HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-08-12I[LJ SPECIAL PERMIT PUBLIC HEARING - HUD AUGUST 12, 1997 OSupv Schug called the public hearing to order at 7:30PM ,1J `fa Supv Schug read the notice regarding the HUD public hearing. (copy in minute book. ��.. QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS - none Closed public hearing 8:OO1PO4 SPECIAL PERMIT PUBLIC HEARING - Bell's Auto AUGUST 12, 1997 Supv Schug called the public hearing to order at 8:45PM Supv Schug read the notice Varna Fire that was published in the newspaper concerning the application be towing and selling of Bell's Auto. (copy in minute book) QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS Mark Bell - would like to purchase the old Varna Fire Station to open an auto repair facility. I would be towing and selling a few cars. Basically, it would be minor repairs. It is not going to be body type repairs. No long term major engine jobs. It will be minor engine repairs. The ® towing to that facility would be cars that are in for repairs. Anything with extensive damage would come back to Dryden. Supv Schug - you want to sell 10 cars on the sale lot. Mark Bell - there would be no more than that. Supv Schug - wanted to know where the cars would be parked that are there for service. Mark Bell - gave board members copy of map and where parking would be located. Most of the cars will be repaired the same day and back out. Handicapped parking will be just outside of the door. I had a meeting with the community association about 1 month ago. At that point I met with Alan Berger and 4 members from the community association and drew up a tentative agreement. I have not heard back from the community center as of yet. When I left the meeting that night they all seemed to think there would not be a problem. Supv Schug - the handicapped parking will be in front of the door. The door is a universal door used by the fire department and the community center. ID Mark Bell - currently yes, the door would be part of the parcel I an buying. There is a question on the fire wall that would have to be addressed. T GRANT PROGRAM 1 It is anticipated that the LI. S, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will announce Its 1997 funding round for (lie Community Development Block Grant ( DB ) program. There are one mayor change to the Program, which is that the grant limit for single - purpose applications hay been reduced frorn $600,000 to $400,000. A community may continue to file rmorc than one application, as long as the total of the two applications does not exceed $400,000_ Application can be made for one year of funding, and multi -year applications will not be permitted this year, The basic application graidehnci have remained the same, and we anticipate a grant application deadline from HUD in late October or early November. The Town has expressed an interest in submitting a enhanced version of its housin; rehabilitation program which was rejected by HUD in the 1996 round of funding. The Plarning Department has begun work on the 1947 application, and anticipates heaving a revised application completed in advance of the deadline, The two public hearings for the program has been scheduled, and will be completed in a"ordance with the requirements of the Community Development block Grant program. An Abbreviated onsol ids led f tan will al so prepared as part of the 2�ppJ ieation. At the present time, the Planning Department does not anticipate any changes from the 1996 Abbreviated Consolidated Plan whicb was approved as part of the 1496 $maIl Cities application, The Town of l rydcn has received funding through the H UD Small Cities Program in 1995, and the 1996 Program application was the only other application which the Town has applied for. The 199-5 fiends were combined with Rousing Prescrva #ion Grant funding 13 etter Housui� for Tompkins County, the County's Rural Preservation Company, was awarded for use in parts of Tompkins County, Tompkins County is also considering projects for an economic development loan program of up to $1010,000. Tompkins County %,i1I be receiving funding of $500,000 in the 1997 round for its Homeownership Program, and may apply for up to $600,000 in total for all Small Cities project. in the 1997 round of funding. Any such economic dev eiopnlent projects which may exist Irn the Town oF1) ryden are weIcome. to wbmit proposals for assistance to the Coun i)' Planning D4cparlmerit, r110 N �' DRYDEN D YDEN, NEW YORK. 65 EAST r, ALA STREET, DRYDEN, r%!['od YORK vw7):i 607v844-91 PO ZONING & L�UlL01NG CODE CrVFQflCEtulENT L_Llkr43 t 112 112er Hr url of Me f rntr er LaAr ',k tic ion James F. Snhugr M. Dryden TDvin L-Supervisor 65 Cast Main Zoning Street Dryden, & Surveyors & New YDrk 13053 Re: Special Permit Request, ;9451 Dryden Rq�d, Dear 7 i rn Please find enclosed a copy to establish a second Bell's Road, Ithaca, New York, the Hamlet of Varna of a Special Permit Hearing r E?gUE!5t Auto Care facility at 945 Dryden former Varna Fire Station Facility_ Currently, Bell's ALLto Care exist at 116 North Street, Drxyden, New Yar•k providing attt4 r�eAairr NYS inspection, Triple A Towi.ng Service and Puto Sales. r4r�, Bell would offer these sane serviues at the Yarna Facility, The Driyd RFC zonin and bath occupanc vale i Ch d i e g i s n a Di are esd cUs nd Varna site StriDt, both in areas mix My Special ses the gUegt 5 ar4e Sites ed wi Perm ion D aim are th c t re f ifl i iLlar, both are within a an a major NYS Highway ommercial and residential ial view, provides a use analysis xed USes. We have scheduled a public hearing for the Special Permit RevieLw of this project for 8:00 PM, Tuesday, A'Jgr_rst 12 of this year, We have completed all personal and other agency notifications, Very truly yours, Henry Pttay-ney M. Slater Miller Zoning & Surveyors & SUilding Code Enforcement Officer cc: Town Board Member• Mahlon R. Perkins, Dave Putnam, T. G. County Planning Town Pttay-ney Miller Enginser-s & Surveyors Applicant, Mirk Dell 607- ga4 -91?0 ZONING S BUILDI NG 001_}' IENNFU CEMEN1' August 4th, 1991 BS EAST MAIN S'f REED, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 1:iOr la fl2c Thiva of the f'irrgeo- Lakes Region James W. Hanson Jr., Commissioner of F' arming Old CoLIY`thoLXSe Puilding 121 East Court Street Ithaca, NY 14850 FAX Re: Special board SERI? find and enclosed a Permit Special of Review pursuant to 239 L &M, NYS General Mmfli.cipal estahli,h tt 5ur~veyors Dave Putnam, itself G. Mi 1 1 er L-�iw agency Pear C:ammi55ianer Hanson: 'lease Form board SERI? find and enclosed a copy of T�aquest on behalf Special of Permit the Dryden application, Shoat Town i?oard to estahli,h tt 5ur~veyors Dave Putnam, itself G. Mi 1 1 er as the lead agency for both the SEOR and the project Sell, Applicant t ~eview. Brie New and faci perm f1 y Yor Sal lit i t t , Mark B k dnSire E? s, t a a y farmer ed to do L511 of $ell' e s to @xpi�knd h second locat ly known CZ5 t so by Specia i i h 1 Auto Care, North Street, 1?ryden, s existing Bell's AUtD Care Se?rVjCe orr, 945 Dryden road an existing e 4arna Fire Station and is Permit Review and Apprnnv, 1. At this time, the Town Board would desire to conduct the necessary public hearing at their AUgLtst IPth, 1997 Town Board meeting. We apologize for this short notice, DLit, ask for your recommendations by 8/12/97, Or FAX # is noted above, Very tally yours, { Henry M. Slater Zoning 9 Building Cade Enforcement Officer cc: James GDhug, Dryden TOwT1 Town board Members Mahlon R. Perkins, Town tt 5ur~veyors Dave Putnam, T. G. Mi 1 1 er Clark Sell, Applicant Supervisor Attorney Engineers tt 5ur~veyors Id,16,A ;919$JTT"Z 12 PROJECT 1,t}, NUM9r=R 0 617-20 Appandlx Q Slalo ERvIFGnmontol Quality Flov }ow SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I— PROJECT INFOAFAAT10N (ro be complcicd by Applicani or Project spDrlsor) SEOR 1. APPLICANT 1$1FIf)NSCIII 2 2, PnQjgCT MAhir �i, PROJECT LOCATION: MunlelpaIlly J Jk mfr � 4, PRECISE LOCATION (Stleat adorosa and road InlorS&Cllons, promingnl Landmarks, etc -, or pravld0 r+1op1 7%){/a lCi� 5. IS PROFOSEO ACTIIVit y y fl Now 1J F_xpanslm 4� Modlilcu ontpiterlllgn 6- DESC1`4113E PROJECT L3R11=PLY: ef 7 7. AMOU14T OF LAN9 AFFECTED; Inlila�ly aeras Ultimately acres 8. WILL PROPp$ED�A0T10N C014pLY WITH UISTING Z011ING OR OTHER EXI$TjNO I},ND USA RESTRICTIONS? Yen LJ r10 11 No, dascrlbe briefly 9. WHAT 1$ PRESENT LANO USE rN VICINITY OF PRWEM t tr R45ldanihl C1 InduslrlaI Lalcornm01dal ID Aprleu11urg 0ParldForesV0penspacp OChef Describe: , 10, DOES AC71ON INVOLV A P5RI.iIT APPROVAN. OR FUNOINC,, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAI;, STATE OR LOCAQ] ❑ Yos No If yes, IIs1 agencYJ3) and permilxaparovals 1T. DOES ANY ASPECT DF TH5 ACTION HAVE A Cl1MVNrLY VALID PER}AIT QR APPROVAI,� I-1 �,e rLnll�o it pbsp 117t ln oncy name and pormlllappmvnl 12, AS A RESULT OP FROPOS5D ACTION WILL EXISTING PEAbi1TIAPPROVAI4 REQUIRE MO01rI. +ATI0N7 0yal ZNO I CERTIFY THAT THE 1NFORMAT1014 Pp4VIDED AaQVE IS TRUE TO THE 8E$T OF M Y KHOWLEOGE 1s9DIIpnU9pOn39F Hama: $IQA�Iure� � the action Is In the Coastal Area, and you are a slate agency, corinplete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 TOWN Or, DRYDEN • DRYDEN, :NLW YORE 05 EAST MAIN STREET, DHYDEN, NEW YOrIK 13053 607 -644 -9120 ZONING R BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT Date: August 4th, 1997 To: Whom it I1ay Concern In tly Hrart of the Zinger Lake Rtgron From: Henry M. Slater, Zoning b 13uildifIg Code Enforcement: Office Town of Dryden 65 E. Plain Street Dryden, I1.Y. 13053 Sub. : SEQR Declaration as, " Lead Agency Status " Ladies and or Gentleman: An application has been received from: Mark Bell, owner operator Qf Bell's Auto Care of 116 N. Street Dryden, New York 13053 for: a Special Permit to establish a second Auto Carp. & Salps ® facility within the existing former Varna Fi Srat-_ion faci1;1y. site _945 Dryden Road, hamlet of Va nom, Te „wnnf nrydPn_ which is under review by the Dryden Town Board. and by the SEQR requirements are now declaring themselves as, ” Lead Agency " in the review of this application. Since you may have interest, impute or may yourself want t:o assume the lead agency in this review,request that you respond to this office i n writing by no later than :---September 3rd, 1997 If we have not received a response by then, it will be 7ssumed that you have no objection to us being bead Agent and that you have no impute for the review. Thank YOU W In• lienr M. Slater f,C: XX Our Fi Tompki Dept. XX Tompk i Dept. Other XX DrydE le ns of ns O A In Cty. Health Dept. Environmental Conservation County Planning Dept. f the Army, Corps of Engineers gencies of possible interest, Town Board as Listed 1)e1.Ow. iii FAST MAIN Sl'Nkk l , DgYDEW, NEW Y013K 1305,1 6Qfv1A4 -8120 fa lh Hc.ulms of'ffie Far qcq ' Lu cYN- Rie:gion Ithaca Jokjk •ilal Newo tC W. St atci Street Ithaca, New York Attn; Darlene Falnsbee, Legal Rds PLEASE TAK will hold Dell of Be D E! 1 1' s lest the f❑rirrer Dryden. E ND9rr a Pub1 11' 5 A o Care Varna CE t is He ut o C Sery Fire hat the Town Foard arriyng to consider are for a SpeQial ice at 945 Dryden Station facility4 SA'I'D HEARING will be held on 5:010 P. I. prevailing time at Street, Dryden, New Yank at will be given an opportunity in person or by agent. Individu requirxn 844 -9120 the publ g assi or 84 is hea of the Town of Dryden an applici,tion from Clark PErmit to establish a RDad, lthac`a7 NY within within the Town of TUESDAY, AUGUST 1 E19H, 1997 at the Dr4yden Town Hall, 65 E. Main which time all interested persons to be heard. Perrsons may appear th visual, hearing or manLLal impairments and stance should c7antact the Town of Dryden at 4+ 9619 at least 49 hours prior to the time of rin9- DATED: AUGUST 4TH, 1997 Henry M. Slater ZDning C7fficer Town of Dryden cc: ,dam All Mah Oav The EU5 OF* Schug, Dryden 1' Dryden Town Board l On R. Perk i n s a Dr e Putnam, 'r.5, Mil 1Dmpk11 County P anne Lloyd, Dryden own Me yde ler Ian To Supervi5or tubers n Town Attorney Engineers & Surveyors ning Department wry Clerk T OWN OF DRYDEN B EN', NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YOAX IY359 607 -644 -9120 ZONING & BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMINT Name m. Ad d r• r= `hone In dic• .J- ears of the Irrrrger }fcrke.i R gil ? ?. APPLICATrON FOR DRYDEN TOWN ZONING PERMIT Date of Rppl. Appiication for a Zoning Permit is HERESY made for the p +-!r ~posy of: { } to )wild; { 1 to Extend; { i tD Convert; { ] to Place a Mobi) rt Home; or ( } Other. Please use provide of a brief description of number of structures proposed and the struct urns. UrSr f project Site Land Owner_ project Oviner I i! q �IiL)If�?_]� r ��A'TE D A ` `j1�7 P2 prDposQd proposed c+) project use of inc1 ILL ding the resulting L Est i Mat f: d P; 4D j pct Cas,t.it b5. D � Is this a Land CQTltVi"a .t Sale;' NO Has Land l Site been purchase within the pas (5} rs? ( } If y esa please pOaL ide farmer GwT1Pr`a name: ALFN Type of Stt•uc:ture 7_vning permit i, for Please ante, this -'Ls NOT A CQNh ;TRUCTION PERMIT. GRANTED, you will then be requit•E�d to submit all applications for iz�anstructian and cDpie�i of othter permits. Once those applications and permits are CONSTRUCTION PERMIT may be ISSUED. Att Sam nee sub pre ache p1 e essa mitt Seri d L5 iry e b i it rf . ed s a cDpy of the Z B plan. Wage (4} site plan. A sit It must contain within this appl ONIN prD e pl t17e icat G V 1 an r in Yes ( ) No �0 01 ! If a -7 Dnir7q F'er•nit i necessary 1 ^eglaired agency fOLInd ac1= eptabjL3, a PERMIT REGULATIONS. Page (3) is a des a space far you to provide your of your own design may be equested site plan details as TIM If you find you have questians, phase feel free to gall o�_�t^ Office as >�ecessary. .see page W for phone number and office hours. FEES for 7tni,ng Permit: P"i0iect c=ost estimated at lass than $10,00 free is $2�.00 f ?. Fra.ject cost estimated at rnar�e than 110, 0@z fee is $75.00 (� }. Once this application is completed, bring or mail it, along with the appr'opri.1ate fee to the Dr'yde�n TDvin Hail 6� E4 plain 5t, Dr ,d n NY. s� +rc+c i;, U!7 R.C`�ar,�rrgewed f,1s 'a'oLerm'T;l Date Zoning F,ermit Apprcvvd �7 Date Zani.ng Per•mi.t ]denied __ ndei S[}[�tinn C}2• of the 7oniT7g Orciirrance; fate C)f Appt�y�7. ?-tF�4 ate Of Heiig $ °lo q? �,; Date of Advertising $— 4 -9* j�E � � IT ,1� The following infc+r4matiori SHALL be Sufficiently detailed 1 =1r, this SITE FLAN so that the reviewer` carp verify Zoning Comp Iiance. 1). Dirnension5 SITE PLAN which feet. CLEARLY I LLUST RATES dimerisa.ansT set backs. Zoning Na.rnes Compliance inf adjoining pr•opc�rty i-MYrers 'rhe Space below is provided Frontage for the applicant 2) . to draw a site plan which will shcrw placement cof and type =if str'.;Ctl,ur e ._r %tract ures FOR WHICH THIS 20NIN15 PERMIT is being applied Cuts. Struct uresl3) Eeatur•Qs fl_lr. 1 12) The following infc+r4matiori SHALL be Sufficiently detailed 1 =1r, this SITE FLAN so that the reviewer` carp verify Zoning Comp Iiance. 1). Dirnension5 r.f the L1--it iy, feet. 8). Yard dimerisa.ansT set backs. Na.rnes inf adjoining pr•opc�rty i-MYrers 9) Priad Frontage in feet i-inl 2) . Li- ,Qati„n of Prop =lsed Structures. 1"�) . Water Ceurses, c9Yltours 4 ) . 5) . F.1 . 7). Place St rust Lr_tcat Significant a l l vre ion of Driveway Road D i roans i runs& Separation all Existing Topographical Cuts. Struct uresl3) Eeatur•Qs 1 12) 1) . . . Sewer Utility North Arrc:iw Facilities, and we=ll Utility Easements. All be at Icits within lust the Town 30,000 Square r_f Dryden feet in created area after; and have September, nci less V969 than SHALL 125 ci- iritigtrOIAs and wells feet of Public are rkecessar y, Road Frontage. Lcit S i e e are Where determined priv�ata by septic TOMPK I NS systems COUNTY DEP7M of ENV1 F ?0NNEN7AL HEALTH. Sect I AttachEd is a sample If there are q nest. i t_ L07- 844 -91co as nece APPLICANT SIGNATURE site plan which wi =Lild he acceptable if submitted, r,s, Or egDriip i i a nc e is rr,Dt possible, please cal 1 ( , izzrn� scary S ; 4DO AM t i 1. l 1:00 PM Mi= inday t'} �hrLoughh {yFriday. � -4- r (Wys- DUDE + A _ I-4 i4 u b fa 1-01 a j,. b4 -e�Es . C30CT 5 E F A'r FJuelib 1E70" ,FAKE Z Jl� I� I� J Y- 1 :1 L1r V7 *� -r1Y� /rl luvllej 0/� Lo � W in- r-E I uD h. tT\Q IL LLI N LB 0 +1t J } 41 , 1 'r 1 A PA A C P"Cm mENT } J �1 ry }; #4f -40 W 70 -�?f , r 43 1 c 4 }1 -j �j ! U APPROVAL r ; .- } �A�L.IL Tca 9- VAVPT�EMT -T. lff r P r � J /f. Jffl i f Ilr f 7I 5 f J r L L c A M P N v. ty i v5 O t > i N o k V d } y} L e u £. x r O � u c F 0 m C Iq a ow.t 91 C u N IL F - M 5 ti M U 1 t,6 tT -C,tN0 U IF, ON 7II'r r11 BOLT 6El- A7 CueIED ,C:QU '5TAkC _. tv rf lu 1� J d iV 7 In N Y z -o1lo _ k Z CO 1 l� J J Q N � •moo I.• o �Qr LA (NY, �!) (�G) DEYDEN poi. D K -W OZ'E 0 6.5 464 -&E . y At�aeox. rqs Li t1E 1 1 1 _ 1 A SNN AZT - r�nvEM�N-r L v z IL 1 DWE n YwAY ltr z 0 N V1 w I1!rA I-i N�TV) Lu U It d W DJ r Z.P�N �r Q >� Q r uJ < m) � t� '5- �r ♦ J • W �4 PRELIMINARY `OR APPROVAL r-% r r r-� _ I rMN 1 H J j< 1� �V1 - �N a Y) Jj U1 �' z ;r 7 L1 lr fry r IN trt r`r i� Ski V I' �1 I, I r 1 . 111 r r,� f (I Z iAb!.O'= TO IL E-lAVCMEMT MT, S LEASAh %. RD L c ro a. CJ e u • N N .Q L N 0 M q q � k 6J u q v } L C v .0 u u q � u c, a V V O a �e V -- r_ G q L a r3 u r, �a 0 N A u N u d QI O C= c a c .. q �'•• q L F N _a m c q c � y N j V C O L . ft LECEN O o I E�Oht p t p E 0 .- _ 1. a p SPECIAL PERMIT 0 TOWN OF [)RYJIEN DRYDEN, NEW YORK MAIL OR BRING THIS FORM TO: Town Clerk Sip(mc1,11 Perrnit No, P -91 Town of Dryden Api)lication 61e ` z4mll Dryden, New York Parcet h0rnber ." .-82. Sane -'M Application rs hereby made to (131111d Or Exlend (:l, Convert 1A, Otlmr A Structure looked at To be Used for l lt',�"}� % i �.�� IRt A YTIFFI� . Owner of Land �4ti If Construction is for other 11kan r,rPczPnF I �,mi n Name ^r, Show Tile StrUCWre(s) will be as follows; Type of COnStruCIicn OP. D ! 1 1 ., N umber of Stories I �Numbcr of units Type of Meat f7-T o f, A L NUMber Of Square Ft, Floor Am3; Basement First Floor _} Second Floor Over Second FJ Town of Dryden, New York. _ � � At cl Cast, vt� ; -- Eluilder IV f. fvliilinc Adctress -d a xiall 1 Rrriurred VCrmlks Obkaioud - Dille Tompkins Counly Health Dept, Totivrr Clerk; Street Operfilig fil lstfrig ,.�t�ervisar_ Water 'r-,iP Sewer Tip Ilichw' -Iy SrllIt; Culverts Driveway Bldg. Inspector 14Sul Ve RCe,id(cII e 'he Undersigned applies far PCrril` r55rpn to do klic Above, in accordanco wI k all I)FOV` f rsions of all Laws or OUFLIIaU01's of lire 'town of Dryden, New York, or ollkers lic vinF; jurrs €fiction, and aFlirms krlat all slate, menks end in(ormalion given Ilerl~in ire Correct to the k}esk of iris belief. Cale of ilearrng SJGNATURF� � Date of Advertising - r'ee Paid Advertising �SPecral Permit Approved Speclat Permit Der,aed Under Art isle X111 of 1110 Z0111ng Ordinarticc, ADDRESS. P11()NE CVOs? IMPORTANT NOT ICE TO 7 All and APPLICANTS All other of Type Building of Required Permits, Reviews Special or Permits permits, Zoning Issued Variances by the Town of Dryden. Effective Date: September 14th, 19$8, From: Henr Town Dryd Sub: Vial 0 U y a en at r n M f i T f . S Dr Ne on it 1 o r m late yd en W Ye of e e 1S Bui � 7 rk ny N Id Zoning Build 65 East Main S 13053 Part or Parts _ Y. C. R, R, {Adm ing & Fire Pre Be Advised as Follows: ing Code Enforcement Office treet of} The Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance inistration and Enforcement of the vention Code). Uue to the ongoing disregard of both the N.Y.S. Building & Fire Prevention Code and the Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance, the Town of Dryden w611 STRICTLY EMPORCE all REOUIREMENTS & REGULATIONS of both. The fallowing will be the general policy of the Tawn and this office: 1 ?. No BUILDING PERMITS will be issued to any applicant until such time that all other required permits, certificates and documents have been submitted to this office and found to be acceptable ,and complete. 2 }. No PUBLIC HEARINGS or TOWN REV15WS will be scheduled for any purpose 0 until this office has reviewed and-found that all applications & supporting documents are 100% complete and that all necessary supporting documents acme found to be accurate and complete, 3). If at any time prior to the issuance of any above permit Dr authority to proceed has been granted, it is found that CONSTRUCTION or OCCLPRNCY has begun or taken place, the violator and property owner will be PROSECUTED in a court of law by this office qr the Uryden Town Legal PUthority, 4 }, After nece any permit permitted CERTIFICAT in a court 5)0 In summary Zoning Ord will be to county, st Action wil violations Each days ssary permits have iss takes occupancy, open device without obtaini E of COMPLIANCE, the h of law by this office y no violation or none inar)ce or the New York lerated by the Town of ate or federal law or I be taken against all ar'e, $100.00 per day breach shall constit3at ued, if it is found that any holder of s its doors to the public or uses a ng a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY or older of that permit will be PROSECUTED or the Dryden Town Legal Authority. ompliance of either the Dryden Town State Building & Fire prevention Code Dryden. No violation of any local, regulation will be tnlejrated either. violators. Penalties for' such not more than 15 days in ,jail or both. e a new and additional violation, ). All fees and reimbursable expenses rust be paid within, 10 days of billing by the Town of Dryden. There may be more than one billing, No Permits will be issued until such fees are paid. X Applicants Signat41re pnj�i-� Date Pg #4 I. My name is Mark Bell, owner of Bell's Auto Care, currently located in Dryden. I am interested in obtaining the former Varna fire station, located at 945 Dryden Rd. if this permit is granted, the legal owner of the property will be Edward Bell. 1, Mark Bell, will be the owner of the business. 3 Out of this location I would nun an automotive repair facility and related associated uses, including a light duty towing service and auto vehicle sales. The vehicles that will be towed and/or stored at this location will be the vehicles that are being repaired by us. At no time will there be more than ten vehicles on the lot that are for stale. Parking will be located along the eastern border of the property, which borders Cornell's land. Handicapped spaces will be available near the front entrance. Currently there is a seventy -five foot road cut along Rtc 366 available for access. 5. The building is equipped with a municipal water and sewer system. 6, The property is currently in the name of the Varna Fire Company. Adjoining the building is the Varna Community Association. To the west is Varna Auto Repair and Stales. Apartments are located to the east of the building. 7, 1 feel that this proposal would not impact the adjacent properties in any significant way, Most all of the business would be conducted inside of the facility. I do not feel that there would be any increase in the traffic flow. I also have no reason to believe that the use of this building would have impact on any future developments in the neighborhood. The facility would be switching from a commercial fire station ® to a commercial auto repair business. We would also be providing the community with a local service station at their own convetaience. I have sat down with the members of the Varna Community Association and the chief of the Varna fire department to draw up a contract. At that time there were no concerns with me or my proposed business. I have enclosed a copy of this contract. 8. 1 will obtain the official business certificates for a New fork State inspection, dealer and automobile repair facility. Enclosing, I am looking forward to being a good neighbor and respected part of the Varna community. DRAFT This agreement is between the owners of 945 Dryden Road and the owners of 943 Dryden Road. It shall be binding for a period of 2 years from the date of sibraing, and shall pass to any subsequent owners of either or both properties duri ng the 2 year period. Parties to the agreement- 945 Dryden Road 943 Dryden Road L Water and sewer Present owner, Varna Voluner Fi te re Company. Inc. Contracted owner; Mark Bell, Bell's Auto and any succemors to Dark Bell M 'resent owner: Varna ornrnunity Association, Inc. and any successors f The owner of 945 Dryden Road shall be responsible for makintaining the water teeter, and shall be the address- okecord for water service billed by the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission, The owner of 943 Dryden Road shall be responsible for paying ore half of each water bill and each sewer bill, up to a payment of 35 per quarter of a year. The owner of94 Dryden Road shall solely responsible for all maintenance and repairs to the wader line from the water meter to where the water service splits between 945 and 443. The owner of 943 shall be responsible for all maintenance and repairs to the water line between the serytee division and property belonging to 943 Dryden Road, Maintonanee and repair costs to the water lines between the main on Dryden Road and the water meter will be shared equally between the owners of 445 and 943. Any necessary rnaintename and repair to the sewer huac between where the service from 945 and 94 merge and the sewer main an Dryden Road shall be shared equally between the owners of 945 and 943. The owners of 943 agree to obtain permission from the owners of 945 prior to engaging in any practice or fii etion that would be expected to increase water consumption (e.g, car wash fund= Raisers). Tim agreement for sharing water and sewer expenses shall remain in eftct until a change in the service is required by the Town of Dryden or the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission, until there is a change in the billing proceduz es, or until this contract expires.. �� �f 4 f In the event of any renovation or demolition, the owner performing the change shall be responsible for maintaining both the integrity and fimction of the wall that separates 945 and 943. If, due to occupancy changes, the common wall must be upgraded to a fire wall, the owner performing the changes shall be responsible for ensuring access by 943 to the attic space above 943. This access may be provided by repairing the preexisting attic access within 943 Dryden Road which is presently not useable. The owners of both 945 and 943 agree to allow either owner to modify the common wall to a fire wall or fire separation provided its function is maintained, 4 IN tLTAI 1 ~! 3. Common entrance :1 943 shall continue to have' permissive use of the common entrance between 943 and 945. The owner of 945 shall be responsible for any necessary maintenance and rupwrs to this spare. 4, Access hehirkd 945 The owners of 543 shall allow 945 to erect and tnaintain an exit stairway from the upstairs of the south (rear) wall of 945. This stairwell shall not extenri mare than 15 feet south from the wall of 9451 5. Exterior changes [n the event that either the owner of 945 or the owner of 943 makes a change which affects the exterior appearance of the building, such owner shall notify the owner of the other property at least 14 days prior to the start ofrernodc]mg. This time is solely to allow the owner of tlic other side tune to eonsider Inaking changes to their property to order to archite orally match. This agreement shall take eff eot irnmediatoly upon the endorsement ofall parties. r' Allan L. Berger, Clef . L.. 1Vam Volunteer fire Company, Tao, 945 Dryden Road Ricardo Humarez, Chairman Varna Community Association, Inc_ 943 Dryden Road Mark Bell, Owner Bells Auto Care 945 Dryden Road (owner starting August 1, Company signed xxx 1997) IM Date Date 1997 pursuant to purchase con tact with Va= Volunteer Fire I ���F)Fl i ask;: Mark BeI I Eke 11 S A`lt'o Car gmi, 14 IrlInerr -� (� t- s � ,- G/ 9 l��w'Lioll:_ !ita�]l.ls In l v'E'C!7T1': =�. S FUtQ Cart PaC`.�l:l'�Y—� -_ ��... [ ,Szt 947 i din [ d. h '��+s ?_tiT _ � { w� 1t'T rliJr3 � 't -- --- � - -- t3tat :L 1]!'h r - - - nriiiZg )i -t 1, 1A L I "1�c1'r�1r'C f]�i,� ?: Submitted tQ CUL113ty Ong BZ4 /57 fir VieW b Y , H 2 11 P Y f'1. c.1 at P1 r, T asc PAId Ce1 Section 1303, SPECIAL PRERMIT Req1- 1ir4ements Review i). Name of the applicant, name of business alld legal ownesr of the pr opertylpre }Rases. Bu:.iness owned by Mark Bel ] Prop rtY t ri be.. owned by Edward Bel 1 , - — 21), lea a pr4operty uruey miap or other legal description Of pr'emisess been provided'? ,mk preli,m_inar�y surVLZ„ is provided. ). Has the applicant provided a detailed description of propQse3d rase which includes, off street Parking, road nuts: and other site LiseS rel,atiue to proj Pct '' yes, Qoay attached „ 4). Has a sketch of site and site improvements been supplied'? YR5, 5+:e sketch referrEAd to in #3 above, -- 5). Is Sewage disposal and water supply facilities existing or proposed 0& and Permitted by what means? SoutheYLTJ Cay+aga L.ai�e Interrnl_l.rricipal W1atQr sewer service are to the site and are beirsP used. E+). Has applicant provided a description of current uses of the premises ad,jaceist to the projec :A Ye 5, Applicant irndi�'ates, a mixture of cammer'cia.l & r`e'sidential uses which is accurat�n. 7}. Has applicant provided a general statement appraising the effect of the Proposed project end uSO on thQ ad,iacent properties, the environment and 'FLUtur1+? fJevelo PIN eT1t of the neighborhood and co in inIsnit Y .in gene raI Yes, applicant I -)Zoe grpv.i;ded cmLr,;xlV�is, cop} a'EtachQd 8). Applicax,t has provided c'opi'es Of all per"'its oft application for such permits required by all ❑them local, state or fedei%a'1 agenCies nesr;essar y far• t�iiv project, Special per•nii+, is Row being applieei far. Ai?plic.,ant would big required tas aD{sly fDV a__NYS _Triaspa Ction S'tat:ir]rs R +' i,tr~ number and a NYC Auto i]e, ler•{> L -iLL 541. Mark PP 1 1, B 1. 1 ' s A1_it o LC.1re SpeciC.1. i'er mit Gaye 'ralo C rim menG-s r�T�[^iinCc ?l,nS: In J•:lt_I -5. this Y J1�S rhiSc3:Iit Ci c� ��(?i:C_1��1. f'ft1 ^riil; %� estabI a sr, t it 116 North .;I;reet Auto Care ani; faut o :sales facility. T h a t sEkMP. year, hluiien s F;i_i•co Body s tl to Lz.les was issuGd Spicia?. Permit. authority at 2:90 Cor�t c.j d Road t.. -, r cpair al.,:. to bodies and sell motor vehicles. Roth sites were and remair, RC ZOninq Districts same as the proposed 945 Dryden Roar; site, Since then, no other similar applications have been applied for. Currently, Auto Sa 1 e s are only specifically listed as an MA Zoning District use. The analysis would be, are auto sales an accessory use of auto repair shops? T cannot provide copies of the two 11)33 approva.ls as there wet ^e no conditions of approvals attached to Special permits in the 1985 era. Applications were either approved or turned down. `N" M. V,ky Henry M. Slater cc: Town Board Members Mahlon R. Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney Dave Putnam, T. G. Miller Engineers & Surveyors James Hanson Jr Commissioner of Tompkins Co�tnty Pll- .Mriing Susanne Lloyd, Dryden -town Clerk Applicant, Mark Ezell AUG- 1 =NNN V997 i ill 10 James W, Hsnson, Jr- C4v rd.ssloncrOrPa ;nnicer Tor iPi 1 ray. P A UPI [ NG/ ] T 1 -11- Tom.pkins-County DEPARTMENT i MEl `s' OF PLANNING l 1.24 Easl'Courr Srraet himc;i, New York 1494�A Mr- Hoary lat'r ldi�#Code E�forcereti# Officer Zoning & Bu Tovem of Eden 5 East, ma n Street Dryden, NjY 13053 60 :• 274 5578 P, 02 August 12), 1997 Re: Review Pursuani to '?39 -1 and -m of the New York State General Murkipal Law Tdcphone {6471 274m5W F• k x ym-49) $74- 33mR Aebon-1 pccia[ Permit Review -r Hell's A= Care, 945 De.vci n Road, Tax Par"." Nurabor 56-5 -8,1 Dear Mr. Slater: This letter ack owlc%dges your rtfcrral of the prolvsai identified above for review and wriur'lent by die Tornfxkkjr 5 Co kin ty PIar]ij.-Mg Depamnenl pursuant to §239 -I and -m of the Ncw York S ta[LA, General Municipal "r "o- n-e, access along Rowe M6 is too wide and nod well rl &ined- Wide and undef'irled driveway i cause =eC essal} confusion for u�utoriSt 411 Crirlg and xitir� ;the site, This 5i atio> could be dangerous, espeGia]ly o[ong Row or 366, The proposal, as subrrlittea. ti6II have no i t�ificant deI�: Zrious ilrrpaet oti intercor III Fluruty, owl IN?, or St ate interests. IIlerefore, rrQ r core mei)dat]on is Lndicated by the TonlpL s Cowity PIarming rXLpalt ow, a,iad you are free [o act kw'ithou( prcjudiCC- plr.��;: irLfofin us of yCrliS c!rru', { �] c} 31M;�1 ue car7 make it a j .�r1 cxl rl]} rrtE�rc{ irlCCrC[}r, Jat-,�es W, lla�3�on, JT- i :L 1,,. rO[1or 0 f III::rutIrs ; TB8-12 -97 Page 2 my question - we will work with the fire department to change the pull and Z.O. Slater - there would that we are requLasted have to be some physical changes made to totally Separate those 2 structures as they share a partitioning or common wall at the Present and time. The fire department and community that we can sham. center have to decide if they aunt to make all of the combustible it work so materials disappear or do thsy want to seal up the door into the commttnity center and build agreement the a wall that conforms to the requirements Gaff of a shared party wall. Mark Bell - that was one of the conditions in the purchase agreement that the fire department would construct the fire separation mall that is required. Alan Berger - what we would like to do with the community association permission is the fire department would pay the cost of the fire separation wall and to move the door to the other side of the building. Dawn Potter my question - we will work with the fire department to change the pull and and entrance. that we are requLasted to have a ZwO. Slater - that is one of the choices. The other choice is to remove all the combustible material in the common entry way including the front section of the buildir►g so there would only he Solid masonry left. Aawrr Patter - is that the only change that would have to be made for this purchase, Z.0, Slater yes. yolu would need your own agreement as to the water and sewer, Dawn Potter � my question is we have 2 non profit organizations currently and now that we are requLasted to have a business for a neighbor will the community association have to have their Cmn separate water and sewer~ or Ys it in Dryden Qode that we can sham. Mark Hell l had a conversation to with Bolton Print and they did not see any problem if we could uom2 Point to an agreement. They did not have a problem with the water meter Staying the way it is. There are 2 meters there and it is easy plumping. They could make it work so everyone would have their own separate meter. He said without an agreement the water could be Shut Gaff to the one parcel. Super Schug - wanted to know if Bolton Point had said anything about the backflow prevention wzth your kind of work, Mark Bell W l am not sure where the floor drains are and as fair- as the bakckflow he did not say anything about onew My intentions regarding the floor drains are to seal them up. Dawn Patter - there are 3 garages now in the hamlet of Varna and my gUeStion is do we need 4 garages. I have the most respect for t1r. Bell, and I wish him luck if he does get the garage. Is there a need for a 4th one, maybe for your business there is. AS for the �y TBa�12 -97 Page 3 community center there are MLmetingS that are held there within a couple hundred feet from the Varna Auto and are any duty you can hear the ratchets} air hammers and the tire changing machinen. I am concerned about a common wall separating all that noise for meetings, for voting space and any functions that are being held there. I don't know what kind of noise there will be, but I am sure there will be some. Mark Bell - there will be some noise, but I can't tell, you what level. I would say you are hearing the noise more in the summer* time than in the winter time. I know where I operate now I have never had one of the neighbors come out and say we were to noisy. Martha Case - you wouldn't be wor king at night anyway where there are parties or meeting going on. Mark Bell - I wouldn't interrupt your party, but I might have to tcrw a car in just to drop off. Dawn Dotter - what type of noise would the com�rr�unity Center and neighhor~s be hearing. Marls Bell - the 3 rosiest things would be an air compressor which would be inside and most of those have gotten quiet where you can stand next to them and carry on a conversation, The lift I would be putting in would be electric and they make a humming noise, Art impact gun for the time it takes to put on a ti would be the most and that is only going to be a short noise. It would not be a continuous all day noise. It wouldn't be any noisier than the fire trucks pulling out regarding noise level. It would not be a long term noise, not a, consistent nazse, it would be a short noise. Alice Humerez - wanted to know when they were preparing food at the COMMUnxty center wl:uld they have to wear earmuffs because of the noise. Mark Bell W now William Chem, owner of Varna Auto � my concern is I have more than one acre of parking and have used cars for sale. My experience is I always run out of space. When yaL� are working on cars you always knave some wanting for repairs, parts and some people who do not pick Up their car. My parking lot will allow more than 20 cars for service and we are rUnning out of parking space most of the time, My concern is that lot is not big enough for a repair business and a used car lot. Ken Finkelstein - I live across the street from the fire station. I have found the community center and fire station to be excellent neighbors, but ,gym strongly opposed to the pr%opasal for the use of this property for an auto repair business. As Dawn mentioned this would be the 4th such business within a quarter of a exile. I think it is redundant in that sense in terms of what the community needs. It is not an evaluation of Mr_ Bell at all whom 1 understand 9S� TBB- 12--97 Page 4 is an excellent and honorable businessman. Because I don't know the legality of it I called my family attorney to get some information. I have read over the statue related to the special permit for this kind of zoning. There seems to be a number of specific reasons that I think this special permit should be denied. In Article 13 Section 1303 section 2 of the municipal code of the State of New York deals specifically with special permits and special requirements for those permits. There are 7 requirements the town board must consider. Of those if you pick the last 6 I think there are questions generated from the 6 requirements. Under 2b the proposed new business would be in conflict with what are allowed uses for the RC zone. There are 13 allowed uses and this isn't one of them that is why he wants the special permit. The next sub heading is that the proposed use of this property would be objectional and cause a depreciation in the value of adjacent and nearby properties. This concern needs to be addressed. From the personal point of view an auto repair business across the street from my house would increase the environmental noise, vibration levels, and it would make a dangerous traffic situation worse. At present almost every time I enter my driveway cars pass illegally on the right side at high speeds. When there is an activity on Thursday night at the fire department this situation is made more severe because there are more cars turning into the fire station. Of course with a business this would be increased dramatically. A business involving automotive traffic will turn an occasional dangerous situation like Thursday evening into a constant nightmare. My girls are just learning to ride bikes. How much more concern will this add to the traffic concerns about the area. Even though I am not a member of the Varna Community Assoc. it is obvious this is not compatible with their activities. The noise, fumes, added traffic congestion and parking for the disabled cars will significantly interfere with access to the building. Would Mr. Bell be willing to close his shop and possibly rearrange his parking on election day or when the community center has a major event. Under 2d of the code the proposed business will certainly discourage and hinder the appropriate development of the community center. In addition my family and I have made a number of improvements to our property including new roofs on the historic octagonal barn and our house. We have put in new plantings and just finished painting our house in a classic style. We plan to landscape the front of the house, but we won't do that if we might have what we call an eyesore across the street. Under 3e I consider our house to be adjacent to the property in question. I don't know if that is legally true since our house is across the street. There is nothing between us and there are several other homes to be considered the same way. I would insist on a landscaped buffer strip be put in and maintained as the law suggests and maybe that would screen my view of the proposed business. Under ^cf as I already have mentioned the traffic situation on Route 366 is complicated and awfully dangerous. This new use of the fire property will make things significantly worse. So based on all of the points I appeal to you please do riot aggravate a bad • situation and do not allow a redundant business by terms of what is already in Varna to diminish the quality of our neighborhood. So please deny the request for this special permit. (copy in minute book) also board members have copy. TBOP 12 -97 Page 5 upv Schug wanted to know if Mark wafted to answer any or all of Mr. Chens. You do have cars that sit around at your present location and wanted to know if they were used for parts. Mark Bell � no, I don't use them for parts. most everything is towed out in back of the fence. It either has been involved in an accident or the police agency has impounded a car. The only thing that would be tovied in would b i e f someone had broken dowry. It would be that type and most of the repairs would he turxried around within a day or two. Rs far as the parking most of the cars at our current location are dropped off in the morning and 130 percent are picked up that averring. Most everything is short term parkins. I feel this is IMre than ardegLate I am not planining on starting with a large number of employees so the work load will not be tremendous as far as the number, of cars. As far as traffic flow, I have never sat there and counted the number of cars in and out the Varna Fire Station, but I can relate it to what we would have at Dryden and I am sure you have members that stop in periodically through the day. I honestly don't think the traffic will increase that much. You may increase the traffic by one or two cars a day from what it is currently. Ken Finkelstein � it its important to recognize that are some inconveniences to have the fire department across the street. They leave the lights on on their trucks Thr~usday evening shining into my living room, but I aril happy to have that because of the nature of what they are doing. This is different than a business. It is changing the quality or making ao inconvenience because somebody wants to make money at that location. It is ,a lot different than the inconve+ni,ence of the fire company. Super Schug - wanted to know the hours he had planned Drum Mark Bell - yes, my hours now are 7:00AN to G :QOPM and Saturday would he would from 7:00AM emergency caul, to to drop 1:4 a carp I don't plan HI c=hanging Supv Schug - yes, - anything you would do after 7:4OPM during the week would he an emergency caul, Mark Pell - yes, we might � for just pull to put all of the in to Are drop off a carp I don't plan on c=hanging the outside to of the side_ building I will other than repainting. Dawn Potter - wanted to know if the garage doors were going to tzpex left where they awe. Mark Potter Bell I don't � for right going to put all of the now, yes, Eventually Are I would 14 used viehiclE�s. like to move them to the side_ I will have to check and see where the cateh basin is, Dawn Potter - I don't picture where you are going to put all of the vehicles. Are you considering 14 used viehiclE�s. Mark Bell - realistically probably only 2 or 3 cars, All I seas looking for was a number; to put on the application. I don't anticipate on going into the used carp business within the next year. This is just something I wanted to nddkmess. q, 7 TBS -12 -97 Page 6 Mark Bell - one thing I had spoken to Alan Berger about was to save the front. I would move the overhead doors around to the side and put two small overhead doors on the front. Mary Potter - where is this parking lot going to be for the cars you plan to sell. Mark Bell - the land I would be using would be from the property line to the east which faces Cornell roadway. There would be a few that would face the road. This is what I planned to use for a buffer strip. There is 94 feet of road frontage there. Mary Potter - wanted to know if the community center could get to the back of the property on that side of the building, which we have always been able to do. Mark Bell - if the community center agrees to the agreement that has been drawn up that was one of the contingencies that I would allow you to continue to use that side of the building. There would be plenty of room. Alan Berger - is also interested in access to the back of the building as well. The fire company still leases the property that has the barn on it. ® Mary Potter - is there a copy of that lease, because I have never seen one. Was there ever one drawn up or was it just a verbal agreement. Alan Berger - it is in the minutes between the fire company and the community association. Mary Potter - that doesn't constitute a lease agreement. Alan Berger - I don't think that is material for these proceedings. But the fire company is also interested in seeing a lane in back for access. Alice Humerez - what about abandoned cars that will be sitting on your property. Mark Bell - those would be sitting on my property in Dryden. Alice Humerez - have you ever taken a look when you drive down through Varna because our nice little hamlet is beginning to look like a car lot. We have Jim Ray's parking lot that is across from us that is filled with cars half the time. Then there is William Chen with all of his used cars, then there is Snyder's broken down junkers and then there is the other car business with the apartment. It just looks like a used car lot all the way down through Varna. It ® really is detracting. 9V TB8 -12 -97 Page 7 IV Ken Finkelstein - his business is not going to add anything to the neighborhood. We already have these facilities, why would we want another garage. If it was something unique, something that would really serve the community because it wasn't there already. If you are converting a community building into a business than it would be something we could consider seriously. This does not fall into that category. on ® the other side of a concrete wall. Mary Potter - like a grocery store. Alice Humerez - mentioned about the agreement that was drawn up. It was a nice agreement, but the association voted to get a lawyer to check it over. Mark Bell - I just mentioned that I hadn't heard anything back from anyone, so I didn't know one way or the other. When I left that night we all thought we could work together and be good neighbors for each other. Dawn Potter - my concern is maintaining the quality of the community center. I don't want to go to the voting place or put on chicken Right barbecues or any other functions we have and fight with a hard noise. It is very difficult. When I am out on my porch now it is very in I am difficult he is to hold a conversation because of the noise from William so many customers, that is Chen's am garage which is over 200 feet away. I can't imagine that and noise on ® the other side of a concrete wall. Mark Bell - I currently have at the North Street location someone who lives in the front of the building on the second floor. I lived there for a short time and someone else lives there now. Occasionally the noise he hears is the spring loaded door between the garage and the office. For the most part the noise within the building is contained. There are different things you can put up to absorb the noise. I think what is going to help their situation is the concrete wall. You also have a 25 foot buffer between the entrance way so there is actually 2 concrete walls plus the area in the middle the noise has to travel through. I really think the noise will be deadened so you can carry on a conversation. William Chen - I have run my auto service for 12 years and we are trying to keep our heads above the water. Right now we have 3 garages in Varna. I am sure everyone is a hard worker, but right now everyone can make a living. Even the one coming in I am sure he is good. Everyone can share a little bit of business. You have so many customers, that is all you have. I am afraid everyone is going to have a hard time to run a business and that is my concern. Janet Morgan - I just moved into Varna across the street from the community association. I don't know the hamlet very well yet but I echo all of the concerns all of the people have raised about the diversity of the businesses in the community. We certainly have our share of auto repair businesses. I know Mr. Bell is a good repair person since I use his garage in Dryden. I am concerned about the increased traffic load. I can only imagine there would be more in and out than there is now. Ni TBB -42 -97 Page 6 ® Mary Potter - the school bus pulls in there to pick up the children and was not sure if this was going to happen this year or Trot. Mrs Chen - my concern is my 2 young children. Varna has a lot of busy traffic and we live access in back of the garage so we don't have a playground area. The children dumpster go over to the back of the community center to play in the field and if the business comes in I don't know what will happen in the back now. the building Mark Bell - the area in back of the community center is not affected by this sale. Dawn Potter - wanted to know if there was going to be any fencing put up. Mark Bell - no, since the community center wanted less access to company received the back lot. As far as dumpster and garbage everything would maintain is kept inside. always thought Supv Schug - didn't the fire company offer to sell the fire station to the community center. Alan Berger - yes we did, but they couldn't afford the price we were asking. Mary Potter - years ago when the building was built it was more or less thought that the fire company received the land for $1.00 with the idea the fire company would maintain it. They always thought that when the fire company moved out the land and the building would revert back to the community center. There was no question about it. Supv Schug - but that was never put in writing. Mary Potter - no. Dawn Potter - as a counter offer the community association had requested to purchase back the land for $1.00 plus what it cost them to put the building up when they did. This was about $35,000.00 which was not adequate enough for the fire company so they were seeking an outside person. Alan Berger - one of the concerns with the $35,000.00 offer was the community association was requiring the fire company to hold the mortgage. Jim Skaley - I also share the same property with Janet Morgan and I think the board should consider the compatible use issue. It has been brought out already in several instances we have several service stations. I think it means in terms of potential depreciation of existing properties. Some properties are being improved along Route 366 and we purchased our property because of ® its condition and enhanced value. As Ken has pointed out he is trying to improve his property as well. All of that adds to the market value for properties within Varna which is a plus in terms of /ov TB8 -12 -97 Page 9 the neighbors who are concerned about what is going across the revenue for the town. What you may gain in terms of enduring of a not for profit location to a commercial realty situation may be in fact off set by the potential depreciation of existing much better properties whose market value may go down in terms of the adjacent very good job activity. I think that is a consideration and that is one of the things a compatible use means within the zoning law. So that is something I would ask the board to consider in terms of what you think might be the future of Varna as a hamlet in terms of potential development. Supv Schug - I can't speak for the board or anyone else but, I would image Varnas unique position that close to Cornell that people driving to Cornell would like to drop their cars off in the morning and get it fixed and pick the car up at night on their way home from work. I imagine that is why Mr. Bell would like to be there. The 3 stations that are already there have been there 30/40 years. We have no control at this point other than parking and nuisance junk by the side of the road. There are 2 stations that we have cited and warned them all put taking them to court to move their junk out of the place. Mr. Bell's proposal can be at this point controlled as to what goes on the lot and what he can and can not do and set the limitations. I am sorry to say there is not a whole lot we can do with the other 3 stations that are there. Mr. Chen does keep his station pretty clean, but the other 2 stations there is little or no parking and one gentleman was infringing on Mt. Pleasant Road. He did move the vehicles and was cooperative. Jim Wilson - the Snyder garage is closed and he just works on his own cars, Alan Berger - I sympathize with the neighbors who are concerned about what is going across the street from them. Yes, a commercial business would be some what of a change from our existing building. However, the alternative is the building will be vacant. I know from a fire safety standpoint it is much better to have the building taken care of. I think Mark Bell will do a very good job in maintaining it. I understand the concerns although the alternative may not be any more tolerable. Jim Skaley - you are replacing the fire department which was public safety for a commercial status business which deals with petroleum products and other flammable products etc. You are moving from a fire protection situation to a fire hazard situation. I don't see your point. The issue is as far as looking across the street do we want to look at another used car lot and the answer is no. Does that affect the potential market value of my property, yes. Does that affect what revenues the taxes for the potential future in the Town of Dryden may receive, yes. These are the issues that you should be concerned about with compatible use within the zoning regulations. Ken Finkelstein - I feel uncomfortable with Mr. Bergers defense of the whole situation because although they have been good neighbors, I feel like I have to say what Mr. Bell had proposed to do was misrepresented to me by a fireman when I asked the question what are you planning to doing with this space. Someone from the fire TB8 -12 -97 Page 10 company came and asked me if I would be a reference for them in terms of the new property to the neighbors and I was glad to do that. On the other hand the fire company, as far as I know, did not go to any of the neighbors directly and said this is what we plan on doing with this space, how do you feel about it and getting feed back from us. I really feel sad about that. I was told by one of the fireman when I asked what the space would be used for. They told me one idea would be to have a tow truck parked in the garage as a satellite, but nothing to do with any type of repair business of any kind. I just wish they had been more forthright with us in the neighborhood. Alan Berger - that is what I was told originally. I don't know when this conversation took place or who it was with. It wasn't any intention to deceive. Mark Bell - to answer the question about a satellite station, it is basically a satellite location for us. One of the primary functions I would be doing is running a wrecker from there because I do official business for Cornell. A lot of the cars are towed elsewhere or to the city. Most people have their own facility where they want to go. I am not planning on employing numerous people. There are repairs that would be in and out the same day. Currently I have quite a few customers from that area. We have a contract with the state police and the sheriffs department and looking to deliver some of the business from Dryden to that location. Ken Finkelstein - wondered why he didn't try and purchase the garage on Route 366 and Mt Pleasant Road. Mark Bell - I tried all of our funds to purchase that and was told building they didn't donations. I want it to be an automotive use of people wanting to use the building for that repair facility. It was supposed to be a tire store when it went in. Now things have changed and now it a repair shop. It is a tenant /landlord because it wasn't a change in usage. I did actively talk with Kimball Realty on that for several months. I feel I can be a good neighbor. Clp T. Hatfield - is there a benefit to people who might be stranded if you have a satellite facility as to operating out of Dryden. Mark Bell - it would be a convenient factor. A lot of my customers are either Cornell employees or some people who live in Varna and people I have gotten to know through the AAA. I have been trying to get into that area over the last couple of years. Dawn Potter - we are a non profit organization and all of our funds for operating expenses come from fund raising, building usage, and donations. I am concerned that an active garage will diminish the use of people wanting to use the building for that purpose. Mark Bell - I personally do not think it will change that great because that is the only open space you have in front. I would be willing if you told me ahead of time that there would be a function going on I would move the cars toward the back so you could utilize the front parking area and work with you on that as long as I have some advance notice. /0 f a TBS -12 -97 Page I i Martha Case T when I came to Va JUSt I %ke we have today. As far difference in the traffic. Jane Morgan -- wanted to know if the business was sold would the the buildingm r ra in 1939 we had 3 gas stations as I am concerned I can not see any this special permit was granted and special permit go with the sale of Supv Schug - if a special permit is issued it is to the person and not the building. If the building was sold that person would have to go through the special permit process again. The permit would be i ssued t o Mr. BE! 11. Ed Bell - wanted to know if a special permit car be issued to someone else other than the owner of the building, Supt/ Schug - yes, it does not make any difference who owns the building. It is going to the tenant of the building. Supv Schug � what the town board has to look at is see if they can be mitigated to a point of making project to approve. If zt can "t be that will have later on. The board members have a lot to consider deCxsion until the 9 -2 -97 board meeting. your concerns to it a reasonable to be determined so will table Supv Schug - asked Dawn potter as secretary of the Varna Community Rsscciation prepare a list of activities, time and dates for the past couple of years to review conflicts with Mr. )dell's propped hours of want, TOWN BOARD MEETING AUGUST 1 L, 1997 Supv Schug calked the meeting to order at 8:45PM Members and guests participated in a moment of silent meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call was by Town Clerk Lloyd: Present: Supv Schug, Gip Grantham, Clp T. Hatfield, Gip C. Hatfield, Atty} PerklnSI Z. 0. Skater and Hwy Supt Gilbert APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES motion was made b Clp Grantham and 2nd by Clp C. Hatfield that the minutes of the Town Board meetings 6 -10 97 and 7 -8-97 be approved. Carries so TDB 12� 97 page t2 COUNTY BRlEEINS Co. Rep. Evans - reported the county is in the middle of their budget process. Co. Rep. Evans - reported on public safety. The county boards out about 25 prisoners a day to other ,jails. They are looking at double bunking in the jail as a temporary scrlution. They are allowed to have 72 people in the jail and they average about 68. To doable bunk they are going to have to update their security system and double the time the medical director is at the jail. If the State agrees, double bunking is only a temporary measure and they will need to see a plan for hoar the cciiintry is going to alleviate the over crowing in the jail_ There is r,o way out except to expand the size of the jail. One third of the inwates are shipped out at a cast of $80* 00 per day. This cost will more than Pay for the expansion of the ,fail. Co. Rep, Evans - the discussed county passed a county flag ordinance and only pertains to county budget flags. big Co. Rep. Lane - the county has discussed rural and the TC3 budget and a big increase in cost was the health morn. insurance. There was also a big adjustment in the enrollment of students from Tompkins County and Cortland County so they decided to set up a different format instead of looking at the enrollment each year from the two counties. Co. Rep. Lane - the rural and urban, committee will be meeting this Friday 8 -15 -97 at the conference morn. Co. Rep. Lane T repo%ted ter cable is still in the discussion stage and nothing has been accomplished. status of Co. Rep. Evans - the county public safety network has been sold and will have to be have a 213 years as to when they will not frequency any longer. COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE F'LDDR system for the radio rebuilt. The county wiII be able to use the C1p Grantham • update ors safety program - no change Att Perkins Peregrine Hollow project - asked Hwy Supt Gilbert and town engineer status of road. Hwy Supt Gilbort - t oiled but the should town road specificat I would recommend th the towns specificat shoulders on the rca he road surface 20 font lane has been stone and ers have not been. Ralph has had a copy of the ions for +4 to 5 years. As highway superintendent at the town not accept the road until it weets ions. He never stone and oiled the 5 foot d. /03 IOLI TD O� 12- 97 Rage 13 Clp. C. Hatfield Vestal - and the town specifications say the shoulders have to be stone Rsphatlt3 Don Armstrong, and gave and tax l ed. Hwy Supt,. Gilbert � correct. Supv chug - wanted to know if the stone or oil was there. Hwy Supt Gilbert - no, not on the should. Ralph Varn - on the shoulders, no. I had a contract with Vestal Rsphatlt3 Don Armstrong, and gave copies of the Contract to the board members. I was very specific with him that it should be built to town specs and that is what the Contract states. I found out a"ut this on Monday and I have had several specs for many years never remembering that the shoulders get oiled and stoned. I was leaving that up to Dori to do, He gave me a contract that stated he would put it in to town specs. I called him today and he had said he did the road on Hartwood for precision Builders that was 20 feet. I looked at it this morning and it is not 20 feet. They did the shoulders which was the extra 5 feet on bath sides malting it a 30 foot oil and stone surface. Obviously, Don Armstrong got confused and that is why we have this now, Supv Schug - wanted to know if this other road was in the Town of U r-ydevh_ Ralph Varn � it is the road Precision Builders built and Don Armstrong built. Atty Perkins - what difference does it make. This is getting old. How many extensions and excuses is he going to have. It is going to be winter again and the road is not going to be finished. Hwy Supt Silbert says the road is not done to town specificatjons. Clp Grantham wanted to know if Z.G. Slater went out and inspected things also. Z.O. Slater - yes, I looked at the mitigation plan that has to do with that. The Huling /Ash property have written to me and said they were satisfied with it. The DeHeil property was required to have the hedge row cleaned up and pine trees trimmed that were hanging in the r -o-w and any pities trees destroyed during that process were to he replaced. I hags not been able to reach the DeBel l* s to �cc if they were satisfied. The Reid property along with the Bauer were supposed to have evorgr~een trees blue spruce variety plar►ted 15 feet on center and 6 to feet in height, which they are. In between those they were to plant shrubs called a burning bush planted at the same 15 feet interval. The burning gushes are not there on either• the Bauer or Reid property. Mr. Yarn told me the Reid's did not want the bushes, so he didn *t plant them. What that has to do with Bauer"s I don't know. I d cart' t know if he doesn't have the right to plant the burning bushes for Reid because they said they didn%t mant them_ 1 need to verify with the Reid's to see whether or not they want the bushes. A TUR° 12 -97 Page 14 Ralph Varn - we have decided been to the species. We have decided to put something else up. in there. The spreading yew bushems. Clp Grantham - wanted to know about the driveway in back of the Read property. Z.O. Slater - a curb cart has been left and the sidewalk wales L nstalled to finish this up. Also a curb out was made for the dodicated Hauer driveway that exists. on the dri.vowsay Clp Grantham - wanted to know about the gradinum Z.O. Slater � there is nothing about grading. Dave Putnam - they talked about some gravel piles left over from the read. The only thing i haven't looked at is the gravel surface in back on the dri.vowsay this and where they baok filled cost more the sidewalk. told Mr. Armstrong Supv Schug - wanted to know. who set the specifications for the plantings. Z.O. Slater - the Planning Heard did for the mitigation for the SEUR declaration_ Supv Schug - then it is not up to the town board or the people to change the type of plantings that were specified. W. G. �Sgyl�atlery, � that would be rnyr thought and I have discussed this with i t� y Y' 11 . Via ■ l. Supv Hchug - you clearly haves an agreement with Vestal Asphalt to build the road to town specs. He called me today and said if he did this it would cost more money. I told Mr. Armstrong he would have to contact you. He said he couldn't do it for a week or so. Wanted to know if he told you when he could come back and get it done. Ralph Varn - Mr. Armstrong did not get back to mo. I left a message for him to send me something stat i rig he would take care of it. I am willing to work with him. I understand it is just something he has forgotten. Clp C. Hatfield - it seems awfully hard for me to understand if you are contracting with a man to put a 20 font road and 5 font shoulders that you didn't get that message through to-him or you weren't there when he did the Kork. Ralph Varn , I wasn't there when he did the work. I was specific that he do it to town specs and that was where it was left. I gave him a copy of the town specs myself. Atty Perkins - the town, doesn't noel to be in the middle of the agreesi�ent between Ralph Varn and Vestal Asphalt. The issue here its what are you going to do about the road. Hwy Supt Gilbert has a road that is not Finished and has not been finished in 2 years. THa -12 -97 Page 15 Clp Grantham - the extension was for August let. If .Don can't do it is rtow because he has something else scheduled I think we should have it done by contrast. Hwy Supt Gilbert - you don't want to do much stone and 0i1 after Oct, 1st. Ralph Varn � I feel we certainly have made an effort beside this mistake. It would be virtually dome except what Henry has pointed cut aboQt the burring bushes. I am certain Dorn and I can work something out to finish that up. 1 would like to see something to help me reduce the bond and peg another number~ on what the shoulder might cost and get me back some of the money. I can make a deal with Don to get that work done. He knows he didn't do it to town specs. Clp C, Hatfield - I don't agree with that. a We aren't going to do any move business with yQu at ail. I think we leave the bond where it is and have Don get it dor7e. When it gets done to town specs you get the bond back. We have monkeyed around with this to long to make any deals now to make any sense, The town board has bent over backward for 2 years. When there is a due date you come in with arqoth " excuse. Orn# august Ist we made a motion to get the work done and leave the bond in place. I am tired :�f all of this. Ralph Varn - the road off Ellis Hallow Road, Drooktree Road, that Doug Sutton is building homes there are 19 lots there that is a tcren road. Wanted -to know if there was any particular reason that road is not done. Z.O. Slater - I am not familiar with that sub division right now to make a comment ors, Ralph Harr - that G i l bert - sub division sure, but has have been In there probably 5 years longer than mine and still does not have a 'fop on the road... Hvjy Supt G i l bert - was not sure, but there still is a bond. I will have to check back through the paper work. SUPV Schug - we will take a look at that, but it does not change the Peregrine project, Ralph Varn thought that I am struggl t�^ying not t pay soy ob I i g here. I don' to long. F have been worki, some people would ing to survive 1ik o move away. I am at ions and I don't t think I need to nD hard u nderst e every trying t think I get yell in getting the -wor and that business contractor in Itha o make things 000rk have donne anythin ad at because this k dome and I is tough arvd ca. I am so I can g horrible has gone on Glp C. Hatfield - you may not think you rued to be yelled at, but we are awfully tired of hearing about it. A deal is a deal and when a guy keeps Bluffing off and doesn't stand up tc his end it bothers me terrible whether you get yelled at or not. When I make a deal I try to keep my word and you have not dome that, El TB6- 12 -97 Pagan 16 Ralph Vann - i have tried. It is difficult Clp C. Hatfield someone else to come - you have not tried from what your hard Lushes enough from my position. It is difficult That will also carne month the bond dons. after whether~ month and trying, to the hear your excuses. Supv Schug - you will have to get the people from vestal Asphalt or you are golnn to be the loser if he doesn't get back and do it quick. If Dort gets someone else to come morxey will core from what your bond is. Lushes planted before Dort gets there we them. That will also carne from the bond dons. say whether~ or not they are satisfied and trying, with in to stone and Oil the If you don't get the burning will have someone else plar'rt and whatever else has to be Z.O. Slater - I will have to contact the DeDelis to make sure they are satisfied as we did months with Huling /Ash also the Reids. They should have the opportunity .I understand to say whether~ or not they are satisfied and trying, with the work. too and the problem in trying has gotten to be tiredo Supv Schug we will put the burning bushes in because that is part of the Planning with Board agreement. you have been trying to gnat this done through, Clp T. Hatfield � we would have been perfectly within our rights to have exercised contractually to have completed this work months ago and charged it back to Ralph Pugust 1st a year ago. .I understand where you are coming from, you are trying and trying, We are trying too and the problem in trying has gotten to be tiredo We have been trying to work with you for a year while you have been trying to gnat this done through, whatever means are available to you. We are now saying the time for trying is finished. It hae to be done now, there L s not anymore roam for trying. What happens now based on history we could be sitting here a year from now if we don't take action now. We are running out of time. You can plant burning bushes in November if you Want to+ but they are not going to live. Supv Schua - Feed's water hook up - board members have copy from health department. fatty Perkins - Dryden High School access road � the high school requested the town put in a road extending from Mott Road to the new addition of the Dryden Jr /Sr high schQol. They furnished the town with a survey of the property, abstract of title, the proposed [feed ete. I have prepared a proposed order for the highway superintendent to order the laying out of a town highway in the area proposed by the school. There is a consent of the town board which is necessary for the highway superintendent i n malting that order. Board members have copy of order. If the board is willing upon execution of the deed by the school and pay all expenses in connection with the trarlsfer^ the highway supa?rIntende cti nt ca sign the order and the town board can sign the consent. It would_ be recorded in the office of the towwn clerk, / d7 ,vV TD8-12 -97 page 17 Clp Grantham wanted it explained as to why the town would want to do th ism Supv Schug - wanted to know if she had received the letter Don Trombley had written. The main not concern is to bring the road up the hack parking lot to get the buses of Route 38o The upper portion would be for the new school and the lower portion of the property would be allowed to be used by the town for a sports field and athletics. The biggest factor* is safety in getting the buses off Route 38 and access the back of the school where the new pool is going. The road turned over and being built would be built during off times of the year^ when the highway department has the time. A lot of the work that has to be done is just labor. it is mainly just clearing and bulldozer work and grading. There will be some money expe!n6ed when it comes to putting the drainage in. A lot of that can be done with our equipment. I figure it will be 3 to 4 years for building the road since we would be doing it when we had the time. Clp Grantham � my question school is what benefit do we get that we would not get if the school built ies now the road. Supv Schug � the school would probably not build the road. Clp Grantham but we can still use those, fields if the town wants tom 0 Supv Schug - no we can't, the school owns those fields. Atty Perkins - the school has a long hi town through its recreation program irr for use of the town and town residents and athletic fields, etc. The town is u ,just as the school is under no obligati their facilities, story of cooperation with the providing their fciliti including the swimming pool nder no obligation to do this on to allow the town to use Supv Schug - a good example is TC3. They do not allow the town to use any of their facilities and look at the taxes we are paying on that. We get very little use out of TC3 even their swimming pool, The high school swimming pool during the school year is open for Tamil use or a regular scheduled basis for entire town USe. Cip T. Hatfield - it is purely cooperation between the town and the School. CXp Grantham - people in the Dryden school district can use the schoor foci 1 it ies now whether the town builds this road or not. Pftty Porkins - those are not school programs per may_ Clp Grantham � the community has access to them. Atty Perkins - if someorxe is there running the program, being responsi kyle,, promoting, advertising, and safety. TBS�12 -97 Rage I8 CIp Grantham - putting in a road does not change that. I don't pay taxes in the school district, but if the town builds this road then I am essentially paying taxes in 2 school districts. I think that I can not agree to have the town build this road. Clp C. Hatfield - a resident asked me if the school was gc+ing to pay the cost or the town. His concern was there were a lot of students that were in the school district but were not in the Town of Dryden and he thought that was unfair that the Town of Dryden residents would be paying for the road for all of the school district. I told him I would look into it and get back to him. Supv Schug I think what we get out of the high school and the cooperation was receive I feel it is a good project and is worthwhile doing for the safety of the childr;en. Clp T. Hatfield - you have to consider the eoopet^ation one expects and wants isn't always there and sometimes YOU can reap the better ones w i t h convenience and cost to everyone. T h i s would be put in over a 3 to 4 year period of time using the equipment and man powerr as Jim as laid it out. You can't expect cooperation from Don Trambley for things like public education programs which they don't have to do. Those are things where you have mutual aid between the community and district. The access is for the whole community any way you look at it. Wanted to know if these was a rough estimate as to what it will cost. Supv Schug � this would be ill mile of road and would cast about ill million dollars. We would use town equipment and man power during there off times at town work. Out of pocket money for the town would cost less than $200,004,40 over a 314 year period. The high school did express the possibility working with Don on the highway equipment and using their garage and subcontract in the event our mechanic retires. The other thing the high school is going to need to fix their parking lot arid thought the town could do their parking lot rather than an outs 1 d e contractor~. Clp Grantham - I don't have any objection it is a in the theory, buses and children but 1 ,just can't agree to accepting it because of the cost to the taxpayers in Dryden and I don't know how much we would use the facie 1 it ies. Gupv Schug I personally think it is a good idea irr jr�st getting the school buses and children off Route #38. There arc about 45/48 buries that would access the new road. That was part of the nsideration and concern for the expenditure of funds. CIp Grantham - if it is a concern the school district should be doing it not the town. Attar Perkins a letter went to all of the board members. I think the rational is the town has a highway department and equipment and man power and can build roads. We are not in the swimming pool business, recreation business, or education business. There is TBS�12�97 'age 19 somewhat of a quid pro gQ01 how you measure that I am not sure, Certainly the school makes an argument in why this was a good exchange am stated in Dr. Trombleyfs letter of July 7th. ThLa town would get something and the school would get something and everyone I s better off for it. It certainly is clear that town residents who are not in the school district will be paying for this road but those people are also eligible to participate in all town and recreation ac=tivities conducted at the school. This should be a, factor that you should take into account when you make your decision. Dr. Trombiey makes a number of good arr^gumerts as to why this is something that the town should consider doing" There are arguments bath ways, Supv Schug - 1 have never drawn a line as to who is paying for what as long as all of our young and old people get ar fair share. We are talking about building a road to the high school that would benefit the children why shcauld that the go people to in school. Plow Ellis Hollow we are help drawing pay for a lure that road and saying with town takes. We pay money in town taxes for a lot of things that everybody doesn't participate in. GLR C. Watfireld - wanted to know haw much it would cost to raise $200,1040.00 on the tax base. Su,pv Schug - would havLa to figure that out. 40 Clp Grantham - if you did that 1 would be swilling to take that information to the people in my part of town who have been asking. Supt/ Schug � .1 will figure out what this will work out to. Atty Perkins W the tither way to loon at it is to say what if the school decides to start charging the town for providing facilities for the town recreation. fatty Perkins � Kimberly Drive - no change Ptty Perkins - Timmerman /Blechinger - no change Rtty Perkins Cortland Paving (Ottenshot) no change ENGINEERING Pinckney Road drainage study Y will have report by 9 -2-97 hoard meeting. Dryden Road water problem (Cale) - no t:hanige ZONING OFFICER 0 Monthly report - report gXven to hoard raembers 4 lerr f a at To V 0 �1rA b. it ' Lam; I 1.1 i I I - Iii v: t.i - ':r 4 "1 :. r I of { ( ) Conditioned Family Wit- 91 Z;'Q� 1'1LIQ Cert• ificLlte of Cjc upanny ( ) Dryer P TI ': QWT'1 U!L'c'r "''J l.:; zi' Compl'imnce (3) 5t8r•t5 • I [� 1 I -I'' �� I'll Z.1 1 A -1 lJ I "I L 'I'I r�. 1-1 ---L rt �,' Lr I} d E.' I_ ' i ' (.} T -'.: !; Ir � rl J. 'J'F . Family Hones .] i li 4 `} i � 1_l i I d -1 El r G T-1 2 T "1 L] AC t I V ] 1" ._P S E? €_ +:: 'I .i install new con-FQrming .i mobile BIE Id7Yi I,I 1. "'i}I~IFIi 4�i II� 1"Lr ? 7 t h �? IPI a T-i t h o f J 1 "1. 3. 'Y ' rJ "i , i�'-A r' C3 Z a r ~t IN U 11 t i b1 -i. i ld�ll� e1'm1 5 '.�h5�ch`1 L�reS dQ i b e d as fu1. ,L oLr� }. P -1 5i,nfgie of QCC1.tparl,:y ( ) Conditioned Family Cert• ificLlte of Cjc upanny ( ) Hone, ;tificzte new Compl'imnce (3) 5t8r•t5 A -1 Single Family Hones TICW StE,%t,s, install new con-FQrming mobile fl 'JI +Ies 117 si Ti. glt wi.de c1) A -1 Extend urn penoyate eN:istinq sing]. Lp favii1 home (I ) C -7 iT1 : Private nwimmirr4 POD 1. (:1) C�4. 1 Lr ;ec't a det {zched prJ vat Gak`LiC]. F.` {L� C: 7 C- -7 Erect M,-LscQI Ext• Ianaous er i Qr Der Canstr'1.9E�t"LOn k A s !7embl v ± 1 (4) ) B —� Erie's:-t a f 4 Fe'd j]or•Fl1 i' or y e Geoff -r� e Jun i an Re p1a� i i { 1) C rtificate5 of Occ1"1.pancy and C anipl.J.0P.ce CertifiC%at•e of QCC1.tparl,:y ( ) Conditioned Cert• ificLlte of Cjc upanny ( ) Cer ;tificzte of Compl'imnce (3) PW4 tic 1117spL�QtiOT15, rime Safely C41.1.ltiple Residence Fa.ciIi'ties ftJ) B1_lsine5s Facilities f ) Hr me 02L Care Facilities (LEI) Fire znvestigata,Qn There was ons fire 11Fj +_Lt of uentt %01 br it was under compl cDntrol was receiv the fire be peat ou S f 6 f% at 19 ush fi ete co ing ma t u n t i the M 20 Dr re ". T"1 t 'r 6 I ny re 1 clay Update, Qn Issues of C0T10Penvl: - - Work delayed as firlak7'e seLim tD be i}vtere5Eted i Structure has been stab 014ner Paladino has prov will be completed. SA (J t - No RMS Grav Recei y I} 11' I 1 r` Of a DEC I hat the chZT1ge, C Lr)-nen el Special FIe ved Uraft Envi ecall, this is Mine Plermit f ideal time fo 3 t 1 r�m i r�Qn t ILI oft r t a t m h onth yde'n In a b LL t pGr t nigh 0-F Rua c t 1-k 1s was 5 of .b wh J d 1 i ra 1 w a ch Y hich Y, be publi woods wi a s Was ing r n f i r- arn EL w ui r• � P1 r'eportLa dt all after dark, sanne e5 fine . I f %egLlested iLad with. r-Ford Road i.a a Problem. Done of the local. bank. n r4QV ' I ing funds for th l cc rrepair . i 1 i zed alid made safLs from eT"1-Cry. ided a a,lr'itten assurance, the project me Status. r`PC5° ROa4d i.n Tovin Attorney's Hands_ Q { }uth FYI iT1e, Mott load ental Impact Statement 915197, PIS final step prior to the possible issue hCA project. It was suggested by DEC e 'Fawn Special permit Meaning would be J i ._ dLL:'111fi� r' 1'= 1�L -�-S L ".i�illlj{E'1,t Perioel wrlic�� #JS�.�. L- nry on �J, }�i.'97& 1= 3 you wi 11 r ~eC2aII thf. T [�wr, F },q�rrF i� 1 .1,.1 inQcet c,,1. T1 "1.esdo7y Sept&mbQr �'r�rJ �'athrer; -'u- han the 1}'N h I`her e A l a G`r7 "tlil Lf t. 0(E.czial nloPti.ng P ;'te End. I C'r1T1 Ine pr q.pareri tc-, s.E.'t L'r 5;; a P. s, e.ItI'I -r Lq3 }Vnu Wa1)U to ga. �'I'C'tac�;e[l is ��rt: 'C9, i= i -5 42 V%G '1. Litt f a !< a =.�L:_t, ci ] -� i -� D �..� n "s; rl $: i'i'I; �i h :I. m PC r "t a n't a !4 LIE c. S C} l thr 5)19L§.j c:: ca'r'e fDU11r1 4n r'agEq .$�1 „�:, +�tej11tJ.a.1 tTiVI'rL,DnFeI1 a: 1 m paL e 's' ', Ill Al I T-1 d u :i FPnQ {iQr been comp inlrstal.leij business tri e e -ti l.f:t e si f J j n g !1 ecl. T Pro Pe idle. Building has also, been completed an6 is s "E,aLiy i-or a Cer�tificaate of CJcs_l.tp�xncy, pending mite Flan 1tEviw Rar•i .i�PProva�. Ellis Drive Fie(fgaj n5: same as tai% Ir,tin.F h. as been e'Limp,letQd. Lawn work iTi front has ht-% } tall eve��gPE?2T-1 tr�nOrn have been r t & Lxui.IdiT,g is for Sale, curr•entIv ZQT1inf1 L ".QarCl 0f FI�),1s: The 7 B IIvJ.d (I? hPL.WiTrg fcrrn the PE?ViE'w fDr PlEaSaT5t MOI"tntait) SkAbdivj$;jona a pr E° m.111ar`y purpose of rev.ie'wing B T %egUOSt forr zm above ground pr i.va.tc� usre 5wiinmJ.ng pou:l.1 131 aced L1Dser th&T1 901 from the uun4er of NYS Route 1A 8aSed ui) a Lar4efL11 review of the easel site and fact -tha-- abcive {"r=ound pDn1s can be remoyeci and are pen rally TE:mpurarzya Board Approved Regupst. PILTinilig 5rP;ord: The Planning Font r d had sGhudulE }d ca Final Plat PE?ViE'w fDr PlEaSaT5t MOI"tntait) SkAbdivj$;jona a pr E° m.111ar`y & S.p.ec%iR1 PE+r'RIit Project ShE�gt review and a Sketch Confer"'enLte. None of these scheduled reviews Clccurred, as the Board ULDUld nE}t obtain a qucrr l .srn, All J +_rly reviews haye been r`esr_heduled for August 21st. Sit Pla.n Rey iew & S.p.ec%iR1 PE+r'RIit Project ShE�gt ttclC:h d .i.5 a {'{}p/ Crf C1ur" Site P11ztn i'vvit'vl 5PL ?Qial. Permit trAacE king orogr arij. Yery trkvly yours, Henry M. Slater 7OTiiIly & 1riraj 1,ding Made Enforcement Officwr All Dri%jdcn Town Fear ^d Members Susanne Lloyd, Dryden TO WTI Clerk Mahlon R. Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney State EnvirnainUltal uaiity Review Notice of Complete Application Notice of Completion of Draft RI 1_.eftd Agencyo New York State Depart]t T� L of Enyironrr]tntal Coiiservation Address: 1285 Fisher Avenue Cortland) NY 13045' Applicane: RMS Gravel PO Box 455 Dryden, ICY 13A53 Project dumber: 7- 5024 - 00119x'00001 Pemits Applied: Article 23 , Title 27; Ne w York State Mimed Land Reclamation Law Date= July 30, 1997 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertainine, to A�rbcle 8 (State Environmental Qutxlity review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law_ Draft Environmental fmpact. Stabmmtnt h s been completed and accepted for the proposed action described below, Comments on the T)raft El S are ceq=s(ed and will be accepted by the contact person until September 8, 19971 Name of Actiort: RMS Gravel ir». proposed 121 acre mining opeijaclon with processing at off -si[e location, Description of Action. The app 11C;tnt proposes the operation of a 121.45 acre uFiconsolidated saTid and gravel mine on a 12 3. 1 acrc, parcel_ Material %vi11 be ti•anspurted via a convevOf- SyS[CIn and under Mott Road [o RMS's exisi.ing 1 artlett Mine, for processing (5creeliin0 ��nd ��+t�shing). Location of Project+ Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, south of Mott Road end east of Bart Road {ftpproxiniately l mile west of the junction of l £ S Routes 13 &r 3 8 k oticc 0 f Co nip I c ce AppILLa'Lie7rtll Co iii pletton of Draft EIS rage 2 Potcntiai Enviroziinental lrnp :acts: Pmerlfial etivironmenial iInpacls Gh.a wort identified 'tilclikcicd impacts m groundwater, surface wa«.r kind freshwater wer1cmd G- k-1 Other potcntill impacts cttnicrkA around the large - scale, long - temi nay ure ofthe project_ Rers�c val of seven niilliort plus cubic yards of mater -HO flogs a 121 rscrp urine on a 12 3 acre site. By natw-e of the: location of the site, it impact on community character and vis4sal implications were also considered_ The site w i I J be visible from N YS Route: 13 far a substantial distance (appiroximately 1300 feet). N S Route 13 is tho main eat -west corridor between comnl4anities to the east of Ithaca and north and west of Dryden_ Since the applicant proposes to utilize the washing piant already established on the Bartlett mine, this proposal raises concerns with regard to delayirrg the reciamation of the Bartlett slit_ It also rue " concerns for the impacts associated with the waste water from the ashing/processing oper<ation disc to its proximity to fall Creek and Freshwater WetLmd CSR" 14_ Docttinent Availability: A. copy of the DEIS is available for review at the following locations; Town of Dryden Towel HaE NYS DeparLrnent of Environmental Conservation 5 East Main Street Division of Environinental Pennits Dryden. NY 13053 125 Fisher ,venue Cortland, NY 1 3045- 1090 SoutEst+ orth Library Imain ,street Drvdcn, N Y 13053 Contact Posen Ivlichacl K. Barv[ski Address: NYS Department ofEI Viroatrtentai csnservatlon Division of Environmental Permits 1255 Fisher Avenue Cortland, NY 1 _3045m][090 3095 e t_ 233 Tclolone Number; (60 7) 753, A coley of this Notice t*zzt to: Commissioner, De partment of Environmental C oraservatir)n Environmental Nptice EiullUM RMS Gravel Jonathan Harl•ingloil, 143Irington AL�sociatcs Painck _ SilydeilL PIE., Esq, Town of Drydcn New York State Department of EnvironmentaI Conservation Region 7, Division of Environmental Permits 1285 Fisher Aventic Cortland, NY 1304541090 141y 71 Ext. 233 FA (607)753 -8532 31, 1997 11V1-r. James Schug ScIpervisor, Town of Dryden 65 East Main Street Dcyddm, fNY 13053 Dear Mr- Schug9 I John P- Cahill Gominfnriuner Enclosed arc two copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement that has been prepared for TAMS Gravel rile. for their proposed 121 acre mine- Ong of these copies is for your person.al use, the 01her for use by the general public- It would be helpful if you could arrange to have the second copy available for general public use at the Town Hall- Also enclosed is a copy of the public notice chat RMS will be publishing in the local newspaper anniaurrcing the availability of the DEIS and the close of the comment period on September 8, 1997. A fair number of copies of the DEIS were requestcd from the applicant's consultant. are being provided to other Town of Dryden officials CMS follows= qPHenry Slater, Town Code Enforcement Officer (I copy) Charles Hatfield, Deputy Supervisor, Town Board (2 copies) Barb.tra Caldwell, Town Planning Board Chriir (1 copy) Copies of the DEIS Please mote tliat copies will also bevilable for re.+ie at the Dryden public Library and the DEC Regional Office at 1285 Fisher Avenue in Cortland, If you have any questions, or if you believe i,h,at additionitl coplecq of the DEIS will I)e rnecessarv, pie ;use Feel tree l.o call mtm acid I will do what 1 can to obtain then, Sincerely, Michael F. Barylskl Deputy Regionai Permit Administrator MKB:, vc Joseph roskiew"CZ W/elncl. Chad Covey RMS Gimavel, lnc. Henry ,Slater iencl- TtMll Pl.,111113, n2 Board wk![iLl. F Ralph Manna Jonathan Harrington Patrick M- Snyder, I'-E,% Esq- Tii tl Board wiencl. MBE John P- Cahill Gominfnriuner Enclosed arc two copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement that has been prepared for TAMS Gravel rile. for their proposed 121 acre mine- Ong of these copies is for your person.al use, the 01her for use by the general public- It would be helpful if you could arrange to have the second copy available for general public use at the Town Hall- Also enclosed is a copy of the public notice chat RMS will be publishing in the local newspaper anniaurrcing the availability of the DEIS and the close of the comment period on September 8, 1997. A fair number of copies of the DEIS were requestcd from the applicant's consultant. are being provided to other Town of Dryden officials CMS follows= qPHenry Slater, Town Code Enforcement Officer (I copy) Charles Hatfield, Deputy Supervisor, Town Board (2 copies) Barb.tra Caldwell, Town Planning Board Chriir (1 copy) Copies of the DEIS Please mote tliat copies will also bevilable for re.+ie at the Dryden public Library and the DEC Regional Office at 1285 Fisher Avenue in Cortland, If you have any questions, or if you believe i,h,at additionitl coplecq of the DEIS will I)e rnecessarv, pie ;use Feel tree l.o call mtm acid I will do what 1 can to obtain then, Sincerely, Michael F. Barylskl Deputy Regionai Permit Administrator MKB:, vc Joseph roskiew"CZ W/elncl. Chad Covey RMS Gimavel, lnc. Henry ,Slater iencl- TtMll Pl.,111113, n2 Board wk![iLl. F Ralph Manna Jonathan Harrington Patrick M- Snyder, I'-E,% Esq- Tii tl Board wiencl. h+ m LL fiJ Q N Q F Ln 3` iz to IL w U) H z LU 0 ri F #J W UL O LU J H Q � LU U Z w = � O 3L M ❑ P ; 4 a: L) 33A w U u Q o Q F�- J WC Z LU U w = � O CL C J 4 } p 4 LLI G 33A & 0o u 0 d Q i W 4 l7 G m d V1 � y ti LU 4 J W 4 IDM C W, C o l kii CD -G O tL w € {+] r LLI i .Em LLI G c _ a°r° 0 3? 0 out � a G p CS C 0LnQ 0 Lt3rC. z LL CL O J U Jn � O CL C J 4 Z 2 aL G 33A & d u 0 d ti LU 4 J W 4 IDM C W, C o l kii CD -G O tL w € {+] r LLI i .Em LLI G c _ a°r° 0 3? 0 out � a G p CS C 0LnQ 0 Lt3rC. z LL CL O J U Jn � LLI CL C rt LL r ti LU 4 J W 4 IDM C W, C o l kii CD -G O tL w € {+] r LLI i .Em LLI G c _ a°r° 0 3? 0 out � a G p CS C 0LnQ 0 Lt3rC. z LL CL O z W a O .'.75 CL m pry uC CL C r- r Im � CJ ti LU CL -0- C Q z t L1 F r -rj a 4 C } 4 O fl} G C T � CL L Lr- 0 rn °P 6 N � 4} � 3 C } = a7 E� rQ Z O -0 N CD m m IV QG r al LM {C ti" J ILL of r ELM J Q N L cz C r d ] V O �z CL X -i � E O } Y as p� pj qL v 0 lu ru O O in C9 e a L 3 z W a O .'.75 CL m pry uC CL C r- r Im � CJ ti LU CL -0- C Q z t L1 F r -rj a 4 C } 4 O fl} G C T � CL L Lr- 0 rn °P 6 N � 4} � 3 C } = a7 E� rQ Z O -0 N CD m m IV QG r al LM {C ti" J ILL of r ELM 2 LU C: o 3 5 , 2u. ) ƒg\ %0" \ e = _ , > ` w 9 2 § §_§ �( 2: ro L ) ® \ 3 \& E; �] \ \ J ± Ck , o 0 2 CL J 3 0 §Z 0< 7L IL c lu § } / 7 e \ §� % wk§ § § z R W L) § k \ \ - 7 LU \j =/ \ LL J o S- 5>, 3 e w Ld \ Ak ? m � � \/ 2 ro> 03 cm $ k0 CL rm § § < Ln 4 \ \ D \ k 4 tL CL § /u � to km a J / q © ILiL @ $ ± 23 a oLL k \/ r ¥: 4 mk� m� / z§$S S� k ƒa R» M �k\ 3 -0 co j § §§ /\ -�D 8/ ® R\d 3t> \Lnc 2E§ 22� 2f/ <j9§ // TBS -12 -97 Page 20 not heard from them Clp T. Hatfield but Z.O. Slater - reported that MAK is ready for their final they are C.O. If the board is satisfied with the screening, planting and lawn public work that has been done the building is ready. Gus would like the officer. certificate so he can get financing. He has decided not to sell the for business or that property. person. Supv Schug - wanted to know if Henry had contacted Dana Abbey at Dryden Mutual Ins. to make sure they were satisfied with what has been done. As far as the board is concerned that is the only problem with this project. Z.O. Slater - have not heard from them Clp T. Hatfield but I will get a letter from Dryden Mutual Ins. stating they are satisfied. work load I have it would Schedule public hearing 9 -2 -97 - Roy Reeves - RMS Gravel at 7:30PM RESOLUTION #148 SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING - RMS GRAVEL Clp Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board schedule a public hearing for RIMS Gravel on 9 -2 -97 at 7:30PM. 2nd Clp T. Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes Z.O. Slater RESOLUTION #149 SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING - HUD Clp T. Hatfield offered the following resolution Enforcement and asked for its adoption: 1997. Based on the work load I have it would RESOLVED, that this Town Board schedule a public hearing for HUD on 9 -2 -97 at 7:30PM. certified code enforcement officer. 2nd Clp Grantham Roll call vote - all voting Yes Z.O. Slater - received letter from Clint Cotterill resigning as Ass't Code Enforcement Officer effective Dec. 31, 1997. Based on the work load I have it would be better if we hired another full time person who is already a certified code enforcement officer. Will send board members information regarding the request for a full time person. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Dryden Lake park pavilion reservations - no action taken at this t i me. New pickup truck - end of year delivery - 1998 truck for price of 1997 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT •Hwy Supt Gilbert - Bone Plain Rd - have changed the 2 pipes in the road and now waiting for rain to see if everything is working. TB8 -12 -97 Page 21 Hwy Supt Gilbert - Ferguson Road culvert by Cook's is in. Keith Lane culvert is in and the road is paved over. Ferguson Rd bridge - have heard they will start work on after the bicentennial. Supv Schug - I have not heard a word. The town is expected to pay 20 per cent of the cost of the bridge Genung Circle and I have not seen a set of plans and no one has called. I have written letters and no one has said a word. When they do were in here one time talking about it I told them not to look for any money until next year if they can't have the courtesy to give this board a map and plans and talk about it. Atty Perkins - the town never signed the agreement with the county for the 20 per cent so you are really only responsible for the deck and the approaches. I think it should be on record advising them of that. Supv Schug - they have not had the courtesy to talk to us. Clp Grantham - I agree with that but I think we should be on record advising them that we never signed the agreement and they should realize that before they go spending money. Clp T. Hatfield - I think it is worth putting them on notice. Supv Schug - will send them a letter putting them on notice. ® Hwy Supt Gilbert - Yellow Barn Rd - no change - Caswell Road - will be open by winter. One ton truck delivered - 8 -6 -97. Hile School Road - waiting for cement and problem has been solved with DEC. Hammond Hill Road - (dozer) no change. Hwy Supt Gilbert help - will and I have a work on 1 1/2 mile on Snyder Hill Road and Genung Circle was wondering will get him back for a be chip sealing a day in if funds are available. Dianne said I couldn't Hwy Supt Gilbert - summer help have left and I have a seasonal employee who works during the summer and was wondering if I could get him back for a few hours a day in the fall for sandblasting etc. Dianne said I couldn't do it because he was seasonable. I would like the town board to consider this. I would like to meet with the highway committee before the meeting on 9 -2 -97 to consider this if possible. CORRESPONDENCE The town board 'accepted resignation from Clint Cotterill D I SIC iSS I ONE RESOLUTION #150 DRYDEN LAKE POLICE PROTECTION Clp Grantham c adoption: RESOLVED, at t police protect the town it wi 2nd Clp T. Hat ffered the following re his time the Town Board ion at Dryden Lake. If 11 be reconsidered at a field Roll cal solution and feels it is it is in the future date. I vote - all asked for its unnecessary for best interest of voting Yes jig /i3 TB8 -12 -97 Page 22 Ambulance software - Sweetsoft 2000 in the amount of $5,980.00 CDBG program to assist business with job creation - board members have copy. RESOLUTION #151 APPROVE ABSTRACT #108 Clp C. Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption" RESOLVED, that this Town Board approve abstract #108 as audited. Voucher #655 to #770 for a total of $305,137.11. 2nd Clp Grantham Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #152 AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE COURSE AT TC3 FOR WEB CREATING Clp C. Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize Teri and Dianne McFall to attend course at TC3 for web creating and to reimburse after attendance. 2nd Clp Grantham Roll call vote - all voting Yes FINANCIAL REPORT - available to board members JUSTICE REPORT - board members have copy NEW BUSINESS HUD RESOLUTION #153 APPOINT PERMANENT PART TIME RMS PARAMEDIC /CLERK - Nathan Paddock ® Clp T. Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Nathan Paddock as a permanent part time paramedic /clerk effective 8 -13 -97 at the rate of $9.65 per hour_ 2nd Clp Grantham Roll call vote - all voting Yes FINANCIAL REPORT - available to board members JUSTICE REPORT - board members have copy NEW BUSINESS HUD hearing - 9 -2 -97 at 7:3OPM RMS Gravel hearing - 9 -2 -97 at 7:45PM Continue Bell's Auto special permit hearing - 9 -2 -97 Adjourned: 12:00 midnight Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk HUD 1997 SMALL CITIES COMMUNITY .DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM It is anticipated that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will announce its 1997 funding round for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. There are one major change to the Program, which is that the grant limit for single - purpose applications has been reduced from $600,000 to $400,000. A community may continue to file more than one application, as long as the total of the two applications does not exceed $400,000. Application can be made for one year of funding, and multi -year applications will not be permitted this year. The basic application guidelines have remained the same, and we anticipate a grant application deadline from HUD in late October or early November. The Town has expressed an interest in submitting a enhanced version of its housing rehabilitation program which was rejected by HUD in the 1996 round of funding. The Planning Department has begun work on the 1997 application, and anticipates having a revised application completed in advance of the deadline. The two public hearings for the program has been scheduled, and will be completed in accordance with the requirements of the Community Development Block Grant program. An Abbreviated Consolidated Plan will also prepared as part of the application. At the present time, the Planning Department does not anticipate any changes from the 1996 Abbreviated Consolidated Plan which was approved as part of the 1996 Small Cities application. The Town of Dryden has received funding through the HUD Small Cities Program in 1995, and the 1996 Program application was the only other application which the Town has applied for. The 1995 funds were combined with .Housing Preservation Grant funding Better Housing for Tompkins County, the County's Rural Preservation Company, was awarded for use in parts of Tompkins County, Tompkins County is also considering projects for an economic development loan program of up to $100,000. Tompkins County will be receiving funding of $500,000 in the 1997 round for its Homeownership Program, and may apply for up to $600,000 in total for all Small Cities projects in the 1997 round of funding. Any such economic development projects which may exist in the Town of Dryden are welcome to submit proposals for assistance to the County Planning Department.