HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-03-08Jl TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 8, 1994 PUBLIC HEARING SPECIAL PERMIT - University Cycles Minutes of the public hearing held at 7;30PM Supv Schug - read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning University Cycles. (copy in minute book) QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS Hamilton A 1 1 port - he has operated a small ril ot � ircyc 1 e business out of his home can Ellis Hollow Road for �r the last 5 years which is located in the Town of Ithaca. He would like to move his business to a building he owns at 80` Dryden Rd. He did not think this Would have an adverse affect. The Cornell bus garage is right next door and has a greater scope then what he envisions for his proposed anything and sells operation. All of business he owns that would negatively refurbished motorcycles. the surrounding and rents out. impact his This houses He interest. is a near this does not plan on He repairs sideline hobby that bit of business franchised either. that he does for dealer, but he His business at the enjoyment. He would riot want present time does to is not envision being rule anything out low volume part time a work. He business minor does riot there, given how think but this much he Supv Schug - submitt had received. (copy Erica Evans - is riot every day and there worries very much ah ed in a is out a letter minute bo close ne i very poor safety. from John Vasse, Real Estate he 014). ghbor, but she travels that road visibility at this location. She Hamilton endeavor situation problem there. Al l port has on the one way He - agreed sit uat or the other. feels his with her, however, it.- in is not going Traffic in impact in terms the impact to change the general is a of noise and that bit of his a congestion activity a reason sensitive ion is that fj_1r him to � the going is to be relatively already there. not to have situation. his He business minor does riot there, given how think but this much he should is be Harold Simons - wanted to know where he was going to let people go to try out the mr. 1t orcyc l es? Hamilton Allport - there is very little test riding done in the motorcycle business, because it is to risky from the owners standpoint. His driveway is 300 feet long and there is little need for a test track or a test ride. The only problem he would see would be increased traffic in the driveway. He did not think the noise aspect would be a problem. Harold Simons - wanted to know the hours he was proposing to be there. 11I hJIJTEh1HPJ F'F:E ':3 TEL : ,roc -4 r -9139 1�1ar t7? , 94 12 : 00 Pdo , �_r05 F' . n 1 John Vasse -Real Estate Business and Commercial Propertie Post OMCB Box 426 Telephone Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 277 005 RECEIVED March 7, 1994 MAR ' 7 1994 ZONING & BUILDING DEPT. i Di7den'bwn Board 65 Fast Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 To the attention of The Town Supervisor and Zoning Officer; We are requesting that this letter be read at the PUBLIC HEARING to bo held March Bth at 7:30 p,m, at The 'Gown Hall, Drydeti, New York in reference to the application of HaMilton A.11port DBA Univet'sity Cycles, We are VERY DISTURBED at the prospect of a mototoyele sales acid service business being located at 802 Dryden Road, Township of Dryden at the intersection of Highway 366 and The Gtttme Farm Road, • We are the owaers of the apartment cornple,[ ((SAME FARM ROAD APARTMENTS) which is located within 500 fast of the subject proposal. We, along with our teniants, Are concerned about the inevitable use of Gage Farm Road as 3 testing track for new hr repaired motorcycles. The noise pollution that will result cannot be eantrolled once the tnotomycle leaves the shop, in spite of the best intentions of the zoning officer, Our tenants for the mut part consist of full time employees and retirees from Cornet). They selected to t"Ide at Game Farm Apartments because of the quiet pastoral atmosphere which exists on the border of CAmtylt University`s Campus, The extra traffic generated by the proposed motorcycle huxineaF will emly M the congastiotl altoacly ecisting At this int0mecd.c tr.. It is curmtttly a problem to enter Highway 366 from Game Farm Road at peak hours. We believe that you should also m Bidet tmffiic coming UP V4= Hill towards the intersection. 'here is very poor visibility on the two laaf Highway entering thin Mtentiolly dar,gernil.4 inteuwer.tioti. We believe that you should also consider the eavironin"tal impact of the mototeycle shop and espaeinll)P the $ss0r'3 W noise pollution on the pheasant hrw&nf nPerseticm At The t Rms Farm whie6h it in"tmediately adjacent to our property, 1'urthei. I have heed» in the Real Estate F3nai,gs in Tompkins County for over forty y�eare and it is my professional opinion that a motorcycle stales star! repair operation will )ewer all of the property values is the Varna area, :vhich in turn ).,ill need to be reflected on the County's asseasmemt rolItt • Raapmtfully submitted, r�N ,_� Jcu Alberta Verse TB3 -8 -94 Page 2 Hamilton Al l p� art - the hours •f operation at this paint he was not sure of. ? ? ?? - tenant at 17 Garde Farm Rd. She is a motorcycle enthusiast, but it has been her experience that motorcycle repair shops do become social clubs and hangouts. Her concern is that getting the motorcycles to the repair shop they are going to have to be driven to and from the repair shop. Game Farm Read is a motorcyclist dream. When they moved to Ithaca and looked for a place with peace and quiet they said Game Farm Read will be great for motorcycles. Repaired bikes will go for a test ride and Game Farm Road is exactly where she would go. All of the people that live can Game Farm Road are either elderly people or post graduate students. There is a large number of heavy farm machinery that use that read can a regular basis. This is a very narrow road, and there are deer, and a bird sanctuary there. Should Garde Farm Road become a test road for motorcycles they would riot continue to live there any more. Hamilton A 1 1 part - any contribution of his endeavor made to the noise will be a drop in the bucket to the noise that is there nose. this is riot a noise issue, motorcycles are hard to see, motorcycles rcycles are practically invisible to all drivers. Safety is her concern ri ot the noise, • Hamilton Al 1 part - does not see the safety issues as pertinent on her part, but respects her opinion. G 1 m Roberts - wanted to know if this was just f o r motorcycles and not for any ether vehicles. Also, the number of customers per day. Hamilton A l l part - yes, it Would only be for motorcycles. He would guess about 25 customers on a good day. Harold Simons- wanted to knew if there would be motorcycle rallies held there. Hamilton Allport - no, he has not considered this and does not foresee it. Supv Schug - this could be a condition in the permit if it is granted, that there will riot be any rallies held or started from there. ? ? ? ?? - this business you plan or, operating at 802 Dryden Rd. is a lot different than the business you are operating now from your home. You are planning to advertise, have a sign and expand? �3v TB3 -8 -94 Page 3 13 Erica Evans - anything new like this, we should think about adding to what already is there. If we can keep a good balance for safety then we should move in that direction. Supv Schun - you are asking the board to dog something they have no control over. It is a state highway in front of this proposed used business. Supv Schug - wanted to know the hours he would be open for - business. Hamilton Allport - he is considering 12vOO noon to 6:00 PM Monday thru Friday and 9u00 to 12:00 noon on Saturday. Noy Sunday hours. SUpv Schug - wanted to knew if he could live with those hours if those were the hours that were set. Hamilton Al loo art - he would orefer not to be constrained. He wants to i d� � everyth irig to CO Ooerate and he doesn't have the time to do • much more than that. Supv SchuQ - if the hours were set and you wanted to expand them you would have to • come back for another public hearing. Harold Simons - wanted to He is not against free ent Allport havinq a motcfrcvcl the residential c� immunity COMMUnity have if this sho know if there was any noise pollution. erorise and is riot against Hamilton e shop there if they can net along with as such. What recourse would the n did not work out. Supv Schup - the town has a meter to check noise pollution. like A1loort to BMW motorcycles restate it is not are riot loud the matter of motorcycles. noise. he could work on Out front it but she would is the matter safety etc. taken to for all of the for Wallace residents, the Jo angers. and the wild life. This is a very rural area and does not feel it is an appropriate place to have motorcycles. C 1 m Roberts - wanted to y k now if any motorcycles would be parked outside overnight? Hamilton A1loort - he might have a customer leave one out overnight probably workinq. so that park motorcycles he could work on Out front it the only next day. He would while he is there Clm Roberts He has - wanted which is picked to know how he would be handling waste materials, He has used tires and has a place parts. oil. etc. Hamilton A 1 1 D art - he is a very environmental person and recycles evervthinn he can. He has a container for the oil which is picked up every s• � often, He has used tires and has a place for those. batteries will be taken to the landfill. He separates scrap metal for Wallace Steel. I i 0 0 0 TB3 -8 -94 Page 4 Clm Robert s - wanted to know •w i f any of those •se i t ems be stored outside while they are waiting to go to the recycling. Hamilton Allport - he did have a pile of scrap metal which is no longer there. He would like to be able to have a modest pile, (smaller than a pick up truck load) until it warrants going to Wallace Steel. Clm Roberts - is there if Z.O. Town any chance having some kind of container so the scrap metal - is not laying around in a heap. Hamilton Allport - he has been considering building a pen since he wants to improve the bUi ld ing. Clm Roberts - wanted to know if there would be a rest rooms there? Hamilton Allport - he has a pending plumbing permit with Bolton Point. He wants t� � improve the garage with water and sewer facilities. Clm Roberts - questions outside lighting there. Hamilton Allport - no, he has no plans right at the moment. He is very close to the Cornell garage which really lights up his property. Clm Roberts response - from wanted the to county know or if Z.O. Town Slater- had received any of Ithaca with regard to this application. Z.O. Slater - he has not had any response. Clm Robert s - wanted to � know if all of the structural concerns about the building satisfied? Hamilton Allport art - it does need some refurbishing and jacking up and he plans to work on that. Z.O. Slater - the building does need some work done, but did riot see any problems. Closed public hearing 8:OOPM 3� i I CJ • 0 T83 -8 -94 Page 5 TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 8, 1994 Supv Schug called the meeting to order at 8 V&00PM Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by Town Clerk Lloyd. Present: Supv Schug, Clm T. Hatfield, Clm C. Hatfield, Clm Roberts, At t y Perkins and Z.O. S 1 at er Absent: Clm Baker Supv Schug appointed Clm C. Hatfield to audit the highway fund bills. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Clm Roberts and 2nd by Clm C. Hatfield to approve the town board minutes of 12-29-939 1- 11 -949 -8 -94 and Organizational minutes of 1- 11 -94. Carried COUNTY BRIEFING Co. Rep. Evans - reported ed the county will sign a renewable 3 year contract f� r% solid waste in an amount of $45.00 0 per ton. It is $56.00 per ton now and was $59.00 when the county first started hauling CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Robert Wat ros reported ed on cable commission meeting - since - there was little attendance there was only discussion as to what alight be discussed least for attempt was was important commission The only a united done the a model to so method basis t• original that they � develope to develope confirm resolutions can to achieve including a commission interest determine some the county a new in be kind City wide commission. and using these organization. the rural passed and whether to move of regulation of Ithaca. areas. returned ahead They They by -laws The He over have first felt to or ACC indicated at it the riot. is on they would be interested on a county wide basis. There should be representatives from the city as well as the towns and villages. He hoped villages. one individual would represent both h the town and two 33 A R t i TB3 -8 -94 Page 6 • ATTORNEY Atty Perkins - West Dryden Community Center - a proposal was received by the town from Crawford R Stearns architect. The proposal was accepted in connection with applying for environmental quality act funds and utilizing these funds for certain stabilization and restoration i� �n � �f the West Dryden Community Center. The town has been negotiating the form of the contract for a few weeks. The form of the contract is in satisfactory wry f� arm. However, because � �f the proposal sal � �f Mr. Stearns there are a couple of areas which you need to make some decisions. One has to do with sub surface coedit il: ins. The architect in his agreement specifically disclaims any responsibility for any unforeseen sub surface conditions ions that might be present at the site. His concern is since part of the problem has already been identified is if there has been a failure of any footers or lack thereof that part of the funds or a substantial' amolint of the funds are going t• � be used to remove stone, PO Ur footers and rebuild the foundation. The architect is saying don't t c• Mme back t• i him if we find that we can't do this because the sub soil conditions will not permit that kind of load bearing constrUctic_in. The architect has requested the town engage a drilling company to do some sub surface testing around the foundation � if the building to determine what the soil conditions area Atty Perkins felt this is something the town board co=uld take a chance on. • Clm C. Hatfield - that building was put up 100 years ago on poured footers, he can't see putting money into drilling t• � see what the gr%OL(nd is. The rest of the beard agreed. Atty Perkins - the Wither issue is the hazardous materials testing. The architect has used the limit of the law in requiring the town agree to � indemnify and hold hire harmless from any claims by any person including the costs of defending such claim arising out of claimed exposure to or deleterious health effect from asbestos, toxic materials or waste in any of its various forms as defined by the environmental protection agency in connection with the work performed as part of the owners program. Atty Perkins - this is an area which is great form litigation. Every owner has an obligation to provide a safe work place. If there is a claimed exposure or an injury to something like this, the owner is the one responsible. The architect is stating that if there is asbestos there and it gets disturbed during this program and someone claims ex pos ure, the architect will not be responsible but the town will be. There is a provision in the general o b 1 i gat i ons law which states no architect can insulate himself from liability with respect to his plans or his drawings. There is also the issue of lead paint and its removal. This should also be a concern. • './lo i 3� TB3 -8 -94 Page 7 • Atty Perkins - felt a limited environmental analysis should be done with respect to:, those areas which are going to be disturbed as part of the project. If there is no problem then it would be ;just the usual precautions that have to be written into any contract. If there are any hazardous materials found the town would be back to square one as to what you can do with the pro j ect . RESOLUTION #96 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS WEST DRYDEN COMMUNITY CENTER Clm T. Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED, that this Town Board approve eve an environmental analysis done at the West Dryden Co=mmunity Center in an amount riot to exceed $1,500.00 under the procurement Policy. 2nd Clm C. Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #97 AUTHORIZE SUPV TO__ SIGN _ CONTRACT WITH ARCHITECTS - WEST DRYDEN COMM. CENTER Clm Roberts offered the adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town the architects contract ract receipt of satisfactory • materials. 2nd Clm T. Hatfield following resolution and asked for its Board authorize the Supervisor to sign for West Dryden Community Center upon test results with respect to hazardous Roll 1 ca 1 1 vote - all voting Yes Supv Schun - approval had been made to spend money for Lehigh Valley railroad property. Clm C. Hat its ads apt i RESOLVED, $L. 50 0, 00 be paid at RESOLUTION #98 PURCHASE OF LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD PROPERTY field •n: that th for the t ime ffered the following resol is Town Board authorize Su purchase of Lehigh Valley f closing and vi ::iuchers wi 1 ution and asked for Dv Schup to spend railroad property to 1 be submitted at next board meeting. End Clm Roberts Roll call vote - all voting, Yes TOWN CLERK RESOLUTION #99 REQUEST LOWER SPEED LIMIT ETNA ROAD - UPPER CREEP. ROAD Clm T. Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption" ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Board supports the lowering of the speed • limit � �n Etna Road and Upper Creek Road. both Tompkins County highways, as per the attached petition. This resolution will be certified by the Town Clerk and mailed to Tompkins Co.nurity Highway Department. 2nd Clm C. Hatfield Roll call vote e - all voting Yes E • i • TB3 -8 -94 Page 8 RESOLUTION #100 APPOINT ELECTION CUSTODIAN and asked for its RESOLVED, REPUBLICAN of - Ray Harris Republican Clm Roberts adoptions offered the following resolution following and asked for its RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Republican Committee of Chairperson, Joyce Gerbasi, that this Town Beard appoint Ray Harris as the Republican elections met the only those retention R� Ebert custodian replacing 57 -A minimum Clinton Cotterill. periods f �or municipal therein: do not historical Yes have value government End Clm C. Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting by a 1 Yes RESOLUTION #101 RECORDS RETENTI.ON & DISPOSITION SCHEDULE MU -1 Clm C. Hatfield its adopt ion: offered the following ress_ilut ion and asked for RESOLVED, by the Town Board RETENTION of Dryden, that RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION Arts and SCHEDULE Cultural Affairs MU -1 issued Law, met the only those retention R� Ebert pursuant to and containing Article legal 57 -A minimum of the retention periods f �or municipal therein: do not historical Yes have value government records, is hereby adopted for herein. use by a 1 1 municipal government records listed FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance to consider holding abandonment on a and the town a portion of board with Article to take any 57 -As at this (a) in RECORDS only those RETENTION records will AND DISPOSITION be disposed SCHEDULE of that are described MU -1 after they have (b) sufficient to merit 2nd Clm met the only those retention R� Ebert minimurti administrative, s records beyond retention will Roll established call period be disposed fiscal, vote prescribed legal time - all of that or periods. voting therein: do not historical Yes have value HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Supv Schug - public hearing Caswell Road. sent board for a qualified There was members sortie discussion copies road to consider holding abandonment on a and the town a portion of board decided not to take any action at this time. FOR A SWEEPER Hwy Supt Gilbert AUTHORIZE HWY SUPT. - would also like t o consider Hi le School Rd. for a qualified FOR A SWEEPER read abandonments RESOLUTION #102 AUTHORIZE HWY SUPT. TO BID FOR A SWEEPER Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED, that this Town Superintendent. to bid out department in an amount n 2nd Clm T. Hatfield Board authorize the Highway a sweeper for use by the highway of to exceed $27,000.00 Roll call vote e - all voting Yes 3e a i e : t *larch 12nd9 T, mes Sc h�.tL 1)) "yr fOwT) Supervi sr_r fr'nm; Henry h1. Slater, Zoning & t?I- lildiT)g Code Enforcement Off. C15) East Main Street, Pryden, NY i.?215? `._ ?_! ►_?. : (=ebit it y '94 F�_!i.1.di.ng R ZOni.ng Ar_ti.vi.ty Report 1> e a r J i. m D1_)r•iitg the month of F-ebr1-lary neaa cor)strUct i.0n has cOmP to a stand e of Occ11pancy Still. Temporary We had Only ('U::) mi.scel..1.AnPOI_rs requests of CompTi.ance f o r Bui1.di.ng Residence 'Town) Clerk Permi.ts. One was fnr an (agr icv (QI) Fire I'IomP _!re storage Safety Day str•uct�.!r Tnspertlons P and the r) pr was Lo FPnQ Vat (�_) (I]I) e e)(i.5tl.Tlg Snyder Office space. With i.cat es o f Occupancy and C e r t i f i. cat e of Occ11pancy Temporary BOa.r'd Certi.fi. cat e of Certi.fi.cate and of CompTi.ance Comp1.i.ance. (7) Occupancy 7_oning Uari.arrce I- leanings (; =�) Two Froth bei.n faci.1.i.ty. that the ® app 1. i.cant F'r °i0 part i.cii p0. requir"Pd • h e a1:. g Us Fls appl. r e a r to t ed by L i e_ i. 1. i 0 ng I", t ca t 1) ca r e q _Iest equpst s e heari.n tiOnS we ing this e Flearin their f 1. L_aw its' s arere filed for by the same person. for the same RB Z011i.T)g District gs progressed, it became appar °Pnt re iT)adeq,_!ately prepared and the wi.thdr•Pw both requests. g Session, ZBA members attended arid rst required tr''aini.ng session as O f 199?. Fi.)ie Divest igat i.Orrs : (1. ) There Vras 0nl.y One fTr�P cal. 1. c1I_n•i.11 g Fehr u�ry, a fond fire within an apartment I(itchen whi.rh caused only smoke damage. Five Safety Board PIc?nni.ng InspP_cti.Ons. Members BOa.r'd completed Z,iiiRTasanne and Multiple filed Envirr_nmental. Residence 'Town) Clerk I71 spPCti0T)s: Impact (QI) Fire I'IomP Safety Day Care Tnspertlons r ire. Of Safety Publ.ic!13-USine55e5: Tr1spP_cti.ons: (�_) (I]I) TFIP Board PIc?nni.ng Members BOa.r'd completed Z,iiiRTasanne and Lloyd, filed Envirr_nmental. Dryden 'Town) Clerk Impact Statemer)t fnr the Subdi.vi.SLOn on Snyder Hill Road. With Rgenda, the hoard will. begin the actual the Projects t'er-y L;r�_!ly yo�_tr-s, 11er?ry r�1. S1.ater- rr: Tov)n Board Members Z,iiiRTasanne Lloyd, Dryden 'Town) Clerk the Final. Per•Pgr-ine Hollow their rAarch 17th subdivision review of i 0 i 3 Cl TB3 -8 -94 Page 9 Monthly report - given to board members Supv Schug - Cayuga Partners permit application fees. These are storage sheds that have no � water or power t• � them so Z.O. Slater suggested these buildings be treated as miscellaneous � construction rather than general construction. The fee would be about $1,500.00 instead of $6,000.00 and wanted to � make the board members aware of this. The board members saw no problem with this. ! Supv Schug - RESOLUTION #103 AUTHORIZE HWY SUPT. TO CO - Atty Perkins has all of information STATE CONTRACT regarding PURCHASE A BACK, HOE ON fire hydrant. As Clm C. Hatfield as the town offered the following resolution and asked for its ads apt ion: issued. The only n� �t at i on is they must comply RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the Highway I Superintendent to purchase a back hoe on state contract in an amount not to exceed $36,000.00 Supv Schug - assignment 2nd Clm Roberts house Roll call vote - all voting Yes been rest.-ilved between the pest office and the coning officer. RESOLUTION #104 AUTHORIZE THE HWY SUPT. TO PURCHASE A JOHN DEERE LAWN TRACTOR Clm C. Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its 4d opt ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Beard authorize the Highway Superintendent to purchase a John Deere lawn tractor under state contract in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 2nd Clm T. Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION! #105 AUTHORIZE THE HWY SUPT, TO SELL A 1992 JOHN DEERE LAWN TRACTORM� Clm T. Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked i for i its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorise the Highway Super i nt endent to advertise to sell a 1992 J,::1hn Deere lawn tractor with a minimum bid of $3,851.00. 2nd Clm Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes ZONING OFFICER Monthly report - given to board members Supv Schug - Cayuga Partners permit application fees. These are storage sheds that have no � water or power t• � them so Z.O. Slater suggested these buildings be treated as miscellaneous � construction rather than general construction. The fee would be about $1,500.00 instead of $6,000.00 and wanted to � make the board members aware of this. The board members saw no problem with this. ! Supv Schug - Wilcox Press final CO - Atty Perkins has all of information needed regarding the fire hydrant. As far as the town is concerned the final CO can be issued. The only n� �t at i on is they must comply with NYSDEC air pollution. Supv Schug - assignment of house numbers on Caanan Read has now been rest.-ilved between the pest office and the coning officer. • TB3 -8 -94 page 10 CORRESPONDENCE • Dryden Police report DISCUSSION Temp. Co. organization meeting statement Clm Roberts - felt it would be a good idea for the county beard to have a rural affairs committee. Clm Roberts - Mr. Stein stated that he wanted to control further cutbacks as any additional cutbacks would be counter productive. He feels any further tax increases would also be Counter productive. Fire R EMS funding - discussion Co. Rep. Evans - he did not have a good answer, but that is the danger of across the board cut. Across the board cut was slightly over 4 per cent. He is confused as to why his budget was cut 10 per cent. Supv Schug - Jack Miller is saying the same as the school board, if you are not going t� � pass the budget we will Cut Out the things that are needed instead of cutting back on the • administrators. Co. Rep. Evans - it is going to be where the priorities go. What you want to:, pay for and what you don't want t� � pay for. Are you willing to pay higher taxes for what you want. Supv Schug - this town board has a l ot of respect for what they do, but we also have a hand on what they do and make them responsible. Supv Schug - he doesn't mind supporting the firemen and sending a resolution to the county to say we should fund this. His question is has anyone looked at the department to see what Jack. Miller is doing. Co. Rep. Evans - the health and safety issue is a lot more critical dispatchers, and one vehicle. than a lot of others. Unless the county can get their act together and look. k. at the total budget it will continue to be the same as you are seeing here. Dave Putnam - Jack Miller's office consists of himself, a secretary, c dispatchers, and one vehicle. They do not have a lot of programs and they occupy a space in the central fire station in the city. L] /Va • • • TB3 -8 -94 Page 11 Supv Schug - wanted to know if Co. Rep. Evans would support the fire and EMS funding. and Co. Rep. Evans - said that he would. It will either come out of the county or town tax base. Supv Schug - asked the board if they wanted to write a letter to the county which enforces their concerns that the maintenance of equipment, health, life and safety of your constituents should riot be _ieaoardized by an across of the beard cut, if in fact this is what is hapoeninq. The Town Board decided to have Atty Perkins draft a resolution to send tiv.) the county regardinq the Fire and EMS fUndinq. RESOLUTION #106 NEGATIVE DECLARATION UNIVERSITY CYCLES Clm Roberts adoptions offered the followinq resolution and asked for its RESOLVED, filed by the that this applicant. Town Board It was accept determined the short there SEOR EAF was no farm significant environmental impact and a neoative declaration should be issued. 2nd Clm C. Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #107 GRANT SPECIAL PERMIT UNIVERSITY CYCLES Clril Roberts offered the fo l l wino resolution and asked for its adopt ions RESOLVED, that this Town Beard orant a special permit to Hamilton Al 1pcort for a motorcycle repair shoo with the following conditions: 1) no vehicles on frontage except durinu hours of operation; :) not for Use as a meeting place or gathering place; 3) all outside sty gage of used /scrap parts be in a locked container out of public view; 4) no testing of vehicles on Game Farm Road ; 5) hours of operation 12:00 noon to 6: i 0PM Monday thru Friday, 9 u OOAM to-., 12 m oO moon Saturday. no Sunday hours q 6) Comply with sion ordinance, 7) unregistered vehicles currently on orem i ses must be removed prior to issuance of Special permit; 8 ) applies to current operator only; 8) oarkinq lot plan with 17 spaces as submitted 17 -94; 9) Boiler Plate Conditions adopted 7- 10-90; 10) approval contingent upon any comment from Tompkins County Plannino or Town cof Ithaca; 11) no inoperable or unlicenseable vehicles on premises; and 12) at no time durinq the life of the project shall noise from the premises exceed the existing ambient noise level as such existing noise level prior to issuance of the permit. Such exist inq noise level to be determined by the code enforcement officer prior to the issuance of the permit. 2nd Clm C. Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes 41 TB3 -8 -94 Page 12 FINANCIAL REPORT - available to board members JUSTICE REPORT - $4,643.00 for the month of February RESOLUTION #108 AUDIT ABSTRACT #103 Clm Roberts adoption: offered the following resolution �n and asked for its RESOLVED, that abstract #103 v� ocher #51, and voucher #151 to #2E9 with to be paid the as exception audited. of voucher #186 for a total of $795521.01 2nd C 1 rji T. Hatfield Roll 1 ca 1 1 vote e - all voting Yes Town board recessed for executive session No action was taken. Adjournede 10:45PM Susanne Lloyd Dryden Town Clerk 0 • z Z. I �I