HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-09TOWN BOARD MEETING TUNE 99 1992 • Supv Schug called the meeting to order at 7=30PM The Town Board went over the conditions regarding the application of Melvin Scholes machinery repair shop. Pus Vidler - read .letter from Deborah Witty thanking the Scholes arid Town for the hard work arid coi Iperat ive attitude they have shown during this review process. Mr.. Vidler would also like to thank them for their cooperation. RESOLUTION #112 SHORT _EAF_FORM NEGATIVE DECLARATI OIL( Clm Roberts offered the following resolution ion and asked f! i% it adoption= RESOLVED, that this Town Board accept the short EAF form and make a negative declaration for the application of Melvin Scholes. 2nd Clm Corrigan Rj jl 1 call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #1135 GRANT SPECIAL PER! I T MELV I N SCHOLES - MACHINERY - REPAIR SHOE' Clm Baker offered the following resolution and asked for its Adopt ion= • RESOLVED, that this Tj-.1wn Beard grant a special permit to Melvin Scholes to establish a farm tractor and machinery repair shop with the following conditions= 1. Hours of operation, no Sunday hours, Monday t hru Saturday 8:00AM to 6a,CjC.)P'M, no vehicles left running at other hours. 2. A fence w i l l be constructed to screen the owners 2 tractors and the antique a1_1tomc- lbi les stored cln-site. 3. Outside property will be kept clear _if all .junk parts and non- running vehicles, at all t ivies. Junk parts will be stored in the garage until they are hauled away. 4. Employment will be limited to owner and one mechanic. v. A maS41ri1um of is tracts =irs will be stored outside at any one time= 6. Nc-i unauthorized vehicles will be sty )red on -site other than those stated in #2 and #5 above. 7. A row ! �f pine trees (minimurii � �f 4 feet in height, 15 trees 8 feet on center) will be planted and maintained between the site and the Vidler's pri.-iperty. Planting will be ci::impleted by September 30, 1992. 8. Waste fl Uido.--.) will be stored in drums inside the maintenance shop. They will be disposed i .-jf using the reclaim vendors. No disposal on -site will be permitted. 9. Testing of the equipment wi -Juld be permitted for only 30 minutes at any time during working hours. 10. Insulation of the repair building will be completed by September 30, 1992. 11. Outside lighting will be hooded so that light does not shine toward neighbor's dwellings. 7 TB6 -9 -92 page • 12. Standard "Boi 13. This appl icat 14. If applicant special permit ma 2nd Roberts 2 1 er Plate Condit ion is non t rare does riot comply y be revoked by Roll call vot i ans" adopted 7-lo-90 i -90 f era b l e by sale o rn by lease. with above conditions, the order of the Tciwn Bc iard. e - all voting Yes Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk= Present a Si_tpv Schug, Clm Roberts, Clm Baker, Clm Corrigan, Atty Perkins and Z.Q. Slater Absent o Clm Hatfield SI_ipv Schug appointed Clm Baker to audit highway fund bills. Motion was made by Clm Roberts and 2nd by Clm Corrigan that the minutes of 5 -7 -92 and 5- 12-92 be approved. Carried COUNTY BRIEFING Co. Rep. Evans - reported the cOIAnt y reapportionment committee approved the reapportionment plan. It was a plan he had negotiated for. He did f• 11 li: lw the town boards desires but was not approved of. There will be 829 people involved with this plan. Co. Rep. Evans - repcirted - reported sc ime of the cO Unty board members went site out to the 2 months DR7 site and it is clear the landfill the cciunty has to find an or alternative i +_gym. s� glut icin for a landfill. The Supreme Court stated it was illegal for states to bar transportation ion of solid waste across their boarders. S• � now, it is possible the cOUnt y cO U 1 d go with a 1 cing term ccint ract t o t'r,ans port trash into Pennsy 1 van i a. He feels it can be done cheaper to do a 20 year contract than it would to build a landfill. It is currently $58.00 a ton to transport the solid waste out of state. Co. Rep. Evans they stated consultants He does not - reported and he assumed the stopping. DR7 site wells will be monitored for 2 months for while done there the landfill is a mcirat or i +_gym. SI_ipv Schug - asked abcil_tt the outside contracts. Co. having from Rep. Evans the outside the scil id - supposedly, contract waste staff. they stated consultants He does not they could riot see wcIrking without direction have the answer to that and he assumed they would be stopping. make Supv Schug - wanted Co. Rep. Evans to check and make sure there are n o me ire vouchers for wcirk done at the landfill site. 0 1 ' B6B 9 -92 page 3 • Co. Rep. Evans - he is or, the solid waste cr.immittee s� � will watch for it. He will also � ask the chairman .-if the ci .-immittee directly if they are receiving invoices for work or, the DR7 for the next 3 months. Co. Rep. Evans - reported that rabies was discussed at the county health committee meeting. N� � decision has been made, but the county will deal with an animal that is rabid The issue is what to do with a questionable tenable animal willing to work with rabid anima some type of cost sharing betwee County= CITIZENS PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR He feels the SPCA would be is for a fee and there should be n the municipalities and the Ken Cowan - from WHCU gave the beard members a revised landscape plan. He was proposing a E feet by 2 1/2 feet wide planter in front of their sign ti-.# make it more attractive. Supv Schug - questioned Atty Perkins as ti_, whether or riot another public hearing shi -Juld be held, since there is a revision --if the landscape plan. Atty Perkins - the public hearing requirement in Section 2302.5 states that a SPRB may conduct a public hearing on the • preliminary site plan. If a public hearing is considered desirable by the SPRB, the public hearing shall be conducted within 30 days of the receipt of the application. This is riot a preliminary site plan and he feels this is a modification to the site plan. The town board shy Uld feel free to act without prejudice. The board Could approve the revised landscape plan subject to the compliance of all applicable zoning ordinance requirements including the sign ordinancen RESOLUTION #1 14 REVISED . LANDSCAPE F'LAN� - WHCU (ELGAE CORP.) Clri Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its ads apt i� �n e RESOLVED, that this board accept t presented subject to ci_imp 1 i ance w i ordinance requireriients, including 2nd C l m Baker Rol 1 1 c COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR he revised landscape plan as th of all applicable zoning the sign ordinance. all vote - all voting Yes Clm Corrigan and Clm Roberts will meet with Atty Perkins regarding the ACC franchise _agreement after the board meetings 77 TBG -9 -92 page 4 Clrii R� �berts - reps rated in with a low bid which on the insutnance f• 1r included are excess the of on in coverage the swirti pry gram gl_kar ^d. f! rn general discussed liability this with and auto, fotn $559 0C)0= the town 00. paid Last $67,80o.00 year, f o n with .just no � the one million excess. • C town. Pend � came e m i l l i r.in dollars a price of dollar coverage Clm Roberts They are using is one hour - reported the that is there life not is a problem with guards f� rn the surnrner being covered by a life the swirti pry gram gl_kar ^d. pry �grarn. and there He discussed with this with Supv Schug and he Suggested of the bi_jard this read in, in might ci_insider manner an amount not t• i exceed $113.00 the to ci::iver that c_ine hour Supv Sct°ug - sortie of the neighbors are also going t� � be asked help with this cost. difficulties RESOLUTION #115 AUTHORIZE': MONEY FOR LIFE GUARD FOR SWIM PROGRAM Clm Co rnri gan offered the following reso l ut ion and asked f _r% its ads apt ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Board aut h� rn i ze an arti unt ni:: it to � exceed $113.o(') fotn life guard coverage fi -Dr the youth swim program. 2nd Clrii Luker Roll call vote - all voting ing Yes ATTORNEY At t y Perk. i ns - board members have a proposed reso 1 ut i on accepting the dedication of Hartwo 1d Road prig rn its comp1et iOn. It is at a stage where sortie kind of security is required in otnder for you to accept it. You are being asked to unde•rtak.e the acceptance of a road that is less than 50 percent completed, as far as dollar value goes. Geotnge Schlecht has li.-joked at the estimates to complete the work and as a practice i.-if the t i.- lwn, you may want to consider adding a facts rn to that. There are several other issues that you may want to consider^, one of which is a pond that has to be constructed. There is an estimate of $59C)00.00 if the town had to construct that pond. His understanding is the planning Berard made it a requirement -.if subdivision approval the pond be constructed and this has ni-.1t been done. You w i l l have to consider if you want to include the cost of the Fend in YOUr estimate of work yet to be done. The err °d i nance specifically requires inspection by the highway SUper i nt endent and certification of what has to be done. Bruce Barkley - the reason he is here is from the practical difficulties of putting this read in, in a timely manner especially with the wet spring. The ramifications of that is not being able to get a building permit or sell a lot until the road has been accepted. 7� ' B6� 9 -92 page 5 • His specific difficulty i for a family that would 1 Solution as he Understand if there is any other met • • s that he has a hcnme t� � build r.fn lot 9 ike to rove in befor ^e school starts. The s it is to set up are escr%ow account or hod that is acceptable to the town. Atty Perkins - wanted to � know if there was enough r% gad frontage on the rest of the parcels. Bruce Barkley - there is about 800 feet all total. Atty Perkins - do you have to convey the lot to the owner to get a building perroiit? Bruce Barkley - yes and non He rea11 because there really isn't a lot �t at could get a permit. He probably cool sense he could start and on the o the lot because the bank will riot loan t they have title to the loto y can't sell the lot to � them this t irtle, but he probably d get a permit sr., in one r hand he could riot sell the hem any money to build until Clm Corr i gan - woridered if the board could look at it as two separate issues= Atty Per ^k. i ns - it has never been the board's practice to accept a road withr.lut the highway superintendent's letter. This is what the or,d inance calls fc it and the board does riot have that, so it is a problem. It has also been the bj_1ard' s practice n ot to accept title to � a ru mad when there is this much work, left to be done. There may be a way that the beard can work with the developer to help him get a building permit. Clm Co rrrigars - riot accepting the rN gad at this time would riot be a barrier for the developer to get a building permit. Atty Perkins - Br%uce would be much futnther along by the time the board meets again in July to accept the road. Bruce Barkley - the road is about 4 weeks from being completed. Atty Perkins - suggested that Z.Q. Slater give hira a building permit fo t% that site address ors Ellis Hollow Rd. He requested Bruce to send him a copy of his DEC permit since one was req l_i i red because of the wet lands. Atty Perkins - r�ep� �rted on moto rr cr%oss track. Henry and Clint have checked there on several occasions arid have talked with the owner of the pr %tperty. Apparently there has been no further complaints and no further activity. Clm Corrigan - felt that the board owes the residents who signed the petition a response this has been looked into. Zy • • RESOLUTION NO. 116 Councilperson Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption. WHEREAS, Elgae Corp., the owner of the premises at 1751 Hanshaw Road in the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins and State of New York has constructed certain manholes, sewer lines and other appurtenances which are now connected to the Monkey Run Sewer District lines and manholes, and WHEREAS, Elgae Corp. has offered to convey to the Town on behalf of the Monkey Run Sewer District a permanent easement in and to such manholes and sewer lines as are connected to the Monkey Run Sewer District including the conveyance and transfer to the said Town of all of its right, title and interest in and to such manhole and sewer line, and WHEREAS, such manhole and sewer line locations are depicted on a drawing entitled "GRADING PLAN WHCU RADIO STATION" made by Novelli & Co. Consulting Engineers and first approved 6 -4 -91 and last approved 9- 14 -91, and more particularly described in an instrument dated May 1, 1992 and to be recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office upon the acceptance by the Town of said manholes and sewer lines and the compliance by Elgae Corp. with any conditions set forth herein, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Town hereby accepts the offer of Elgae Corp. to convey to the Town such permanent easement, sewer manholes and sewer lines as are depicted on said drawings and described in the permanent easement dated May 1, 19920 2. The acceptance of such offer is specifically conditioned upon Elgae Corp. paying all expenses of the Town in connection with such offer including the reasonable fees of the Town Attorney and all recording and filing fees in connection therewith. Seconded Councilperson Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes • • • RESOLUTION NO. 117 (1992) Councilperson Baker offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, there exist several apparent continuing violations of the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance on the premises owned by Irene Dennis, Michael F. Rogers and Donna A.M. Rogers and identified as Town of Dryden Tax Map Parcel #29 -1 -12.3 which include the placement of unregistered, abandoned or inoperable motor vehicles and other junk, it is RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the Town Attorney, Mahlon R. Perkins, to commence an action on behalf of the Town to enjoin and restrain Irene Dennis with respect to such violations and to cause the removal of the offending motor vehicles and junk from said property. Second Councilperson Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes 0 CI RESOLUTION NO. 118 (1992) Councilperson Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption. WHEREAS, there exist several apparent continuing violations of the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance and the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code on the premises owned by Carlos Stetson and identified as Town of Dryden Tax Map Parcel #22 -1 -25.15 which include (among other things) the placement of a structure (barn) without obtaining the required building permit and the placement, storage and continuation of junk, used tires, used building materials, unregistered, inoperable or abandoned motor vehicles and discarded appliances, it is RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the Town Attorney, Mahlon R. Perkins, to commence an action on behalf of the Town to enjoin and restrain Carlos Stetson with respect to such violations and to cause the removal of the offending structure from said property and the removal of the personal property which has been placed and stored in violation of the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance. Second Councilperson Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes Date: June 3rd, 1992 • To James SchUg, Dryden Town, SUpervisor Dryden Town Hall E5 E. Main Street Dryden, New York From Henry M. Slater, Zoning R Building Code Enforcement Off. 65 E. Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 Sub. May 92 Dept. Activity Report Dear Jima Building was only Permits Issued, (22) which are described as fol lows. Investigation A -1 Single - family StrUctures: A -1 Single - family, New Starts, (E> Site Built, (4) install Mobile Homes, (2). Replace Non- coriformirig Mobile Home with Conforming, (2) A -1 Single- family, Convert, Extend or Renovate existing Home Sites to Living Area, ( 3 ) A -2 Erect a Two -faro i 1 y H• erne Structure, C -4.1 Erect Private Garage, C-4.1 Agriculture Accessory Use Structures, C -7 Install Above Ground Private Swimming Pool, Certificates of Ocr_ I_ipancy and Compliance. (9) Certificates _if Occupancy Issued. (1) Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. (1) Certificates of Compliance issued. Fire I nvest i gat i � ins. (1) (5) (2) (1) There was only (2) Fire Investigation conducted. ( 1 ) Chimney, which w i l l require repair and (1) structure fire which will require demolition I Pg. (`) • • • Multiple Residence Inspections: (1) Fire Safety Inspect ic- ins of public/businesses: (5) Home Day Care Fire Safety Inspections, (0 ) Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing Requests: (3) Attached is a notice of decision for each appeal. The Wilcox Press Plant continues inues operat ing under a temporary certificate of occupancy pending the outcome of the occupar►cy violation of failing to obtain a Occupancy Permit prior to moving into the facility. The WHCU ./ WYXL Radio and Jenr►a' s Restaurant also continue under Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. As You may or may riot recall, WHCU was required to have completed installation of all exterior installations and landscaping prier to June 1st of this year. As of this date, some of the landscaping installations have not been completed. I have further been advised, WHCU will be requesting a modification of their Site Plan Approval to make some landscaping changes. At this time, I'm not informed as to what those changes will be. To my knowledge, all rather open i t ems are now in compliance. I believe you' 11 recall, I had at the George Junior that Jenria's is very near ready to close out their open Site Plan Approval iterns. Jenr►a's had also to complete should exterior be ready by installations and next- meeting. final grading. They Other News of Possible Interests As calls you' 11 recall, I had at the George Junior advised you Facility of a numerous fire during the past few months. oethers Most were were false. deliberate S• Mme were and a couple acc i dents, while were set prank fires. in what has that arrest, no been reduced fires have set, and to near zero. the overall Since last month, I'm very pleased has been made. A student, who was the all the set fires, was Caught setting to report, prime a fire an arrest suspect in and has admitted to all other fires. been a scary that few fire, however, For now, that m rriths at the he should Republic. denies involvement conclude Since in what has that arrest, no been reduced fires have set, and to near zero. the overall alarm rate has • As you may also and Ellis Hollow the Board at the Moto Crass Race Read. Since that the land owner, allowed uses of • • recall, residents from the Ringwood Read Creek Road area presented a petition to May meeting demanding that an alleged Track had been built at 823 Ringwood time, our office has formally advised that this use is in violation of the the Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance. Since that notice, both Clint and myself have taken �.�ppOrtUnity to observer this site during times when you would expert to be idea for the youths whom were said to be using it. Neither Of us have observed any use of the facility since the notification was sent. Also, no complaints have been received by our office since the last meeting. Hopefully, this will be the end of this issue, however, we'll continue to keep a watch on this site. Henry M. Slater CC : A 1 1 Dryden Town P yard Members panne l_ 1 o yd, Dryden Town Clerk Mahlon R. Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney • U NOTICE OF DECISION TUESDAY MAY 5, 1992 A public hearing to consider Appeals the application 1992 with members presents Chairman Francis DiTommaso, submitted Alan LaMotte, and Ann Everett, by VLADMIR DRAGAN, D.R.A. "ROOK BARN OF THE FINGER LAKES" of 198 North Road, Dryden, New York to obtain a variance to reduce the size and number of acceptable parking lot spaces for the "Book Barn of the Finger Lakes" facility also at 198 North Road, Dryden and is requesting a variance to Section 1401.9 of the Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing, was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, May 5, 1992 with members presents Chairman Francis DiTommaso, Joseph Jay, Alan LaMotte, and Ann Everett, FItJDIh1GSa 14 The parking requirement is unreasonable for the type of business proposed. Granting the variance will permit the proposed use to be more compatible with the neighborhood. A motion-was made by Ann Everett that Vladmir Dragan be granted the variance as requested. Second to the motion was made by Alan LaMotte. VOTE YES (4) F. DiTommaso, A. LaMotte, A. Everett and J. Jay. ZA DECISION: is .1 r" (0) ABSTAINED VARIANCE GRANTED. (0) Respectfully submitted, Francis DiTommaso,Chairman 9 NOTICE OF DECISION TUESDAY MAY 5, 1992 • A public hearing to consider the application submitted by GARY L. WADE of .41 '.West Dryden Road, Freeville, New York to obtain a variance to erect a (4) Unit Multi- Family Residence at or about 141 West Dryden Road, Freeville, NY within an R.B.1 Zoning District and is requesting a variance to Section 751, Allowed Uses, of the Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, May 51 1992 with members present: Chairman Francis DiTommaso, Joseph.Jay, Alan LaMotte, and Ann Everett, FINDIhJGSa 1. The applicant did not show that the Zoning Restriction has caused an unnecessary hardship. A motion was made by Ann Everett that Gary Wade be denied the variance as requested. 1wecond to the motion was made by Joseph Jay, VOTE YES (3) F. DiTommaso, A. Everett and J. Jay. NO DECISION: 6 /a /e� L n u (1) A. LaMotte. VARIANCE DENIED. ABSTAINED (0) Respectfully submitted, Francis DiTommaso,Chairman • • n publ i of 401 abandon self St Section c hear Pleasa ed Car orage 801, in nt W st al g to consi Valley, G ash Struct ructure wi lowed uses NOTICE OF DECISION TUESDAY MAY 59 1992 der the appli rot on, NY to ure at 140 No thin an R. C. of the Dryd cat obt rth Zon en ion ain St r e an Town subm a va eet, d is Zon itted by riance t Dryden request ing Ordi HARVEY NORTE o convert an to an 18 unit ing a variance to nance. A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning nppeals on Tuesday, May 5,1992 with members presents Chairman Francis DiTommaso, Joseph Jay, Alan LaMotte, and Ann Everett. FINDINGS: i. Other allowed uses are not economically possible. The neighborhood is surrounded by other compatible commercial uses, The proposal is to reuse an existing commercial structure that pre existed terzoning. THE A motion was made by Alan LaMotte that based on the findings the request for the variance be granted to Mr. Norte for an 18 unit self storage structure. Second to the motion was made by Joseph Jay, VOTE YES (4) F. DiTommaso, A. LaMotte, A. Everett and J. Jay. ZrIj DECISION: • jr (0) ABSTAINED VARIANCE GRANTED. (0) Respectfully submitted, Francis DiTommaso,Chairman 6 TB6 -9 -92 page 6 Supv Schug - requested that Z. 0. Slater send a letter to the people who signed the petition and he should be contacted if there is a problem again. RESOLUTION #116- ACCEPTS OFFER OF ELGAE CORPO TO CONVEY PERMANENT EASEMENT SEWER MANHOLES R SEWER LINES Clm Roberts offered the following resolution ion and asked for its adopt i or, : (copy in minute book) 2nd Clm Corr i g an Roll call vote - all vs.-A i n g Yes RESOLUTION #117 ZONING VIOLATIONS PARCEL. #29-1-12M 3 IRENE DENNISq MICHAEL & DONNA ROGERS Clm Baker offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt ion 0 (copy in minute book) 2nd Clm Corrigan Roll 1 cal 1 vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #118 ZONING VIOLATIONS PARCEL #22--l-25.15 CARL_OS STETSON Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions (copy in minute book) 2nd Clm Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes • At t y Perkins - previously distributed t o board members a proposed local law concerning the right to farm law. It can be introduced by resolution and the Supv can schedule a public hearing. Clm Robert adoption" RESOLVED9 introduced 2nd Clm Era RESOLUTION #119 INTRODUCED LOCAL. LAW #1 - 1992 RIGHT TO FARM LAW s offered the following re=_ that Local Law #1 - 1992 Ri and Supv Schug schedule a ker Roll call v• 1t of gh P e ut ion and asked for its t To Farm Law be blic hearing. - all voting Yes Supv Schug - schedule a public hearing on July 14, 1992 at 7:3t3PM for proposed Local Law #1 - 1992 Right to � Farm Law. ZONING OFFICER -- report given to board members TOWN CLERK RESOLUTION #120 DESIGNATE POLLING PLACES Cim Corrigan offered the following reso l Ltt io ri arid asked for its ads apt ion RESOLVED, that this Town Board designate the following places in the Tc- iwn of Dryden for the year 1992. Dist. #1 - Etna Fire Station; Dist. #2 - Freevi l le Fire Stat iori, Dist. #3 - Dryden Village Hall g Dist. #4 - Varna Community Center9 Dist. #5 - Etna f=ire Station; Dist. #6 - Dryden Fire Station; Dist. #7 - Dryden Town Ha 1 1 9 Dist . #8 - Det h e 1 Grp eve Commun i t y Center 9 Dist. #9 - Ellis Hollow Community Centers Dist. #10 - Dryden 'T'own Hall. 0 vid Calm Ri.ib @6Pt% Roll cal 1 v• ate - all voting Yes T969 9 -92 page 7 RESOLUTION # 121 PAY _POLLING PLACES Clm Corrigan ciffered the following resolution and asked for its adapt ions RESOLVED, that this Town Board aut hcir i ze the Supv to pay the following palling places $100 -00 per district for% the Use Of their facilities fcW 19929 Varna Community Center, Bethel Grove Community Center, Ellis Hollow Community Center, Dryden Fire Station, Freeville Fire Station, and Etna Fire Station fcir Dist. #1 and Dist. #5. 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting ing Yes CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Tom Hatfield - YoIAth Comm. Letter from Tamp. Co. E. O. C requesting flAnds Letter from Learning Web requesting funds Letter from John Stefaricj regarding "At Risk" program Annual report from George Junior Letter of resignation f ri ern Fran D i Tommaso, ZBOA chairman Dryden Youth Commissicin - calendar of events RESOLUTION #122 APPROVAL OF LECTERN Clm Corrigan offered the fallowing resolution and asked for its • adc,ptionn RESOLVED, that this Town Board approve the pUrchase of a lectern for use in court proceedings and b-lard meetings. 2nd Clm Roberts Rc i11 call vote - all voting ing Yes RESOLD "rION #1_23 APPROVE DONATED FLOWER BOX Clm Baker offered the fr i1 lciwing resolution arid asked for its adept i ors n RESOLVED, that flower box with Town of Dryden. 2nd Clm Roberts this Toiwri Beard approve the a plaqUe dedicating it to Ri 1 1 1 call vote - anonymcl Us 1 y the veterans all voting RESOLUTION #124 PURCHASE TRACTOR WITH TRAIL._ER _ & DUMP CART donated of the Yes Clm Cc irrigan offered the following mowing reso ut icn and asked for its adopt ion n RESOLVED, that this Town Beard authc1rize the purchase on state contract cif a Jc1hn Deere tractor with trailer and dump cart. 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes 7j y I v TBG -9 -92 page 8 RESOLUTION #125 ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING; WORN, CORTLAND ROAD SEWER DISTRICT Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt iori: RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize an amount not to exceed $1,0oo.00 for George Schlecht to do additional engineering work. for the Cortland land Road Sewer District ors the upgrading of the Village Wastewater Treatment Plant. 2nd Clm Roberts Roll call vote - all vi .-it ing Yes Clm Robert s adopt io on RESOLUTION #126 ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING WORK CORTLAND ROAD WATER DISTRICT offered the fl_I11i: wing resolutir.in and asked for its RESOLVED, that this Town Board aut $1,000.00 f• it George Schlecht t� � d for the pri .-iposed Cj.-jrt land Road Wat 2-rid Clm Corr i g an Roll 1 1 ca 1 1 Clm Corrigan adopt ion. hor i e an amount not to o additional engineering er District. vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #127 NEGOTIATE PURCHASE OF LAND exceed work offered the following resolution arid asked for its RESOLVED, that this Town and talk. with Mr. Tuttle purchase of some property building ti_i make rr- iorii for present parking lot. 2nd Clm R� iberts Board aUth� Sri ze Supv Schug to negotiate and Empire Livestock regarding the t1_1 build a road along the side of the a salt sty gage Str1_tcture and add on to Ri 1 1 call vote - all voting Yes FINANCIAL REPORT - available to beard members JUSTICE REPORT - $59 6O O. O O RESOLUTION #128 APPROVE ABSTRACT #106 � Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its ads apt ione RESOLVED, that the VOIAchers be paid as audited. Abstract #106 vouchers #412 to #503 for a total .-if $2359318.17 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting ing Yes NEW BUSINESS Special hearing :in gUal i f ied road abandonments - 6-11-92 12 noon Dryden Village Hall Ad .j o urned a 9 e 30PM Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk