HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-02-08TOWN BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 8, 1994 • Supv Schug called the meeting to order at 7„30PM Members and guests participated in the Fledge of Allegiance Roll call was by Town Clerk L 1 oyd e Present: Supv Schug, Clm Baker, Clm T. Hatfield, Clm Roberts, Atty Perkins and Z.O. Slater Absent: Clm C. Hatfield Supv Schug appointed Clm Baker to audit the general fund bills I COUNTY BRIEFING Co. Rep. Lane - reported sales tax revenues were up considerably. There was a $300,000.00 increase in county revenues as to what was projected. This is a one shat deal because they received a $543,000.00 adjustment from the state. They are seeing about 55 percent of the sales activity outside of the city and about 45 percent inside the city. This is reverse to historic levels. The sales tax not counting the portion �n of the new one percent tax is up for the year of about 10.3 percent. Co. Rep. Lane - the County cable t v commission has met and there will be a request coming to see whether the towns and villages will renew the authority that was previously given to the cable commission. Also to to ok at the cable commission to see what they can do for the towns and and villages. ACC, the towns, village and city seem to be interested that there will be a cable commission existing. The FCC is setting up a bureau in Washington to oversee the rate structure. CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR John Davis - group to do linear park he would like the some landscaping to Dryden Lake. boards permission and naturalistic He would have the conclusion for plantings youth a youth along the group put together approval. concern the a proposal He and then wondered if there beard alight have present it was any for there t• procedure doing � the this. town or beard special for Supv Schug - there is no special procedure and the linear park has been done by the youth conservation corp where the kids were paid. If the youth group wants to dr., this and are monitored and taken care of he saw no problem with this. John Davis - wanted to know if the town board had come to any conclusion at this stage with respect to the legality of the 1989 decision on the Peregrine Hollow Road entrance. He understands this has become an issue. • Atty Perkins - wanted to know specifically what part. TB2 -8 -94 PAGE 2 ® John Davis - specifically, the stat town read. The Planning Board has m proceeded under the assumption that of the road. They have gone through with that assumption. At the last P suggested that it is illegal to mod e law governing the width of ade an all owance or have they could modify the width all of the planning process 1anninq Beard meeting it was ify the width of the road. Atty Perkins - would an agreement with Perkins - it is riot unlawful authorizing Gallagher to reduce the serial width of the road. State aoo 1 the i road. However, Transportation. cat i on to He understands it has to So NYSDOT for be the oerm the done oro.iect i ss sponsor by i on the soy �nsor to was commissioner will reduce advised that of have o� art this has New York to make i ran of to be done. beard, The next the olannino Guest ion board is or who the has highway to approve superintendent. it, the t� awn COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Clm Roberts - reported there are several different levels of how much authi irity is to be given to the cable commission. He sunnests for the time beinq the town does not give all the authority to the commission. Supv Schug - would like a copy of what the cable commission is looking for since the town has a pent leman who has agreed to represent the Town of Dryden on the cable commission. Co. Rep. Lane - will try to net this information. ATTORNEY F0 Atty Perkins - reo1_irted the multi oarty aoreertient for the emergency use Wilcox Press fire hydrant should be ready in one or two days. Supv Schug - Z.O. Slater will be able to issue a final C.O. as soon as the fire hydrant agreement is signed. They are still subject to DEC standards for air emission control. Atty sign Perkins - would an agreement with like Wilkie a resi.-j1Ution Farr and authorizing Gallagher in Supv Schug to connection of oost regarding serial bonds the Turkey to be Hill issued at water district the time at of administration a fee not to exceed RESOLUTION #82 W I LLK I E, FARR & GALLAGHER BOND COUNCIL Clm T. Hatfield offered the followinq resolution and asked for its ads apt ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize Supv Schug to sign all necessary documents with W i l l k i e Farr & Ga 1 1 auher. Bond Council for the Turkey Hill Water District in an amount riot to exceed 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all vot i nq Yes a(40 I • • 0 1)" L 1= L: b _tar y 1 s t, 1994 To us James Schug, Dryden Town Supei ^visor-- F=rum: Henry M. Slater,, Zoning & Building Cade EnForcir+-j+c�;,i, ij;' _ C•5 E. plain Street D; , uen, New York Sub.: January 194 Building & Zoning Activity Report Dear Jim: Dui ^ing the month of January 194 there only 4 B,_iildiiig Permits issued and are described as follaws: A -1 Single - family Home, NEw Starts (� +} A -1 Single- family Home, Renovations (`} A- - -1 Replace Existing Single wide Mobile Home with HUD Era Single Wide (�) C -4. 1 Erect Private garage s t r uct u -re s C -7 hliscellaneu�_is i- la+ite Use hi^eenhouse Cer't i Ficat es of Occupancy and Compl i ant=e. Certificate of Occupancy Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Certificate of Compliance Zoning Vair•iance Hearings Fivle Investigations: Chimney Fires, None were Damaged Darn Fires, Structure Destroyed Miscellaneous Structure Destroyed Fire Safety Inspections. Multiple Residence Inspections: Fire Safety Inspections of Public /Businesses: Hui;;e Day Care Fire Safet; IrnspecLiurrs: The Planning Board continued the SEUR Review Por•Liori Varn Brothers, Peregrine 1- 4011Ow ClUSter Subdivisiori Hill Road. The Board meet on J--nuary 13tH arid `CiLh completing the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, review process and now is in the process of writing into a mitigation plan. The DEIS is being prepared Engineer Dave Putnam with legal input From Attorney (1) (y} 11) ( La+ ) (8) (E� ) O (0) ( 1 ) (0) U f —12 4in Snyder:. DEIS., the DEIJ by Pei-- �k-iri::. 0 • .Jan '94 Activity Report Rage Two Once the written pl in Albany and all o Dryden, Town of Ith Department. The final Draft, wh that when implement which were identifi within Lhe positive an is complet then interest aca and the T en f i 1 ed, wi 1 ed, will adeq ed during the SEOR dec - lira ed, , it mUs agencies ompkins Co 1 contain uately uve SEUR prroc tiC3na t s LI Un m.i i'c L' S be fi ch as ty Rl tigat (J W a cA s and led with DEC` , Town o f an11 ing i0ri de Lai Is 11 1.711c:s 1i.,teJ Once all of this is completed, the PIC- Alining boavd i,di:i.1 be able to get on with the actual subdivision project r-eviL�.j_ Very truly yours, Henry till. Slater cc: All Dryden Town Board Members Susanne Lloyd, Dryden Town Clerk • Mahlon R. Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney • 0 Dat e . F ebri_iary 15t, 1994 To: James SchLig, Dryden Town Supervisor-. F =r um: Henry M. Slater, Zoning R Building Code Eri'Forcr:oitl,L i.;i r. tg,j E. Ida l I'r Street 7 Di- 'yJeTl, New York Sl.tb. : Jaiiuc-Ary 194 Ruildirlg n Zoning f)ctivity Repoi-•t Dear' Jiili: During the month of January 194 Ltler e ovil,. r 1tiuildiil i Permits issued and are described as follu►Jr,: A -1 Single — family i-lucie, I` La i•j SLLivtLs k 0 A -- -1 Single — family dome, RenuvaLions �L) A -1 Replace Existing Single wide Mobile Home with i -IUD Era Single Wide (1) C - -4. 1 Eri Lt Private garage str�_ict�_u es (0) • C -7 Miscellaneous Home Use GreenhoLise �1) Cei ^tiFicates of Occupancy and Compliance. Certificate of Occupancy (9) Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (l) Certificate of Compliance Zorling Variance Hearings , Fit ^e Investigations: (8) Chimney Fires, None wei,e Damaged Barn Fires, Strl_tctI.AVe Destroyed (1) Miscellaneous Structure Destroyed X17 Fire Safety Inspections. Multiple Residence Inspections: ��r) Fire Safety Inspections of Pl_iblic /Businesses: (1) Hoiiie Day Care Fire Safety Inspections: «,) The Planning Board Continued the SEOR ReviL4r4J F'or ~Lion of LIJc Vann Brothers, Peregrine Hollow Cluster Subdivision on Snyder Hill Road. The Board meet on January 13tt, ai-rd C iOttr completing the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, DEiSA, review process and now is in the process of wi�iLi,°ig L I i & into a mitigation plan. The DEIS is being p)-epared by Engineer Dave Putnam with legal input fr,oiil Attorney Bel king. t 1 Jan '94 Activity Report Rage Two Qnce the written plan is completed,, i.L mlltst be ri li2LI i,:i Lh in Albany and all other in'LeresL agencies 5+_l�_II cijs, Ii)i�i'i ul' Dryden, Town of Ithaca and the Tompkir)s Cour-,ty P,Iannii;g Department. The final Draft, when filed, will. contain )i)itigatioii detail thQL when implemented, will adequately overcome all issues which were identified during the SEOR process and listed within the positive SEAR declaration. Once all of this is completed, the Planning Board will be able to get on with the actual sUbdivision project review. Very truly yours, ,r4e)z - /�l a 4 Henry h10 Slater cc: All Dryden Town Board Members Susanne Lloyd, Drryden Town Clerk Plahlon R. Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney 0 TB2 -8 -94 PAGE 3 Atty Perkins - has a matter for executive session which involves real property. RESOLUTION #83 REQUEST CORNELL UNIVERSITY TOWN USE OF RAILROAD R -O -W Clm Luker offered the following resolution and asked for its adept ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Board request Cornell University to use the railroad Park. a lease agreement with r -w south of Dryden Lake 2nd Clm Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes ZONING OFFICER - monthly report - given to board members Z.O. Slater - sent a thank you letter to Wilcox Press for keeping the fire hydrants free of snow. Supv Schug - Z.O. there is no alteration of occupancy Slater received a site physical it is plan review commercial big be application office unless that they from Street. move Compusist Co mpusist in George He to put a hearing. Inc. Sch1echt's is located at now located office George in by the March Schlecht's village 1st. office and Henry would said on North like to he could have a site plan review hearing on Feb 22nd to be consistent with the MA Zone. Atty Perkins - it is up to the board t� � determine whether or not • it wants to hold a public hearing. You may find it is not necessary. Typically the board has required site plan review where there has been a particular change of a particular project. For example where a restaurant has changed owners, additions put on, etc. There is also � a precedent for not holding a hearing where there are no modifications, but simply a change in ownership or minor mod i f i cations of a previously approved project. You can look �k at this either way. You certainly have authority to held a public hearing or you can to ok at the site plan application that Henry has given. The site plan review can make a determination as to how you feel on this if a public hearing is necessary and you are free to act without prejudice. The key is site plan review, not necessarily a public hearing. It is up to the board to make that determination. Clm but Baker just - if change there is no alteration of occupancy of the building, to the physical it is structure, basically one commercial big be deal something office unless that they space were would to another. going require He to put a hearing. did an not addition think this was a on that would Clm T. Hatfield - what is there to gain by having a public hearing? Supv Schug - they enough parking spa will have to live "Boiler Plate C� end members have recei from Henry. If you tonights have met ce avail within t it ions" ved appl would 1 all the criteria, able. You might wa he sign ordinance, are in the reso 1 ut ication for this i ike to look at it because there is nt to tell them they and make sure the ion. The board n tonights packet we can decide later I a� • • TB2 -8 -94 PAGE 4 Clm Schug Roberts was - would like to go over the application before making his county and towns decision. a read sweeper RESOLUTION #84 APPROVE SNOW & ICE AGREEMENT Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adept ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Board approve the snow and ice agreement with Tompkins County and authorize Supervisor Schug to sign all necessary documents. End Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #85 ACCEPT COUNTY BID PRICES Clm T. Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its ads apt ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the Superintendent of Highways to purchase the following from Tompkins County Division of Purchasing & Central Services bid list: installation of subsurface drainage, installation of guiderail, traffic line painting, bridge repair, calcium chloride Solution, liquid bituminous materials, recyling of bituminous materials. 2nd Clm R� Ebert s Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #86 ACCEPT BID FOR GOOSENECK TRAILER Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for it adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board accept the unused 1994 gooseneck trailer with trade for $26,138.00, bid for a new and in from Tracy Equipment End Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes Hwy Supt Gilbert - would like permission to buy a road sweeper. Supv Schug - there was discussion about the county and towns buying a read sweeper and letting the towns rent the sweeper when needed. He would like the county attorney t• � draw up an agreement and send hire a copy so something can be worked out. (agreement for joint purchase of a sweeper and use of the machine) Co. Rep. Lane - will look into this at the public works committee meeting, CORRESPONDENCE Dryden Village police report DISCUSSION fGEIS - Solid Waste Management Plan - board members have copies is Audit of books - March meeting - Clm Baker and Clm C. Hatfield • TB2 -8 -94 PAGE 5 RESOLUTION #87 FAMILY & CHILDRENS SERVICE CONTRACT Clm T. Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED, that this Town Board accept the contract f or Family & Childrens Service with a GO day written notification cancellation. 2nd Clm Robert s Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #88 PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE Clm Roberts offered the following resolut adoptions RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the required form and to authorize paymer Corporation for Public Officials Liabi 1 it 2nd Clm T. Hatfield Roll call vot ion and asked the Supervisor t to Lawrence y insurance. e - all voting RESOLUTION #89 TOMPKINS COUNTY SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE - James Boose fo r% its t� � sign United Yes Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked fo r% its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint James Boose to the Tompkins County Solid Waste Advisory committee. 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #90 SIGN CONTRACT WITH SPCA Clm T. Hat its ads apt i RESOLVED, the agreem amount not field ona that t ent wi to ex offered the following resolution and asked for his Town Board authorize the Supervisor t� � sign th Tompkins County SPCA for the year 1994 in an //'�yy ceed $13,500.00 with monthly payments of $19 125=00a 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes Supv Schug - has talked - regarding the Virgil Creek dam - the State of New York has a USDA soil conservation the county service shared funding with counties, it with the PL566. He would like a resolution the Town that this board supports the state funding fo r% the USDA soil conservation has a service, PL566. drawn up to be presented at the next council Supv Schug - has talked with Stu Stein and if the county gets a 50 percent share is the county going to share it with the other people involved in the Town and Village of Dryden. He told us yes because he already has a resolution drawn up to be presented at the next council meeting. This will reduce the amount of money that is to be used to acquire the property, by County, town and village. i • • TB2 -8 -94 PAGE 6 RESOLUTION #91 USDA SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE Clm T. Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED, that this Town Board support the state funding for the USDA Soil Conservation service, PL566. 2nd C l m Roberts Roll 1 ca 1 1 vote - all voting Yes FINANCIAL REPORT - available to board members JUSTICE REPORT - $6,.,919.50 for the month of January Town board recessed for executive session Action taken after executive session Supv SchUg - wanted the board decision about the site plan review appl icat ion for C� �mpUsist. Clm Roberts - did not want to � act in the application tonight since he had _just received it. He does riot like t o receive things and act on them the same night. Clm Baker - didn't want it to be precedent setting but seemed this was pretty straioht forward so he would be inclined to vote on it tonight. Clm T. Hatfield - agreed with Clm Baker. Since it was the board feelino to take action they reviewed the SEUR review Town farm. RESOLUTION #92 ACCEPT NEGATIVE DECLARATION SEUR Clm Roberts offered adoption: the fol lowinq resolution and asked for its RESOLVED,_ that this filed by the applicant. Town Beard It was accept determined the short SEOR EAF form there was no significant environment impact and a negative declaration should be issued. 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes Supv Schug - would 1 i hearing ON the site p resolution is to y be h conditions and cOm o 1 v ke a res lan nevi eld with with si o1ution ew appli out pre.j on o Ord i r to . hold without a public cation from Compusist. This ud ice. Boiler plate ance. ay • 41 TB2 -8 -94 PAGE 7 RESOLUTION #93 GRANT PERMIT TO COMPUSIST Clm T. Hatfield coffered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board Compusist with the following co Conditions" adopted 7-10-90; 2- resolution is made without prej 2nd Clm Baker Roll cal grant a site editions: 1- comply with ud i ce. 1 vote e - plan approval to "Boiler Plate sign ordinance. Th i s Clm Baker Yes Clm T. Hatfield Yes Supv Schug Yes Clm Roberts Abstained RESOLUTION #94 WEST DRYDEN COMMUNITY CENTER Clm T. Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt ion: bert s Roll call vote - all voting RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the Supervisor to sign all necessary documents for the boundary line agreement. 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #95 AUDIT ABSTRACT #93 -1 AND #102 Clm T. Hatfield coffered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions ion: RESOLVED, that abstra with the exception of Abstract #102 v• ocher^ ct #93 -1 voucher #44 to voucher #57 to paid voucher #51 for a total of $38,818.82. #58 to voucher #150 for a total of $597, 741.81. 2nd Clm Ro bert s Roll call vote - all voting Adjourned: 9045PM Susanne Lloyd Dryden Town Clerk Yes 30