HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-08-05TOWN BOARD ME=ETING PUBLIC HEARING #1 • AUGUST 5, 1993 SNOWMOBILE ORDINANCE Supv Schug called the meeting to order at 7uu00PM Members and guests participated in the Pledge cif Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk. Present e Supv Schug, Clm Rc.1ber ~ts, Clm Baker, Clm Hatfield, Clm Cc-irrigan, and Atty Perkins i APPROVAL_ OF MINUTES Motion was made by Clm Robert s and 2nd by Clm Hatfield that the minutes of the Town Board meeting held 6-8-9.3 and Site Plan Review . B,-. 1ard meeting held 6s -8 -93 be approved. Carr i ed Sutpv Schug read the not ice that was published in the. newspaper concerning the repeal of the Snowmobile Ordinance in the Town of Dryden. (cl -spy in r�liriute book.) I QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS Atty Perkins - the town cUrrent ly has in effect a snowrili.- ibi le ordinance which was Adopted in 1972 under the provisions of the old conservat i on law. This law has since been repealed and • replaced with the environmental conservation law _governing the aspect � �f snc_ wm� ib i l e � �perat i ons. I t has been transferred to the parks and retreat i r.in law. Currently the town has designated certain town highways c-In which the operation of snowrill-Jblles would be permitted. This would be highways designated by governmental agencies under^ Parks and Recreation Law Section i'5. Cf57. The purpose of the proposed resolution is to ti repeal the Sn owmcibi le ordinance so that the town would not have Any designated highways pUrs# giant to Section 25.057. X57. This does not mean that sr' owrllob i l es cannot be operated in the Town of Dryden. They can still be operated r.1n outside banks., across highways when necessary to cress a bridge I .-Ir cUlvert and highways that are custorila.rily �.mplowed. There is a provision of Section 25. i ?5 subdivisil!n 5 which allows the town to designate those highways or portions ions thereof which are cL1stCj lar %i.ly unpli:iwed. His recommendatic.in is that the town not make any specific designation with respect to snowrrnob i 1 es. Supv Schug -- the reason for repealing this ordinance is because 0Ur insurance carrier has informed the gown that as of now if we leave the designated roads in place the town would no longer be covered by our ins, 'Arance. l he law does allow any snowmi: ib i l es to go wherever they want to on any given road, whether it is town, county or state. This is the reason for repealing the old ordinance that is c_in the books. • 0 IS � f TOWN OF DRYDEN e DRYDEN, NEW YORK P. O. BOX 516 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 607 -644 -6622 In the Heart of the Finger Lakes Region TOWN OF DRYDEN NOTICE OF ADOPTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, County of.Tompkins, New York, at a special meeting thereof held on the 5th day of August, 1993, duly adopted a resolution which-'-is as follows: The Town of Dryden Snowmobile Ordinance originally effictive 3 -14 -72 is hereby repealed. By order of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, New York Susanne Lloyd, Town Cle k DATED-:, August 6, 1993 l"DS -5 -93 F'age • Mark Allen - this issue has raised other issues with 1-. 1ther town •rd i nances. Specifically, most snowmobile ordinances were wr- i t ter! prior to 1974 in accr.frdance with the section for parks and recreation. He is worried that this is going to � set a precedent not because it could do any damage per say by the Town of Dryden doing it, but it seems t• � have other implications. H ow come the insurance company found this and it hasn't been a problem. Supv Schug Schug - - because the state changed the law them the ir,sUrance company picked Up Orl it. that Atty Perkins - what we are proposing to do is repeal an ordinance which designated cerrtain riMia.ds in the town for sni_nwr,n:1bi le use. Snowmobiles may still be operated where permitted by the other provisi _Ins of the parks and recreation law. All the town is saying is we are not going to tell you where you carp operate them, because we do—n9 coverage t have any insurance a I f someone gets hurt. on a town desi gnat ad h i ghway acid they f i le a nizz it ice of claim against the town we don't have any insurance coverage. The insUrance carrier said that if the town doesn't designate any highway=s yc-1u have taken no affirmative action to tell people where they car, ride. If sr_imeone files a 'notice of claim the town will be covered. Glm Corrigan - wanted to know if Mark Allen saw this as ci:: instraining it limited to snC1wrili-. 1bi leis in so=meway • Dark Allen - at this point in time he is not sUre what the i rilp 1 i cat i lDfIS cIDUl d be. Most r. lyd i nances in the state now are probably now invalid. Atty Perkins - we.are not saying this is invalid. This is an � effective ordinance right All we are saying the town is i changing their mind. They do nr.it want to desigr"iate uncv.-ingested highways or seasonal limited Lisa roads. It does not mean that they are prohibiting the i:iperat i on of snowmobiles. They are .just nc. 1t taking the affirmative action -.if designating those two classes of highways. It is strictly ins!!rance and liability coverage oriented. 0 Mark Allen - wanted to know if there was a difference in the insurance coverage. Supv Schug - there is n o insurance cr.impany that would issue insurance to cover this, even if the town changed carriers. Closed public hearing 7a15PM is TB8 -5-93 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING #c • AUGUST 51 1993 SPECIAL PERMIT -- Screamers Ice Cream Minutes of special permit hearing 7:15PM Supv Schug - read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the application of Screamers Ice Crearii (cr.lpy in minute book) �k ) QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS Eileen Hicks - they operate a catering business at the present time and they would like tr.i extend their service te_I a farilily oriented type ice cream parlor. They plan ran this as a seasonal type 1 :jperat ir.in. The products they wi -Juld like to sell would be ice cream and ice cream cakes. The foCid items they wi.-juld like to have would be simple things like hot dr.igs and hamburgs, something that is along the line rif a carnival or fair or novelty kind of atmosphere. This would not be a type of place where anytDne would hang out, .just a place to stop fi_ir a minute and have a nice time. C 1 m Ci .-irr i gan - wanted to knr. iw if this wi:: iu 1 d be a carry out type of place. Eileen Hicks - n ot a pulling in and out real fast, but she '• assUmes the majority would be a carry out s i t uat i c•n. There is frontage in front of the building. Depending on what the demand is they ci.-juld place tables where People Could sit and eat their ice cream. There is alcBrj parking space behind the building that WOLkId be available. They do not intend to have long hours of operation. They would be like to be r.lpen from April 1st to December 1st. If they have customers that wi-Juld like ice cream cakes when they are closed they would try to do that on weekends car throi_t gh their catering business. During the summer they would like the hours to be from II a0 SAM to 9v(")OPM during the daylight hours. Ear 1 y and late season Could be shortened on the evening side and they might .just go tr, weekends, depending on what the demand is. Clm Roberts -- wanted to know if there would be any inside seating and if there would be any rill-.1dificatic.ins to the inside, 1- Dutside or the driveway. Eileen Hicks - there would be no inside seat i problem is, they know the square f+tii,.-,tage and until they have all of their equipment in bef if there is any ror.irii for tables. They are not modificatir.ins on the outside ether than _sing already there. The inside rilodificatii:iris would • Clm Cr.irr.igars - wanted to k-rir.1w about signs. ng. Part of their will have to wait ore they would knew planning c_in any the canopy that is not be structural. Eileen Hicks - the signs wi -Juld be where the canopy IS and that would be replaced. I I U E • TOWN OF DRYDEN i DRYDEN, NEW YORK 95 EA9T MAIN $TFittT, bRYDEN, NEw Yohk i1b63 6o7- 044 -Wo ZONING d WALDING CODE ENF0hcWrtNT Tthaca Journal. News 1" W. State Street Ithaca, New York In The Heart of I& Fingir Leka iitgioii Attn: Donna Carr, Legal Ads F ,,LEASE PUBLISH the following LEGAL NOTICE no later than FRIDAY JULY 320TH, 1993 and bill the Town of Dryden. PLEASE TAKE_ NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden tA)il.l hold a Public Hearing to consider an application for a SPecial Permit from James R Eileen Hicks of 8a Baker Hill Road, Freeville, New York to establish an Ice Cream and related foods carry ot.it shop within an existing facility at 930 Dryden Road, Ithaca, NY. SAIL! iiEnRING will be held on THURSDAY, AUGUST 5TH, 1993 at 7:15 1-'.M. prevailing time at the Dryden Town Hall 65 E. Main Street Dryden, New York at which time all interested persons will be given an opportflnity to be heard. Persons may appear in person or by agent. DATED: July 19th7 v, Henry M. Slater Zoning Officer Town of Dryden 1993 cc: James Schug, Dr Ail Dryden Town Mahlon R. Perk i George Schlecht The Tompkins Co Susanne Lloyd, yden Town Board Mem ns, Dryden Engineer unty Plann Dryden Tow Supervisor bens Town Attorney ing Department n Clerk R I 9 • i TBS -5 -93 Page 4 Clm Roberts - the map shows parking could be in the back as well as the fry ant. Eileen Hicks Hicks have considered - there used in is enough space iterns. They to have S or 4 cars in the front try and plenty They are not planning on of ror.1m to turn outside. arr.,und. Supv Sch ug - wanted to knew if it was handicapped accessible. Eileen Hicks - it is all c-in one level. Ken Finkelstein, 944 Dryden Rd - is slightly opposed and his concerns are: 1- the road is exceedingly crowded at certain times of the day and the speed limit is much higher then he would like= Since it is a d'r'ive in, drive out type of business he is concerned because it is going to increase the traffic flow in that area. c- is concerned on how the garbage is going to be controlled. ?- he has a Young child that goes to bed between SmOOPM and 9e00PM so that would be all right with the 9nOOPM closing time. 4- questioned if there would be a possibility of selling milk if this is approved. Chic would be a great service in the neighborhood. 5- parking and access to a public phone should be arranged so as to discourage har,gir�g o�..it by teenagersa Eileen Hicks - they have considered this, because milk is used in the preparation of some of their iterns. They would be willing to try and see what the demand is. They are not planning on having a public telephone outside. Letter from om book) Clm Roberts - 1ighting. LlM1l_kise Holmes, 940 Dryden Rd. (letter in minute wanted to know what they had planned for outside Eileen Hicks - her idea was to use isOlated flood 1 i ghts to light up the parking area. (:closed public hearing 7o40PM m I I b TBB -5 -93 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARING #3 • AUGUST 59 1993 Dryden Central School and Dryden Fire Dept Lease Minutes Of the public hearing 9: 10PM Supv Schug - read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider proposed leases Of space at Beam H i l l radio tower mower site. (c,:_,py in minute book.) QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS Supv Sehug - this is presently being used by Dryden Central School for their bus c� imm un i cat ions. dept Une Hose CO. has requested they be allowed t o use the same site. This w i l l not affect any Of the repeaters that are there ro_m. The town highway dept. also uses this site. Atty Perkins - since this is a lease of town property, it should be done by resc-i 1 ut i on. The resr. i 1 ut i on would declare that portion the t i awn is not using as surplus pr• •pert y not presently needed for t• iwn purposes. Also the consideration to be paid is fair and adequate under the circumstances. Dryden School arid Nept urge Hose CO. wO U l d pay $150.00 per year and the agreement with Cornell University Teaching and Research Center to repai and maintain the structure and tr. lwer. Section 64 SUbd ivision 1 Of Town Law regUires in Order tri lease property you have to hold a pUbl is hearing and you make these determinat ii:_ins. The resoli..tt ion would be adopted subject to a permissive referendum. This proposed resolution is made so that it is automatically self renewing unless either party gives r-it •t ice to aric_ither that they intend riot to renew the lease. Clm Baker - wanted to know if the ti_Iwn did have to raise the fee would there have to be another resolution ion tat that time. Atty Perkins - that is not the intent, you would rvM1tify the tenant that prior to Aug 1st the lease for the coming year on Oct 1st would be xx dollar ami punt. Clm Corrigan - wanted to know if anyone Of the three parties backed _out Of the agreement what wO U l d happen? Atty Perkins - the town would have the opportunity prior to Aug 1st of that year to � not i fy the other parties Of the different terms that would be req,_tired. 0 Closed public hearing 9n 15PM I r� U • NOTICE OF ADOPTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins, New York, at a special meeting thereof held on the 5th day of August, 1993, duly adopted a resolution, an abstract of which is as followso The Town shall enter into a lea School and Neptune Hose Company N the use of a portion of surplus T( Beam Hill Road at the radio tow consideration of $150.00 from Cornell Teaching and Research consideration of its agreement to structure and tower. se with Dryden Central o. 1 of Dryden, Inc. for )wn property located off er site for the annual each lessee and with Center for the annual maintain and repair the The aforesaid resolution was adopted subject to a permissive referendum as provided in Article 7 of the Town Law. By Order of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, New York Dated: August 6, 1993 Susanne Lloyd, Town C NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York, on the 5th day of August, 1993, at 7:45 P.M. prevailing time, to consider proposed leases of space at the Town's Beam Hill radio tower site to Neptune Hose Company No.l of Dryden, Inc., Dryden Central School and Cornell University Teaching and Research Farm. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, at the aforementioned time and place all citizens shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition of said leases. DATED: July 21, 1993 (7r Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk is I COUNCILPERSON resolution and ask RESOLUTION #147 or its adoption. WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden owns Beam Hill Road, identified as Town of 60 -1 -7, which parcel was conveyed to Liber 554 of Deeds at page 1189 in Office, and offered the following a parcel of land located off Dryden Tax Map Parcel Number the Town by deed recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's WHEREAS, the Town has constructed a structure and radio tower on said property for the use by its highway department, and WHEREAS, said structure and tower have excess space and capacity and to the extent that they are not presently needed by the Town, such space constitutes surplus property, and WHEREAS, the Central School and expressed interest said structure and interfere with the portion of the pro] Cornell Teaching and Research Center, Dryden Neptune Hose Company No. 1 of Dryden, Inc. have in leasing part of said property and the use of tower for similar purposes which use will not use by the Town and which use will be of that oerty which is surplus property, and WHEREAS, proposed leases between the Town and those parties • desiring to use said structure and tower have been prepared and express adequate consideration for the use of Town owned property including the payment of $150.00 per year by both Dryden Central School and Neptune Hose Company No. 1 of Dryden, Inc., and the agreement by Cornell Teaching and Research Center to maintain said structure and tower, and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing on the proposed leases was duly published and posted as required by law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden as follows: 1. That portion of said premises, structure and tower not currently utilized by the Town of Dryden is determined to be surplus property. 29 The consideration expressed in the proposed leases and in the recitals hereof is determined to fair and adequate consideration for the lease by the Town of such surplus property. 3. The supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to enter into lease agreements with the above parties in substantially the form presented to the Town Board. 4. This resolution is adopted subject to a permissive referendum as provided in Article 7 of the Town Law. 1- 5. The Town Clerk is directed to publish and post as 10 required by law notice of adoption of this resolution within ten (10) days of the date of adoption hereof. 6, This resolution shall take effect the sooner of thirty (30) days after the adoption hereof if no lawful petition for a permissive referendum is filed, or upon approval by the electors of the Town as provided in Town Law Section 91, SECONDED, COUNCILPERSON Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes is • LEASE Lessor. Town of Dryden 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 (607) 844 -8619 (Town Supervisor) Lessee. Dryden Central School District, Tompkins County, New York Route 38 P. O. Box 88 Dryden, New York 13053 (607) 844 -4221 (Transportation Superintendent) Premiseso Town of Dryden Tax Map Parcel 60 -1 -7 (Deed reference: Liber 554 of Deeds at page 1189 in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office) Term: One (1) year beginning October 1, 1993 and ending September 30, 1994. 16 Lessor leases to lessee and lessee hires and takes from lessor the premises for the term on the conditions hereinafter set forth. 2. The premises are to be used by lessor and . lessee in common and in common with others for a radio tower site and for no other purposes. Lessor shall pay all electricity furnished the premises. 3. Lessee shall pay to lessor the annual rental of One Hundred Fifty ($150.00) Dollars on or before October 1, 1993 and in each renewal year thereafter or this lease shall be null and void. 49 This lease shall automatically renew on a year to year basis on the same terms unless either party shall notify the other in writing of the intention not to renew prior to August 1 of existing term. 59 The lessor shall be under no obligation to maintain the leased premises and makes no warranty of said premises or its fitness for any purposes. 69 Lessee agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the lessor for any damages, losses, or personal injury caused by lessee's use, occupancy or enjoyment of the leased premises. • Lessee shall maintain public liability insurance in the minimum amounts of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate and • proof of automobile liability insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000. A certificate evidencing the existence of such insurance shall be filed with lessor. 7. Lessee shall not sublease or assign its interest in this agreement or in any part thereof. IN WITNESS day • • WHEREOF of the parties , 19930 hereto have executed this lease the TOWN OF DRYDEN, Lessor by James F. Schug, Town Supervisor DRYDEN CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK, Lessee by Thomas Crane, Transportation Supervisor LEASE is Lessor: Town of Dryden 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 (607) 844 -8619 (Town Supervisor) Lessee. Neptune Hose Company No. 1 of Dryden, Inc. 26 North Street P. O. Box 397 Dryden, New York 13053 (607) 844 -8124 Premises: Town of Dryden Tax Map Parcel 60 -1 -7 (Deed reference: Liber 554 of Deeds at page 1189 in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office) Term: One (1) year beginning October 1, 1993 and ending September 30, 19949 to Lessor leases to lessee and lessee hires and takes from lessor the premises for the term on the conditions hereinafter set forth. 2. The premises are to be used by lessor and lessee in common and in common with others for a radio tower site and for no other purposes. Lessor shall pay all electricity furnished the premises. 3. Lessee shall pay to lessor the annual rental of One Hundred Fifty ($150.00) Dollars on or before October 1, 1993 and in each renewal year thereafter or this lease shall be null and void. 49 This lease shall automatically renew on a year to year basis on the same terms unless either party shall notify the other in writing of the intention not to renew prior to August 1 of existing term. 5. The lessor shall be under no obligation to maintain the leased premises and makes no warranty of said premises or its fitness for any purposes. 6. Lessee agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the lessor for any damages, losses, or personal injury caused by lessee's use, occupancy or en3oyment of the leased premises. Lessee shall maintain public liability insurance in the minimum amounts of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate and jo proof of automobile liability insurance in the • minimum amount of $1,000,000. A certificate evidencing the existence of such insurance shall be filed with lessor. i. Lessee shall not sublease or assign its interest in this agreement or in any part thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this lease the day of , 19930 TOWN OF DRYDEN, Lessor by James F. Schug, Town Supervisor NEPTUNE HOSE COMPANY NO. 1 OF DRYDEN, INC., Lessee by Dana J. Abbey, President 11 I LEASE • Lessor: Town of Dryden 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 (607) 844 -8619 (Town Supervisor) Lessee. Cornell Teaching and Research Center 819 Cotterill Lane Dryden, New York 13053 (607) 844 -9253 Premises: Town of Dryden Tax Map Parcel 60 -1 -7 (Deed reference: Liber 554 of Deeds at page 1189 in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office) Term: One (1) year beginning October 1, 1993 and ending September 30, 1994s 1. Lessor leases to lessee and lessee hires and takes from lessor the premises for the term on the conditions hereinafter set forth. 2. The premises are to be used by lessor and lessee in common and in common with others for a radio tower site and for no other purposes. Lessor shall pay all electricity furnished the premises. 3. The consideration for this lease is the agreement on the part of the lessee to maintain and repair the building and tower located on the premises. It is understood and agreed that the upper 50 feet of the tower is owned by the lessee and may be removed at the end of the term or any renewal thereof. 4. This lease shall automatically renew on a year to year basis on the same terms unless either party shall notify the other in writing of the intention not to renew prior to August 1 of existing term. 5. The lessor shall be under no obligation to maintain the leased premises and makes no warranty of said premises or its fitness for any purposes. 6. Lessee agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the lessor for any damages, losses, or personal injury caused by lessee's use, occupancy or enjoyment of the leased premises. is Lessee shall maintain public liability insurance in the minimum amounts of $1,000,000 r i per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate and • proof of automobile liability insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000. A certificate evidencing the existence of such insurance shall be filed with lessor. 7. Lessee shall not sublease or assign its interest in this agreement or in any part thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this lease the day of , 1993. TOWN OF DRYDEN, Lessor by James F. Schug, Town Supervisor CORNELL TEACHING AND RESEARCH CENTER, Lessee by William G. Harrower, Supt. Bldg., Grounds • E • LEGAL the Town La of the Town Town Board Main Street 7:00 o'cloc and citize n Snowmobile I • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY w of the State of Board of the Tow will hold a publ , Dryden, New Yo k p.m. prevailing s for or against the Ordinance. an GIVEN that New York a n of Dryden is hearing rk on the 5 time, to h pursuant to Sectio pursuant to a re s adopted July 13, at the Town Hall, th day of August, ear all interested repeal of the Town of n 130 of olution 1993 the 65 East 1993 at parties Dryden Town Board of the Town of Dryden By Susanne r� U NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall, 65 East Main Dryden, New York, on the 5th day of August, 1993, at prevailing time, to consider proposed leases of space at Beam Hill radio tower site to Neptune Hose Company No.1 Street, 7:45 P.M. the Town's of Dryden, Inc., Dryden Central Research Farm. School and Cornell University Teaching and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, at the aforementioned time and place all citizens shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition of said leases. DATED: July 21, 1993 L- J U Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk I n • • RESOLUTION NO. 150 Councilperson Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption. BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden as follows: The Town of Dryden Snowmobile Ordinance originally effective 3/14/72 is hereby repealed. Seconded Councilperson Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes q' TR8 -5 -93 Page E RESOLUTION #_14_8 NEGATIVE DECLARATION SHORT EAF - FORM - SCREAMERS -ICE CREAM Clm Carrigan offered the fc.11lowing resolution and asked for its adoptior.a RESOLVED, that this Town Board accept the short EAF fr_irm as filled out by the applicant. It was determined that there was no significant environmental impact and a negative declaration shoUld be issued. 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vi .-it e - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #149 GRANT- SPECIAL_ PERMIT —_ SCREAMERS ICE CREAM Clm Roberts RESOLUTION #147 the following BEAM HILL ROAD and TOWER SITE_•- this Cream a ?(')F'M Town with seven 3- this E0- -1__7 - -- grant 9 is call the 2- for vote special cond i t i "Boiler Eileen - all ons Plate Hicks, voting permit a 1- to Hours Cond i t ions" Screamers Yes Clm Corrigan offered the fi_11 lowing reso1ut is in and asked for its adept ion a (copy in minute book.) 2nd Clm Hatf i e l d Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #_14_8 NEGATIVE DECLARATION SHORT EAF - FORM - SCREAMERS -ICE CREAM Clm Carrigan offered the fc.11lowing resolution and asked for its adoptior.a RESOLVED, that this Town Board accept the short EAF fr_irm as filled out by the applicant. It was determined that there was no significant environmental impact and a negative declaration shoUld be issued. 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vi .-it e - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #149 GRANT- SPECIAL_ PERMIT —_ SCREAMERS ICE CREAM Clm Roberts Iffered the following resolution and asked for its adopt i� •n a RESOLVED, that Screarfiers Ice 9 a i aOAM t i.-j 9 adopted Ice Cream only. 2nd Clm Hatfield this Cream a ?(')F'M Town with seven 3- this BrJard the days a permit Rill following week 1 grant 9 is call the 2- for vote special cond i t i "Boiler Eileen - all ons Plate Hicks, voting permit a 1- to Hours Cond i t ions" Screamers Yes RESOLUTION #150 RESCIND SNOWMOBILE ORDINANCE Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked fi •r its adopt i on a BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden as followsa The Town of Dryden Snowmobile 3 -14 -72 is hereby repealed. 2nd Clm Ci .-irr i g an Roll call Ordinance originally effective v• tt e - all voting Yes NEW BUSINESS Special Special Site Plan permit - permit - Review 8 -31 8 -31 8 -31 -93 -93 -93 7a)('}PM 7a15PM 7 a 3t FPM Merrill Darrell Fowler Schutt Rademacher Oil Co. Ad .j o�_Srned a 9 a 40PM Susanne Lloyd Dryden Town Clerk d