HomeMy WebLinkAboutTable of ContentsI i Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Ins Res Res Res Res • Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res _Res R e S Res Res • Res Res #1 #2 #3 J #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 - #9 #10 #11 - #12 #1J #14 pector - #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 - #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #.'_ 5 #36 #37 '�� - # J 8 #39 #40 #41 #42 #43 #44 #45 #46 RESOLUTIONS 1992 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING. JANUARY 21 1992 (page 1 to 14) Rules of Procedure - Salary Schedule - Salary Payment Telephi.-ine Credit Cards Mileage Designate Official Banks Official Advertising - Advance Payment of Utilities Vendor D i scc- lent s - Service Officer - Fire Warden - Special Fund Assessment Administration Fire Contracts & Ambulance Contracts Subdivision Control Officer & Multiple Residence Licenser for Games of Chace F'et t y Cash Court Clerk. - Jean Ryan, Senior Clerk Court Clerk. - Debra Smiley - Sec /Bow �kkeeper to Supv. - Dianne McFall Receiver c-if Taxes - Susanne Lloyd - .Appoint Deputy Town Clerk - Linda Woodin Appoint Deputy Town Clerk -'Jane Ki Welsch - Appoint Deputy Tax Collector - Linda Wo ding - Appciint Deputy Tax Cr.il lector - Jane Koelsch - Assistant Budget Officer - Dianne McFall Contract ract Town Attorney - Mahlon Perkins - Engineering - George Schlecht — Engineering - Hunt Engineers - Assistant Bo okkeeper - Wanita Baldwin Election Inspectors - Public Wi marks Superintendent - Donald Gilbert - Cleaning Contract - Debbie Foote - Appoint Bingo Inspector - Linda Woodin Dog Control Warden -,Lorraine Bard - Deputy Highway Superintendent - Sec /Bookkeeper Highway Dept. - Dianne McFall - Gadabout - T. C. Seniors Recrea /YC'Uth Services Administrator - Wanita So ut hwort h Library Appoint Town Historian - Ruth Sweetland Dryden Historical Society Building Cede Inspector - Henry Slater Baldwin Appoint Asst. Building ,Cede Insp. - Clint Cotterill - Loning Officer - Henry Slater Appi.-jint Asst/ Zoning Officer - Clint Clltterill RESOLUTIONS 1992 page 2 Res - #47 - Appoint Sec. to Zoning Officer, - Wanita Baldwin Res - #48 - Appoint Sec. to Building Inspec:. - Wanita Baldwin Res - #49 - Appoint Site Plan Review Sec. - Susanne Lloyd Res - #50 - Planning Board Chairperson - Barbara Caldwell Rey - #51 - Appoint Planning Bayard Sec. - Jean Ryan Res - #52 - Zoning Board of Appeals Chairperson - Fran DiTo mmaso Res - #53 - Sec. to Zoning Board of Appeals Jean Ryan Res - #54 - Special ' District Administrator - Supv. Schug Res - #55 - Highway Salaries Res - #56 - Clothing A 1 1owance Res = #57 Purchase of Small Tools Res - #58 - Gasoline & Diesel Purchase Res - #59 - Tire Purchase Res - #60 - Ripe and Culvert Res - #61 - Oil and Stone Purchase Res - #62 - Salt and Sand Purchase Res - #63 - Guide Rail Purchase Res - #64 - Appoint Zoning Board of Appeals Member - Ann Everett Res - #65 - Investment Polices & Guidelines for the Town of Dryden TOWN ,BOARD MEETING JANUARY 14, 1992 (page 15 to 19) Res - #66 - Ambulance Contract Model #3 Youth Commission Res - #"67 - NYSE &G Street Light Agreement - Route 38/George Road Res - #,68 - Qualified Aband� +nment ti �f Certain Town Highways - Turkey Res - #69 - North East Sewer Res Res - #:70 - Disburse McArthur Funds Policy icy - circulate Res - #71 - File Annua 1 Report to State Comptroller - Dryden Lake Res - #72 - Appoint Planning Beard Member - Michael Kelleher Re,s - #73 - Turkey Hill Water & Sewer Dist. Dispute Committee Res - #75 - Sales Tax Increase Res - #76 - State Mandates Res - #77 - Approve Abstract #91 & #101 TOWN BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 119 199: (page 2 0 to 31) Res - #77B - Approve Model #3 Youth Commission Res - #78 - Turkey Hill Sewer District Res - #79 - Turkey Hill Water District Res - #80 - Procurement Policy icy - circulate copy Res - #81 - Dryden Lake Park - Phase II Res - #82 - Bid for E New Pick Up Trucks Res - #83 - Authorize to Bi'd /Sell 1 1984 Pick Up Truck RESOLUTIONS Res - #84 Res - #85 Res - #86 Res - #87 Res - #88 Campfire - #96 Res - #89 Res - #90 Res - #91 Bartlett 199E page 3 TOWN BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 11, 1992 (page E0 to 31) Appoint ZBOA Member - Joseph .Jay Approve Budget for Dryden Recreation West Dryden Community Church - R� �manof f & Assoc. - Accept Request For Lower Speed Limit, - Genung Road Project Application & Budget Three Fires Council of Approve Vt.-juchers Abstract #102 Authorize Landfill Council t� � Bring Lawsuit - DR7 Authi prize the Preparation by Lockwr.i od, Kessler & DR7 No rest i 1 Ut i � �rIs Res - #9E Res - #93 Agreement - Approve Res - #94 Res - #95 Res - #96 Res - #97 Res - #98 Res - #99 Res - # 100 0 Bills Center Res - #101 TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 5, 199E PUBLIC HEARING COUNTRY MANOR ESTATES - George Shank. ( page 3E to 45) TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH log 199E (page 46 to 55) Support Swim Program Authorize The Town of with SCLIWC Dryden to Enter Into an - Accept - Enforce - Enforce - Accept Portion Zoning Zoning Low Bid of NYS Route 366 (Utility Code - Greschler Property Code - Breid inger For 2 New Pick Up Property Trucks - Approve SCLIWC 193E Water Rate Structure - SCLIWC First Quarter Water Bills Drive) #51 -1 -18. E #E5 -1 -26. 1 Amendment - "File Application For Grant West Dryden Community Approval of Vouchers Abstract #103 RESOLUTIONS Res - Res - Res - Res - Manor Res - Res - Res - Res - Res - Res - #102 - #103 - # 104 - #lo5 - Estates #106 - #107 - # 108 - # 109 - #110 - #111 - 1992 page 4 TOWN BOARD MEETING APRIL 149 1992 (page 56 to 62) Accept EAF Fclrm - Al's Woods 'N' Things Grant Special Permit - Al's Woods IN' Things Approve Family & Childrens Service Contract Derry Special Permit Application - George c.3hank /Country Authorize Pre- Exposure Rabie Renewal of BOAST Membership Utility Drive - Accept Name Appoint Economic Opportunity Adopt SCL I WC 1992 Water Rate Audit Vouchers Abstract #104 Shot - Lorraine Bard Corp - Gilbert Levine Structure Amendment TOWN BOARD MEETING MAY 79 1992 (page 63 to 69) Res - #112 - Reap p� art ionment - Approval 1992 Summer Youth Pride" Program Res -'#113 - Dryden Youth Insurance Cortim i ss i r.in Memorand uril of Understanding TOWN BOARD MEETING MAY 129 1992 (page 70 to 74) Res - #114 - Reap p� art ionment Support Flan as Proposed by Co Rep Evans Res - #115 - Insurance for Town Res - #116 - Fireworks Permit - Robert Fletcher Res - #117 - Removal of Sign - 5 Star Equipment Res - #118 - Agreement With Dryden Youth Pride -Program Res - #119.- Endorse S.274/A.4199 - establish speed limits for their municipal streets and roads. Res - #110 - Transfer Funds Res - #111 - Audit Abstract #105 RESOLUTIONS 1992 page 5 TOWN BOARD JUNE 9, MEETING 1992 (page 75 to 82) Res Res - #112 - #113 - Designate - Flay - Short EAF FiDrm Negative - Grant Special Permit - Dec 1 arat Melvin i c.)n Scholes - Melvin Machine Scho l.es Repair Res - #114 - #122 - #123 - #124 - #125 - #126 - #127 - #128 - Revised Landscape Plan - WHCU ( Elgae Corp) Dump Res - #115 - Authorize Money Fire Life Guard form Swim Program Res - #116 easement sewer - Accept Offer of manholes and Elgae Corp. sewer lines to convey permanent Res - #117 - Zoning Violations Parcel #29-1-12.3 Irene Dennis,, Michael & Donna Rogers Res - #118 - Zoning Violations ions Parcel #`2 -1 -25. 15 Carlos Stetson Res - #119 - IntrodUce Local Law #1/1992 - Right to Farm .Law Res Res - #120 - #121 - Designate - Flay Polling Polling Places places Res Res Res Res Res Res Res - #122 - #123 - #124 - #125 - #126 - #127 - #128 - Approval - Approve - Purchase - Additional - Additional - Negotiate = Approve Donated Abstract of Lectern Flower Tractor with Engineer Engineer purchase #106 Box Trailer Work - Work - of Land & Cortland- Cortland - Empire Dump Cart Rd Sewer Rd Water Livestock. TOWN BOARD MEETING JUNE 16, ' 1992 (page 83 to 84) Res - #129 - Appoint Town Justice - Christopher Clauson TOWN BOARD MEETING JULY 149 1992 (page 85 to 90) Dist. Dist= & Tuttle Res - #130 - Local Law #1 - 1992 Right to Farm Law Res - #131 - Village of Dryden Pi.-ilice Services Agreement Res - #132 - Termination of Irrevi -.1cable Letter of Credit for Sparrow Crest Lane Res - #13j - Maintenance of Virgil Creek Flood Cont ro 1 Plan Res - #134 - Introduce L• Ica 1 Law #2 - 1992 - Restriction of Vehicles & Motor Vehicles Res - #135 - Authorize Mandatory Judicial Training Res - #136 - Authorize Bidding for% Gasoline & Diesel Ground Tank; Key Pump for Gasoline ine & Diesel Tanks & Removal of Undergri,ii..trid Tanks Res - #137 - Approval of Vouchers Abstract #107 Res - #138 - Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett - DR7 11 RESOLUTIONS 1992 page 6 is TOWN BOARD MEETING AUGUST 11, 1992 (page 91 to 101) Res - #139 - Accept Offer of Dedication of Hartwo� �d Road Res - #140 an Order to - ACC Franchise Public Hearing for Proposed Res - #141 - Introduce Proposed used Lo=cal Law #3 - 1992 Pertaining to Permits, Inspection - #151 & Fees Under the Uniform Fire Prevention & Building Hill Code & Other Ordinances & Local Laws - #152 Res - #142 Procurement - Local Law #2 - 1992 Relating_ - #153 to Motorized Vehicles Res - #143 Livestock - Schedule Public Hearin❑_ for Proposed Local Law #4 Sewer Use Res Requirement and Local Law Public Hearing #5 Local Pollutant Limitations Res - #144 - Accept Low Bids of 1,000 Gallon Gasoline Above the Ground Tanks, 20 Key Gasoline Pump 40 Key Diesel Pump & Removal of Underground Tanks Res - #145 - Approve Additional Money For Cortland Road Water Dist. Res - #146 - Appoint Chairperson to ZBOA - Ann Everett. Res - #146 - Appoint ZBOA Member - Charles Hanley Res - #147 - Authorize Hwy Supt Gilbert - Attend Highway Conference Res - #148 - Dryden Rep. to City of -Ithaca Youth Commission Res - #149 - Approval of Vouchers Abstract ##108 • TOWN BOARD MEETING AUGUST 26, 1992 (page 102 to 103) Res - #150 - Adopt an Order to Schedule Public Hearing for Proposed Turkey Hill Water District Res - #151 - Adopt an Order to Schedule Public Hearing for Proposed Turkey Hill Sewer District Res - #152 - Accept Procurement Policy Res - #153 - Purchase Property from Empire Livestock Res - #154 - Appoint Representative to SJS - George Schlecht Res - #155 - Schedule Public Hearing Zoning Ordinance Amendments RESOLUTIONS Res - #156 Law #6 Res - #157 - #162 Water Rate & Regulations Res - #158 Hearing Res - #159 Turkey ij_ms Turkey Res - #160 Treatment Res - #161 Law #6 Approving Res - #162 in Approving & Regulations Res - #163 Hearing Res - #164 Turkey ij_ms Turkey Res - #165 to Change Res - #166 Ordinance Officials 1992 - 1 =Irop� Wised Schedule Schedule page 7 TOWN BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 1992 (page 104 to 11 3) Local - #173 Law #6 1992 'SCLIWC Sewer in Rules & Regulations Public - #169 Hearing Adopting ing Rules & Regulations ins SCLIWC Turkey ij_ms Turkey Agreement Water District Relation Sewer District to Change Appoint Dog Enumerator - Margaret Vernier- Singer Local Law #3 1992 Zoning Pr• 1cedures Local Law #4 1992 Amending Local Law #2 1984 Sewage TOWN BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 81 1992 (page 104 t0 113) - Making - #173 Certain Determination Sewer in Relat iiw1n t� � & the Establishment - Making the Establishment - #169 Certain Adopting ing Rules & Regulations ins of the Deterrninat of the Turkey ij_ms Turkey Hill in Hill Water District Relation Sewer District to - Zoning - Building Res trucks Ordinance Officials R Amendments Seminar or reject Hwy Supt all bids to - SeasAna1 Res Res Limited Use Highway bid F Recreat from Crandall - Approval Center Truck cif Vouchers Abstract #119 TOWN BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 13, 1992 ( page 114 t o 121) Res - #167 - Terminat ic-in of deposit for Hartwo od Road Res - #168 - I nt rod uce Local 1 Law amending Local Law #2 1984 Regulating - #173 Pubic Sewer Res - #174 Res - #169 Local Law #4 - 1992 Adopting ing Rules & Regulations ins - Temporarily SCLIWC post town by the road Res trucks - #17C.) R - Authorize accept or reject Hwy Supt all bids to advertise Res Res - #171 - #172 - Transfer - Cultural - Accept bid F Recreat from Crandall i c -in Center Truck diesel tank to sell 2 pick up Equip f1 -.1r 105 000 gallon Res - #173 - Reduce speed on Game Farris Road Res - #174 - Adopt Local Law #4 - 1992 Adopting ing Rules & Regulations ins for SCLIWC by the Town of Dryden Res - #175 - Approve water rate schedule for SCLIWC Res - #176 - Transfer funds Res - #177 - Adopt Town Policies Res - Approval of vouchers abstract #110 - #178 I 3 F I i RESOLUTIONS Res - # 179 - Res Res - #180 - #181 1 Res - #182 Res - #183 Res - Res - Limitations Res - #184 Accept bid Adept Local for Town of Res - #185 Ithaca Res - #186 Treatment Res - Res - #187 Adopt Local 1992 page 8 TOWN BOARD MEETING PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 59 1992 (page 122 to 127) Increase Fireman's Workmen's Compensation Adopt Assessment Rolls Adjust Attorneys fee Adopt Budget OSHA Mandated physical Accept short EAF SEO.R negative Grant special permit - J Kilmer Turkey Hill Water District Turkey Hill Sewer District TOWN BOARD MEETING PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 101 1992 (page 128 to 134) Dec. J Kilmer Assoc retail jewelry Res - #188 - Accept petition for a 4 way stop sign lower speed limit at the intersection �n of Ellis Hollow Rd /Quarry Rd /Turkey Hill Rd Res - #189 - Accept bid to sell 1 - 1984 (blue) GMC pickup truck Res - Res - Limitations #190 #191 - - ins Accept bid Adept Local for Town of to sell 1 - Law #5 - 1992 Dryden users 1984 (gold) Establishing of the Ithaca GMC Wastewater pickup truck Local pollutant Treatment Res - #192 Facility - Adopt Local Law #6 - 1992 Establishing , Sewer Use Requirements Res - Res - Tenkate #193 #194 - - Agree tI D plow Landfill neighborhood , & salt Abbott Road protection committee - Nancy Res - #195 - Appciint delegate & alternate to Fire, Disaster & EMS Advisory Res - #196 Board - - Chris Audit vr.luchers O'Connor abstract #111 Res - #197 - Add delinquent water & sewer charges to 1993 tax roll RESOLUTIONS 1992. page 9 TOWN BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 6, 1992 (page 135 to 145) Res - #198 - Authorize Supv to sign necessary agreement with City of Ithaca Commission for Hill proposed zoning water district Res Res Res - #220 - #221 - #222 Res - #199 - Ambulance determinations H i l #113 l sewer district Res - #200 - Job descripti, :in - Town of Dryden -'Dog Control Officer Res - Res*- #201 #202 - Agreement - Youth Commission for kennel services Res -,#203 tractor - Authorize Hwy SlApt t• � bid for new miawer form Ford Res - Res - Res - toward Res - Res - #204 #205 #2o6 the #207 #208 - Association of Towns - Commend Dryden Youth - Committing Town 'of cost of the reconstruction - Ambulance contract - Dryden Ambulance Inc Dryden with - Joe Commission �n of Slaterville cr.int ract La l l ey . & Julie Sewer Dist to Kline Road Vol Bell Johnson contribute siphon Fire Co Res - Res - Res - Res - Res - Res - #209 #210 #211 #212 #213 #214 - Neptune Hose - W B Strong - Etna Vol Fire - Varna Fire - Bra �okt 1nda - Authorise Co #1 Fire Co Co Inc Dept Fire 1 e Fire acceptance Inc of Dist fire Freev fire Ci_i fire fire of "Bio ract contract i l l e fire react contract contract contract -SLM" system contract for Dryden Lake park Res - #215 - Authorize Town to purchase additional buy -in share of I AWTP Res - #218 - Audit vouchers abstract #113 TOWN BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 29, 1992 (page 146 to 147) Res Res Res - #217 - #218 - #219 - Appreciation - Schedule - Order t� � to � public proceed Yo uth hearing Turkey Commission for Hill proposed zoning water district Res Res Res - #220 - #221 - #222 - Order to � - Approval - Transfer priaceed final.abstract funds Turnkey H i l #113 l sewer district change I