HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-081'B 3 -8 -07 16 TOWN OF DRYDEN TO WN BOARD NEE TING Mar8h 8, 2007 Present- upv Steven Trumbull, Cl David Makar, Cl Mary Arm Sumner Elected Officials. Barnbi L. Hollenbeck, Town Clerk Jack Rush F Highway Superintendent Otlier Town Staff: Mahlon R, Perkins, 'town Attorney Daniel Kwasnowski, Environmental Planner Henry Slater, Zoning Officer Andy 8ciarabba, TG Miller Engineers Jennifer Dube, Recreation Coordinator PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED LOCAL LAW 1 -2007 ADMINISTRATION da ENFORCE14iENT OF NEW YORK UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION & - BUILDING CODE lea OTHER TOWN OF DRYDEN LOCAL LAWS & ORDINANCES upv Trumbull opened the public hearing at 7'05 p_m. and Town Clerk Bambi Hollenbeck read the legal notice that wcas published in Th,� ifho4 Jouywal on February 21, 2007. There were no Comments from 11he board or the audience, and the hearing was left open. PUBLIC HEA1ziRO ESTABLISH A FEE SCHEDULE FOR PERMITS, ETC, FOR BUILDING/ZONING�n upv'f rumbuli opened the public hearing at 7 =Q7 p_rn. and 'I'owri Clerk rr;ut thy; lcpi notice that was published for this hearing in 74he fihziearo.,kn irnol on F cebruo.ry 23, 2007_ There were no comments from the board or the audience, and the hearing was Ireril opC:n_ Clayton Bronson of Dryden Arnt)UIUnCC presented the board with a report of statistics for Drydcn Ambulance for 2006. They were dispatched a total of 1287 cimcs (including standbys for fve, sporting events, etc 1, wi11h 1101;01 patient interactions of 1126 and 1069 transpork.s_ He said the dedication of the volunteers really st'arids out with a total volunteer time for the year of 10,786 hours. is1&1kIo7:�if►i upv Trumbull anriuuru:cd that he has appointed Su sari 0lyncded a% Town Historian. CITIZENS PRIVILEGE 0 done_ Page I of 24 TB 3 -8 -07 No report- ENGINEERING Andy SciaTabba reported that Wi Miller has finished the access road design for the new town hall. Draft copies of I:he new highway spec;irications have been delivered to the Town Attorney arld Highway Superintendent and they are awaiting feedback on those, ATTORNEY Atty Perkins reported that prior to tonight's meeting a public hearing was conducted by the Tompkins County Highway Manager on the qualified abandonment of the southern part of Cornelius Road. One property owner attended and comments were made by Atty Perkins and Highway Superintendent Jack Such- A decision is expected within the next ten days- The joint TEFRA hearing on the Gu thrie H cal th Bond issue was held on February 2 1, 2007, and Atty Perkins advised the board they could now pass the propot �d resolution pmvirkusly provided by Guthrie, RESOLUTION #62 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING HOST JURISDICTION APPROVAL OF THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS BY THE HEALTH CARE FACILITIES AUTHORITY OF SAYRE AND DECLARING THAT IT IS DESIRABLE FOR THE HEALTH, SAFETY AI+>;D WELFARE OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS HOST .]URISDICTION FOR THE HEALTH CARE FACILITIES AUTHORITY OF SAYRE TO REFINANCE CERTAIN FACILITIES SERVING THE PEOPLE OF THIS HOST JURISDICTION Cl Sumner offered the following resolution and asked For its adoption: WHEREAS, the Health Care Facilities Authority of Sayre (the "Sayre Authority "} has requested the assistance of this Host Jurisdiction in providing "host approval" under Section 147(! of the Internal Revenue Code in ronnection with the i*;euo.rice by the Sayre Authority of its revenue bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $225,000,000 (the "Bonds ") far the purpose of malting a loan to Guthrie Health, a P(.- nnsylvania nrrnprr f1 t. corporation (Fhe 11Borrow�Lr "), to r[_rinance the costs of acquisition, construction, renovation, equipping, furnishing and installation of land, buIId1ngs, equipment, rurnishings, fixt'urC;�, and software for the provision of clinical, hospital, inpatient, outpatient, diagnostic, treatment, ancillary, support and f or other health care relailed sertiiCe_s provided by' members of the health care system headed by the RorTower at various locations, including locations in this Host Jurisdiction; acid WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of Internal Revenue Code requires the appi-oval of the governing body or chief elected nCpi-cLLe5en tative cif each state or local government jurisdiction in which bond- financed facilities are located, fallowing a public, hX;aring by an authorized representative of the state or local governrrient jurisdiction, and WHEREAS, in occoi -dance with the above- mentioned requirement, a public hearing was held by or on behalf of this Host Jurisdiction respecting the proposed issuance of the Sonds to refinance facilities that arc loco LA within this Host Jurisdiction, after notice of the hearing (the "Hearing Notice ") was published not less than 14 days prior to the Bearing date in a rne.wspaper Of general Circulation in this Ilost Jx2ri tWictiori. A copy of the Hearing Notice and proof of p- Li Aicdtion the reaf is attached to and made a part of these rcL: 01ution5 as Exhibit A hereto- Page 2 (if 24 TB 3-5 -07 0 14 OW, `I`HL?REFORE, 13 E 114 RESOLVED AS PC) LLOWS: 1. The issuance of the Ronds to refinance casts of fatalities described in the Hearing Notice that are located in this Host Jurisdiction is hereby approved in accordance wir.h Section 147(Q of the In tern al Revenue Code_ This approval drxc q not impose any Iia.bility on his Halt 4Jurisdiction or in any way itivolve this Host Jurisdiction in the issuance of the Bonds, nor shall the credit or taxing power of this Howl: Jurisdiction be plcdgvd in any way for the issuance of the Bonds or the financing of any projects wil.h respect thereto, _ It is Hereby de:ul:ired desirable for the health, safety and welfare or the people in this Host Jurisdiction to have the HeaIr.h Care Facilities Authority of Sayre issue the Bonds for the purpose of, among other things, refintuicing cozo:s of facilities located in thi8 Host Jurisdiction. 3. The proper officers, authorized re pre sen Ca tives or designees of this Host Jurisdiction are he_rcbv authorized, directed and empowered to execute and deliver a copy of these resolutions and such other docurnents or ceri:ifications as may be required of this Host Jurisdiction for the host approval. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing authorization, this Host Jurisdiction is authorized and empowered to execute and deliver a Certificate of Approval in the form attached hereto as Exhibit F3. 4. These resolutions tihaII be effective immediately upon adoption_ All prior resolutions inconsistent herewith are hereby rescinded to the extent of such inconsistency.. 1A Cl Makar Roll Call Dote Cl Maka,r Yes Supv Trumbull Yes 1 Sumner Yes Arty Perkins reported that the metering manholes and the area velociCy rneter ultrasonic sensors have been ordered for the sewer manhole project to measure wastewater coming from the Cortland Road Sewer District. There was art increase in the cast of the flow verification study to be performed by F3ur h t ehc net,berger_ They had originally estimated the cost at $5,000, but that did not include the cost of a plumber necessary to go into the plant, unbolt the old meter and irls;tall the new one. They have received local quotes and have submitted a revised cost of $80295.750 anti a new resolution will be necessary for that cost, The agreement with the Village is that they will pay 2 f 0 and the Town will pay 1 f 3_ RESOLUTION #63 = AUTHORIZE BURGH SHOENENBERGER INCREASE I Surn ner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WILIERRAS, the Town Board, in Resolution No. 45 (2007), approved the proposal of Burgh Schocr umberger for flow �rerification monitoring at the Village of Dryden Wastewater Tre-_atment Plant for the sum of $5,000, and HEREAS, it. now appears that the revised cast for such projt.et totals $8,245.75, and WI.1CREAS, verification of flows into the Village of Dty�den waste }water rreatment Plant is esse }nti01 to verify the assumptions contained in several engineering reports prepared in Cc7nne;tion with the upgrade of the Villae' Wastewater Treatment Plant including the Page or 24 TB 3 -8 -07 construction of faoilities providing additional capacity for the Village: and the Cortland Road Sewer District, and WHEREAS, the Town board of the Town of Dry yen, on behalf of the 0orl:land Road Seiner District, h:is previously agreed to share the cost of the flow verification at the Village Wastewater Treatment Plant, with the Cortland Road t!wcr District to pay one -third (1/3) of the cost and the Village of Drryde n to pay two - thirds (2 j3) of the cast, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to adopt another resolution due to the increase in costs of such project, nowt, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that Town of Dryden, on beha of the Cortland Load Sewer Di lf strict, accepts the quotation of Burgh Schoenenberger dated February 23, 2007 for flow monitoring verification at the Village of Dryden Wastewater Treatment Plant, at a cosh not to exceed $8,245.75 on the condition that the Village of Dryden pay two- thirds (2/3) of such cost, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be for - warded to the Village Clerk with a request that the pillage act upon such quotation at the earliest possible time. 2n4l Supv Trumbull Roll Call dote Cl Makar Yes Supv Trumbull Yes C1 Surnner Yes There being no comments pertinent to the public hearings, Supv Trumbull closed those hearings at 7:27 p,m, RESOLUTION 464 - ADOPT LOCAL LAW 01 OF 2007 A LOCAL LAW PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE NEW YORK STATE UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND ]EICUDLNG CODE AND OTHER TOWN OF DRYDEN LOCAL LAWS AND ORDINANCES Supv Trumbull offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED? flra1: this Town Board hereby adopts the proposed law- referred to as "a Local Law Providing for the Administration and Enforcement of the; Nc�w York State Uniform Fire 1'rev0ntion and 8uiIding Code and other Town of Dr,}Fden Local Laws and Ordinances' aqs follows; SECTION L PURPOSE AN I) IN'T'ENT This local I tw provides for the administration and enJ6r"mk%ni of the New York State Uniform Pire Prevention and Building Code (the Uniform Cod c) and the Stale Energy Conservation Construction Code {the L'•nergy Code} in Lhe Town of Dryden exclusive aFthe Villages t)f Dry&n and Reevi11el This local law is adopted pursuant to section 10 of the Municip[t1 Mama Rule Lain. Except a.& otherwise provided in tltie Uniform Code, ocher state Jaw, or other section of this local law, all buiIdinvs, s[ructur45, and premises, regard Jess of use or occupancy, are subject Lo the provisions this coca! law. SECTION 2_ DRITINITIONS 0 In this local Jaw: Ptige 4 of 24 "Building Permit" shall men Shall also include a Building law. "Certirlca[e of Compliance" materials and products meet documents, TS ; -8417 n x permit issued purs[lnn4 14) cwction 4 of this local law- The term " Buildim f ern,it" Permit which is rcncwed, amended or extended pursuant to any provMicn of this local shall mean a certificate iMle { pursuant to section 7(b) of this local la%v stating thal specified standards or that work was done in compliance with approved construction "Certificate of Oecurmncy" shall mean a ceriiiicate Msucd pursuant to section 7(b) Of this local law stating that a stmcnGre meets speci Died standards, the construction was done in compliance with approved con�;tnacti(in docUments, meets al I applicable codes, and is habitable. :-Code Lnforcement Officer" shall mean the Code Enforcenyent Officer appointed pursuant to subdivision (b) of akxf.ion a of [his local law- "lode EnForcerncni: PeNonnul" 51LaI I include the Code inn Fomtrnen10 fficur and a I J Inspectors. -`C:olnpliance Order'° shall mean an order issued by the Code Enforcement Officer pirrstrnnl w suhdivisic11`1 (a) of section 13 of this local law. -`L.rrcrgy Code" slial l mean the State Fner y Conservation Construction Code, as currently in effect and ns hereafter arnWndLd fr {ern tirnc to time- `fhe Energy Code includes 19 NYCRR Part. 1240. "inspector' shall n, can an inspector appointed pursuanr to subdivision (d) of section 4 of th iS local Nw. "Operating Permit" shall inean a pern,ii. issued pursuxn[ 14) section 10 of th is local law- The term "Operating Permit'' shall also include zm Operating Permit which is renewed, arnencled or vxLt:nded pursuant to any provision of [his local lawl "Permit Holder" shall mean the Person to whom a [wilding Pennit has been issued. -`PLurson" shall include an individual, corporal m, liinited liability company, partners} kip, limi[ed partnership, business trust, esLate, trust, association, tar any other lc al or corn rnercial entity cif any kind ur duscriputm. "Stop Work Order" shall inean an order issued pursuant to section 6 of this local law- "Tempormy Certificate" shat) ntean a ccrtilicatc issued pursuan[ to subdivision (d) ufscction 7 of this luexrl Iaw. --190wri" shat I mean the Town of Dryden, eNclusive of the Villages of Dryden and FmeviIle. "Uniform Codc" shall mcan [hu NLw York Slate Uniform Fire Preveridon and 13uildin g Code, as currently in effect rind Us hereafter arnended from time to time. The Uniform Code includes 19 NYC RR Part 1220 (R esidentia, Code), Part 1221 (Building Coda), Part 1222 (Plumbing Code), Part 1223 (Mcchanical Cade), Pnri. 1224 (Fuel Gas Code), Part 1225 (Fire Code), and Part 1226 (Property Maintenance C.udc). SF,C'riON 3, CODE ENFORCENI ENT OFFICrF4 ANN) 1NSPEC19ORS (a) The office of Coda Enforcemen[ Of iccr is hereby created, The Code LnfurcerrWrnt Of3icer Shull administer and enforce all the provisions of the Unil-orm Code. the Energy Code and this local law- The Code Enforcement 0f icer shaI I have the followvi��g powers and dui.ies: (1) tau receive. review, and appruvc tar disapprove applications for Building Permits, Certificates of Occupancy, C:urtiticates of Campliancc, Temporary Ce�iifieates and Operating Permits, and the plans, specifications acid cons ruction documents submitted with such applications; Page 5 of 24 TB 3 -8 -U7 (2) upon approval of such applications, to issue i3uilding Permits, Certificates of Occupancy, Certificates of Compliance, Temporary Certificates and Operating Permits, and in MCILI& in Building Permits, Celli ficatcs of Occupancy, Cerr.ificaln- of Coin piiance, Temporary Certificates and Operating Pennirs such Wrrns and conditions as the Code Enforcement Officer may determine to be appropriate; (3) to contlucL cunStruCtioll inspections, inspections to be made prior in Lhc issuance of C'ertitie #te5 (af DccupanLy, Certificates of Complianco, Temporally C"ertificatcs and Operating Permits, tiro safety and property maintenance inspections, insip=tionq incidental to the in vestig,ation of co nip Iaints, and all other inspections required. or permitted under any provision of "this local law; (4) to issue Stop Work Orders; (5) io review and investigate cornplaiiiis; (b) to issue orders pursuant ter subdivision (a) of section IS (Vii }laII011s) of this local law: (7) tO rrn3intain records: (8) Lo col Ioct foes as sot by the Town Botird oriho Town; (9) to pursue tadniinistraIivc on forceinent actions and proceedin4s; (I0) in consultation wish this Town's aitorncy, to pursue such legal actions and p roctedi np as may be neucssary to enforce the Uniform Code, the Energy Code and this Inca I law, or to abate or coaTect conditio111s not in compliance u ith Lhe U n i Form C'odc, the En orgy Cade or this Iocaa1 lair; and (11) to exercise all 01-her powers and fulfill fill other duties conferred upon the Code Enforcement Officer by this local law. (b) The Code Enforcement Officer shall he appointed by the Town Berard. The Code Enforcement Officer shall possess background experience related to building construction or firs. prevuntian and shall, within the time proscribed by law, obmin such basic training, in- service training, advaaced in- service training and oilier training as the State of New York shall rL;quirc JIor code oitForceinent personnel, and the Code Enforcement Officer shall obtain certilicaflon from the State Fire Administrator pursuant to the Executive Law and the regulations proantuigated thoreUnder. (c) In the event that the Code Enforcement Officer is unable to serve as such for any reason, an individual shat I be appointed by the "Town Board to serve as Acting Code El ayforcernent 0Moor, The Acting Code Enforcement Officer shall, during the terns of his or her appointment. exercise all powers and fulfill all duties conferred upon the Code En force nient Officer by this local law, (d) On or niore Inspectors may be appointed by the Town Board to act under the supervision and direction of the Code 8ni'Urcoinuat C}Jficer and to assist the Code EnIbi-cement OYJicer in the exercise of the powers and fulfillrnont ofLhe duties conferred upon the Code EnForcement Officer by this local law, Each Inspector shall, within Lhc Limo preu.rihed by law, obtain such basic training, in- service training, advanced in- service training and other training as the Mate or New `G'ork shall require for code enforcement porsonncL. and each ]rkspoctor shalt obtain cer[ilication from the State Firs Administrator pursuant to the Executive Law and Lhc rcgulatierns promulgated rhereunder_ (e} ]ik addition Lo administering, and enforcing the provisions Of Llris local law, the Unilnrm Code, ands the Cnerg,y Code, tllie Code EnILOrcement 0t -icer shall administer and oil force. trio Town ter Dr -vdcn 70nin6 Ordinance, Land Subdivision Rules and Regulations, Mobile Home Ordinance, Mobile Home Park Ordinance, Electrical Code. Uiy r safe Buildings Law and Luca Law No_ I of the yea 1987 (a Local Iaw J-or Flood Damage Prevention), Page 6 of 24 196 ? -8 -07 (t) 'l'he compensation for the Code Enforcemrni Officer and Inspectors Oa11 be fixed froin time to time by the Town Board of the Town. (g) The 0� de Enfirrccmelit Officer, Milting Code Enforcement o l.Iccr and Inspectors) shall nok engage irk any activity inconsistent with their duties, or with the interests of the To)Agi, nor shall they, during the term of their employmciu, be engRged directly or indirectly in any building business, in the iurni;;hirig of labor, materials, supplies, or appliances far, or the supervisiolt of, the construction, alteration- demolition, or maintenance of a building or the preparation o r plans or specifications thereof within the 'Town of Dryden, 'This provision shal I not prohibit any cTnployee from en�agin� in any such activities in cunncrtior3 with the construction of a building or structure v }vned by them foil their own personal use and occupancy, or for the use and occupancy of members of- their immediate families, and not constructed #or re -wale. 5EC'TION 4, BUILDING PERMITS (a) Building Permits Regt,ired. ]�xccpt as otherwise provided in subdivision (b) of this section, a Building Permit shall be required for any work which must conform to the Uniform Code andlnr tike Energy Code, including, but not limited to, the construction, enl;Trgement, alteration, improvement, removal, relocation (or demolition of any building car structure or any portion thereof, and the insttrllation of a solid fuel burning heating appliance, chirnnoy or flue in env dwelling unit. No Person shall commence any work liar which a Building Permit is required without first having obtained a Building Permit iron the Cade Enforcement Otficer, (b) Exemptions, No ]wilding Perm f it shall be required for work in any o the following categories= (1) construction oil installation of one story dwrllingc or multiply single - family dwellings (tomhouses} similar use provided the gross Floor area does not exceed 1 (2) installation or swings and other plkLVgr dwelling, or multiple Sill 43le- iaInily dwelling ([()wnhciu.Lses); detached stTuctures assoclated with one- or two- family which are used for Lot)] and storage sheds, playhouses or 44 square t:t (13.88 square rooters }; ound equipmenr associated with a one- or two - family (3} Installation of swimming pools associated with a one- or two- fain iIy dwelling or multiple single - family dwellings (10W1rkh0lrSeS) where such pools are designed for a water depth of less than 24 inches and are installed en tire Iy above ground; 111A liquids; (4) instal Iatinn of` fcncc_s Which arc ncTt part tal`an enclosure- surrounding a swimming goal; (5) construction of ret;iinine walls unl"s such walls support a stprchar¢e or impound Class 1, 11 or (6) construction of temporary motion picture, television and theater stage sets and scenCr}; (7) installation of window awnings supported by an exterior oval I of a one- or two - family duelling or n]ultipJc si ngle- ram i ly dwellings (to WI]heuses); (8) installation oI partitions or movable cases less than 5' -9" in 1jeiLlyt: (�l) painting k�allpaprrin, tiling, carpet in8 or other sinyilar finisl� work; (10) inMallation of listed portable electrical. plumbing, heating, ventilation or cooling equipment or appliances; (1 1) replacement oFany equipment }provided the replacement does not alter the equipment's listing or 0 render it iACOrigiStent with the equipment's original specifications; or pme 7 or )4 (12) repairs, provided that such repairs do not load bearing wal I, partition, or portion thUreof, Or of any structural or change of any required means of egress, or the rearrangement dress; ( III) the enlargemont, alteration, replaticm0n4 Or 11e10cation sc -rvice of all or part ol`a fire protection system for any period of ti Invo l lee beam or of parts of any I rne. TB 3 =8 -U7 (1) the removal yr cutting away of a load bearing component; (ii) the removal Of a structure in a manner which afiLQctt ALiIding System; OT {iv} the i'elnoval fr-pm (c) EMMIl tiOln Ilot deemed authorization to PerfnrrrL non- compliant work._ 'I he exemption lion3 the: requirement to obmin a buildin¢ permit for work in aPy catcgury set fords in subdivision (h) r)f this section shall not be deemed an authorization ft )r work to be performed in violation of the Uniform Code or the Energy Cade. (d) Applications for Building Pernnil�. 1lpplications for a Buildin4r Permit shall be made in writing on a form provided by or olherwBe acceptable to the Code Enforcement Officer. The .application shall be signed by the owner of the property inhere the work is to be performed or an withori ?cd agent of the owner, The application shall in such information as the Cade. Enforcement Officer deems sufficient to permit a delerrnlnaLion by the Code Enforcement Officer that the intended wort: conmphes with all applicable mquirenents of the Uniform Cndr; and the Ener4T}' 0Ae_ The application shall include or he accompanied by the fbilowing infOrrnation and documentation: description of the proposed work; (2) the tax map number and the street address of the premises where she work is to be perlOrnled; (3) the occupancy clm�sification of any affected building or structure; (4) where applicable, a statement of special inspections pt-cpared in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Cade; and (5) ai leasl 2 se is of cormirucLion doctunents (drawings andlor speciF.iwlons) which {i) define the scope of the proposed work; (ii) are prepared by a Now York State registered architect or licensed pro fe_ssirrnal engineer where so required by the Education Law; (iii) indicate with sufficient clarity and detail the nature and extent of the work proposed; (iv) substantialE that the propor cd work will comply with the Uniform Code and the Eircrgy Code; and (v) where applicable, include a silo plan that shoos any existing and proposed buildings and structures on the site, the location of any existing or proposed well or septic syLgem, the location of the intended work, and the distances between the buildings and structui-es and the lot lines. (e) CnnwtrucLion dnoumuntw. COMAruC.LiOri documents will not be accepted as pwi of an application for a Building Pennit unless they satist}' the requiremenks set forth in paragraph (5) of subdivision (d) of this suction_ Construction doctnnents whiA are accopled as part of the application for a Building Permit shall bu marked as accepted by the Code Enforcemem OFficer in writim, or by stamp_ One set of the accepted construction documents shall be retained by the Code Enforcenew Off]Qe:r, and one set of tlne accepted constizrciion documents shall be retuntied m tine app icant to be kept at the work site so as to be available for tine by the Coda Enforcement Personie1, However, the return of a set of accepted constructioni documents to tl7e applicalt shall not be construed as atrthoriz,tLon to conune�nce work, nor as an indication that a GLiild'ung Permit will be issued_ Work shall not he commenced until and unless a Building Pennit is issued_ (�} Iwsuance or13 uiIding Perixtits. Ali application for a Building Pennit shall be examined to ascertain wil ether the Proposed work is in compliance with the applicable requirements of the Utniforrn Codc and Energy Codo, The Cacao Enf6rcennent Officer shall issue a Building Permit if the proposed work is in compliance with the applicable rcquircrnenis of the Unifiorm Code and Energy Code_ (g) Building PcrrniL %La he dNphiyed, 13trilding, permits shall be visibly displayed at the work site and shall rennain ,risible until the authori7xd work has been completed, (h) Work it) he in accordance with construction documents_ All work shall Ix, performed in accordance with the construction dvLunncnts which were submitted with and aecupted as part of the application for the Building Pennit. The Buildin4j Pemnit shall contain such a directive. The Permit Helder shall innmediately notify the Cade Pagc R of24 T€3 3 -8 -07 401 Enforcement Ofiicer of any charge occurring during die course of the work_ 'ille Bui[diner Permit S11a[[ contain such x directive, if the Code Enforcement Officer determines that such change warrants a new or amended Building Permit, such change shall not he made until and unless a new or amended Building Permit reFlectina such challge is issued. (i) Time limits_ Building Permits shall became invalid unless the allthurized work is commenced within 6 months following the date of issuance_ Building Permits shall expire 1.2 _months after the date of issuance_ A Building Permit which has become invalid or which has cxpired pursuant to this subdivision may be renewed upon application by the Permit Holder, payrnenL of the applicable Fee, and approval of the application by the Code En Forcement Officer. (j) Rcvucation or suspen� inn of Building PermiEg_ If (lie Cade Eliforc:ement Officer determines that a BLii Iding Perm IL veal issued in error because of incorrect, iaaceuraw or incomplete inforniatiori, or that t lie 'Arork for wilich a Blllldina Permit was issued violates the Uniform Code or the Energy Code, the Code Enforcement Officer shall revoke the Building Permit or suspend the. Building Permit untii such Lirne as the Permit Ho €der demonstrates that (1) all work then ec�mplele�i is ill compliance with all applicable provisions of the Uniform Code and the brLergy Code and (2) all work then proposed to be performed shall he in compliance with ull applicable provisions of the Lini Forrn Cade and the Energy Code, (k) lee. `fhe fee specified in or dnterinined in accordance with the provisions set forth in section 16 (Ekes) of this local law must be paid at the i.ime cif submission of tin applicalivn 9[)r a Building Pennit, for an amended Building Permit, or for renewal of a Building Permit. SECTION 5, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS (a) Work to remain accessible and exposed_ Work shall remain accessible and exposed untll inspected and accepted by the Code Enforcement Officer or by an €nspector authorized by the Code F.,nlifrccrncnt Officer. `fhe PcrrrkiI Holder shall notify the Code En Iiorcernent Officer when any element of work ducribod in subdivision () of this u.cticm is ready for inspection, (b) Flemon.14 of work to be inspected, The fol[oWina elements of "the r~nnstructinn process sliall be inspected, tivhere applicable= {1) work site prior to the issuance ufa Building Permit; (2) fooungand foundation; (3) preparation for concrete slab; (4) I1raming; (S) building S�'stems, ia)clilding underground and rough -in; (6) fire resistant construction; (7) fire regManl penetrations; (8) solid fuel bunting heating appliances, chimneys, flues or gas vents; (9) Energy Code coin pIIance; and (10) a final Ills pectioil after all work auth(Pri'red by the R iii lding Permit. has been completed. 0 (e) Ilys ection results_ After inspection, the work or a portion thereof slraJJ he acted aq satiSFaetury as completed, or slic Perron Holder shall be notified as 10 where the work f�rlls to comply with the Uniform Code or Page 9 of 24 TB 3 -8 -07 F:.norgy Code. Work not in compliance with any applicable provision of the Uniform Cade or Energy Code shall remain exposed until such work shall have 4con brought into cnmpJiktnco with all applicable provisions of t}te Uniform Code and the Energy Cod reinspected, and found satisfactory as completed. (d) Fee, The fcc specified in or dote.rrntrted Ill accordance %vith the provisions sot forth in section 16 (Fees) of th is local law must be paid prior to ar at the LirFkC of each inspection performed pursuant to this section. ECTPON 6, STOP WORK GIRDERS (a) Authority to issue. The Code Enforcement Officer Js atithorized to issue Stop Work Orders pursuant to this section. ,I'irc Cade Enforcement 0 Ffixer slial I issue a Stop Work Order to or halt; (1) any work that is doerminod by the Code Enforcement Officer to be contrary to any applicable provision of the Oniform Code oil Energy CudL, without regard to whether such work is or is not work for which a 8ailding Permit is roquircd, and without regard to whether a Building Permit has ur has not been issued f6r such work, or (2) any work that is being conducted in a dunoer {pus or unsafe manner in the opinion of the Code Fn Officer, without rt:g" Eo whether such work is or is not work fi)r wliich a Building Permit i5 required, and without regard to whether a Building Permit has or has not been issued For such work, or (3) any work for which a Building Permit is required which is being performed w4huut the required Building Pennit, or under a Building Permit that has become invaI icl, has expired, or has been suspended or rcvoked. (b) Content of Stop Work Ordor4. Surp Work Orders shall (1) be in writing, (2) bo dated and signed by the Cade Enforcement Officer, (i) state the reason or reasons for issuance, and (4) if applicable, ;date the conditi oil s which must be satisfied before %vork will be permitted tv rc:�urne_ (c) Service, t r lop Work Orders. The Code Enforcement Officer shall cause: the. Stop Work Order, or a copy thereof, to be scrvE d on the owner of the affected property (and, if the owner is nol: the Permit Holder, on the Permit Holder) personally or by certified mail. ']7�e Code Enforcement Officer shall be permitted, bul not required, to cause the Stop Work Order, or a copy there uf, to bu served oil any builder, architect, tenant, contractor, subcontractor, construction superintendent. or their agents, or any other Perocorn taking part or assisting in work affected by the Stop Work Order, personally or by certified mail: provided, Itoweuer, that faih,rc t.o serve any 1'crsnn mclrtioned iii this sentence shall not afCoct the efficacy ofthe Stop Work Order, (d) Effect of Stun Work Order. Upon the issuance of a Stop Work Order, the owner of the aftected property, tho Permit Holder and any other Person perrorrnino, taking part in or assisting in the work shall immediately cease all work Whieh is oho:. subject of thy. Stop Work Order_ (e) Remedy not exclusive, The i uancc of a Stop Work Order shall not be the exclusive remccly available to saddress Rfly a %rent described in subdivision (a) of this section, and the aim hority to issue a Slop Work Order shall be in addition to, and not in substitution far or limitation of, the right and authority to pursue any other remedy or impose any other penalty under section 15 (Violations) of this local law or tinder any other applicable local Jaw or State law. Any such other remedy or penalty tnay be pursued at any time, w1kether prior to, at tho time or, or a[!Lr the issuance of a Stop V4WorJc Order. SECTION 7, CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY, CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE (a) Certificates of Occupancy or Certificates of Compliance required- A Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate Of Compliance shall be required for any work which is the subject of a Ruildin4T Permit and for all structures, buildings, oil portia�ys thereof, which are converted from one use or occupancy classificaEion or subclassification to another_ Perrin issiun to use oar occupy a building or structw'e, or pui'iion thereof, for wltiA a plodding Pennit was previously issued shall he granted only by issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Compliance. Page 10 of 24 'rB 3 -8 -07 (b) Issuance of C.eiTificates of Occupancy or Certifir.ates of Compliance. The Code Enforcerncnt Officer shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Compliance if the work which was thQ subject of the Building Permit ww.enrnpleted in accordance k'rith all applica lc provisions of the Uniform Code and Energy Code and, if applicable, that the structure, building or portion thereof that was cornveatad ion unc use or occupancy classification or stGbclassifictrtit n to another complies with all applicable provisions of the Uniform Code and Energy C {rdc_ 'I"he Code Enforcemoni Officer or an Inspector authorized by the Code E'-nforcement Officer shall inspect the building, structure or work }prior to the issuance of a Certificate of ()L�cupancy or Certificate of Compliance, in addition. where applicable:, the following docurnenL,%, prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Code by such person or persons as may be designated by or otherwise acceptable to the Code Enioruement Officer, at the expense of the applicant for the Certificate oCOccupancy or Certificate ol- Curnpliance, shall be provided io thu Code Enforcement. Officcr prior to the issuance oF Lhe Certificate of Occupancy or CL.rtificate of Compliance; (I ) a written statement ()fsLructuraI obseTvMio>'ns andlr)r a fllraI report of Spec itaI inspOCLiuns, and (2) Oood ha'r2rd certifications. (c) Contents of CsertificatCS of Occupancy or CertificaLes cif Compliance. A Cercalicatc of Occupancy or C ertil,cate of Co nip l fiance slyall ct�ntain the Following information; ( I ) the Bit 1Id1ng Perrnia numb €r, ifan ; (2) the date of issuance of the Bnri Idine Prim it, if any, (3) Lhe name, address and tax reap number of the property; (4) if the Cenificate oC Occupancy or Certificate of Compliance is not xpplieablc to an entire structure, a description of that portion of the structure ibr which Lhe Certificate of Occupancy or Ceri.ifiicace ff Compliancc is issued; (5} the use and occupancy classification of the structure; (6) Lhe type cif Lon struuiian 0 f010 struCULNI (7) the ac.sembly occupant Ioad of ihr; mructuM, if any I (8) if an automatic sprinkler system is provided. a natation as to whether the sprinkler s ystem is required; (9) any Special condiLion.4 irn pasecl in corkneedon with the i4SuancC of the Building PCrrrki[I arid (10) the signature (11- the Ccido F„nlicrcement Officer issuing the Certificate of OL:Quptancy or Cerr.itic.ate 0f COP" plialice and the date of issuance. (d) "Temporary Certificate, fhe Code Lnforcennent Officer shall be permitted to issuo a 'Terporary Corti ticute aIIowin¢ the temporary occupancy of a building or structure, or a portion thereof; prior to completion of the work which is tine subject of a Bu iIdirig Permit. Fourever, in no event shat I the Code Err roreement 0Meer issue a Tom porary Certificate unless the Cade Lnforcenient Officer determines ( I ) ihaL the building or structure, or the portion thereof cowered by the Temporary Cerrificate, may be occupiod safLly, (2) that any fire" and smoke - dctectin; or fire protection equipment which has been insrxrlled is operaLiorkal, and (3) that all required means of egress froan the building or structure have boon provided_ The Code Enforcement Officer may include in a Tcrnparary C'ertiticate such terms and conditions as Ice or she dccrns necessary or appropriate to ensure safety or to Iurthe;r Lhe purposes and intent of the Uniform Code- A 'i cmporar}' Cert.ificskte shalt be effective for a period o1'timc, n()t ica exceed Cf nnonths, which shall be di tcrrnined by the Code EnFnrcement Officer and specified in the Temporary Page I I oF24 TB 3 -8 -07 Certificate. During the specified period of effectiveness of the Temporary Certificate, the Permit Holder shall undertake to bring the building or structure into full compliance with all applicable provisions of the Uniform Code and the Energy Code. (e) Revocation or suspension of certificates. If the Code Enforcement Officer determines that a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Compliance or a Temporary Certificate was issued in error because of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information, and if the relevant deficiencies are not corrected to the satisfaction of the Code Enforcement Officer within such period of time as shall be specified by the Code Enforcement Officer, the Code Enforcement Officer shall revoke or suspend such certificate. (f) Fee. The fee specified in or determined in accordance with the provisions set forth in section 16 (Fees) of this local law must be paid at the time of submission ofan application for a Certificate. of Occupancy, Certificate of Compliance or for Temporary Certificate. SECTION 8, NOTIFICATION REGARDING FIRE OR EXPLOSION The chief of any fire department providing fire fighting services for a property within the Town shall promptly nolify the Code Enforcement Officer of any fire or explosion involving any structural damage, fuel burning appliance, chimney or gas vent. SECTION 9. UNSAFE.. BUILDING AND STRUCTURES Unsafe structures and equipment in the Town shall be identified and addressed in accordance with the procedures established by Local Law Number 2 of the year 1981 as now in effect or as hereaner amended from time to time. SECTION 10. OPERATING PERMITS (a) Operation Permits required. Operating Permits shall be required for conducting the activities or using the categories of buildings listed below: (1) manufacturing, storing or handling hazardous materials in quantities exceeding those listed in Tables 2703.1.1(1), 2703.1.1(2), 2703.1.1(3) or 2703.1.1(4) in the publication entitled "Fire Code of New York State" and incorporated by reference in 19 NYCRR section 1225.1; (2) hazardous processes and activities, including but not limited to, commercial and industrial operations which produce combustible dust as a byproduct, fruit and crop ripening, and waste handling; (3) use of pyrotechnic devices in assembly occupancies; (4) buildings containing one or more areas of public assembly with an occupant load of 100 persons or more; and (5) buildings whose use or occupancy classification may pose a substantial potential hazard to public safety, as determined by resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town. Any person who proposes to undertake wiy activity or to operate any type of building listed in this subdivision (a) shall be required to obtain an Operating Permit prior to commencing such activity or operation. (b) Applications for OperatinS Permits. An application for an Operating Permit shall be in writing on a forth provided by or otherwise acceptable to the Code Enforcement Officer. Such application shall include such information as the Code Enforcement Officer deems sufficient to permit a determination by the Code Enforcement Officer that quantities, materials, and activities conform to the requirements of the Unifftrm Code. If the Code Enforcement Officer determines that tests or reports are necessary to verify conformance, such tests or reports shall Page 12 of 24 TB 3.9 -Q7 be performed or provided by such person or persons as may be designated by or otherwise uccepmble to the Code F„niorcement Officer, at the expense of the applicant- (c) Iispections- The Code Enfixcumcnt Officer {rr an Inspector authorized by the Code Enforcement Queer shall inspect the subjec 1. premises prior to the issuance of aan Operating Penn it. (d) MuItiple Activities, In any circtunstaalace in w1kich mare than one activity listed in suhdivisioay (a) of this section is Lo he conducted at a location, the Code Enforcement Officer may requ[re a separaw Operating Permit iicr each such activity, or the Code En forcentent Off-we may, in his or her discretion, issue a Sin4Tle Operating Permit to apply to all such activities, (e) Urination of Qraerating Permits. Operating permits shaall be issued For such period of three, not to exceed ono yi.:ar in the case of any Operating Permit. issued for all area of pu> lie assembly and not to exceed three }ears in any ocher Lase, as shall be determined by the Cade Frli��rUfnent Officer to be GonSiktent with local conditions. 'rho effective period of each Operating f crmit shall be specified in the Operating Pelmit, An Operating Permit may bu reissued or renewed upon application io the Crude Enforcement OiYiLer, payment of the applicable fcc, and approval of such application by the Code Cnfarcclncni. Officer. (f) Revocaatinn or usnension of Operaatims Pcrrnits. If the Code Enforcement officer determines lhat any activity or building for which an Operating Permit was issued does not comply with any applicable provision of the Uniform Code, such Operatin� r Pe iL shall be revoked Or suspended- (g) Fie. '1 -he fcc specified in or determined in accordance with tht provisions. set forth in section 16 (rces) of this local comply law must be paid at the time submission of an application for an OperaLing 11crinit, for an amended Operating Perinit, or for reissue or renewal of an Operating Permit. SECTION '11, FIRE SAFETY AND PROPERTY MAINTENANCE [INSPECTION (a) Inspections required, Fire safety and property inauatenance inspections iIC hulIdings and structures shall be performed by the Code Enforcement Officer or an inspector designated by the Code En1%�rcement Officer at the following intervals= (1) Fire safety and property inaintenaance inspections of buildings or structures which contain an area of public assembly shall be performed at least once every twelve ( 12) months, (2) Fire safety and property maintenance inspections of buildings or stnictirres being occupied as dormitories shall be performed at least once every twelve (12) months - (3) Firu safety and property maintenance inspections of all multipic chr-ellings noL included in paragraphs (1) or (2) of this subdivision, and all non - residential buildings, structures, useti and occupanc�ics not. included in paragrapls ( t) or (2) of this stibdjvision, shall be performed at least once thirty -six (36) Tnonths. (b) Inspections permitted. In addition io the inspections required by subdivision (a) of this sectloia, a fire safety and property ntahatenaance inspection of any building, structure, use, or occupancy, or Of any dwelling unit, Ina)r also be performed by the Code Enforcement Officer or an Inspector designated by the CWL F„nfa)rcc :mP,nt Officer at any thole upon. (I} the request ofthe owner ofthe property to be I pecled or an authorized agent of such owner; (2) receipt by the Code Enforcement Officer of a written statement alleging that conditions or activities Fail inn to comply with the Uniform Code or Energy Code exist; of (3) receipt by the Cade Enforcement Oiiricer of any other informa dori, rcasonahly heilicved by Lhe Code Enforcement Officer to be reliable, giving rise to reason se able cau to believe that conditions or activities failing to comply wirh the Uniform Code or Energy Codc exist; Page 13 of 24 TB ± -5 -07 provided, however, that nothing in this subdivision shall be coosn,ied as permitting an inspection under any circumstances under which a court order or waiTant permitting such inspection is required, unless such court order car warrant shall have hceu obtained, (c} UF1'C Inspections. ;Nothing in this seetipn or in any other provision of this local law shall supersede, limit or impair Ihu powers, duties and responsibilities of the New York State Off= of Fire Prevention and Control ( "OFPC ") and the Now York state Fire Adrn inistrator under Executive Law section 156 -e and Education Lziw section 807 -b_ (d) fee. The iee specifiod in or determinQd in accordance with the prcavisions set forth in section 16 (ices) of this latal law must be paid prior to or at the time oach inspection per m fored pursuant to this sE�cticm_ This subdivision shat I not. app Iy to inspections performed by 0 F?C. SECTION 12. COMPLAINTS The Cudc Enforcement Officer shall review and investigate f:ompl=L�i ,Which allege or assert the exisrence of conditions or activities thar fail to comply with the Uniform Code, the Energy Code, this local law, or any other local law or regulation adopted for administration and enliOrccment of the Uniform Code or the Energy Code_ The proL-css for responding to a complaint shall include such of the hallowing steps as the Code Erdurc:erntnt Of "r may docrn to be appropriate. (a) porforming an inspection ol` the curnditiuns and/or activities a1leed to bu in violation, and documenting the rk:suhs 0C such inspection; (b) ii` a vitalation is fOLind to exist, providing the owner of the affected property and any other Per. un who may be responsiblo for the violation with notice of the violation and opportunity to abate, correct or cure tllQ violation, or otherwise proceeding in the manner described in section 15 (Violaticans) of th is local law; (c) if appropriate, issuing a Stop Work Order; (d) ifa violation which was found to exist is abtaued fir corrected, performing an inspection to ensure that the violiation has been abated or corrected, preparing a final written report r0-1ccting sur.h abatement or correction, and riling such report with tho complaint, SECTION 13, RECORD KEEPING (a) The Cade Enforcement 01:111cer shall keep pern,iinenl aITIcial rcccards of all LraikSactions and ac- tivitics conducted by all Code Enforcement Personnel. including records of, (I) all applications received, reviewed and approved ordowed; (2) al l plant, specilitatians and cnnS[ruetion ducumenit, approved; (3) all Building Permits, Cerri Rates of Occupancy, Certificates of Complialice, Temporary Certificates. Stop Work Orders, and Ope rat in& Ile nnits issued: (4) all inspectiunv. and wsi1 j perf(inTjed; (5) al I statements and reports issued: () all complaints received; (7) All investigations conducted. Page 14 oF24 TB 54407 (8) all other features and activities specified in or contemplated by sections 4 through 12, inclusive, of this local law, including, and (9) all lees charged and collected, (b) All such records shall he public rectrrds open for public inspection during normal business hours_ All plans and records pertaining to buildings or structure h, ur appurtenances thereto, shall be rt:tained for at lust the rniniinunj time period so required by State law and regulation_ SECTION 14, PROGRAM RFVIEW AND RUPORrl'ING (a) The Code Enforcement Officer shal l annual1Y submit to the I -own Board of the Town a written report and sunjinzj 'cif all business conducted by the Coda Enforcement Officer and the Inspectors, including a report and stimmary of all transactions and activities described in 4cetinn 13 (Record Keeping) of this local law and a report �rrrd slPmmary 0FaII �rppeais or I itigation pending or concluded. (b) The Codc Enforcement Officer shall annual I submit to the Secretary of State, an behalf of the Town, on a form prescribed by the Secretary of State, a report of the activities of the Town relative to administration and en Enrccmerlt of the Uniform Code_ (c) The Code Enforcement 0 Ffic4r shall, upon request of the Now York Smote Department of State, provide to the New York 4tatC lepartntent of St;itc, Frxmr the records and related materials the Town is re ;red tcs rnaintaui, excerpts. su�rrmaries, tabulations, statistics and other information and acLounis of the activities of the Town in connection with administration and enilarcemeni offfie. Unifonn Code. SECTION 15. VIOLATIONS (a) Lo.FngJiance Orders. The Cade Enforucmerit Officer is authorized to order in writing the remedying of any Condition or activity found to exist in, on or about any building, snvcnUre, or premises in violation of the Uniform Code, the Energy Code, or this local law. Upon lindIng that any such condition or activity cxisrs, the Code Enforcement Offiocer shall issue a CComp I iance Order. The Compliance Order shall (1) be in writing; (2) be dated and signed by the Code Enforcement Off ecr, (3) specify (lie condition ur activity that violates the Uniform Code, the Energy Code, or tllis Iocal law; (4) specify the provision or prov6iona of the Uniform Code, the Enemy Code, or this local law which Ware violated by the specified condition or activity; (5) specify the period of time which the Code Enforceinenr Officer deems to be reasonably necessary For achieving compliance; (G) direr [ that compliance be achieved witliin the specified period of time: and (7) state that all action oil proceeding to compel Compliance may be instituted if compliance is not achieved within the speci I icd peri rid of time_ The Code Enforcement Officer shall cause the Compliance Order, or a copy thereof, to be served on the owner of the affected property personally or by certified mail. The Cude Enforc:errnernt Officer shall be permitted. but not required, to cause the CCornpliance Order, or a copy thereat; to be served on any builder, architect, tellant, contractor, subcontractor construction superuutendent, or their agents, or any other Pcr n taking part ur assistiltg in work being performed at the affected property personally or by certified mail; provided, however, that failure to serve any Person mentioned in this sentence shall not affect the efficacy of the Compliance Qrder. (b) AA peanLrice Tickets_ The Cade Enforcement Officer and each Inspector are authorized to issue appOarancc tickets fur any violation of the U n i forni Code (c) Civil Penalties, In addition to those penalties proscribed by State law, any Person who violates any provision of the Uniforin Code, the Liiergy Code oil this local law, or any term or condition of any 311i Iding Permit. Certificate of Occupancy, Certificate of CCcmpI iance, Vcmporary iCertificate, Stop Work Order, Operating Permit or other notice or order issued by the Code Enforcement Oflcer pursuant to any prOVisit)n of tllis local Jaw, shall be liable to a civii penalty of not moire [Ilan 5200 for arch day or part thereof during which such violation continues_ 1'he civ1I penalties provided by this stibdivisioil shall be recoverable in an acti on instituted in the name of the Town- Page 15 of 24 rrB 3 -8 -07 (d) Injunctive Relief, An action or proceeding may be instituted in the name of the Town in a court of competent .jurisdiction, to prevent, restrain, enjoin, correct, or abate any violation cif, or to enforce, any provision of the Uniform Code, the Energy Code, this local law, or any term or condition of any Building Permit, Certificate of Occupancy, Certificate of Compliance, Temporary Certificate, Stop Work Order, Operating Permit, Compliance Order, or other notice or order issued by the Code Ent6rcernCnL Officer pursuant to any provision of this local law_ In particular, but not by way of Iimitarion, where the construction or mo cif a bui Iding or structure is in violation of any provision of the Uniform Cade, 1ho Fnergy Code, this local law, or any Stop Work Order. Co nip Ijance Order or ocher order captained under the Uniform Code, Lhe Energy Code or this local law, an action or proceeding may be commenced in the namc6 of the Town, in the Supreme CourL Vr in any other court having the requisite juriAic:i.ion, to obtain an order directing thu removal of the building or structure or an ahatement of the Condition iii viollation of such provisions_ No action or proceeding described in this subdivision shall be commenced without the appropriate authorization from the Town Board of the Town_ (e) Rornedies Not Exclusive_ No remedy or pen dLV specified in this section shall be the exclusive remedy err reniedy available to address any violation described in this suction, and each remedy or penalty specified in this section shall be in addition ro, and not in substitution l'or tir lirniita�.ia)n nE Lhc other remedies or penalties specified in this waion, in scenon 6 (Stop Work Orders) of this local law. in any other section of` this local law, Or in any other applicable law. Any remedy or penalty specified in this section may be pursued at any time, whether prior to, simultaneously with, or aver the pursuit of any other rernedy or penalty specified in this section, in section 6 (Stop Work Orders) of diis local lave, in any other section of this local law, or in any other applicable law. Jii particular, buL not by way of lirnita�tion, each remedy and penalty spQcifiod in [his SucLlon shall be in aclilition [o, and 1101 in substitution for or limitation of, the penalties specified in subdivision (2) of section 381 of the F,xecutI i,aw, and any remedy or penalty specified in this section may be pursued at any time, whether prior to, similtaneously with, or after the PLIrstIit of ally penal IF specified in subdivision (2) of section 381 of the Executive Lain. SECTION M FEES A tee schedrle shat I be established by resolution of the Town Board of the Town tool lowing a public hearing on at least ten (10) clays prior no tice, Such tea schedule may thereafter be amended from time to time by like resolution and public hearing_ The fees set forth in, or determined in accordance with, such foe schedulc or amcndod fee schedule sltall be charged and collected for the SUbilliSSion Of UppliCUtitms, Lhc issuance of Building Permits, amended Building Permits, renewed Building Perrn'LS, Conificates nY Occupancy, Certificates of Compliance, Temporary Certifrcatos, Operating Pc- rmir_5, fire safety and properiy maintenance inspections, and other actions of [hc Code )rafarcenient OffiGer described in or contemplated by this local law. SECTION 17_ INTERMUN ICI PAL AOfRUMENT The Town Board of the `fown of UrydCn may, by resolution, authorize the Town Supervisor of the rrown of Dryden to enter into an agreement, in the name of Lhc Town of Dryden, with other governments io carry out the terms of this local law, providcd that such agreement does not violare any provision of the. Uniform Cadc, the Energy Code, Part 1203 ofTiIle 19 ni'the NYCR.R, or any other applicable law. SECTION I$. PARTIAL INVALIDITY If any section of" this local law slial I be held unuonmituuonal, invalid, or ineffective, in whole or in part, such detorminatit�n shall not be deemed to iMct, imfrair, or invalidate the remainder ofthis local law. SECTION 19, REPEALER Upon [he effective dare of this Iout1 law, Local Law No_ l of the }`Car 1 988 (a local law providing for thu eniorccrnenL of the Blew York State Uniform Fire Prevention and I3uiiding Code) and LoraI Law No. 3 of ihu year 1992 (a local law pertaining to Permits, Inspectians and Fees under the Lirriform Fire Prevention and f3ujlding Code and other Ordinances and Local Laws), are hereby repealed. SECTION 20L EFFECTIVE DATE Page 16 of 24 T8 IAM07 This local law shall take effoct immediately upon filing in the office of the Now York Scam Secretary of Stag; in accOrdance wi[h s[x;tinn 27 oi' [he Munit:ipal Homo Rule Law. The Town Clerk is hereby directed to file the same with the Secretary of State of the lin tc of New York. 2nrl C±1 Makar Roll Call Vote C.1 Makar Yeas upv Trumbull Yea C1 Sumner Yecs RESOLUTION #65 - ADOPT FEE SCHEDULE IN CONNECTION WITH LOCAL LAW 91 - 2007 Supv TrumbuII offered the following resolution and asked for ita adoption: WFIEREAS, proposed Local Law No. I ofthe year 2007 authorises [lie Town Board to establish a fee schedule For permits required by such local law, and WHCRLAS, Cunain uLher services performed by the Code. Enforr;ument Officer have not been suhjec:i to a fee because no provision had been made to collecr a Fee, NOW, THEREFORE, be it R1.80I,VED, that pursuant to the authority reserved to the Ibwri Board in Local Law No. l of the yL'ar 2 0071 the Town Board hereby estalbllshn the fol Iowing fee schedule for tho activities described herein' BLIiIding permits_ (A) New construction, (i) One and two family dwwllingti; (a) One and two Pam ily 11omn including accessory structures constructed contemporaneously! First 1,500 sgLi ari� feet oIat rt ................ ............................... Each additional 1.000 square feet ofarca or irac #ion t lie reoi : ......... ....... $375 S150 (b) Siting of a mobiie 1>, omc ........................ ............................... $75 (ii) Mttl[iplc dwel liril;s including accessory structures constructed contemporuneouSly; Each I _. 0 00 square feet of area or faction thereof ............................. . $:300 i)Iristal1Ution of an approved Factory Inanuf`trctured liome: irsl swelling unit or sloeping roo1> 17_._._._._., .. ............................... $ 150 Each additional dwelling uriit or sleeping roorrr ... ..................... .. .. . .. ... S75 (iv) Garages, SW1niming pools, and other miscellaneous structures not constructed contemrx)raneously with the construction o f a d }veiling: Each 1,000 square feet of area or fi'actioir thereof :................. ............ S75 (v) Shads or other InisceI IaneoLis storage siructures unit:r 500 square feet.,.,.,.,.,, 25 (vi) Gen oral huiIding con struclion: F,.ach 1,000 syuure feet of area or fi-action thereof 910111 ........................ $300 (F3) Additions, alterations and renovations: Page 17 of 24 -r1 3 -8 -07 (i) lees for praiecis which uyvalve kheEtcration andlor r{nrlvation o f a n exi5l.in stnicture or a portion thereofxu %Veil as the construction ufan addition onto tike existing building shall be computod solely on the basis ofthe square footage of the proposed addition, (ii) Additions: (a) One and two family dwellings: Each 1,000 square feet of area or fracLiun if iereof . .......... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... $ 150 (b) Multiple dwellings-, Each 1,000 square feet of area or fraction thereof -------- -- -- ----- ---- - -- - - -- $300 rages, swiing pools or other misc:ellantuus accessary structures: (c) Ga m m tracts 1,000 square foot ofarea ar Miclion ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, S75 (d) Gencril building construction; Each 1 000 square feet of area or trod iOn thcrcof .. .. .. .. .. ................1 x;300 (iii) Alterations and renovations: (a) Qn.L and two fain ily dwe11inp including structures accessory thee- eL(5----------- $125 (b) Multiple dwellings including structures accessory thereto' (1) Alteration ar renovation Lo an electrical, heating, }ventilatitm, air cond1 don i i¢ or p]uinhing systern or to any combination thereof --------- -.- $300 (2) Other types of alterations or renovations including structural alterations or renovations: Eac}k dvw'eIIhig unit o sleeping room tv be alLered or renovated,...,.,.,,., $75 (3) A Ikeradons or RZ`rko }Minn to an arei not included as past of a dw*IIing unit or sleeping room - -------------- -- -- -- -- - - - ---- -- - -- --- (c) G enera I bu i Id ing construck n: $300 (1) Alteradan or renovation to an t kxLrlcal, heatinS, VEntilat1011, ail' Lrrnditioning or pltunbing syskem or to any COMbination ihereof ............. $300 (2) Oihcr types ofalterations or renovations including structural alterations or renovations: Each 1,000 square feet of area or fraction thereat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $300 2- Operatin sltYmit -.. ,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, QO 3- Derrioliti_ on_ nerrniL--------------------------------------------------------- $ 0 4. Ken ewaI ofpermits. 50 percent of whatever fee would be charged far a near permit. 5- MisccIIarkeuuS insp c Lit) ns- (A) MisceI Ianeous inspections shall include all inspections of existing buildings which are requested by an owner, an owner's agent, a Icasce, a tenant, Or an occupant unless stick requesr for an inspection is related to a complaint alleging Unifarin Cade Violations- (B) [7ne -and t+WO- F,yrn ily dwellings or a portion thereof -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- --- ( ) Multiple dwellings: Each durelIing unit or sleeping roorn ............ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. (i4lininlurn fee 5100 - aXLM M lee $1,000) {U} General btPflding construction_ Pale 18 of 24 5100 $?5 TB 3 -8 -07 F.,ach 1,000 square feet of area or fraction thereof ............................. $15 (Minimum fee $100 - Maximum fee $1,000) 6. Fees for Certificates of Occupancy or Completion. No fee shall be charged for the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or compliance when such certificate if issued for a structure or project for which a building or demolition permit has been previously issued. in all other circumstances a fee in accordance with the schedule specitied herein will be collected prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or compliance. 7. Certification of parcel with respect to Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM), Flood Hazard Boundary eVlan (FHRM) or Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) .................... $50 8. Refunds. If an application for a building or demolition permit is withdrawn prior to the cotrnmencement of a review of such application, the applicant may receive a rebind of 100 percent of the fee paid. If a review of an application has been commenced prior to its withdrawal, or if an application is not approved after review, the applicant may receive a refund of 50 percent of the fee paid, provided no work: has commenced. If work has commenced, and the application is either withdrawn or not approved, any fees paid shall not be refunded. and, be it FIJRTFIER RESOI.VFn, that the fees hereby established shall be effective upon the effective date of proposed hvcal Law No. I of the year 2007. 2nd Cl Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Makar Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Sumner Yes A petition for annexation has been received and Att:y Perkins said a date needs to be set for a public hearing with the Village Board on the matter. A notice setting the public hearing must be published by no later than March 19, and the hearing must: be held between 20 and 40 days after publication. Supv Trumbull will contact Mayor Reba Taylor. RECREATION DEPARTMENT Jennifer Dube distributed the Dryden Recreation Commission's annual report to the board. She asked the board to authorize the Supervisor to sign the contract with Dryden Kiwanis for the Recreation Coordinator to provide administrative assistance for the 2007 Kiwanis Softball & Baseball Program. There was some discussion of the services the department will provide, resulting in a minor change in the agreement that Atty Perkins will make. RESOLUTION #66 - APPROVE CONTRACT WITH DRYDEN KIWANIS Supv Trumbull offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board herchy authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute a contract, as amended, with Dryden Kiwanis for services in connection with softball and baseball. 2 °a Cl Sumner Roll Call Vote Cl Makar Yes Supv Trumbull Yes C1 Sumner Yes Page 19 of 24 1'f3 3 -3 -07 • ZONING DEPARTMENT ZO Slater reported that Advanced Design Consulting has submitted a new application and it has been distributed to all the sarne agencies that were copied on the previous application. This application reduces the complexity of SEQR. ZO Slater will keep the board advised of comments and progress. The Town Hall project is on schedule. There are two change request proposals for board review. One is to change the lighting at the assembly area entrance from pole mounted to in- ceiling flush mounted fixtures. They would be more effective and easier to maintain. The total increase is $368. The second change order may be an oversight in the original design and is to install additional necessary lines, outlets, data ports and equipment for communication and appropriate electrical service to each individual room. There will also be two outside electrical outlets installed. The increased cost is $5,689. Kevin Ezell reviewed the changes/ additions with the board. There will be a change order coming for door and hardware changes for the whole facility at some point. in the near future that will result in a credit of approximately $3800 to $4000. RESOLUTION #67 - AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF CHANGE Cl Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the preparation of Changes Orders • E -3 (increase of $3681 and E -4 (increase of $5,689). 2nd Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Makar Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Sumner Yes ZO Slater said he had prepared a response, including numerical analysis, for C1 Christofferson in support of hiring support staff in his office and distributed it the board. He said a statistical analysis is a flawed approach because while the numbers in construction grow at a stead rate, that is not really the point. The point is that his duties have pulled him further and further from construction over the past seven or so years and he spends very little time with it. That problem was solved by promoting Kris Strickland to Code Enforcement Officer. That action created a support staff shortage and there is clearly a need for support staff and that need will increase with the work involved in rewriting the zoning ordinance. He will proceed with this matter at the next board meeting when Cl Stelick and Cl Christofferson are present. It is necessary however to formally appoint Kris Strickland as Code Enforcement Officer. RESOLUTION #68 - APPOINT CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER - STRICKLAND Cl Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WI•IEREAS, the Town of Dryden has an established position of Code Enforcement 0 Officer in accordance with applicable New York State laws and the Civil Service Rules for Tompkins Country; and Page 20 of 24 'iB 3 -$ -07 WHEREAS, said position is established in the competitive class pursuant to Section 44 of the Civil Service I.aw and the Civil Service Rules for Tompkins County, which requires the individual occupying the position to pass a civil service exam; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby provisionally appoint, in accordance with applicable Civil Service laws, riles and regulations, Kristin Strickland to competitive class status in the title of Code Enforcement Officer. 2«ll C1 Makar Roll Call Vote, Cl Makar Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Sumner Yes ZO Slater reported that the Dryden Mutual Insurance Company is included in the newly created Empire Zone north of the Village. They have been planning an expansion and employee hiring program for two or three years. ZO Slater and D Kwasnowski recently met: with Heather Filiberto about the Empire Zone development and she wri.11 be meeting with Bob Baxter of Dryden Mutual about funding assistance for that project. Mike Hattery added that there may be extra points given to infrastructure projects in an Empire Zone and they are looking into that. Kevin Ezell provided the board with pictures of structures in the Town that are collapsing and are dangerous structures. The Zoning Department has contacted or will contact the owners of these properties and instruct them to demolish the structures and remove the debris. Atty Perkins said these are not minor violations; they are significant and need to be addressed. There is some time left to respond on the notices that have been sent. The. Town's policy has been compliance as opposed to punishment, but at: some point you need to move forward with the process. If we can't get jurisdiction over them by an accusatory instrument there is another procedure where the Town goes in and does the work. The expense to the Town can then be assessed on t:he owner's tax bill. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Dan Kwasnowski reported that next month Todd Miller of USGS will be here to discuss the aquifer study. He is in the process of confirming March 22 for the first meeting of the Special Committee. The }Manning Board meeting for next week is cancelled and members will be attending a training session. TOWN CLERK B Hollenbeck asked the board to approve the minutes of the January 25 and February 8, 2007, meetings. RESOLUTION #69 - APPROVE MINUTES Cl Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Towr► Board hereby approves the meeting minutes of January 25, 2007, and February 8, 2007. 21)d Supv Trumbull Page 21 of 24 T133-8-07 • Roll Call Vote Cl Makar Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Sumner Yes B Hollenbeck announced that the day for local assessment review for the Town will be May 17, 2007, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall. The January /February 2007 issue of Talk of the Towns & Topics magazine contains an article on public meetings. B Hollenbeck distributed a copy of that article to board members noting that committees of public bodies are subject to the Open Meetings Law and accordingly the Town's committees should give notice of the date and time of their meetings. If committees will provide the clerk with that information, she will put it on the websit:e. DISCUSSION Emergency Services Committee - Cl Sumner reported she has been working on putting together enough information to make it clearer for the Town Board to make decisions. That information includes such things as lists of personnel and officers, equipment and expected retirement dates, summary of prior year's total calls and responses, including average response time, number of members responding, prior years budget request and prior year's audit reports. Tom Lobdell, Chief of the Etna Fire Department, read a letter to the Board from members of the Etna Fire Department. They note that the 2007 contract is for $68,000 and the 2006 contract was $106,000 and state they are the only department contracting with the • Town that has received a budget cut. Other departments received a 3 percent increase. He said the Etna Department has not been properly credited with responses made because they have on occasion responded in personal vehicles. T Lobdell said they would like to set up a time to discuss the issues with two members of the Town Board. They want to discuss the amount of the contract. They intend to keep responding to their calls, but are concerned about being covered under workers compensation if they do not have a contract. Atty Perkins assured him they are covered if they respond to a call. CI Sumner said there are a lot of things that need to be discussed and she and Cl Maker as the Emergency Services Committee will meet. with them on Wednesday, March 14, at the Etna Fire Hall. T Lobdell said it appears that Etna's contract may be missing a page and there is nothing in it about: reimbursement for OSHA training. Atty Perkins said it is in the copy of the contract that he prepared for Etna and gave Cl Sumner a copy. She will look into it and gather information prior to their meeting next week. T Lobdell said Etna does not have the software that other departments have and when they try to send loose paper for filing their reports it is not accepted. They are in the process of getting set up to log onto the State's website and fill out the reports in that way. He also rioted they are working with Freeville in a mutual aid way. He and the Freeville chief have talked about combining departments, but it is only talk. Someone said that departments of equal area to cover seem to have a large difference in budget: amounts. CI Sumner said the budgets are public record and she would be happy to review it with anyone. Personnel Committee - Cl Sumner said they met on March S and discussed goals for 2007 including revision of the personnel policy manual and establishment of a performance review procedure. They will prepare a draft to be reviewed by Atty Perkins and hope to present it to ® the Town Board for consideration in June. In reviewing the first and second section of the existing guide, the committee determined it should consider adopting a time reporting system Page 22 of 24 T13 3 -s -o7 for hourly workers to clarify flex -time, overtime and comp time. The committee will meet again on March 26 at 7;30 a.m. Cl Sumner provided board members with information on the Town Board audit process. She is going to speak with Tom Hatfield regarding the process and would like to start moving forward with that. The Finance Committee will meet regarding that. She noted that Tom Hatfield had said he felt a. public audit was not: necessary and feels strongly that the state review is enough. C1 Sumner said she will share the information she got at the Association of Towns conference about changes that will be made in the Court system. It. was noted there is no board hason to the Court. One of the things she learned is that the State is eager to provide improved technology (better computers and certain software). The Town Court purchased new computers last year and she said the state would have paid for those computers if we'd waited. She said improved communications with the court couldn't hurt and Judge Clauson had indicated a willingness to meet with her. Supv Trumbull shared with board members comments each had made regarding the HUD loan with Cayuga Press. They will discuss it next month when all board members are present. Supv Trumbull provided information about hiring an additional clerical help for his office. With respect to the Deputy Supervisor position he said that in Lansing the Deputy is given a larger sum of money than other board members and in return will perform additional duties. Lansing also has an assistant for their bookkeeper, so two people there are doing the work that we have one doing. He asked the board to consider this information. He also said that there may be a massive change in the board next year and suggested that current board members attend some of the meetings he now attends to keep up with what is going on. RESOLUTION #70 - APPROVE BUDGET MODIFICATION Supv Trumbull offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the following budget modification: The amount of $1,045.48 from A 1990.4 (contingency) to A 1040.4 Town Board Contractual to cover the cost of additional board member attendance at the NYS Association of Towns Annual Conference. 2nd Cl Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Makar Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Sumner Yes RESOLUTION #71 - APPROVE ABSTRACT #3 Cl Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #3, as audited, vouchers # 123 through # 196, totaling $665,224.43. 2nd Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Makar Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Sumner Yes Page 23 of 24 TB ; -8 -A7 • On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the hoard moved into executive session at 9:20 p.m. to discuss the proposed acquisition of real property and public discussion would substantially affect the value thereof. No action was taken and the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p-m. Respectfully submitted, /8ambi L. Hollenbeck Town Clerk Page 24 of 24 DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING 65 E. Alain St, Dryden, New York 13053 Thursday, March 8, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. • 1) Call . 1CeUng to Order 2) Pledge of Allegiance 3) Roll Call 4) Public Hearing 7:00 Adopt New Code Enforcement Regulations 7:15 Adopt New Building Fee Schedule Presenter 5) Agenda Item a) Fire Departments Chief 6) Citizens Privilege 7) "C own Highway SuperintendendDepartment of Public Works J Bush 8) County Briefing County Repr. 9) Engineering A Sciarabba 10) Recreation Department .I Dube • 1 1) Attorney M Perkins a) Health Care Facilities Authority of Sayre Bond Re- Financing/TEFRA Process Resolution 12) Zoning Officer a) Update on 'Down Hall 13) Environmental Planner a) Monthly Report 14) 'Town Clerk a) Approve February minutes 15) Discussion a) Emergency Services Committee b) Personnel Committee c) Finance Committee d) Filling Vacant Zoning Secretary Position e) hoard Liaison to Court f) HUD Loan — Cayuga Press g) Flow Monitoring Stations h) Clerical /Secretarial Support for Town Supervisor's Office i) Etna Fire Department Contract j) Dryden Town Historian Appointment k) Zoning Ordinance Commission 16) Approve Abstract # 3 17) Future Agenda Items 18) Executive Session - if'necessar)! H Slater D hwasnowski B Hollenbeck 04/0",-'200^1 12:48:08 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR 0 THE TOWN BOARD OF THE Town of Dgden: suant to Section 125 of the Town Law, I hereby render the following detailed statement of ail moneys received and disbursed by me during the morith of January, 200 ?: DATII): April 7, 2007 Balance Balance 12/31/2006 Increases Decreases 01/31/2007 A GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE 3,565.75 0100 3,269.16 CASH - CHECKING 4, 380.87 5,554.23 1, 068, 448.77 CASH - CHECKING 1.0 0' "0, 060.50 2r. 123,908.41 CASH - SAVINGS 5f 42,031 073.59 123,910.92 1.1 014, 916.70 117r981,36 0.93 61 100, 008.93 PETTY CASH 600.00 0.00 0.00 49,346.01 600.00 1,654,083.45 PETTY CASH - POSTAG:. 4,366.02 0.00 869.43 3,496.59 'DOTAL 51212,420.48 2,083,365.47 1,188,911.29 6,106,814.66 DA HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND 3,565.75 0100 3,269.16 315.75 5,554.23 CASH - CHECKING 3.44 123,908.41 123,910.92 0.93 CASH - SAVINGS 1,623,165.71 801263.75 49,346.01 1,654,083.45 TOTAL 1,623,169.15 204,172.16 173,256.93 1,654,084.38 • GENERAL - OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 0.52 :L8,716.46 18,642.65 "4.33 CASH - SAVINGS 479,192.28 4,559.40 :1,5,772.49 4681579.19 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 504.16 0.00 185.33 318.83 TOTAL 480,296.96 23,275.86 34,600.47 468,972.35 DB HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 3.99 10,585.07 10,585.07 3.99 CASH - SAVINGS 8''4,530.95 21990.00 10,581.08 866,939.87 TOTAL 874,534.94 1 3,575.07 21,166.15 866,943.86 SF1- DRYDEN FIRE DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING 1.3, 356 849,191.78 849,189.00 16.14 CASH - SAVINGS 1.47,393.83 842,378.46 65,000.00 9241772.29 TOTAL 14 ?, 407, 3.9 11 691, 570.24 91.4, 189.00 924r189.43 SL1- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT ;_ASH - CaECKiNG 0.00 41262.27 4,262.27 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 3, 139.:1,4 3,8`2.76 41.2127 6t599.63 TOTAL 3, 139. i4 81135.03 4t674.54 6, 599, 63 9- ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS 0.00 2, 600.82 3,565.75 3,565.75 0100 3,269.16 315.75 5,554.23 Page 1 NIO\THLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR • Balance Balance 12/31/2006 Increases Decreases 01/31/2007 TOTAL, SL3- MEADOW /LEISURE LIGHTING DISTRICT 2,600.82 6,834.91 30881.50 5,554.23 CASH - CHECKING VARNA SEWER - UNITS 0.00 2,964.10 21964.10 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 11728.56 2, ?64.76 20,581.63. 214.10 20,581.59 4,2'9.22 0.02 TOTAL Io728.56 CASH - SAVINGS 5,728.86 3,178.20 4,279.22 SM AMBULANCE DISTRICT TOTAL 168,952.74 411748.76 21,646.06 CASH - CHECKING 189,053.44 2.92 SS3- 291,100.00 291,100.00 2.92 CASH - SAVINGS 186,955.06 292,754.49 CASH - CHECKING 0.00 479, ^09.55 3 0,714.95 TOTAL 1^61957.98 125.09 583,854.49 CASH - SAVINGS 291,100.00 1680901.76 479,712.47 30,373.57 SS1- SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS 198,124.64 TOTAL 168,901.}6 61,214.61 CASH - CHECKING 31,665.64 0.00 7,091.85 71041.85 MONKEY RUN SEWER 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 38,516.64 7,160.71 38.54 CASH - CHECKING 45,633.81 0.00 TOTAL 38,516.64 156,503.91, 14,202.56 7,080.39 45,638.81 66,226.81 SS2- VARNA SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING 0.00 20,581.63. 20,581.59 0.02 CASH - SAVINGS 168,952.74 21,:1.67.15 1,066.47 189,053.42 TOTAL 168,952.74 411748.76 21,646.06 189,053.44 SS3- CORTLAND RD SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 30,841.04 3 0,714.95 125.09 CASH - SAVINGS 1680901.76 30,373.57 10150.69 198,124.64 TOTAL 168,901.}6 61,214.61 31,665.64 198,250.73 SS4- MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 156,603.99 156,503.91, 100.08 CASH - SAVINGS 66,226.81 128,109.95 29,063.97 165,272.79 TOTAL 66,226.61 284,713.94 1851567,88 1651372.87 SS5- TURKEY HILL SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 72,120.19 72,120.:9 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 75,658.68 72,631.63 0.00 148,290.31 TOTAL 75,658.66 144,751.82 72,120.19 148,290.31 SS6- PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 2,779.08 2,774.08 C.00 CASH - SAVINGS 88,659.73 3,063.60 0.00 39,743.33 0 TOTAL 86,659.73 5,857.68 2,774.08 89,743.33 SW1- VARNA WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS 266,747.79 0.00 36,107.34 24,222.97 36,101.17 12,875.85 278,094.91 6.11 Page 2 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR . Balance Balance 12/31/2006 Increases Decreases 01/31/2007 n . 266 747,79 60 330.31 48 977,02 276 101,08 TOTAL , SW2— SNYDER HILL WATER CASH — CHECKING 0.00 It 1 },645.1.5 13,644.70 0.45 CASH — SAVINGS 41,554,66 121996.27 836.49 53,714.44 TOTAL 41,554.66 26,641.42 14,461.19 53,71.4.89 SW3- MONKEY RUN WATER CASH — CHECKING 0100 134,666.05 1.34,863.79 2.31 CASH — SAVINGS 79,308,60 1031353.01 32,036.53 150,623.08 TOTAL 79, 308.60 236, 219.06 166, 902.27 150,'625.39 SW4— HALL ROAD WATER CASH — CHECKING 0,00 2,650.62 2,849.61 1.01 CASX — SAVINGS 24,659.55 11068.80 1,849.61 231898.74 TOTAL 24t659.55 3,939.42 4,699.22 23,899.75 SW5— TURKEY HILL WATER CASH — CHECKING 0.00 66,956.32 661454.75 1.57 CASci — SAVINGS 102,360.93 64,166.94 2,862.72 163,664.65 • TOTAL. 102,380.93 130,622.76 69,317.47 163,686.22 PN MCARTHUR SPECIAL RESERVE CHECKING — SPECIAL RESERVES 2,922,90 0100 0.00 2,922.90 TOTAL 2,922.90 0.00 0.00 2,922.90 CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CASH — CHECKING 129,515.85 2,625.1.2 45.00 132,095.97 TOTAL 1,23,515.85 2,625.i2 45.00 132,095.97 H CAPITAL PROJECTS — TOWN HALL CASH — C:HECKING 0.00 238,242.01 238,292.01 0100 CASH — SAVINGS 21309,663.28 7,168.87 236,242.01 2,076,590.19 TOTAL 2,309,663.26 245,410.88 476,484.02 2,078,590.1.4 TA AGENCY FUND CASH — TRUST & AGENC''Y 51904,46 146r426.12 100, 881. 12 51r449.46 TOTAL 5,904.46 146,926.12 100,881.12 51,449.46 SS7— ROYAL ROAD SEWER BASH — CHECKING 0.00 9,192.12 9,192.12 0.00 CASH — SAVINGS 4,175.18 9,236.38 0.00 13,413.56 TOTF:L 4,175.1,6 18,430.50 9,392.12 1,3,413.56 SW6- ROYAL ROAD WATER Page . 3 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 12/31/2006 Increases Decreases 01/31/2007 CASH - CHECKING 0.00 11,102.65 11,102.43 0.22 CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL TOTAL ALL FUNDS 5,018.55 5,018.55 10,725.49 21,828.14 431.24 .1.11 533. 67 15,312.60 15,313.02 12, 1,0 9, 023.33 6, 067, 475. 1.9 3, 858, 527.42 14, 317, 971.10 Page 05/15 /2007 16:29:11 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR 0 THE TOWN BOARD OF THE Town of Dryden: suant to Section 125 of the Town Law, .I. hereby -ender the following detailed statement of all moneys received and disbursed by me during the ]month o I.4arch, 2007: DATEI); May 15, 2007 / SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 02/28/2007 Increases Decreases 03/31/2007 A GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE 156.11 356.11 0.00 6,277.21 CASH - CHECKING 36,664.31 356.12 132,924.36 5,941.54 J, 67, 689. 96 3,698.71 CASH - SAVINGS 6,114,41.1.98 91,351.68 :1.26 132,909.80 6,072,859.86 4.95 PETTY CASH 600.00 1, 736, 0.00 (?7 0.00 590. ?2 600.00 600.69 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 2,440.25 662, 0, or., 0.00 21440.25 TOTAL 611561116.54 1,759,734.59 224,282.04 3001*794.76 6,079,590.82 226,5 74.95 DA HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND 156.11 356.11 0.00 6,277.21 23.54 356.12 5,941.54 CASH - CHECKING 23,378.52 101,600.69 124,97 :1.26 4.95 CASH - SF.:TIPIGS 1, 736, 3$6, (?7 27, 590. ?2 01, 600.69 1, 662, 346. 10 TOTAL 1,759,734.59 129,191.41 226,5 74.95 1,662,351.05 GENERAL - OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 6, 227. 24 1.9,256.20 25,446.99 16.55 CASH - SAVINGS 548,281.75 3,981.6"3 19,256.05 533,007.33 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 211.55 0100 0.00 271.55 TOTAL 554, 760.54 23,237.83 44,702.94 533,315.43 DB HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 135.75 4,1o3.90 4,235.64 4.01 CASH - SAVINGS 864,197.94 1431268.40 5,329.02 1,007,337."32 TOTAi, 669,333.69 147,372.30 9,364.66 1,007,341.33 SF1- DRYDEN FIRE DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING 16.14 278,].62.32 278,162.31 :16.15 CASH - SAVINGS 923,062.07 2,563.86 2.6,162.31 6411,463.62 TOTAL 923,078.21 280,726.1.8 556,324.62 647,479.71 SL1- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING CAS,i - SAVINGS T0TAT, 0- ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT -:ASH - CHECKING CASH - SAV114GS 0.00 156.11 356.11 0.00 6,277.21 23.54 356.12 5,941.54 6,277.21 3 ?9.65 712,22 5,944.64 0.00 274.13 274.13 0,00 5,307.31 20.01 274.13 5,053.25 Page 1 MOINTFI11V REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 02/28/2007 Increases Decreases 03/31/2007 TOTAL 5,307.37 294.14 542.26 5,053.25 SL3- MEADOW /LEISURE LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING 0.00 212.10 212.10 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 4,033.59 15.39 212.10 3,886.88 TOTAL 4,063.59 227.49 424.20 3,826.88 SM AMBULANCE DISTRICT CASH - CWECKING 10.71 i0. 71 2.92 CAS14 - SAVINGS 481r351,63 11913,64 101) 183t260,56 TOTAL 481., 360.55 1r924,35 2:1, 42 483, 263.48 SS1- SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS CASH - SAVINGS 46, 133. 92 216.54 0.00 46, 350.46 TOTAL 46,133.92 21.6.54 0.00 46,350.46 SS2- VARNA SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING 40.43 652170 652.67 10.46 CAS? - SAVINGS 183,378.89 726.44 652.67 283,452.66 TOTAL M, 419.32 1,379. 14 11305.34 183r49%1,12 �- CORTLAND RD SEWER CASH - CHECKING 1,094.56 1,771.12 1,789.66 I,G76.02 CASH - SAVINGS 1.82,136.34 717.06 1,770, 38 .1.81,083.02 TOTAL. 183,230.90 2,486.18 :,560.04 162,159.04 SS4- MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECKING 157.67 0.11 27.44 131 ^J.39 CASH - SAVINGS 162,460.85 645.88 0.00 163,106.73 TOTAL 1.62,618.52 645.99 27.44. x63,237.07 SS5- TURKEY HILL SEWER CASH - CHECXING 26.98 38.54 65.52 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 145',200.96 589.03 38.54 1481751.45 TOTAL 148,227.94 627.57 104.06 148,751.45 SS6- PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER CASH - SAVINGS 89,769.3$ 356.89 0100 90,126.27 TOTA_, 8;,169.38 356.89 0.00 90,126.27 VARNA WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL 5.90 277,691.41 27'", 697.31 1,191.49 1,134.48 1,191.4? 11191.49 5.90 277,634.40 2 „125.97 2,382.92 277,640."30 lea e 2 MONTHLY REPORT Olo SUPERVISOR .i Balance Balance 02/28/2007 Increases Decreases 03/31/2007 SNYDER HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING 3E'.97 52.03 52.00 39.00 CASH - SAVINGS 53,844.35 213.86 52.00 59,006.2 Page 3 TOTP.L 53,883.32 265.89 104.00 54,045.2:1. SW3- MONKEY RUN WATER CASH - CHE;.KING CAST? - SAV'I'NGS 1,929.98 149,345.76 1,278.03 863.71 931.21 862.45 1,fi62.5-1 149,751.34 TOTAL 1.51, 275.74 2, .1.41. 7 9 1, 793.66 151., 623.85 SW4- HALL ROAD WATER CAS:: - CHECKING CASH - SAt7INGS 23r979,63 1..40 742.64 92.38 742.64 142.64 1.40 23,329.37 TOTAL 23,981.03 835.02 1., 485.28 23,330.77 SW5- TURKEY HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING 36.86 62.67 62.64 38.89 CASH - SAVINGS 157, "186.66 627.05 62.64 158,31.07 TOTAL 157,825.52 689.72 125.28 158,389.96 MCARTHUR SPECIAL RESERVE CHECKING - SPECIAL RESERVES 2,922.50 0.00 0.00 2,922.90 TOTP.L 2,922.90 0.00 00 2,922.90 CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CASH - CHECKING 1.36,1,25.10 2,653.37 0.00 138,778.41 TOTP.L 136, 125.10 21 653.37 0.00 138, 7 76.47 H CAPITAL PROJECTS - TOWN HALL CASH - CYECK_t1G 103,036.91 242,079.86 345,116.77 0.00 CASH - SAVTNGS 1, 982, 619.26 6, 9:1.9. 67 242, 079.86 .1.,'747, 459. 07 TOTAL 2,085,656.17 248,999.53 589,196.63 1,747,45.07 TA AGENCY FUND CAST - 'TRUST & AGEN% -, 7, :1.43.29 156f315,18 156, 215. 19 7, 243, 28 TOTAL 7,143.29 156,315.18 156, 215. i9 7,243.28 SS7- ROYAL ROAD SEWER CASH - SAVING.' 13,461.54 53.52 0.00 i3,515.06 TOTAL 13,461.54 53.52 0100 13,515.06 �- ROYAL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING 3.98 62.64 62.64 3.98 CASH - S-AVINGS 13,201.39 60.19 62.64 15,198.92 Page 3 AjOiNT111,V REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 02/28/2007 Increases Decreases 03/31/2007 TOTAL ALI,, FUNDS TOTAL 15, 205.35 14,498,649.54 122.83 1, 22'', 752.50 12;, . 26 :1,51202.90 le 893, 898, 21 13, 832t 503. 83 Page 3