HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-08-10T8 8 -10 -06 TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING August 10, 2006 Present: Supv Steven Trumbull, Cl Martin Christofferson, Cl Daniel Tier Ill, Cl Stephen Stelick, Jr., Cl Mary Ann Sumner Elected Officials: Bainbi L. Hollenbeck, Town Clerk Jack Bush, Highway Superintendent Other Town Staff: Mahlon R. Perkins, Town Attorney • Daniel Kwasnowski, Environmental Planner Andrew Sciarabba, TO Miller Engineers o Kevin Ezell, Zoning Officer 0 Supv Trumbull opened the meeting at 7:12 p.m. and led board members and audience in the pledge of allegiance. PUBLIC HEARING (continuation) SITE PLAN REVIEW SMITH ELECTRIC & REALTY 169 NORTH STREET Gaol Wood, Engineer for the applicant, said the status of the project is unchanged. They have created a map separating the site parcel from the parent parcel. That map has not yet been filed but has been approved by GO Slater. They are scheduled for a variance hearing on the parking situation. Cayuga Landscape has been engaged to provide a landscaping plan and that is not quite complete. A firm in Syracuse will do a traffic study. G Wood said he still owes the board a lighting plan and will provide that. He said he hopes the Board will proceed with the SEQR review at its next: meeting because he would like to know what other issues there may be. Mr Smith has advised him there is a meeting scheduled next week with a possible investor for a hotel on the property, so the project is moving forward and that should be an indication that no one has any intention of "junking the site up'. Cl Stelick asked why the size of the lot had been changed and the building had been moved since the last plan. G Wood said that: was to conform with Village requirements should the property eventually become annexed to the Village. The configuration of the parcel was done to .accommodate a well and private septic. David park, on behalf of Mr Smith, asked if there were any other issues that needed to be addressed prior to the September meeting because they want to keep the process moving forward. Cl Sumner said the traffic study was important. G Wood said he knew they would need a stormwater plan. CI Christofferson said he wants to know exactly what the building is going to look like because he does not like sonic that he has seen. Mr Park said they needed to know whether they needed a private septic and if they would be able to hook into the sewer system. Supv Trumbull said they would need to put in a private system, but would have to hook into the sewer system when ghat became available. Cl Tier said he understands why this one parcel was separated, but wondered how ' DOT's decision would be affected if a hotel is coming to the neighboring property. G Wood said he doesn't know what the timeline is, but he doesn't think it affects this project at this point. Page I of 13 r1,5 8m]M6 Thew need to get aLn access f«r t.his one project and then when they look at the bigger parcel isthey will address it- With respect to the road out request to DOT, ZO dater said it is his understanding that being in a non - restricted area, a single lot is entitled under all circuMswnoea to one; road 01) t- That would probably eliminate the need for a traffic analysis as far as DOT concerned. It is still an option for the board try regiA sfi It under site pion review. 001' will identify a location for the road cut and specify the construction (one or tu,o lanes, radius, approach, etc), A Sciarabba said the storiuwater management pond and piping to it are off the property at this point. So they will either need to have an easement to operatle and maintain that, or manke the lot larger to aecomrnodate it, G Wood said they will take care of that- O dater asked whether Che applicant bad further investigated the possibility of pCilitioning for annexation of this parcel to the Village. D Park said Lhcere hasn't been a significarrt interest from neighboring properties, but Mr Smith has asked him to move forward. CITIZENS PRIVILEGE Marna Community Association Arthur Berkey, speaking as Secretary of the Varna Community Association (V Aj, introduced Da-wm Potter, the currr}nt. VCA Chair, and board tnxembers Sue and Dan I•Ieath. A Berkey e- mailed ifh(: Supervisor on July 18 with a request for funding and endorsement for making the VCA an emergency feeding center to serve Town of Dryden residents and others ae pars, of the emergency planning and response for Tompkins Cournty. (The board has copies of this as well as Mr Berkey's statement -) Mike RafTe of the Red Cross has stated in a letter to upv 'lYumbull that a generator to allaw the VCA to serve as an emergency feeding center will be "an essential addition for emergency plan nin& and response." He pointed out the VCA's strategic location to the large poputat:ian of Tovai residents within wallung dismnoe in the adjacent 000 plus mobile home park. A Berkey noted that the Varna Volunteer Fire Com pally building is within a quarter -mile and available to provide emergency housing- The VCA is asking the Town Board to fund the purchase and installation of a 40 kw gaS powered generator (estimated oost $17,600) which would be necessary to provide power in times of an electric power outage. They would also like a resolution or letter endorsing the VCA's emergency preparedness effort (draft provided). The VCA will use this endorsement to solicit addition ] funds frorn legislator member diems and grants from agencies such as F'EMA. A l3erkey said other items necesaary for this include increased hat water capacity, expanded restroorn far, ilities and maintenance and storage of a supply of staple food items. A Berkey said he hoped that by providing advance noticc; the board would be able to act on theee requests- Mr Berkey said that Cornell had made it quite clear that they were not in a position to provide emergency services for anyone outside of their students and employees and that was the impetus for the VCA to do this emergency planning for the Varna area. Cl Tier asked what the capacity of the VCA was and was mold approximately 140 people with all rooms combined. He also asked about the "at risk" population referred to ii Mr haffu's letter and was told it was the lame number of senior citizens in the trailer park with limited mobility- The size of the generator regtiested %vas determined by a corupany in Syracuse who sent a representative to visit the site. They wem. also advised to increase the capacity of their gat5 meters for operation of the generator. Cl Ticig said he was concerned that the source of feet (natural gas from NY E01 for the generator could also be interrupted in a significant event, A is Berkey will look into 11hat. Cl Tier said that generally grant; funds are available for stand alone generators, not ones connected to public utilities. Page 2 of 13 Tf3 8 -10 -06 1 Stelick said there: is no line itc~m in thQ Town's bud gut for $20,000 as suugostcd in Mr Berkey's letter. That funding is for recreation opportunities. He also said since he's been on the board si:and alone generators have hecn provided to the fire departments, acid the Varna Fire Department has one. Mr Raffe has not contacted the Tolkk-n Board to discuss a town- wide emergency response sysilern and it should be Iaoked at that way by the board instead of just one location Mr Berkey pointed out that the Fire Department does not have a commercial kitchen like the VC;A does and are not prepared to feed people_ They can house people and Twill need their genera for to opr:rate their own building. Cl Stelick said that while the Town Board Is looking at. the entire town, Mr Raffe is looking at one portion of it, and the Fire Departments are emergency ce~nwrs regardless of whether they are able to feed_ Thr, board needs to look at the entire package. Cl Christofferson said TC3 is a designated area because people can eat and sleep them- He said he doesn't know the procc %s you need to go through to get that designation, but it needs to be done on a town -wide basis. C~i Tier also said there needs to be a town -wide plan and approach for dealing with this_ He also said what the VC A wants to do is a good idea but he is concerned with the limited capacity (building si j and said it is not a good idea to take the Fire Department and use thein for ho>a sing f emergency shelters_ In most widespread situations, the emergency services will also need to be run from that building and it is very difficult to do that when it is hieing used For a shelter. He also nol:ed that the people running the c_mergency services have their own families to look aster also. It bothers hire a little that they are looking at the fire department buildings themselves as shelters. Supv Trumbull Sail he understands that 1,hc ToLvn would geed to have a contract wii:h the VCA indicating that the Town receives something back for its contribution. A Berkey said they have contacted legislators for member items and have been informed they would need a letter of endorsement from the Town_ Michael Lane said lie believed the Token could agree to fund the improvements in return for the Association agreeing that it woo ld be used for emergency purposes for people in the Town in a designated event_ In the event of art emergency the VCA building wwouId become a town emergency facilit }� and it could state that in Ch contract. The board said they %wpould check with Atty Perkins when he arrived_ Cl Stelick said the board needed to look at a town - {wide plan, and Cl Christofferson said he should contact the County's representative for emergency management:_ A Berkey asked what the Board suggested they do to move the matter along, and Cl Christofferson said he was getting a sense} that the Board was not ready to spend $20,000 at this point, though they agree it is a good idea to i'ry and pursue ii:. He { {pants to chock into what the Board can legally do. Cl Sumner said someone on the board should try and initiate an emergency plan. D Kwasnowski said there is a hazard mitigation plan in place. Cl Stelick said it srrmed the matter was in the Board's hands and a!*ed D Kwasnovvski to look into the matter for the next. meeting. Dawn Patter asked if they could have a letter ofendorsement for the next: meeting and Supv Trumbull said if it vas possible, he would get it right out. She also noted that Marna Hire Department is not in a position to house a lot of people, and while their building is not as large as TC3 or some other places, it. is in close proximity to the mobile home park where in the event of power outage those residents would have somewhere to go where there was heat and food. She added that though Cornell is very dose, they. have stated they would not be able to help_ Cl Sumner said she's glad the V A has taken the initiative to do some pianning and hopes thaE the board will be able to work with there. A Berkey said the purpose of the VCA is to improve the quality of life in the Varna community and this is one effort to provide that He Nagc 3 of 13 TB 8 -10-06 asked that someone let them know if an endorsement letter will be forthcoming and said they would be willing to provide a representative to rnec:t with D Kwasnowski or other staff. OURS PProgmm Jessica Houle, founder of the OURS program, a youth program for residents of Congers Mobile Home Park, presented a letter she would like the Supervisor to sign that they would use to raise funds to create a community center. She said the Congers Mobile Home Park is a very under- served community and the youth there don't have the opportunities to participate in activities at the school and other places. They are looking at sponsors including Coca -cola, and have another promising grant opportunity. J Houle said she currently works for an architecture firm and has some preliminary designs for a building that will meet the needs of the entire community. They want to reach out to other mobile home parks in the area that are also under -served such as Hanshaw Village and Fall Creek. She said there are no resources for these communities at the moment. A student -run organization at Cornell has been providing volunteers and working in the Congers neighborhood for a year and a half. They are there on a weekly basis and providing mentorship and consistency, but right now they don't have a facility. They work at 4H Acres sometimes, but have transportation issues. They are hoping to provide an afterschool program and to reach out to the adults as well. They deal with a lot of family issues and are hoping to educate the parents who don't know how to meet the needs of their family and assist with such things as money management, health and nutrition so they are able to impact the entire community. Rachel said they are trying to figure out a way to acquire ownership of a parcel of land for the center and have been talking with Covenant Love who may be willing to donate a parcel of land near the mobile home park. They will not be able to get grants, however, if they are associated with a church. If the Town owned the land they would be able to apply for grants and provide more sustainability and stability for the center. They would be able to apply for matching grants using town staff and long -term maintenance. Covenant Love needs facilities such as a gymnasium. They would be able to use it during the day and the center would be able to run programs in the evenings and weekends. J Houle said by sharing the space, the building would be more energy efficient. It is being designed to be as green as possible. The group is using 4H Acres now, but it doesn't meet the needs of the community. They don't have the right facilities for their tutoring programs and there is no place for computers. The kids they serve don't have computers in their homes; they don't have access to the resources they need to be more successful in school. Cl Sumner said she would like a sketch of the area they are planning to locate in. J Houle said they would have that available soon. One of the things they want to have is a fitness center for adults. A large part of the problem in this community is obesity and health and nutrition issues. The group is working hard to do all the fundraising and grant writing, but will need the Town to take ownership of the property and provide insurance and maintenance. Cl Sumner has talked with them about providing some retail space and this would be a way for the community to raise some money. They will be able to continue to raise money, but they need some stability. Cl Sumner said she has worked with these young ladies a few times and they are doing a lot of work with the youth who are very enthusiastic and there has been a lot of parental participation. One of the biggest issues they face is transportation from Congers eMobile Home Park to 4H Acres and they are unable to provide transportation. The group would Page 4 of 13 TB 8 -10 -06 also like to provide academic support: immediately after school when the parents have not yet arrived home and transportation is a problem then also. Cl Sumner and Cl Stelick said they would like to help, but there is a lot yet to be discussed. After further discussion it was decided that D Kwasnowski would meet with this group to work on a site plan and collect more information. Yellow Barn State Forest Richard Paneoe, Supervisor Forester for NYS DEC Division of Lands C% Forests, explained that under the New York State Open Space Plan the Department can propose to acquire land that is adjacent to a current state forest to become part of that forest. If the local government: opposes the acquisition, it will not go through. In this instance they are interested in acquiring a 32.78 acre parcel of land (tax parcel #63.- 1-19). The property borders the Yellow Barn State Forest and an old town road (Oxtail Road) and some issues of access would be cleared up if the State owned the parcel. Because the property will be stage forest land it will still be taxable for town and school purposes, but not county tax purposes. They are presently in the process of conducting an inventory on that state forest and have just completed an inventory on Hammond Hill State Forest, After the inventories are completed, the forests will go on their list for future preparation of a unit management plan. That is a long -term, visionary working and information plan. in that process they will reach out to interested parties and the public for their input as to what they would like to see with respect to state forest plans. In that process they may also identify other parcels of land they are interested in. ZO Slater said the board should be aware the property has no development potential. It is totally landlocked and is a significant distance from any public highway. He said he believed the owner had been trying to sell it for some time and he has had to explain several times why a potential purchaser could not put a residence on the property. RESOLUTION #125 - ENDORSE NYS DEC PROPERTY ACQUISITION Cl Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby endorses the acquisition by New York State Department of Conservation of a 32.78 acre parcel of land in the Town of Dryden identified as tax parcel #63. -1 -19. 2,,d Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote HIGHWAY DEPT & DPW Cl Christofferson Yes Cl Tier Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Stelick Yes Cl Sumner Yes Highway Superintendent: Jack Bush said he has discovered they need to replace a sander /spreader and did not anticipate making this purchase this year. However, because he will not be purchasing the grader this year due to increased cost of other equipment purchases, there is money available in his budget. He said his working supervisor for the DPW has been borrowing a 6' mower to mow the areas where the water and sewer lines run. Rather than continue doing that J Bush said he would like to purchase a similar mower. He predicts the life expectancy of it to be 20 years. Page 5 of 13 TB 8 -10 -06 RESOLUTION #126 - AUTHORIZE HIGHWAY /DPW EQUIPMENT PURCHASES Cl St:elick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Highway Superintendent to advertise for bid or purchase off state contract or receive 3 written quotes for one 2006 new and unused sand /salt spreader at a cost not to exceed $13,000.00, and it is further RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Highway Superintendent to receive two written quotes to purchase one 2006 new and unused 6' rotary mower for the DPW at a cost not to exceed $3,000. 21141 Cl Tier Roll Call Vote Cl Christofferson Yes Cl Tier Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Stelick Yes Cl Sumner Yes Cl Sumner said the Etna Community Center would like to thank him for mowing their playground. She has also received a letter asking for help to repair a hole in the post office parking lot in Etna. J Bush said that is a County road, and he will check into it and determine whether he could help. J Bush said he has not yet spoken with Duane Testut on the Baker Hill speed limit. reduction request, but will do that in the future. COUNTY BRIEFING Mike Hatt:ery said that the Industrial Development Authority has approved a pilot agreement with RPM Ecosystems which NA411 be locating in the Town of Dryden, The legislature will probably be voting this week on whether to authorize an additional county tax on real estate transfers. The proposal is for an additional $2 per thousand. He said if anyone on the board has comments to get those to him. Mike Lane suggested perhaps it could be $1 per thousand instead. M Hattery said this could have the impact: of reducing real property tax. ENGINEERING With respect to the Pinckney Road Water and Sewer District, A Sciarabba said they had received no comments from the board on the last report. Based on previous comments from the board, he suggests that prior to setting a public hearing the reports be mailed to the affected property owners to solicit input. The board could then make a determination on whether to proceed. The district descriptions have not yet been prepared (other than to define it by tax parcel numbers) and Atty Perkins said this could be done later. There are only a few parcels involved and this is a good way to gauge the interest. Atty Perkins and A Sciarabba will draft a letter for the supervisor's signature. A Sciarabba said a request has been received from Bolton Point to have the Town participate in funding an upgrade to telemetry for the NYSEG tanks. They are currently on landlines and the expense to the town is $190 per month. Bolton Point is asking the town to fund the cost: of a building to house the new equipment ($4,160) and the $190 monthly charge Page 6 of 13 TB 8-10-06 would be eliminated. Atty Perkins said the expense would be spread over the water districts served by the NYSEG tanks. RESOLUTION #127 - ACCEPT BOLTON POINT PROPOSAL Cl Christofferson offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby accepts the proposal from Bolton Point to fund the sum of $4,160 for a building to house equipment in connection with their new telemetry system. 2t%,' Cl Tier Roll Call Vote Conservation Corps Cl Christofferson Yes C1 Tier Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Stelick Yes Cl Sumner Yes Cl Sumner said she attended the recognition dirmer for the Conservation Corps tonight and displayed pictures of the kids building the shed at Montgomery Park that: will be used to house the skateboard park equipment. She said it's a great program and we could probably line up projects for them for generations to come. There were also photos of work they did on a trail in Freeville. Fr`�r�7 ii`I�l`J Atty Perkins provided the board with two proposals from Hunt Engineers. One is a proposal for engineering services for the three sewer monitoring manholes that the Town has agreed to install for the Cortland Road Sewer District. Two of these will be paid for by TC3 and /or the TC3 Foundation. The other proposal is for engineering services for measuring the wastewater flows into the Village Plant so the 'Town can get a good idea of how much flow is going in there. This will help determine t:he size of the plant. Part of the negotiations has always been that the Town would have capacity for 200,000 gallons per day. The second proposal was discussed in the negotiations between the 'Town and Village held at the Town Hall. In those negotiations it was decided that since the Village didn't have a good handle on the amount of the now from the District, that needed to be determined and the Town wanted assurance that the plant would be sized large enough. It was agreed that the Town would pay one -third of the cost of the study to determine this and the Village would pay t:wo- thirds. The feeling of the Village was they would like to have Hunt Engineers do it to verify what PLS has done. 'This should result in some level of comfort in what the recommendation for the size is. Atty Perkins said he received a revised version of the Cortland Road Sewer District contract Yesterday, but has not had an opportunity to review it. RESOLUTION #128 - AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT W /HUNT ENGINEERS (WWTP FLOW MONITORING) Cl Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby accepts the proposal from Hunt Engineers for flow monitoring with the understanding that the Village of Dryden will be responsible for two - thirds of the cost of the same and %vill agree to that at their August meeting, and the Supervisor is authorized to sign the same. 2nd Supv Trumbull Page 7 of 1 J TB 8 -10 -06 40 Roll Call Vote Cl Christofferson Yes Cl Tier Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Stelick Yes Cl Sumner Yes RESOLUTION #129 - AUTHORIZE AGEEMENT W /HUNT I (SANITARY SEWER MONITORING STATIONS) Supv Trumbull offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: R) S01,VED, that this Town Board hereby accepts the proposal from Hunt Engineers for sanitary sewer monitoring stations for an inflow and infiltration study for the Cortland Road Sewer District.. 2nd Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Christofferson Yes C1 Tier Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Stelick Yes Cl Sumner Yes RECREATION ® Board members have Jennifer Dube's monthly report. With respect to the skateboard park J Dube said she has made a presentation to the Village Board and they would like an agreement between the Town and the Village. She has prepared an outline of what: the agreement should entail. CI Christofferson said he is concerned because it: appears that the Town is on the line for all liability. J Dube said the Village is giving permission for the Town to place the equipment at Montgomery Park, and the Town is responsible for it. It will be run and staffed by the Recreation Department. Cl Christofferson said he w =ould like it reviewed by Atty Perkins. Cl Sumner and Cl Stelick said they understood that the Town would be liable for the skateboard park. Atty Perkins will draft an agreement for the board to review. J Dube said the Town of Ulysses has given notice that they are going to pull out of the Recreation Partnership because their residents tend to use only the day camps and they believe they can run a day camp less expensively. They are now not sure that they will withdraw, but if they do the effect will be that the; Town of Dryden's 2007 share in the partnership will increase from $11,836 to $12,2111 The Varna Community Center has approached the Rec Dept about some maintenance they would like to do at the Center. She presented an estimate for the work to be done ($1,925.76) and tables that need to be replaced ($450.00). There was some discussion among board members regarding the funds J Dube has suggested using are targeted for capital improvements or programs. Cl Christofferson said it is unclear what the funds were originally intended for and they need to determine that. In his opinion it wasn't set up for general maintenance kinds of things, but to provide new and enhanced services. Dawn Potter of the VCA said their building has developed mold on the carpet and they have seniors and children that use the building on a daily basis. The mold is a big issue and it ® has become an emergency for them to get it: out of there. She said they have spoken with J Page 8 of 13 01613 8m I M6 Dube about new programs and will be unable to move forward with any new programs until the iscarpet is fixed. ZO Slater stated that in the spring he had visited the Ellis Hollow Community Center with Dave Putnam about making improvements with a grant that Thoma would help write. The Center was to supply some details for the grant application and it was never supplied. It was his understanding that the money in the budget they are talking about was seed money to assist with these types of efforts. The money was not intended for maintenance or programs. Cl Sumner said part of the problem was that the Ellis Hollow Community Center is privately owned. Thoma was going in the direction of writing an overall recreation plan before proceeding with that project. She said if we want to use that money for an overall rec plan, and if we want to find some emergency money for Varna that would be great too, but she doesn't think it's the same thing. She also said it would help if information were shared with the board more than a month in advance so they could work on it, but acting the same night they get information is hard. Cl Stelick said he feels bad because he pushed to establish the fund and during the process lost the vision of what it was for. The Comprehensive Plan calls for using the existing community centers and they are trying to do that. Cl Sumner suggested a committee take a look at what to do with this money in the next month, and further that the board try and find $2,000 for the Varna Community Center that they could approve at the next meeting. Atty Perkins noted they would need an agreement with the Center in order to give them any funds. Mike Flattery suggested talking with the Town of Ithaca because he believes they have contracts with their community centers and may be able to give some guidance on how to provide for emergency situations. Cl Christofferson said perhaps the Town could contract with ® the community centers on a yearly basis for a specific amount: of money that they could use as they wish. If each center received the same amount of money it would be fair. J Dube said she has contacted the community centers to let them know she would like to help and Varna is the first that has responded. They have provided her with a list of all the programs they would like to have and who is going to run them. She was impressed with the information they provided. The programs they would like to have are non - traditional ones she would also like to have, but hasn't: been able to provide them by herself. She would like to include these in her 2007 budget and noted the programs may not necessarily be run at Varna. Dawn Potter noted the Varna Community Center is a polling place and this could present a problem if there is a primary in September. If they have to wait for approval until the September meeting it may be too late. The board has also used the center occasionally for a town meeting. Cl Christofferson said he is in favor of helping all the community centers as long there are some goals and objectives that are being met. The goals and objectives need to be defined. Cl Sumner suggested this could be worked into the budget. Cl Christofferson said he'd be okay with using some of the money now if standards could be developed. He asked board members to start thinking about: what those goals and objectives should be. Cl Stelick suggested that $17,000 be carried forward to next years budget and add to that, and take $2,000 for each one of the community centers in place now, and at the discretion of the board be able to use those funds this year for the community centers. CI Christofferson said the board could ask the centers to describe how they will use the funds to enhance programming then draw an agreement. Atty Perkins said the board is headed in the right direction if the board can make a reasonable determination that there is a reasonable quid pro quo. The community centers need to come to the board with a proposals for programming for the $2,000. The board asked Page 9 of 13 TB 8 -10 -06 Athr Perkins to draft a generic agreement for their review and he said he has something like isthat. Cl Stelick suggested that each community center could have a line item under the Rec Dept's budget. Cl Sumner said they probably should talk about whether the Rec Department was the proper place to put that. ZONING OFFICER ZO Slater said that on Tuesday there was a bid opening for the new town hall project and presented the board with a letter from Egner Architects with the his recommendations regarding those bids. Anton lgner reviewed the low bids and the variance from the estimates. The total of low bids exceeded the authorized amount by $31,132. He explained the differences and said he had talked with the low bidders about: items that could be deleted to reduce the total cost. Change orders could be prepared to be executed right after the contracts were signed. The board will hold a special meeting within the next few weeks to authorize and sign the documents. ZO Slater said he had received a request from an individual asking to be exempted from the most recent local law regarding electrical inspectors. This person probably does 30 -50% of the residential inspections conducted in the Town of Dryden. His employer, Atlantic Inland, has petitioned on his behalf and asks that the board consider an exemption for him and provided some documentation. ZO Slater asked the board to review that information and consider it for next month. This person cannot pass the test and can not use a computer and Atty Perkins said the fact that we have had no problems with him doesn't say anything about his qualifications. Atlantic Inland's statements are self - serving because they are the employer. He cautioned the board to look carefully at the information. Kris Strickland will complete her last course in code enforcement next week so she will be ready to be certified. Of the five tests she has taken she has missed one question. She'll soon be able to help out officially, and ZO Slater said he intends to put her to work immediately. ZO Slater said tomorrow is Nita Baldwin's last day at the Town. She will be retiring after 17 years of service to the Town. Cl Sumner suggested a letter of appreciation should go to her. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER D Kwasnowski said a letter had been received from Ed Marx at County Planning. They have received funding to do a Route 13/366 corridor study. They need three additional members from the Town of Dryden and have asked Supv Trumbull to appoint those members. Supv Trumbull said Dan Kwasnowski was serving and Mike Lane had agreed to serve, so they need two more people. RESOLUTION # 130 - AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO APPOINT MEMBERS FOR ROUTE 13/366 CORRIDOR STUDY Cl Christofferson offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes to the Supervisor to appoint a total of four people to serve as the Town of Dryden's representatives for the Route 1.3/366 corridor studv to be conducted by Tompkins County Planning. 2r "' Cl Stelick Page 10 of U Roll Call Vote Cl Christofferson Yes Cl Tier Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Stelick Yes CI Sumner Yes TB 8 -10 -06 D Kwasnowski said he spoke with R Aguirre of the Finger Lakes Land Trust yesterday about the Dabes property. J Bush said he expects the cost to be about $6,000 ($2,500 for materials and $3,500 for labor) to build the parking area at the Ellis Hollow Creek Road property. Cl Christofferson said he would like to know the cost of a parking area and drive for the Dabes property. D Kwasnowski said they would work on that. D Kwasnowski has sent the board a memo about updating the zoning ordi lance. He estimates it will take about two years to complete the process. He would like to do an RFP for a consultant, but would like to know what the board expects to pay before doing that. He noted that the consultant fees for the Route 13/366 study are estimated at $60,000 for six months and contains a lot of visualization and other expensive items. For this project he thinks we just need to have a certified planner. The board suggested he do an RFP to get an idea of the cost from the response. D Kwasnowski will draft: an RFP and get it the board prior to next month's meeting. TOWN CLERK B Hollenbeck asked the board to approve the minutes of the July 13 board meeting. RESOLUTION # 131 - APPROVE MINUTES Cl Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves t:he minutes of the July 13, 2006 Town Board meeting. 2nd C1 Stelick Roll Call Vote DISCUSSION Cl Christofferson Yes Cl Tier Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Stelick Yes Cl Sumner Yes Cl Sumner thanked the dozens of people who have spent countless hours writing the energy ordinance. They now have a final draft of the ordinance, which she believes covers all the input from the community and the Conservation Board. She said the object is to allow and encourage the development of wind energy systems and other renewable energy systems, and at the same time put reasonable regulations on protecting view sheds. The process will be governed by application for a special use permit, including an environmental assessment form and a visual addenda. She said it is a pretty standard process and she is pretty happy with the outcome. The board members have just received the final draft: tonight so she is not able to formally introduce it. That can be done at the special meeting to be held before the end of the month. At that time they will be able to schedule the public hearing for September so they are still relatively within the time line. She said this version doesn't vary much from anything that has been discussed. She suggests that it be introduced at the special meeting and a public hearing be scheduled at that time. Page I I of 13 TB 8 -10 -06 Supv Trumbull said Peter Schug wished to speak to the board before a decision is made on the Cayuga Press HUD loan. That will be discussed in September, The board discussed the need for a replacement for Nita Baldwin for the Youth Commission. Supv Trumbull said he received a report from N Baldwin after the meetings she attended. Kris Bennett of Tompkins County Youth Services has expressed a desire for the Town to find a replacement. B Hollenbeck said she understood that Tracy Kurtz had requested a board member attend the meetings. Supv Trumbull said the board had some time to think about this. Supv Trumbull asked if the board had any desire to change the length of the term for the Town Supervisor. Cl Sumner said she preferred the two -year term. C1 Christofferson said he is torn; that it takes a while to get: into the role and understand and it is nice to know you have a few years to get a job done. It is also good to put: someone on the line every two years if they are not doing a good job. Cl Stelick said that even if there isn't. a lot of campaigning after two years there is still the stress of the process. Supv Trumbull said he felt it took two years to learn the job and he was glad he didn't have to campaign after two years. Cl Sumner suggested a full time paid deputy supervisor might be a solution and would ease the transition for a new person. Supv Trumbull said they have a generic, description for an emergency services coordinator position and asked the board to review it and be prepared to discuss it next month. The Etna Fire Department has not been paid for 2006. Cl Sumner said they were still waiting for answers to some questions. Cl Tier said he would talk with Tom Lobdell. He has heard some positive things and would like to discuss it with him. Cl Sumner said she would like be part of that discussion. The Tompkins County Water Resources Council has an opening. D Kwasnowski suggested Dave Weinstein might be a good person for that position and will talk with him. Drvden Ambulance has received an Award of Excellence in EMS from the Central New York Regional EMS Council which encompasses a five county region in Central New York. The board asked Supv Trumbull to send a letter congratulating them on this accomplishment. Supv Trumbull asked the board to decide on a day they can begin budget work by meeting with department heads. Cl Sumner asked that the bookkeeper send an email to remind them and try and get the board together. Cl Sumner said if one or two board members could meet on different days they may have to do it that way. Cl Christofferson said it is a lot of work, but it is important. The board should give them some kind of guidelines. After discussion it was decided to try and hold the budget at a 4% increase with detailed justification for anything in excess of that. Supv Trumbull will talk with the bookkeeper and see what she had in mind for the meetings with department heads. Thoma Development would like to know if the Town is interested in pursuing a block grant for this year. Cl Sumner said she doesn't see any sense in asking for another grant now, She said we need to get busy and use the money we have, and they probably won't give us another grant if we aren't: using that money. The bookkeeper is currently working on sorting that out to determine how much money is available. Cl Sumner said it might be worth talking with Better Housing, Tompkins County Planning, and Thoma to see who can best service the Town with respect to this. She will meet with Supv Trumbull next week to discuss this further. Supv Trumbull said there is a furniture company that will give free consultation and buy off state bid for furniture for the new town hall. The board asked the Supervisor to contact them. Page 12 of 13 TB 8 -10 -06 Fire department rosters have not been received from all departments for distribution of the foreign fire tax. Supv `rrumbull will send a letter to the departments. RESOLUTION #132 - APPROVE ABSTRACT #8 Cl Christofferson offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract 08, as audited, vouchers #615 through #719, totaling $299,982.61. 2nd Cl Tier Roll Call Vote Cl Christofferson Yes Cl Tier Yes Supv Trumbull Yes C1 Stelick Yes Cl Sumner Yes There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bambi I.,, Hollenbeck Town Clerk Page I 3 of l3 DRYDEN TWAIN BOARD MEETING 65 U. Main St, Dryden, New York 13053 Thursday, August 10, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. 1) Call Meeting to Order 2) Pledge of Allegiance 3) Roll Call 4) Public Hearing 5) Agenda Item a) Town Historian b) Generator for Varna Community Center 6) Citizens Privilege Presenter K G azzo A Berkey 7) Town Highway Superintendent,'Department of Public Works J Bush 8) County Briefing County Repr. 9) Engineering A Sciarabba 10) Recreation Department J Dube 1 1) Attorney M Perkins 12) Zoning Officer 13) Environmental Planner a) Monthly Report 14) Town Clerk a) Approve July minutes 15) Discussion a) Energy Ordinance b) HUD Loan — Cavuga Press c) Nita's replacement for Dryden Youth Commission (l) Community Center at Conger Trailer Park e) ]dollar General Hearing Continuation n Town Supervisor's Term g) Emergency Services Coordinator It) Etna Fire Department Contract i) DEC Acquisition of Land for Yellow Barn State Forest j) Pinckney Road Water & Sewer Hearing k) Tompkins County Water Resource Council Representative 1) Dryden Ambulance Award m) Telemetry NYSEG Tank Building 16) ,approve Abstract # 8 17) Future Agenda Items 18) Executive Session - rf necessary H Slater D Kwasnowski B Hollenbeck 8- 14 -06 0 SPEAKER SIGN IN SHEEI % If you wish to address the Board under citizens privilege of the floor please sign in below. Speakers will be limited to amaxinium of three minutes, *lease provide the Clerk with a written suininary of your statement, Name IdD � �ll Address I Ymn ut Dryden Town Board Meeting August 10, 2006 Name - {Please Print} lao,04 iz� ov��, #ecc-yc 4)(f 3 0 s+ Ira CA Oe i 0 X U //7 5 c 4AAoo JC Address S!/ej %uSl d <2D,- Z h A <.. h L.Ole 38 � . P( (f GSG w+ t (COMMENTS BY ARTHUR BERKEY AT THE 8 -10 -06 DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- GOOD EVENING, MY NAME IS ARTHUR BERKEY AND I'M SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF THE VARNA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC. (VCA) FOR WHICH I SERVE AS SECRETARY. MRS, DAWN POTTER, THE VCA CHAIR, IS ALSO HERE THIS EVENING TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, I'M SPEAKING THIS EVENING IN FOLLOW -UP TO MY JULY 18TH EMAIL TO SUPERVISOR TRUMBULL - - WHICH I UNDERSTAND WAS FORWARDED THAT SAME DAY TO ALL BOARD MEMBERS, REQUESTING FUNDING AND ENDORSEMENT FOR MAKING THE VARNA COMMUNITY CENTER BUILDING AN EMERGENCY FEEDING CENTER TO SERVE TOWN OF DRYDEN RESIDENTS AND OTHERS, AS PART OF EMERGENCY PLANNING AND 0 RESPONSE FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY. AS STATED BY MR. MIKE RAFFE, DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY SERVICES FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY IN HIS JULY 8TH LETTER TO SUPERVISOR TRUMBULL, A GENERATOR TO ALLOW THE VARNA COMMUNITY CENTER TO SERVE AS AN EMERGENCY FEEDING CENTER WILL BE, (QUOTE), "AN ESSENTIAL ADDITION FOR EMERGENCY PLANNING AND RESPONSE." THE LETTER FURTHER POINTS OUT THE CENTER'S STRATEGIC LOCATION TO THE LARGE POPULATION OF TOWN RESIDENTS WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE IN THE ADJACENT 300 PLUS MOBILE HOME PARK, ALSO, THE. NEARBY VARNA FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING WITHIN A QUARTER MILE IS AVAILABLE TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY HOUSING, THE VCA ASKS THE TOWN OF DRYDEN'S SUPPORT FOR EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AS FOLLOWS: Y • FIRST, FUNDING FOR PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF A 40KW GAS POWERED GENERATOR ESTIMATED TO COST $17,600 - - WHICH WOULD BE NECESSARY TO PROVIDE POWER IN TIMES OF AN ELECTRIC POWER OUTAGE, FROM THE $20,000 BUDGETED THE CURRENT YEAR WITH ANY BALANCE AS AN ITEM IN THE TOWN'S 2007 BUDGET. SECOND, A RESOLUTION OR LETTER ENDORSING THE VCA'S EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EFFORT - - A DRAFT WAS INCLUDED IN MY JULY 18TH LETTER TO MR, TRUMBULL, THE VCA WOULD USE THE ENDORSEMENT TO SOLICIT ADDITIONAL FUNDS FROM LEGISLATOR MEMBER ITEMS AND GRANTS FROM AGENCIES SUCH AS THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY(FEMA), WE UNDERSTAND SUCH A TOWN ENDORSEMENT IS NECESSARY SINCE ANYADDITIONAL FUNDING WOULD BE REQUIRED TO BE ADMINISTERED THROUGH THE TOWN. THE GENERATOR IS ONLY ONE OF THE ITEMS NEEDED, OTHERS INCLUDE INCREASED HOT WATER CAPACITY, EXPANDED REST ROOM FACILITIES. AND MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE OFA SUPPLY OF STAPLE FOOD ITEMS. I HAVE CIRCULATED TO THE BOARD A COPY OF COORDINATOR RAFFE'S LETTER LETTER OF SUPPORT, THE GENERATOR ESTIMATE, AND MY LETTER TO MR. TRUMBULL, WE HOPE THAT BY OUR ADVANCE NOTICE THAT THE BOARD. WILL BE ABLE TO ACT THIS EVENING ON OUR TWO REQUESTS IN TERMS OF FUNDING AVAILABLE THIS YEAR ENDORSEMENT SINCE LEGISLATOR MEMBER ITEM REQUESTS ARE DUE IN SEPTEMBER, AND GRANT APPLICATIONS TAKE CONSIDERABLE TIME FOR FUNDING DECISIONS. Y • THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD THIS EVENING, AND MRS. POTTER AND I WOULD BE PLEASED TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS BOARD MEMBERS MY HAVE, ARTHUR L. BERKEY 1205 ELLIS HOLLOW ROAD, ITHACA, NY 14850. 272 -0230 ae Bambi Hoilenbeck From: . "Art" <aberkey @clarityconnect.com> To: <strums @frontiernet.net> Cc: <Townclerk @frontiernet.net> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 1 :38 PM Subject: Varna Assoc. as Emergency center Dear Mr. Trumbull, Page 1 of 2 The following letter will will be delivered in hard copy to your office today to facilitate time for the Board's consideration. By copy of this email I am requesting Ms. Hollenbeck to forward this communication to other Town of Dryden Board members. On a personal note; thank you for the Board's consideration of a water district for Ellis Hollow. Although the outcome was not the one I hoped for, your decision clearly and properly reflected majority wishes - - which I also expressed in the Ellis Hollow Gazette. Thank you, Art Berkey VARNA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 943 Dryden Road Post Office Box 4771 Ithaca, NY 14852 -4771 Mr. Steven Trumbull Supervisor Town of Dryden 65 East /Main St. Dryden, NY 13053 Dear Mr. Trumbull, I am writing on behalf of the Varna Community Association (VCA) to request endorsement and funding for a natural gas generator to equip the Varna Community Center(VCC) to be an emergency food center for emergency planning and response . could be provided in the Varna Fire Department also located in Oe Hamlet of Varna. The cost for the 40 KW generator including installation is $17,588.00 (see estimate from the Generation Power Co. inclosed). The purchase is endorsed as Emergency housing 8/4/2006 Pape 2 of 2 essential by Mr. Michael Raffe, Director of Emergency Services for Tompkins County (see July 8, 2006 Raffe letter inclosed). The VCA requests funding for the generator from the $20,000 for community associations in the current year Town of Dryden budget, and also for inclusion as an item in the 2007 Town budget. A further request is for the `roivn Board to pass an endorsement resolution/letter so that the VCA may also request funding via member items from NYS legislators and/or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (1~EiV1A). Such endorsement would be needed since the VCA has been informed that funding from these sources would be through the Town of Dryden. Such a support/endorsement resolution letter by the Town might be worded as follows: The Town of Dryden Board endorses purchase of a gas generator for the Varna Community Association(VCA) to establish the VCA Center as an emergency feeding location for emergency planning and response which as been supported as essential by the Director of Emergency services for Tompkins County." Could you please have this request placed early on the agenda for your August 10, 2006 meeting which a VCA representative plans to attend. If there is additional information or action that the VCA may provide, please email or call me at 272- 0230. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Arthur L. Berkey VCA Secretary Inclosures: Julv 7.2006 estimate from Generator Power July 8, 2006 support letter from N'tichael Raffe &`4/2006 URrRNR CGMMUN 543 0 r Post Jffi _Tthaca, NY - ,, t y fir. 5tauer, Ti�umbuIl Soper: scr Town of Cruden 55 Eas= Ma;Jn St, Dr der,, NQ 130S3 Deer I . T rumbu t t , I arc. sir i t i ng on beha endorsemeni and fund Community Canter (UCC) and response. Emerger atsa l�eatad in the i T yd ce V Y ASSoCI,ger oN an Road do:: 4771 14852 -4771 if of the Uarna Community ng for a natura( gas gen4 to be an emergency food cy housing could be proui Hamlet of Uarna. Association ''LUCP) to request %rator to equip the Uarna center for emergency planning dad in the Uarna Fire C+epartmer.Y Tha cost Tor the 40 KW generator including installation is 817,5 88.00 (sas .Duly 7, 2306 astimata from the Generation Power Co. incicsed). The purchase endorsed as essential by Mr. Michael gaffe, Director of Emergency Services rcr Tompkins CCuntu (see Julu 80 2006 Raffe letter inclosed). The UCS requests funding fcr the ganerator from the 820,000 for cormurnity associations in the current year Town of 'Dryden budget, and also .ccnsidaraticr, for inclusion as an item in the 29 @7 Town budget. A ?ur-',her reGu2st is for the Town 3oard to pass an andcrsement rasa lutior:ilatter so that the UCA inau also request funding via member items from NYS legisiators and /or the Federal Emergency Management. Rgency, (FEMA). Such endorsement rill be needed since the UCA has been informed that Tunding from these sources would be through the Town of Dryden. Such a support /endorsement resolution /letter by the Town might be wormed as follows: "The Tclun of Dryden Board endorses purchase of a gas generator for t;:e Uarna Community Associaticn(UCP) to establish the UCP. Center as an amerger:cy feeding lc•cation fee emergency planning and response which as been supported as essential by the Director of Emergency services for Tompkins County.' Could you please have this request placed early on the agenda for your Fuoust 10, 2 096 meeting which a UCA representatiue plans to attend? Lf there is additional asnfermation or action that the UCA may email or call ne at 272 -9230. Thank you for your consideratior. request. 5 ;nc6rel '4, Rrthur >r_ Bark ei:.UCr, Sac retar y Inclo_�_res: "uly 7, 2906 es ia•,ata froei Generator Parer �.luiy 8, 2096 support letter ;rom Michael Raffe prouida, please cf thi s Generation. Power 7110 Henry Clay Blvd Liverpool, NY 13088 NamelAddress VARNA COMMUNITY CENTER 943 ROUTE 366 ITHACA, NY Estimate Date Estimate No. 41x712006 Q20477 Terms Rep FOB Project DUE UPON RECEIPT 050 SHOP Item Description Qty Rate Total 04992 04992- 40 KW Elite Guardian Generator l 10,300.00 10,300.00T RTSE20OA3 GENERAC 200 Al" TRANSFER SWITCH 1 11200.00 1,200.00T W /SERVICE DISCONNECT' i ALLATION FULL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 1 21100.00 2,100.00T °rALLATION FULL NATURAL GAS NSTALLAInON ! 11152.00 11152.001% INSTALLATION PERMITS REQUIRED FOR 1NSTALLA'INION 1 200.00 200.00T DELIVERY DELIVERY, OFFLOAI)ING, AND PLACEMENT 1 625.00 625.00T (CRAIVE OR FORKJ41FT SERVICE) fiNSTALLATION PRE CAST CONCRETE PAD NSTALLXIION 1 12400.00 1,400.0(1'r ,b1TP -24 MTP- 24 1NTERSTAT'E BATTERY 86.00 86.00T' STARTUP STARTUP l 525.00 525.00T JOIN, TO PROCEED WITH YOUR TURN -KEY CEN =BATOR PRnTr@C.T; SIMPLY SIGN THIS ESTIMATE AND RETURN WITH A DEPOSIT OF 511,500, FOR EQIJIPMENT, AND $6088 WILL BE DUE AT STARTUP. Quote is valid for 15 days.To accept this quote please sign, and ft.Y or mail to Generation Power. Subtotal 517, 588.00 All equipment and parts remain the property of Generation Power, LLC until invoice is o paid in full. 20% rc- stocking charge on all returned goods, or orders cancelled after Sales Tax �0.0 /o� $0.00 shipment from factory. Payment due according to "TERMS" above. All overdue invoices will be charged 1.5% per month (18% tumually). Outstanding balance must be received Total before due date to avoid late fees. Customer equipment left at Generation Power for repair 517,588.00 will become Generdtion Power's property, and/or disposed of, if not picked up within 15 . days of notification. Signature Phone # Fax # E -mail Web Site (315) 234 -2451 (315) 234 -7695 mail@genpowerllc.com http: / /www.generation- poxvcr.com American Red Cross Tompkins County Chapter 201 West Clinton Street Ithaca, New York 14850 July 8, 2006 Mr. Steven Trumbull, Supervisor Town of Dryden 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 Dear Steve: As director for emergency services for Tompkins County Chapte Cross, I am writing to support installation of a 40KW natural gas the Varna Community Center (VCC) as an essential addition for and response. As recent local and national events have shown, developed workable plans and local resources have fared better than those that failed to plan and take action, r of the American Red powered generator at emergency planning communities that have and recovered quicker SIn the event that an electrical outage should occur, the VCC has a commercial kitchen. A generator would allow for the preparation and provision of meals for Town of Dryden and other residents in conjunction with nearby housing at the Varna Fire Station. The large population in the adjacent 300 plus mobile home park, considered an at -risk population group by the our chapter, makes the VCC a strategic location for an emergency feeding center. Local planning such as this by the Varna Community Association (VCA) Board is an integral part of comprehensive community emergency preparedness, and I urge your support of this effort. If I may provide additional information, please contact me at either my office 607 -273- 1900 ext. 11 or by e -mail at mraffe @tompkins- redcross.org. Sincerely, Michael Raffe Director, Emergency Services cc.@ Varna Community ssociation P.0 Box 477 i y ( , Ithaca. NY 14852 -4771) Together, we can save a life VARNA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 943 Dryden Road Post Office Box 4771 Ithaca, NY 14652 -4771 1 —I I —o ("o; Mr. Steven Trumbull Supervisor Town of Dryden 6S East Main St. Dryden, N4 130S3 Dear Mr. Trumbull, RECEIVED JUL 18 2006 DRYDEN TOWN DLERK I am writing on behalf of the Varna Community Association (UCA) to request endorsement and funding for a natural gas generator to equip the Varna Community Center(UCC) to be an emergency food center for emergency planning and response. Emergency housing could be provided in the Varna Fire Department also located in the Hamlet of Varna. The cost for the 40 KW generator including installation is $17,588.00 (see July 7, 2006 estimate from the Generation Power Co_ inclosed). The purchase is endorsed as essential • Emergency Seruices for VARNA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 943 Dryden Road Post Office Box 4771 Ithaca, NY 14652 -4771 1 —I I —o ("o; Mr. Steven Trumbull Supervisor Town of Dryden 6S East Main St. Dryden, N4 130S3 Dear Mr. Trumbull, RECEIVED JUL 18 2006 DRYDEN TOWN DLERK I am writing on behalf of the Varna Community Association (UCA) to request endorsement and funding for a natural gas generator to equip the Varna Community Center(UCC) to be an emergency food center for emergency planning and response. Emergency housing could be provided in the Varna Fire Department also located in the Hamlet of Varna. The cost for the 40 KW generator including installation is $17,588.00 (see July 7, 2006 estimate from the Generation Power Co_ inclosed). The purchase is endorsed as essential by Mr. Michael Raffe, Director of Emergency Seruices for Tompkirs County (see July 8, 2006 Raffe letter inclosed). from The UCA requests funding for the generator from the $20,000 for community associations in the current year Town o4 Dryden budget, and also consideration for inclusion as an item in the 2007 Town budget. A further request is for the Town Board to pass an endorsement resolution/letter which a UCA representative plans so that the UCA may also request funding via member items from NYS legislators call me and /or the Federal emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Such endorsement will be needed since the UCA has been informed that funding from these sources would be through the Town of Dryden. Such a support /endorsement resolution /letter by the Town might be worded as follows: "The Town of Dryden Board endorses purchase of a gas generator for the Uarna Community Association(UCA) to establish the VCR Center as an emergency feeding location for emergency planning and response which as been supported as essential by the Director of Emergency services for Tompkins County." Could you please have this request placed early on the agenda for your August 10, 2006 meeting which a UCA representative plans to attend? If there is additional information or action that the UCA may provide, please email or call me at 272 -0230. Thank you for your consideration of this request_ Sincerely, Wrtt ur L, Berkey.UCA Secretary Inclos July July 7, 2006 estimate from Generator Power July 8, 200€ support letter from Michael Raffe Generation Power 7110 Henry Clay Blvd Liverpool, NY 13088 Name /Address VARNA COMMUNITY CENTER 943 ROUTE 366 ITHACA, NY Estimate Date Estimate No. 7/7/2006 Q20477 days of notification. Signature Phone # Terms Rep FOB Project DUE UPON RECEIPT 050 SHOP Item Description Qty Rate Total 04992 04992- 40 KW Elite Guardian Generator 1 10,300.00 10,300.00T RTSE20OA3 GENERAC 200 AMP TRANSFER SWITCH 1 1,200.00 11200.00T W /SERVICE DISCONNECT 3TALLAf10N FULL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 1 2,100.00 21100.00T INSTALLATION FULL NATURAL GAS INSTALLATION I 1,152.00 19152.00T I N PERMITS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION I 200.00 200.00T DELIVERY DELIVERY, OFFLOADING, AND PLACEMENT 1 625.00 625.00T (CRANE OR FORKLIFT SERVICE) INSTALLATION PRE CAST CONCRETE PAD INSTALLATION I 11400.00 11400.00T MTP -24 MTP -24 INTERSTATE BATTERY 86.00 86.00T STARTUP STARTUP 1 525.00 525.00T JOHN, TO PROCEED WITH YOUR TURN -KEY GENERATOR PRO ECT, SIMPLY SIGN THIS ESTIMATE AND RETURN WITH A DEPOSIT OF $111500, FOR EQUIPMENT, AND $6088 WILL BE DUE AT STARTUP. Quote is valid for 15 days.To accept this quote please sign, and fax or mail to Generation Power. Subtotal 5175588.00 All equipment and parts remain the property of Generation Power, LLC until invoice is Sales Tax (0.0%) �o) paid in full. 20% re-stocking charge on all returned goods, or orders cancelled after $0.00 shipment from factory. Payment due according to "TERMS" above. All overdue invoices will be charged 1.5% per month (18% annually). Outstanding balance must be received Total before due date to avoid late fees. Customer equipment left at Generation Power for repair v 17,588.00 will become Generation Powees property, and/or disposed of, if not picked up within 15 days of notification. Signature Phone # Fax # E -mail Web Site Q 15) 234 -2451 (3 15) 234 4695 mail@gcnpowerllc.com http: / /ww%v.genemtion- power,com American Red Cross Tompkins County Chapter 201 West Clinton Street Ithaca, New York 14850 July 8, 2006 Mr. Steven Trumbull, Supervisor Town of Dryden 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 Dear Steve: As director for emergency services for Tompkins County Chapter of the American Red Cross, I am writing to support installation of a 40KW natural gas powered generator at the Varna Community Center (VCC) as an essential addition for emergency planning and response. As recent local and national events have shown, communities that have developed workable plans and local resources have fared better and recovered quicker than those that failed to plan and take action. In the event that an electrical outage should occur, the VCC has a commercial kitchen. A generator would allow for the preparation and provision of meals for Town of Dryden and other residents in conjunction with nearby housing at the Varna Fire Station. The large population in the adjacent 300 plus mobile home park, considered an at -risk population group by the our chapter, makes the VCC a strategic location for an emergency feeding center. Local planning such as this by the Varna Community Association (VCA) Board is an integral part of comprehensive community emergency preparedness, and I urge your support of this effort. If I may provide additional information, please contact me at either my office 607 -273- 1900 ext. 11 or by e-mail at mraffe @tompkins- redcross.org. Sincerely, !r Michael Raffe Director, Emergency Services cc: Varna a a Community Association (P.0 Box 4771, Ithaca, NY 14852 -4771) Together, we can save a life