HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-09TOWN BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 1993 Supv Schug called the meeting to order at 7 =u 30PM Members and guests participated in the Fledge ivif Allegiance Roll call was by the Tc-iwn Cler^ke Present a Supv Schug, Clm Roberts, Clm Baker, . Clm Hatfield. Clm Corrigan, Atty Perkins and Z. O. Slater - Approval Motion of was the made minutes. by Clm Roberts and 2nd by Clm Ce'lrr i gan to approve the minutes of 12 -29 -92 and, 1-4-932 Carried COUNTY BRIEFING Co. Rep. Evans - repr.lrted in solid waste. Judge O' Conn or . wants to review whether the permit should continue to � be held f• •% DR7. The ci_j+_tnty and their atti-. 1rney have drafted a Statement to be sent to Judge O'CrJnn or. It basically suggests that they are requesting the state hold the permit in abeyance until July 19 1990. If they do that, he thinks they will be required to continue the neighb!Irho od protectir.in program. 'The cc.iunty did not fund the priDgram -this year and they don't have the money this year to continue the program. The waste stream has beer-, reduced to the point where it -cann •t support a landf i 11 anywhere at an econ omical price per tr.1n to operate. The capital costs are so ® great to construct ,a landfill as req u i red by DEC that he does not see where there is any ecizin mic viability whatsoever to do that. He is attempting ti -.1 get a resol ut ic- in ti .-j have no interest in DR7. In his i_jpinir.1n there is rnri economic benefit to have a landfill in Tompkins County. The counties that did go ahead when we started are now in serir pus problems with their landfills. He thinks the votes are on the briard now to dri_ip any interest in a landfill. Co. Rep. Evans - reported yin sales tax. The city of Ithaca has decided that they are going to � get half of the revenue from the increase r.lr^ they are going ti.-j block. it. He finds this disconcerting since the county is the one that has to vr. ate for it and take the heat and they get the benefit. If that is going to be the city's decision, then as far as he is concerned he will not vote f0r, the increase in the sales tax tr.i be continued inued bey end this year. Right n•iw, the county gets all of it for G months to restore their fund balance and then it goes 20 percent to the towns and city and 70 percent to the ci .-junt y. Co. Rep. Evans - reported that the law passed ber,ef i t 'fee for solid waste and to be t erm i nat this year. This dies not mean that the crJunt y another law. The intention i_if the c• iunt y board c0r,t inued after a year i_Ir there is a good real way to g. i to co l l ect the money. The fee sched u passed yet because -if 'the ob.ject irins from the and Tompkins County Hospital, last meeting r.in the ed at the end of c uldn' t write is that it not be on this is the best le has not beer, sch i.-Iol districts Im • • • Date: February 2nd, 1993 To: James Schug, Dryden Town Supervisor Dryden Town Hall 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York From Henry M. Slater, Zoning R Building Code Enforcement Off. 65 E. Main Street Dryden, New York. 13053 SUb. a January 193 Dept. Activity Report Dear Jim: Building Permits Issued, (7) which are described as follows: A -1 Single - family, New Starts, Site Built Homes, (2) A -1 Extend, Repair or Renovate Existing Single-family(2) C -4.1 Erect Private Garage (2) C -7 Miscellanec-lus (1) Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance. (12) Certificates of Occupancy Issued. (U) Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. l3) Certificates of Compliance issued. Fire Investigations. There were (2) Fire I One was a Structure f The structure, a Mobi further Use and will minor caLtsing no dama After a completed iris to continue. inue. r•ivest i. gat ire and t le Horne, be dernol i Ile to eit pect ion b ion conducted by oUr +office. he other was a Chimney fire. was found to be unfit for shed. The Chimney Fire was her the horse or the chimney, y our office, use was permitted I e E Pg. (2) Multiple Residence Inspectionse (U) Fire Safety Inspections of publ is /businessese (0) Home Day Care Fire Safety Inspectionsi (0) Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing Requestse 1 (2) One was completed, "Notice of Decision" is attached. The second request, was held overr for^ fUr•ther^ review with the Febrnuary 93 agenda. This yearn one of the work more closely w i the Town of Dryden. approved home sites. to observe ar,e, cord with appropriate 1D facilities, Unauthcntn concerns and general Rep U1ations things that I've set out to do is th the 15 Mobile le Home Parks within Within these 15 Parks are 894 Some of the items that I would like it ion of the homes, marking of homes nUmber^s, street markings, parking ized motor vehicles, fire safety compliance with all Town We have started this effs -irt and have looked at the major parks finding fora the most part, that the parks are in the best condition that I have seen in receipt time. Within most of the parks, we were unable to find more than cine ot� t wC 1 Unr,e.g i st eyed riot or^ veh i c 1 es: Most homeee site are neat and otmdern 1 y. Unfortunately we di::i find one park to be in need of much work. At this time I can report, that steps are under way to resolve the problems at that park . The park manager and myself recently completed a walking toutn of the park recotn ding the various problems. Violation notices have been sent to site occupants who:, were found to be in violatic.1n. The park manager seem very eager to resolve the prmobl.ems within the park.. Some of the r_oncerns that I observed, abandoned motor vehicles, acco_imu l at i lens of junk. and trash. The' most serious issue was that of junked mobile homes from the park itself. We did get a commitment from the park owner to resolve this concern within a few weeks. One general cibser, vat empty home sites wit mush as a 2c:) % ::if th is 10 /. Nornma l 1. y, t available. In fact, list fov% par %k sites. Henry M. S 1 at er ion is, there is A large' number of h i n m1�1st parks. Some parks have as eir home sites vacant. The average here are few to no home sites in the past, there have been waiting cc* A l l Dryden Town Board Members Susanne Lloyd, Dryden Town Clerk Mahlon R. Perk. i ns, Dryden Town Attorney 0 I i ti • 6 MICHAEL ANb VIRdtN1A PSCI OLAtt JANUnnY S; Igjj 2 IM Michaol and Vinginia Pen Platt of 00 bok 212; h^ @60HI4$ N iW York requesting pprilg ioii to ta�bli�h building lot at or about 35 Milt Str@ @t; P-t- 66vi114; NY With 124.35 feet of 'road frontage and ar@rpiqu @sung iiai^Iance to Section 7m2.I and 702.2 of th@ bryderi tciwn ZtiiiiNtj Ordiance to' do goo A j3ublic h @wring was duly conduct @d 6y tha tbWh t b'. Poard of ttithjh A rydi�n Ppeals on Ttii+@d�1y January 5, lg� With members pr @ @hti Chairwoman Anne EV @rE►tt Sordoh rti� Alan LaMotte, Joseph Jay €ihd t Earl @g Nafilpy FINDINGS6 0 l• That thb Variance request @d I pilhlp li @v @N bias ihch @@ bl` r6lIC4 is rptlu @st @d, JOSEPH JAY MbVLb THAT THE Vp"lnklct bt 13"hNttb. ALAN LAMOttL tttOND THE MOtlbN. DISCUSSION, VOTE! DECISIONS DATE • /JR A S 05) NO d6i J. Jay, A. Laiiaott@; b. and A. Everett, ASSTAINEb (0) VAkIANCE GRANTEE) �,i.,fi ��::�L • �lordotiCro; tt 146614V aNN� bV�fl�ffi "I`B2 -9 -93 Page E. COUNCILMAN F=ARIUILEGE OF THE FLOOR Clm Roberts - no response vet from ACC on Thomas Rd. He is still working c 0n the Snowmcfbi le Ordinance. Clint Cotteri l l - would like the town beard to consider~ the use of Dryden He snowrtrobi les I ... aken has been on Right approached the old now there with railroad are this right of no motr.iri:_ed question way to vehicles by several and people aroUnd allowed. and they have always used this trail before. Supv Schug -- they will take this under adviser,rent< Clm Robe'rt s - wanted to know about Freshwater wetlands Atty Perkins - each n;!!nicipal ity is free to adept their-own freshwater wetland law. It must be at least as restrictive as the state arid federal laws. The town reserved the right to enact their own r.ord i nancee ATTORNEY Fatty Perkins -- would like permission to contact the state cable commission to find out whether or not the cable cori missio —r1 act of 1952 in the town would be in a position to require their assistance to regulate the basic service rates. • Atty Perkins - met with George Junil::ir Republic, Freevi l le Fire Dept. and the Dept. of SCIr..ial Services, 1 he meeting was very productive and hopefully everything has been worked out. ZONING OFF=ICER - report given to beard members Discussion regarding the special permit application for the McLean Con ven i ence Store. Clm Corrigan,- would like in the regulations that if a public telephone is installed that it shall be located inside -Jf the store only, William Jcthri=_.� r,, 3 St evens Rd -- ownc and operates the grocery and deli store located in the center � If McLean and does not think that McLean can support 2 convenience st e_,r�es tl We going to end up with having no stores-at all. Regarding the competition factor is it wise to have' 2 stores so close t� � each other in such a small community= He is a true grocery store and will n ot be selling any gasoline. Fie thinks hExa can survive and it would be nice n it to have the competition, a1 r'• ; -tJrl r•f t)r"yCJE?rI s±:71V- ICir1r--d9 Ncli I r^ F'lcate Apt]r ^oval • 11; . _ t= f : 1. 1 _rwirlg starldar ^d �:appr�: :�v �.l c:!_�rldit it girls sfiFll.._L_ t:ap'PLY to the attar_hed as-) rlerc�ssar`yw r -� p r] 1aT ^d nrt ior1 1) ate ._2. /..9.f..93._ ............._ flrt i Con_yeni en_ ___ Q_.___-•--..--.-.....__.._ _._....___-- _----- .._- .-- . - -._� s i t NY i 1. ,. Tim r:'.rlV ] r ^r�nrllE?r "It a 1 (�55SC?E:iESrIIE ?1 "I i -rr ^fll pr ^P�]ar ^Pd i. YI rr�}tilE�rt i r.�YI Witte the r]r!_r.jer.,t is apprr+ved and arc- eratrad based 1_Ipcon the fact that the prrl.jer.::t 4'J i 1 l Have r-Irr adversse erly i r%orlment a l impact. n r'legat i ve der. 1 t-ir. at i rlrl IS t; r -r tip f i .led . rt'Ie pr`Cr.jert shall. be cor'Istr1_IC: tt=d ar_r_+�rdirlg t� :, the planes sl_tbnlitted by the Applicant and appr! -,ved and filed with the Town of Dv%yden. That the pv rcf ject dur•ir-Ig ar'Id ft_A I'Dwinq ri-r-Istrl_Irt irlri shall romply with All ,:applicable 'Town, I_,-r1_(rlty, state and Federal laws, statutes, code n, ord i. nanres, tappr^ova l s rend T' 1_I 1 M s and r ^eg I_11 at i or-j 3. lie That the rW'Dject Cllr ^1. 1'I Ci Cr�r15tr ^1_lCt lC1 Yl and I.Ipr -1r'I rohip1E?t ion Shal. 1 rl+_1t C_ "�-jrlc'r,t i.tl_ItV a pl.lbl is 1_�r' pr} ivate YII_(iCc3nre. l'hPrl rnurlir.ipal wc'a.1;c ?r^ �:ir^ 1711- IrliCi pal SE?l^JF?r' 1S available to? 'thf? sltf? IE:? a. PP 1 i c sha l 1 crir-rrler.. t t: t ter= sarnC? 1_(pr.Irl rn_ot i re t 1 do c so , t:n•J rl , f r r_ r rn the'.+ F,. rI1 %:a.F f.;tl_1_lld tt'1f? TrrW1l r'r1C)1_ti.r "f? E ?aserllvrits, frrr^ r111_tni.c1i.pc31 Water' li.T'Ies ii }• cif �1.J( =pr 1 lYlt? al'Id rIPCeS�r�ZY`y c3�]I: ?IJ.1`tPnanCeS in C� it "IYtE3t:t i�'�n With the of a r111_IYIivipd:1. Wlater^ systera ctr` sC?l•Jer% systera that thf? "ar ) pIi.(:'aV -1 t:, its �1_ICCeEiCi! -1 ^Si aY "I!:i assigris, qr ^arlt the sarlle to the IrIwr. the e riecess i t y for r�_:rmpr:.�r7sat i ran. '7, That the r ^,ate cif discharrlc? of surface watEar ftmctra the site not be j.rlrr ^E?fa° >ed d1_Ir ^irig 1-+r^ f ::, I I -'W 1. VIP C""}YIstT'`IrtiOr, arld ttlat m6askir ^es be taker'I by thr_ app.11carlt rlsl..lr(-:? n1_Irh c!,rltr`o1 0f them di!nv1-1ar�ge 0 water^. Flay dvainage iriiprlovenu?rltss r clris:+tr•1_Irte.d by thr, car., )Pli I r_arlt t o comply with this rCmditil -Wn shall be mairltairled by the applicant. bl.lffer i.s regl•(i.rr7d t1_� be planted there it shall be mai.rltAirler:i bv 'LtI1:n appl icarlt. rat; ,:a . r =' 1_l b rJE?l.1 Fhrr (JoC..:1. ra 1. 'D r'I Hc,ar ^irlq Fte?].d._._1 /19� tht=+ abnve apt:ll. i.c`1-4t i r Ise attached. 13Y tllj.s ar'Id raak.e it avai.l.at)l.E, XX (Ipp I j. r ar-It �93- �_�___ The llrydEarl Town_�Q�rCi...___ - -- ........ b r'a sr'?d ll pl -r Y1 t tlese st aY'Idar ^d C1 ::1r'Id 1. t l -�Y'15 cri dc- rllerlt, i maice a rer_1�r�d of that to pl_tbl ic. HY: m. - __ __ _.. ._._._..__......._.__._...__... .... ....... .rr. W 106 H 0 old Z 3 N Cd X 1-i a cd v V) Cd j.mmit) (� .VM04 �-d U 0 .� .� a) O U) U aGi .r., G v G O U� Ali U 0 PL v v U G O O G •,a x cxja� G •r4 x .ra 3 a� O 41 m U G .ra G G U' R1 ..0 N •rl cb J.� N a1 • 0 O H aU b A 00 0 M 1• 3 ar z 4) r4 .ra Cfi 04 U r-4 ra co 0 r� b Cd crl Q` ON g) d) qw Cd Q two w W ra -U A r4 C1 .rr. W 106 H 0 old Z 3 N Cd X 1-i a cd v V) Cd j.mmit) (� .VM04 �-d U 0 .� .� a) O U) U aGi .r., G v G O U� Ali U 0 PL v v U G O O G •,a x cxja� G •r4 x .ra 3 a� O 41 m U G .ra G G U' R1 ..0 N •rl cb J.� N a1 • 0 O H aU b A 00 0 M 1• 3 ar z 4) r4 .ra Cfi 04 U r-4 ra co 0 r� b Cd crl Q` ON g) d) qw Cd Q two w m ra -U A r4 � w u U cn OI. •t4 O r-41 a zi s. v x m m G O .r4 41 .r4 .d G U Cli d l� a r-4 •,4 o ti G tcf L En I 0 0 04 V1 . . . . O a3 •rl ca api VICa� a� 41 .r., a) 0.4 d x G 00 co CL e v r4 .r4 \ to E y: V f- L CIO �b 4J U to co •rl r-4 V) CD 04 .r .O O U) v E O E i� a) I 3 617.21 Appendix F State Environmental Quality Review NEQATIVE bECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non - Significance ' SEAR Project Number S . P. -1 -93 Date February 11th, 9 This notice is Issued pursuant to Part 617 of the Implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law. The Dryden Town Board , as lead. agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: Establish Convenience Store within an Existing Structure. SEAR Status: Type I Unlisted I Conditioned Negative Declaration: ❑ Yes ❑ No Description of Action: The applicants have proposed to open a general convenience store within an existing structure. The main effort will be to provide general food store goods to the general public. i Location: (Include street address and the name of the municipalltylcounty. A location map of appropriate scale Is also recommended.) At 750 Fall Creek Road near the Hamlet of McLean, New York. Sipe Map attached. TOWN OV !)RYI)VN • �ttY�1 N13W YORK 6 tot MAIN btf We bhYbtN, hkW YON Wes bor- dJd -�12o • ZONING r1 BUILDING Cobh tNPOpCEMENT February 11, 1993 John Cooper 594 Wood Road Fr•eev i 1 1 e, NY 13768 In The Aei i b/ 1k NBer JAAii Res Special Permit f ot% Convenience St ore. Gentlemen Please find attached a Special Permit and the condition"' of approval assigned to the Special Perinit Project: At their February 9th, 1993 board meeting, the Town Boat -d chose to approve with standard conditions yoI_tr t,eqUest for the Special Permit to open a General Convenience store at 75() Fall Creek Road. As of that t irne, y,-,U are free to open for busines' cohiplying with all conditions as each may. apply to yoLir pr•o Ject o Prior to operating, we must make a genes -al iMSOttion of the facility verifying compliance with regulAtions that apply. • Please cal 1 n_ o-) ffice for such inspection the ' day pr =ior t� wwhen needed. YOU May call 844 -9120 between 8600 AM and i 100 FPM Monday through Friday. 0 Very truly yours, Henry M. Slater BUilding Zoning Code Enforcement Officer cc5 Kenneth Mooney 5 Johnson Street Freev i l l e, NY 132068 IN C. r f1 i �o all Y TIN . f 7\ 4 xM J w T R Y f 0 m P C� LAWT M N O 0 .a O rr i i0 C a O E O CD X v v e f N ` n ,..4, 0' a +�r o ^' Oar• �.� \\ �: "�.\ � \��'_t•J��l���!P� . --� < - �y�••�1�`\, � � �a `�. - 'Y \�-�� Oi i•� �' a. l� _ rev now �► vim -..ate �r�ra 1 V -t C r• � O O rr O rD rt a a � " no c CU 00 OO ro w C6 x, � ro r• w 03 un cn I o 0 ,'O �-► ttt rr • !D v � • C 00 0 � II rr M a °o� M N O 0 .a O rr i i0 C a O E O CD X v v e f N ` n ,..4, 0' a +�r o ^' Oar• �.� \\ �: "�.\ � \��'_t•J��l���!P� . --� < - �y�••�1�`\, � � �a `�. - 'Y \�-�� Oi i•� �' a. l� _ rev now �► vim -..ate �r�ra 1 V • 0 -= 3 ' -i t L a ~', O &not* 4 NEW J OI s � YORK low Aho row t� I_, � � 1 •• � I \- X15. � s� � ' -` I� I 1� U 1 � a I � v jlw 40 f'1 J a a. N t� A n r N 1 •1 �.�►- .tea' bt 6 2.46 AC CAL 136ACCAL. 1\i - ~ } r t D 9 ' A N cn o n' N N' nm N I 210 N i � I 1AINEA14 r • ._2-9-93 Wage 3. Si.tpv S4:_hug the sign should be repaired r.,r replaced prier t , opening= RESOLUTION #77 ACCEPT NEGATIVE DECLARATION - SHORT EAFM FORt� MC;LEAN CONVENIENCE STORE Clm Roberts offered the following res,,,lution and asked for its ad,_, pt ion o offered the Board Kirk. Roll f ,11owing not Road call RESOLVED, resolution that this Town Board accept I omment f,.-,r McLean Convern i ence Store. there was declaration End Corrigan no significant should . be issued. Roll environmental call vote - the EAF f,_:,rm -filed without It was determined that impact and a negative all voting Yes RESOLUTION #k78 GRANT SPECIAL_ PERMIT MCLEAN CONVENIENCE C TORE- Clm Corrigan offered the Board Kirk. Roll f ,11owing not Road call FOR resolution and asked for its adoptions MOWER _*18(") RESOLVED, that this Town Dr.1a.rd grant a special permit to John Cooper and Kenneth Rowney for a conven i ence Store at 7(.")5 Fall Creek Road with the following conditions o 1e No sale of gasoline 20 All signs.shall be installed on the building only "e Hours of r.iperat ic,n shall not exceed Monday through Saturday 6 e 0 7AM to 10 o 0 rPM and Sunday 8 o i 0AM to 1 (' ),a i ri yPM 4e Standard "Boiler Plate Conditions" adopted 7 -10 -90 `,e If a public telephone is t� � be installed at the stare, it shall be installed inside the store ,::,nlyo 6. Since the "C,_,untry Acres Mobile H,.1me Park Facility Sign" needs to be repaired, said sign shall either be repaired or replaced prior to the opening of the store. 2nd Clm Baker- Roll call v,-,t e- Clm Robert s Yes Clm Baker Yes Clm Corrigan Yes Clm Hatfield No rE CyOI t_ITION #k79 REl_ON16NG PROJECT ROUTE _._1_3 __.. C KIRK ROAD AREA Clm Corrigan'offered the adopt ion° following RESOLVED, that this T• ,wn rezorling •,n Route 13 a-rid .::'rid Clm Roberts Board Kirk. Roll BID not Road call HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT resc_,l!!t ion and asked for its accept the proposal of area. vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION ACCEPT BID FOR BC1OM MOWER _*18(") Clm Baker- ,.,ffered the f,::,ll,_,wir,g resu1l_itiOn and asked for its adopt ion a RESOLVED, that this T,_,wn Board accept the Eq u i pment of $1695127.00 for a bDr.l l mc_,wera 2nd Clm Corr i g an Roll call vc,t e - low bid f r,-.,m Tracy Road all v,:,t i n g Yes 31 i page 4 RESOLUTION #81 AUTHORIZE TO 21I1) FOR ONE "FANIA..M AXLE TRAILER WITH SNOW PLOW EQUIF'MEONT Clm Baker, iffer-ed adept ion a offered the following could r,esolutii -.1n and asked fora its RESOLVED, that tandem axle End Clm Hatfield trailer Hay Supt with Gilbert be c-tuthi,Irized to bid fora one snowplow equipment. Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #82 AUTHORIZE TO PURCHASE_ ONE TON TRUCK UNDER S'1 "flTE CON .T Clm R� �berts ads apt ions offered the fc- i.l could li :jwing resol-ut ilWIn durning a-rid asked fotn its RESOLVED, ton truck, that Hwy 4 wheel Supt drive Gi with 1 beat a be aUthl: iri plow under red state to putmehase a one co rtract. 2nd Clm Laker the town. Roll any event it call vote - all us fry �m voting Yes CORRESPONDENCE Dryden Police report - Dryden Lake Dog repornt for' the month r.11' Dt. cerllber' and January DISCUSSION -- Ads ipt -A- Highway Prnogram • Clm Hatfield - wanted to make sUre that no one undetn the age of 16 would be able to participate. i Atty Per ~kips - we are alli1winq participants could 16 and older. A 16 durning the i nformat guidelines. i r.1r, and He i nst r�uct will n1-.It i i ona l fy Hwy year old is not going t� � be able to sign an effective document releasing the town. In any event it wouldn't release us fry �m negligence Atty Perm. i ns - we allow part i c i pants who ar•e 16 years I-. If age. He wants the boar ~d to understand that a 16 year old roan not enter into binding cont•ractual obligation with the town. They Would be eligible, but whatever they sign does not matter. They are riot able to � release the town and the parent could riot release the town either-•, that is the rneasi.-jn fl it the insurance. The qr<<+_!p must provide the insur-ance which, must contain the agreement to name and i ndertin i f y the town. The town is cr.iver•ed as much as they can be and still allow part i c i pat i on for-• young peop 1 e.. Clm Cc jrri gar- - she was cr. tr-icerned about the time of day that they Would wi trk durming the months this. was going to take place and Would like some kind of stipulation. Atty Perkins -- thol_rght this could be enfotnced durning the i nformat guidelines. i r.1r, and He i nst r�uct will n1-.It i i ona l fy Hwy perm Gilbert i od and included about this in the prmogram concern. j 1( I i i TOWN OPROGYRAMNGUDIDELINESIGHWAY / DRAFT (/ 6 10 Any non- profit or profit making non - partisan organization or group may enter into an Adopt -A- Highway Agreement. 10 The organization /group will be permitted to perform road side litter pickup activities within the town right -of -way. 3. The Agreement is for a two (2) year period. 40 The organization may adopt any section of town highway. The normal minimum length of highway adopted is one (1) mile or one (1) specific roadway. 5.' The minimum age of the participants is sixteen (16) years. No youngsters under the age of sixteen will be allowed. 6. The organization will place litter.filled trash bags along the adopted town highway to be picked up and disposed of by the Dryden Town Highway Department on the next working day. Trash bags will be provided by the Town of Dryden Highway Department, 7. The suggested minimum frequency of pickup along highways is four (4) times per year with the first pickup occurring in the April - May time period. 90 Each organization will be required to obtain a Highway . Work permit. See Appendix Be 90 All participants will sign The General Release Form, See Appendix A. 100 Dryden Highway Department will install Adopt -A- Highway signs at the beginning of each section of town highway. 11. The Town of Dryden will publicize the execution of each Agreement. 129 The Dryden Highway Superintendent or Deputy Highway Superintendent will be the contact with the organization and will manage the Agreement after it is signed. The organization will be required to designate one member as coordinator. 13. A Certificate of Insurance for a Combined Single limit of liability, (Bodily Injury and Property Damage) for $1,000,000 to be presented to the Town of Dryden which must include a hold harmless agreement and the indemnification agreement. The Town of Dryden is to be names as an additional insured on the Certificate of Insurance. page 1 • 0 i I i I I i i 1 i 14. All participants will receive a safety briefing by the Highway Superintendent or designee prior to the first roadside maintenance activity. Thereafter, the safety guidelines will be reviewed with the organization by the designated organization coordinator before each pickup. All participants must attend each safety briefing before participating in the cleanup efforts. 15. All participants are required to wear a traffic safety .vest and hard hat (provided by the Dryden Highway Department). Work signs will also be provided and utilized as outlined by the Highway Superintendent or designee. 16. The organization will be required to pickup bags from the Dryden Highway Department. Unused bags will be returned within one (1) week following the cleanup activity. 17. In the event anyone comes across quantities of materials that they think have been deliberately discarded, they or the coordinator should contact the Tompkins County Solid Waste Division or Paul Cowles, Solid Waste Assistant, that day or the next business day. The material should be left on site until it can be inspected. 18. In the event anyone comes across materials /liquids that could be potentially hazardous, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) should be contacted immediately. If there are any questions, please contact the agencies listed or Paul Cowles. • NYSDEC Oil Spill Response Team 1- 800 - 457 -7362 Tompkins County Solid Waste Division 273 -6632 Paul Cowles (home) 564 -1088 • 190 In the event large items are found, please contact the Dryden Highway Department that day or the next business day. page 2 • • Street City ADOPT -A- HIGHWAY APPLICATION TOWN OF DRYDEN Please print your organization's full name (as it would appear on a road sign) Mailing Address State .0. Box zip Type of organization (non - profit, business, school, etc.) Please list town highway segment interested in adopting. your organization is especially Who in your organization will serve as the primary contact with the Dryden Highway Department? Name Address City State Telephone (daytime) zip (evening) Drop this application off or mail to Adopt -A- Highway Attn: Don Gilbert Town of Dryden Highway Department 65 East Main Street Dryden, NY 13053 I i ADOPT -A- HIGHWAY AGREEMENT The Town of Dryden Highway 61 East Main Street, Dryden, NY "Department" and • an organization using the mailing address of hereafter called the "Organization ", recognize the need for and Department, having 13053, hereinafter offices at called the • desirability of a more attractive and litter free (name of roadway) and are entering into this Agreement to enable the Organization to contribute toward the effort of maintaining the appearance for the Dryden Highway Department. By signature below the Organization acknowledges the hazardous nature of the activity and agrees to the following terms and conditions: No work of any nature will be performed on the pavement or shoulders of the traveled way. All pickup work will be performed within the town right -of -way only. No participants' vehicles may be parked on the travel lanes or shoulders of a highway. Activities permitted are of a roadside maintenance nature limited to litter pickup. The Organization will organize and supervise all activities. The Organization will organize and conduct a safety briefing before each field activity. The Department will provide a representative to present the initial safety briefing. All participants must attend each safety briefing before participating in the field activity. The Department will provide hard hats, reflective vests and trash bags. The Organization will pick up supplies and materials from the Dryden Highway Department. Work signs will also be provided. Unused materials and supplies will be returned to the Dryden Highway Department within one week following each field activity. The Department will provide for disposal of collected waste from locations specified in the permit. page A -I The Organization will conduct activities at a frequency which will enhance the attainment of the goal which is to provide a litter free appearance along the adopted highway. Except as modified by the Highway Superintendent, minimum frequency of pick up along highways is four (4) times per year with the first pick up occurring in the April - May time period. The Organization will obtain a Highway Work Permit from the Dryden Highway Department. The Department will waive the permit fee. The Organization will obtain a general release from each participant. The Department will publicize the execution of this Agreement. The Department will furnish and erect Adopt -A- Highway signs at the beginning of each adopted highway segment. The Department will continue with regular maintenance of the highway. This Agreement shall be for a two year period commenci on and.terminating on ng Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if in the sole judgment of the Department, it is determined that the Organization is not meeting the terms and conditions of this Agreement, upon thirty (30) days notice, the Department may terminate this Agreement and take such other action as it deems appropriate. • The Department recognizes g s the adopting organization for Town Road as starting at ending at and a distance of miles and the Organization acc epts the responsibility of picking up litter on the adopted facility and of promoting a litter -free environment in the Area of responsibility for the term of this Agreement. A Certificate of Insurance for a Combined Single limit of liability, (Bodily Injury and Property Damage) for $1,000,000 is to be presented to the Town of Dryden which must include a hold harmless agreement and the indemnification agreement. The Town of Dryden is to be named as an additional insured on the Certificate of Insurance. • page A -II The hereby agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless the • Department and the Town of Dryden and all their agents, officers, employees and elected officials from any and all claims, demands, actions or cause of action or whatsoever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of services provided for herein and further agrees to defend at its own cost and expense any action or preceding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder. Attached hereto and made a part hereof is "Appendix A ". Name of Organization Organization Leader Printed name and title Authorized Town Official Signature • Printed name and title • Page A -III Date Date I • 40 APPENDIX A TOWN OF DRYDEN ADOPT -A- HIGHWAY GENERAL RELEASE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that 11 of New York, (zip) as a member of (Organization /Group) in consideration of $1.00 (one dollar) payment, payment of which is hereby waived, and other good and valuable consideration given by the Dryden Highway Department, for myself and my personal representatives and distributees, in any capacity, release and discharge the Town of Dryden, the Dryden Highway Department and its officials and employees, their representatives, successors and assigns from all causes of action, controversies, claims, judgments or liabilities I or they may now have or may hereafter have against said Town, Town Departments and its officers and employees arising out of my participation in the Adopt -A- Highway Program sponsored by the Dryden Highway Superintendent pursuant to Resolution # dated February 9, 1993 of the Dryden Town Board, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this release on , 19_ Member /Employee Signature Printed name of signature APPENDIX B TOWN OF DRYDEN HIGHWAY PERMIT NO ADOPT -A- HIGHWAY 0 WHEREAS, a certain highway known been improved and is on the Town WHEREAS, Whose address is: as of Dryden road system. requests permission to participate in the Adopt -A- Highway program sponsored by the Dryden Highway Department as per sketch or map attached. NOW,THEREFORE, permission is hereby granted to do following conditions and /or restrictions: to said said litter pickup with the This permit shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the Town of Dryden Highway Superintendent. The work authorized by this permit shall be performed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Highway Superintendent or his "representative. The Highway Superintendent shall be given one week's notice by said applicant of the date when they intend to begin the work authorized by this permit and prompt notice shall be given of the work's completion. The applicant hereby agrees to hold the State, County and Town harmless on account of damages of any kind which may arise during the progress of the work authorized by this permit or by reason thereof. Applicant certifies all persons concerned with actual work under this permit are duly covered by Insurance and the State, County and Town shall be held harmless on account thereof. The Highway Superintendent reserves the right to, at any time, revoke • or annul this permit, should the applicant fail to comply with the terms and conditions which are granted by this permit. SPECIAL CONDITIONS In consideration of granting this permit the undersigned accepts it subject to the conditions described. By. Date: IV Applicant Dryden Highway Superintendent Date: 'T'F2 -9 -93 Page 5 RESOLUTION #83 ADOPT- A_HIGIIWAY F)RC�GfiZAM Clm Ri.- iberts offered the fol l• wing resloill_tt ir.fn arid asked for its adoption. (copy in minute book) 2nd C l ro Faker R • , l 1 call vote a l l voting Yes Supv Schug - there has been a request from slime of the neighbors along Rt. from a RC iu Z,Dne from the village to a RD Zone. It line tc -j TC3 property is cr. ,rimrerc i a l in that tr.1 change area at the present time. ic. in and He suggested this be turned 1:1ver to the Planning Board for their- review. Clnr Faker adoption" en RESOLVED, except ion :'rid Clm H RESOLUTION #84 AUDIT VOUCHE: RC AESTRAc,r #1.()2 - ffered the follr.w that abstract #102 of voucher #58 be atfield Riz, 1 ing resolution and asked for its voucher #48 to #125 with the paid fr.ir a t c.1t a l of $42'5325,197.94 1 call vote all voting Yes RESOLI IT I ON #ESA, ACCEPT AUDIT OF TOWN RECORDS Clm Roberts offered the fol lr. wing resolut iori and asked fi-Jr its adopt ion e WHEREAS, the books and rec,.irds of each T,.iwn Justice fr„m Jarluary through December- 1992 have been examined and fines amid fees ®. therein sh,.*wn t,_, have been collected have been turned aver to the proper officials as regi_!iired by law, and WHEREAS, the T,.iwn Clerk/Tax Collectcr and Z,-.1ning Office receipts and disbursements for January thr,.nugh December 1992 were examined and the fees ar�d muniec_. collected then e"ir� "have L:aeen turned over ti_l the proper officials as required by law, THEREFORE DE IT RESOLVED, .that the Tiziwn Bi_iard accept the audit of the reci: irds shown for the peri.Cid January thrOlAgh December 1992. 2nd Clm Faker Roll call vi ,t e - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #86 ENGINEERING STUDY TO EXPAND ITHACA AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT - Clm Carrigan r.iffered REPORT the fol liw1winr resolut ic. in and asked for its ad! apt ion c REPORT - $10,919.50 for the moat h of January RESOLVED, 'that this Ti_jwri FrJard. approve the cc,ricept ,. f a Stearns' Wheler engineering sti..tdy to expand the capacity -:If the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant. The t, ±t a 1 artio irit , f the st Ltd will not exceed $20,000.00. 2nd Clm Hatfield RoU call vi-.,te - all vi.-,ting Yes FINANCIAL_ REPORT - available to board members JUSTICE REPORT - $10,919.50 for the moat h of January 3c- i I I I i f