HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-01-10TB 1 -10-01 TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING January 10, 2001 j Board Members Present: Supv Mark Varvayanis, Cl Ronald Beck, Cl Thomas Hatfield, Cl Deborah Grantham • I Absent: Cl Charles Hatfield O Other Elected Officials: Bambi L. Hollenbeck, Town Clerk Jack Bush, Highway Superintendent Other Town Staff: Mahlon R. Perkins, Town Attorney David Putnam (TG Miller), Town Engineer Henry Slater, Zoning & Code Enforcement Officer Supv Varvayanis opened the meeting at 7:12 p.m. Board members and guests participated in the Fledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence. CITIZENS PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Cl T Hatfield - Mark and I met with Ron 'Flynn and the rest of the ambulance committee on Monday evening. Out: of that I've put together a memo with nine points on it that has been distributed here. In addition you all received a fax from Mark with a proposed supplemental ambulance employee booklet draft and some draft job descriptions. These are a continuation 10 of the work we were doing last August and it's timely now to bring it back and see if we can't take some action. If you would take a look at the memo I put together. There are several points that are issues that are coming together here. I'll paraphrase for it for the benefit of the people in the audience. Cayuga. Medical Center is changing it's policy regarding ambulance supplies effective January 31, 2001. This is going to affect our ambulance service provider, Dryden Ambulance, Inc., in that in the past it has been able to "exchange out" narcotics and other drugs and supplies used for the benefit of the patient while in transit to the hospital. For who knows what reasons, we don't really have a handle on that, and actually it's not pertinent at the moment, effective after January 31 the hospital is no longer willing to allow that to occur and as a matter of fact they've already started billing the provider for the use of those supplies instead of just exchanging them out and billing the patient, which is what they've done in the past. It's important structurally to understand that in the past the patient got billed for whatever consumables they used, but it was done through the hospital. That has now been changed such that effective February 1 the hospital is no longer going to handle the billing and collection process for the consumables that are utilized during transit. Cl Beck - How did we get our initial supply? You had a certain amount of supplies you purchased? R Flynn - Yes. In our medical supply budget we had that and the hospital supplied us with the necessary stuff that we needed to maintain our station. Cl T Hatfield - As I understand the paperwork when they arrived at the hospital and the patient was in the care of the physicians, the paramedics would get together there with whoever and do the paper work on what was used. The hospital would take that and bill it through to the insurance companies or whoever was providing the recovery of those costs. The effect of this was estimated to be an increase of costs of $15,000 per year for the medical supplies. There is another handout %vc just received here. They've gone a little bit further with some of the other costs that are going to be affected since we met on Monday. So that's point Page 1 of 16 TB 1 -10 -01 one. It's a change that. we are going to have to deal with and it's coming right up and we need to deal with it now. d Cl Beck - These are costs are going to be billed to the patient by Dryden Ambulance, Inc. Cl T Hatfield - No, not exactly, not directly. R Flynn - Let: me talk a little on how this came about. Medicare and Medicaid I believe in the Fall of last year passed a resolution that they would no longer pay for narcotics and drugs and whatnot billed to their clients. The Attorney General's Office got: ahold of this and made it a Federal thing. So Cayuga Medical and Cortland Memorial took it one step further and said okay, the old trickle down effect, and if we can't do it then a pre - hospital care provider, such as us, will no longer be allowed to do that. So that's how this all came about. Cl T Hatfield - So in essence, one of the things that we had talked about last summer reviewing our rates, which were fairly competitive with respect to the rates of the other providers in the community, and considering an increase, that consideration now is paramount because we've got this issue of increasing costs that are shifting. Basically it's a shift in cost from something that the hospital was handling to something that the district is going to have to handle. The other thing that is a concern ghat we'll have to have addressed is that I would recommend that we give the Supervisor the authority to enter into an amendment to the contract, which we'd have to have Mahlon take a quick look at. The current contract what we have with Dryden Ambulance, Inc. doetiti -i't provide for expenses, as I understand it. We provide personnel and they provide a service and the billings and so on. We just have to make sure that the contract is going to provide for this new modification of the services the district now provides. In essence it really isn't a new service, but it's a new way to have to account for it. . The third item here, an increase by the district, I alluded to that. I believe the recommendation made by the ambulance committee on Monday night, and I think Mark you agreed, was $50 per call. From $250 and $300 to $300 and $350, for basic and advanced life support calls. Given the fact that we are providing this service at a price that is below current market prices such an increase would not be unreasonable. Previously the customer vas billed by the hospital for the consumable supplies, now the District N611 have to recapture its supply cost from the increased fee structure. Either way the consumer or the insurance provider will be asked to cover these costs, so ultimately it should be a "wash ". We're not trying to make a profit on thus, but we need to make sure we don't go back to the taxpayer and ultimately have them pay it twice, once to the insurance and once through the tax base. I think that original principal still holds true. On other problems, and I don't know that we have an answer to this, but we need to look for and find one. That is, other providers (first responders) who work cooperatively with Dryden Ambulance, Inc. within the Town will need to continue to restock their supplies. R Flynn - We touched briefly on that Monday night as well. Since Dryden Ambulance, Inc. does have the facilities and actual exchange inventory and upkeep, etc., we'd be willing to continue that service and provide the rescue squads that we come in contact with with a. one for one exchange. So that if they use an oxygen mask, well give them one of ours, and when we get back to the fire station, we'd restock the ambulance supply. Cl T Hatfield - Because all the fire districts have fly cars or first: responder vehicles, rescue squads, you're going to need to make sure that they're able to function if they arrive on the scene first. 4 Page 2 of 16 TB I- (W)l Five, job descriptions tailored to the ambulance district and a supplemental ambulance employee policy book dW provides employees with written policies affecting ambulance employee's only needs to be adopted. That is wheat was faxed to you and that's bten worked on by Deb ShWjey, who was the past EMS Chief, and as far as I'm concerned an expert in the human resourc,�e area. I think she's done a nice jab of putting Uiis together, but I think it needs to be supplemental because the Town policies that we have in effect for other Town employees, came in conflict with the policies that we need to have ire place for the ambulance district- ?or instance, where Christmas may be a paid holiday off for our Town employees, the ai bulance district still has to be staffed. So, you 've got to have some way to deal with that. M suggestion is that we adopt this or something siudlar to this if we can toaioht as a supplement to the existing employee policy wanual, and where there is a conflict for the ambulance employees, the ambulance district supplement will govern. It provides for employee reviews, so that's timely because it is asking that those be completed 'n January. One of the issues that came up on Monday night was that now that we've had some experience with the three new paramedics, it's time probably to designate one as the lead paramedic so that it will be a. little easier to manage and to assess responSlibility for things like billing and other issues- I think Mark needs to have someone dorm there that he, can help direct the operation. Part time paramedics is another issue that's come up. We have a pay structure in place for part time employees that doesn't really address longevity as a part time employee, nor does it address a-ny sort of performance review. So WC might want to take a look at coming up with some sort of a sliding scale structure that would allow us to have the ability to pay for experienced, wellm performing, part time employees and compe -nsate them for those efforts and for that loyalty. Right now it's flat, whether ,you've been llhere one day or ten years- I think the ability to be able to adjust that on some basis makes some sense- We're going to be in a position where we're doing to see those part tiUaers with experience getting into other districts_ Eighth and last but not least, it miuld appear that many of the ambulance providers, in the area are paying $12 an hour- That's a dumber that comes up and I think it's very important that when we were in the interview process and the idea of what pay made sense with respect to the skills and the education and the work related to these positions, one thing that's very differcmt between a Town employee and a private sensor employee right -now is benefits- ,Asa Town employee }you've got retirement. and you've gut full medical and basically you've gat to add about 40°o to that ba.4e rate to get an equivalent Tate for others. So I think we just need to address the mechanism and make sure that we're getting credit for those added benefits for our employees, and I think most of them are well aware of that. There - aren't any clear cut answers on that, but I think that's anissue that we all treed to be aware of That's a fast summary of a couple of hours of discussion that we had Monday night, Thera were a lot of issues and I think you've gut inn front of you some answers that will certainly allow us to go forward. Tlie first thing we need to do is authoriize the change in the contract if it's needed so that the ambulance district and Dryden Ambulance, Inc. can continue to provide ,&rviccs with. the appropri ate drugs and supplies. Otherwise, come January 31, they really don't have a means of replacing. They'd be able to continue for a while, but once the existing inventory disappears, you'd be in a situatio -n, and I'm sure we don't want that to happen- So gnat's probably the first ite-n of business to address, Cl Beck = Does the $SO additional charge per call time the number of calts come up to the $15,000 you're going to need. Is that where you got that from? R Flyrnzi - That was what we were orrgmally talking about, However, we also discussed revielmmi g this again in six months to see how it was working. Pagc 3 of 16 TB 1 -10 -01 K Witty = This last year, we ran 979 calls and that's been steadily incre ing in the last five years, sv we're projecting that this year will be about 1, 100. 0 upv arvayam's - Those ererA all transports. six hundred and some actually had a patient that we could bill. And we don't know For sure what medicaid will reimburse. CI T Hatfield - We'll probably get some reduced amouxat based on the formulas they impose on pro zders_ The other thing we don't have a good handle on because were atr the front of the process, is can We look to the County to provide soma sort of County purchasing power through Jack MiUer's offices. We're not unique. This is a stage wide phenomena as F understand it. We have to deal with it as well as everyone else. There is no standard state bid for these products_ I rtd k there may be some efficiencies, bight now one provider has given us a price list so we know the prices we're looking at. R Flynn - Were been talldng extensively with a company by the name of uzn Belt Medical which is the n.atiorial supplier for an organisation called Rural Metro which is a paid service. They faxed . us a copy of the quote which the Deputy fire Coordinator Lee Shurtleff received. A lot of these prices reflect the prices provided by Sun Belt Medical_ Cl T Hatfield - I think we have a reasonable stm-ting point, to go back to your question_ C1 Beck - If my math is right, that's $30,000 if you collect it all. Ot T Hatfield - Right, or it may be 27.000, And we've got $15,000 for the items we looked at Monday night:. If we look at What additional work has been done today it could be in the $30,000 area. Cl Beck - What happens with our exposure and liability with ow�r these narcotics? Atty Perkins - You don't own thern_ The ambulance owns them _ R 1"lynrx - The narcotics we have right 7aow are in a double lock secured area_ Cl Beck - So that won't chamge the Town's exposure. K W1ftly - We are authoiawd by our medical director to carry -narcotics. We will have to buy them individually_ We a4V not have a surplus on hand. Other drugs xve can keep on hand, under lock. Cl T I-Iaffield -They do love expiration dates and it's going to require some management by the ambulance_ Our responsibility is to make sure the contract allows for reimbursement for the drugs and we need to Terapture that. They axe related issues, Cl Beck - Are you saying you may need to be raising the fees per call? Cl T Hatfield - 1 think they're two separate issues. One is the contract between the provider, Dryden Ambulance, Inc., and the district, and the other is the fee the district pays for those services_ Atty Perkins . The fee that the district charges the patient. My understanding is than what you are going to do is ulcreaYse the contract amount in order for the ambulance provider to maintain their supply of exchangeable, usable goods and drugs and so forth that get uwd, and you are going to recover that cost by approving an increase in the rate. They are two Separate things. 0 Page 4 of 16 TB 1 -10 -01 I Beck - o have you came up with a %ore far the increase iu1 the cost of the contract? 40 Is that &omething that needs to be looked at? R Flynn - That handout that we have shows totals on the Iaz5t page. You need to add thou three figures in bold. It works out to be $33,748 -19. Witty - That's the estimate. It includes consideration for replacing the expired drugs. it includes restorkLig rescue squKds, and taking in effect our expiration s- Atty Perkins - How much of lEat cost is related to expirations? ThaC's not somcthing You would normally cover. It would be covered by the standard contract amount, Cl T Hatfield - In the past when they've had to deal will expirations, they've just gone to the hospital and got them replaced. So there hasn't been any cost associated with "pirations I the post. Now this Sun Belt is saying if you turn them in within a month of their expiration, yo)-t can buy the new one for 51Y/,. There is going to be some additional management and additional costs associated, but in the past there hasn't been any expiration casts, but it's a good point. This i-s a cost shift . I d*ik the health care industry has decided in dump this cost downstream, and let the providers care for it. There wasn't any explanation of %red, but that seems to he what's going on. R Flynn stated that Sun Belt Medical has guaranteed expiration dates of 18 to 20 months from the time purchased. These wi)] be reviewed periodically and replaced as needed. X Witty explained that the drugs due to expire first are put on the vehicle to be used first so they are mare likely to get used. C1 T Hatfield - So those are two separate issues, or maybe a can incorparnte them in orue resolution, and the other two items I think we should take some action on tonight if we're prepared to would be to adopt the proposed job descriptions for lead paramedic, part time paramedic and clerk paramedic, and to adopt the supplemental ambulance employee policy hook. Supv Varvayani.s - actually when I read those over I thought there was so -much that we had to discuss, that we should have a special rnpetmg for that. Cl T HatSeld - I just think we ought to try and get it done by the end of this month if mee tau so ttmt employees can get a review and an opportunity to move things fnrward, if it's in order, I'll propose a resolution unless you want to talk about it more- 1 Beck - I don't know that we're -prepared to deal with the job descriptions and that other stuff yet. 1 T Hatfield - All right, I'll propose we deal only with a potential amendment to the contract if needed, in the amount of $30,000 for the purchase of supplies, and an increase m fee of $50,00 per call for both basic and advance calls. The effect of that $50.00 would be to raise the exist6V fee structure from $250 to $300 for basic and from $304 to $350 for advanced, i think giwin what's oectrrrumg here, it makes sense to du- We may have to r�evisi�. the increase in price if in fact the estimate of -these expenses turns out to be too loot, And we may have to revisit it anyway. Cl Beck - The ambulance does time billing, and the monies come to the Tawn? l T Hatfield.- Yes, i1.'s a revenue ,source for the district. Page 5 of 16 TB 1 -1"] Atty Perkins" You'll definitely need an amendment, but there may be procedural issues, a public he a' For instance. I'm not prepazud to address that tonight.. 49 C1 T Hatfield - So maybe it's premature to do a resolution. Maybe ure need to do it all by a special meeting, Atty Perkins - I need to look at the procedural ramifications of what you're doing_ if :hat's the sense of the board, then 11.1 do that upv Varvayanis - Yes. We have to de .sornething obviously. After discussion, the board decided to meet again to discuss the matter on January 24, 2001, at 7:00 p,na_ Kate Hackett and Craig Schutt gave a presentation on the Countys 2001 Flood Hazard NUtigation Program explaining changes in the program, the criteria. to be mot and the application process. The County has $25,000 im its budget for the entire County, Projects chosen are funded one -third by the County, one -third by the owner and one -third by the Towns. There have been changes tilt the application process a-ad more integration of environmen�al principals into the progrram. interested property owners should contact Tompkins County Soil and Water Conservation. Information and brochures were distributed to board members and copies axe awWAble for the public, Atty Perlctins stated that applications must show a. specific municipal benefit, not something general such keeping sediment out of the stream. The application must state a public purpose. IC Hackett said that the public purpose must: also be stated in the pre - application. Cl T Hatfield said that would help to prioritize projects and that he likes the changes that have been made M' the application process. C1 Beck stated that the effect of any work done in a stream nzz properties up and down stream mt.tst be considered, The County's Advisory Comruittee will assist the Town its evaluating the applications. C 0rantham suggested that the Conservation Advisory C'ouilcil might also revie1v the applications and make recomzn.eridations. Ady Perkins stated he has spoken. wilh Kate Hackett regarding the Hoag projCCt. The agreement has been revised_ X Hackett - On the first page, it currently indicates that approval is clone by the Advisory Coraadttec. It is really the Beard of Representatives and the new doeu.rcent will reflect that throughout_ What Mahlon has suggested is very good_ It achieves everything that Craig and I have covered in tho application process, including having a final report and making sure that the applicant is responsible foil gel'txrrg the permit. Atty Perkins - About the report paragraph, one of the changes in the January 10 draft is that we added some language, in lieu of the ou ner completing the report, the Town may approve the preparation of the report by the "fawn or by an authorized committee of the Town_ For example if you wanted to give that to your Conservation Advisory Council to monitor the project and so forth, then they could be rew-porisible for that report in Lieu of the owner_ This was ix^i response to the concern that souie owners might not do it, or might not have the kind of expertise that vtrould be necessary to provide that. So that was a cba ge from the first draft. The other change we did w,a.s in paragraph seven. We left out any language about paying the owner any funds directly. We can handle that on an ad hoc basis, but typically the owner won't handle the funds, it uU go directly to the contractor or to the Town and then to the contractor. Those are changes from the substantive prom of the agz` went. There were a couple of minor changes to the recitals to reflect where the actual approval authority is. RLgC 6 of 16 TB 1 -10-01 Cl Grantham - So in the case of Jean Hoag's project, the public benefit is the easement for a trail. Atty Perkins - The preservation of the trail and agreement by the owner to grant the Town an easement for public use of her property. This will protect the property, maintain the integrity of the trail. We'll come up with a recitation. I think you'll want to do these on a case by case basis, but if you agree with the general concept and the way the agreement is prepared, the format of it and the substantive parts of it other than project - specific recitals, then I think that's all we need to know at: this time. Cl T Hatfield - So this has been drawn specifically for the Town of Dryden, but are you going to use this for other projects? K Hackett - The County Attorney will review it, but at this point we are considering it as a model for the entire program. The Board approves of the form of the contract and the Town Attorney and Soil and Waiver Conservation will proceed to have the contract completed for the Hoag project and present it to the Board. CITIZENS PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR No comments. COUNCIL PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Cl Grantham has received no comments on the Request for Qualifications previously ® distributed with respect to Master Plan work. She reviewed some changes made with the Board. Cl T Hatfield remarked that it seems complete and general enough and it was fine as long as it was advertised broadly he had no problems with it. Cl Beck noted that it asked for a review of recent decisions by the ZBA, etc. as a source of additional information and wondered if that was to see if it could have been better handled or the legality of what was done. Cl Grantham stated that was not the reason. Mr. Keech had commented at one of the Ithaca Produce hearings that the problem is in the zoning, so she thinks we need to look at that as well as questions raised by the zoning Board of Appeals. Though this is master plan work, she believes there is some value in looking at those decisions not for legality or what should have been done, but for planning issues. Cl Beck said that for information and review, he agrees with it. The draft RFQ will be sent to the Planning Board for input and the Town Board can accept it at its first meeting in February. Cl Grantham stated she has received some comments on the budget, both that glad that the tax rate was lowered, but one person said that the fire Department is getting too much money. A HUD housing grant committee meeting was held yesterday. There is about $107,000 left so five to seven more projects can be done and they will advertise. Cl Grantham stated with respect to the trail easements, she has written to three property owners and written to them and they said go ahead and prepare the easements. They would like plain language. She is working with a fourth property owner on final details. Atty Perkins will provide Cl Grantham with an approved easement form and she will forward it to Fernando de'Aragon. Page 7 of 16 TB 1- 10-()1 Robert Slocum, Vice Chair of the Recreation Commission - I want to report where we are right now. We have compiled information on all recreational organizations that serve the Town and they are trying to pull it together into a brochure and eventually on to the web site. 40 A. subcommittee has been compiling information on recreational facilities. They have had the cooperation of two Ithaca College interns with this through the Tompkins County Youth Bureau. They have compiled information and are also trying to bring that to a brochure and map form sho%%hng where in the Town recreational activity can be held. They are hoping to have that available in the near future. The next: facilities committee meeting will be on January 22 and there will be a web subcommittee. The Commission meets once a month and the subcommittees also meet once a month. The progress has been slower than hoped, but they should have the information on organizations out by the end of February. Cl T Hatfield noted there are more than 100 organizations to be listed with a way in which to contact them and the types of recreation service provided, together with fee information. R Slocum noted that it has been a positive learning process for all of them. Cl T Hatfield - The sharing of information between organizations has been beneficial. R Slocum - Some positive things are happening at the school. They are looking to build some sheds there and Kiwanis will fund building of one of those storage sheds and they will be available for use by community organizations. Steve Woodard, Athletic Director at the High School, should be applauded for coming up with that idea. Well try to get a more formal report to you next month. TOWN CLERK • On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the minutes of October 4, October 11, and December 13, 2000 were approved. B Hollenbeck - A lady who came in to pay her taxes asked whether the Town would be able to give a senior citizens reduction or discount on cable services. According to her other municipalities offer it. This is the not the first request we've had for this. Cl T Hatfield will consider this in his negotiations with Time Warner and suggested that any discount should apply only to the basic service. B Hollenbeck - The new Recreation Partnership Board met for the first time yesterday. Cathy Valentino will serve as Chair, Michel VondencTeidt is Vice Chair, and I will serve as Treasurer. I will also serve on the By Laws Committee. We will come up with a form to evaluate each program within six weeks of the time it is finished, which I think is a really good idea, where it stands financially, how many kids were served and where they are from, how volunteers were utilized., etc. I think that's a good idea. It's something that everyone is interested in. Cl T Hatfield noted that a lot organizations are losing volunteers. ENGINEERING No report. 0 Page 8 of 16 TB 1 -10 -01 ZONING OFFICER `W ZO Slater - You have my report. It includes some documentation that I have received from Ithaca Produce relative to the noise analysis at that facility. -The consultant states that they conclude that those noises from the refrigeration units are in keeping with commercial /industrial land uses. We have a commercial /residential mixture in that area, so it may or may not be the right direction. The fence was put up and installed. No comments have been received one way or the other. The consultant feels that the fence will make an adequate sight and noise barrier to the west. They also suggest that they will supply in the future a model noise ordinance in use in the Toixm of Camillus. On the 25th of this month at 1:00 p.m. will be the first organizational meeting of the year of Project Impact. Anyone interested may attend. Our new coordinator will be trying to establish a list of goals and some time frame commitments for the committee to initiate and complete, including having a signing ceremony and getting our list of partners complete. Matt Shulman has been working every day and I think he gets more enthusiastic every day. We are finding with him and the extra people working here, the room crunch may be worse than we thought. Starting January 1, 2002, New York State will abandon its current building code and go with a collective model code called the International Code, which is a model that has been developed from the three recognized model codes that are used throughout: the United States. In the long run probably it's not going to be much different than the code we have other than it will probably be more expensive to maintain and more expensive to implement because it's a prescriptive code rather than a performance code. So the quantities of manuals that we are going to have to maintain and replace every three years is going to be significant. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Jack Bush presented two proposed resolutions to the Board regarding purchase of equipment. The funds are in the budget and this eliminate him having to come to the board for permission to bid the individual items throughout the year. Atty Perkins explained that it is policy decision, but is legally permissible. Supv Varvayanis sees no problem with approving the bidding out ahead of time, but noted it was more common that the Board approve a bid after it comes in rather than ahead of time. Atty Perkins noted that the amounts were put in the budget and Jack is asking for authority now to bid it out anytime during the year that he sees fit and to accept the bid it if is less than the funds allocated for that item in the budget. J Bush stated he would come back to the Board if he was to go over the budgeted amount, and the budget was changed which makes it easier for him. Instead of going line by line, now whether it goes over what he estimated won't matter as long as he stays below the total budgeted amount for the year. Cl Grantham stated she has no problem with approving bidding it out, but she thinks once he is ready to accept a bid he should come back to the board. Cl Beck asked what the law was on the Board having to accept the bids and Atty Perkins said he had not yet looked at that specific issue. Supv Varvayanis said he had talked with the State Comptroller's Office about this and while it is not usual to do it this way, you can if you want to. Cl T Hatfield would like to have Atty Perkins look at the one issue, but as far as authorizing Jack to bid it out at his convenience, that does not present a problem. The Board does have a responsibility to look at the bids when they come back in. ® Atty Perkins - What this says, and I think it is consistent with what the law is, but I'll be glad to look at it, Jack is authorized to accept the bid and execute the contract on behalf of Rage 9 of 16 TB 1 -10 -01 the Town. Statutorily that is his responsibility. What this does is authorize the Supervisor to pay it once he certifies that he's got it and it's there and it's under the amount. Jack has the authority within his budgetary appropriation to contract once you authorize this part: of it. It's a question of doing it piece meal as you go along or doing it all at once. Cl T Hatfield - So you can take a look at that. We'll meet. again on the 241". That's a pretty big change. DISCUSSION Cl Grantham - With respect to the Fall Creek Watershed Committee, I'm trying to help write a proposal for the stream bank stabilization demonstration project 1 talked about last week. The proposal has to be fed -exed out on Monday. I would like the Board to do a resolution supporting the application. I will give Mark the proposal. It doesn't have to be anything very fancy. Just a supportive letter, not promising any in kind. So I guess I need a resolution authorizing Mark to write a letter of support for the proposal. RESOLUTION #70 - LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR FALL CREEK WATERSHED PROPOSAL Supv Varvayanis offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to provide a letter of support for the Fall Creek Watershed Committee's stream bank stabilization demonstration project. 2tid Cl Beck Roll Call Vote Cl Beck Yes C1 T Hatfield Yes Supv Varvayanis Yes Cl Grantham Yes Cl Grantham - All of the landowners along the trail that we have funding to do are asking about a reduction of taxes if they give us an easement. So I thought 1 would go to the Transportation Council and ask them to request that reduction from the County Assessment Office. I think it would be strong coming from the Transportation Council since that's where a lot of the trail development in the County is happening. I just wanted to run it by you. Cl T Hatfield - That's reasonable. I have no problem with what you're asking, but it raises a bunch of questions in my mind. Where we ovm the trail fee simple, the Town assLunes the liability issue and provides the insurance for slip and fall or whatever, Cl Grantham - Even on.an easement that's the case. I checked with the insurance. Cl T Hatfield - None of that falls back on the property owner. Cl Grantham - No. At:ty Perkins - We would agree to defend and hold harmless. Cl Grantham - I 've explained to all of them that we can't change their assessment. All we can do is ask the County. I think Mark talked to the County Assessor informally and I think it would have more strength coming from the Transportation Council because of their interest in trail development and they seek funding for that. They have to assess at the highest and best use and if they can't build on it because of the easement, then the highest and best use is different. 0 Page 10 of 16 T13 140 -01 Cl T Hatfield - I think it's good if we can get them to do that, but I think a resolution from the Town Board in support would be good as well. I think the more the merrier when you've got that kind of request. Supv Varvayanis - If we don't get that, would the Town be willing to pay the property taxes for the easement? Cl Beck - You'd have to apportion it. Cl T Hatfield - We better do one thing at a time. Atty Perkins - If they really want the most bang for their buck, what they should do is give it to the Town and take a deduction. Cl T Hatfield - Take a tax deduction. Absolutely. Cl Beck - Then that clarifies it. Atty Perkins - In the deed you could have whatever reservations the property owner wanted, such as joint access for farm machinery to their fields. Cl Grantham - I'll suggest that to them as well. Cl T Hatfield -The impact on their property tax from year to year is insignificant compared to the immediate deduction for a fee simple transfer. Then a lot of these other issues go away. Atty Perkins - Just a suggestion. Cl Grantham - I don't know if I need a resolution to go to the Transportation Council. Cl T Hatfield - We're meeting on the 24th :again. Maybe you can draft it. Cl Grantham - Okay. Can you draft that Mahlon? Atty Perkins - Sure. Supv Varvayanis - The judges weren't too keen on the idea of moving the Court to the West Dryden Community Center so we've dropped that idea. Since it's going to be two years at least before we get a new structure here, we're looking at adding two modular office units out back, connected to this building. If they are connected to this building, they can use the some bathroom. ZO Slater - We've worked on this together. We'll make it part of this building and this building already has the necessary services. There is a significant difference in cost if you can eliminate the need for restroom facilities. It will have its own electrical service. Supv Varvayanis - This will be for the Court and its offices. Cl Beck - Are these rental units or are you purchasing them? Supv Varvayanis - We were looking at leasing, but Cornell has a few old ones they may ® be looking to get rid of. We'll get some quotes. Page I l of 16 TB 1 -10 -01 Cl Beck - I assume there's no rental space at any convenient location? Have you checked that out? Another location within the area? 0 Cl T Hatfield - Not only that, you've got the other issues, space that is handicapped accessible, parking, people are accustomed to coming here. J Bush - What: about purchasing the building next door? The owner passed away. Zd Slater - You'd have to convert it from residential use to commercial use, and by the time you were done, you'd have been better off to tear it down and start over. Cl Beck - If you put a temporary unit out here, what happens when construction starts? Before you make the decision on where you're going to site these things, you've kind of got to know where the new building is going so you don't: have to tear them down while you're under construction. Supv Varvayanis - I don't think anyone planned on putting the building in contact with this one or extending this one. Cl Beck - That's something I'm not a.«Tare of. It's just a concern. Cl T Hatfield - We can go forward with the planning before you need a resolution. Get some bids and a sense of the board. I think that makes sense. These temporary buildings are used a lot: in situations like this. You've got other needs that: the justices brought: up too. You've got youthful offenders to deal with and in this building it's difficult. Cl Grantham - They have very specific legal requirements for their space that we have to follow. 0 Supv Varvayanis - We've got an update on where we're going with the HUD grant for Cayuga Press. I got a. letter from Tompkins County Planning (Jim Hanson). First, they still thought we had to resolve the conflict of interest issues. I didn't see why. I got in contact with HUD and as far as they're concerned, we did take care of that:. Then he had all these steps that still have to be performed as far as environmental review and SEQR review and historic reviews and HUI) documentation, and he recommended that we hire a consultant. He had a couple of people he recommended. I met with Jim Hanson on Friday and gave him a sample of the RFP and I sent them out. I added Karl Heck who mentioned once he'd be interested in working with the Town. We put an ad in the paper. I mailed to all these people and Karl Heck. As soon as proposals come in, I'll give them to you people. Cl Beck - I thought that was a matter of resubmission and it was all approved. Cl T Hatfield - This is what they don't tell you about. This is the rest of the process. Cl Grantham - Can't we authorize you to choose from the responses to the RFP? Cl T Hatfield - I would be in favor of that. Whoever's got the best price and the fastest time frame, I think those are the two criteria we want. And III move that we authorize the Supervisor to contract with a consultant. Cl Beck - Did we do this the first time around? Cl T Hatfield - It never got this far. Cl Grantham - There's administration money. Pagc 12 of 16 TB 1 -10 -01 1 T Hatfield - I'rn very unhappy urith the time frame and finding this out at minus the twelfth hour_ Cl Beck - So what's the matter with this process that we aren't aware of this? Supv Varvayanis - I don't know. When I talked with HUD they said after we slid that it should take about six weeks, Cl T Hatfield - Isn't the County getting paid for,,. Supv Varvayanis - Not anymore. C1 T Hatfield - So that's where this will get paid far. This is for what they were supposed to do? Supv Varvayanis - Well they were supposed to do it. CI Grantham - There's dministratlon money in the grant_ Cl T tizdheld - And iL was going to the County to get all this done. Cl Grantham - We'll use it instead. Cl Beck - I thought we were way past that point. That it was a matter of getting past the conflict azad moving on_ C1 T H ield - I feel Uke we've acted in good faith, but let's call the question and get on with it. If we 've got to do this to access the grant axid get the money going, we'd better do it. RESOLUTION 071 - AUTHOR,IZE SUPERVISOR TO CONTRACT WITH CONSULTANT (CAYUGA PRESS HUD LOAN) C1 Grantham offered the followixig resolution and asked for its �jdopti.on: RESOLVZ , that this Town Board hereby authorizes (he Supervisor to contract with a consultant (pursuant to the request for qualtf' tcad ns) to adxainister the Cayuga Press HUD loan_ 11d C1 Beck Roll Call Vote CI Beck 'Yes Cl T Hatfield Yes Supv Varvay2uYis Yes Cl Grantham Yes Supv Va"ayanis stated that the ambulance is interested in a new telephone, $150, and they w2mt a computer update for $501. The Board sees no problem with that, RESOLUTION #72 - FILE. ANNUAL REPORT BY MARCH 1 C1 T Hatfield offered the following, resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to $1e the 2000 Annual Report with the Office of the State comptroller by March 1, 2001 in lieu of the February 1, 2001 filing with the Town Board. Page 13 of l6 TB 1 -1M1 tad C1 Grantham Roll Call Vote Cl Beek Yes C1 T Hatfield Yes Supv Varvayanis Yes Cl Grantham Yes RESOLUTION #73 - DISBURSE McARTHUR FUND INTEREST Cl T Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption; RESOMeTl D, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the disbursement of $59,59 to Dryden Central School and $4.44 to the CTcorge Junior Republic from. the McArthur Fund representing interest for 2000, u C1 Grantham Roll CAU Vote Cl Beck Yes Cl T Hatfield Yes Supv Varvayanis Yew 1 Grantham Yes Supv Varvayanis - We baveY never formally appointed Kathy Perkins as secretary to the Conservation advisory Council. Laura Carpenter is getting 10/ hour for the Planning Board and ZBA, I guess we should do the same hourly salary, RESOLUTION #74 - APPOINT KATHLEEN PZRK NS AS SECRETARY (CAC) Cl Gr ebam offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: .E MLVED, that this Town Board heze by appoints Kathleen Perkins as Secretary for the Conservation Advisory Council and authorizes payment at the rate of 10 per hour, 231rl C1 beck R011 CUIJ Dote Cl Beck Yes C1 11 Hatfield Yes Supv Varvayamis Yes Cl Grantham Yes RESOLUTION #75 - APPROVE ABSTRACT #10 1 Cl Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption; RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract # 101, as auditeYd, vouchers #001 through #075, totaling $253,500.67. 2nd C:1 T Hatfield Roll Call Vote Cl Beck Yeas Cl T Halfie=ld Yes Supv Varvayanis Yes C1 Grantham Yes Supv Varvayanis � Mr_ Malley is resigning from the Planning Board and he arid Barbara. Caldwell bath recommend the appointment of Christopher NEchaels to replace him. RESOLUTION 476 - APPOINT CHRISTOPHER MICHAELS TO PLANNING BOARD Pagc 14 of 16 TB 1 -10 -01 0 Cl T Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board, on the recommendation of Barbara Caldwell, hereby appoints Christopher Michaels to the Planning Board to complete the unexpired term of Joseph Lalley, which term expires December 31, 2007. 2„d Cl Beck Roll Call Vote CI Beck Yes Cl T Hatfield Yes Supv Varvayanis Yes Cl Grantham Yes Cl Beck - I think that we should thank Martha Robertson for her interest to serve. Tom and I talked informally and there is probably going to be some need for subcommittees, or we certainly could use some. It's not our prerogative to set that up, but certainly her interest is appreciated and that might be a place for some input. Martha, thank you. Cl T Hatfield - I'd like to say publicly that Martha and I had a long conversation last week. I appreciate your coming to the meeting last Thursday night and your interest and 1 encourage you to figure out some .way to continue to help Barbara and the folks as they go along. Supv Varvayanis - I think also Chris Michaels has expressed interest in more education from you. ® The Board will meet again on January 24, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the ambulance matters and the Highway Dept resolution. Atty Perkins - If it turns out that we need a public hearing on this ambulance contract can you authorize the Supervisor to advertise it for 7:00 p.m. on the 201? RESOLUTION #77 - AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO ADVERTISE PUBLIC HEARING Cl Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to advertise a. public hearing with respect to the ambulance contract for January 24, 2001 ax 7:00 p.m., if necessary. 211d Cl Beck Roll Call Vote Cl Beck Yes CI T Hatfield Yes Supv Varvayanis Yes Cl Grantham Yes C1 Beck - Mark and Bambi, do you remember that night in Etna we talked about a way to notify community centers about some of these meetings? I think we should follow up on that if you can. Not: just with the Etna one, but all of them. We can't mail to the whole town every time we have something like that and they're always complaining, they don't read the paper, they don't listen to the radio, but if you can mail to the community centers, it's probably an effort we should make. ® B Hollenbeck - What I'll do is make copies of what I fax to the media and mail it to them. Pagc 15 of 16 TB 1 -10 -01 On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the board moved into executive session at 9:33 p.m. to discuss the medical and employment history of a particular employee. No action was taken. On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, A/N'JatialC Bambi L. I-Iollenbeck Pagc 16 of 16 Town of Dryden Town Board Meeting ® January 10, 2001 Name - {Please Print} -A L, h Y ;S Address CGnc� .- 1 a `16' l S-- . l6-2�0 /Z;