HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-05//I TOWN BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 51 1991 Supv Schug called the meeting tct order at 7:30PM Members and guests participated in the Plodge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk: Presents Supv Schug, Clm Roberts, Clm Walbridge, Clm Hatfield, Clm Corrigan, Atty Perkins and Z.O. Slater- PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 BOOK EARN OF THE FINGER LAKES Supv Schug read the notice that was pi,sblished it'i the newspaper concerning the application of Vladirir Dragan to evtablish a retail book store at 198 North Rd. (copy in rninute hook) QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS Valdimir Dragan - he plans to open a used and rare book store in the barn that is located behind the basket shop con North Rd. It was previously the Yaple property and he plans on living in the house, Supv Schug - George and Henry have pane over the EAF form and there were no problems. LG4tters from the County and other involved agencies have been received and they have nrt interest in being the lead agency. RESOLUTION 4k166 LEAD AGENCY FOR SEUR EAF FORM HCIOIC BARN OF THE FIrJGER LAKES Clm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for- its adoption: RESOLVED, that this is art unlisted action and the TVwrt Board is to act as Lead Agency in uncoordinated review fror the application of Valdimir- Dragan, DBA Book Barn taf the Finger Lakes. The Supervisor is authorized to sign all necessary documents. 2nd Clns Rt�oberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOI_1_ITION_41167 gFgR NE6nTIVE DECLARATION BOOK BARN OF TH FINGER LAKES Clm Corrigan coffered tho following r^esolutiorr and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that a neyative declaration be prepared and filed for the application of Vladimir Dragan, DBA Book Barr, of the Finger Lakes. • nd Clio Hatfield Rt11 call vr_te - all voting Yes ,1. 1 r,aca Je17.rrnr! 1 hieRVs 123 WJ Si!�Ate Street f. L' 11 aca, hlew Y--w- . Attnt D^virla Cars, LC�L13 1 F1ds PLEASE_ RIJEO.IIII -1 the f17111•_11irlg L.EGf-li_ IJfI'j'10E r10 1,i7 - ?r• thari Fri i Lin ',' FllX7lJS'1' 317 th, 1 slrj l ar-id bi l l the Town of Oryzien. PLl fGE TnKF- NOTWE that tli! Iowrl Plar1 rJ cif the Will] !r•;�i.d a p1a! ?1 it lieari n❑ t _I L- onsidea• al. 19 appal i Blreeial Pf;1-lnilb f'r-onr V1.r.rJimir• 171-,7gan, 1'FA 'T? -Mk Lale.e5•', of ?1£i 1lniver�mi ty five. # ;• Ithaca, hlrrw Retai 1 Book Shop 1'1+r Used .ir1,:l I'iar•e Ar•_:l{s with St I - ur-t IIr•P, at 196 hl;r-01 Re,ari, 1.7r-yderl, Plow VIn* SAID HEORLNG wi 11 t_ +e pr -eva i 1 i vl!A it in,e 1y, -yden, hd 1pw vork. ,11: giUni. an opfrnrl;ur�ity by agent_ DA FF-:l} : AW3'I 1c Fit f„r N rIr hl. 1 I.oning Officer Triwrn of 6ryfin•r1 TCwv, of f }1•}411 =•1'r C{1tir[�r1 for m Earn of I:Ir1? r i ri1:11 ='r' in 1Yr Py. .l '3t r, IS {1 held 011 THUR96f1Y C.El! "TEMBEP. = ai111, 1991 .a L. f_:il:r ah, the 6r•yrlrrl Te-•wn Mall, f %5 E. Mii.n Stwirpi; „rlrieh time •R11 intri -m,,ted pmvf;•�,,._. wi11 1;,r� hC' be laeai•e1_ !:•,r-soris 111:_�.y apppar i r, per -�-rlr, I x!'71 .James 21Clil-,g, D11% YO 7r1 'f'nwr'1 '11101r..re1-vaeryr. fsI l M, y d er1 'fe,wn Tr _.ar•d MF irmIj ',"FE Mil-E .1 on R- Prmr-k i nr, Ur yrien I •�r•rn fit l: r vley (j P-:?r•9e Srh lusclit, f`rl irl eer The -1'0ffif)k.3r� County PlI mrlinrj 1)j�!GarY.merrl: Susanna Lloyd, D, yden 'Tr,,,,n Cler"Ir A.1!' F'r9nl1a1-1:y ❑wrrnPE, 0 F,h i r, 'c e:Ir1, ..1' I_r n,]er: l: If r oflrr My L J TB'3 -5 -41 page 2 eji'arge Fichleaht - recommended that vihPre the driveway reaches Mott Rd. it forms a Y aril the portion of the Y furthest to the ni.zirth (i- Iesoi£t to Mott Rd.} be the one that' i6t improved and used a the prirnriple access to the ri^Aoper'ty. HP al5ti wanted to rerri.ird the appl icant that Yi s would have to hook up t:o the tC'Wfri SeWar system. There is also the parking r�'paceu th ?.t are required and he should request a varianoo for a fewer number of spaces. It sh+nuld alfio de made clear that the town does n.tit apprinivu acL'e55 ti? Route 13. Supv Schug - wanted to make sure that the tiSlatl dl'id raro COo1j,5 did not include any pclr'no.gr- pAP iL4 material. Vladimir Dragan - did not have any problem with that. He is listed in the Upstate New York pint iquarian 8cIoksel leY'S DiY -taint or'y+ and gave the members a Copy of thLa dircetor'y. Supv Schug - wanted to know if there would be any outside lights to bother the neighbors'' Vladimir Dragan - he will probably only have a light over, the entrance door. Clm Roberts - warited to know if he was going to request a zoning variance fqr parking upaCQS? Vl -Ptlirrlir Dragan - he will have to because he does riot think that he will @vpr ua€+ the r^eglired nUiaber that is in the ai}ning ordinance. Clm Corrigan - wanted to know if a great deal of hju 151- mines3 iS done by mail. Vladimir Dra-gan -- a 10t is d�iric- through the mail. and he does a Lot 4f sear'Cfiino fbi- different books. L "lm Roberts - warited to know what hi3 h3u7's WGUld be. Vladimir Dr'again - they would be Wednesday to Sat'drdpy 11) ;1)QRM to b:00PM and c,;i.inHay I l w,)OAM Lis $:OGPIM the same hours that arp in t:he directory. I�lm Walbridge - wanted t5• k,ltcIw 6G[1tit signage and if he had a problem with the entrance that George Sohloeht hAd recommended? Vladimir Dragan n it would be a rustic sign at the critrance. At this paint he did not seers any proDbLem with using that eritrRrCe. bUi: he may in the 'fUtUre would .like a;re.3s: to Rt 13. Clm Roberts - Waryt F26 to know if he was planning on putting 1r1 ki l'iy kind of plumbing ire the hare^ 11 !dZ6 li, 0 11 cousscil.person and a5kpd for ;i.t6 RESOLUTION NO. 1.R9 Wall'r dg p- offered the fallowing resolution option: %-HFREAS, Lorraine Bard is the Town of Dryden Dag Control Dfficcr and as such is treated as an employee for purposes of the New York Worker's Compensation Law, end WHEREAS, Lorraine, Bard was injured and was out of work for the period Apr,i „1, e,7 thXeugh September 7.7, 1989 during which time she received her .full saJazy from the Tvwn Qf Dryden, and WHEREAS, during the period of Lorraine Bard's disability the Town received full dog control services pursuant to the agreement for the furnishing of the same, and WHEREAS, pursuant to W❑rkeT'Fp Compensation Law 5237 the Town may assert a lien against any amounts payable to L.oY,ra;i,ne Bard for her period of disabi.'L.ity since the Town continued to pay her salary during the period of har d,i.sabj.l.1.Y_y, and. WHEREAS, it wvu'ld be unfair to Lorraine Eard for the Town tQ assert its lien since it rece .Lved full dog control services during the per,i.od in question without additional expense to the. Toren, NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED AS FQLLOWS; Tho Town of Dryden hereby waives the lion under seot.i.on 2:17 of the New York worker's compensation Law for amount.a due Lorraine Bard for the period Aprij, 22, 1989 through September, e,.7, 1959. Second Councilperson HoberLl; Roll call veiCet - ,3.11 voting 7an RESOLUTION NO. lo$ (1991) aSPECIAL PFRM,T,T FOR: VLADIMIR DRAGAN d/bfa BOOK BARN OF THE FINGER LAKES 160 North Road Cauncilperson Walbridge ❑f,fered 'the fol.,1❑wing resal«tion and a4ked for its adoption: RESOLVED: 1. That the Town Board hereby finds as f4ilow5; a. The requirements of the mown of Dryden Zoning Ordinance Section 1303 l) have been met+ b. The l.oaat,ion, use and nature and intensity of the proposed project will, not be in conflict with the zone or neighborhood. c. The proposed use will not he more objectionable or depreciating to adjacent nearby properties by reason of traffic, noise, vibrationr dust, fumes, smoke, oreier, Eire hazard, glare, flashing lights or disposal of waste or sewage than the operation of allowed used wi.th.i.n the zone in which the project is s,ttuate, d. The project and proposed use will not disc.our�ige or hinder the appropriate development use of adjacent properties of the neighborhood. e. Since the use is both residential and non - residential and is within an existing Structure which wil.]. not be significt,nt.ly nodified in its exterior appearance, nv screening by means of a landscape buffer strip or suitable fencing is required. f. The health, safety and general wel.f,arP of the, community will not be adversely affected. WHEREFORE, the Tbw n Board of the Torn of Dryden bereby grants a SPQaial Permit to the applicant for the Proposed mse subject to the following conditions. 1. The Environmental Assessment Form prepared in connection, with the project .is approved and accepted based upon the fact that the project will have no adverse environmental impact. A negative declaration is to be filed. 2. The project shall be constructed according to the plans submitted by the applicant and approved and filed with the Town of Dryden. 3. That the project during and following construction shall comply with all applicable Town, County, State and Federal .laws, • statutes, codes, ordinances, approvals and rules and regulations. 4. That the project during construction and upon completion shall not constitute a public or private nuisance. 5. That if municipal water or municipal sewer is available to the site the applicant shall connect to the same upon notice to do so from the Town. 6. That should the Town require easements for municipal water lines or sewer lines and necessary appurtenances in connection with the construction of a municipal water system or sewer system the applicant, its successors and assigns, must grant the same to the Town without the necessity for compensation. 7. That the rate of discharge of surface water from the site not be increased during or following construction and that measures be taken by the applicant to insure such control of the discharge of water. Any drainage improvements constructed by the applicant to comply with this condition shall be maintained by the applicant. 8. The driveway to the premises will be aligned according to the requirements set forth in Town Enginee George Schlecht's letter of August 22, 1991 so that the driveway will utilize only the branch of the existing driveway closest to Mott Road and the applicant will close off the other branch of the driveway to vehicular and pedestrian use. 9. The existing 30" elm tree on the property will be protected and preserved although trimming and general maintenance is authorized. 10. In the event any plumbing is installed in the barn which is the subject of the Special. Permit, then such plumbing system shall be connected to the municipal sewer system according to all applicable laws ordinances, codes, rules and regulations. 11. This Permit is not for any connection to Route 13 and no such connection will be made without the prior approval of the Town of Dryden under the provisions of Article 13 of the Town of Dryden Zon.i.ng Ordinance. 12. Parking for the project will be according to the Town Zoning Ordinance unless the applicant obtains a variance from the Town of Dryden Zoning Board of Appeals. 13, This Permit is granted based on the express representations of the applicant that the purpose of the Permit and the use of the barn is for the collection and sale of those items represented by the applicant as: general, scholarly, antiquarian, periodicals, autographs, ephemera, graphic art, and posters, prints ® and architectural drawings and the services to be offered from the permitted premises include the sale. ❑t the foregoing, book searches and want J i,sta. No pornographic or adult type books, films, photographs, paraphernalia or other materials shal..l be di.spl.ayed or ❑ftared for vale on said p.remise.s or from said premises. Second Cvuncilperson Roberts. Ra-0 ^.a1,l. voCp- - a,I.L vocing Yea E 11 TB9 -5 -91 page 3 Vladimir Dragan - the code does not regtlirc: him to ir..tall any sort of plumbing fk!)r a bzth Zulu, but he would probably just rough something in. He woit.ld hen the - �)rily aria wn,1'1fk1Y} theme, 1.i54pv Schwg wanted to know if it would be handicapped accessible, Z.Q. Slater - it is not r[ ?quircd, because above grade less than eE500 STJ ft is not required to be handicapped anf.1 L, not required tr, IiitvLp a tlathroorn. Closet public hearing _RESO_L_UTION OIG8 GRrINT SPECIAL. PERMIT BOOTS BARN qF THE FINGER L-AKES Clm Walbridge offered the fool 7wirp resolution and asked for its ad9RtlCgr: (ck.zlpy in rninute book.) 2nd Clm Rob�rtg. Roll call vote - all Voi;irg Yes CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLUOR Sill Bailey -- gav6' insurance repl�rf. to? bgar'd members and went ever the summary rep-art. 1h rAeet ing with your inSUranCLM CtVaNiittl Eue it was aprOQLI tp review the coveraDe Arid pot- it out to at least 3 companies to test the market fur pricing for 199. C{3UNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF T 14£ FLOOR Clm CorriyDn - it was discussed a[; t[+ what an appropriate an1,Dktrt would be to ask far i]ri the senior citizun66 discount for ACC SklbgCr`ibers. 10% se Pair, to be the standard fclr pE- rs_+ns EO years and OVOr. There are betwS:erl 1200 and 1501) senior Cltit.tris ire the Town cif Dryden. C1m Walbridge -- r'epiiiF`ted that the £:ewCr' comrni.ttee is stil-1 working on try.iriy to get the WflStCaWilter Treatment plant to do something about the Kline. RCiad interceptlar, The Town of Dryden is the Only One nffi =cted becauc ? it Is extension of Ugr`Vice. The City of Ithaca, Cnl're11 University Lind the Tciwri of Ithaca Can connect. £hp will talk with Town Supervi:r,r' Shirley Raffen9.pr3rger tri hAve a c- oncer•tLtd effort to have the other mPrnbcjr!a see what can be G[Ene to speed up thlls issue. i3TTORNEV RESOLttITICIN 01G9 UOG C'014TR0L Q F'ICER LORRAINE BARD NEW YDRK WORKER'S COMPEN5ATION LAW Clm Walbridge offer•cd the following resolution RYid asked for .it's' adoption: CCtipy ire miniitL� book} 2nd Clm Roberts Roll Cn11 vote - all Voting yes /Z� TB9 -5 -91 page 4 Atty Pork.ios - Varna Interceptor Sewer, the Supervi5gr hpi5 hef~r) arAthp)-ri :F.%d to sign the abar�donment of the easement for that portipr, rof the Stn%in" that has been abandoned. Thies has baRn dorag and the time for .a Owrfrris5iue ref'ereridum has expired. Atty Perkins _ no formal action needs to bQ taken regarding the Hall Rcl welter distr-ict. members. Ptty Perk.irs - he still has an c1por, ir3ue of the amendment of the Heater ilginer7raent fcIr' WilccIx press arrd this amendment of the purchase of watF.r arlil 5 @wer facilities agreeraent. This wag somethin.1 that you wanted to acGpnlpliSFi prior to the time the certificate cif oceuparcy was granted. They have indicated that they .aiRL% ready to sign the netossary dCiCra.meritG ;lnee khe town has approved therrl. Clrrt Hatfield offered the fcillowing resolrAtiS1n and asked for itF am.6pt ion: RES4l.V[ D: that this Town Pliard sign Fill nElcessary documents far the amendment i5f water agre.ernor,t. i:nd Clni Corrigari Roll cG3.11. Vote - all voting Yes ENGINEERING QQ<!rge Schlertyt - gave copies iff road abandordaent maps that have been upd&ted to members. George SchlefnhU - regarding the Snyder Hill water district. He w4Nld need at least an hours tilde to present a preliminary plan and reprrrt before the hoard and wmciuld like to set LIP a date and {; i me. George SaflleCht - the btilc'ird also askE=d hlin to prepare a hlag5 plan and reps -mt for t:hci i�xterision 9f d new sewer district in the southwest Corner of the town. He will he verbally rinporting that it bi111 mot be worth pursuing and that a cnric &!Ier- d:istri2t which yarn Brothers will be 3lirlgestir4g to the town and the appr- oprirate way tc, proceed. Supv Schtig -- rimheduled a s;pc=!cia1 meeting ran Tues. pat E2nd at 6230PM tt discuss Snyder Hill witrir district, TONING OFFICER - mcinl:hly rep4lrt given to hoard memberm SuPv SehUg - Mr. Radernaeher w6uld lika the board to consider Etri addition to his Rent -p ^Space facility. �.11. SLater - at this time he has riot si,ibrjjitted any 8pplicatiprq1 if 75 TB9 -5 -91 page 5 fatty Perk.irrs - r•egardi.ng Wilcc,rt Press there are 5 items left for a final certificate of Those include Lhe 'insLrillaL'i6eti of thr_m knox boxes to Varna Fire Dept. specificati,;)Lnsi there are SC'f51P5 btrilt€ of the alarm system and the fire protection system which are to be delivered to the t4wri With a copy to Varna Fire Dept•; Henry Y,as properly taken the position that they should install heat banking in the biridePy room or� provide proof that he is not required to according tl� 59rn(E gcric2lo ily aCcepted standard Which is sufficieritly as proposed. The owner io to fui -y)ish arid iristall o P,511ir-iq fire dour to go between the biridery and the mail room. This ha.5 r]E?eY'i srdered With approximately a 5 week drelivery. The owner is to furnish and install 2 fire spr-irikler hcAds in areas where equipwrnnt exceeds 49 inches in width. Those areas have becri identified. These are the Drily remaining outstanding issues for the firal C.O. Atty Perkins - yni,i will hc)Ve to define what the noise is and W19at level .,.f noise you are concerned about. YQiA carat enfc,ree something that SayF there wili rot he any noise coming from the site. Clm Walbridge - biit7 this is a nuisance anrj thr. zoring laws say that within a 140 feat. A3 ty Perkins - no, it vays where a permit for an iridustrial or nlanufact�ir^irl!j use is proposed shoujilroi' t hiake excessive noise, What triuL ordinance says l& before issuing a ba4iIding permit the coda enforgemont officer or, the tc1wn relay require certifiratiun ur'- PxPorti5E to show that the noise will not e7ioeocl lEVels or will r1r5t be heard at [i point over 150 feet. Tire problem with that is that it says noise and tj,5esn't defire Wh ?t noise is. There WOO discussion arotirAt t1re noise Problem coming f-rorn Wilcox Press. Supv SrhrJ.q directed 2.0. Slater to purch<5e d Y1019G meter and tclke readings at diffin -ent times of the day, at differQnt locations and V'et;rd aLl of this iriformation. Find clue if there dY`r2 any laws on them books and what the State or Federal Government. •ab.jectionaj rK.iise level limit i3, so- that we qan satisfy the riejighbors that It i3 riot as had i.5 ar,y laws on the books and that YOU have acci.irz3tR readings frDfm a 45Oise meter. Clop Walbridge? - thought thett 'ths rioise level was for the perFnArierit certifjS:xte of occupancy, for Wilccot Pncsr3 and we can issue a tPmCorary one oriCL7 the life safety issues have been rnet. fatty Perkins - tho Only thing hCj Cgtpi suggest tho..t you put in the condition is that the project shall not cori;tltl.ite a private C.r r}ublic nuiseriCL? accor-dinq tC, the terms of the site Plan rCVitsw board including nclise on the pr„jec't. Z.O. 51�Iter - rep9rited that Mr, keane is r,.lr aning r-Lp his G1"Oper•ty on Mt. P]E +asant Rd. • i)ate: 5eptemtu3r 3rd, 1991 r� LJ CI To James Sululy, Dryden 1',n•rrl, ::irAl)el'VA: ?_•r Urytlerl Town H:111 65 F. Main !.treeY, 0 1y'd F•r,, New `ir.r-•Ir FrCIlll: I -leery t•I. !_later, Zink 'Iirlg 4. Bit I11 i.1'111 l'odh Erif•_n•cenlrrit i:Jff. 65 E. Ms, i rl S1; r•ee 1: l)r >'dct 1, hlel•t Yi r ^k 1 %I, J Sub. 011gust I Debt. As" 1, iv;.'ty IZr.•.!,r.a^t hear .Tim: BI.,A141i i1, 1ssl.letl f)LIr "i -ng fuLgLr!;t 19711 (cra) t•rl-lir,�l•r ar'e de!;S:ribed es, f'1 }.11ows. A- 1 Sin[IIL ?- f`amily Fitt Llctl.0 ^t-;L, New ;itwt L•_:: t3) f•1•=1 Hooua Uay Singlei• farn.i 1 lh5ta.11 8il ylc -ari it mobile lls]nle:(:c:) i -,k,t : (u. Yris.pert i ;•, ;lj A -1 li,irg)e f;1wi.1 y, IrrstoII Re[lIarejlaent Sirryit:- witln:ia) A - -1 Sirly.le- farlliI E W. t;er'Id Vy.i tiY)II til :l'UCtLIr•r,;: (; ) I: ^4.1 Pri\•al ;e Stgr^:1CIi:; Stl-UCI:Ut%" Wits tach art ux i; er;or Ijeick t„ r•); ist.i rl rl 1:- -7 Iris 1;221 Private Swimr,li 1111 K•c,O:l .l rlsi; t,..11 Line flr C- -7 R pair flut,l .c (?rlilne,a >hr_1Cer.; - il: C -1 F.I,cct. a Rat h•: St•atiof I l) 1; 3. 1 Ert°c_ I; a Pub I i c Rest au ^arlt :l. Lert i f ict,.teEz of (iccl!parlCy arni CprilpJ. iar-,rr:. Certifir.ates Jf Clrpl.lparlU%' 1sel Ll rqd. (1) Tr•nlln:nary t;LN`t.ifir,,l;h t:,f rrr lltara:y. ( °I) Csr ^ti 61111 ;c,!, r -,f arrc i S;LIc•rf. Fl re IrIvCSb.ig ii l ;;nrlE;. Th @re: were 1-so E- ioci IiiVr•gtirtrlti!t.t1 C- c,r,yLlGterj. l; i i i Hooua Uay 11u1.1; iple Ri_s.iderlar, 1r15pB,71. i -,k,t : (u. I�ir•B Sa ftit y Irlspec: l; i i i Hooua Uay Cr.r_ Fir= Sa!'el;y Yris.pert i ;•, ;lj .. TDii.'51?] 7.61'Imir'Iq }Rli I'd Of f- 41P PIP )., I) kkp to tIic: r2.r'1Y rRp,z 1; yrr[r are not nt�r�i:12iLIJe a.t thri PtI ;:r':4xIIJ Rf,rYI,Iclrtj' !�ic'I Ii' - -af iA.�z, M1I ]i :1 1;.ilnr;- Wi;l.ic•t =s rF_' tai` {5Y Liere.i�.i�,ri�l ("il �;1 r: �_IT i!.. . V17.11 Lie =3upp.lied Y 2Xt ral.5rrklt. r1.AJ Ucycier rc,Ljlii 3'kerri Meinh:x >>;; ;i uszcrnnc_ I- il-lyd, The Iii 0ivi :h;wei.r1hFrr r'ry} Jt.,, 'rewn {:.1.-7 [r, . 1-c,l,lp„0 %z r I'fnr•t i f i rr,.l:r -• :: 1 CJi_c:Lm z.rIc_y c iiry�ic:rl ie pr 1ap,:. <.1.:ti Earl' Ronrl I`n5.1: !.it::irIll zi Town PcIaiJ. the Wi l .10N N ant z r,d !]+y1?J2 I lou =;e F- ci .l i by .nri• C V!II I:I)E Gu. [hi F?r F; 5I;'lLl r[Irl_,:lrl 0 enlsa wir i. vi amc're 1-;'TUS�'•o-'cl a:a r�:= t�s�,nr•y r'S }i.•t =ct ivr� :I C.- Wal.h i. l3 i; l'ie 1'.4e aIzty w [51r }'ICIIIai.a c1pF:n ?. S. tame, hiore;,%ec-I by 'Ft1lx.r•!acla..y t.III;L? k,l:1:tcm .it;=rns inn.y I� �.1vir. I x e p n rrnlrrl.pstiliil- 1-L_rlwy M. t11. trnr CL ": .5,mr-?s: ' %;,knI_Irf urvcieln I r1.AJ Ucycier rc,Ljlii 3'kerri Meinh:x >>;; ;i uszcrnnc_ I- il-lyd, r'ry} Jt.,, 'rewn {:.1.-7 [r, I+I:yFI:Lcm Fd. r�r;I'kiri3r iiry�ic:rl "I..-rr�'� pdttor'Ite}. Ell 1. }':�P IT9 -5 -91 page 6 9. HSGHWPY SUPERINTENDENT RE54L_LFTI.C{hJ #171 SEASONFkL L- n-' Im TAD USE h1IC*1WAyG - -- Lint Walbridge offered the following reRCk1Ut1cm and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED that this %Lyn Cifaard ELCCLFIt the following list of seasonal lioliled use highway tipori Highway 9uperinterident• Dcn GiIbort's recommendation: 1. - RPd Mari Run - entire 2.- Canaan Rraad - fr-om Red Man Run to Star 4:tsantlnlvi Hill Road �.- Red mill Road - fr'4rr1 Wss't Malloryville Road s.pLith frjr they 1006 feet. like to pi,it a street 1i<0ht 4.- Himmi-Drd Hill Road - from Camp Fire camp south to Town of Carpl i ri 3 line. 3.- Hila Schonl Road - from #147 Ed Hill Road west to within 500 feet of Route 38 E.- Mineah R61 - House 4434 ;,ii] to within 3170 feet Pleasant H:lll7w Road intersection %.- Yellow Barn Ri;Iud - frorn busenberr•y $Pgrt3 Club north to withir'i c^ i5(k feet of Foothill Road B.- Signal TaWtss^ Road - from Card Rod north to power lino 9.1- Star Stantisn Hi 11 Rciad - frorn Route .3$ Wvvt for 2000 feet 10.- Beam Hill Road - frclm tax male 03O -1 -44 north t7 within :200 feet of tax map #50 -1 -18 11.- Q, swcjll Road - frism WofA Dryden Road sputh foi• .8 miLes end Clm Corrigan Roll call vgte - all voting Yes GORREk ;PDKIDENCE Letter from Rotlir+i Yengo Peregr•#ne Hollow SµbdiYie'ion D15CUSSICN fatty Per•icins - NYSE&B and Sodom Rd agreement. He has given NYSE&G a copy 7f the easement in f`L�vised form and clarified With them the Locatiari of the pole and Where it is ZIJPPosed to go. He is Still waiting tp T^BCeive the ftilrnl Ruck. SUpv Schug - iisk.r5d the board mCMBE5rs if they have any idea whtire they would like to pi,it a street 1i<0ht at an inter:,octian. Tlkrkev Hill wato�fsewer district - meeting Scheduled for Oct: 2r,d at 7:00prij At Varna [.gmrflunity Center, RES4LUTIGN 917 ORDER [H LL PG -PU$:I I FgING TURKEY HILL WATER WSTPICT Clm rorvligan offered the f'pl lawing u6 ion and asked for itg adaGitiOn: {copy are minute 1oc1Q10 2nd Cim }IE7tfield Roll Call ,rote X11 vc,tinig Yes ti ' O - 1 a0 OO10 VTMInr mO WHry Mr1MVpin In In In In W NaGr N M aM I�H I•n1 T NVv ' W._ � g000H NN MMM Mpp V d p V d vp Y pq V dv V dv TNp pinNOn to oO fp O' {'+ ' >r0000 0000,o 00000 o0oboo 00000000• ob0000 000;o f ✓f�!OON �lyp,u000.o[ 0oo00.I o0o0o 000000 oGOOOOOO „40 004:1 10Y O/D )"NNM•” vinfDhaO o,OrlrvM pU110h OD O, OrlN l+l loll •p0 '0000000080 i+IN fA� UNN Y10:' ODO NpfO OHMNM1 OfWMIA f`•T NPID GOON PM "In OInON00000 i rf 1 t ha WHHW -.H NNN IN NMMMMM pP V d In 111 in ka -OH HN N M in O In O. .1'p 'I I'•I• I.. _ ' rINM pIn fO O H H 4. _ H O'OO`;•�.. .r In N In In 1n fn In M1 M1P 10 MW M1 Coil mIn TM NIn NIn In MInN NIn _ 000-.n` -.tiK �' OOpN fn fn In Nfn ,. sr`- 000'• rr •.. . • , ryNNNN NNMgIf110 M1mm TT 00'N NNN NN N N N NN •.HH W:_�,y WIOONN.I NNNNN HWH HHH HH Hr- IHHrY' .,- \NNH H _�.. 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T� L� 1] 11 24127 -3092 At a Tegular Mestinq of the TQwn Board 0 the 'I'C•ua of Drydenr Tonpkins County, New York, held at the Tort: '-1a11., E5 8as- Main Street, in Dryden, New York, in said Tour, on tre 5th day of September, 1991, at ?.+W o'clock Y -M., Prevailing Tune, PRE$ENT J2oes F, Schag $u2Qrvisor Glir.abetlt CIarriffau C,7uucilbeeson Uarie3 ffacf:ia:I[I ±.cunciipersou Ronald Rnhert3 C aurci Denson PIaT f5a: e t VnIbridge C oanciipexsnn i3) the Mat ter of ' the Establishment of a proposed wake. distric" in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, to be known as the Turley Hill Water District of said Town ORDER CALLING PUBLIC HEARANG hTM1�R:.riS. a map, plan and report including an estimate of cost have been prepared in such manner and in such detail as has he:e pforg been determined by the Town Hoard of Lhe Town of -2- Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, relating to the establishment Of a proposed water district in said Town, such crater district to be known as Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden; and WHEREAS, said map, plan and report were prepared by riunt Engineers and Architects of Corning, New York, duly licensed by the State of New York, and have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, where the same are available during regular office hours for examination by any persons interested in the subject matter thereof; and WHEREAS, the improvements proposed for said dater District shall consist of the construction of a water distribution system including approximately 11,400 linear feet of eight -inch water • main, approximately 1,250 linear feet of six -inch water main, approximately 2,850 linear feet of service tubing, 19 hydrants, 16 gate valves and land and rights -in -land, original furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of said improvements is $606,475; and WHEREAS, the proposed method of financing such cost of said improvements is by the issuance of $606,475 serial bonds of the said Town having a maximum maturity of not exceeding forty years, and the cost of said improvement shall be annually apportioned and assessed upon the several lots and parcels of land within • I -a- said Water District Vb'=Ch the Tom Hoard shall deteCmine and Specify to be especially benetit.ed by the improvements in an amount sufficien. to pay the principal and interest cn said bonds as the same become due, bat if not paid from such source, all the taxable real property in said Town shall be s4biect to the bevy of ad valorem taxes without limi atien as to rate or amount sufficient to pay the pri- :cipai of and interest on said bonds as the same become due; and WHEREAS, compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quallty Review Act have been peeformed and the establishment of the Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden and the improvements proposed therefor have beer; determined to he an Unlisted Action, as to which a negative declaration has been Made de-erninig that said. establishment and the improvements proposed therefor would net rBBult in any significant environmentai effects; and WHykEAS, on July 1.6 , 19911 the Town Board held a pu`a'1ia hearing upon the question of the establishment of said Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden and based upon the discussion held and information received at said public hearing, determined to revise the proposed benefit formula for the assessment of properties in said proposed Water District; and WHEREAS, the report of Hunt Engineers and Architects of Corning, New York has been revised to reflect said revised benefit formula; and -4- r WHERrAS, it is now desired to call a new public hearing upon the question of the establishment of said Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden in the manner aforesaid; and pursuant to Section 209 -d of the Town Law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, as follows: Section 1. A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden,. Tompkins County, New York, shall be held at the Varna Community Center, in Varna, New York, in said Town, on the 2nd day of October, 1991, at o'clock P.M, Prevailing Time, for the purpose of holding a public hearing to consider the . establishment of the Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden, the boundaries of such District being as set forth in Appendix A attached hereto and made a part hereof and to consider the map, plan and report, as revised, including estimate of cost filed in relation thereto, and to hear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board as may be required by law or shall be proper in the premises. Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this order to be published once in the Ithaca Journal, the official newspaper of said Town, the first publication thereof to be not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set herein for the hearing as aforesaid, and • 11 :t U1 ILI -.s- said Town Clerk shah also cause a copy thereof to be pasted on the sign —board of the Town mai.ntained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section 30 aE tae Town Law not less than ten nar morr than twenty days before the day set for the hearing as aforega'id. Section 3. This order shall take effect immediately. L� - TURKEY HILL WATER DISTRICT ALPPENDTX A ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Dryden, County of Tmpki ns and State of New York, generally bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road, said point or place of beginning being located at the intersection of said centerline with the northwest line of the abandoned Lehigh valley Railroad property; proceeding thence from said point of beginning southeasterly and along the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road for a distance of t approximately 400' to a point; proceeding thence south [and t •along the west line of Parcel 56 -5-20, being a 14.8 acre +/- parcel owned by Cornell University (said west line being approximately 950' +/- west of the centerline of Turkey Hill Road) and also along the west lines of Parcels 56 -5 -20; 25.1; 2S and 29 and also along the west line of Parcel 5. -1- (said west line being approximately 900' west of the centerline of Turkey -i11 Road)1 to a point in the centerline of Stevenson Road; proceeding thence east and along said centerline for a distance of approximately 900' to a point in the centerline of Turkey Hill Road; proceeding thence northerly and along said centerline of Turkey Hill Road to its intersection with the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road; proceeding thence easterly along the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road for a distance of approximately 235' to the southeast corner of Parcel 57 -1 -28; proceeding thence northerly for approximately 520' and along the east parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -28; 27; and 26 to a point in the south line of Parcel 57 -1 -25; proceeding thence easterly for a distance of approximately 635' to the southeast corner of said parcel; proceeding thence north (and along the east line of Parcels 57 -1 -25; 57 -1 -24; 23; 22 and a portion of Parcel 57 -1 -21) for a distance of approximately 1,353' to a point in the east line of Parcel 57 -1 -21; proceedinq thence east for a distance of approximately 509' to a point in the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -30.9; proceeding thence north along said west line for a distance of approximately 97.7' to a point marking the northwest corner of said Parcel; proceeding thence easterly 40 and along the south line of Parcel 57 -1 -20 for a distance of 928.90' to a point; proceeding thence north and along the west parcel Line of Parcel 57 -1 -38 for a distance of apprcximatelI 1650 ' t0 a Point (this point being 'tae southwest comer of Parcel 54- 1-16;; proceeding thence nortreasterly and along the 5011th parcel lines of Parcels 54 -1 -16; 17; 18; 19; 1.; 23 and 26 to the southeast corner. cf Parcel 54 -1-26; :Gr ;tin°11ng thence northeasterly ar*d along the south parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -41.2; 41.1; and 42 to a point in: the west line of Parce! 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence southerly to the southwest corner of said Parcel 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence east for a distance of is approximately 600' to a point marking the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -28; proceeding thence northerly and along the PO 0 east line of said Parcel for a distance of approximately 600' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -25.3; proceeding thence generally north- easterly and along the south line of said Parcel to a point in the centerline of Baker Hill Road; proceeding thence northwesterly and along said centerline for a distance of approximately 600' to a point; proceeding thence northeasterly and along the south lire of Parcel 52 -1 -20 for a distance of approximately 275' to the southeast corner of said Parcel; proceeding thence northwesterly for a distance approximately 60' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -19; proceeding thence nor theas terly and along t:2e south Ii ne of Par ^_els 52 -1 -19; 18; 17; 16 and 15 to the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -15; i :i is al so oe inn a Munca rl lin =_. of the Mn-nkej Run Water District an' Monkey Run Serer District); proceedinu thence northwesterly and along the eas t li ne of Parcel 52 -1 -15 to a paint in the centerline c Ncti: York State Polite 366; pro�eeflinc thence sou_hwester.ly along said centerline for a distancie of approximately 2,110' to a point rrar'tinc the southeast corner of Parcel 53 -1 -19; proceedLng _' :er.ce north anj alcn:: t' he ea t 1 o! said Parcel for a i:1 F t rc? of approximately 775 to a point; to a point is the south lire of the former rich: of way of Lehigh Vailey Fail road property); proceeding thence germ era1ly southwesterly and l.'e °_ti -_rl_: aiO n:,i tr•e s,^,;:'_1: :ine of t:'le abandoned L°h]gh Valley Railroad property to a point approximately 275' ea =t of the • centerline of Monkey Run Road (abandoned); proceeding thence north for a distance of approximately 100' to a point s� e • • marking the northeast corner of Parcel 53-1-17; proceeding thence west for a distance of approximately 240' to a point in the centerline of Monkey Run Road; proceeding thence south to a point in the centerline of Monkey Run Road where said centerline intersects the south line of Monkey Run Water District and Monkey Run Sever District; proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along said District boundaries to a point in the north line of Now York State Route 366; proceeding thence southwesterly and along the boundaries of Town of Dryden Water District No. 1 and Town. of Dryden Sewer District €2 (the parcel lines of Parcels 55 -1 -17.2 and 17.3 and Parcels 56-4 -3 and 5.1 to the pci nt or place of begin ni ng . Wherever reference iE mad? tQ a Parcel, said reference is and to T(wn of Dryden Tax Map Parcels and such parcel nunbers were taken from the Tax Maps last revised March 1, 1990 and infcrnation pertaia±ino to t4,e reputed owners cf parcels was taken from the 1990 Final Assessment Roil for the Town of Dryden. The question of the adoption of the foregoing order was duly put to a vote on roll, which resulted as follows: James F. Sehug, Superv1,.ur VOTING Ave E1.1.zabeth Corr.Lgan. Council,person VOTING Aye Charle.. Hatf.Lcld. Councilpersoii VOTING Ayc Ronald Roberts, Councilpersun VOTING Aye Margaret Walbridge, Councilperp.rn VOTING Aye • V F- Pl LJ STATE OF NEW YOR{ } } es.. COUNT't OF TOMPMTS } I, the undersigned Cler :{ of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, AO HEREBY CERTIFY: T: .kat I have compared the annexed extract of the minutes of the meeting o` the Tow;1 Hoard of said Town, including the rasolutian contained therein, held on September 5, 199j„ :wtthl the original thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a true and correct transcript therafrom and of the whale of said original so far as the sage relates to the subject matters therein referred to_ I FURTHER CERTIFY that all members of said Hoard had d�a notice of said mesting. I FURTXER CERTIFY that, pursuant to Section 1.03 of the Public Officers Law (Open Meetings Law), said meeting was open to the general public. I FURTHER CERTIFY that, PRIOR to the time of said meeting, I duly caused a public notice of the time and place of said meeting to he given to the fallowing newspapers and /oC other news media as follows: News a er and/or other news media The IYhar.:n .T<ijir11�11 Date given 3/22e'91 I I FURTHER CERTIFY that PRIOR to the time of said meeting, I duly caused public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be conspicuously posted in the following designated public location(s) on the following dates: Designated Location(s) of posted notice Date of Postinq Town Signboard 8i L4 /91 Vcstl.bu.l.u, Tuuvn Hall. 6.5 East Main Strut Dryden, Nvw York M53 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town, on September/%F C/I 1991, (SEAL) Town Clerk,Jt t' 'i 2x127 -396P At a rer,ular Toe" ting of the Tcwz Board of the To w1: 0€ grvd,en, 1orr.Pkin9 COLLZty, NeW York. field the Town. Hall. 65 a= East Main Street, in D. = .Idea, New said iowm' 0i the 5th day of Sere err ter, 1991. at p ❑'Cloek �.M., Preva3lir; =� T11 %1 - PRES°NT 7L`p2_ °1'' S 0 r F1iz =_b�r.l: i•arriean covacfl.per5Q.3 Cot:ielc Councilparuon no:ald R €•bcrts Cju ncilperaLm Marr.: [4 L' �'23or1�eC Ceunci.lpetgUIL -Lij ti.e �--- �---��--- cf the E�tobl -1 Sh ant ojt a p=oPosed sewer district in the Town of Dry3enr O,%Jpkins CO�Inty, New York, OFcLEZ CAI,LiNG A to be known as the Turkey Hill 2G8LIC HET.& ±hG Sewer lli.stric, of said ^awr: — — WE 17'R AS, a mapo plan and report iacluding an RSZ;mate of cost have been prepared in s'_nh narMer and in such detail as has here.ofora beer aeterEmir,ed by the Town Board of the 70677 of y2° II Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, relating to the establishment of d proposed sewer district in said Town, such sewer: dist =ict to be known as Turkey Hill Sewer District of the Town Of Dryden; and W:iEmEAS, said map, plan and report wei'a prepared by Hunt Engineers and Architects of Corning, grew YOrk; duly licensed by the State of New York, and have aeen filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, where the same are available during regular Office hours for examination by any parsons intetested in the subject matter thereof; and WHEREAS, the improvements proposed for said Sewer District shall consist of the construction of .a sanitary sewer system inoludinq apprcxi.ately 15,51 linear feet of eight -inch gravity sewer main, a pump station and forcemains, 49 manholes, purchase of an interest in the unused capacity at the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment nlant, and land and rights -ini hand, original furnishings, equipment, machinery aad apparatus and incidental improvements and expenses in Connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of said improvements is $914,422; FM WHER.'AS, the proposed method of financing such Cost of said improvements is by the issuance cf $914,422 serial bonds oc the said -Town having & maximum maturity Of not exceeding forty years, and the cost of said improvement shall be annually apportioned and assessed upon tha several lots and parcels of land within F L' �J -3- said Sewer District which the Town_ Board shall determine and specify to he especially benefitted -cy the improvements in an amount sufficient tc pay the principal and interest an said cords as the same become due, but if not paid From such source, all the taxahlo real proparty in said Tc.m shall he s�-ibtect to the levy of ad valorQm taxes without limitation as to rate or amount sufficient to Day the principal o; and interest on said bonds as the same become due; a,-.d WHE_�EAS, Compliance wish the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Acr have been performed and the establishment of the Turkey Hill sewer District of the Town of Dryden and the improvements pr,Dposad therefor have been determined to he are Unlisted action, as to which a nec�a ive declaration has been made determining that said estahlishmeat and the improvements progv3ed therefor would not result in any significant environmental effects; and WHEREAS, on JU1J 16 1991, the Town Hoard held a public hearing upon the question, of the establishment of said Turkey Hill Sewer District of the Town of Dryden and -cased upon the discusefon held and information received at said public hearing, determined to revise the proposed henefit formula for the assessment of properties in said pzovased Sewer District; and WHEREAS, the report of Hunt Engineers and Architects of Corning, New York has heer revised to reflect acid revised henefit formula; and E lu -a- W}3cREAS, it is now degieed to call a new public hearing upon the question of t e establishment of said Turkey Hill Sewer District of the Town of Dryden in the manner aforesaid; and pursuant to Section 299 -d off the.Tuwn Law, NOW, THE4�FDRE, BE IT ORDEREb, by the Tpwr Board of thff Town pf Dryden, Tompkins County, New 1?ork, as follows: Section I. A meeting of the Town Board of the TC.mi of Dryden, T4mp: 0 0 D said Town Clerk shall also cause a copy therecf to be -posred an t%e zlgn board QC the Town maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section N of the Town Law not less than ten nor maze than twenty days before =he day set for the hearing as aforesaid. S$cticn 3. Tfio order shall take effect immediately. IE 'I TURKEY HILL SIP ER M STRICT APFEw11LX A ALL TFAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LA%D situate in the Town of D%-;den, Colmty of Tarpkins and State of New York.. generally bo -maed arZ described as follows: SEGI -Akaa NG at a poi nt i n the rptnterli ne all Motv,t. Pleasant Read, saia paint or place of beginning tieing located at the intersection of said centerline 1paith tap nerthwast line of the abardvned L-ehi7h Va11q Rai ir4ad property; proceeding trsnre from said point of ho&.#nning southeasterly and along *_he centerline of M t pleasant Road for a distance of apprcx inatsly 4001 t a pr_4,t; p - nGeed.i ra `hence soutl, land aIbnc tie west 1,inC of Fa:cel 56 -5 -24, being a 13.8 acre +/- paecel ownel by Cornell university (said west lime heing aDorbxummtaly 9,',<,1' t/- wmaf of the centerline of Turkey Hill P.ca(3 ) and also elerng the we t ii nes of Farcels 56-5 =2G& 25.1; 28 arx: 29 and also along the west line of Pare? 5; -1 -7 (said w =s t. line king approximately 9000 vest of the cer_erLIna cf Tur:i =1 viii Road )I to a pnirft in the Cen m r 1i ne of Ste%ren 30rL Road ptuc:ee.'j1 T3q thence ear t anyj elpng said Centerline fc= a distance of apprmimately 900, to a pcint jr-. the ceT3te: line of Turkey #. -Il Road; prflceedirg iharce no: therly and a Gng said centorl.i ne of Turkey Sill (load t; its i ntersnotinn ►Ti th the cer.Cer. li ne Of Mount Pleasant Aoad; prooeedinr thence easterly elvng the centerline ox Mount Plea gent Raed for im distance of f _ approximately 235' to the southeast corner of Parcel 57 -1 -28; proceeding thence northerly for approximately 520' and along the east parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -28; 27; and 26 to a point in the south line of Parcel 57 -1 -25; proceeding thence easterly for a distance of approximately 635' to the southeast corner cf said parcel; proceeding thence north (and along the east line of Parcels 57 -1 -25; 57 -1 -24; 23; 22 and a portion of Parcel 57 -1 -21) for a distance of approximately 1,353' to a point in the east line of Parcel 57 -1 -21; proceeding thence east for a distance of approximately 509' to a point in the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -30.9; proceeding thence north along said west line for a distance of approximately 97.7' to a point marking the northwest corner of said P =.reel; proceeding thence easterly • and along the south line of Parcel 57 -1 -20 for a distance of 928.90' to a point; proceeding thence north and along the west parcel line of Parcel 57 -1 -38 for a distance of approximately 1650' to a point (this mint being the southeast corner of Parcel 54- 1 -16); proceeding thence northeasterly and alcnq the south parcel lines of Parcels 54 -1 -15; 17, 18; 19; 2i ; 23 arr_- 26 to the s�utheas t corner of Parcel 54 -1 -26; continiv;ng thence northeasterly and along the south parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -41.2; 41.1; and 42 to a point ir• the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence southerly to the southwest corner of said Parcel 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence east for a distance of • approximately 600' to a point marking the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -28; proceeding thence northerly and along the east line of said Parcel for a distance of approximately • 400' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -25.3; proceeding thence generally north - easterly and along the south line of said Parcel to a point in the centerline of Baker Hill Road; proceeding thence northwesterly and along said centerline for a distance of approximately 400' to a point; proceeding thence northeasterly and along the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -20 for a distance of approximately 275' to the southeast corner of said Parcel; proceeding thence northwesterly for a distance approximately 60' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -19; proceeding thence northeasterly and along the south line of Parcels 52 -1 -19; 18; 17; 16 and 15 to the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -15; (this also being a boundary line of the Monkey Run Water • Dis_ict and !h_ncey Run Sewer Dis trict); proceeding tnenc_ northwesterly and along the east line of Parcel 52 -1 -15 to a point in the centerline of New York State Route 366; proceeding thence scuthwe terly along sa5d ce;iteiline for a distance of a pprox.im.ately 2,110' to a point marking the southeast corner c•° Parcel 53 -1 -19; proc�edi ng thence north ani alcn? the east line of said Parcel for a distance of approximately 775' to a poin_; (to a point in the south line cf the former right of way of Lehigh Valley Railroad pronerry) ; proceeding thence generally southwesterly and we•terly along the south line of the abandoned Lehigh Valley Rai 1 road property to a point approximately 275' east of the • centerline of Monkey Run Road (abandoned); proceeding thence north for a distance of approximately 100' to a point marking the northeast corner of Parcel 53 -1 -17= proceeding • thence west for a distance of approximately 2401 to a point in the centerline of Monkey Run Road; proceeding thence south to a point in the centerline of Monkey Run Road where said centerline intersects the south line of Monkey Run Water District and Monkey Run Sewer District; proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along said District boundaries to a point in the north line o`. New York State Route 366; proceeding thence southwesterly and along the boundaries of Town of Dryden Water District No. 1 and Town o_° Dry den Sewer District i2 (the parcel lines of Parcels 55 -1 -17.2 and 17.3 and Parcels 56 -4 -3 aria 5.1 to the point or place of beginning. • [;herever reverence is made to a Parcel, said reference ie to Tarr. of D ^rden Tax Map Parcels and such parcel PLrnbers were to en front Cne Tax claps last revised March 1, 1530 and ricrnaticn pert =icing co the repsjted cwners of parcels waa taken .'ran tine 1991 i F nal Asses Sment Roll for the Town cf D "Y den . 0 r� u • The question of the adoption of the foregoing order was duly put to a vote on roll, which resulted as follows: James F. Schug, Supervisor VOTING Aye Elizabeth Corrigan, Councilperson VOTING Aye Charles. Hatfield, Cpuucilperson VOTING Aye Ronald Robert:S, Councilperson VOTING Ave Margaret Waihridee, Councilperson VOTI ?IG Aye J 0 E STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.; COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) 1, the undersigned Clerk of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: That I have compared the annexed extract of the minutes of the meeting of the Town Board of said Town, including the resolution contained therein, held on September 5, 1991, with the original thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original so far as the same relates to the subject matters therein referred to. I FURTHER CERTIFY that all members of said Board had due notice of said meeting. I FURTHER CERTIFY that, pursuant to Section 103 of the Public Officers Law (Open Meetings Law), said meeting was open to the general public. I FURTHER CERTIFY that, PRIOR to the time of said meeting, I duly caused a public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be given to the following newspapers and /or other news media as follows: Newspaper and /or other news media Tlu_. Ithaca Journal Date given 8/22/91 i • I FURTHER CERTIFY that PRIOR to the time of said meeting, I duly caused public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be conspicuously posted in the following designated public location(s) on the following dates: Designated Location(s) of posted notice Date of Posting Tom Signboard BI 14!91 Vostibule, Town Ilali 65 East Hain Street Dryden, New York 17053 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hard and affixed the seal of said Todn, on September �?�; 1991, i q , Torn Clerk . ( SEAL) • 1z5 T09 -5 -91 page 7 • RESOLUTION #173 ORDER CALLING_PUDLIC HEARING TURKEY HILL SEWER DISTRICT Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: (copy ir'i minute book.) 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes Gartland Rd water district - units calculations that were sewer district or the current Cortland Rd. sewer district. there was discussion as to use the i-rsed in the Turkey Hill water and formula that is used for the George Schlecht - unlike the Turkey Hill district the difference is under the units column, They are bated on a formula that was devised for the sewer district, that formula incorporates housing units. He felt this was important because when you start mixing area units with those units, he would question that. He wanted the board to be aware that units here is already a predefined thing and is Come kind of measure for• usage. The major impact would be on the an�bile home parks and vacant land. Supv Schug - tentatively scheduled a public hearing Oct 9th for Cortland Rd water district. This was cancelled and a new date to be sot at the October meeting. RESOLUTION 0174 SCLIjjL RATE CHANGES ® Clm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, thLt this Town Board authorize SCLIWC rate changes;. Changes are as follows: O -- 10,000 gal.= $2. I5/1000 gal.; 101000 - 150,000 gal.= $1.95/1000 gal.; 150,001 gal. - up = $1.60/1000 gal. effective Jan. 1, 1992. 0 - 10,000 gal.= $:30 10/1000 gal. ; 10,0001 •- 3001 000 gal.= $2.00/1000 gal. ; 3000001 gnl. up = $1.80/1000 gal, effectivR .Ian 11 199a 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION] oi75 INSTAU FLASHING LIGHT Aar DRYDEN H113H SCHOOL Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board ;.ut•horize the expenditure not to excoDd $2,000.00 to inetall a flashing traffic control light at the Dryden High School. 2nd Clrn Walbridge Roll call vote -- all voting Yes _0 TH9 -5-91 page 6 kESO1 UTION #L6 REPAIRS AT WEST_DR_YDEN COMMUNITY CENTER_ Clrn Walbridge offered the following resolution arid asked for itE adoptions RESOLVED, that this 'town Hoard authorize the expenditure not to exceed $:,000.00 for repair work c.f the roof trus5es at the West Dryden Community Center. Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION it177 APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS ASSTRACTl11tt9 Clrn Roberts offered the followirtig resolution and askad for its adapt ion: RESOLVED, that the bills be paid as audited. Abstract N109 voucher 0568 ti• #633 for a total of $172,:96.24. and Clm Walbridge Roll colt vote - all voting Yes FINANCIAL REPORT - available upon request JUSTICE REPORT - $8317.00 for the month of August NEW BUSINESS Oct and - 7:UUPM Turkey Hill Watpr /Sewer - Varna Community Center 4 • Oct Gnd - 6s30PM special board meeting Varr, Brothers Adjourncad 14:45PM Susanne Lloyd stir Town Clerk • 12`