HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-12-08s El 0 TOWN BOARD MEETING � DECEMBER 8, 1992 Supv Schug called the meeting to � order at 7mu30PM Member's and guests participated in the Fledge of Allegiance Roll call was by Deputy Town Clerk Kizie 1 sch Preser-it e Supv Schug, Clm Roberts, Clm Baker, Clm Hatfield, Clm Cornrigan, arid Atty Perkins. Absent e Z. O. .1wn er. oyan Slater APPROVAL OF= MINUTES: Motion was made by Clm Corri minutes of the special meet i 5th and town board meeting h by Clm Roberts prior% to meet COUNTY BRIEFING gan and 2nd by Clra Baker that the rig aund tr.lwn board meeting held Nov. e1d Nov. • 10th be approved as amended ir1g. Carried Co. Rep. Evans - r%epor%ted that the county board passed their budget arid it has about a 3.6 percent property tax reduction, which means a 38 percent •tax increase over last year. Fart of that can be attributed to having a 15 percent tax incr ~ease last year and it should have been a 3C.) percent increase to ba l 0ince the budget. They ft_Il lowed the fiscal plan until they added a few items. One of which was $mc`5 09 i 00. 00 for the highway department. There was no nv.-iney left in the highway budget to pave county roads. The highway budget has been hit hard overr the last 5 years as a so ur_ ce .-If funds to fund other pr• i j ect s. They also added m oney in for, the library. Co Rep. Evans - 'The c� Urit y board to cover the soli fee, but when the negative deeIarat the solid waste has a ma.j1:1r agreed to set the tipping fe d waste budget. The cr Juinty a y tried to pass a reso 1 ut i on ion fr. or SEOR, that failed. issue with Sijperior. e at $90. 010 per ton l so passed a user to declare a COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Clm Hatfield - wrJuld like permissil .-In to have another cl:- Impany bid In the town insurance. ATTORNEY Atty Perkins - is awaitira the beards decisir.in regarding cemeteries. Clm Corr i gan - wonde-red if this was riot a federal j uri i sd i ct i on and not local mun i c i pal it i es. She was amazed to learn that it was the town's responsi bi 1 ity. P /3(,o TB12 -6 -92 page 2 Supv Schug - the town has to be sure, if you start tai take care I_lf a cemetery it meets all the criteria r.1f the law and that we have to take care of it. If that is the case then Atty Perkins would have to get the ti wn access t� � the cemeteries that are needed. He has suggested t• � the yi_iuth services group that maybe the conservat i 1r, corps could take this pry I.j ect r.-In next year. Atty Perkins - generally, the t� awn is responsible fi_ir the care of any public cemeteries where there is n ot another ci .-irporate body or persiDr-i taking care r.1f it. If there is a committee set up, they Could start with the infcirmat ion that we have and try to determine which ones c- if the use are the town's s resp� nsibi 1 ity and can do something about. He will glad tai counsel the committee. The town would be respi .-ins i b 1 e to rerni.-ive the grass and weeds at least twice a year and provide for the preservat i i �n and care of fencing fri_irii all cemeteries other than private cemeteries which are abandoned or ni •t controlled by any corporate body. Ycnu first have to make a determination as to whether they are public or private, and whether they have been abandoned or not. SUpv Schug - will set up a committee regarding cemeteries and which 1_�nes are the town's res pons i b i 1 i t y. Atty Perkins - ACC franchise agreement. They are coming back with a proposal which he is waiting for. Atty Perkins - City sewer service agreement. There is a negotiated agreement between the town inn behalf of Dryden Sewer Dist. #2 cif the Varna Sewer Dist. and the Monkey Run Sewer Dist. An agreement with the City of Ithaca for the transpi -Jrtat ion of wastewater from those two districts thru the city awned lines to -the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant. The annual transportation t � � the t i awn commencing in 1993 is $5,262.00. This is based i::in a formula attached to the agreement and is on file in the town clerks i.-iffice. We need authi-jrization for the supervisor to sign the agreement on behalf of the Varna Sewer Dist. and Monkey Run Sewer Dist. RESOLUTION #198 AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR _ TO SIGN NECESSARY _ AGREEMENT WITH C; I TYOF __ I_THACA Clm Corrigan offered the f• it lowing resc- i1 ut ic_in arid asked for its adopt ion c RESOLVED, that this Town Heard authorize Supv Schug to sign all necessary documents :in behalf of the Varna Sewer Dist. and the � Monkey Run Sewer District. 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes • TB12 -8 -92 page . E _ DETERMINATIONS _ . . _. _ �RESOLu4r I Sa #1 9 A�BULA C Clm C� �rr,i gan offered the following mowing r•esol ut i� In and waked fo rn its adopt ic-in a (copy in alinute book.) End Clm Roberts Roll call vote -- all voting Yes • Atty Perkins - reported ors mining peralit that was applied f� rn by Alfred Eddy. A nuriiber of issues which come to play with Mr. Eddy's application for a alining permit under Article 23 of the Environmental Conservation Law. In 1980 he was issued a special permit by the Town of Dryden purl suant to a alining plan and reel amat ion plan prepared Schlecht Engineering. It is his understanding that he signed an agrneealent pur•s,_iant to the pr�ovisioris of Section 806 of the Town of Dryden Zt::ining Ordinance, but he never glade a cash deposit as far as the deposit with the town covers the ree 1 arnat i i:in plan. He does not know if Mr. Eddy removed any material ur,der that agreealent, o rr whether he obtained the requir ^ed peralit from DEC at that time. It is alleged, that he has cont inui_nusly removed materials from the mine since that time often Under 1,000 tors a year, for which he would not need a DEC permit. He would still need a Town .- i f Dryden permit which apparently he does riot have. In 1988 the zoning in that area was changed fri-xm RC which alining was an allowed activity, by special peralit to RB1. If in fact, Mr. Eddy has riot ci ant inuously mined under a valid permit since 1988 he will have lost his status of existing no ncoriforalirig use. Therefr.lre, he would not be in compliance with the Town -.if Dryden Zoning Ordinance. If he is riot in compliance, he carinc.1t reestablish his compliance withtziut an appearance. It is now a RB1 zone which mining is riot allowed in that zone. However, if in fact he has been alining and he establishes that then we have a nUalber of questions which come into play. If he pry,prjses that it is riiorre than 19 s)OO tens a year what is the position of the town with respect to.= 1- the 1980 permit, the application he has made to DEC and the environmental r•ev i ew of the pry iposed pro.j ect , etc. There is local opposition to mine 1 a f_i00 ton per year %. He is riot sur'e of the status %.If Mr. Eddy's operratiiilri there and whether rzlr not he has cont inU OUsly alined under 1, iai)(") tors a year. As part of his permit .application theme is a geological study, are environmental assessment form that was filled out, and maps, that he is not capable of inte-rpreting and is pr�operrly subject to ptmofessional review by an expert. The t• 1wn board has until December 1.8th to respi.-, rid. The appl icat ir. ire is for a major project and is by definition a Type 1 action. In this particular Situation DEC without the benefit of a draft envirr.lnalental impact statement glade a determination of a negative declarat iori arid that it would riot have any significant i m pact on the env i ri_triment . He has n� � way of evaluating this infi_iralatir.in that we have received frllzim DEC. If the board wants to follow thrCl+_igh with this you need to have a prof essiizinal. The board needs to make some decisions as to � which way YOU want to g • � with this and what _yam utposition is. The application came into the town after the N overlber meeting and this is the first OppC'rtLtnity you have had to consider~ the clatter. /3 A 0. TLS 12 -8 -92 page 4 C1m has Roberts a permit, - wanted to � know how we wi -Juld find out if he actually Atty that simply riot of Dryden Perkins a even public was not sure is - thought the hearing can enough time that SEOR an involved board be held to resolve was followed agency should ask for on the application. all of the properly. and according to more time, so There issues. He He thinks the Henry he never is Town received any notice that DEC was assuming the lead agency status. The dec 1 and always DEC first arat with to � thing i r.in corrections try to give Henry received dated N ovember t c., enter into you more time 16th comment a stipulation to review was a notice of and received here by December 16th. between it, negative November 19th The board the applicant can and Robert Deck., 54 West Ma 1 1 oryv i 1 1 e Rd - has lived t here for 6 years and has been fr.illc.1wing this situaticnn fc_ir that length of time. He knows the significance of the wetlands and the natural areas plus the geological formation Of MallOryville. They are all very significant and not just locally. Scientists far better than those that have reviewed it at DEC kni .-iw the s i t uat i r,in arid sr.1me of those scientists have been studying both botany, gee 11 ogy and hydrology in Ma 1 1oryv i 1 1 e. Thos-ze scientists knew it best say strongly that there is a significant risk from the proposed mine to the wetlands. There is a bog near the wetlands and it is entirely i mprO per fc-jr DEC to have issued a negative declaration by passing the environmental impact statement. He urges the town board t iz , make a very s•t. rr. ing statement to DEC that the beard objects to this. The town board should object ric.it Cinly to the fact that they have stated a negative declaration that this mining would be in compliance with the zoning regulations, but yC j1_t wID 1.1 1 d also W1b.j ect because it dines p• Ise a significant threat to the mc-ist natural area in the Town of Dryden. Fie thinks that it would be wrong and irresponsible and real tragedy if the town board allowed DEC t go ahead and issue this permit. He has been told that the state has changed its policy for mining. They are taking at the upper level of DEC a more aggressive roll and in fact taking lead agency status without consulting with the towns. They, in fact, can steamro11 over the towns and he thinks this is wrong. He thinks the state is also very careful of lawsuits frorli the applicants in that they feel their property rights are being taken away from them throur.1h gi.nvernment regulations. It certainly is not proper with DEC ti::i cave in and fail trD file the environmental impact statement. He thinks it is i rnpr. in ant to get the town to stand up fi.Ir the citizens and the neighbors in the Malloryville area. This is a wonderful lzippizirtunity to encourage -the establishment Of turning a nature preserve i_If several 100 acres that would be open tr.1 the public and scientific: studies. If you al lr1w certain kinds c-if development to proceed then the chances of such a preserve will be endangered. ® Supv Schug -- asked Robert Beck if he had read the negative dec 1 arat i in and if it was improper? /3� P TB12 -8 -92 page 5 Robert Deck - he has read the negative declaration and it is entirely improper. He has been involved in this through two previous governmental proposals in the last G years and both h of which received a positive declaration. In both h cases the applicants withdrew. This is the third application which has been in the works fi•r two years. Two years ago, DEC in his view improperly chose to declare the Application incomplete and requested that the applicant to install some test blocks throughout the site to collect the ground water, which was done. DEC now has looked at the results of those test wells and has filed a negative declaration. They should have, two years age declared a positive declaratir.In and asked the scientists that know the site t o say what kind of q nest i lens need to be answered in an impact statertient in rnrder to clearly determine whether such a mining operation would have an effect on the environment. That was not done. The scientist were not asked and DEC unilaterally has declared that there is no environmental impact. This is wrong and he wished he had with him a statement from those scientists. They are preparing a written statement in response to those, use, but vie had short notice. He thinks that DEC chose the holiday season to minimize the hassle and paperwork and public involvement to issue this negative declaration. This is a very difficult time and short notice to respr. ind adequately to this sort of thing. We are going to respond arid respond very strongly. SUpv Schug - Atty Perkins said that we carp ask for are extension of time to respond, but then how much is it going to cost us to review this info irmat i� Win. Robert Deck - it is imp• irtant to take that time for the attorney to proceed with this and do whatever is necessary. T o give authoriZat ir.ln to Atty Perkins to work with the scientist that he has mentioned. He thinks it is wise to oppose this now rather than later on if DEC issues the permit. The town is then faced with problems with zoning regulations and it could even be more costly. ly. Att_y Perkins would have full Cooperation and support from expert testimony terry at hearings and written statements. Atty Perkins - the town board should address two things. 1- is this in conflict with the town zoning ordinance and have the proper environmental reviews been collected. There are procedural parts to the second question and there are subsequent parts. Atty Perkins - Henry was under the been taken out at least since 1981 deposit that the town required as everything except make the deposit impression t hat no gravel has because Mr. Eddy never made a part of the agreement. He did with the town. /37 I I E is • TB1E -8 -92 page 6 Supv Schug - authorized Atty Perkins to request an extension of time from DEC for the towns response arid quest ic.in the Tcnwn of Dryden Zoning Ordinance, and give them the value aIf our information that to the best of our knowledge Mr. Eddy has never executed a proper town permit. So therefore, he does not have one and should not be mining anything there without that permit. This should be mailed � tut before Dec 16th return receipt requested to DEC. Lorraine Bard - agreement for kennel services -- Clm Corrigan - since she has received complaints from three different veterinarians wanted to make sure under~ item #6 that there is an addition of - -• and in a good and clean manner with regard to hygienic conditions, ions, Job description - Clrn Cori rrlgari - wanted the word timely added to 2. E Timely response to cizimplairits about dog nuisance pri.-iblems. RESOLUTION #200 JOB DE SCR I F:'T I ON TOWN OE•"_I:)RYDEN I: }OG CONTROL OFFICER C1m Luker ads apt ion c offered the following resc- slut ion and asked for its RESOLVED, that 1. The position appointed part -time. position. The of DCO Town of Appointment is an Dryden is employee Dog Cr. int made annually. of the Town ro 1 Officer (DCO) The position of Dryden and is an �n is is covered by the Town of Dryden Info Irmat ir. In and Policies Guide. 2. The DCO will: A. Respond (24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year) to calls cf_)ncer n i ng stray, injured or vicious dogs. B. Enforce applicable laws and ordinances pertaining to dogs. C. Issue appearance tickets for violations cif laws arid Ordinances with respect t i and concerning dogs. D. Appear in court as required with respect ti_I Such appearance tickets and the enforcement of such laws and ordinances. E. Timely respond to complainants about dog nuisance problems. F. Repo art to � the T� awn Board monthly � 1r mr.1re often as requested r.ln DCO activities G. Keep records of such activities. H. Tr'anspc- in dogs to kennels contracting ing with the Town to provide kennel services. 2. Salary is $5,974.00 per years and is paid monthly, 3. Reimbursable expenses include Vet /hi--jspital costs no paid by owner. End Clm Corrigan Roll l call vote - all voting Yes /Yb i 0 0 AGREEMENT FOR KENNEL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of , 19_, by and between the TOWN OF DRYDEN, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, 65 East ;Main Street, Dryden, New York 13053, hereinafter referred to as the "Town 91, and LORRAINE BARD, 67 Layen Road, Ithaca, New York 14850, hereinafter referred to as "Bard ". The parties hereto agree hereby as follows: 19 Bard agrees to provide dog kennel services and space for impoundment of dogs from the Town in connection with the Town's dog control program, enforcement of laws and ordinances and needs. 2. Such kennel services include the board and care of dogs brought to the kennel by the Town of Dryden Control Officer and in appropriate, lawful and proper cases euthanization and disposal of dogs, adoption of dogs, redemption of impounded dogs, vaccination when and in general all related and necessary kennel related services for the Town's dog control program and as are usually provided by a kennel. 3. Bard is to provide all the facilities, labor, food, supplies and materials. Bard will collect only such fees in connection with the care, adoption or redemption of dogs placed with her by the Dog Control officer as permitted by the Kennel Services Fee Schedule attached to and made a part of this Agreement and she shall account for all such fees and turn them over to the Town Clerk on a monthly basis those fees to be paid to the Town together with an appropriate report concerning kennel activities for the preceding month. 4. In connection with such kennel services the Town agrees I to pay Bard the sum of $6,000.00 for the year 1993 and which is to 0 be paid monthly. C] 5. Bard agrees to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing public liability insurance coverage in at least the amount of $1,000,000.00 naming the Town of Dryden as an additional V nsured. 6. Bard agrees that all of the kennel services to be provided hereunder including the keeping and maintaining of the kennel and the euthanization, disposal, adoption and redemption of dogs will be conducted and carried out in strict compliance with all applicable requirements of any law or ordinance. 7. This Agreement may not be assigned or the services hereunder subcontracted by Bard to any other individual or entity. 80 This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted according to the laws of the State of New York. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement this day of Dated: 19 Dated: /. , 19 19 TOWN OF DRYDEN 7 Supervisor 1� c Lafraine Bard 0 0 0 Kennel Services Fee Schedule Adoption Rabies Shot Redemption - 1st impoundment 2nd impoundment - 3rd (and subsequent I mpoundment) Worming, distempter and parvo vaccine Daily care $15.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 $20.00 $30.00 $ 3.00 $ 3.00 Bard $15.00 $ 5.00 $ 3.00 $ 3.00 Town $10.00, $20.00 $30.00 I' 0 11 0 Date: December 2nd, 1992 To: James Schug, Dryden town Supervisor Dryden Town Hall 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York From Henry M. Slater, Zoning & Building Code Enforcement Off. 65 E. Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 Sub.: November 192 Dept. Activity Report 'r Dear Jim: Building Permits Issued, (8) which are described as f�•llows: A -1 Single- farnii ly, New Starts, Site Built Homes, (4) C -4.1 Erect Private Garage, (2) C -4.2 Convert Abandoned Car Wash to Self Storage Use (1) C -7 Miscellaneous Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance. (16) Certificates of Occupancy Issued. (0) Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. (4) Certificates of Compliance issued. Fire Investigations. There was (0) Fire' Investigation conducted. F, rA (1) I • 0 U Pg. (B) Multiple Residence Inspections: (0) Fire Safety Inspections of public/businesses: (0) Home Day Care Fire Safety Inspections, (0 ) Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing Requests: (0) The Zoning Board of Appeals, meet for the purpose of reviewing and implementing the revised Zoning Board of Appeals Request and Hearing process. This process modification is a result of new requirements establish by New York State relative to Variance Request Process. The new process is in place and ready for use. The Wilcox press Plant and Jenna's Restaurant continue operating Under a temporary certificate of occupancy pending the compliance with outstanding Site Plan Review conditions or terms. I can not speak for the Wilcox issues, but I do not see any immediate change in the Jenna's open items issues. The main concern is the entrance area issue and the lesser concern of final grading around the property. As yc_ ul 1 1 recce 1 1 the Jenna's Fac i for_only one lab owner committed this commitment_ These are the prior to issue li el to re there ty rat ed er res� � 1 mains are currently (2) entrances to her the site plan requirement trance exit. Glebe, Jenna's ve the entrance issue, however, open. only projects that require further actions of a Final Certificate of Occupancy . Henry M. . Slater CC: All Dryden Town Board Members Susanne Ll� �yd, Dryden Town Clerk Mahlon R. Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney i i I 0 a❑ V Rezoning Survey Please check all boxes that best fit how you feel about t P'•QPOsed rezoning effort. this 1. Yps,_ I Would R, D. Lone desire 'to have ray involved parcel r•ezc�ned to an . f `' I N• 1 do not R. U. Zone. wish to have ray involved parcel rezoned to an 30 I 1 do not care one wa or t r•ezorred, y he other if ray involved parcel i s 4. I do not Oppose the rezoning of J. the other involved parcels. I oPPose the entire rezoning g of fe:)r•t. E. oppose the rez _gin In o f , Parcels i g Only parcel, (Please .list any of 12 ). C• �urrner,t s = 1 "his information will be Used i for rezcming, p p ►•e_addt essed, starpipedvenveleternrine a for- Your convenience and ease �, final ar ea f returning this sag beer, provided it vey. � Henry M. Slater Zoning d Building Cede Enforcement Officer I i I M t� , c _ � t� \ CC.a Y_ l nC ,, -• S; �_�jC`(� 1 —_w Cj `r.! -p_y`n e Gl .� 1`� Y`> CIA - APO(•+ cc. \ \ ` v t G.. �k d Y� CAL '�- v c� c• \ r \- Q, Qua �• `IA `)l ///��� �i O \� � • cJ /� V( \�� .\ l ` ( \v OAS � c•.�^ PN'�ov- 1 7 '7. iL I 1 � ' I Ito CJ J �C?lh I i 0 0- Ij Rezoning Survey Please check all boxes that best fit how you .Proposed rezoning effort . feel about this 1' Yes. I would desir d to have m R. D. Zone. Y involved parce 1 rezoned to an `• ES I Na• I do not wish to have m R. D. Zone. Y involved parcel rezoned to an 3. 1 do not care one way or the of h rezoneds er if my involved parcel is 4. 5. E. Name: i i I do not oppose the rezoning of the other involved parcels. I oPPose the entire rezoning effort, l aPP.ose. the parce rezoning of only parcel, (Please list any of ls 1 - 12 ). Comment s,= `N_ %�_ A VIT - Date: WY 1990 Th is i n 'rormvon w� i 1 1 e , ed ice, �p for rezonin. r part; to de e e a fi ate`' g• A pr e- addressedr stamped envelo e 1 area for your, convenience and ease of g P has been returning this surveys provided Henry M. Slater Zoning Nuilding Code Enforcement Officer T Wit /' U4 I I i Rezoning Survey Please check all boxes that best fit how you feel about this proposed rezoning effort. i. Y", es, would desire to'have my involved parcel rezoned to an R. D. Zone. �• ;_�I U2, I do not wish to have ray involved parcel rezoned R. D. Zone. ed to an I do not care one way or the other if my involved parcel is rezoned. 40 I do not oppose the rezoning of the other involved parcels. 50 I oppose the entire rezoning effort. 60 I oppose the rezoning of only parcel, (plea parcels 1 - 12 ). se list any of Comment 91 t�q This information will be used, in part, to determine a final area for rezoning. A pr- e- add►•essed, stamped envelope has been provided r for you convenience and ease of returning this survey; .11 Henry m. Slater Zoning & Building Code Enforcement Officer 1. W- Rezoning Survey Please check all boxes that best fit how you feel about this Proposed rezoning effort. 1• _-!.� Yes. 1 wou l d des i t ^d t o have my involve 11 R. D. Zone, parcels rezoned to an 20 No. I do not wish to have ray involved ar . Zone. p cel rezoned to ,an R. D. 3• I do not care one way or the other if ra , rezoned. Y involved parcel is 4• 1 do not oppose the rezoning of the other involved parcels. 50 U I oppose the entire rezoning effort. 6• I oppose the r•ezonin 9 of only parcel, a (P1 se list any of parcels 1 - 12 f? )e Name: Comment s e 1 J Date: �L I This information will be used On for rezoning. q + part, to determine a final area pr a -adds essed, stamped envelope has been Provided for your convenience and ease of returning this survey. Henry me Slater- Zoning & Building Code Enforcement Officer f I I ._ -.... ...:5_ Rezoning 9urv1►y Please check all boxes that best fit how you feel about this PVOPosed rezoning effort. would des i rd to have my involved parcel rezoned R. D. Zonee to an 2. N9, l do not wish to have my R. D. Zone. involved parcel r ezoned to an 3• I do not care one way or the o rezoned. then- i f my involved parcel is .o so o Name: I do not Oppose the rezoning of the other involved pa►•cels. I oppose the entire pezoning effort. 1 oppose the rezoning of only parcel, ( please list any of parcels l -` 12 ) . l% Comment 91 Date: This information will be used, in part, to determine a final area for rezoning. A p ► -e- add ►•eased, stamped envelope has been for• your• convenience and ease of returning this purvey. provided Henry M. Slater Zoning & Building Code Enforcement Officer 6 .. ....:I a.e.n 1 Rezoning Survey Please check all boxes that best f Proposed rezoning effort. it how you feel about this would desire to _ R.D. have my involved parcel rezoned to an - R D. Zone. �No. R. D. 3. � 4 . [/ 5. r� 6 �I I do not wish to have my Zone, involved parcel rezoned to an I do not care one way o re zoned, r- r the other if my involved parcel is I do not oppose the rezoning of the other- involved parcels. I oppose the entire rezoning effort. parcels se the_ rezoning of only parcel, (Please list parcels 1 -- le ). 0Y / any of ® Comment s a This information will be used, in art for rezonin g. q pre- addressed- part, to determine a final area for your convenience and ease�oftt- eturningethis $urVeeen provided Y Henry M. S 1 at er- Zoning & Building Code Enforcement Officer Rezoning Survey Please check all boxes that best Proposed re fit how you feel about this zoning effort. 1• Yes. I would desird to have my involved R. D. Zonew parcel rezoned to an 2' Nos I do not wish to have my involved R. D. Zone. parcel rezoned to an 3' EK] I do not care one way or the other ► • i f r •ezoned, ny involved parcel is 4. I do not oppose the rezoning of the other involved parcels. S• I oPPose the entire rezoning effort. 6' l oPPose the rezoning of onl parcels 1 - 12 �. y Parcel, (Please list any of Na `7``1 2d?• Z Date: Comments) 1 0 11 This information will be used, in pa ►•t, to determine a for•r•ezoning. A pre - addressed, stamped envelope has been final area for your convenience and ease of returning this survey* provided Henry M. Slat er- Zoning & Building Code Enforcement Officer Rezoning Survey Please check all boxes that beat fit how you feel about this ® Proposed rezoning effort. i. es I would desird to have m R. D. Zone. Y in parcel rezoned to an 26 EA No. I do not wish to have rn R. D. Zone. Y involved parcel rezoned to an 30 ED I do not care one way or the rezoned. other- if my involved parcel is 4. E::J I do not oppose the rezoning of the other involved parcels. 5' I oppose the entire rezoning effort. S•i I oppose the rezoning of onl parcels 1 - 12 ). Y parcel, Name: Comment s r ® 5-i v C - -�) IIZC SLCsY� 0 (Please list any of -J AA SW) r Owl P)A �1 �J 2oL 67D /UD / This information will be used, in part, to determine a fins for rezoning. A pre - addressed, stamped envelo a has been 1 area for Your convenience and ease of returning thie survey. provided Henry M. Slater 1. Zoning & Building Code Enforcement Officer /^j L� : Rrzonilic( S�_Irvey P"'OP s cltecic ninrll1 ��cr tthat best fit h,_:w yr_��_1 feel ab,�tl pr`',p�,spd rezo t tills YPs —�-'j– D. I w,-��_Ilri rfrrsil d t�� have my irevoIved pArcel ►•ezoned to R• 1). Zone. an cic, Yr'i (: t ► i ! 11 t r� R- 1)• Zohpw l'avp illy i nvo l vecl parcel rezonPd to an CIO IV3y rAZO r� ►• tf1E? n nPd. thP► i r r,ty involved pa► ce 1 is I CIO Viol; ► (r#g l;f the ��t:l�n ►, involved I ^Ppope flit, �r�1: { ►,r' vezoni rog of fco t. parcels. �I p.�rr..r�l� 1 ►;:. 1. _ - - - -y (]ar'rel, (Please _ list any of _._ . -- �. (?f�lAtnl�t 0 - - -- 00000moo �_,- ��,; This i 1 °� f,►`ntat i•,n �•, i i l hr �, _._ -- rot% ► r'z ^ning. fl ]r n Ised, ir, part, to dPtet`mine a for y, -,,Ir, ccP ( arlfir essed, star�lped Qnve 1 r-� final area nver�irn,� ;,,...i gasp cif reo;i_ Cop has been provided Irr,trig tflis su►`vey• Iln ► ►ry 11�; R1.itrl 7or►irjc1 It ! ?llildir�r 1'�,rt o. • I i ►-�fc� ►•c�nler�t Of f ic-r�r 0 f� 1. 2. 3. 4. Rezoning Survey Please check Ill boxes that Proposed rezoning effort. ri best fit how you feel about this Yes, I would desire to have my involved parcel rezoned t•, an R. D. Zone. N I do not wish to have my R. D. Zone involved parcel rezoned to an , ` I do not care one way or the other if mY involved parcel is rezoned. p Z do not oppose the rezoning of the other 5. �---J I oppose the en tit•e rezoning effort. E. .I oppose the rezoning of only parcel parcels 1 -- 12 ) . Comment s I involved parcels. (Please list any of - -/ -1/. This information will be used in for �rezanin8. r eirearessed, Stampedenvelope has been povided for YOuV convenience and ease of returning this survey. henry M. Slater Zoning & Building Code Enforcement Officer ��s r` 4�/�e N/'i/ o - /n, ��'s N�.lua. a TOMPKINS COUNT r (RUST COMPANYr P. O. BOX 460 ITHAC N. a85 r _ BY /�,�.Z LAMES VII. HULBERT * Vice President /A: 213 -32, 10 /'moo • rr/� vlO�zei N`13ftam W ' -® Rezoning survey Please check all boxes that best fit how you feel about t proposed rezoning effort. his IQ ' -0 Yes. I would des i rd to have my Inv 1 ved R, D. Zone. :1 parcel rezoned to an 2. E--__! No, R. D. 3o 4. 5. 6, Name : I do not Zone. wish to have my involved parcel rezoned to an I do not care one way or the other If my involved parcel is rezoned. I do not oppose the rezoning of the other involved ' parcels. I oppose the entire rezoning effort. 1 oppose the rezoning of only parcel, (please list parcels 1 - 12 ). _ t any of Comment aI Date_ Cj) This information will be used, in part, to determine a final for rezoning, n pre_ addressed, stamped envelope h area fOr' Your• convenience And ease of returning this survey provided Y l lenry M, 31 a t et• Zoning Building Code Enforeernent Officer r• , LI 0 CI Date : December St h, 1992 To: James SchUg, Dryden Town Supervisor Sub.: Rezoning Survey Results Dear Jim: Please find attached a copy of the survey. As you will recall, YOU and our office deve 1 ope as sUrvey and d the property owner. The purpose of an i: ipinic-to of the pri.-jperty ciwners i is a portion of the .lands between N 366, the Etna Hamlet and Kirk Reads resUlts of the rezoning the board req Uest ed that istribUte it to each of the survey was to obtain nv� �lved. The target area ew York State Route 13, You will find 3 items. There will be a map which has the parcel number and general response to the rezoning question. There also i s a survey tally sheet and a copy • • f the individual survey sheet which was returned by the property owners. The reason that I included the survey is the fact that several owners did take the opportunity to express an opinion. Of the 12 involved properties, 1.1 owners returned surveys. As rnerit i oned above, many did take the C IppOrt Un i t y to comment on the sUbject i.-if the rezi:: 1ning of the proposed area. Very truly (y. ors, n% aL�t.�¢cJ I eery M. Slater CC: All Ti_iwri Board Members Mah .l in R. Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney �....-Rusanne Lloyd, Dryden Town Clerk George Schlecht, Professional Engineer REZONING SURVEY Survey Questions. # 1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 XXX XXX 44 -1 -12 XXX XXX �4 -1 -13.3 XXX XXX It4 -1- 13.412 XXX �4 -1 -13.5 - -- XXX 4 -,1 -18 XXX XXX 4 -1 -21.4 XXX 4 -1. -22.1 XXX 4 -1-22.2 XXX 4 -1 -27.1 XXX XXX 4- -?7.3 XXX XXX *_ota1s 7 2 1 4 2 n Rezoning Survey Please check, all boxes that best fit how you feel abort this proposed rezoning effort. 1 • �- Yes, I Notes No Response Would desire t,o have my involved 1 ved parcel 1 rezoned t o R. D. Zone. an 2• No. I do not wish to have my involve R. D. Zone. d parcel rezoned to an 3• 1 do not care one way or the other if my involved parcel rezoned. p cel is 4- 1 do not oppose the rezoning of the other involved parcels (---- ) P S• u 1 appose the entire rezoning effort. 6- CI I oppose the rezonin n , Parcels 1 - 12 ), 9 of m y parcel, (please list any of "- e . Date: 4b , -/: ,r / On. n 'TRi(, ?8 3 07 13.42 59.75 AC. CAL. II I ;9S - - - 2 4.82 2 -2 Z �C CAL "' 5 ise 50 39'5 N 27.42 24 79 014.r CAL.. 0 i I Ll I E7 X. �- p 0 0 to N �'�'es N o t� es fo e Z0 >IU0.0'> / 1 OV a //., i N: w � I 92. 57 AC. CAL. j Z�� r� 13.4 11.1 8 Y 4.96 all 1.0 4 AC ~ z �° � - 5 O � 5 2`� '- 13.43 `1 9 AC v.(E 0 5� 1 2 - 6' b Z / z p vnpk Y !. 1 , �I 50' 1 43 144 un ' I r� 54 I LZ n L ®.= ■ L- .f RESOLUTION No . 206 (1992 ) • RESOLUTION COMMITTING TOWN OF DRYDEN SEWER DISTRICTS TO CONTRIBUTE TOWARD THE COST OF THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE KLINE ROAD SIPHON. COUNCILPERSON Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption. WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden along with the Town of Ithaca and City of Ithaca are owners of the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant, and WHEREAS, Town of Dryden sewer districts benefit from the ut ion and asked - all vc- It i ng for its Yes (:)N ]._._.-..... ......n....9 has l lq-I TB12 -8-92 page 7 CITIZENS PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Tom Hatfield - gave the bl-Iard members t wo I agreements t i-. 1 look. over. He presented the b• Iard members with a preliminary spending plan based on their kri Iwledge of what money is available. The approval -.If Flan 1 will allow them ti.i cl:Int inl_te with a half t irne equivalent on a year r• Iund basis ut i 1 i-Zing Family and Chi ldrens Service. R1ari 25 reflects basically the needs of the cr- Drilm_inity and their ability tI_I service thI use needs as a community with direct service rather than hiring outside agencies. The dollars in either plan are basically the same. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION #201 AGREEMENT FOR KENNEL. SERVICES Clrn Baker offered the adopt ic-in e (copy in 2nd C l m Corrigan f• Il l• minute Roll (wing resl_I'l book) call vote ut ion and asked - all vc- It i ng for its Yes CITIZENS PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Tom Hatfield - gave the bl-Iard members t wo I agreements t i-. 1 look. over. He presented the b• Iard members with a preliminary spending plan based on their kri Iwledge of what money is available. The approval -.If Flan 1 will allow them ti.i cl:Int inl_te with a half t irne equivalent on a year r• Iund basis ut i 1 i-Zing Family and Chi ldrens Service. R1ari 25 reflects basically the needs of the cr- Drilm_inity and their ability tI_I service thI use needs as a community with direct service rather than hiring outside agencies. The dollars in either plan are basically the same. RESOLUTION #202 YOU TH C:OMM I SS I (:)N Clrri C• Irrig�-in offered the fl -Il li.- (wing resc. Ilut ilrin and asked for its ad! Ipt ion a RESOLVED, that this Town Board give the d i rect i I_In f I .-Ir the Youth Commission to go with Family and Chi ldrens Service for a fUll time positir.in of $241 715. c_ 0 a l - 2nd C l m Baker Roll call vote -- a l l voting Yes ZONING OFFICER - r e Irt p_ given to board members L Board members received a survey result for zI :Ining change regarding reqUest for 44 -1 -27. (copy in minute book) There was sr. Ime discussion and the town board decided to schedule a public hearing on Jan. 19th at 7aG(')FIM regarding zI_Ining change request In parcel #44-1-27,,.:5 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT RESOLUTION #2C)3 AUTHORIZE: HWY, SUPT. TO BID FOR NEW MOWER FOR _FORD _TRACTOR Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its ads apt ion o RE=SOLVED, that this TITIwri Board authl,Irize Hwy. Supt. Gilbert to advertise f. it bids for a new mcnwer for Ford tractor. 2nd C l m Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes Hwy Supt. Gilbert - he needs more survey wI:_Irk done ..In Star Stanton Road so that it can be rebuilt. Don was directed to obtain prices. Hwy Supt. Gilbert - reported that, he has a request for ads Ipt a highway program which is Kirk. Rr.Iad. He did not kni•w if the town wanted t becorue i nviD 1 ved or not and he w i l l get mr.- Ire i nformat ion, •r-,. Treatment Plant site location and the rights of way to jointly • owned sewer lines and other facilities vesting in the Town of Dryden, Town of Ithaca and City of Ithaca as tenants in common in the proportions outlined in Appendix 1 to the Joint Sewer Agreement last amended April 11, 19849 49 This resolution shall take effect immediately. SECONDED, COUNCILPERSON Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes At a Regular Meeting Tompkins County, New York, December, 1992 at 7:30 P. PRESENT. Supervisor - Councilperson Councilperson Councilperson Councilperson ABSENT. None of the Town Board held at the Town M., there were of the Town of Dryden, Hall on the 8th day of James Schug Charles Hatfield - Margaret Walbridge Ronald Roberts Elizabeth Corrigan The following determination and resolution were respectively made and adopted by the Town Board of the.Town of Dryden, to wit: DETERMINATION WHEREAS, the Town Board caused notice of public hearing to be published in The Ithaca Journal, the official newspaper of the Town of Dryden on October 24, 1992, to consider the advisability of adopting a resolution, in accordance with the provisions of Section 209 -b of the General Municipal Law, authorizing the SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., to furnish general ambulance service for all of the residents of the Town of Dryden, and • WHEREAS, a public hearing pursuant to such notice was held on November 5, 1992, and which said notice of hearing described: (1) the general ambulance service which is proposed to be furnished; (2) the area to be served; (3) the names of the fire company affected; (4) the time and place within the Town where such hearing will be held; and (5) that all persons residing within: the area to be served or persons, firms and corporations owning real property within the area to be served, or persons, firms and corporations whose business interests or employment would either be benefitted or adversely affected, whether or not a resident or owner of real property within the area to be served shall have the right to be heard in person or by representative at the public hearing, and at which public hearing it was pointed out that the Town of Dryden was served by several other Fire Companies which did not provide general ambulance service to the area proposed to be served by the Slaterville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. and the understanding between the Town and the Slaterville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., was that the fire protection contract is to be entered into principally for the furnishing of general ambulance service in the area to be served by Slaterville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. in the Town of Dryden, and WHEREAS, the matter was fully considered and discussed by the Town Board and all persons present at the time of such hearing were given an opportunity to be heard with respect thereto and their statements considered by the Town Board, and WHEREAS, the Town Bo; authorize the furnishing ambulance service and to SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4, or before February 1, 1993 and deems it it of such f ire enter into an COMPANY, INC., 000.00) for one and the public interest to protection and general agreement therefor with for the consideration of (1) year, to be paid on WHEREAS, the consent of SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC. to furnish general ambulance service has been obtained, and NOW, AFTER HEARING AND CONSIDERING THE STATEMENTS MADE AT THE PUBLIC HEARING: on motion of Councilperson Corrigan, seconded by Councilperson Roberts, it is RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby finds, in accordance with the provisions of Section 209 -b of the General Municipal Law, that it is in the public interest to authorize the furnishing of such fire protection and general ambulance service for the said residents of the Town of Dryden, and it is further RESOLVED, that service shall be fur shall be prescribed and approved by the further such fire protection' and general ambulance Pnished subject to the rules and regulations as by SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., Town Board of the Town of Dryden, and it is • RESOLVED, that within ten (10) days after the date of the adoption of this resolution the Town Clerk shall cause a certified copy thereof and the determination on which it is based to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Tompkins together with the consent of SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., and it is further I RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor be, and he is hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the TOWN OF DRYDEN and SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., for such general ambulance service for the consideration of the payment by the Town of FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4,000.00). The vote on the adoption of the foregoing resolution was as follows: Supervisor - James Schug Aye Councilperson - Charles Hatfield Aye Councilperson - Margaret Walbridge Aye Councilperson - Ronald Roberts Aye Councilperson - Elizabeth Corrigan Aye The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. r1 LJ • STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) TOWN OF DRYDEN ) SS: I, Susanne Lloyd, duly elected Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that I have compared the preceding resolution with the original thereof filed in my office in the Town Hall, Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, adopted the 8th day of December, 1992, and that the same is a true and correct copy of the whole thereof. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said Town this day of December, 1992. 0 usanne Lloyd, n C erk I I I �v T912-6-92 page 8 16 CORRESPONDENCE Dog report Dryden Police report Letter from De Perry arid L. Sessions - concerning dangerous dogs RESOLUTION Baker - would outstanding like a work that #204 1:1r, resoluticron drafted regarding BF =11 Johnson has done for the ASSOCIA"T"ION commission in being the first OF TOWNS - Joe L_a 1 1 ey Clrji Roberts offered the f• i1 lowing resol Ut it Dn and asked fc_'r its ad pt i on c RESOLVED, that this Tenn Board ai.Aheirize Joseph L_a11ey to attend the Association of Towns meeting in New York City in an arli unt not to exceed $750.00 and Clm Corr i gan Roll call vote - all voting Yes DISCUSSION - Clm Baker and Clm Roberts will do final audit ors town books by Feb 8the Clr11 the Baker - would outstanding like a work that letter Julie 1:1r, resoluticron drafted regarding BF =11 Johnson has done for the YOUth commission in being the first person for this .jr.lb and dating such a fine ,job. CIm C�irrigar. - w•��_t comm i ss i _l-ri is a vet whole group and me Id rather like it to go to the ci -XI MUSSI Ino The 1 unt eer position and wr u 1 d like t o commend the nt ic-in the fine work that Julie has doneo RESOLU"T"ION #2 05 C:OP4MENI:) DRYDEN YOUTH COMMISSION AND JULIE BELL _TOHNSON Clm Baker offered the following reso out ii:_in and asked for its adopt i or, a RESOLVED, that this Town Board commend the Dryden Youth Commissir. in and Julie Bell Johnson c-in the fine performance d+_lring the Year 1992, 2nd Clm Hatf i e l d Roll call vote - a l I voting Yes RESOLUTION #02 �E, CCimm I TT I NCB TOWN OF DRYDEN SEWS =R DISTRICTS (VARNA & MONKEY RUN TO CONTRIBUTE TOWARD THE COST OF THE F " [::ONST ftUCT ]: ON OF THE' KL_ I NER DAD_ S J: F'HON. Clm Corrigan offered the following resolutil -.1n and asked fi -Jr its adapt ion o (copy in minute bock.) End Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - a l l voting Yes RESOLUTION #c')7 AMBULANCE C:ON"T" RAC"I" SLAfERV I LL_E_ VOLUN"T"EER FIRE_.. COMP-112 DIY Clm Corrigan offered the following ress_{lut - ion and asked for its adopt ii:: ina (copy in minute book) End Clm Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes TB 1E -8 -9E page 9 RESOLUTION #EC B D RYDEN AMBULANCE INC. CON RAC T Clm Corrigan offered the f•Illciwing resciluticln and asked for its ads apt ion RESOLVED, that this Town Beard authclrize SUpv SchUg to sign the coat Tact for Dryden Ambulance Inc. for the calendar year 1993. The amount cif the ccintract is $84,81.4.00 payable cin or about February 1, 19930 This has a provision that the Tr.Iwn will reimburse Dryden Ambulance 50 percent of the amount spent for training of its members, with a maximunl reimbursement of _nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #209 NEPTUNE: HOSE CO. #1 T NCv. FIRE CONTRACT Clm Hatfield offered the follc1wing resolution and asked for its adoption" RESOLVED, that this TcIwn B• lard authorize the Supery i sc it and Town Clerk to sign the contract with Dryden Neptune Hose Ccimpany #1 Inc. in the amclunt of $1191590.00 tci be paid cm cir abcut March 19 1993. This has a provision that the Town will reimburse Neptune Hose Co. #1 Inc. 50 percent of the amclunt spent for training of its members, with a maximuril reirnbursement of 2nd Clm Ccirrigan Roll call vc1te -- all voting Yes RESOLUTION #kE:l Ca W. B. _STRONG-; F °IRE COMPANY OF FREEVIL..LE F =IRE CONTRAC:'I___.____._.._ Clm Baker offered the fc111c,wing resoluticin a-rid asked fcir its adoptions RESOLVED, that this Tc awn Beard authorize the Supervisor and Town Clerk to sign the crintract with W. B. Strang Fire Company of Freev i I l e in the anlc'Unt cif $88,53J1.00 to be paid :in cir about March 1, 19930 This has a provision that the Town will reimburse W. B. Strong Fire Ccim parry cif Freevi 1 l e 50 percent of the amiDUnt spent for training of its members, with a maximunl reimbursement of $5, 000m Oi) End C1m Hatfield Roll call vcite - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #211 ETNA VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY INC. FIRE CONTRACT" Clm Baker offered the following rescilut icin and asked for its adopt ion e RESOLVED, that this Town BrJard authcirize the Superviscir and TrJwn Clerk tci sign the ccintract with Etna Volunteer Fire Company Inc. in the ami.-junt of $81, EEC). 0(') to be paid cin or about March 1, 1993. This has a provision that the Town will reinlburse Etna Volunteer Fire Company Inc. 50 percent of the artio u .nt spent for training of its members, with a maximum reimbursement cif $59000200 • End Clm Roberts Rc i 1 1 call vcit e- all voting Yes I'f3 TB12 -8 -92 page 10 • RESOLUTION # 212 Schug -- appointed VARNA FIRE_DEPARTME NT FIRE Dryden Lake Park fo it $17,500.0o _ COMPANY Clm Roberts offered the fi •1 lowirig resolution �n and asked for its adopt ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the Supervisor and Town Clerk tot sign the contract with Varna Fire Department in the amount c- if $95,750.00 t i.- , be paid :in r.-ir about March 15 1993. This has a prow i s i oln Department 5( ) pe members, with a 2nd Clm Baker that the Town will reimburse Varna Fire ?scent oif the amount spent for training oaf its maximum reirnbursement of $5, i oo.00 Roll call vote - a l l voting Yes RESOLD "I I ON #k213 BROOKTONDAL_E FIRE DISTRICT Clm Hatfield offered the falliDwing resolution and asked for its adopt itn RESOLVED, that this Town Bi_Jard authorize the Supervisor and Town Clerk to sign the cointract with Brooktoindale Fire District in the amount c- if $85250.00 to be paid :in or about March 15 1993. 2nd C l m CoWrr l gars Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #h214 AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF "BIO- -SUN" SYSTEM FOR DRYDEN LAKE PARK • Clrn Corrigan gars offered the foil to Iwirlg resolution and asked for its adopt ion RESOLVED, that this Town Board a! !t hor i z e acceptance of "B i o-Sun" RESOLUTION #k215 AUTHORIZE TOWN TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL_ BUY-IN SHARE OF I AWTF,Yy__��.. Clrii Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt ion RESOLVED, that t additional buy -i $619 85!). 00 cont i 2nd Clm Baker his Town Board authorize the Town to purchase n share of Ithaca Wastewater Treatment Plant at agent upon approval 0 if Turkey Hill Sewer. Roll .1 call vote - all voting Yes Supv Schug -- appointed System for Dryden Lake Park fo it $17,500.0o and tIOD submit a County Youth Recreation $5,000.00 deposit with girder. Vi.-jucher to be approved at the December 29th special meeting. 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #k215 AUTHORIZE TOWN TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL_ BUY-IN SHARE OF I AWTF,Yy__��.. Clrii Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt ion RESOLVED, that t additional buy -i $619 85!). 00 cont i 2nd Clm Baker his Town Board authorize the Town to purchase n share of Ithaca Wastewater Treatment Plant at agent upon approval 0 if Turkey Hill Sewer. Roll .1 call vote - all voting Yes Supv Schug -- appointed Clrii Corrigan to represent the Town on the County Youth Recreation Committee. Clm Corrigan,- this committee is trying to find alternative ways of serving the YOUth in different areas of the township rather than the dependency that is formed at the City of Ithaca YOUth BlAreau. • FINANCIAL_ REPORT - available to i board members JUSTICE REPORT - $8,488.50 for the mointh _if No 1vember 1992 ) y I I I • • TB12 -8 -92 Page 11 RESOLUTION #12116 AUDIT VOUCHERS ABSTRACT #112 Clm Laker offered the following resol ut it.in and asked for its adopt ion RESOLVED, that the vr.luchers be paid as audited. Abstract ##112 vi Sucher #922 to #1013 for .a total _if $1705 E09u 45. 2nd C 1 m Roberts Roll call vote - all v• 1t i ng Yes (Time c-jut while Jame decided to fall off the ledge with her chair. Sorry I missed that.) NEW BUSINESS Election - Turkey H i l l Water /viewer vi-. 1t e - Dec. 15th Nol �n to 8 a i aOPM Christmas Fart Special end Organ i zat i r -ina Regular Ja -nuary y of 1 - Dec. year meeting Tr.lvm 2 28nd board - Board at meeting January meeting Iii! ni - 4th ilDn Dec at -- Jars - dish 29th 1 c_ o (M Wi) 12th to at 12 noon at 7: pass noon 30PM Ad .i ourned : 1 C) o OOPM Deputy Tr. 1wn Clerk Jame Kc- ie 1 sch I I A 0. RESOLUTION #217 YOUTH COMMISSION WHEREAS in July of 1990 the Dryden Town Board formed the Dryden Youth Commission to work on youth service programs and funding in the Town of Dryden, WHEREAS the Dryden Town Board would like to take special notice of appreciation for the work the Commission has done and continues to do, WHEREAS the Dryden Town Board would like to recognize Chairman Tom Hatfield for his first two years of service, WHEREAS the Dryden Town Board would like to commend Julie Bell Johnson for an outstanding job of organizing and providing services for youth over the past year, WHEREAS the Dryden Town Board appreciates the work done by Karl Johnson who led the Youth Conservation Corp this past summer. Their accomplishments include the Dryden High School and Village of Freeville projects: RESOLVED, that this Town Board expresses many thanks to all for a fine job and service for the youth of Dryden. DATED uUervls Jv cilperson Cough ilperson GCdun.q-i1person Councilpersox� P 0/ 1