HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-12-10/�PZ TOWN BOARD MEETING December 1o, 1991 V Supv Schug called the meeting to .order at 713OPM Members and guests participated in the pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerks Presents Supv Schug, Clm Roberts, Clm Walbridge, Clm Hatfield, Clm C irrigarn arid At•t-y Perkins Absents Z. O. Slater Approval of the minutes Motion was made by Clm Hatfield and 2nd by Clm Corrigan that the minutes of town beard meetings held on Oct. 29th, Nov. 12th and Nov. 14th be approved. Carried COUNTY BRIEFING Co. Rep. Watros reported that the county approved their budget with an increase of 15 per cent. It is mostly DSS services increase because the case load is up. In addition the jail population has increased dramatically. Also, transportation and other services to handicapped children has gone up. The nuost significant increase has been the assigned council and a very big item that they have no cizintrol over. With just these 4 items would have resulted in a 17 per cent tax increase just t cover those expenses. Even though he does not c_1risider it appropriate, they are utilizing the fund balance to a great extent this year to balance it. They are looking toward the one cent sales tax revenue that would put the fl.tnd balance back in order. It is important that they do something with that because within the next year or two they are going to have to go to bonding for a number- of capital projects that they have had in the works over the last several years. The City of Ithaca has very strongly stated that -they want 1_Jne half of the one cent increase in sales tax and the Town of Ithaca has also made a point at the last board meeting. This has caused the board to rethink their position on the whole issue. There will be a committee to study the various aspects of adding the one cent both from the standpoint irif businesses as well cols what the impact will be on the taxpayers. Their recommendati_in will be put before the full board next month as to whether or riot they proceed with the one cent sales tax increase. If it ci.-imes about arid is adequately shared they could have adequate reserves by year end. If not you are lol_nking at a large property tax increase next year to bring the budget back in line. If we adequately fund this years programming and left the reserves in .line there would be a 25 per cent tax increase. They opted for 15 per cent with the idea that some how those reserves would be replaced. There are ways that it could be done and that is to cut spending which in his opinion has not been a major consideration beyond minor programs. They have been looking at staff reductions, but that has not happened yet. He d. oes riot feel that they have a sound budget yet for the future. Their trend is in the negative ` RIR� 10 -91 page direction and million drllla 3.7. At 'this c1 Qvity should they are UI„Ilrr, tla stay In li majority 1 =1f t in r s poi I, r�e L ryem he another year they will probably I_Irily have cirle in their furid balance and it usUally a,s about nt it te=_rids to f1.Y.Il-low the scat 1=` ll_Iris Fkrd the think and develope some discipline as tl_I where rl cut some prcigrara5 arid reduce coiArlty govern nit Unfortunately this is riot the feeling of the board. COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOUR Clrn RQhea r'ts - repl- lrted that he has m,Ltericmtl 'Frorn the Red Cross which with h� is ML gulrlg over regarding a swim program arid irs planning to talk with the ar towns recreation level cQord i r iat or and high sch oci l to set if 'this wi11 fit into the surnmer prograrm, Clrn Corrigan W ACC -- Atty Pc-rkins his drigtwrl up a prop) -lsed 10 year contract with are opportunity h:1f 5 year reaopener° based c1n what happens at the federal ar state level regulation of rates. Atty Perkins it is a 10 year c rit r^ac.�t that can be reopened by the town in the event that frmdek'k �1r'tt Xegi<alatijDn is mended or eriiai: t£+d which would basically £111F-1w US to regulate tr?e. Th i s wrlu Id be sl�l l i d For 3 years. Clrlr 144ilbridgea - reported. 1-1n Wilcox Press noise. She has spoken with the Willards and they felt that the noise was not as 11_ud as it was n1 °Irma] 1 . 'They thrlught that when it is 11„IUCI then they would ci:mt act her and not when i t i s at a fairly rfl inor noise. She will continue the rest of the month and she reminded them tin call her any t i me when she is around. She feels that it is much worse in the 5UFnrfier'tifil 2 when the windows are open. Arty Parkins - ever ythring is completed except the noises issues and the pQllutiiDn device. Clm W,�klbvr idge account and r bQard fnembers twice as marry last years to thMse are pet -I �she and Clrn Hat equested that the for their infl -lrma peciple could r(Ot x e5, which i s over pie who r oa 1 1 y car field audite=ei the tax c) :1llector5 tax warrant page be given to the tion because in terms 1=1f taxes pay their taxes this year over one half rlti l l ion d1 =1I lars and not afford it. C1hti Hatfield - there were 1700 irastallrnents in the Count I;II_tt of 30,000 bills and the instal lrfient was desigrietl F*upposedly to help the onasiw whc1 hzd trtiuble playing their taxes. Thit5 gives yrll,t an indication o f wFzat is q o i rl g ono Cl.rn liarlbridrgo - r^eportrd �ti the justices were doing a for otht?r t 1wrish i ps naarb "Ot sure that the computer it COLkId t1-1 eelirninL�te work wonderinq whether people rn whikt they ark d1= 1irr,0 so it ifiLDr' e 0 rl the .j lot ofi and t c�paci other ipht ne 1 esseris ustice dockets. Was told that �rrangements aria felony cases is has dropped off. She is a l.sl -4 t y is not being used se we 1 1 as than create Haire work and was ed mclr^e training , Past to know thLm wl=lrk r °athi?r� tharl to create' Jb� T912- 1(191 page 3 REBDL.UT i ON $k2q1 i January therei) thru j0io n Daimember 11391 to have been TOWN i;�rcariiined arid fines arid fees have been turned over to the ,roper omfficials parii =id as required by law, _AUDIT 2nd Clm _.BOOKS CIFn Hatf=ield offered the fo11 =wing resolution and asked for its �tir�F�t ion: WHEREAS, the Oriminal #, Civil dockats of each Town Justice from January therei) thru j0io n Daimember 11391 to have been have bekm ciDl1ected i;�rcariiined arid fines arid fees have been turned over to the ,roper omfficials parii =id as required by law, arid WHEREAS, the Tciwri Glark /Tax Collector and Zoning Dffice ret;s,%ipts and disbLLrsemr-;?rrjts fOl- JanLt&r %y thrtt December 1991 were eKamr reed and the fees arid monies cimillected therein have been turrie.lCi over to the pri�' per• officials as roquired by law. THERLFORE PEC IT ReSOLVED, that the Town Bi_iar ^d accept the 15;i.kclit of the records shown for the parii =id January thr'u December~ 1991. 2nd Clm Walbridge Rwill call vote - all yoti,ng Yes Clint Walbridpe is riot interested as being the town representative to the Tomp k. i r,s Courity Environmental Management Ccxmrn i t t ee. Clm Walbridge - reported that she will meet with Clm Hatfield concerninq the for'nlat ion =if the Conservation Advisory Council so there will be a report by thm end of the year. ATTORNEY Atty Perkins - the state abandi. -fined Utility Drive to the county and the county has attempted try abandoned it to the town, but has not complied with the pr•ovi,eii =fine of the highway law tit dc, gnat. He has written to the CorrrrnissiIDTiein of Public Works izin Nl:3v. 19th and has not receiviz.d a response pis of t =idi�ay. His reef= immendation is that sir.Ce it i +.a not a ti -iwri road that the coukity Cilmiritinuam to maintain the r ^i =fad. Supv Schug - thLz county ie riot rrraintaining the ri =fad. Atty Perkins - they are required by law to ma int ai r, the rcFad, and suggested that thy? county reprezent at i Yes see that the work gets done. Atty parkins °° COuntry Manor Estates � wiziuld like to expand their mobile home pgwtrk that does rrint have public* water or sewer. The owner of thk Property appealed to the Zoning Poard r,f Appeals and askLzd for a var°iar,ca rf that requirement. The Zoning Board of Appeals reportedly gave the _,wrier per °misgiOr to go ahead contrar' tizi the previsions 1f the Mobile HF,arne Or %diriarir;e and the Town Zi- fining Ordinance. He was asked by the Supv frr, hie opini -in rf the ac:ticin by the Zoning Bizziard Of App��ls and he thought that the action by the Z'Dning 8aar~d Of Appeals was without ,jurisdiction and had no basis. 'the Mobile Home Ordinance is ni -it the same as the Zoning Ordinance. There is no prcivision in the Mobile Horne Ordinances fi:r appeal as to wPter•e yDu carp site a mizibile honre in a U I TD12- 10 -9.1 page 4 ® mobile home park or whether you can extend it without water or sewer. The Town Board carp either accept that opinion i :or yielu can decide that YOU will allow the expansion of the park, in which case I suggest that you schedule a special permit hearing on the expansion of the mobile home park. Atty application ordinance Perkins - at more the town beard has not this time and he looks as a building code, having received a at the mobile to do special permit horne with installations. street light request No action was taken. Atty Perkins _.. reported on the street light request at the intersection of George Rd and Rt. 38. NYSDOT will riot allow single street lights im.ri state highways and there is not a pole Cori George Rd that could be used for that intersection, theref_Ire the town will have to consider a new location for the street light. Atty Perkins - reported on finalization of Compagni payment regarding the Hall Rd welter district. This is the project quoted out for the Hall Rd water district in the construction of the 40 0, 000 gallon water tank and required connection of both tanks ti, the Monkey Run water district. This was designed to increase fire flows and provide the necessary pressure. The contract is complete on the recommendation from the project engineer. He would request that the town board adept a resolution to authorize the final payments subject to compliance in terms of the contract furnishing the appr_1pricite paper work. RESOLUTION #21,6 COMPACN I_CONs -f RUCT I ON CO. INC* PAYMENT �� HALL ROAD WATER DISTRICT Clm Hatfield offer ad# =opt ion: RESOLVED, that thi Compagni Construct the contract furni ed the following rep s Town Board authori ion Co. Inc. subject shing the appropriat glut ion and asked for its ze final payment to to compli, ance in terms of e paper work. "nd C l m Corrigan Re .1 1 call vote e - all voting Yes Atty Perkins - reported :in Sparrow Crest Lane which is a proposed 1120 foot town road located off Snyder Hill Rd near the Town of Caroline line. This is the Robert and Gail Jarrow subdivision which is ready for final approval by the Planning Board on Dec. 19th. The road has been constructed and the sub grade is in and is within a very small percentage of being at 10 per cent. The intention is that the developer will convey the road to the town now along with all of the requirements of paying all expenses. This will allow the developer to file his subdivision plan and begin t., sell lots. Since the road is riot completed the developer prOPoses to::, give a letter of credit to the town. He recommends that the town require $169500.00 for the letter elf credit to insure final work on the read to be done by June 301 1992" i 1 RESOLUTION NO. 217 = 1991 ACCEPT OFFER OF DEDICATION OF SPARROW CREST LANE WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden Planning Board has approved the subdivision for Robert A. Jarrow and Gail G. Jarrow known as Sparrow Crest Subdivision in Military Lot No. 94 in said Town, and WHEREAS, the road to be designated as "Sparrow Crest Lane" has been partially constructed according to Town specifications and such construction to date has been inspected and approved by the Town of Dryden Highway Superintendent except for the final grade and the application of the bituminous surface treatment and corrective seeding work, and WHEREAS, the Town Highway Superintendent has issued his opinion in writing dated December L, 1991 as to such construction, and the estimated cost to complete construction of the same to Town of Dryden specifications, and WHEREAS, the developers hags offered to dedicate said road to the Town of Dryden as and for a Town road, and have not yet furnished to the Town Attorney all the necessary documents and deed to convey the same to the Town as a Town highway, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Town Board that the road shown on the map entitled "Survey Map Showing Proposed 60" Wide Town Road To Be Ynown as Sparrow Crest dated November 20, 1991 and made by Allan T. Fulkerson, L.S. Nor 049269 and which is incorporated herein by reference be, and hereby is accepted.as a Town road and the same is to be added to the official Town map, and the flown Highway Superintendent is authorized to place the appropriate road signs thereon and to take any and all steps necessary to Maintain said road as a Town road from this day forward to be known as "Sparrow Crest Lane". This resolution and acceptance of the road are specifically conditioned and contingent upon the following: 14 The developer is to pay all costs necessary in connection with filing of the map, deed and other documents including all abstract, and related costs and reasonable fees of the Town Attorney in reviewing said documents and the sufficiency thereof and for their compliance with Town of Dryden requirements. 2. That until such time as the taxable status with respect to said road is changed to reflect its use as a road, the developer pay all real estate taxes assessed on said road. 30 That the developer warrant materials and workmanship in the construction of said road for a period of one (1) year from the date of final completion of the road. 4. That such acceptance shall not be effective unless and 1` i 1 RESOLUTION NO. 217 = 1991 ACCEPT OFFER OF DEDICATION OF SPARROW CREST LANE WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden Planning Board has approved the subdivision for Robert A. Jarrow and Gail G. Jarrow known as Sparrow Crest Subdivision in Military Lot No. 94 in said Town, and WHEREAS, the road to be designated as "Sparrow Crest Lane" has been partially constructed according to Town specifications and such construction to date has been inspected and approved by the Town of Dryden Highway Superintendent except for the final grade and the application of the bituminous surface treatment and corrective seeding work, and WHEREAS, the Town Highway Superintendent has issued his opinion in writing dated December L, 1991 as to such construction, and the estimated cost to complete construction of the same to Town of Dryden specifications, and WHEREAS, the developers hags offered to dedicate said road to the Town of Dryden as and for a Town road, and have not yet furnished to the Town Attorney all the necessary documents and deed to convey the same to the Town as a Town highway, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Town Board that the road shown on the map entitled "Survey Map Showing Proposed 60" Wide Town Road To Be Ynown as Sparrow Crest dated November 20, 1991 and made by Allan T. Fulkerson, L.S. Nor 049269 and which is incorporated herein by reference be, and hereby is accepted.as a Town road and the same is to be added to the official Town map, and the flown Highway Superintendent is authorized to place the appropriate road signs thereon and to take any and all steps necessary to Maintain said road as a Town road from this day forward to be known as "Sparrow Crest Lane". This resolution and acceptance of the road are specifically conditioned and contingent upon the following: 14 The developer is to pay all costs necessary in connection with filing of the map, deed and other documents including all abstract, and related costs and reasonable fees of the Town Attorney in reviewing said documents and the sufficiency thereof and for their compliance with Town of Dryden requirements. 2. That until such time as the taxable status with respect to said road is changed to reflect its use as a road, the developer pay all real estate taxes assessed on said road. 30 That the developer warrant materials and workmanship in the construction of said road for a period of one (1) year from the date of final completion of the road. 4. That such acceptance shall not be effective unless and • until the developers have furnished to the Town Attorney the necessary abstract of title, survey, road profiles and all required documentation to convey the same to the Town of Dryden and indicating a goad and sufficient mazrketable title to the road and all of which is to be the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. 56 That the developer file with the Town Clerk a bond, cash deposit, other certified funds, or a letter of credit in the amount of $16r5O0400 to cover the completion of the required improvements to said road, including those set forth in the letter from the Town Highway superintendent dated December 2. 1991 which conditions are incorporated herein by reference, and such security be in a farm acceptable to the Town Attorney and be for a period of not less than one (1) year. The developer shall be responsible for compliance with all conditions and costs of completion and acceptance if the letter of credit is not sufficient. 6. That the developer complete the required improvements as set forth in said letter from the Town Highway Superintendent on or before June 30, 1992. Such completion to be according to the Town of Dryden Specifications and certified by the developer's engineer. EI L�-J E page 5 RESOI_LLJT X OBI # OF C:lia Walbridge offered the adpi:iono (copy in ri�i 2nd C 1 m Corr i gars 17 ACCEFI"i 0FPE- Q SPARROW CREST , L. follc-aiwing re5-vol nut bpook) Roll call vote OF DF%DIC�ArIClll ANE - -- ut iorn and askLz?d fear its all VIMIt ing Yes Atty Perkins -- reported ACC regarding the agreem�w>nt with Time Warner Entertainment grid Toshiba t enter into a partnership. Under the terms of the frarlchise, approval of the town flay be required. He has r pviewe�i the frari( hise and his cipinion is that town apprl .-lval is not required. Atty Porkins � rapt:�r-ted i -ire the Stetson property - the town hAa a judger Rent qaI �ls't the def'encarit regLL irIri the removzI of a nobile home_ Supv will Sehug - prepare TUrkey all the Hill, water; material and sewer ahead Of t di.etrict, irRe fatty Perkins that is required for the voting state siri�e on F e br there u45kry 4.5 will be 1992 ,Rt a perr�i ive 12 nL - n t l�' S a rleferendl.[m. Scheduled OOPM. Rtty leer °4(in5 - if this i,s appri -ved the applYct�tion has timi be to the State Comptroller within 20 days, Since 'there is nc,t much time ti.-I get all of the irlformat Ion together 'the bend eaun =i 1 has sugigLasted the t we begin that pr•aee+,�is now. This w i l l eriab le %ts to get it there in a timely fashion and will give us 'the a�fditir_inaI data that we Will need for an irfl!:�rniat i =irial meeting prior to the elsrttion. Y -11,[ ca><1 a'lsa Fxr�efile the application with the Dept. of Audit and Contri_ 1. You ore probably 1,_,,-jk.irjg at a total expense for both districts between $80o.00 and $190000001 RESOLUTION 41 l_ 8 AUTHORIZE TOWN I'D F RI)CEM) WITH NE C`,ESSPRY _ATTORNEY I Nri CCp RMPIT I ON FDP TURKE•1 HILT -WATER R. SEWER DISTRICT. Clr1r Carrigan offered the adopt i ore u RE=SOLVED, that this will all rrleces�,�;ry and sewer district. End C 1 rR Roberts f- al 1 owir`19. k%eeoILit icir1 aril askad fi =ir its Ti =1wrri 9rj4'tr'd alrthi-iri,ie Atty Perkins to infoir mat ictn naBded for the Tji.' -% ,ey Hill Rizz,11 �:ar11 v.-t �- all otIn_q RESOLUTION _##219 _ C;HANGE ORDER #1 1I CRE ASE QMPAGN I ._ CCINST RUC;T I ON PAYMENT Clm Hatfield offered the adopt i on RESOL ED5 thttkt C:cimpagni subject to Rtty Perkine Lr7d C 1 M Corrigan pr'raceed water Yes following resolution and asked fear^ its Gonstruction final Rayrlrent be made rev iewa Roll C,� 1 1 Vote all v,t r r7g yes Z ON I ND OFf= I CE R - re port Fl i veal to board members T$1a -14 -91 page 6 CORRESPONDENCE letter fri=im Guthrie Clinic thanking the town fmir" Working with the state to.get a sign installed on Rt i3. Letter Fred fr(:lm Tompkins Cim-iurity Gunior Ci.tizans - thanking the town NP or their help. e*y Alexander i=or Lrmlt t er~ from Fred Per nh ree i gninrg from youth C�Ommi se ion and reci= immend i ng V LL e*y Alexander i=or al r�a p l aoafflent . Dry+deri F' °i l iee rspar•t Dag rep1 -1rt DISCUSSION Rt 13 public hearing can Dec 4th and scheduled work is 1993 Fit 13 Virgil Creek bri.dqe should We scheduled fyrw work. in 1991 Bridge i5 riew open on Springhouss Road. Christmas party 12 -20 at 1 a' m 30Pt1 9upv Sehum - the SJS request that is under the ti�wn daecussion has been talked about at t�t preiirrrinary meeting and this is basically to expand our district. Clm Walbr•idgi!� � this report that Jim had George prepare ( "I)r den Tnitii�ktive ") was nizzit what the SJ'G asked for. They asked for a written statement for the proposal Jim and George gave at a recent SJS meeting {a sewer diatrirt in the northwest that I ncludes pout of district users in the illt�kqe of Lansi.+ng }. This larger district really needs a disr*uesion by the town bo�zkrd because �ixt the very least it assumes the dist'rkct in the southwest arid we ar %s not sure that the people want it. It makes e�t lot of ass Lira pt ii =ins and she thinks that the board creeds to discuss this_ SIJpv GchFug � the SJS map is what they r�a11 a planning area in the district. All drafts within the Planning area be expanded, not thaat there is ar,y district. Clra Walbridge � there are a lot of assrurnptinns in this report that George has pr,epaimEd that has nizzit beer) talked about by the board, You airs mak.ing assumpt i .ins about districts and also when did we approve this report becaldse she is s4sre this took money. Gupv Schug -- this r apicirt has not been appal =1ved, and we are not beir,j charged for it. Clhz Corrigan - wanted to know an amim-ikmkrit c," Georrrjez bill for a joint sanitary study $3,427m430M S�tpv GchUQ that is a diffor�e3nt project. l68" 167 TB 12. 16-91 Clm Wal she als trying there i rune and b r ii I? 4. t I-j S t Ur dine - h inks f igur•e rely r ti.l th pare 7 this i s not what the s2wer b - and asked for and that It is premature given that the SJ8 board LS OLLt what in the arigir-ial servica district There is. Sind 0 origirrial the rnap it Seerns that evert body has Yost at is decided upon ne studi ve shizziuld be made. Supv Schumq - that is the reap that he was talking about that the City and Tciwn r.if Tthai::!a created. They have seat the tr.1wn a m lar so that we could look at it, Clnr Walbridge - this map has rich been capproved by the SJS and the SJS has asked that N? three i:-wrns be included sc that it is nQt are assumpt i �r� that that i the map. She is sure that the people at the 5J6 wi 11 back her up that if the Town of Dr ydeln is not included, and y1.11.s can't rrnake assurnption5. She is aesUmiTIg that what that rna.p is a basis to stsrt dlsct[ssiorrs as tr where the service nAr'ea is. She has already been given asiaurances that when the service area is delineated as Mon],,.+y Run was nf:it izzir ^igirrally in the sPr�vice area that it will be included arid it would include the Turkoy Hill district, Supv Schug - repart5 were givers ti.i beard filerkrbers concerning deg information and the bilard will have to decide as to whether or nQt they warrit Lr_�r °r%air,e Biard or the SPCA as ding wzrden. Lorraine Bard pr-pi-sal for drag Cizintrol was $119 9731 73 and the SPCA Proposal Was $1 �;, 30CI. 00 and wou 1 ci.ins i der `A1 41 7C)Qa 00. 'there i 8 Close t o i�t $3, ;J00 m {)O difference between the two pr .i posa 1 s, which the difference wi�ks not allowed for in tine budget. C l m Corrigan =I the SPCA figures t h3 ere was an i t e +m in there where we could get a return to the town and was not sure that it was computed in th�:& figures. There was a C:�or►ser^vative a5timate of Imonies that the town Ci.'Ltld expect. ` Stephanie Schaaf, SPCA President -- suws corile from 4 seaurces. One is the local di•ig fee, which YOU CLLYr rerrjt ly have set at $3, 00 ardditiOnal fUrids al'C2 r %etut'r,ed to yon% fr fzlrrr the state fee which a por^tiorr returns ti.i the county for clog clamages;. Funds are issuall returned. to the tilwrr, in February fr4cnT the COUnty frafil the prev i F. Us year of t h rose funds. which have not been expended. The area where you will gat DIUch rnot4a incerrre is in the area of ticketing. The ticketing income c �,r�rent 1 based n 1 X39 1 5 tickets were isikuud in the Town of Dryden. ir1 the Triwri i.-if L-artisiniA they issued 105 tickets, They feel that if you contract with the SPCA irn the first yc}a.r thay would be issi.king a si-ynific�arr,t number of tickets for fmailur ~e tit licanse a dog and this would r°es�klt in a s i gni f i c4 rknt i riccrne in the first year. Clm Corrigan � so the costs that show on their infc,rm�t i urn w,:�uId be i -iff set by some- of the r•ev nue end should be made clear to the P�catrd . Clrn Hatfield - wernted to know how many I.tfilicnensed dogs were in the town. At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, O Tompkins County, New York, held at the Town Hall on the 10th day of December, 1991 at 7:30 P. M., there were PRESENT. Supervisor - James Schug Councilperson - Charles Hatfield Councilperson - Margaret Walbridge Councilperson - Ronald Roberts Councilperson - Elizabeth Corrigan ABSENT. None The following determination and resolution were respectively 46 made and adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, to wit: DETERMINATION WHEREAS, the Town Board caused notice of public hearing to be published in The Ithaca Journal, the official newspaper of the Town of Dryden on October 19, 1991, to consider the advisability of adopting a resolution, in accordance with the provisions of Section 209 -b of the General Municipal Law, authorizing the SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., to furnish general ambulance service for all of the residents of the Town of Dryden, and WHEREAS, a public hearing pursuant to such notice was held on October 29, 1991, and which said notice of hearing described: (1) the general ambulance service which is proposed to be furnished; (2) the area to be served; (3) the flames of the fire company affected; (4) the time and place within the Town where such hearing will be held; and (5} that all persons residing within the area to be served or persons, firms and corporations owning real property within the area to he served, or persons, firms and corporations whose business interests or employment wouId either be benefitted or adversely affected, whether or not a resident or owner of real property within the area to be served shall have the right to be heard in person or by representative at the public hearing, and at which public hearing it was painted out that the Town of Dryden was served by several other Fire Companies which did not provide general ambulance service to the area proposed to be served by the Slaterville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc, and the understanding between the Town and the Slaterville Volunteer Fire Company, Incc., was that the fire protection contract is to be entered into principally for the furnishing of general ambulance service in the area to be served by Slaterville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. in the Town of Dryden, and WHEREAS, the matter was fully considered and discussed by the Town Board and all persons present at the time of such hearing were given an opportunity to be heard with respect thereto and their statements considered by the Town Board, and WEEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the public interest to authorize the furnishing of such fire protection and general �1 ambulance service and to enter into an agreement therefor with �I SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., for the consideration of FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4,000.00) for one (1) year, to be paid on or before February 1, 1992, and WHEREAS, the consent of SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC. to furnish general ambulance service has been obtained, and NOW, AFTER HEARING AND CONSIDERING THE STATEMENTS MADE AT THE PUBLIC HEARING: on motion of Councilperson Roberts, seconded by Councilperson Corrigan, it is RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby finds, in accordance with ® the provisions of Section 209 -b of the General Municipal Law, that it is in the public interest to authorize the furnishing of such fire protection and general ambulance service for the said residents of the Town of Dryden, and it is further RESOLVED, that such fire protection and general ambulance service shall be furnished subject to the rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., and approved by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, and it is further RESOLVED, that within ten (10) days after the date of the • adoption of this resolution the Town Clerk shall cause a certified U C 0 copy thereof and the determination on which it is based to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Tompkins together with the consent of SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor be, and he is hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the TOWN OF DRYDEN and SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., for such general ambulance service for the consideration of the payment by the Town of FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4,000.00). The vote on the adoption of the foregoing resolution was as follows: Supervisor - Councilperson - Councilperson - Councilperson - Councilperson - James Schug Aye Charles Hatfield Aye Margaret Walbridge Aye Ronald Roberts Aye Elizabeth Corrigan Aye The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. � � r OSTATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TOMPKINS E 0 TOWN OF DRYDEN SS: I, Susanne Lloyd, duly elected Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that I have compared the preceding resolution with the original thereof filed in my office in the Town Hall, Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, adopted the 10th day of December, 1991, anu that the same is a true and correct copy of the whole thereof. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said Town this /d Lday of December, 1991, 1 '] DETERMINATION WHEREAS, the Town Board caused notiQe of public hearing to be published in The Ithaca Journal, the official newspaper of the Town of Dryden on October 19, 1991, to consider the advisability of adopting a resolution, in accordance with the provisions of Section 209 -b of the General Municipal Law, authorizing the SLATERVILLE VOLUETEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., to furnish general ambulance service for all of the residents of the Town of Dryden, and WHEREAS, a public hearing pursuant to such notice was held on October 29, 1991, and which said notice of hearing described: (1) the general ambulance service which is proposed to be furnished; () the area to be served; (3) the names of the fine company of fected; ( 4 ) the time and place within the Town where such hearing will be held; and (5) that all persons residing within the area to be served or persnn,,�;, firms and corporations owning real property within the area to be served, or persons, firms and corporations whose business interests or employment would either be henefitted or adversely affected, whether or not a resident or owner of real property within the area to be served $hall have the right to be heard in person or by representative at the public hearing, and at which public hearing it was poirnted out that the Town of Dryden was served by Several other Fire Companies which did not provide general ambulance service to the area proposed to he served by the Slaterville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. and the understanding •i 1 1 '] DETERMINATION WHEREAS, the Town Board caused notiQe of public hearing to be published in The Ithaca Journal, the official newspaper of the Town of Dryden on October 19, 1991, to consider the advisability of adopting a resolution, in accordance with the provisions of Section 209 -b of the General Municipal Law, authorizing the SLATERVILLE VOLUETEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., to furnish general ambulance service for all of the residents of the Town of Dryden, and WHEREAS, a public hearing pursuant to such notice was held on October 29, 1991, and which said notice of hearing described: (1) the general ambulance service which is proposed to be furnished; () the area to be served; (3) the names of the fine company of fected; ( 4 ) the time and place within the Town where such hearing will be held; and (5) that all persons residing within the area to be served or persnn,,�;, firms and corporations owning real property within the area to be served, or persons, firms and corporations whose business interests or employment would either be henefitted or adversely affected, whether or not a resident or owner of real property within the area to be served $hall have the right to be heard in person or by representative at the public hearing, and at which public hearing it was poirnted out that the Town of Dryden was served by Several other Fire Companies which did not provide general ambulance service to the area proposed to he served by the Slaterville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. and the understanding 0 U between the Town and the Slaterville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., was that the fire protection contract is to be entered into inc for the furnishing of general ambulance servi prnc ce in the area to be served by Slaterville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. in the Town of Dryden, and WHEREAS, the matter was fully considered and discussed by the Town Hoard and all persons present at the time cf ouch hearing were given an opportunity to be heard with respect thereto and their statements considered by the Town Board, and WHEREAS, the Town Hoard deems it in the public interest to authorize the furnishing of such fire protection and general ambulance service and to enter into an agreement therefor with LATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., for the consideration of FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS {$4,000.D0} for one (1) year, to be paid on or before February 1, 1992, and WHEREAS, the consent of SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC. to furnish general ambulance service has been obtained, and NOW, AFTER HEARING AND CONSIDERING THE STA'T'EMENTS MADE AT THE PUBLIC HEARING: on motion of Councilperson , seconded by Counoilperson , it is RESOLVED, that the Town Hoard hereby finds, in accordance with the provisions of Section 209-b of the General Municipal Law, that it is in the public interest to authorize the furnishing of such fire protection and general ambulance service for the said residents of the Town of Dryden, and it is further RESOLVED, that such fire protection and general ambulance service shall be furnished subject to the rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., and approved by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, and it is further RESOLVED, that within ten (10) days after the date of the adoption of this resolution the Town Clerk shall cause a certified copy thereof and the determination on which it is based to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Tompkins together with the consent of SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor be, and he is hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the TOWN OF DRYDEN and SLATERVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC., for such general ambulance service for the consideration of the payment by the Town of FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4,000.00). n LJ TB12 -10 -91 page 8 Town Clerk Lloyd -- there may be about 30 unlicensed dogs. We try ® not to call the owners into court first but send them a reminder letter, to see if they still have the dog. 9U% of the letters carne back as the people have moved out of the town or their dog has died. The _1ther 10 percent come in to license the dog and thank me for sending them the reminder letter. The town has only about 1950 dogs. i Clm Roberts - wanted to know why the town was considering in changing dog wardens? Clm Corrigan - wanted to give the SPCA a fair hearing since they carne in and t o l d us what they could do. RESOLUTION _Me".1, '0 APPOINT DOG CONTROL OFFICER LORRAINE BARD Clm Roberts offered the following lowing resol ut ion and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint control officer for the year 1992 at a 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote Clrn Roberts Clm Walbridge Clm Hatfield C l m Corrigan Atty Perkins - a jrib description and make sure that it is signed, different accounts. One, she is a the town leases her facilities, Lorraine Bard as dog fee of $11,973o759 should be since she salaried Yes Yes Yes No finalized for a lease is being paid from two employee and secl..ind 1 y RESOLUTION #22_i. AMBULANCE CONTRACT SLATERV I LLB' VOLUNTEER FIRE COMP ANY INC. Clm Roberts offered the following reso.lut i _in and asked for its adoption. (copy in minute book) 2nd Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes Atty Perkins - the last information he had on the SCLIWC rules and regulations was a report that George made on the maps and metering with a memo to the Supv yin 8 -14. He is not sure whether or not anything has been done or decisi_ins have been made. RESOLUTION #222 APPOINT YOUTH COMMISSION Clm Carrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this YOUth Commission, 2nd Clm Hatfield Town Board appoint Vicky Alexander to the Rol 1 Clm Roberts Clm Hatfield Clm Carrigan Clm Walbridge call vote Yes Yes Yes Abstained /D TA 12 -1o? q page 9 The town booard tabled decision to appoint Zoning Board Of Appeals member until resumes could be obtained. RESOLUTION #223 CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: REPORT _offered the following RE=SOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Clm Roberts to the Citizens Advisory Committee to replace Clm Walbridge. 2nd Clm Walbridge of $99, 031.39. Roll Roll call vote ° Clm Walbridge Yes Clm Hatfield Yes Clm Corr^ i g an Yes Clm Roberts Abstained RESOLUTION #224 APPOINT TOMPK I NS COUNTY YOUTH BOARD REPRESEwNTATIVE- Mary Ellen Bossack Clm Hatfield offered the fallowing resolution and asked for its adapt i on RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Mary Ellen Bossack as the Town of Dryden representative to the Tompkins County Youth Board. 2nd Clm Roberts Roll. call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #225 APPROVE ABSTRACT OF _ AUDITED VOUCHERS #112 Clm Walbridge REPORT _offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt iCin: RESOLVED, that $79 739. thi<a Town Board approve Abstract 4 4112 VIDUcher #831 to 4 #917 for 2nd Clm Roberts a total of $99, 031.39. Roll call vote - all voting Yes FINANCIAL REPORT - available to board members JUSTICE REPORT - $79 739. 00 NEW BUSINESS End of year meeting to audit bills Dec. Organizational meeting - 1 °2 -92 at E:00PM Turkey Hill water & sewer vote - 2 -4 °92 at 12 neon. Regular town board meeting 1- -14 -92 Adjourned Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk 9:00PM :_7th noon Varna Cc1mroun i t y Center /7j