HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-Table of contentsTOWN BOARD MTG 1 -5 -08 RES 032 - Accept Map, Plan & Report for Extension Of Cortland Road Scwcr District RES #33 - Adopt Order Calling Public Hearing - Cortland Road Sewer District. Extension RES 434 - Neg SEQR Dec - Extension of Cortland Road Sewer District � • . •: RES #35 - 2008 RESOLUTION INDEX RES #36 - TOWN BOARD MTO 1 -2 -08 RES # I - Appoint J Leifer to Town Board RES #2 - Rules of Procedure RES #3 - Mileage RES #4 - Designate Official Depositories RES #5 - Authorize Signatures on Accounts RES #6 - Official Advertising RES 97 - Advance Payment of Utilities RES #8 - Petty Cash RES 09 - Appointments RES # 10 - Appoint Town Engineer RES #I 1 - Create Position of Deputy Supervisor RES Of 12 - Create Position of Confidential Secretary_ RES # 13 - Annual Salaries for Town Officers RES # 14 - Annual Salaries RES # 15 - Contracts RES # 16 - Appoint Budget. Officers RRS #17 - Appoint Planm.ing Hoard Member RES # 18 - Appt Conservation Board Member RES 019 - no resolution RES 020 - Appt Rec Partnership Representative RES 021 - Appt Youth Commission Member RES 422 - Voucher /Invoice Submission Desdl.ines RES #23 - Mandatory Justice Schooling RES #24 - Investment Politics /Guidelines for Town RES #25 - Appt Fair Housing Officer RES #26 - Town Board Meeting Schedule RES #27 - Vehicle Benefit RTES #28 - Request Ext. to File Annual Report RES #29 - no resolution R1ES 130 - Neg SEQR Dec- Illicit. Discharges and Connections to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer RES ® #31 - Adopt local Law # 1-2008 -Local Law to Prohibit Discharges & Connections to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer TOWN BOARD MTG 1 -5 -08 RES 032 - Accept Map, Plan & Report for Extension Of Cortland Road Scwcr District RES #33 - Adopt Order Calling Public Hearing - Cortland Road Sewer District. Extension RES 434 - Neg SEQR Dec - Extension of Cortland Road Sewer District � • . •: RES #35 - Reduce Spend Lirnit on Fall Creek Road RES #36 - Neg SEQR Dec - Tompkins Cortland Community College Foundation RES 1137 - Approve; Special Permit -Tompkins Cortland Community College Foundation RES 038 - Approve Minutes RES 439 - Authorize Purchase & Sale of Highway / DPW Equipment RES 940 - Amend Standard Conditions of Approval RES 941 - Appt Stormwatrr Management Officer RES 042 - Appt M Maybury to Z13A RES 1143 - Revoke Offer of Funding to Bethel Grove; Conununity Center RES #44 - Apply for Housing Rehab Funding RES 045 - Auth Contract w /Beautiful & Functional ® RES 446 - Approve Abstracts 013 and # 1 TOWN 130ARD MTG 1 -18 -08 RES #47 - Approve Agmt w /'I'C3 - Flow Monitoring Stations RES #48 - Approve Agint w /TC3 Foundation - Flow Monitoring Stations RES #49 - Authorize Letter of Intent - Wireless Broadband RES #50 - Auth Contract Between Village of Dryden And Cortland Road Sewer District RES #51 - Hold Agreement pending Removal of Moratorium in Cortland Road Sewer District RES #52 - Resolution Extending Town of Dryden Cortland Road Sewer District TOWN BOARD MTG 2 -13 -08 RES #53 - Auth Contract w /Bett►el Grove Community Association RES #54 - Appt E Hicks to Rcc Commission RES #55 -Approve §284 Agreement RES #56 - Approve Change Order -Town Hall RES #57 - Designate Reps to Tompkins County Council of Governments RES #58 - Appt Reps to NYS Association of Towns RES #59 - Budget Modification RES 060 - Approve Amendment. 42 to Agmat elated September 7, 2005 between Ithaca Area WWTP- SJC Owners and Stearns & Wheler RES 061 - Approve Abstract 02 TOWN BOARD MTG 3 -12 -08 RES #62 - Neg SEQR Dec - Hannolly Properties, LLC 465 North Road RES #63 - Approve Special Permit - Hannolly Properties LLC 465 North Road RES #64 - Approve Minutes RES 465 - Town Clerk Attendance at Conference RES #66 - Approve Contract w /International Union of Operating Engineers for SCLIWC Employees RES 1167 - Approve Abstract. #3 RES 468 - Approve Min utcs RES #69 - Appoint. 1, Hinkle, to Recreation Comm, RES 470 - Auth Surveyor for Lew -Lin Farm RES #71 - Auth Phase 11 Work Scope for Behan Planning RES #72 -Allow Out-of-District User (Monkey Run Water District RES 1173 - Demolish Tuttle House RES #74 - Support Council of Governments' Review of Heald, Benefits for NYS Shared Municipal Services Program RES #75 - Auth Contract w / Tompkins County for Youth Services RES 076 -Auth Contract w /Cornell Cooperative Ext of Tompkins County (youth services) RES #77 - Auth Community Development Block Grant Application RES #78 - Approve Abstract; #4 TOWN BOARD MTG 5 -1408 RES #79 - Neg SPQR Dec - The Frosty Cow - 6 Livermore Cross Road RES #80 - Adopt Findings. Determinations i s Approve RF�S # Special Permit for the Frosty Cow - 6 ® Livermore Cross Road RES 481 - Neg SF.QR Dec - N PidlSpchak - 133 - Approve Special Permit. - Green Cafe 1914 Dryden Road RES #82 - Approve Special Permit - Pidlypchak 1914 Dryden Road RES 983 - Auth Letter of Support - Caroline Trail Project RES #84 - Approve Min utcs RES #85 - Auth Sale. of Pickup Truck RE'S 086 - Auth Revocable Liccnse for Parking Space RES #87 - Accept Proposals from TG Miller & Empire 136 - Approve Minutes Gcotechnical Services, Inc. RES #88 - Establish Recreation Director Position RES 489 - Appt T Strickland as Project Assistant RRS #90 - Auth Contract w /Simplex Grinnell RES 091 - Auth Supervisor to make Proposal to # 140 - William George Agency RES #92 - Auth Contract. w /North Fast Appraisals RES #93 -Auth Supervisor to Sign Sewer Contract RES #94 - Auth Contract. for Audio /Visual Equipment. RES #95 - Pr•oelairuing May 18 -24, 2008 as Emergency RES 4144 Medical Services Week RES #96 - Increase Pay rate for P Millard RES #97 - Increase Salary for ,loy Foster RF:S #98 - Increase Ambulance Rates RES 099 - Approve Abstract #5 RES # 100 - Auth Farmlarut implementation Grant # 148 - Contract for Jerry DcLI Farm RES RES RES RE:S RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES # 101 - Approve Racker Center Residence # 102 - Adopt Proclamation Recognizing Jessica House & Rachel Kutcher It 103 - Approve Minutes # 104 - Budget Modification # 105 - Approve Community Center Grants # 106 - Adopt Mission Statement for Recreation Department # 107 - Au th Contract w /Village of Dryden for Code; Enforcement Services # 108 - (create Full-Time Temporary Position # 109 - Adopt Order Calling Public I-l"ri.ng (Improvements to Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatnrrnt Plant) # 110 - Auth Agent between Stearns & Whelcr and IAWWTP # 1 1 1 - Extend Deadline on Tuttle. House and Authorize Asbestos Removal # 112 - Support. for Beautification Project # 113 - Amend Resolution #94 (2008) # 114 - Approve Abstract 96 RES 11115 - RES # 116 - RES # 117 - RES #118- Ag RES #119 - Ag RES # 120 To Se RES # 121 - RES 9 122 - Approve Minutes Neg SFFQR Dec- Salt/ Sand Storage. Bldg Appropriate Funds for Salt /Sand Bldg Neg SFQR Dec - Contract w /NYS Dept of Mk.s for Sherman /Brotherton Auth Town Supv to sign Contract. w /NYS & Mkts for Sherman /Orotherton Adopt Public Interest. Order - Improvements Sewage 1Yent-mcnt Plan in City of Ithaca 'wing Town of Dryden Increase Deductibles Extend Conlract with USGS RES # 123 - !Aire Senior Account Clerk RES # 124 - Adopt Personnel Manual RES # 125 - Auth Granting of CDBG hinds to Tompkins County Area Development Inc. RES # 126 - Approve Abstract 07 RES # 127 - Cntroducc Local Law Permitting Temp •Tclecotnmu.nicat.ions Tower at TC3 RES # 128 - introduce Local Law Further Amending Local 12aw 2 -2004 which Re- Established the Cortland Road Sewer District Rent. i,aw RES # 129 - Auth Contract w /Computing Center RES # 130 - Amend Definition of Fixed Assets till il� .,_ ":iLiT:�:7►7,�i1�e1E:�C�1I:3 RES # 131 - Adopt Cortland Road Sewer District Sewer RES # 149 - Approve Minutes RES # 150 - Support Farmland Protection Implementa- tion Grant Applications RES # 1.51 - Direct Attorney to Development. Zoning Ordinance Amendments RES # 152 - Charge to Recreation Commission RES #153 - Confirming the Authority of the Town Supervisor to F'xecuic the Agent between Owner & Contractor in Connection with the 2008 Miscellaneous Plant Improvements Project at the Jointly Owned IAW WT Plant RES # 154 - Planning Board Training RES # 155 - Authorize Application for Grant Funding by Court RES # 156 - Approve Abstract #9 RES 11157 - Budget Modifications RES 4158 - introduce Recreation Commission Local Law & Set Public Hearing RES # 159 - Auth Aguht with Alternatives Federal Credit. Union for Business IDA Program Rent law RF�S # 132 - Neg SEAR Dec - Green Cafe Special Use Permit - 1 143 Dryden Road RES # 133 - Approve Special Permit. - Green Cafe RES # 134 - Neg SEQR Dec - Adoption of Local Law Permitting a Temporary 'Telecommunications Tower on Lands of Tompkins- Cortland Community College RES # 135 - Adoption of Local Law Permitting e ,i,cmporary ,relecommunications Tower on Lands of Tompkins- Cortland Comm. College RES # 136 - Approve Minutes RES # 137 -Send Surplus Office Equipment to Auction RES # 138 - Sell Roller RF.;S # 139 - Auth. Bid Documents - Salt Storage Bldg RES # 140 - Modify Standard Conditions of Approval RES At 1.41 - Appt Naten Huffman to ZBA RES # 142 - Appt D Sprout - Code Enforcement. Officer RES # 143 - Authorize Grant of Fasement to NYSEG RES 4144 - Authorize Grant. of Easement to NYSEG RES # 145 - Authorize Grant of Easement to NYSEG RES # 146 - Report of Audit RES # 147 - Budget Modifications RES # 148 - Approve Abstract. #8 RES # 149 - Approve Minutes RES # 150 - Support Farmland Protection Implementa- tion Grant Applications RES # 1.51 - Direct Attorney to Development. Zoning Ordinance Amendments RES # 152 - Charge to Recreation Commission RES #153 - Confirming the Authority of the Town Supervisor to F'xecuic the Agent between Owner & Contractor in Connection with the 2008 Miscellaneous Plant Improvements Project at the Jointly Owned IAW WT Plant RES # 154 - Planning Board Training RES # 155 - Authorize Application for Grant Funding by Court RES # 156 - Approve Abstract #9 RES 11157 - Budget Modifications RES 4158 - introduce Recreation Commission Local Law & Set Public Hearing RES # 159 - Auth Aguht with Alternatives Federal Credit. Union for Business IDA Program SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MTG - 9 -24-08 RES # 160 - Accept Bid for Salt Storage Building RES #161 - Authorize Funds for Inspections RES # 162 - Adopt'rown of Dryden Recreation Commission Law RES # 163 - Approve Minutes RES 6 164 - Object to Loss of Local Government. Records Management Improvement Fund RES 8165 - Designate Seasonal Use Roads RES # 166 - Invite AFCU to Provide Tax Service RES '# 167 - Appt E Gutchess - Recreation Comm. RTES #1168 - Audi Supervisor to Sign Agrnt %vith Alternatives I"ederal Credit Union RES # 169 - Auth Lease w /NYSEG for Water Tank RES # 170 - Authorize Advertisement for Weather - ization Grants RES # 171 - Approve Abstract # 10 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MTG 10- 15.2008 RES 8 172 - Neg SEAR Dec - The MHilhox, [tic. RES N t 73 - Approve Special Permit. -The MHilbox SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MTG - 11 -5 -2008 RES # 174 - Adopt Special District i3• Aasmt Rolls RES iV 178 - Adopt: 2009 General Budget RTES 8176 # 199 - - Adopt. Special Districts budget RES 8177 RES - Add Delinquent Charges to 2009 Tax Roll RES 8178 Storage. Building - Approve Budget Modifications RES # 179 - Auth Prep. of Contract for Dog Control for Jerry Dell Farm RES 4202 - TOWN BOARD MTG 11 -12 -2008 RES ## 180 - Adopt. Local Law #5 -2008 RES 8181 - Approve Minutes RES # 182 - Approve Snow & Ice Agrrcement. RIBS # 183 - Auth Town Supv to Sign Agint. w/ Tompkins County re: Jerry Dell harm RES # 184 - Auth Supv Sign Contract for Roadside Wetland Survey RES # 185 - Approve Work Scope for Roadside, Wetland Survey RES # 186 - Adopt 'Town Logo RES # 187 - Approve Weat.herization Grant. ProgrHm RES 8188 - Authorize Contract, w /USGS RES #1 189 - Endorse MOU and Pledge to work with Economic Development Collaborative for County-wide bvaluAtlon of Existing Water And Sewer Infli %tnncture RES # 190 - Approve Abstract # 1 I RES # 191 Extend Deadline for RFP - Administration Of HOME Grant. RES # 192 - Approvc Dog Control Agreement RES # 193 - Approve Kennel Leasc Agreement TOWN BOARD MTG - 12.10 -2008 RES # 194 - Approve Proposal for Historic Marker ® At Bethel Grove, School RES # 195 - Adopt: Local Law #6 -2008 - Supplemental Mailings with Tax Bills RES # 196 - Authorize. Pamphlet for Mailing with Tax Bill RES n 197 - Approve M.inu tes RES # 198 - Authorize Postage for Tax Bills RES # 199 - Authorize Payment for Deputy Clerk / Receiver RES 11200 - Authorize Change Order #I for Salt Storage. Building RES 0201 - Neg SEQR Dec - Contract w /Tompkins County for Jerry Dell Farm RES 4202 - Approve Ambulance Contract. RES #203 - Approve Firc Contracts RE'S #204 - Accept Proposal for Administration Of HOME Grant RES #205 - Authorize Response to City of Ithaca IAWWTP Property RES #206 - Approve SCLIWC 2009 Rates RES #207 - Establish Town Water Rate for 2009 RES 8208 - Adopt. Computer Use Policy RES #209 - Approve Abstract H 12