Cl Solomon Yes upv Sumner Yes CI Makar Yes C1 Leifer lies TB 5 -1408 Finance Committee - Met today prior to the meeting and reviewed the abstract_ RESOLUTION #99 - APPROVE ABSTRACT 05 C] Makar offered the fallowing resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #5, as audited, vouchers ##315 through 451, totaling $372,250,60, J2nd Cl SteliCk Roll Call Vote Cl SN4ick Yes Cl Solomon Yes upv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes C1 Leifer Yes Supv Sumner said she has received the Agriculture and Farmland Implementation Grant Contract for the Jerry Dell Farm. RESOLUTION #1001 - AUTHORIZE FARMLAND IMPLEMENTATION GRANT CONTRACT FOR JERRY DELL FARM Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption; RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to execute the Farmland Implementation Grant Contract for Jerry Dell Farm hi the amount of $678,625.00, after review by the'fown Attorney. 2nd C1 telick INI Call Vote C1 Stelick Yes Cl Salomon Yes SupV Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes HUD Lostas & Grants Committee - C1 Makar said they are still working on the cash grant project for housing rehab_ In the meantime they are also work ng on two economic development projects started last year. One is to work with TCAD so they can loan out the Cayuga Pmss money that has been repaid to get it back out to Dryden businesses_ He expects a proposed contract by June 1 with all the details to share with hoard members and hopes to be able to approve it at the June meeting. He met with Alternativa,s again about their I 'DA program and hays a packet of draft information explauung the program. This program would use $30,000 of the economic development funds as a matching grant fund. He asked the board to review the packet. Representatives from T AI} and Alternatives have been invited to the Jurle board meeting. Recreation /Youth /Community Centiers Committee , Applications have been sent to the Community Centers for the 2008 round of 'Town grant funds. The deadline is M y 3l. Cl Leifer aatd Cl Stelick have begun meeting with the centers about their 2009 needs_ Page 22 of 23 TB 5- 14 -08 u v Sumner said she nas received a letter from Roger Yonkin advtsin that the next F g � claims hearing between the rival slates of officers of the Bethel Grove Community Center is May 20 in Ithaca City Court, Atty Perkins advised the board that he and Dan Kwasnowski have been discussing whether the Town wants to mmain as partners with the County as co- holders of agriculture easements- He Said he thinks D Kwosnowv & is perfectly capable of handling the prograrn without the County's help- There being no further business, on motion trade, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 p,m- Respectfully submitted, r Sambi L. Hollenbeck Town Clevrk Pale 23 of 23 D YDEN TOWN ]BOARD MEETING 3 East Main Street .Dryden, NY 13053 Wednesday, May 14, 2005 at 7:00 P 1) Call Meeting to Qrrler 2) Pledge of Allegiance 3) Roll Carl[ 4) Public Hearings 7:00 Special Use 1Permit Co a Side ratioo Nicholas Pidlypehak, 19J 4 Dryden Road 7:15, Special Use Permit for Frosty Cow at 6 Live rm o re Cross Road Special Presentation a) Behan PIanning Associates preselitation of Re,Ridential and Commercial Deli (Mrn uide]ines, Discussion for the potential process for adoption and amen diner the ZonITIg Ordinance to reflect their adoption. b) Presentation of Dryden Youth Commission Annual Report J. Hailcy 5) . tvitizeas Privilege a) Tuttle Proptaty Demolition Mans K. Elliott G) Town Clerk a) Approve Meeting Minutes for April 9, 2008 B. Jrfollenbeck 7) Town Highway Superintendent/Department of Public Works ,J.13nsb a) SaltlSaitd storage building site plan review Sc trmated cosis comparison for 2 different types of storage structures b) Resolution to set allowable spending amount for saIt/sand building 8) Recreation Department M. Rianconi a) Establish position of full -time Recreation Director b) Updates can Dug Outs, Lacrosse, and Track participation numbers c) Updates on Dairy Day, Music in the Park, and Music in the Hollow d) Report on Master Plan 9) County Briefing Comity Rep 10) Zoning Officer H. Slater a) Introduce Local Law 41 -2007 — Pee Adjustinent Resolution b) Conolude Lego Selection Discussion c) Propose Fire Safety [nspcction Contract —Kevin Ezell d) Propose F8ccility Sign Contract 11) 1Envi roam enlal Planner a) Dryden Trail' Lease Agreeme.ntq b) Lew Un Farm — Appraisal Services Decision 12) Fnginceri ag 13) Attorney 14) Unfinished Rusincss a) Status of AN equipment S) New Business a) 16) Colunkittee Reports (3 minutes or less each, please) a) Emergency Services Committee b) Personnel Committee c) Finance Committee d) ITUD Loans & Grants Committee e) Technology Committee f) Recreation /Youth/ oiy1mtinIty Centers Cominiace 17) Approve Abstract #5 18) Future Agenda items 19) lExcentive Session Personnel D. Kwasnowwki A. Sciarabba IN1. Perkins Town of Umde n Town Board Meeting May 142 2008 Name um S tnt/4, 4414 dl/o� Address or Board 56,l 11V%O es e� / ZL! 'Ta4.� � Jeoo`/ '00 i N rli /\ ►^N, L- & U� &jo �rtc O afi( 71 -'�N � P'"- 7- Y; tl 1 5 -IA -o8 SPEAKER SIGN IN SHEET I1� you wish to address the Board under citizens privilege of the floor please sign in below. Speakers will be limited to a maximum of three minutes. Please provide the Clerk with a written summary of your statement. Name Address 06/23/2008 10:33:20 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR E TOWN BOARD OF THE Town of Dryden: Pursuant to Section 125 of the Town Law, I hereby render the following detailed statement of all moneys received and disbursed by rite during the month of May, 200: DATED: June 23. 2008 Balance Balance 04/30/2008 Increases Decreases 05/31/2006 A GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE 1,977,231.94 53,126.55 0.00 100,869.70 381112;1.30 CASH - CHEECKING 14,021.09 SL1- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT 151,237.31. 151,226.49 49,031.91 CASH - SAVINGS 6,211,535.25 62,286.88 CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS 151,281.44 0.00 6,125,540.69 309.75 7.26 PETTY CASH 600,00 22,242.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 600.00 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 3,839.72 CASH - SAVINGS 3,500.00 0.00 3,133.53 7,334.72 5, TOTAL 6,232, 991.. O1, 217,1:24.19 302,507.88 6,147,507.32 DA HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND CAS,H - CHECKTNG 2.01 50,432.66 50,432.35 2.32 CASH - SAVINGS 1,777,229.93 2,693.89 50,432.35 1,929,991.47 T0 Tr.L 1,977,231.94 53,126.55 0.00 100,869.70 381112;1.30 1,929,493.79 SL1- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT B• GENERAL - OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS 5,186.2 0.00 CASH - CHECKING 309.75 7.26 0.16 309.75 309.75 22,242.68 4,881.03 0.00 22,242.65 TOTAL 0.19 CASH - SAVINGS 677,027.28 3,133.53 5, 22,292.65 52 3:1.7 . 658,216.16 619.50 PETTY CASH - ?0ST'A GN: 1, 976.68 So ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT 10 500, 00 0.00 2r976,68 TOTAL 678,509.12 0100 27,176.21 249.90 44,985.30 6611195.03 CASH - SAVINGS DB HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND 6.40 24 9. 90 4.303.88 CASH - CHFrCKING 0.05 90,025.69 S�l0,025.69 0.05 CASH - SAVINGS 1,229,127.1.9 1 41,345.55 90,025.69 1,280,947.05 TOTA1 1,229,127.24 231,371.24 1.80,051138 1,280,447.10 SF1- DRYDEN FIRE DISTRICT CASH - CHECKIAIG 36.86 0.03 0.00 36.89 WASH - SAV.IN'�S 380,517.67 566.54 0.00 381,084.41 TOTAZI 3801554.73 566.57 0.00 381112;1.30 SL1- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS 5,186.2 0.00 309.75 7.26 309.75 309.75 4,881.03 0.00 TOTAL 5, 186. 52 3:1.7 . O1 619.50 4r884.03 So ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHE(:KTNG 0100 249.90 249.90 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 41597.38 6.40 24 9. 90 4.303.88 Pace 1 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 04/30/2008 Increases Decreases 05/31/2008 2. 9 9. 413)3, 88 '101r_L 4t547,38 .56.30 9_ 60 SL3- MEADOW /LEISURE LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECK_NG 0.00 203.89 203.99 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 3,598.86 5.05 203.89 3,9C0.04 TOTAL 3,598.8S 208, 99 40, : +6 3, 400.09 SM AMBULANCE DISTRICT CASH - CHECi%fING 0.J 49,k,j50.00 49,050.00 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 324,505.42 410.11 49,050.00 2750865.53 TOTAT 324,505.42 49,460.11 98,i0G.G0 275,865.53 SS1- SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS CASH - SAVINGS 50,249.23 3372.26 0.00 50,621.49 TOT!�:L• ^0,249.23 372.26 0.00 500621.49 SS2- VARNA SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING 56.67 1,852.36 1,852.32 56.71 'ASH - SAVINGS 1760399.39 442.31 1,852.32 174,989.38 TOTAL 1 ?6,956.06 2,299.67 30709.69 1.75,046.09 Ss- CORTLAND RD SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.35 25,'104.91 25,704.91. 0.35 CASH - SAVINGS 201,431.16 26,632.36 25,704.91. 202,4v^6.63 POSTAGE 1. -.19 0.00 0.00 1.46 TOT ":L -- 201,933.01 52,387.27 51.,409.82 202,410.46 SS4- MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECK.NG 0.00 540.75 540.;5 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 189,955.40 326.54 540.75 189,243.19 TOTAL 184,455.90 867.29 1,061.50 164,291.19 SS5- TURKEY HILL SEWER CASH - CI•IECKTr)G 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.12 CASH - SAVINGS 116,778.98 2,137.50 0.00 118,916.48 TO'1'F1L 1.i 779. 1,.D 2o137.50 0.00 1.18, 9i6. 60 SS6- PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER ,GASH - SAVINGS 94,192.1.6 175.49 0.00 94,367.65 TOT:�L 34,192.16 1.5.99 0,00 94,36;.55 SID ROYAL ROAD SEWER CASH - SAVING5 21,721.09 32.34 0,00 21,753.43 TOTAL 21, 721.09 32.39 0. GO z'1,75':.43 Page 2 P10,1THLY REPORT OF SU13ERVISOR Balance Balance 04/30/2008 Increases Decreases 05/31/2008 $� VARNA WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 738.79 738.79 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 304,389.99 3,692.05 738. 79 307,342.75 TONAL 304,389.49 ROYAL ROAD WATER 4,430.84 1,977.58 307,342.75 SW2- SNYDER HILL, WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 60,458.36 190.59 157.42 190.59 190.59 0.00 60,425.19 TC'T6 .-1 60r458,36 0.00 348.01, 22,401.99 381.18 60142-5,19 SW3- MONKEY RUN WATER CASH - CHECKING 173.2 1,495.04 1,494.92 173.39 CASH - SAVINGS 173,136.54 369.10 1,494.92. 172,030.72 TOTAIJ 1'3,309.81 1,884.14 2,989.84 172,204.11 SW4- HALL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 680.00 680.00 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 2e, 500.84 21.1.85, 94 680. CEO 28, 006.78 TOTAL 26,500.84 2,865.94 1,360.00 28,006.76 TURKEY HILL WATER WASH - C? ECK =?JG 5r983.431 270.39 266.24 5r987,58 CASH - SAVINGS 1 ?7,201.61 1,884.83 0.00 179,086.44 TOTAL 183,185.04 213.55.22 266.24 1.85,074.02 SW6- ROYAL ROAD WATER CASH - $AVINISS 22,368.69 33.30 0.00 22,401.99 TOTAL 22,368.69 33.30 0.00 22,401.99 PN MCARTHUR SPECIAL RESERVE CHECKING - SI?ECIAL RESERVES 2,922.90 0.00 0.00 2,922.90 TOTAL 2,922.90 0100 0,00 21922.90 CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CASH - CHyCKIP\G 173,555.56 31035.52 0.00 176,591.08 TOTAL 173,555.56 3,035.52 0.00 176,59!.08 H CAPITAL PROJECTS - TOWN HALL Yr%SH - CHECKING CASE-; - SAVINGS 18,858.84 0.00 24,4 72.48 0.00 24,472.48 24,472.48 - 5,613.64 0.00 • TOTAL 18,858.84 24,472.48 48,944.96 - 5,613.64 TA AGENCY FUND CASL - TRUST & AGENCY 7,852.71 106,258.38 .10" +,167.50 60943159 Page 3 MONTHLY REPORT Or SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 04/30/2008 Increases Decreases 05/31/2008 IO'p"�L 7, 852.71 106, 258.36 107, 167.50 61943,59 CM MISC SPECIAL REVENUE /MCARTHUR CASH - SAVINGS 14.66 0.00 0.00 14.66 TOTAL 14.66 0.00 0.00 =4,66 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 12, 154, 950.19 783, 257.77 946, 319.60 11, 99i, 888, 36 Page 4