HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-01-13T13 1 -13 -05 TOWN OF DRPDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING January 13, 2005 Present: Supv Stephen Trumbull, Cl Stephen Stelick, Jr., Cl Martin Christofferson, Cl Christopher Michaels, Cl Michael Hattery Elected Officials: Bambi L. Hollenbeck, Town Clerk Jack Bush, Highway Superintendent Other Town Staff. Mahlon R. Perkins, Town Attorney Henry Slater, Zoning Officer Dave Putnam, TG Miller Engineers Debbie Gross, Environmental Planner Supv Trumbull opened the meeting at 7:05 p.m. and led the board and audience in the pledge of allegiance. CITIZENS PRIVILEGE Simon St, Laurent, 1259 Dryden Road, regarding to the land purchase offer referred to The Ithaca. Journal today, said fie would appreciate some discussion of this in open session because it: is strange attending the town meetings and reading about recreational fields in the newspapers, but not actually hearing about it at: the meetings. He said before the board contemplates how much land they are going to buy and how much they are going to pay for it, it would be good to have a discussion of the why in public so that the rest of the public can Participate. Erica Fvans, 49 Turkey Hill Road, said she hall and there is no doubt about that in her mind, recreation fields in the Town and the Highway Sup men to take care of things he needs to take care of of more. thinks that the Town needs a better town but there are plenty of nature trails and erintendent says he doesn't have enough now, and she wonders how he can take care Ezra Cornell said he and his partner, Frances Paolangeli, have a company called 281 Development and own property on Hall Road across from Wilcox Press. They would like to have the property served by municipal water and sewer. They have spoken to previous boards about this over the years. A preliminary study was done by town engineers and Mr Cornell asked the board to review that report .end start the procedure to obtain municipal water and sewer for the area. He said it is a commercial area and if they had water and sewer they could further develop the property commercially and perhaps see more employment in the area. Dave Putnam said there was a draft map, plan and report prepared, but it was never formally accepted by the Town. Supv Trumbull said he would see what would be necessary to resurrect the matter. COUNTY BRIEFING is Mike Lane said the County Legislature has reorganized without: much change from last year. Tim Joseph was res -e lected as Chair, and Mike Lane was re- elected as Vice - Chair. The committee assignments have been changed and legislators are now serving on two committees Page 1 of 16 T13 l - l 3 -05 with more respon %abilities, M Lazne will continue to c hair the gavcrnment opC rations committee and is on the planning committee. He said they are keeping track of what is beginning to happen. in Albany because they are very concerned with the state deficit and the possibility of shifting more costa to the counties, ENGIKEERING Dave Putnam raid he has T(-,Mved a fax regarding notification from FEMA that the funding for Virgil Creek has b(cen restored :and the time extension to complete the project (May 15 to September 30)_ He said this should be sufCcient time to complete the job_ RECREATION DEPT Jennifer Sr�aton was absent, but board me;mhers have a copy of her inonthly ropert. ATTORNEY Atty Perkiriti laid he received a lcl.i:cr from Highway Superintendent Jack Bush earlier thiN weck and have been discussing an offer lay Cornell University to dedicate the "new" Sapsucker Wands Road to the Town. He explained that there had been an agreement made between the Town and Cornell University that the Town would grant Cornell a highway work permit to temporarily close Sapsucker Woods fram where it ends next to the O'Connor property north to inhere ii: i'Lirns to head into the Village of Lansing, The concept was that Connell University would build their new Laboratory of Ornithology partially on our road and in turn wotiald con.strucl: a new road that loops around the parking lots, etc_ HC said it was the subjet:t of extensive Negotiation~% and they had to have srymt; va.ri:anoes from some of oiir recl uirements. They built. a very good road, but it isn't: quite as wide as the Town wo-old normally require (60'x, They had some ewe tlands issues and wanted to rrnako il: 5 ' wide, There were sum<; concessions given theria regarding uomC casements, and easements within the shoulder of the road to be dedicated to the Town. All of that was worked nut and an agreement reach <Fd_ Come II has presented documents fQr ffic conveyance which are being reviewed_ The Town agreed that it would consider a msaiution in Ofect abandoning that portion of Sapsucker Woods Road that wa% closed during construction o[ the nt,w L. boratory of Ornithology. Atty Perkins raid il' was discovered in going over i.hc tide documents that Cornell had planted 43 or 48 trees in the property the Town is to get title to, the Town duesn'i, want' trees in the area it is going to get: title to. The idea with having title to it is that the Town will be able to do whatever is necessary far safety reasons and ease of maintenance in the area_ He said this was pointed out to Cornell early on, and now has a map showing the area "as- built" and the location of the trios, etc_ Attv Perkins and ,1 aUCsh are currently discussing the .natter with Connell, and it needs to be resolved before the Town takes title to the road. Atty Perkin sdiCl rr;c u(. st ha been made to lower the speed litn.it in the area of the Lane Circle school near the intersection of Turkey Mill Road and Flli�; Hallow Road. Hr_ said we don't have any real jurisdiction over that because those are two County muds, but the Co would like the Toivn to jour them in asking for a study of the speed ILmit and a MdaCfion) if wa Fro n red _ RESOLUTION #34 - REQUEST DOWER SPEED LIMIT - STONE CIRCLE SCHOOL Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: fage2of16 TFl 1- l 3 -U5 WHEREAS, the Town of I']rvden has been c,orlinrte.d by the Stone Oircic School, located at the corner of Turkey 1.1111 and Ellis Hollow Roads, both Torn Co roads, requesting that speed limit near the school be lowered from the currant 45 inph, now tht;refor(;, be it RESOLVED, that i:his Town Board her -c by a %k-s that Tompkins County do whate_ -Per is necc %nary to assist the Stone fir {,1e School in obtaining a lower speed limit in the vicinity of the School. „A Cl Stelick Roll call dote C:1 Stelick Yes Cl Ohristoffer�son Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michocls Yes Cl Hattery yc;s Atty Perkins said there is a situation with one of the recipi<_nts (Nichol) of a C:DBC? pant who a% of last },reek has not made a payment in the last 580 days. The amount owed is $3,650,65 principal and a little over $58 -00 ir,lx;reLA. 'I'herr ids also a diminishing lien agreement against his property, making the total outstanding about 510,000. The farmer boc�lckeeper had been sending ]c�l's of loi;kers asking him to pay up and appamnilly one of the predatory lenders contacted the property owner and lent them a suns of money on the assumption that the Town of Dryden would subordinate its interest in the mortgage the 'row n holds. The board never took any action and the lender Went ahead and put a mortgage on the property, snaking it in second place. The lender now wants to know if the Town would be willing to subordinate its intcresi: to their larger mortgage;- 'C]�r;re are also unpaid Wxes on the pn>perty- Atty Perkins explained the Town has two liens: a diminishing lien agreement and an actual mortgage at t% interest- Atty Perkins ssugg( �L that if the property ou rite paid off the mortg e, the Town could subordinate its diminishing lien agreement, and the own ors. would be caught up a little bit- The diminishing lien Ogrmc meat will riot be payable to the town if the property owner �5fays there 1.6 ,years, and he is already five years into that - The board agreed, RESOLUTION #35 = SUBORDINATE NICHOL DIMINISHING LIEN AGREEMENT Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that i:his 'Gown Board hereby agrees that if Richard Nichol pays off his mortgage to the Town of Dryden in the principal arroount of $3,650.56, together with accrued interest, the Town will su bord i rin fe its diminishing lien agreerrnen( to Mr, Nichol's mortgage lender. F)" Sijpv Trumbull Roll Calf Vote Cl Stefick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl &lichael� Yes Cl 1•lattery Yes Atty Perkins said the Town Clerk ha% received a petition from Dryden Mutual Insurance Company for annexation into the Viilage_- He has not yct had an opportunity w examine it for its sufficiency, and will do so and report back to Lhe board. C;1 C:hriailoffenson said he understunds there are also other property owners interested iri annexation and he would rtlier look at it all iiltead of 2 piece at a tine. Page 3 of 16 f I- 1I-I15 The 2005 Ambulance contract was presented to Dryden Ambulance hi the saine Form as the currcn1. cantr4e:wt, but. the- I]ryde-n Arnbul;)ncc now has an issue 100th the audit provisions. They would like the same language that is contained in the fire contracts, that the Town will pay for any audit. Another issue to be considered is that the other contract: provided that the Town would be a party to any agreom ( nt with any third party billing service. The reason for that was that the Town still had money coming in that was b(;ing collected by the billing service_ They do rL1)e cxpcict. to be able to collect on any accounts still outstanding, t5o there is no r`e:S )n For the 'Coven to be a party to that agreement any longer. RESOLUTION #SG - CHANGE AMBULANCE CONTRACT LANGUAGE Cl CJ1kTi3tofferson offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption= RES0LVEDI that: this Town Board hereby authorirc>t� ;� change in the language In the ambu lance: contract regarding audit to thc: & um language contained 1n the lira contract, and the removal of the language requiring the Town to be a }party to auzy third -party billing oonkract, 2nd C1 Mic,ha.els Doll Call Vote Cl Stefick- Yes Cl christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes C;1 Hattery Yes With respect to the sever agreements, Atty Perkins ijai d the plant to plant agreement is probably fine, however it is not quits complete in that it doesn't hove some things attached that: it says are attached. Tho%(, need to be there so that i:ilc; basis for the assumptions of the agreement are clear. As part of the whole-, picture there are also 1_;.vo other agreements that the Town will be a party to. One of those is an agreement. between the Village of Cayuga. Heights and the Token of Dr that has to do with when the Town of Dryde.rk wastewater goes to the Cayuga Heights phuit and there is an industrial user involved. What this agreement would do is require a pre - treatment of any wastewater, anc, it makes Cayuga Heighl.s ake enforcer in the Town of Dryden of the Token's sewer use Iaw. Atty Perkins said the contract is very similar to the contract between the fit.} al' Ithaca, the Town of Ithaca, the Town of Dryden and the Village of Cayuga Heights, 2nd other agreements 1rhat are going to be exec_utkd by the parties_ He :yid there_ is an inherent conflict in i.he. way the agreemenf% are drawn and the way our sewer use I ws are drawn, including the existing sewer use laws of the Town of Ithaca and the City+ of Ithaca. 'Where was an issur. years ago about who waLq going to do the enforcrement and it was decided that each municipality Would erkfome the pre - treatmenl, regulations and the sewer use regulations in their awn jurisdiction, except where somrrbody's wastewater was coning into our municipality from another municipality, M which case anybody could enforce that one (fear a municipality that w:it*in't a party but was being served by contract). Afty Perkins said everything that is going on here conflictLk with the way the sewer use law% and the enfor(:cment provisions are written right now, because all of these agreemenIn make the owner of the treaLnent plant the agent for cnlorcement in another jurisdiction- He said this is rually a political quoqtion 11101re aian anything else:, whether or not the Town wants to have the Village of Cayuga Heights enforcing the Town'q sewer use law in the Town of Dryden against the '[«wn of Dryden industrial Users. The way' il: is written nog, if there is a problem with ask industrial user anti the Town of T)ryden takes action and has jurisdiction over the industrial user. This agreement appoints Cayuga Heights an agent in the first instance to enforce it. Page 4 of 16 T13 i -13 -05 1 Christofferson asked who would do the enforcing far the Town and who was trained to do that. Attu Perkins said that is a question for Dave Putnam, but right now legally everyone is on the same foothig, nobody has any particular expertise or lack of it. The Town currently does not have any industrial users who%v wastvwater t)es to the Cayuga Heights plant, The agreement is for five years and reneivable. Atty Perkins what this also means is thai: evervtmC is going to have to amend their sewer use laws. Supv Trumbull said the group is noil going w meet again for a few inonths and because thm is opportunily to have these concerns addressed, the board took no artion and will investigate the reasons for the changes. Atty Perkins noted the current agreement gives the chief operator of the pliant authc }rity in emergency situations, Cl Christofferson asked whether this was an area the Town has experi:is(� in, 0 n D PLLtnain said no, acid the only municipalities with any particular expertise are the ones who have employees at the plants. lle said he thinks 1:ltc 'ro n should enforce the law, but consul!: with the plant operator. ACty Perkins said the Town could not enforce the, low without the plant operator's cooperation. C] ChriSi'offer,;on said if there is able, wining people roady 1;o do this who cur; ilru0 and can have an agreement with that makes R yen e, covers us, reduces costs and helps them, he is in favor of 11.hail, but if the Town is going to get in trouble and we. already have the expertise. on :ktarf and it is going to cost more money, then we irnky want to do it the other way_ Arty Pc;rkins said one way to draw this agreement. iw to provide for enforcement by the municipality in which the industrial User is located, and we are only talking about. situations where the was tewai:er iL5 actually going to the Cayuga Heights plonk._ You could provide that enfc)rcrement would be by the murEicipaHty in which the industrial user is locai:e_d, Or aItow that municipality to con tract with another municipality or wii:h anot;hCT entity to enforce the provisions. The key is the enforcement: cif it, and he said he thinks the municipality would want authorit }� over'I t.s oven users. Cl flattery said he agrees w.ith Atty Perkins that we should maintain legal authority but have the right to assign it, so that we if vw:int:ed to assign it to the p ini: operator we could through agreement, because the plarIi: 0P( ator is probably the best person to do it. C1 Christofferson said that is logical, Atty Perkins will talk with 5 u%arl Brock, The last of the agreements is the multi - jurisdictional agreement between 1:he (�ity of Ithaca, Town or Ithaca, Town of Dryden and Village of Cayuga Height_ Atty Perkins said he doesn't hove any problems with this agreement except the comments already provided_ His concerns are narrowcd down to the enforcemen1: provisions. Supv Trumbull said there has been 3[nnc discussion about theTown buying extra capacity in the plant and the Town needs to FL to decide whetheit is really necessary to purchase that extra capacity. D Putnnrn said lie will talk with S upv Trumbull abotit that, With respect to the contract for Dryden AiribuIa rice , it was asked whc:i:her it was a two year contract and Atty Perkins said it was. estate, Atty� Perkins said he had one matter far exec iAdve session involving the purchase of real 00009 s'. 4 Jack Bush haq previously senr. a memo to thrF board asking the board to pat5 s a resolution in support of intermunicipal sharing of Iubor and mai:c:rials. C1 flattery asked tltty Perkins if it waq his recomrn .ndation that akin be done annually, and by said it was, but: that he also thought there shauId be a written agreement. He has a very simple agreement worked Page 5 oC 16 TB 1 -13 -05 out that cornplieq with Highway Lacy and 'I`own Lake that. Bays i :he Board authorizes the Highway Superintendent to enter into agreements on such terms as h(-_ deems appropriate for shared use of highway equipment, machinery, etc_ The I1wr) con (Iitions are that the Town shrill not he liable for any injuries caused by si)meone else using our equipment and that no money ch�uiges hands (quirt pro quo). That agreement can be taken care of at the next meeting, and in Chv meantime the board will pass the resoluI:ionI RESOLUTION #37 - SUPPORT INTERMUNI IPAL SHARING OF LABOR & MATERIALS Cl Christofferson offered the following msoIution and asked for il's adoption; RESOL ED, that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden by requv %t. oaf the 'Town Highway Superinllr_ndent. and by such authority as ext.[_nd[}d 1�y applicable sections of the Town Law of the State of New York, do hereby permit:, a:othoTize and direct the Town Highway Superintendent fuifjli such adtji1'ional responsibilities from time 110 Cirrir; as circumstances necessitate, although such activities may not m. Ja tc directly other specific responsibilitics of his department as specified 1 y the Highway Law, 1, Any un fore s n need and f or effort of the Town Highway Department resources as may err, determined by the I3ighway Superintendent to be necessary and in i:hr Ex;st interest of the genera] populace of the Town of Dryden, 2. The offering of Erric-,rgenqy Assistance as inay be requcL%ted 1 y the Chief or responsible of ri rr r of a local fire department in su ppc>rC of fire rebated emergencies_ 3. The rendering of such assistance as may be reque: u�d I'mm time to time to cope with related emergency situations of any Special District within the Town of Dryden. 211{' Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Y(.-Ls Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes I H;�1:tery Yes Th(-, beard has been given a propr)sed resolution providing for 11h purchase and sale of Ill yTllwa}' and depart tnerLt of public works departments_ The total amount w i I I be wII,hin the budget, though it. has been difficult to get firm prices on sonic items al, fhi,s point. RESOLUTION #38 - AUTHORIZE HIGHWAY AND DPW PURCHMES AND SALES Cl Hattery offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: REH SOL ED, that this Town Board herebp authorizes the I-Iighwa} Superintendent to' Adve:rIJse for bid or purcha%f,e off state hid two Q 005 new and unused ten wheel dump trucks with t5nowplow equipment. not to exceed $264,000, Sell one 1989 used single axle dump truck vin # 1.M2PI97Y7KWO05817 at a surplus aurtion or by advertisement to bid or to a public entity or private individual at fair market value, Sell! one 1997 used ten wheel dump truck %ein ff 1 HTGLAH01'8VH446743 at a surplus auv6an or by ad %eerbc5ement to bid or to a public entity or a private individual at fair marker value. I >a a 0f J6 T 5 1- 13 -O5 Rurchasc one 2065 new 4x4 pickup truck through the state bid not to exceed $25,000, Sell one 2003 used 4x4 pickup frock vin # 1 G GEK 14T23 265688 at a surplus a iaiun or by advertisement to bill or to a public entity or a private individual all fair Market value, Purchase from the state lurid one 2005 new and unused Ford 550 single EWe dump truck with snowplow equipment not to exceed 45,0()0_ a private (._ll one 2002 used Ford 550 single axle dump truck vin 1FDAF57F62EC58003 ai: surplus auction or by advesrtigement to bid or to a public entit}� or a private individual at fair market value. lldvertise for hid Or purchase from the state bid one 2005 new and unused loader not to exceed $1,00,000, cll one 938G Oat Loader vin # gHS00602 at a surplus auction or by adverti:sernent to bid or to a public entity or a private individual at fair market value_ Advertise for bid or purY_h:�se from the state bid one 2005 n }w arid unused 4.x4 Backhoe not to exceed $55,600. Sell one 2003 used New Holland LB75B back hoe Vin 4 03 104 4000 at a surplus uc:tion or by advertiseinent to bid or to o public entity or a private 9nd9viduaI of fair market value, Purchase one 2007P ,7ew and unused lawn tractor with 54" TOO`Wer from the state bid not to exceed $7,500 and to sell 2004 John Deer[? X475 lawn tractor with 54" mower st:rial 0 MOX475}1030900 at a surplus auction or by advertise inent to bid or to a public entity or private individual, Advertise for bid or purchase from the state bid one 2003 or newer industrial vacuum for the Department of Public Works not to exceed $65,000, Advcrt:isr; for bid, purchase from the t5Cate bid or accept Jo west hid of three written quotes one new turd unused 2.005 %arid / sal t spreader. 2,711 S u1)vTrumbuII Roll Cali mote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michael& Yes Cl Haftery Yc� Jack Buah announced that he has appointed Randy Riker as the new Deputy Highway uperin tend urir._ He shared pictures of the new generator t7iat was installed on Beam Hill Road, The §284 Agreement has not yO. been coiriplet:ed for the board and he will try and have that ready ror the February r71('rting. Cl lolatterly asked that a NUrnmary statement be attached to the agreement that talks in genera about the ainounL of paving, etc- Cl Michaels said he feels I . is the responsibility of the board to have sonic statement saying that we have tx certain nurnhc}r of oiiles of road and our goal is in terms oryearly maint:cnarice cycle_ He also said he understands the Highway Superintendent is diving his best: guess about which roads are! going to need work, and there are a few months of winter left and there is room for fJcxibility. This Page 7 of 16 1-13 1.13 -05 would leave the history and intcnl. Ipr any future boards, Cl Michaels said every year the board approves something very specific irk the §284 agreement and he would be comfortable with a cover sheet for that saying this i What is bVing Oppraved, but there is expectation that as things change throughout the year the Highway Superintendent rn:iy want. to reprioritize that, Cl Christofferson said that would be very helpful and suggested something similar for other annual reports_ Cl Michaels and Cl Hattery said they would work with the Highway Superintendent on this, COUNTY BRIEFING 1cont'd) Martha Robertson said she is serving on i:he, Public Safety Comm ittee this yea and the corn m un i cation s project has beerk rrmoved to that committee_ She iL d 1, serving on the Budget and Capital Co rmrmii'tee and Chairing the Flealth and H uman Services C;omrnit tee _ There was an intermtlnieipk�l meeting kvith town and co-L) ty officials. yesterday. They have been ineeting for more than a year looking for mutual solutions that: Carl save taxpayers rrioncy. They talked about insurance issues acid farming a J;�rger group for insuranexis and there are Borne interesting possibilities_ The facilitator from the Comptrollers Office is going to 6ret some information together about the coat of insumnce in Counties where they haw, a consortium for thc- county and a number of towns to buy insurance as a group, The next meeY.I , is January 1, at x:80 in khe old jai] conference room nCl all town board members ire encouraged to ai'tend, Robertson said Fernando de'Aragon ha% been putting together a sericq o meetings about park and ride lots. They are looking in particular at the NYSEG inl:c_rscction because that looks like a promising spot for a park and ride lot_ There are about 1500 Cornell employees I:hut. go through that intersection every day, and these people could park farther out 0 ornd take a shuttle bus to Cornell, Cornell is looking very seriously at trying to find some more peripheral parking, and they are hoping Chic area could be utilized. 'There are some people working on a survey to try and get more detailed information from that group of employees, and hope to send that out in the spring. C:1 Michaels asked if they had looked at the inirrsection of Route 18 and Warren Road since there already iL5 a daycare center and school there, M Robertson �i{did they hadn't, but one of l.he other sites was around 1�} -ramid Mall, There nre five general sites they ore looking at. M RobQTtson said the Tompkins 1 X prescription program is now in place told gave the 'ro wn Clerk a supply of cards to be available for the public,. This program is for residents who don't have pre%cripC%on coverage and will reduce the amount paid for prescriptions. Savings will vary from 20% to 2511% per prescription and i:here is no cost to County taxpayers, For- s eniors it may be ;A better benefit than their medicare discount: card_ ZONING OFFICER IYo report, S%upv Trumbull read a commendation given 110 Kevin Ezell by ffic Division of Code EDforcerrient and Administration thanking him for serving on the Slatc Fire Prevention and Building Code Council's Technkcal ubcommitte� . A certificate of appreciation was given to him in rcrogrnition of his scrivice, ENVIRONMENTAL PLAINER Debbie Gross snid there is a training opportunity called LEAPE a week from MCDday, If. is a program that provides information about water resource protection and has a module spc 6fically on Stan water management. Jt is pretty tis[;r- friendly and can be installed on any Page 8 Of 16 'i' a 1 -13 -05 computers at the Town_ Interested people can register with S haron Anderson. The program will be held at the Brooktond ale Corn munity Center. I The Planning Board is hoping to have a hearing on the comprehensive plan in February_ The their meeting next weck they will assess how that is going and start making plans for that. The gook i�s to get a corrected, revised version of the comprehensive plan available on the website and to Town Board rneUiber�;, Thirty responses have been received to the inailing went nut. on we 11 s. They are not all from th(._ area right around the quarry. There are. concerns throughout the whole area and responses Are still coming in. 1) Cross said that she hoped to have in Formation for the board at the February meeting, The Town will be receiving a draft stormwater tnanageme_nt. ordinance that has been put together by the Water Resources Council. The Conservation l3oard looked at the draft on Tuesday and somc sugge CionL5 for a few changes, and they will be in Couch with Bate Hackett and the Water ]Resources Council_ In order to try and move forward with the ordin:3nc e they will try to set up a meeting with the people involved_ The Town of Lorin ;ing is moving forward With their awn ordinance and D Gross will obhin a copy of that, D Gress said the Town of Drvde.n walk recently designated as a Healthy Trails, Healthy People community by Parke & Tnaiis of New York, a non- profit organiZa Lion that %upports trail deveJopmeint_ They will provide a free workshop in Dryden on i.rall development and emphasize the link between pedestrian and bicycle trails and health. She said this MighI: b {-, helpful for any funding aPplic;ations the Torn might want to make in the fuY.ure. ]RESOLUTION 039 - APPROVE MINUTES Cl Christofferson offered the following re�3olution and asked for its adoptiorr. R)i SOLVEI). that this Town Board her(Ltky approves the minutes of Decerriher 9, 2004 and January 4, 200x_ rLd Su pvTtrumhuII boll Ca]J Voter C 1 Stelick Yes Cl C.hriNtvfferson Yes upv Trumbull lie* Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes Board members have thc'I'own CIerk's annual reporl:I and F3 Hollenbeck reported that revenue-% from dog I ice nsea hove increased over $8,O00 and the amouni: corrected now covers the cost of the contract %ith the SPCA_ C1 Michaels suggested that perhaps the ?C_A could do an enumeration for the Token and B Hollernbeck will check on 11hat, DISCUSSION The board discussed the message to be added to the welcome signs being placed at the town line by the Chamber o1`Cnmrnerce. It was suggested that the Town hold a sort of contest for suggesi:ions, S upv Trumbull will check with Jean McPhcxters to see what the deadline For subrnis %ion to the Chamber is and then make arrangements for an snnounceinent in The Shopper_ Pagc 9 of 16 TB I -13 -03 The Village has met with respect to thr! Lenjth of Service Award Program (LO SAPI and they want some support from 1l1•1e Town be Fore they pass their own r(:soIution. Cl Hattery suggc %ted the hoard could pass a resolution saying thcl Town intended to financially support the LOSAP program and encouraging I.}ie; Village to do the swine, Cl Christoffs;rson said his concern is that I:he'Town and 'pillage be in it together, and wwou[d Like the resolution to say the Village will financially support it, too_ He would like everybody to work together on this, Financially and cooperafively. Cl Hattery amended his proposed resolution, RESOLUTION #40 - SUPPORT LENGTH OF SERVICE AWARDS PROGRAM FOR FIRE DEPARTMENTS Cl Hattery offered the foiiowinS resolution and asked for iii$ adoption; PrDSOL LED, that the Town of Dryden will financially support: the LOSAP program assuming that the Villages are also willing to work cooperatively and financially to s Mapport the program_ 21111 Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yt;!5 C1 Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl michachq Yes Cl HAUdery Yes Etna Hire Department is coven under workers compensation. The Town of Dryden Organizational ChaTl: will be reviewed by the Human Resources C'ornmit tee I C1 Stebck brought forth the re(Nornmendation of the Recreation Commission that Sharon Todd be appointed to the commission to fill the seal: va(;Uted by Bill Finnerty_ Ms Todd is currently an Associate Professor and Acting Chair of SUNY Cfortianc3';, Recreation and Leisure Studies, lives in the Town of Dryden, and one of her c1jCmses is currently working on n needs assessment with i:he Recreation Commission. Cl Stelick said she is very (,rithusiastic and interesilcd in helping the Town's Rct v Commission. RESOLUTION #41 - APPOINT S TODD TO RECREATION COMMISSION Cl Stel ick offered the folio wing resolution and asked for its adoption: R11S0LVF0. that this Town Board hereby appoints Sharon Todd W 11b Town of Dryden Recreation Commission fear o term expiring D[ mn—kber 31, 200'7. 2^0 C1 C_hrista ferson Roll Call Vote CI Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes upv 'frumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes 1'age 10 of 16 TR 1 -13 -05 R£,SQLUTION 042 - BUDGET MODIFICATIONS C1 ChHstofferson offered the fallowing resolution and asked for its adoption: Rl?SOLVE1), that this Tow, n Board hereby. authorizes the following budget modifications= FROM TO AMOUNT A1990-400 A7610.400 200.00 A7310,410 A7310.101 Allocation Changes 2,10 A7310.410 A731.0,402 Alloc@tion Changes 28,00 A7310.410 A7810,403 AI[oc:abon Changes 100 -00 A7310,410 A7310,404 Alloratioli Changes 28.00 A7310,410 A73ID,406 Alluc:ation Changes 1,0 ()0 -00 117310,410 A731 0A07 Change8 28.00 Dryden A7310,401 Decrease in amount 180 -00 2.}.t Cl Hatter }toll 0101 vote Cl Stelick Ol Chri%1'offc-,T-c,;on upv Trumbull C[ Michavin Cl Hattery Increase Historiaui Budget. Due to County/state Bull et (N'h;3nge5: Allocation Changes Per 1)iyden YouLh Comm Alloc@tion Changes Per Dryden Youth Comm AI[oc:abon Changes Per Dryden Youth Comm Alloratioli Changes Pc:r Dryden Youth Comm Alluc:ation Changes Per Dryden Yo4Mth Comm Allnr,wjon Change8 Per Dryden Youth Cumin Decrease in amount Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Supv TruTnbull reported that the person he had been talking with about the Historian position had decided not to take it, bui' had recommended another person and Supv Trumbull will follow up on thal'. RESOLUTION #43 - APPOINT RECREATION PARTNERSHIP REPRESENTATIVE Supv TrurnbuII offered the following resoJLl6On and asked for its adoption= RESOLVE D. that this Town Board herd, y :appoints Jennifer Stators as the Town's repre scn to h ve to the Recreation Partner -ship Botud and Stephtn te]ick, Jr., as the all'rrnate to s.aicl board. «i Cl Michaels Doll Call Vote C1 Stelick abstain Cl Christofferson Yes SLIPV Trumbull Yves Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes upv Trurnbu11 asked Simon 8t Laureni. what his concern was with the land purchase, and he replied that he doc%n't have a gerkemi opposition to the town having recreation land, but it seerns that twice in the last two years, there Were opportuniticLs to purchase lands for recreation inhere the discussion was dither in executive session or in the new spspers until fairly late in the process. Ile s��icl the Town has been clear about buying a new town hall and owe need a bigger one and that'% pretty clear, but there is no plan for recrention that he can find P;14'e I I -1-13 I -13 -05 an.ywh em. _ He said both the golf caurse and the town hall are kind off to the side of the draft comprehensive p]an discus %ion of recreation. He said he would like to sc ( the Town come up with a plan for buying property and doing something w]th it, t) ul: it needs a lot more dii5cussion. Cl ChriStOffeFSOD said there's been talk or recreation ever since he movW into town and there is mention of it in I:hr (,om pre hcnsive plan and what a shortfall there is. The intention of the board is not to do anything without having public input, but when you a-i)e negotiating land prices and purchases, then somct.imes you need to work in that arena in a confidential way otherwise it can affect the purchase price_ They have had discussions and talked ahoui. working in some way to find the best way to get a good price and go through the process so people have plenty of opportunity to co in men t_ t Lau rCFII' 9ait3 he tiva.s aware Of the rules for t;xt;cU1AVC session, but thinks they are violating 1 :he spirit of town government by keeping 1:he discussion of context in which the purchase is being made exelu %ive' to executive sessions. 1•1 e said revrc;ation is a critical issue but before the board goes ahead and buys parkland, they should have a plan for how to coordinate it with other park s. }stems in the town, etc. Sups Trumbull said I:hit5 is a beginning, They have been talking for a lot of gears about a token hat] and nothing has been done, and if they have to do this to get things moving and get same recreation land, then thaVK what they want to do. The Town doesn't. own recreation land and thie c,cyuld be the beginning of something gm. aU; r_ Erica Evans sail this property is ui the Village of Dryd(�n and the rest of the people in tha; 'Town of Dryden aren't going to conic to the Village for recreation. Cl Stelick said he sees this as a b inning, and if you look at the corn pro hensive plan there is talk of having a place by Yellow Barn road and over in the George Junior Republic. Thtirc is same talk with Ellis Hollow Community Center about putting in some fields and warming with thorn_ 'There is wetland in the area they :ire considering purchasing and they mire looking to use that and work with the sfhooI diNtrict on it. They have talked wi th Thoma Development and there i% grant money available to Lase to pul: a trail along there. This is jtisi: one part anti it's going to take: time to flesh it. out_ Erica Evans asked who was going to take carp: of it and Cl S telick said that's something to be con sidcrecl_ CI Hatl:c;ry ;paid that something doesn't became park land until it's dedicated as such and the key thing is that dicy :ire buying land for a town hall. A relevant issue- for good planing is that Ilha,y want to be good neighbors in what is zoned aN a residential area and they Leant to make efforts in reworking the wAy the high %Tay facilii:y is oriented as well as in the consi'ruction of the new town hall, and provide adequate buffering and an enhancement to what is an existing zoned residential area._ Recreation opporfunities is kind of a v(-,ry, second minor consideration and the prirrnary moving force here is that we are going to build a new town 1-1HIl_ St Laurent %aid it's good to hGur that these discussions have been happening, but asked how long thy: discussions have; been going on and how much opportunity there had been for public discussions. Cl hlattery said there were discussions abr)Ut it before th<.L current board and 13e read it 0 [l•ic-, newspapers, and that is the; primary issue rogarding this ]and purchase_ Erica Fvarns Said nobody is arguing against that_ Page 12 o1 16 TB I -13 -05 0 M Robertson asked if there was a map of the site, and ^. upv Trumbull said we can't tell until we make the; deal, M Robcri:%ork asked if the board could tell her slow many acres, and Cl Michaels said it'L5 hard to express how far away they art from making a purchase, and that's Eh c: reason for going into executive sCrssion, to figure out if they want to make are ofFcr and on what tennis. Ken Schlather asked if there is much of a difference in the size of the acreage if they had what they want for a town hall versus having that plus a recreation area. if (hc: focus is on the town hall, and if there isn't a plan for recreation in plane, then to say this is just a be ginning is very nice, but he thinks yucA have tee think about what the priorities are with respect to recreation- He said it might be that the hest thing t:r) do % co is what the 'hoard is proposing,, but that is not really clear to the rest of the population. is Laurent said the Town really does need Co have a better idea of its policy for purchasing land for recreation tha t is discussed before the actual I a n d purchases come up and the Em)ard has to go into executive session. D Gross said she has the neap from the draft corn prehem5ive plan that shoves where there are proposed community Varks.- Robertson said the negotiation part is an issue of price and aSkc;d wouldn't it be public information that the town is looking at a partic`ul�r spot and it's five acres, and 11em. s where} the town hall would go, andvhy is that executive session. She said the: price is executive session. Atty Perkins said I:hc price is a function of the size of t:hc: pare;ol. M Robertson asked if taxpdyem had a right to know what: they are looking at, and if ,you're going to buy a small piece it's a smaller price, and larger piece is more: money_ Atty Perkins said it's not as simple as that:. M Robertson said people aren't asking What: the price is going to Esc, Lh y are asking what the 'Town is tn1king about doing. St Lau re;nl. t5aid the Journal was talking about buying this oui: of the reserve funds for the town hall, and asked if thn m-L funels are actually dedicated to the tourn hall, and if i'l er-e is an issue if they are spent on recreation lands_ upv Trumbull said i:here is a fund Jbalanc e money for the ]and; il: doesn't stipulate ii:s going to be recreation, just land. Cl Hattery said again that something doesn't become recreation iand until it:'s dedicated and that would involve a planning, proccs% and be very public- it Trumbull said if we don't turn ini:e] mcreation, at least: we have same land, which We; don't hake now, and maybe in the future {ire can do something that everybody agrees on. Bu 1: we don't have land at all to do things with. M Robertson said the price is going Is) be more if it's a bigger piece- If you spend money on a cY�unk of it for recrcal:ion and you Turn it veto Fleld� novv or later, them obviously that would bo money that was already used up and couldn't go for a different priorit y. She said she doesn't know how much is avaiIuble all tagrCher, PaOe 13 of 16 Tip 1 -13-05 'I Hattery sa.id the relative magnitude of that is also a judgement call. Cl Mirh:iels uaid he knows she is making an assumption abolxt negotiations and the variables that can go into a real estate purchase that aren't necessarily borne out in Lhis situation, and that's why they do these things in executive session. Hc� said in every one of its recreation projects the town has brought in consultants an had lots of public hearings and he really does believe the 1'own is looking at a very vide recreation program in terms of the things that have been on their agenda and the things they've spent i:ime on such as talking with the Ellis Hollow Commu nity Center, the trails project, these guys meeting and picking traiI con suItant and looking at some of the buffering, and the Highway Superintendent is already working with some landscape firms for %*me of those issues already. Ol Michaels said there has been n lot cif work put into what will the token hall bite look like and what would 1_tie to wn hall look like and consultants have been taIkcd to and it has beers addressed for years now at public hearings_ He said that a tension is developing that al of sudden that has been talked about for years and years and now the 'I'Uwn Jcji)ks like it might actually be doing zomething, lie appreciates that. that comes as a surprise. Cl Michaels said he think: that's a mid- impression, Cl Hattery staid the Town is exploring tht, purchase of hmid to build a town Mal[, and they want to make sure that that site is adequate for the kind of neighborhood that the land is being purchat5ed in so that there aren't undue impach3, and in fact it's a more of an enhancement to a residential area 11han its been in the past, so we're good ri (�,ighbors. He said ]arid doesn't alvway&� come iii parcels exactly the way you need it, and because of that there may be an opporturiity for other uses, and some board members would like that to be recreational_ M Robertson asked what the status of the Ellis Hollow request was and C I Michaels said lie hasn't spoken to the Recreation C oo rdi n a to r Cl Steli ck said basically the request was L 000 to upgrade the pool_ M Robertson said there vas also a requc;�t about fields, Cl Michaels said as far as he knows they haven't met yet, hue ho had given representatives of the Communtty enfcr names and numbers of people they should be contacting and he's not sure if they have spoken. RESOLUTION #44 � APPROVE ABSTRACT # 114 Cl MlchacI% offered the following rct5olution and asked for its adoption; RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #114, as audited, vouchers 41267 through x#1272, totalirig 6,691.56. 21L11 Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Roberl;�un said the surprise is not the town hall, but: that the board is about to make a decision about recreational land in an area u?he.re there are already school district fields, etc. Cl Michaels said he think: that's a mid- impression, Cl Hattery staid the Town is exploring tht, purchase of hmid to build a town Mal[, and they want to make sure that that site is adequate for the kind of neighborhood that the land is being purchat5ed in so that there aren't undue impach3, and in fact it's a more of an enhancement to a residential area 11han its been in the past, so we're good ri (�,ighbors. He said ]arid doesn't alvway&� come iii parcels exactly the way you need it, and because of that there may be an opporturiity for other uses, and some board members would like that to be recreational_ M Robertson asked what the status of the Ellis Hollow request was and C I Michaels said lie hasn't spoken to the Recreation C oo rdi n a to r Cl Steli ck said basically the request was L 000 to upgrade the pool_ M Robertson said there vas also a requc;�t about fields, Cl Michaels said as far as he knows they haven't met yet, hue ho had given representatives of the Communtty enfcr names and numbers of people they should be contacting and he's not sure if they have spoken. RESOLUTION #44 � APPROVE ABSTRACT # 114 Cl MlchacI% offered the following rct5olution and asked for its adoption; RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #114, as audited, vouchers 41267 through x#1272, totalirig 6,691.56. 21L11 Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Ci Christofferson Yes upv Trumbull Yes CT Michaels Yes Cl I°Iattery YeL Prage f 4 of 16 TB 1 -13 -05 RESOLUTION #45 — APPROVE ABSTRACT #1 C<1 Michaels offered thu following resolution and asked far il:s adoption: RES0LVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract: # 1, as audited, vouchers #61 through #341 totaling $173,505.18, 12,,,' Supv Trumbull Doll cal.1 Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes C1 Michaels Yes Cl I- lattermy Yes On motiork duly made, seconded Lind unanimously carried, the board moved int €� executive session at 8045 p-m. to {]i4( us5 the emp]oyment history of a partie;ular individual and the possible purchase of real property where public discussion might have an adverse impact on the purchase price_ No action was taken and the board resurned rcglj1�r session at 9:08 pan. CI Hattcry thanked S upv Trumbull, Cl Stelick and CI Christofferson who served on :3 sort of site search committee for the time they put in looking all over the tOWT1 because the board had really wanted to relocate closer to the ccnter of tht t.vwn _ A strong effort was made to find land with appropriate public utilities_ Hr; comrn end ed. them for the work they pijL into that, RESOLUTION #46 - AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO EX CUTE PURCHASE OFFER FOR REAL PROPERTY Cl Hattery offered the following resolution and asked for it.% adoption: WHEREAS, the Town Board has conducted an exhaustive search frr a suitable site for a town hall including all areas of die town, and WHFI EA , ELM Acquisition Corp has indicated a wiliirignc}ss to entertain an offer frorn the town for land adjacent to the existing town properties on East Main Strect:, now therefore, be it RESOLVFF DI that the Supervisor is authorized to execute an oiler to purchase a parcel fro in EL Acquisition Corp for tike construction of a ne w Yes town hall Cl. Michaels building, Cl and be it further RESOLVED, that within 30 clays of acceptance_ of such offer the Town Soard will schedule a public meei:ing OT1 the acquisition with appropriate notice to the public, and be it further RESOLVFl7, that the [inant.in g of such acquisition shall be solcly From surptus funds. "" C1 Chri.Loofferson Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christoffer�sor, Yes Supv Trumbull YC'q Cl. Michaels Yea Cl Hattery Yes Page 15 of 16 Tb 1 -13 -U5 Robertson asked whnf. the size of the parcel was and C l Michacls said they. }{?ill hopefully have, �in ofrcr and then a public meeting where that will be discussed, as well as JLC- other sites considered and what the T)laTn5 ire as far as the next step for thu Siting of hall and anv other facilities_ On r7notion duly made, s &conded and unanimously carricd, the meeting as adjourned of 9,11 p.m_ Respcotf illy submitted, Bambi L_ Hollenbeck Town Clerk Ngge 16 of 16 I -13 -05 SPEAKER SIGN IN SHEET you w 1 A to address the Board under citizens privilege of the floor please sign in below. Speakers will be limited to a maximum of three minutes, Please provide the Clerk with a written sunimary oC you r statement. [Name f fte)�),�} �, t I U (` 4 Lvj rt, µ1-< I( Address Town Board Meeting JanusuT 13, 2005 Name � {'lease Punt) Mt - FL L �V A�jQ f)VL ILJLJ Address <vA %,%jw lei 9 j f 12-1 q TukVo 1 +6L-k� kD -no "J., DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING Thursday, January 13, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Public Hearings Agenda Item Citizens Privilege Highway Superintendent & Department of Public Works • Equipment Resolutions • lntermunicipal Sharing Resolutions • 281 Agreement County Briefing Engineering • Monthly Report Recreation • Monthly Report Attorney Presenter .i Bush M Lane M Robertson G "Cotman D Putnam J. Staton M Perkins • CDBG — Nichols • Dryden Mutual Annexation Petition • 2005 Ambulance Contract • Plant to Plant (Sewer) Agreement • Pretreatment Agreement — Village of Cayuga Heights • Pretreatment Agreement — City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca; Town of Dryden, Cayuga Heights Zoning Officer • Monthly Report Village of H Slater Environmental Planner Town Clerk • Approve December Minutes i3iWusslon Town Greeting Signs # L0SAP Town Support for V ill age Proclamation * Land Purchase Offer Woj -Urs' Compensation for Etna Fire Flahters • Town of Dryden Organizational Chas[ Dryden Recreation Commission • Stone Circle SchaoI-S pee d Zone Resolution for January 2005 Budget dads Approve Abstract 001 Future Agenda Items Executive Session - if necessary • D Cross 13 Hofleribeck