HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-02/2% TOWN HOARD MEETING OCTOBER 21 1991 PUBLIC HEARING • TURKEY HILL WATER E SEWER DISTRICT Srrpv Schug called the public hearinq to order at 7:00PM Roll call wns by the Town Clerk: Present: Supv Schug, Clm Roberts, Clra Walbridge, Clm Hatfield, Clm Corrigan and Atty Perkins :iupv Schug read the notice that was published in the newspapor concerning the public hearing for the proposed Turkey Hill water and sewer district. (copy in minute book) QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS 9upv Schur) - the concern of the individual homeowner from the last rooeting wars that the rate per home unit was to high so the board worked out another formula can which the. assessment would be based, This formula can be changed once every year. The fl :rmula used is that every 2.5 acres equals one unit. There was no front- footage or Acreage uged other than open acreage with nothing on it, if you owned 5 acres with ore house you wor,ild be assigned 2 units because every 2.5 Acres of open property would be assessed ono unit, 2.5 acres is the average acreage for the average home for most of the people within the district. . G_rt•drrrr Payne -he owns two lots, one le:t of 2.42 acres with a house and ore with a garage of only .94 acres which does not add up tra '2.5 acres and yet he is assigned 2 units. There is no way that he could build a house or, the lot where he has his garaile and have water and sewer. He thinks that this is very unfair. Supv Schug - it is 2 greparate parcelli that is why he was assigned 2 Units. These lots could be r_grtisc.lidated to one parcel which he would only be charged for one unit. Gordon Payne - yorj can't call that a parcel because it is not big enough to build a hOU3e on it. If the town will give him a, permit he would build a hriuse there. Harry Kesteo - wanteAd to know whot was meart by open acres, Joe Babes - felt that this new proposed formula was unfair because the hypothetical unit was charged as heavily as ar, actual unit. Many of these hypothetical units will never be developed becau5o it is not accessible and the terrain of the land. The burden is being shifted tca the larger landowners. Rabin Williams - wanted to knew how he can get in touch with an authoritative person so that we can get thrr information that we need as is why they are being charged for, land that is not accessible. • NOTICE OF PUBLTC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV-Ey that the TOWn Shard. of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins C01,Uity, New York; adopted the fallowing order c.allinc� a public hearing for actobe 1991' In aontec4 on with tile establlshmen, of d pfop03ed sewet district to be known as the Turkey Hill Sewer Distract Of the Tow: of Dtyden: 0 L] in the *Satter of the nstablishme ^t of a proposed sewer district in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, hTew 'ror''r, I ORDER CALL -ING A to be known 28 the Turkey Hill 4 PUBLIC HERRItkG Sewer District of said Fawn ' WHEREAS, a map, plan and report fricl =:ding an estimate of cost have been prepared in such rnaaner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by the Town Beard of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New fork, reLating to the establishment of a proposed sewer district in said Town, such sewer districe to be known as Turkey Hill Sewer District of the Town of Dryden; and WHEREAS, said map, plan and report were prepared- by Hurt Ehginears and Architects of Corning, New York7 duly licerised by the State of New York, and have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, where the same are available during regular office hours for examination by any persons interested in the subject matter thereof; and WHEREAS. the improvements proposed far said Sewer District shall Consist of the Construction of a sanitary sewer sys ;erg L ncluding approximately ,15,515 linear feet of eight -inch gravity sewer main, a pump station artid forcemains, 49 manholes, purchase of an interest in the unused Capacity at the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment plant, and land and rights -in -land, origlnal furnishings, equiptlent, machinery and apparatus and incidental I and expenses in connection therewit'i; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of said improvements is $914,.422; and 0 _2_ 4i=UAS, fhe proposed method of financing such cost oc said impravemen ts is by the 15SUance of $914,422 serial hands of 'the said Town having a maximum maturity of not exeeedirg forth years, and the cast of said improvement sha?1 be annually appo;tior.ed and assessed upon the several lots and .parcels o= land within said Sewer ]};strict which tha Town Board shall determine and specify to be especially benefitted by the improvements in an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds as the same become due, but if not paid from such source, all the taxable real property in said Town,, zhall be subject to the levy of ad valoreR taxes wit put limitation as to rate 'or alriount sufficient to pay the printipal of and interest on said bonds as the same become due; and WHEREAS, compliance with the provisions of the 5t ate Environmental Quality Review Act have been performed and the establishment of the Turkey Hill Sewer Digt,:ict of the Town of Dryden and the improvements proposed therefor have been determined to be an Unlisted Action, as to which a negative declaration has baen made determining that said establishment and the improvements proposed therefor would not result in any significant environmental effects; and WHEREAS, on `fu1-F .16 1991, the Town Hoard held a - pub i c hearing upon the question of t:.e establishment of said Turkey- Hill Sewer District of the Town of Dryden and based upon the 0 discussion held and information received at said public hearing, dewletmined to revise the proposed benefit formula for the assassm-gnt of properties in said proposed Sewer District; and WHF=PAs, the report of Hunt Engineers and Aechitec 8 of Corning, New York has been revised to reflect said revised benefit formula; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a new public hearing upon the q%ie5tion of the establishment of said Turkey Hill Sewer tiatrlCt of the Toam Of Dryden in t'na manner aforesaid; and pursuant to Section 209 -d of the Town Law, HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, by the Town Board oE the Town of Dryden, Tpmpk ris County, New York, as follows section 1. A meat;rus of they Town Soacd of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County. New York, shall be held at the Varna Community Center, in Varna, New York, in said Town, on the 2nd day of October, 1991, at 7:04 D'olock F.M., 8r2vailing Time, for the purpose of holding a public hearing to consider the establishment Of the Turkey Hill Sever District cf the Tcwn of Dryden, the boundaries of such District being as set forth in Appendix A attached heret.0 and made a part hereof and to consider the map, plan and report, as revised, .including estimate of cost filed in r9l.ation thereto, and to hear all persms interested in the subject matter thereof concerning the same, and for euc:l other action on the part of said Town Aoard as may be required by lam or shall he proper in the premises, n L -a- Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this order to be published once in the Ithaca Journal, the official newspaper of said Town, the first publication thereof to be not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set herein for the hearing as aforesaid, and said :Town Clerk shall also cause a copy thereof to be posted on the sign -board of the Town maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set for the hearing as aforesaid. Section 3. This order shall take effect immediately, • • } A L�J TURKEY HILL SHIM MSTRICT kk'PENr)IX AL1 TIiAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF IA14D situate in the Town of Dryden, Cots�ty of Tcrrpkins and State of New York, generally founded and described as follwrs: HE GINhu NG at a ppirt in the center Ii ne of Aount Pleasant Read, Said Point or pace of bebinniag being located at the irtarsectior cf s a i 6 centerline wirb the northwest line of t,e alan?onea Letiigh valley Ra= l,rcad prc per tyr pmcee&ng 4�e�we f rcrn 6a= d point of bEgi nn; ng eouthea Sterly and along the carterli ne of count- Pleasant Road for a dis'an Ee of dprrak ir!?t ely 4C�Q to a t.Gin!-; prDceedi nc thence south [a n4 AI4D -Ia the west .li.ne Df Parcel 56 -5 -H, bei:ig a 14,9 acre +I- parcel owned by Cornell University [said west line heinc, aeprnr.irn_tely 950' -1 Z- west of the centerline of 7ur {=y Hill kcad] an3 al'e. -. alcnc he west Ii nes cf Parcels 56 -5 -20; 25.1; 28 a-0 29 arm 0150 along the ues t li ae of Pa rCel [said west Ii:ne bx- inq approxiimatLmly 440 nest of the centgrli ne Q 7'- j-te_. Hi.11 Road l] to a point in the centerline of 5tov2nson Rr}ad; proceeding thence east and g ong said centerline fcr a distamce of approximately 904' to a p=int the ce ^ *e:line cf Turkey Hill Road; proceeding .ir, z her. cA ri n: ehgirly and a!rsr,g said centerline spf Turkey Hi 1.1 aoaa its i ntetz a }tion with the cer.terIi ne of Naunt i Pleasant Rcrad; proceeding thence easterly along the 4 Centerli ne of moa mt Flea wrkt Read for a distaoce of I n L I approximately 235' to the southeast corner of Parcel 57 -1 -28; proceeding thence northerly for approximately 520' and along the east parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -28; 27; and 26 to a point in the south li ne of Parcel 57 -1 -25; r 7 proceeding thence easterly for a distance of approximately 635' to the southeast corner of said parcel; proceeding thence north (and along the east line of Parcels 57 -1 -25; ' 57 -1 -24; 23; 22 and a portion of Parcel 57 -1 -21) for a distance of approximately 1,353' to a point in the east line of Parcel 57 -1 -21; proceeding thence east for a distance of approximately 509' to a point in the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -30.9; proceeding thence north along said west line for a distance of approximately 97.7' to a point. marking the northwest corner of said Parcel; proceeding thence easterly and along the south line of Parcel 57 -1 -20 for a distance of 928.90' to a point; proceeding thence north and along the west parcel line of Parcel 57 -1 -38 for a distance of approximately 1650' to a point (this point being the southwest corner of Parcel 54- 1. -16 ?; proceeding thence northeasterly and along the south parcel lines of Parcels 54 -1 -16; I.'; 18; 19.; 21; 23 and 26 to the saeatheast corner of Parcel 54 -1 -26; continuing thence northeasterly and along the south parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -41.2; 41.1; art: 42 to a point in the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence southerly to the southwest corner of said Parcel 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence east for a distance of approximately 600' to a point marking the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -28; proceeding thence northerly and along the r east line of said Parcel for a distance of approximately 400' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -25.3; ! i proceeding thence generally north - easterly and along the south line of said Parcel to a point in the centerline of Baker Hill Road; proceeding thence northwesterly and along said centerline for a distance of approximately 400' to a point; proceeding thence northeasterly and along the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -20 for a distance of approximately 275' r to the southeast corner of said Parcel; proceeding thence northwesterly for a distance approximately 60' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -19; proceeding thence northeasterly and along the south line of Parcels 52 -1 -19; 18; 17; 16 and 15 to the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -15; ( this also being a boundary line of the Monkey Run Water District and Morkey Run sewer Dis_rict); proceeding thence northwesterly and along the east line of Parcel 52 -1 -15 to a Point in the centerline of New York State Route 366; proceadina thence southwesterly along said centerline for a distance of approximately 2,110' to a point marking the southeast corner of Parcel 53 -1 -19; proceeding thence north sir3 alone the east line of said Parcel for a distance of approximately 775' to a point; (to a point in the south line of the form =r right of way of Lehigh Valley Railroad propertyl; proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along tine south line of the abandoned Lehigh Valley Rai 1 road property to a point approximately 275' east of the centerline of Monkey Run Road (abandoned); proceeding thence north for a distance of approximately 100' to a point a marking the northeast corner of Parcel 53 -1 -17; proceeding thence west for a distance of approximately 240' to a point in the centerline of Monkey Run Road; proceeding thence south to a point in the centerline of Monkey Run Road where said centerline intersects the south line of Monkey Run water District and Monkey Ran Serer District; proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along said District boundaries to a point in the north line of New York State Route 366; proceeding thence southwesterly and along the boundaries of Town of Dryden Water District No. 1 and Town of Dry den Sewer District #2 (the parcel lines of Parcels 55 -1 -17.2 and 17.3 and Parcels 56 -4 -3 and 5.1 to the point or place of bea:nnine. E Wherever reference is rude to a Parcel, said reference is to Town of Dr;der. Talc Map Parcels and slich parcel nwibers were taken from the Tax yaps last revised March 1, 1994 and ir�crnation FertaiM. -la :o the reputed ewr:ers of parcels wav taker, frcn, _Ie 1990 Final A55eSSne:lt Roli for the Town of Dryden. o `I 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, adopted the following order calling a public hearing for October 2, 1991, in connection with the establishment of a proposed water district to be known as the Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden: E E In the Matter • of the Establishment of a proposed water district in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, ORDn CALLING to be known as the Turkey Hill PUBLIC HEARING water District of said Town WHEREAS, a sap, plan and report including an estimate of cost have been prepared in such manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, relating to *_he establishment of a proposed water district in said Town, such water district to be known as Turkey Hill water District of the Town of Dryden; and WHEREAS, said map, plan and report were prepared by Hunt Engineers and Architects of Corning, New York, duly licensed by the State of New York, and have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, where the same are available during regular office hours for examination by any persons interested in the subject matter thereof; and WHEREAS, the improvements proposed for said water District shall consist of the construction of a water distribution system including approximately 11,400 linear feet of eight -inch water main, approximately 1,250 linear feet of six -inch water :rain, approximately 2,850 linear feet of service tubing, 19 hydrants, 16 gate valves and land and rights -in -land, original furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of said improvements is $606,475; 0 and -z- 0 WHEREAS, the proposed method of financing such cost of said improvements is by the issuance of $606,475 serial bonds of the said Town having a maximum maturity of not exceeding forty years, and the cost of said improvement shall be annually apportioned and assessed upon the several lots and parcels of land within said Water District which the Town Board shall determine and specify to be especially benefitted by the improvements in an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds as the same become due, but if not paid from such source, all the taxable real property in said Town shall be subject to the levy of ad valorem taxes without limitation as to rate or amount • sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same become due; and WHEREAS, compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been performed and the establishment of the Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden and the improvements proposed therefor have been determined to be an Unlisted Action, as to which a negative declaration has been made determining that said establishment and the improvements proposed therefor would not result in any significant environmental effects; and WHEREAS, on Ju1v 16 , 1991, the Town Board held a public hearing upon the question of the establishment of said Turkey Hill Rater District of the Town of Dryden and based upon the n u IN E -3- discussion held and information received at said public hearing, determined to revise the proposed benefit formula for the assessment of properties in said proposed Water District; and WHEREAS, the report of Hunt Engineers and Architects of Corning, New York has been revised to reflect said revised benefit formula; and WHERZAS, it is now desired to call a new public hearing upon the question of the establishment of said Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden in the manner aforesaid; and pursuant to Section 209 -d of the Torn Law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, by the 'Fawn Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins • County, New York, as follows: Section 11 A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, shall be held at the Varna Community Center, in Varna, New York, in said Town, on the 2nd day of October, 1991, at 7:00 o'clock P.M., Prevailing Time, for the purpose of holding a public hearing to consider the establishment of the Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden, the boundaries of such District being as set forth in Appendix A attached hereto and made a part hereof and to consider the map, plan and report, as revised, including estimate of cost filed in relation thereto, and to hear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board as may be required by 40 law or shall be proper in the premises. %I - -4- • Section 2, The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this order to be published once in the Ithaca Journal, the official newspaper of said Town. the first publication thereof to be not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set herein for the hearing as aforesaid, and said Town Clerk shall also cause a copy thereof to be posted on the sign -board of the Town maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set for the hearing as aforesaid, Section 3. This order shall taste effect immediately. s 0 I E TURKEY HILL 161TER DISTRICT APPENDIX A ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Dryden, County of Tompkins and State of New York, generally bounded and described as follows: iEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road, said point or place of beginning being located at the intersection of said centerline with the northwest line of the abandoned Lehigh Valley Railroad property; proceeding thence from said point of beginning southeasterly and along the centerline of Mount Pleasant Rcad for a distance of approximately 466' to a point; proceedig thence south (and along the west line of Parcel 56 -5 -20, being a 14.E acre +/- parcel owned by Cornell Universitv (said west line being approximately 956' +/- west of the centerline of Turkey Fill Road) and also aiong the west lines of Parcels 56 -5 -26; 25.1; 28 and 29 and also along the west Line of Parcel (said west line being ap•proxinately 9001' west of the ce;it�rlin= of i'drke- Fill Road;l tr_. pcia_ in the centerline of 5tevenson Road; proceeding hence east anc along said centerline for a distance of approximately 906' to a point in the centerline of Turkey will Road; proceeding thence northerly and along said centerline cE Turkey Hill Road to its intersection with the centerli ne of Mount Pleasant Road; proceeding thence easterly along the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road for a distance of i , approximately 235' to the southeast corner of Parcel is 57 -1 -28; proceeding thence northerly for approximately 520' and along the east parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -28; 27; and 26 to a point in the south li ne of Parcel 57 -1 -25; proceeding thence easterly for a distance of approximately 635' to the southeast corner of said parcels proceeding thence north (and along the east line of Parcels 57 -1 -25; 57 -1 -24; 23; 22 and a portion of Parcel 57 -1 -21) for a distance of approximately 1,353' to a point in the east line of Parcel 57 -1 -21; proceeding thence east for a distance of approximately 509' to a point in the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -30.9; proceeding thence north along said west line for a distance of approximately 97.7' to a point marking the northwest corner of said Parcel; proce eding thence easterly aryl along the south line of Parcel 57 -1 -20 for a distance of 928.90' to a point; proceeding thence north and along the wes_ parcel line of Parcel 57 -1 -38 for a distance of approximately 1650' to a point (tais point_ :ri y the southwe =_t corner of Parcel 54- i -16); proceeding thence norts, easterly and along the so�j h parcel lines cf Parcels 54 -1 -iE; 17; 19; 19; 21; 23 and 26 to the southe_ts t corner cf Parcel 54 -1 -25; continuing thence northeasterly ana alone the south parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -41.2; 41.1; and 42 to a point ir- the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence southerly to the southwest corner o' said Farrel 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence east for a distance of 9 approximately 600' to a point ma r'cing the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -28; proceeding thence northerly and along the east line of said Parcel for a distance of approximately • 400' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -25.3; proceeding thence generally north - easterly and along the south li ne of said Parcel to a point in the centerline of Baker Hill Road; proceeding thence northwesterly and along said centerline for a distance of approximately 400' to a point; proceeding thence northeasterly and along the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -20 for a distance of approximately 275' to the southeast corner of said Parcel; proceeding thence northwesterly for a distance approximately 60' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -19; proceeding thence northeasterly and along the south line of Parcels 52 -1 -19; 18; 17; 16 and 15 to the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -15; t 1n is also being a b;;unda ry 1 i.ne of the MlonX ey Flan Water Dictrict are M^nrey Run Sewer District); procee�3ing thence northwesterly arr3 along the east line of Parcel 52 -1 -15 to a point_ in the centerline of New York State Route 366; proceeding^ thence southwes --erly aionG Said certterlt ne for a distance of aparcximateiy 2,110' to a point marking the southeast corner of Parcel 53 -1 -19; proceeding hence north as❑ along^ the east line of said Parcel for a distance of approximately 775' to a point; (to a print in the south line of the former rich^ of way of Lehigh Valley Railroad prop=erty); proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along the scat ?: line of the aban.dor.ed Lehigh Valley Railroad property to a point approximately 275' east of the ® centerline of Monkey Run Road (abandoned); proceeding thence north for a distance of approximately 100' to a point 1�r {{ marking the northeast corner of Parcel 53 -1 -17; proceeding • thence west for a distance of approximately 244' to a point in the centerline of Monkey Run Road; proceeding thence south to a point in the centerline of Monkey Run Road where said centerline intersects the south line of Monkey Run Water District and Monkey Run Sewer District; proceeding reference is to Town. of thence generally southwesterly and westerly along said numbers District boundaries to a point in the north line of New York State Route 366; proceeding thence southwesterly and along 1, 1990 ari3 :n orr.ation the boundaries of Town of Dryden Water District No. 1 and 1 Town of Dry den Sewer District 42 the parcel lines of Parcels 55 -1 -17.2 and 17.3 and Parcels 56 -4 -3 and 5.1 to the taken fray. the 1990 Final Assessment Roll for point or place of beginning. M wherever reference is made to a Parcel, said reference is to Town. of Dryden Tax Map Parcels anr3 such parcel numbers were taken fran the Tax ,Naas last revised Na,3rch 1, 1990 ari3 :n orr.ation perta:ning to the reputed owners of parcels was taken fray. the 1990 Final Assessment Roll for the Town of Dryden. E TB 10-2-91 page 2 • Supv Schug - he has checkced his parcel Out with Dave Putnam and there is a possibility that that portion Of his land may be taken out of the district. Atty Theisen - speaking for Hill Clark who, Owns leird con Mt, Pleasant Rd. He felt that as5essment to the acreage was unfair because his land is n_+t likely to be to built Moor, in the near future and it is gettir•,g quite heavily assessed. 'I'hiS new forrnula will cause a big hardship fur Mr, Clark. The first formula that was proposed would have been a hurler, for Mr. Clark, but this new formula is even worse. He would like to voice his ._.pinion as to balance it more toward units already built and root completely ignoring acreage. Tim Wheeler - the comments that are being made as to using uriitG for an estimate of Witer use. What happens ire the friture when borneone subdivide, his land and the reunrbEr of units change. Doez there assessment go up, or if someone consolidates their lard acres the assesGment go down. Atty Perkins - the Town Board must- annually detr_.rmirne the formula as to how the debt service is tv be paid. At this time this iii only o prceposal to Gh._.w you a model if this board were to choose this formula to raise this much money. The facts will change from year to year because properties may be reassessed, new buildings, or buildings may be tom down. If there was a large development is than cost to the ,lvera.ge person would go down. Harty Kesten - did riot get an answer to his question or, open acres. Supv Schug - for every 2.5 acres equals one unit. Hurry kester, - this is very Unfair especially if you have acres that cannot be built upon. He owns 24 acres and probably can't build r_.n 16 or 17 of tho,e acres. if you go by this forrnula you are heavily taxing the people whn have open space. If you put a heavy burden con the people you ar•e forcing them to build as many houses as possible on the land. John Durm ^ agreed with Mr. Nesters and he would lyate to see him having tcs pay S4,850,00 per year under the present formula just to have water and fewer, to .zone house. He will be forced to sell hi% land and that will mean more houses in the c,rea. He wonted to know if this is what the people wantrld as a ca�mraurolty to bring more houses in the area. The same as Alton Reed having to pay $6,609.00 just to have water to or,e homse. He prefers the cornfield rather than having Altar, paying $69600.00 a yeAr. He has land that is nob accr ?ssitrle and he would not be able to build on it, but he is still going tr_o havrn to pay on it. He thinks that this formula is very unfair. r' U / 2 7 TRIO -91 page 3 • Atty Perkins •- the additional 2.5 acres for the back land does riot kick in until you have 5 acres. You can have up to 5 arses. Henry Munger -- he is not affected rive way or the other by this change, but he agrees with the cornrsients that have been made and he agrees that it is very unfair and sterns to hire that the board has responded to the r_nrnrnents that were made last time by making the situation worse instead of better. As fav, as he is concerned if it comes to a vote, he will vote against it to help those people who are adversely affected. Atty Theisen - the first formula that was presented was tho fairest, them_ is no absolute best. Supv Schug - at the last rnraeting the majority of the people did not like that formula and warted it changed. Atty Perkins -- the designed formula is to give the most relir:f to the typical household in the district. The typical household hat one living unit, 2.32 acres and an assessment of $93.544.00. There are 73 parcels that fall into this category out of 116 parcels. This formLrla is designed to drive the cost down to acceptable levels for the most number of people. The State Comptroller lr,oks at a magic_ number of $400,00 per district. If the cost to the typical homeowner is more than $400.00 then the Corrlptr-oller has problems approving the district. If it iu under ® usually it is passed and the previous applications for the water and sewer districts were way over that. The combined total for the water and sewer io going to be under $600.00 with this new formula. Joe Murphy - he thought that the formula was unfair, and he would like tq see Sri per cent units and 50 per cent assessment. Jean Miller - the problem if yoy use a formula consisting of front footage is that the people who live on corner lots really get penaliyed who have two frrnots to their lot. Erica Evans - wanted to remind everyone that, when this Varna sewer systom werit in the people on Turkey Hill wanted to be included and were told that it couldn't be done. When the Monkey Run system went in the people on Turkey Hill asked toy be included and they were told that it couldr't be done. Now we have any opportunity to do it and if you postpone it until it becomes a real need it will c,7,st at least twice an much and people should think of that. The board took. a consensus of the people present and 20 people opposed and 25 people were in favors of the qO per cc!nt Linits and 10 per cent assessment. ID Closed public hearing 8:30PM RESOLUTION #178 • Councilperson t:urrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: Elk WHEREAS, the Town is a member of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (Bolton Point) and acts on behalf of various water districts in the Town of Dryden which obtain water service from Bolton. Point, and WHEREAS, Bolton Point has had under consideration a project for zebra mussel control at the raw water intake pipe in Cayuga Lake, and WHEREAS, Bolton Point has declared itself the lead agency in connection with the environmental review of the proposed project under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, and WHEREAS, the Tovn Board is in receipt of the Long Environmental Assessment Form prepared by Bolton Point in connection with this project and a copy of the Negative Declaration prepared following it's determination of no significant environmental impact, and WHEREAS, the Town wishes to ratify and confirm the environmental review of the project and the Negative Declaration heretofore issued by Bolton Point, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden that it: 11 Ratifies and confirms the Environmental Assessment Form including all appendices and attachments thereto in the form approved by Bolton Point; and 2. Ratifies and confirms the Negative Declaration issued by Bolton Point that the zebra mussel control project as reflected in the Long Environmental Assessment Form will not have a significant effect on the environment. Seconded. Councilperson Hatfield Roll c ;311 vote - all voting VCG In the Matter of The Joint Increase and Improvement of ORDER CALLING the Facilities of Dryden Water PUBLIC HEARING District Tao. 1, Snyder Hill water District, Monkey Run Water District and Hall Road Water District in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York ------- ------- ----- -------- ----- - - - - -- WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, in conjunction with the Village of Lansing and the Village of Cayuga Heights, and the Towns of Lansing and Ithaca, has determined and agreed to participate in the provision of a joint water project for zebra mussel control and to contract joint indebtedness therefor in accordance with Section 15.00 of the Local Finance Law pursuant to a Supplement to Agreement of Municipal Cooperation for Construction, Financing and operation of nn Inter. - Municipal Water Supply and Transmission System dated as of October 15, 1991 (the "Intermunicipal Agreement Supplement "); and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, has had under consideration for said purpose the joint increase and improvement of the facilities of Dryden Water District No, 1, Snyder Hill Water District, Monkey Run Water District and Hall Road Water District in and for said Town, consisting of the purchase and installation of a sodium hypochlorite chemical feed system at the Raw Water Pump Station at Bolton PoInt in the Village of Lansing, together with approximately 400 linear feet of 6 -inch carrier pipe containing 1 -inch chemical feed and sample lines, chlorine defuser rings, a protective shroud mounted on the intake screen structure and other incidental • improvements and expenses necessary in connection therewith; and WHF,REAS, a map, plan and report including an estimate of cost, relating to said joint increase and improvement of facilities has been duly prepared; and WHEREAS, the maximum estimated cost to said Districts of such joint increase and improvement is initially determined to be $1109220 it being further determined that the remaining $286,0 78 of the cost of this project shall be initially apportioned and allocated to the Villages of Lansing and Cayuga Heights and water districts in the Town of Lansing and a water improvement area in the Town of Ithaca and that joint indebtedness shall be issued therefor and that the ultimate share of the cost to be allocated pursuant to the aforedescribed Internunicipal Agreement Supplement ® shall be determined on the basis of benefits received or conferred or to be received or conferred from the aforesaid improvement; and WHEREAS, the cost shall be annually apportioned among such Districts by said Town Board and the amounts so apportioned shall be annually assessed upon all the taxable real property in each such District at the same time and in the same manner as other Town charges, in an amount sufficient to pay said principal and interest as the same become due and payable, but if not paid from such source, all the taxable real. property within said Town shall be subject to the levy of ad valorem taxes without limitation as to rate or amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid project has been determined to be a 40 'Type I Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State i • Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, the implementation of which as proposed, the Town Board has determined will not result in any significant environmental effects; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a public hearing on said proposed joint .increase and improvement and the map, plan and report including estimate of cost pursuant to Section 202 -b of the Town Law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, as follows: Section 1. A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, shall be held at the Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, in Dryden, New York, in said Town, on the 22nd day of AOctober, 1991 at 6:30 o'clock p.m., Prevailing Ti.me, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the proposed joint increase and improvement of the facilities of Dryden Water District No, 1, Snyder Hill Water District, Monkey Run water District and Hall Road Water District in said Town and the map, plan and report including estimate of cost as described in the preambles hereof, at which time and place said Town Board will hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same. Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a notice of said public hearing to be published in The Ithaca Journal, the official newspaper of said Town, and posted in the manner prescribed by law, which notice shall be in substantially the following form, to -wit: 0 • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, will meet at the Town Hall, 65 Fast Main Street, in Dryden, New York, in said Town, on the 22nd day of October, 1991 at 6:30 o'clock p.m., Prevailing Time, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing relating to the proposed Joint increase and improvement of the facilities of Dryden Water District No. 1, Snyder Hill Water District, Monkey Run Water District and Hall Road Water District in said Town, consisting of the purchase and installation of a sodium hypochlorite chemical feed system at the Raw Water Pump Station at Bolton Point, together with approximately 400 linear feet of 6 -inch carrier pipe A containing 1 -inch chemical feed and sample lines, chlorine defuser rings, a protective shroud mounted on the intake screen structure and other incidental improvements and expenses necessary in connection therewith, at an initial maximum estimated cost to said Districts of $11,922, at which time and place said Town Board will hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same. The remaining $288,078 of the overall cost of this project shall be initially apportioned and allocated to the Villages of Lansing and Cayuga Heights and water districts in the Town of Lansing and a water improvement area in the Town of Ithaca. Joint indebtedness shall be issued for this project. The naximurr, estimated cost of this joint project is $300,000. Such cost shall be annually apportioned among such Districts by said Town Board and the amounts so apportioned shall be annually u ILI assessed upon all the taxable real property in each such District at the same time and in the same manner as other Town charges, in an amount sufficient to pay said principal and interest as the same become due and payable, but if not paid from such source, all the taxable real property within said Town shall be subject to the levy of ad valorem taxes without limitatton as to rate or amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds. The aforesaid project has been determined to be an Type I Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, the implementation of which as proposed, the Town Board has determined will not result in any significant environmental effects. TB10 °2 -9i page 4 Supv Schug - the Town Board should pass a resolution ratifying • and confirming the SEUR rr+view by the Bolton Poirot Commission. Clm G�rrigan coffered the following resolution and a:lked for its adoption: (copy in rainute boor) 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes Supv Schug - the Town &Hard should pass a resolution on the Zebra Mussel project and have all town board members sign. RESULIJTIQN #179 ZEBRA MUSSEL CONTROL PROJECT APDREEMENT Clm Corrigan offered the following ra_4solutiorr, and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that- all town board members sign the Zebra Mussel project agreement. 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION 6180 O UER Slhl)RYDEN WR'I'ER DIST. _iil �MUIJKEY RUN WATER D167. AND HALL kll. WRTEk gIST. (7,EERA ( *USSELCONTROL PROJECj) Clm Corrigan coffered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: (ropy in minute book) c^nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting yeas Supv Sr_hug - scheduled public hearing for b,ldget 10 -29 -91 at 7:OOPM Adjourneds 9:00pM r J Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk 11 /3o