HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-08i TB l -8 -03 TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING January 8, 2003 Board Members Present: Supv Mark Varvayanis, Cl Charles Hatfield, Cl Stephen Stelick, Jr., Cl Christopher Michaels, Cl Grantham Other Elected Officials: Bambi L. Hollenbeck, Town Clerk Jack Bush, Highway Superintendent Other Town Staff: Mahlon R. Perkins, Town Attorney Henry Slater, Zoning Officer David Putnam (TG Millers), Town Engineer PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION OF LAURA HATHAWAY FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR HOME OCCUPATION BUSINESS, LAURA'S TAX SERVICE, AT 333 GULF HILL ROAD Supv Varvayanis opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. and Town Clerk read the notice published in The Ithaca .Journal. Laura Hathaway was present to answer questions from the board, and exhibited the sign which she intends to mount on an electric pole in her yard, approximately 35' from the road. Supv Varvayanis noted that: the County Plant-iing Department's 239 1 & m review indicates no intermunicipal negative or intercommunity or county -wide impacts. Supv Varvayanis asked if there were questions from the board or audience and there were none. C1 Stelick and Cl Hatfield are in favor of the application. The hearing was left open at 7:10 p.m. and the board moved into regular session after the pledge of allegiance. The board reviewed the short environmental assessment form in connection with Laura Hathaway's application. RESOLUTION #25 - NEG SEQR DECLARATION - LAURA HATHAWAY Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town board hereby accepts the short Environmental Assessment Form for the special permit application of Laura Hathaway for a home occupation business at 333 Gulf Hill Road, and hereby issues a negative declaration based on the SEQR review. This is an unlisted action and the Town of Dryden is the lead agency in uncoordinated review. The Supervisor is authorized to sign all necessary documents. 211d Cl Grantham Roll Call Vote Cl Hatfield Yes Cl Stelick Yes Supv Varvayanis Yes Cl Grantham Yes Supv Varvayanis asked if there were any other questions or comments on the special permit application. There were none, and the hearing was closed at 7:15 p.m. Page 1 of 12 1 • 0 TB 1 -5 -03 RESOLUTION 026 - APPROVE HATHAWAY SPE UL PERMIT Cl Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption. RE, SOLVED, that this Town, Suard does hereby approve the special permit application of Laura. Haihaway, for a home occupation business, Laura's Tax Service, at 333 Gulf Hill Road, subject to the standard conditions of approval, excepting 07. «<i lHatiield Roll Call Vote C1 Hatfield Yes Gl stelick Yes upv Varvayanis Yes Gl Grantham Yes CITIZENS PRIVILEGE Stewart Gray explained th;the is addre ssing Cite board as a recently retired member of the Recreation Commission and as the Chairperson of the Dryden Elementar3F School subcommttee for renovations of that school. One of the things on the table in the renovatiinn project for Dryden Elementary is additional Npa.ce for physical education and community recreation. They are looking at the possibility of putting in a referendum to go to the voters for an additional gymnasium to be added on to else school, to replace the space if the gym on the upper hoar is rer�uvated into teaching space and auditorium. One think they are proposing; is to try and develop a school and town partnership to develop the Facility if it t�ir�-is out. the whole cozrirsiittee recommends they go forward with. They are not asking for funds, but feel that in looking at recreation space in the cornmunily, it makes sense tcs partner the Dryden Town programs, youth and ndult, along with the school district programs, He said the town programs really serve the school district population rather than the entire Town of Dryden - These facilities could function for town programs as well as school programs, be rolled into a school district package and that way they cotdd get state aid for school building facilities_ They would then need to come up with the local share, They {don't rant to ask the taxpayers to pay any of the local share and are trying to develop a pariziership between the Town and school district to look for Am& i1a pay the local share from other sources, They have approached Senator Reward's office and they have indicated they are interested in the project and would be wilding to work with there. The Senator's office would like a leller indicating th ;t the school district and dae town are interested in _joining forces to work toward this common goal. 0 1ther agencies would also need this in connection with any apptcalions for funding_ The school administrators are interested in this, and 8 Gray is asking .if the Town would be supportive of this partnership. At#.y Perkins said this could be a.ccomplfshed by contract if there was a benefit to the To,kvn S Gray said the benefit would be spare for the Town's programs, and that could be reduced to writing. He would like the Supervisor to sign a letter c}ux " ir,u the reasoning for the partnership. The board indicated it. was supportive of the concept and the upeivisor will mign the letter after review by the Town Attorney, Gl Grantham reminded them that the benefit to the 'ra n would have to be equal to whKtever the Town's contribution is. Teri Allen of Dryden Ambulance, Inc presented the board with their ramithly reports_ There were 101 calls in December, brimging the total for 2002 to 1,188, (These will list street & block number bEe aping with the 2003 reports_) There was a. total of $24,221.31 received in December, >bringitig the year to date total to $239,963_ 12 (this does not reflect to the Town's separate contract with Multi�med, but dies include some previous year billing). The baling program summary shows 6f6 calls billed in 2002 tar a total of $296,041,50 total girdled, 18 Adjusted deposits for 2002 were $196,076.02. Page 2 ol" 12 TB I -R -113 T Allen suggested that for the uprvmi ig contract (2003 -2004) a separate account be suet up for the funds received for ambulance billing_ Atty Perkins stud the bigger issue was the accouritability that was called for in the contract. The method is not %o important as that they are able to account for calls, bills. fiends received, etc. Ben Curtis addressed the board regarding his Tnother who has been a resident of the tonal for over 35 years and is in her IKte 90's living at home. I4e commended the Dryden Ambulance service who has helped to make that possible_ She has a purrs(sp) button and has had to call them from time to time_ .Last October she fell and needed help getting up. Bangs Ambulance responded to the call. did not transport, and billed her $94.00. He does not understand how this works when the Town contracts with Dryden Ambulance and she pays an ambulance tax on her properly tax bill, and sh.c has to pay the full amount when another servict responds. Ady Perkins explained that the Town contracts for Dryden Ambulance to provide a certain level of service and that is Ibat they are required to have three ambulances, and one of those is supposed 1;o be staffed with a paramedic at all times so that in their diserTetivn they can dispatch that ambulance with or without the paramedic, keeping the paramedic available for another call . He does not know why when Mrs_ Curtis called for an ambulance, lungs was dispatched unless Dryden Ambulance was not able to send an ambulance for whatever reason, and that question needs to be answered by the representatives of Dryden Ambulance -because it is their obligalion to provide service to fide To n. It may be that their ambulances were on other calls. B Curtis stated be has a bill for 94 for assisting his mother in getting up and doesn't know what to do with the bill, He asked if she was entitled to ambulance service as a resic'Lent, and Atty Pexk.-ins explained that she is entitled to have available nmbulance service, but Drydtm Ambulance would need to answer why they were not able to responds If Dryden Ambulance responds that can generate a bill; and Arty Perkins because you pay Err ambulance district tax doesn't mean the ambulance service .is free. T Allen explained that if there are a number of calls in the district and their ambulances are occupied, another ambulance service may respond to a call. Dryden Ambulance does not bill when they assist someone in getting up, but transporting would result in a bill, regardless of %ti *hether the patient was a taxpayer. B Curtis said it seems if the Town lead a contract and the contractor was unable to perform, he would not expect the customer to pay twice, He asked the hoard to take a look at the contrary a€;ain. Mr Curtis will get the date and time of service (some time in October) to the Supervisor. Atty Perkins asked W Curtis if his suggestion was that the Town bill every time i hey respond to a re sident who needs assistance, or should it be that somebody else pays the bill instead ofh%s mother. Mir Curtis said he thinks someone other than his mother should pay the bill or that every town resident would be billed equally for the same service, whether the service was provided by Bangs or sorneone else. It doem -i't seem equitable that when a resident needs thifi type of assistance they don't receive a bill if Dryden Ambulance respondss, but do get a. bill if Fangs responds_ He noted thall he has great respect for the volunteers who do this job, but said this has something to do with contract, language. Su pv 1Varvayanis said he had brought up a guod point, that residents shouldaz't be subject to the "luck of the draw' as far as which ambulance responds and whether a Bill results from the call. Robin Seeley said she understand that the new contract will only provide for one ambulance and won't that result in this situation happening more often. Attu Perlflns said the new contrast will provide for three ambulances_ Pago3of12 Ta I -S -03 Peggy Walbridge, 123 Hunt Hill- Road, said she understands according to the agenda the Highway Superintendent is asking for approval for the 284 agreement, and she understands that at the meeting last week he said he would be asking to work with the Town Engineer ou drainage problems on Hunt 14i 11 Road and Genung Road. She said these are roads that the residents are concerned about and have expressed concern for a number of years and there is a suit involving some of these roads_ She would like to see the Town work with the citizens and they would like to be part' of i he solution, not part of the problem- She doesn't. think it would be to the Town's best interests to approve the 284 agreement on these roads yet, without seeing the engineered ideas, She suggests very strongly that the Board insaist that the Highway Superintendent and the Town work with the citi es_ She said there will be less suits izi the long run and she thinks everyone will be happier. She said you shouldn't really notice that a Highway Depart rent does the work; thaX it just gets done and doesn't bother you and things like that_ $he said that clearly in the southern pant of the Town they are upset will, a Iot of the work that is either being proposed or being done. She said that she knows chat one member of the board thinks they are liars and don't tell the truth, but she thinks that they ready are concerned about safety_ She chinks everyone is concerned about that, with different definitions. S hic has also heard fzorn more than one member that this is not local politics and has nothing to do with party, it is not Republicans art d Democrats. She would line to see the Board vote that way, and she strongly asks that the board put off any approval of the 284 agreement until they see much more and the citizens are involved in the issues_ J Bush informed her that there was no �ig'reement ready for tonight. Jeff Christen of 71 Hunt Hill Road said he had similar concerns and something needs to be done. Before there is an approval of the 284 agreement he would like to be involved i o n revieWing it Y.o see how it would impact him_ David Weiastein said relating to the suit: that is still pending, at the October meeting there was discussion and an attempt to get closer to a resolution so that the citizens would not have to keep paying lawyers and not be costing the taxpayers any more money. They would like to see a re sal u Lion and said at that meeting the Town Board in executive session with the Town Attorney discussed the matter and came back to the plaintiffs with a suggestion, That was that instead of continuing to seek an injunction that the citizens propose a stipulation of fact saying where they thought the boundary of their property vans and where the road started_ A lot of them didnt1: like that idea because they felt. they had proved through factual evidence presented in the Court wan a tempnrary injunction that gave 11hem some power and they didn't want to give up that power. But they were interested in trying to come to comprorais(�s to try and get to a resolution of the problem because il. would be better to settle and have it done than to continue huilging. 1 Michael.% arrived and D Weinswin reiterated the above, then continued. The plaintiffs then went to their lawyer and had him draw up new language that proposed such a stipulation and have received a letter back from the Town "ing the stipulation is not acceptable_ It seems to him to be the 'worst kind of treatment of citizens that are trying their cl2mdest to come to an agreement", They proposed exactly what was suggested to them. They were proposing they would stipulate exactly on each of their properties where they 11bought the bnundanes of the road were. They got a letter bark saying the Town, will not wee to having them do thal:_ They have been around a cvcle and spent more money and on the ou1:s7urts it looks like, and he is not accusing anyone of doing this, but it looks like a case of a body with deep pocker.,s trying to starve out a group of citizens that don't have a lot of resources. They have to keep going back to the lawyer and it keeps costing there more money. He thinlrs the Town should rethink this position and think about haw it is going to treat citizens who are trying to reach a settlement. D Weinstein said they deserve an apology and beyond that they deserve a "rethinking of how the '[ own is going to settle and come to a compromise ". Page 4 of 12 TB 1-8-0.) upv Vamayanis asked whether Atty Perkins would like to comment and he said this is a mattes involving litigation and he would bu happy to discuss it in executive ,session, but he doesn't thinks there has been any change since the last Eme it was discussed because he has nee heard back from the plaintiffs' attorney- R Seeley said he has not heard back from their attorney because %vhat was proposed was "so ludicrous " - "You asked us In do something, We dirt A- And then you sent us a letter saying sozry, that's not good enough, when there was all this discussion at the October meeting about all this negnliation m good faith end offers made in good faith," R Seeley -To i ro is a letter to'I'own Board members from my husband and me saying that an November 21 Dirk Galbraith sent a letter to the Town attorney describing the widening of Hurd Road that occurred or, our property during the summer of 2002 while either the temporary restrain ng order or the temporary injunction against the widening of Hurd Road was in effect- And this November 21 letter stated that my husband and I were w'11ing to forego a contempt. of court motlan if the Highway Superintendent would remove the gavel from the widened area, restore the topsail and reseed the area. I am enclosing a cagy of the two photographs before and after the widening of Hurd Road and can produce a copy of the survey before and after the v idenmg of Hurd Road if you like- To date, neither we nor our attorney have received i response from the Town, So tonight I'm simply riling for the courtesy of a reply to the November 2 1 letter, Mike Richmond of Ulis Hallow Road said Ihey met last time and were prepared to discuss the matter in open with the town aI'torney and try to reach some kind of resolution and he thought. Cl Michaels gave them a way out of this and a way to diffuse the matter with a stipulation of fact- As lando %vners and participants thev were uncomfortable with pieces of this because it mean t they were giving up the injunction, but Ihey agreed to come back with an offer that they thought was reasonable. He has read the offer and it seems to him to be a fair and reasonable offer and he can't fathorn the objections of Mr- Perkins, It seems to him that there ought to be a reasonable, rational way to settle without going back to Court to be judged by someone who perhaps knows less about the situation in the Town than the Board, the Highway Superintendent or the citizens. He would like to make another attempt to settle and asks the Board to talks among themselves, grapple with the issues and do the right thing and help there get lh.e matter settled - R Seery - It doesn't seem at all sensible that any 284 agreement to spend highway funds on these roads could go forward unless these matters are ,settled, Peter Messmer, County Highvray Supervisor., and Jahn Lampman spoke to the board regarding; the Red Mill Road bridge and gave an update. They discussed it at the last public works committee meeting and the process with the T2 project, the 172 alternative and. implications of the D2 alternative specifically with regard to a "no build" option.. There was follow up discussion with 14 PO, Rick Lourde, and George Dourett. and one issue chat came up was its the course of pursu:irig the D2 option (to move the bridge downstream 400'& maitntal-n the current bridge at its current location) a 'no build' alternative will be part of the erngmeering preliminary report- The D2 alternative means that maintenance of the current' bridge in its current location will be costly (preliminary estimates are $90,000 to $100,000 to main twin it as a historic landmark) over the next 20 -25 years, 7`hat amount is somewhat prohibitive, In addition, the D2 alternative will require new road approaches amounting to a $60,000 to $70,000 investments in materials- George Doucett had suggested that these additional expenses would support the idea of selecting "no build ", A no build choice would mean the project would cease to be a T21 project, pagc5of12 TB 1 -8 -03 In the event the lied Mill Road ]ridge wars no longer ayf2l. project, those salve T21 40 Funds would still be available but could be transferred to another project, and the Red Mill Road BridV, could become a local project. That would change the funding contributions by the County and Town_ As a local pmjcct we would. stall need to go through the $HPO processes, but because it is no longer a T21 project, the 4F proces% (,federal process) would not be riecessary, As a local project, the alternatives that wt;re more attractive to the County and the Town would becorXne viable options. P Messmer said in that event it woWd be highly likely that we would end up with a project at the current crossing without having to maintain Iwo bridges at the same plate. Be said we would still need to go through the D2 option because it would be needed for the design report, and the no build alternative would be included in the design report. D Weinstein asked if this became a local project, what would be the net result and how rrli4r,.}h would it cast the Town. F Messmer said the net result would be that we would only have to deal with one bridge instead of two, and there would be options of how that would be done, including taking the trusses from the existing bridge and putting them on the outside of the new structure or moving the old bridge ro another location to be used as a. pedestrian bridge. D R�emstein asked if it was a local project, would it be more expensive for the Town. P Messmer said it would be more, however the T21 money that would have }err used for Red Mill, would be switched to another bridge project, so assu-ming the other bridge was in the Town of Dryden, it would be a wash. 3 Lampman said the only bridge in the '1'()wn of Dryden on the County's rive year plan is on Nest Malloryvil e. Road, a rehab project that would probably be something that could be done through the T21 process ever, though it is a historic bridge because the intent would be to maintain the existing bridge and rehabilitate it. Other bridges that are coming up, but not on the five year plan, arc on Gains, Farm Road and South George Road_ Cl Hatfield asked who decides whether it is a no b_LliLd pr[ajeCC and P Messmer said when the design report is done, then the, County, because it is a County sponsored project, -has the Cho ice to select and defend a no build alternative. Mike Lane said that he shares the frustration regarding the process and haw it ties our hands because of the federal requirement. He frilly supports this alternative as it way to achieve the preservation of a historc bridge and yet not encounter cogfs that a hang nV bridge would create for the County and Town.. He ,said if it was in a location that had heavy traffic it might make sense to preserve it, but in this sit ua.i ion where we are trying to provide access to an agri- industry and at the same time try and preserve an 1887 bridge, the bureaucracy at the federal and state Level has not given them the options that mot%t people are reasonable, J Lampman said they are looking into other options for funding outside of local contributions. There are some state programs they are investigating for potential funding, and because they are state funds, the federal 4f procedure would not be involved, P Messmer estimates the no build option, local project, expense to be around $720,000. The aunty's share would be $576.000 and the Town's share would be $1443000 (an 8o -20 split). He said the consensus is that we donxt want to see two bridges at the same location (because of the expense in maintaining an historic landmark), and if uwve proceed with a federal aid project and the D2 alternative it seems certain that will be the outcome_ C1 Michaels asked what makes what is now a county bridge a to %vn bridge, and F Messmer said that the new bridge would be a county bridge and the old bridge would be given to the town_ It was noted that this was a proposal and no conclusion was reached. Paige 6 of 12 T8 1 -8-03 D Putnam said that he believed the, estimate of $100,000 to maintain the old bridge was 41 low, though it depends on the level of nxaintenance, P Messmer said ghat to paint the entire bridge was well over $100,000, and their estimate was otx1y for some spot paint7�ig- M Lane said that unless There was a strong olx ccti-on by the Town, the Public Works Corn i tee will probably proceed with this as a local project. The federal money can then he applied to another project, and though he can't guarantee it, it ought to be applied to another project in the Town of Dryden.- P Messmer said if they chose to pursue the no build option they would do a more abbreviated design report, which could he done TaTithin a couple of months, and the T21 could be terminated. Cl Hatfield asked when they could sl;uTt building. P Messmer said there would still be a design phase, some interaction with HPO, and it will probably still take another year to commence work. Cl Michaels said that it seemed that SHPOs requirements were presenting the problems, and if TA-e were still dealing with S F4 PO wouldn't it he same- P Messmer said the difference is that the D2 option is still within the framework of the T2 1 project and so is under federal guidelines and those guidelines require ;d, 4f process which will force fbe D2 alternative - If it becomes a local project it is no longer under the federal guidelines, so it xvM still have go through KPO but there will no longer be a 4f process- upv Varvayan s said the 4f process i,s stricter than SHPO. SHM would be willing to consider other opi:ions if the federal process was not involved and there would he more flexibility. Cl Grantham said she thought it would be fine to remove the project from the T21 list', but she thinks the money then should be used for another prt&ct in the Town of Dryden- Terri Allen of Dryden Ambulance asked about the status of the contract. G1 Michaels said that he believed the only issue outstanding was whether ]]ryden Ambulance was subject to the open meetings law. Atty Perkins said it is the opinion of the Camirdttee on Open Government that they ire subject to it because they are an agency of the town, perform a governmental function and get funds from the Town- Cl Michaels said he is not sure why it is a stumbling black to the contract, but has been in the previous contracts, and he seess no reason for Dryden Ambulance to object to it and encourages them to accept the contract- COUNTY BRIEFING l&ke Lane said the County Board had its organizational meeting last night. '[gym Joseph was again elected as the Chair and Lane is the Vicc- C1�air- 'they have not yet received their committee assigriments. Cl Mchaels asked if there haul been any mavement with the NYS DOT facility and M Lane ,said he had not heard anything other than there as a meeting with the Village and the Town- Supv Varvayarus stated the Village and 'Town had said il, was a- County project and there was nothing they coulri really do until there was a pro.pos€al to look at and react to- COUNCIL PRIVFLEGE None. Page 7or 12 i i i TB I w8=03 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT J Bush said he would not be asldng for way board action with respect: to the 284 agreement or highway specifications tonight, but did present a proposed resolution to burr and sell equipment which the board reviewed and after discussion passed. RESOLUTION #27 - AUTHORIZE PURCHASE AND /OR SALE OF HIGHWAY / DPW EQUIPMENT Cl Miichaels offered the following reso]ulion and asked for its adoptinn: RE OLI E.D, that this Town Board ljereby authorizes the Kighway Superintendent too (1) Advertise for bid or purchase off state bid one 2003 new and unused ten whiecl Yes dump truck with snowplow equipment not to exceed $118,845_ (2) Sell one 1991 used ten wheel dump truck vin #1N12AM08C1MN1001885 at a upv Varvayanis surplus auction or by advertisement to bid a to a public entity or private Cl individual at fur market value. (3) Advertise for lbid a purchase off state bid one 2003 new and unused single axle Grantham dump truck with s - iowplow equipment not to exceed $100,155_ (4) Sell One 1991 used ten wheel dump truck vin #4V2JCS]DF5MR8093 2 at. a surplus auction or by advertisement to bid or to a public entity a a private individual at fair mar]ret value. (5) Purchase ono 2003 new 4x4 pickup truck through the state bid not to exceed $20,951,42, (6) Sell one 2001 used 4x4 pickup truck vin# 1 GC EX 14T51 Z26 7747 at a surplus auction or by advertisement to bid or to a public entity or a private individual, muibnum bid $1.5,000, (7) Adver6w for bid one 2003 new and unused 4x4 backhoe not to exceed $50,048,58, (8) Sell one 2001 used 4x4 ba.ckhoe vin #91028274 at a surplus auction or by advertisement to laid or to a. public entity or a private individual at fair market value, (9) Purchase one 2003 new and unused lawn traitor with 54" mower through the state bid not to exceed $7,000 and to sell 2002 John Deere 425 lawn tractor wiCh 54" mower serial ##1M00425AO93700 at a surplus auction or by advertisement Co bid or to a public entity or private individual, minimum bid $5,800_ (10) Sell one 1991 used Chevrolet medium duty single axle dump truck vin #IGB 7FHJ3NTJ108894 at surplus auction or by adverl7seMent to bid or to a public entity or private individual at fair market value. (11) Advertise for bid 2003 new and unused industrial vacuum for the Department of Public Works not to exceed $35,000. 211d Cl stelick Roll Call Vote C1 Hatfield Yes C]. tehck Yes upv Varvayanis Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Grantham Yes G1 Stelick asked if anything had been done about the recommendation in the $ AW review regarding culvert installation. J Bush said he is looking at adding the drivew; y permit Page 8 of J2 TB 1 -R -03 process into the highway specifications, and he wants to review it with Dave Putnam and Atty Perkins. The board will ultimately decide what to charge for culverts. J Bush reported with respect to the clothing allowance and the safety toe shoes, if the town provided the shoes, it would be a unilateral change in the contract, and will have to be negotiated in the next contract.. RESOLUTION #28 - APPROVE ABSTRACT # 101 Cl Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby approve Abstract #10 1, as audited, vouchers # 1 through #70, totaling $214,536.68. 210 Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote ATTORNEY Cl Hatfield Yes Cl St:elick Yes Supv Varvayanis Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Grantham Yes Atty Perkins reported he had drafted a letter regarding Finger Lakes Stone and will be reviewing it and sending it out in the next few days. Supv Varvayanis said with respect to the contract for ambulance service and the open meetings and freedom of information law, that even if Dryden Ambulance were not covered under the law, he would like our citizens to be able to get information and he doesn't know why they would object. Cl Michaels said he serves on three not: -for- profit boards and they all operate under it. Atty Perkins noted that the contract is not something that is competitively bid. They are given a negotiated amount of taxpayer dollars and he believes that is clearly the largest single source of their revenue and it is only by agreement with the town that they get to keep the money from the billing. TOWN CLERK No report. ENGINEER Dave Putman has prepared and given to the board a brief history of the proposed Cortland Road Water District, from the mid 1980's to present. Cl Michaels asked D Putnam to check into the cost of treatment should the Town desire to serve the district via a well. He would also like to know how the price per gallon would compare to the total village taxes. Supv Vatvayanis is concerned about the residents who have requested water but are not located in the area the Village grants to annex, and whether they would want water after they found out what the cost was. Page 9 of 12 TB 1 -8 -03 ZONING OFFICER Board members have the monthly report; and contains a summary of last year's construction activities. ZO Slater noted there were 43 new houses built last year, plus seven double -wide mobile homes and one single -wide. Total cost of construction for the year was $15.,471,860, There are no hearings scheduled for February. With respect to the Sizemore subdivision, the potential buyer withdrew their purchase offer and the Health Department: revoked is septic permit because they did not want: to take responsibility for design. They said the person could reapply, but they would have to provide their own engineered septic system. The lot could be developed under those circumstances and on site drainage would have to be addressed at that time, considering the engineering report from the original subdivision approval in 1.987 or 1988. The existing drainage patterns would have to be maintained. DISCUSSION Supv Varvayanis reported that Freeville is the only fire department that has indicated it would like to meet with the board and provide a tour of its facility. January 26 and February 5 (prior to the board meeting) were discussed as a possible dates and Supv Varvayanis will contact Freeville to arrange the tour. Supv Varvayanis reported that SJS had asked to replace the primary drive chain and scraper flights at a cost of $140,000 to $1.60,000. The Town's share is about 2 %, and the funds will come from the SJS capital reserve. RESOLUTION 4129 - AUTHORIZE SJS EXPENDITURE Cl Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden hereby authorizes the SJS to expend up to $160,000 from its capital reserve funds to replace the primary drive chains and scraper flights, with the understanding that the Town of Dryden's share of the expense will be based on its current ownership of the Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Plant. 211d C1 Grantham Roll Call Vote Cl Hatfield Yes Cl Stelick Yes Supv Varvayanis Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Grantham Yes RESOLUTION 4#30 - FILE ANNUAL REPORT BY MARCH 1 Cl Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to file the 2002 Annual Report with the Office of the State Comptroller by March 1, 2003, in lieu of the February 1, 2003 filing with the Town Board. 2114 Cl Stelick Pagc 10 of 12 TB 1 -x -03 ® Roll Call Vote Cl Hatfield Yes Cl Stelick Yes Supv Varvayanis Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Grantham Yes RESOLUTION #31 - MCARTHUR FUND INTEREST Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the disbursement of $33.48 to Dryden Central School and $2.14 to the George Junior Republic from the McArthur Fund representing interest for 2002 (total $35.62). 211411 C1 .Hatfield Roll Call Vote Cl Hatfield Yes Cl Stelick Yes Supv Varvayanis Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Grantham Yes NEW BUSINESS Margaret: Walbridge - As citizens we would like to be part of the solution to the working on the roads and I was wondering how the board could help us be part of the solution rather than having to fight the Town Highway Superintendent. And I know that it is probably true throughout the Town that the people that live on the roads have a tremendous amount of local knowledge, much more so than the Highway Superintendent, and we would like to share this and be part of it in the planning process. 1 was wondering how we can be brought in to this process to help it work well. Milo Richmond asked if the board could help with an approach toward a settlement of the lawsuit. He said they don't like coming back time after time, but they will have to do that until they can find a way through it. Supv Varvayanis asked Atty Perkins if they could discuss the matter without the Highway Superintendent present in executive session, and Atty Perkins indicated they could try• On motion by Cl Michaels, seconded by Cl Stelick, and unanimously carried, the board adjourned to executive session at 9:35 p.m. to discuss the Seeley et al v. Bush matter. Board came back to regular session at 10:10 p.m. Supv Varvayanis said they had had a, fairly long discussion and the board has quite a strong recommendation for a proposal, and since the Highway Superintendent is not present, Atty Perkins will bring it to him tomorrow. If it is agreeable to him, the plainti.tl's attorney, Dirk Galbraith, will hear from them tomorrow. M Walbridge asked again that citizens be made part. of the process to help avoid lawsuits in the future. D Weinstein said they would like to see some public discussion of the 284 agreement prior to it being brought to the board for vote, and stated it should be easy to ISget public input. Page l l of 12 TS 1-8-03 On motion made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at: 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bambi L. Hollenbeck Town Clerk Page 12 of 12 Town of Dryden Town Board Meeting January 8, 2003 Name - {Please Print) v F� Jeff U�tkcz ujcz da p2a�a. f\,v �So Address 9re: re!tJ� �r�V 3%? 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