HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-Table of contentsTOWN BOARD MTG 1 -4-06 RES 4l - Approve Budget Modifications RES 42 - Increase Clerical Flours RES 43 - Authorize Contract. w /`I'homa RES #4 - Rules of Procedure; RES #5 - Mileage RES 46 - Designate Official Depositories RES #7 - Authorize Signatures on Accounts R1;S #8 - Official Advertising RE,S #9 - Advance Payment of Utilities RES #10 - Petty Cash RES # 11 - Appointments RES it 12 - Appoint Town Engineer RES 01 13 - Annual Salaries for Town Officers RES # 14 - 2006 Annual Salaries RES # 15 - Contracts RES # 16 - Appoint. Budget Officers RES #17 - Designate Polling Places RES 418 - Appt Planning Bd member - Beck RES 419 - Appt "ZBA member - Quinn RES 420 - Appt Rec Cornm member - Shortell RES #21 - Appt Planning lid Chair - Caldwell RES 422 - Appt ZBA Chair - Kelemen RES 423 - Voucher /Invoice Submission Deadline RES #24 - Mandatory Justice Schooling RES #25 - Investment policy/guidelines RES 426 - Fair Housing Officer RES #27 - Town Board Meeting Schedule RE,$ #28 - Vehicle Benclit RES 429 - Request Ext to File Annual Report RfS #30 - Amend Resolution N1 RES ® #31 - Approve Abstract # 13 TOWN BOARD MTG - 1 -12 -06 RES #32 - Appt Board Member - Tier RES #33 - Approve Fuel Agmt w /Freeville lire Dept RES #34 - Approved Shares Services Agreement RES 435 - Neg SEQR Dec - Leonard - 2125 Dryden Rd RES 436 - Approve Leonard Special Permit " " RES B37 - Partner with Drwvden Soccer Club RES 438 - Auth Highway & DPW Purchases 8, Sales RES 439 - Auth Grant of Easement to NYSEG RES #4(:) - Approve MOU w /Tompkins County for Developmental Rights - Sherman 8, Stuttle RES #41 - Authorize Nationwide 39 Permit RES 442 - Approve Minutes RES #43 - Purchase of Small Tools RES 444 - Appl. S Marcus to Conservation Board RES #45 - Appt. C Waterman to Youth Commission R" #46 - Approve Abstract. #I TOWN BOARD MTG - 1 -30 -06 RES A47 - Neg SEQR Dec - TC3 Foundation R1�S #48 - Approve Amendment to TC3 Special Permit. RES RES RES RES -o RES RES RES TOWN BOARD MTG - 2 -9-06 #49 - Request. Lower Speed lArnits #50 - Authorize Letter to Ackleys #51 - Authorize Code Enforcement Almt 452 - Auth Al, m for Court Security 953 - Hire D Huck for Court Security 454 - Auth Alma w /Barker for Private Burial #55 - Accept Proposal from Hunt RES H56 - Alipt D Tier to ITCTC RES #57 - Appt der as ITCTC Proxy RE-S #58 - Approval Bvllasario Landscape Plan RES #59 - Accept. 01. Wood Proposal RES 460 - Approve Minutes RES 061 - Accept Proposal fi'orn TG Miller RES #62 - Approve Absu•act. #2 TOWN BOARD MTG 3 -9 -06 RES #63 - Amend Highway Dept. Purchases RES #64 - Auth Revised NYSEG Easement RES #65 - Intro local Law Re: Unauthorized Release of Private information RES 466 - Intro Local Law Re: Siting of Telecom- munications Towers, Antennae Relkt.ed I'acilities RES 467 - intro Loral Law Repealing previous "Telecommunications Law RES 468 - Aut.h Grant App. For Round 8 of Water Quality Improvement Grant RES 469 - Approve Minutes RES 470 - Approve Absn'.40. 43 TOWN BOARD MTG 4 -13 -06 RES 4i71 - Adopt. LL#1 -2006 - Establishing Town of Dryden Policy on Notification Upon Unauthorised Release of Private information RES #72 - Adopt LL #2 -2006 - Regulating Siting of ell ciccommunications `Pourers, Antennae, A Related Facilities RES #73 - Adopt LL #3 -2006 - Repeal LL #2 -1998 and LL44 -2004 RES 474 - Approve Cayuga Radio Group Site Plan RES 475 - Neg SEQR Dec - Verizon Wireless Co- Location - 1387 Drvden RD RES #76 - Approve Verizon Wireless Site Plan RES #77 - Cayuga Press Shift of Operation into an Empire Zone RES 478 - Arncnd Resolution for Purchase of Garden 'Tractor RES 079 - Approve §284 Agreement RES #80 - Auth Agrnt w/ I:iwanis Club of (Dryden RES #81 - Adopt Fund Raising Guidelines RES #82 - Appoint S Marcus to TC EMC RES #83 - Approve Minutes RES 484 - Recreation Coordinator Appt RES 485 - Approve Budget, Modifiction RES 486 - Approve Abstract #4 RES 487 - Auth Legal Proceeding against Tompkins County for Fees charged for regulatory services TOWN BOARD MTG - 5 -11 -06 RES 488 - Adopt LL #4 - Establishing Qualifications For Electrical Inspectors RES #89 - Auth Supv to Sign Agent w /NYMIR RES #90 - No resolution RES #91 - Auth Police 8. Code Enforcement Agmty RES 092 - Approve Stormwater Group MOU RES #93 - Approve Minutes RES 4*94 - Auth City of Ithaca to Execute Contracts For Non- Doinestic Generators of Non- Flezardous Waste for IAWTF RES 495 - Approve Abstract, #5 RES #96 - Authorize Supv to Obtain Apprusal TOWN BOARD MTO - 6 -8 -06 RES 497 - Part. -Tirne Seasonal Rec Assts RES #98 - Auth Music in Park Contracts RES #99 - Audi Sewer Agreements (Plant -to- I'lant &• Pretreatment:) RES #1100 - Approve Amendment to Agent of Municipal Cooperation - Bolton Point RES #101 - Auth Settlement. of Bolton Point Lawsuit (Wilkinson v.) RES # 102 - Hire Josh Bogdon - GIS intern RES # 103 - Ratify Purchase Agmt. - Van Pelt RES N 104 - Auth Grant: Applications RES # 105 - Approve MOU w /Tonrkins Co - StutUc RES # 106 - Approve minutes RES # 107 - Approve Abstract: #6 RES #108 - Budget Modifications SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MTG - 6 -14-06 RES 4109 - Cease Special District Formation SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MTG - 6 -28 -06 RES # 110 - Neg Dec - New Town Hall RES # 1 1.1 - Est Town Hall Capital Reserve Fund RES 4112 - Authorization for Solicitation of Bids for New Town Hall TOWN BOARD MTG - 7 -13 -06 RES # 113 - Add'l Part -tune Seasonal Help for Rec Department RES # 114 - Ratify Code Enforcement. Contract. RES #115 - Ratify Purchase Agail - 'Tuttle RES ® N 116 - Survey Tuttle Property RES N 1 17 - Auth Amendment. to Agmt Willi Barton & Loguidire (Dry-Fre Trail) RES # 118 - Approve Minutes RES #119 - Approve Deputy Clerk Appt RES N 120 -Join Council of Governments RES N 121 - Increase Ambulance Rates RES # 122 - Budget Modifications RES # 123 - Approve Abstract #7 R13S # 124 - Create 3M Part -time Rec Asst Position TOWN BOARD MTG - 8 -10 -06 RES # 125 - Endorse NYS DEC Property Acquisition RES # 126 - Auth Highway /DPW Purchases RES N 127 - Accept. Bolton Point Proposal RES N 128 - Auth Agmt w /hunt: Engineers - WWTP For Flour monitoring RES # 129 - Auth Agmt w /Hunt Engineers - Au t:horize Agreements w /Community Centers Sewer Monitoring Stations RES #1'30 - Aulh Supv to Appt Members for Accept Donation of Dabes Property RES Route 13/366 Corridor Study RES 4131 - Approve Minutes RES # 132 - Approve Abstract #8 RES RES RES TOWN BOARD MTG - 8 -23 -06 # 133 - Auth Supv to Execute Contracts & Change Orders for Towm Hall Project 11134 - Creat:e Temporary Position - Working Supervisor # 135 - Hire Working Supervisor - Clerk Of the Works TOWN BOARD MTG 9 -14 -2006 RES # 136 - Letter of Endorsement for VCA RES # 137 - Introduce Renewable Energy Ordinance RES N 138 - Hire Part= Time Seasonal Rec Assistant RES N 139 - Authorize MOU w /Village of Dryden For Skateboard Park RES # 140 - Au t:horize Agreements w /Community Centers RES # 141 - Accept Donation of Dabes Property RES # 142 - Support Funding for Six Mile Creek Guage RES # 143 - Support for Grant App. for funding for Dryden -F rccville Trail RES # 144 - Approve. Minutes RES # 145 - Approve Abstract. #9 RES #146 - Authorize VanPell Closing SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MTG - 9 -26 -06 RES 4147 - Neg SEAR Dec - Tuttle Project. Grant. Application RES # 148 - Findings ti. Resolution Auth. Filing of Grant App. Under NY Empirc Suite- Restore NY RHOS # 149 - Approve Expense of Flow Monitoring SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MTG - 1065 -06 RES # 150 - Neg SEQR Dec - Renewal Energy Facilities Law of the Town of Dryden RES # 151 - Adopt Local 05 of 2006 - Rencwal Energy Facilities Law of the Town of Dryden TOWN BOARD MTG - 10 -12 -06 RES # 152 - Designate Seasonal Use Roads RES 4153 - Authorize Snow &. Ice Agreement RES 0154 - Budget Modifications RES #155 - Approve Minutes RES N 156 - Support Council of Governments Grant App for NYS Shared Municipal Services Program - Local Health Insurance Incentive Award RES 4157 - Auth Signatures for Accounts RES 4158 - Auth Etna Fire Department Conu•act. RES # 159 - Approve Abstract 010 TOWN BOARD MTG - 11 -2 -06 RES # 160 - Authorize Supv to Sign Undertaking to NYS Department of Transportation RES # 161 - Adopt Special District & Asamt Rolls RES 4162 - Adopt 2007 General Budget RES # 163 - Adopt Special Districts Budget TOWN BOARD MTG - 11 -15 -06 RES *1164 - Authorize TG Mitler Contract RES # 165 - Approve Change Orders for Town Hall RES # 166 - Auth Recreation Software RES #167 - Order Calling Public Hearing - Cortland Rd Sewer District RES # 168 - Support Planning Board Recommendation For Red Mill Road Bridge RES # 169 - Budget Modification RES # 170 - Approve Minutes RES # 171 - Add Delinquent Water, Sewer, Engineering Fees to 2407 RES N 172 - Approve Abstract # 11 TOWN BOARD MTG - 12 -7 -06 RES 0173 - Adopt Public Interest. Order - Cort.lAnd Road Sewer District. RES # 174 - Authorize Acquisition, Construction and Installation of Improvements to tlu; Sewer System For Cortland Road Sewer District at a maximum estimated cost of 5124.000 and vuthortAng serial bonds for same RE:S # 175 - Award Conl.rect for SAnilmy Sewer Flow Monitoring Stations RES # 176 - Change Formula for Meadow Drive &. Leisure Lane Lighting District RES # 177 - Approve Change Order - Town Hall RES # 178 - Authorize Decision on Tuttle Property RES # 179 - Authorize Continuation of Drug &, Alcohol Testing Program RES # 180 - Request I'ttblic Hrg-- Quaked Aban- donment of Cornelius Rd RES # 181 - Au th Amendment to Cortland With Barton &. Loguidice Rr,.S 4*182 - Auth Amended Agmt with Finger LAkcs land Trust RE:S # 183 - Approve Minutes RF!3 4184 - Auth Postage of Tax Bills RES # 185 - Approve Abstract N 112 RES 4186 - Budget Modifications